> Darker Harmony Anon-A-Miss > by HeartfireFirebrand > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Sleepovers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was preening her shadowy wings, it has been a little under 9 months since the Sirens were defeated. Applejack asked “Sunset, what are you doing for Christmas?” Sunset frowned “Probably what I do every year.” Applejack asked “What is that?” Sunset sighed “Cry on my bed while eating ice-cream.” Applejack gasped “Sunset, that’s not right it’s Christmas.” Sunset frowned “Don’t worry about it, Applejack I did it last year.” Applejack shouted “Why didn’t you say anything?!” Sunset shook her head “I didn’t want to ruin your Christmas with my problems, anyway I need to go to my next class, you know extra subjects.” Applejack frowned and got out her phone. She texted Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to meet her in the Library. Applejack walked in, Rainbow Dash was spinning a ball around on her finger, Rarity was looking up inspiration for new dress designs, Fluttershy was humming quietly while Pinkie Pie was checking MyStable. Rainbow asked Applejack as she walked in “What did you call us all for anyway?” Applejack responded “It’s about Sunset?” Rarity asked “Is she alright?” Applejack frowned “She has never experienced Christmas properly, she spends it alone crying on her bed eating ice-cream.” Rarity gasped “That’s horrible, we have to help her.” Pinkie bounced up and down exictedly “We can hold Slumber Parties for her at our places.” Rainbow smiled “That sounds awesome.” Fluttershy smiled “I’m in.” Applejack smiled “Great and we can end with Christmas at my place.” Applejack and Pinkie smiled as they headed out to meet Sunset. Sunset was busy putting some stuff away in her locker. Applejack smiled as Pinkie Pie shook in excitement, Applejack explained the plan for the following days to Sunset. Hours later Sunset smiled as she arrived at Pinkie’s home with the rest of her friends, Sunset smiled her razor sharp teeth showing “Thank you, I never imagined I’d do this with anyone.” Sunset bumped her head on the door due to her larger height which was time that of the average adult, she turned into shadows and materialised in the room but had to duck ,she curled up on the bed in order to not take up so much room. Rainbow grinned “That was awesome.” Pinkie excitedly listed off fun activities “We can do all kinds of things, eat pizza, play games, dance sing, ooo my old Twister set that would be fun.” Rainbow began playing a game with Fluttershy after mentioning a Fuzzy Bunny with a monster truck. Sunset smiled as stared at Rarity who was painting Applejack’s nails “You enjoying yourself AJ.” Applejack blinked “Ah’m not sure to be honest.” Rarity turned to her “Trust me dear it will make you look fabulous, just don’t touch anything until they dry.” Sunset laughed her wings flapping wildly on the bed. Pinkie asked as she twisted her neck around 360 degrees “Sunset want to play Twister with me.” Sunset blinked “Um I’m not sure my body can keep up with you, I mean just the game is not designed for creatures my size.” Maud said in an uncaring tone “You’re sixteen pizzas are here Pinkie.” Pinkie wrapped her in a big hug “You’re the best sister ever.” Maud continued “Pinkie the grease is dripping on my shoes.” Sunset rolled her eyes and levitated the pizzas to everyone, Maud’s eyes widened by a millimetre but only Pinkie noticed. Then Applejack’s phone rang, Sunset put the phone on speaker, Applebloom asked disgruntled “How’s things going, Granny wanted me to check up on you.” Rainbow Dash who was holding Fluttershy who was still murmuring about the Fuzzy Bunny laughed “She’s getting her nails painted.” Sunset smiled “AJ’s doing just fine, don’t worry.” Applebloom groaned “Have a good night .. Piggly Wiggly.” Sunset raised an eyebrow “Piggly Wiggly… what’s that about.” Applejack sighed “Ah might as well tell you all, when Ah was little Ah followed around Granny Smith around when she did the chores on the farm, Ah loved it when she fed the pigs, and one day I played wit the pigs for hours and Granny called me Piggly Wiggly. It kinda of stuck as a nickname and Applebloom uses it whenever I’m getting too big for my britches.” Sunset smiled “I guess family can be like that.” Applejack nodded “You have to take both the good and the bad.” She looked around all of their friends were asleep “Uh maybe we ought to sleep too.” Sunset nodded “I agree.” A few hours later Sunset was still awake, she pulled out her magic journal and wrote Dear Twilight I just had my first Slumber Party, It was great I have never had one before it was amazing. I’m glad to have friends. From your good friend Sunset Shimmer Twilight smiled as she read Sunset’s message. The next morning the 6 girls entered the school only Sunset was alert. Applejack asked “How