> Heat Relief – Closed for the Season > by LilSlipsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Spa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the largest and most luxurious spas just happened to be in Manehatten, and Rarity was trotting full speed through the doors as I followed along. “Wait up, Rairty!” I said, weaving through the crowd that was going in and out of the busy establishment. I had to jump through the legs on an incoming couple, but finally I managed to get beside her again. “Really, Rarity,” I huffed out and gave my sister an annoyed look, “I don’t know why I couldn’t just stay back at home while you were on your business trip. We’ve been running errands the entire day and I’m bored!” “Like I keep telling you, Sweetie Belle, there’s no one to look after you if you stay at home. I simply can’t allow you to stay in Ponyville by yourself,” Rarity said right before she went up to the spa ponies at the front desk and checked in. “Yes, I made a reservation for here. Rarity. Yes, that’s the one!” “Rarity!” I whined out again as I tugged on her hoof. “But I’ve stayed at home tonnes of times when you were out saving Equestria and stuff!” Rarity grabbed a pen in her magic and signed in on the fancy book they provided. I tugged on her fur again but she looked down at me like she was just remembering that I had come here with her. “Oh, and do you have somewhere for little Sweetie Belle here?” “But of course!” one of the pegasus spa ponies said as I crossed my hooves and shook my head at my sister. She’s never actually let me go to the spa with her, no matter how much she’s raved about it before. And now she was just leaving me here. Again! “We have a daycare for children so you can relax worry free!” the spa pony continued as she fluttered over the desk and landed right beside me. “Splendid!” Rarity said and took a fresh towel from one of the staff. “Rarity! I’m too old for a daycare!” I whined out as the pegasus pony tried to take my hoof. I swatted it away and yelled to Rarity again, but she was already heading the other way. “Ughhh… fine…” I groaned, getting ready to sit and wait for Rairty for the fiftieth time today. Finally, as if it was her sole duty in life the mare grabbed my hoof and ushered me along. Reluctantly, I followed through the crowd to wherever my captor was taking me. I hope Rarity wasn’t going to be too long, but after spending all day on our hooves, Rarity was likely going to take all the time in the world. The mare seemed to know where she was going, but I was barely paying attention to that and instead looked at the exotic, potted plants they had at every intersection. They had a range of calming daffodil yellows and lilac purples; even the air had a nice lavender scent to it. The sides of the walls were lined frosted windows. As we passed, I could barely see the blurred forms of ponies through them; it looked like they were getting their own personal massage sessions. With a wing, the pegasus pony moved me close to the wall, right behind her as another spa pony came rushing out with several stacks of fresh towels on her head and back; the towel jockey looked absolutely panicked. Wherever she was going must have been important. Once the mare passed, we turned a corner right into a bright, pastel coloured room. Compared to the theme of serenity throughout the spa, this room looked almost like a rainbow factory blew up in here. Multi-coloured couches, chairs, bean bags, play sets and toys were scattered about and in the hooves of foals probably half my age! If not younger! The only other adult in the room was an aquamarine coloured mare quickly running around the place, picking up foals and tending to them as fast as a pony could. She barely had time to look up when the spa pony said she was dropping me off. The foalsitter gave a quick, accepting nod as she glanced at me for a moment, before quickly tending to another foal. Her frazzled lime green mane didn’t seem to be her natural style at all. How long was Rarity going to take? I looked at the clock and it had only been ten minutes, but it felt like forever. I had snuck onto one of the couches to at least watch something playing on the TV, but listening to a monkey family spell the alphabet for the seventh time was getting old. I munched on some of the carrot sticks the foalsitter had left out and I glanced at the door after every bite I took. A shrill cry pierced the air from one of the foals somewhere in the room. I groaned out, barely able to hear anything else. I looked back at the door, my only escape, hoping Rarity was there. It was open and really I could just walk out if I really wanted. But did I? I closed my eyes tight as the whining somehow got even louder. I did want to leave. Right now. The mare looked like she was frantically trying to find the source, and I bet she wouldn’t even see me if I slipped out. Slowly, I got off the couch, wading through the ponies half my size as I sneaked closer to the door. I nonchalantly stopped and looked around the room, pretending I wasn’t about to bust outta here. The mare stuck her head into the crowd to pull out the screaming colt. Now was my chance! I heard a muffled, “Hey!” from the mare calling out from behind me and I bolted out the door and down the