Chaos on the deomon world of ponies

by LunaKnight145

First published

A khornate berzerkers and a undivided cult leader find themselves stuck in a world filled with magic, friendship and soon, war.

Fang a undivided renegade guardsmen and Hardric a feral barbarian find themselves stuck in the land of Equestria, they must keep their dark secrets hidden from the locals who are trying to find a way to send them home. Unknowing to them all another force followed the two into their world of friendship and magic, soon this world will know only war.

(This is what happen when my friend and I got bored and somehow ended up making this, a story about our late game Black Crusade characters getting sucked into mlp, si if you are wondering why they are so OP well, we were both near demon prince hood by the end of it and had over 15k XP. This story is mostly for fun and we hope you like.)


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“Command! We just lost the right flank! The enemies has....” the vox signal goes dead as the inquisitor just stands on the command of his battle ship, watching over the planet below. Watching it burn as a battle ranges on it, turning around to look at the pic feeds to see explosions and imperial guards and chaos troops being thrown into air as pic feed after pic feed goes offline.

Another roar could be heard echoing throughout the battlefield as a ranging barbarian of a man unleashed another barrage of melee attacks. His arms where nothing more then blurry images as he swing his sword at another man clad head to toe in black power armor with a gold trim. When the barbarian blinked all he felt was a burst of air and a loud boom as the man in front of him was gone.

“Behind you Shku-zhan!” A voice said within his head as when he turned his head all he saw was Uduun appearing out of his sword blocking another attack from the power armored man.

“Hardric this has gone on for too long! Die already!” The man said as Hardric swung around, swing his sword at the man and he let out another roar in rage.

“Fang!” Once again the power shield triggered, shining bright before letting out a large burst of energy. Hardric smiled as he saw his opening as Fang stumbled backwards as he swung his left fist, making contact with Fang’s helmet as Fang swung his sword at Hardric’s head.

From orbit, even without any long rang scanners the Inquisitor could a flash of light coming from the battlefield, shortly after reports of the enemy’s super weapon has stopped and the chaos forces as started to fall back.


Fang found himself sitting on his couch in his fortress, watching most of his kids play on the floor in front of him as some of his wives leaned against him, already fallen asleep after the long day they head. A smile resting on his face, his family was safe, they were happy.

“For something as darken as you, this is surprisingly sweet.” Fang wise widen as he quickly stood up and turned to look at where the voice came from. Standing in front him was some kind of large female wearing what Fang could tell power armor. It’s head was shaped somewhat like old Terra horse but anthropomorphic, it’s fur seemed to be a dark blue with bluish, teal eyes. One long horn protruded from the center of it’s head, it had a pair of large feathery wings resting on it’s black.

“Deamon! Why are you in my fortress!”

Fang glared at the woman as he readied his mind to caste a psyke power.

“That wouldn’t be a good idea if you know what is good for you. Now tell me, who and what are you.” Fang not wanting to deal with this deamon he started to forces his powers to banish this deamon back to the warp. As the Fang raised his hand to cast his power nothing happened, he tried for focused his powers again but nothing happened.

Before Fang realized what was happening Fang found himself with the blue deamon standing in the large, open desert landscape of his home world.

“What the....”

“As you can see I am far stronger then you, we are currently standing in your homeland. Now I will not ask you again, who and what are you!” Fang looked around before the world around him started to flicker and he could see what truly was around. Fang expression quickly turned from concern to a grimace, he faced the deamon with what could only be describe as a resting bitch face.

“I’ll tell you who I am if you tell me where I am, this is clearly not my real home. I see past you psyke tricks.” Fang glared at the deamon, clearly not caring about what it was saying.

“You and something that came with you are in the city of Brookstone, well that’s the name the new residence have given it. As far as I can tell you and the thing that came with you are asleep and most likely in cages, I can send help you free the both of you but you must tell me what you are.”

Fang smiled at that when he heard this was in cage. “Oh tho pore basters are going to in for a rude awakening, if he’s here they are surely dead.” The deamon narro it’s eyes at him.

“Well thank you, my name is Fang and depending on my luck that THING is named Hardric. As for what I am, I can’t really say.” A loud bang could be heard echoing off in the distant, Fang turned his head to see a sandstorm rolling in. Using his warp sense he could see the power holding him here was fading.

“Well looks like it’s time for me to go, if you want to talk some more you want to see someone to pick me and friend up.” Fang looked at the deamon again with a smile on his face as deamon started fading away in the sand.

“Send help, if you want.” Fang watched as the deamon said something, sadly the rawr of the sandstorm drowned it’s words out as all he could see was the sand, and soon darkness.


"Hardric, Hardric wake up dammit" Fangs voiced ringed in the the cell twourd his neibor an older male of average hight and build with a grown his compion grown
"Hush friend fang you to loud" Hardric responded grogaly "Wait not friend frang traitor fang" he yells leaping up to charge his once friend only to slam
into the bars of his cell "Ow, what why in cage again is this you traitor fang" Hardric says while rubbng his head and eyes trying to become oreated with his suroundings.

"First off i'm sorry the inqusition has my family so i had no choice second it had to be me because anyone else whould have died fighting you, you gods damed monster." fand responds
as Hardric focusis on fang to surch his face for the truth of his words Hardric fealing that he was telling the truth he let his eyes wander over him he finaly noteced that the
helmit mostly gone and his face is healling from a nasty bruse and that he was chaind to a wall "How did friend Fang get hurt, why you cained, where we here" with a smile and then
sige Fang responded with iritation in his voice "one you punced me, two dont know, three stil dont know where but this place is called Brookstone." Then with a critical eye loks at Hardric
"You'er not going to like this but they took all of your stuff so when we get out could you please put your dick back into your Boxers." At thouse words Hardric looked down to see that Fang
was crorect that his armor and Udun was missing lookingup at fang and shruging his sholders let out a bark of laughter and a smile "Well they left heart pants they favorit because Boudicea like them"

Fang groaned before he looking away, thinking to himself about how to deal with this situation. After a few moments of thinking his thoughts was interrupt by the sound of a explosion coming from just outside the small sack like building their cages were in. Fang closed his eyes, focusing on the echo for a few moments before it hit him.

“Those Grox fuckers are messing with my boltgun!” Hardric looked at Fang a bit confused at the outburst. “How know it’s yours?”

“The explosion was too loud to be a normal shell. I most use Metal Storm shells and those thing a even bigger boom then a normal shell. So unless someone set off a frag, some asshole is using my weapons and wasting my ammo!”

“We can just get more right?”

“True, but only if we are somewhere that has bolt shells. As far as I know we could be on some backwater world in the middle of nowhere, so wasting ammo isn’t a good idea until I can find a way to restock.”

Fang started thinking again, he turned his head to look at Hardric. Seeing the mostly naked knornate berserker was somewhat normal, even without his equipment Hardric was still a living weapons. Tho Fang though it was funny how they left his boxers and collar on. *wait....THATS IT!*

“Oh Hardric, you are going to hate this. But promise me you won’t kill everything when I tell you this.” Fang looked into Hardric’s eyes. Fang waited till he saw his friend nod before smiling under his haft broken helmet.

“Hardric, we are were captured by slavers. I need your help to deal with them, BUT! I need you to leave some alive so I can *talk* to them, I don’t know how long we been out so in case they soiled our stuff we are going to need to find out who has it and where are they.”

Hardric nodded as he grabbed his cage’s bars and started bending them, the metal groaning and wining before snapping under the strain of Hardric’s raw straight. Fang popped his neck as he simple yanked his arms and pulled his legs, ripping the metal chains free from the wall before he alway ripped his cage open. The two looked at each other with a small smile on their face as the door to the sack opened and a fairly tall bird, lion like thing walked in. The two turned to face their new guest who had a look of other confused and fear on his face.

“Why hello my friend, I have a few questions for you.” Fang said as he walked closer to the griffin.

“WATCH OUT!” A male earth pony yelled as a flaming cart landed on a group of people, crushing them as they were making their way to the fighting. The streets of the city was littered with corpses, ponies, Griffins and Diamond dogs as the buildings burned as the sky was blacken from the smoke.

