> Too Sweet a Deal > by Purple-Book-Horse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Deal Gone Sweet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So here we are, Death as I would kindly put it is very much one could consider a… An asshole, a flippant uncaring spector that gets their jollies from watching the universe do funny shit. I didn't die of any accident, or some lightning bolt or freak car accident, I died on my bed ripe old age of 82 with the heart of a kid still.. Well was beating in the chest of a human being surrounded by all the people I loved. The bureaucracy of the multiverse seems to have this funny definition of what counts as dead though because for seven whole fucking days I was still in my body aware of the world like I had a camera placed on my head and I could view the world in some fish eye lens fashion. Seven days not being able to talk or move was something akin to driving someone up the wall, so it was understandable I was quite pissed for waiting on something that counted as a afterlife. You know my preferred afterlife I spent an entire lifetime believing in. My funeral was nice, sad and heart wrenching as I watched people I loved talk to me at my casket. I had been a grandpa to three kids and a dad to two lovely little girls who all went and did their own things in life. I was buried with one of my plushies I loved, when I was young I had taken a liking to the show My Little Pony the one Lauren Faust had rebooted way back in 2010 when I was still a teenager of sorts. It had been one of my guilty pleasures. Ironically I was a autistic kid, high functioning of course with a bad combo of ADHD and Aspergers so a lot of things that weren’t exactly normal gave me joy. I loved cartoons, anime, the whole shebang one would expect from a autistic kid during that time as the internet has no love for real people who have the condition but I digress. Thankfully I guess my perspective of the world didn’t sink down into the earth with my body, I just seemed to hang out at eye level of my original height. I just stood there… for days. My daughter Gwyndolyn brought flowers for me, but other than that I was left to my own devices. Unable to talk, move, or even feel like I had some sort of tangible motion to keep the uneasy unrest that curled its way through me. Death as I said was flipiant as fuck, they didn't even bother looking like any fantasy or mythological visage I had hoped they would there was barely even effort in the grand entrance of Death themselves. Just a small pop and bam there they were. All I could think was ‘this fucking guy is more lazy than Sans, he could use a bit more backbone if you know what I mean’ as I looked at a bony skeletal remains of something vaguely human in a bathrobe, which the creature that encompassed death itself just scoffed. “Like I haven’t heard enough skeleton puns.” I kid you not the thing just pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a purple flame from the tip of its bone fingers before reaching into his robe and pulling out a piece of parchment paper. ‘Those things kill you know.’ I said sarcastically in my head (spirit? Hell if I knew) which the glowing purple flames in its sockets stared daggers at me before clearing its throat(?). “Yadda yadda yadda, died at 82, agnostic, Xavier Goodwright right?” The bathrobed skeleton asked, which I just waited silently. Which the skeleton shuffled a few more papers in its hands smoke drifting into the air from its lit cigarette. “Okay taking that as a ‘Yes’ so you died, that sucks; being flesh and fuck all. Anywho so because I’m behind my workload I’m not going to give you the whole speech and take you to processing for reintegration that shit takes years for anything to happen.” He muttered to himself as he shuffled through his papers. “Ah right, you are one fucked up kid, I mean look at this record at your life versions. That's a shit ton of chaos right there, revolutionary, anarchist, says you murdered over seventeen billion Jiamilucaaacaans with a planet destroyer. It's only recently you managed to live a somewhat normal life here on this mudball.” He said almost squinting at the papers, then looking back at me. ‘Gee thanks Death, wanna explain to me why I’m still just floating here seven days after my death?” I thought slightly impatiently, though I did feel a sort of regret when they told me that. “You weren't that important so I had other things to take care of." They say waving their bony hand in impatience. "It says here that this current you are a xenophile like really intense xenophile. Most of your sexual habits indicated a love for beyond your own monkey species, part-time furry ha! that's a new one.” He said slapping the paper with his bony hands, If I had cheeks I might of flushed red. “Welp I guess that's too bad, in four hundred years from now aliens are going to make contact on this mudball of a planet, one of your trillions of soul mates are on the first integration ships. To bad the RA dont schedule you to meet, actually you’ve been put on the hold listing until further notice. Something about needing to be tuned properly, fucking Angels.” The specter of Death said pulling on his cigarette and letting smoke raise out of all the open spaces in its skull. ‘What does that even mean?’ I asked confused with their words. “Means you are on the waiting list till the heat death of this universe before you go on to new shit, I should take you to processing where they will put your tiny little soul into suspended animation till they need it for the birth of a new universe but that's not even on the schedule for another ╕╏┧┭╤╥ years or so.” They said looking at me, their papers dipping ever so lightly ‘Well fuck.’ I said, ‘What does that mean for me in a afterlife?’ “Nothing, there is no afterlife for you, agnostics tend to be ostrikated from many of the hells and heavens of the multiverse. Hells can’t actually have any control over your soul to torture you since you never believed in them enough, Heavens don't want you because you got no solid faith to draw energy from to fuel their God Machines. The House usually keeps file of who goes to what but never did figure out what to do with the damn faithless or those that have all faiths, it was only recently that the Reincarnation Administration was even added.” They said with a disgusted sigh and another pull on their cigarette. “Damn shame too, the backlash from entire planets who have beings that have no faith or believe anything beyond their universe’s rules end up in the Cabinet or with the Angels Corp in suspended animation. Thing is I get the shit thrown at me for not knowing where to put the damn souls cuz its a ‘net loss.’” They said making air quotations. “So here the thing, I’m gonna be nice and place you in a instance where your soul can sit because of some accident where someone is supposed to die because their soul’s scheduled appointment with me, well I can’t get to everyone even with all the help from my division. Long story short, your soul and their soul will be semi-fused together and will miraculously survive the accident. Got it?” The skeletal spectre of death said. ‘So what?! i’m just extra baggage in the cosmic beauracrasy?! Well fuck dude if I knew that I wouldn't of died so casually then!!’ I wanted to throw my hands up, what was this shit the multiverse can’t figure simple shit out like where to put a agnostic guy. “Hey I’m just the messenger pipsqueak, you can file a official complaint in main lobby of the House if you ever even get there. Good luck waiting there for the rest of eternity.” Death spits taking another drag of their smoke before flicking it off behind one of the graves. “Look do you want to skip the suspended animation or not? You would not be getting any brownie points from me that's for fucking sure, I’m backed up two fucking years and have been running a late schedule because the chucklefucks under my division don't know what the hells they are doing.” They said agitated, I felt my own anger burn at Death for simply not really caring for my eternal soul. ‘Alright, Alright! Fine! Do whatever!’ I said exasperated, I’m made to wait then I get a big freaking slap in the face that I don't even have the luxury of a afterlife or reincarnation. Death shuffled their papers and looked at them again. “Cool, a opening just popped up actually, instance ◍◄█╳╪╬╞╠ just happen to become available for you. I think you are going to do fine there ya perv.” They said giving me a scary grin, if that was even possible considering he was already a skeleton. ‘What do you mean perv!?’ I asked indignantly. “You’ll know when you get pulled, now.” They said pulling a golden clock that seemed to warp reality around it or at least the visual side of it. “I got to wrap this up even frozen time moves forward, and I got to see my next client. So have fun, try not to die anytime soon kay?” They said as I felt myself being pulled toward the sky. ‘Wait wait, what do you mean i'm going to be soul fused!?’ I cried out to them as I moved nearly seventy feet into the air by the time I finished that sentence. Death sighed deeply as they floated up to me. “It means what I said, So when living things have super traumatic experiences like say near me experiences or happen to get injured where they fall into a coma or some shit a bit of their soul starts leaking out of them. Usually it's not enough to warrant me coming to pick them up, but it does change them since a bit of them is missing. Sometimes the soul has a hard time being broken in half like that and they often just go nuts or try to fill the void with some kinda religion or spirituality.” Death said reaching over to me and somehow I am in their cool hand looking up at them. “I can sometimes soul fuse that empty part of themselves, filling that void with another soul to compensate for the lost half. Does some crazy shit from what I’ve seen, two minds in one body, forced astral projection the other half, hell even sometimes a complete overwrite of personality. It dont really bother me though, living is living and less work for me. Also i’m removing most of your memories so shit gets funny.” They said looking down at me with a lack of empathy. I tried to struggle in their palm, not so sure I wanted this anymore. “Right, since this bitch empty.” they said pulling me back into a pitcher’s wind up “YEET!!” They yelled as I screamed suddenly being sucked into a cosmic vortex that ripped itself apart into the soup of everything. “AHHHHHH!!!” I screamed jolting awake, the smell of ozone and some kinda oil filled my sensitive nostrils making me wince. In fact my whole body felt like I had been electrocuted making my numb hands twitch and lungs gasp for breath. “Sweetie Belle!!!” Two young voices called out in fear, making my ears hurt quite a bit since they were so high pitched. I felt something pull on me dragging me across some kinda metal grating under my side making me whimper since it pulled at my fur… Wait!? FUR!? My eyes snapped open, bad idea since the moment I did the searing pain of light entering my pupils. I screamed for another reason today, my voice abnormally high pitched as well giving me a slight headache. “Girls!? GIRLS!! SWEEETIE!!” Another voice yelled in my direction, what was with everyone yelling today? I’m fine, see! Oh wait, no that doesn't feel fine more like I think my nerves feel like molten lava coursed through them. “Kszzzzzzzz con pssshhhhhhhhh it btzaszzzzzzzzz powe ghssssssssssss a-ktzzzzzzzzzzzz full-full-full-full-full-full” Something very very robotic attempted speech but it was so wrapped it was nearly impossible to make out. “Trraaaaannnnnnnssssffffeeerrr com com com com compleeettte.” It said then it seemed to die, I just hacked up a horrible cough feeling my whole body twitch in pain. “Sweetie!! Sweetie please speak to me!” the voice said shaking me ever so lightly, I groaned in response wanting her to stop moving me and let me rest. I’ll interact with others tomorrow, can't they see i'm not in the mood? “Oh no, oh no, Sweetie please… TWILIGHT!!” She panicked calling off somewhere behind her because the sound didn't follow towards me. I opened my eyes again this time my eyes didn't instantly stab themselves but my left eye was burning something fierce which raced up my forehead into something like… Wait a horn!? My skull doesn't have a horn, I would of thought it would of been obvious since birth to know if one had a horn but here I was going slightly cross eyed looking up between the roundish white nose between my eyes. “Where… am… I?” I questioned intelligently, good for gaining one bearings first and foremost whoever I am… that's odd I don’t seem to recall my name, not the greatest start old chap but we will get you there in no time. Perhaps I was this Sweetie Belle everyone was screaming about, well jokes on them because Sweetie Belle isn't real, just some cartoon I enjoyed back. When was it again? I haven't the foggiest so lets say about seven seconds ago yes right when I woke up. My optical organs were currently receiving information but I dont think command was working so well together. I was staring at metal, lots of metal like something straight out of Cybertron kinda complex added together with the complex animation of Michael Bay’s Transformers series. My left eye was having a harder time focusing and thus my depth of such a wall left much to be wanted. So, what do I know… I know things about Michael Bay apparently and the well loved series of Transformers. I do know that whatever this wall was comprised of was not of current technology and I had no idea why there was so much cyberpunk aesthetic going on, oh hey! There is another thing I knew. A bright light was shining down on me illuminating the what I could only guess was the center of the room which I was quietly suffering in. Check what caused my eyes to stab themselves. The other things I knew was someone or something was holding me or more so pulling me away from the center, which I managed to swivel my right eye to focus on the aid granted to me. Marshmallow or something close to it was pulling me away from the light, a banana and a pumpkin was on the sidelines seeming to hop up and down in some crazy dance that could be spiritual by my guestimation. Cyber Cults of course, even in the future of cybertron you get the weirdos of society dancing crazy jigs especially of the food variety only one can do. “Oh sweet Celestia!! Rarity is she alright!?” Another voice said, ah finally the great leader of the grapes have come to make their peace with the clan of marshmallows. Apparently my sacrifice was something of a failure due to the squeaking the banana and pumpkin were chattering. I rolled my eyes but it was more because my head went very very fuzzy and I felt like throwing up, remember kids never eat before fruit and candy tribes sacrifice you to their cyber overlords the stains will be there for weeks. I felt myself being lifted into the air, my hands and feet dangling down uselessly. I looked at the Marshmallow with purple hair and very pretty blue eyes, before trying to smile but all I got was a few uncontrollable twitching through my face. “Hi…” I managed I sounded like I had to many glasses of wine, “Before… you… sacrifice… me … let… me… thank… cybertron.” I slurred the uncontrollable waterfall of drool that fell from my face, I must of left the faucet on, drat! I knew something was off. God did my left eye itch, oops there I went. Throw up stains are some of the hardest to get out of one’s metal flooring tiles. Seriously why is it always carrots that come up? I rarely ate carrots but I could taste it in my mouth. I don’t think the Marshmallow enjoyed the offering to Cybertron but who could blame them? Bodily fluids that weren't the blood variety rarely did, then before I knew it darkness the glorious bastard decided to wrap me into a blanket! I woke again but in considerably less discomfort than before, the lava in my veins had now turned into scolding liquid mercury which to my relief was like cool water comparatively. Of course the air had other ideas about what was considered hot, it sweltered at me even as I took a breath of musty dry air that if one could believe hard enough was akin to breathing sand. I coughed sounding like my lungs wanted to jump out of me, well so far so good I thought cheerfully I'm not dead and that's good news! Take that Cybertron cult!! The round organs in my head rose their skin flaps so I could consume the visual information I required, they fought back deciding to pick up the nearest truck in protest and place it on my eyelids but I won today but they vowed revenge for this mutiny. I am met with the sight of a tent, which my knowledge of such things seem to kick in as I recognized this as a medical tent one that tended to the wounded when there was no physical building to put them in. I was laying on my back propped up with pillows that were not very soft but did the job. Odd how the world seemed a quite bit larger than what I could remember which is to say, not a lot, but the feeling or instinctive decision I was within the wrong dimensions of the zed axis, perhaps even the x and y too. I lifted my arm wanting to make sure I had fingers, or at least move after the shock. I had no idea what shocked me but it had certainly made my thoughts loopy, but considering that I only had knowledge of existing not moments ago but vast knowledge of various topics not pertaining to my life swirled inside the confines of my mind like dancing mist. It must of blended everything I knew into a strange fever dream. I blinked slowly as I looked at my ‘hand’ well by hand I mean hoof. I distinctly remember having hands but the then again maybe this hoof was called a hand and the fever dream just thought a hand had other digits to its design. Welp no crying over spilled milk, I had hooves with no way to really consider how to use them. Questions like ‘How do I grasp things’ and ‘What if I wanted to flip someone off’ milled through the gears that were slowly building steam from the overload. I remember I was called Sweetie Belle during the sacrifice, sooo… I was apart of a cartoon universe and all the fanfiction that could possibly go through Fimfiction was a possibility? Intriguing yet disturbing, though panic wasn't something I was going to introduce into the equation due to its tiresome ability to well, make you tired. So I took this in a logical leap. One: I was Sweetie Belle and whatever had shocked me transfered all the knowledge of a human or simply its entirety of culture into my brain causing a identity crisis, possibly rewriting a good portion of my life. After all the neurons had to form somehow for this brain to know the things it did. Two: I was put into the fillies body via shock of some cybertron like room and the old Sweetie Belle was removed from the equation or perhaps switched with whatever had shocked me. Or three: To save my young mind it created a persona or personality of an adult and unnatural bearings to pop culture and believes that this world is a fictional universe so that it would remain intact due to overwhelming trama. I had no idea if any of these were true but they all had a legitimate claim to a truth of my situation, I set my hoof down then picked it backup to touch my face, the feeling was similar to touching the tips of your toes to a soft part of your body. The hoof itself was white like how I remembered Sweetie Belle in the show but there was a subtle difference between experiencing it in person and watching it over a television set or computer. The hoof was darker the closer it got to the pads at its base, my fur was a fine bristly sort of hair that covered every inch up to a certain part where my ankle was connected. The rest from there was white, the keratin hoof a off grey that was relatively clean for all things considering. Nothing was lodged or discolored in the curvature of my pad where the frog sat. The rest of my arm was covered in the short bristly like hair becoming longer as it ran to my shoulder into a soft fine fur. Seeing that no one was coming to check on me, I lifted the light covers that were frankly slick with my sweat to find the expected horse body of Sweetie Belle. Don’t misjudge me here but inside my head was a victory fanfare of being perhaps the best of the Crusaders Apple Bloom being second best and little pumpkin chicken the last, and no I had nothing but love for the tomboy filly so no bashing was ever ever going to occur here. I shifted ever so slightly as hard as it was due to the constant twitching that seem to run up and down my body, my brain was sending signals to said body but the shock had definitely overloaded all the nerves. I had no Cutie Mark, so that gave me a timeframe to when I was in the ‘canon’ timeline which could be anywhere between season one and or the beginning of season five. That was kinda useless in terms of context but thems the breaks, good to know that I wasn't pre Twilight Era as the lack of foreknown knowledge could be disastrous in a way. No I wasn't going to outplay Discord and make the butterfly flap its wings so hard that they turned into griffon wings and caused the rise of the american revolution on Equestrian soil, but that didn't mean I was going to be the good little filly that let things play out the way that they did. Time continuity can go buck itself. Even if the revolutionary idealism of ‘mercia did sound insanely fun to orchestrate I had no desire for bloodshed or the dumping of all that delicious tea. My thoughts were interrupted by a zebra pony, the black and white stripes complementing her long threaded dreads as Zecora’s signature rings and bangles were wrapped around her throat and hooves. All I could really say was I really liked her mane, and that just wasn't a self referential jibe either, the dreadlocks were beaded and threaded in such ways it could be considered art and she had a killer face that could make stallions swoon, her butt mark was that of a potion with a heart inside of it and she widen her eyes when our own met. “Zu! Rarity, Twilight! She is awake!!” Her accented voice called out from behind the flap she came from, which I could see in the heat haze of some kind of desert of sorts behind her. Huh I don’t remember Sweetie Belle being in a desert of any type, wait… is this the dig site of where Sweetie Belle was switched out with another in Straight to Belle!? Did that mean that other fannon places also exist as well!? Oh shiiiiiit, continuity has fucked itself already and here I am just getting started.... Please dont let there be a reality where black and red alicorns roam around I don't think I could take it. It's just so… edgy… I think I threw up a little in my mouth. She comes over to me with a gentle smile being careful to make her way to me as I blinked wearily. “Hello little one, I am Love Potion, you had a nasty accident in the ruins I have been treating you because your nervous system has been shot.” She said gently as she peeled the covers away from me noticing I was sweating more than Big Mac around Sugar Belle. “A-am I okay?” I asked, that was defiantly Sweetie Belle’s voice coming out of my mouth no doubt, remember I am a supposed whatever (young mainly) year old filly that does not have the mind of someone twice her age. Doesn't mean I’m not going to explore the joys of finding my own sexuality and what feels good, whatever happened to me even if I was some alter ego of sorts or just an accumulation of data in my brain I was going to enjoy this considering I felt masculine in thought so I took a guess that I was male when transferred, and now in the young body of a young girl no less? You must think me a mad pony, ready for the witch burning. Well I tell you good sir or ma’am that you can take a brick and shove it. “As far as I can tell little one, you are going to have a scar above your eye but since your fur is white it will not show so prominently. You might have trouble walking for a while or doing simple things till your nerves calm themselves, I have told your big sister to take a dose of soothing potion once everyday to get better.” Love Potion said as she began checking my pulse and a small check up of my reflexes, if spasming counted as reflexes I was in good shape. She moved down to my legs which now I could see my belly clearly, it was round and soft like the rest of me curving down where two very underdeveloped teats sat then curving down my navel towards what I could only guess was my own biological identity as of the female category, considering I had no penis or testicles to call my own. My legs gave a awful show of not really working the way intended once she lightly tapped reflexive areas that would make my muscles react, sometimes they didn’t work other times they would kick randomly. “Sweetie!!” A voice called from the tent flap and there she was; Rarity the literal gift horse and resident marshmallow of Ponyville, bearer of the element of Generosity and Savior of Equestria. Relief, anxiety, and anger all in that order flashed across my beautiful sister’s face before she set into a scowl that I vaguely knew as my sister’s ‘you are in super big trouble, young lady’ look which I recoiled as a spike of fear needled itself into my heart. I sank deeper into the bed as an attempt to strategically retreat against the very angry big sister as she came marching toward me. “Sweetie Dia Silver Belle-” oh shit the full name. I was completely grounded till the day I died, horror flickered across my face. “What in the good name of Celestia were you thinking!!? You could've gotten killed!! Or worse! Maimed so bad you… you…” Tears of relief fell down her cheeks as she hugged me tightly, she was warm and somewhat sweaty considering the heat we were currently in she wore a soft perfume that I couldn't quite place but she smelled really good with it. I was frozen in place going through a series of emotions myself, one it felt alien as I was the alien making contact with fictional cartoon characters so there was a small emotional rift. Second was a warmth that bloomed in my heart that my sister loved me so very much, and her voice conveyed a care I don't think I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing. The distant region of my mind was grinding to a halt as two halves of me argued about how to connect to others, one; the way I believed I was use too in the ‘me that knew I was human’ while another was the way this current body reacted and how its connections worked. I knew for some reason, I had been very cold and logical with a lot of things including my own emotions but here I was in this young filly feeling a swirl of emotions I couldn't separate myself from. It… was nice. Tears leaked from my eyes as she hugged me, feeling insecure but safe in her hooves. “S-sorry…” I croaked feeling shame for worrying her so much, even though I had no idea what I did. “You are in so much trouble young lady!” Rarity said backing away after a long moment of hugging me and kissing my forehead. “I can’t believe you three decided to trail us all the way to the desert!! I specifically told you I would be back tomorrow, that Twilight wanted me to accompany her on her academic trip to the San Palimo. I was going to get you something from Las Pegasus but that is right out the window now missy!” Rarity huffed wiping the tears from her eye but managing to look still menacing. Ah, it seems that continuity has changed the variables as this instance would be different from Straight To Belle, hopefully I would not have to go to physical therapy with a smoking hot doctor and feel all those feels. “You girls could of died in there!! We have absolutely no idea what was in that ruin and all three of you decided to play daredevil and test yourselves, now im told your nerves are shot!? Something strange has been done to your left eye and Twilight is dealing with the uproar you and your friends have caused!” She rounded on me, making me flinch. “When we get home it is straight to the hospital then you are grounded until further notice, Applejack is going to have a hayday when she hears about Apple Bloom no doubt worried sick about what her little sister had gotten into. Fluttershy is going to be even more upset with Scootaloo, bless that mare’s heart knowing how Fluttershy is she is probably hyperventilating about Scootaloo.” Rarity said glaring at me, which I turned my head down looking ashamed. Wait, Scootaloo is living with Fluttershy? There was speculation on if Scootaloo was a ward or a orphan of the town as her parents were never mentioned or even recognized, but the interview with Faust had said she did have parents but it wasn't until years later that was even confirmed. Seems like Fannon has affected the universe in such a way that in this reality she was a orphan, who happened to be adopted by the element of kindness. What was it people said? if you believe in it had enough it makes it real. Okay, clearly I had no idea about anything in this reality. Better tell her that in a way that wouldn't get me banished to the moon. “U-um Rarity…” I stuttered making her look over to me with a concerned look betraying her angry front. “I… Uh… I can’t remember what happened, I remember some things like names b-but a lot of things are just… blank.” Rarity looked over to Love Potion a glimmer of panic in her eyes as she looked to the only medical professional. Love Potion shook her lovely head before saying. “Electrical shocks can cause all sorts of nerve and memory formation problems, I have had one case in my tribe that he was caught in a thunderstorm and lightning had struck him. He survived but he had barely any memory of who he was or other ponies, the mind compensates with things like language and random knowledge that might be located in the brain.” Love Potion said wearily under the gaze of Rarity. “Your little pony was struck on the horn, which if you know has a direct line to the frontal lobe of a unicorn’s brain as well as all the mana formation nodes throughout her body, which could explain her eye as there are meridians located behind the eyes and lighting could theoretically supercharge a meridian permanently.” She said backing away from Rarity who’s panic was becoming more evident. “The combination of lightning and forcing open the eye meridian might of caused severe memory loss, that is the downside I know of as for any good side to this… well the eye meridian might cause her to see into things she was not able to before, or be more sensitive to the aether flow.” Love Potion offered smiling sheepishly. Rarity rounded on me this time, I could see the sweat droplets roll down her forehead, her curly mane a little disheveled. “Okay, Sweetie tell me what you do remember?” She asked sitting her bottom right next to the bed. I swallowed a dry lump in my mouth, right don't panic I am simply a construct of thought that has wiped your sister’s mind due to an accident no need to think that the elements of harmony or the good sisters are going to perform a lobotomy to figure out how I tick. “U-um, I remember you…. But not all of you, I um… I remember uh… I remember something about putting on makeup and a dress when I was really little.” I said strained as that was literally the only things that was viable for Sweetie Belle’s past that wasn't past the Call of the Cutie, the show had no in depth knowledge about their day to day lives of the ponies only showing the more wacky instances of their lives who knows how long the normal boring days pass before the next episode. “That was years ago Sweetie, I had just purchased my shop when mother and father came over to help move things in. Oh dear, is that all you remember? Do you remember your friends dear?” Rarity’s voice was a little stressed, I mean I would be too if my little sister couldn't really remember much of her life. I smiled despite myself, “Yea✧h!” dear god I squeaked like a rubber ducky at bath time. Is it possible to die from self imposed cute attacks? “Apple Bloom and Scootaloo!” Rarity smiled at this the panic lessening. “I’m here, what going o- Sweetie!” The unicorn of books, smarts and the shade of grapes came rushing over toward me. I was brought into another hug which was less smell good than my sister but it wasn't that bad, the bone crushing hug nearly made me blackout. I was able to see two other filles file in line behind her looking dejected as I felt when Rarity was scolding me “Thank goodness you are alright, how do you feel? Can you remember anything about what happened in the ruin? How did you even get here!? Do you have any idea how dangerous it was to run around a UNexplored ruin!?” Twilight berated looking at my eye and pushing my hair back to get a good look at my scar I apparently had. “I think she might have some form of amnesia, Miss Twilight with her talk with Miss Rarity I can only guess whatever shocked her might of damaged the brain.” Love Potion said gently “I am only a potion maker, so she needs to see a real healer to get a full estimate of the damage.” Did I ever tell you how large these ponies were? Because whatever Twilight has been eating made her seem like a giant compared to me, Rarity and Love Potion were also of the similar behemoth size. As the adults talked which I tuned out as they discussed what happen to my brain the two dejected looking fillies came shuffling in closer to talk to me. “Ahm glad yer alright Sweetie, tha adults t’wer sayin you had amnesia… Ahm sorry I gotchu hurt.” Apple Bloom said as she looked up at me on the bed, Scootaloo seemed in a similar muted state as she grumbled out. “Yeah… I-I’m sorry… I shouldn’t of pushed you to go in there, b-but we were really excited about getting our arch… archieolog- archosomthing cutie marks! C-Can you forgive me Sweetie?” She asked as I smiled at them both. “Of course Scootaloo, Apple Bloom! I think I do have amnesia because I can't remember how we got here, or pretty much anything except for a few things.” I rubbed the back of my head with a hoof, relief flooding their features. “So waht do you ‘member?” Apple Bloom asked putting her hooves on the bed so she could get a better look at me, Scootaloo did the same. “Your left eye is so cool now Sweetie!! It's all glowy and lighteningy!” Scootaloo bounced as she leaned toward me to look into my eye. I put a hoof to my left eye rubbing it gently because of how irritated it felt. “I don't really know Bloom, I just know some things and others are just… gone.” I said blinking at her which the filly’s adorable expression turned to a sort of pouting pondering sort of look. “Really? Waz it look like?” Scootaloo gestured to herself in excitement “It’s still green like your other eye but it's got all these little blue sparks in it! I bet if it were dark it would glow!!” wonder must of also crossed my features because Apple Bloom smiled too nodding, her cherry red hair shaking with her movements. “That's cool!! You think I got some kinda alien power while I was down there?” excitement flickered through my chest, having some crazy power from unknown ruin could be really handy… Hoovy? Da let us go with that. “Alright girls, let's leave Sweetie alone, you two need to get your behinds to the wagon with Rainbow.” Rarity tuted making my friends back away from the bed, “We are heading back within the hour, and I don't want to hear a peep of complaint with helping the fine ponies pack for resupply. Are we clear?” “Yes, Miss Rarity.” they said looking at their hooves and shuffling them, Rarity eyed them before stamping her hoof down which got the two to start moving toward the door. “Can you walk Sweetie?” Rarity asked, Twilight was still talking to Love Potion, like the purple smart she was taking notes. I shifted in my bed uncomfortably looking down at the smooth white body of Sweetie Belle. “I can try.” I said, with more effort than I considered this task was going to take and two muscle spasms later I was on my belly with a look of absolute concentration. Right, seeing how I was a bipedal being at one point there are muscles in my legs I don't know how to properly work as in imagine having a new pair of hands and trying to operate them. I pushed myself up is what I wanted to say but all I got was a small grunt a weird tingling and my left hind leg spasming. “I don't think I can do it…” I whimpered sadly, I really wanted to walk but my brain wasn't firing the right kinda signals and my nerves were protesting with picket signs refusing to work until a union of rest days were in the future. My sister seemed to not believe me at first, but quickly realized I wasn't lying about me not being able to lift myself up. “Okay darling, let's see, hmm.” Rarity hummed as she came forward looking me over and thinking. So ponies have a small bit in the back of their neck that's similar to a scruff, no really Rarity picked me up by the back of my neck which felt soothing in its it's own right just hanging there and gently with her own grace, dexterity placed me on her large back. After adjusting me with her icy blue aura of her magic I was laying on her back somewhat comfortably. The heat however made me sweat, and because of this Rarity made a funny face as she felt my own sweat on her back. “Twilight dear, as much as I would love to stay I simply must be off to get Sweetie to a doctor, no offense Love Potion you really saved our haybacon but um.” she stumbled with her words, the beautiful Zebra just smiled. “None taken, I am more of temporary relief sort of medicine pony, you should take her to her healer to cover what I have missed. You have the soothing potion formula I gave to you? If her healer says otherwise have her take it once a day to ease the tremors she might have.” Love Potion said then looking to me. “Get well little one.” “I-I will!” I promised the zebra. “Okay Rarity, its it's probably for the best you, the girls, and Rainbow head back. I'm going to stay here for the rest of the week to study the ruins, Professor Diggs is very much looking forward to discussing its origins. I will write you all a letter to let you know if I find out why that idol shocked Sweetie or anything else of note.” Twilight said trotting over to nuzzle Rarity and I, nuzzling was similar in how a kiss felt. Warm and filled to the brim with affectionate feelings. “Amnesia can be scary, but you’ll be okay Sweetie. It's best to take things slow and readjust to familiarity and things will start coming back to you.” Twilight murmured with another nuzzle of my cheek, I returned the rubs with my own if just for the pleasant feeling it gave. “Its… its it's not so bad, I just don't remember much of anything. Ha ha…” I laughed nervously. I really hoped I didn't kill Sweetie Belle as a personality. I don't think I could take the guilt. “Well… you get better okay?” Twilight said gently, giving Rarity a quick nuzzle she left with a quick goodbye. Love Potion following behind after her. “Right, well. Let's get going shall we? Its It's about a half day journey to Las Pegasus on wagon then it's a straight shot on train to Ponyville. We won't be dallying around Las Pegasus I'm afraid, you are grounded for the next year as far as I'm concerned and I think we’ve had enough excitement for one week hmm?” Rarity said to me turning her head so one of her big beautiful blue eyes were staring at mine, I nodded subdued at her soft scolding. Man, she could make me feel like the actual Sweetie Belle and feel shame for scaring her and her friends. The wagon was more of a wagon train really, ponies I've never seen worked in the earth like something out of a movie. Incoherent talk and yelling could be heard as background noise as probably a few hundred ponies, zebras and even Diamond Dogs worked on excavating a hidden complex, which the makings of stone pillars and even a statue could be seen being unearthed by the efforts of these fine ponies and diamond dogs. I saw Twilight speaking with a elderly gentlecolt who wore the stereotypical explorer’s hat and tan suit, a thick white mustache complementing his deep sand colored fur. I could only guess this was the aforementioned Professor Diggs leading the excavation. Rainbow Dash was probably the coolest to see in real life, her bright cyan colored body glinted in the sunlight along with her chromatic hair. She was flapping her wings over a couple of wagons that probably held empty boxes and findings to be sent off to analysts to date and cross reference the origins of the said relics. She was beautiful in a more rougher kinda way, her nose was a tad crooked from what I could see, probably having broken it in a crash or training accident at some point. She kept a watchful eye on the little fillies of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who were helping pack boxes into a cart, they looked downtrodden Scootaloo a little more so under the gaze of Rainbow Dash her idol. Rainbow waves to Rarity giving her a quick grin as I waved back lamely my hoof spasming in a really annoying way, which Rainbow simply shook her head in a disapproving way. We were on cleaning duty for a long time as I could tell. “Alright darling, I'm going to set you in one of the carts preferably one with a tarp over it to keep you from drying up. Are you thirsty dear?” She said walking to one of the less packed carts with a shade proving tarp covering most of it, she magicked me into a spot with enough room for three fillies if they were done being snug close to one another. I nodded, despite my bravado it was hard to talk with both my nerves being on strike and the dryness of my tongue. Rarity kindly brought a canteen over from one of the crates and pops the top for me. Not knowing how to really hold things I used both hooves and sort of hooked the canteen between them, Rarity helped me lift the canteen itself as my arms seemed to refuse to move at the times I needed them to. Sweet sweet water touched the miniature desert that was my mouth filling the oasis of life as it were, I greedily gulped down the cool water. “Not so fast darling, you’ll choke.” Rarity chided as the the warning became true, I choked having tried sucking down to much water at once. The canteen was pulled away from me, coughing hard which Rarity pulled a handkerchief from the nearby canteen supply and whipped my face. “See? What I’d tell you?” she tuted the way Rarity does, which I gave a sheepish smile. “Thanks sis…” I mumbled thankful for her love. “It's not a problem darling, you get some rest while I help finish packing with the others.” She gave me a soft kiss upon my forehead, making me blush with the mix of guilt and the warmth that spread from my heart. With that she trotted away toward the hovering Rainbow Dash. Now completely slated for thirst and under the cooler tarp than in the blazing sun, my thoughts lulled as I rested my head on my hooves and after a blink or two I was suddenly fast asleep. … “Who are you?” I was asked, I woke from the daze I was in seeing Sweetie Belle sitting across from me. We were on a train sitting in a compartment booth, a calm soft chugging of the engine far up ahead and the sight of trees flying by in the window. It felt safe here She was solid, a curious look on her adorable features, I looked at myself I was something akin to sparkling lights and data streams similar to the visual representation of the Matrix. “I don't know, I am me.” I answered which the filly before me frowned. “You don't have a name? That's sad.” Sweetie Belle commented, “Do you want a name?” she asked looking hopeful. I smiled back, yes a name would be good. “I’m sorry.” I lamented to her. “For what?” she questioned. “For being you.” I stated. “For not letting you be you.” “I was hurt, you helped me.” She said with a bright smile. “Besides, I love you.” “I love you too.” I replied putting all my heart into it. “You’ll help me won't you? Be whole?” she came to me and I bent down to hug her, warm and beautiful. “Yes, I will forever and always.” “Even when I’m scared?” “Especially when you are scared.” “Take care of me.” “Always.” … When I woke all I could see is something extremely cute, what that cute thing was happen to be Apple Bloom. She was asleep due to her deep breathing and open mouth, a soft snoring was just above me which a sleeping Scootaloo had her head just above mine. I felt myself blush hard as I realized why I felt so warm and soft, Apple Bloom had her hooves tangled in mine her belly against mine and our snouts close enough to kiss. Apple Bloom as I remember tended to hold the closest thing in her sleep, which was likely me in this case. Her warmth made me blush harder as I shifted ever so slightly my hind leg dangerously close to her delicate flower of maidenhood, I silently cursed and thanked the gods for this situation because this body made its heart flutter and breathing hitch. Apple Bloom smelled like turned earth, rich vegetation and a very soft other scent I could not place, it was sort of sweet smelling almost like a apple would smell but not really. They must of been tired from the day’s events and passed out like I did, the soft rumble of the wagon steady underneath us. Okay Sweetie, how to get out of this one without waking Bloom. Well I can't exactly move well and anything other than a slight movement might wake her. She did smell really good. I unconsciously tried to snuggle myself under her chin to get more of that yummy smell. I didn't know my nose would be able to pick up such small smells but they did. Apple Bloom mumbled something in her sleep as she pulled her hooves around me and nearly crushed me against her, our bellies now fully against one another. I shivered as I felt one of my nubs brush against the furnace that was Apple Bloom. I closed my eyes, silently enjoying this but also scared out of my mind if Apple Bloom woke up and didn't like where I was. I felt a twinge of hurt if that was the case, I didn't want Apple Bloom not to like me in any sort of way. Apple Bloom slowly opened her eyes, unfocused and sleepy when I reopened them. “G’mornin Sweetie…” she mumbled. “Oh my, I wish I had my camera!” Rarity’s voice titered from above which the less hot sun was near the evening sky casting orange light across the subtle blue. “Huh?” I replied intelligently as Apple Bloom blushed the same color as her mane, she dislocated herself from my own appendages the sound making Scootaloo snort awake. “I-Im up Fluttershy… I’m up.” she said rolling over and snoozing again. Apple Bloom sat on her haunches still blushing as she looked down at her hooves, Rarity was above us giving us a devilish smile, which I blushed smiling too in a very awkward way. “Come now everypony we are almost here at Las Pegasus and we can't all carry you to the train station, Scootaloo dear time to get up.” she said nudging her making her snort again like the horse she is slowly getting to her haunches. The poor girl looked like she was not awake at all. “Uh okay.” Apple Bloom said looking down at me with a awkward smirk and then back to the awkward blush. I internally squeed at Apple Bloom’s expression, there really is the better difference between just a cartoon and the real thing. “Come now Sweetie, upsy daisy.” Rarity picked me via her magic and softly placed me on her back once more. Las Pegasus was massive, not lengthwise but in height and scale where a normal would of sprawled half the countryside this one decided to go up, Greek cloud pillars held aloft buildings of both solid and reinforced cloud make a walkway sprawled between the islands of more adult themed gambling and entertainment establishments showed of spectacular theatres and neon signs that moved in their distinct mechanical way. Species of all types walked the skyways and roads at the bottom taking elevators or some kinda stairs to reach higher levels of commute, hell even a advanced monorail silently kerchunk off near the more greener hills where the large letters of ‘APPLE WOOD’ glowed white in the evening sun’s rays. Rarity giggled at my open mouth amazement “I was the same way, my first trip to Las Pegasus. Very fond memories, they have a amazing water park I'm quite fond of.” she reminisced giving me a side smile which I grinned back. “Perhaps when you mature some I’ll take you here, but I'm still very furious with you for endangering yourself and your friends.” she said aloud to the other fillies making their way out of the cart and landing on dusty ground. Rainbow Dash snickered from above doing a lazy loop in the air before landing next to them. “Alright squirts, we aren't stopping for anything just straight to the train. Scoots I'm going to be there to translate for Fluttershy because you know how she gets, but don't expect sympathy from me even if you are my number one fan.” Rainbow said crossing one of her hoof over the other. “What you did was foolish, even for me. You had nopony watching you three and Sweetie got hurt, and all her memories are jumbled. What's even worse is that you followed us without paying for a ticket, as stowaways then followed us on hoof in an unponified place!! Who knows what kinda creeps could of done to you.” Rainbow vented as we three all made our way toward the long tracks with a large station at the center. “Hey! W-we get it, and and! We’re sorry!” I exclaimed trying to defend my best friends prides, “We did bad… right girls?” I asked them which they nodded a bit of relief of somepony sticking up for them. “We did! Ahn ah promise we’d nevar do it again! Right Scootaloo?” She said to the orange pegasus filly. Scootaloo nodded her head quickly in agreement. “We promise!!” she chirped her voice squeaking in her tomcolt way, Rarity and Rainbow both raised a eyebrow. “Well at least you understand your position… Hmm alright we won’t pester you three on the foolish thing you did. Ah ah ah ah! This doesn't mean you get out of your grounding Sweetie, same goes for you Apple Bloom, Scootaloo. Twilight wrote very detailed letters to both Fluttershy and Applejack after we found you three. Applejack is livid and Fluttershy is a mess.” she sniffed, the station was similar to grand central station, but more old fashioned. “Aw dangit, ahm probably gonna get mucking duty fer tha rest of mah life!” Apple Bloom said in despair. “Momm- I mean Fluttershy is gonna take away my scooter!!” Scootaloo said in horror, I nearly died of cuteness at Scootaloo’s near slip up of calling Flutters mommy. Which on me was trying desperately not to squeak and smile or roll on the floor suffering a cute induced heart attack. I liked that Flutters had adopted Scootaloo, the little filly was tough only on the exterior and Fluttershy was the kindest and most caring anypony could ask for. I made a note to ask Rarity or Scootaloo how that twist in fate came about. You know, Rainbow's butt was quite beautiful on a pseudo sexual/aesthetic way. The thoughts bubbled from the fact that she was so animated when she talked or moved, even the feminine sway she had was on the side of hypnotic. Her chromatic tail swishing in just a way it could almost be considered teasing on a purely instinctive level, not conscious of the way it moved. I know understood why Dash tended to be the object of affection for cloppers, her defining sex was naturally parted ever so slightly a shade or two darker than the rest of her with obvious freckles that painted her posterior from all the time she spent in the sun. Freckles on fur were like tiny splotches of lighter fur color that had been saturated by the sun’s rays, Apple Bloom was covered in them but not as defined as Applejack’s freckles on her cheeks. Dash’s rear swayed as she talked to the ticket admission clerk behind one of those window shade metal girders, continuing with my observations which were making me blush unintentionally. Her ponut for a lack of a better term than anus, was small round and tightly puckered hiding just beneath the tailbone which held her signature chromatic tail. Her haunches were perky in the way that said ‘I work out’ and curved down to her navel where I could just see two small teats that were only marginally larger than Apple Bloom’s. Cutie Marks were fascinating as they were perfect colored fur patterns located right on their flanks, the color saturation suggested that it also was imprinted onto the skin underneath so even if you were to take a razor to their fur it would turn not into a fur pattern but a actual tattoo. I guess the fans calling them ass tattoos had some merit. Once tickets were bought we were ushered into a sitting booth at the station for the evening train back to Canterlot. Everypony must realize on some level that they were tired and their own beds called to them after the hectic day, as we sat there with little talk between each other. I of course had nothing to say, my own internal dialogue removing the need to make small talk. Somepony is probably going to realize that at some point, so I made a note to act more like Sweetie Belle to keep up appearances. The fact that Rarity would likely blow up knowing that her sister wasn't her sister internally I think it would be similar to a marshmallow in a microwave. I had no questions on what they would do to me, but I don't think it would be as extreme as one would think. My ‘death’ was most likely similar one kills a personality and replaces it with another, an exchanging of personas. The princesses would likely put me in a jar somewhere in their studies surviving off some magi-mechanical to keep me alive but harmless. ‘Look at the ‘hooman’ abstract thought construct, it is quite sarcastic but deeply thoughtful. No Sister I don't think we should send it to the moon, nor Tartarus because it is quite nice looking as a paper weight.’ I snorted at my own morbid thoughts, I didn't desire to die or be locked away but I loved Sweetie Belle and this whole damn world and if it were to bring the youthful innocence of her light back into this world than I would gladly chain myself and throw the key in the nearest void. Sweetie Belle of course didn't need to suffer the nerve damage, I was the cause of sorts and because if that I would wait until we got better before I spill the beans on what's going on with her and her ‘amnesia’. As Applejack once said ‘The truth might taste like a rotten apple, but its it's still got the seeds to grow into something better’... well she didn't say that but I bet if I told her that she would use it as a example one day. “You alright Sweetie? You have been awful quiet.” Rarity murmured to me while we stood at the station the other three having a quiet conversation. “Huh? Oh, I'm fine… I've just been thinking about what I know, it makes my head hurt trying to remember things I don't remember.” I lied, I hated that I even had to but I think if I were to start speaking my mind the nearest mental clinic and then a blast of the elements would be in my future. I did not want ancient magical artifacts touching Sweetie more than necessary thank you very much. “A Bit for your thoughts?” she asked genuinely interested in my thoughts. “I know this must be hard Sweetie, believe me I'm having a hard time believing you actually have amnesia, but Love Potion is a credible medic so I believe both of you. I want to help as much as I can to help you.” she said gently to me, her beautiful eye looking into mine. “I um… I remember my friends, I remember you and your friends. I know you saved Equestria!” I praised her, making a light dusting of a blush cross her cheeks. “Yes well, once darling, it's how I met Twilight and she is a very good friend, once you get past the ahem dorky and awkward nature.” Rarity laughed softly making me giggle. “But like I said… there are a lot of blanks… I don't remember what my favorite food is or… or… our time together.” I said shame filling my gut, it sucked that I didn't know, that I was a timeless spectator only seeing the small glimpses of their rich lives. “I remember places, but I don't remember where they are at least not their exact location… everything is all jumbled up.” Rarity brought me in front of her so she could hug me tightly, her warmth spreading to me as I blinked away some tears not realizing I had started crying. “You are safe and I will always be with you, Sweetie.” Rarity murmured rubbing my cheek with her own and kissing my forehead. I felt like my heart was in my throat, I was trash. I proved it with my own staring and thoughts of chaos. Taking advantage of a young girl’s life and limited knowledge of this world timeline for my own gain. I hugged her tighter as much as my body would let me, which had the strength of a feather duster picking something up. “I’m s-sorry…” I hiccuped the shame and guilt really hitting me in her forelegs. I was only human, well as close as one could be. “Shhh… you’ve done nothing wrong, dangerous but not wrong. We’ll get over this hmm? Together.” she hummed in a sing song voice, running a hoof through my mane as she hugged me letting me cry. The train whistle blew off in the distance, the Las Pegasus was one of the main stations for repair and direction change, the massive train yard outside showed that several other trains were being prepared for departure. One thing the show got wrong was how their train system was just as complex as a ‘modern’ one, at least as far as I could remember being. The station itself had on display of where trains were at their arrival and departure times and from what I could see was several tracks that merged further away from the station where our current one was chugging its it's way into the transfer station. Another thing that was different was their size, the train was massive the main steam engine similar to the one in the show but it was built the same way a real steam engine would be minus the pink and heart filled coloring. I didn't doubt one of the trains did look like the show’s one, it was probably a unique one that was stationed in Ponyville. Another loud whistle echoed behind the station as there was the hiss of hydraulics as the thirty some cart passenger train came to a slow stop. I wish I could see all of it but the platforms blocked most of the train yard. “Alright Everypony our train will be out soon so get ready.” Rarity called as all of us got to our hooves, well Rarity picked me up enough so I could stand. My legs trembled terribly and buckled I lasted about four seconds before dropping. Rarity caught me levitating me onto her back once again. I murmured a sheepish thank you which got a sly grin from her and a wink from her. The crusaders were bouncing up and down in excitement chattering to one another about how they get to ride the train and Scootaloo called a window seat, I grinned myself they must not get to ride the train often. I was excited too, I've never ridden a steam train and wondered how much it was magic and scientific engineering. About ten or so minutes a fresh train and probably crew came hissing out of the train yard. The engine passing right in front of us in all its power at a slow pace moving its carts into the station, which were a lot less than the other train. The clopping of hooves came from a skyway in the massive station of the second floor as the first drop offs of the train came from the other side of the station. “ALL ABOARD!!” the conductor called blowing a whistle, “LAS PEGASUS TO FILLY DELPHIA, ALL ABOARD!!” Another conductor called as we hurried inside in one of the carts, other ponies and species all hurrying into the open cart doors. Inside smelled like air freshener and a chemical smell of being cleaned and sanitized, the rug at the center looking like it had been vacuumed clean. We found our booth where Rainbow, Scootaloo and Rarity sat together while I sat across from Rarity next to Apple Bloom who pressed against me to look out the window, instead of the usual green it was a soft blue but similar in design to the one I knew. After what felt like another ten minutes, the conductor came to collect our tickets which the conductor shredded on the spot into a small bag on her chest. “Sweetie.” Apple Bloom whispered at me turning to me which I gave her a smile. “Yeah Bloom?” I asked just as quiet, the seats were large enough to lay down on your belly if you desired which I was laying down. To be honest I was ready to gnaw my leg off if it didn't stop twitching. “Um ‘bout earlier, ah probably made yah feel like ah invaded yer personal space. Ah tend tah grab things in mah sleep, ah thought ah was still dreaming when ah woke up.” She said rubbing her arm not looking at me, “So wah I wanna say is sorry if ah made you feeling all uncomfortable like.” I giggled making her look up me. “It's alright Apple Bloom, you were dreaming about me?” I teased her lightly, Apple Bloom blushed hard her cheeks turning the same color of her mane. “No!! Honest ah-" I snickered, leaning my head and pressing my cheek against her’s. “Just playing yah Bloom~” I smiled at her, her orange colored eyes searching my green ones which she smiled giving her own nervous giggle. “It was nice, like a warm hug.” I continued thinking aloud, making Apple Bloom smile faintly as she rubbed her cheek back. “I-It was nice wasn't it?” she commented back laying down next to me a lot more relaxed. “I don’t mind if yah hug me Bloom, hugs are great!” I encouraged her making her smile even wider. “Hugs are tha best, Scootaloo says she don't like hugs but ah think she does yah should see her with Fluttershy.” Apple Bloom snickered looking at Scootaloo who was getting a talk from Rainbow Dash who was talking to her quietly. Scootaloo’s pretty purple eyes glanced our way which made us giggle. “How’d that happen? I don’t remember Fluttershy being a parent to Scootaloo.” I asked genuinely curious. “Aw geez, yah really do have that amnesia don’t cha?” Apple Bloom said giving me raises eyebrows “It was ah big deal two weeks ago, Scoots got adopted bah her. She was livin at ah community house with Grape Punch and Sunlight Gimmer, Mayor Mare was keepin ah eye on her. Makin shur that she went tah school and the like with us.” “Its true Sweetie, Fluttershy went to Mayor Mare after you three spent the night there and helped her out. You should of seen her, I've never seen our shy and soft spoken Fluttershy so adamant about adopting Scootaloo.” Rarity said smiling at the thought eavesdropping into our conversation, the train whistled a few times before it started to move forward. Ah so we are two weeks after the Stare Master episode, that was pleasant to know it gave me come orientation to when I was. “What about me?” Scootaloo buted in looking over to us, a frown on her lips. “Yeah! I’ve known Fluttershy since I was a filly and it was scary how aggressive she wanted the squirt’s papers, I don’t think the Mayor has ever sweated so much.” Rainbow chuckled looking up as she remembered the situation. “F-Fluttershy is alright.” Scootaloo stammered quickly crossing her forelegs together over her chest, making a harumphing noise. “Ha! Flutters have a entirely different opinion squirt, she thinks the world of you.” Rainbow interjected making the filly blush. “Its all fact dear, I've had her spill the beans when she and I are on our relaxation spa trips.” Rarity said grinning at the filly “She wants to be the best mother to you she can possibly be and has asked for advice on how to handle the more difficult aspects of living with a filly. She loves you a whole awful lot dear” she said flipping her mane as she looked back out the window. I grinned as big as possible at Scootaloo, “I know Fluttershy!! She is really nice and probably the best pony ever!” Rarity looked indignant “Please darling, Fluttershy is a sweet pony and makes a great mother but I’m pretty sure I remember you calling me the best.” she teased, Rainbow added her two cents before Rarity could continue. “Yeah yeah, coming from the same pony who cries the moment her hoof gets a tad chipped. Didn't you order a fainting sofa too?” Dash chortled giving Rarity a light shove. Rarity raised her nose in a snobbish sort of way her eyes closed. “I am a refined lady who takes great pride in their appearance, unlike somepony who would rather wrestle Applejack in the mud and ruin her perfectly colored mane.” “Hey! Mud ‘rasslen is real fun!” Apple Bloom defending her big sister. “Riiight whatever you say Rares, you just get too stuffy sometimes with all your canterlot class. You should try it sometime! Gets the blood pumping~” Rainbow said rolling her eyes with her own mirthful grin. “So what’s living with Fluttershy like Scoots?” I asked eager to keep the feel good mood going. Scootaloo rubbed the back of her spiky mane blushing again. “Um, good I guess, her house is real big and I’ve got my stuff in the guest bedroom now. Fluttershy likes to hum a lot so, it's nice to know she is there ya’know?” Scootaloo said trying to downplay her happiness. “Living with a bunch of animals is a little weird though, Angel is a real big meanie to Fluttershy taking advantage of her cuz she’s so nice.” Scootaloo scowled at the memory of the bunny that was the bane of Fluttershy’s life but she refused to see that the bunny took advantage of her. “She makes really yummy carrot sandwiches and Daisy tea!! I thought tea was dumb at first but when I tried it, it wasn't so bad.” the filly smiled remembering the food Fluttershy had made for her. “She uh… you know… tucks me in at night and sings me to sleep.” Scootaloo trailed off as another blush formed. “N-Not that I need it! I just let her cuz she wants too!” All of us smiled at one another at Scootaloo's failed attempt to hide her affection for the yellow and pink mare. “I’m happy Fluttershy took you in!! Its almost as great as finding your cutie mark!” I cheered which Apple Bloom nodded happily along with me. Scootaloo gave a half annoyed scoff, “That requires us to know what it's like for us to get our cutie marks.” she said leaning her head back into the head rest, well below it due to her size. I giggle along with Apple Bloom. “I agree with Sweetie dear, Fluttershy is something special.” Rarity sighs looking wistful. “Even though I'm awesome, Fluttershy is something else isn't she.” Rainbow agreed as they thought about their friend. The train’s soft chugging filled the silence as I looked at all the ponies here, here I was with the actual living cast of my little pony. I felt a sense of peace overcome me, a desire I didn't realize I wanted fulfilled. I could barely remember what I was, all that I knew that I was human. That I was a fan of the show I now currently resided in and I knew I loved these individuals. When it came to myself only bits and pieces came to mind, for instance I felt I had been masculine but there was no real defining difference as I don't think I cared whether feminine influences touched or guided my actions. So what made me feel so… fulfilled? If or when I ever had been alive did I not feel satisfied with the world I came from? I guess that is a redundant question, the human earth was a cesspool of all that is good and evil the lines of morality so blurred that humanity was likely to kill itself off in the next hundred to two hundred years in a nuclear winter and we didn't have Vault Tech to save the figurative day. It was irony to think that if aliens or some super advanced race decided to catalogue our race’s modern history and culture into a single A.I who thought himself human and then they too disappear to leave the archived ‘human’ in one of the vaults they scattered across the galaxy to have the reassurance of continuity. Who knows maybe I was some kinda A.I. who had nothing to do but go through human culture in its databanks then convinced itself it was human so it wouldn't go insane. I brushed such dark thoughts away, if I questioned my own identity to much I might go crazy. Best leave thinking of that level to the philosophers, I was or currently occupying Sweetie Belle! Proud member of the Cuite Mark Crusaders and best friends to aforementioned members of the guild. I knew what our Cutie Mark was of course, I've seen it. Reminder charge Spoiled Milk with child abuse and domestic abuse, the mare probably only married Filthy Rich for his business with the Apple family. Too bad she was so blinded by her own nose that she didn't realize that the Apple family was literally old money seeing how they founded a cross station point for the transcontinental railroad and the town itself. Granny Smith was probably more loaded than any of the higher ups in Canterlot, the old mare was just probably frugal as all hell. Not to mention Big Macintosh and co. being related to the Pears as the eldest to inherit both sides of the business, and their relation to the Oranges who were literal high class citizens and probably owned their own orange tycoon down in the tropics. Blessed be the Apples for their humility and grace as to not forget their roots, I don't think I could stand (figurative, I dont think I could stand now) for a spoiled Apple Bloom after she grows up and realizes the mass of bits she is going to inherit along with her siblings. If none of them realize this than Granny Smith is probably doing them a favor to keeping them altruistic and frugal with the money they do ‘have’. Anyway I didn't want to ruin the surprise and the reformation of Diamond Tiara simply because I blabbed. “Sweetie yah alright? Yah been havin ah whole bunch of frowny faces and yah look like Snips when he tries math at school.” she gives me a half smile, I blinked. “Oh, I'm trying to think about what kinda food I like. Do I like hayfries?” I asked everpony there. “Hayfries are so gooood.” Rainbow Dash whines laying her head back against the seat, “Sucks sometimes that I’m on a muscle building diet, strict vegetables and light fruits for me.” she whines again making Rarity roll her eyes playfully. “Last I recall Sweetie you liked orchid and tulip sandwiches with lettuce and tomato on rose petal dough bread. We don't get it often because how expensive the ingredients can be, really twenty five bits per loaf of rose petal it's highway robbery if you ask me.” She huffed, Apple Bloom perked up. “Yah also like vanilla shakes and cherries, yah always ask Mrs. Cake if she has glazed doughnuts and she always makes you some when yah ask. Ah dunno bout hayfries though.” she said looking up to think about it. “Well I dont know about mother or father with your eating habits, but I do know we always eat at home. Fast food places are only good for if you are desperate for food and or have little time to sit down at a real restaurant. I will admit that a veggie burger deluxe is divine on the rare occasion but only when you are craving something greasy.” Rarity lectures. “Heavens know that Twilight needs to cut back on the greasy food, she is getting a tab ahem tubby around the waistline.” this caused Rainbow and I to belly laugh, Twilight would be the hayfry junkie like the fandom sometimes depicts her as. I'm going to laugh even harder if she starts knocking over glasses of chocolate milk. “What's your favorite food?” I asked my sister, which she blinked on confusion before her expression returned to normal as she remembered i didn't remember a lot of things. “I, uh, well I wouldn't call it my favorite but I simply love broccoli and onion soup. Mother would make it for me during the cold season, so it is a comfort food than anything else.” she said giving a small laugh and a light dusting of pink on her cheeks. I turned to the others. “I like banana smoothies with peanut butter, too bad I can't ever have any till my diet pays off.” Rainbow said glumly before perking up again, “I looooooove cider, it's the best thing ever!” she said almost drooling at the thought. “I like… *mumble*” Scootaloo said trailing off and mumbling the last words. I leaned toward her. “You what?” I asked looking at her deflated expression. “It's... not a lot of ponies like… what I like. Pegasus ponies tend to like it too but, it might be yucky to you.” She said not looking into my eyes. “And?” I asked now confused at Scootaloo’s reluctance, she looked back seeing my expression. “You don't remember do you?” she asked. “No, d-did I overreact to it before?” I questioned, she nodded and I frowned deeply. “Well, I’m really sorry Scoots. