Good Old Times Come To Life

by UnicxrnPxnk

First published

Twilight gets tickle attacked

Shining Armour comes to visit his sister, and he surprises her with a tickle attack, which is what Twilight has always wanted.

Tickle Attack

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One afternoon, Twilight Sparkle was sat in her room, sorting out the photo album she had created for her brother, Shining Armour, who was coming to visit today. Twilight swished her tail adorably, as she observed every cute detail of the photos. She and her brother have a really close bond, in which she was very proud of. As was Shining Armour. Speaking of, Twilight suddenly heard a knock on the door. She squealed and dashed to go answer it.

She opened the door, and grinned ear to ear at the sight of her much loved brother. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight, again, doing the adorable tail swishing.

"Shining Armour, I have missed you so much!" she said with much enthusiasm, Shining Armour nuzzled his younger sister and responded.

"I have missed you too Twily. Shall we go to your room?"

"But of course! I have a surprise for you!" she giggled. Shining Armour smirked, as he too had a surprise in store for his adorable sister. He knew she was going to love it as it's what she use to love when they were just foals.

When they got to Twilight's room, Twilight beckoned for Shining Armour to sit down on the bed beside her. And so he did, peering at the book in front of his sister. He beamed at all the amazing memories that were addressed in the book.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Twilight whispered, admiring how adorable her and her brother were years back. Looking especially at one certain photograph, in which Shining Armour was attacking her tiny hoofs with a feather, capturing her beautiful squeal. Shining Armour noticed, and immediately spoke.

"I can see you eyeing that photo Twily." he winked, making Twilight giggle, as she knew what was coming next by the look on her brothers face.

"I know how much you loved it when we were foals, and so I brought that same feather with me today." he laughed, reaching into his saddle bag, presenting a large Pheonix Feather, which was indeed the exact same one he was using in the photo. Twilight giggled and her eyes started glowing.

"Now, hand your hooves over." Shining Armour evilly yet playfully said. Twilight did what she was told, stammering a bit as she remembered how ticklish her hooves are. Shining Armour caught grasp on Twilight's hooves, before she could refuse, even know, he knew that she was going to have a great time. Twilight twitched, and giggled before it even started. All the memories they've had together were flooding back, causing her to smile so widely, and she breathed, preparing herself for laughing her butt off.

Shining Armour then knelt down, and started to brush the feather across Twilight's bare flat soles. Twilight squealed and blushed, and beamed at her brother. She then shut her eyes tight, trying to contain herself from the ticklish sensation on her hooves.

Shining Armour continued, swishing the feather everywhere he could, not leaving one spot on his sisters hooves untouched by the feather. He then only tickled one of her hooves with the feather, and he bent down and licked the other. Twilight started to giggle loudly, she remembered how much she loved when Shining Armour would lick her hooves. And she discovered she still loves it to this day.

Shining Armour continued, then switched over so the feather was tickling the hoof that he was previously licking, and his tongue met the other. Twilight giggled and squealed, she couldn't believe how much she loved it, and she was refusing to beg for mercy. She never wanted this day to end.

"Your loving this, aren't ya Twily?" he said playfully, removing his tongue from her left hoof, and letting the feather handle both.

Twilight laughed and snorted, nodding her head to say yes. Shining Armour smirked.

He then decided to up his game, and so he used his magic to control the feather. Leaving it to do its thing. He then sat up and brought his hooves to Twilight's belly. Twilight screamed at the sight of this, her belly was too ticklish for words. This was going to set her off. And it did. Shining Armour scribbled his hooves all over, leaving Twilight trying to catch her breath.

"Oh my gosh! Hehehe... S-sh-I-haha-Shining! You a-are- haha! Relent-less!" she squealed, Shining sniggered, bringing his hooves down to Twilight's sides. Twilight giggled hysterically, as her sides were so sensitive, that they make her twitch if someone touches them.

"Coochie coochie coo!" Shining Armour said playfully, which made Twilight laugh harder. Shining Armour always cooed at her when they were foals.

"AAAHHAHAH! Shining!! Not the sides - NOT THE SIDES!" she screamed as she was mercilessly attacked. The feather on her hoofs then suddenly stopped the torture, and Shining brought it up to Twilight's face and ran it across her nuzzle. Twilight sneezed, then chuckled. Shining Armour carried on tickling Twilight's sensitive sides, whilst the feather caressed her neck, leaving the adorable purple unicorn rolling around in hysterics. Shining Armour's favorite sound in the world is the sound of his little sister when she laughs like this, it is music to his ears. And the sight of her warm smile lit up the room, and even the world.

"This is why I love tickling you Twily. I have no idea why I didn't do this earlier! And your loving it! You are, you gotta admit it!" Shining spoke, not giving his helpless sister any mercy, not that she was asking for it.

If this wasn't her brother, Twilight most likely would have refused to admit how much she loved being tickled, but she knew she could trust her brother more then anypony in the world. Even more then her best friends. If she was ever feeling down, she would always run to him first. Twilight was desperate to tell her brother how thankful she was for him, but it was challenging to do that, in between loud giggles and squeals. But she tried to, anyway,

"Sh-shi-haha-shi-ning! I-I- hehe... I-i'm so-haHA-so thahahankdful fohohor you!" she tried to say, unsure if he had properly understood. Shining Armour was sure he knew what Twilight had said and so he nuzzled her.

"I love you Twily, you're the best sister! You warm my heart!" he said with affection. He stopped tickling Twilight and let her sit up for a hug.

Twilight sat up, and wrapped her hooves around her brother, and nuzzled his chest. Shining armour just about died of cuteness, and he booped her on the nose causing her to giggle.

"We are so cheesy." he said, booping her again causing more cute giggles. Twilight then remembered how she always used to chew on her brothers ears when they were little, and so in response, she did exactly that, which made Shining beam and laugh. He then pushed Twilight away, and back to lying down. Twilight started laughing as Shining Armour bent down and placed his lips on her belly, then blowing a raspberry. This caused major vibrations, and ticklish sensations into Twilight and she laughed so hard, she nearly peed herself. Shining Armour continued to blow raspberries, whilst Twilight lay there and enjoyed every second of it. He then stopped, to capture the innocent look of his helpless sister.

"Don't stop!" she giggled, swishing her tail. Shining Armour smiled, and did as he was told, blowing more raspberries. Twilight hadn't laughed like this for ages, and boy it felt good. She let out large guffaws as Shining Armour blew harder, ending off with one massive one. Twilight laughed, then caught her breath.

"Twilight, thank you for not asking me to stop. I needed to see you laugh, I was feeling down today, as one of the royal guards refused my help to protect the kingdom today. It made me feel worthless. Hearing your laugh made me feel so much joy." he cheesily, but truthfully spoke. After hearing this, Twilight gasped and hugged her brother.

"You are NOT worthless! I needed this - and you gave it to me! This is why I love you, you always know what I want, and you never fail to deliver! This has been my favourite day in a while, do you think we could do this again?" she asked with hope.

"Of course, anything for my little sister." he said, nuzzling her.

As it got to the end of Shining Armour's visit, Twilight nuzzled her brother goodbye, and she waved to him as he set off in his carriage. When he was out of sight, Twilight smiled and went back upstairs, to have another look at the photo album. She admired all the pictures, looking at each of them for a good five minutes. She then remembered when a while back she sung about how much she missed her brother. She hummed that song to herself, ending the tune with singing "Big Brother Best Friend Forever" in perfect harmony. As he was her Big Brother Best Friend Forever.

And always will be.