Server bandits formed a shield wall down one of the streets as Hardric charged them, still naked but now most of his body was caked in blood and gore. Several arrows suck out of him but they seemed to had done little to no damage to raging man, extending his large bat like wings he took to the sky. Looking down at the shield wall just below him before charging it, screaming like a maniac as he slammed into it. A shockwave rung out from the force of the impact, the bandit Hardric landed on was little more then past as he started swinging. Each one of his fist shattering and defenses the bandits had, shield splintering, metal plates shattering as he beat them all to death with his bare hands. Every blow sent a bandit flying into another or into a building, every blow shattered the bones and turning whoever Hardric made contact with into nothing more then paste.


“This is your last chance, tell me who has my bolter before I’m force to rip it from your worthless minds.” Fang said in a annoyed tone as he looked at what could be a few squad of bandits surrounded him. “Right, I keep forgetting they don’t speak gothic.” Fang looked around and saw three bandits they looked a bit higher ranked them the others, after making a mental note of where they are Fang drew his force sword.

The bandits looked at Fang, before one of the captains yelled to attack. In a blink of a eye Fang become nothing more then a living blur, bandit after bandit was turned into mincemeat as Fang cut them down. The hulking blacken form of Fang was quickly turned red as the bandits stool no change again him, their battle cry quickly went from one of courage to one of fear. The three bandit captains found themselves behind held by a unseen force as they were forced to line up in front of Fang. “Hmmm let see if this will work, I haven’t tried this power in months.” Fang closed his eyes and focused the powers of the warp into his mind before leaking himself with the other three.

The two griffins and pony cried out in blood agony as Fang ripped their mind apart without mercy. “Dinner, the name of your favorite band, ah there we go. The buyers, I don’t know what a minotaur is but I’ll pay him a visit. Oh and your leader is out of town, I’ll have a few words with him too.” Fang smiled up at the three who minds started falling apart and their bodies had done limp. Blood leaking from their eyes and noses as it was clear their brain melted. “Ah, I went a bit too deep. Oh well, I’ll work on it later.” Fang turned to walk to another part of the city opting to use melee and his psyke powers them use his bolt pistol.
One hour later

“We surrender, please take what you want! Just let us leave!” A Diamond dog captain begged as he and what few bandits, pirates and slavers that where left away stood in the town hall as Hardric watched them and Fang went though the records. “What we do Fang, they give up but they slavers too.”

“Hmmm, ah here that’s it. Finding information here is a lost easier then the administratum, anyway I have what I’ve been looking for.” Fang slip several scrolls, books and stacks of papers into his backpack before walking over to Hardric. “As for what to do with them, I say kill them. Tho this time let do it together my friend, a coward life is worthless and khorne deserves better offering then them. Let’s do to them what the ecclesiarchy would do to use.”

Hardric nodded as him and Fang took a few steps back, Fang removing the broken remains of his helmet. The two took in a deep breath before letting out two streams of fire, Hardric’s burning a bright as forges of Khorne as Fang’s fire breath was jet black, seeming to eat away at the light around it as the group of survives were set ablaze. Hardric dimpling burning his half away as Fang’s half seemed to less burn but age, their skin wrinkling, their fur and feathers losing their colors as they cry out in pain before falling over and quickly turning into nothing more then sand.

“Come on Hardric, we are done here.” Fang turned to leave with his friend, now clad in his harness of rage. Both of them caked in blood and gore as they leave the town hall to burn behind them. As they walked out the building a small group of ponies wearing nothing more then rags stood there, they bodies looking thiner they the bandits from what Fang and Hardric has seen. Parts of their bodies covered in scars from a unknown time as a slave in this town, Fang looked at them all one more time. The group was most women with a few man and children added into the mix.

Using his powers again Fang linked all their minds to together. “Come on, we are leaving this city to burn. You can follow me or leave, I leave choice up to you. You are all free now.”

The ponies where clearly scared of the two but bother Fang or Hardric cared as the two started to leave the city to burn to ground.


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Chapter 2.0

Three days later

The sun near the horizon, getting ready to set in a few hours. The group of ponies were setting up camp after a long day of walking, the group how was wearing loosely fitting clothes with a few of the stronger looking ones how holding swords and axes along with a few bows and arrows. Earlier that day they were attacked by a few bandits, most likely the survivors from the village who saw what happened to their home and wanting revenge. Tho their bloodlust was short lived as Fang and Hardric made short work of them, the ponies where scared of the two creatures who where leading them back near by town that wasn’t ruled by scum of life. Tho after watching them fight they didn’t know if they were their saviors or their soon to be new masters.

“Hardric! Come over here I have something to ask you.” Fang yelled as he sat on a log next to a campfire, he was still wearing his power armor and haven’t taken it off yet.

“What Fang?” Hardric said as he walked over to Fang as he was looking at the dead body of a griffin, the body was only dead for a few hours. Missing most of his torso from one of Hardric’s punches. Fang turned his head to look at his friend before turning back to the body.

“So, from what I can tell so far we’ve been here for a little less then a week. We were out cold and in that city for three days and we’ve been walking for three, and not once have we had any meat to eat. The stuff is edible but by the dark ones I can go for a Grox stake right now.” Hardric nodded as he remembered his wife’s cooking, a nice hardy meal for a warrior.

“Yes, I to want meat.”

Fang turned his head to look at him again as he gestured with his head over to the dead body. “I’s dead and as far as I can tell it is a “animal”....would it be weird if we ate it?”

Hardric looked at Fang, then at the body. “Not could talk.”

“True but we’ve seen people eat other humans, and sentiment xenos...this isn’t really any different from that. It also help that it looks like a oversized bird, a bird that tried to stab you with a sword but still a bird.” Fang started looking at the body also, they were starting to feel themselves becoming hungry at the idea of eating real meat.

“I’ll try if you’re down for it.” Fang said still looking at the body. Hardric simple grunted in reply as Fang pulled out his knife and handed it to Hardric.

“I’ll get the fire wood then and we can roast it.” Hardric took the knife and went to work as Fang stood up to get more fire wood. As soon as Fang stood up he saw the shocked, the feared and disgusted looks on the ponies faces as the watch Hardric skinning the dead griffin. Fang cleared his throat as he started talking to the ponies.

“Look, my friend and I saved you from slavery. We been protecting you all from attacks and helped you gather food and clean water. You have also seen us, two large man eat the less out of all of you, giving out food and water to those who needed more. Yes we are eating a dead warrior but from what I’ve seen of them so far they would and a few have eaten your kind before. Killing them for nothing then a simple meal of want and gluttony, we are eating him out of need.”

Fang unfolded his large black wings as he talked to the ponies, his mind slipping into cultist leader mode one again.

“He is a bandit, a slaver, a killer, a rapist, someone who wish to see you in shackles, forced to be his play things until he grew bored of you and killed you before replacing you with someone else. I ask you all, do not fear my friend or myself as we are eating the flesh of those who forfeited their life the moment they chose this life style! All we ask is for a meal, all we ask is for warmth, all we ask to sleep with a roof over our head in a nice warm bed. Can you truly blame us for that!?”

The ponies where taken aback from Fang’s words, the ponies looked at him then at each other, simple starting to talk among themselves as they turned their back to what was happening. Less out of disrespect and more so they don’t see what is happening.

Fang sighed internally, as he looked over the ponies one more time before walking off to grab some more fire wood. Fang wasn’t the best with his words, but he knew how bullshit enough to get people to do what he wanted or to leave him alone. “Note to self, if I start a cult here ask if their are any normal animals.”

Some time later, the sky was getting darker and the camp was lit with camp fire, the ponies were wearing crude as filter as Fang and Hardric roasting parts of the griffin. The two licked their lips as they looked the nearly done meat, it wasn’t anything fancy but it was fresh meat. But before two could partake of their meal, two heads shot up as their heard the sound of hoof steps and the clanking of armor. By the time the two realized what was happening it was too late, a somewhat large number of ponies where around their camp. Fang saw more ponies, but they were different from what he has seen so far. They had bat like wings, slitted pupils with irises that reflexed the camp’s back at them, many of them wearing armor and wielding weapons say for six of them who glowed like a flair at night.

“Hello my name is Twilight Sparkles, we’ve came on behalf of princess Lun...”