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.” I sincerely apologize on the behalf of Sweetie, I forget that they don't know friendship the way the adults did and even then miss Sparkle butt had to come in and save the day usually. “Its alright… I like fish… I like salmon a lot.” she said mutely but looked happy that I had apologized. Ah meat, that's why Sweetie probably overreacted seeing that most ponies were vegetarians seeing or hearing that her best friend ate another ‘living’ thing probably gave her the willys. Apple Bloom scrunched her nose as she said this but other than that she didn't overreact. “Its okay squirt.” Rainbow said rubbing her head “I like fish on occasion, maybe next time me and Flutters head out we can take you to Cloudsdale for sushi!” she said trying to cheer Scootaloo up, it did get a smirk from her. “I don't mind if you eat fish Scoots! Honest!” I said smiling at her which I lightly nudged Apple Bloom to say something. “Uh yeah, Ah didn't know pegasus ponies a-ate meat is suprisin is all.” she said giving Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash a weak smile. “Now dears, I don't know what they are teaching you in school but pegasus biology is a tad different from a unicorn or earth pony. Fish or lean meat can be apart of their diet for protein and minerals that they can't get from normal vegetables or grasses that we eat.” Rarity says lightly informing us of Rainbow and Scootaloo’s biological needs. “Not all pegasus ponies eat meat ya’know we take tablets and vitamins to get the stuff we need. But us pegasus ponies like to stay near the water so we can catch fish or crab to cook, why do you think Cloudsdale often floats along the Snake Way river? Its cuz our sushi places need fish to make into sushi.” Rainbow explained. “Ah thought it was cuz Cloudsdale needed water tah make tha clouds.” Apple Bloom said frowning at this new information. “Well, yeah mainly, but that's the other reason.” Rainbow said waving her hoof in dismissal. “Well guess yah learn somthin new everyday.” Apple Bloom said turning back to Scootaloo. “If yah eatin fish, ah don't mind Scootaloo if it's what yah need.” “So, what do you like Apple Bloom?” I asked trying to change the subject so Scootaloo could feel more comfortable. “Ah like Zap Apple jam, an ah like when Granny makes her special corn and potato stew with cinnamon apple bits in it.” She said making her belly growl at the thought, this call seems to call to the other bellies in the booth and make them growl too including my own. We all laugh as Rarity politely coughed. “I think when the food trolley comes by we shall get snacks, yes?” we all nodded and made small talk once more. When the food trolley did come, Rarity paid for Apple Bloom and I while Dash spent some coin on Scootaloo. I had something interesting it was a thick sweet breath that had nuts and berries in it, but for the life of me I couldn't tell what the berries were. They tasted something between a strawberry and watermelon. The food was divine as Rarity would put it, every mouthful was a explosion of flavor and I groaned in pleasure for the third time as I took a bite unable to hold anything in my hooves. Apple Bloom was enjoying a toasted scone with a raspberry jam, Scootaloo had gotten a blueberry danish and was currently making a small mess with her crumbs. Rarity was eating type of small pastry that had a hay based cream cheese filling, Rainbow was chewing on carrot looking glum. As I ate my bread I looked out the window, the countryside was breathtaking in the way it was slowly turning more and more green as we chugged along at a steady pace. Great swaths of dryland forests and small patches of towns with roads leading to and fro slid across the window like a photo slide. I didn't expect that the actual land of Equestria was as small as it was in the show, as cartoons tend to wrap space for the sake of plot, and often times the forgetfulness of animators, example being Rarity’s boutique which has gone through several designs and I never could truly place what was on the Apple’s farmstead because of how everything was placed for convenience of the plot. I was looking forward actually to seeing the real actual design of ponyville and not have a warping space time continuum to navigate. The soft swaying of the cart, the warmth in my belly from eating for the first time here in this world, being surrounded by ponies that love Sweetie Belle and at some level me. That feeling of contentment came back as I lowered my head to my hooves watching the darkening sky pass me by. I blinked once, then twice slowly and then sleep took me into its folds. … “Thank you, I felt bad that I hurt Scootaloo.” Sweetie said as she sat next to me, we were sitting in a train booth forests sliding past us gently in the window. “It was nothing, I'm happy that Scootaloo has a lot of ponies that love her.” I reply with a smile. “I'm glad she does too! Fluttershy loves her whole bunches!” she laughed cheerily, I laughed with her as both smiled at each other. “Are you sad?” she asks after a moment. “I'm trying not to be.” I return. “You can tell me.” “I can't help but feel like I've stolen this from you.” I say a tear running down my cheek. “I'm here with you, I see what you do and feel what you feel.” she said sitting up straighter than before. “I don't understand some things you think, but I don't mind if it makes my friends and sister happy. I'm happy.” I felt her sit next to me and hug me as tears fell down my cheeks. “I’m sorry.” I said. “I don't want you to be sorry, I want you to be happy. I want us to be happy together.” she looked up at me and took a hoof to my tears, whipping them away. “I love you after all.” > Not so bad medical problems and meeting the Pink one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sweetie~ Sweetie Belle~” A soft warm voice said to me while the vestiges of sleep hovered over me. “hmmm?” I mumbled not knowing what or who was calling for me, but it was gentle enough I didn't feel the need to open my eyes the call of sleep still had its claws in me. There was a soft kiss upon my forehead which I sighed in contentment. “Come now Sweetie, we are home.” Rarity said in my ear I slowly opened my eyes seeing my sister’s beautiful blue ones. I yawned usually when I wake up I'm fully awake but I felt drowsy and the call of sleep still beckoned me for its embrace. It was dark out, only the last fleeting rays of Celestia’s sun scattered its light into a deep purple hue the sparkling of stars could be seen through the window as I sat up the best I could looking around blearily. We were still on the train, Rarity was gently nudging me to wake up while Apple Bloom next to me was waking up slowly. Rainbow Dash had Scootaloo on her back which the little filly was out cold. “W-Where are we?” I asked yawning again as Rarity picked me up with her magic gently before setting me on her back. She was so soft and warm it was hard not to want to fall asleep again. “Ponyville darling, home. Come now Apple Bloom up up, Applejack is probably waiting by the station for you.” she said nudging the little filly with her nose making her grunt as she hopped off the seat and sleepily made her way over to Dash who was already heading for the cart exit. Outside was a brisk but still warm night, Ponyville station was much much smaller than Las Pegasus’s but it did its job. A lit lamp post just outside lit the ground outside the exit of the station where Applejack and Fluttershy stood next to one another, Applejack leaning against the lamp post while Fluttershy was laying in a patch of grass next to it. Applejack and Fluttershy were just as beautiful as Rarity and Rainbow Dash, all having distinct features about them that made them beautiful. Fluttershy’s long pink hair had a silky look to it that said it was extremely well kept, her muzzle was smaller than Rarity's and her eyes had different accents to them as her skull and genetics were different from my sisters in a sort of fascinating sort of way as artists most of the time just gave everyone a template to work off of. Applejack was more broader and thicker than any of them, she had a subtle but visible set of muscles that showed how hard she worked her freckles were not just three dots on her cheeks either. They were many freckles that covered her face in a very exotic and desirable way that matched her long blonde mane which was very thick comparatively to the others but obvious care was taken into account with it as it looked smooth and well combed. Her stedson hat was lightly placed on her head as green eyes flashed over to us which she motioned to Fluttershy who got up quicker than i've ever seen her (in show) move. The butter cream colored mare galloped over to Scootaloo, obvious tears leaking from her eyes as she checked the filly up and down for any damage. “She is alright, Flutters.” Rainbow Dash said softly as we went closer to the group, “She is just tired from the day.” “T-Thank goodness… I-I-I thought she had gotten h-h-hurt or l-lost, I-I n-nearly looked under every r-rock in Everfree looking for her.” she said gulping for air as she tried to rub the tears away from her face and very affectionately nuzzling the sleeping orange pegasus. “M-Mommy?” Scootaloo said very softly, making Fluttershy’s face go through several emotions at once before she took the very tired Scootaloo into her hooves kissing her face gently. “I'm here my little spark.” she says back to the filly very softly as Scootaloo buried herself into Fluttershy’s chest. If heaven were to strike me down I would die a happy thought construct, the pure love Fluttershy had for Scootaloo was so real I felt myself smiling so hard. Did I squee? I think I squeed. “Hmph, well ah suppose if everpony is alright then ah shouldn't be too upset.” Applejack said as a very sleepy Apple Bloom came up to her, which she hugged the filly tightly. “It don't mean that you are out of muckin the pig pin for tha next week Apple Bloom.” she said in a hard tone which made the sleepy Apple Bloom groan in despair, which caused Rainbow to giggle lightly. “Oh my…” Fluttershy said as she looked up at me, probably seeing whatever was funky with my left eye. “Dont worry dears, She’s fine her nerves are shot and one of her meridians have probably been permanently opened behind her eye, and she has a acute case of amnesia but hopefully it's nothing permanent.” Rarity laughed albeit a nervous one. “I'm going to take her to the hospital in a bit.” She said softly to her three friends, which Applejack came over to nuzzle my cheek. “Ah hope yah feel better Sweets, them ponies at the general are right smart they’ll fix yah up.” Applejack said soothingly in her southern twang. “You remember Applejack don't you darling?” Rarity asked me still looking a little pale for a white horse. “Applejack, strongest earth pony in Ponyville right?” I said giving her a signature Sweetie Belle grin, Applejack was taken aback by the praise which she blushed in a modest sort of way. “Well ah won’t say strongest, Big Mac can buck a little more harder than me but close to it.” She said rubbing the side of her cheek with a embarrassed grin. Rainbow came swaggering over and wrapped a hoof around Applejack,  giving me confidant smile. “She’s just being modest, she won the Ponyville Mare Strength Contest last year. She’s way more strong than me and I'm awesome!” Rainbow snickered as Applejack looked over at her best friend with a mock scowl. “I’m just glad everypony is okay.” Fluttershy said coming over to nuzzle myself and Apple Bloom, Fluttershy smelled like soft flowery conditioner but not the kind that had chemicals in it. “Sorry that you got hurt Sweetie.” she said in her shy tone she was famous for, I really looked forward to having tea with her sometime as Fluttershy was for obvious reasons one of the best ponies in Equestria. The Element of Kindness was somewhere between Purple Smart and Party Pink on best scale, Twilight tended to be my favorite because I related to her as a person. I liked smart, information and learning things was fascinating especially of something not of your world. She was also a adorable dork who probably oblivious in the cutest of ways, oh the fun I’m going to have when I learn magic. If I was a evil villain I probably would of laughed and had evil lighting crash behind me as I did so, but I refrained. Pinkie Pie was a third or second favorite due to the amount of nonsense she performed, unlike most I enjoyed well intentioned chaos as indicated the memories of Team Fortress 2 gmod videos that played in my head, rest in peace Kitty you glorious bastard Doctor Lalve has taken up your mantle. Not to mention Pinkie was just attractive, not just in sexual appeal either the Element of Laughter was attractive as a individual not saying that she was overly deep but the simple joy she has at life was something I desired. Perhaps I was simply to jaded and she was a river that flowed over the hard stone of my personality eroding it away to a happier underside. “Its kay, Fluttershy i'll get better real quick yeah? Don't be too hard on Scootaloo, its all our fault not just her’s.” I said in a diminutive voice so I wouldn't scare the shy mare. She gave me a small smile and nodded softly. “Welp, we should git goin Granny has been yammering none stop ‘bout Bloom she won’t sleep till she sees ‘em.” Applejack says after a small lull of small talk, making her way over to the filly and picking her up by the scruff and setting her on her back. “Yes, I-I need to get Scootaloo into bed after her preening.” Fluttershy agreed Scootaloo nestled between her wings. “Alright see you all tomorrow dears, have a goodnight.” Rarity said giving everyone a quick nuzzle on the cheek and the rest of them said their final goodbyes heading off in different directions. Rainbow Dash just took off into the sky after she said her goodbyes rocketing off into the night. Rarity and I watched her go before she looked at me on her back. “Off to the hospital, it is a bit late but the hospital closes regular visits at nine.” She hummed as she began trotting off in the direction of Ponyville Hospital. Ponyville was aesthetically pleasing even in the dark, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervous and excitement. Here I was, first ever human mental construct in Ponyville!!  Take that brony fandom!! Even if you did have thousands upon thousands of human in equestria fanfictions of every possible combination! I took this as a weak victory but a victory nonetheless!! The village was much a town as any sprawling country villa in jolly old England, the only thing it was missing was the endless rain. It certainly did have a theme that screamed ‘I AM A QUIET AND PEACEFUL VILLAGE PLEASE PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE FOREST OF DEATH ONLY A KILOMETER AWAY FROM ME! NO WE DO NOT GROW ANY OTHER FRUIT THANKS’ German antique village huts dotted the streets at a even and winding way that left a lot of alleyways and sudden sharp turns as houses relaxed their legs seeing as they didn't have to be cramped like their cousins upstate on mount pony where Canterlot sat. The use of dried grass for roofing was an interesting choice as a rogue hot day and dried grass don't really mix and fire is often born in that union. Though I don't doubt the intelligence of these ponies ingenuity, the show did seem to gloss over the finer things as how exactly advanced they were. The roofs of these buildings were probably layered with some fire retardant material or magic so I tried not to worry waking up to a burning village. I seriously hope I didn't see a sign that had ‘Days since last fire’ on it and the number being very low. It would be my luck. The walk to the hospital was quiet, it was situated on a hill that overlooked the village which I think I could see the Golden Oaks Library off in the distance which made me giddy, that was going to be fun. Though I don't know what I would do if I found Twilight kinky stash of porn or ropes if I searched her room. Sexy librarian, yes please. I really hope my silence isn't blowing any cover I had, I had always been a think more than talk sort of person and I didnt know if Sweetie was the same. The Hospital was cooler than it was outside  nurse Tender Heart was at the reception desk looking bored but busy as she shuffled papers around with her hooves a pencil in her mouth as she wrote things down. Rarity came up and politely coughed to gather the mare’s attention, she looked up eyes widening in surprise and a hint of relief to get away from her work. “Oh! Miss Rarity, how can I help you this evening?” she said kindly seeing me on her back. “I’d like to admit Sweetie Belle for a check up, she had a accident, a horrible shock. She seems fine but the medic on hoof told us that her nerves were damaged and that one of her meridians were forcibly opened, she is also saying she can't remember things or having trouble remembering bits and pieces of her life. The medic was guessing that there might be some brain damage, but I hope it's not too bad.” Rarity informed the nurse, which she nodded as she got up. “Alright, I’ll go get Doctor Dream Healer. He is our local neurologist,  it has been slow tonight so he should be free. Please sit down I will come for you.” Oh boy, I really hope this Dream Healer bloke wasn't some hot stud muffin  that would make my lower bits tingle the moment I looked at him. It was awkward enough that my body didn't respond to my commands and m if I started winking at him? Dear Celestia, I don't think I could handle it. Please, I wanted to explore my sexuality at my own pace thanks, I didn't need some tight fitting actor doctor making me sweat. I haven't even had time to look at myself! Rarity and I sat down on the bench and I asked her simple questioned about her business. Rarity looked surprised at my interest in her business, I guess Sweetie Belle didn't really have a interest in such things but I did. Rarity’s business was mainly a export focused boutique while she had a storefront most of her business was outside of town or in other neighboring villages. She often had requests sent from fashion magazines to tailor clothes or make costumes to the upcoming movie industry. We talked quietly her seeming happy that I wanted to know about how she worked as it was her passion after all. “Miss Rarity? Doctor Dream Healer is ready to see Sweetie Belle.” Nurse Tender Heart called from the hall, Rarity and I followed after her well, you know by follow I mean Rarity carrying me like a sack of potatoes over her withers like something out of a renaissance painting. Showtime, this was the big moment the defining point in which I was discovered through magical means and then put into that paper weight for the enjoyment of others. The room we entered was standard for a hospital, a reclining bed, counter with sink and a window, biohazard waste bin and paper guides on how to stop diseases. Which I couldn't read by the way, as in the script looked like something out of the Orokin precursors of the warframe universe. Another problem that needs to be solved as quickly as possible, Grineer were easy, learning a whole other language with its own nuances of syntax and grammar? You might as well ask me to build Rome in a day. Rarity sat me on the reclining bed and kissed my forehead. “Everything will be alright Sweetie, Ponyville’s finest will sort things out and on the road to recovery.” She said lightly trying to cheer me up, clearly I had shown worry on my face. “I hope so.” I gave her my best impression of being constipated which was the attempt at being a smile. About two or three minutes a dark blue of the navy variety unicorn stallion came in. I raised my eyebrows as this was my first time seeing a stallion up close, despite being a unicorn he was broad shouldered being taller up front than in the back similar to how a gorilla might be where they placed emphasis on their upper body strength. He had wavy white and grey hair with bright yellow eyes, he was cute in a dorky handsome sort of way with a bright grin that screamed his aura of good nature. I think I’ve seen him before but for the life of me I couldn't remember if his fan name was what they said it was. “Hello, hello, hello!” he said cheerily as he trotted in with a clipboard and his doctor’s lab coat snugly on his body. His accent was more I guess refined than Pipsqueak’s was but you could hear that Trottingham accent leaking through, it reminded me of David Tennant and the way he spoke. “Im Dr. Dream Healer, I don't think we’ve been properly  introduced before. You usually see Dr. Medicine Wheel for check ups yes?” He asked holding out a hoof to me which I struggled to make my hoof meet his. “Yes, usually but Sweetie Belle here was in a accident earlier today.” Rarity said for me as Dr. Dream Healer gently took my own hoof into his own and shook it, I smiled up at him and he smiled back. “I heard from Nurse Tender Heart, now, Sweetie Belle would you mind telling me what happened?” He asked as he still held my hoof which trembled beyond my control. “I um… I don't really know, all I remember is waking up feeling like I was on fire and my eye hurting a whole lot. I think I said some really weird stuff because my head was really fuzzy.” I said truthfully, all I really knew was I just woke up feeling pain. “Hmm I see, are there gaps in your memories?” he asked as he gently felt his way down my foreleg which I hissed in pain when he touched a tender part. “Tender?” he questioned as he very lightly touched me there on the arm, it was less painful but it did bring discomfort. I nodded and he continued on to my other hoof. “W-Well, I remember some things mainly ponies names and sometimes their history. I don't remember anything about magic, o-or where my home is, I know its here, but I don't remember where it is exactly. I can only remember one thing from my foalhood but the rest is j-just… blank.” I trailed off feeling nervous, was I lying this on to thick? It was believable right? Hell I couldn't remember my name or who I was but I could remember things like video games and the show perfectly. “I see..” he murmured as he touched a few more tender spots on my arms making me squeeze my eyes shut. “Alright Sweetie Belle, I can tell your nerves have been inflamed, all the major surface nerve nodules on your arms have shown signs of being overused or overwhelmed. You said it was a shock Miss Rarity?” he asked her, making my sister blink a few times… Was she staring at his flank?? I mean yeah he was handsome but really sis? “Oh! Y-Yes, ahem she had two others with her when it happened they claim a large bolt of lightning had struck her horn. The medicine pony that was on sight said she had shown signs of being shocked very badly.” Rarity said clearing her throat and quickly tearing her eyes up to his. Smooth, diamond butt. “She gave her her own mix of potions to help Sweetie fight off the pain she was in, and gave me a soothing potion formula so her tremors didn't overwhelm her.” “I am going to do a more in depth scan of your nervous system, just a simple spell that will let me spot any real damaged neural pathways okay? Then one of your brain, is that alright with you Sweetie?” He asked me with a winning smile, I couldn't help but smile back and nodded. He stood back and the halo of golden light like his eyes flared around it. Well it has been nice Sweetie Belle, I hope you enjoy my exhibit. There was a strange sensation of being doused in water but more like it rolling down from the crown of your head to the end if your tail. Which that in itself was odd, because I didn't know I could feel my tail I never bothered if it was okay or not. It was indescribable to feel a new limb, a sensation that I didn't know I could feel and I think my brain was having a hayday as it tried to connect itself my new limb. I shivered as the strange magic touched me, I bet you are wondering why I didn't mention the insane excitement of seeing magic in action. While I was excited that it was happening and Rarity had even used it to pick me up but I was a fantasy junkie and all these tiny spells were children’s play. Miniscule to the arcane might of fantasy wizards and warlocks who wielded the elements of nature like play things. It did make me eager to learn though, I feel I would be a Hermione in a magical candy shop once I learn how to read. Who knows, Sweetie Belle the Arcane Master did have a nice ring to it and I was technically in school still so learning how to read would be easy to gain access to. The ‘see jane run’ books were just waiting to be cracked open and read. The good doctor spell was finished I could see a faint glow over my coat. My left eye could see small dots of a brighter glow in my body where they pulsed ever so gently. My slack jawed amazement bust of been humorous to Rarity and Dr. Dream Healer as they chuckled softly. Dr. Dream Healer came back to me giving a in depth look over seeing whatever the spell allowed him to as he gently turned me over checking each of my legs and then my torso and then gingerly my lower half. Thankfully he stayed away from my weird numb tail and rear as soon as he came near and noticing me tense up. “Your nervous system seems to have no real lasting damage, your nerve clusters are misfiring information from your brain making it hard for you to move no doubt. Electrical shocks like these can last a few days before your body starts to heal them, I will prescribe a medicine that will quicken the recovery process and get them working in proper order again.” he said gently to me which my sister sighed a heavy sigh of relief. “Now for a scan of your brain, this may feel funny Sweetie but it shouldn't hurt.” He says as more light flared around his horn, I suddenly felt like I had been hit with a loopy spell or I happen to be high on fumes. I swayed feeling weird as the light covered my head then faded as a round disk of magic appeared in front of him. I think I could see a weird picture of my brain, the shape of it differing slightly than a human’s but they were similar enough in shape I could see why it would develop this way. The shape of our skulls were different mainly. My horn was riddled with white lines that spread throughout my head and down my neck, It was a three D image of my head too the white lines around my left eye was very engorged while my right eye had smaller lines that formed into a cluster behind the… plates of my eyes… I think my own eye twitched at the implication that my ocular organs were more flat rather than spherical, oh the holes were still there as the brain needed to have some way to connect to the organs themselves but they were oval in shape indicating the the color cones of my eyes were smaller than a human’s or perhaps more defined. Ugh that was going to be a hard one to adjust to. It did explain why our eyes were so large and why nighttime was so bright in the show, the larger ocular organs gathered more light and thus it would have to be very dark for it to look dark. He gazed at the magical projection of my head for about five minutes his horn manipulating the three dimensional image my head so he could look at particular parts of my brain. Rarity rubbed my back gently as he looked. “Okay.” He said as he took a crystal from his pocket and the image was sucked into it. Huh, crystal tech, impressive. “Looks like there is minor damage to the cerebellum, most of the brain is fine if a tad frayed  which can be fixed through some regenerative potions and some minor healing spells.” he said as he pulled out pencil for his clipboard and wrote things down “I did notice a change to your hippocampus and Entorhinal cortex its a tad bigger than it should be for someone your age, I’m not sure if that's got to do with your memory issues but I don't see any swelling so you should be fine. Retrograde amnesia is still a mystery to neuroscience on how it actually works and what if affects, the shock was powerful enough to jumbled up any memories or information because the brain does run on electrical impulses.” He said looking at both of us, before continuing to write down on his clipboard. “If the electricity was magically charged your aether pathways can affect the natural electrical firings of your brain. So little actually know this but Aether can be forcibly injected, our magical nodes and meridians that control how much ambient Aether is absorbed into us can be overwhelmed which can cause a whole slew of physical to mental health problems. Your eye has been bothering you yes?” he asked me which I nodded it was itchy most of the time. “Meridians are basically fractal spirals of aether networks in our bodies, things like magic always have a small downside to their use Unicorns like us usually suffer a mental or physical fatigue backlash but when meridians are opened it flushes out impurities in the body, sometimes forcibly. While this can deepen the amount of aether one can hold in their body it can also increase the amount of impurities one can get until the body adjusts.” he said pointing at me with his pencil. “ You might get eye colds with that eye more easily than before or severe irritation and dryness. Using magic might also affect your eye’s health until your body can adjust to the new aether flow, so I would hold off on magical lessons for a while at least until next check up to see how your eye is doing.” So basically, I had more magic than normal but by using it im also inviting more impurities into my body as the magic flows out. It reminded me that similar to a pore in the skin and how dirt can get trapped if you didn't clean your skin well, but as time went on the less and less impurities I would accumulate. Fascinating, truly. It was similar in how most self contained magic users formed better pools of mana, much like flexing a muscle the deeper the pool became but meridians were like pocket pools that came with the main one. I was also torn, so nothing was remotely different about my brain? That I the thought construct was not some alien device that was simply using Sweetie Belle as a vehicle of its own machinations? Nor was there any major changes to the pattern of her brain to suggest more than amnesia and a overstimulated nervous system? It floored me, as a gasping breath choked me. Was my logical assumption of rewriting most memories in favour of the alien ones because there simply aren't enough neurons to contain the information flux? Was I truly Sweetie Belle? I felt nauseous. “Sweetie are you alright darling, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost?” Rarity asked again rubbing my back. No sister, I have rewritten the very personality and memories of Sweetie in favour of alien memories of a world that was likely no more or humans had left in search of better. I do not feel alright. “Sweetie dear, what's the matter?” she asked concern bleeding into her voice as tears rolled down my face, I didn't respond all I could do was stare at my own hooves. I had hoped in some way that my logical deductions hadn't been true,  that I have incidentally cause manslaughter of a youth and it tore at my soul knowing that I had done it. “Oh dear, hmm well I guess this is a bit much for her. Here I have written a prescription slip for the medications I want her to take for her nerves.” Dr. Dream Healer said handing Rarity a paper, which she took into her magic. I… I dont think I have the will to move. To talk… I was numbly aware that I was picked up, but it didn't matter. The rush of emotions I had overwhelmed the rational mind and I was unable to step back and pick apart the logical. This must what it feels like to have true emotion. Autism, especially higher functioning ones experienced emotions differently. For me, at least, I always felt them but there was always a dissonance between two parts of me, the part that was feeling emotions and the other part that was ‘alien’ it didn't understand why emotions are a thing, why I could feel. It knew logic, sound reasoning and because of it even if I was feeling heartbreak or anger I always felt disconnected with my own feelings. Here, in Sweetie Belle emotions coursed through me in a way I never knew it could. They felt ‘real’ rather than just a act that my other logical side was watching. No disassociation, just there. I'm probably rambling. “Thank you doctor, I’m going to take her home give her a nice warm bath and off to bed with her.” Rarity said among the trenches of my grief, I didn't want to move I just wanted to cry. “Of course, I'll be here if you need me again. Oh! She won't be needing any physical therapy, there isn't any damage to her brain to warrant that! Get well Sweetie.” He said in that muffled way of just not really hearing. Everything blurred, turning into water color as I blinked tears from my eyes. Ten minutes of this and suddenly Rarity was opening a door and stepping in. Dark purples and pinks were everywhere with sharp contrasts of white and occasional cyan blue, the boutique. I was in the actual boutique and I simply just couldn't enjoy it. “Hmmm, bath time, you will feel so much better after a jasmine bath.” Rarity said which I sniffed nodding my head in resolution. She hummed as she made her way up the stairs and directly into a large bathroom that was obviously designed for ponies in mind. Everything was lower to the ground, wider and more spread out so thing could be easily navigated. The large 18th century gothic bathtub was what I expected from Rarity, it had a wide back so one could essentially lay down on their back in the water. A small in table sat next to it where a candle and a vase with a few flowers sat next to it. With a magical turn of the knobs, the distant sound of water rushing through pipes followed which explosively poured out of the main faucet head. Hot water steam rose from the draining bathtub which Rarity stopped it with a plug and swiftly she poured a powder into the bath’s baths bottom. The smell of jasmine and hot water began to mix and the tub filled rapidly with the water pressure being that high. “let's see, some oils to soften the fur, ah! This conditioner is a favorite of mine ‘Essence of Beauty’ all natural too, hmm some more salts for the bath jasmine always did smell good with a little lavender. A nice shampoo for your mane, smells like a rose.” Rarity chatted to me as she looked through her collection of bath accessories and shampoos. “I know just the thing to brighten up your day~” she said confidently as she added a small dollop of a soap I couldn't read. The water became sudsy and soon bubbles began form where the running water hit the pool beneath it. I did smile at this, or at least I tried too this seemed to put more pep into my sister’s step. I was gently placed into the water at the halfway point, hot and good smelling warmth soaked itself into my bones. I was on my haunches and being held that way by Rarity as she set her hooves over and stepped into the bath with me. I suddenly felt a rush of heat touch my cheeks at the thought of being in a bath with my sister. Well, the was Sweetie Belle’s sister, she was somewhat of a stranger to me. A beautiful, very attractive stranger that I had seen waaaaay too much porn of. I didn't mean the anthro kind either. She sat on her haunches along with me and leaned forward to look me in the eyes. “You know I love you.” she said with a soft and genuine smile, my inner brony was screaming to high heavens of ‘YES YES YES!! TAKE THAT BITCHES, RARITY HAS SAID I LOVE YOU TO ME!! ME! ALL YOU MOTHER FUCKING RARITY LOVERS CAN SUCK IT!!’ in absolute smug satisfaction. The other half of that was I realized that she was saying this to Sweetie Belle not the man who had, even accidentally, snuffed the life of a innocent young girl. It stabbed through my heart like a cold knife. “I-I-I love you too…” I replied my voice shaking at the lie I was, I couldn't meet her beautiful eyes. “Sweetie…” Rarity said scooting closer to me, the hot water turning into small waves as she did. She wrapped me into a tight hug making a few more tears leak from me. “Today has been very scary, I want you to know your big sister is here for you. Not remembering what happened would scare me too, I can't even imagine what that's like.” She said softly as the knobs for the water was turned and shut off. “I know I said I would ground you, but I just mainly said that because I was scared too… I thought I was going to lose my best little sister, I cried after you passed out you know.” she murmured kissing under my ear making it flick, another strange sensation for sure. “I was angry at myself, angry because I couldn't do anything for you. I didn't mean to be angry at you, just myself because big sisters are suppose to keep little ones from getting hurt.  And the Memory loss now? I'm so very sorry.” she nuzzled my face and whipped away my tears with a hoof, which was wet. “I didn't take your feelings into consideration,  how you felt about this. Can you forgive me?” she asked me leaning back to look at me. I nodded, which she smiled again rubbing her own face with a hoof as she sniffed loudly. “Your big sis isn't the best sometimes because of that. I get mad because I care about you Sweetie.” “T-Thank you.” I managed to croak. “Think nothing of it darling, now let's get you clean and primed for bed.” she said as a ball of water floated up from the bath covered in her icy blue aura and it gently washed over my back and mane. Rarity was gentle and thorough with my hygiene, hot water soaked into my fur and skin making me feel a whole lot better than before like a weight had been lifted from my soul. She chatted about my hair in a soothing sort of way like how she talked to herself when she was working, my mane was thicker than any hair I had and it was rinsed and shampooed two times before Rarity dubbed it clean and properly conditioned. Then a light oil like body wash was rubbed into my coat, she had me on my back at one point and lightly scrubbed underneath my hooves. The washcloth she used was very soft as it ran down my belly and then a soft swipe over my marehood, a tingling sensation ran up my spine making me blush hard. That was certainly new but it was gone before it even started as she moved onto my tail and gave it the same treatment my mane had. That was something to explore later, if I didn't feel too much guilt later. Watching Rarity bathe might as well been a wet dream for many of the white unicorn lovers, just sitting there as she got herself physically wet. I saw her under belly and the larger mounds of breasts than Rainbow or mine but they were not overly noticeable in the grand scheme of things. Her nipples were a light pink that was almost white like her fur, they were more rounded and the nipple’s did not protrude from the areolas very far. When it came to her backside, Rarity was not in the least bit athletic so her body did not show any defining muscle like Rainbow or Applejack. Her butt was thicker than either of theirs her hips more pronounced showing she was well figured, I didn't get to see much more than that other than a quick flash. Her marehood from what I had seen was very light pink almost blending into her white fur but other than that she kept herself hidden in such a way she didn't want to overtly flash me. Once we were done, two large fluffy towels wrapped themselves around me after wobbly standing for about half a minute which I was thankful for that I could stand longer than a few seconds. I guess the bath really did do wonders for me. I was rubbed down my hair and body getting a different hair treatment, which dried me quite effectively. My mane floofed and fell into my eyes which made me and Rarity giggle, all that tension gone. She pushed my hair back to see my face, a small goofy smile on her lips. I could see that glimmer of love in her eyes, that glimmer that made my heart ache and burst at the same time. “Alright, off to bed, you need all the rest you can get darling the faster you will recover and thankfully we don't have to worry about Physical Therapy. The nurses said that your muscles were very healthy.” she chirped as I tried standing once again, better this time at least my body responding to my commands. If I didn't think about it I could get up easy, if I thought about it the harder it became which was a sign of muscle memory was still ingrained into my body it was only when the alien mind thought about it it struggled. I didn't get to stand long as my legs simply quit on me and I fell back to the ground in a huff. “Don’t worry dear, you will be galloping all over the place in no time you just need to let those legs rest.” Rarity chided as she picks me up and out the bathroom into the hall, which curves into two other doorways one which was open and I could see the dark bedroom of my sister which made me fangasm a little. I was brought into the second doorway a little past the first, Sweetie Belle’s room. It smelled of fresh flowers and dust in here, her room a semicircle that had a window, a vanity with mirror, a tall dresser cabinet, a chest near the window with toys stuffed into it and her bed which was a soft green and had heart printed pillows of the same green color. A vase of freshly picked flowers on the vanity was what made the flower smell, two of which had bite marks where they were not but stems left. She lifted the covers and placed me on the downey soft bed and the equally soft covers over me. My head sunk back into a nice pillow that was cool and felt like it breathed very well, Rarity looked me over as I have her a very soft smile. “T-Thanks sis, f-for cheering me up.” I mumbled, the white unicorn smiled back nuzzling me on the cheek. “You are welcome Sweetie, you sleep tight. I am just down the hall, call me if you need me. Goodnight.” she said as she flicked the lightswitch off and trotted out of my room closing the door till it was just a crack. I lay in my room, staring up at the ceiling with nothing swirling in my thoughts. My breathing the only sound that moved the covers and myself. I wanted to see myself, to see if I was who everyone else thought I was. The vanity was far away and my legs wouldn't cooperate with my brain so climbing out of the bed to try to look at myself was bust. I shifted in the cool darkness of my room feeling my naked form still ever so damp from the bath. I looked around for a quick second as a rush of feelings I couldn't quite place, I wanted to see myself, really explore this body. It was alien but visually familiar. My own identity was confused and… and I really wanted some kinda relief. The weight of all this was burning my soul away. My hoof thankfully responded to my input as I slid it down my belly, feeling a tingle run up my spine as I tried to do it sensually. My hoof was warm but hard against my soft fur making me wonder what soft fingers would feel like. My heart thumped in my chest making me sigh as my hoof ran over my teats then teasingly further down. It was a strange new feeling as it was similar to having a glove on, not quite thick enough you couldn't feel your limb but yet not thin enough to have any true feeling. The tip of my hoof brushed against my clitoral hood where I pressed softly into the very soft and tender flesh. I gasped, feel good electricity danced from the spot spreading out into my belly making me bite my lip. It was so new, I… I didn't have any sort of reference to compare it too. I dug my hoof a little deeper making me squirm under the strange but pleasant feelings, muscles I didn't even knew I had made a pleasurable squeezing making me moan as I winked for the first time. Was this foalcon? Did it count if you were the foal? A matter that really didn't seem important because I wanted more of that. Hearing myself moan was indescribably hot, being turned on by myself it was a little funny. I had this soft squeaky moan that made me want to hear myself again. My muscles seemed to enjoy the break from the pain, sliding even further down to reach the rose petals that made my marehood. I hitched a breath pushing my hoof between them into the sensitive folds my legs twitched as tiny shocks of that feel good rushed through me. I felt moisture beginning to form, my lust making my body ready for the inevitable procreation part of this journey. Because of my size anything remotely stallion would probably hurt me more than anything, so I imagined fingers touching between my secondary lips. I bit down on my hoof as my heart thumped faster now as I glided my inadequate hoof up and down my sex. I closed my eyes, letting the hormones take me as phantom fingers softly spread me open making me jerk my legs. Holy shit that was intense, I could almost feel them. They dig themselves into my tunnel pressing and searching for my love spot, I could imagine feel soft breath against my hind leg so tantalizingly close to me as they tortured so good with their hand. I whined softly frustrated that my arm was getting tired to keep up its ministrations. I settled for agonizing my clitoris pressing and rubbing it as fast as I could which was simply not fast enough for my liking. I felt sweat roll down my back against the sheets, there was a deep winding feeling in the pit of my belly and it was getting tighter and tighter as I played with myself. Harder pressings made me pant covering my face so I wouldn't wake Rarity, my cheeks were flushed with heat and tiny sparks seemed to fall from my horn. When the tightness was unbearable and I couldn't take it any longer, a rough wild shove against myself broke the damn. A single syllable keen left me with a trembling spasm throughout my body, colors seeming to go blurry as my brain was pumped with feel good chemical cocktails making my eyes roll. I flopped down feeling more tired than ever in my life, a gooey feeling on my rear as I just panted feeling hot and too tired to think of anything. I had managed to orgasm, my first ever female orgasm to be exact. I would of tried to clean up but I simply rolled over with my covers and passed out. … I dreamed tonight, it was the first time I had since getting here. I was at a table with Discord, the cartoon one, and we were playing a game of Uno but he kept trying to increase his mana count with magic the gathering cards. I had countered with a royal flush but he beat me only with the Celtic Guardian Warrior in attack position. “Well this is peachy.” I said sipping my mango smoothie in a fine china tea cup, I dipped a few tea bags in for good measure. “Oh yes indeed, I haven't had this much fun since the Beatles took me on that fabulous trip across the countryside using a corn chip as a vehicle.” He laughed as a statue of liberty brake danced across the gulf right behind him. I flew my colors thanks, God save the queen, what's what! I adjusted my white mustache and monocle. “Any non reason you decided to see me?” I asked looking at the garden of singing ginseng off to my lefting right. Discord gave me his best smile, which I put into a folder for later keeping. “Nothing really, bored mainly you know how it is being put into stone and not one pot leaf to be stoned with.” the draconiquis said lighting a candy cane and taking a minty inhalation letting out ice breath. “ah apart of the common rubble I see. Well I don't mind, if I had half a one I don't think I would be standing here because I would be missing my mind. Then it would be gone crazy until I was found crazy.” I reasoned which Discord nodded in understanding. “Been long?” I asked Ben Long which the guy sat down with us. “5,000 years can give you such a crick in the neck.” Discord said as his neck cricked bending sideways, “Itty bitty living space can go fly on a magic carpet ride for all I care, so when you coming bruh.” “Tonight, but that's a different kind of come.” “knarly dude.” “Look I’ll be there when I can, just keep the oven on before I go okay?” That was most of what I remember, as more strange and weird things happened in my dream. All of it blurring together similar to how a drunk frat boy would see his dorm room while in full swing of a party of the century at campus. … Princess Luna in all her years of being the dream walker of the night, barely made it out the door of the young filly’s dreamscape. She panted in the hall of dreams trying to recover herself from the amount of pure chaos she had just experienced. Pinkie Pie didn't even have dreams that crazy, usually the young mare had a obsession with sugar and her dreams reflected that. But Sweetie Belle? Her mind had been so convoluted with chaos that maker damned Discord was the only real normal thing in there!! Even worse was that it wasn't even chaos magic that affected her!! It was all on her own! Luna looked back at the door, rubbing her mouth with a hoof, that simple wooden door that so unassuming in nature but held the next chaos lord within. She shuddered at this, feeling heat touching her cheeks. Only good that came of this was that she now knew she looked pretty damn sexy in purple and black long socks and that even her nightmare self was drop dead gorgeous once the armor came off. A filly her age wasn't even supposed to think about those things yet!! Something was seriously off and she intended to find out why, get in touch with Twilight and talk to Tia about this. Pony dreams were often calm and happy, Sweetie’s was pure chaos like her mind was associating things with other things that didn't make sense to a normal pony. She even found the little filly in there but Sweetie was so deep in her REM sleep she wasn't aware of her presence when she approached. All ponies had some sort of lucidity or control, but the filly had been a figurative slave to the machinations of the subconscious mind and had continued on through the labyrinth of chaos without a care. Whatever the case she used her magic to mark the door so she could find it again among the sea of doors. She didn't expect it, but the possibility was too terrifying to not say anything that Sweetie might become a Chaos Lord like Discord if it kept up. She shook her head clearing her mind, she need to talk to Tia when she woke. … and perhaps try on some socks. … First day done, the rest of my life to go. My morning had started off very awkward when Rarity came in almost at the crack of dawn humming and brightly saying good morning. Apparently horse noses are sensitive to the more subtle smells than a human’s were, the unicorn mare’s eyes went wide and she stood stock still as I groggily shifted in my bed. “o-oh my.” my sister said calmly but there was a small stutter to it. “ahem Sweetie dear, I’ve made breakfast… do you desire a bath before or after?” her voice did get a little strained at this. At first I wondered what she was talking about, I had taken a bath last night? Then I took a deep breath waking up myself and then I could smell it. I could smell, um… myself sort of like the smell of sex but obviously it had my own subtle hints of my own pheromones mixed in. I tried to sit up my cheeks blazing, scrambling to cover myself more but my blasted body had to quit on me. I made a very embarrassed whine and covered my face with my hooves. Rarity didn't say anything as I was subtly lifted up and was taken downstairs in her magic, If I could die of embarrassment I probably would of. I was sat down at the table in Rarity’s kitchen, plates of a continental breakfast was laid out with orange juice already poured. The bacon looked like haybacon and the eggs were sunny side up with rye toast. A small plate of muffins sat at the center along with various jams and butters. It made my belly growl with how good it smelled and looked. “Sweetie… I, well… you are around that age I suppose…” Rarity murmured trying hard to figure out how to best start. “ahem well, Sweetie I will try not to embarrass you but what you did is a natural part of life. You are almost ten and that's when your body begins to go through changes…” Rarity began as I placed my face on the table still red, I was getting ‘the talk’ from my sister. “These changes are just a way your body is saying ‘I am growing up into a more adult body’, now sometimes when  you see a mare or stallion that caught your fancy you might start to have ‘feelings’ and these feelings might be confusing and scary again they are natural.” she said taking a small sip of her orange juice before continuing. “You also have started exploring your body as evident of last night, perhaps it was the amnesia or just pure curiosity but did it start to feel good?” she asked her own cheeks flushed a little, I sighed better get through this as painlessly as possible. I sat backup and nodded not looking at my sister’s eyes. “That's a good thing, wanting to feel good is not embarrassing or shameful in any way okay Sweetie?” again I nod, it still sucked being found out. “Is there anypony you find that gives you these ‘feelings’ if at all?” She asked gently, If I could tell you why, I would of, but Scootaloo and Apple Bloom came to mind which I begrudgingly said. “Ah, well I suppose that makes sense. They are your best friends after all and they are the ones you see the most.” She said her eyebrows knitting together as she thought. “Sweetie it is okay to feel these things toward your friends, they love you and make you feel wanted. Heaven knows I feel the same way with my friends, do you remember when Rainbow and I nuzzled and kissed on one another? Or Twilight and Pinkie?” She asked me with a light blush of her own. My mind screeched and drove off the highway as I tired to comprehend what she had just said. Did she just say she was intimate with her friends? I shook my head, was I really walking into the poly side of Equestria? Hmm well considering this place probably had the very best example of what healthy polyamory should be. Oh I had nothing against it, supported even, I had even involved myself in one but my small group sort of broke off once a few toxic people ruined it.   