> Tickled Purple > by Storm butt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tickled Red > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Macintosh was acting happy to a near suspicious degree. Caramel had picked up on this early in the day soon after he had woken up. It was during breakfast where after Mac had set his plate down that he buried his face into Caramel’s neck and began to kiss and nibble. When Caramel had tried to squirm he wrapped both hooves around Caramel from behind and said he loved him. That was the sort of behavior Mac only displayed when he was extremely happy. There were the obvious reasons, of course. For one they had nearly all of Sweet Apple Acres to themselves. Applejack was out of town, Apple Bloom was in school, and Granny Smith was out in town where she would sometimes spend hours on her own simply enjoying the life of the town. A house to themselves gave way to restrictions placed by the watchful eyes of others. Though Mac had never believed in hiding his love for Caramel, he did behave much more affectionate when the two of them were alone. It had quickly gone from abnormal to downright condemning when Big Macintosh had not only taken him for a walk out to the middle of the apple field, but had insisted on carrying Caramel on his back the entire way. Even as Caramel clung to his lover’s back and buried his muzzle into Big Macintosh’s mane he still felt something was off. “Are you gonna tell me why we’re out here yet?” Caramel asked. “I just wanted to do something with you,” Big Macintosh said with a chuckle. His voice was deep but there was a hint of a smirk on his face. “And why wouldn’t you let me walk?” Caramel pressed. “Not that I uh I’m complaining or anything. I lov— No, like, letting you carry me like this.” “You’ll see,” Big Macintosh said with a quick wink. It was so cheesy but at the same time it made Caramel’s heart skip a beat. “I figure you might wanna save your energy for what I have planned.” Big Macintosh smirked again as Caramel’s face grew hot. So many thoughts entered his mind, each one of them more exciting and dangerous than the last. He was suddenly very aware that his legs were spread, open, over Big Macintosh’s flank with one hoof hanging down each side. Big Macintosh chuckled and Caramel’s excitement grew even more frantic. After another minute Big Macintosh stopped. They were in the shade of multiple trees deep within the apple forest. Caramel could no longer see the road nor the barn. The grass was soft and cool. Big Macintosh let Caramel down and near instantly the smaller stallion rolled off into the grass. He started giggling as he rolled onto his side and squeezed his legs shut to hide his growing excitement. “Juuuussssst the thing,” Big Macintosh said. He took a few more paces toward the tree and then reached down to pick up a small bag. “Stuck this here last night. Figured I didn’t wanna ruin the surprise.” “What’s inside?” Caramel asked. Big Macintosh smirked and got down next to Caramel. He tipped the bag and let its contents all fall out. The first thing Caramel spotted was the rope. It was followed by a black blindfold and several brushes. A toothbrush, a hairbrush, a paintbrush, and so forth. Caramel’s heart picked up speed when he saw a few feathers gracefully falling down. “Hehehe,” Caramel said with glee and couldn’t help but cover his face so Big Macintosh wouldn’t tease just how happy he looked. “Yeah,” Big Macintosh said as he got down next to Caramel. “You just can’t wait, can you?” “Maaac,” Caramel whined as lips pressed to his cheek and the weight of Big Mac’s body came down on him to snuggle. “I can’t believe you got all that stuff,” Caramel whined playfully. “You don’t gotta be embarrassed, Sugarcube,” Big Macintosh whispered. “Well, at least not till I get ya tied up and spread out for some tickling.” Caramel started giggling relentlessly as his belly began to be rubbed. He lowered his forelegs from his face at last. He rolled over so Big Macintosh could kiss his lips. When they parted Big Mac had already grabbed the rope and had a strand of it in his mouth. Caramel took it in his hooves and sat up with a grin. “So,” Caramel asked. “How do you wanna be tied up?” ——————————————————————————————- “Oh gosh oh gosh!” Spike yelled. “Nonononono!” A sudden gust of wind had hit Spike’s left wing and for just a moment he lost balance in the air. His heart began to race as he corrected himself. For a moment he made the worst decision possible and looked directly downward. He still wasn’t used to the heights on his own. “You’re doing great, Spike!” A voice from below yelled. Spike looked down to see Shining Armor just twenty feet below him jogging down the road to keep pace. He had come to town specifically to see Spike’s newly formed wings, and now he was getting one of his first demonstrations. Spike looked to both his sides to see apple tree after apple tree. He was somewhere deep into the apple fields by now. He knew Applejack wouldn’t mind it if he were to spot her, along with the rest of her family. Just as Spike was beginning to consider landing, as his wings were slowly but surely becoming sore, he felt another gust of wind hit him from the right side of his body. He gasped. It was much stronger than the last. As he tried to correct himself he narrowly missed hitting the top of one of the trees. “Spike!” Shining yelled, his tone wrought with fright. Spike’s body flung toward the apple trees. He was about to cry out but was stopped as he managed to get control back of his wings and give himself a gust upward just before he crashed. He wobbly but carefully came down to the ground in a small clearing of the thick forest and fell to his knees soon