come you’re not tired Sunset.” Sunset frowned “I’m a demon Applejack, I don’t get tired. I sleep out of habit not requirement.” Sunset and Applejack blinked as someone called out “Piggly Wiggly.” Sunset scowled “Who…” Applebloom ran up “Sis Sis, look what was posted on MyStable!” Sunset and Applejack were horrified, Pinkie popped over and her face paled. Applejack sputtered “Who… what … how?” Applebloom said “It is this Anon-A-Miss person.” Sunset scowled “We will find who this is soon enough, I promise.” Pinkie nodded in agreement. Later in the day as Applejack walked through the hallways as people called out Piggly Wiggly and Oink Oink at her. Applejack sighed “I can handle teasing.” Rainbow Dash scowled “I’m going to kick this Anon-A-Miss’s butt when I find them.” Fluttershy frowned “It was very cruel to post this for all the school to see.” Sunset smiled “We’ll help in any way we can.” Applejack sighed “Thanks Sunset.” Sunset frowned as she began assembling a suspect list in her head. As Applejack walked away Applebloom followed her “So this Anon-A-Miss person has to be someone you know?” Applejack frowned “What do you mean?” Applebloom said “Well Sunset was the only person who had just heard the story.” Applejack scowled “Sunset’s my friend.” Applejack stormed off angrily but the thought would not leave her mind. Applejack was standing in the snow, she heard the sound of honking and saw Rarity in a car. Rarity called out “Get in AJ, we’re going to have a slumber party!” Applejack smiled “Thanks for the ride Rarity.” Rarity shook her head “Dear, don’t worry about I’m glad you’re coming.” Applejack sighed, Rarity asked concerned “Are you getting teased.” Applejack sighed “Yes, still Sunset has managed to get them to tone it down a bit.” Rarity smiled “Small victories I guess.” Applejack shook her head “Enough of that hooey, today’s a day for fun.” Rarity giggled “I couldn’t agree more.” They noticed that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were already here. Rarity smiled “Hello Girls.” Applejack noticed that Sweetie Belle was in the corner, she grimaced as Sweetie Belle was forcibly pushed out of the room by Rarity despite the younger girl’s complaints. The rest of the girls arrived and Pinkie Pie grinned holding a candle and wearing a dark cowl “Who’s ready for some ghost stories.” Sunset smiled as she rested a claws on Pinkie’s shoulder “If you don’t mind I have quite a few tales from Equestria that could scare the boots off of all of you if you wish and I could always ask Twilight for more.” Rainbow Dash grinned “So that old book of yours still works.” Sunset chuckled “Of course, also Twilight said hi.” Fluttershy said “That is quite amazing like you’re texting someone across dimensions.” Sunset smiled “The closest thing we have to that in Equestria is magic burping dragons and they are quite rare.” Rarity smiled “Well make sure to tell Twilight, we don’t want her to miss out but now it’s time to party.” Sunset was sitting there with a smile as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were using brushes as mics. Rarity and Applejack asked “Taking some pictures are you?” Sunset nodded “Yes,” she wanted to record the good memories. She blinked as she heard a loud crash. Fluttershy smiled “I think that makes six doors broken by Pinkie Pie while dancing.” Sunset laughed deeply “Actually that was number twelve.” Rarity gasped as she looked at the clothes, “These are all the clothes I own that I don’t think look good. I have kept them hidden for a reason. I donate everything in there every know then when it gets too full, I probably should do that again soon.” Pinkie smiled “This stuff is great and perfect for surprising selfies.” Rarity blinked form the flash of Pinkie’s phone. Sunset began taking photos of her friends in various costumes. After everyone fell asleep Sunset wrote to Twilight Dear Twilight The second slumber party has make me feel so much closed to my friends, I haven’t felt like this since the day Celestia took me under her wing. I feel loved and cared for, like I have a family again. Without all of you I have no idea where I’d be, I have to go to sleep or I’ll wake the others but I want all of you to know I love you all. From your good friend Sunset Shimmer Twilight was crying tears of joy as Sunset fell sleep that night but neither was ready for what the following days would bring. > Chapter 2: Fury of Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset entered the school with a smile, she was in a very good mood. She saw her friends, she blinked as she saw them scowling at her. Sunset asked “What’s wrong?” Applejack frowned “Have you lost your phone recently?” Sunset replied “No why?” Applejack scowled darkly “Explain this then?!” Sunset gasped as she saw the pictures she took the previous night. Applejack snarled “Explain how the