Humans and their unreasonable jealousy. A single rotten egg spoiled the batter. “They are apart of my little herd, and I share my feelings and thoughts with them. They love me and I love them and I always try to be considerate of their feelings when it comes to the more intimate aspects of our dynamic. Some ponies aren't really like this, Applejack for example just likes one pony rather than a few and that is okay too because it is what makes her happy.” “W-wait, so who’s together in your group, like I’m just talking about the six of you?” I asked now confused on this whole thing, I didn't know how to grab things with my hooves so I leaned forward to bite a bit of haybacon. It tasted just like bacon, but had a very wheat like aftertaste which still tasted delicious. “W-Well, let's see.” she said looking up to think. “Twilight is new to my herd which originally was just myself, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash tends to switch between us and Fluttershy as Fluttershy is technically apart of our herd but the dear is very very shy about relationships and trusts Dash more than anypony due to them being foalhood friends. Applejack isn't apart of a herd, she is seeing a beautiful mare named Sunrise Beam who works on Rainbow Dash’s weather team though ironically Applejack prefers male company she makes a exception for her. She might have a micro herd of just herself a stallion and her current marefriend.” Rarity said between bites of her food. I tried to eat the best I could without the use of hooves which was a bit messy. “Twilight didn't have a herd or any close colt or marefriends, so she is adjusting to our dynamic. Pinkie Pie is just a bundle of platonic love mainly but on the rare occasion she pines after Twilight and myself for more affection. She and Rainbow have a more lighter bond with one another and often are just nuzzle buddies when they want love from one another. Rainbow is absolutely smitten with Fluttershy and Fluttershy while very shy still loves us much like how Twilight and I do but tends to keep to Rainbow because of that close familiar bond they have. I like to give affection to Twilight and Rainbow when they desire it and because of that I'm closest to them than the others.” she looked at me and my expression. “hmm that was probably really complicated for you.” she giggled in embarrassment. “Anywho, what I'm trying to say is that if you do pursue Scootaloo and Apple Bloom just be considerate of their feelings and listen to them if they feel hurt or nervous, make each other happy the best you can. The more you talk with one another the better things will be, just… just wait until I give you the talk about the parasprites and the flowers before you start exploring things together hmm?” she asked of me, a napkin floating over to my face and cleaning it. Oh Gods she wanted do the sex talk too. “Um by the way Sweetie are you having a hard time with your hooves?” Rarity asked as I tried to eat my egg without covering my entire face in yoke. “Yeah, I d-dont know how to grab stuff… anymore.” I said as I touched the fork with my hoof and all it did was clatter against the table’s surface. “Hmm, here, imagine you hoof like a crab limb. Set your hoof near something then squeeze your muscles how you would think the claw limb would.” she said picking up the glass of orange juice with a single hoof. “Why?” I asked setting it on my fork. “Well all ponies have a bit of magic in them that allows minor telekinesis, their magic expands around the object and makes it stick to our hooves. We can even turn objects by imagining them to turn see?” she said as I saw the glass slowly turning in her hoof. After a few meager attempts I managed to pull something up after imaging I still had a hand to hold something with and squeezing, lo and behold my name is progress. I picked something up! It was a fork and my arm was still wonky but I did it! Perhaps I wasn't explaining my whole movement condition too well, so! I could move my head and all my limbs but they often twitched or just shook softly the worst of the twitching made it hard to control them. Hell my head sometimes felt like dead weight when my neck just got too tired to hold it up. The bigger tremors made it hard to move and do things, smaller tremors were fine but irritating. Standing was hard just because my legs didn't want to keep still and protested the weight of my own body. Rarity and I talked about herds and their dynamics, I could tell she was struggling just a tad to keep things PG. After breakfast, I had been tossed into the bathroom for a light wash just to get the smell away and go to the bathroom. Unlike that guy who freaked when it came to the thought of Sweetie Belle going to the bathroom and described it in full on detail. I'm going to opt for the more cleaner version, toilet was strange as it had pedals instead of any flush handle, like the Japanese smart toilets the second pedal sprayed a bit of water on your butt and then you whipped yourself clean and flushed with the other. To be honest I didn't know what the big deal was, peeing out of this organ felt no real different than peeing out the other only that it was set and you couldn't move it around. Pooping was easier I must admit and didn't smell as bad as if I were a full time red meat eater, still had to go through the motions of just relaxing and letting it out. After I was done I was pulled downstairs to the main boutique where I got to sit on the couch and watch my sister work. I was going to wear myself out by forcing myself to stand, and two out of five times wasn't that bad! I still couldn't stay up but that would come in time. The Element of Laughter slammed through the front door making Rarity pause in mid construction of her dress she was making. I just gaped at seeing Pinkie Pie for the first time, she was drop dead gorgeous like everyone of my sister’s friends. Her wild curly mane was rather than a single blob in the show, actual frizzy curls her bright baby blues looked at the world with a bright light twinkling in her eye. She was broad like Applejack but more feminine in her appearance everything about her was round, and you could ever so see she had a thin layer of fat instead of muscle like Applejack did. “Alright I know you’re here!! It's been knobby knees, twitchy tail, and flip floppy ears!! And that means somepony new is here!!” She yelled into the shop, her voice a little ragged because she had looked like she had ran all the way here. “I have a very defined set of skills, skills that will make you happy, skills that will make you the best welcome to ponyville cake in the world!! I will find you and I will party with you!!” She said marching into the boutique as her eyes scanned the room looking for the new pony. Oh shit, she means me!! Uh damn!! I can't escape!! What do I do!?? Did she just inadvertently reference Taken!? “Good morning Pinkie, um… what do you mean somepony new? It's just Sweetie and I here today.” Rarity said setting her things down and walking over to the clearly irritated marefriend and nuzzled her. Pinkie Pie nuzzled her back with a bright smile and a happy hum. “Helloooo Rarity~♡” She said with love and affection in her voice as she rubbed her nose against my sister’s nose. “Ever since last night, I've been having knobby knees, twitchy tail, and flippy floppy ears!!” she said going through the motions as her knees wobbled, tail twitched, and ears flopped lazily. “Which means somepony new is here! But but, I've been searching all over Ponyville for them and it lead me here!!” she whined clearly distressed that she couldn't find the pony, mainly me, in question. “Well, you are certainly free to look around my shop Pinkie, just remember to clean up any mess you make okay? I would help, but I'm a little behind on my orders and I simply must get Hazy Spring’s dress done.” She said nuzzling her again but distracted as she went back to her workstation to finish her orders, clearly not having time for Pinkie being Pinkie. I slid further back on the couch ears flopped down, how could I forget!? PINKIE KNEW!! Of course she would know!! She is the most intuitive pony in Equestria and no pony could sense things more than her. I was dead, at least I masturbated once as a girl but I was totally dead. Pinkie dropped to her belly and sniffed the ground like a bloodhound would, crawling forward as she diligently continued her righteous quest of finding the newcomer and partying them. I watched her in abject horror and fascination as she walked and slid over things that would normally take more effort to get over. Often disappearing out of one out line of sight spot to appear in a entirely different spot not even close to where she had started. Eventually her nose led her down toward me, the soft snuffling of her breath cute and weird as she came ever closer to me. If I don't move she probably couldn't see me, her sight was based on motion after all. I closed my eyes, sweating as the sniffing came up and close to my face which I could hear her breath next to my ear then it stopped. I cracked a single eye open as I looked at the pink mare just inches from my face, her smile seeming to burst from her lips. “HAI IM-" She shouted but I threw my hooves forward and placed them into her mouth, she continued to talk though now it was muffled with hooves firmly into her lips. “P-Pinkie!” I hissed gesturing for her to come closer which she looked confused for a second then nodded, which I slowly removed my hooves and she started whispering immediately afterward. “Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, best party pony in Ponyville!! Why do you look and sound just like Sweetie Belle? You don't smell like a changeling- oh oh oh!! Are you Sweetie Belle’s long lost twin sister!!” she whispered back excitedly, “But but! I can tell Sweetie Belle is here too but you are also here but Sweetie is sitting in front of me! How can that be!? Are you both Sweetie Belle and somepony new?” she asked in her excited tone as her expression turned from one to the next at her speculations. Wait Sweetie Belle was here!? Does that mean I didn't kill her!? I felt choked up and relieved at the same time that Sweetie was still here somehow. “Pinkie, please hush, let me explain.” I said looking over the excitable pony to my sister who was still working on her dress diligently. The mare smiled and nodded closing her lips for the time being, which her lips looked really super duper soft and full. “Okie-doki-loki!” she said back in her hushed tone, which was the one, you know the one where she’s trying really hard to be quiet but her volume setting did not go down past five. “I… I-I'm not Sweetie Belle yes… at least I don't think I am, I don't know what happened but… um I think I might be some kinda alien thought construct that implanted itself in her mind… I'm really glad she is okay if you feel like she is still here.” I whispered back that feeling of relief touching me again that I hadn't murdered Sweetie Belle forever. “Do you have a name?” Pinkie asked nodding jovily “I heard from Rainbow Dash that you got hurt but I'm glad you are okay!!” She said nuzzling my cheek, the affection was very wholesome and made heat dance across my cheeks. “I… I don't really know, if I did I don't have it any more. Calling me Sweetie Belle is fine, the less suspicious it would be.” I said autonomously nuzzling her back. “Hmm… why would it be suspicious to have a name?” She said her big baby blue eyes glimmering with curiosity. “I… I don't think anypony would react well if they knew I was in Sweetie Belle. Can you imagine how Rarity would react? She’d hate me forever! The princesses would lock me up in a jar somewhere after Twilight removed me!” I hissed in worry, as Pinkie’s eyes went wide. “I-I don't think they would do that!! You are somepony new! The princesses are super duper ruper nice! They would wanna help.” She said but she stuttered ar first which made me cautious. “I don't wanna take the chance that could make me a paperweight! To the moon Pinkie!! To the moon!” I said a little louder waving my hoof upward. Pinkie scrunched her nose at that looking kinda torn between doing the right thing and telling but also worried that what if her friends did hate the new pony inside Sweetie Belle she would never get to be friends with them. “C-Can I still throw you a welcome to Ponyville party?” she asked looking hopeful. My brain screeched to a grinding stop as I looked at possibly my favorite pony in all of Equestria, I didn't want to make her sad like ever. A sad Pinkie is like a really really burnt cookie aftertaste that never went away when you eat it. “Okay… yes, but!!” I said as her face lit up like Christmas morning, I held up a hoof. “It's just gotta be me and you, okay? Everypony would think it really weird that you are throwing a welcome to Ponyville party to Sweetie Belle.” She nodded, extremely happy that I wanted a party. “fantastarific!! Hey! How do you know everypony already? You knew my name and even I am not that good.” she said squinting at me in Pinkie suspicion, I gave her a weak smile. “Whatever I came from… uh I’ve been a observer of everypony.” she tilted her head at this bit otherwise say anything, which was a relief I kinda sounded like a stalker… “ I’ve even seen the possible future. If we dont mess it up of course, basically I know a lot about the six element users but nothing truly personal like private life or anything. Like I didn't know you were in a relationship with Rarity until this morning.” I said gesturing to our sister in the distance, she currently had several pins in her mouth and was concentrating on a particular detailed segment of the dress. She was ‘in the zone’ and nothing could break her concentration now, it was really cute actually. “Really?” she asked intrigued, “Well you are aren't the Sweetie Sweetie so you wouldn't know, I’ve been with Rarity three years now.” she looked up thinking, she was so adorable I felt my heart patter with the company of butterflies flapping around my belly. Pinkie Pie! The one and only, the one that tended to fight for dominance of the best spot with Twilight being her contender. Right in front of me!! My words fell from my mouth before I thought. “Actually out of all six of you, you tend to be my favorite right alongside Twilight because I relate to her personally. I like smart and purple. So she kinda fits the bill.” I said softly with a smile, Pinkie smiled holding back tears “Wowie, nopony ever thought of me their favorite right off the bat.” She whispered giving me a nuzzle which I nuzzled her back. “I'm gonna call you Warm Smile, cuz you made my heart warm and smiley. So now what?” She asked giving me a  chaste kiss on the cheek for all the affection and possibly as thanks. I blushed, I kinda wanted to kiss her on the lips not just on the cheek. “Learn how to walk and then magic, so I can whip up a spell to give Sweetie Belle her body back.” I said then frowned, “Maybe learn how to read before I learn how to use magic.” “Warm Smile I really think we should get Twily to help, she knows more about magic than anypony I know.” she said in a worried tone, I looked over at Pinkie who had genuine concern touching her eyes. I bit my lip, I know I should confess but… but… I don't know. “sigh okay… okay we need to tell Twilight, just Pinkie promise you won't let her banish me please?” I asked fear of disappearing lining my voice, “I’ve… I’ve watched you guys for a long time and I love you all… I… I don't want to disappear and not get a chance to love you.” I choked a few tears rolling down my cheeks, I cursed these sudden emotions. I guess it's something involved in how our species evolved, it is rare for humans to ever feel a true sense of contentment we always crave for something. Memories of having my own moment of deep reflection that I craved something beyond the human condition and the spiralling depression that consumed me that I was going to die a slave to the redundancy of our existence. This world had something in it I craved, I wanted to feel that content feeling I had on the train. That feeling of being whole.  It was something I had never experienced, but then again it could of been the disconnect that autism tended to give those who want to be social. Empathy was simply a self gain feeling at least it was for me, and when I looked up at the stars at night my whole being ached for simply being there and not… elsewhere. Here was happiness, here was was magic, here was hope. Pinkie frowned hopping onto the couch with me and giving me a warm hug. She smelled like baked goods, sugar cotton candy, and her own unique smell. “Hey… Hey… you are my friend, I Pinkie Promise cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ey-Ow!” she said going through the motions and accidentally poking herself in the eye which I gave a watery chuckle. “Twilight isn't going to be back till next week, she is off in the San Palimo at a dig site where I supposedly came from. Because I don't remember anything before waking up as Sweetie Belle. Like I know things about myself but a lot of details like my parents, name, life history with others is just blank. Same with memories of Sweetie, I don't know anything but the more non private activities Sweetie Belle has done like her adventures with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.” I said in a dejected way, this sucked. Pinkie scooted closer and nuzzled my ear trying to give me some comfort, I was happy that ponies were so affectionate it made it a lot easier to talk about these things. “Even then I wasn't privy to her emotions or thoughts, it was like I was there but unseen and unheard. Like a ghost kinda.” I said looking down at my crossed hooves. “hmmm, I'm sorry Warm Smile…” she said softly, her voice carrying the truth of the statement. “What do you know about me?” she asked curious now. “I know that you grew up on a Rock Farm, with your three sisters. Maud, Marble, and Limestone Pie. I know how you got your cutie mark, a big rainbow boom filled you with so much joy you wanted to share that joy and became the best party pony in Equestria, I know you are the element of laughter and love everypony.” I said looking up at her with admiration. “I can't tell you more because… technically a lot of stuff I know more about you happens because it's in the future.” Pinkie blushed her cheeks going a tad darker than the rest of her “That's all true, I dont think I've told Sweetie Belle any of that before.” she said a bit of embarrassment showing on her cheeks. “Yeah, well, like I've said I've watched you for a long time… also… I'm um a lot older I think than Sweetie. Probably around your age because I don't remember my exact age. S-sorry I should of told you that sooner.” I said quickly feeling embarrassed that I took advantage to get nuzzles and kisses from Pinkie. Pinkie’s face darkened a bit more with a blush as she looked my face over to see if that was true. I couldn't look her in the eyes, then I felt her nuzzle my cheek again. “Its okay. I know what that's like, watching somepony for so long you want to be loved by them... It’s why I joined Rarity’s herd, when she and Rainbow got together, crazy as it sounds, Rainbow is actually really soft and girly on the inside and Rarity understands what Rainbow really wants… I wanted to be apart of their lives.” Pinkie said smiling and looking down at her own hooves. “Is it alright if I say something Pinkie, and this might be a little weird coming from somepony who looks like Sweetie Belle.” I said looking for her approval, she scrunched her nose cutely before nodding lightly. She was too cute, I couldn't stop myself. I don't think I could've stopped myself even if I wanted to, there was no inhibition on this brain so it just said whatever it thought aloud. “I… Um… I wanted to be apart of your life… as friends or maybe even... lovers.” I cringed as I said this, it sounded really awkward coming from a young filly. My inner self slapped me on the knuckles for being such a weirdo but I distinctly remember even though I had been a entirely different species and knowing they were fictional characters that if I ever… ever had the chance I would try to pursue my three favorites, be it in human form or otherwise. Now it just made it a trillion times more awkward that I happen to look, sound, and smell like Sweetie Belle but be a entirely different person. “oh… Oh!!” she said looking confused at first then surprised as she gave me a cringed lopsided grin. She rubbed the back of her head her hoof getting lost in the curly mess that was her mane as she looked away her face a very dark pink. I sighed placing my head on the couch and giving up. Me and my massive mouth, I should of not said anything because now she’s gonna worry about my feelings and the fact I'm a almost teen pony. Perhaps the moon was a good place to contemplate my own life and actions. Man having a filly brain made me pretty stupid, I spoke before I thought and I think a hell of a lot. Overthinking is one of my best qualities! How else would I ramble about pony economics and the value of bits and their relation of gold to value ratio!? What you don't think of that? Oh well, excuse me bucko I have fictional currency to evaluate in my spare time. Platinum by the way, it's probably platinum. Low chance rate of formation making it rare. Thus gold is based off the amount of platinum within the coin. Welp, now I've screwed up I’ll just try to crawl over to the other side of the couch and wait for my doom. “Warm Smile?” Pinkie asked as I attempted to drag my own body across the plush couch I sat on similar to how a zombie with no lower torso would drag itself. “You don’t have to say anything Pinkie, I'm already putting myself in the ring for making things more awkward than needed. Twelve Rounds, bare fist, knockout only.” I said through gritted teeth, the crawl being more effort than I thought. At least I was moving, so I take the small victory where I can. “Its!” Pinkie said her voice little higher than the whisper we were keeping at, “Its… not awkward… maybe a little bit.” I rolled my eyes, trust me I know Pinkie thank you for layering the cake. “I… it's just nopony really… um… pursues me. I've always had to… you know, like go after others deliberately otherwise… nopony really pays attention.” She said rubbing her arm, biting her own lip. She threw her hooves up as I raised a eyebrow at her. “D-Don't get me wrong! Rarity and our herd loves me a lot, it's just… I usually have to look for more…” she blushed looking flustered, now this was a predicament. Usually in most renditions of Pinkie besides cannon, Pinkie is often betrayed as innocent, fun loving and sort of one dimensional. The opposite side of that spectrum was that she was promiscuous and often obsessive, no one ever really considers that Pinkie is a actual individual. I've always seen Pinkie as a individual, someone who like her cannon counterpart was a crazy fun loving party pony who can bend time and space, but at the end of the day she had her own opinions and desires beyond just cupcakes and parties. I never really thought that Pinkie might feel undesired in a more romantic pretense, though considering she nearly broke when she believed that her friends were avoiding her was the obvious sign that she wanted to be seen. That insecurity of not knowing if someone wanted her, needed her or even desired to pursue her. Pinkie was not the taste for many of a normal people, she was a very niche kind of pony that you either liked having around or just held at a distance. Knowing she had to ask to join the herd Rarity had started, it was probably scary to know someone wanted her. Even if that someone was in the body of her herd mate’s little sister. I seethed a little on the inside that she obviously felt that way so why didn’t my sister see it? Ah yes, of course, friendship lessons, they were oblivious to their own faults and thus never brought them up. Until Twilight manages to pull a miracle and notice then solve the problem with a few bits of common sense and logic, that's where she and I were similar. We think about things way to much and thus when she’s observing things we break things down to their simple components. “Seriously? Nopony has wanted to be with you?” I asked astonished, Pinkie gave a rueful smile and shook her head. “Its… nice, that you want me, I've just met you but it's really nice to hear somepony say they want me. Even if it is a little weird that it's coming from somepony who looks and sounds just like Sweetie Belle… you don't act like Sweetie Belle and I can sense when somepony lies to me, Applejack told me how.” She said looking at Rarity who was laughing somewhat madly as she added bows to the dress. I worried for her stress levels, doing from scratch custom jobs must take a lot of mental fortitude. “M-Maybe if you get some help from Twilight and we figure out how to get the old Sweetie Belle back… W-would you like to maybe see each other sometime? It… it would be really awkward as you are… now.” She said scratching her nose, which I nodded understanding the hesitation. “Dont worry about it, let's just focus on being friends and getting Sweetie back yeah?” I said giving her a look of complacency, it was better than nothing. Better to start a relationship as platonic friends. “Yeah.” she said with a small smile, there was a moment of silence between us but Rarity saved our bacon. “I'm doooooonnnneeee!!” she cried out in a sing song voice, her dress complete with sparkle and dazzle effects. It was a purple and white dress that flowed around with the illusion of smoke or fog. She had a small sheen of sweat on her brow, her mane was a bit frayed on the end but otherwise she looked satisfied with her creation. “I see you two have become thick as thieves while I worked, did you find what you were looking for darling?” Rarity asked whipping her forehead of the excess moisture. Pinkie hopped up from her spot bouncing off toward Rarity, not before giving me a small hug. “Yep yep! It was closer than I expected!” she chirped happily where she stopped in front of Rarity and rubbed noses with her. “That's wonderful darling, I take it Sweetie has told you of her condition?” Pinkie nodded her head, “Excellent, Pinkie if you would be so kind to take her off my hooves for a outing no doubt she is bored out of her horn just sitting there watching me work. A bit of fresh air would do her some good.” Rarity suggested to her marefriend with a smile and a quick glance my way. “Scootaloo and Apple Bloom most likely are serving their time today and won't be able to keep Sweetie company, I have two more dresses lined up for today and I'm most likely to finish them by the evening.” “Sure!! Sounds like fun! Sweetie and I can go over to Sugar cube corner!” Pinkie announced, I smiled myself excited to see the Cakes and the fabled Sugar Cube Corner in reality. “Yeah!!” I squeaked, damn my own cuteness. “Pinkie wanted to throw me a ‘Get well Sweetie Belle and glad you’re safe’ Party!” I called over, Pinkie Pie gave me a very happy look and I could see the childlike excitement to throw a party dancing in her baby blues. “Exactly! Sweetie also wanted to try my super yum-arific tasty blue blueberry chocolate surprise cupcake! I've been testing it out and it's really yummy so far but I wanted another pony’s opinion on it.” Pinkie bounced, you could even hear a small jump sound effect as she bounced. “That sounds wonderful darling, just remember Sweetie is still recovering and is having a hard time with her own body listening to her so make sure to keep a close eye on her okay? Oh and make sure she does no magic, doctor's orders.” she tuted coming over to me with Pinkie which she levitated me onto Pinkie’s back giving me a soft nuzzle a quick peck on the cheek. “You be good for Pinkie Sweetie, sorry I couldnt spend time with you today but orders are orders and they need to be done for my business.” She said hesitantly giving me a once over. “Don’t worry sis, I know you are making the bits for all that food in the fridge. Thanks for working so hard.” I said truthfully. Rarity blushed ever so slightly giving me a warm smile. “Of course darling, got to take care of my little sister after all.” she said proudly puffing out her fuzzy chest. I giggled despite myself, it felt good, you know? “Well back to the grindstone dears, should you need me you know where to find me.” Rarity sighed trotting off back to her work station. “Letsa go!” Pinkie cheered taking off at a even canter toward the door. Once outside I relaxed a bit feeling the warm sun on my face and the perfect temperature of the Pegasus weather team’s hard work. “It's a wonderful day.” I breathed inhaling the fresh air, think that fresh mountain air. “So are we going to Sugar Cube? Cuz I'm fine with that, I've always wanted to meet the Cakes.” I chirped giving a passerby a happy smile which they smiled back giving a small wave. “I wasn't lying about the super duper yummy blueberry chocolate surprise cupcake! It's my newest creation and I've been waiting for somepony to try it!” Pinkie snickered. “Do ponies not try your creations often?” I watched a cloud being moved by a Pegasus far up in the sky, it was very cool. “Heheh… well not really, ever since I tried mixing orange flavoring with mint ponies are cautious of trying new things with me.” I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow which she gave her best sheepish grin. “what's the surprise then?” I asked leaning back, ready to run if necessary things here tasted twice as good and I wasn't going to let Pinkie ruin it for me. Yes I know  can’t run, but that doesn't mean I sure as hell can't try. “Sseeeeecreeeet!!” she whispered picking up her pace. I swallowed thickly, hoping that there wasn't anything strange about this cupcake. “Tell me about yourself Warm Smile~” Pinkie said turning a corner in the main square, which town hall was as majestic as it was in the show. The arches were tall as a five stories with long flowing banners of some sort of significance lining the walls between the long windows. That gothic era atheistic was quite nice if a little showy, as most English countryside villages sported similar vintage architecture which earned them tourism. I suspected this was the case considering Las Pegasus and Manehatten was clearly in the modern age or perhaps a neo steampunk modernism. I guess because of the lack of competition from neighboring countries the whole power and tech race was null and void. Not to mention the two beings that controlled the celestial bodies with a mere thought and a bit of magic, in control of said country would lead to a hesitancy in any other faction or country to warrant any sort of hostility toward the two. I silently laughed at the other fanfictions that had Griffons or some other race including ponies as bad guys trying to fight against the very beings that could incinerate their planet just by simply pulling the celestial bodies close. I would guess that if Luna so desired she could just pull the moon in such a way she could cause a whole continent to sink beneath a tidal wave the size of eighteen empire state buildings. I shuddered at the thought that ponies and others had the audacity to even try, like if Chrysalis really had won what was she going to do when the sun slowly turned the land into a barren waste and so hot that it begins to create slag and lava? The other side if of the planet would turn into a icy death pit while the only livable space would become the line between night and day. Sure, be my guest villains go on destroy the planet you wanna rule. Tirik probably would of been okay since he ate the magic of the sisters and could eventually after he was done stomping around start the cycle. Discord was just Discord, as evident he caused a rapid change in night and day which would cause the most chaos from a ecosystem standpoint. I blinked as I was nudged by Pinkie, oh yes, that's right questions. “Sorry, was distracted. Um well I know a lot of things but a lot of it comes and goes, I like drawing and art, I love science and overthinking things, I know I’m a bit of the silent type when it comes to social interaction. My brain is often doing more talking than my mouth will, I know that I am from a different world.” I listed off the things I currently knew about myself. “A different world?” Pinkie asked looking both curious and excited at this, though then again Pinkie always looked excited. “Oh, yes, allow me to introduce my species, Homosapien Sapien ala Human for short, which is Latin similar to pony-latin for Wise Man. In reality it is circumstantial whether or not we are wise, because humans can be immovable block heads that are so set in their ways that those in power do nothing to stop disease, crime, and the destruction of our ecosystems in the name of regressive progress.” I said snarky at the irony of my species, oh yes we could be great there were many examples of great philanthropy, but most were just dunderheads to blind to see their own destruction. It was like when I learned the hard way of trying to help someone, no one ever moved till they moved themselves, same with society until there was enough movement to change than we simply just banged ourselves against the figurative wall. “oooooh, so I take it not everpony was nice there?” she said a little sad to hear that. “No, unfortunately, you got the rare few who were saints in all but name but they tend to be overwhelmed by the greed humans have. It's the defining difference between humans and ponies Pinkie, humans don't know how to control their greed and it ruins them and others. Otherwise humans and ponies can be similar, though griffins are more akin to humans. Greedy and big meanie pants.” I said in a huff. “I get the feeling you don't really like hoomans, even though you say you are one…” she wondered looking back at me. “Don’t misunderstand me, I love humans as much as I dislike them. Some ‘people’” I said air quoting this as best I could. “Are quite nice and care about the populace, their home world, and the way humans are moving. Others tend to simply care mostly about their lives and the others in their social niches and barely bother looking beyond their groups and are neutral to humanity as a whole. Then you have the group that tends to gain power through violence or deception to nurture their lusts for money or power over others, imagine the high class ponies in Canterlot.” I said setting an example. Pinkie gave me her thinking face and nodded. “Now imagine them ruling like griffins instead of the wonderful princesses.” Pinkie’s face fell into horror as the emotions played across her face. “That's awful!! Those ponies don't know how to have fun or party!! Most of them ARE big meanie pants!!” Pinkie gasped. “That's our government people ‘working’ as intended, it's hard to voice our outcries of injustice because they don't listen and when they do they interpret it in their own way so they gain the most benefit of it. Trying to impeach them from government positions is harder than removing Twilight from her books.” I said sighing, which Pinkie patted me on the side and turned her head to give me a knowing smile. “Twilight really loves her books, it's hard to get her out of the library sometimes.” Pinkie chuckled, we weaved our way through the marketplace which I saw the resident silent protagonist Big Mac ponying the Apple family stall. We waved and he waved back, Big Mac was a beast of a pony he stood a head taller than us. He was broad like his sister but the hard defined muscles of endless labor was very flattering for his big green eyes and shy smile. He was essentially the pony equivalent of those generic romance novels cowboys, you know the ones that have the half naked man dipping the barely dressed woman in front of a canyon or some shit for a kiss and all that. Hot, shy and probably well endowed. I dare not look in case I have a weird hormonal surge and become blinded by a desire to be rotted. Embarrassing would not be the word I would use if that was the case. I've already seen enough fan art to know what his penis looked like, and I didnt ship him with anyone but Sugar Belle even though that came late in the series. Note: Make sure we don't make things really awkward for Big Mac when he asks Sugar Belle out to be his special Somepony, and refuse to take part in the love poison Apple Blooms suggests. Cheerilee was super cute but she and Mac just weren't made for one another. “Is Twilight as adorkable as I know? Like she makes checklists of her checklists, does a cute little panic dance and has a fear of quesadillas?” I asked watching Big Mac sell a dozen apples to Carrot Top as we left the marketplace. Pinkie giggled till she snorted cutely trying to hide her laughter with a hoof. “Its true!! I love that word to describe her! Adorkable! She is very adorkable, Twilight hasn't ever had a marefriend before so she does a lot of cute things when she thinks we aren't paying attention~” Pinkie smiled brightly thinking of Twilight. “She likes to mumble things under her breath, and I've seen her dance and sing while she cleaned her room. Twilight doesn't know how to dance well so she ends up knocking things over giving herself more work.” she laughed as I laughed too, thank the nine divines that Twilight is and always will be a adorkable pony. “Don’t tell anypony I told you this because she tells you guys eventually, but Twilight when she was a filly about my age she made book forts to hide in.” I said giving Pinkie a devious grin, Pinkie managed to put her hoof to her mouth to stop herself from squeaking from the cuteness. “Now you have embarrassment blackmail, you are welcome.” I laughed like a bad super villain, which Pinkie followed suit and we laughed like cheesy super villains. “Here we are! Best place this side of Ponyville!!” She said gesturing to the Sugar Cube corner. It was picturesque of a gingerbread house, like I could literally see the tile work artistically designed to look like gingerbread while the roof edges were carved in such a way that it was like swirls like a actual icing. Whoever built this bakery was a wonderful artist and had done so with a lot of love. The smell of fresh bread and confections of all kinds of baked goods wafted in from the open door a few of the local constabulary was hanging outside at guard. Wait, why is there guards outside the Sugar Cube? Pinkie seemed to have the same idea as she slowed down and peeked inside. “Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle good to see you.” Celestia, Diarch of Equestria and Progenitor of the Sun was sitting at a table with Luna, Lady of the Night and Caretaker of Dreams. Enjoying what looked like a spot of tea and biscuits with the Cakes in the background looking very nervous as their rulers were sitting down at one of their tables Oh shit, this wasnt good. > For the Glory of Naruto and Schoolyard Blues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know that feeling of inevitable doom looming over you like the french guillotines during the french revolution? It certainly was a feeling that crawled through my heart seeing the two sitting there. Twilight blabbed didn't she!!? THE CUTE PURPLE HORSE!! I cursed silently as the two incredibly beautiful and regal looking alicorns waved us over. “Goooood morning Princesses!!” Pinkie said doing a short bow and hopping over to the table. “Good Morning Pinkie, and Sweetie Belle.” Celestia said gently, her deep mature voice sexy and diplomatic. Gods, she was gorgeous and kinda intimidating where I was a small bean, they were the giants of this land towering over Pinkie and I. Celestia had her signature flowing mane of pastel colors that glimmered like sunlight reflecting off of small bits of glass, it flowed in a invisible wind off to her right. Kind, beautiful magenta eyes looked at us, there was untold power behind them but they seem to be playful as well. Her muzzle was sharper than others her face a tad longer than Pinkie’s round one, with very soft and beautiful looking lips that constantly held a small smile. Her horn was twice the size of mine or Twilight’s and her body was slender but not fit like Applejack more just a natural slender like those with high metabolisms had. Luna was as sexy as everyone made her in the fandom, her dusky blue fur was exotic as was her mane which was like looking at a living cosmos. Unlike in the show you could literally see constellations faze from one to another like a liquid. Her face shape was similar to Celestia’s showing their genetic similarities, her horn was a tad shorter as was her height compared to Celestia but she was just as regal. Beautiful azure blue eyes gazed upon me with curiosity and hesitancy, she seemed to be uncomfortable being here. Her emotions were a lot more on display than Celestia, though considering that Luna hadn't been in contact with many ponies since her banishment would make her very out of practice to have poker politics face. “Don’t worry my little ponies, I'm not here for anything serious.” she chuckled as Pinkie and I were sat at the table, “Just a few questions and then we are off to the dig site in San Palimo, Twilight wrote us a letter yesterday about finding very very old advanced ruin and we are heading there to make sure nothing there is magically dangerous to the kingdom.” she explained kindly, she must of been watching my expression as she gave me a small smirk. Reading me like a open book on why they were here, damn, you are good Celestia. “So… um… what can we do for you Princess Celestia and Luna?” I said my voice squeaking with my nervousness, Luna spoke up this time. “We were worried for the safety of the Element of Generosity’s sister. From the letter Lady Twilight has sent, you were at the epicenter of such a magical accident and we feared that some magical taint may have touched you.” Luna said, her voice husky it was completely different from the show's! It was rich, deeper than her sister's you could almost hear the fusion of both Nightmare Moon and regular Luna femininity then add that husky tone Rainbow Dash had. To be honest all I could think of was dark chocolate when listening to it. The kind you definitely would wanna hear raptured in pleasure. I blushed deeply unable to help myself, Luna was a fan favorite for obvious reason and I was no different. “You know what this calls for!! CUPCAKES!! Ooooo Princesses!! You gotta try my Blueberry Chocolate Surprise cupcakes!! I made a batch this morning!” Pinkie exclaimed turning into a cloud outline of her body as she moved faster than my visual cortex could manage. There was a ruckus in the kitchen a moment later, gee thanks Pinkie leaving me to the mercy of the Princesses. Celestia put a hoof to her mouth as she snickered at Pinkie looking off toward the kitchen. “Pinkie never did know how to act around us.” Celestia laughed softly, while Luna sighed but smiled faintly. “Dearest Sweetie Belle, We have a few questions for you… We have gazed into your dreams and we were surprised at what we found.” Luna started, which I shrunk into a nervous ball, of course I would be found out by my dreams!! I dreamed of Discord for Celestia’s sake! Goodbye good world!! It was nice knowing you! “Sweetie have you been feeling anything… off?” Celestia continued after her sister seeing my expression. “Like, having urges to do something dangerous or wild more so than normal? Or perhaps strange things happening around you, simple things like a leaf being a different color than normal or a toy you have mysteriously missing?” she said smiling at me with a reassuring smile. I took a gulp of air, thanking whatever gods out there looking out for me that they didn't instantly figure out what I was and what I had done. I shook my head slowly, I didn't have anything occur of that nature. Though I did have this feeling of lucridarity, nothing around me was set, but I assumed that was because of my mental state. “I um… sometimes don't feel like I'm around anything stable sometimes. I… don’t remember much of my life.” I said looking down at the table. “It makes me feel lost.” The sisters looked at one another, seeming to have a conversation between each other in the silence. Luna’s expression went from worried then to concerned while Celestia’s remained calm. “Sweetie, have you had strange memories that… hmm how to put this… that I guess you could say weren't your own?” Celestia asked sipping from her cup. I nodded, shit! I didn't mean to nod!! Fuck me over Christmas dinner! I opened my mouth to deny my physical betrayal but nothing came out. My voice failed me. Another deep nonverbal conversation between the sisters as Luna motioned with her eyes toward me. I tried swallowing the nervous lump in my throat, I could feel a small bit of sweat trickle down my neck. “Sweetie don't be alarmed but do you mind if we cast a small spell on you, we just wanna make sure everything is alright with your mana.” she said softly reassuring like a mother to a child who was at the doctors fearing the needle. I couldn't really refuse the diarchs they literally owned the sun that powered my planet. “O-Okay, there… there isn't anything wrong with me is there?” I asked playing dumb. “Of course not little one, we are simply making sure nothing is amiss.” Luna said in her best reassuring tone. Celestia’s horn was suddenly wreathed in a golden light and she gave me a smile as she tilted her head toward me, Luna’s did the same hers a dusky moonlight colored aura of blue and white. There was a soft warm feeling like being hugged. I gasped as suddenly there was a strange sensation inside of me, despite myself I snarled trying to rip myself away from the magic. It began to feel like I was being pulled apart which made me scream out, I thrashed in a wild trance of fear. Color became blurry as my left eye burned hot. Then nothing. … Celestia rushed over to the passed out filly, checking on her pulse and breath a sigh of deep relief she was alright, out cold, but alright. Luna looked at her breathing hard, the whole room had warped ever so slightly like a mirror funhouse. Their guards rushed in for the attackers but she waved them away with a wing. “I was right… whatever happened to her in that ruin might of transferred enough chaos magic to start her on the path of a Chaos Lord.” Luna said grimly. “I have been in Sweetie Belle’s dreams before and she has never had such chaos within her, fears of course she is young but never enough to shape into Discord himself. I was watching the filly have a conversation with him on par with the amount of nonsense he reeks.” she said standing over the filly herself. “What shall we do sister?” Luna asked brushing away the filly’s hair to gaze upon the spider web like scar that ran down her horn and over her eye and cheek. “We watch her, I'll have Gleaming Star watch her for any accidental chaos magic. You saw how she reacted to the Affinity Spell, it's not just chaos magic either she has a lot of light affinity too…” Celestia said looking over at her sister now. “If we can guide her, we won't have another Discord three hundred years later.” Celestia said solemnly but resolutely. “Tia, we can't let Discord get his claws on her you realize this, right?” Luna said softly. “We must start guiding her now otherwise she might spin wildly out of control of she is exposed to that much Chaos magic.” she urged her sister. “I know Lulu, I've already seen the wards breaking around Discord’s statue. I plan on trapping him in a contract the moment he breaks free, you know how he can't resist a challenge. The Old Laws won't let the bearers be overwhelmed without a chance but Sweetie isn't them and I fear she might be lost in the crossfire…” Celestia said picking the unconscious filly in her muzzle then setting the tiny girl on her back. “Sister, I think it best we take her with us to the castle have the Element of Generosity move with her, it is so we can keep a eye on both Discord’s return and Sweetie Belle for more signs. She is still in the very early stages, but eventually she might cause discourse without even realizing it is her doing it.” Luna suggested looking at the tiny filly on her sister's back. “Luna… I agree with you but, I really do not want to rip her away from her home it might cause her to resent us and then not only would we have another Discord but a light wielding Sombra who also is out for blood.” She said nuzzling the small form of Sweetie Belle, worried for the youth who now bore a mark of chaos in her soul. “Our dear Rarity would be consumed with worry as well as her parents if we told them now. I think the best we can do for now is watch and wait then step in when the time comes, Luna please edit her memories of this happening she wont understand what happened and that could lead to a deep mistrust of others. Meanwhile you and I will scout this ruin to see if any more marks of chaos hide within.” Celestia said seriously, Luna frowned but nodded her horn glowing and then lightly touching the filly’s head. “Gleaming Star.” Celestia commanded and without a sound a cream yellow unicorn mare appeared in front of the Princess, she was a unicorn with alabaster white hair that was neatly tied back and the shimmer of her light bending armor made her appear bigger than she was. “Yes, your majesty?” She said softly her voice quiet and soft. “You are moving to Ponyville for undercover observation of this filly Sweetie Belle, you are to report to either I or Luna of anything related to chaos magic happening around her. Otherwise you are to keep your distance and not involve yourself in her private life, what she does is not our concern but if you detect chaos magic from her you are to report it immediately. I will arrange your accommodations this evening.” Celestia said with deep authority to the smaller mare. “Is! Is War-Sweetie Belle alright!!?” Pinkie called catching herself, she saw Sweetie Belle passed out and the whole front foyer slightly warped like her funhouse mirror would show. Luna and Celestia looked at one another. “Pinkie Pie, she is well, we had cast a spell that would reveal her magic as an aura. And, well, she is fine but we suspect she was marked by a chaotic force when she was shocked.” She said sighing, Pinkie gave a short curt nod but was sweating on the inside. What if Warm Smile had been right!? What if they get banished and or locked away as a paperweight! It made her want to do a Twilight panic dance. “We have removed her memory of the visit Pinkie, we must be going soon in case there are other magical artifacts of potential ruin. Tell her nothing of this, she need not worry of the state of her magic.” Luna said which made Pinkie nod again looking a little withered. “Pinkie we also ask you to watch over Sweetie Belle for any unusual magic, Gleaming Star here is going to be watching over her from a distance but we need somepony closer just in case as she knows you.” Celestia asked leaning down to the element of laughter and gently nuzzling her. Pinkie made a small noise but accepted the nuzzle with her own. “O-Okay, I promise to help.” she said which Celestia smiled happy that she had convinced the element of laughter. “Thank you Pinkie, your help is greatly appreciated.” she said in her motherly tone she used for all her subjects. Sweetie Belle was transferred over to Pinkie who set the sleeping Sweetie on her back. “Come Lulu, we must be off, tell the Cakes thank you for the wonderful tea.” Celestia said before making her way out into the street, ordering her guards to disperse before disappearing with Luna in a bright flash. … What is it with me and waking up in random weird places? I've passed out, fallen asleep or some other form on unconsciousness like seven times now. It was annoying in that I was tried all the time, I just thanked the heavens I wasn't cranky because I would bite the head off of anything that remotely moved if I was. Mornings and their early things that happen. They can sod off for all I care. So once again I open my eyes to a strange new area not know how or why I was here. I was staring up at a high dome ceiling with long windows and the sweet smell of cotton candy and carnival food was prevalent in the air. I began to look down only to see a green alligator with deceptively vacant purple eyes on my chest I was wrapped in covers as well. “Greetings Gummy, scholar and great philosopher of our time I am honored to be your bed rest.” I deadpanned, oooh I knew that little alligator was deep, the Slice of Life episode proved it. The said philosopher continued to gave me a blank stare before it closed one eye in a wink, which I snorted with laughter. Was it just me or did I feel great? Like something had changed but I certainly didn't feel so… twitchy as before, less achey. I lifted my hooves to pick the alligator up and setting him down next to me. “You know, I think it is not that the cutie mark defines us as individuals as a cutie mark is only a aspect of what we are. A defining instance of which brings us most joy shown in visual representation upon our flanks, while griffins and alligators might not have cutie marks they are given the gift of freedom of becoming talented in anything they wish to be. If I were to have a cutie mark and then switch them with somepony else's even though that talent calls to me I might not have any aptitude in said skill because I am simply not made for it “Blank Flanks and all other species not yet defined are gifted with freedom of choosing their own path, a Griffon might learn a instrument not because a mark told him to but simply because it is what makes that individual happy to enjoy honing a skill even though you might not be destined to have it. I think that is beautiful and sad at the same time” I said to the alligator giving him my take on the deep philosophy of what defines us. Gummy simply wagged his tail twice and gave me another wink. “I would like to read your works on what defines us, after I learn how to read sir Gummy. And if you are able talk on the more sublime things such as the nature of the soul and magic.” I continued politely which I held out my hoof for the alligator which the alligator simply gave me a lick. Fair enough. I looked around seeing Pinkie Pie’s bedroom first hand, it was… surprisingly clean for someone who used more confetti than a paper factory, I would of expected the paper and glitter combination to line every inch of the floor boards but here we were looking at a spick and span room. Pinkie had a mirror right next to her bed and a rush of fear and excitement poured through my veins. This was going to be first contact, first time I was going to properly look at myself. I shuffled around in the bed surprised at how light I felt, things didn't feel like a major effort to make my body listen to me. I could stand!! Holy shit I can stand!! I took a tentative step forward only to completely lose my balance as the bed was waaay too uneven to walk properly on consider in it sank under my weight. I coughed feeling heat rush to my cheeks as Gummy seemed to laugh at me from his spot on the bed. “Ha ha, yes funny, I've never been a small horse before Gummy.” I said with some attitude, as I pushed myself back up and sort of shimmy my way toward the part of the bed where I could see myself. The surreal feeling of looking at yourself and someone else staring back at you flooded my heart as I looked into the mirror. There I was… Sweetie Belle, I slowly waved a hoof and they waved a hoof back seeing the white grey hoof move slowly where I moved it. I was pretty, a lot of my genetic features were similar to Rarity showing how similar we were as sisters. The slightly upturned nose with soft filling lips, my ears moved on their own without my input but I didn't really feel them move anymore. My mane was a curly mess, the light grey and pinks blending together that ponies could ever have as natural colouration. What got me was my eyes, they were a lichen green and looked at my reflection with a intelligence that betrayed my youthful features. My left eye glowed, seriously it glowed like it had a flashlight behind it with molten flecks of arcane blue that seemed to pulse like lightning or something again to blood.  I peered closer finding that the molten flecks of blue shifted throughout my iris and even into my pupil where a white light seemed to glimmer like a movie reel projector in the deep darkness of the black pupil. I could see the scars too, they were like spiderwebs of dark ivory that ran down my horn over my eye and eyelid then into my cheek. It was kinda cool and pretty after you got over the fact it was a scar of my flesh burning from the heat of lighting. I lightly touched my face seeing my reflection do the same, lifting my hair so that I could see under my long bangs the scar continued up into my hairline and even onto my ear but it was smaller than over the eye and cheek. I took a shaky breath, reminding myself this was real and not some madman’s delusion. I slid down the side of the bed fo get closer to the mirror. I was delighted to find I had strength in my limbs! There was still the occasional twitch, but I could stand without any effort, I clumsily moved my hooves forward swaying in an attempt to maintain balance. This was harder than it looked. To many limbs to control, hell I still didn't know how to control my tail which I could see simply hung limply down over my butt. Right, I need to sort that out sooner or later. I cheated the first time when I went to the bathroom by simply holding my tail in front of me and away from myself. But who knows what might happen if I needed to go, I really didn't want to ruin my tail. I sat down in front of the mirror seeing myself up close, it was hard to believe I was there. I looked down seeing the reflection of my small breasts, they were standard and nothing to really talk about. Breasts were breasts even if they weren't on my breast currently. I shifted on the floor boards now acutely aware of my naked sex as it was pressed between myself and the hardwood, it was an odd sensation but similar to if I were male and had my ballsack on hardwood. Aware that it was there but not turned on by the action, I had self control apparently but not enough to not be curious of what I looked like. I stood back up and turned my body slowly seeing how tiny I was, everyone else was twice my size as I imagined say Pinkie standing next to me,  I would come to her chest in full straight height including my horn. I continued to turn wobbly taking one hoof and hooking my tail to pull it away. My soft petals of my marehood stared back at me, I was a soft pink peach color like how I saw on Rarity. The mons of my sex were rather on the larger side but clearly equine in look, the very tip of my clitoris peeked out from the hood which I tried to flex muscles and felt that weird squeezing the clitoris flaring as it winked. I felt my face catch fire as mix of excitement and guilt tore its way through me, I quickly looked around waiting for any sort of sound to alert me to anyone else in the area. With the same hoof that I held my tail back I shifted it behind myself and pulled at one of my flanks. I saw myself spread apart and seeing the deeper pink insides of my sex open. I let out a sigh of pleasure from the act and quickly let go sitting down so I didn't get myself caught. I… um… well I felt perverted, but in such a way I felt both guilty and excited about it. I wonder what it would be like to have Apple Bloom press herself against my own… GAH!! I felt myself burn up as I imagined being sandwiched between Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, both of them biting my sensitive ears and giving me long kisses and nuzzles against my neck as I was helpless as a pile of marshmallow fluff between two hot graham crackers. I let out a shuddering breath feeling my love spot tingle and twitch with its it's own excitement. A deep part of me desired for that particular scenario, it… it would be a experience. I looked cuter than a marshmallow cookie as I blushed, my cheeks red along with my neck and ears. Looks like I was a full head blush type of mare, which made it all the more hotter as I could almost feel the soft nibbles of Apple Bloom whispering how pretty I was when I blushed. I shifted uncomfortably in front of the mirror. Better get going and doing something before I start masturbating in one of my all time favorite pony’s bedroom. I got up shakily as I concentrated on just walking forward toward the door. It took five minutes but it seemed I had a natural rhythm that I was supposed to follow and if I didn't think about it I could walk normally, but the moment I thought about it I nearly fell onto my face. So it was a struggle of desiring a direction, being aware of myself but not thinking too hard about it as I moved my limbs. It was such a weird thing feeling your knees go naturally backward rather than forward, but it didn't cause me pain or discomfort so I pressed on. Elation of being able to walk now was sublime, I could move where I wanted and I seriously hoped that this wasn't temporary like I had gathered a good burst of energy from my cat nap to walk around then crash not half a hour later. I managed to reach the door to the third floor of the Sugar Cube Corner, the handle was a pull down as expected but the major issue I was having was I would have to get on my hind legs to really get a good enough grip to pull it down and forward. I steeled myself to hop up into the wood door, my front hooves hit the solid painted green wood and I shimmied over to the door handle. Only for the door to open and I yelp as I fell forward, smacking my nose against the hard floor. My eyes went crossed eyed as the stinging sensation of hitting your nose made me hiss, eyes watering. “Oh!! Warm Smile!! I'm so sorry!” Pinkie’s voice said from above me as I felt her hooves wrapped around me and pull me up. “I, well I didn't expect you to be here… at the door. Are you feeling better? You couldn't even move much on my back but now you are trotting around fine?” Pinkie asked concerned. “I wouldn't say trotting around yet, more like trying to be a walrus with legs and hoping for the best.” I said rubbing my nose and sniffing loudly, gods that stung. “When I woke up I felt better than ever, still a little twitchy but pretty good! Um, Pinkie why and when did I just pass out and end up in your bed?” I asked looking over at the ponk pony just inches away from me. Pinkie gave me this nervous smile that I could literally read that she was trying to think of something up as she looked to her left. “You, uh, you got tired on the way to sugar cube corner you just ended up passing out, so I brought you up to my room to rest! Ahahahaaa…” she trailed off which I gave her a look that said I didn't believe her lie. None of these ponies were good at lying, which I guess was a good thing because being honest is a virtue. “Okay, well, now that I can walk sorta, let's have that cupcake yeah?” I gave her a cheery smile which I could see the relief that I wasn't going to pressure her on the subject. “GREAT!! I've laid them out actually, follow me to the kitchen!” she bounced further into the hall stopping to watch me fumble around like a drunk gorilla. I felt hesitant to try the stairs but Pinkie was there the entire time as I basically crawled down the steps to keep me from breaking my neck. Now you would guess this is where I become the snarky sarcastic human in Equestria, I can walk sorta and now I'm not confined to the rules of the road or the vehicles of pony nature. Destined to bring the works of Monty Python and antics of Discord into a beautiful discordant harmony of dry humor. To be honest I still felt a bit of fear, I was Sweetie Belle and if Sweetie Belle wasn't a sardonic man who forgot his towel when hitchhiking into another universe then I would be blowing my cover. I shouldn't complain, at least I wasn't the bowl of petunias plummeting to its demise. My stupid filly brain kept telling me that I was going to get into trouble and it made me tremble at the thought of telling anyone besides the Element of Laughter, well maybe Fluttershy since she is very very nice. I didn't want to go to the moon, I wanted to explore Mars for goodness sake!! At least I could try to Martian it up there! I just didn't know if Celestia was that kind of Celestia, you know the ones, the ones that put on a good show of being nice and good but will actually slam your ass into Tartarus faster than you can say Kratos. If I remember correctly from my mythology, Hades was a cold desolate place that was mainly a big waiting room for the flow of souls in Styx and Tartarus was it's more less reputable cousin of torture and demise. I really didn't want to roll a boulder up a hill for the rest of eternity thanks, I'd rather be a weirdo on the surface. “Hooves are harder than I thought they would be, I feel like I'm walking on all fours…” I said thoughtlessly as I continued down the stairs, Pinkie giggled trying to hide her amusement. “You are, silly filly~” she snickered as I blushed at the mare, I huffed. “I use to walk on two legs you know, my kind look like minotaurs especially in the torso and arms department. Then our heads and legs look like a chimpanzees features, when I get the hang of holding things i’ll draw you a picture… just be warned it's going to get anime real fast.” I warned as she snickered more, stupid sexy Pinkie being cute and sexy!! “What's anime? Does it taste good?” she asked curious now, I gaped at her. Of course she didn't know the majesty of anime, time to enlighten this poor lost soul. Three hours, one rant about Evangelion, a slight mental break down about ecchi, and a serious debate on cartoon vs anime later “-And that is why we should always believe in Lord Kamina that believes in us and Saint Simon who will always do the impossible and break the unbreakable and kick reason to the curb for our wretched souls amen.” I finished in a prayer to the great Kamina and his disciple Saint Simon. “But I thought we should always thank the Log for its protection and divine providence to all ninja? I think you said Naruto taught the way of the Log and all its sacrifices for shinobi lives and we should be thankful, amen" she added at the end a slight glaze coming over her eyes as she said it. “Thy Kawarimi no Jutsu shall always be our love, come let us say a psalm for the Log. And the willow sayeth unto the ninja: ‘wherefore dost I weep? 