> Another Satisfied Customer > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Who Ordered Extra Sausage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis tossed on the ball cap, snapping her fingers in irritation as she remembered it was supposed to be facing backwards. Strutting onto the set, she sighed. It had been some time since she’d ‘reformed’, although maybe that wasn’t the best word to describe it. Simply put, the changeling queen had realized that machinations of conquest and world domination weren’t all that practical, or profitable for that matter. After having been overthrown by Thorax and his nauseatingly adorable band of colorful candy bugs, one of the latest in a string of failures, she’d resigned herself to a different form of domination, becoming the best damn porn star Equestria had ever seen. Being a changeling had a myriad of benefits in the adult entertainment industry. Chrysalis could modify her body with but a wink and a nod, adopting a form to best suit virtually any scene of depravity. Although she was female, her abilities allowed her to sprout a cock on a whim, usually an oversized and vascular abomination which she’d use to abuse some random pony’s hole, or holes in some cases. On top of that, she qualified for the ‘Reformed Villain Tax Break’ which Celestia had set up several hundred years ago. As such, she was raking in the cash hand over fist. The only vexing thing was dealing with all of these blasted ponies; when she wasn’t being fawned over by masochistic fans, timidly complimenting her or pitifully attempting to court her, they were cowering in fear, still viewing her as a tyrannical despot. To make matters worse, most of the ponies she’d been paired with were woefully terrible actors. Granted, it’s not like many folks really watched these films for their theatrical merit, only trying to get their rocks off at the action scenes, but it was still galling just how bad the dialogue was. This particular film had her starring as a delivery bug, un-surreptitiously buggering, pun intended, customers while ‘feasting on their love’. That last part was particularly annoying. Lately, there’d been a strikingly high demand for Chrysalis to perform as the ‘wicked changeling queen’ who’s come to prey upon hapless ponies. Of course, this meant fucking them on camera, typically with over the top dialogue and nefarious laughter. In a way, it was almost therapeutic for her. Though she’d failed to overthrow the princesses and rule Equestria, she was still, in a very literal sense, fucking ponies over on a near daily basis. “Coffee,” she demanded at nopony in particular, holding out her hand expectantly. On cue, a meek little pegasus scampered up, salted caramel latte in hand. Chrysalis couldn’t remember what his name was, but he seemed rather fond of her. Always lurking somewhere nearby, fetching her this or that, and typically sporting an erection painfully imprinted within his trousers. “Thank you minion,” she noted, taking the beverage. It was cute, in a sad, pathetic sort of way. Perhaps she’d bed him one of these days, if only to allow him a taste of the incomprehensible bliss which she could afford, letting him slowly sink into madness as no other piece of equine ass could dare to compare to a changeling queen’s. Wordlessly, the pegasus offered Chrysalis the script as well as an extra large pizza, still steaming within its cardboard confines. The changeling rolled her eyes as the stallion scurried away to find a dark corner or restroom to relieve himself in. Looking down at herself, she couldn’t really blame the lad. This shoot asked she be adorned in a pair of skin tight booty shorts and overly short top. Now this wouldn’t normally be an issue, but the film they were working on, The Evil Sausage Pizza Delivery, had required her to have a, and I quote “comedically large ass, tits, and marecock”. She couldn’t even figure out what a marecock was supposed to be! As far as she knew, it was simply some portmanteau of “mare” and “cock”, likely cooked up by a bunch of unoriginal, horny teenagers on the internet - regardless, the studio’s check had cleared and, thus, she’d accommodate their request. Her bosoms and rump were obscenely large and a thick equine cock hung freely from her groin. With a bit of creative license, she’d had the coloration go from her onyx black skin tone at the base, to a vivid, neon green at the bloated and blunt tip. Fat veins traced its length and a plump, pendulous pair of balls hung beneath the girthy appendage. To be sure, whoever