> Diamond in the Rough > by Snowballin22 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Coming after you... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cool spring afternoon and you, Anonymous the human, are relaxing against the sand-stoned steps of Manehattan high, enjoying a cool refreshing beverage before having to regrettably return to the stuffy confinement of your class rooms. With fifteen minutes left of the lunch hour, a rather battered up Diamond Tiara trots towards you, quietly but also quite frantically. You quickly take notice of pink mares now scruffy coat. “Whoa, babe, what happened to you?” You quickly come to your mare friends aid, brushing some dirt out of her main. “T-That, Neanderthal! That filthy brute! M-my father will here about this, m-mark my words!...” Diamond stammers between sobs, struggling to make any coherent sentences. It’s time to put on your big boyfriend pants. “Point me towards the stupid-asshole who did this to you DT, and he’ll have to eat through a straw by the end of the day.” “She...” “Huh?” “It was that lunatic, Babs Seed, you dolt! She jumped me and stole my notebook!” “What? Why?” “How should I know? She’s a crazy one, that pony! I told my dad studying in this back-water city was a bad idea. If you weren’t here, I would have already forced daddy to let me leave this dump.” You sigh and rub your temples. Better go and clear this shit up. You set your cup in the corner of the steps before scanning your surroundings. “Alright where is she?” Diamond just looks at you with saucer eyes. “What? No! I can’t have my coltfriend fight my battles, I’d look totally pathetic!” Ever since you appeared here, you’ve come to realize that rules differ in Equestria opposed to your own home back on earth. Apparently, chivalry was a type of courtesy mares practiced instead of how human men would do it where you were from. Still, old habits die hard, and you had to help your sweetums. The two of you made your way to the outdoor basket-ball court, where Diamond pointed out the caramel and surprisingly, well built mare who was slouched against a withered picnic table off on the side-lines, conversing amongst a group of friends. You had to say you were a tad intimidated by how big she was but you had to hold your ground. You approach the mare from the front, Diamond following close behind you. “~And he was in and out of me, just like that. So I told him to build up some stamina and then give me a call. You’re supposed to be fuckin’ me, not taking my temperature.” Babs scoffs before noticing your arrival. “Uh hey, you’re, Babs Seed, right?” The stern pony in front, gives you a once over, before an unsetting smile creeps onto her face. “Well that depends on who’s askin’.” “Diamonds boy- coltfriend, that’s about all you need to know.” “Ooooh.” Babs raises her chin. “And what’s a pretty thing like you, doing in a ugly little place like her?” A couple of Babs, friends chuckle at her remark. Diamond just snarls back. Wow, beefy and confident. You couldn’t get a solid read on her personality to see if she was planning to get hostile. You continued, clearing your throat. “Um, well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Babs. Unfortunately there’s been some sort of a misunderstanding. See, Diamond here, says you attacked and stole something that belongs to her?” What the fuck was that?! Is this how you’re interrogating your girl’s attacker? Jesus, Anon. Babs just blinks at you. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t.” You decide to step up your game. “Well Diamond says you did and unless you have some deranged doppelgänger making Ill of your good name, I don’t see any other explanation.” Babs just chuckles. “Well damn, we gotta detective ova’ here...” “So?” You hold out your hand. “You mind giving her journal back?” “Mmm, kinda. It’s a pretty interesting read, actually.” “WHAT?!” Diamond screams. “THAT STUFF IS PRIVATE! GIVE IT BACK, NOW BABS!” “Well maybe you’s should be careful who yer callin’ ‘a ugly whorse’!” Babs snaps back, flipping the journal in a curled hoof. “Look, just give it back.” You interject. “Make me, legs. Just thought I’d warn you, I ain’t afraid to hit a stallion.” Babs cackles, daring you to challenge her. Now this was an awkward situation. Stallions are socially accepted as weak, or less powerful than mares. You, however weren’t from this world, where you’re from, hitting a woman doesn’t get you many high fives afterwards. Needless to say you were still in that mind set. Babs then pulls out Diamonds journal, waving it, taunting the both of you. You grab at it, only to have her yank it away from you like bull fighter. You again, attempt to swipe it from her, again, missing each time. You dive towards her but Babs veers our of the way, nudging your rear as you pass, causing you to stumble. You look back at her, a bit of red in your face and a smug expression on her’s. You also