after. He was gasping hard and shaking for a few moments after. Finally he crashed onto his side to let his head touch the cool grass and sighed wearily. “Close,” Spike said with a sigh of relief. He was glad Twilight hadn’t been here to see that, or she might be twice as strict as she already was with his new wings with rules about how high he should fly or what weather to avoid. Spike heard the sound of a pony. He felt faint, but still consistent. He sat up slowly and looked around but couldn’t see anypony. It didn’t sound like Shining Armor, so he assumed it must have been one of the Apple family. Spike got to his feet and rubbed his spinning head as he began to walk in the direction of the voice. If he explained to one of the family that he had flown off course they might be able to help him get back to Shining Armor. “Hello?” Spike asked. “Applebloom? Granny Smith?” Spike took a few more steps. The sound suddenly grew clearer. The sound of it made him hesitate, as it sounded strange. “Pffffft! Ahahaaaa! N-Noho! Please Sugar, Th-That spot’s not ok- EEEEHEEEE DOHOHOHN’T STOP!” “Big… Macintosh?” Spike asked. Spike walked forward with careful and slower movements than before. He got down on his knees once he spotted a collection of bushes blocking his path and crawled directly through them. The laughter was louder now. He finally caught a glimpse of Big Macintosh’s striking red coat and instantly felt his entire body freeze. “Eh-ehhheeheeee! Ah- Mmmmm, C-Caramel, th-that spot is AHAHAHA!” Big Macintosh was blindfolded. And laying on his back. Between him two trees just a few feet apart were wrapped in rope. Big Macintosh’s lower legs were spread wide and held apart by said rope. His eyes were covered in a black blindfold. His forelegs were pinned to his side with even more rope so he didn’t even have the benefit of even one of his limbs. “Oh my gosh,” Spike whispered. Next to him was a stallion that Spike recognized. Caramel. Big Macintosh’s boyfriend. He was smaller than Mac and a bit pudgy but in a way that flattered him. He had a gleeful look on his face and was giggling, though it was impossible to hear over Big Macintosh’s roaring laughter. In his mouth he was holding a long, thin paintbrush with the soft bristly end running gently over Big Mac’s exposed balls. With one hoof he was slowly pumping the large grey skinned cock. The other hoof was holding a hairbrush with white bristles and dragging it over Big Macintosh’s belly. The poor workhorse bit his lip and writhed trying to withstand the laughter the tickling brought him. He broke, eventually, and began to squeak in laughter in a tone Spike didn’t think he had ever heard from the large stallion. He writhed and laughed and didn’t even try to hide just how much it made him explode. “EHEHEEEE! I-I can’t tahahake it!” “Poor Mac,” Caramel said with a giggle. He had to speak up to be heard over Big Macintosh’s frantic laughing. “Guess I’m not scrubbing fast enough if you can still talk like that, huh?” “AHHHHHHHAHAHAAAA!” Big Macintosh yelled with laughter at the top of his lungs. It was loud enough to echo throughout the forest and scare off a few nearby birds. Spike was uncomfortably aware how long he had been staring. He had been twice as uncomfortable without the knowledge that between his legs his cock had become fully erect. His cheeks were warm with blush and his toes curled at the thought of being under the watch of that tan stallion alone. This was the last thing he had expected to see today. Well… the last thing, he supposed, unless Shining Armor and him could get some time alone. “Spike!” Shining Armor yelled. He had gotten to just right up before the bush Spike was hiding in. It startled the dragon so much that he didn’t only jump; he flat out rolled out of the bush and down the small hill from where he had been watching the two. He felt his world spin faster than ever before as his body tumbled and he was soon forced to lay on his back. “AHHH!” Spike yelled in pure terror as he came tumbling closer toward the two. “Ahhh!” Spike heard a scream in return that was far too high pitched to be Big Macintosh. He saw a flash of tan just barely jump out of the way before Spike felt his back crash into one of the trees Big Macintosh had been tied to. He dizzily tried to steady himself and sit up and the moment his vision focused he saw nothing other than Big Macintosh’s large erect cock. “Sugarcube?” Big Macintosh asked and began to squirm. “What’s goin’ on? I can’t see!” “Oh,” Shining Armor said. Spike just barely managed to look up at the hill where he fell to spot Shining Armor at the top. Even from a distance his snow white cheeks were hot pink with a blush. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh,” Caramel was saying again and again from just a few feet away. He was on his hind legs and paralyzed with fear with two hooves gripping either side of his head. “I uh…” Shining Armor said, still clearly dumbfounded by just what he had stumbled into. “I found you, Spike!” ——————————————————————————————————————— Big Macintosh finished filling the last glass of ice water when he noticed Caramel was staring down at his hooves again. He frowned and set the glass and pitcher down and walked over to his boyfriend at the other side of the kitchen. He wrapped his forelegs around Caramel’s neck and kissed his cheek. “It’ll be fine,” Big Macintosh said. “I can do the talking if you wanna stay out of this, Sugarcube.” “I wanna be there,” Caramel said. “I just… I feel so embarrassed. I-I don’t know how I let the freaking PRINCE of Equestria see me doing that stuff.” Big Macintosh fought a frown and kissed Caramel again. The tan stallion gave him a kiss back on his own cheek and then