she was plowing today was going to be sore in the morning. Chrysalis wasn’t known for being a tender lover, using her scenes to vent her frustrations upon her sexual partners, often times jack-hammering away with reckless abandon while an endless tide of expletive laced, demeaning dialogue spewed from her fanged maw. Sipping her latte, the former changeling queen skimmed over the dialogue. Her co-star for this shoot was somepony going by the name ‘Rarity’, likely some mare with a white coat and similarly styled mane. The “Mane Six”, as they’d come to be known, were the six mares who’d saved Equestria from a number of disasters, several of which were her doing prior to giving up her villainous ways. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, had become household names throughout the land, garnering quite the fandom of overzealous ponies, gryphons, yaks, and even a few changelings. Unfortunately, with fame, comes certain darker elements. Pornographic parodies of their exploits had become quite popular among young stallions, and a number of adult actresses, touting themselves as the Elements of Friendship, had capitalized on their likeness’ of the heroic ponies in question. Chrysalis wasn’t surprised she’d be paired with one of them; if anything, she was a bit shocked it had taken this long. Reading over her lines, Chrysalis tossed the script over her shoulder. Most of it was hopelessly clichéd drivel, pandering to the clueless audiences’ tastes for bubbly bimbos and oversexed mares whose only concern was servicing the nearest dick possible while moaning whorishly. Chrysalis was pretty sure the cast and crew wouldn’t complain if she improvised her way through the scene. Hell, it all boiled down to her rutting her partner obstreperously for the cameras anyways. The shoot today was taking place in one of the outdoor sets that the studio owned. A small mock-up house sat in a vacant lot; for all intents and purposes, it was a functional house but the interior was routinely decorated or arranged to suit the needs of whatever production was underway. Even though the moon glowed overhead, several strategic lights had been arranged on the building’s interior and exterior. A handful of unicorn camera technicians sat at the ready, each tuning and preparing their equipment. Using their magic, and a remote feedback display, they’d maneuver cameras to capture shots as needed, often times from multiple angles. It was much less obtrusive than the larger, unwieldy film rigs of years past. Walking up to the door, steaming box of pizza in one hand, Chrysalis brushed a strand of teal hair from her face. Looking around, she noticed the crew busying themselves, the final frantic moments before the filming on the set. As if on cue, the unicorn camera stallions’ horns illuminated, sending the recording devices flitting about to their assigned positions. She sighed, arching her back to relieve some tension. The nearly beach ball sized tits on her chest weren’t exactly easy to swing around and she was pretty sure her exposed nipples, chilled from the night air, could cut glass. The red and black top she wore served absolutely no purpose, covering next to nothing besides her arms. “Action!” the director called out, prompting the little floating cameras to begin filming. Cocking her hips, the changeling knocked on the door. “Pizza delivery for a…” she held up a faux receipt attached to the box, “miss Rarity.” “Just come in Darling, the door’s unlocked,” a lilting voice replied from the interior. Opening the door, and stepping inside, Chrysalis viewed one of the many little cameras hovering in a corner to her right. Holding the pizza aloft in one hand, she caressed her throbbing dick with the other, her fingers dancing down the lengthy shaft to the weighty dark balls which hang below it. Her serpentine tongue crept out of her mouth, licking her lips sensually as she looked into the recording device. She giggled inwardly, wondering how many young stallions would blow their load to that shot once the film was released. Hearing movement, the changeling turned. There, appearing from a hallway, stood a snow white mare who looked like a clone of the element of generosity. Short and painfully curvaceous, the pony was stark naked. A triple blue diamond cutie mark sat emblazoned on each of her upper thighs, contrasted against her alabaster coat. Her mane and tail, each a deep purple, were perfectly styled to emulate Rarity’s own. Blue eye-shadow had been expertly applied along with eyeliner to accentuate