notice a crowd gathering around the two of you. “C’mon Anon, don’t let her get away with that!” Cheers Diamond. “What a mare, hiding behind her stallion. Tsk, tsk. I think you could do much betteh’, legs. Babs chuckles. You scramble against the earth mare, in a feeble attempt to snatch the book from her only to have her swing around, giving you a solid kick to the chest with her hind hooves, easily throwing your human body to the ground. You felt the air leave your lungs, the sound of the crowd muffled around you, the clouds in your vision blurred as you struggle to get to your feet. Regaining your senses, you get up on one knee your eyes meeting with Babs’. “Sorry ta’ buck you like that, babe but you was pissin’ me off. I’m just teachin’ that wimp of a earth pony what happens when ya mess with the real deal. Quite the difference, huh?” Babs shoots Diamond a look. “Maybe next time she should learn not to send her pretty little stallion out to fight her battles.” You just stare at her, your words caught in your throat. Babs May have been at chest height but she had been the one looking down at you through this whole ordeal. You finally get to your feet, your opponents eyes tracking yours as you do. “Listen, legs, cuz you're cute and got some guts, I’ll cut ya a deal. Meet me after school and I’ll see what I can do about ya friends diary.” You raise a eyebrow, confused on what she could mean. You open your mouth, about to reply when the bell rings, signalling the end of the lunch hour. “See ya there.” Babs finishes, in almost a whisper, before turning around and sauntering off. “Anon, are you ok?” You feel your shirt tug at the hem. Looking down you see a worried but Also embarrassed, Diamond Tiara. “Yeah, yeah... I’m good.” you reply, dusting off your jeans. “Don’t worry Tiara, I’ll get your journal back.” “I hope so. It was a gift from my mom. Which also means it probably costed a fortune too.” As time ticked by in your last class of the day, you noticed colts and mares whispering amongst each other while occasionally glancing in your direction. No doubt about your little throw down with Babs Seed. For the rest of the day, you couldn’t help but wonder what Babs wanted in return for Diamonds notebook. Money? Drinks? Maybe even.. Your thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Everyone started packing up their books and quills, making their way out the door. As a few students passed your desk, they took short glances at you, with one whispering, ‘I hope she goes easy on him.’ You gulp as you begin to make your way out of the classroom. Should you maybe tell a teacher? ‘Fuck no! C’mon, Anon, you got this!’ You enter the hallway and begin making your way down, when you see Babs at the end watching you over the fray of ponies. She gives you a gesture and turns back around. You guess she wants you to follow her. You make your way to the corner she was standing in, and glance over to see a faint hint of her strawberry red tail flicker quickly out of sight. You continue to follow the earth pone’s trail until you reach the weight room. You grab the handle, giving it a twist, slowly creeping the door open. Stepping inside, the entire room is surrounded by mirrors and in the centre, a cluster of machines with Babs currently going to town on one of them. She looks up and notices you standing at the door. “He-hey, there he is. Gimmie a sec would ya? Just finishing the last set I was working on.” Guess fitness was her last class, considering how sweaty she already was. A few minutes later of what you can only assume is the pony equivalent of bicep curls, Babs hops off her machine before giving it a quick wipe down. “So, about Diamonds book?” You ask. “Whoa-ho, hold your wagon there, legs, put on some romance foist. Can’t rush a girl can ya?” Babs chucks her towel in a small hamper off to the side, before leaning in on her front hooves, stretching her back, while at the same time, giving you a full display of her plot. You look away but something tells you, her exposer was intentional. “Look, Babs, I really just want to get this over with. So whatever it is you want, name your price.” Babs just sighs. “You know, you’ve been stickin’ yer neck out too many, unnecessary, times for that spoiled string bean, babe. Maybe it’s about time you moved on, and got yerself a earth pony who could really rock your world.” Babs takes a seat on a bench, splaying her goods out for you to see. “Come on now, there’s no way I’d be lucky enough for you to be pretty and stupid. I think you know what I want, legs.” You look at her, blinking a couple of times before glancing down at her winking pussy. You feel your nether’s begin to swell. Despite what your body wanted, you fought back. “ No, I’m sorry, I can’t do that.” Babs just returns your stare. “I’m not gonna do that to Diamond.” “Chill out dude, I want you to do it ta’ me.” Babs let’s out a snarky chuckle. “The answer