Her words where cut short as Hardric let out his battle cry into the right as he charged the line of warriors, before anyone could react the feral warrior slammed himself into a guard. Before the eyes of everyone the guard along with his squad was cut down, Hardric turning them into bloody messes all over the ground and ponies around him.

When Fang heard their words as a memory flashed into his head of the female wearing the dark blue armor with the black fur.

“Shit, HARDRIC STOP!” Fang yelled as he focused his mind and wrenched a tree from the ground before slamming it into his friend, pushing him away from the ponies and pinning him to another tree.

“Hardric snap out if it! They are out allies!” Fang command his friend to snap out, Hardric looked at Fang, his eyes filled with bloodlust as his friend’s words started echoing through his head as he calmed down.

“Frie....friends?” Hardric asked as he started panting a bit, the guards surrounded him and Fang with weapons at the ready. Their eyes also field with hate and bloodlust after what just happened.

“Now....I will be the first to say sorry but you guys shouldn’t walk up onto a camp with a small army. That’s not good way to say “we’re friendly.” Fang said as the guards pointed their weapons at him.

“W....wh....what just happened...” Twilight Sparkles said as she and her friends looked at the bloody remains of the guards then at the two people in front of them. The ponies in the camps seemed to be shocked at first but soon the calmed down when they say the princess of friendship.

“What just happened , my purple friend was those man got Hardric. Now if you don’t want that to happened to the rest of your guards call them all so we can talk.” Fang said in calm tone, not fazed by the fact he was being held at blade point. He actually had a soft smile on his face, when one of that guards took a swing at him to suck him up, the guards where blinded by a flash of light. When their eyes recovered Fang was simply simply.

“Cute now stop that before you make me mad.”

“Why should we trust you, you just killed a squad of my man!” The captain yelled as main six regain their composure.

Before another word could be said Fang let out a jet of black fire into the air, filling the area around him with a thick black smoke that started choking the ponies inside.

“Because we can kill you all with in seconds.” Fang reply as the main six and the rest of guards found him sanding behind next them. The guards looked him and even tho they were trained warriors something about Fang was horrifying making the guards step away from him slowly but still ready for a fight.

“So you must be from Luna I take it?” Fang looks at Twilight, eyeing her up and down.

“Y....yes, we were summed to fix a problem. I’m guessing that’s you.” Twilight said she herself ready her magic as her friends say for fluttershy ready themselves for a fight.

“Hmmm I don’t think I am. I was simple making my way to the city of Canterlot? According to the ponies I save that’s where Luna and her sister Celestia live and who I needed to talk to about some personal business.”

“And why should we trust you!?” Applejack spoke up as she stomped forward and up to Fang, shortly followed by rainbows dash. Fang flinched as he covered his eyes with a hand.

“Gods you girls a bright, look we just spent three long days walking after saving those ponies from a bunch of slavers. Is it really that hard to believe that I just want to chat?”

Fang said pointing over at the group of ponies who were being given blanks from some of medics.

The girls looked at the ponies who were clearly free prisoners, Pinky, Rarity and Fluttershy were tending to the ponies. Talking to them as Fang looked Twilight, his mind becomes sidetracked by her shape. His eyes glancing at her chest before shaking his head.

“Why help them? Why not leave them behind.” Twilight asked

“Well you want to talk to Hardric, he wanted to free them.” Fang replied as he yelled for Hardric to come over. As soon as he was near them both Twilight and Rarity grabbed their heads as a pain started shooting through it. Fang looked them and at the others who seem to has suddenly become uncomfortable when he walked over.

“ he.” Twilight asked she looked at the blood socked man with a griffin leg in his mouth. When Twilight and the other flinched at the sight of someone eating meat.

When twilight started speaking Hardric simply looked confused at her.
“Fang, what purple lady say?”

“She’s asking you why you help the slaves.”

Hardric nodded and told her why he helped them. Twilight looked confused back at him.

“What did he say?” Twilight ask looking at Fang.

“Oh he said all should be free, also he thinks you have nice tits.” Fang reply as he tried to hold back the smile of seeing this purple horse thing blush and cover herself as she looked at Hardic. Giving him a vary nervous thank you before walking off and away from him.

“Um...what happened?” Hardic asked as Fang smiled like a young boy.

“She said thank you.” Fang starting laughing as he walked off to grab some food as the ponies help one another.
“Alright so where are we going now?” Fang asked as the camp was packing up, several of the ponies who been following Fang And Hardic were now being tended by field medics as far as they could tell.

Twilight walked up to Fang after she fished using some healing magic on a few ponies. “We are heading to another town about two days from here before getting on a train and....” she was cut off as Fang raised his hand. He turned to look at is friend who was sharpening his sword.

“Hardic! Feel like hiking for a week!?” Fang yelled over to his friend who shrugged. Fang then looked at the ponies following him, a few of them were sick and wounded, he doesn’t know how strong these ponies magic is and he would hate losing what little pulling it might get for saving these people.

Twilight looked at Fang and Hardic, her horn glowing softly. She could sense magic permeating from the two, the world around her started to glow as she see the background magic ora of everyone and everything. Looking at Fang, Twilight was taken aback. Fang had a black ora around him, it flowed around him like black fire. Whipping and testing around his form, the longer she looked the more she felt as if she was looking at the end. Not death, but true feeling of everything coming to a end with no chance of after life, no chance of rebirth or growth.

She closed her eyes and turned her head, looking away from him. Her body started shaking slightly as the feeling she felt slowly left her body, sighing he opened her eyes once’s again to look at Hardic. This time she saw nothing, were Hardic saw the magic around him seemed to become hazy, as if you were looking at the world though warped class. Bending and twisting around a solid red form, Hardic body glowed bright. She couldn’t tell what was wrong but something was hiding Hardic true ore from her, she could tell there was something more to him but some kind of magic hid his true form from it.

Soon Twilight focused broke as something forced her power to turn off, turning her head she could see a large metal hood that was part of Fang’s armor glowing for a bit before he looked down at her.

“I was wondering when you would snap out of it, you zoned out on me Princess.” Fang looked over at Hardic for a moment before looking back at Twilight.

“What did you do to my magic?” Twilight took a set back away from Fang who smile shrugged.

“Countered you psyke power, I had to say you have a vary strong will. I actually had to try to counter you, forgive me but I didn’t know what you were doing and out if habit I did it.” Fang looked back over the ponies around them.

“Just wondering mind if I look you map?” Asked as he had a idea now.

“Um sure, here take a look.” Twilight reached to her side and pulled out a scroll case for a map. She handed it over to Fang who looked it over, after a few minutes Fang smiled.

“Wonderful, thank you Princess Sparkle. Gather your man, we leave now.” Fang handed the map back as he started walking off, getting Hardic and his followers together as Twilight quickly ran off to find her friends.


“Twi don’t like talking about ponies behind their back but I don’t trust those two.” Applejack said as she stood away from the camp with her friends and a few guards.

“I have to agree darling, I mean. I’m all for meeting new ponies but those two rub me the wrong way, the fact they there were eating meat doesn’t help.” Rarity said as she and the other glanced over to were Fang and Hardic was, one was helping gathering ponies as the other was cleaning up the camp.

“Hardic alone killed a guard right in front of us, and from what the other said the two of them killed a city by themselves. What would they do when we take them back to see the princesses.” Fluttershy ask as she looked over at Fang, the larger of the two man. He turned his head and locked eyes with the yellow mare, he gave her a cocky smile and wink before going back to work. Making the mare blush deeply, her face turning a shared of pink.

“We were just caught by surprise, I’m sure I can handle them both easily.” Dash said as she gestured to the sword on her hip.

“Ether way, the Cutie Map and the princesses gave us a job to do, a few of the guards already went ahead to check up on Brookstone. Something is off with them but I doubt they are as strong as the pony say they...”

Suddenly a scream could be heard from the camp, the girls turned their head again to see a tree burning with black fire. Pinkie was standing off to the side of it and Fang was in front of her.

“Don’t do that again!” He yelled glaring down at the pink mare, who smiled.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Pinkie giggle as she reached into her main and pulled out a cupcake, she offered it up to him with smile on her face. Fang looked at her for a second before turning around waking away.


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Chapter 3

“Alright, is everyone ready!?” Fang asked the large group of ponies as Hardic and him stood in front of them, it was clear to both of them that the guards and the six mares with them didn’t seem to trust whatever idea Fang cane up with.