the thick, luxurious lashes of the mare. She smiled invitingly at the changeling, sauntering over to pluck the pizza box from her co-star’s hands. Although her bosoms and rump weren’t nearly as large as Chrysalis’s, they were still extremely well filled out. The mare was, to put it bluntly, drop dead gorgeous. “Extra large pizza, boneless, with extra spicy sausage,” the changeling queen intoned, offering the delivery over. She’d read and re-read that line several times, the notion of a pizza with bones confused and angered her, but that’s what it said. “How much?” the Rarity look-alike purred, setting her ample rack on the cardboard box, showing off her cleavage. She even sounded exactly like the actual heroic mare! “Twenty bits,” Chrysalis replied, her eyes wandering over the mare’s supple body. Even though it was an act, she couldn’t help herself from admiring the stunning unicorn before her. “Ooooooh dear,” the white mare groaned, setting the pizza down and holding a hand to her forehead dramatically. “I appear to have forgotten my wallet, surely there’s some other way I could compensate you…” she continued, her gaze drifting to the bright green piece of meat protruding from the changeling’s crotch. “Well, I’m sure we could come to some sort of arrangement,” Chrysalis chuckled, grasping her shaft with one hand while cupping one breast in the other. Milking the vivid green prick, a bead of glistening pre-cum formed at its head before rolling down its length to the onyx colored sheath at its base. “Mmmmmmm,” the mare hummed, leaning forward and taking the organ in her soft hands, “I think I can accommodate.” Opening her mouth, the pony rolled her tongue over the blunt tip, loudly kissing and suckling the sensitive area for a moment, before slipping it into her eager maw. “Oh yea babe, that’s amazing,” Chrysalis commented, reclining against the counter and pressing her hips outward. Blowjobs were alright but she much preferred burying herself in a mare’s juicy cunt. Holding her tits, she tweaked and tugged at her turquoise nipples, lolling her head and moaning loudly as she was fellated. The unicorn squatted down before her, splaying her creamy thighs as she began to massage her snatch. Periodically, the pony would look up at her, meeting her gaze for a moment. Something about the situation just didn’t seem right, it was almost like this actress was too perfect to be some mere impersonator for the seamstress turned heroic unicorn. If there was only some way to test her theory… “Damn girl, I heard from those Diamond Dogs that you had some killer lip service! They weren’t kidding at all!” Chrysalis chided, leering down at the white mare. Villains tended to talk to one another, often lamenting their foiled plans while giving words of encouragement to their fellow ne'er-do-wells, and the changeling queen had heard that a pack of troglodytic canines managed to capture Rarity some time ago. Apparently, they’d planned on using her inherent ability to locate gemstones for their own greedy purposes. Of course, nothing sexual had happened during the incident but that couldn’t stop the rumor mill from spinning. Instantly stopping, and removing the changeling’s rod from her lips, the unicorn scowled. “I did NOT suck off that pack of filthy mongrels!” Rarity growled, savagely squeezing the base of Chrysalis’s member. “I...I mean…” she thought fast, nervously looking about as she fought to regain composure, “not until they’d paid me of course.” The save, while cheesy, wasn’t bad; especially given how she’d been put on the spot like that. ‘That conniving bitch is the real Rarity!’ Chrysalis thought, fighting her urge to sneer down at the insufferable fashion pony. “Hey babe,” she chuckled, snaking her hands through the unicorn’s hair, “don’t forget the tip!” Lining up the head of her prick with Rarity’s pouting lips, she rammed herself forward while simultaneously pulling the mare’s head down. In one swift motion, the changeling’s equipment drove down the unicorn’s airway, leaving the pony’s snout nestled against her abdomen. “That’s the stuff right there!” she groaned, giving a nearby camera a wink as she bucked her hips. Rarity sputtered and coughed, fighting fitfully around the piece of exquisitely girthy changeling meat entombed in her esophagus. Fortunately, she wasn’t your every day, two bit whore and was more than a little experience fellating well hung stallions and dickmares alike. Relaxing her throat, she wrapped her arms around Chrysalis’s thighs, digging her fingers into the queen’s