> Snuggles For Woona > by TheAnimeGuy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Keep The Nightmares Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a quiet night in the city of Canterlot. The ponies were sleeping and the crickets were chirping. Not a single pony was in sight on the streets of Canterlot. And up in the big castle, King Cosmos, Queen Galaxia and their daughters, Celestia and Luna were peacefully sleeping soundly through the night. King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia are both Alicorns with incredible power. Cosmos has midnight blue fur with a dark purple mane and tail. Queen Galaxia, on the other hand has white fur with peach-colored wings while her hooves, mane and tail are a mixture of both colors purple and peach. Her eyes are brown while her husband's are the color blue. As for the young princesses, they were both alicorns like their parents, however their appearences were actually different from each other. Princess Celestia has beautiful white fur and beautiful lavender eyes. She has a silky pink mane and tail that look like they're blowing in the wind. Luna has blue fur and dark blue eyes like her father and a has a cute light blue mane and tail. Everyone there, including the royal guards were resting up nicely without any sort of problem. But all of a sudden, Luna began to twist and turn in her bed. She grunted and kicked her little hind hooves like she was trying to kick something off of her or trying to keep it away form her. Luna whimpered, tossing and turning in her bed, afraid of what was gonna happen if whatever was chasing her ended up catching her. Right then and there... a loud scream woke up everyone in the castle. Princess Luna could be heard crying. Celestia's bedroom was closer to her little sister's room, which meant she was able to check up on her first. Celestia got out of bed, pushed her pink mane out of her face and drowsily walked toward's Luna's bedroom door. Meanwhile, up in the master bedroom, Galaxia and Cosmos groaned as they were woken up. "Dearest, did you give Luna hot cocoa before bed again? I told you that gives her nightmares," Galaxia said. "Forgive me, my dear. I'm trying, but she's not exactly making it easy on me with those eyes of hers. Perhaps I should go and fetch her some water or something," Cosmos replied, rubbing his head. He steps out of bed and stretches out his legs. Galaxia however, was far from done with her lectures. "Cosmos, my dear, I know she's an adorable little filly and I couldn't agree more, but someday, you'll have to face the facts that she can't always get what she wants just from trying to be cute," she said. "Alright, dearest, I'll make sure to keep that in mind," Cosmos groaned. He stumbles his way out of the bedroom and makes his way over to the kitchen. Cosmos could argue with Galaxia, but what's the point when she knew she was right, Luna can't always get what she wants. But the question is... how is he ever going to say "no" to that adorable face? With a sigh, he takes a cup from the cupboard and puts it underneath the faucet. Celestia knocked a few times before the crying stopped. "Lulu? Are you okay?" she asked. Luna didn't answer her, so she opened up the door. "Lulu? Did you have another bad dream?" Celestia asked. The young princess noticed a lump under the purple blankets shaking violently. She also heard sniffling from underneath and quiet sobbing, so she knew Luna had a really bad dream. Luna poked her head out of the blankets, sniffling. "W-W-Woona had bad dweam," Luna said. "Bad monsters came and twy to gobble up Woona! Woona scared!" she cried. "Aww, don't cry, Lulu. I'm here for you," Celestia replied. She felt herself let out a yawn. She was still tired after being woken up in the middle of the night. "Listen, Lulu, if you need anything, just tell me and I'll do everything I can to help you." "Can Tia sweep with Woona tonight? Woona is scared," she asked, giving her sister the biggest puppy eyes that she could never refuse. Celestia climbed onto the bed with her sister and laid down next to her, making Luna giggle and move up closer to her big sist. "Can Tia also give Woona snuggles?" "Alright, Lulu, but I want you to promise me something," Celestia said. Woona tilts her head. "Promise me that you won't use your cuteness to make daddy make you that hot cocoa. Mommy told you a hundred times, it's not good to drink hot cocoa before bed, you get bad dreamy-weamys. If you ever need to drink something. ask him to get you some water before you go to bed." Luna makes an adorable pouty face and sighs. "Okay, but Tia have to pwomis Woona something," Luna said, which Celestia nodded in return. "Pwomise Woona that Big Sis Tia will be Woona's box pwincess! Wonna is alweady box queen, so Tia can have box pwincess title," Celestia giggled. "Okay then, it's a promise," she agreed before snuggling with her sister underneath the blankets, keeping her warm. "Good night, Lulu. I love you." "Good night, Tia. Woona wove you, too. You is best big sister," Luna replied. After their little conversation, both sister fell asleep together. By then, King Cosmos walks into Luna's bedroom with a glass of water in his magic aura. He sees his two daughters sleeping peacefully. Such a scene brings a smile into the alicorn's tender heart. He leaves the glass of water on Luna's nightstand and then gives her a kiss on the cheek, along with Celestia. "Sleep tight, my precious little angels," he whispers. He proceeds to walk out of the room and slowly closes the door, trying his best not to disturb the two sleeping princesses. King Cosmos wasn't aware that his beloved Princess Celestia caught him a break at the time. But he'll know soon enough, but his first order of business was to lower the moon a bit. One day, Cosmos would have to teach his precious Woona how to raise and lower the moon, too. He only hopes that she can handle the responsibility just like how he worries for young Celestia when it's time for her to raise and lower the sun.