“Okay, Twilight would you please come up here I need you for this.” The guard’s next to the purple mare looked at her before she nodded and made her way to the front of the group, the two night guards followed her. As they got near the two warriors, Fang held out his hand for Twilight to take.

“Okay, I’m going to need you to think of Canterlot. The more detailed the memory is the better.” Fang smiled at the young mare who looked a bit confused at the request.

“Um, why. I would be glad to tell you about it but how would it help us now?” Twilight as she looked up at Fang.

“Simple my purple friend, walking will take far too long for my liking. If I know of a location I can open a portal between here and there, Canterlot is just within my range so I would to send us all there or at lest next to it.”

“You can teleport this many ponies at once?” Twilight asked, even with the power she has she could only teleport a handful of ponies at once.

Fang nodded as he repeated himself again. “Now then, please tell me about it. Unless you want to make these wounded and weak ponies walk at night.” Twilight nodded as her replace as she started disturbing the grassland just below the city, going into detail about how as child her parents would take her and her brother out for picnics there.

As she talked Fang started focusing his power on her, slowly Fang snuck into Twilight mind. Fang could see everything she was saying, the wide open space, the tall ornate building the reminded Fang of a hive wilder noble. As Twilight talked about it Fang couldn’t help himself as he started thinking.

“Nobles, a city on the side of a mountain overlooking a valley, home to the best school of magic. Oh I’m going to have fu...” Fang stopped himself remembering why he was here, he didn’t have time to convert this world he needed to get home back to his family. He needed to kill that asshole who is the reason for him being suck on this world.

“Fang, is that enough information for you?” Twilight asked as she could tale Fang was thinking about something.

“Oh um yes, thank you. Alright, set back up and when it open I want everyone to start walking though. Hardic, your going last only the gods know what might happen if you go first.” Fang the last past in low gothic, not wanting the ponies to know about Hardic collar.

Soon Fang turned around, facing the dirt road they been following the last few days. He closed his eyes as he started recalling all the information Twilight gave him, remember every last detailed of the grasslands, the mountain around the city. Before the ponies vary eyes the world in front of Fang started shifting and turning before a flash of light blinded them.

“Move! I’m not keeping this open forever!” Fang yelled at the ponies before they slowly started walking though, first the ponies that Fang and Hardic saved went first. Followed several of the guards who accompanied the six mares they came with, Then Fang walked though.

Fang found himself standing within a courtyard, just outside the palace. Looks like he was a bit off in his target. But before he could do anything Fang fell to his knees, yelling in pain as the portal behind start fluctuating. Several of the ponies stepped away from as purple and black lighting bolts arched off from his head.

Fang could feel something clawing at mind, something was trying to force the portal closed. Soon it portal closed just after Hardic walked through, he looked confused at why Fang was on his hands and knees.

“By the gods....” Fang looked over to his old friend, one of his eyes was bloodshot as blood dripped from his nose.

“Hardic....we.....never!....Again!” Fang said before he fell over and blackout. The last thing Fang heard was the muffled voices of Hardic and ponies talking.


“Princess Celesta!” A guard ran into the royal office where Princess Luna and Celesta were at, they seemed to have been going over some paperwork. “The Elements of harmony are back with the creatures Princess Luna spoke about!” The two alicorns looked at one another before quickly getting a leaving in a hurry, knocking over some of the stacks of papers they were looking. Loosing track of a report about some caribou refugees.

Chapter 4

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Hardic and the other ponies stood around the large unmoving body of Fang, blood run from his nose as Hardic put two fingers to Fang’s neck. He waited a second before he could feel his old friend heartbeat.

“It’s okay, Fang lives still.” He turned his head to look at the ponies who all had a worried look on their face. Hardic repeated what he said to ponies before remembering they can’t understand him. He signed and pointed at them before pointing at Fang.

“You take care of him.” Hardic then pointed at himself and at the city.

“I go there, find me there.” When he pointed at the city several of the guards grab their weapons, getting ready to draw them. Hardic not noticing this turned and extended his large bat like wing to try a fly over the walls.

Seeing this and not risking Hardic killing someone again Twilight and several of unicorns guards with her used their magical to try and grab him. As the magic formed around them they could feel a presser, they didn’t know what it was but was making harder for them to form their magic. A few of guards magic simple fizzled out as a few more had to push themselves, even then when Twilight and the few guards who could form their power it simple poof as soon as it went near Hardic.

The ponies were confused about what just happened, but they didn’t have time to think about it as two bight lights appeared from the sky. Those who could see quickly stood at attention and Hardic himself stopped to look, as he looked up he was almost blinded as the two lights shined onto him. One a bright gold, reminding him of the sun, the other dark blue with bites of white spots, reminding him of the night sky.

When lights started to fate Hardic could see two tall horses. One was mostly white with a almost rainbow like hair and tail that’s seemed to be blowing in a breeze. The other was a bit shorter and to be a completely different color wise, she was mostly a dark blue, her hair and tail looked it was made from the night’s sky itself. Like Twilight both of them seemed to have both wings and a horn, they landed in front of Hardic and others.

“That’s them sister.”

Some time later Fang started groaning as he opened his eyes, his head was killing him as he felt a constant throbbing within his skull.

“By the gods, I’m never trying that again...where am I?” Fang sat, finding himself in a hospital bed. He was still in his armor and it seemed the ponies were trying to help him, he looked around and saw that he was alone in the room. He shrugged and got out of bed, he looked himself over as he still had his power sword, bolt pistol and the remains of his helmet mag lock to him.

“I’m kinda sad I didn’t wake up with a cute nurse next to my bed, for a alien pony thing their female are fairly attractive.” Fang shook his head, he needed to find Hardic before he kills a town by accident.


“So with all the languages and translations magical we know, none of them work on him and he understand none of them.” Celesta sighed as she and her sister sat across from Hardic who looked vary bored about conversation.

“Yes Princess, something about him is dampening magic and nothing seems to work on him, the only one who can understand us is Fang and he’s unconscious.” Twilight replied as she looked at the medical report from the doctor. 37% of his brain was metal, and 28% of it was hemorrhage from a magical feedback. “With the medical report he might not make it to the morning.” Twilight and the others seemed a bit down.

“Two new guest to our empire and already one might die and one we can’t speak to.” Celesta said before putting her head in her hands. Luna was doing the same, she tied to visit Fang dreams but he mind was too badly damage for her to inter it.

Hardic sat in his chair, bored as the ponies talked to one another. They seemed to be worried about something but he couldn’t tell what it was. He started thinking and wondering if they had television here too, he wish he could be watching some right now. But soon Hardic along with everyone pony in the room heard a scream coming just outside the dining hall.

Hardic stood up and ready himself for a fight as did several of the guards. Soon they could all hear heavy footsteps coming from just outside the door, they could hear a muffled sound of voices coming from just outside. Several of the guards moved closed to the doors as the the rest got ready to move the elements and the princesses out of the room.

Soon the doors started opening, as the ponies and Hardic saw Fang standing there with a smile on his face. Hardic looked sad as he was hoping for a fight and just sat down. The others looked shocked to see Fang walking around after only a hour.

“First, I would like compliant whoever build this place. He know how to combine style with good defensives, second I would like to say sorry about the servants I think o sacred them.” Fang walked into the room and saw all the guards pointing their weapons at him. He then looked at the main 6 mares from earlier and the two large alicorns. “Ah I take it you’re Luna and Celesta, would you mind calling off your guards.”

The two sisters looked at each other’s and did was Fang asked, the guards stepped away from as he went to stand by Hardic.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! You’re alive!” Fang only saw a blur of pink before Pinkie was hugging him and looking at him as she just got some amazing news. The others simply looked at one another wondering how he was alive and talking.

“Trust me, it takes a lot more then that to keep me down.” Fang patted Pinkie on the head. “I hope Hardic haven’t caused any trouble for you?”

Twilight was stumbling to her words out “ we just been trying to....”

“How are you alive!?” Rainbow ask as she stood up from the table.

“Yeah....didn’t your brain kinda pop?” Applejack chimed in as did the others.