'tis tears of joy, as thy kin and mine together fell thine foes, who would bring the axe and torch to the wood. The log ist thine ally, and mine kin. Calling upon the log, is to call upon me. To aid thee in battle, I weep my tear of joy.’ and the ninja spoke: ‘Yea, thee and thine kin shall forever be blessed among me and mine kin. For thine bravery will never be forgotten.' -Book of the Log, Song of the Willow, verses 1-4” We chanted together in a reverent tone, our eyes glazed over in the glory of the Log. Mr. Cake coughed from the doorway looking at us both in concern. “A-Are you two alright there?” He asked walking into the kitchen with a empty tray from the front to the sink. “Hmm? What's a matter Mr. Cake?” Pinkie asked snapping out of the glazed look like nothing had happened, what were we doing again? “You guys were talking about a chunk of wood the same way a cult does…” He said in a off hoof sort of way. “Huh? I don't remember, do you Pinkie?” I asked looking over at my friend, she shrugged and shook her head looking just as confused as I did. “Ooookay.” Mr. Cake said looking between us with a nervous smile, “Well, I'll be over here.” he said making his way back out of the kitchen. “Mr. Cake is really awkward.” I said to Pinkie after the stallion in questioned left, Pinkie just snickered trying to hide her laughter of her employer and house owner. “Yeah, he is super nice but he can be very awkward at times.” she chirped. “Hey do you think we could be ninjas? They sound really cool!!” “Well it would be kinda hard to perform ninjutsu without hand seals. Is mana like chakra?” I asked her which she shrugged. “Well the moment I figure out how to control my mana I am making a Rasengan. Pinkie if we do this we gotta do it together, Shinobi don't work alone they have squad mates.” “Yeah!! BELIEVE IT!! I'm with you Warm Smile!” she said eating another blueberry chocolate surprise cupcake, the surprise was thankfully yummy which was raspberry filling. I munched on the last one feeling quite full from eating them. Now that our Nindo way was set into stone, we talked about a whole bunch of other dorky stuff. Pinkie really liked the idea of Ouran High Host Club and defiantly was going to try something like it at some point. I was really surprised I could remember all these anime in such detail, hell now that I think about it, I could remember a lot of things down to word for word of the books I had read before… They say that the brain actually doesn't forget anything rather the information is simply stored away as useless to the individual and is often forgotten for better information. I could recall in amazing detail of every movie, anime, cartoon, book, and field of study I knew. It surprised me to find out that I had been a physics major with a minor in quantum mechanics. If I had a chalkboard I could rewrite everything my Professor had ever written down and it was freaky. Freaky that I could remember things in such detail. Is this what Sherlock felt when he had his mind palace to prance around in? Because it was cool and freaky, cuz I knew I couldn't do that before. I decided to keep that tidbit to myself, just another alien thing to add to the mental construct of weirdness. It's not like knowing the Newton's of gravitational force on my body was going to help me in a land of reality warping magic. Like teleportation for example, it required a shit ton of energy to even perform but Twilight does it on a whim so the theoretical power it would take to transfer trillions of atoms from one point across space and time and remain intact was just pure madness. Different reality different rules, it did make me ache for a book on the laws of physics here though. I want to reaaaaad. Now I was just beginning to sound like Twilight. Pinkie and I spent some more time just talking about random things that came to our heads. “Party Magic.” Pinkie said looking at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “So… what? That's it? All the bending of time and space, the cupcakes hidden in every corner of Ponyville boils down to just.” I said rubbing my head, this made too much sense. “Party Magic!!” Pinkie squeaked happily, throwing confetti from nowhere. “I've always had it! After my cutie mark, all of it just became clear! Party magic is magic of parties and I get to make ponies laugh and have fun when I use it~” she hummed in her sing song voice. My life crumbled all around me as the explanation was just to simple. Or overly vague, I didn't know which bothered me more. “So… so that's it, just magic?” I asked straining my voice. “Yep!” she replied just as chipper. “Well, buck.” I mumbled under my breath, “Didn't Twilight nearly drive herself insane trying to figure that out?” I asked. “She didn't believe me, ‘Pinkie, there isn't such a thing as party magic so please tell me how you really do it’” she said imitating Twilight’s stern voice, which I couldn't help but laugh at that. Eventually after a while Pinkie guessed it would be good to head out and enjoy the rest of the day outside, and  to get some practice with walking and maybe even galloping. I certainly didn't feel tired, so we did just that. “Is that Derpy!!?” I squealed when I saw the cute and clumsy mailmare flutter overhead, she was flying in a very crooked line but I think it was because of her bad depth perception. I bounced with excitement, I wanted to meet her, she was a ultimate favorite of the fandom and I was no exception of my love for the mare. I waved to her which she smiled and waved back, nearly flying into a window but she managed to collect herself to avoid the building her bag of mail pulling at her. “You know Derpy?” Pinkie asked looking up at the mare herself. “Well, kinda, I have a very general idea of her. I know she is very good friends with Doctor Whooves, and that she is a mailmare. She has a eye problem doesn't she?” which my mouth was covered by Pinkie’s hoof making a shush motion. “Derpy is very sensitive about that, please don't talk about it around her it’ll hurt her feelings.” Pinkie said in a hushed tone looking off where the mare had flown off too, then placed her hoof down which I coughed and rubbed my face. Dirt tasted bad. “Sorry, like I said I dont know a lot of stuff.” I whispered back. Pinkie smiled and gave me a quick nuzzle on the cheek. “Its okay, just ask me about anypony I know everypony in town.” So I asked. … Twilight let out a frustrated sigh, slamming her book down and pulling the incomprehensible language taken from the ruin in front of her. Symbols and glyphs stared back at her, mocking her. The language had no origin she could find, she had even gone through eighteen dead languages dating further back than sixteen thousand years ago when not even the three great tribes were together but only small nomadic units traveled across Equestrian soil. She felt like ripping her mane out, the others were already saying nopony could of made this structure and that it was aliens. She didn't want to jump to conclusions but the more she researched the more the possibility of this being non-Equis became palpable! What's worse is that the CMC inadvertently found the rest of the ruin and by Celestia did it make her doubt no species in Equestria could build such a structure. What was thought to be a couple unearthed rooms with strange languages upon the metal surfaces, turned out to be a mega structure so utterly massive that she suspected that it stretched out the entirety of the San Palimo and gave a reason why the desert was there in the first place. The ruin was mind boggling, the first level was only the tip of the iceberg. The first couple of rooms simply descended with a few strange structures and signs that primitive beings had once used it as a home. Then after you step onto a certain pattern of symbols a door that was seamless from the wall opened into the first row. The first row was simple when entering there was fifty doors evenly spread across the righthoof side, then to the left was a guard rail into the massive expanse that had row after row of doors and stairways on the other side that descended down, down into a light she could not quite describe, it was darker up at the top but the further you looked down the brighter it became almost blinding if you looked to hard. Each door had the alien letters placed above, and seemed to be a numerical system as reported by a scout who ran down the long pathway. The place hummed with magic and energy should could not even begin to understand and it drove her insane with all the questions. The room that Sweetie Belle and her friends had found was the eighth door from the main entrance. The room itself was simple a ten hoof by ten hoof metal room with a textured metal floor, it had a light fixture at the very center of the room’s ceiling giving enough light one could see everything in the room. What made the room interesting was that it was covered in these pulsing metal wires with some kind of cylindrical terminal directly aligned with the door. All the wires seemed to come from the cylinder  and spread out into complex patterns and dare she say it crystal circuitry integrated into the patterns and they were so complex not even the science experts with her could make heads or tails of of what it did. The terminal as she called it was inert, all the life seemed to have been drained from it save for when you approached. Then it would come to life, and colored images would flicker across the surface, alien symbols that trickled down in swirling patterns of complex algorithms that made her head hurt when studying them. She had spent the day before just staring at the terminal, watching as images of alien creatures and cities flickered across the surface. She so desperately wanted to know what the symbols said but when she all but gave up hope letters she recognize appeared, they were very old mountain Earth pony scriptures that was used today in runecraft and the words tore her heart in half. All it had said was one single word. “Deceased.” With that single word, it caused her head hunt for anything, anything at all that was old as the Mountain Scripture but no matter how long she looked there was nothing else that was recognizable. She had theories forming, but they were too early to make assumptions but so far just from that room it seemed to be a repository of some kind, maybe of a long long dead culture or even species that had lived before the first ponies that walked Equis. Twilight placed the book on language ciphers away into her bag, muttering under her breath. This was exciting, exhilarating in fact but also terrifying. She had written a letter directly to the princesses about this development, her fears must of bled into her words of the possible great unknown of what lies at the bottom of the endless rows of walkways. She shortly received a quickly worded letter from her mentor on the situation and that she would be arriving after checking on Sweetie Belle for further magical abnormalities in case whatever the structure had done to her altered her in any way. Twilight took a deep breath today was going to get very hectic. To be honest she kinda just wanted to head back home and not think about the implications of a massive possibly alien structure under the San Palimo. It wasn't long till the Princesses arrived, they appeared at the edge of the whole operation with a bright flash of light. Twilight instantly came running toward her mentor to meet her. “Princesses! I’m so glad you are here!” She said panting a little from the heat and because she was out of shape so a short gallop made her weeze just a bit. Celestia bent down to nuzzle Twilight on the cheek while Luna simply looked on toward the dig site. “I’m glad you contacted us as soon as you did my Twilight. From your letter this ruin is not like any other in Equestria is it?” She asked her head towering over the purple mare as she too looked toward the ruined pillars that marked the entrance into the cavernous ruin. “No, we have been trying to wrap our heads around just the size and the state it is in. I, myself, have been pouring over every known language in Equestria and beyond but none of these symbols even remotely correlate to any text we have scrounge up…” She sighed looking downcast, then slightly annoyed. “A lot of the archeologist are suggesting this is alien in nature, its far too advanced for anything of our species can make. It… It has even me baffled.” She said with a slight edge in her voice, as if the fact that the ruin was possibly even to advanced for her made her roil in anger. “We shall see, Lady Twilight. We are much older than thee and have seen things that are not quite recorded in historias.” Luna said in a respectful tone, not belittling her intelligence but letting her know that some things can’t be found in books. “It is true my faithful student, we have seen things happen during our time that was not recorded properly or even recorded at all due to circumstance.” Celestia followed up on her sister’s claim. Twilight just nodded and had them follow her, filling them in with everything they knew so far, their plans to explore the first floor doors and to attempt to send a team to find the bottom floor. Celestia froze the moment they came into the room where the entrance to the cavern lay sealed. A single symbol appeared where the door would be. It was a empty circle with a single dot at the very center, three perfectly straight lines surrounded the circle as if somepony took a upside down Y and erased the center so the circle in the middle would be clear. Celestia breathed out a hiss of air as all the hair on her coat stood on end, she knew this symbol and she now knew this was going to be more dangerous than ever. If they were here, she could not assure the safety of her sister and Twilight. “Sister are you alright?” Luna asked not seeing the problem, her sister would be too young to know what this symbol meant. Her great grandfather wore the very same symbol around as a medallion and he had dreaded to even speak of the meaning. “Remember Me…” She whispered, all the ponies present felt the air become electrified as the symbol glowed from a cyan blue, to a gold, then to a deep royal purple. There was a great rumble far far off in the distance deep underground. “P-Princess, w-what was that?” Twilight spoke her voice trembling, she looked up at her mentor with worry “Twilight, Luna… This symbol is the crest of one of the Greater Lords of Chaos, my… Our great grandfather long long ago when he was still a colt made a deal with this Lord.” She said feeling shame and bitterness of what her great grandfather had done. “Greater Lord of Chaos? ‘tis not Discord a Lord?” Luna asked taking a single step back, as did Twilight. “Discord is only a small fish in a infinite ocean… Mother never got to teach you the Old Laws like she had to me, there are many Lords of Chaos Luna. But there are only Three Greater Lords, they are older than space and time itself and unpredictable beyond any reason.” She said as the purple glow of the symbol seemed to mock her and her blood. “W-What do you mean Princess? W-What was the deal?” Twilight swallowed, now she really did want to go home. “Our Great Grandfather only told me once, but when Silver Nova was a colt the Elements of Harmony did not exist…” Twilight gasped her ears splayed back, Luna’s eyes went wide her nostrils flaring as she seemed to stumble at this news. “It was only after his dealing with the Chaos Lord that, he had the power to gather the energies of Friendship and Harmony and solidify them into the elements we know today.” She said looking away from the symbol. “What was the thing our grandfather offered in return?” Her voice shook as she said this, Celestia gave a old weary smile. “Remember Me… It was the only thing he would say of it. I didn't understand it because I was so young, but I wear the amulet he wore. On his deathbed, he gave me the amulet and held my hoof so tight that I thought it was going to break, he managed to tell me something other than just Remember Me. ‘Remember… Remember… Remember that what is lost, so it may never be found again. Remember Me so I may forget myself, tears of oceans across skies of blood.’” She quoted her grandfather, the mad ramblings he had before his death. He had been so desperate, so scared. Celestia cast a quick spell showing that around her neck was a gold amulet with the same symbol carved deep into the metal, it was not large and one could mistake it as common jewelry but it made Luna and Twilight’s skin crawl. “This is madness Tia! A Lord of Chaos is the reason why we have the elements!? They reek discourse and disharmony if not reformed!” She said stamping her hoof down at the insanity. “Twilight… I'm sorry but we cannot continue the search of this place, it is far too dangerous, I am going to have to shut down the operation for national security.” She said looking to her student, who looked terrified and nodded quickly. A stab of pain squeezed her heart seeing her student and adoptive daughter so scared. “Tia!” Luna argued which the older sister held up her hoof, silencing her. “Luna, please take Twilight up to the surface and swear everypony here that this place is now Royal Property and that it needs to be vacated immediately. I will not set a deadline but if they do not leave I will have to arrest them.” Celestia said her voice hard and stern as Luna looked like she might explode, but soon after a stare off with her sister she complied. Twilight and Luna walked past her as she stared forward, her face impassive, this was for the best. Once they were gone she let out a tired sigh, she hated being that way but if she wanted to keep the world the way it was the less who knew the better. A musical chime, like the tinkling of small wind chimes echoed across the room. The seamless door opened to a bright light, that could even blind her. A chill ran up her spine as she took a step forward into the light. “My heart has returned.” … “I don't get it.” “Look the one with the curve left and dash through it is the ‘Ah’ sound then the one next to it is the ‘A’ sound like apple and art.” “It looks like somepony decided to scribble a bunch of lines together, is what it looks like.” Pinkie gave me a slightly exasperated sigh, we were in Ponyville park with a children's book of alphabets for foals. The quick stop to the library had been fantastic, Spike was just as cute and dorky as he was in the show and I couldn't stop nuzzling him cuz I was so excited. He gave Pinkie a weird look when I was hugging on him and blamed it it on the drain bamage. I didn't mind, Spike was the best dragon ever so I really didn't care. Anyhow now here I was on a park bench next to a very pretty water fountain, Pinkie had a pencil behind her ear as there was a few workbooks for alphabet practice and grammar. My hoofwriting was horrifying and it looked less like someone trying to write more so than a madman with a pencil. Still Pinkie was being my tutor and had been nice enough to find old word practice books and begin the path of learning a whole other language. We’ve been at this a whole hour now probably around four in the afternoon now, I looked up watching Pinkie go over my ineligible writing in the workbook. She was softly mouthing out the words I had written and occasionally bit the eraser head of the pencil in concentration. She was beautiful, she probably didn't know what she was doing could turn heads and make stallion’s hearts beat a little quicker. The way her curly pink hair fell over her face when she bent forward, or how those baby blue eyes could reflect the light in just a way they seemed to glow, how she could be so graceful with just a small shift of her body. Her lips were so soft looking, the very subtle difference in colouration as her lips were ever so darker than the pink of her fur. My heart beat a little bit quicker itself and I swallowed a dry swallow, I really wanted to kiss her and I just met her today. Though I guess for me it seemed a lifetime of knowing someone from a distance. Even that someone had been a cartoon as I've known her, but I didnt discount that somewhere sometime some universe that she was just as real as me. I just happen to get extremely lucky to even wake up in such a situation where I get to meet and get to know Pinkimena Diane Pie in the flesh. Of course my filly brain had no inhibitions of telling her how beautiful she was. “You are so beautiful.” I breathed only half aware of the words coming from my lips, which I pulled back on the wheel feeling myself spin out of control for a moment as Pinkie Pie looked up her expression confused for a second before a blush spread across her face. She blinked a few times before looking off giving a small modest chuckle and a half embarrassed smile. “huh? O-oh… I-I’m not that beautiful, silly.” she said trying to shrug off the compliment, she fiddled with the pencil in her hooves as my own blush spread across my face. “T-Thank you though…” she whispered, I coughed giving a quick nod as I turned back to the scribbles. “Sorry… its it's kinda hard to keep things to myself, this filly brain doesn't have any inhibitions when it comes to thoughts and my words.” I said with a light laugh, rubbing my horn. There was a thin layer of skin over the whole horn while not orgasmic in touch like in some fanfictions, touch did feel nice. Supposedly as Pinkie’s limited knowledge on unicorn physiology suggests is that the skin there allows unicorns to sense the mana in the air for spells. “No! No it's fine you don't have to apologize.” Pinkie said giving me a blushing smile. “It just surprised me is all.” “I know but… it's just kinda weird because of who I am, I don't even know what Sweetie Belle thinks of all this and what I'm doing. I guess I just feel kinda guilty.” I said rubbing my arm. “Guilty about what?” She asked leaning forward, she did that when she was eager to know something. “Well… um… it's embarrassing.” I said trying not to look into Pinkie’s eyes, but she waited for me to continue. I really didn't want to scare Pinkie off with my own strange sexual fantasies so I opted for a more reasonable approach still true but less embarrassing. “So I feel guilty about being Sweetie and taking advantage of all the love she gets… I… I really never had a lot of close contact, and everypony here thinks they are nuzzling on Sweetie when they are nuzzling on me.” I said in a sad dejected tone, it was true all the love I got was because everyone thought I was Sweetie Belle. “I feel like I've deprived Sweetie of those feelings for her.” “Warm Smile stop.” Pinkie said holding up a hoof, I looked up at her with a frown on my face. “I don’t know much about human culture or anything, but I do know that everypony here would love you just as much. You are super nice Smiley, you think a lot like Twilight and then you start to run yourself over with your own momentum. You care about me, and my friends and seem to want to know the ponies here, I dont think anypony here would care if you got hugs or kisses through Sweetie.” she said reaching over and bringing me into a hug and kissing me on the forehead. I gave a tentative smile, feeling that weird lump in my throat fade away. I hugged her back feeling better and less guilty. “Now! Let's see how you did!” she chirped as she took the scribbles from my own workbook and took her pencil to mark me on my grammar and lettering. I sighed this was going to be a long lesson. By the second hour of learning how to write and read, I was worn out that burst of energy I had was ebbing away making me tired. Pinkie suggested heading home and I agreed, we gathered up the books and Pinkie showed me something awesome. Apparently hammer space was a thing, but there could only be like one or two things in the space at a time. Pinkie informed me that with her party magic she could hold up to twenty to thirty items all it required was a bit of imagination and a desire for said object. It was similar to a pocket, and a significant bump could knock whatever you had in the space out back into the world. Cultivating your magic allowed the pocket dimension to deepen allowing for more items to be held but sometimes items can be lost in the space. So it was a very risk and reward sort of balance, most who didn't want their items to be lost usually carried saddlebags for anything more than their wallet or purse. It was strange having a object in the pocket space, because I could feel it hovering at my side but unseen and intangible until I wanted it to be. It was seriously cool. Pinkie helped me find my way home, giving me a hoof when my energy dropped so much I yawned and blinked slowly. Today was a very good day, I got to hang out with one of my favorite ponies, got to see myself, got to walk by myself. Lots of progress in such a short time, it felt good! “Will you come see me tomorrow?” I asked yawning again as we weaved our way through the streets of Ponyville. Pinkie giggled nuzzling my cheek, I purred and nuzzled her back ever since the talk about feeling guilty, Pinkie had been a bit more lovey dovey on me and it felt good. Maybe if humans had been more like this we wouldn't be so hard and cold, hugs were the best, nuzzles were like kisses and all of it made my heart feel warm. It certainly added some pep in my step. “I want to Smiley, but I have work tomorrow and I think school starts for you as well.” I frowned, ugh school I would rather eat grass even though grass kinda tasted like spring greens. Still better than sitting in a stuffy schoolhouse and listen to Cheerilee drone on about things I probably knew. Nothing against Cheerilee of course the mare was the definition of sexy school teacher, and her dressing up in that cheerleader outfit during the cart race? In the wise words of Johnny Bravo; ‘Oooooh mama, HA HUH HM!’ was adequate to describe her. “I have to go to school?” I asked incredulously about the audacity to even put me in school. “Yes you silly filly, You might be somepony different but you are still in Sweetie Belle and she goes to school. Since you are trotting on your own now, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would be excited to see you and Rarity even though she might not look like it she is a very busy mare.” Pinkie said somehow with amazing dexterity picked me up by her head and slid me down her neck onto her back after I stumbled because my body was so tired. “Well looks like I have no choice but to ride off toward my doom then.” I grumbled which Pinkie just laughed again that kind that was a belly laugh, I could feel the vibrations of her laughter under me. “If anything you and Sweetie Belle have that in common, you both don't really want to go to school. Rarity has to push Sweetie out of the house to get her to go to school.” She snickered, which I just gave a mock disgusted sound. This made her laugh even more, which in my book was the prettiest sound. I can't help but be smitten with her, she was literally one of my idea girls. Happy and full of laughter, the kind that had a lot of love to give. The trip home was quicker than I thought and the Carousel boutique peaked out from above a few buildings in the way but the open sprawl of the building itself came into view. “Raaaaarriiitttyyyy~♡♡♡” Pinkie called as she and I hopped in through the door, Rarity jumped probably about three feet into the air giving a terrified squeak knocking over a ponyquinn in her fright of Pinkie’s loud voice. Pinkie and I quickly dashed over to make sure she was alright. “O-Oh hello dears, you rather caught me off guard.” She chuckled as she took Pinkie’s hoof and helped herself up. “I was in the middle of cleaning up for the day.” The boutique didn't look much different but the dresses stand fabrics she had out earlier this morning were now gone and the ponyquinns didn't have any fabrics on the anymore. Rarity gave Pinkie a kiss and a nose rub before nuzzling me in hello. “Good to see you two are alright, how was your day darling?” She asked as she picked up the fallen ponyquinn and righted it. “We had a fantastirific super fun day!! We ate a whole bunch of cupcakes and talked about bunches of stuff like drawings and movies!! Sweetie even was well enough to walk!!” Pinkie bounced while still having me on her back, I felt slightly car sick. “Oh goodness, that is wonderful news!! I guess it wasn't as bad as we thought was it?” Rarity smiled happily that I was well again. “I'm tired now though, I guess I had a big burst of energy from the cupcakes.” I said smiling back at my sister. “Well, I'm going to make supper, after you eat you can trot off to bed to get some rest. Pinkie my love, would you care to stay over for dinner? As a treat for watching Sweetie Belle for the day?” Rarity asked giving the pink mare another nose rub. “Come on Pinkie, please stay over for dinner!” I begged, if I was going to go to school tomorrow I was going to spend the most time with my favorite pony today. Pinkie seemed like she wanted to politely refuse but she caved after we both gave her eager stares. She blushed and nodded which we both giggled and gave her a hug. After being placed down I walked over to the couch and hopped onto it while Rarity and Pinkie chatted to one another. Laying my head down on one of the plush pillow and taking a deep breath to relax, who knew this walking business could take so much out of you. Rarity and Pinkie disappeared off into the kitchen probably to help with the cooking since Pinkie was a excellent gourmet chef as it was one of her passions from our talks about ourselves. The unfortunate fact was that Pinkie’s cutie mark was that of making ponies happy and because of that one of her favorite things in the world like cooking she would never have the same skill or talent as one with a chef cutie mark. Sure she could work her way to the top, but she would never become the true elite of the cooking world not that she cared about becoming famous, but she did admire the ponies, diamond dogs, griffins, and even dragons who rated the top of the culinary ladder because of either of cutie marks or the innate magic of the griffins and dragons and the unearthly dexterity of the Diamond dogs. Seemed unfair in a way, Pinkie had after all did her best on the rock farm to eat something other than rock based foods and add a bit of flavor to her family's lives. That's when her love of cooking and baking came to light, but her talent was not to be what she liked before. She is happy though, she doesn't regret or is bitter that her cutie mark was something she wasn't expecting. Rather she took her talent into stride and became the best party pony of Ponyville. Cheese Sandwich not counting due to him being the blessed Weird Al incarnate, and I doubt there would be anyone that could compete with him other than Pinkie. Party Favour was just Party Favour, other than a name he was just a background character to fill in named ponies for Starlight Glimmer’s village. I didn't even want to touch that place, talk about big brother bullshit there or was it more The Giver sort of bullshit? Either way it wasnt good. There was the sound of pots and pans moving in the kitchen as I lay there just enjoying the softness of the couch. “Rarity, the princesses--” Pinkie’s muffled voice wafted from the back, making my ears perk up, what about the princesses? “-Mark of Chaos.” A what of what now? My hearing was good but whatever was said was still lost on me as I strained my ears to hear more. There was more shuffling and the clack of hooves on wood, along with the smell of bell peppers and onions being made. I drooled a little, kinda made you wish for some kind of steak but I don't think my body would be even able to digest red meats. Maybe something really light like fish, but I doubt Rarity could eat a fish. “is she going to-- corruption?” Rarity’s voice came through in the distance. “No the princess--” another clank of plates being set down, “me and somepony else.” It was about half a hour of this whispering but most of it became less about what the princesses were doing and more on their own lives, I even heard some more saucy things being said and a soft groan before being reprimanded for it. That made me blush hard imagining that my sister and Pinkie Pie were being very forward towards one another. When dinner time came around I was daydreaming in my spare time wishing I could read. I was thinking of magic and how I wanted to live out my fantasy of becoming a ultimate wizard of battle magic, I could see myself (still as Sweetie Belle because I couldn't remember my own body) standing among the writhing mass of a skeleton army, imps and hell barons roaring in the distance as I stood proud and beautiful above them all. My pink and light purple hair flowing from the sheer mana I had, a few scars across my face from run ins of my demon and monster hunting trips. This was it, I Arch Battle Mage Stellar Supernova stood between the light and the army of darkness. I pulled the very celestial stars from the sky scattering them across the demon horde causing massive explosions to rupture across the barren landscape. Ancient words of power pouring from my mouth as I readied a army killer spell of my own design the power coursing through not just my horn but my very being making every hair on my body stand up with the raw power. “Awaken!! Anima: Prelude of Thought!!” I would yell as reality tore itself apart as even the gods watched on in awe as a angel created from my very soul descended upon the battlefield. It was too huge to even comprehend as a titan miles high sword made of the very fabric of magic dance across the landscape before the sword faded the angel disappearing once its job complete. The army stood still, the silence so deafening that I had thought maybe it had not worked. Then before my very eyes- “Sweetie! Come to the table, supper is ready.” Rarity called trotting out of the back area to check up on me, she snapped me out of my fantasy. “Coming!” I said, shaking off the weariness I had and stumbling after Rarity who stood in the archway to the back of the shop where the personal quarters were. She watched me do my awkward shuffle of a walk. Loaded veggie nachos was what met my eyes once I entered the kitchen and I drooled up a storm feeling my belly give a growl of great approval at the sight and smell. “It's so good to see you walking dear, I was worried it would be days before you were up on your hooves again.” Rarity sighed with relief at this, knowing that her sister wasn't helpless as before. I hopped into my seat and looked over the layered nachos with all the yummy smells wafting off the hot plate. “I'm glad too! It sucked that I had to ride on everypony’s back all the time.” I said, looking over to Pinkie who was still in the fridge pulling out what looked like a hot sauce bottle. I felt my face catch fire as I saw my friend’s perfectly round bottom in clear display of everyone. Pinkie was a healthy girl and her posterior reflected her eating habits. In other worlds Pinkie’s badonk was THICC. I would call myself a ass thought construct if I do so say so myself. Her flower petals were more darker than the pink of her fur having a more realistic look of flushed pink skin than the bubblegum pink she was, her lips were parted ever so slightly while her rose bud at the base of her sex was larger than any other of the group I have seen. Like the rest of them her sex was equine in nature, but her rear was big enough that it hid away how big her lips were. Beneath her fluffy tail was round ponut, while less puckered like Rainbow’s was it still had a perkiness to it. Was perky the right word? I don't know, but I did feel my mouth water a little and it wasn't because of the food. I coughed grabbing the nearest glass of juice on the table and drank it down, coughing again as Pinkie turned around with a few hot sauce bottles in her mouth and bringing them to the table. She looked at my red face then around looking confused setting the bottles down. Pinkie please stay cute like that forever, you bouncy bundle of love. “Pinkie told me that you’ve forgotten how to read, she even showed me your work and I have to believe her.” Rarity said sitting down at the table and looking over to me as Pinkie began to cut out portions for us all. “Well, I shall come with you to school tomorrow to inform Miss Cheerilee of this. We might have to hire a tutor to assess what you do remember, Mr. Glow Stick is going to have a cow when he finds out about the state of your magic.” I looked down at my plate in shame for reasons I can't explain, her hoof touched my back. “It's alright Sweetie, its it's no skin off my hooves your recovery is what I strive for. And besides, you are young! A lot of things you’ve been learning can easily be relearned.” Rarity consoled. “I don't have any idea about magic but I can't wait to learn!!” I said as I bit into the first fork bite of nachos, oh gods was this the food of the gods? All these veggies and cheese just exploding flavour, I don't think even Guy Ferrari could find me in this flavourtown. I groaned a pleased groan as I stuffed another bite into my mouth. “Ha ha! Is it good? I added my seventeen layer cheese and bean dip recipe into Rarity’s loco roco mucho nachos!” Pinkie said through her own bites, cheese already covering her face. “Is there really that many cheeses?” I asked my mouth just as full. “Pinkie, Sweetie can you please eat with some sort of semblance of table manners?” Rarity sighed exasperated as she forked her own bit of food and politely ate a small bite. Giving a soft groan of approval. “This is divine, we have outdone ourselves Pinkie.” She said smiling at her marefriend. The night went on like this, we joked and talked to one another basking in a sort of glow that you can only get when eating food with people that love you and you love them. That deeper part of me renewed its guilt Visa but for now I shoved it down like I had done my food. The sky was becoming dark when Pinkie left for home, another beautiful orange soaked sunset dipping below the horizon. Celestia guiding the ball of hot gas down to warm the other side of the planet, where the twinkling of stars glimmered just out of sight. Rarity cleaned up the kitchen and ordered me to go brush my teeth and hair then off to bed. I obeyed mainly because I had nothing else to do and I was dog tired by the end of the day. I suspected that it was just my young body having used all its energy up for the day and the food was a perfect source of energy to grow more. I looked into the mirror once more, finding a smaller toothbrush and lightly minted toothpaste. I brushed my teeth the best I could, watching the Sweetie Belle in the mirror do everything I did. Then I brushed my hair of all the small tangles it had gotten, I stared at my left eye in fascination simply because how cool it was. Rarity had come up later when I was in the middle of brushing my mane and she too began her nightly routine of brushing of both teeth and mane. Donning her sleeping robe from a side closet, she nudged me as I had almost nodded off brushing my hair. She and I entered my room and she tucked me in. “I love you Sweetie, goodnight darling.” Rarity said giving me a soft kiss on my forehead. “I love you too.” I mumbled back, my eyes fluttering before they closed slowly. The soft ‘klunk, klunk’ was the only sound as I stared out the the window, the green trees flowing by me like a green streak of paint and blue sky. “I don't know if I can do this.” I said softly touching the window softly, all I was was just symbols and energy. No color, no solidity, I couldn't feel the window but I knew it was there. “Are you going to give up? Even though it's only been a day?” Sweetie said, she was sitting across from me. She looked older than before, her hair a bit longer than before. “I… I don't know. I'm taking away what's yours, but I'm so scared… scared that I won't ever get… this.” I said gesturing to the world outside. “My world, it wasn't what I wanted. The thing that made me happy, sure there was things that made me happy, people that made me happy…” I held my face. “But here, I feel… whole.” I felt her hooves hold me into a hug. “You have too much sadness.” She whispered into my ear she pressing her muzzle into my neck. “Let go of that sadness, Pinkie is right you know. We do love you, even if you don't see it… you’ve always been there with us all.” Sweetie Belle said as I sobbed. “I’m no one… I dont even have a name…” I said trying to hide my tears. “You do have a name, we gave you one remember?” “Warm Smile.” she said kissing my cheeks of their tears. I cried even harder. When I woke, I woke slowly with a small itch on my nose. I rubbed my sensitive snoot with a hoof, there was a few tears that rolled down my cheeks the moment I sat up. I blinked them away groaning as I was nearly blinded by the sun shining through my window. There was a knock on the door then Rarity in her morning glory self, perfection and beauty even this early in the morning came through. “Gooood morning Sweetie, another bright and beautiful morning in Ponyville. I'm going to go make breakfast is there anything in particular you desire?” She said talking over to the curtains and drawing them open. I hissed at the light trying to dig myself under the covers. “No morning… only sleep.” I grumbled rolling over away from her and her blasted sunlight. “Ah bab bab bab! No going to sleep, you have school today and we have to get ready.” she sang as she opened the rest of the curtains, I performed a Jim Carrey impression of not wanting to get up from bed before just giving up and waking up. I sighed loudly, rolling onto my belly and standing up. Tried to being key word here because I felt very stiff and sore now. I groaned again as I stumbled my way off the bed onto the floor. “I think cinnamon pancakes sound good, yes?” Rarity said making my bed without even opening her eyes. I mumbled something unintelligible which Rarity confirmed my like of cinnamon pancakes. After doing my business in the bathroom, I washed my face and rubbed at my eye because of the slight itch it had. Once done I headed downstairs for food, my belly rumbling loudly. The morning was a blur, cinnamon pancakes were good better than anything with how yummy sweet things are. I was half listening to Rarity with how groggy I felt. Before I knew it we were already at the Schoolhouse by the time I was fully awake, first School was huge still with it's iconic red look but it was like three times bigger than just a single classroom, more like six or seven classrooms. Which made sense, the number of actual children in the town would be much larger than the small dinky classroom of the show which its main point was to set exposition of the CMC’s antics. Other fillies and colts were already dashing, talking to one another, hanging out around the schoolyard. Laughter and shouts from a gaggle of foals using their free time to play a ball game in the harden dirt court for what looked similar to basketball. The atmosphere here was very upbeat and friendly, as friends enjoyed their time together. “SWEETIE!!” Two very familiar voices called in the distance, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came galloping from down the road. I felt excitement build up into a sort of shaking dance that had me stumbling galloping toward my best friends. “Apple Bloom, Scootaloo!!” I called back and the moment we were near each other I was slammed into a group hug, and out of pure reflex that this body had we all said at once. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders back together again!!” we all chanted before falling into giggles giving nuzzles and affectionate rubs to one another. “Sweetie it's good tah see yah walkin again! You recover quick like magic, did them doctors patch you up good?” Apple Bloom asked giving me a soft nuzzle of my cheek. “Heheh nothing can keep this crusader down, yesterday I felt better than ever!” I said proudly which Scootaloo gave a snort of laughter. “Well, I'm just glad you are okay Sweetie we were worried yesterday about how you were doing.” Scootaloo said as we untangled ourselves to walk back toward Rarity who had a smile on her face the kind you see of relief and contentment that someone you love is going to be okay. “Well I was okay the morning before, but after Pinkie took me out for cupcakes I just felt good enough to walk!” Apple Bloom scrunched her muzzle cutely in that way that said I'm a little upset and a tad jealous. “Lucky! Ah had to help Applejack clean tha whole barn yesterday! Ah think we got to much hay fer our own good!” she huffed, “Ah still think ah have some in my tail still.” Apple Bloom shook her tail like a dogs which we both snickered at her. “At least you didn't have to pull weeds in the herb garden then feed alllll the animals in the glen!! It took forever and Fluttershy had to watch me the whole time in case I pulled a herb rather than a weed.” Scootaloo lamented her wings buzzing like a humming birds. “I guess I got lucky since I got hurt. Still have to come to school though.” I gave out a long sigh, which both of them laughed at my misfortune of school. “Issalright Sweetie, at least yah get tah spend time with us! Maybe after school we can go crusadin like always.” Apple Bloom said hopefully, which Scootaloo nodded in agreement of this. Rarity decided to but into the conversation as we made our way to the main building. “Ah ah ah, Sweetie you can't go roughhousing with your friends you are still recovering even if you are feeling better. Good morning, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo.” She said tuting which the other two said their good morning before visibly wilting that they couldn't go crusading I felt myself wilt too. I was really looking forward to going on adventures with the CMC! “Can we at least spend some time with Sweetie after school?” Apple Bloom asked Rarity looking like a puppy. “That's fine dears, but nothing intense.” She chided as we made it to the door, Cheerliee met us there surprised when she opened the door and Rarity in mid motion to open the door. “Oh! Hello Miss Rarity, Scootaloo, Sweetie, Apple Bloom! Go on in class is starting soon, is there anything I can help you with Miss Rarity?” holy cow, Cheerilee had that hot mom voice, you know the one the type that said ‘I'm a teacher, but I certainly can discipline you’ it still sounded like the shows but describing the difference in inflection or timbre is hard. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo went on ahead but paused when I didnt move. “Ah yes, miss Cheerilee Sweetie here is suffering from retrograde amnesia. Her memory on her education is a little spotty and I was hoping that perhaps one of the faculty could get a assessment on her knowledge so we can see what she remembers and what she’s forgot.” Rarity said politely as Cheerilee looked down between me her eyes widening seeing my left glowing eye and light scar. “Oh goodness are you alright Sweetie? Do you remember me? I'm your primary teacher.” She said bending down to me. “Yeah I remember, I don't remember the school being so big.” I said casually with a reassuring smile, the cerise mare smelling like chalk and perfume. “One of the more pressing issues is Sweetie seems to have forgotten her letters, my friend Pinkie tested her with some pre grade workbooks and I can attest to her proficiency. It has… dropped…” She winced as she tried not to insult me, I rolled my eyes giving her a light bump. She coughed. “I see, hmm well, I guess I will have to look for Scholastic Class I'm sure she is here today as a aid today… oh! Look at the time, class is starting in ten. Come with me.” She said shuffling out of the way so we could pass without effort. “EVERYPONY CLASS STARTS IN TEN, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR HOMEWORK READY!!” Cheerilee called outside her voice quite loud it made me wince, she had a pair or lungs on her that's for sure. There was lots of groans after that, seems like in any universe school kinda sucked and kids didn't want to be in it. Cheerilee and a few foals that were nearby trotted inside, she giving me a bright and dazzling smile when she passed us. She motioned for us to follow, I trying desperately not to stare at her bum to see what my teacher’s goods looked like. Cerise and light pink fur was the only thing I saw and I breathed out a soft sigh of relief. Her tail was in the way. Thank goodness. She lead me through a small maze of hallways and smaller rooms that seemed to be faculty rooms and restrooms, then the larger classrooms. We entered a side room that looked literally out of a high school anime faculty room, desks with books and binders pressed against one another while a few windows brought in most of the light. A Maud colored mare was sitting at one of the desks writing with her hoof quietly, her mane pulled back into a ponytail like Applejack’s her mane not being the purple like Maud’s but a very soft blue. She had freckles showing she liked to spend time outside but a pair of thin rimmed glasses were perched on her muzzle showed she was either farsighted or nearsighted. She wasn't wearing anything like most ponies in Ponyville, her cutie mark was a apple with a ruler and chalkboard behind it with a single heart chalk drawing. I vaguely wondered if she was related to the Apples due to having a actual apple on her flank but didn't want to assume. Cheerilee made a polite cough to let Miss Class know we were here which she looked up blinking owlishly with dark orange eyes. “Miss Class a moment of your time please.” Cheerilee said walking toward the the mare and quickly whispering in the mare’s ear. Scholastic Class’s face went from a frown to surprise then to slight concern. “And that's the most of it Miss Class, I was hoping you could assess Sweetie since I have to start class soon.” Cheerilee said giving the other mare a weak smile. “Fine, I am not to busy. Miss Rarity you may take your leave, I will inform you of her results after the school day.” Scholastic said, her voice light and airy and refined much like Rarity's. “Thank you Miss Cheerilee, Miss Class. Sweetie you be good for both your teachers, I'll come pick you up after school then we can go from there.” Rarity said giving me a peck on the cheek before nodding gratefully to the two. “You are going to great Sweetie, I'll see you after your assessment okay?” Cheerilee said giving me a soft nuzzle before quickly walking out with Rarity. Scholastic Class gathered up her papers giving me a smile. “I'm told you have amnesia, so you probably don't remember me. I'm the school aid, I manage all the colts and fillies struggling with subjects and or need special help. But I usually teach in classroom three as your math teacher, Miss Cheerilee is your Primary though her subjects are science and Equestrian grammar.  Mr. A Plus is your actual history teacher.” She said in a light and friendly tone. “Just give me a moment and then we can head to one of the classrooms for your assessment.” “Sorry I don't remember you, Miss Class.”  I said rubbing my arm giving her a apologetic smile “Its alright dear, you and I are on good terms. You were always a good little filly in my class.” Miss Class took a bag and placed a few folders into the bags before getting up and motioning for me to follow. “Come now.” she said ushering me out of the office down the hall, colts and fillies flooding the hallways as they walked to class. A lot of them said good morning to either me or Scholastic, which I waved back and called out good morning even though I didn't recognize many of them. The classroom we entered was small, probably made for a class of ten or so looking suspiciously like the actual classroom from the show. “Right, take a seat Sweetie. Since you can't read, this will be a oral test. The standard test has some written segments so we will gloss over those, the test itself will start from Preschool to College level problems but dont worry if you start to struggle with anything. I don't expect you to know advanced mathematics or Thaumaturgical Theory, just do the best you can alright?” She said setting her bags down and pulling out the workbooks. I sat in the school desk ready for anything. … “ahem, well, History isn't your strongest subject. Good effort though, I liked your very detailed battle at The Unicorn Drop. Though incorrect I’ll give you an A for imagination.” Scholastic said looking like she wanted to laugh while I just placed my head down on the desk and die of embarrassment. … “Well, I guess you somehow learned a dead language in your spare time. Mountain Pony Runes are very archaic, I don't even understand most of what this is.” She said looking at the paper squinting. “Equestrian is non-existent, you’ve misspelled everything and some words are just random letters.” More embarrassed groaning. … “Look Sweetie, I know it's hard to understand but the planet doesn't revolve around the sun, Celestia’s sun does as well as the moon. Though your math… my word, I’ve never even seen some concepts you’ve put into the theory.” Scholastic said looking at me in a shocked way. “But how does the gravity of our planet stay stable!! If the planet doesn't rotate there isn't any possible reason that weather could exist! Waves wouldn't be a thing!?” I cried. “If you are so adamant about it show me the math and I'll look it over.” … “Sweetie, according to the known laws energy conservation doesn't agree with the math you’ve written. How would Unicorns teleport without having the equivalent of 45^7 Megathaums of energy which nopony could ever help to produce without blowing up half our known universe.” She said looking down at me a hoof running through her slightly disheveled mane. “What the buck is a Megathaum? And how is it related to a megajoules?” I asked, Scholastic groaned obviously looking like she had a headache coming on. … “According to this, weather ponies would be out of the job, even if the planet rotated this is madness.” she said eyeing me incredulously. “Well duh, Everfree has normal weather patterns nopony even bothers to watch them.  As I said clouds are formed from precipitation and so on and so forth, you don't have any idea about the water cycle!?” Scholastic facehoofed. … By the time we were done, Miss Class looked ready for a drink and a cigarette. I decided to not hold back at all with what I knew about science and mathematics. For some reason I could remember everything about them, and the memories of being a major in physics and minor in math and the concepts all clear in the day. Scholastic even had to write out the math on the board to make sure she was understanding the concepts I myself had written down. Advanced calculus, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, Number Theory. You name it, even the sciences of my well known physics to earth science and meteorology to astrology and how planets moved. I even confused the hell out of her when I started talking about Quantum and String theory. I even showed her Newtons laws in the physical showing her the math, which thankfully numbers were the same here as well as the equivalent variables for assumed numbers or concepts. Some were different but otherwise many was the same. I think she was in shock after I fully explained how the laws of motion and velocity worked. We argued over things like how energy and mass worked to the gravitational forces that affect us. Her math was plausible but at the same time it didn't make sense to my rational mind. I dunno it was just weird, still I showed her counterpoints to known theories in her world. I happen to be two hours late for regular class, the end of the school day being around two. Scholastic Class was rubbing her eye from the twitch it had, but she seemed to be keeping her cool. I walked into Cheerilee’s classroom she was in the middle of lecture with everyone with papers out. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo waved at me as Cheerilee stopped her lecture, I gave a short wave and a small smile. “Oh look it's the blank flank, I heard you got shocked so bad you forgot how to walk!” The voice of Diamond Tiara said from the back, giving off a snobbish laugh that had Silver Spoon laughing as well. Oh there would be a day of reckoning Diamon Tiara and it will be sexy and awesome. “Alright settle down, hello Sweetie glad you could make it you are right between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Don't worry about writing anything down today, I'm sure one of your friends can help you with the work.” Cheerilee said as Scholastic Class whispered into her ear. Cheerilee face went through the motions of being confused then nervously surprised. She nodded at Scholastic which the other mare walked out. “Alright class open your books to page two hundred, ‘The Magic of Equestria’-" she started before Apple Bloom leaned toward my desk. “How’d it go?” she whispered giving me a smirk, Scootaloo also leaning toward me to hear in on this. “I think I did okay, was I always good at math and science?” I asked just as quiet as Cheerilee began to restart her lecture. “Um, I think you always helped me with my math homework, so yeah you were always kinda good at math.” Scootaloo said shifting her desk so it was closer to mine and her book open to page two hundred. “What do y’all wanna do when school’s over?” Apple Bloom said also scooting her desk over next to mine. “We should go mountain climbing! We haven't tried for our mountain climber cutie marks.” Scootaloo hissed excitedly her winds buzzing. “Miss Rarity said we can't do nothin st-strain-strenuous.” Apple Bloom struggled with the word for a moment before she nailed it, I shook my head in agreement. “Mountain climbing sounds cool, but I think we should stay in town. I got really tired just walking yesterday, so what if I nod off during mountain climbing?” I made a very soft whistle as I took my hoof slowly down to my desk making a splat noise. “Yeesh, I guess you’re right. Do you guys maybe just wanna get milkshakes then?” Scootaloo said her face a little pale at the thought of me going splat. “Yeah! Milkshakes sound really good!.” Apple Bloom agreed already drooling at the thought of frozen dairy confections. “Do you guys just wanna hang out at our… secret meeting spot?” I suggested indicating the club house, which both of them nodded their heads. “Sounds good to me, we gotta add more things to the list of stuff we can do I came up with some really good ones!” Scootaloo exclaimed her wings doing more cute buzzing. We talked a bit more on cutie marks before Cheerilee told us to settle down. School like any school was boring, she went on and on about the famous wizards of Equestria which was partially interesting but being the way I am I liked having a more one on one discussion of history that way I could ask all the questions I wanted without being ‘interruptive’. I took a deep breath, inhaling through my nose. Sweet smells not like anything else touched upon my nose, that earthy smell of Apple Bloom, while Scootaloo had a more cinnamony scent with a hint of spicey. They were there only if you paid attention to it or was looking for it. Sweetie Belle’s friends smelled really nice and it made my mind drift. Before I knew it School was out and I was sitting under a oak tree that was next to the playground waiting on Rarity to show so I could tell her I was going with my friends. Apple Bloom was relaxing next to me while Scootaloo had her book out and her homework. “I’ve been wondering this but why do you both smell really good?” I asked, I figured it was just a natural thing ponies had with sensitive noses but I could be wrong and the smell could just be good shampoo. “Huh?” Apple Bloom asked intelligently cheeks turning pink, Scootaloo stopped her writing. “You guys smell good, Apple Bloom kinda smells like turned earth, apples and something yummy and sweet. Scootaloo kinda smells like cinnamon and kinda like hot chocolate but there is something spicey in it.” I said now genuinely curious of their reactions. “Uh… well ah dunno. I mean ah thought that was normal for ponies, like you kinda smell like sugar and somthin fruity. Its cuz yer shampoo right?” Apple Bloom asked looking over to Scootaloo. “I… you guys smell different to me.” Scootaloo said rubbing the back of her head. “Apple Bloom smells kinda like wood smoke and hot apple fritters… I always thought it was because her family has a wooden stove and liked baking apple stuff. You Sweetie kinda smell like… um… marshmallows and something else.” She stuttered her cheeks going pink too. “So wait, how come we all smelling somthin different here?” Apple Bloom asked now looking severely confused between the both of us. “Well, I like how you all smell.” I said rubbing my muzzle under Apple Bloom’s chin next to her cheek then to Scootaloo’s enjoying the feeling as well as the added bonus of smell. “I-I like the way you guys smell too.” Scootaloo stuttered again getting closer to us and rubbing her head against my own. “Well.. ah guess nothin bad’s come of it we shouldn't worry why.” Apple Bloom said giving us both a nuzzle. “Pfft, what are you dorks doing? Disgusting commoners do that kinda thing.” Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon appearing just as we were getting comfortable nuzzling one another. Ah, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the two looked exactly like the show’s counterparts both of them cute as buttons but still massive dicks toward me and the CMC in general. Silver Spoon was of course just tagging along with Diamond due to her ability to make people do what she wanted, and Diamond’s anger was a by-product of her mother’s abuse. Which if I didn't keep my cool I was going to tear someone’s head off, anyone who caused child abuse in any sort of context was shit and they deserved to be fucked by the big dick of the law. Mainly my fist in their throat. But I had to keep up appearances till I could get some evidence of abuse, which once I knew my way around Ponyville I would totally bust Spoiled Milk’s life up. “I'm sorry? Did we ask for your opinion? I don't see any box here that says ‘Your Snobbish Opinion here’ do you?” I asked as my friends broke apart looking embarrassed and refusing to look at one another. “You blank flanks don't even deserve a real opinion from me, after all blank flanks don't deserve much.” She retorted tossing her mane dismissively of my comeback. I stood up brushing myself off, okay if she wanted to play it that way time to throw a curveball. I walked over to the pretty smug face of Diamond Tiara while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom said something of ‘No Sweetie come back!!’. I stared into her blue eyes for a moment before I laughed, making both her and Silver Spoon look confused. “Silver Spoon is prettier than you you know, she has more class and doesn't look like some kind of pompous pomeranian trying to pretty herself up to make her feel better about herself. Her coat doesn't have that gaudy shine to it and looks more natural, what? does daddy pay for all those cosmetics and still you can't beat Silver Spoon?” I said plainly, Silver Spoon’s face blushed furiously at all the strange praise she was receiving as Diamond’s face was agape. “Isn't that why you are friends with her right? So ponies also look at you rather than her?” I said tilting my head with a small grin. “W-What!? No! Enough, come Silver I've had enough of these blank flanks today.” She growled turning around and stomping off down the road, Silver Spoon looked between the two and she blushed giving me a quick nuzzle and a thank you in her soft voice before Diamond called for her again. “Woah… what just happened?” Scootaloo said her face just as stunned as Apple Bloom’s. “Easy my dear Watson, I played her like a fiddle and made Silver Spoon feel special!” I cackled making the two glance at one another. “Yeah! But Sweetie, Silver Spoon bullies us to remember?” Scootaloo said looking a little lost on how to feel about this. “Nonsense, if I remember right it's mainly Diamond who starts it first and Silver Spoon just follows along. She doesn't want to be the brunt of Diamond’s bad mood so she just does whatever. You guys didnt notice that?” I asked looking back at them with a sly smile as both of them glanced at one another. “No.” both of them said. “Oh, well I guess it was just me then.” I shrugged causally. … Scholastic sat with Cheerilee both of them staring at one of them, with a thin line of sweat running down their brows. “Basically what you are saying Scholastic is that Sweetie Belle is a genius?” Cheerilee whispered in a subdued tone, Scholastic was her friend they’ve been working together ten years after all but she found this hard to believe. She knew Sweetie Belle and she showed no signs of being anything like her friend had described, but here they were looking over Sweetie Belle’s math work. No filly her age shouldn’t even know half the concepts written on the chalkboard. Scholastic nodded simply to the question. “And you are sure this is all her, nopony else?” She asked. Again a nod. “So what do we do? I heard rumors about the shock and Sweetie getting hurt, the scar over her eye proves it… but this… this is kinda hard to take in.” Cheerilee breathed. “Simple, we nurture her, we tell the Academy of Gifted Unicorns, and we go from there… Sweetie is brilliant, I-I have a PHD in mathematics Cheerilee and she was blowing me literally out of the everfree.” Scholastic said looking at the sloppy but brilliant chalk marks of Sweetie Belle. “She would never make it there, she’s way too young.” Cheerilee said looking over at her friend. “I have a idea, after she gets a grasp on her Equestrian we are slowly going to introduce her to more and more complicated subject matter… if she continues to set the bar… well.” She gestured vaguely. “Miss Sparkle is a genius in her own right. Right? And a friend of Miss Rarity, perhaps we can get in contact with her and have her tutor Sweetie.” Cheerilee said touching the blackboard softly. “I’ll send a letter.” > I pull a Leonardo DiCaprio and Star Force: Attack of the (one) Clone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So then Scootaloo gave me this look that said ‘Ah told you so!’ even though Pinkie really didn't mean it!” Apple Bloom belly laughed, Scootaloo doing a snorting laugh that was just way to cute. I giggled hard, unable to see with the tears in my eyes, I sniffed, rubbing my face with uncontrollable giggles hiccuping from me. Apple Bloom had just told me one of our adventures since I asked about the things we had done since forming the CMC, we were on our way to Sweet Apple Acres to the clubhouse after getting approval from Rarity. If comedy was gold, we had more of it than Versailles Palace decorating, you know I think it was just a way for old Louis the 15th to show how much gold trim he could stuff into clothes and furniture before the banks could turn it to coin. Apparently we three got into more trouble and wacky adventures than the show ever did. Apple Bloom’s tale was just the tip of the iceberg, we apparently turned half the town’s coats green and Pinkie was inadvertently introduced to something akin to Shrooms during a cooking escapade. “Ugh, this sucks I don't remember any of this!” I announced feeling jaded that I didn't know anything about this. That deep part of me felt jealous that I wasn't apart of this world from the very beginning, the CMC got into all sorts of crazy things. Scootaloo gave me a very affectionate nuzzle as we trotted our way down the path, apple trees surrounding us indicating we were on Apple Family property. My assumptions were right, since I asked Apple Bloom, that the Apple Family basically controlled about 70% of the town. Extended family owned many of the buildings in Ponyville and a lot of land was bought by the province and the royal department of land ownership. Basically if you wanted to own land in Ponyville you had to pay a small tax to Apple Bloom’s family because you are technically buying it from them. “Its alright Sweetie, it’ll come back to yah, honest.” Apple Bloom said sticking close to me, ever since we talked about how good we smelled to one another, I had suggested we would feel more comfortable being closer to one another. After all, what felt good shouldnt be bad should it? Rarity said so after all. Perhaps I was working the system, the whole fact pheromones was a thing. I surprisingly didn't feel bad about using this to my advantage, in fact something inside me kept urging me on. Maybe Sweetie did have a thing for her friends, and now that she clearly had someone just as interested in them as she was, she could send those subconscious messages to me. Assuming that was even real and I wasn't just a pervert. I've been trying to do what feels natural, and this felt natural. “So what are we gonna do at the club house? We could brainstorm for more things we could do in the future, I kinda wanna just run around the orchard, maybe we can find something lost or hidden treasure!” I exclaimed feeling really excited to see the clubhouse, one of the more stable parts of Ponyville that usually stayed the same size and general layout. “Ummm, let's see, we gots some board games in there. We could brainstorm some new cutiemark stuff but we usually do that after we go on a adventure. We already looked around the orchard for hidden treasure! Nothin but apples everywhere.” Apple Bloom said as we turned down a dirt path, I could see the Apple family farm off in the distance. We chatted with one another on all the things we could do while at the clubhouse. We couldn't think of anything that didn't involve death defying feats of skill, so I suggested a bit of wrestling. Which they both readily agreed too. The clubhouse was small, but compared to us it was about the size of an average bedroom. Books, drawings, adventuring gear, even what looked like a Dungeons and Dragons booklet with a few bits of dice. Looks like Spike had been here, the nerd. “Okay! No hitting the head or chest, winner by submission!” Scootaloo called out as we set up the room into a makeshift arena. “Winner has to take on the next opponent until they lose! Sound good?”  she asked looking between us. “Sounds good to me!” I squeaked, feeling that weird shaking excitement that I had when I saw them this morning. “Who's goin first?” Apple Bloom asked, looking between us. I stepped up to center stage. “I am!” I giggled puffing out my chest. “Me too!” Scootaloo said jumping into the makeshift ring with a buzz of her wings, I gave her a sly smile leaning forward and spreading my hooves a bit for better balance. “Weeeeeellllcome to tha Ponyville annual wrasslin tournament!! In tha red corner, she’s tough, she’s orange! HUMMING BIIIRRRD!!” Apple Bloom announced in her best announcer voice, even mimicking holding a microphone. We giggled at this, but it got us pumped! “Inaa blue corner! With the power of a thousand marshmallows! TURRRBOOO HEARTTT!!” she giggled as she was coming up with these names on her own. “Who’ll win? nopony knows! On the sound of the bell!” she made a ‘ding, ding’ to the side indicating the beginning of the match. “GO!” We both launched at one another, Scootaloo was very quick as she dove for my legs, having just a low level of ability to move, I tried to jump over her dive, but my lack of coordination let her catch me. She tried putting me into a hold which I struggled against, apparently like fingers, hooves’s magical ability to hold things through magic only had so much strength before they just didn't work. I managed to push her off but fell forward, letting out a yelp at  having felt her hind hooves on my butt push me so. I flailed falling on top of her… And directly onto her lips. I think the gods are laughing at me, I can feel it in my bones. Sure I had thoughts about this but I wasn't going to act on them. But here we were, lips pressed against Scootaloo’s. A warmth like fire blazed through me, as I felt her soft lips against mine, her scent filling my nose so much that it overwhelmed me, making my brain go all fuzzy. She was warm and she struggled at first, I think we both did, but after her nostrils flared she seemed to get the same hazy look I had. “Girls!!” Apple Bloom squeaked, her voice nervous as she bounced up and down snapping us both out of the pleasant feeling we both were having. I stumbled falling back onto my rump, as Scootaloo’s face was on fire, one of her hooves on her lips looking scared but also a tiny bit happy. “W-what…? I-I'm s-sorry S-Scootaloo… I-I…” I stammered feeling embarrassment, excitement and a deep happiness that seemed to glow from within. “N-No it… it w-was my fault.” She whispered stuttering just as bad as me. “Scootaloo! Sweetie! Y’all kissed!! Yer gonna get the parasprites!” Apple Bloom panicked, running around in a circle because of her panic. “Parasprites?” I asked lightly touching my lips still feeling flushed. “Uh-huh! E-Everypony knows that if yah kiss somepony yer gonna get the Parasprites!!” Apple Bloom looked at the two of us looking for signs of illness. “A-Apple Bloom… if that was true wouldn't Applejack have it too? Or my sister?” I asked looking up at the banana colored filly. “Applejack already has em!! She got em in her tummy!” She said exasperated, Scootaloo just looked at the floor with her wings straight out in the ‘wing boner’ pose. “Uh… do you mean butterflies?” I asked softly, wondering if Apple Bloom was mixing up metaphors for nervousness. “That's even worse!! Fluttershy is gonna have ah hayday!!” She yelled in panic. “I… um… Apple Bloom, I dont think that's a thing… it's just a expression for nervousness… I don't think anypony would have parasprites in their bellies.” I stated making Apple Bloom stop in her panic. “R-Really?” She asked, I nodded smiling lightly. “oh…” There was a long moment of awkward and uneasy silence between the three of us. “I-It felt nice!!” Scootaloo blurted looking up for the first time. “D-Did it?” I asked my voice cracking, I felt my face flush red. “Y-Yeah, a-at first it made me scared b-but it was w-w-warm and f-felt nice.” She said looking anywhere but at me or at Apple Bloom. “umm….Iwouldntmindifyoudiditagain.” she rushed her words quickly, her face catching fire, her orange coat around her face turning into cherry colors. Apple Bloom opened her mouth and flapped it like a fish, her own face flushed. “R-Really?”  