pulled away with a long winded sigh. “Let’s just do it, okay?” “Eeyup,” Big Macintosh said. Big Macintosh went first carrying the tray of water on his back with Caramel following close behind. He managed to set it down on the coffee table between where Spike and Shining Armor had taken seat in two chairs. Both of them looked just about as uneasy as Big Macintosh felt. “Howdy,” Big Macintosh said. “Got ya’ll some water. It’s a hot day out.” “It uh… it was… IS!” Spike said, looking up suddenly. “Is a ho— warm day.” Shining Armor gave Spike a quick confused look. Shortly after the dragon was blushing and looking away. He reached for his water and downed half of it without breathing, ice and all. Caramel slumped down on the couch and Big Macintosh sat down beside him. “Well,” Shining Armor said as he reached out to grab his own glass. “I guess we shouldn’t really beat it in the bush,” “I wasn—” Spike tried to snap. “Beating around the bush!” Shining Armor said to cut off Spike. A few moments of silence passed before Shining Armor shattered it with a simple sigh. He took in a deep breath and with it the room seemed to grow just a hint less tense. “We saw what happened. I don’t know how much Spike saw but I saw… enough,” Shining Armor said. “At least, to know what you were doing.” “I-I’m really sorry!” Caramel said quickly. Instantly he bit his lip and turned his head down. “I-I didn’t mean for anybody to see something like that.” “I kinda figured by your screaming,” Spike said. Shining Armor reached out and pinched lightly on Spike’s cheek. “Ow!” The dragon snapped. “Caramel an’ I like to mess around sometimes,” Big Macintosh said. “Sometimes outside. I like it a little more like that.” “Do you have to share that much?” Caramel mumbled before proading his hoof into Mac’s side. “I’m not saying I’m judging either of you,” Shining Armor said. “I just wanted to apologize for uh… coming in when we shouldn’t have. My wife’s the princess of love. I know a little bit about it’s important for couples to do different sort of stuff.” “Mmm,” Caramel made a noise. He looked as though he were in thought. “Thank ya’ll for that,” Big Macintosh said and quickly bowed his head. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I think me an’ Caramel were startled enough for one day. If you don’t mind I think we might ask ya’ll to go as soon as you finish your wat—” “I-I liked watching it!” Spike blurted out so fast he interrupted Big Mac. Instantly the workhorse felt his eyes widen and pressed to his side he felt Caramel tense up. “Spike!” Shining hissed. “I was supposed to ease them into it!” “You were taking too long,” Spike spat back. “They were about to kick us out!” “Um,” Caramel said. He gripped Mac’s hoof with his right one and raised his left one out toward the other two. “What do you mean… by that?” “Sugar…” Big Macintosh muttered under his breath. Caramel gave him a quick look that told the workhorse even Caramel wasn’t sure why he had said that. “Me and Shining uh…” Spike started. He looked over to Shining Armor who gave a quick nod. “We do stuff similar to it, too. I saw that it wasn’t just regular couple… t-time together.” “You do it too?” Caramel asked. “Like, t… tickling, stuff?” Spike nodded his head and Shining Armor gave a chuckle to accompany his new blush. “For a few months now,” Spike said with a nod. “We just fool around when Shining’s in town or I’m at Canterlot. Uh, sorry, that was kinda too much info.” “Ain’t you married?” Big Macintosh asked with his eyes direct on Shining. “Yeah I am,” Shining Armor said without a hint of nervousness in his tone. “Obviously Cadance knows I’m here and knows what I’m doing.” “And she just is fine with that?” Big Macintosh pressed. “Of course,” Shining Armor said without missing a beat. “It’s not like I’m not fine with her doing the exact same stuff. She’s the princess of love. She told me just when we started dating seriously that she never wanted my love for her to be the reason I had anything in me I couldn’t express with her! Long as it was legal, haha.” Shining was blushing harder now. Big Macintosh could sense an affection in his tone that instantly soothed his worries. He leaned back into the couch and let himself smile. “Well alright,” Big Macintosh said with a nod. “Are you two not really open to that kind of stuff?” Spike asked. “We are,” Big Macintosh replied. “So-Sort of,” Caramel said with a quick stutter. When eyes turned to him he simply looked down and leaned against Mac. “Caramel means we haven’t had much of an opportunity to test it. We’ve talked about it before, though,” Big Macintosh explained. “We don’t go out much, so it ain’t like another pair of stallions fell in our lap till today.” “I always said we could find a mare and stallion couple if you wanted,” Caramel mumbled. “Only I like mares outta the two of us, Sugarcube,” Big Macintosh said. “That wouldn’t be very fair to you.” “I said if it made you happy I was happy,” Caramel said with a squirm. The two bickering boyfriends were interrupted by Spike snorting and then exploding into a fit of giggles. Caramel seemed to melt into the couch with his blush causing him to melt. Shining Armor was smiling too, though he was trying to hide it more clearly. “You two sound like an old married couple,” Spike said after his small giggle fest died down. “Jeez, I never knew you were such a softie, Big Mac.” “I thought you wanted to get on their good side, Spike,” Shining Armor said with a teasing tone. Big Macintosh near instantly started chuckling. Just when it felt like it was about to die down he heard Caramel start too. His went on for longer and was a bit louder more like Spike’s. “So, what do you think about us?” Shining Armor