photos on your phone got on that site.” Sunset took a step back “I don’t know, I’ve had my phone all this time.” Applejack pushed Sunset over “Applebloom was right, you were Anon-A-Miss all along and you were using us all this time.” Rainbow Dash shouted “You betrayed us!” Rarity looked away “I can’t believe after all we’ve been through, you would do this to us. I thought you were our friend.” Sunset cried “I didn’t do it, it wasn’t me I swear. I could never hurt any of you.” Pinkie screamed “But you did! You revealed our secrets and hurt us!” Sunset whimpered “I didn’t do any of this, I don’t who did but It wasn’t me.” Fluttershy roared as tears flowed down her eyes “Liar, you’re not the person we called friend, you betrayed all of us, you don’t deserve friends!” They all said “You’ve betrayed us all , do you want. Tell everyone our secrets we won’t care , we won’t listen and you will be forgotten like the monster you are.” Sunset cried as she lay sat there on the floor, during the next several days Sunset watched as Anon-A-Miss began spreading more rumours and lies, she watched as Rainbow Dash was insulted for being not well educated, she noticed as Fluttershy was be teased for her singing, as Rarity was insulted for the clothes they wore on that day. Not mention the Piggly Wiggly insults grew for Applejack. She also noticed that Applebloom was wearing large rubber gloves for a few days. Sunset walked down a hall sadly, she was alone. She blinked as she felt a blue hand tapped on her back, Sunset turned around to see Trixie. Trixie asked “This Anon-A-Miss business, it’s really terrible.” Sunset asked “Why don’t you think it’s me?” Trixie rolled her eyes “Trixie is not stupid and neither are you, someone who willing become what you are now for their friends would not betray them like this. Your friends are foolish to think that.” Sunset frowned “Why are you helping me?” Trixie sighed “Trixie has been accused of many things of being a liar, of being a braggart. The whole Great and Powerful thing is an act, people love confidence in a show it makes it more exciting and real for their audience. Trixie has hid behind it like a mask, I know what it’s like to be demonised while trying to find your place. My advice is never give up” she scowled “and don’t tell anyone about this conversation.” Sunset smiled “Thanks Trixie, your secret’s safe with me.” Trixie smiled “Glad to be of service.” She disappeared in a puff of smoke. In the Cafeteria Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were talking about Anon-A-Miss, Rainbow asked “Everything okay with you Shy?” Fluttershy shook her head “I have to run out of here to avoid getting teased by others, the animals don’t tease me.” Rainbow Dash scowled “Yeah and it looks like she is targeting others as well.” Rainbow as pointing to an arguing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Fluttershy gasped “Oh dear.” Rainbow Dash said “Looks like she has moved on to everyone else as well. I haven’t seen so many arguments since Twilight arrived, all because of Anon-A-Miss.” Fluttershy frowned “Are you sure this is Sunset’s doing, she was willing to become a monster to save us?” Rainbow Dash sighed “I wish that wasn’t the case but who else could have gotten our secrets.” Fluttershy nodded “We let her into our hearts and she tried to tear them out.” She then mumbled “Assuming it is her.” Rainbow Dash said “Yeah she was a friend, no she was more than that she was family.” Fluttershy sighed “Maybe family can make mistakes too.” Rainbow Dash frowned “Maybe but can we forgive them for something like this?” Meanwhile Sunset was writing to Twilight about everything that happened. Twilight was twitching as she read each word in the journal. She scowled internally (Sunset saved us all, how could they think this) A fire began to burn in her eyes (I have to fix this.) Spike walked in and saw Twilight scowling at the journal, Spike asked “Are you okay?” Twilight turned to him, her froze as he saw the fire in her eyes. There was a coldness in her voice “Clear my schedule for the day, I have to do something.” Spike nodded not wanted to upset the clearly angry Alicorn. Twilight inserted the book into the portal and then jumped through it ready to have a word with the human counterparts to her friends. Sunset meanwhile was crying as Twilight didn’t even respond, she felt like she had lost her last friend. Twilight marched towards the school, she pushed the doors so hard they flew off their hinges. Twilight shouted “Where are the Rainbooms?!” Flash Sentry said “They’re practising in the band room.” She turned to him and said “Thanks” before bolting through the halls. He shuddered to think what was going to happen to the Rainbooms from the fire in her eyes. Twilight arrived at the room, she kicked the door down. Applejack asked “Twilight, what was that for and why are you here?” Twilight shouted “What in Tartarus did you do to Sunset?!” Applejack scowled “She released all our secrets on the internet.” Twilight screamed “Are you kidding me, you believed she did that?! Do you just drop you’re friends as soon as you have an issue.” Applejack shouted back “The evidence was overwhelming!” Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash exchanged concerned glances. Twilight snarled “This is all your fault. Heck this is not the first time you’ve done this, abandoning each other at the drop of the hat, you are really terrible friends.” Rainbow Dash silently fumed, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were crying, and Rarity fainted. Applejack growled “What right do you have to say that?” Twilight shouted “I’m the Princess of Friendship that’s all the right I need.” The other four girls including Rarity who had woken gasped as Applejack punched Twilight in the back of the head. The fire in Twilight’s eyes came to the forefront as she turned around, even Applejack saw it. Twilight grabbed Applejack by the shirt and threw her out into the hallway causing her to slam into a metal locker. Trixie saw this and ran off as fast as she could. Twilight ran out, lifted Applejack up in the and punched her in the gut repeatedly. Rainbow and Pinkie rushed out to stop Twilight, Twilight elbowed Rainbow in the gut then grabbed Applejack by the back of her head and slammed her face into Pinkie’s face breaking both their noses. Rainbow swung a punch only for Twilight to grab her arm, Rarity gasped as she saw Twilight snap Rainbow’s arm causing the bone to stick out, Rainbow’s scream where where so loud that everyone began to run into the hallway. Fluttershy said “Rarity I know there is only one way to stop this now.” Fluttershy ran off as fast as she could. Applebloom watched on in horror, Scootaloo dragged her into a room. Sweetie Belle cried “This is bad.” Applebloom frowned “I’m telling someone about what we did?” Scootaloo shouted “No we’ll get in trouble.” Applebloom decked Scootaloo in the nose “My sister is getting beaten to death and it’s our fault, no it’s my fault for starting all of this. She walked off staring at her hands as they shifted into claws for a split second. Fluttershy darted through the hallways, meanwhile Twilight was smashing Applejack’s face against the metal locker as everyone was cheering “Fight Fight.” She then through her to the ground and stomped her back causing a loud snapping sound to be heard. The teachers as well as Principal Celestia and Luna were blocked from getting past by the cheering student. Fluttershy burst into room after room shouting “Sunset!” She bumped into Trixie, Trixie frowned “Do you know where Sunset is?” Fluttershy hook her head. Trixie frowned “She must be in the Library, it’s the only pace I haven’t checked yet. Trixie and Fluttershy pushed the door open. They shouted “Sunset are you in here?!” Sunset poked her head over the balcony, her eyes were red from tears “What do you want from me?” Fluttershy shouted “Twilight is attacking Applejack!” Sunset eyes widened, “you're the only one who can stop her! No-one else cares and the staff won’t be able to get through the crowd!” Sunset frowned “Thank you for brining this to my attention.” Sunset turned to smoke and flew through the hallway. Meanwhile Twilight was punching Applejack in the face, Applejack’s eyes were red and blood was pouring from her nose and dripping from her head. Twilight pulled her hand for one final punch only for a large claw hand to grab her fist. Sunset glared into Twilight’s eyes as she pressed a claw to her forehead and Twilight collapsed into her arms. Sunset lowered Twilight to the ground and turned to Applejack who had passed out, her eyes glowed as scanned Applejack's body, she growled “I barely made it, one more blow and she would be dead. I will have to heal her or else she won’t make it.” Applebloom felt sick to her stomach as she watched on. A circle of magic surrounded Sunset as she cast a simple healing spell with a lot of power behind it. Applejack’s wounds healed instantly, Applejack groaned “I feel like I was hit by a truck.” Sunset grimaced “What happened to you was a lot worse than that.” Applejack opened her eyes “Sunset, you saved me even after I turned my back on you! Why?!” Sunset smiled “You’re my friend and we all make mistakes sometimes, now help me help Rainbow Dash.” Applejack and Sunset walked over to Rainbow Dash who was gritting her teeth in pain, Sunset asked “Applejack you have anything I can put in her mouth, like a gag or something.” Applejack said as she handed her a wad of paper “Here, it’s some paper from class, why?” Sunset pried Rainbow’s mouth open and shoved the paper in her mouth, “I need to set her arm so she needs to be still.” Applejack held Rainbow while avoiding the offending