Fang smiled, it reminded him when his children found out about one of his best gift from the gods. “Oh I just healed from it is all, not the first time something like this happened.” Fang simple said as if it was normal thing. “But I’ll speak more about that later, we have other business to take care of. But Pinkie please let go, unless you want to sit on my lap for the meeting.” Fang smiled as he playfully flirted with the pink pony girl, Hardic groaned tho. He may not be able to speak but knows what Fang was doing.

Pinkie giggle and let go. “Maybe later.” She went back to her set as the others ether blushed, rolled their eyes or simple didn’t care. “Now then let’s talk.”


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Chapter 5

Luna couldn’t believe her eyes, the medical report basically stated he was brain dead. Having brain damage and metal fragments found in the brain should means anyone should be dead, and yet Fang stood across the table with a smile on his face as if nothing was wrong.

“So, I know you all must have questions and I have some for you.“ Fang said as he stood next to Hardic, he was rolling his shoulder as he been wearing his power armor for basically a week and it was starting to be a bit uncomfortable.

“Yes we do, but would you like to make yourself at home and take off your armor? From what my student has told me and the ponies you freed you haven’t taken it off in days.” Celesta replied with a warm slime, she didn’t know what Fang was but if that report is true getting him out of his armor we be safer for everyone in the room.

Fang thought about it for a bit, thinking of everything that could go wrong and how to fix it.

‘If I take off my armor I would have to hope thing don’t go sideways. If they attack I would have to hope my stubskim armor would soak most of hits. Then again...’
Fang looked at the three alicorn, he could just feel their psyker powers leaking out from their bodies, the two older ones far surpassed him with Twilight being around his level. He need to play this cool and not piss them off, Hardic is his best weapon again them, then again they could drop a building on him...

“Sure, I would be happy to. It would be nice to get out this thing.” Fang looked over at Hardic and asked his old friend to help him out of his suit. The older man nodded and started helping Fang out.

The ponies watched as the two worked together to removed Fang’s armor, piece after piece was taken off and placed onto the floor. Steam leaked out of the suit as soon Hardic took off the gloves, the magnets keeping Fang weapons locked to his suit turned off and feel to the floor. Fang grabbed his inferno star from his suit. A old powerfield his wife made for him years ago that saved his more times then could count and placed it around his neck like a necklace.

Soon the large intimidating man was now shorter then he once was, he stood around 6 feet tall and now had on a skin tight black suit. It seemed to be some kind of under armor padding.

“By the gods it feels good to be out of that thing!” Fang started stretching and popping his bones, forgetting for a moment that he was in room full of strangers and his armor bodyglove left little to the imagination.

“Wait you aren’t as big as a minotaur?” Rainbow ask when she saw Fang’s height.

“A what? No that’s just my armor making me bigger, this is my normal height.” He replied as he took a seat, Fang placed his broken helmet on the table and made sure to maglock his weapons to his side again.

“I’ll start off.” Celesta said taking command of the questioning. “How are you still alive? After scanning you and getting past you metallic skeleton we found a large amount of metal within your brain and a good portion was damage. You may not be a pony but most ponies can’t survive suffering from that much brain damage.”

Fang sat there, thinking about how to reply. “Well simple it was given to me by the goddesses, they blessed me with the ability to heal from most things. Unless it would outright kill me I will heal from it. As for the metal....our people has master science and the field of medicine, normally my bones aren’t metal but because of my line work I needed to get them to make up for my short comping.” Fang replied, his ear twitched a bit as he heard the familiar sound of something scratching on paper. He shrugged off, it was just a scribe.

“I see, next question. Why are you here?” Celesta asked her next question.

“Well that’s a easy one, I have no idea.”

The white alicorn looked a bit confused as did the others ponies in the room. “You....don’t know how you ended up here?” Twilight asked, joining in on the conversation.

“Yeah, no. Last thing I remember was I was....having a little disagreement with Hardic, there was a explosion and then we woke up in cages in that one town.” Fang looked over at Hardic who was picking his nose and seemed to be in his own world.

“So you were just teleport to a random town?” Twilight said as she wrote down everything Fang said.

“Yes, from what I gather we were found in some random forest. Those assholes dragged our asses out and throw us in cages. By way.” Fang snapped his fingers as he remembered something important. “I’m sorry for what happened to the that was your’s right?”

“Brookstone? No that technically belonged to the Stormking. But why are you apologizing, the ponies you freed sad a house fire started and it started spreading do to a windstorm.” Fang started rubbing the back of his head as Twilight talked.

“ you’ll find out sooner or later but that was us.” He replied being up front with the ponies somewhat. “They did some things that Hardic and I just couldn’t stand so we dealt with them.”

“Sure, and next you’re going to tell us you can breath fire like a dragon.” Dash stated, not believing what Fang‘s story. “I mean I can understand Hardic over there can hit like a bull but no one can destroy a town with a bunch of bandits, I mean who can do that anyway?”

Fang chuckled a bit. “Believe me or not but we can. Thanks to our blessing we can do a lot of things.” Rainbow rolled her eyes before Appackjack smacked her upside the back of her head. The blue mare glared at the orange one as the conversation continued.

“What do you mean by blessing?” Luna asked looking at the two aliens. “Ah well we both serve a god, Hardic follows the goddess of battle and I follow several goddesses. Over the years we have done things to earn blessing, our wings for one is one of our blessings.” Fang stretched out his large black dragon like wings before gesturing to Hardic’s own dark red bat wings.

As Fang talked Hardic looked outside and saw the sun was still out, he was new to this world and was wondering when night was. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch he took from one of the bandits he cut down. It read 12pm.

“Fang, when is night fall? Time thing say it midnight.” Hardic interrupted Fang, causing him to stop, look at him before looking outside.

“Um...forgive me for asking but what time is nightfall? Hardic is telling me it’s midnight but the sun hasn’t fully set yet.”

The two alicorns looked at each other. “Oh forgive us, we forgot to lower sun and rase the moon. After all the... excited we must have forgotten.” Celesta said as she gave Fang and Hardic a warm smile. “Would you like to watch? New comers and ponies always enjoy seeing it.”

Fang agreed for both himself and Hardic, thinking to himself as they all got up and started walking. ‘There’s no way these two could move a sun and moon, the strongest psykers in the galaxy couldn’t even hope to move a mountain let alone a world.’

Soon ponies and humans stood in what looked like a courtyard, Celesta stood in the middle of it as everyone stood as far away as they could. Fang eyed the white alicorn, waiting to see her pull somekind of tick, soon Celesta body started to glow as magic left her body, the sky itself started growing softly with the same golden glow as the sky started to darken as the sun move beyond the horizon. Fang cover his eyes and bit his lip as he was nearly blinded by the light, his mind could raw power of Celesta’s magic.

When he open them again the other ponies and Hardic were aw struck, looking at the display. Soon Luna took her sister place and same thing happen again this time, the moon rosed into the sky. Giving off a soft white glow, before stars started forming out of the blue. Fang eyes open at this, as his heart start racing a bit.

“Fang, this not how you say sun and moon work.” Hardic said looking confused after the show.

“That’s because they don’t....” Fang replied as he looked at the Alicorns. “So um....I was just wondering, have ether of you seen a bright golden light before?”

“You mean the sun?” Celesta ask, not fully understanding Fang.

“No no, brighter, can’t miss it. It glows kinda like you but a lot brighter.” He replied his face now showing a worried expression.

“No, we only see the sun and moon, those are the only real bright lights we see. Why do you ask?”

“Just wondering is all.” Fang started rubbing the back of his head as he looked at Hardic.

“Hardic....remember that world you were stuck on for many moons?”

Hardic nodded, a bit confused at way Fang was asking this.

“Well, we’re stuck on like that....we’re stuck on a daemon world.”


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Fang found himself in darkness, he cool sees his hands and lower body. Tho he couldn’t feel the ground below him or anything.

“Friend Fang, where are we?” Fang snapped around to see his Hardic. He seemed to just as confused as he was about where they were at.

“Help me....” a soft voice echoed thought the darkness. “He is coming, only you can stop him.” The two humans looked around trying to find the person talking.

“This is just a dream...but why can’t I control it.” Fang thought to himself as he tried to bend the dream to his will.

“She is helping him, they will destroy this world.” Soon a small light appeared off in the distance of the darkness. The two humans looked at the light their eyes focusing on it. “Only you can stop him.”