tush as she began to expertly bob her head. Be damned if she was going to be outshone by some hedonistic despot turned prolific pornographic pony posterior-plundering potentate! Noting that her co-star had regained some semblance of professional conduct, Chrysalis took hold of Rarity’s mane. Continuing to fuck the pony’s face, she closed her eyes and scrunched her nose, hamming up the situation. “Mmmmm, yea. That muzzle game is on point,” she hissed as her plump nuts bounced off the mare’s chin. Clenching her ass, and milking her newly formed prostate in the process, she send a particularly powerful spurt of pre-cum down the unicorn’s gullet, causing her partner to weakly gurgle. Ropes of saliva and viscous fluids slipped from Rarity’s lips, dangling from her face. Continuing to finger herself, a trail of juices dribbled from her marehood, coating her fingers before dripping to the floor below. Chrysalis clearly hadn’t read the script. The changeling was supposed to be wooed to the bedroom by her charming customer and serviced on the bed. Ostensibly, the filming crew and director didn’t mind this rather abrupt change though, considering nobody had yelled for a cut. Struggling a bit, she began to withdraw from the controlling changeling before finding her head pressed back down on the slippery green sausage. “What’s wrong babe? Didn’t you order it extra large and spicy?” Chrysalis berated, grinning down at the irritated unicorn. She knew she’d have to let the mare breathe at some point, but toying with her was too much fun. The pony and her friend had thwarted her on several occasions so this was just a taste of payback. After a moment, seeing tears well up in her partner’s eyes, she relented, easing her grip and allowing the pony to ease herself back. Sliding the thick piece of changeling meat from her maw, Rarity daintily coughed, wiping the slob from her face as she drew air into her lungs. “Dearie me, I don’t think that quite covers the charges,” she crooned, slowly getting to her feet. Strutting to the counter, the unicorn hitched one leg up on the polished surface. “Since you brought the pizza, how about you give me a nice cream pie before you go,” she continued, lifting her tail to expose her sopping wet and winking marehood. “Gladly,” Chrysalis seethed, noticing Rarity’s attempt to outshine her. The script, and whoever had written it, could go fuck themselves. They’d hired her, Chrysalis, Queen of the changelings and master of her domain. If they’d wanted a limp wristed bimbo, they should have hired some tramp like Fleur de Lis. Sashaying behind the unicorn, she slapped her co-star’s ass while aligning herself with the pony’s drooling opening. “I hope you like it extra THICK!” she barked, impaling nearly half her length in the unicorn’s eager snatch. She closed her eyes, enjoying mare’s moist and velvety confines for a moment before moving. Chrysalis had to admit, Rarity’s cunt felt absolutely divine, almost as if it was made to service fat cocks like hers; it was almost a shame that she was going to ruin it for everypony else after she was through. “Oh Darling,” Rarity mewled, waggling her rump as she bit her lip in bliss. Not unaccustomed to rather sizeable performers, Chrysalis’s girth was, to say the least, a bit on the larger side of what she was used to. Still, the show must go on. Pressing backward, in an attempt to steal the limelight, she threw her head back and moaned loudly. “I do enjoy a capable delivery bug, even if they’re just some unskilled laborer,” the unicorn taunted. “I find that simple ponies are often Ugh!” her heckling was cut short as Chrysalis began jack-hammering her from behind, lightning bolts of pleasure coursed through her as she slumped against the countertop. “What was that babe? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my fat nuts bouncing against your twat!” the changeling shouted, sinking her fingers into Rarity’s supple waist as she pounded away unceremoniously. It was bad enough she’d been paired with one of the pastel equines which had stymied her schemes of world domination, but the shit talking was simply too much. “How about some class warfare you uppity bitch!” she continued, reaching around to tweak the mare’s engorged clit between her fingers. “H...Harder,” Rarity stammered, weakly rocking backward to meet Chrysalis’s thrusts. Being talked down to, while having herself stuffed with regal changeling dick, wasn’t exactly something the mare wasn’t exactly used to. Usually, she was in control of the situation, regardless