arm. Rainbow cried as Sunset than pushed the bone back into place, Sunset then cast a small spell causing the bone and skin to heal. Rainbow looked up mournfully “Thanks Sunset, I’m so sorry for everything.” Sunset turned to Pinkie Pie and healed her broken nose with another small spell. Fluttershy and Trixie had just returned. Sunset scowled at all those around her “Why do you think I am Anon-A-Miss?! I stepped in and stopped this while you cheered it on, while one of your fellow students was beaten to an inch of her life! If protecting your friends makes you the bad guy then maybe I want to be the bad guy!” Sunset chucked Twilight over her shoulder and beckoned for her friends to follow her. Her friends solemnly entered the music room. > Chapter 3: The Truth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was sitting there watching Twilight’s chest go up and down, she frowned “You can speak you know.” Applejack looked down “Ah’m sorry Sunset.” Rainbow Dash said “What we did was not cool, we just thought it was you because of the photos, I’m sorry.” Rarity looked away ashamed “We should have trusted you more, I’m sorry as well.” Pinkie wailed as she gave Sunset a massive hug “I’m sooooooooo sorry!” Fluttershy squeaked “I’m sorry.” Sunset sighed “I have forgiven you girls, you hurt me a lot but everyone deserves a second chance, a wise mare showed me that.” Sunset then turned to them all with a scowl “What I won’t forgive is you for is if make this mistake a third time, you turned on each other because of the fact you didn’t trust one another and you did the same with me. This won’t happen again, is that clear!” The girls nodded nervously as Sunset turned around to stare at the unconscious Twilight. Twilight opened her eyes to see Sunset staring at her, Twilight groaned “What happened? Sunset frowned “What do you remember?” Twilight frowned “Well I was talking to Applejack and she tried to punch me and …” Twilight’s mind froze as she realised “Oh sweet Celestia I attacked her and hurt her really badly, I also hurt Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.” Sunset asked “Why did you do it?” Twilight cried “Because they turned on you, it made me so angry they betrayed both of us, they made me a promise to help you and they broke it. I was just so angry and I snapped.” Applejack frowned “You don’t seem the kind to snap like that, you were always so calm.” Twilight gasped as she saw of all 5 of her friend’s counterpart and tried to run. Sunset used her magic to hold her in place “Girls, Twilight is quite good at snapping under pressure, she told me about the Smarty Pants Incident where she used magic to create a friendship problem so she could fix it so she could get a report in on time. Imagine what would happen when you 5 who are here friends ‘betrayed’ one of her friends after they promised to take care of her, something simply snapped and she lost control.” Fluttershy squeaked “Oh” as the rest of Twilight and Sunset’s friend group stood there silently. Sunset turned to Twilight “Twilight you almost killed Applejack today,you have to be more careful with your strength.” Twilight gasped “No how I am not that strong, I may have hurt her but I couldn’t have…” Sunset frowned “Since my change the magic has grown in this world strength by a considerable amount and thus your Earth Pony magic ah begun displaying it’s passive effects, there is not enough for your active magic to manifest in your human body but your passive magic is working. They are only human Twilight, they are not as tough as ponies.” Twilight looked down “How can you accept them after they did this to you, they were you’re friends.” Sunset raised an eyebrow “First off, they still are my friends and second what about the wedding of your brother?” Twilight frowned “My friends didn’t know Cadence that well, you’re friends should have known you better.” Sunset sighed “The difference between my friends and yours is time.” Twilight blinked “What do you mean, time?” Sunset rolled her eyes “Let’s see your world’s Applejack is the co-owner of a huge Apple Farm, your Rainbow Dash is a Trainee Wonderbolt as well as the Chief Weather manager for an entire town, your Fluttershy is regarded as the go to pony for animal sickness and illness in Ponyville, your Rarity owns 2 boutiques where she sells dresses, one is in Manehatten a major city and Pinkie Pie is regarded as the best Party Pony in all of Equestria.” Twilight frowned “Your point is?” Sunset groaned “My point is quite simple, your friends are adults, they have jobs. My friends are still in school, imagine when you were still in Canterlot learning under Celestia, do think you could have ever achieved what you have now. My friends are still learning about the world and growing up. You and I in Equestria are easily in our twenties.” Twilight winced “I forgot about