is still no. C’mon Babs, there must be something else you want?” “Dear Diary, I sure hope the school faculty doesn’t find out I scammed them 1500 bits.” You look in confusion and shock only to see Babs isn’t talking to you, but reading from Diamonds journal. As revelation sinks in, she continues. “I convinced the principal that my daddy was going to invest in a new swimming pool, and the idiot believed me! I’ll have to make sure to sneak some cash from my daddy and pay off the expenses before they find out. 1500 bits is nothing big for him to notice!” Babs lowers the book, greeted by your slacked jaw. “Would be a real shame if ether party found out about this.” Babs snickers. “Why don’t you see this as a way of protecting her?” She begins to massage her pussy, giving it a few light strokes. Babs let’s out a soft coo as she lays down on the bench boards, letting out quiet creeks. Looking down at the display in front of you, you feel blood begin to rush towards your crotch, your dick squeezing against the fabric of your pants. You tried to think of what else you could do but you were to busy being distracted by Babs. You took note of her strong, caramel thighs, the same ones that laid you out so effortlessly, the raw, defined tone, that emphasized the peak of physical perfection that earth ponies were known for. Nothing like Diamond’s. Babs notices your curious gaze, which stretches a smile across her speckled muzzle. “Go ahead, give em a feel.” She coo’d softly. Without thinking, you brought a hand to her upper right thigh, giving it a soft squeeze. The air was thick with her cinnamon-like scent, so intoxicating, it was almost forcing you to comply with her every demand. You were unaware of your roaming fingers which pulled at one of Babs’ folds. “Oh, easy there legs, let me get warmed up foist.” You suddenly snap back, realizing what you were doing. “I uh, sorry, I didn’t know I was..” Was all you had time to say before a hoof gripped the collar of your shirt, dragging you effortlessly up to Babs’ face. She looked at you, eye lids hanging half way. You could smell Apple on her lips mixed with the bitter sent of her sweat. Suddenly, she practically buries her muzzle into your face, electing a yelp on your part. The scents of her arousal and exercise overwhelmed what little perfume she had on, as you felt her powerful front hooves grip your neck. You tried your best to fight back but you couldn’t gain the upper hand, just like in your fight. Your mind goes back to the courtyard when Babs completely took control over you. You should have felt embarrassed and humiliated but you didn’t. You fell into her dominating, yet intimate display of power, something that almost felt natural and something you regretfully admitted, Diamond could never do. Babs suddenly split from your kiss, panting heavily, as a strand of saliva connected the both of your tongues. Babs chuckles. “Ok, boy, down.” You somehow knew immediately what she meant. You got down on your knees, bringing your face to her winking sex. The heat and smell hit you like a wall. If your dick wasn’t at full mast then, it was now. “That’s it babe, take it all in. That’s what a real earth pony smells like. Now get in there and find out what she really, tastes like too.” You feel a hind hoof push on the back of your head, encouraging you to go forward. You offer no resistance as your nose and mouth enter her wet insides, her dark folds enveloping your face like a mask. “Uggh, fuck yeah.” Babs grunts while you begin to lap at her pussy. “Let’s go A, don’t be shy, go on and get in there!” You work more vigorously, slurping up more of her juices. You feel both of Babs hind hooves wrap around your head, locking you in place. If you were gonna try to pull out now, it would be impossible. “Atta’ boy, that’s the ticket! I take it you’ve done this before with daddy’s girl?” All you can do is mumble in conformation. “Bet I taste betteh’ though, right?” Nothing leaves your lips. Babs Just laughs. “Tell you what, you keep giving it ta’ me like that and I’ll leave your mare alone for the rest of the year, how does that sound?” You just groan. “I’ll take that as a ‘ok’. Mmmmm, alright, go at my teats now.” You double take at that. “Hey, did I stutter? I told you to suck on my milk bags, ding dong.” You look down and found two protruding mounds just above Babs’ folds. You lean in, taking one nipple in your mouth before giving it a soft suckle. “Ahh, yeah muddafucka’! suck on me like the helpless, little, foal you are! Fuck, that feels good!” After a few minutes go by of giving Babs your handiwork, You reach down to your cock, rubbing it slightly through the fabric. You feel a hoof leave your head, coming down to your crotch, kneeing your budge. “Alright, get up here.” Babs orders. You comply. Feeling the release of your head, you bring yourself up, your face covered in the mares arousal. “Hmm, my stick is hard