Soon the light started glowing brighter and brighter before the darkness was pushed away, Fang and Hardic both felt a overwhelming felt what could only be describe as harmony. But the feeling was short lived as a loud banging sound filled the room.


“Sir Fang, It’s breakfast time! Sir Fang!?”

Fang eyes slowly open, blinking a few times he looked around, trying to remember where he was at. He was sleeping on the floor, on the other side the room away from the bed untouched from the night before. ‘Damn that bloody collar, now where... right I’m on this daemon world still...’ Fang stood up and stretched, his bone popping after sleeping on the floor. “I’m up, I’m up! You can come in if you want.” Fang said as he grabbed his armor body glove and pulled it on.

The door open a young light green mare walked into the room, she was she wearing what seemed to somekind of maid outfit. “The others are waiting for you in the Dinning hall Sir.” The young mare said as Fang gather his things, the mare started shaking a bit when she saw him attach his weapons to his armor.

“Thank you, lead the way.”

As the two left the room Fang started looking around, taking in the architecture. This place was vastly different from his own home, the white and gold was a far cry from the dark castles and noble spires. ‘I wonder how many slaves did these...xenos used to build this place, hopefully ,they don’t have them anymore. The last thing I want is a repeat of that town.’ Fang thought to himself before looking around again.

“Excuse me, I’m just wondering where is Hardic?” Fang asked the young mare in front of him.

“Oh he woke up before and been sitting waking for you with the Princesses, and the Element of Harmony.” She replied as soon the came to a set of double doors.


When Fang walked into the room he could feel there was something wrong with the room, he noticed a few more guards were in the room. All the Element of Harmony weren’t making eye contact with him, Hardic on the other hand seemed to have not noticed it what was wrong as he bit into a Apple.

“Morning everyone.” Fang walked in and pulled up a set next to Hardic.

“Morning Friend Fang, fruit good here, try some!” Hardic said handing Fang a large apple, Fang looked at the first size red fruit.

“Thank you....?” He put the apple down for now, not fully sure what it was. “So....I would ask of everyone had a good night sleep but I have the feeling we need to have another talk?”

Celesta nodded, the calm warm look on her face was gone. Replaced by the stern look, he seen this before with everyone who he was making trade deal with, she wanted to hide something. “We have gotten reports from the Lunar guard, as they have examined the “ruins” of Brookstone.” As Celesta talked Fang could tell her tone was a much colder than yesterday. “Nearly a thousand ponies, griffins, diamond dogs and Minotaurs found dead. Most of the building were burned down and the only survivors seemed to be the ponies you saved and yourselves.”

“Yeah sorry about that, look at the upside it wasn’t ‘your’ town or people. Beside Hardic here was slave before I met him so as far as he cared they gave up their right to live the moment they became slavers.” Fang replaced as he took on a normal diplomatic tone. “They stole our equipment and tried to enslave us, we simply acted in self defense.”

“And yet the town was burned to the ground with everyone in it dead.” Celesta replied clearly not happy with Fang.

“Sadly I couldn’t speak to them yet as....well it took a few tries to gain the knowledge I need to speak with them, by that point we already destroy half the town.”

“But why set fire to it, you could have just left as soon as you were freed. You didn’t have to kill all of them.”

“We kinda lost control of ourselves after we saw what happened to some of the slaves, trust me it was for the best.”

Celesta clearly at this seemed unhappy with Fang reply as the other ponies in the room seemed to be shocked, as they looked at Fang they could easily tell he has no regret about the lives he and Hardic took.

“Sister, perhaps this was for the best.” Luna said chiming in on the conversation, Celesta looked at her younger sister. Confused about what she just heard.

“We have been getting report about bandit attacks and ponies going missing from that area. With all of them dead the ponies there do not need to live in fear anymore and trade there will start to stabilize.”

“She’s right, with them gone your people no longer need to live in fear of attack and their lives will be better as the towns in that area start trading with one of another and the rest of your Empire.” Fang added as Celesta sighed and closed her eyes to think.

“I...can see your point, I am not happy with what you did but I can see the...long term benefits. Never the lest if you are going to stay here you can not do as you please.” She gestured with a hand and a few guards came in with box’s.

“I would like for you to hand over all your weapons, in clouding that thing on your hip.” Celesta said hinting at Fang’s bolt pistol.

Hardic looked confused at why someone was gesturing at his swords, before looking at Fang. Fang started shaking his head when the guards came up to him.

“Sorry your highness, but don’t worry. We won’t be here long. After breakfast Hardic and I were going to ask for some camping surprise as we were going to leave and go find the rest of our equipment.”

“The rest of your equipment?” Celesta asked, wondering what these two could be missing. Fang looked at his arm were a wrist mounted dataslate rested, the screen was cracked on the screen, he couldn’t remember where that came from. He started flicking through it were he been keeping a list of his war gear, weapons, clips, ammo type, stimms, and tools.

“Hmmm I’m missing my boltgun, heavy bolter, chain and force sword. 150 heavy bolter rounds, and that all I believe, wow I have a lot of shit. Hardic on the other hand is missing his...blessed helmet, his sword and....UDUNE!” Fang yelled, his eyes clearly showings a level of fear.

“Yes, me been saying that. We go git him now?” Hardic ask, understanding the name of his demon sword. The other ponies looked at Fang when yelled, what could make him this scared the ponies didn’t know.

“Is everything okay?” Luna asked as Fang started breathing to calm himself down.

“Um....kinda? Well um Hardic was given a weapon to watch is named Udune, a power cursed blade that will send its owner into murderous rampage.” Celesta eyes started starring at Fang, her face now looking like a upset mother when she found out her child just let a stray dog lose in the habblock.

“Why, would Hardic have this weapon and haven’t killed you yet?” Celesta tone sound irritated at this point, her royal, diplomat, cold, neutron was gone.

“Hardic was given a collar, he could never be affective by the weapon. Other people unless they are strong will, will fall to it, killing everyone in their way until they are killed or...their bodies burns out.”

At this point Celesta facepalmed and the other ponies started looking a bit worried about this. “That’s why if you would be so kind, we would like a map of the world if you have one and some supplies so we can go find it.”

Celesta muddled something into her hand, before she could say something Luna cut in. “You can have your supplies, but you are going to be needing a guide so will be going with you.” Celesta looked at her younger sister as Fang was taken aback, the two long with everyone one else looked at the dark blue princess who looked at everyone else. “My sister spent the better part of her time learning how to rule and lead ponies, I was the one who added ponies in their dream and dealt with the monsters that threaten our empire. I also the best one to lead them through the lands as I’ve traveled the most between the two of us.”

The two sisters started taking, Celesta trying to talk Luna out of it as Fang started panicking a little on the inside. ‘What kind of monsters live here that can threaten these two...and why did she volunteer for this. Is it so they could keep a eye on us, maybe it so if we fuck up somehow she could kill us. If something happens to her Celesta will kill me, I don’t know how strong Hardic collar is but a blast from the sun might even be too much for khorne blessing.’

Fang looked to Hardic, hoping to see his friend and to talk to him. But as Fang looked he Friend was missing, he looked around the room and saw nothing.

“Wait, where’s Hardic!” Fang asked over the sound of the two sisters and advisers talking to one another, the room became silent when they heard those words. Everyone looked at one another, the guards didn’t see him leave, the doors are still locked. The window was open but he couldn’t have, as soon as Fang and several of the other ponies in the room ran to the window all they saw was large mass fall from the sky and land on the ground.

Hardic was laying in the Royal garden, he was soaking wet and was feeling a bit down as he saw one of the ponies with wings float on the cloud. He thought it was unfair, ‘horse thing has wings and play with clouds, why me no get cloud bed.’

He stood up from the ground and looked, he saw several scared ponies who ran as they saw him. Hardic shrugged and started walking back inside the main castle.

Fang looked at Celesta and Luna, “So about those supplies?”


A few hours later, within Celesta office. Celesta sat in her chair as her sister stood next her and the Elements of Harmony stood in front her, every pony in the room was worried about what Applejack was about to say.

“So Applejack, tell us. As the Element of Honestly, what part of their story was true and what was a lie.” the royal alicorn looked at the young Orange mare who rubbed her chin in thought.