that.” Sunset said “Anyway, what I wanted from you was advice, not for you to go Rambo on my friends. You abandoned me as well Twilight and you should know better as the Princess of Friendship.” Twilight turned to the other girls “I’m sorry girls.” Applejack gave her a hug “It's mah fault too, Ah should have listened to you but Ah just yelled and screamed like a child. Your forgiven after all if Sunset can forgive us for not trusting her we can forgive you.” They all heard a voice “Ah have something to tell you.” Sunset turned to see Applebloom standing there “What is it?” Applebloom sighed “I’m Anon-A-Miss.” Sunset raised an eyebrow as everyone else gasped “What!” Before anyone else could say anything, Sunset frowned “I don’t believe it was just you. First off you would not have access to my phone when I was at Rarity’s so I assume Sweetie Belle was involved as well.” Sunset said as Applebloom winced “I was correct it seems and I guessing Scootaloo was involved as well.” I watched as the other two girls walked in, Sweetie Belle looked downtrodden while Scootaloo was glaring daggers at Applebloom. Sunset could feel the anger radiating off Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash as well as the disappointment from Rarity. Sunset asked “Why did you frame me?” Sweetie Belle cried “I’m sorry, it’s just we were jealous, our siblings were spending more time with you than with us. We just felt abandoned.” Applebloom said “It still doesn't make our actions right. We’re sorry.” Scootaloo nodded “Yeah, it wasn’t cool of us to do that to you.” Sunset smiled warmly as she gave wrapped her wings around them “I understand girls me and my mother had a falling out, it’s what brought me here. It was both our faults really, I was cruel and callous treating everyone I knew like I was better than them, my mother did nothing to stop me and sometimes encouraged my bad behaviour. It wasn’t until I did something incredibly bad she kicked me out and well, I jumped through the same portal Twilight did only to be alone and with my talent for magic useless I struggled immensely.” Everyone in the room asked “What happened next?” Sunset frowned “Everyone better take a seat for this.” The young girls sat next to their siblings who were too curious to yell at them, Sunset said “I was only about the age of you 3 girls when and the with what little research I could do I found the best way to make money.” The 6 older girls eyes began to widen as they guesses what she was about to say, Sunset nodded “I sold my body for sex, I had no idea what I was doing or anything.” She then turned to the young girls “Now you see why I forgive you and I hope your sisters do too. Still you will have to come clean about this, also I want you to provide all the user names of those who posted stuff to you.” The girls nodded as they bolted out of the room, Applejack scowled “Why did you let them go?” Sunset turned to her friends “Because we also need to punish those who sent the information to Anon-A-Miss. A list of usernames will allow us to find who did it.” A little while later Applebloom came in after everyone except Sunset had left, she said “I need to show you something.” Sunset asked “What is it?” Applebloom sighed as her form shifted into a demonic form. Sunset frowned “Tell me everything.” > Interlude: Dark Curses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom looked around snow covered the ground and the trees were also covered in snow. Applebloom walked up to the an orange tree with yellow leaves, the tree asked opening it’s mouth full of razor sharp teeth asked firmly “Are you truthful?” Applebloom gasped ran away from the tree only to run into another equally terrifying tree only this tree was yellow with light pink leaves, it whispered “Are you considerate?” A light blue tree with tricoloured leaves growled “Are you dependable?!” A white tree with dark purple leaves asked “Are you charitable?” A vibrant pink tree with equally vibrant pink leaves asked “Are you joyful?” A massive black twisted tree with black and yellow leaves asked in a demonic voice “Are you caring?” Applebloom bolted away from the trees into a field of snow with 6 snow covered graves. A voice boomed “Here lies the betrayed!” The snow leaves of the graves one by one, the first read “Here lies the truthful” a stetson rested on the top of the grave. Applebloom burst into tears “Sister!” Applebloom turned to the other graves her cries growing louder as she looked at each one. The second grave read “Here lies the considerate” a pink butterfly laid on the grave. The third read “Here lies the dependable” a soccer ball laid in front of the grave along with a pair of soccer cleats. The fourth read “Here lies the charitable” a beautiful white dress laid on the top of the grave. The fifth read “Here lies the joyful” three balloons, two blue and one yellow