> The Real Pink Pony > by INACTIVE - Treble Clefe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Real Pink Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun. That was the only word that could be heard as a herd of screaming Pinkie Pies came hurtling through Ponyville. Everyone ran for their lives, screaming and shouting as well as nervously trying to get themselves and others to safety. Each and every one of them were yelling out fun over and over like a broken vinyl record, bouncing around the once peaceful town, destroying houses and objects as they please. Not to far away, were the Mane 6 upon a small hill by Sweet Apple Acres, watching as the madness unfold before their eyes. "But how?" a confused Twilight asked. "The mirror pool was blocked up by Tom the Boulder, nopony could even get in!" "Twilight, it's Pinkie Pie we're talking about. "She probably used her skill of breaking the fourth wall or something," Rainbow Dash said, as went to lay down upon the patch of grass she was on. "For all you know Rainbow," Rarity said as she looked at her hooves. " she could of asked our writers, possibly M.A Larson, to create a sequel to 'Too Many Pinkie Pies '. Seriously now, she really needs to stay away from the writers; she gives them too many ideas. " "That sounds like Pinkie Pie, but she Pinkie-Promised that she would stay away from them. And besides, how does breaking the fourth wall come into this? Actually, don't answer that. This still makes absolutely no se-" Twilight was cut off as an orange hoof covered her mouth. The alicorn gave a confused look at the made, before it turned to anger. "Do y'all hear that?" the pony asked. Nopony replied. It was silent. Not a sound, not a word could be heard. The Pinkie's were gone. "I think that they took the bait," the orange apple-horse,whose name is AppleJack said, removing hoof away from Twilight's mouth. She spat in disgust, making sure that she didn't have any of her fur in her mouth. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity snickered whilst AppleJack just sighed. "Jeez AppleJack, do you even wash?" Twilight asked, causing Rainbow to lose it and roll across the floor laughing. "Why do you still taste like apples? You need to wash your self." Rarity and Fluttershy couldn't contain their laughter and to burst out into uncontrollable laughter, whilst Twilight and AppleJack glared daggers at each other "Come on now girls," the earth pony said through gritted teeth. "I think it's time to leave." ------ Minutes later, the Mane 6 (minus Pinkie) are their way to where the Pinkie Pies went to. They were inside the town hall. Rarity walked up towards the door. She placed one of her ears flat against the wooden door, listening inside. The unicorn could hear the Pinkie's saying Fun. Fun. Fun. After she had heard enough, she moved back away. She then ignited her horn, allowing her magical blue aura to caress the handle as she opened the door. The many Pinkie Pies were oblivious to the five ponies entering the room and continued chatting in their discordant harmony. The mares trotted down the small isle. Once the ponies were on stage, Twilight cleared her throat. "May I have your attention please," she spoke in a clear loud voice. None of the Pinkie's even heard her speak as they kept in saying fun. Twilight growled slightly, narrowing her eyes. "May I have your attention please!" she repeated louded. This time, only a hooful of them looked at her. "Would the Real Pinkie Pie please sit down ," she said. They ignored her. Twilight began to get annoyed . "Would the Real Pinkie Pie please sit down!" She said louder. The Pinkie's finally acknowledged the mares existence and listened. They all sat down. AppleJack leaned over towards the angry alicorn and whispered into her ear: "I think we have a problem here. " Just then, a loud Pinkie went yelling 'STOP!' caused everyone in the room to look at her. She cleared her throat. "Yo! One of you Pinkie's give some music!" she said. One of the Pinkie's pulled out their Apple as they began to play some music. She stood up and dusted at herself. This Pinkie was wearing a large black hat with a grey ribbon that circles around the base, a blue puffy tracksuit top and black tracksuit bottoms. She had a pair of light grey Michael Hay-Dans (Micheal Jordan) on her hind legs and a large gold chain with a glistening red ruby hanging on the centre. She gave a small smile as she waited for her queue in the music, tapping a hoof to keep hee in a steady rhythm. She took a big breath and began to rap. The Pinkie Pie dropped the mic just like how the Mane 6 dropped their jaws. Were found the Real Pinkie Pie! "Pinkie! It's really you!" Rainbow yelled. "Bitch, who did ya think it was, Donald Trump? " she said in a playful tone. "I did," Rainbow Dash said, causing everypony to look at her as if she was stupid. Pinkie merely giggled at her friend's stupidity. She turned around to the hundreds of Pinkie's staring at her, still shocked by the performance she gave. She took in a deep breath before yelling: "YOU BETTER SCRAM BEFORE I GET THE PARTY CANNON AND BLAST IT IN YOUR FACES! HARD" The loudness of the pink pony's voice was loud enough to blow the Mane 6 back against the wall. However, the Pinkie's did not move. Pinkie saw that they didn't move. She growled. Then in a large pink mass, the Pinkie's dashed, only leaving The Real Pink Pony. "PINKAMENA DIANE PIE! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN SO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Twilight yelled, before falling off of the wall, landing flat on her face. "Oh, I will," said the mare, causing the rest of the girls to sigh in annoyance. Pinkie looked at what would of been the camera, giving us a wink, shattering the fourth wall. She then bounced away, leaving her friends with the challenge of trying to round up the runaway Pinkie Pies. Once Twilight managed to help prise her friends off of the wall, she walked out, her friends in tow, ash she followed the pink pony to the Everfree Forest. "Pinkie Pie, your in so much motherfucking trouble right now, and you don't even know," Twilight muttered.