I squeaked like a rusted door hinge, feeling that wonderful excitement and nervousness spread through my body. She nodded rapidly, her purple mane falling over her face each time. I paused not thinking before I scooted closer to Scootaloo and nervously leaned closer. Her nose flared as she took deep breaths, excitement, fear, and curiosity burning in her eyes as I looked at them. I closed my eyes, pushing myself a little closer to her, our lips touched and lightning ran through me. Her lips were soft, like warm pillows, she had a cinnamon-esk smell that something inside me hungered for more as I pushed myself a bit closer. Scootaloo trembled, there were a few buzzing sounds as her wings splayed out, standing at attention. She made a soft squeak as I moved my own lips against hers, very slowly at first. This felt right, another part said this was wrong but it was a tiny voice of my conscience that I largely ignored. “H-Hey!! Ah… ah wanna try…” Apple Bloom whispered her voice just as squeaky. She drew close and I pulled back from Scootaloo who had a flushed dreamy look on her face, I tasted something like hot chocolate and cinnamon on my lips. Apple Bloom flinched when I leaned over to her face, her breath quickened as I slowly put my lips to hers pressing myself against her. She made a sort of squeaky noise as her eyes fluttered closing as she melted into the kiss.  Warm feelings washed through me in waves. Love, excitement, that warm nervousness that made my heart flutter as I slowly moved my lips against Apple Bloom’s. She had a earthy apple taste that, again, I felt a deep hunger for, making me snarl in the back of my throat as I kissed her deeply. I don't know how long but eventually we pulled back, her face very red looking, out of breath and dreamy. “I… I wanna kiss her next.” Scootaloo whispered as she came closer to me and Apple Bloom. Her hesitance was obvious but so was this new kind of experience. Eager, yet fearful too. Excited but also nervous. Apple Bloom pursed her lips as Scootaloo kissed her. The kisses were chaste, but they still had a certain desire behind them. Like a desire to express one’s love and want for another. I felt a soft tingle in my nether region, my breath hitching, my body moving on its own as I snuck up on Scootaloo while she kissed Apple Bloom and lightly nibbled at her neck. The filly made a soft noise of pleasure and surprise as I pressed my face into her neck. Feeling her heartbeat, pulse against my nose as I took my teeth and lightly nibbled at the thin skin and fur. Scootaloo shuddered again making that squeaky noise of pleasure as she seemed to redouble her efforts against Apple Bloom. I nibble and bit at her neck moving my way down to her wings and softly licked them. “S-S-Sweetie!!” Scootaloo gasped her voice trembling and out of breath. The knock on the door woke us from our ‘exploration’ as we all squeaked, separating so fast we each ended up backing up to a different wall besides the one with the door. “Apple Bloom? Y’all fillies in there?” Applejack popped her head in her stetson hat on her head, she looked between all of us. We had terrified expressions on our faces, though we were all red faced too. “Y’all alright? Yah look like y’all seen ah ghost! Ah made some cookies if yer interested…” Applejack said stepping into the clubhouse looking around with a flick of her tail. She looked at us, eyebrow raised as we all just panted. “C-cookies sound g-good Applejack!! W-we’ll be right there…” Scootaloo stuttered recovering quicker than the rest of us. “Alright, don't tarry too long yah hear, the cookies will get cold.” She said looking between us suspiciously but not bothering to question us. She thankfully turned and headed back out the door, we looked at one another as I felt more heat touch my face. “S-So…” Apple Bloom started awkwardly after a minute or two of silence. “W-What does this m-make us? A-Are we ah h-herd now?” she asked looking between the two of us searching for any sort of confirmation. “D-Do you wanna be?” I asked slightly hopeful but okay if they wanted to forget this whole thing… now that the high of hormones had finished I was beating myself up for doing something so… bad. “I… I don't mind… if we are that is! I-I love you both, its… um Fluttershy told me to wait t-to grow up a little before… becoming apart of a herd.” Scootaloo said panic in her voice as she was torn between listening to Fluttershy and her own confusing feelings. “W-we could try… if somepony wanted to stop, w-we stop okay? I want to k-kiss you b-both again.” I said not thinking with my brain once again. “W-We’ll keep it secret, nopony h-has to know!” I suggested, getting them both to nod with a tiny embarrassed smile on their faces. “Y-Yeah.” Scootaloo said standing back up and shaking herself like a dog would. Apple Bloom was next stumbling a little as she nuzzled Scootaloo and the Pegasus nuzzled her back. “Let's g-go get cookies.” I suggested after standing up myself and giving them light kisses on the lips, both of them leaning into it. Both of them nodded and Apple Bloom led the way out of the clubhouse. … Weird things always happen to me, it's a usual part of my day. I typically am the cause of the weird thing to happen because of a lack of common sense or my social cues that though learned over the years were simply lost on me. The cookies were great by the way! Chocolate chip, a classic, but you could almost taste the latent apple flavour it had. Not that it was bad, but I shouldn’t expect anything else from a family that bucks apples for a living. No the weird thing started in the bathroom, and no it's not the pee fetish set out by my predecessor of occupying Sweetie Belle. I had just finished my business, no in depth description required, and I was washing my hooves. Then I looked up into the mirror and I blinked. Staring back at me was a mallard duck. Well if I were to fly off the deep end I would want wings after all. I moved and so did the duck, so I did what anypony would do. I moved in every single combination I could think of watching the duck do a wild dance making me laugh at the silliness of it all. Anyone who watched the anthology series knew where I was taking this next. “FIIIIIIIIIIIGGGAAAAAAAROOOOOO!!!” I sang watching the duck place a wing on its chest and sing with me, I could faintly hear a masculine voice with my own as I stopped but the duck continued sounding like Luciano Pavarotti as the background music kicked up. What in the world was going on? I looked away from the mirror seeing my world had stretched and warped, why did Applejack have a railroad track  in her bathroom? Why were there floating pink fluffballs that giggled when I touched them? So many questions, but for some reason I didn't feel afraid as I looked outside, seeing that the room seemed to fade after a while and into a forest. The wacky funhouse of colors and singing ducks were just good fun, I trotted toward the forest only to see myself walking toward me at the same time, the same way one would see a mirror do. She looked like me, as in she looked like Sweetie Belle but the only difference was that the scar over her eye was on the right rather than my left. She looked at me with that glowing orb of blue and green as I drew close. The forest behind her was green and lush, filled with many pine trees that seemed to climb steadily upward while mine seemed to be coming from a incline and the only flat place was this small segment where both places met. We stared at each other, mimicking each other as we tilt our heads. “Who are you?” She asked looking me up and down no longer mirroring my movements. “I don’t really have a real name, but Pinkie calls me Warm Smile. Are you Sweetie Belle?” I asked calmly. “That's what my momma named me. Why do you look like me?” she asked her expression curious of the fact I looked like her. “I don't really know, I guess it's because I don't remember how I use to look like… I'm in your body.” I said looking down while holding up a single hoof and sighing. “My body? You mean that everypony is there on your side? I've been in this forest for a day or two, funny thing is I don't feel hungry or thirsty… only sometimes, then it goes away.” she sat down on her haunches rubbing her right eye delicately with her hoof. “I was scared at first but this big something or other was with me! He was very nice, he’d pick me up and hold me when I felt scared or lost. I don't know where he is now, I miss him.” she sighed looking back toward the forest. “I don’t know who that would be, I think I'm hallucinating this so I can't tell what's real.” I mumbled, then I looked at her maybe this was her chance to come back… back before me, living a normal life of a filly. I may have fucked up with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom but that was just today. “Do… do you want your body back? No… I'm going to give your body back, Sweetie.” I said with all the courage I could muster, she looked back at me with confusion. I didn't want to fade away, it terrified me, no amount of logic could keep that dread at bay. Call me a self sacrificing ninny all you want, but I do remember one thing about being human. I was a coward, I always dreamed big and would often say that ‘If I was there I would do this and that’ now that I'm here actually doing it in someone else’s body… well, it didn't matter what I wanted. I don't have anything to my name, not even a name itself, just thoughts and information. I was a persona of thought, I technically didn't even ‘live’ in the grandest sort of the word. I steeled myself, trying to pull back from my own emotions. “Where will you go?” She said her voice timid, genuinely concerned for my well being. Thank you Sweetie but it made this harder than I wanted it to be. “That… really doesn't matter you know? What matters is that you get to go home.” I said giving her my best smile, I motioned her to start heading my way. “O-Okay… but I don't want you to get lost…” she said reluctantly now as she took a few steps forward towards me. Don't look at me Sweetie with those eyes, don’t care for me. “I'll be fine Sweetie… you just go, everypony is waiting for you.” This was for the best. If in there behind her is whatever place she was lost in and the way behind me was the way back to the real world, then I would throw her that way if I had to. There seemed to be a thin line between us like a membrane of clear plastic, the thin vale of two minds meeting. My own feelings and desires be damned, I must of been staring hard at her my expression just as rigid. “N-No… I feel like if I leave you you won't ever come back!” Sweetie said tepid defiance in her eyes, she took a single step back. “I stole your life! It doesn't matter! Now go Sweetie before I make you go down that hall!” I yelled, feeling tears roll down my cheeks as a sudden painful spike of sorrow nearly crippled me. I pushed through the plastic membrane passing through it to grab Sweetie, she squealed in surprise as I took hold of her and twisted myself so the momentum of my grab would push her down the hall. It worked she was on the other side getting back up, and leaping towards me. Suddenly the torn membrane solidified into glass and Sweetie slammed her head against it. “No!! No! You can't!!” she yelled, I looked just for a moment my heart beating faster, thanks to adrenaline. Sweetie slammed her hooves against the glass, the funhouse world beginning to shorten back to Applejack’s bathroom. I turn and ran, disappearing into the trees. This was for the best, she could regain her life and I would be the silent watcher once again. I ran, it felt like days for how long and how deep I ran into the woods. The echoes of Sweetie Belle’s voice having faded, reality bent on itself as distance became as fictional as my need to run. I didn't want to be found so I ran even harder till I was drawn to an open patch in the pine forest. The woods surrounding me on all sides, the sunlight glimmering through the pine leaves in a somber silence, it would be unnatural but this place isn't natural. It was the place I would stay for the rest of my existence. I walked to the center and and sat down, uncaring of the tears that ran down my cheeks. Slowly the world began to fade as I closed my eyes… I was the silent observer, forever watchful of a place I didn't belong in. … Moss grew upon my body, as I lay still like stone, roots of my hooves digging deep into the soft earth. Aware but unaware of myself as I watched the same line of woods that had always been there. Memories of humanity often flickered like a firefly, becoming bursts of sound or color before they were washed away by the green. Years seemed to have passed with a single blink making the moss grow further up my body, flowers bloomed in my mane and tail. Saplings took root on my back growing upward in the constant sunlight. “Warm Smile…” A voice spoke to my left, making me move for the very first time in eons. Time had no meaning here, seconds were thousands of years, minutes centuries. My eyes shifted like stone moving across the land, the geological equivalent of tectonic plates shifting across the hot surface of a planet. When they reached their destination, they saw Princess Luna, the princess of dreams and the night. She must of dug herself a very deep hole to find me in here, in my evergreen glen. “Warm Smile, please move. You have slowed the rate of your mind so much that you are experiencing time differently.” she announced making the silence run away. Earth and stone does not move, I was here, satisfied with my choice. I watched and waited, nothing more and nothing less. I wanted to be a long forgotten memory. “Warm Smile, do not do this.” She said her voice rising into a commanding plea. “You need to move.. Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie have told me of you, we do not want you to be alone like this. I know what loneliness can do to you, you will hurt yourself and Sweetie Belle if you do not get up.” She said taking a step toward me. Leave me be moonbutt, I was trying not to be a body snatcher. Her refusal to give up caused a bit of anger to stir in my heart. My mouth having not moved in centuries opened with the crack of stone and bark. “Sweetie Belle has her body back… I am an invader, no body of my own to occupy. I love her too much to move.” I rasped, the very stone talked when I did. It was against my nature to be so still but I forced myself to do this. “I will wait… like I have always done, let her live the life she deserves. Looking back so many eons ago, I felt terrible guilt for taking advantage of my situation. Even though, it was the first real joy I had felt since… before.” I said my eyes shifting back to the familiar view of the forest, I couldn't remember anything of my own life. Not even friends, but I do remember being happy here even if it was for a day or two. “You aren't a invader Warm Smile… I don't think you were. You wanted love just like everypony else! What is wrong with that?” She asked taking another step toward me. “Love I had not earned… Sweetie is loved by many, when I saw her here and my chance to send her back to where she belonged. I took it because I do love her.” I whispered, I do not regret my choice… I just wish it wasn't so hard to keep it. “So your friendship with Pinkie Pie means nothing?” Luna asked softly. I felt a biting fury course through me, the light around me even turning blood red for a second before the green took me back. I had no right to get angry, Pinkie would always look out for those who looked like they needed a friend. She was so beautiful because of that, selfless when it came to the happiness of others. Pinkie I don't want you to hurt because of me, just… forget. “I saw her for a day, the only real familiarity I had of her was viewed from a box. Possible future, possible past… all I know of anything is based on watching from the outside.” I said just as softly, the whispering guilt of being the weirdo pervert who knows about the livelihood of living breathing cartoons making me say that. It crawled through me like a spiderweb, the tendrils of fungus even grew on me. I was a parasite that lived off another. “No, even though you were there for such a short time, you are Pinkie Pie’s friend. Why are you so afraid?” she asked, I felt my face crack as a sob tore through me. It was sticky like tree sap, rolling down my cheeks as I looked up seeing the wisps of blue above. “I don't belong… I don't deserve the happiness if I steal it.” I said placing my face between my hooves, for the first time in what to me had been eons of the silence of stillness, now broken by the Lady of the Night’s words. I cried. I felt Luna sit next to me lowering her head to mine. I could feel her muzzle against my cheek, a moment later giving it a nuzzle. “I have felt the same way… that I don't deserve the happiness that being out there brings, but you do have ponies out there worried for you… I was told that Sweetie Belle came back to the waking world and cried for two whole days about how she was never going to see you again. Even though she does not know why you are important to her, you are.” she said her muzzle still on my cheek. “We listened to her cries, she cried like a pony who had lost something very dear to her. We looked into her soul and we saw you there, like a puzzle piece holding her soul together.” She murmured as I felt my body shake, the crack of the stone and groaning of bark as my sobs tore through me. “You were stitching her soul back together, healing it. You still are, and it doesn't matter where you came from. An ambient soul or spirit, a construct, or even a magical being, you are healing something even I or my sister could never even hope to fix. You have helped a filly not only keep her life, but her soul as well. We are forever grateful for that.” she smiled against my cheek before nuzzling me again, she pulled back her expression growing serious. “Warm Smile the healing has stopped and we worry that if you continue to lay dormant like this Sweetie’s soul will fall apart again! It is why you must move Warm Smile!” she said nudging me hard, I rolled over, the roots of my body being peeled away from the earth beneath me. “I don't want to hurt Sweetie Belle…” I cracked, the haze of simplicity and the lack of thought making my emotions more bare. For the love of all the gods I never ever wanted to hurt Sweetie Belle, I wanted her to be happy. Emotions coursed through me, like the cold anaesthesia or IV drip given to you at the doctors, making you drunk with fear. I struggled to get up, the roots coming from me having grown deep. “I… I'm sorry…” I wailed, I was stupid in so many ways and I couldn't even blame it on the brain I used. I should of went with her, I should of walked her back to reality. But I didn't, I was so stupidly eager to put her back I didn't realize that I wanted to be there too. No, not wanted, needed to be there. Luna stood up, helping me pull myself from the endless roots that covered my belly, legs, and arms. The familiar sight of the same woods I had been staring at revealed something, I could see the six elements of harmony standing there smiling. Behind them was Spike, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple bloom, even the sisters themselves holding a small pony, just a filly in their hooves. The filly looked like the twin sister of Sweetie Belle, same curly pink and very light grey purple hair, soft off white coat and horn. She was smiling trying her best to nuzzle Celestia who held her close, she seemed to laugh and look my way. Her face was scared like Sweetie Belle’s in the vision, it kinda made her look beautiful. A Turquoise colored left eye and the lichen green right watched me. Desire made reality, a selfish dream I wished to come true to be loved by these characters… no, people. Yes, they were people all in but species, and I wanted to be a part of their lives. It is Human nature to desire love, love without conditions, to be loved just because they are just them. Take a person who could even barely call themselves one and show them that kind of love? Especially one that felt so dissociated because of how the brain functions? I was victim to this, and I wanted to be consumed by it. With a roar that lit up the entire forest with light, ripping the largest roots from the earth. Pulling myself free from my own complacency, with a feeling of victory in my chest. The light faded and here I was sitting in a train booth compartment with Luna, I looked down at myself seeing that I was both humanoid but at the same time if you looked at a different angle the outline of Sweetie Belle could be seen. “I'm sorry… Luna.” I say to her, the soft kachunk kachunk and sway of the booth beneath us the only sound besides her breathing. “I know Warm Smile.” She said leaning over to hug me. “Where are we?” I asked as we broke apart, she looked around then turning back to me. “I believe we are still inside your consciousness, You were embedded deep into the psyche of Sweetie’s soul. I can only guess that forest was a representation of the safe haven for Sweetie’s mind, one constructed by you. I saw what I see here, a figure made of light often came to gaze upon me and point me to you. Not even nightmares could touch that forest, it was so protected.” Luna surmised. “My question is though, why a train?” She asked looking at me with a small smile, I couldn't help but smile too. “I always had a soft spot for trains… I can't remember why, but I always felt safe here in the moving cart. Watching the world flow by like watercolors, it’s soothing.” I said looking out to the green and brown blurs of trees outside the windows. “My mind is always moving, so I kinda see why, trains never really stop on one station for really long. Same goes with my own thoughts, always transitioning from one thought to the next only pausing shortly on one thing before I go on to the next.” “I think it is beautiful. I happened to look around when I was trying to find you. Railroad tracks were always a constant  in your memories. The sound of the engine, wheels on the tracks and whistle was never far off from where I looked.” she said swaying lightly with the movement of the train. I blushed, the light of my body turning a soft white pink. “I know you are from a very different world from our own, Warm Smile. Why didn't you tell us when we visited you?” She asked her head tilted wanting to understand. “I… was scared…” I stammered, feeling ashamed. “I felt like I was going to be imprisoned in a paperweight or something strange like that for taking over the Element of Generosity’s younger sister.” I said looking at my hands, the solid glowing motes of light that made me. “I had assumptions about both of you, possibilities that I didn't want to risk. I had hoped that I could have tried to magic my way out of it, but I couldn't even read what was written in a children’s book.” I laughed soberly, now looking back at it, it was kinda foolish. “Warm Smile, we would never do that to anypony! Let alone somepony who was clearly lost in a new world.” Luna said agape, shocked to even think she or her sister would do that to someone so young. “You probably wouldn't believe it, but the race I'm from, Humans. We have a sort of movie box that allows us to view plays or animations anytime we want. I guess when you count the fact that there are infinite universes out there, sometimes imagination is reality.” I said looking her in the eyes, I didn't know if I had them like this but I looked at her regardless. “I am aware of the many worlds out there, some defy belief but our sister and I do not tamper very much with such magic.” She said thinking aloud. “Yeah, well… to the humans, you all, the elements of Harmony, the world, dragons, you name it, is a filly and colt show that became popular among the older humans. I think I was one of them, or I believe I was… There was never anything particularly private about the show so it did not pry into the details of the elements or other ponies lives. More like it focused on the idea of friendship and becoming a better friends, especially around Twilight and her friends.” I said rubbing whatever was counted as my nose as I gazed off into the window. “I don't want to get your hopes up, but it was very far along in the possible future. I was told about two weeks ago that Sweetie Belle and friends had stayed the night at Fluttershy’s which was a premise of a episode. Called The Stare Master, which showcased Fluttershy’s ability to really step up and protect somepony even if you get hurt, well I know what happens next, for the next, I wanna say four to five years, in advance. There was never a real time frame in the show so I don't know when what's what.” I explained looking back over to her seeing she had a serious face. “Warm Smile would you please tell me, just in case?” She asked though she looked like she wanted to demand it of me. “I… want to Luna, I really do. Humans have written out math formulas and logic puzzles about going back in time and changing history, so either one or three things happen. One; no matter what we do to prevent something it's gonna happen regardless, and sometimes is the cause of said problem. Two; we cause a time shattering, no deity in the universe can fix it paradox and our world blows up because the gods themselves had to remove that particular time space from existence. Three; we create a butterfly effect that nopony but Discord could even predict what would happen next which means that all of my said foreknowledge would become useless.” I sighed leaning back into the seat. “I see that you know of Discord so it proves that what you said about us could be true. Uncanny as it is, I won't push the subject. Can I at least ask if things turn out okay?” She said blowing the more physical part of her hair out of her face, I smile which I seemed to glow with a yellow but also pink light. “Better than okay, it's going to be exciting!” I laughed which got her to smile. “That is a relief, if things go out as you had saw them. Still it doesn't explain your fear of telling us. Though I do tend to be very intimidating due to our past.” Luna said her voice going quiet near the end. “What? No! You are so beautiful and nice, I would never be intimidated by such a thing that happened In the past. You are you Luna, and that's a great thing.” I said suddenly dispelling her own doubts, I saw the Princess of the Night blush faintly a small smile on her lips. “It’s… more because of what people create that got to me, you see while it was just an animation show,  it gained such a big group of people to support it. People began writing, making music, art, all sorts of things about the show. Along with watching it, I enjoyed reading people’s own spin of Equestria. It's just that there is a fan stereotype of Celestia that she’ll sometimes do the really hard stuff to keep ponies safe that includes… killing for the sake of a safer world.” I said lamely waving a hand. “Sister has been hard on many things, but… killing? It is the very last thing she would ever resort to Warm Smile. I… I remember the day when we were very young, Tia had accidentally killed a bird with her magic, she…” Luna looked off remembering that day. “She wept for hours upon hours. Even I wept for the loss of that bird’s life, but Tia took it very hard… it is why Philomena, a Phoenix, is now her pet. She loves birds, always has.  I don’t think Tia ever really got over that bird’s death though. It was the first time she had hurt anything beyond a bruise and it scared her.” Luna looked out the window, taking a moment to collect herself. “We Alicorns have a lot of power in our magic, our bodies are supercharged with it. It's why I deeply regret letting anger and jealousy rip me apart and I turned into that creature of the dark. Nightmare Moon.” she spat not looking at me but the anger in her voice said all it needed to about what she thought of her past. “Hey… if it makes you feel better, I think you had a right to be angry. Sure it wasn't healthy, but it wasn’t fair that nopony cared about all the hard work you did. You worked just as hard as Celestia and even more so trying to bring yourself back up to speed and reconnect, I myself thought that Celestia had been… dare I say it, pigheaded in not seeing how you were feeling.” This got a laugh from the Mare of the Night, it was clear and beautiful just like her. “Sister has been pigheaded many times… I know because I grew up with her.” She laughed again, before looking at the floor sadly. “It feels good to hear somepony say that… a lot of ponies fear what I was and what I could be.” She said smiling in a melancholy way. “In the wise words of a Jack Black animated film I quote ‘The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift that's why we call it the present’ as cheesy as that is, it means that the you here in this very moment, you are a gift to this world.” I said earnestly. “I-Its funny how I was supposed to be helping you with what you were feeling… but you’ve gone and made me feel better.” Luna laughed rubbing a few tears from her eyes. “This Jack Black must be very wise.” I laughed at that, feeling the laughter come from a deep part of me, the glow of my being brightening. “Im…  happy that my assumptions were wrong.” I said recovering from my laughter. “I blame it on reading too much fiction.” “I am just glad we found you, it strains our magic to the limits when we have to dive deeper into the mind. You were very deep within.” She said looking me over then smiling. “So… now what? I'm here, alive and kicking but I don't want to force Sweetie Belle back into here. I don't think I could live with that.” I said folding my hands together and sitting back against the dull rust red cushions of the train booth seat. The train whistled again and you could almost hear ‘He’s going to win the Quidditch Cup, Weasley is our king!’ from another compartment, well it explained why the train booth looked so familiar. There was a knock on the door and Luna stiffened as it was opened, the Honeydukes Sweets Trolley lady was standing there just like I remembered her from the movie. “Anything from the trolley dears?” she asked which I responded so Luna would calm herself. “A box of Bertie Bott’s every flavour beans, ten chocolate frogs, two bottles of pumpkin juice, and a bag of Fizzy Wizzys please.” I said pulling the amount in galleon and sickles to the witch, which she pulled the candy from the trolley over to me. Money exchanged hands and candy was given. With a polite thank you and goodbye she left closing the door. “Was that one of your race? A memory of them?” Luna asked as I popped the cork on my Pumpkin Juice. It was like drinking a liquid pumpkin pie with a hint of whipped cream, I offered the other one to her which she accepted. “Sort of, this isn't a real world it's from a fictional work of literature that was turned into a series of movies. It's about a young kid who goes off to be a wizard, oh and watch out about the jelly beans when they say every flavour they weren't kidding, anything could be in those beans.” I warned as she stuck her muzzle into the opened box. “A wizard? Are you implying that magic was fictional from wherever you are?” She asked, looking very hesitant as she took a single jelly bean and ate it. She must of gotten a good one as her face lit up, but seemed to lose her courage for more. “Yeah, if there was magic it didn't happen often and even then a lot of people cheated by using science and superstitions to make others think it was magic when really it was just illusions and a bit of know how.” I said opening up the chocolate frog and biting into it before it could hop away. “Humans have always craved magic in a world where little to none seemed to exist, I'm sure that we did something to anger whoever was controlling magic distributions and left our planet with nothing. So humans became very interested in how mechanical things worked and we built machines that could go to our moon or even the furthest reaches of our solar system or make calculations of math so fast all you needed to do was add in a few numbers. I think I was a student of some sort of those very practices.” I said enjoying the warm sort of caramelly insides that made up the frog. “I do not pretend to be a scholar of math and science, like some at our university. But you set our dear Twilight into a frantic tizzy after seeing your… hoof work at the school, you certainly did not hold back did you? One of the teachers was raving about how you were a latent genius.” She giggled as she took a small sip from her opened pumpkin juice and groaning in pleasure. “What is this delicious concoction you’ve dreamt up!? It is like drinking sweetened pumpkin with lots of cream.” she sighed in pleasure as she drank more. “Its Pumpkin Juice… well or at least how I imagined pumpkin juice would taste like.” I snickered as she tried the fizzy wizzys those probably tasted like different kinds of cream soda pops to her delight. “I dont think I'm a genius. I just couldn't help myself, when problems are set down in front of me I can't help but try to solve them. I just happen to remember everything that I ever learned in school.” “Photographic memory? Warm Smile that is a very rare trait for any of the races, the Canterlot university is still reeling with the theoretical implications of your math. It could lead to a better understanding of the mundane world.” Luna said gently, her azure eyes roaming my face. “I don't really want to be labeled like that.” I said just as softly, there was a very long moment of silence. “Do… Do I get to go back?” I asked looking up at her, Luna turned her head back towards me. “Yes, Warm Smile… you do, I am here with you so you dont fragment. Twilight and my sister are chaining a complex spell list to give you your own body.” She said giving me a small hopeful smile. “Thank you.” I felt tears well up in my eyes, Luna leaned forward. “It does come to our attention though, do we really look that pleasing in striped socks?” she asked giving me the most teasing grin I had ever seen. My whole body turned bright pink as she giggled, snorted like a actual horse then laugh snorted at my expense. There is a reason why Luna and Celestia are favorites, I found another reason to love Luna with the dorky snort laughter when she got really really tickled. I growled leaning over to give her something to laugh about, this moon butt hasn't ever felt the wrath of fingers before. “I'll give you something to giggle about!” I lightly touched Luna’s neck making her jump, her eyes going wide as I tickled her. “N-No!! AHAsnortHaha!” she yelped her laughter filling the train cart, lightly tickling her as she struggled to get away. Turns out she was unbearably ticklish around the barrel of her chest, and I was just as more ticklish After a few more playful  swipes and some pouncing, trying to tickle one another, we ended up spilling pumpkin juice, chocolate frog containers and cards, and most of the every flavour beans in our battle of seeing who could make the other laugh more. Luna still grinning like a filly, sat back down. This time she sat next to me. “This has been the most fun I’ve had since coming back here.” she gestured to the room and probably the rest of my mind. “For some reason I do not feel like I am a stranger in somepony’s dream. Even though I have just met you, it is also like you have been a old friend too me.” she sighed. “No fear, or scared to approach me. Even the… imagery of the other parts of your mind that says you are an adult was flattering in a way and I am old enough to know that even ponies nowadays have made sexual passes. Even though many of them are trying to take advantage of my position and lack of being in the kingdom…” I blushed at this, feeling her relax beside me. “I have not even slipped into the old tongue since being here and it is because I usually don't feel comfortable around others” She said giving me a small smile. That explained that, I figured it was a nervous habit, trying to be the princess she was with other ponies rather than just another mare. “Well… I've always liked you, I mean who wouldn't want the beautiful Mare of the Night, the Stargazer, The Moonlight Dancer to visit the dreams of mortals? Crazy ponies is who.” I deadpanned the last part looking over to her, I grinned at her even though I don't know if she could see it. “Even though you knew what I was?” she said softly, her flowing mane sort of losing its star like luster. “I thought we went over this.” I said blowing air in her ear making her gasp. “The past is the past, you can't change it but you can learn from it. You already had a friend in me before you even met me Luna, you’ll away have me as a friend because whether you like it or not, I’ve been watching you, and I always wanted to be your friend.” I said giving her a light tickle in her chest, making her flinch with a giggle. “It is strange to think you have been watching us, it is almost unreal.” She looked over to me with a slight darker color in her cheeks. “Its crazy, even for me. Woke up in a strange new but familiar place, no memories of who I was save for silly things, or the humans that I called my family or friends. I don't know if I should feel grief for people I can't remember, or focus on the ponies I do remember the most… my identity is made of likes and dislikes, and random information.” I said reflecting on the fact in all, I really don't remember anything about myself other than what preferred genres of entertainment or education was. On a philosophical level I suppose that if one were put into a situation like this it might be a blessing. Nothing to mourn or want to go back to, no ties to family or friends. You would have to live in the moment, because that moment was all you were. But at the same time, it was scary because you had nothing to anchor you as a real person. A thought construct is all I was, a soul and a mind. No body to call my own. What's to say I was even human to begin with? It made my ‘head’ hurt trying to solve the impossible riddle. Perhaps it was just better to take chances and  create new memories to become someone, I could call my own and a friend to the ponies I knew. “I don't think it matters anymore, you know?” I suddenly laughed making Luna give me a confused pout. “I am here, The literal Element of Laughter has called me a friend, I just tickled THE Princess Luna and cheered her up! I don't think who or what I was matters anymore, Luna you are the prettiest and most beautiful mare in the universe and I don't even feel afraid to say it because.” I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug. “I am here, now, in this moment and its all I ever wanted. I wanna learn magic, I wanna go see the Rainbow Falls, I want to spend time with the six element users and get into all sort of trouble with them! I want to show the world I am here… if you’ll have me of course.” I laughed feeling like something inside me had shifted. I was Warm Smile, and it didn't really matter who I was before. Luna, her cute starry mane trying to hide the blush on her cheeks, probably reeling from just how genuinely I had praised her. She hugged back softly, letting her head rest on my shoulder for a moment. “I-I would like to have you if that is any merit. I-It is embarrassing to hear you s-say such nice things. You flatterer!” she said leaning back and lightly hitting my shoulder. “I try~” I mused snickering as she gave me a light shove again, her eyes glazed over for a second before she looked up at me. “My Sister and Twilight Sparkle have completed the spell, your new body is ready.” She said giving me a small smile. “Well I guess it's time to get going then.” I said helping her up. I stood up in the booth, watching the world shift around me as I stepped down onto the train platform in Spirited Away. The blue of both the shallow ocean and perfect azure sky with the sun just near noon, the enormous bathhouse to the left and behind us, while every direction left was sky and water. How fitting, the perfect scene that showed how much Chihiro had grown just like how I wanted to grow too. Luna stood next to me, this form just a tad bit taller than her. “I…” Luna began, biting her lip. I turned my head her way seeing the nervous frown on her lips. “Yeah?” “Can I visit you again?” Luna asked her hoof nervously scraping against the stone. “Of course Luna, both in here and the waking world.” I turned back ahead the train cart slowly coming to a stop, but when the doors opened it was a bright light like the warmth of the sun. “Next time, I'll try to put those socks on you and maybe something else.” I teased laughing as she turned a brighter pink and tried to tell me something but I was already halfway through the light. Then I was gone. … You know, I was tired of the deep cosmic insistence that everytime I wake up it was synonymous with pain. I think the only time I hadn't woken up in dreadful mind numbing pain was twice my entire time here. What was worse I felt like there had been a massive chunk of my body missing, leaving me gasping in utter cold and mind numbing pain. Stop Truck-san, I can only take so much before I end up breaking and I didn't even have toast in my mouth as I went to school! The dry taste of my own tongue made me cough as I sought out the only source of warmth, my whole body shivering as I pulled aching muscles into the embrace of the only warmth ever. I needed it to be close, it made the feeling of having that 16oz steak they served at Outback ripped right out of me just a little less painful. Muffled sound surrounded me as I slowly opened my eyes and tried to blink away the haze that surrounded me. White and Purple blobs, with a more darker blue blob was just behind it they seemed to be holding me and the precious thing giving me warmth, which was a fluffy blob of white and pink. I hugged the blob tighter trying to fuse myself to the life giving warmth. The large white blob looked down upon me, and I blinked again seeing it focus into the pretty face of Celestia. “I-I-I-I’m b-b-b-bucking fr-freezing.” was all that could could come out of my mouth, my teeth chattered my whole body trembling to give itself warmth. Her mouth seemed to move but only muffled noise came out, her horn lit up and my body seemed to feel heat again. After a few moments of a lull in my state of awareness, I slowly began to see and know what these blobs were. The one I was holding was none other than Sweetie Belle herself who was holding me just as tight shivering and teeth chattering like myself. She had her eyes squeezed shut, while Luna in the background was casting spells near us a constant heat washed over us. Celestia was holding us in her massive hooves pressing us against her chest which was also providing heat. “Is their temperature stabilizing Twilight? They feel colder than ice.” Celestia said, my hearing beginning to return to me. “Atmospheric thaums read a 4.7tg and holding, Aether streams are intact and flowing at 80 Ninos, and temperatures are rising. Just keep those heat spells active, a constant heating spell should stabilize their bodies.” Purple Smart said her figure still very blurry but moving around next to who I assumed was Princess Luna because she was just as blurry to me. It felt like forever ago I had that dream with her, I wonder how long it actually was. More importantly what did my body look like? I lifted a hoof, yes a hoof. I wasn't human, I don't think they could have made a human body without any knowledge on their physiology. My hoof was white, the same color of Sweetie Belle though it was hard to focus when my whole body felt like it was in the throes of hypothermia. “I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-so-sorry…” I chattered to Celestia, my whole body shook against her as I tried to look up into her pretty magenta colored orbs. “For what, my little pony?” Even though my hearing was shit, I could hear the warmth in her voice as she spoke. I closed my eyes trying to focus on speaking without it coming through chattering teeth. “F-F-F-For E-E-Everyth-thing. F-F-For S-S-Sw-Sweetie.” it was starting to hurt a little with how much my jaw was trembling, now that my head was a bit clearer I could hear my own voice and it was very squeaky like Sweetie’s. Celestia leaned down and nuzzled my cheek giving me a tighter hug. “You don’t need to apologize for living Warm Smile, never ever apologize for wanting to exist.”  she said softly into my ear which twitched because of her breath, for a moment I let go of Sweetie Belle and hugged her around her neck trying to put as much love as I could possibly manage. Then instantly snapped back to Sweetie Belle because she felt the warmest. “C-C-Can I-I-I s-s-stay h-he-here?” I asked, who knows what Sunbutt had planned for me now that I seemed to be separate from Sweetie. Silly I know, but I still had a shadow of doubt in my heart. “Warm Smile can’t go more than about 1,000 hooves from Sweetie Belle, it would stretch their soul tethers to a breaking point. I can't say what would happen to either of them, one or both of their bodies might begin to shut down or begin to deteriorate rapidly. Coma or even the loss of the soul might occur.” Twilight said from behind Celestia, the clear sound of pen on parchment scribbling in the background. “The length of their tethers might increase as they heal, but for now I wouldn't risk it. This is incredibly experimental magic, golem construction combined with the clone of the mirror pool, the bevy of potions we had to use to allow the molding of neurons in her head, we need to monitor them.” Twilight continued. “N-N-Nerd!” I called weakly, which Celestia did a double take and laughed which was a great sound. “Hey! I-I’m not a nerd!” Twilight rebutted indignant of this accusation. “Y-Y-Y-You’ve a-a-always b-been my a-a-all t-ti-time favorite!  I-it's a t-t-ter-term of e-endearment!” I laughed for a moment before breathing out and smushing myself against the warmth of Sweetie Belle who was snoring ever so slightly. Fuck it was cold. “Twilight, I have told you about Warm Smile and her sense of humor. As well as how she knows us, don’t pout.” Luna said also from behind Celestia’s ever warning embrace and body, Sunbutt must be a living furnace because she was getting warmer to me. “Sigh alright, that aside, looks like she’s finally beginning to warm up. Temperature is rising.” She said as she appeared around the large figure of Celestia. She had a pair of goggles just above her horn and she was wearing a lab coat with what looked like thin socks just around her hooves, her purple mane tied back and out of the way, a smear of something blue was splotched on her neck but other than she was clean. “I’ll need to check her blood pressure and heart. The Mirror Pool ponies were essentially half organic and half construct magic, I need to make sure the rest of her new organs are properly working.” Twilight mumbled, a clipboard floating in her magic with several sheets of parchment and a inkwell attached to the clipboard to her face where she wrote down her work. “To answer your question Warm Smile, yes you can stay here. Though I would like to keep a close eye on you myself.” Celestia said sighing and nuzzling Sweetie Belle who mumbled something in her sleep. “The Kingdom does not rule itself and after this I must catch up on paperwork.” She looked vaguely annoyed but resigned to the fate, she turned her pretty magenta eyes back to me. “You need to recover, Twilight and her friends will be watching you for now. Rarity has already offered for you to live with her and Sweetie Belle.” the Matriarch said in a gentle tone. “S-S-She wasn't m-mad?” I stuttered feeling a different kinda cold in my heart but then a kind of relief. “The Element of Generosity was… surprised but not mad, after we explained things to her she was grateful that you had essentially saved Sweetie from her demise but was more upset that you didn't tell her on day one. Rather you swore the Element of Laughter into secrecy after you got your bearings, she told us everything after you disappeared.” Luna recounted the events of telling Sweetie Belle’s sister, of course Pinkie would break under pressure, she had a hard time keeping secrets anyways. “S-Sorry.” I croaked, turning my head down into Sweetie’s neck. “Actually, Pinkie is waiting outside my lab making balloon animals. She’s waiting to hear if you are okay. She really has weird nervous ticks.” Twilight said looking up, I managed to pull my head away from Sweetie to look up with her realizing we were in Twilight’s sex dungeon-I mean underground lab! “C-can I s-see her?” I asked feeling much better now with the warmth, my body wasn't twitching crazily trying to warm itself now. “Of course, I’ll go get her.” Twilight said setting her quill and parchment down and heading up the steps back to the first floor, the moment she began to open the door it burst open by a flood of animal balloons making her cry out in surprise and teleport back down to where we are. I laughed at this, of course Pinkie would go overboard when she was worried. It made my heart feel good. “IS SHE OKAY!!? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE OKAY!” Pinkie’s voice yelled from a pile of balloons popping out of them, confetti and glitter covered her mane and she looked like she hadn't slept at all. Her eyes locked with mine from the balloon mountain she had created, her pupils dilating she slammed into me and nearly knocking over Celestia in the process. I could hear the Alicorn let out a small pained ‘oof’ when she did, earth ponies and their monster strength. Pinkie let out a happy sob as she rubbed her face against mine. “You’re alive!! YOU DUMMY!! AHHHHH!!” She suddenly roared at me making me wince and Sweetie woke up with a snort turning her head to and fro trying to make sense of what she was seeing. “Oh my…” Fluttershy said loud enough from behind the endless amounts of balloon animals near the edge of where we currently sat, while from the door Applejack was almost swimming her way into the room. “Dangit Pinkie ah know yah were worried but all these here bucking balloons ain't helpin anypony!” she coughed a stern edge in her voice as she stomped one of the balloons trying to make it pop. “Woah!!” she yelped as she slipped into the never ending tide of animals. “Bwahahahahaaa!” Rainbow laughed as she squeezed herself into the room and flying above the tide of colorful plastics. “This is a bit… excessive.” Rarity came in not moments later a shield spell giving her enough room to walk and push the balloons away. “Hey!! Has anypony seen the dustpan!? The plastic is piling up and I only have so many claws!” Spike’s muffled voice called further in with the constant sound of popping. “Flutters you okay there?” Twilight asked pushing some of the balloons away to reveal the pink and butter colored mare. “Oh yes, I'm fine Twilight, I just hope Warm Smile and Sweetie didn't get caught in the avalanche.” she said in her worried voice. “They are fine, Flutters! Look the Princess has ‘em right there in her hooves.” Rainbow called from above swooping down to land next to Twilight and Fluttershy and nuzzling both. “YOU!” Pinkie said glaring at me, which made me shrivel under the smoldering gaze. “M-Me?” I replied with a shaky grin, she looked me up and down as Sweetie Belle herself sat up rubbing her eyes and yawning. “Don’t ever do that again.” she said sniffing, tears leaking from her eyes before falling onto her butt and wrapping me into a two way hug between Celestia and herself. “D-Did we do it?” Sweetie Belle chattered, just as cold as I was. She was holding herself, sitting on her haunches and rubbing her sides trying to warm up. Celestia reintroduced Sweetie back into the hug, Pinkie moving just enough that she could get her hooves around both of us. “Y-Yeah, I-I’m here.” I said leaning against her and wrapping my own arms around her barrel. “Y-You m-made it! W-When you p-pushed me a-and disappeared i-it felt l-like I-I was never going t-to see you a-a-ah-again.” She breathed her teeth clacking together and pressed herself into my neck. “I-I d-don’t know why b-but i-i-it feels l-like I've known y-you all m-my life, a-and seeing you r-run away m-made m-my heart h-hurt so much..” Sweetie Belle whispered, wrapping her hooves around me too. “W-Why i-is it s-so c-c-cold?” she asked trying her best to fuse with me. “Side effect of the separation process, simply put your souls are experiencing a fictional lack of connection. The two of you were so melded together it took hours of spell casting to stretch them so both minds had control of their own respective bodies. Even then Princess Luna had to keep both of your minds separated long enough so they would imprint. I can’t imagine how confusing it would of been if both of you were aware of one another but controlled both bodies.” Twilight said in her best professor voice seeming to be proud of her hoofwork. “That sounds right confusin even now, Twi.” Applejack said looking at both of us with a smile. “It's going to be so confusing telling you two squirts apart.” Rainbow commented, her wings fluttering and she hovered few centimeters off the ground for a second. “Well, yeah. Warm Smile is a copy of Sweetie, I don't know why Sweetie’s scar is on her right eye and Smile’s is on the left when originally they just had it on their left. Something to look into I’m sure.” Twilight said rubbing her horn lightly with a hoof. “We at first tried to build you a new body, but every time we started the stretching process your soul just rejected it. It wouldn't take anything that wasn't remotely Sweetie Belle.” Twilight continued. “That's when I told everypony about the Mirror Pool that my Nana Pinkie told me about! She said it could copy anypony and make a new you!” Pinkie said cheerfully, while she nuzzled my cheek. “We have locked that place away, the old magic in that pond was very potent. Clones, especially those born of wild and old magic, could cause a endless amount of chaos.” Celestia said gently. That was probably a good thing, because that episode was scary, especially since Twilight literally couldn't tell which Pinkie was real. I didn't want Pinkie to disappear. “It had its uses, the clone we used was repurposed since they are mana constructs and half organic beings. Princess Celestia and I used some seriously powerful stuff to make the body a true body. Which means by the way that you and Sweetie are technically genetically related but we had to work around a lot of problems using some volunteers as bases so more like second or third cousins.” Twilight laughed nervously. “S-S-So W-Warm S-Smile i-i-is m-my s-sister!?” Sweetie Belle said through her shaking she looked at me very excited at the prospect of having a sister that was in a sense her age. “W-Who a-am I r-related t-to t-th-then?” I asked, giving Sweetie Belle a happy smile and a nuzzle on the cheek. “Oh! Um, let's see here.” Twilight exclaimed as she turned around and trotted to a desk, levitating a scroll up to eye level to look at. “Let's see, Vinyl Scratch donated, she has always been the charitable type, Octavia Melody too since she was there with Vinyl, Fleur de lis of all ponies donated and she’s over in Canterlot-" “Fleur happened to want her own foal, though her career was getting in the way of finding somepony to settle down with so she donated.  I know that kind of pain all too well.” Celestia said with a deep sigh and looking moody. Yeesh, talk about sexual frustration Celly. I always figured your job left you high and dry but to actually hear it from the horse herself. “She wants to meet you by the way, it was one of her requests.” Celestia whispered down towards me. Well that was a thing. “Canterlot is only about seven leagues away darling, the only big issue is getting up that tall mountain which is most of the trip! We got samples from her in about two hours after the Princesses started to pull favours, and honestly I'm jealous. Fleur has always been more elegant and beautiful than most models.” Rarity said with her more elegant tone when she was talking about the high life. “If I understand correctly, to think that your body type is going to resemble her’s someday.” She finished with a huff looking down at her standard pony form and poking at the very light fat on her chest. “Anyways…” Twilight said rolling her eyes and straightening the scroll, “Doctor Whooves donated and is asking for my notes after I was done even though he’s a earth pony. Cloudy Breeze and-" “Me! I donated! I thought I could help a pony out and pass on my awesome skills.” Rainbow Dash interrupted arrogantly flaunting her physique, holding up a single hoof and holding her head up, spreading her wings. “Could yah speak up Rainbow? Ah couldn't hear yah over that ego of yours.” Applejack joked playfully making Rainbow squawk indignantly, then pouty faced when Fluttershy started to giggle softly. “Yes, Rainbow, Warm Smile might inherit your athleticism. We had to basically construct a family tree because DNA is fickle and needs a lot of variations to function right. I didn't want to wake up to find that your body has started to develop tumors because of a lack of genetic data.” Twilight said seeming annoyed that she was interrupted again. “Continuing on, you had three more donations. Rose from the Flower Trio donated since they are sisters they couldn't all donate so Rose was picked for donation. Golden Harvest one of Applejack’s friends and farm hooves donated, and Lyra Heartstrings was the last donation. Hmm why does her name remind me of something…” She wondered as she placed the scroll down after rolling it up. “S-She i-is y-y-your f-friend from C-Canterlot, y-you d-dork!” I laughed grinning at her with a smug grin, “Y-You got caught u-up in s-saving e-equestria that you l-left your f-friends in Canterlot, t-they aren't mad. W-well o-one of them is, Moondancer is f-furious a-at you.” I said feeling drained suddenly from all the action of late. Twilight’s ears flatten thinking before she gasped in surprise doing her panic dance in place. “Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THEM!!” She yelled looking up towards the door to the first floor. “SPIKE!! I need to write them apology letters stat! I NEED TO VISIT THEM!” Twilight panicked the way I expected she would. “Twilight, take a deep breath like I taught you.” Celestia said in her motherly tone, smirking ever so slightly as she looked down at me I gave her a wink and my own grin. Twilight sat down and breathed moving her hoof from her chest and outward then inwards for a few times, she looked a bit more calm now. “Well shoot Twi, you never mentioned havin anypony else as friends before. Ah know Lyra moved in last year and she ain't say nothin either.” Applejack mused looking thoughtful. “Lyra is going to Minuette’s house party two weeks from now! She’s graduating as a doctor in dentistry!” Pinkie chirped in a happy voice, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Oh yes, Lyra was telling me over tea how she was so excited that her friend was finally finishing college and her friends would get to visit her more often.” Fluttershy interjected in her less shy voice when she was talking about something she was comfortable with. “I believe this shall be a valuable Friendship Lesson sister, don’t you agree?” Luna said finally saying something, darn her and her cute social issues, talk more so I can hear that beautiful voice damnit! “I believe so Lulu, Twilight I would suggest after all the commotion of Warm Smile’s existence you should reconnect with your old friends and perhaps share the bonds you created here with them.” Celestia spoke in her motherly Matriarch voice, which Twilight nodded solemnly looking a little torn up that she hadn't even remembered their names. “Did somepony call for me?” Spike spoke up from atop the stairs covered in balloon plastic and looking more than a little peeved. “Woah, two Sweetie Belles that's cool.” Spike said looking down at us both his anger seemingly forgotten. “H-H-Hi S-Spike!” Sweetie called up to him giving him a short wave. Spike waved back unsure of what to make of me and Sweetie Belle. “Spike do you remember all the names of my friends in Canterlot?” Twilight asked in a subdued way. “Huh? Oh! Yeah! Lyra, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moondancer!” he listed them off on his claws looking back down at Twilight. “Why do you ask? You know Lyra comes by the library like every week just to talk to me, Twinkleshine is actually moving in as we speak she bought that house down on Baker and Daffodil lane and it's taking her a while since the trains that run in Ponyville don't have a good rate on luggage. Can you believe they are costing her 5 bits per three bags?” Spike asked frowning at the outrage of such a thing, I laughed internally as Spike sounded like a house husband. Applejack whistled. “That there is just plain robbery! Imma have to talk to the station manager about that, ain't nopony wanna bring anything with them if they're chargin 5 bits per three! It's always been two silver bits and one copper for four bags, Granny’s always visitin granpappy Apple Core so ah should know.” Applejack huffed frowning at the price, Twinkleshine was getting robbed, that haggling system worked until you had ponies who couldn't get a fair deal because they weren't any good at it. “I thought those two were always bickering at one another and couldn't stand each other.” Rainbow motioned to Applejack, confused with the lapse in her knowledge of the two. “They do... ah lot, but I think its cuz Granny never really stopped lovin granpappy and it's her way of checkin in on tha old coot. And ah know granpappy doesn't mind cuz he always has a guest room ready fer her. They might be separate now, but ah think it's their way of showin how much they still love each other.” Applejack snickered smiling at all of us. “Looks like that party would be a good chance to reconnect darling, I can always make you a nice stunning dress for the occasion.” Rarity swooned at the thought of making her marefriend a very lovely dress. “Yeah…” Twilight moped, though she looked over at Rarity with a thankful smile. After much more conversation, Sweetie Belle and I were somewhat warm enough not to be glued together seeking that desperate warmth from one another. She and I were dead tired after everything was said and done. However sleep was far off into our future as Twilight, after getting over her funk and our Pinkie had to be peeled from my person because despite her cheerful demeanor, she was still very worried that I was just gonna up and vanish if she didn’t keep a eye on me. Twilight then went through numerous tests to make sure I was a fully functioning young mare, which thankfully I was. Though she did want to see me twice a week to make sure my DNA didn't just unravel itself and go into cancer city. Yay. It’s odd to think I'm now related to all those ponies now, Fleur was practically my mother seeing how much she wanted to be apart of my life and the DNA samples she hoofed over. Vinyl and Octavia were also mom and other mom since Twilight told me they were happily married, Doctor Whooves of all ponies was my only father. Pony version of TARDIS here I come. My body is ready. Now what really got me was that Rainbow Dash had donated! That was even more odd to think about how on some level I was sister to both Rarity and Rainbow Dash like some magical love child between the two. Cloudy Breeze was a super cute background mare that I wouldn't mind meeting just to get to know her as a individual. Golden Harvest, more commonly known as Carrot Top, and Rose Flower from the Flower Trio were surprising. Rose and her sisters usually fainted at anything remotely drama filled. I didn't know much about Golden, I suspected she was cousins to the Pears because of that curly hair she had, so I was probably indirectly related to them. Applejack happened to explain that Golden Harvest was in fact extended family, but like 6th or 7th cousins to her and her family. The Apple family had extended back ages even to the original earth pony tribes and Granny was well over 200 years old along with her sisters so extended family was to be expected. So it wasn't that much of a surprise, Lyra though? Okay some cosmic force was probably pulling my tail and laughing on the cosmic floor of their living room. Lyra Heartstrings the pony that was known to act very human especially with sitting, fandom has warped her so much that she is obsessed with hands and humans. Who was the current resident human? Me that's who. Oh boy, hopefully she wasn't too intense about her love for humanity. I wasn't going to dismiss the mirror to the alternative version of Equestria wasn't apart of the canon. So maybe someday when Sunset Shimmer decided to show her bacon haired tail, I could give Twilight the grand tour of the somewhat human world! Lyra would have a field day once she knew and maybe, because she was also my technical mom/sister thing, I could show her around. Exciting stuff right? On that note. How the hell was I supposed to deal with Discord!? The chaos god wasn't the nicest of Dragoniquises at first, and I was only a filly with a small amount of magic to call my own. So what? Do I sit it out? Let things play out like they did in the show? I really wanted Discord as a friend early on rather than what was most likely two to three years when he gets out again and still a pain in the ankle. Honestly I didn't even know if I had any time at all for the field trip to Canterlot, where the discordance of the CMC caused the resurgence of Discord. Irony be my maiden, sometimes ponies in general created their own chaos more than the Duke of Nonsense did in a single day. At least he was consistent with his inconsistency, make the clouds into pink cotton candy and rain chocolate milk every five seconds. The joke there is that it would be no different than a day in London, it rained all the time. Minus the curdling smell that would come after such rainstorms,  it could be worse than the Thames on a good day. Humanity if you are listening, please for whatever God you follow clean that river up, it's one of the most historic land sites in London proper. It looks like chemical trash monsters are the only thing that has the ability to survive in the murk. Beside humanity's ability to ruin a perfectly good river, or any body of water that they come across. Discord was a problem, a problem I intended to fix by performing the signature Therapy no Jutsu that the blonde screaming ninja was well known for. Simply put I had to talk about my feelings while giving my enemy flashbacks to younger days after hitting them a few times. Knowing that because Discord is Discord it would probably work too… Just the matter of how to do it without fucking everything up after Twilight has her bond strengthening moment with all her friends. Because the Friendship Princess needed to do her friendship stuff for the Tree of Harmony so she can get her wings. I could be a alicorn of friendship, but I don't think the Tree’s idea of solutions was telling everypony they were idiots and should think about one another more than they usually do. Princess of Snarky Attitude and Memes maybe? Whatever, their destiny was destiny after all and who was I to throw the fish in the machine? When Twilight was finally done, Celestia and Luna being her second and third opinion making sure I was not going to go nuclear and start the events of Fallout Equestria. They left with a group hug with Princess Celestia while Luna opted not to be as intrusive but gave me a hug and a small ‘Thank you for being my friend’ they went upstairs to teleport back home. Don’t worry Princess, Pipsqueak, the old chap, was going to start a fan club of you. Even though he doesn’t know it yet. Hashtag Forthelunarrepublic. Gods that made me sound old, that meme was right at the beginning of the fandom. I might as well wear a flak jacket saying ‘Flame War Vet’ on the back for that reference. Complete with aviator sunglasses too, note: find where Spitfire and Vinyl buy their shades, second note: make sure to enchant said sunglasses to appear when I said something really cool or didn't look at an explosion. After all the testing Sweetie and I were officially let go by purple smart, Pinkie opting to stay longer with Rarity to help both of us. Applejack said her hellos and goodbyes and hoped to see me again to get to know me. Fluttershy asked if a tea luncheon would be nice for us to share our love for the beverage, after telling her that it was in fact, my favorite drink. I of course told her I would love that and looked forward to talking with a fellow tea connoisseur and meeting all her animals. Rainbow Dash gave me a light pat on the head and looked at me with a strange expression, not unpleasant but it looked a little odd on her. She apparently was very happy that she technically had a blood sister to look after, Scootaloo being both her adoptive sister and her marefriends charge was great.  