asked. “Me and Spike talked about it a little. We thought maybe it’d help you feel a little less awkward if you… well, I guess if you just let yourself feel good for a little bit with the two of us?” “Er…” Big Macintosh said with a blink. He felt Caramel grab him by the hoof and squeeze it tightly. When he looked down at the stallion his eyes were wide and he was squirming. He was in love with the idea, Big Macintosh could already tell. “Um… You mean getting together to do… Tickling stuff?” Caramel asked. “Of course,” Shining Armor said. “If that wasn’t too weird for you two, that is.” “It’s not for me,” Caramel said. He surprised even Big Macintosh by being able to speak up so quickly. “I mean… I’m okay with trying it. I’ve never really done stuff with anypony but Mac, though.” Caramel then looked up quickly and turned to Mac. “O-Oh, sorry, I forgot to ask what you wanted.” “Sugar, if you’re happy I’m happy,” Big Macintosh said with a smirk. “Soooo,” Spike said. He was starting to grin and giggle now. “You’re up for it, right? I know we’re friends, Mac, so I was kinda weird about asking you, but after seeing that I uh… Y-Yeah, I just thought I’d ask.” The two stallions gave a quick nod to each other and then Big Macintosh looked back right into Shining Armor and Spike’s eyes. “I think we’re interested,” Big Macintosh said. > Tickled Pair > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you nervous?” Shining Armor asked. Spike squirmed on the couch for what felt like the hundreth time this evening alone. It was already late, and Big Macintosh and Caramel were both due to arrive any minute now. Twilight was out of the castle with her friends on a friendship mission, so for the past few days both Shining Armor and Spike had the place to themselves. “A little,” Spike answered. He saw no reason to lie, especially to Shining Armor. Shining Armor chuckled and scooted closer down the couch until he could wrap his foreleg around Spike’s shoulder. “I’m sure the guys will understand if you’re not ready for it, Spike,” Shining Armor said. “I wanna do it,” Spike said quickly as he looked up at Shining. “It’s just… Big Mac’s my friend. I don’t really know Caramel all that well, but I know Mac can get really protective over him. I don’t wanna make things weird.” Spike frowned and stared down into his lap. Both of his hands were folded and linked tightly together. “I kinda got the feeling,” Shining Armor said while he rubbed the frills on top of Spike’s head. “They’re as new to this as we are. This is supposed to be fun, right?” “Right,” Spike answered. “And if we don’t have fun then what’s the point?” Shining Armor asked with a smile. “I know we’ve been talking about messing around with others for awhile now. Don’t you think you’d be twice as freaked out if it was some ponies you’d never met before?” “Maybe,” Spike said, and then nodded his head. “You’re right. Sorry, Shining, I know it was my idea and all.” “Don’t apologize,” Shining Armor said before giving Spike a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Cause you might not feel so sorry once I let those two all over you tonight. I bet they have no idea how cute you are when you’re all bound up.” “Sh-Shining,” Spike said with a fierce blush hitting his face. “I just realized neither of them have probably ever played with a dragon’s feet before,” Shining teased with a coy grin. “If you’re not careful I just might let it slip that you go totally nuts when you get your toes licked.” “Mmmm,” Spike whined as Shining Armor only hugged him and began to gently nuzzle the top of his head. Spike couldn’t help himself and began laughing just as Shining Armor did. Before Shining Armor could figure out how to make Spike even more red in the face he was saved by a loud knocking sound. “Lucky they got here before I started playing with you myself,” Shining Armor teased by whispering to Spike before releasing him from the hug. Spike was left to melt into the couch and smile to himself while squirming helplessly. Already his fear was fading and replaced with excitement and thrill. Spike hopped off of the couch quickly and ran to the front door where Shining Armor was just greeting Big Macintosh. Spike noticed that Caramel was a few inches behind, seeming to hide behind his larger boyfriend. He and Spike caught eyes for a minute and Spike waved. After a moment’s hesitation Caramel waved back with a sheepish smile covering his face. “No, really, you’re just on time,” Shining Armor said with a laugh. “Come in, please.” Big Macintosh and Caramel both walked in. Though Big Macintosh was familiar with the size and beauty of the castle Caramel looked around with wide eyes in awe. Shining Armor and Big Macintosh had already broken off to begin having small talk, and Caramel had been left alone in his admiration of the castle. Spike approached him slowly. “Wow,” Caramel said under his breath. “It’s big, yeah?” Spike asked. Caramel tensed and looked down, seemingly not expecting Spike to show up beside him. “Ye-Yeah,” Caramel said quickly with a nod. “Sorry, I was spacing a bit.” Spike couldn’t help but smile as he saw his own feelings reflected in Caramel. The way his eyes quickly averted. His smile was nervous but still genuine. He looked up for Big Macintosh, but the other two stallions were already a good ten feet away laughing about something. “You want some tea or coffee or something?” Spike asked. “I think Shining and Mac might talk a bit.” Caramel looked again at his boyfriend and then back to Spike. “If you don’t mind,” Caramel said. “I like tea… Mac likes coffee, though.” Spike smiled and nodded his head. “On it,” Spike said. Spike made his way to the kitchen and began filling up a kettle with water. He