> Rocket Girl > by Fabulosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rocket Girl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was another lazy day, late afternoon and everyone was doing their own thing as usual. Silent Mic was tending to the late evening performances that were to take place later in the day, tomorrow and during the week. The guy was flat out busy, trying to juggle so many things at once; but he was holding together and doing his best. Infact he worked best when under pressure. However Adagio, Aria and Sonata were still within the building and thus doing their own thing too. Aria was lazing upstairs somewhere, probably in their bedroom and kicking back to some music - being by herself as the norm. Adagio would no doubt be practicing her singing voice, trying to harness that skill and reclaim that lost talent to it's fullest potential. The honey haired siren was dedicated and willing to continue improving her ability to it's very best. While the embers of revenge were quiet within her, a part of her wanted to prove to everyone that she could do the impossible. She was always so stubborn. Then there was Sonata. Things between herself and Silent had been going swimmingly, their relationship was solid and things between them - never better. But with her lover out and about, being the busy bee that he was; the siren decided she'd try and help out more around the house, that large building. There was alot of ground to cover, but she was aiming to do her best. Sonata had taken this opportunity to aid Silent, by cleaning. Seeing as the others weren't too bothered in helping. As the siren moved from room to room, sweeping and cleaning - removing trash and binning the full bags by hurling them out into the trash. She'd eventually find herself coming across her lovers, personal bedroom. Or rather their shared bedroom. "Huh?" Something caught the eye of the girl. The laptop that Silent was using was left logged on, unlocked and the screen displaying something rather strange and unique to the girl. Something she had never seen before. "What's this? It looks... kinda... strange." Sonata got closer to the computer, setting the duster to the side and taking control of the personal computer. Letting her hand adjust the mouse, clicking up and down the screen - taking in those images and information. It was about a theatre across town, performing a live space-aged musical. It had pretty girls dressed in Astronaut outfits and the theme was rather impressive. "Woah... this looks really cool! I wonder... does Silent like this stuff?" The girl mumbled to herself, with a growing grin upon her pretty face. She knew he talked about space all the time. How cool it was and how he'd love to see space for himself. But to have it included within a magical or stage show, was something she never even considered. "Heh. I have an idea!" Sonata stood upright, leaving the computer the way she found it. The siren had found his desire and wanted to help please his curiosity. She knew she'd seen suitable outfits before, down in storage and suddenly ideas were flying through her head. Sonata wanted to do this for him! The bluenette hurried herself down to storage in the basement, pushing the door aside in such haste. Looking around at many of the different oufits that were on display, some on racks others hanging from the ceiling on special hooks and some piled ontop of each other across various pieces of furniture. It was then that she spotted the silver glimmer in the corner, and she'd walk toward it. With afew things being shifted out of the way, placed aside - she'd find four astronaut outfits including bubble helmets to match. This was perfect. Even now Sonata had even more ideas flowing through her pretty little head. All she needed now, was assistance. It was going to take some convincing but she knew they'd cave eventually - maybe afew promises here and there could help shift their decisions. Grabbing three of the outfits in her arms, as awkward as it was to carry, she'd make her way upstairs and into her sisters bedroom. Thankfully both girls were inside, it seemed Adagio had took a break from her practicing - while Aria was still just lazing around. Both girls merely looked toward Sonata, with a confused yet worried look upon their faces. "Sonata... what are you doing?" Adagio asked. "I found these outfits in storage!" "Yeah, but what are you doing with them?" "I don't even know... if I want to ask." Aria piped up. "I know that Silent likes space and stuff... and if we wore these spaceman suits and sang for him, it'd make his day!" "No." Adagio replied. "But, but..." "Yeah, i'm out." Aria followed up with Adagio's comment. "C'mon, you guys!" "No. Sonata." Adagio repeated. The room went quiet and both older sirens would slowly turn her heads, averting their attention to something else - having just shut down their sisters request. However Sonata knew what she had too do, and right now was the perfect time to engage in her backup plan. "Okay... so you guys don't love me... that's fine." "No... Sonata... don't." Adagio sighed. "It's okay... I'd always do what you guys wanted to do..." "Sonata..." Aria turned her head, mumbling. "I've always been a good sister... and do everything for you guys. Everything!" "..." "..." Both older sirens would release sighs one after the other and avert their gaze away, thinking about what their younger sibling wanted and knowing just where this was going to go. "Don't worry about it... I'll find a way to do it myself." Sonata started to wipe her eyes with her forearm, on the verge of breaking down into tears. "FINE!" Adagio snapped out, folding her arms. "...!" Sonata perked up upon hearing that. "..." Aria said nothing, quickly looking away. "Aria... are you gonna help me too?" Sonata asked. "...All I have to do is wear the stupid outfit, right?" "Heeeeeeee - yes!" "...Ugh. Fuck my life. Fine... sure... whatever." It was finally decided! The youngest of the trio had managed to convince her older siblings to help her with her