”I'm sorry princess but I ain’t fully sure myself, most if not everything he said was true. The only thing I new that was a lie was him talking Hardic sword he lost, other then that everything seem to be true.”

Celesta signed as she started thinking to herself, weighing the her options as the others look at her. “We shouldn’t put all our eggs in one basket. Twilight I want you and your friends to spy on them, try and find out if they truly are a threat to us or not. Luna if they are I want you to come so we can make a plan to deal with them.”


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Fang looked himself over one at last time, making sure he wasn’t missing anything. It has been a few hours after the cloud incident and Celesta agreed to let Luna go with them, he was worried about the idea of having basically a daemon prince fallowing him around but he didn’t have any say in the subject. He sat, looking out a window, he never seen so much green plants before in his life. Hardic on the other hand was looking a bit down, he was still sad when he found he wasn’t going to be riding on their airship.

They were nearing the end of their trip and the ponies were most making idle chat with them, mostly to Fang when they wanted to talk to Hardic. It took Pinkie only 20 minute of asking Fang so many random question about himself and Hardic before he caste a power on her, letting her convert pony to low Gothic. He nearly gave the other a heart attack when he caste his power, now Hardic could at lest speak to the ponies around him and understand Fang’s pain of listening to Pinkie talk a mile a minute.

“Fang, mind if ask you a few questions?” He looked over to see Twilight, the fourth Princess, the Princess of Friendship. She was holding what seemed to be a note book and a quill, Fang nodded as he started putting his stuff back into his bag.

“So first I was wondering could you tell me about your armor? It’s almost twice your size and yet you seemed able to move in it with ease, how does that work?”

Fang looked at his armor before replying. “It’s called Power Armor, primarily do to the fact that this suit has servos that enhances my strength beyond normal human levels. Mine more precisely is called Magma suit, made to withstand levels of heat that would kill most people.” As Fang talked Twilight wrote down the information into her note book.

“So what that’s little thing on your hip?” Twilight pointed at the bolt pistol. “It looks like a flintlock, but far more bulky.”

At that Fang smiled as he drew his gun and started looking over it. “This is a Hunter’s Mark bolt pistol, a weapon made on my home world. It fires a .75 caliber, a small rocket that is meant to turn anyone it hits into a fine bloody mist!” Fang started to get carried away as he went into more detail about the weapon, soon he stop when he found himself being looked at by everyone in the train-cart. He soon stopped talking about his pistol. “Long story short it’s a anti personnel and light armor vehicles.”

“Could I see you test fire it later?” Twilight ask, but all she got in reply was Fang shaking his head.
“I use mostly custom ammo for this and I have no idea how to make the ammo here, i have to make every shot count.”
“I see...” twilight said, not fully understanding half of what Fang just said


As the Train pulled to a stop everyone got up and started gathering their things. As they started walking to the door Twilight slipped between it and the others. “Alright, so the ponies of Ponyville are kinda....jumpy when it comes to new people, so you might get some strange looks but don’t worry they just need to get used to you.” She was clearly concerned about what might happen if the two humans get upset. “So just give them a chance to warm up to you okay?”

The two human shrugged, “Whats that worse that can happened?” Fang said as they all walked off the train, the sun was high into the sky with a few clouds peppering the sky. Fang and Hardic took in the sights, it seemed to be like a normal feudal world so for the train. As the group walked any pony who saw them quickly made their way into the nearest building or simply ran away.

Twilight started apologizing to Fang and Hardic. “Twilight it’s okay, at lest they haven’t started screaming.” As soon as Fang said that everyone could hear what sounded like screaming, turning to see what was happening three mares working what seemed to be flour stands started screaming before fainting. It wasn’t long before most of the town started panicking, soon the streets of Ponyville were empty.

“Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.” Twilight started apologizing again as Fang and Hardic looked around.

“Wow, that went a lot better then I expected.” Fang said as he was surprise that Hardic and himself haven’t been shot yet. “Normally people would be trying to kill us by now.”

“Friend Fang maybe stop saying words.” Hardic said as the ponies looked a bit confused at what they meant by ‘try and kill us.’

“Um what do you mean by that?” Luna ask walking as she looked at Fang. Who smile shrugged as a reply.
“As I said back in the castle, we come from a dangerous place. Normally when stuff like this happens we end up getting attack by someone or something.”

“Run!” Rainbowdash yelled as she and the other ran to safety, Fang training kicked in as he jumped and grabbed Hardic, pushing him out the way as a head came down and slammed into the ground.

“By the gods what is that thing!?” Fang yelled as he and Hardic stood up and saw a large three headed lizard. One of the heads were looking at him as the other two reared at it and it started making it way into the town.

“Friend Fang, did lizard come from your home?” Hardic asked as the other ponies came back to them.

“Oh thank Celesta you’re alive, we need to stop that Hydra.” Twilight said as Fang pulled out his bolt pistol and Hardic drew his swords. “Don’t worry all we need to do is...” twilight was cut off as both Fang and Hardic took to the air.

“Hardic, draw it away from the village!” Fang ordered as he started claiming into the air, getting a better view of a large reptile. It was a dark yellow color with three long necks ending in three hungry looking heads that eyed the two humans like dinner.

Hardic let out a animal like rawr before using his wings to rocket himself into the animal chest, the simple swords he had cut into the beasts scales a little bit before before braking off inside its body but not before the force of Hardic raptor attack pushed the animal back a little.

The hydra stumble backed a bit, nearly stepping on a building as it inhaled deeply trying to check its breath. It looked around thinking it was hit by another on of its kind but only saw this small thing with wings punching at it stomach, it could feel it’s scales were cracking but over all it was mostly fine. One of the heads pulled back before lunching down to attack the thing attacking it, but as soon as it came close it was cut off as Hardic whipped around and punched the beast right in the nose.

The hydra head recoiled as it started blinking and blood started leaking from its nose, the other two heads looked at one another and started moving away turning around and slapping the small thing off before moving back to the edge of Ponyville.

As this was happening the main six and Luna started gathering everyone the could find and started moving them to twilight castle or to the many new bunkers built around the city do to all the monster attacks. Stallions pulled carts filled with the old or old as the other started grabbing what they could from their home and running for safety.

“Twilight Sparkle, I leave the rest of the evacuation. I must go and help Hardic.” Luna said as her horn started glowing with magical power, transformation her traveling clothes into dark blue and black armor and a large scythe appeared in her hands.
“But what can you do against that thing alone, Hardic seemed to have made it mad and Fang is no were to be seen!”

“I can not leave Hardic alone to fight the beast, the sooner it is put down the the sooner we can end this....”

Luna, Twilight and almost every unicorn stopped whatever they were doing as the looked to the sky. The clouds around Ponyville has started to darken as black and red lighting arched across the sky, the could feel a large amount of magical energy building up. Not wasting time Luna took to the skies, as the Hydra somewhat ran/rampage away from Hardic who has started using broken support beams and pillars as weapons.

“Fight lizard thing! I want new jacket for wife!” Hardic yelled as it broken another cart on the back of the middle head before it snapped at him. Somehow the hydra didn’t know how but this small winged thing was slowly hurting it and everything it would try to attack it all the hydra ended up with was three broken noses, a missing eye and a bite in it’s tail.

As Luna made it into cloud line she was somewhat shocked at what she saw, Fang was drawing in as much power as he could and was getting ready to cast something big.
“Fang! Whatever you’re doing stop it now before you kill yourself!” Luna yelled over the storm that started forming around him.
“That thing has survived Hardic attacks this long, I have no idea how power it might be so I’m ending it for sure. This Damon will regret attack this village, now move before you’re coat in the blast!” Luna looked at Fang before looking at the Ponies running for safety she quickly turned and went back, breaking the sound bearer as she flow away as Fang smiled. “Time for me to have fun, this is going to hurt like hell.”

As soon Luna hit the ground near Twilight castle she quickly caste a large shield spell. “Princess Luna what are you...”
“Quickly get every unicorn to add their power to this shield now or we might die!” Twilight was taken aback at Luna order before nodded and getting every unicorn who could to add their power to the shield around the castle, twilight and the others were scared at the somewhat worried Luna.


