> Podiatric Mansion > by Citrus Recluse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Don't Go Into The Creepy Mansion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Principal Luna was driving down the road out on a Saturday, heading home after a long event out at the concert hall of asking for donors at a fundraiser. Or as she thought of it, 'begging for money,' though Celestia tried to discourage her from thinking of it that way. I mean, that's what we're doing, Luna thought to herself as yellow lines passed by and disappeared under her car. A thunderclap joined by a flash of lightning ensued overhead, causing Luna to raise a brow. She didn't remember the weather people forecasting anything about a storm. "I hope it's not Twilight Sparkle and her friends fighting another monster," Luna sighed. "But it probably is. Who is it this time? A librarian who got mad at people talking too loud in the library? An ancient evil that Equestria sent over for us to deal with? Some sad girlfriend crying because her boyfriend dumped her and now she's going to destroy the world? Ooh! I can't wait to find out!" She raised her hands in the air to join her sarcasm. She glanced down at the fuel gage and tapped the needle. "Running a bit low ..." Luna observed. "It's fine. I should have enough to make it to the next gas station." Despite the fuel display and her confidence, her car came to a halt just then. "What?" Luna thumped the gas pedal, but her car wouldn't budge an inch even though the fuel needle said she still had some gas left. She groaned. "Fine!" Luna set her emergency lights on and left the car. She tried to push it over to the shoulder of the road, unsuccessful at moving it all the way. She tackled the back half and got it to turn so it that it was oblong to the road. At least this way, it was an obvious hazard so other drivers would know to go around instead of pulling up behind her and honking at her incessantly when her car wouldn't move. Luna looked around the area for signs of something that could help. She hadn't actually stopped by this area before - she only ever passed through it on her way to the concert hall, so she wasn't too familiar with it. She found a mansion sitting across the street. It was old and dilapidated, but it was probably her best bet if she didn't want to walk 10 miles in her dress shoes. Besides, if the house was old enough, it should have a landline that she could use to call for help. Luna went up to the house. She climbed up the front steps and knocked on the door. "Hello!" Luna shouted. "Is anybody home? Pardon me for intruding, but my car just broke down and I need to call someone! Hello?" Luna knocked again. She tried the doorbell, but there was no response. Luna pursed her lips, contemplating her options. She could suck it up and go walk, or she could try to break inside the house, but that would be breaking and entering, and just because there was no answer didn't mean there was no one home. The door creaked and opened, but only by a small margin. "Oh." Luna took it as an invitation to come inside. When she put her hand on the knob, it was unnaturally cold, colder than the air around it. She swung the door open and went inside. "Hello?" Luna called. The only answer she got was a thumping sound which sounded like a rat scurrying on the floor above her. "Huh," Luna searched around for a phone. Her footsteps creaked, and she was beginning to get the creeps from this place. The windows were shattered. Spiderwebs littered the rafters and corners. She was considering lumping and walking after all. "Surely there's must be a phone around here somewhere," Luna said, more to assure herself than because she was sure off it. An old house like this, there had to be an old rotary phone somewhere. Luna stopped by a window, feeling the chilling breeze blowing in, even though she could have sworn it was warm outside when she came in. The window shattered, scaring Luna out of her wits. A pale-white arm reached in through the window and groped Luna, placing a firm grip around one of her boobs. “Ooh,” the creature cooed. “So soft.” She squeezed Luna’s boob tenderly, squishing it under her fingers. It’s touching me, Luna realized with horror. She felt ashamed at the idea that despite all the terror running through it, it actually felt good. This thing knew what it was doing when it came to groping. “Oh, why thank you - wait, no! Get off!” Luna shuddered and struggled to get away. This thing, whatever it was, felt entitled to play with her tits? That upset her. She felt the thing’s fingers dig into her skin. Luna jerked around and struggled. After some fiddling, she managed to pry the arm off, gave it a slap for good measure, and ran for the exit. Saving her shoes wasn't worth this. Heck, to avoid this, she would walk 20, 30 miles easily. She rushed for the door, reaching out a hand for the knob. The door slammed itself shut in her face, and she came face to face with a horrific creature - it looked like a woman, but nude, with pale-white scar and short dark hair, and missing an eye. "And just where do you think you're going?" the creature asked. "I haven't had my fun yet!" She belched out wicked cackle that seemed to fill the room. Luna shrieked. She turned and ran up the stairs to get away from this monstrosity, but she hadn't run far when the cackling stopped. "Huh?" Luna turned around and saw the creature was gone from in front of the door. Descending with caution, Luna made her way back down the stairs and approached the front door while expecting the geist to jump out at her any minute now. Luna cautiously placed her hand on the doorknob. When the geist didn't immediately jump back out at her, she assumed it was safe to proceeded. She tried to twist the knob, but it wouldn't be budge, as if it had been glued in place. "Come ... on!" Luna grunted, shaking the door knob, but it wouldn't give. Luna backed up and tried to kick the door down, but all she accomplished was hitting her foot. "Ow." Luna clutched at her injured foot and hopped up and down on leg for a bit before setting her foot down. Luna's next thought was to try the windows. As she approached them, the cold breeze from outside seemed to get stronger and stronger, almost freezing her arms off. "I need to get out," Luna said to herself, shivering. With her conviction renewed, she continued towards the window. The geist cackled again, its arm appearing in the window and startling Luna. Luna gasped and headed for the stairs again. It hadn't gotten her on the stairs. Maybe it couldn't go there because of some Equestrian magic from years ago. Luna was halfway up the stairs when her theory was disproved. The arms of the geist burst out of the wall and wrapped around her, pulling Luna to the wall, holding her tightly and playing with and bouncing her breasts. "Ooh, so soft!" the geist cooed. "Let go of me!" Luna managed to pry the white arms off, knocking herself to the floor in the process. She crawled up a footsteps and then got to her feet as quick as possible. "Aw, come on!" the geist ran its hand over the wall, trying to reach at Luna. "I just want to have a little fun!" Luna didn't pay the geist any attention. She ran straight up the stairs as fast as her feet would carry her, though she nearly tripped when she reached the stairs' first corner. Luna scrambled onto the second floor. She heard the geist tearing and smashing through the wood, the planks crumbling beneath her claws. "Get back here!" the geist shouted. Luna panted heavily. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep running. Perhaps hiding would offer an answer. She ran down the hall and found a door left ajar. She went inside and closed the door. She had scored a lucky break. It was a bedroom with a two-tier bunk bed. Luna got on her hands and knees and crawled under the bottom bunk, using it as a hiding place. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" the geist shouted. Luna heard her footsteps creaking through the hall, accompanied by the sound of her crazed laughter and the dripping of her saliva on the floor. Luna inhaled sharply. The footsteps grew closer to the door. They stopped. Luna feared the geist had detected her. Then the footsteps started up again, walking away from the door. Luna exhaled sharply in relief. She had avoided the geist for now. She climbed out of the bed and stood by the door. She was about to grab the knob, then stopped. "If I leave now, and she's still in the hallway, where am I going to hide then?" The footsteps started coming back towards her. Luna gasped and ducked back under the bed. The geist opened the door. "Where are you?" the geist asked. "I know you're in here ... I can smell you." Luna shrank under the bunk and hoped her fear wouldn't give her away. The geist walked to the middle of the room. Luna saw her feet. The geist crouched down, looking dead at Luna with its one good eye. "Found you," the geist said. Luna shouted and gave the geist a punch to the face. She caught it off-guard and knocked it away. Luna got out from under the bed and sprinted for the door. The geist grabbed her ankle and tripped her up. "You're not getting away that easily!" the geist said, tugging on Luna's ankles. "I'm hungry. I haven't had the taste of a woman in such a long time." "Let go!" Luna kicked the geist in the face, and that was enough to break the hold and get her free. She ran out into the hall and searched around for another room to hide in. The geist leaped out of the bedroom and tried to grab Luna, but Luna was able to duck out of the way. "There's nowhere to hide where I can't find you," the geist said. Luna was disgusted when she had the misfortune to look down and see the geist's naked vagina was winking with anticipation. Luna took off running down the hall. "Come back, baby!" the geist called. "I just want to have a little fun with you!" "Yeah, right," Luna said. “I know exactly what kind of 'fun' you want to have with me, and I don't want any of it.” Luna found another room that looked good to her and went inside. This one was a bathroom. The mirror was cracked, the shower curtain was tattered, and the flush handle was broken off the toilet, but it would do. Luna locked the door and hoped the lock still worked. She searched around the room for materials to blockade the door with, and found a few towels that she stuffed under the door. Luna jumped back in surprise when the geist's fist slammed on the door. "I know you're in there!" the geist shouted. "Come out so I can *taste you! Why do you keep running? You're just delaying the inevitable!" "Enough delays can kill a project," Luna quipped, thinking about her work at the school and how some projects had to be cancelled after too many delays. The geist slammed against the door again. Luna tried to find something to fight back with. She stepped into the shower and unscrewed the shower head from its mount. It came off easily. The geist busted the door down. "Finally," the geist said. "Now let's go somewhere more private where we can-" Luna smacked her over the head with the shower head. The surprise of her victim fighting back was what got the geist more than anything. Luna ran down the hall and was able to get three-quarters of the way down the stairs while the geist was reeling from the blow. There's the door, Luna thought. If I can just get to the door! Luna's vision turned upside down as something snagged her ankle again and tripped her up. She turned around and saw the geist holding her feet. "Not getting away," the geist raved madly, "not getting away!" she lifted Luna's foot up and proceeded to lick the sole of Luna's shoe. "Ooh, I love your little feetsies!" Luna wasn't even going to ask. Luna shuddered as she felt the vibrations from the geist’s tongue tickle on the inside of her foot through the shoe. She could feel its wet, thin tongue sliding up the length of the bottom of the shoe. “Ugh,” Luna expressed. She didn’t want to think about how what possible pleasure this could bring the geist, but the geist continued licking at Luna’s shoe like a popsicle in summer. What is this thing’s deal anyway? She struggled to get away. She jerked. The geist jerked back. Luna lifted her other foot and kicked the geist in the head. The geist reeled, but stayed in place. With some effort, Luna managed to pry her foot free. She lost her shoe in the process, but letting this thing have her shoe was a price she was willing to pay to get away. Luna ran out into the street and hopped into her car. She started the engine, and it flared to life. Just enough gas to get away, Luna thought, and slammed on the accelerator. The geist watched her go with a dumbfounded expression. "Oh," the geist said. "And to think, I just wanted to play with her." She looked sadly at the shoe, then smiled. "This'll do, I guess." She stuck the shoe close to her crotch, waving it back and forth like a magic trinket as she fingered herself, stroking her vagina until she came, leaving a puddle on the stairs. "Ahh." She sighed in contentment. She looked at the shoe, smiled, then went back up the stairs. She snapped her fingers, and the mansion door that Luna had left open in her rush to escape slammed shut to wait for her next visitor. “There you are,” Celestia said as Luna burst into the building. “You’re late.” “I’m sorry, Celestia,” Luna said. “You’ll never believe the day I just had. Do you know the mansion off route 8? Do you have any idea what happened to me out there? Has it always been like that?” Celestia looked down at Luna’s feet and saw the missing shoe. “Oh,” Celestia said, “try me. You’d be surprised at my experience with this sort of thing.”