hallway as fast as my hooves could take me. I think I lost her, but at this point I was practically lost myself. My heart was still beating hard and my ears perked up at every sound. I already had to dive behind a plant when one of the spa ponies came rushing down the hallway. I didn’t know which way I was going, but signs pointing in different directions periodically popped up: the mud pit, hooficures, heat relief, massages, sauna, and others on the long list. Either way, I turned a different direction when I spotted staff, or saw any other normal pony just wandering around. They weren’t taking me back. After a while, the strategy felt like it was working a little too well. I hadn’t seen another pony in a while, and the rooms around here were empty. I check inside them and they seemed to be all the same here; a massage table in the middle and a few cupboards all around. Up ahead though, there was a door in the middle of the hallway that was half closed. I peered through it, and the walls looked a little different, all coloured with a soft pink and burgundy. There was a sign on the door that said ‘Heat Relief Wing – Closed for the Season’. I noticed the lights were slightly dimmer in here. I bet nopony was even in this entire heat relief place, and judging by how big the other wings were, I don’t think anypony will be catching up with me any time soon either. I chuckled softly as I wandered absentmindedly down the new hallway. The air smelt strange and almost reminded me of spring time whenever an odd gust of wind came in. There always seemed to be that peculiar scent in the air and just added to the feeling that this whole area seemed off. Why was this place such a different colour scheme? And what was heat relief even for exactly? If it was a cooling off place I’d expect it to be right next to the saunas, but thanks to a nearby map it showed that was on the opposite side of the entire building! I took a peek inside one of the room. It was completely dark, but as soon as I stepped inside the light automatically switched on. There were three, thick, red curtains sectioning off small portions of the room and I walked right up, peering behind each of them. One had a normal massage table right in the middle, but a weird poking machine thing was set up right on the end. I don’t know how that would really give a good massage, and after looking behind curtain number two, I just seen another machine where I had no idea what it was for either. Machine number two looked like a large ‘O’ that was big enough for a pony, but with clamps and other pokey things set up all around it. I walked up and quickly tapped at the cylindrical appendage; it felt like some kind of fancy, rubbery plastic. “Weird…” I said as it flopped around limply from a simple poke. Were ponies supposed to hang here to dry? Or get cooled off to get rid of their heat? I could just imagine Rarity hanging there somehow; legs spread out in a giant X, just drying off like a piece of wet laundry. It was too hard trying to put together the pieces of this puzzle and to figure out what this thing was. I backed away and explored curtain number three. This one at least resembled something recognizable. It looked sleek and high-tech, and reminded me a lot of those massage chairs in the mall, crossed with one of those weird, lady chairs in the doctor’s office. It had a pearl white exterior that felt very high quality when I ran my hoof on it. I glanced at the door, making sure nopony had popped in unannounced. I don’t know what the staff would think if they found me sitting in their fancy chair, getting a massage without asking. And right now, getting off my hooves and trying out the spa things Rarity keeps bragging about sounds like the perfect idea. And she wasn’t here to stop me! I smiled as I hopped up onto the black seat. It felt like soft, comfy gel that let me sink in slightly, like a better version of those remembering foam mattresses. I wiggled around on the chair, putting my legs to either side of the large console in front of me as the entire thing came to life. The hot pink display flickered, looking like it was slowly booting up and mechanical whirring sounded out. “Eep!” I squeaked in surprise as the soft gel seemed to shiver around my entire back for a quick second, letting me sink back a centimeter more into it. I heard another mechanical motor start up and my legs rose up in front of me, held in shiny stirrups. They reminded me of something similar to Rarity’s line of leather clothing that she kept in the basement for some reason. She still thinks I don’t know about them, but I do. She keeps a lot of weird stuff down there. When I first jumped up, this entire machine felt way too big for a filly, but now it seemed that everything was sizing down to me; the seat formed around my back perfectly; the stirrups shrunk and clamped around my hindlegs; even the console between my legs started to move forward, pressing into my belly and keeping me snug into the form fitting chair. I curiously tested the sudden restraints, tugging at my hindlegs that were gently pulled taut in the stirrups. My lower half was stuck too. It felt like the console’s underside was made of the same gel like material as the chair. It was pressing in on my belly and all the way