Hardic on the other hand was having fun, nothing ever lived this long and it was fighting back. “Hahahaha! You are good fight, I will make good use of your skulls!” He yelled as he started punching one of the hydra’s faces. Cracking the scales, bruising the flesh and cracking the bone. But soon his fun ended as he felt the air around him become hotter, he stopped and looked up confused as the hydra did as well.

Soon everything around Ponyville basically stop as the land shook and the sky turned black as a tower of black and red fire irrupted from where the hydra was standing. It sent a shock wave across the town, the drone shield blocked most of it from hitting the castle and people inside before everything started being sucked back towards the blast. As ponies eyes readjusted they saw a smoke cloud in the shake of a Phoenix, a Black Phoenix and the ponies couldn’t see any signs of Fang or Hardic.


“Ugh.....” Fang eyes slowly open to see clouds parting and clear blue skies, he smiled thinking was back on Mandela and the war was over. “Am i home?”
His joy was short lived as Hardic walked up and stood over him looking a little worried. “Friend Fang are you dead?”
“Ugh no.....are we home?” Fang asked as Hardic shook his head.
“Are we dead?”
“Are we still on the demon world?”
Fang grounded again loudly before he grabbed his head and yelled in pain. “By the gods! My skull feels it’s in fire!” Hardic stood over he friend not sure what to do as he looked around, soon he saw the several neon color ponies people walking up to them and started waving his head at them.

Luna, twilight and all the only elements stood just outside the small carter that was made from the blast, the lands around it scored, every blade of grass, flower, was whipped clean with nothing surviving and the earth itself was turned into black obsidian glass.
Twilight looked at Luna “what are we dealing with....”

Luna looked down at the two humans. “Monsters that we must get rid of as soon as we can.” She looked up a little at the large chard remains of the hydra, nothing was left of it say for the brunet bones of a now dead monster.


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A few hours after the fright

“Ugh....note to self never push doesn’t end well for anyone...MY EYES!” Fang fell off the couch he was laying on, covering his eyes as he was blinded by the bright light of a beyond powerful warp presence. The feeling Fang would rethink of to this pain was a flash bang going off in a dark room or sunlight after a long night of drinking. “By the gods I will give a ship to whoever turns off that bloody light!” Fang held his hands to his face, as he tried his best to adjust to the new light.

As he sat on the floor he could hear a door opening, looking up and through the light he could see a black void in the light. “Hardic! Thank khorne, the light is trying to kill me.” Fang got up and quickly hugged his feral friend, not caring for the pain of the null collar. “Friend Fang is okay?” Hardic ask as he pushed Fang off.

“Yeah...ugh my eyes are killing me, I miss my normal ones, where the hell are we?”

“Talking horses took us to tree made of crystal, you were sleeping and got put on couch.”

“Ugh couldn’t they leave me outside, okay well where are they?.”

Before Hardic could reply two guards rounded the door and looked at the two humans, a bit of fear could be seen behind their eyes as one of them spoke. “Ah it is....good to see you’re awake, princess Twilight and Luna would like to see you in the crystal map room.” The guard said somewhat stumbling over his words as the two humans nodded a d started following.

Within the map room

“And then Hardic just tore into that hydra like it was nothing, he was all like. AAAAAAWWWWWW!” Dash yelled in a imitation of Hardic war cry, Fluttershy flinched at that the others simple looked at her. “What? You can’t tell me what those two did wasn’t cool.”

“Cool? Dash they killed a Hydra....they killed a hydra by themselves.” Twilight said as she paste around the room remembering how it would normal take full guards units, or the six of them to normal drive one off. “Oh Celesta what are we going to do!? We can’t just let them go free they might burn down the country side! They might burn down the kingdom!” Twilight started having a panic attack as she tried to composed herself.

“They did save the town....set fire to block and burned a few yards worth of grass away but over all they did save us....” Rarity said as she padded her friend of the back.

“Never the lest they can’t say here if that is how they react in “self defense” I don’t want to find out if they get mad and start attacking.” Luna said, looking at the crystal map that had two unknown symbols on it. “And what are those marks, I’ve never seen the map make these before.” As the ponies talked among themselves, the doors open and the two humans walked into the room, as they did Fang right hand and Hardic chest started glowing reviling the mark of chaos undivided and khorne.

“That’s new....” Fang said looking at his hand then at Hardic chest, looking up both Fang and Hardic were confused when they saw their marks on the map over a mountain.
“So are you guys planing on send us to prison or....”

“No! No no no no!” Twilight got up and quickly went to the two humans. “We are not planning anything bad, you two are safe! Completely safe! Nothing is happening!”

The two humans looked at the clearly worried Princess, Fang could tell she was telling the truth and smiled wanting to have fun with her. “Oh I would hope not, you know twilight back on my home world we would often do something to show that we trust someone.”

“Oh yes! What is it I would be more then happen to show you that we are doing nothing wrong!”

Fang stepped up to twilight smiling behind his balaclava, he looked into twilight eyes. “Back on my world people making deals will often finalize them with a kiss.~”

Twilight face turned a deep red at that before Hardic smacked Fang upside the back of the head. The ponies head a soft smack as Fang dropped to a knee. “By the gods! Hardic what was that for!?”

Fang turned to look at Hardic as the ponies could see the back of Fang’s balaclava growing a red stain on it. “No making ponies red, we had job.”

“Ugh....can’t I have a little fun?” Fang rubbed the back of his head feeling the skin regrowing were Hardic pealed it off with his slap.

“Sorry just having fun, but yes I trust you I was just wondering what is with the map.” Fang looked at twilight who seemed to have wonder off to a corner.

“This is the crystal map, it shows were the element of harmony are needed but it is showing these unknown marks when you appeared.” Luna said as the two humans walked up.

“Why red lady mark here?” Hardic ask as Fang shrugged.

“I guess this map wants us to go here then and what?”

“I do not know the map never tells us what is wrong, only who need to go, tho I will be going with you.” Luna said looking at Fang. “You’ll need a guide and given what happened today, someone need to make sure you don’t destroy the country side.”

“So be it tho we still need to get our supplies your sister said something they will be waiting here?” Luna nodded handing him a scroll that allow fang to get whatever supplies he will need for this mission, Fang smiled as he saw basically a blank check with Celesta’s name on it.

“But it’s late now and most of the ponies have started repairing the damages and returning home, so best you do your shopping in the morning.”

“Ugh, I hate waiting. Fine, so what are we going to do till then?” Fang asked as he started looking over the map, his Cortex Implants kicking in and recording the information. Scanning, downloading, storing the information inside its micro cogitators, the Cortex Implant started copying the data and overlapping the map with Fang’s military training and tactical possibilities. Generating potential hideouts for cult cells, smuggling lines, and the best tactical locations that he will need to need to secure and hold if he had to go to war.

Fang shook his head and blinked a few times to clear his mind, he could hear the voices of the ponies talking to him but the Cortex Implants blocked out the unneeded sounds.
“Fang, Fang, are you okay? You been staring intensely at the map, you okay?” Twilight looked little worried at the human he seemed to have zoned out for a bit.

“I’m fine, well if we are going to be stuck here for the night I guess I can finally do some maintenance on my gear.”

“Oh yes, your stuff is inside the basement. You and Hardic will be staying in the guess wing, tho if you don’t mind I would like to come with you. Your equipment is so strange I would like to study it.”

Fang looked at twilight, thinking to himself “so far she‘s been acting like the tech priest..... heretek, always wanting to learn something new and poke what she doesn’t understand, but why? She may be a xeno but they should know what we are, humanity has touched every part of the galaxy. The warp uses mostly demons and humans, yet they don’t what we are. Well the xenos don’t, that lord of change does, I need to look into this before I do anything dumb.”

Fang stared into her eyes for a bit before smiling. “Sure twilight, I had a feeling you were going to ask. Tho I will be asking my own questions as well, wouldn’t be right if I told you everything and got nothing back.” Twilight nodded as Luna looked at Fang.
“And I will be joining you, I have my own questions.”

“Is this going to be a questioning session or interrogation session?”

“Questioning, you save my ponies. For that I am thankful, tho I shall not lie. You are a unknown threat, I can not fully trust you till I can understand you better.” The other ponies looked a bit shocked at the bluntness of luna’s words.

“Well then that makes two of us, now I’m about to raid you kitchen for some food and we can go down to the basement together.“