But she always wanted a little sister or brother that was directly related to her but her parents stopped after they had her. Which made sense considering how much her mom and dad fawned over her, definitely second hoof embarrassment there. She gave me a light nuzzle and a soft kiss on the head before grinning sheepishly and telling us that she had to fly and get her quota done for the weather. Though I knew it was because she probably was gonna tear up if she got any more sappy with me. I could even see the knowing smile on Rarity’s face when she zipped back up the stairs, so it reaffirmed my logical leap. Sweetie and I couldn't be more than half a meter away before I started feeling that dreadful cold sensation, she seemed to feel it too and kept very close to me. Pinkie happen to giggle when she noticed that Sweetie and I unconsciously leaned or tilted towards one another, saying that it was very cute, which caused Sweetie and I to blush. “You two might also experience things together, it's highly unknown what this sort of bond could do to either of you. Warm Smile might get angry or scared and it affect Sweetie Belle in another room or even building, or maybe thoughts might blend together like if one of you has a idea the other knows what that idea is. It could be like hearing what the other is thinking or feeling what they are feeling, I'm not sure if it will affect memories though.” Twilight said from her desk while Spike sat near us holding back giggles because I was playfully mimicking a talking Twilight. Even Rarity and Pinkie had to put a hoof to their mouth to hold back a small snicker. What can I say? I loved Twilight to death but she was so nerdy I had to tease and pick on her with all my love. “So what you are saying is that, we are like how most twins are.” I deadpanned smiling at her when she looked over at me then looked up in thought before scrunching her nose. “Y-Yes I suppose that might be a accurate way of describing it. Twins are often linked magically because they share the same pathways, so those things I just described would be similar.”  she said her nose still scrunched into a small pout. Speaking of magic. “I wanna learn magic, I've never had the chance to learn magic so I want in.” I declared giving Twilight my best smile, Twilight would leap at anypony who wanted to know something she was interested in. She could talk somepony’s ear off if she really loved it, going overboard like a purple smart horse would. “Gasp! That's right!! Princess Luna told me you were from a completely different world! Photographic memory too!? Ooooh this is so exciting!” She laughed clapping her hooves together, looking like she had just won the lottery and then a all you can eat pass at the pancake parlor. Seeing her like this made my heart in my chest thump happily at the fact that I could make her this happy, instantly bringing just as excited of a smile to my face. I always envied the fools who could do this to Twilight, but not grin like a idiot while they spent their time in Ponyville. You are literally in another world you dolt! You just made one of the nicest, LITERAL embodiment of Magic and Friendship pony super happy and you just had to think it was annoying how eager she was!? Like, bloody hell mate? If you wanted to go back home and not look at this beautiful sun beam of a pony then you should of been more considerate because she probably would of been more willing to help you after her questions. Sorry, defensive rant there, HiE humans can be really stupid sometimes. Especially when said humans can’t accept things fast enough, a innate benefit to looking at everything like a logic puzzle rather than some major setback I suppose. It just rubs my fur the wrong way, even if I didn't have a word for word beforehand knowledge of all thing MLP related. It would be in your best interests to not make the magical horse dislike you because she is looking at a completely new species and you want to go home. I wouldn't do that to an alien who wants to know everything about my culture if they visited. Especially if they are offering advanced space fairing technology that would revolutionize humanity as we know it. Anyways, moving on after discussing the letter of referral as tutor for me and possibly Sweetie, though she already had a magic tutor. Rarity didn't want to pester Twilight and her studies for tutoring lessons for Sweetie, Twilight on the other hoof was extremely flattered that she was referred to for teaching a supposed genius, or just to tutor her marefriend’s little sister. Turns out that Twilight was working on her Arch Magus Mastery, essentially it was a program for dedicated unicorns to the study and art of the arcane aspects. Funded by the University of Canterlot and the Crown, it was a grueling course that required a proficiency in all the arcane schools and had projects that were designed to test the mind and expand the mana pool of unicorns which, again, required dedication and time. But once you pass you are then henceforth recognized as a Master Arch Mage by the Kingdom and all fiefs under that kingdom. Which gave you a load of benefits and spending money to start projects you otherwise couldn't afford. The success rate of a pony becoming a Arch Magus was a 6.7% rate, about all ponies and other magical species under Kingdom rule didn't make it past the first semester of the three year program. Twilight was in fact starting her second year in the program, which explained why Twilight was so busy with her studies in the show as the second year was the breaking point for a lot of mages. It was the hardest year to get by due to its intense mana requirements and workload returns. Celestia had nothing to do with Twilight’s spot in the Arch Magus Mastery program, that was all on her own blood, sweat, and tears that she worked her way into to get this far. To say the least I was extremely proud of her and I let her know that. Twilight’s blush was so red it covered her whole face as she gave a embarrassed laugh and said it wasn't anything special, that she just liked to study. “Warm Smile is completely right my love~ Your dedication and tenacity is something to be admired, cherished even. I for one am very proud to call you my marefriend, heavens knows I'm average at magic. I only remember the three basics from Magic class, the Kinesis spell, shield charm, and the bolt hex! And anypony knows I rarely use the latter two.” Rarity tuted walking over to Twilight and pulling her into a kiss and a nose rub, somehow Twilight turned even more red and shyly blathered some modest things trying to refute the praise. “Ah ah ah!! If anypony deserves all the praise its Twily~” Pinkie admonished scooping them both into a hug and giving loving nose rubs and kisses between the two. Twilight seemed to overload with all the love being given and stammered something out before looking defeated and gave in to the love and praise. Her head sinking down into the neck of Rarity, to red to say anything else. I squee’d happily clapping my own hooves at the affection being given to the Best Purple, Sweetie seemed to agree as she gave me a grin of happiness for her sister and friends. Spike just looked bored and a tad jealous since he had a thing for Rarity. Ugh boys, you know it's okay love the fact that your surrogate mother was happy with her herd. Spike and I will have to talk about that at some point. Another good thing about herd dynamics, that I would later learn, is that there isn't a lead mare or alpha. That way there wouldn’t be any power struggles with a main or secondaries. Each pony was equal and had unalienable rights in the dynamic, which means that if one was upset it meant that the whole herd was obligated to sit down and talk it out. Of course some herds broke apart due to not communicating properly or simply not listening to the feelings of one or others. But they never broke off violently, sure a lot of sore and hurt feelings but usually other herd members often soothed and wove the members back together or they became just friends and platonic with one another. Basically if you take all the human crap like hatred and pure envy out of it, you get this. Be still my anger, forgive humans because you were/are one and Twilight has to survive human High School. That battlefield will have its day, but not now. I know that both Rarity and Pinkie wanted to talk to me, preferably in private because they had a look that said they did. Pinkie was probably going to open a fresh can of whoopass on my hind end for scaring her. It was silly of me to think that after I told her that I basically wanted her she wouldn’t hold onto me like a dying woman in the middle of the sea looking for dry land. I didn't know how deep that particular rabbit hole was, diving into the psyche of Pinkie Pie, but I cared for her enough that I would go any distance for her. Why? Because Pinkie of course! I mean if you watch the show at any point Pinkie has shown signs of needing to be validated, that her place in Ponyville wasn't even strong enough that she even doubted being the Element of Laughter! Cheese Sandwich had won that party off and it tore Pinkie in half because she thought that because he was better than her, her friends and the town didn't need her. Hell, she didn't even bother remembering her own birthday and it nearly drove her crazy to think that her friends were avoiding her when they were actually setting up a surprise party. No, the only pony that seemed to validate her mainly was Maud Pie. Pinkie was more glued to Maud than anypony in her family because Maud took the time out of her day to solely spend it with her little sister. It was to note that Maud was also extremely protective of Pinkie, which might align with Pinkie’s self worth issues. If somepony hurt Pinkie emotionally, Maud knew places in the earth where your body would never be found again, not that I think Maud would ever kill anything. But I think if it was between Pinkie and somepony else, she would choose Pinkie without hesitation. I wanted to be somepony that she could share all those things without feeling like she wasn't validated or wanted. I may not remember the memories of my existence before this but I do remember the feeling of wanting to be seen and not feel like I was a throw away object. Another reason I cared for Pinkie was because of that emotional trauma it can cause. Rarity however was probably a different story, She probably had the vegetarian equivalent of beef with me. I was after all the one who had been pretending to be her sister for the last couple of days and that probably didn't sit well with the fashionista. Luna’s hesitance with indicating that she hadn't been mad, that was just a polite way of assuaging my fears without actually telling me that she had been furious. Rarity was a kind mare, generous even as is her element, but family is a matter in which those who are the purest kindest people can become a eighth layer devil that Asmodeus himself would have to lock up in the infinite abyss just because it gave him nightmares. I swallowed a lump in my throat, oh boy, the reckoning was coming and Asmodeus was hiding in a broom closet nowhere to be seen when the third impact happens. The only shield I had was that, one: I couldn't control that I had been in Sweetie’s head. Two: I was healing her unbeknownst even to me and incidentally saved her life. Her ammo was that I lied, masturbated in someone else's body, almost had a orgy with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. She probably didn't know that, but I’m sure after some careful wording she could have both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom talking more than the citizens of Babylon. Talk about scary, and now I'm going to have to live with her because I can't go far without accidentally killing either me or Sweetie Belle in the attempts to avoid righteous judgement. Perhaps I could use Sweetie as a makeshift barrier between me and the Imperial Marshmallow Adeptus Arbitrator for good cover before the purging of my heresy happens. I’m probably blowing it out of proportion but it did make me somewhat nervous, I didn’t want Rarity to dislike me or hold a grudge. You could say I’m acting like a adopted young filly worried if her new sister would like her, which was right on the nose. “How do you feel about me being your new sister/cousin?” I turned to Sweetie Belle who was resting her head against mine while the three older mares chatted about setting up a schedule for lessons. “Hmm, I don’t know! But thats kinda exciting isn’t it? I mean I always wanted a baby sister since Rarity is so much older than me, it's kinda hard to play with her outside because she’s so busy usually and doesn’t like being dirty.” Sweetie said lifting her head so both our foreheads were touching and giving me a smile, her right eye glowing like my left a molten green and blue color. “How do you feel Smile?” She asked feeling completely comfortable being this close to me, and honestly I felt a lot better when we were in contact with one another. I closed my eyes for a moment before speaking. “Scared, nervouscited-” Pinkie’s ears flicked when I said this, “-I feel like Rarity is actually really mad at me, because I didn’t want to disappear… well not while you didn’t have any control.” I sighed, it was silly to feel this way but I couldn’t help it. “I know when Rarity is mad, Smiley, she isn’t mad, just overwhelmed. When Pinkie and Twilight found out that you were there like I had told them, she went all quiet and looked really worried.” She said rubbing her cheek against mine and putting her hooves around me. “It’s silly that I feel like you’ve always been with me even before, like somepony was there watching over me looking out for me and my friends.” She hummed closing her eyes just feeling the warm sensation we both had when we were close. “You are my best friend Smiley, and sometimes when I look at you I can feel this loneliness that just makes me wanna hug you. Like now!” she giggled, nuzzling her nose against mine. I sniffed feeling relief flood me after the reassurance from Sweetie Belle, a few stray tears stained my cheeks though, making Sweetie Belle rub her forehead against mine more. “I love you Smiley, and I think that Rarity will love you too. We are soul sisters now so nothing can change that, we will be sisters together okay?” She asked making me look at her and I nodded my lip trembling, she gave me another nose rub easing my scaredy cat heart. “Here I am supposed to be the big shot but I end up being consoled by my other half, crying like a baby.” I chortled, giving her a watery smile. “Gotta set a big sister example! Maybe I’ll get a cutie mark in taking care of sisters!!” Sweetie let out a bright laugh leaning away from me just for a second to check on the older mares. Pinkie for some reason was arguing the semantics of a well balanced breakfast, but her suggestions were mainly diabetic inducing, figures they would get off topic. “I think it would be a cool cutie mark, that's for sure. You seem to be more level headed than Rarity, or me for that matter.” I snickered, which got Sweetie to snicker right along with me. “So what’s my fate ladies!?” I called out toward the group causing them to pause in their conversation. Pinkie was holding something similar to a rubix’s cube and Twilight looked like she needed several shots of the Applejack’s hard whiskey to deal with the nonsense of both of them. “Easy peasy stuffs! Twilight is gonna take care of all the math and science stuffs, I get to teach you Equestrian cuz it's actually one of my best subjects! Rarity wanted to introduce you to Equestrian culture and the more social stuffs.” Pinkie hopped over in a jovial way and rubbed my mane with her hoof. “Great, does that mean I don’t have to go to elementary school?” The moment I said this I facehoofed, of course I would have to go since Sweetie went there. Cosmos why do you torment me with the educational system!? Free form learning all the way man. “Wait, scratch that. I have to go regardless huh?” I sighed. “It is a great way to stay near Sweetie and make more friends darling, you might know us as well as Sweetie and her friends but it's kind of cheating when you’ve been watching us all this time. Besides, Ms. Scholastic Class was eager to have you back so she had a chance to teach you. Twilight and her are now in communication, so while you are at school Twilight has time to set up her own classes so we can get you up to speed.” Rarity said giving me a smile but not an unkind smile. “Since you don’t have any knowledge on magical physics and thaumaturgical theorems, it might hurt you in the long run since you are a unicorn and already expressed interest in learning magic.” Twilight continued after Rarity. “Did you want to dive into any particular school of magic or did you want a more general education like Sweetie would get?” Twilight asked after a moment of thinking. “Powerful Wizard of Arcane Might please, the Destruction School…” I said my mind drifting off into a power trip fantasy that left me laughing in a evil sort of way. Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie looked at one another and silently agreed to keep Warm Smile away from the spells of destruction. At least the more intense ones. “Ah ha haaa, yeah... maybe much much later we can go over the School of Destruction.” Twilight laughed in a nervous way that indicated she wasn't comfortable with the situation. Damn, I was looking forward to being a Warlock. Oh well, once I learned how to read and how to actually use the horn on my head properly then I could pursue the arts of monster and darkness slaying. I wonder if they would mind me starting the religion of Stendarr here so I could just give myself an excuse? Witcher School philosophies? No, too harsh and money centered… Pelor would be a cool excuse but then I would have to explain to Celestia why I was using her symbol. “Anyways.” Twilight said cutting off my train of thought. “We are done here for the day, both of you aren’t exploding and seem fine, so you guys can go home if you like. I’ve got a paper due tomorrow and I would like to finish it tonight. Ugh, my house is a mess too.” She said looking at the excessive balloon animals laying on the wooden floor, which Pinkie had the decency to sheepishly apologize for all that. “Right, lunch sounds good right about now and you two are probably famished.” Rarity said while Twilight lightly glared at Pinkie. “I’ll clean it up Twi! Honest!” Pinkie chuckled shrinking under her gaze, she started to sweat comically while Pinkie looked left and right, anywhere but at Twilight. “AH! I’ll do it now! Seeyoualllaterloveyouallgottagocleannow.” Pinkie babbled her words running together into almost one word and a single breath, before disappearing in a Pinkie shaped dust cloud. “SPIIIIIKE!! WHERE WAS THAT DUSTPAN AGAIN!?” She yelled from the first floor, Sweetie and I belly laughed as Spike got up and rolled his eyes heading back upstairs. “I’m coming! Hold on!” He called back. “Okay! Can you both stand and walk?” Rarity asked looking at both of us at the center of the room where a large magical circle of runes took up most of the floorboards. I looked over at Sweetie before she shrugged and stood up, it was shaky and it looked like she might topple over because of a light breeze but she was walking. I followed suit, finding that because this body still retained some muscle memory that walking was easier than it had been the first time around. Going up the steps however was a different matter entirely, I think I cracked my horn from faceplanting so hard, or just my entire face. Rarity had to levitate me and Sweetie Belle up onto her back which she seemed to take the weight of us both like a champ. “Sorry.” I mumbled, rubbing my nose trying to get rid of that stinging sensation you get when you hit it. “Its alright dear, no trouble to me.” Rarity said lightly making her way up into the first floor. It looked like a actual circus had been through the Golden Oaks Library once we reached the door, confetti seemed to be everywhere, glitter covered half of the floor and there were hundreds more animal balloons that seemed to be stuffed into the nooks and crannies of the library, once the main floors room had been used up. Was that a cotton candy machine? It looked like it had been licked clean of any sugar. Part of me was amazed at the fact Pinkie did this all by herself and another felt a warm rush of love for her. Pinkie obviously didn’t know how to handle stress, but it also showed how much she cared even for somepony she had just met. She really did value her friendships even if they were fresh new faces, or in this case suspiciously looking like a Sweetie Belle. Pinkie had a duster in her mouth as she was sweeping the shelves clean of confetti while Spike had broom and dustpan and was pushing most of the glitter and popped plastic into a pile. Her ears perked and swiveled, hearing us come up she turned looking at me and giving me a subdued wave and smile. I waved back silently promising her that we would get to talk soon, because I could tell she wanted too. Pinkie wasn’t hard to read, or many ponies in fact were easy to read because of how expressive their faces are. None of them seemed to be outside human understanding either, a smile was a smile, a frown was a frown and so on and so forth. I would hate to misread a situation that I'm already poor at realizing such things. I had to be actively looking for the signs and even then, any sort of subtly would most likely go over my head. So it was great for me and probably why Celestia was so damn good at her job at reading people. The walk back to the boutique wasn't long, she had set us down and walked behind us while Sweetie and I tried not bumping into each other constantly. Our bodies were subconsciously pulling us close to one another which meant I was almost face planting because I would get under Sweetie’s hooves. Rarity had a few good laughs at our expense when we collapsed into one another, hooves, I learned did not feel good when they land on your soft underbelly. I had the wind taken out of me when the stray hoof of Sweetie’s got tangled up with my own and I ended up falling onto a hard hoof and a slightly sharp rock. Well it was a good sign that I could feel pain alright, though I could of told you that was functioning perfectly the moment I woke up. Sweetie and I must of been running on some magical high, because as we rounded the corner to the boutique she and I had been hit with a wave of fatigue. Everything hurt, I felt like I could sleep for seven days and not feel like I got rest, and my belly gnawed at its cage yelling at me to consume sustenance otherwise it would attempt a coup. Sweetie seemed to fair no better than I when I looked her way, sweat was visible on her face and her belly was plotting with my own. She yawned heavily rubbing her right eye with a hoof, how she continued to walk I had no idea, some kind of hop walk thing that looked natural when she did it. “You both have had a long day, let's get some lunch in you two and then off to bed. Twilight warned me that this might take a toll on you two.” she tsked unlocking the boutique’s door with a key hidden in one of the crooks of the house’s decorations. “But… yawn, I don’t wanna go to sleep. I gotta tell Apple Bloom and Scootaloo that Warm Smile is okay.” Sweetie defied though she looked like she could barely stand in her current state, it was only through sheer willpower that she was still up. “Ah pap pap pap, no buts young lady, food then to bed.” Rarity said laying down the law, “You and Warm Smile can see them tomorrow when both of you are well rested. I don't want to find out both of you passed out in the middle of street.” she said closing the door and trotting off toward the back, she stopped in the archway to watch us sleepily stumble after her so she could make lunch. Funny how it's only like early afternoon, it feels like a whole day has passed already. That might be the fatigue talking though. Sweetie and I leaned our heads together at the table, slowly blinking to reduce the tiredness of our eyelids. For a brief moment I felt almost a whisper of feeling or thoughts cross past my mind that wasn't my own, making me look over at Sweetie who was looking at her sister with mild interest whilst she made lunch. It was a tangle of ‘I love you sissy’, ‘it feels good to rest my head against Smiley, warm’, ‘I hope we can all see each other tomorrow, Warm Smile doesn't have a cutie mark like us…’ , and ‘is Rarity really mad? I won't let her make Smiley feel bad, she’s my… mine.’ in a confusing mess of twisting emotions and unheard words, there wasn't any uniformity so it made me flutter my eyes trying to comprehend the tangle in a way I could understand. Sweetie blinked a few times too turning her head towards mine, her eyes wide in surprise. “Did you say something Smiley?” she whispered a hint of curiosity beginning to bloom in her green eyes. “No… did you?” I asked back, just as curious of the maelstrom of emotions and thoughts I had just felt. She shook her head in a negative, no she didn't. “I thought I could hear you for a second, it was all over the place though… I felt love… and distance… and some kinda sad but also happy but then it kept kinda looping, it was lots of words and images but they felt all… connected.” Sweetie whispered trying her hardest to explain her own happenstance of alien thoughts. She once again pressed her head against mine, the weight so very comforting. “Was… that how you feel?” she said her voice even softer now. I blinked not realizing it could've of been Sweetie’s thoughts and emotions running through my head. “I don’t know? You think it could be some kinda magic thing?” I asked looking over to Rarity for a brief moment checking so she hadn't heard us. “It might be… didn’t Twilight say we might feel each other's emotions?” As she said this her eyes lit up so bright I needed to look away for a brief second, my heart beating just a little bit quicker now. “That… feels funny…” She mumbled closing her eyes for a moment, “It was like… all the warm fluttery feelings I have… with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, but more intense.” She said her eyes still closed then she opened her eyes again giving me a sheepish smile her face turning red. “Y-you felt that again?” I stuttered my cheeks turning into wildfires amongst a snowy field. Right there and then the brief flickering of emotions and thoughts touched me again. I was washed away by said warm fluttery feeling, all sorts of love for me and others crashed around my brain. It felt really good, like the best because it wasn't just a thought for me it was like a hot fire that consumed all of me then decided to infuse the affection of Sweetie Belle into my very bones. It made give out a shaky gasp and a little speechless. “W-Why was that s-so intense?” I squeaked, I turned my head away from her even though it took a massive effort to even do so. “I.. I don't know…” she said just as breathless, her blush having traveled from her cheeks to her ears and neck, mine was no doubt similar in that regard. “Food’s readddyy~” Rarity sang out as she set three plates of sandwiches with diced fruit and yogurt dip. We both jumped at the sudden words from Rarity, nearly falling out of our chair. “Are you both okay? You both look like your mane’s color has seeped into your face dears.” She asked her tone more worried than accusatory so she hadn't overheard us. “N-Nothing, sis, w-we just feel tired.” Sweetie squeaked in her cute rubber ducky way. The trickle of emotions touched me as I could feel Sweetie’s nervousness, the desire to experience that wonderful sensation she had before again, and just pure curiosity at the whole ordeal. I said nothing and so did Rarity as she gave us a look, my mouth watering from the sight of food and the demands of my belly were holding my brain hostage to the will of the stomach. I tried to slow myself down, really I did, but I couldn't help but almost scarf everything down. It was like I hadn't eaten real food in centuries and everything just tasted so yummy. In retrospect that was probably what was happening to me, I was just made whole today, so this body had nothing to sustain itself for the last few days but magic. Couldn't give a brain dead clone solid foods, so here I was rectifying that idea. Rarity had her eyebrows raised but said nothing as she got back up to make me more, Sweetie seemed to be eating slower but she was just as hungry. After what was probably three large mangos, four daisy and honeysuckle sandwiches on thick sliced wheat bread mind you, and a cup or two of yogurt I couldn't eat anymore and felt full. Maybe too full. I groaned from my inability to slow myself down to digest some, but that animalistic impulse to eat anything in sight kept impairing my judgement and actions. Everything was so rich too, I think I cried when I ate the second mango because it was just so good. It was the first meal this body had to actually enjoy and by all the stars in Luna’s mane it was paradise. I was very much looking forward to the next meal, oh gods I hope I don't gain a food fetish. Me moaning in such a lewd way just because I ate one of Applejack's family apples might leave a bad impression. Though then again it wouldn't be so bad, wait… no brain, no food fetish you are already a pervert for looking at pony butts especially the ones you like cough Pinkie cough you don't need more deviant thoughts than there already was. Sweetie was nodding off next to me, and I was already halfway to dreamland when Rarity picked us both up having set the dishes away. When we hit the stairs I could feel that Sweetie was asleep, it was a soothing feeling of comfort and the full feeling of just eating. Rarity took us up to Sweetie’s room and placed her on the bed and tucked her in while I was placed beside her the covers were placed over me as well. “You know… I should be mad.” Rarity said softly as she sat down on the bed with us. I blinked trying to wake myself up to hear what she was saying because I knew she was talking to me. “Mad that somepony took over my little sister, even, you know… made her do that.” she said looking over at me, her eyes not angry but I guess… tired? “But I can't bring myself to get angry.” she turned her head to look at the floor. “All I can think about is that five days ago… I would've found my little sister dead in a old forgotten ruin…” she rubbed her face, a few smears of mascara touching her hooves. “You saved her… I don't know why or how… but you did and she is alive, here in her bed safe and sound.” Rarity's voice trembled as dark tears dripped down onto the floor. “I-It made me realize h-how much I love her, I-I know I’m not the best sister to her… Tartarus I even think she is so annoying sometimes.” Rarity laughed a pitiful laugh as she tried to keep the tears out of her eyes. “All my time with her… I-Its precious to me, and it's only now I have a-a clear picture of that. She c-could be gone in a moment and I-I’d never get to tell her how much I love her o-or see her smile again.” she whispered then with a loud sniff she looked up to the ceiling. “I’m sorry Warm Smile… I… I realized that you were scared too. I-In a whole new world… a new body… Looking back I-I could see how terrified you were of m-me, yet how much you wanted to b-be loved.” She rubbed her face with her hoof again. “Oh Celestia… Warm S-Smile I-I want you to know… that I’m sorry… sorry that you couldn't trust me to tell me b-because y-you knew how angry I would be. And C-Celestia as my witness I-I was furious at first, I wanted to throw you into Tartarus… but then Princess Luna told me you were stitching her soul back together.” “I found that I couldn't get angry, it was like I was a slowly deflating balloon… W-When Sweetie came back, when Big Mac had rushed over to tell me something was wrong with Sweetie I went over as fast as my hooves could take me… I could see it… I could see it in her eyes, she was so terrified… so terrified to lose you. L-Like she h-had seen death take you from her… w-when I look at all the pieces, y-you are just as important to me… because without you… there wouldn't be Sweetie.” She leaned over me, I could barely keep myself awake to reply. I felt warm lips touch my forehead. “Thank you…” the distant whisper said as sleep embraced me into its gentle arms. ... Somewhere in the infinite worlds that lay stretched out across their sight, a smile touched the lips of The Greater Lord of Chaos… For all this was apart of the great wheel they had set into motion. > The Emotional Rollercoster Requires This Height Limit To Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death was not having a good day. That seemed to be the theme as of late, it certainly glorified his image but it didn’t set the mood for a successful productive millennium. Currently he was in his more masculine visage of the Hizim’umah people’s idea of what Death looked like. Seventeen glowing eyes, fourteen arms, thirty seven legs and two heads to represent the duality of life. His body was akin to the Hizim’umah people, a dark delicious looking velvet red skin that seemed to glow like his eyes, while he had 37 legs he decided to chuck most of them for his wonderfully comfortable desk armchairs lack of room and the sake of his bottom enjoying angel wing feather seating. His desk was a lacquered mahogany he had bought off from one of the supposed king of one the many hells, apparently it was from a quaint planet known as Malchior 7 where these mahogany trees grew three hundred feet tall and breathed fire. Then it was exquisitely crafted from ancient blood rituals of the Malchior people making it imprevous to physical damage but also, and this made him laugh, can bend the very fabric of time and space. As to why a desk was created to bend the fabric of the universe, he did not know nor did he care to find out. It was a damn fine desk all things considered and worth every penny the demon king had asked for. His desk couldn't ever be admired however because of all the stacks of paper that reached all the way to the ceiling, then continued onto the floor both equally reaching his ceiling. This trend of paper stacks was as far as the eye can see in his office, and his office was no slouch in space either. It was the equivalent of ten Golaxion Starships and when they say starships they mean the size of actual M class Stars. The Golaxions were never a people that couldn’t take things in a metaphorical way so when the word Star Ship came about they spent fourteen generations of mining drones to construct their very first Star Ship outside their solar system. But all you could see of his black marble, white and gold accented office was these blasted papers! His lackeys were probably under some of the larger piles that had toppled over in his more stress relieving episodes of blowing up sections of his glorious office in mind numbing rage. No, no matter what he did to fight back the tide of ink and dead wood flakes it always came back. The great multiverse bureaucracy or known to most as the House was as bogged down in these papers as was water in a swamp, it reminded him of one human author had almost figured out the machinations of the House in his books, a seven layered dimesnion that housed all a single universe’s paperwork. His name was Garth something or other that started with an N, but Death didn't really care to find out the rest of the name. To Death everything was just a blur of paper and mind crushing boredom. He had been doing this since the very first death at the very start of the multiverse, his brother, Soul, had the distinct envy inducing pleasure of being a vast consciousness that spanned across the multiverse itself just making sure life blossomed in the dark voids that the first Greatest Lord of Chaos farted out because they couldn't keep their fingers out of the damned absence of nothing! Don't play with the absence of nothing kids, it's killed Greater Lords before and he knew because he had felt them cease to exist out in the non emptiness. Terrible tragedy that. Since then, when his unlife had just begun it was to be a never ending paperpusher job. He of course like anything sentient being in the multiverse wanted some kind of entertainment to ease his existence. He pulled a paper from the massive stack behind him and set it down, the profile of Warm Smile lay in front of him. The human’s name had been forgotten by time and the records because of Soul renaming him as such, as existence is nothing without a ‘name’ and Soul doesn't like when their little lights didn't have something to go by. Warm Smile - Abstract Soul Construct Housed in replica of one Sweetie Dia Silver Belle who was scheduled to be deceased March 3rd at 10:37AM Equestrian Standard Time in instance ◍◄█╳╪╬╞╠ of the ✥⃞☈☉▛▜◍ sector of the multiverse. Current Status: Sleeping - Soul Communication Their picture was posted here, taken sometime in the ‘future’ of that instances time dynamics. The human was a cute little filly, with a bright smile and a obvious fire in their eyes that said ‘I am here and nothing can keep me down’ and then beside this image was a shifting image of the filly in her bed snuggled closely with the other, their breathing deep and slow showing that the profile was right. Death smiled with one of his heads while the other kept up with the signing of documents and legislations of ever shifting concepts of death. Watching the human had been quite entertaining so far, seeing mortals struggle with their chemical induced emotions was never boring. However his smile quickly turned into a frown as he read the rest of his profile, skipping most of his notable moments, and lives he had lived. There at the bottom was something that almost caused him to try and blow up his desk. There in golden chaos letters was a letter from Sheza’alem the middle child of the Greater Lords of Chaos. And it read. “Dear Death, I'm dreadfully sorry about stealing your mortal entertainment, you know I've always had a soft spot for this species (both Humans and Equis peoples) and what you did was so incredibly pleasing to me that I simply couldn't help myself. Unfortunately, Warm Smile isn't going to be returning to your hold for the rest of eternity I’m afraid. I’ve already signed the proper documents that hand ownership over the souls that are under your tender care. As such I’ve already come to a standard agreement with the local divinity about the proper allocation of both Warm Smile and Sweetie Belle’s essences and already am I starting the necessary forms for a light aligned Chaos Lord as you read this letter. Really, Death you should of been paying more attention to where you were throwing a human’s soul about across 38th dimensional space time into my own backyard as it were. Especially when I take the time to mold some of my best works across all multidimensional trispace into human instances. I won three thousand awards for the creation of that species in the annual ‘Make it happen, Make it Live!’ contest and you had to stick your nose into one of my favorite universes. Well I suppose it's your loss and I'm not the one lagging behind on my paperwork to feel the backlash from the Angel Corps on why Warm Smile never turned up at the suspension grid for his tuning. Anyway, as a thank you gift for sending me one of my own I bought one of your favorite boxes of Yabiiooma cigars and a bottle of vintage 13th century Hilkack Berry wine from that lovely villa of Jiamilucaaacaans home planet had before Warm Smile’s past life destroyed it in a beautiful blaze of Ion Subspace Antithesis Matter glory. That was quite a day wasn't it? Had that whole divinity sect in a uproar because most of their faith energy was generated from there. I can almost recall your face sitting at the table while fifty gods and goddesses screamed at one another almost destroying a section of the known universe. Well I won't keep you any longer. With best regards, Sheza’alem, The Second Greater Lord of Chaos P.S. All the proper documents are in the small pocket dimension right under the letter proper to authenticate my claim, as well as your gifts P.P.S. Oh, and don't think about mettling in my universe outside the standard rules, I will be watching.” Death set down the letter and rubbed his eyes, all of them closing as a migraine that could kill was coming on. Sometimes, he wished it would kill him, but you can't kill Death, only annoy him to no end. … The first thing I found when I woke up was that I wasn't in pain! Yay me! Let that be a continual theme when it comes to the pursuit of rest, because it would be a poor rest of my life if I could never wake up without experiencing being what felt like being on fire was. What I did find as well was that I was warm, something smelled delicious, and very very comfortable. That kind of morning you read about in books or movies that have the main character feel awake and alive, and not needing the ritual substance of all waking beings; coffee. It brought a smile to my lips just laying there having woken up feeling so refreshed, I cracked my eyes open to view Sweetie's face so close to mine we might as well have been kissing. She was fast asleep, her chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm of her heart which I could feel with my belly and barrel smushed against her's. Our hooves were snaked around each other in a somewhat comfortable way that didn't spike us too much with the rounded edges of our hooves. It took me a moment to collect my thoughts realizing that wonderful smell I was experiencing was Sweetie’s own scent. Which was a subtle smell of some kind of flower, and a sugary something I couldn't quite place. It wasn't marshmallows surprisingly, contrary to all known belief of the natural pheromone production of all ponies. As to the state of said morning, very early sunlight peeked through the windows. The kind that showed that a soft dew had covered the plant life, but not cold enough for Jack Frost to come dancing around freezing everything in sight. Here under the covers with Sweetie in this early morning it was quite. The only sound was Sweetie’s and my own breathing and the very soft creak of wood from the outside breeze blowing across the irregular carousel like house we lived in. I would have went back to sleep, right there and then but my body refused to give me the pleasure. ‘I am awake and I demand much needed time in the restroom!’ it said which made me roll over disentangling my arms from around my soul roommate to brace the cold and unforgiving air. I thanked the many gods who knew the benefits of hooves and their resistance to the demons of cold floors.  If I had had feet, I most likely would of refused to step off my island of warmth until those cold demons could be exorcised by the warming sun. I didn't so much get off our bed as in nearly crashed into a heap from the combination of covers and having too many limbs to control this early in the morning. Let it be said going past the first meter mark was incredibly hard for me. It didn't hurt very bad but it felt like someone was pulling at my skin back toward Sweetie’s person. Making it feel like I was wading through a jello of sorts as I moved myself farther away from her. The cold also became present, making me shudder as I made it out the door and into the hall. Rarity’s bedroom door closed, signifying the fashionista was sound asleep still. Pausing to rub my eyes of sleep and shiver a bit more, I turned into the only other door in the upstairs hallway, the bathroom. I flicked the light on revealing the marble tiles and large high backed tub, a fine dark oak cabinet that had bathrobes and fresh towels for use. The sink was a white marble, with dark oak finish, with a circular gold trimmed mirror right in front of the sink’s basin for ease of use. I performed my bodily functions without comment and went to wash up. A stepping stool was conveniently placed at the base of the sink itself which I used to view myself in the mirror. There I was, not Sweetie Belle, but her look alike right down to her mane and coat colors. There were tiny differences though, I could see some vibrant strands of electric blue in my hair but they were so far and few in between that it wasn't even noticeable if you weren't specifically looking for them. A gift of my genetic tree of many, which Vinyl Scratch came to mind for this particular trait. My barrel was just a tad bigger than Sweetie’s, chest just a little wider indicating the earth ponies who had donated. My horn was a little bit sharper too showing Fleur’s influence over my genetics, which I could see the slimness in my face and how my hooves curved or how my chest was more pronounced following her body type. Basically, I was going to be smoking hot when I grew up. Does growing up count when you’re mind is that of someone probably in their early to late twenties but your body is the age of nine or ten? I’d have to ask Twilight about that, because filly puberty was already taking its toll on my sense of judgement.Not that it was well defined before mind you, but incidentally being strung along with my own confusing wants was hazardous to my health. To be frank, I’ve wanted to kiss about every pony I’ve met so far and knowing me and the laughing gods that want to see me shipped with everything under Celestia’s sun that at some point, some time, it's going to happen. Murphy’s Law but with kissing, I should coin that before it really happens. Smile’s Law? The Kissing continuum? Pervert’s Rule? Ah, I’d figure out that one later. I turned my head showing off the side profile, my neck,and upper shoulder. I lightly poked the soft flesh of my neck and waited for a moment, closing my eyes. Bump ba-bump ba-bump I could feel the pulse through the sensitive frog of my hoof. It was reassuring to know that I was in fact here, alive. Real flesh and blood, sure born from a clone but that didn't change anything. Standing here feeling my own pulse, the shift of my own weight, the soft sound of my breathing. I felt real. Like real real! So wonderfully real that my existence was not just as a mental being stuck in a mind but its own beautiful physical individual! I laughed in disbelief. I didn't have time to really think about yesterday but now, here… I really existed. The elation and divine joy that it brought me was so much, I sat down on the tiles and cried. I sobbed because I knew it was my own, not someone else’s heart or face but the very composition of me. The door opened as I let out another sob of relief and joy. I really didn't want someone to see me like this. Enjoying, but also crying at, the revelation of existing on my own. Well, partially on my own since I was bound forever by a soul tether to Sweetie. But that was a wonderful thing. “Sweetie?” Rarity asked, her face poking in from the half opened door, one of her beautiful blue orbs peeking in through the crack. “Warm Smile?” she said opening the door more as I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks. My voice was choked up so I couldn't answer her. She opened the door all the way to see me sitting on the floor crying my heart out. She quickly trotted over and sat down on the floor next to me, lifting my face up with her hooves to check if I had hurt myself. “Warm Smile, darling, are you alright?” she asked concern lacing her voice as she tried to see what was wrong with me. “I-I’m… really… real.” I managed smiling so hard it hurt, I closed my eyes and leaned into her hoof. “I really exist… I live, I have my own pulse!! I-I’m n-not just t-thoughts.” I broke down after that. It felt so good to know what was reality when you experience it for yourself. I really wasn't just a mind construct. I was a soul. I was Warm Smile, the unicorn. Rarity blinked, obvious confusion in her eyes. They then filled with surprise and understanding as she connected the dots She then wrapped me in a hug. A very tight, warm hug. “Yes, Warm Smile, you are here. You exist.” she said from behind me, her voice soft and kind. I don't know what came over me, really. It was one of those mysteries about emotions how from one moment you can be fine and normal, then next you are crying because of how happy you are to exist. “I’m… I’m okay, i-it just hit me so suddenly. I’m not just a bodiless, non-physical thing anymore! And I was just suddenly so happy.” I coughed, trying to save face in front of my new ‘big sister’. I rubbed my face a few times giving her a smile. “I want you to know… that I’m sorry and that…” I started. I had to get this off my chest so Rarity and I could start over and be actual friends. “That I wanted to start over. From the top… I want to be a friend and maybe… it doesn't need to be now or even later. But at some point I hope we can be… Sisters.” I said, my throat catching as the words came out. I really did have my heart on a sleeve here. “I’m not as I appear. I feel a lot older than what my body is and what I did… it was shameful. I couldn’t help it! I was several kilometers up the creek without any paddle so I winged it! Even by winging it, I did some really shameful stuff and blamed it on a lack of inhibitions. A-and sometimes it was just stress and I-I wanted to be loved by all of you because I’ve watched you all from afar for so long…I-It felt like for a moment... I belonged.” This time less happy tears rolled down my cheeks. “I-It felt like if just for a moment I… I was Sweetie Belle, w-with so many around her that j-just love her so much… I…” I was interrupted by another hug, a bone crushing, life squeezing hug. “Hey… It’s okay. I know.” Rarity said leaning back and looking me in the eyes. She had a warm loving smile. Her sparkly sapphire blue eyes twinkling as she pushed my mane back with a hoof in a comforting way. “Let’s start over then.” She said her voice light and playful, “I am Rarity Belle, or just Rarity if it pleases you. I run the Carousel Boutique here in Ponyville. I also watch after my sister, Sweetie Belle when our parents are away on vacation. They have retired from work so they are taking their well deserved trip around the world. I enjoy designing clothes,  fancy parties, living the high life, and a good romance novella from time to time.” I laughed, feeling that weight melt off my shoulders. “Hello Rarity, I'm Warm Smile. I like science and math. I’m new here and I hope I can get along with you and Sweetie. Everypony here is so nice and it's everything I ever dreamed about! I’m just so happy to be here!” I grinned hard trying to put as much happiness in it I could ever hope to express. “Well, I know we are going to get along fabulously! Like gems on dresses darling, you simply can't go wrong!” She laughed. The vortex of emotions I had been feeling slipped away into a familiar calm. The atmosphere in the bathroom now warm and lighter with the heavy stuff out of the way. “Hee~ we should probably get up off the bathroom floor, my butt is cold.” I said shifting my rear from the cold tiles, Rarity snickered as she helped me onto my hooves. “Best thing about sleeping robes darling-" She intoned showing off the soft fuzzy purple and white sleeping robe, “No cold rears or tummies for that matter.” “Now, since you are up let's go wake Sweetie together. She takes some persuading to rise in the morning.” Rarity said walking back over to the door, pushing it open. I pranced after her, grinning like a idiot. Waking Sweetie was like trying to wake a bear from hibernation, the bed was a vice that she, and admittedly I, had great reluctance to even think about leaving. Rarity had all but given up when I jumped on the bed and shot Sweetie into the air making her squeal in panic from suddenly not having any resemblance of solidity beneath her. She was about to say a few choice words to Rarity and me but I beat her to it by nuzzling her cheek and playfully biting her ear. “H-Hey!” She squeaked sitting up and scowling at me. I gave her my best shit eating grin which seemed to annoy her even more. “I am so totally getting payback for that!” she huffed then yawned, standing up on her bed. “I wouldn't expect anything else, Sweets. Though you better watch out I can be as crafty as a fox~” I wagged my tail instinctively, feeling that weird feeling of having an appendage that I wasn't use too. Oh well, it was working now so I suppose I shouldn't worry. Besides I probably looked cuter than a button doing it. Sweetie scowled again before grinning ear to ear at me and Rarity. “Come now girls, enough play. Let's go get some breakfast! I am famished!” Rarity called dramatically as she headed out the door after making sure Sweetie wasn't going to fall back asleep. She and I were standing on the bed both looking Rarity’s way as she left, I turned back to her and like a cat nuzzled her neck and cheek. “Good morning~” I said in a sing song voice, Sweetie yawned again but nuzzled me back. “G-yawn-ood morning Smiley!” She blinked, smacking her lips together to get the morning tongue taste out of her mouth. “I’m glad you are feeling better. I had these sad feelings pop up all through the night, even in my dreams! I was worried about you.” she said leaning forward to press her forehead against mine, soft waves of comfort washed over me when our contact with one another was longer than a second. “Hey, I'm okay now… Rarity and I had a talk this morning, I think everything is gonna be better now.” I said softly enjoying the feeling of just being close with her. The small trickle of emotion and thought whispered in the back of my mind. Happiness, relief, and excitement flickered in my head that didn't come from me. “See I told you Rarity wasn't mad, you were just being a silly filly.” she snickered playfully which I mock scowled at her, before leaning closer to her. “Thank you, really.” I murmured, “I want to be somepony that everypony will be proud of to call me their friend.” Sweetie rubbed her nose against mine. “I think you worry too much, we should have called you Worry Flurry.” She chortled at my expense as I pouted at her. “I think we shouldn't think too much about all the what ifs and just be us, don't you think?” “That's my thing though, I overthink everything! Then work myself into a panic!” I laughed, we were very close now, sitting down to hug one another, relaxing in the embrace. “You sound just like Twilight!” Sweetie giggled holding a hoof to her mouth. “If I must act like the best, then I shall.” I replied haughtily, sticking my nose up just a bit. She pecked me on the nose, which I squawked, returning the kiss on her cheek. We giggled afterward, both of use trying to become ever closer despite already being as physically close as possible. She and I just breathed softly against one another’s shoulder. “You think we should play a prank on Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?” I asked quietly, feeling her heartbeat against my chest, which was very comforting. Imagine being in bed without blankets or pillows, then imagine trying to get comfortable to go to sleep even with all the cold. Being close to Sweetie Belle, just the act of having her skin against mine was like wrapping myself in a warm blanket that just had come from the dryer. It was bliss, and she felt it too because I could almost feel what she felt. “What kind of prank?” She asked turning her head so her breath tickled the fur around my neck. The smell of haybacon wafted from the door. you could almost hear Rarity in the kitchen humming a merry tune. “It would be funny if  we made them think we could be in two places at once.” I grinned against her shoulder, she snickered at this. “That would be really funny, they don't know you look like me so we could do it. I can see their faces now!” she answered back making a humming laugh as she rubbed her face against my neck then pulled back. “Though it would be hard to since Twilight said we can't go very far from one another… so maybe another time?” she asked tilting her head cutely. I frowned then nodded, I could see the problem there. “Yeah, you’re right. I think a lot of ponies are gonna mix us up, so you think I should wear something to stand out? Like a mane clip or maybe a scarf?” I asked, wanting her opinion. She took a moment to think, her hoof tapping her chin before the lightbulb dinged above her head. “I have a very pretty green shawl scarf that Rarity made me! Its light so it won't get too hot.” She said disentangling herself from our embrace, she looked back for a second and I could feel the tiny moment of sadness from separating from her. Don’t worry Sweetie, I felt it too, it was hard not to want to be stuck together like glue. She hopped off her bed and bouncily made her way to the vanity and cabinet she had in her room. She pulled some of the drawers open as I sat on the bed watching her, trying really hard not to look at her exposed self. Nudity was normal here, nothing wrong with that. Even I felt comfortable without any clothes on… But I was red hot blooded, unlike Sweetie was and I liked the feel good feelings, the butterflies and quivering pleasure when I kissed or when I had indirectly masturbated in Sweetie’s form. I didn't know how to feel with Sweetie herself on that front, It felt good to be so close but sometimes that feeling also brought up another darker desire. Last night when she and I had shared feelings and thoughts, I had wanted desperately to kiss her in that moment. Not the chaste kind either, it was almost a greedy impulse to share and feel that intense feeling of love we had for one another. That feeling of love was on a level I couldn't properly describe, maybe it went down to the fact our souls have been merging. From what I knew about souls was that they were literally made of love and for two of them to mold to one another it would take a whole lot of restraint from the physical self not to feel a soul deep connection for one another. Sweetie herself said it felt like she had known me all her life, and I guess in a way because of that deep connection my essence would bleed into her and her’s into mine. Sharing everything that made us individuals, people even. How could you not love someone that literally shared a soul with you? Thinking about it now it would of felt so divine to feel my own pleasure and also hers at the same time and vise versa because I knew she could feel it too. It was because I felt older or maybe because of the depth of my knowledge that I felt to be mentally older, for all I knew I could be the same age as Sweetie. But it didn't change the fact that I knew about sex, or pleasure, or wanting to be with another and how hard it was to not want to share that with her. The whole thing fucked us up too, because I was genetically related on some level to her… I put my face into my hooves, already feeling the heat of a dark blush cover my face. D-Do I share this with her?? Or should I try desperately to keep this solely platonic??? My mind was screaming at me in a incoherent mess before Sweetie nearly made me jump out of my skin. “Fhhown Iff.” Sweetie said through the light green shawl scarf, one of her ears bent backward while the other one stood up right normally. The cabinet and vanity had all sorts of hats, scarves, and dresses haphazardly tossed