down between my legs, almost meeting up with the seat, but thankfully leaving just enough room for my tail to hang free off the edge. I let out a long, drawn out breath, keeping myself calm enough not to be freaking out. Other ponies used these things all the time, including Rarity. I could try it out too. The display finally loaded up and a pony with my cutie mark showed up on the screen. Several greyed out lines pointed to various spots on her. Many were pointing behind her tail, but a few others were pointing at her head and back. A rhythmic beeping started up as a heart rate monitor popped up in the corner. It was going a little quick, but I breathed in as calmly as I could and it slowed down right before my eyes. I bit my lip a little as I looked at the display showing that it was set to 1 out of 10 right now and the start button was blinking right beside it. Hesitantly, I gave it a small tap and two dim lines illuminated on the digital me’s back and lower belly area. “Oooo?” I let out, feeling the soft gel starting to move. The calm massage had my eyes closing in relaxation as I pressed a bit more into the chair. I could feel it on my back, pressing in and kneading against me, gently rubbing out those kinks. Though, as more of this came to life, I slowly opened my eyes when I felt the gel against my lower half doing the same. It felt alright against my belly, but on my privates it felt… well… odd. The beeping of the machine started to pick up as I glanced down. I couldn’t see anything beneath the console, but I felt it pressing against my filly parts, trying to work out the knots along there, but for some reason it felt nothing like on my back. I huffed out, trying in vain to move my lower half in the chair. I glanced at the large, red X on the display that would set me free and lifted my hoof towards it. I stopped just short of it as I bit my lip. Really, the back massage alone felt pretty nice, and it didn’t feel particularly bad on my crotch either. Actually, it felt almost like the opposite the longer it worked down there, like a strange, satisfying sensation flowing through my body. Backrubs were one thing, but since no pony gave me a massage behind my tail before I guess it would feel different for the first time. I huffed out again, calming myself down and slowly starting to relax into the soft massage. I might need to ask Rarity to do this when we’re giving each other massages on those sister days. Just to get used to it. Curiously, I stared at the minimum setting it was on before glancing over to the door. Rarity was probably going to be enjoying the spa till Celestia knows when, but then again with a rogue filly on the loose I didn’t know how much time I really had to indulge in the spa. My hoof moved away from the stop button and instead I slid the machine’s settings from 1, all the way to 7. Immediately, the lines on the screen brightly lit up and were blinking as the machine started moving around. I couldn’t tell what, but it sounded like it was coming from both above and below. Suddenly, a small red ball lowered down and floated right near my muzzle. I turned my head a little to avoid it, watching as the line on the digital pony’s mouth went solid and was wondering what they expected a pony to do with it. Bite it? Get hit in the face with it? But before I could even think of an answer, other things were moving down below that made me squeak out in surprise. What was that?! Something thin poked right up against the top of my fillyhood. I couldn’t see what, but I could feel it spreading my nether lips open a little as it searched for something buried within. “A-ahh!~” I cutely squeaked out as it found a sensitive dot down below and began to press against it tightly and vibrate. My legs tensed up as I reflexively squirmed in the chair’s secure hold. I could see a tiny, button sized light on the display pony’s backside turn solid. My hooves grabbed against the base of the console, pawing in vain at the smooth exterior to try and hold myself. “Ohh… nnnghh~” I reflexively grunted, feeling a strong twitch come through me. I tried wiggling more, but it was no use, it had me securely locked in place. This mysterious vibrator below was unrelenting, buzzing away on the sensitive spot. I sharply inhaled, only to let out a long, “ooooh… AHHHH~!” My eyes widened in surprise as I reflexively bit my hoof and looked at the door in panic. Somepony might hear me. Another jolt of sudden, pent up sensations flowed through me, twitching my head and making me bonk my muzzle of the red ball. Ow. Reluctantly, I let my hoof go and brought the ball to my mouth to bite on instead. This must be what it was for, to bite o- “Mmmmphh?!” I moaned in surprise, feeling more happening downstairs. A new vibration was coming in, but feeling much thicker, and this was actually trying to poke into me! I could feel just how hot I was down there as it spread my nether lips apart. It felt so sticky, yet slidey at the same time. Wow, did I feel sweaty down there! I was practically wet! Like my crotch had been in the shower, but at the same time it felt strangely different. I gasped as I felt it slowly start to wiggle in, and oh did it feel big. It was like somepony was slowly putting their hoof in me, spreading me open for