used his own breath to light the flame on the stove. Just as he grabbed the coffee pot he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Caramel had followed him into the kitchen. His eyes were wide again. “It’s big in here, too,” Spike said with a chuckle. “Sorry,” Caramel said quickly. “I uh… I didn’t know where else to go.” “It’s fine,” Spike said. “Sit at the table.” “You sure you don’t want me to help?” Caramel asked. “I know how Mac likes his coffee.” Spike shrugged his shoulders and nodded for Caramel to come over to him. The stallion took the coffee pot and began to do his own work. Spike stayed near the kettle and watched as Caramel set things up in a quick and efficient manner. When he finished he had a small grin on his face. “So, uh,” Spike began. He knew his next question was going to be awkward no matter what, so he decided to just blurt it out. “Which one between you and Mac is normally the uh… one being tickled?” Caramel’s eyes briefly shot open, and it was clear that he was blushing. Soon he looked down and began to nervously giggle as he kicked his hoof against the crystal flooring. “I-I mean, I guess me,” Caramel said. “Really?” Spike asked. He was grinning now as he walked over to Caramel. In the background the kettle on the stove began to give off a sound with the growing steam inside. “So then yesterday when Mac was all tied up was different?” “Yeah,” Caramel nodded his head. “I mean, no. Sort of. Mac likes it, but usually I prefer to be the one. I think I just like how it feels. Being helpless and squirming… S-Sorry, that was sort of personal.” “What do you think you came here to do tonight?” Spike asked. With that the stallion and the dragon began laughing together. Caramel’s was more reserved at first, but after a few moments he warmed up. He looked Spike in the eye again with a grin of his own. “It’s just so weird to talk about it out loud, is all,” Caramel said with a bit of a sad expression. “Even around Mac I have trouble saying… it.” “It?” Spike asked. “Y’know,” Caramel said with a shrug. He then whispered. “Tickle.” “Oooh,” Spike said. He understood instantly. “Well, I get that. It’s kind of exciting to talk about it to somebody else though, right?” Caramel smiled at Spike, and then gave a bit of a nod. “I swear I won’t judge or anything!” Spike said with a hand over his heart. “If you wanna ask stuff go ahead! I’m an open book!” “Well, er,” Caramel hesitated and squirmed a bit in place. “Come onnnn,” Spike urged. “Mmm,” Caramel looked around the room for several seconds before finally letting out a long sigh. “What’s Shining Armor like when you two do it?” “Ohhhh,” Spike said with a joyous smile. “He’s ruthless.” “R-Really?” Caramel asked with curious eyes. His hesitation was fading now that his interest had been sparked. “Like how?” “Well, the other day,” Spike said. He felt his face grow warm already yet part of him enjoyed the lewdness the conversation was developing. It made his heart race. “He had me all tied up and he made it so this magic toothbrush kept running over my toes. He cuddled me and kept kissing my neck for what felt like forever. He kept making me say things like how I liked being tickled.” “Oh gosh,” Caramel said. He sat down on the floor and covered his face before giggling himself. “You like that kinda stuff?” Spike asked. His grin grew. Caramel was only able to nod his head. The steam from the kettle was growing louder. “If you waaaant,” Spike said as he swayed back and forth on the tips of his toes. “I could tell him that you’d like it.” “Do you think he’d do that?” Caramel asked. “Do you want that?” Spike pressed. The kettle was now steaming at full blast and screaming in a high pitched tone. Caramel simply gave one nod of his head, and the dragon smirked. “I’ll let him know,” Spike said, and turned to remove the kettle from the fire. ———-——————————————————————————————- Caramel felt like he had gone through every emotion his heart could take tonight. His nerves were buzzing, sometimes high and sometimes low. Upon recommendation of Big Macintosh they were all sipping on a bit of alcoholic cider the two of them had brought as a gift. It was loosening his nerves, and quickly. It was just enough to get him in the mood to squirm and giggle without worrying about what the others thought. “Are you sure Twilight lets you drink?” Shining Armor questioned Spike for what felt like the tenth time. “I’m sure!” Spike said in a defensive tone. “Just… usually one glass on holidays.” Big Macintosh started chuckling at that. The sound of him letting loose, even in front of a near stranger like Shining Armor, somehow made Caramel feel more calm. “So um,” Caramel spoke up once he found a quiet moment to do so. “How did you two, um… plan for tonight to go on?” Suddenly all eyes were on Caramel. He felt his heart quicken in pace but he forced himself to stay strong by his word. “I guess we have been beating around the bush for a little bit,” Shining Armor admitted with a little sigh and shrug. “I’ve kinda been wondering when somepony else would bring it up.” “Me too,” Spike said. “Eeyup,” Big Macintosh finished. The admittance of the elephant in the room on quite literally everypony’s mind seemed to fade with ease once they were able to move forward and laugh it off. Once they had all finished their glasses of cider both Shining Armor and Spike came over to the same couch and sat at the ends, which pushed Mac and Caramel together in the middle. The couch was massive on its own and there was plenty of room to maneuver if need be. Shining Armor was next to Caramel, while Spike and Mac sat to his left. “Caramel, right?” Shining Armor questioned. Caramel glanced up at the taller stallion. He