to get out Anon. Diamonds’ gonna know who owns that pretty little face of yours now.” Babs gives you a soft, passionate kiss, before reaching down to your jeans again. “Now, get out of those, ya tease. I’m tired of you hiding your goods from me.” You start to bring the hem of your garments down your waist only for Babs to interrupt. “Eh! Slower, legs, make it sexier.” You continue with what you hope is with a more erotic motion. “Eh-hehe, that’s more like it.” Babs rests her front hooves on top of the benches head board, hind hooves crossed, while she leers at you like a patron in a strip club. When your pants are at your ankles, Babs uncrosses her legs exposing her moist sex once more. “Alright, pretty boy, give me that monkey dick Diamond’s been bragging about in her diary.” Your face turns red as you make your way to the exposed earth pony. Leaning in, the tip of your cock kisses the entrance of Babs’ folds. You begin to slowly push it in further, filling her up steadily. Babs just rolls her eyes. “Agh! Do ya need me ta’ hold yer hand? get in there already!” Two hooves slam into your back and you hilt her, down to your balls, instantly. “Oh fuck!” You shriek. The sensation was overwhelming. Her powerful vaginal muscles gripped you like a vice, already trying to coax the seed from your dick. You felt your hips buck on instinct, slowly picking up a rhythm to work with. Eventually you were pumping into the groaning earth mare at a steady pace, occasionally giving sharp thrusts to surprise her. “Y-yeah, that’s it! Oh fuck, D.T. Wasn’t kidding! Now use that thumb thing you’s got on my clit!” You reach down and lightly stroke Babs’ clit as it winks out at you. Her legs shake at the stimulation electing high whines from her. She begins to grind into you, with enough force to nearly knock you off balance. Luckily for you her hooves held you in place. On sexual impulse, you grip her teats again, twirling her nipples with your fingers. “O-oooh, ok, yeah, I’m taking top. Sorry hun.” “Huh?” Before you get an answer, you are suddenly hoisted up by Babs in seconds, before you are thrown on your back on the padded floor below you. “Ow, what the-” Again, Babs cuts you off as she bends your legs back with her front hooves, your knees touching your chest, as she pumps on top of your shaft Amazon style. The feeling is indescribable. Babs begins pumping faster than you were, the force pushing violently into your back. “Whoa, Ugh! Babs, hey, unf! Slow-sl- agh! Slow Down!” Your pleas fall on deaf ears. Babs is completely lost in sexual euphoria. Her eyes scrunched shut and her teeth bared, as sweat begins to literally run off her body and down yours. A full 30 minutes goes by of primal love making before you are able to speak coherent english. “Uuuh, Babs... I, I can’t.” You grasp at her plot in some feeble attempt to get her attention but it was all for not. Her strength was indeed worthy of a earth ponies and it went above and beyond what your human body was used too. You feel pressure building up in your balls as you start to jerk violently against the relentless earth pony riding you into oblivion. “Yeah, ohhhh, I’m gonna cum baby!” Babs wails into the air, her strawberry mane glistening with her workout. You feel your cock pulse, finally caking her insides with your cum. Likewise, Babs let’s out one final scream signalling her own climax. A strong, apple scented fluid, squirts out of her pussy, drenching your shirt. Without any time to waste, the mare quickly plops off your cock, still jetting cum. She twirls around, landing her ass on your face as she pops your cock into her muzzle, drinking in the rest of your orgasm. You lay there motionless, the only feeling being the caramel pony hungrily sucking at your cock, while the fluids from her sex run down your face. “Uuuhh, Babs. Please stop... I’m -I’m done, I- Oooogghhhhh!” Going against everything you thought you knew about your body, you feel a second orgasm breach the surface. Babs, cheeks swell with your second climax but swallows it faster than you were filling. After a couple of more satisfying gulps, Babs pops off your dick, giving it a light lick. “Hey! N-no more, please!” You jolt up in fear. Heheh! That face of yours was priceless. Don’t worry legs, I’m done with ya.” Babs rolls off your body, dropping on the floor beside you. “Fuck, you were probably, one of the best lays I’v ever had..” Babs wheezes. You look off to the side, reflecting what you have just done. “God damn it.” You mumble under your breath. “That was, that was crazy.” “Heh, that’s what I like ta here.” She taps your belly as you respond with a sudden jolt. “Don’t tell Diamond about this alright?” You say, rubbing your eyes. “Hmm, for you? Anything.” Babs wraps a hoof under your neck, giving your cheek a soft kiss. “Gotta keep it even, seeing as I made that whole thing up about her scamming the principal.” “Huh? Wait, what?” The End...