> The Bollard Twins in: Equestrian Adventures > by Crimson Blade79 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: The Salesman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rather noisy day in Manhattan, a day so noisy that you would ask yourself, when will it ever stop? Nevertheless most residents of Manhattan are used to the bustling noise by now and luckily it wasn't as noisy in residential areas like apartments or at least most of the time. This was especially true to the Bollard Twins' place of residence, it was mostly quiet other than the occasional passing cars and arguments heard from their neighbors. Right now the Bollard Twins are playing their favorite game "Cuphead in: Don't Deal with the Devil!", a classic looking run n' gun that looked like it came from the 1930's even though it was only released in 2017. Conrad Bollard, the eldest twin, was playing as Cuphead while his younger brother Markus Bollard was playing as Mugman. The two were quite skilled at the game, they even beat it at it's hardest difficulty, now they play it for fun and sometimes try to get achievements they haven't obtained yet. Conrad Bollard had brown hair and blue eyes along with white skin and so did his brother, they looked almost identical if it weren't for the fact that Conrad was a bit taller and Markus had a bit of facial hair on his chin. They also wore different clothes, Conrad now wears a red hoodie, a white shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes while Markus wore a blue jacket with a black shirt, grey jogging pants, and white shoes. Their apartment wasn't too shabby, they had a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a bedroom. In case you're wondering, no they don't sleep in the same bed, they have bunk beds. As Markus and Conrad were beginning another playthrough of the game they were playing, they heard a knock on their apartment door. "Hey Mark, do you know who that could be bro?" Conrad asked as he paused the game and looked at his brother. "I dunno bro, I didn't really invite anyone, did you?" answered Markus as he asked Conrad a question. "Nah bro, do you think it could be another one of them travelling salesman?" asked Conrad as he gestured to the door. "I sure as hell hope not bro, cause last time one of them showed up here, he was talking for hours about condos." Markus answered, annoyed at the unpleasant memory. "Well it's about lunch time, would ya mind whipping us up some lunch while I deal with whoever's at the door?" Conrad asked as he set down his controller to the Xbox One and got up from the couch. "Nope, we'll answer it together." Markus answered as he did the same thing. "Oh I get it, you invited a girl over didn't you?" Conrad replied slyly as he snickered. "Shut up bro, it's nothin' like that." Markus responded angrily. "How about that one girl you met, what was her name, Aisha, Angelina, Angelique?" Conrad inquired while listing random name's off the top of his head. "Dude, stop it, you're just listing names of my exes." Markus grumbled. "Oh wait, I remember now, it was that girl named Kathrine, why hasn't she been around lately?" Conrad asked. Markus sighed. "She dumped me." he answered sadly. "What happened?" Conrad asked. "Something about me being too much of a pushover, not being tough." Markus answered. "Oh come on, you know that's not true bro, you're the toughest guy I know." Conrad said reassuringly. "Thanks bro but we should really get the door." Markus said, hinting at the knocks getting louder. Conrad finally opened the door to reveal a guy with a goatee, black skin, and wore a beige business suit with an orange tie but he didn't have any hair. He also wore sunglasses. "Uh, can I help you sir?" asked Conrad. "You sure can, I'm sellin' some fine merchandise that I bet that a couple of Cuphead fans like you would appreciate." the man answered enthusiastically. "Um, how do ya know that?" Markus asked. "Word down the grapevine says you are and I'd like to show you boys a few trinkets I've got." the man said as he pulled out a cart filled with Cuphead merchandise such as t-shirts, cups, toys, figurines, etc. "Wow bro, this guy has a boat load of stuff, you want anything?" Conrad asked Markus as he jabbed his elbow at him. "Hmm...." Markus wondered aloud. He then looked and saw figurines of two Cuphead and Mugman that looked like it was excellent quality. "How much for those Cuphead and Mugman figurines?" he asked the salesman as he pointed at the figurines. "Hmm.... I'd say about $7.99 each." the salesman answered. "So whaddya say boys, wanna buy these two figurines off me?" "So watcha think Conrad?" Markus whispered to Conrad. "Hell yeah we'll take em." Conrad said to the salesman as he handed the man $15.98. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, I gotta head somewhere else. Now take good care of those, if you do, they'll last a long time." the salesman replied as he handed the two brothers the figurines and left. "Oh cool, I think we should put em in our bedroom." Markus suggested. "How about the living room?" Conrad suggested. "Nah man, they'll distract us from gaming." Markus replied. "Okay bro, we'll put em on our dresser." Conrad agreed as he and Markus set their figures on top of their dresser, Markus set Mugman to the right of it and Conrad set it on the left of it. The dresser seemed to be made of oakwood but nobody's quite sure. "Well Mark, I say let's go get ourselves some dinner." Conrad said. "Okay bro, should I whip us up something or should we eat out somewhere?" Markus asked. "Why don't you whip up some of those famous quesadillas of yours?" Conrad asked. "Okay bro, I'll go do that." Markus answered as he went to the kitchen. -Later that Night- After dinner and a few more hours of gaming, the twins decided to turn in for the night. They put on some sort of striped pajamas, Conrad wearing red stripes and Markus wearing blue stripes. Conraded up onto the top bunk of their bed and Markus climbed into the bottom bunk. "Goodnight Markus." Conrad said. "Goodnight Conrad." Markus replied. As the twins fell asleep, the figurines on their dresser began to glow. Then the brothers began to glow before they vanished and the figurines stopped glowing. Manehattan The brothers were awakened by a loud noise and a scream. Conrad was the first to notice that something was off. "Hey Markus, why are we in the middle of an alley?" he asked, pointing out the fact that they were laying in an alley. "I dunno bro but I have a question of my own, why do you look like what Cuphead would look like as a human?" Markus asked pointing out Conrad's new appearance. Conrad now had white hair, red eyes, a black formal shirt with a red tie, red overalls, and brown shoes. "And you look like Mugman." Conrad pointed out. Markus now had white hair, blue eyes, a black formal shirt with a blue tie, blue overalls, and brown shoes. He seemed to almost mirror Conrad's new appearance. "Holy shit bro, what happened to us?" Markus asked while looking at himself. "I dunno but I heard some lady screaming, we need to help her." Conrad answered while walking towards the direction of the screaming. "Are ya crazy bro, who knows where we are, it could be a trap." Markus said as he put his hand on Conrad's shoulder. "But what if it isn't, I can't let an innocent person be harmed while I can do something to stop it." Conrad replied as he got Markus's hand off his shoulder and walked further towards the screaming. It was then that Conrad finally saw who was screaming. She has a woman with purple hair, blue eyes, and a white dress with purple accents. What she was screaming at was a man who looked like a common thug, he even had a ski mask on him, the only thing that is obvious is that he had brown eyes and he was a white male. "Please, get away from me!" the woman screamed. "Not until I have a taste of that sweet body of yours." the thug said lustfully. "Hey, leave the lady alone!" Conrad shouted. The thug then drew a knife and asked "Who do you think you are ya fancy prick?" Conrad began to collect his thoughts. "I wonder if I can shoot a finger gun like Cuphead?" he thought to himself before pointing his finger like a gun towards the thug, charging a blue ball of energy in his finger tip. "I'm the guy who's gonna shoot your ass if you don't back away from the girl." Conrad answered the thug. "How about I stab you instead?" insisted the thug before he lunged at Conrad with his knife but when he got close to Conrad, he shot a blast of blue energy through the Thug's chest, effectively killing him as his blood pooled onto the ground. The woman was covering her eyes the whole time, curling up into a ball as she cried. Conrad walked over to the woman and tried to reassure her. "It's okay lady, I took care of that guy." The woman looked up at Conrad with tearful eyes and hugged him. "Woah, I guess he scared you good. What's your name anyway?" he asked the woman. "My name is Rarity." the woman answered.