nodded his head and gave a small smile. “So, uh, Spike said a few things to me earlier,” Shining Armor said. His eyes glanced away and Caramel swore he saw a hint of color rise in the white furred steed’s cheeks. Shining Armor, a prince, was actually getting a bit flustered talking about this. It was strange for Caramel to see, as he thought he would be the only one nervous tonight. It made him smile and feel a bit more at ease. Maybe it was the last push that gave him the courage to speak up. “Did you wanna tickle me?” Caramel asked. “Oh, um… y-yeah, I kinda do,” Shining Armor admitted with a giggle and a blush. “Wow, he said you were kind of timid.” “I’m feeling a bit more adventurous after my cider,” Caramel said. “Saaaaaaammmmeeeeee!” Spike called from the other side of the couch. “Alright, alright,” Shining Armor said while withholding a laugh. “Okay, so, our safe word is pineapple, alright? We can start off slow if you want. I know we’re not super familiar yet.” “Slow is good,” Caramel said with a nod. “Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed. Big Macintosh turned to nuzzle and give Caramel one last kiss on his cheek. Pretty soon Shining and him had scooted down the large couch more. Big Macintosh was still close, and he could hear him and Spike whispering and giggling about something. “I should warn you. As a unicorn my tickling might get a bit more intense than you’re used to. Say the safeword to me, alright?” Shining Armor said. He gently gave Caramel a push for him to lay on his back. Soon Caramel was staring up at Shining Armor with his hind legs spread and round belly exposed. Nerves nearly took over him but he realized very quickly that those nerves made his arousal thrive. He loved the thrill of this and it was beginning to overwhelm his senses. “Pineapple,” Caramel repeated without hesitation. Shining Armor smiled, and then his horn began to glow. With a small puff of smoke a bottle of lotion appeared out of thin air. Shining Armor flipped it over and began to pour it on Caramel’s belly. It was cool and made his body tingle as it pooled near his belly button. “Spike hates it when I use this oil on his feet. He’s so obsessed with having me lick them and I can’t when I oil them up.” Shining Armor said. He leaned down close to Caramel’s face and gave a near sinister grin. “But on pony bellies, especially big, round ones like yours… it makes tickling feel twice as tormenting.” Caramel quickly realized he was near sweating. His eyes widened and a rush of both fear and arousal kicked into his system. His cock was already beginning to show. Shining Armor merely smiled at the sight of it. Slowly Shining Armor began to rub the baby oil onto and around Caramel’s belly. He ran it smoothly until it soaked past his fur straight into his skin. His already tender, underworked belly was soft and ticklish. He had no clue what oiling it up and making it more vulnerable would do but the idea made his head nearly explode with excitement. Well… that, and the fact that he was so sensitive that Shining Armor’s rubbing was already making him want to giggle. “Aww, you’re already a ticklish guy, huh, Caramel?” Shining Armor asked. “I’ve only done this with Spike, y’know. I’m reaaaaally curious how ticklish another pony can be.” “Mmmm,” Caramel had to bite his lip as Shining Armor’s hooves went down to his belly and taint. He rubbed even the insides of Caramel’s helpless inner thighs. All while Caramel was sporting a half erection at even the beginning stages of this soon to be torment. He couldn’t stop smiling. “I think you’ve been teased enough now,” Shining Armor said with a giggle. Once again he used his magic to make a new device appear. A single toothbrush hovered just above Caramel’s round, vulnerable belly. Before he knew it his upper legs were bound to his sides by Shining Armor’s magic. There was no hope of escaping the ticklish hell now. The toothbrush touched down to the bottom of Caramel’s ribs and began to roughly scrub. “A-Ahahahaaaaa!” Caramel instantly burst out. His first instinct was to try and kick his hind legs but found that Shining Armor had seen that coming and had bound them wide open and exposed. Already the poor ticklish earth pony was losing his mind. “A-Ahahaha!” Caramel continued to laugh. He arched his back, given that it was about the only part of his body he could move thanks to Shining Armor’s bindings. In the midst of all the tickling a hoof placed itself up against his half-hard cock and began to stroke. The sensation of pleasure mixed with all the torment made Caramel’s voice rise in pitch, and he soon began to squeal. Then, Shining Armor stopped tickling. Caramel was left panting. Shining Armor’s head was low, his face right beside Caramel’s cock which he continued to stroke. For a moment Caramel questioned if this was really happening. The PRINCE of the Crystal empire was tickling him and touching his cock. It was funny to him how that hadn’t fully sunk in just how strange that was until they already began. “That was only ten seconds,” Shining Armor said in a teasing voice. “My my I think we have a cute little stallion in our grasp, don’t we. Caramel wanted to cover his face so badly. “You like it, right?” Shining Armor asked. “The humiliation? Feeling exposed and helpless. Being my own little tickle toy for just a bit?” Caramel nodded his head. It felt pointless to deny it. His cock was fully erect now, proving all of Shining Armor’s words to be true. “Good,” Shining Armor said. Then, his horn began to glow. A second toothbrush appeared beside the other that had been hovering dangerously close to Caramel’s ribs. Before Caramel even had time to react they both pressed down to either side of his