of the size of her partner or how many there were. This was different though, not only was Chrysalis of formidable size, phallically speaking, but she was also exceptionally strong willed and domineering. Whatever Rarity did, she couldn’t allow herself to reveal just how much she was enjoying all of this. “Admit it you slut,” Chrysalis purred, moving her muzzle to Rarity’s ear, “you love having a queen plunder that plump ass of yours for the cameras.” Without giving the unicorn a chance to respond, she reared back, wildly massaging her co-star’s sensitive marehood while continuing to hump away. “Now, cum for me like the good little house bitch you wish you were!” Chrysalis roared, spanking the white pony’s backside. “Celestia yes!” Rarity screamed, her eyes going wide. Pain and ecstasy mingled in an explosion of sensations, driving the pony’s body over the edge and causing her to cum in spectacular fashion. Her marehood gushed lewdly around the changeling’s member, feminine juices squirting around the swollen green organ as it continued to plumb her depths. Each stroke battered against her uterus, sending jolts pleasure through her frame, nearly shattering her mind in the process. “There’s a good girl,” the changeling queen chuckled, cupping Rarity’s saliva slickened chin in her hand. If she had known that a good, hard dicking would be all it took to conquer the elements of harmony, she would have done so long ago. Unfortunately for the euphoria stricken pony, the scene was far from over. “Yo, ma’am,” she teased, snapping back into character. Gently tapping the stupefied mare’s face, Chrysalis eased the pony up. “Woah, you don’t look too good lady, we should lay you down,” the changeling continued, straightening her cap before helping the disheveled unicorn to her feet. Wordlessly, Rarity complied, drunkenly hobbling over to the kitchen table before seating herself upon it. The busty changeling lowered her down into a reclined position, her back against the tabletop with her rear at one side and her head just at the end of the other. She panted, slowly recovering from the cataclysmic orgasm she’d had on the counter. In a dreamy haze, she watched as Chrysalis circled her. As the changeling drew nearer, Rarity’s eyes stayed locked on the bright green length of marecock bobbing at her co-star’s waist. “Hey,” Chrysalis said, booping the pony’s snout with the tip of her prick, “you ready for the rest of that order?” Asking was, of course, a courtesy for the viewers; apparently, stallions preferred when porn stars narrated their actions. Obediently, Rarity opened her mouth and slid her head over the edge of the table, ready for more of what the queen had to offer. Guiding the head of her shaft to the pony’s parted lips, Chrysalis slowly slid her member into the mare’s muzzle. Slowly, she began thrusting her hips, driving more and more of herself into the unicorn’s gullet. She looked down, smiling wickedly as she noticed Rarity’s throat bulging outward, the imprint of her cock clearly visible. Rarity nose bumped against her partner’s obsidian sack, slick with sweat and heavy with seed. A divine musk permeated her nostrils with each of the changeling’s movements, what feeble vestiges of her higher function began to switch off in the face of such an imposing and carnal foe. Arching her back, she brought one hand to her nethers. She simply couldn’t help herself, being used like some disposable fuck toy practically demanded she get herself off, if for no other reason than her rabid fans. Witnessing Rarity starting to play with herself flipped a switch within Chrysalis. The contemptible harlot wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this! Even though she wasn’t that close to cumming, the changeling’s unique biology allowed her to, essentially, bust a nut at will. She knew just how to finish this scene. Crawling up Rarity’s supine body, Chrysalis continued to hump the mare’s muzzle. With tectonic speed, she buried her entire length in the pony’s airway. Her mouth was just over her partner’s glistening snatch as her nuts ground against the unicorn’s nose. The overpowering scent, lack of oxygen, and Chrysalis’s body pressing against her were nearly too much for Rarity to bear. All it took was a single flick from the queen’s tongue against her winking cunt for her to cum again. Mare-juices flowed from her, spraying over the table like a geyser. Her eyes crossed, the overpowering sensations coursing through her nearly causing her to lose consciousness. No sooner had the stream of