plan. Sonata had a nice plan all figured out, for the first half of it - she needed her sisters to help. For the second half, well, that was all down to her. "Thanks you guys! You're the best!" "So what do you want us too do?" Adagio asked. "We're just gonna wear these costumes and sing a song that Silent likes! That's it! Just one song and i'll take over from there!" "Huh?" Aria smirked, curious now. "What do you mean, take over?" Adagio asked. "Well... aha... you know." "Oh for the love of... " Adagio quickly smacked her forehead. "Fine... just... keep it down." A stupid grin was already on Sonata's face as she heard her sisters response to that 'hidden' agenda. Of course Aria shook her head and snorted, but then again, she didn't care as long as her sisters were happy. Truly she was tsundere. The next part of the plan was going to take timing and commitment to make sure it was pulled off correctly. Sonata knew what time Silent was due back from his duties, and with the sirens being as talented as they were - it didn't take them too long to memorize a certain song. Already all three girls were suited up and ready to go. Infact they were already on stage, it was quiet and dark - waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Adagio, Aria and Sonata all wearing those Astronaut outfits, with helmets on their heads - with microphones attached for that perfect vocal amplification. It wasn't long until Silent opened the door to the auditorium, stepping inside the dull and dark room. The echo of his footsteps sounded as he carried on through the seating area. "Wow, today was pretty busy... just need to finish up afew things for tomorrow and that'll do me for today." Suddenly the lights shone brightly, spotlights clicking on and shining those perfect rays of light down upon three figures standing on that stage. Each in those shiny, silver astronaut costumes - their faces clearly on display as they gazed down toward Silent. "What the..." Clearly the young man was stunned by what he saw on stage, the glimmer of those outfits and immediately the love he had for such a theme sparkled greater than ever. A large smile creeped upon his face as he observed all three sisters, standing there before him, on his stage and wearing something he thought he'd never see in his own theatre. Before Silent could say another word, music started. It was a familiar tune, that sang right to his ears and then came those lyrics. That famed and loved song. All three sisters singing in sync, though it wasn't perfect - their efforts shone brighter than anything else. "She packed my bags last night, pre-flight. Zero hour, nine a.m. And Im gonna be high, as a kite by then. I miss the earth so much, I miss my wife. It's lonely out in space. On such a timeless flight. And I think it's gonna be a long, long time. Till touch down brings me round again to find. Im not the man they think I am at home. Oh no no no, I'm a rocket man! Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone! Mars aint the kind of place, to raise your kids. In fact it's cold as hell. And there's no one there to raise them, if you did. And all this science, I don't understand. It's just my job, five days a week. A rocket man, a rocket man!" Silent's face was one of awe. Not only did they play a song that shot straight home, to his heart. He had the love of his life singing it too him, as well as her lovely and talented sisters. It brought a tear to his eye, though he was quick to hide it. This was a happy moment, but he wanted to spend the rest with his beloved. As his arms opened, it was a clear signal to Sonata what he wanted. Merely to spend the rest of the evening with her. Giving a clear look to his sisters, they shoo'd her off and she'd jump from the stage, down and into his arms. Both nuzzling, kissing and making their way off toward the bedroom. "That was amazing Sonata..." "Awe shucks! I just wanted to show you how much I care." "Well it means alot... it was beautiful... thank you." Both lovers kissed and continued their nuzzling, as Sonata pushed Silent right back onto the bed and began removing her astronaut's outfit. Thought she figured she'd keep the helmet on. "I wanna show you something else beautiful... I hope you don't mind, if I keep the helmet on." A sly giggle escaping Sonata's lips. "Oh... this day couldn't end anymore perfect." Sonata removed the tight outfit from her body, showing off just how tight it was. Revealing her naked body to the male before her. Those large breasts perky and heaving as they always did. It didn't take Sonata long to climb the bed, moving up and straddling Silent's waist. "You gonna show me your big rocket?" The girl teased, reaching down and unzipping Silent's own pants. Not even removing his clothes completely, merely allowing his springing his hard cock to bounce up toward her. The siren leaned forward and allowed his tip to scratch and rub against her velvet smooth pussy, she was already wet and biting her lip upon feeling the hard object against her. "Oh, that's good..." "Yes... it's so good..." Silent reached up with both hands, squeezing his eager fingers into the orbs upon her chest and giving them firm, hard squeezes. Enjoying the wet, yet moist invitation that was awaiting his hard prick. It didn't take Sonata long, but she'd push her weight down upon him and feel that cock slide right up into her darling cunt. A long and loud gasp escaped her lips, feeling him spreading her out nicely. It was so hard, so large and those pumping veins twitching against her inner walls. It was utterly a delightful feeling. "Now, let's have some fun my love." "Yeah, okay... I love you Sonata." "I love you too..." Sonata would lean forward, pressing her lips against Silent's own and enjoy the soft feeling of their lips meeting. Kissing, swapping liquids and coating each others lips with a delicate layer of sticky saliva. With a gentle rock in her hips, both would enjoy the feel of each others bodies. Long into the late of evening, stretching into the early hours of the next morning.