round belly. Caramel didn’t last even half a second before he started squealing. “B-BAAHAHAHAAAAA!” Caramel squealed like a filly at the ticklish touches littering his belly. It was torture, and every reaction his body gave screamed in his mind how much he hated it. But at the same time, he adored it. He adored the torment and every thrash his body involuntarily gave in response. Shining Armor wasn’t like Mac. Nothing could have prepared Caramel for what it was like to be tickled by magic. Rope could only hold him back so much, and oftentimes Mac had to use his brute strength to keep him from kicking free. With Magic, however, there wasn’t a chance in tartarus that Caramel would free himself from the bindings. He was forced to endure the sensation of brushes scrubbing his sides. With each passing second he seemed to only grow more sensitive, and the brushes showed no signs of letting up. Shining Armor stared down at him with a satisfied smile and lustful eyes. “BBBAAAAHAHAAAA!” Caramel felt the tickling stop. That laugh hadn’t come from him. He lifted his head, and realized that it was Big Macintosh who had begun to roar. Both him and Shining Armor froze to stare. Spike was holding a massive feather in one hand and a makeup brush in the other. With the feather he drug the tip from the base of Big Macintosh’s cock all around his balls. He let it swirl and stroke. The makeup brush ran up and down the shaft with light, bristly touches. Big Macintosh’s body was restrained only by a bit of rope that he was already becoming untangled from given how violently he writhed. Still, Spike didn’t lighten up. In fact, the little dragon was shouting over Mac’s laughter. “You call this a LITTLE ticklish, Mac?” Spike asked. “Seriously?” “AAAAHAHAHAAA!” Big Macintosh burst out again, giving Spike all the answers he needed. Shining Armor chuckled, and for a moment stepped away to abandon Caramel. He went up to Spike and put a hoof on his shoulder. The dragon ceased his torment, and Caramel watched as Shining lowered his head and whispered something. “Oooooh, that’s a great idea, Shining,” Spike said, and looked back to give Caramel a sly grin. “Um… W-What’s a good idea?” Caramel asked. ————————————————————————————- Big Macintosh was only a little tipsy when he agreed to this idea. He only started to feel wary once Shining Armor had secured his new magical bindings in place, and the reality of just how trapped he was set in. Caramel and Big Macintosh had moved to a large bed truly fit for royalty. Currently it housed all four of them with plenty of room and tools strewn about the bed. Big Macintosh’s legs were spread and bound by a magical force. Caramel mirrored him, their legs touching. Both of their cocks were erect and standing up pressed to each other. The slightest squirm from either side caused them to rub together and send a shiver of pleasure through Big Macintosh’s body. “Things might get a little bit rough,” Shining Armor warned. “Just remember the safe word.” “A-Alright,” Caramel said. “Eeyup,” Big Mac replied. For the longest time, Big Macintosh thought he wasn’t ticklish. Even when he was a colt his parents couldn’t get a reaction out of him. When he realized Caramel enjoyed it so much, he had worried that his own body would be unable to fulfill his partner’s needs. His belly and ribs offered no reaction when touched or stroked. His hooves couldn’t even make him smile when touched. It turned out, he had been very, very wrong. The thing about Big Macintosh’s body was that the sensitivity was that he was not very ticklish in the traditional areas. His belly as well as his hooves were rough with the hard labor of the farm. However… non traditional areas thrived in ticklish responses. His cock and balls made him squeal while his taint made him beg. His butt of all things could make him reveal any embarrassing bit of information he had on himself with enough time. The best part was how much he adored feeling helpless. It was obvious by the way both Shining Armor and Spike hovered over the two of them that they fully intended to hold nothing back. The anticipation alone made Big Macintosh’s stay firmly stiff. “Alright,” Shining Armor said. “Get ready, boys.” The first thing Big Macintosh felt was the soft, bristled touch of the makeup brush return. His mouth instantly opened and a helpless heap of giggles began to pour. “Eeeheheheeee!” Big Macintosh giggled. His body instinctively tried to squirm. It was impossible, for even with his brute strength he was no match for Shining Armor’s magic. Caramel’s body jerked as it drifted over to his cock. It grinded on Mac’s own. The sensation forced a sound of weakness and lust out of Big Macintosh’s mouth. The swirling brush moved down to Big Macintosh’s balls and began to swish back and forth between the two of them. “G-Geheheheee!” Big Macintosh whined a strange and unusual laugh. He couldn’t stop whimpering with pleasure and began to squirm right back up against Caramel. He could hear Caramel’s own moan filled giggling on the other side. “A-Ahahaa!” Caramel squealed. “N-Not the balls! Eeeheheeee!” “Aw, I think Caramel’s just trying to tell us he wants more!” Shining’s voice from Caramel’s side of the couch said with a giggle. Moments later an unearthly squeal came from Caramel. Big Macintosh cocked his head down to see a torrent of dancing fingertips run across and around Caramel’s belly. Spike’s clawed fingertips were fast, making Caramel jump and squeak with surprise whenever a part of him was squeezed. “Awww, he’s super soft!” Spike said. “Awesome!” “EEEHEHEHEEEE!” Caramel squealed as Shining Armor simply grinned in delight at the sight of his work. “I can one up that,” Spike’s voice came in a teasing