floated over the grave. The final grave read “Here lies the caring” A book with a mark of the sun laid on the grave. Applebloom stood up tears pouring from her face. The six trees now stood behind the graves, she gassed as six spirits that looked like her sister and her friends stepped out of the trees. They scowled “We are the guardians of the magic in this new world and you will be punished for your crimes.” Applebloom cried “I’m sorry.” The spirits shook their heads “Sunset told us the same thing, we showed her mercy because she had already been punished for her crimes and the school was intent on blaming her. She was already being punished, you however have not been punished by anyone so we will punish you.” The six spirits fire a massive beam of energy, Applebloom screamed as the energy washed over her. She woke in her bed coughing, she stumbled into the bathroom. She screamed as she saw her reflection, her orange eyes were slitted, crimson hair was darker and longer, her skin tone had become a dark orange, further more both hands had turned into a pair of claws and pair of shadowy feathered orange wings flared out of her back. Applejack called out “I’m coming in Applebloom.” Applebloom closed her eyes begging “Please don’t let her see me like this.” She heard the door open, she felt her sister’s arms around her “You’re okay Applebloom.” Applebloom opened her eyes to see her body had turned back to normal. She began crying in Applejack’s arms. After Applejack left she watched as her hands shifted into claws and back again. She knew she needed to hide it so she took pair of rubber gloves with her. At the lunch break she was looking at the Anon-A-Miss website. She met Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in their secret meeting spot in a hollowed out tree. Applebloom looked at her friends “Ah need to tell you girls something.” Scootaloo asked “What is it?” Applebloom turned away “I can’t do this Anon-A-Miss business any more. I need to stop and advise you two to stop as well.” Sweetie Belle cried “But we started this together…” Applebloom walked out hoping she made the right choice. The Present Applebloom sat there in her demonic form sitting in front of Sunset Shimmer. Sunset frowned “Okay whatever your punishment is for all this, I will have to teach you. It will require time and effort or else you may end up hurting those close to you. It took me a few months to figure it out even with my lifetime of magical knowledge, I teleported into the sun once and it damn hurt.” Applebloom gasped “That won’t happen to me, will it?” Sunset shook her head “No you won’t teleport that far. If you do get that level I promise that you will have enough control not to do that.” Applebloom smiled “Thanks Sunset.” Sunset smiled “You’re welcome, we’ll tell the school after I handle a few things.” Sunset clicked her claws teleporting away from Applebloom. She ended up in a snowy field, she snarled “Come out!” She watched as six spirits floated out that were currently impersonating her friends and herself. Sunset growled “Why in Tartarus name did you do that to Applebloom?” The spirits said “She needed to be punished.” Sunset’s voice boomed “I am going to show you mercy this once because of who you are but if you do this again I will destroy you all!” She teleported away from the group. The spirit that looked like Rarity asked the one who looked like Sunset “Clover, do you we are going about this the wrong way?” Clover said “The question is irrelevant.” The Rainbow Dash look-alike scowled “I agree with Platinum, this is going too far.” The other 3 nodded in agreement, Clover sighed “Fine we’ll leave in their hooves.” The Pinkie Pie look-alike smiled “Well I better get baking.” The Applejack's look-alike sighed “Puddinghead, we’re spirits we don’t need food.” Puddinghead grumbled “Spoilsport.” Clover sighed as she floated into her tree. The Fluttershy look-alike just laid there quivering in fear. > Chapter 4: Punishments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sat next to Sunset in Principal Celestia’s office. Celestia frowned “Is this true?” The three young girls nodded, Celestia looked down at her phone “We will have a formal assembly in a few days. I have someone to call.” Applebloom protested “But then Sunset is going to get…” Sunset smiled “I’ll be fine trust me. I have my friends by my side and that’s all that matters.” As the three younger girls were followed by the giant demoness, Celestia locked the door and dialled one of her close friends. A buglike voice spoked “Celestia, it’s been a while.” Celestia sighed “Chrysalis we’ve had an incident.” Chrysalis voiced her displeasure “It’s not that Sunset is it?” Celestia frowned “Sunset’s involved but she has been framed by three young girls who used the user-name Anon-A-Miss on MyStable to get her into trouble by spreading people’s secrets.” Chrysalis said “So you want me to find out all of the people who sent in the secrets, very well I’ll track them and attend on the day.” Celestia said “We have two days before the day when I need the information.” Chrysalis chuckled “You wound me Tia, I’ll have done by the time you wake up tomorrow morning, never doubt a changeling.” Celestia said “Farewell wish you luck.” Celestia hung up and grumbled “I hate that nickname.” 