nectar from her canal begin to subside, then she felt the marecock in her throat begin to twitch and expand. Her hands flew up, desperately pawing at Chrysalis’s ass in an attempt to escape, or possibly gulp down, the impending tsunami of seed. “Oh yea, here’s that extra topping,” the changeling queen moaned, hilting herself as she blew her load. A surge of viscous spunk rocketed through her length as the head of her rod flared. Nearly a liter of jizz surged into the mare, filling her stomach and causing the pony to seize below her. It was cathartic, claiming one of the elements of harmony by brutally fucking their face on camera for the whole world to see. Looking back, she saw Rarity struggling pitiably. It was a shame really, the unicorn would have made for a decent cock sock if she’d actually succeeded in her conquest of Equestria. Noticing a camera hovering near her rear, she gave it a salacious look, licking her lips as it recorded the spectacular finish. With the slightest exertion of magical force, Chrysalis willed a tiny floating heart of emerald energy to materialize just above her snout; if nothing else, it would work as a picturesque teaser shot. As the tide of jizz began to slow, she looked to the film crew. “Cut!” Chrysalis barked, pushing herself up and off of the unicorn. Crawling backward, and getting to her feet, she casually withdrew her ‘green salami’ from Rarity, leaving the pony to cough as thick ropes of cum crept down her face. “Robe,” she demanded, storming off set and towards her trailer. Faithfully, her little pegasus errand-colt appeared with the garment. Glancing at his groin, she noticed a stain originating from within his pants. It wasn’t the first time her performances had cause the stallion to spontaneously ejaculate, nor would it be the last. In truth, she used it as a standard by which she measured her acting skills. Reaching her trailer, Chrysalis turned to her fan-colt assistant. Ravaging Rarity had left her in a rather chipper mood and perhaps this little stallion could use a reward for his devotion. “Hey, mongrel,” she grumbled, eyeing him over her shoulder. “Y...yes m...ma’am?” he stuttered, fidgeting like some lowly vermin caught in a predator’s trap. “How about you come and help me relieve some,” the queen said, leaning in close and licking the lad’s ear, “stress?” The stallion convulsed, a twisting, idiotic grin on his face as he squirmed in place, his knees buckling. He’d either just shit his pants or creamed himself, Chrysalis was inclined to believe it was the latter. “Oh well, maybe next time stud!” she laughed, entering her private dominion before slamming the door closed on the pathetic stallion. As Rarity wallowed on the table, face slathered in changeling spunk and belly distended by the substantial load, her higher cognitive functions began to gradually return. The mare still fitfully rubbed her marehood, yearning for more of the borderline abusive treatment she’d received at the hands of Queen Chrysalis. One of the crew members brought her a towel and robe while another fetched her a bottle of sparkling water, each eager to help the celebrity. Unsteadily, she got up, mopping off the bulk of the sticky cum on her countenance before throwing on the garment. Attempting to strut over to the director, but only managing to look like a cum drunk strumpet, Rarity drew the stallion’s attention. “Excuse me, how many more scenes will there be with that, ahem, changeling?” she asked, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. “Uh, that was it, but you’re getting a gang bang with a group of Pool-Boy Stallions tomorrow. Why?” the director asked, lounging back in his chair. “See to it that I have another round with that boorish bug-horse,” Rarity tutted, sloppily retreating to her own trailer. She simply had to get another serving of that delightfully powerful changeling before this film was completed. Chrysalis sighed, flopping into her Lazy-Colt recliner, before flicking on the television. Just as she was about to relax, some infernal PSA from Princess Celestia popped on screen. The detestable alicorn had always rubbed her the wrong way. She was just so motherly and kind, it was sickening. If there was only someway to deface the damnable Princess, knock her down a few pegs in the public’s eye. Rolling her eyes, her gaze stopped as it passed her laptop. There, perched on a stand besides the screen, was a high-definition webcam. ‘Perhaps,’ she thought, ‘the taste of sweet character assassination wouldn’t be that difficult after all…’