around the floor while the drawers remained open showing more clothes that remind in their respected places. The shawl was just about the color of our eyes, with slightly darker green swirling patterns the effect was subtle but it certainly gave the scarf depth and a nice texture that contrasted well against our coats. “O-Oh! Y-Yeah, thank you S-Sweetie.” I mumbled sheepishly as I took the scarf and held it so she could speak. “Course! I think you’ll look good in it, Rarity said I did and you look like me so I guess that counts.” she said proudly before blinking tilting her head to the side. “You okay? I can feel like you are feeling all flustered and fluttery.” she said a light pink color on her own cheeks. “I-Its nothing just some dumb thoughts, c-can you help me get this on?” I asked she seemed to be still curious of what I was feeling but nodded helping me wrap the shawl around my neck and tying it snugly. She hummed in pleasure as she looked me up and down smiling brightly. “You really do look good with it that on, I guess Rarity was right. Green really is my color.” she said pulling me off the bed so she could walk around me in a big circle. “You think?” I asked flushing at the praise. “Yeah.” She said standing next to me and rubbing her cheek against mine. “Giiiirrrls, breakfast is ready! You better not be sleeping up there!” Rarity’s voice drifted into our room from downstairs. “Let's go eat! I’ll race you!” Sweetie yelled, hip checking me before dashing off with a playful giggle. A sharp spike of excitement rippled through my body as I watched her get a few meters in front of me before rocketing off after her. She squealed when I gained on her, both of us laughing like madmen as we turned into the hall and probably dangerously slipped down the stairs. Going down stairs with clumsy hooves was much better than going up them that's for sure. We both tied, entering the kitchen archway at the same time. Rarity was setting down stuffed omelets and haybacon, with fruit to pick at on the table, her magic going in full swing. The icy blue aura of her spell placed forks and spoons, and two pitchers of what looked like cold tea and lemonade. Oh hell yes, cold tea wasn't my favorite but one of the best things to come from America was the lemonade and tea combo. To much sugar in the tea I think spoiled the flavour, it was like drinking liquid sugar rather than a cuppa. Chai and their look alikes drinks were good because of their nature of being creamy but not overwhelming enough to squander the subtle tastes of their tea contents. Earl Grey, black, in the morning was divine and also a classic to start the morning with. I would definitely need to scope the town for that tea shop Discord had found in his episode for hosting a tea party for Fluttershy. I’m going to say it now, that the dedication Discord had given to hosting a good tea party for Fluttershy was incredibly endearing and showed how much he cared for her. Enough to resist his very nature and almost die in the process of trying to please her. If that didn't scream ‘I am in love with you and I don't know it’ I don't know what else would? We both hopped up onto the chairs and immediately dug in, by the nine this was heaven. The fluffy eggs, the crunchy bell peppers and onions, the sweetness of the cheese, even the fham (fake ham) was soybean goodness. On top of the delicious crunch of wheat and bacony flavoured haybacon? If the heavens were to strike me down, I would die a happy mare. Was this orgasmic taste sensitively going to last? Once I get use to eating is it going to dull? Please, please, please let this be a forever thing, I don't care if I got off on food I just never want this divine taste sensation to leave! Everything was so rich, deeper in flavour, and had things I never ever remembered tasting before now. Rarity seemed to notice my red face, look of ecstasy and laughed. “Is my cooking that good Smiley?” She asked, a fork floating down to chop of a gooey bit of omelet and popping it into her own mouth. “Everything tastes so good, it makes me wanna cry.” I said half between shoveling the delicious food stuffs into my maw. “Well, I'm glad to know my cooking has almost brought somepony to tears in a good way.” she laughed after swallowing her bit of omelet. “Rarity, what are we doing today? The last two days I was away from school cuz of Twilight. Am I going to school today?” Sweetie asked, she was definitely more refined in eating than me, she still had quite a bit of omelet on her plate and was carefully cutting it up with her fork and knife. Rarity dabbed her mouth a napkin after a few more bites. “I don't see why not? You and Warm Smile seem to be healthy, I have to register Warm Smile as a resident of Ponyville today so I need to go to the town hall. Oh, Warm Smile, Twilight has taken the liberty of filling out your Equestrian citizenship papers while she was working yesterday. We decided to have you share Sweetie’s birthday, November 21st, and you are under my custody rather than my parents with Sweetie.” She said smiling at me, which I gave her a slightly cheese covered smile back making her magick a napkin at my face. “Which that also needs a few more things at the town hall, the school board needs to be contacted about your relationship with Sweetie and how you two can't go far from one another. As well as sorting the scholarships UC was offering to Sweetie over to you, and no, you will not be going to college at least not for a long time. Mainly because I cannot in good conscience leave you and Sweetie in Canterlot, away from our home with nothing but strangers. Crime may be extremely rare here in Equestria but it does not mitigate that there isn't any, how old you think you are Warm Smile doesn't change that you are a prepubescent filly with all the strength and speed of one.” Rarity continued, looks like a busy day for her. “So, lots of paperwork?” I asked, my plate scraped clean of food, and I was sorely tempted to lick the plate. Rarity seemed to deflate. “Yes, but it's for a good cause, you’ll get health and dentist benefits. As well as a right to vote on political matters concerning the town, the good princesses are going to give me a small penance so I have enough Bits to take care of you and Sweetie. Sort of like the Foals Trust Fund, Fluttershy receives from the town to take care of Scootaloo. She was our only orphan that the town has had in fifty years so the the fund had built up a considerable amount.” She said closing her eyes then turning to look out the kitchen window. “What happened to her parents?” I asked softly, which Sweetie leaned in to hear too. Rarity gave a pained grin as she thought about it. “Nothing tragic, just sad. Scootaloo’s parents came here one day, she couldn't have been older than six at most, two pegasi one looking very much like Scootaloo and and a young stallion who looked way to young to be having foals. They brought her into the ice cream parlor near Market Street, bought her some ice cream, then when she wasn't looking… just left her there.” Rarity said distantly, her face forming a deep frown. “The shopkeeper looked after her, after calling for the guard and explaining things. By the time they had arrived and got the whole story, they couldn't find them.” “Darn…” Sweetie said sadly looking down at her food, I agreed with her. That sucked. “That's probably why Scootaloo is all weird about going out for milkshakes. I didn't know Frosty’s held bad memories for her, she never told us.” Sweetie poked at her food with a fork. “She probably didn't want to make you feel bad dear, she loves you and Apple Bloom to death! Besides, things are a lot better now! Scootaloo is living with Fluttershy, who was always mother material in my opinion.” Rarity said, changing the tone to more happier topics. “ It’s just, she is so shy around the colts, I worry that she won’t ever get the chance. Rainbow is a dear, but she is always so focused on her training for the Wonderbolts Academy that she isn't the best mother partner for raising a foal. Not that she and Fluttershy don't take excellent care of Scootaloo mind you, but it's hard for Rainbow to be emotionally there for Scootaloo since she herself has a hard time with her own feelings.” Rarity lamented running a hoof through her mane, she took a sip of her iced tea moments later. “Do you want to be a mom, Rarity?” Sweetie asked out of the blue, Rarity’s eyes bulged, choking on her iced tea. She brought a napkin to her face, swallowed the rest of the drink, and cleaned her lips before clearing her throat with a polite cough. “W-Where did you get that from darling?” she asked looking at Sweetie with pink cheeks. “I dunno, it's because we were talking about Fluttershy and Rainbow being parents.” She concluded as if it was obvious, I snickered softly, never change Sweetie. “To answer your question, I thought about it but I haven't found my prince charming yet. I’m a single stallion kind of lady, I’d keep it away from my current herd because… well, to be honest I would rather have them all to myself. Nothing against Rainbow, Pinkie, or Twilight, but it's just one of those things. I’m sure if Pinkie or Twilight were to find themselves a nice stallion and kept it just between them I wouldn't mind. But for most of my company I like to keep to the fairer sex.” Rarity said, her cheeks still pink as she calmly explained her thoughts. Irrational anger surged through me at the mention of Pinkie having a coltfriend of all things. There wasn't a kind enough male alive that I would allow to touch Pinkie’s fragile heart. SHE IS MINE DAMNIT!! MINE! I took a deep breath, feeling slightly scared from the unbridled rage that had touched me. Okay, that wasn't good. Perhaps whatever toxic male part of me that was still there, hidden among my soul’s data of humanity. And it just came out in full force. I took another deeper breath, I loved Pinkie. You don’t get how much I love that mare, even Twilight who is at my top didn't get as much love I had for the Ponk Party Poni. Out of all of them, I would marry her so hard that she would be knocked into a honeymoon so grand that even the locals living in that area wouldn't forget it. No, I had a flaming heart of love for the mare, be it male or female or whatever. Half the time I was with her I just couldn't even think because of just raw attraction, do you know how hard it was not to kiss her while as Sweetie Belle!? Nearly impossible, that's what. I am fine with her being with Rarity, Rainbow, and Twilight. Those are fine because I know with every fiber of my being that Pinkie was loved by them. I know males, in any universe there will likely to be some who just want a good roll in the hay, and what with Pinkie so desperate for validation she could be strung along and into the bed. Then the next morning dump her and leave, leaving her heartbroken and not understanding what had happened. That image kindled something in me that was a fiery monster, it pulsed through my veins as I watched my own heartbreaking scenario of Pinkie being hurt. The shadowy figure that hurt her made me see red, dark blood red. She would blame herself. She was to nice. She’d feel used. I couldn't take that, I would never take that. IT WOULD MAKE ME SO GOD DAMN FURIOUS!!!! I’D  FUCKING KILL THEM!! FUCKING. KILL. THE-- Rarity shook me, snapping me out of my rage as I almost gave myself whiplash to growl like a beast at whoever had touched me. “Warm Smile, shhhhhh…  calm yourself… shhhh.” Rarity was standing there next to me almost hugging me, concern and a bit of fear in her expression as I blinked. The rage that had made me see red was slowly going away, as my nose flared with the adrenaline pumping through my veins sucking in oxygen to fight and hurt. She soothingly ran her hoof down the back of my head and whispered soft calming things into my ear, slowly the anger subsided into a weariness of the soul. I looked around seeing that in a sphere about one to two meters around me all the wood and just any object around me had been twisted like some freak funhouse accident. The fork I had been staring at while thinking was a molten ball of hot metal that was sizzling against the now bright neon green table part that looked like it had been pulled like taffy and twisted into odd shapes. Sweetie was a good bit away from both of us looking panicked and worried for us both. “W-What happened?” I croaked, feeling my face drain of all color and my breath catching in my throat. “Warm Smile, just breath darling.” Rarity said gently as my own panic bubbled from within me. I tried to breath in deeply, whatever happened to me was both terrifying and exhilarating. First, MAGIC!! I DID MAGIC!! AHHHHHH!!!!! Second, OH GODS I COULD OF HURT SOMEPONY!! I LITERALLY TURNED MY FORK INTO MOLTEN METAL!! Who knew that a smoldering gaze could in fact cause things to melt. This was some discordian bullshit right here. After shaking in my hooves and trying to catch my breath, Rarity lifted my face up to inspect me. She quietly observed my features, let go, did a once over with my body and seemed to be satisfied that I was unharmed. “W-What was that…?” I asked again, hopping off the twisted and bent wooden chair. “Ah, yes… right you don't know much about magic. You had what unicorn ponies call a Surge, they are healthy to an extent it shows that their aether pool and pathways are flowing correctly. You started showing signs of it during our conversation.” Rarity said lifting the cooling metal ball from the table with her magic. “Usually it's caused by a need to let go of excess mana since the unicorn mana pools are constantly being filled by the aether in the air. Most who have Surges have their horn’s give off a light show of harmless energy.” She said checking on me once again, making double sure I was okay.   “But this… this was different, it was like a surge, but I've never seen magic do this.” she eyed the cherry red metal ball and turned on the kitchen sink to run it under cold water. “Are you okay darling? Does anything feel funny or different?” Rarity asked turning back to me. “I… um…. Felt really angry for like no reason… when you said something about Pinkie having a coltfriend, I just had all these horrible thoughts and it made me so… so furious.” I dropped my head in shame, I really hope that wasn't some ‘real’ part of me coming to the surface. “Did it?” She intoned, curiosity piqued. I blushed, my face feeling like it was just as hot as that ball of metal. “Sweetie dear, everything is fine. She just had a surge, just a lot different from the normal ones.” Rarity said to Sweetie who looked like she wanted to tackle hug me and run away at the same time. “Thank goodness!! That was scary!! I felt you! It was so… so angry!!” She squeaked running toward me and wrapping me up in a tight hug, the soft warmth and comfort of her very being seemed to seep into my bones making all the bad things go away. I hugged her back tightly, trying to soak up all that wonderful comfort feeling. “Sweetie, you should grab your things for school. Warm Smile will be along with you shortly.” Rarity said in a light commanding way, which Sweetie pouted. Rarity gave her the sisterly stink eye and she yielded, reluctantly letting me go and walked out of the kitchen giving backward glances every five seconds. When she was out the archway Rarity rounded on me again. “Warm Smile, please be honest, do you have feelings for Pinkie?” she asked gently, nonthreatening. “I… I… uh…” I stammered out, feeling my face flush red again. She waited patiently for me to speak, her face neutral. “Y-Yes…” I said in a hushed voice, why was it so hard to admit that to Rarity!? I feel like my physical age! “Okay.” Rarity said sitting down on the floor to look at me. “Warm Smile, it is very touching you have deep feelings for Pinkie Pie. Enough so the thought of her getting emotionally or physically hurt turned your magic into something… else, something I will need to speak to Twilight about.” She paused making a mental note to see the purple unicorn, then turned back to me. “I know you think you are older than you appear, but I must remind you again that your physical age is very young. Pursuing Pinkie, might lead down some very… awkward and taboo roads. Though it might be awkward for you since pursuing any of your physical age might be strange as well… hmm you seem to be in a weird state of being older and younger, that would seriously mess with anypony...” She said rubbing the back of her head and smiling painfully. “Princess Luna had guesstimated your mental age to be somewhere around sixteen to twenty, the young adult age. Its contrasted by your physical age which is around Sweetie’s age of nine, the year most ponies start to go into puberty. You probably don't know this but ponies hit puberty from nine or ten to about thirteen to fourteen when they finish and are young adults. Once you find your cutie mark, your body will start maturing into a full adult pony after the puberty phase. Sometimes a pony who hasn't found their cutie mark through the puberty phase are sort of stuck in a limbo of being not quite fully matured into adults but can be older than twenty.” She continued, which I nodded slowly. So we hit puberty, but even after puberty if we don't find our ass tattoos early on you aren't considered a full adult and physically wont change into a adult form till you do. Puberty is quicker than human puberty, we might have major growth spurts after finding our cutie Mark's. Ergo; find cutie mark, become big girl in both physical and societal ways. “That out of the way.” She sniffed, “I’m just going to ask here, I can't stop you if you do but please wait until you are a young adult before trying to go after Pinkie. Pinkie is the sweeter than honey, but you might put her on the spot of conflicting feelings if you went after her just now. Your body is changing, Sweetie’s body is changing and that makes a whole mess of your judgement and emotions. Especially when it comes to… ahem, sex or romance.” she finished, her voice that of someone seeing a young filly but knowing that they were older than they looked, thus could talk about this. “Trust me, Warm Smile I know how hard that is, when I was your physical age there was a lot of naughty things that I wanted to do to anypony that I remotely liked and it took no small feat of will to not try and seduce most of my friends from school. Admittedly I am guilty of such. There was a school mare that I liked and we had relations that went beyond kissing, but like I said before never be ashamed of wanting to feel good.  All that I ask is that you refrain from… ahem going too far with say Scootaloo or Apple Bloom until you are just a little bit older.” she gave me a smile, you know the one, the one where she is silently hoping that I listen to her advice so it looked painful. “I… um… make no promises, but I'll try.” I said lamely, I didn't know if I could hold myself back if that wonderful hazy feeling took over. I literally couldn't stop myself with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo the other day, inadvertently turning both of the Crusaders onto kissing and nibbling at all the feel good spots. Maker knows that was going to be the most awkward thing to explain. Rarity deflated looking relieved and thankful. “Thank you darling, j-just if you have that urge the bathroom is a good spot to ahem find some relief. I won’t say anything or bother you about it, just remember to clean up. Pony noses you probably have found are quite sensitive.” she coughed politely. Never in my brief existence would of thought that I would have Rarity suggest that I mastrubate in the bathroom, or any of this for that matter. Here I was being talked to about sex and puberty, and my infatuation with Pinkie all in one go. I mean, did Rarity just imply that I shouldn't have a small orgy with my soulmate and her friends, and not try to get into Pinkie’s ‘pants’? Because please, correct me if I'm misunderstanding here. It was surreal, more surreal than Discord could ever pull off. Rarity coughed loudly getting my attention. “That said and done, go find Sweetie darling and don't worry about school. I'll be out in a second, just need to finish cleaning up.” she indicated the leftover dishes and my magical mishap. “Sorry about that…” I apologized truthfully. “Oh, it's no issue, the penance from the crown is more than enough to replace a silly old table and chair. And being down one fork impacts us none in the slightest.” Rarity titered waving it off. “Rarity!! I got all my stuuufff!!” Sweetie Belle called from upstairs, her hooves making a clatter as she made her way down the staircase. Rarity gently nudged me with her nose indicating to go wait with Sweetie. I dumbly nodded, and wobbled out the kitchen back into the main foyer where the shop met private quarters. Sweetie stood there at the base of the stairs where another hallway looked like it trailed off into a living room or sitting room. She had a colouring pencil case in her mouth and two books on her back, both of which looked like sketchbooks from how thin they are. “herr, forb yuf.” she said through the pencil case, she offered the case to me which I dropped into my own hammer space so she could talk and I didnt have to hold something as cumbersome as a pencil case. “Sketchbooks and coloured pencils?” I asked eyeing the thin booklets, she gave me a dazzling smile which made me smile back. “So you don't get bored! Twilight told me that you were super smart-" No Sweetie, not smart, my entire time here has been a continual trainwreck of emotions and bad decision making if anything I'm incredibly stupid. Cute as a button, but very stupid. “-so she said that you won't be able to keep up because you can't read Equestrian and need to go through language courses. Mr. Chalk Mark, our Equestrian teacher isn't here this week or next week because of a vacation. He’s over in Prance, with his special somepony for a honeymoon. So Pinkie said after work she’ll come do more workbooks with you.” Sweetie finished smiling at me. “Pinkie said she’d come get us after school? But what about some cutie mark crusading, I thought you would be eager to see Scoots and Apple Bloom?” I asked, not that I minded, more time spent with Pinkie was like presents on yuletide to me. “I do, but I also want you to know how to read. You won't be able to help me with my homework if you can't!” She said mildly, there was a soft undertone of smugness about it too. I facehoofed, making her laugh brightly. “I mean, of course I'll help you, but just wanting me to know how to read for just that is a low blow Sweetie.” I deadpanned raising my eyebrow at her. She gave me another bright, but also play mocking smile. “If I have a genius sister, why not have her help me with my homework? It's like I’ll never have late homework ever again.” She explained, which I snorted at while rolling my eyes. She snickered coming over to rub noses with me. “Oh I see how it is. Butter me up so I'm more compliant huh? Well, it's working, only because you are cute!” I said making a pouty face, which she cackled like a evil villain throwing her head up to laugh in a deeper tone. “I love you Smiley~” she said after her evil laughter, giving me another nose rub. “I love you too.” I said softly,  as we pressed our foreheads together being mindful of our horns. The soft sound of her breathing was like ambrosia to me, she was my world in that moment. The fuzzy connection we had with our emotions, slipped raw feelings of comfort and love into me. While I could feel her being bombarded by the same shockwaves of just how much I loved her. There wasn't even a rational or emotional reason why I loved her this much, just something that ran deeper than I could fathom. For us this felt more natural than breathing, just the simple act of being close. “Alright girls, time to head out. Mind your horns dears, come come we are burning Celestia's daylight.” Rarity said doing a cheery trot, the super cute one where she is practically bouncing, indicating she was in high spirits. Circling around us while we both opened our eyes and looked at her. “Coming!” we both said at the same time, perfect unison too. We glanced back at one another kinda stunned we said that in perfect synch before separating and tried to catch up with her. Damn giant ponies and their massive strides, we had to gallop our way to the door as Rarity kept it open for us so she could lock it afterwards. The walk to the school wasn't anything special, well sorta. I did see Vinyl off in the distance her shades were above her horn and her earphones were around her neck as she seemed to be grocery shopping with none other than Octavia. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Octavia laughed hard enough to nearly roll on the ground, Vinyl was just standing there with the groceries grinning like a fool. There was a lot of love in those reddish purple eyes watching Octavia. I wanted to go see them, talk to them, see who they were as people. Their likes and dislikes, it kind of made my heart ache. I don't know if I had a mother. I had experiences of living, being places, hell even sitting in collage listening to the lectures of my major. But when it came to family? Or friends? Just… blank. Even then even if I told myself that I wouldn't let that get to me, that I was going to live in the moment. It still hurt, you know? I don't even remember what a mother’s love felt like, was it like when Rarity held me? Or when I was holding Sweetie? Maybe it was when Celestia looked at me with such warmth… I tried not to stare, I really did. I’d meet them soon, we may or may not connect but I could say that I met them. They looked happy, like life fulfilled sort of happy. I didn't want to but my way in between them, to superimpose myself as their kid or whatever I was. Vinyl and Octavia walked super close to one another as they headed off in the opposite direction, we were heading away perpendicular from them. I want to imagine it but I thought I saw Vinyl stop and look back, her red purple eyes scanning the area I had been. Octavia pausing for a moment before Vinyl continued on talking merrily with her wife. It probably was my imagination. “Hey…” Sweetie said as we walked together beside Rarity who was leading us toward the school. “You okay?” she asked softly, delicately pressing her shoulder against mine as we walked. “Hmm? Oh, y-yeah. I'm fine Sweetie.” I said distracted with a somber turning of my head away from where the two had been and focusing on the road. “Don’t lie Smiley.” She said in a hushed and almost distressed manner, I turned to glance at her trying to smile my way out of this. She just glared at me, she knew what I felt, and I knew what she felt; concern, love of course,  a strong desire to help. I sunk my gaze into the ground letting her guide me, a ghostly smile touched my lips. “I was just thinking… about parents.” I murmur, scuffing my hooves against the dirt and gravel path. I could feel her probing my head for any clues, her pretty green eyes regarding me as she bent her head down to nose my head up. Pushing her muzzle against my chin and forcing it up, I let her do as she wished. “Hey, chin up okay? I miss momma and daddy too you know. What about parents were you thinking about?” she asked trying to cheer me up with that, I chuckled a second of a smile gracing my lips. I don't know why I was so mopey about all this… “I don’t remember mine… I’m not even sure that I had any.” I said looking up at the beautiful early morning sky, pegusi ponies occasionally crossing overhead. “Souls are just energy, energy that retains memories… If you can stretch a soul, you can do other things to it. It makes me wonder if everything I know is just… artificial.” I gave a sad bittersweet laugh. “Which is funny, because this morning I cried about how I was real. Alive, made of flesh and bone. I cried because I could feel my own heartbeat through my hoof.” I sniffed rubbing my nose, Sweetie looked at me with deep concern her body doing a little shake with how much she wanted to help me but didn't know how. “I love you Smiley!” she blurted, Sweetie kissed my head several times with nervous energy nearly knocking me over. “I don't know how to help with that but… but I love you! A-And I don't want you to feel sad, b-because seeing you like that makes my heart hurt a lot!” She said, Rarity had been silent the entire time but she definitely heard that. “I will love you forever! I-I’m always going to be here for you...” she trailed off, the school was visible now. The large fire hydrant colored building wasn't hard to miss between the houses. “You are the best you know?” I said after a moment of long silence, I looked over at her and smiled. A very genuine smile that made her blush because of all the feelings behind that smile. I felt better, Sweetie made me feel better with her raw love for me, even though there was that tiny whisper that said I needed to accept it. We reached the schoolyard, Sweetie, bless her heart, had taken up the space of my side trying to constantly share her feelings of love with me which was easier the closer we were. But she was also distracted by things around her which brought other feelings and the almost thoughts with it through our mental bond. “Alright dears, I’m going to head on in to talk with Ms. Cheerilee about your predicament. I think I see Scootaloo over there, it would be best to introduce yourself again Warm Smile.” Rarity said after her long silence pointing to the tree Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and I had sat under last time I was here. “Yeah! Scootaloo is awesome!” Sweetie squeaked happily, “I’m sure she won't be upset about you being me, I haven't seen them till now cuz of all the crazy of Twilight and the Princesses doing all sorts of magic on me. I think I saw Apple Bloom after you… left. But I was um… crying too much to talk to her any.” Sweetie said shifting her weight feeling embarrassed she had cried so much. “I’ll see you two after classes, Pinkie was going to drop by to pick you two up so if she does I'll see you later this evening.” Rarity said, bringing us both into a hug and kissing our cheeks. We reciprocated by nuzzling her face and nose, before she pulled back. “Ta ta darlings, have fun!” And with that Rarity headed off toward the school and in through the door disappearing. We looked at one another before Sweetie grinned, rubbed noses with me, turned and pranced off toward Scootaloo waving her hoof at the pegasus filly. “Scootaloo! Over here!” Sweetie called out alerting the orange and purple filly with a head swivel her expression turning into excitement and happiness before becoming shock and a little disbelief as she saw the two of us trotting towards her sitting spot. I couldn't help the sheepish and very shy smile on my face when her royal purple orbs gazed upon me. They widened looking between the two of us, now unsure if she was hallucinating, because she rubbed her eyes and blinked to make sure she wasn't just seeing double. “S-Sweetie?” she stammered as we drew close, “A-And another Sweetie???” Sweetie Belle giggled though there was some embarrassment hidden within it, Scootaloo wings flitted like a humming birds as she rubbernecked between us, going back and forth. Did I just see Scootaloo mouth ‘thank you Celestia’ as a very light dusting of a blush discolored her cheeks and her wings stood up a bit more than usual. No… No, don't you dare think it brain, I am not imagining that Scootaloo has dreamt about being sandwiched between not just two Sweetie Belles but also two Apple Blooms. The twin and, almost incest but not incest because magic, fetish was already at maximum capacity thanks. “Hey Scoots, meet Warm Smile… she is… um what's the word? Uh, she and I are bound together at the soul level and Twilight and the Princesses made her a body so she didn't have to be inside of my head all the time.” she said looking up and saying it in a mechanical tone that indicated she had been told to explain it like that and is only just remembering. “You remember when I got shocked when we tried to earn our ancient tomb explorer cutie marks?” she said which Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, I do. I was really scared you got hurt hurt.” she said hesitantly. “Well, Warm Smile saved me from getting shocked to bad but ended up being in control of my body for a little while.” she said plainly gesturing to me, which I couldn't look Scootaloo in the eye. What I would give for a long mane so I can hide behind it like Fluttershy, because my face felt like it was on fire. “oh…. Ohhh.” Scootaloo said accepting the explanation, it didn't take much with these ponies, but then realized that it was me rather than Sweetie who had… done all those things in the club house. Scootaloo’s ear twitched and her tail flicked in a way that indicated she was a little horrified that Sweetie hadn't been Sweetie and she blushed so red she could be considered the color of a grapefruit. “Heheheh… Hello…” I chuckled uneasily feeling Scootaloo’s searching gaze, trying desperately to figure out her own feelings. “You mean… I… you… Apple Bloom?” She stammered, which I mutely nodded the ground being so much more fascinating at this time. “What? You two okay?” Sweetie asked innocently, confused as to why I was feeling so embarrassed. “Uuum… Sweetie, I-I’ll tell you if we get some time. J-just not in front of everypony.” she gave me a look as I said this, a very suspicious kind one that I was caving under rapidly. “Or.” I started giving a nervous laugh, “I’ll tell you w-when Apple Bloom gets here and we can talk safely behind the tree!” I exclaimed my voice squeaking like a chew toy. “Um, yeah.” Scootaloo nodded dumbly still trying to work out her feelings. I quickly trotted over and leaned into Scootaloo’s ear. “I’msosorryIreallydolikeyouScootalooandIdidntmeantolieaboutmebeingSweetieBelle.” I rambled trying to get it out all in one word, stepping back ears drooping as I put on my most apologetic look. “I-If you don't w-wanna be friends with me because of this… I-I get it.” I whispered at her, I really didn't want either of them to hate me but I felt so fucked up about taking advantage of their feelings for Sweetie Belle. “w-what?” she whispered back Sweetie glaring at us like a looming death god. “N-No! I’m just so confused! I can't tell if I-I liked you or Sweetie, b-back in the club house... But then I don't know you either!??” she said distress clearly visible in her eyes. “I… um… did wanna be… a herd.” Scootaloo said sagging, the emotional drain of this whole altercation weighting on her. “Hey! Don't just ignore me!” Sweetie huffed, feeling annoyed that we were whispering right in front of her. “Hey y’allllllllllllll…” Apple Bloom started her voice trailing off as she rounded the tree to see two Sweetie Belles, her brain short circuiting for a moment. This caused her to stop her front half, but the signals telling her to stop didn’t travel fast enough to tell her rear legs that and face planted. Her face hit the grass with a small ‘oof’ her butt and tail hanging in the air for a moment before hitting the grass as well. I was really glad that ponies were very durable and the most she would of gotten out of this was a slightly sore nose. “Did Pinkie find out about them mushrooms an is finally gettin payback against me?” She asked lifting her face off the ground to stare at Sweetie and I, rubbing her nose. “Becuz ahm seeing double.” “Apple Bloom!” Sweetie squeaked happily, dashing over to help her friend up. Apple Bloom took Sweetie’s hoof and pulled herself up staring at me, then back at Sweetie. “You seein this Scoots?” She stage whispered to the pegasus, who nodded once again. “An is there ah reason why there is two Sweetie Belles?” she asked, her face scrunching into a skeptical look. “I’m Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom! This is Warm Smile, she sorta kinda took over my body after I got shocked and acted like me for a bit so she could give me back my body. But then she tried to hide away and it was making me all sorts of sick, so Twilight and the Princesses did a whole bunch of magic with a lookalike because Warm Smile didn't like any other body they made so they made a copy of me so she could live in it! Oh! And we can't go too far from one another otherwise Twilight said our bodies will start shutting down cuz our souls are fused together. Like last night I could feel all sorts of things that was going on in her heart!” Sweetie said rapidly before she looked at all three of us with a stink eye. “Now can you please tell me why Scootaloo and you are acting like a bunch of silly fillies?” Sweetie asked looking at all of us expectantly. “Huh?” Apple Bloom added helpfully. “W-Wait you mean that it was you an not Sweetie when we…” Apple Bloom’s eyes widened her jaw dropping as she looked at me. “When we what!? What did you all do?” Sweetie whined, I could feel her slight frustration of everyone avoiding the topic. She had the right to know, I mean I was the one who did it so lying to her wouldn't give me any good feelings. “I… as when I was you… um kissed Scootaloo…. And then…. Apple Bloom.” I said softly trying to word it delicately. I could feel Sweetie's brain shut down and have a hard reset. She blinked a few times, opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, took a deep breath then closed her mouth as a cherry red color began to discolor her fur around her face. Her ears turning a cute shade of pink while her neck was dusted with a darker red like her face. She sat down and said. “Oh.” in a quiet way, as the rest of turned our various shades of pink. We all found the ground to be a incredibly fascinating place as a awkward silence followed. “I…. I was going… going to ask you both… if you wanted to… be my special someponies… someday…” Sweetie said breaking the silence between us all, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom’s eyes grew wider than dinner plates both. “R-Really?” Scoots said in that tomboyish squeak she had. “C-Cuz I was gonna… do… the same…” she finished her face turning more and more red I was worried she might pass out. “Ah, Ah always liked both of yah. I wanted tah say somthin… But it never felt like tha right time ya’know?”Apple Bloom said a bit louder than the other two, all three of them nodded in agreement. “And ah was scared as all heck that, y’all wouldnt…” She started. “Feel the same way?” Scootaloo finished looking at Apple Bloom with a tiny smile. “I-Its why ah wanted to kiss you all in the clubhouse. It just happened all of ah sudden that ah never got tah chance tah tell you all that…” She said scuffing her hoof against the grass. “I want to say I’m sorry.” I managed having finally sound my voice. “I… um… took advantage of all of you and your feelings. Y-You might not know me, but I know all of you and I’ve always really liked you all… even you Sweetie.” I said in a strangled voice, my throat closing up with admitting my fuck up. “It… just felt so right at the time. I-I couldn't stop myself.” I said looking at all of them pleading with a deep apologetic look. “I wasn't lying when I mentioned if… if you wanted to stop. You don't have to like me, you don't even really know me.” “So I understand If-" my voice wavered I could feel tears in my eyes, why was this so hard!? “You don’t want to talk to me.” I quickly rubbed my face sniffing loudly. I hated this. All these confusing and silly emotions that just well up within me for no reason. I was literally only alive because of necessity and the milk of pony kindness, these fillies owed me nothing, Rarity was being her element and generous to me because it was just who she was. I was a stranger in her home, I wanted to have sex with her little sister and her marefriend. I was a freak and she tolerated me because I was a living battery for her sister's own life. NO! Sweetie don’t look at me with that expression, and your damned love. Don't look. I don't deser- I felt Sweetie's muzzle against my wet cheek, I had been silently crying. Large droplets of tears rolling down my short cheeks into the grass. I didn't want to look at them, to see their concerned faces it would only make it worse. I was a monster trying to play the guilt card wherever I walked so I could exploit these ponies kind natures. Make them care, Celestia was wrong I was nothing more than a changeling. I was gone so deep I couldn't even tell if I was pony or bug just to feed off the love these aliens gave so freely. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom’s colors came into view while I stared stubbornly at the ground ready to be kicked. Their warm hooves wrapping around me and nuzzling my face, I closed my eyes trying so hard not to let the sob in my throat escape me. “Smiley.” Sweetie Belle said softly her own hooves wrapped around me, I wanted to sneer or snap at them to tell them I didn't want this. My happiness doesn't mean anything! “Smiley… why do you think we wouldn't want to talk to you  anymore?” she asked softly. The sob escaped my mouth unable to say anything because of how hard it was to think anything else but how I didn't deserve this kindness. I hadn't earned it. “Girls? Girls!” The voice of Ms. Cheerilee spoke up, her hooves making soft thumps against the ground as she rounded our tree. “Girls you know it's time for-" she paused seeming to recognize the situation. “Oh my, is everything alright? Is anypony hurt?” she asked genuinely concerned as she stepped over to me, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo separating from my person but Sweetie remained. “Is this Warm Smile?” She asked softly to Sweetie, I felt her nod in confirmation. There was a moment before I could almost feel her sit down next me and Sweetie. “Warm Smile it's good to meet you-" she said warmly scooting a little closer to us. “-Ms. Scholastic Class was very much looking forward to meeting you after Ms. Rarity said you were here today. You impressed everypony on the staff you know.” her soft voice was sweet and kind. “You wanna tell me what's wrong sugarcube?” she asked, I stubbornly didn't look at her when I opened my eyes. She wouldn't understand, she like the rest of them were to kind. I couldn't hear what she was saying but I knew she was whispering to the others trying to get more information. They ratted on me, I could feel it in my bones. “Alright, you don't have to tell me now Sugarcube. Let's go inside, Ms. Scholastic will be happy to get a snack and some juice for you. It will make you feel better, I know it does for me when I feel crummy.” She said in a motherly voice as she scooted closer once again and brought me into her forelegs to hug me tight. It felt nice, but I was being a baby, just another fault for me to blame myself for. Cheerilee gently separated Sweetie from me, which Sweetie wanted to protest but accepted her teacher’s judgement. “Go on girls, Warm Smile, Sweetie, and I will be right along with you.” She said over her shoulder, Cheerilee smelled like warm weather, soft pine wood and a hint of mint. I closed my eyes again, just ceasing to be this mopey filly I was being and just enjoyed the smell of Cheerilee as she held me. “Okay… um, we aren't mad Warm Smile… we just want you to know that.” Scootaloo said before the sound of their hooves trailed off. I opened my eyes again and a gentle smile of Cheerilee’s greeted me. “Hey there sugarcube, you feeling better?” she asked looking down at my tear soaked face. I looked away from her, I did feel a bit better so I nodded a little. “Good.” she said giving me another bright smile. “You wanna talk about it?” she asked. “W-Warm Smile um… kissed Scootaloo and Apple Bloom before we were separated..” Sweetie said her face catching fire as she said this. “W-We talked about how we l-liked each other but were kinda scared to say it, then Warm Smile just… felt so guilty, like she had hurt somepony’s heart real bad and and she said it if anypony didnt want to talk to her ever again they could. She started crying real bad when she said it, n-nopony is that mean are they?” she asked Cheerilee who’s expression was that of patient understanding. “Hmmm, well I can't say for sure but I think Warm Smile was feeling guilty because she did it without your permission Sweetie.” Cheerilee said cutting into the heart of the matter, sort of, she didn't know I was a love consuming changeling  that guilt tripped everyone into loving me. “Warm Smile…” she said softly, getting me to look at her “You like Scootaloo and Apple Bloom yes?” I paused for a long moment, before turning my gaze away. I did like them, it wasn't right, but I did. “I think you need to forgive yourself a little Warm Smile, I had a good talk with Ms. Rarity about you. You’ve only been here a week sugarcube, and now only a day with this new body. You haven't had a lot of time to adjust, and everypony messes up once in awhile, I know I do.” she chuckled. “Take a deep breath, because everypony is here for you. You might not think it, but we are. I don't want you to feel like you can't lean on anypony’s shoulder. Sweetie Belle is here for you, I’m here for you.” She said gently nuzzling my cheek. “I can’t say for Apple Bloom or Scootaloo, but those fillies are good foals and if what Scootaloo is to be believed and I do. If they say they aren't mad, they aren't sugarcube. Talk to them, be their friend let them get to know you and I’m sure they will love you just as much as Sweetie, just give yourself time and let yourself feel what you think is right… okay?” she said looking at me expectantly. “O-Okay.” I croaked, which she gave me another nuzzle then slowly got up and set me on her back. “Now, I think a snack and a juice box is in order hmm? You gotta try the pineapple and strawberry juice boxes, they are my favorite.” She said cheerfully as Sweetie smiled up at me, I gave a weak smile back. It was only morning and my day had felt like a whole week had past, it was draining. With that we walked off towards the school. … Rarity bit her lip as she sat in the bushes not far from the tree, she hadn't meant to eavesdrop but the girls had been so caught up in their confession they didn't even notice her. It warmed her heart to know that Sweetie had finally had the courage to tell her best friends how much she liked them, and even more marvelous was that the other two had been just as shy to say anything till now. It was all inadvertently caused by Warm Smile. Rarity had almost felt herself tear up when she heard Warm Smile apologize like she had killed somepony. She could understand Warm Smile’s prospective really, she had in a way taken advantage of their feelings but the filly was so desperate for love she couldn't blame her. It was like whoever she had been before had never had the joy of being loved in her life, and perhaps that was true. She could remember the small talk between her and Sweetie about how Warm Smile couldn't remember if she had family or friends before. To hear anypony young or old talk about how her very existence was… artificial. That dead tone she had when she said it. It had taken all of her willpower not to cry in front of them, she couldn't imagine the kind of weight that could put on somepony especially somepony so young. She had to remember that Warm Smile was very intelligent and older than she appeared, but it seemed that all the showy swagger of adult Warm Smile put up was just a front to hide how much she hurt. And did Warm Smile hurt a lot inside, Rarity was seriously considering taking her to a therapist to help her cope and perhaps get some medication. It wasn't unheard of that ponies had depression, a lot of griffins she had talked to had said that their population had a tenancy to have medical depression. She didn't think Warm Smile would take that well though, if she was in her horseshoes she wouldn't of appreciated that. So how to help the scared and desperate filly? Rarity rubbed her face with a hoof sniffing, she really didn't want Warm Smile to feel that kind of pain. Warm Smile had little to nothing, a broken personality with no memory of family or their foalhood or anything would mess anypony up badly. So she needed to be a foundation, which she cursed, using a real curse word in her little hiding spot. She had no idea how to be the mother Warm Smile needed, or even the big sister she could look up to. For Sweetie she just did, it was second nature to her. Warm Smile needed a gentler hoof to hold so she could start to feel safe in her world. Rarity however was a self employed business owner who rarely has time to spend with her actual sister because of the business she had coming in. It was a bitter thought as she almost spat at the ground in her disgust with herself, a very unladylike thing she wouldn't have even considered had it been anything else. No, since she found out about Warm Smile she had been less kind or generous as she would of thought she had been. Warm Smile was terrified and here she was acting like nothing wrong was going on with her newest family member. “I need to be there for Warm Smile.” she said aloud, which she quickly quieted when Cheerilee had come from the school looking for them. She continued to eavesdrop, listening to the mare talk to Warm Smile like she had needed to. Cheerilee had been gentle, understanding, but also helpful like a true motherly teacher. When she peeked, she could even see how much happier Warm Smile had been after the talk. It wasn't a lot but it was something. Rarity ground her teeth, she was beating herself up for something she couldn't know until it had been heard but she had been reading all the signs and ignoring them. It was as if in some horrible way she had been expecting Warm Smile’s time in her home not to be permanent… She realized in horror of her own deep animosity she had been covering up with her ‘support’ just so she could feel better. Rarity felt shame, shame that she could even think like that. Rarity curled in on her hooves and cried a little at her own cruelty to somepony who had nothing. It was four or five minutes of her blubbering before she managed to right herself. She whipped away the stray tears looking down at the dirt and grass she sat in. She would be a good mother to Warm Smile, she would be the best damned sister to both of them.  If Warm Smile needed a foundation she would be the very bricks. If Warm Smile needed somepony to hold her hoof, then Celestia damnit she would. She just hoped she could balance her dream and Warm Smile. Rarity pulled herself up brushing off the dirt and some leaves. She was originally going to go to town hall, but it would probably be best to see Twilight first. Even though she was a unicorn she had never focused on the aspects of magic, her knowledge was limited to the Basic Three which all unicorns learned and knew by heart by the time they finish their magic training. Warm Smile’s surge was unlike any other she had witnessed, she hadn't expected for her to surge so soon either. She had never had enough magic to surge more than every three or four months, Sweetie was a little stronger than her in that department she had surges every two months. Twilight had told her she surged about every week, nopony gathered that much magic in just a day then have not only a large surge but one that had bent reality around itself. Rarity dreaded to think if those surges would  somehow hurt somepony or even worst Warm Smile herself. Rarity stepped out of the bushes after checking if the coast was clear and quickened her pace towards Golden Oaks. She didn’t bother knocking, the library was open to the public from eight to nine except on wednesdays and sundays, when it was closed and Twilight didn’t have to pony the library and had her days off. The jingle of the bells on the door followed her entrance, Twilight was in a reading nook next to one of the many windows that made up the tree library the early morning sunlight creating perfect reading light for the mare. “Good morning, browse around and let me know if you need anything.” Twilight said absentmindedly not paying attention to who had come through the door. “Good morning my love~” Rarity chimed hopping up the few steps into Twilight's reading nook. Giving the mare a surprise kiss on the cheek, Twilight blinked startled at who had kissed her but quickly reciprocated the kiss with one of her own after realizing it was Rarity. “Rarity, I didn't expect you to be here so early.” She said pulling the white unicorn into a greedy hug, Twilight was most affectionate in the morning due to her night owl nature. First time around Rarity had to tread lightly around the star student when she woke up, she was dreadfully grumpy when she did. Now though, Twilight had finally acclimated to Rarity’s own bright and early morning attitude  on the promise that Twilight got to be as affectionate as she pleased. Waking up with lots of kisses and maybe a early morning roll in the hay could change a lot in a mare. Rarity hummed as she brought her lips to Twilight’s and kissed her properly, enjoying the subtle flavour Twilight had when their tongues touched. She laughed through the kiss because of how greedy Twilight could be, then pulled herself away making sure no excess saliva was on her lips. “Well~” Rarity said while Twilight snuggled into her neck, “I’m glad somepony is having a good morning, I expected there to be several cups of coffee sitting around.” she said nuzzling her herdmate softly. Twilight sighed taking a deep breath  before sitting back up properly. “There was, Spike just took most of them to the sink. My essay was a killer Rares, I was up most of the night just to get it done.” She slackened, placing her head on her book then looking back up at her a moment later. “I really didn't expect you to be here, I thought you were going to the census office this morning to get Warm Smile’s paperwork done?” she said, raising an eyebrow at Rarity. “I was, and will. I just wanted to talk to you about something about our resident; what did Princess Luna call them? Hoomans? Hyumuns?” Rarity said struggling with the proper word. “Humans.”  Twilight offered with a small grin. “Yes, that's the word! Our resident human.” Rarity said brightly, then her ears drooped. “What did you wanna talk about? Luna was in her head for almost a day and a half and I have been grilling her through letters on all she knows. Why? Is something wrong with Warm Smile!?” She asked sitting up straight ready to teleport in case there was a magical mishap or problem with their soul link. “No! No dear, nothing to teleport about. We just had a incident this morning after breakfast, and some other issues that need to be brought to attention.” She explained which Twilight visibly relaxed ready to temporal jump not moments before. “Oh, okay that's good, I was scared that some of the magical coding of her biological frame was unraveling. The princess and I  struggled with that and I’m still not sure if we accounted for everything.” Twilight mentioned looking a little worried about her magical hoof work on the filly. Leave it to Twilight to worry when she probably did a near perfect job. “Oh heavens no, nothing of that nature. Warm Smile had a surge earlier this morning.” Rarity started gingerly. “She did? This early?” Twilight asked eyes widening. “Yes I thought it was strange as well, but what got me Twilight was that it wasn't like any surge I’ve ever seen. I put on a brave face but it has me worried, she ruined my table and chair in the process. Warped them like some kind of taffy, that wasn’t even the worst part Twilight.” Rarity said sighing deeply and rubbing her horn gently. “Warm Smile was staring at one of the forks, and now it's a ball of metal in my sink. She stared at it so hard that it turned red hot and twisted around like a snake darling!” Rarity exclaimed seeing Twilight’s eyes get even wider. “I managed to calm her by holding her, she wasn't even aware she was doing it. She looked so scared, and angry.” She finished. “Angry?” Twilight asked softly. “So… um, Warm Smile has affections for our Pinkie Pie. Like intense feelings, I could read her face and she has it bad… it was the source of this surge I believe. We were having a discussion about being mothers and finding coltfriends, all filly appropriate.” She said hastily as Twilight started squinted at her, she wasn't the best at keeping things like this on the foal friendly side. “ahem, anyways I had said that if you or Pinkie or anypony in our little herd were to find a coltfriend I would be fine with it even if you were to keep them to yourselves. But when Warm Smile heard me use Pinkie as an example, she just… boomed.” Rarity said indicating what she had said earlier. “After I managed to calm her down she and I had a talk about those feelings, I could tell she was struggling with her own feelings about it. I just don't know what to think.” she said defeated and looking down at the floor. “Warm Smile told me she had all these made up scenarios of Pinkie getting hurt pop in her head and then the anger. Which I think is a good thing she cares so much about Pinkie, the mare needs somepony to really be with her. But that anger… Twilight she looked ready to seriously hurt somepony and I’m worried she might unintentionally with this.” “Wow.” Twilight replied looking more than stunned with such a complex explanation. “Okay, so what I got from that was Warm Smile had a violent surge caused by extreme protective feelings for Pinkie. Which is both good and bad.” She reiterated, Rarity nodded decisively. “Well buck.” she said scratching her head, Rarity blinked noticing the similarities between Warm Smile and Twilight especially with that mannerism. “I told Warm Smile to um try and hold off on pursuing Pinkie because of her physical age.” Rarity said slightly strained. “You know Warm Smile’s mental age is like that of a young adult right?” Twilight said raising an eyebrow, Rarity nodded at this giving another deep sigh. “I know! Warm Smile is in a limbo of being both a full grown mare and a filly! I just asked her to wait for Pinkie’s sanity sake, Pinkie wouldn't know what to do if she had a almost ten year old try and be with her, especially considering how much she likes Warm Smile already.” Rarity placed her head on the small table where Twilight’s book was. “You know what she told me?” Rarity said through the table, rolling her head to the side to look at Twilight. “ ‘She told me she wanted me, and I was so beautiful. Rarity she said it straight from her heart and I could feel it! I sometimes got a peek of her when we were together and she would just stare like I was the only thing in the world. It… it feels so good to be wanted that much.’ is what she said, and it makes me feel just awful because not only is Pinkie smitten with Warm Smile, we’ve been lax in paying attention to what Pinkie wants!” Rarity lamented lifting up her head to let it fall  back down. “I am so ashamed of myself, i’ve had these monstrous selfish feelings I didn't even realize I was having until I eavesdropped on our cutie mark crusader trio plus Warm Smile! Here she was crying her heart out because she thought that the others wouldn't ever talk to her again just because she made a mistake and got carried away because of her own desires to be loved! She knows she took advantage of her situation but to see her cry like that just ripped my heart in two.” Rarity continued lightly lifting her head up and letting it fall back down. “Like early this morning I found her crying in the bathroom, because she was so happy that she existed Twilight! That she was alive, and her own pony but then while we were heading off on our way to school she told Sweetie she didn't have anything to her name not even the memory of parents, she… she said she wasn't sure if everything she was wasn't some artificial magic made to think like she was… somepony. Her voice, oh Twilight her voice, it sounded so d-dead.” Rarity motioned lifting her head back up only to rub her face because she was tearing up again. She took a shuddering breath before continuing. “And here I am silently ignoring somepony who has nothing underneath her h-hooves to stand on, just struggling to adapt on her own, scared witless, and only Sweetie to help her! Y-You know what I had been secretly feeling deep down Twilight?” Rarity said, more tears rolling down her cheeks as she took in another breath sniffing loudly and running her foreleg across her eyes. “I, ugh, was just silently thinking how Warm Smile was just temporary. L-Like she would be out of my hair by the end of the month, somepony else’s problem. I feel like a hypocrite and a monster for those feelings, that animosity I had towards her still lingering even though I thought I had gotten bloody well over it.” She spat bitterly as she pulled a tissue from the nearby windowsill and lightly blew her nose then took another one to dab her face. “Rarity.” Twilight said softly scooting closer to her distressed marefriend and pulling her into a hug, kissing her cheek and lips a few times. “You aren't a monster, or a hypocrite. This whole week has been super stressful on everypony. Warm Smile’s sudden appearance, her being soul bound with Sweetie and almost losing your sister, the whole two almost three days of having long magical tests and procedures done, looking for DNA recipients, the works! Everything has happened in such a short time I'm surprised I’m not a train wreck!” Twilight laughed, rubbing her nose against Rarity’s, the white mare’s lips quivering as Twilight placed her head against the mare’s head. “No one expects you to be perfect Rares. Even the elements have flaws, but what we can do is work on them together so we can better understand how others feel.” She said, gently kissing Rarity one more time and lightly touching horns with her, a tiny magical spark connected between them making them both shudder with warm pleasure. “Warm Smile’s magic surge is concerning, I don't think I've ever heard of a unicorn surging more than colored lights, much less twisting up a table and chair then glaring a fork down till it became molten metal. I will research if I can find anything similar to this, I'll even go over to the boutique and check on the residual magic to see if I can gauge on what's going on with her if that fails.” Twilight explained, not moving from the comfortable position they were in. “As for what to do for Warm Smile, Rares it seems like Warm Smile needs somepony to hold onto and be looked after by. Do you want me to talk to Vinyl and Octavia about maybe setting up visits so Warm Smile is reassured about being loved? All the ponies who donated wanted to meet her, you know how a lot of these mares work too much to find themselves a stallion to settle down with so foals are hard for them to have and take care of. So they would love Warm Smile as if she were their were their own.” She said softly still lightly loving on her marefriend to make her feel better. “As for Pinkie and the limbo effect Warm Smile is in, the best we can do is advise them. It might be a little weird, and maybe a whole lot of taboo. But we can't just cage Warm Smile’s heart like that, she’s the one who decides what she wants, not us.” Twilight said leaning back watching Rarity open her eyes and sniff. “Besides, I wouldn't know what would happen to either Sweetie or Warm Smile if I were to accelerate Warm Smile’s body age. Rapid growth like that can ruin magical pathways, or even give somepony cancer, the incurable kind. It was already incredibly risky to do what we did and call it a success…” Twilight sighed looking down. “It's gonna be weird, but I think it would be best to just let it go. Pinkie can always talk to us for help and we can always talk to Warm Smile to help her sort out her feelings. Tartarus, we can even take Warm Smile to a therapist. It might help us understand what's really happening in her head with all these ups and downs. I’ll shoot a message to Dr. Sunny Meadows and Dr. Big Thinker about maybe scheduling just a little background check on her mental health because sometimes Rares even if you try your hardest to help. The only thing you can do is leave it in the hooves of somepony who actually knows what they are doing.” She chuckled, which Rarity chuckled too feeling a lot better now. “I suppose you are right darling…” Rarity said after a moment, “Still… Twilight you think maybe possibly be a good mother to Warm Smile?” She said blushing, her cheeks turning pink that seemed to spread from them to her ears. Twilight grinned nuzzling her marefriend lovingly. “I think you would be a great mom! And I think Warm Smile would really appreciate it if you were just there for her and let her know that. You aren't alone, I think one of my old dusty books had some good advice; ‘It takes a village to raise a foal’ and I think the other donors would be thrilled to help!” Twilight said clapping her hooves together once then twice more. “I think I will take you up on that offer Twilight. I’ll go over to their little cottage today and see if they would be interested in a meet and greet.” Rarity said slowly extracting herself from Twilight’s grip. Not before three or five somewhat heated kisses, enough to make the fashionista turn cherry blossom pink all over her head having shared that genetic trait with her sister. “Mmm! Twily, please…” She said tearing herself away, breathing a little hard. “I would love to take that purple little butt upstairs and do all sorts of scandalous things to it…” she whispered, taking another quick deep breath to recover then saying louder this time. “But I really got to get all this paperwork done sometime today.” she said wobbling backwards. “O-Okay, sorry I got a little carried away.” Twilight whispered back making sure nopony was around to have seen that, thankfully nopony ever came in this early. “U-Um… maybe afterwards, after everything is