the first time like some kind of puppet. Like when I was little and Rarity held a puppet show for me. But this time I was the puppet, and her hoof~ Oh her hoof~ There was nowhere to run, but I gave up on that long ago. Instead, I tried wiggling my hips, trying to almost instinctively spread myself apart to help it inside, hoping that it would all fit somehow. I panted hard into the rubbery ball, keeping the sudden moans quiet. “Nnngh~!” I squealed out again. My belly was lighting up from the intense vibrations as it slid deeper into me. I couldn’t tell how far it was, but it was deeper than I thought anything could have reached before. Just looking down I could imagine it inside my belly, shaking hard enough to make me squirm. But with a soft poke it reached the end. I couldn’t do anything but lay back and drool into the muffling gag as it buzz into my very core. My eyes barely opened to see one line on the display, pointing right at my flower, fully light up. But there was a second line pointing at my backside which still blinking. With the sound of the machine still running I knew it wasn’t done yet, but what was coming next? I gasped sharply feeling something press in between my flanks, pushing right on my butt. Oh no. Not there! I glanced at the big red X on the screen, it was just a hoofpress away and it would stop all of this. My tight circle started opening as it pressed in slowly, but not giving any hints that it would stop. I bit down on the ball and pressed my head back into the chair; I didn’t even try to move my hoof. There was no way that I was going to chicken out now. I could take this Rarity. The mysterious intruder kept pushing in, deeper and deeper. But by the time it finally stopped its advance I swear it was further in than the one in my fillyhood. I bit the rubbery ball as hard as I could, feeling a wave crash through me. My tummy tightened every time a bolt of sensation shot through my spine. This storm was so much, but I couldn’t help but press into it more. I swear to Celestia, when I angled it right I could feel them touching and vibrating strongly as soon as they made contact. My eyes roll into the back of my head. I was going to explode. It was vibrating. They were vibrating. Everything was vibrating! I held it for as long as I could, trying to set off a fuse somehow, but this contraption had other plans. A soft whimper escaped my lips as they started to pull out from me. A twinge of disappointment came, but got shoved aside as soon as they slammed back in. My eyes widened, and my teeth clamped down; feeling that nearly set something off in me. The next few pushes shook me to my core, and they were going faster with every thrust! Spearing into my hot tunnels. I could feel my tight passage trying to clamp onto it, trying to hold it in one spot, but it was no use. How could Rarity take all of this? This wasn’t relaxing. This was intense! I could only picture the plastic pokey sticks going under Rarity’s purple tail. Shaking and tickling my sister’s marehood till she was drooling like I was. It was the only thing on my mind, seeing those white flanks being ravaged by the same thrusts I felt inside me. I could barely catch my breath, but still managed to find the air to wail into the gag. “R-r… mmmph~!” The heart rate monitor was going off the charts, beeping as fast as possible. “Rar~ mmph~!” There was no way to stop them! I was going to explode! The ball gag fell from my muzzle. “OOOHH~ R-Rarity~!” I screamed, piercing the heavens themselves, feeling my belly tighten and a hot, wet, warmth shoot out from me, audibly splattering inside the machine. DING! My eyes opened weakly from the bell, looking at fireworks shooting off across the display. The lines turned a cool blue, and I could feel them slowing down until the vibrations turned off entirely. I panted hard, trying to catch my breath as I laid there in such a mess. Staring at the ceiling provided a simple calmness that washed over me, actually letting my brain catch up to what just happened. I let out a long sigh as they started to retreat from inside me, leaving behind a strange emptiness. Like I had been full for so long, but now just… wasn’t. My fillyhood still tingled from the aftermath of all of that. It felt like my tummy still had a thunderstorm inside and it kept sending bolts down my spine. I couldn’t help but reflexively try and squeeze my legs together when it got too much, but still they couldn’t budge in their binds. A machine like this was just crazy. It just held me here, just to make me explode all over it. It even had a bell when it finished! When I finished! For a heat relief machine it felt the exact opposite. I was hot, soaked, and now tingly everywhere! I gulped again as I tried to catch my breath, staring at the pretty pony on the screen and all the dim lines pointing to her; pointing at her rear; her tingly rear. I bit my lip a little as I glanced at the door. Nopony was there. I looked back to the display as my hooves went over to it. I slowly dragged the slider to 10 and pressed start. The heart monitor started beeping faster once more as everything on the screen lit up like a tree on Hearth Warm Eve; the machines were whirring as it was starting down below. I can see why Rarity likes the spa so much.