tone. He stepped over Big Macintosh’s bound body and got right down close to the two erect cocks the boys had bound together. He lifted something in his hand that looked like a large cylinder hairbrush with plastic spokes. Spike waved it back and forth in the air. “Shining?” Spike asked. “I’d like to play a bit with the… other side of our guests.” “Already?” Shining Armor asked with a giggle. “Mac told me a little secret after his last mug of cider,” Spike said with a giggle. “I hear somebody has a REAL ticklish butt.” “Oh gosh,” Caramel gasped. Big Macintosh swallowed a lump in his throat. The next thing he felt was a magical pull lift both him and Caramel up and flip him over. His legs were spread with only a few inches for his cock to hover and grind against the soft bed sheets. He couldn’t see Caramel any longer, only the wall in front of him. He felt a pull on his tail, and soon his bare bottom was exposed. “Hehe, sorry, I should have warned you two,” Shining Armor said in an apologetic tone. “It’s just faster if I do that. Don’t wanna let you two cuties have too long of a break.” “Benefits of unicorns,” Spike said in a near sing-song voice. Mac and Caramel’s cocks had been unbound by the magic, but now it was laying flat under Big Macintosh’s body pressed to the couch. He was awfully hard. Big Macintosh tried his best to look over his shoulder at Spike who was getting onto his knees near the space between Big Macintosh and Caramel’s tails. His face was only inches away from both of their bottoms. He lifted his hand and gave Caramel a light squeeze. Mac’s boyfriend responded with a squeak of surprise. His other hand, the one holding the brush, lifted to rub gently at Mac’s behind. “Which one to start with?” Spike asked. Spike waved the brush back and forth between the two of them. After a moment he settled, pointing the brush directly at Big Macintosh’s cutie mark. Spike grabbed Big Macintosh’s tail to brush it out of the way. He then settled the brush down on Big Macintosh’s soft, large, and sensitive bottom. He began to scrub without warning and a million ticklish sensations hit Big Macintosh with the force of a speeding Wonderbolt. His eyes widened, and he didn’t even have time to take in a breath before he started screaming with laughter. “A-AHAHAHAAAAAA!” Big Macintosh cried out as he thrashed on the bed the best he could trapped in Shining Armor’s magical restraints. “Aw, a ticklish butt!” Spike said with a joyful tone. “I’ve always wondered just where you’d squeal if I touched too long, Mac.” “N-NAHAHAHAAA! I-IAHAHAAAA!” Big Macintosh continued to squeal loudly. He was struggling to find any words. The brush was every tickle tool used on him by Caramel and worse. It dug at his soft bottom and drug its way across his skin with plastic not rough enough to hurt, but simply tickle. All he could do was laugh. The second it stopped Big Macintosh felt a massive tug on his legs. Caramel was squirming and squealing now. When Mac looked over his shoulder he caught the faintest look at Spike scrubbing around the brush trying to tickle Caramel’s taint and bottom. The poor smaller earth pony looked just as hysterical as Mac had felt just a moment ago. “N-NOHOHOOO! A-AHAHAAAAA! IT TICKLES IT TICKLES!” Caramel was lucky enough to have the slightest bit of give in his restraints. His bottom shook, causing it to jiggle with every brush Spike gave it. The dragon lifted his hand and placed the tips of his claws right back onto Big Macintosh’s butt, where he began to stroke up and down with light touches. “Mmhmhmhm… nopenopenope…” Big Macintosh whimpered, burying his face into the bed. Somehow the light touches were almost worse than the violent ones of the brush. “I don’t think our boys are getting enough stimulation,” Shining Armor said. Out of the corner of his eye, Big Macintosh saw Shining’s horn begin to glow. Something new popped into the room that he couldn’t quite see no matter how far he turned his head. Instead, he was forced to feel what the new item was. “Aaaaahhh!” Both Big Macintosh and Caramel cried out at once at the surprise of two magical paint brushes touched to either of their balls. They began to work slowly, going in circles around the large spheres. Soon they began to move in a predictable pattern, going on their own as Shining Armor moved around the bed. He leaned down his head close to where Spike continued to run the brush and gently allowed his teeth to graze against Big Macintosh’s cutie mark. “Mmm!” Big Macintosh whined in reply. “Mmm, I could play with you boys for hours,” Shining Armor said, somehow making his voice heard over the twos desperate giggling. He moved his muzzle to Caramel and gently bit there as well. “Eep!” Caramel squeaked. “Oh, totally,” Spike replied. “Would you boys like that?” Shining Armor asked. “Just a few hours of us four? You two being tickled nonstop?” “E-Eeeheheee!” Caramel whined. “O-Oh Celestia!” “If you don’t say it I can’t make it happen,” Shining Armor teased. “Don’t you wanna be tickled all night long?” Big Macintosh’s face was just about as red as his fur now. He shut his eyes, whining and squirming as Spike’s fingertips toyed with his butt. “T-Tickle me!” Mac cried out. “D-Don’t stop!” Caramel spat out quickly, perhaps gaining the courage from Mac. “Tickle me too!” Shining Armor chuckled, as did Spike. Now that the two had not only agreed, but pleaded for their torment to go on there was a sadistic look in both of the boy’s eyes. “Well,” Spike said as he pulled the hairbrush away only to reach behind him and pick up another. He placed both on either stallion’s rump bristles down, ready to start scrubbing at a moment’s notice. “Looks like you two are in for a long evening, huh?”