2 days had past and Sunset who was standing next to Canterlot’s Motley Crew as they waited behind the curtains of the school auditorium for Principal Celestia’s friend to arrive. Celestia smiled as a tall woman with skin a dark a the night, her eyes were green and slitted. Celestia smiled “Chrysalis I’m glad your here.” Chrysalis asked “So are we going to get this started?” Celestia grinned “Yes, I’d like you to meet Sunset Shimmer and the CMC.” Sunset approached her and reached out to shake her hand. Chrysalis’ jaw dropped as she stared at the demoness, she the turned to Celestia “Is this a joke?!” Sunset frowned “If you mean the fact I’m a giant demon then no it’s not a joke.” Celestia smiled evily “I told you that she wasn’t exactly normal, in fact I mentioned demon quite a few times.” Chrysalis glared at her “I thought you meant she was a rebel, a troublemaker not an actual god damn demon.” Celestia laughed “I praised her several times in those conversations. What else could it have meant?” Chrysalis scowled “Don’t mock me or else you’re going to be sleeping on the couch for the next month.” Celestia froze, Sunset frowned “Couch?” Chrysalis smiled “Yeah she is my girlfriend. Anyway we have gone on enough of a tangent. We need to get this done.” Celestia recovered “Right.” She then turned to the Crusaders who had remained silent “It’s time for us to start the assembly then.” The three girls shuddered. Sunset crouched down “I promise I won’t let them hurt you.” Celestia and Sunset then walked out in front of the all of the schools students. Sunset stood strong in face of the glares, Celestia said “We have found out who the identity of Anon-A-Miss is.” Several students shouted “It’s her!” Applebloom scowled as she stepped forward with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle behind her “It was not her it was us, we had hoped to frame Sunset so we could spend more time with our family.” Several students shouted “You three must be punished!” Celestia’s voice boomed “Enough!” Sunset and Applebloom groaned in pain, Sunset frowned “Principal I understand you want to get them to stop but remember some of us have sensitive hearing.” Luna walked forward “I’m sorry I’m late, I had to round up Snips and Snails.” Celestia said “Its alright.” She then turned to the crowd “The CMC will be punished accordingly, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will have 6 months detention and Applebloom who made the choice to start Anon-A-Miss will receive 1 full year of detention.” Applebloom stepped forward “I know you all hate me, Ah started this and Ah must take responsibility. Ah have received another punishment, Ah made mahself a monster on the inside so Ah became a monster on the outside.” She shifted into her demon form to the gasps of everyone in the room, someone shouted “Kill the monster!” Sunset stepped forward “Am I monster too then?!” The crowd went silent, Luna frowned “Anon-A-Miss is not the only one to be punished for Anon-A-Miss would have no power without those who provided the information.” Celestia glared at the crowd “We have discovered everyone involved thanks to efforts of one of my close friends.” Chrysalis stepped forward with a manic grin “I’m Chrysalis head of Changeling” the crowd gasped, she continued “the top Anti-Cyber Crime Organisation in the world. We have uncovered all who posted anything to Anon-A-Miss.” Celestia scowled “To all who sent in something relatively harmless you will have one week of detention, to any who sent in something potentially harmful one month of detention and to those who sent in something that would destroy someone’s life one year of detention! If any fail to show up for detention without a good reason you will be suspended for the same time as you have remaining!” 3 Months Later Applebloom was standing in front of Sunset a concrete paved area made for the pair of them at the back of the school after one too many fire related incidents.Sunset smiled as she generated a ball of fire. Applebloom generated another ball of flame, the pair took to the air and began exchanging balls of fire. 1 hour later both landed, Sunset smiled “You have done really well Applebloom, basic medical magic is next on the table.” Applebloom nodded “Thanks Sunset.” Sunset smiled “You’re welcome.” Sunset spent the rest of the day teaching Applebloom about the healing spell with the pair enjoying each other’s company.