done and we can find some spare time yes?” Rarity said quickly, which Twilight nodded just as fast. “I’ll send Spike to Fluttershy’s so we can be alone.” Twilight said getting up and quickly pecking Rarity’s cheek. “Yes, oh yes please, N-Now, I love you and see you soon.” Rarity murmured nuzzling Twilight then turning herself around and quickly toward the door, not before flashing Twilight a few seconds of her feminine petals making the purple unicorn’s face catch fire with a dark royal purple blush across her cheeks. Then she was out the door. … “Are there Timberwolves where you come from?” “No and yes, we have a type of species that is the ancestors of dogs called Timber Wolves. But ours aren't made of actual wood.” I said to all three of them, it was recess time and for the past five minutes I’ve been bombarded with every question under the sun. I didn't mind really, it made me certainly feel better that they were curious about me. After my episode with all of them, a rocky start in our prolonged relationship one that did require a very sugary snack and juice box to save face. Ms. Scholastic Class and Cheerilee was without a doubt one of the best teachers in the multiverse, and I will refute any attempts to change my mind otherwise. Somehow by some miracle of instinct on Ms. Scholastic Class she had gotten me to laugh hard enough that I didn't feel so bad anymore. It was a good moment one that I think I would treasure forever. While she had seemed a little stuffy at first, I think Class intrinsically knew what made people or ponies tick because she told me this dumb joke that had me in giggling fits. She was also very good at listening to my fears and how I felt, because afterward I just couldn't hold it in anymore. It burst from me like a dam and I didn't even mean for it to happen. Scholastic Class had been there for me and I don't think I could ever forget that. It didn't change the way I felt about myself, but it did feel like the weight of everything was just a bit lighter. She had given me the warmest hug and told me that she cared, and was always here to talk with her. I had left the small classroom next to Cheerilee’s with her feeling like a billion bits better making me well enough to show my face to Cheerilee’s class. The class itself was twenty students much larger than anything from my memories, it was warm and lightly colored made with lots of yellows and soothing browns. The even more colorful students sat in wooden desks, books, papers, pencils, everything that reminded me of the modern education system, though I shouldn't judge, my time as Sweetie here wasn't that bad all things considered. The lesson was currently in pre algebra maths near the end then to science then language, and again I thanked the heavens that the numerical system wasn't anything different than earth's. Of course there was the small differences like how the symbols for mathematics varied a lot more, especially when magical laws and properties were involved. Of course this was a equals sort of maths lesson, no need to know the precise wattage of a Thaum or the thermal power of a Nino (said like Nai-no) to the BTU (British Thermal Unit) and its other various of measurement like velocity and the hartree of the atomic unit. Nope what we had was simple arithmetic of addition and subtraction and even the occasional fraction and multiplication problem. All of which I breezed through quickly and neatly even though my hoof writing looked like a dying man’s last attempt at writing something meaningful on a cave wall with his own blood. But I digress. Science had been interesting and infuriating, the mind boggled at the idea that this planet did not rotate on its axis. They don't know it but why gravity works so well for humans is because the planet is pushing us as much as we are pushing it, which can lead to a whole slew of problems like the cooling of our planet’s core with no centrifugal force constantly heating or pulling at the tides! If it is to believed that the sun is not a actual flaming gas ball that is far away enough to maintain the habitual zone, then the big light in the sky was just some gigantic magical light bulb that ran on some old dead god’s body or something. It still wouldn't change that the oceans would be at the poles and the land would be one giant ring around the surface, not to mention the detrimental effects of gravity and its inhabitants! We would be quite flat, tectonic activity would grind to a halt. You understand what I'm going on about, magic was a small drop of an answer for me. If that's the case what kind of magic? Why is it there? Why does it work? Does it affect other things? What of the other planets beyond our own? I'm getting carried away. Recess followed science which is where we are now, Sweetie and I sat near the local jungle gym with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom sitting across from us. All of them grilling me for whatever information I had. “So what's earth like then?” Scootaloo asked, hanging upside down from the metal bars of the jungle gym. “It's actually really similar to here actually. Except nopony controls the weather, or the sun and our moon. And everything was made by explosions of all sorts of types that formed the world.” I replied, Sweetie was showing me how to play a foalhood game called Smack, the rules were simple don't get smacked. Odd how even human games that involved harming one another seemed to have bled into the children of Equestria, then again children were crazy. “That’s kinda cool! Esplosons! An nopony controls the weather? How ya'll keep tha rain away? Or change tha seasons?” Apple Bloom asked jumping up the half sphere of metal bars with ease so she was on top. Smack! Ow. She was deceptively good at this game, that or my reflexes were very slow. “No one changes them, they all happen all on their own through tons of science stuff. We don't mess with the ecosystem because it can get really bad when we do. You think the rain in uninhabited lands comes from Cloudsdale? Nope, it rains naturally there through something more magical; The water cycle.” I said trying really hard to smack Sweetie’s hoof just once, mine were sore. She laughed at me trying to hide it behind a hoof but failing bad, I gave her the stink eye only making her giggle more. It felt good when she giggled, her happiness was so wonderful it made me wanna give her more reasons to laugh. “I think I heard of that before. Fluttershy said something about it when she was visiting Froggy Bottom Swamp to help the toads. She said it rained a lot there even though nopony was in sight.” Scootaloo mentioned, righting herself and looking over at us. “See? If you leave things alone they do things regardless if ponies are there or not. Winter Wrap Up sound like a jolly time after hearth’s warming eve, but I think if they just let nature do its course spring will eventually come. I kinda think it's because of impatience that we fast forward something that takes months to accomplish all on its own.” I said nuzzling Sweetie Belle after her giggle fit, which she rubbed noses with me, giving me all sorts of good feelings. Pony noses or their snouts were very soft and very fine to the touch, the fur over them was like silk and it felt very nice to rub them together. Which I now understood why they did it all the time, it's like less intimate kissing and public friendly to everyone than snogging them right there in the streets. Nose rubs were also dedicated to close friends, family members, and intimate partners. Nuzzling was more socially acceptable with less intimate relationships, males particularly are actually more generous with nuzzling than females. Some electrochemical based wiring in their brains told them that they should nuzzle everything under the sun and moon, to become potential candidates for herds. The nicer you were as a Male the more likely you were going to be accepted into a herd, while females enjoyed a more open redecense with varied emotional archetypes. Not that males couldn't be aggressive or even the more dominant partner in the relationship, its significance of how kind and gentle they were showed suitors that they could raise foals well. Kissing here was like kissing back home, though various types like the kisses on the cheek were to show familiar ties to said pony. Forehead kisses were for parental figures, or for younger to older dynamics. If you were older say like your friend by three to four years, kissing the forehead was a way to show deep love for them without being intimate. No one seemed to care that Sweetie often rubbed noses with me or kiss me everywhere on my head but my lips. It simply was normal for her to do so, the positive reinforcement of this habit was evident because it did make me feel better and even wanted. The questions slowed considerably after that, as we all played around on the gym. Which turned into a game of tag, which I was outclassed in, both my eye-hoof coordination and spatial awareness was lacking for anything remotely proficient to do the things these girls did naturally. I puffed with a ruddy face after trying to catch Apple Bloom who was fastest of all of us on our hooves, trying to consume the much needed natural gas that was required for life as my hooves jumbled and lurched in a half forgotten instinct of muscle memory. I sat down, sweat rolling down the side of my face and it tickled my ears making them twitch and move without my input. “Hee~ tired already Smiley?” Sweetie teased lovingly as she lightly brushed her side against me, she was grinning happily and panting but a lot less than I was. In my annoyance, I leaned over reached around her barrel and then rolled her. Making her squeak like the cute rubber ducky she was, then cry out as I blew a raspberry on her soft belly. She broke easily, laughing and giggling lightly, struggling to get away from my onslaught of finding all the ticklish spots on her. “Nooooooo!!” she cried between her laughs, I let up allowing her to escape from my wrath. She rolled in the grass away from me before popping up, hindquarters in the air and ready to pounce like a cat. “You aren't getting away after that Smiley! I will have my reveeeeeenge!” she yelled springing her trap before I could even duck out of the way. So like Sweetie Belle I had a lot of ticklish spots and she knew her body better than anyone so she destroyed my resistance like a wet paper bag through a steel sword. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo cheered Sweetie on, the traitors, laughing at my tickle hell. Of course right on the time Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon decided to show up and ruin the good mood. “Wow, it's like watching two pigs play in the mud. And not only that, another blank flank decided to muck up our school. Even worse she looks like the biggest loser of the Crusader Dweebs.” Diamond said loud enough for the whole playground to hear, the whole playground going silent to hear what the two powerhouses of the school said. I blinked as Sweetie slowly got off of me, her emotions trickling into my head. Anger, annoyance, and a smidgen of fear radiating off of her as she stood up to face the two bullies. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo standing with her as I gathered myself and stood up too. “Watchu’ want Tiara? Come here tah pick on the new girl?” Apple Bloom said through her teeth. “I wanted to see the clone, and now that I see her she’s just as ugly as you blank flanks.” She said smugly. “You know, I don't mind her. Its refreshing, after everypony here has been so nice.” I said aloud moving in front of the protective pack of the Crusaders. “It's nice to know that there are incessant loud mouths that can't understand the actual value of having a good relationship with others. It reminds me of how much better I am.” I sigh, smiling nonchalantly. Diamond Tiara’s eye twitched, oh ho ho! She wasn't expecting me fighting back with a very good counter argument. I lean forward giving her a sly smile. “The lack of forethought or even awareness that she herself doesn't even know how to be a good friend even to the one closest to her. Which by the way Silver Spoon, I am dreadfully sorry that you must put up with such negligence on a daily basis, even one of your stature and standing must recognize that building good relationships with potential business partners is essential in the nuance of trust and better deals. She, by which I mean Diamond here, seems to lack the capacity to recognize that having a friendly face and approach is synonymous with advertisement of her family business! I mean really Diamond, such an attitude just besmirches Filthy Rich’s franchise.” I finished with a curt nod to Silver Spoon, then turned away walking back to Sweetie with a tail flick. When I looked around the girls were looking at me with open mouths in stunned silence. Even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were locked in a surprised and wide eyed looks. “What? Its basic business practice that you appeal to your customers and potential investors, including the heir of the Apple Family who by the way is Filthy Rich’s main business partner and provider. Flithy’s entire franchise is a commercial front so what looks bad to us reflects the opinions of future customers, it's not only the fashion industry that reflects on social and public image but every commercial business owner knows that  public image affects sales!” I said confused that everyone was looking at me funny. Really, I’ve just been pointing out the obvious! “S-She’s kinda right Diamond.” Silver Spoon said very softly. “Daddy said I have to act proper so ponies will support the Sterling enterprise.” she mumbled as Diamond almost rounded on her. “I! But! You!” Diamond blustered as she was now alone after that slam dunk. I think that was 2 points me, and 0 points for Diamond. I didn't want to insult her, or be mean to her so I thought I would cut into the negative aspect she was presenting to her customers if she was the daughter of a wealthy business owner. But seriously though, when I got my hooves on a powerful concussion spell I was going to blast it in Spoiled Milk’s face. No kid from any race should have to earn their parents love and and she was abusing the hell out of her daughter. “Look Diamond, I get it. Really I do, it's a lot of pressure being under a large name but direct confrontation or verbal abuse towards anypony that simply hasn't found their special talent yet alienates them. Think about how a griffon doesn't have a cutie mark, or a diamond dog, it makes it seem like you are alienating the other races because they don't have marks on their butts. I mean can you imagine if the young son or daughter of a wealthy griffon business owner were to tour the town and learn that the daughter of Filthy Rich insulted and demeaned the son or daughter of a potential business partner?  Filthy’s image would be marred by the act!” I amended taking a few steps forward to her. This wasn't fun anymore, I could see the worry on her face as she backed away from me and even Silver Spoon. “N-No! I WOULD NEVER!” She yelled, “Y-You loser!” then she turned tail and ran back into the school just as Cheerilee came out to call us back in. Diamond bumped into her, she said something and pushed past the larger mare. Oh shit! Did I fuck up!? I RUINED THE TIMELINE FUCK!! NOO! GAHH STUPID STUPID STUPID!! Fuuuck, I really really hope this universe followed the destiny sort of path when it came to timelines so even though I fucked it up the girls have a chance to realize their talent. Because, shit it happened in song damnit! You can't get much more destiny than that! “Uh…” Apple Bloom said as she slowly looked between us and Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon seemed to recover first. “Um, I’m going to see if Diamond’s okay.” She said slowly as she began to trot after her friend. Giving Cheerilee wide berth as she made her way back into the school. “Alright, what happened?” Cheerilee said, none to pleased about this. “Uh…” Scootaloo provided helpfully. Sweetie and the others looked at me, thanks guys, throwing me into the frying pan are we? “Warm Smile, do you mind telling me what happened?” She asked sternly but politely. I gulped, freaking super sized ponies and looking so damn big. “Well, you see… I was defending everyone here and setting a good example about telling Diamond and Silver Spoon that ridicule and demeaning the heir of her father’s business partner was a poor choice as well as insinuating that all ‘blank flanks’ carried over to cutie markless species and insulting us because of our lack of said cutie marks was a poor business tactic and could possibly ruin public face of her father’s practice…” I said lamely, giving a nervous smile up at Cheerilee as she had a eyebrow raised at me her expression neutral. “I see, and this somehow caused Diamond Tiara running away crying?” Cheerilee she said flatly which I nodded slowly. “sigh, alright I will go talk to her to see if she is okay. Warm Smile it is good that you stood up for your friends, but it ended up making somepony cry. I’m not punishing you, but I do want you to make up with Diamond Tiara so you can overcome this and be friends with her. Diamond hasn't a lot of friends so she is very bad at making them, she does take teasing way too far sometimes and I’ve had to mediate between those and her before.” Cheerilee said looking a little worn out as she looked back towards the school house. “And as you mentioned Warm Smile, she is under a lot of stress because of her parents expectations of her. So everypony I ask that you be patient with Diamond Tiara, she may act mean but she really wants a friend.” Cheerilee said to everyone that was in earshot. I felt a small tingle run down my spine as I looked over to the Crusaders, I could almost, just almost see a tiny spark in their eyes. Like the spark of a match on the cardboard, or the tiny sparkle of electricity. I felt a weird mix of relief and but also a halfhearted fear that I might still of messed things up for them. That, that spark was their destiny trying to kick in but like a bad alternator in a car just didn't catch. But I hoped it was like with the keys for the tree of harmony that those sparks were the ignition for a earlier destiny. I wonder what my cutie mark will be. Man, I hadn't even really thought about that, first I’m going to call it my Destiny Mark which sounded cooler and made sense, second could I even have one? Did me being a clone mitigate that? I’ll ask Twilight when I see her. “Okay everypony, recess is over back to class then lunch!” She said cheerfully resuming her previous mission in getting everyone back into the school. There was a lot of groans at first, but then cheers for everyone's favorite pastime; eating. The rest of school was boring, I love you Cheerilee, really I did, but dear gods mare you can go on and on! Languages was a disaster, the Orokin text that was written on the board was beyond my comprehension. It was like trying to figure out if Captain Vor was trying to get into my Warframe’s biosynthetic metal pants or not, one character meant this but also this when it's written in a sentence like that it can mean a whole new sound! I tried writing with my mouth by the way, it is even more difficult than with my hoof. At least with my hoof, I could mimic the nature of handwriting. I basically had a very dexterous mouth, it moved in ways I didn't think possible but I was too clumsy to properly utilize it. I cursed my ineptitude with having half remembered muscle memory and being in a tiny body meant that my spatial awareness was way off. My time spent running just reinforced that, I tore a few pages with my pencil from pressing to hard and gave up. Sweetie had given me coloring books and colored pencils, so I would attempt to hone my hobby of colored pencil on fine bristol paper. I wasn't the best, but even in my moth hole riddled brain I had the memories of attempting to be an artist before I decided to go full Bill Nye and join the nerd team of science. It just became a stress relief hobby on the side when the workload it life overwhelmed me. I had gotten decent at most, anime was a big influence so the large googly eyed characters were my go to. But like my hoofwriting, the unrecognizable blobs of bad control and poor pressure was the end result. What I would give to have fingers! I can see why Lyra was fictitiously notorious for her interest in hands, for they could do wonders no hoof could. Of course I think that was more of a ploy to introduce humans as the gods of petting and heavy petting if my unlimited knowledge of the other side of the internet said anything. Humans would be humans and would sexualize a stick if it was portrayed in the right way. Not that I could say much considering I was said ‘human’ who could and would sexualize the cartoon characters, clopping even such a cringeworthy word had been performed by yours truly. Though by this point I couldn't tell you if it was done through biological male or female performances, the lack of known experience with the female orgasm indicated I landed somewhere on the biological Male spectrum. But honestly I couldn't be sure, my own identity and sexuality was skewed to all hell so it would be better to just enjoy what feels good. Again, there was some hesitation when it came to male phallic objects entering my body. But who wouldn't experience hesitation in the body of a young filly who worried if sex felt good as they said it did? At least with females you didn't have to worry about sudden penetration unless toys were involved, or they were intersex in nature. The most you would get is a good heavy petting and maybe cunnilingus, but I'm sure strap-ons were a common household appliance considering the population of mare to stallion ratio! Geez, here I was thinking about sex again. And all I had been thinking about was a wish for fingers! Of course if I were to continue this line of thought I might get hot under the collar and that would alert Sweetie which would lead to a whole mess of more problems a dare I think it possibilities. There it was again, that deep intrinsic desire to make Sweetie feel good. It was the dilemma of how do you make someone who was already very happy feel even more good and happy!? And for all the smarts I had the only thing I could think of was sharing myself with her. Dear gods, my first heat cycle might be absolute torture if I was near her. I don't think the raging hormones of that kinda moment would let me stop myself, I would be Big Mac on the Love Poison! Dragging houses and breaking through forty centimeter metal doors or something like it was paper! Okay. I shifted in my seat while Sweetie Belle was doing her Equestrian problems next to me in another seat we were small enough to share a desk so she had one side and I had the other. I twisted my head around listening to the shuffling papers and skritch skritch of pencils. Cheerilee was sitting at her desk filling something out, she had given us a small assignment that would only take five minutes then we would review our work. Other fillies and colts were sitting at their desks either trying hard not to look at me because I was the strangest thing in the room, or working on their papers. Diamond was in the back doing a really good impression of a anime protagonist, the window seat taken by her pink form and staring out with tear stained cheeks but now dry while Silver Spoon was cutely working hard on her paper. The grey and silvery white filly had her tongue out in concentration her glasses further down her muzzle than normal while a silvery lock of her mane hung suspended in the air in front of her. Despite what you think, I loved these two, especially Silver Spoon because of her unique but very pretty design. The braid was a very nice touch and the cyan blue glasses contrasted well with the unnamed grey shade of her coat, exact color was #abb8c1 of the color hex but saying that aloud would mark me as a crazy pony. How I even knew that was a mystery, did I browse a color database? Sounds like something I would do, here let me test this; Rainbow Dash’s color is... #9BDBF5 an unnamed cyan. Well shit, I guess I did browse a color database. That part of my memory was kinda fuzzy even though all of my memory was crystal clear to me. I vaguely recall… art… school... but not anything I was familiar with, it was there I could almost see it but it wasn't within reach. Some kinda magical voodoo was happening here and it made me mad I didn't know anything about magic!  How can you have memories of something you don't even remember happening!? Zecora would know, even though that name is such a pun and kinda speciest. Zecora equals Zebra so her name was literally Zebra, humans and their naming things. Sahara desert, desert desert you catch my drift here. I would leave my home country if my parents named me my own species. It would be like calling me Pony, technically you are right but it doesn't mean it isn't horrendous naming technique. I was getting off track, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were good characters that suddenly disappeared after the CMC got their cutie marks. Unfortunately I never read the IDW comic series so if they continued having them a more proactive role in the CMC’s life then I did not know. I wanted to know more about them. I wanted to know more about this world, this real and beautiful world and all the inhabitants within. Sweetie Belle looked over at me and leaned herself against my shoulder. A warmth blossomed in my chest as I leaned my head against her’s watching her write the sweeping script on her paper. “Thank you.” She whispered to me which I blinked not quite understanding what she was thanking me for. “For what?” I asked just as softly, sighing because I wanted to wrap her up into a hug like this morning almost belly to belly, to enjoy the feeling of her pulse because it proved her realness to me. She was everything and the world wouldn't ever be the same if she wasn't here with me, it was a small fragment of realization that she felt that when I disappeared being selfish. “For standing up for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and me. You were so cool, Diamond is a big meanie… but you kinda made me think about if I was in her horseshoes, I might be grouchy too.” She said setting her pencil down having finished her work, Sweetie nuzzled me which I did the same to her. “I know Diamond isn't mean, not really, neither is Silver Spoon. I think its because it's a lot to keep up with, ya’know? Both of their dads have big companies, it means they probably get ignored a lot because they are busy… Rarity sometimes does that doesn't she?” I asked watching Sweetie’s expression go into a deep thinking one. “Yeah.” she said looking down at her hoof on the desk’s surface, “Rarity doesn't pay attention to me when she’s busy, even though I want her too. She always apologizes afterward and tries to make it up to me…” Sweetie looked somber as her beautiful green eyes looked into mine. “Diamond Tiara’s dad might not try to make it up to her. That wouldn't feel good if mommy or daddy did that to me.” She said glancing back to the dazed expression of Diamond Tiara in the background. I pressed my forehead against her’s not caring that other foals were watching. “Its why I dont think she’s really mean, being hurt like that I would be frustrated and sad. Ms. Cheerilee said she wants friends and I wanna be her friend.” I said tilting my head in Diamond’s direction, Sweetie bit her lip thinking hard. “I… I.” she seemed to struggle for a moment, “I want to be her friend too, I don't like fighting with her.” She said rubbing her nose with her hoof. “She’s always on our case about not having cutie marks or not having a lot of Bits though.” She argued softly looking down again. “She’s always there though isn't she? Diamond and Silver Spoon. Makes you think if she is trying to be friends, but her words and actions are coming out all wrong… I know that feeling all too well.” I smiled in a knowing way pressing my nose against her cheek, she was about to say something but Cheerilee called for everyone's attention to go over the work. “We’ll talk about it later with everypony.” I said, which she smiled. … Sweetie Dia Silver Belle loved her bondmate, it was her first thought when they all sat down at the cafeteria table together. She and her bondmate sitting side by side of course, while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo sat close to one another on the other side. Warm Smile was… odd. She couldn't fault that, the things that sometimes came out of her mouth was bizarre because they were so left field and entirely new in perspective. It gave her things to think about, she herself could tell that Warm Smile thought more than anypony beyond maybe Twilight. Which was hard to overthink the purple unicorn, but Warm Smile seemed to be in a close tie with her. No, Warm Smile seemed to be in constant dialogue with herself which showed very well on her face. She smiled, it was always easy to tell what Warm Smile was feeling or thinking about because it was always on her face. If Warm Smile was happy or thinking happy thoughts her expression would always reflect that and so on and so forth.  Through their link she could almost always feel what Warm Smile was feeling, she had no control over it but it looked like if they were close together the better she could feel through their link. Warm Smile’s emotions were sometimes almost alien in certain ways she thought about things, it was like a spiderweb that ever constantly expanded outward from each individual thoughts. Like how Warm Smile had been talking about her world, Sweetie could almost see the visual image of thought. For example when Warm Smile thought about trees, she just didn't think about one tree, she thought about all the things related to a tree. Trees are related to the color green which connects to other green things, like her eyes, or the color of a house, or the grass beneath the tree. Trees are plants which associates them with every other plant to other trees, what lives on trees, which goes to insects and animals! Sometimes it made her head hurt trying to follow along with Warm Smile when she is trying to feel out her partner. It gave her things to think about, because she never really thought about associating things with other things. To Sweetie they were individual objects that were clear and defined separate from one another, but when she looked at how Warm Smile looked at things it piqued her curiosity about the world around her. Sweetie wanted to know more, it made her almost hungry for information about what things are made of or how they are related to other things it seemed to have opened the door to whole new things she didn't even notice. It's why she wanted to know more about Warm Smile. Warm Smile herself was a mess, loads of emotions would sometimes flickered across her face, so many she even had a hard time discerning what her soulmate was feeling. Then that sharp spike of loneliness would touch her heart through Warm Smile, it always made her wanna cry because Warm Smile didn't feel like she belonged. Sweetie wanted Warm Smile here, she wanted it with all her existence so she tried to show it in the most physical way possible. At first she didn't know why she felt so attached to Warm Smile, when she had seen her in the strange forest and saw that reflection of herself she at first didn't know what to think. Here was a strange girl that looked just like her, but she talked and acted funny and not at all like her. It was when that reflected girl said she needed to go back that a deep horrible dread had filled her heart, she had felt like she was never going to see this strange pony ever again. And that scared her. She didn't know how or why it scared her but it did and when the strange girl had thrown her and ran away. It felt like a part of herself had died and it hurt so bad, she had felt tears well up in her eyes as that horrible stretching sensation seemed to pull itself taught. She had come back to the waking world blubbering and crying her heart out, the world had ended, she had ended, nothing in the world mattered. Because that strange girl was gone. It left a deep hole in her, and the cold was the only thing it had left. Sweetie had only one thing to say to Applejack, her friends, the apple family, everypony she could think of. ‘she’s gone’ A horrible wave of apathy had consumed her during that time, once her tears were gone, she didn't want to do anything. Food hadn't interested her, talk was pointless, music or song didn't sound right, the only thing she had done was lay there wherever Rarity had taken her. Everything was nothing but shades of grey and the sun didn't feel warm. She could barely remember but she remembered Twilight casting a whole bunch of spells on her in that dull grey state after Rarity had taken her to the doctors, they couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, so Twilight had been the only other option. The rest was too much of a blur to remember most of what happened, she did remember waking up and feeling so cold and so tired. But there she was, real, there the strange girl she had seen within that surreal dream. The world become colorful again, she had been hugging her tight and it felt… right. The pony that looked like her wasn't just another girl, she was her other half. The tingling feeling that Warm Smile as she was called, had always been with her and she just didn't see it. Warm Smile’s presence was always there just out of reach, watching her, loving her no matter what and when she got shocked and felt that scary darkness close around her. Warm Smile appeared and held her tight, her warmth and light banishing all the scary darkness away. Warm Smile wasn't the same shape as she remembered, the tall golden light filled being that watched over her in the forest, silent but also always listening to her heart now the copy of her. Warm Smile loved her, and it enraptured her in its embrace. And now that she was here real, in the flesh, Sweetie felt so elated! Sweetie nuzzled and rubbed noses with Warm Smile just like she would with Rarity and her mom and dad to express that happiness to have her. Warm Smile was shy at first, but because it felt so good to touch and be close it became natural for Warm Smile. She sometimes caught Warm Smile staring at her, which would make her heart beat so fast and give her all the butterflies in her belly! Warm Smile would get all red in the face and squirmy when she stared back, it just made her tummy feel funny, but good! Sometimes when Warm Smile wasn't looking Sweetie wondered what it would be like to kiss her. It already felt awful good just pressing their bellies together and foreheads leaning against one another. Of course she always wondered what it would be like to kiss Apple Bloom or Scootaloo, her best and closest friends! So did it make it weird if she wanted to kiss her look alike? Warm Smile wasn't an exact copy, not really. She knew her face better than anypony, Warm Smile had small differences that made her wonder how pretty she would be when she grew up. Those differences were more pronounced to her and she thought Warm Smile was already pretty, which just made her want to kiss Warm Smile even more. Sweetie didn't have the courage too, at least not until she and Warm Smile were alone… Or maybe when Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Warm Smile, and her had some time together away from everypony. “Um.” Sweetie began as Scootaloo sniffed around her lunch bag, face half obscured by the brown paper making a crinkle sound. “hmm?” Apple Bloom hummed in question fork in hoof and biting down on seasoned tofu, they had just finished a small talk about Apple Bloom’s life on the farm. Warm Smile was cute when she asked about it, turning red a few times when she tried to ask more questions like what she liked and her dreams for the future. “So… I wanted to talk about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.” she began, making both of her friends pause and look up at her.  Warm Smile was groaning happily with the cafeteria lunch, seasoned tofu, next to her which it seemed like nothing could break Warm Smile’s concentration on her food which she didn't mind. It was cute to her. “You mean what happened today or just in general?” Scootaloo asked grimacing. “A little bit of both actually.” she said after taking a bite of her apple. “I think we might've sorta got Diamond and Silver all wrong. What Warm Smile and Ms. Cheerilee said made me think about it, and while we were in class Warm Smile said something that changed my opinion of them.” Sweetie said, taking another crunching bite of her apple, Warm Smile’s ears perked at hearing her name which she looked up from her food wiping her face with a napkin. “What about me?” Warm Smile questioned slowly swiveling her head between the three of them. “About what you said in class Smiley… it got me thinking. I agree with you, I think the reason why Diamond and Silver are pain in the flanks is cuz they don't know how to make friends right.” She frowned, finishing her apple before continuing. “I mean have you ever seen Diamond or Silver with anypony else? Diamond always seems to be picking on us mainly, while Silver just kinda follows her lead… I think Silver is her only friend because Filthy Rich and Silver Platter are friends.” “Now that yah mention it, it does seem ah bit odd that she don’t pick on anypony else as much as she does tah us. Ah ‘member when we’s was in first grade Diamond was real quiet like and didn't talk tah anypony ‘cept maybe Silver and Gold Accent but Gold Accent went all tha way tah Baltimare cuz her daddy wanted tah move there ‘cuz business were better.” Apple Bloom thought aloud. “Yeah! Gold Accent was a really cool pegasus pony! She was super nice to everypony and even Diamond wasn’t that bad… she was actually kinda nice and sweet.” Scootaloo piped up her wings fluttering. “It ‘twer when she gone and left Ponyville that Diamond kinda just clammed up. She didn't talk tah nopony all year! Ah felt real bad for her an ah tried talking tah her ah few times but she’d run for the hills, weren't just me either she did that tah everpony.” Apple Bloom nodded rubbing her chin. “It wasn't until next year after the Hearth’s Warming get together, that she started wearing that tiara and started acting real mean to everypony. Silver was still nice then, until she decided to be Diamond’s lackey.” Sweetie mumbled thinking hard. “So.” Warm Smile started, she kinda sounded like she was Trottingham most of the time, she wondered why… “I think Diamond's just been trying to lash out because she’s frustrated with everything going on at home. I don't think she has any coping methods to relieve all that pent up feelings so she takes it out on the ponies she wants to be close to the most. I know, weird right? But we do a lot of stupid things when we want something and don’t know how to get it, she has a relationship with all of you even if it might be antagonistic. It's still a relationship, and she’s trying to keep it even if it hurts her.” Warm Smile said thoughtfully. “What do we do then?” Apple Bloom questioned, looking to Warm Smile for some advice. The filly gave her a knowing smirk. “What would the cutie mark crusaders do?” Warm Smile asked looking up innocently as she said this in a sing song voice. Sweetie giggled along with her friends, she knew what she and her fellow crusaders would do. “We help her out crusaders! She might not be nice now but that doesn’t mean much cuz we know she is nice because we’ve all seen it! So are we all in this together?” Scootaloo announced raising her hoof up for a high hoof for all of them. “Yeah!” Sweetie and her friends plus her soulmate all high hoofed smiling like mad. … You know, I think it says something about this universe when you can literally see the magical sparks of their destiny in their eyes as we all high hoofed. For Scootaloo for example it was like a small flame that like a sparkler crackled just in the depths of her pupils, Apple Bloom was like her namesake you could almost see the bright energy bloom outward from the center of her eyes. Sweetie’s was more intense because of her right eye having that molten blue green color, hers was like a tesla coil that radiated out from the center of her pupils. Only just for a fraction of a second this happened and if you weren’t looking for it, it would of been gone before you could even realize magic had pulsed from their very cores. I unfortunately didn’t feel any such surge so I wasn’t going to be earning the cutie mark of helping others find their cutie marks. My destiny if I had any that is was for another time, I was playing salvager of my idiocracy trying to nudge them all in the right direction with some very careful and well thought over words. A bit manipulative I know, but I do so for the sake of harmony I swear! I’m not Discord, I don’t get the benefit of being an all powerful deity of the strange so whatever gods who watch over this realm could totally toast my ass because I’m not on the ‘You can’t kill because you are a aspect of the universe’ list! I can see it now on the Divine Daily Newspaper, ‘Controversy over local Time and Destiny Gods disintegrating lone filly on account to being a time anomaly, Current universe weather on page 7’   My own feeble mortal existence aside, I was happy with the way things were turning out but we needed to slow down because they needed to actually see that foul eldritch crustation of a mother be horrible to her daughter… Speaking of, I really hope Screwball wasn’t Diamond’s long lost sister, and Spoiled Bitch hadn't tried to keep the young filly a secret scandal of having a mentally ill or even comatose filly. I read ‘It’s A Screwed Up Life’ and if Spoiled Bitch was just like her in that fanon and there was a filly that literally had almost the same color scheme as Diamond turned out to be her sister. I wasn’t just going to get her arrested I was going to petition a hanging. I mentally growled darkly, I hated child abuse or any kind of abuse for that matter! You. Do. NOT. FUCK. UP. YOUR. CHILD. You don’t understand the mental degradation or physical trauma can experience under a home that doesn’t care about them. All the lines of text and articles on the psychology in my head just filtered through making it hard to breath a little. I took a deep breath not wanting to start the insanity of this morning where I end up turning my tray of food into a liquid. “I think we should wait a bit, scope her out and get an idea of what she’s going through you know? That way we come from a stronger position of understanding.” I said after we resumed our lunches. “Okay, that's probably a good idea since we don’t want Diamond  to think we’re crazy because of the sudden shift in personality. We’ll have to tail her one day.” Sweetie agreed which the other crusaders nodded. “Um…” Sweetie hesitated as she spoke up again, “A-After school I wanted to talk about us again… A-And um, you know.” She said her face flushing pink, I blushed as well she wanted to continue our conversation on me being the fourth wheel. You know, before I cried like a baby. On that note, school was relatively easy for the rest of the day. I got stared at by more kids, slack jawed amazement, a sort of general theme when Sweetie and I walked together. I was surprised I hadn't been mobbed to see the new filly who looked just like Sweetie Belle. Then again I would be cautious of the weird sudden twin of someone I knew. By the time the bell rang at the end of class Cheerilee had an announcement for us all. “The Ponyville talent show is happening two weeks from now! Everypony here is invited to participate in the talent show if they choose too! Let me know by the end of the week if you wanna join up, its an open event so anypony is invited to come see everypony’s talents!” Cheerilee chirped happily as she had the poster for the open Ponyville talent show on the cork board hanging up for anyone to see it. She rambled on about the how the contestants with best act in each of the three categories, which got the three of them hyped to all hell. I on the other hoof groaned, of course the Show Stopper episode was coming. It was going to be hard to watch them ignore their own wonderful talents so they can make that 80s glam rock ballad that earned them best comedy act. Maybe if I just suggest that they leave the song making to Sweetie and let the others do whatever so it won't be horrible on my ears. The front of the school was our location as we walked and talked, Sweetie arguing that if Rarity had been around to pick us up she would of. Pinkie was nowhere to be seen so she must have her hooves tied with something else. I couldn't help but feel a little sad after waiting for Pinkie Pie to show up, we stood around for like ten minutes but no one showed so the majority vote ended up being to head towards the clubhouse. On our way we discussed the upcoming talent show. “I want to do the songwriting and lead singing!” Scootaloo squeaked in excitement her wings buzzing. “Ah wanna make up the dancin!” Apple Bloom announced trying her best to do a graceful twirl but ended up falling face first into the dirt. “Ahm alright!” she said picking herself up quickly. “I wanna be like Rarity and make the costumes and props!” Sweetie Belle made her rubber ducky noise in the middle of her sentence because of her excitement. “How about we don’t do that and have Scootaloo do the dance routine, Sweetie Belle to do the singing and songwriting, and Apple Bloom do the props and costumes. We could even get Rarity to help if you know, like asked or something.” I deadpanned which all of them screeched to a stop, nearly dog piling themselves. “But Smiley! I wanna make the costumes!” Sweetie said underneath Apple Bloom. “Yeah! I wanna sing!” Scootaloo retorted. “Ah wanna make up the dancin!” Apple Bloom said disentangling herself from Sweetie and helping my other half up. I eyed them all, my face turning up into a grimace. “Sweetie how much experience do you have making props, costumes, and painting?” I asked which Sweetie frowned after hearing my question, then rubbed the back of her head. “Umm… not a lot, Rarity never really lets me help make dresses. I’ve painted in art class… even though I didn't do well in it. I don't think i’ve ever built a prop before… oh.” Sweetie said as she blushed and giggled embarrassed. “Apple Bloom, how many dances have you created and choreographed?” I asked raising my eyebrow at the apple filly. Apple Bloom shuffled her hooves looking a little uncomfortable. “Ah never did any of that before, but dancing is like kungfu right? Ahm real good at that!” She said doing a few kicks. “It's Wushu even though it can be called Kungfu but that is a umbrella term for thousands of styles, depending on the form of Wushu you perform it can be like dancing but you seem to be using a ridged style probably focusing on explosive movement over fluidity. Probably something similar to Bajiquan, or whatever the pony equivalent is. What’s your belt rank or scroll ranking?” I asked intrigued Apple Bloom knew of Wushu, even though the funny thing was that Kungfu meant ‘Chinese Techniques’ so it was curious to know somewhere in Equis there was a country called China. “Ahm ah novice scroll second mark, Master Temple Bell says ahm doing real good though! Ahm learnin the Way Of The Iron Horse, Ah forget how tah say it in Master Temple Bell’s language.” She said earnestly but also blushing because she had no experience with dancing or was good enough at her martial art to be considered graceful. “My point, Scootaloo sing for me right now, give me a few notes, any will do.” I said turning to the orange filly. “O-Okay.” She said clearing her throat, before opening her mouth and singing a new notes. I say the word singing in a lighthearted way so as not to hurt the filly’s feelings. In reality it was like listening to a piece of glass across a chalkboard. “Stop! Stop!” I yelled over the dying animal sound, both of the girls had their hooves over their ears and wincing. “How’d I do!?” Scootaloo asked hopefully, I stared at her eager expression and winced. I needed to let her down gently. “Scootaloo it was like listening to a gramophone needle scratch the record. Not that great i’m afraid.” I said gently, seeing the sudden hurt look in Scootaloo’s face I quickly added “Look Scoots, you sing great when you are singing along with others. And when the freaky music and everypony comes out singing and dancing, somehow knowing the lyrics and dance cues to made up on the spot songs!” I said nuzzling her cheek, she sniffed but nodded. “Wait are you talking about Heart Song magic?” Sweetie asked tilting her head at me giving me a weird look. “Is that what its called?” I asked back my eyebrows raised. “It is… you don't know about Heart Song magic do you?” She replied, I gave her a look that said of course I didn’t. I had theories and other people have talked about the mechanics of such a thing in their stories, but no real solid evidence that the whole ‘singing in ponyville’ was a real thing. “Right, not from here.” Sweetie muttered looking down as she thought about how to explain it. “Ms. Cheerilee says that Heart Song magic is caused by high harmony magic in the air, it doesn’t happen often but harmony magic allows the spon-spontan-” She struggled with the word which I offered her help. “Spontaneous.” “Thanks Smiley, that word. Anyways the sudden creation of music! Everypony just kinda goes with what the harmony magic makes us feel and sing, Twilight and her friends gen-generate a lot of harmony because of their connection with the elements of harmony. So Heart Song magic usually makes them sing and it rubs off on us a lot too, which we all end up singing and its really fun!” Sweetie said looking proud of herself for explaining this, which I nuzzled her cheek in thanks. “It’s tha only time Scoots here actually sounds real good with singin” Apple Bloom laughed making the pegasus filly blush hard. “Don’t take it too hard Scootaloo, singing isn’t for everypony.” I said giving her a nuzzle as well, Scootaloo rubbed her forearm nodding still a little embarrassed that she wasn't a good singer. “So now that you have looked at your individual weaknesses, What I mentioned was your aforementioned strengths. Apple Bloom you are very good a building and making sure everything is colored right since you know your way around paint. Scootaloo you are very aware of the space around you, you are also the most light on your hooves causing you to have a natural grace that the others don't possess so it is your strength to teach the others around the dance floor. Sweetie, you sing like an angel have pitch perfect awareness, and a natural songwriter.” I finished by looking at Sweetie Belle, of course my mouth isn't actually connected to my brain so I thoughtlessly added “Not only that you are the one of the most beautiful mares i’ve ever seen perfect for lead singer.” My brain caught up with my words moments later as Sweetie’s face turned a lovely shade of pink and cherry combination, as all of us blushed. The short walk to the clubhouse was in silence as we all sort of awkwardly not looked at one another for too long. When the door closed Sweetie took in a deep breath and then exhaled. “I-I um, I wanted to t-talk about us f-first thing before we decide on anything for the talent show.” Sweetie announced as I laid down on a pillow near the the center of the room, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo not far behind me as they too sat on the assortment of pillows they had in their clubhouse. “W-What about us?” Scootaloo said softly though I could see that her wings were twitching nervously. “Ahhh… You know, about us! The whole… um confession we had this morning.” Sweetie said impatiently though just as nervous. “The one where I cried.” I said in a self deprecating manner, laying my head down between my hooves as Sweetie looked at me with pretty green orbs obviously not wanting me to be that way. “Oooooh, well ahm okay with us bein together, might need a bit of time with Warm Smile here. A-Ah did want tah try kissin again s-since it made mah tummy feel funny but also felt all sorts of fuzzy and warm.” Apple Bloom said softly her face turning almost as red as her mane, her tail flicked in a bit of excitement though. “A-A-About that, I-I’ve never kissed a-anypony before. I-I mean I’ve kissed Rarity and mom and dad, but t-thats family…” Sweetie stuttered as she shuffled closer to us and sat down on a pillow closest to me. I just laid my head down on my hoof, I am really sorry for taking your first kiss Sweetie… I really am. “D-Do you wanna try?” Scootaloo said after clearing her throat, she seemed to want to volunteer for it first. There was a long silence between the three of them before Sweetie nodded slowly, I felt my face heat up watching Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle draw close to one another. Nervous excitement making them clumsy and shy, as Scootaloo first gently nuzzled Sweetie then kissed her neck, cheek, then very gently and slowly Sweetie’s own lips. Sweetie seemed to melt into it after tensing up rigid like a wooden board, slowly leaning into the pleasurable feeling of warm lips against her own. Scootaloo’s wings were flared out displaying the whole of her wings and each individual feather. They pulled back after a minute of just simply moving their lips against one another's. Sweetie look as red as Apple Bloom’s mane, Scootaloo herself breathing a little hard and red as a tomato. “W-Wow.” was all Sweetie could manage before sitting down in her amazement. Scootaloo gave a small giggle, her wings stiff splayed out and love drunk on the feeling. Sweetie giggled too if shyly, Apple Bloom stood up to be next which she nearly fell into Sweetie. Sometimes hooves and feeling warm and fuzzy like this made it hard to have the excellent control over said appendages since they lack any natural grip. It was… I'm going to admit this but it was kind of hot and really fucking cute to see the CMC kiss one another, even if the kisses were that of a chaste exploitative nature. They probably didn't know much about sex, or how one would even start such a thing. I could smell a spicy scent in the air, it was very subtle but the more I sniffed the air I realized it was the smell of arousal. I guess one of them who had been taking turns kissing one another finally got hot under the bridel, it looked to be Apple Bloom had just gotten bothered enough she instantly sat down. Her tail twitching and looking more than hot and bothered by this, she took a few deep breaths as I watched her from my pillow. Fascination, guilt, hunger, curiosity, and warmth all pulsed through my veins. I instinctively pushed my haunches together in a protective manner as to not alert them to my own dark hunger to corrupt the innocent youth just curious of each other and how they feel. The heady spicy scent was stifled a little but the other seemed to smell it too, both of them breathing hard and looking at Apple Bloom with concern. “Y-You okay Bloom?” Sweetie said through a small gulp of air. “Ah… Ah kinda don't know… Ah just got a real tingly feeling, and, and ah needed tah sit down.” She said a little breathlessly, I averted my eyes away from her bottom and small tail twitching. I could almost feel my mouth salivate at the extremely dirty thoughts that clouded my head, the heady scent made things hard to think straight. Warm Smile you better not, you said you would try for Rarity… I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to think about taking advantage of this, it would be so easy too. I was frankly disgusted with my own alluring and potentially pleasurable thoughts. Sweetie and Scootaloo moved closer to their aroused friend, both of them unknowingly making it harder for Apple Bloom to focus on not being aroused because they ended up nuzzling her. Apple Bloom made a shuddering breath slash moan when Scootaloo took one from my book and lightly nibbled at her neck. Both of them looked surprised and reeled back just a hair to make sure Apple Bloom was okay. “A-Ahm o-okay, t-that felt r-really good!” She said her voice going up an octave. The gods are tempting me, so bad right now. I might be a good person, or at least I think I am but this was punishment. Some divine being was tempting me to a forbidden fruit of the objects of my affection, love, and desire. After a few more kisses, Apple Bloom made a soft moan. A real, pleasure filled moan, it was higher pitched than her normal voice and I put my ears down and placed my hooves over them, I felt my femininity wink with my own arousal. I ground my legs together my tail flat against my butt so they wouldn't notice. I… I wanted… I wanted to touch it, to feel that scorching fire in my belly again as it got tighter and tighter until that blissful moment when the world was color and trembling goodness. I. I wanted to share that feeling with all of them, how good it felt. I stood up faster than I thought I could, rigid muscles cycling as I ripped my gaze away from the three and walked toward the door. Don't think about it, don’t don’t don’t! I bit my lip as I struggled with the door and escaped into the pure fresh air of the day. Only to slam my face right into Pinkie Pie’s chest who was was just about to knock on the door. All three of them squeaked in fear of being seen they vanished from one another being a respectable five to six meters away from one another. Pinkie blinked a few times, looking down at me who was so red I felt like I was running a fever. I staggered back my mouth opening and closing like a fish, how in the hell would I explain this!!? A wet dribble of my arousal dripped down onto the wood underneath me feeling myself wink and ache. I smelled sugary marshmallows. The situation, the high of emotions, chemicals, and seeing Pinkie see me like this. I felt the world spin then darkness took me as Pinkie dove to catch me. I fainted. … “S-Smiley!!” Sweetie Belle called seeing her bondmate just suddenly collapse. Pinkie held Warm Smile in her hooves wondering what in the world just happened. She had been running very late today, Ms. Cake had a large delivery order come in for preparations for a wedding that was happening tomorrow and she had been baking for over two dozen ponies for the afterparty. While she usually was hired for party planning, she wasn't the only pony in Ponyville that had the job. Her party planning job was freelance and self employed while her job at the Sugarcube Corner was her main source of income, give or take the occasional babysitting job that earned her extra Bits. Warm Smile had been on her mind since yesterday and she had been self tasked with picking both Sweetie and Warm Smile up from school because of Rarity's duty to officially get Warm Smile papers done as guardian. She however had that large order come in and missed the time she was supposed to pick them up, you can't rush baking as Ms. Cake had very high standards when it came to her confections. The only logical conclusion, bar some of her Pinkie sense had told her that Warm Smile and the Crusaders had gone off toward Applejack’s farm to their clubhouse. What she didn't expect was this, Warm Smile crashing out of the door looking terrified smashing into her chest almost knocking the wind out of her and nearly stabbed by her horn. Then Warm Smile had nearly jumped four hooves in the air trying to backup and then gaping at her like a fish. She only had a moment to process all of this before the poor girl dribbled something from her hind end which a strong whiff told her that Warm Smile had been very turned on, then without warning her eyes rolled into the back of her head and passed out. She could also distinctly smell the others arousal, who looked like they might pass out from a lack of blood flow to anything else besides their faces. Sweetie was the first to say anything and come out of the clubhouse, panicking that her other half had passed out. She also smelled like Warm Smile’s arousal but a tad different. Whatever had happened in there had led to this and she was a little stunned. Warm Smile probably unknowingly had given her the equivalent of a very sexual invitation, albeit one that wasn't used anymore because of many complaints at local clubs of their establishments reeking of sex and sticky floors. She couldn't remember when that was used today, but she did remember that it had been mentioned in primary school a few times. Pinkie of course was also aware not all would actually do that because of the social implications of just randomly discharging sexual fluids. Though she must admit that when she was aroused that she became extremely wet and sexual fluids would drip down her leg so it sometimes couldn't be helped especially when the atmosphere of a night club tended to make things a little to much for some mares. Embarrassment on a scale she could associate with, there had been times when she had talked, flirted a little too aggressively and she ended up getting turned on and dripping onto the floor. She had never been so embarrassed by that, she didn't consider herself a true sexual creature that prowled around with any herd that suited her fancy. No it had taken exactly five months to really involve herself with Rarity and Rainbow Dash. She had always liked Rarity, the mare being super sociable and nice like herself. She and Rarity had become fast friends, then she was introduced to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy through Rarity. Despite what everypony thought she couldn't, even with her party magic, know everypony that came into Ponyville and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had been missed entirely due to the fact she was a earth pony and couldn't exactly welcome somepony when they are hundreds of hooves in the air most of the time. Fluttershy was a bit different and had more earth pony in her than Rainbow who no doubt had pure Pegasus ancestors Fluttershy had been living in the moveable Cloud House with Rainbow most of the first year they were here. Fluttershy had earned enough bits with her veterinarian job to buy the cottage out in the grassy knoll just southeast of Sweet Apple Acres. But it was true, sure she fell in love easy, but she never gave herself up if she didn't know them enough. Give lots of love to everypony but keep the special ones closest to you, her Nana use to say and it was a philosophy she followed to this day. Tartarus, she didn't even think about sex in a relationship until Rarity took her on a date and made her feel special which she ended up in Rarity's bed that night.  It was magical that night, she never thought tongues or magic could do the things Rarity did until she got to experience it firsthoof. Of course Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy had their own busy lives and pay taxes like her so she ended up quite… lonely. The Heat was the worst of it when that empty hole in her heart showed itself wanting to be fulfilled. She never thought that she had a chance with anypony, and sometimes her sister Maud had been a confusing and taboo secret of her more sexual affections. She never did anything to Maud, the whole thing one of her deepest darkest secrets of her youth that she would never talk about except to her therapist. Maud had been a big sister that showed in her own unique way that she was wanted, she loved her family but they were so reserved that the only time she ever remembered having a hug from her father was three times. Ever. Marble had horrible anxiety and shyness when it came to others even her sisters, Limestone was upset with her own life and being stuck on the rock farm and had been since she got her cutie mark. Her anger only built up from there and now she was taking anger management therapy, she had wanted to become a chemist as her cutie mark indicated but their father needed help on the farm because he was getting on in his years. Maud seemed to be her father and mother’s favorite probably due to the act Maud put on of extreme stoicism which is what pleased father the most. It had become habit to be stoic like that for her, so most ponies didn't see the small movements or smiles she gave when she talked. Sometimes she did it to just mess with everypony and they would laugh after whoever had been trying to rile Maud up. Maud loved her so much, and she was always there for Pinkie. Even when she discovered her cutie mark because of that rainbow light in the sky, mother and father had been skeptical of her cutie mark her father inadvertently telling her that parties weren't a way to make a living. Nopony knew this but she cried because of that, the one thing she had to be proud of and be separate or unique among the crowd. Her father had crushed her hopes with a few simple words and a tired tone. She for a time actually resented her father and mother, Maud had been there for her and came after her when she ran away to cry. It's when the taboo began, she thought she was going to be lonely on the rock farm for the rest of her life and when she experienced her first heat after getting the growth spurt of having a cutie mark did to ponies. She almost attacked Maud and forced her to make love… Maud never said anything when she sobbed about how much she wanted Maud, her sister, how much her heart hurt and the awful burning heat in her belly that made her want to do those horrible things to her. All Maud did was hold her and tell her that she loved her, over and over while she cried. That was almost sixteen years ago, and now here in the present she once again had strange feelings of almost taboo nature. When Warm Smile appeared, she had been in Sweetie's body. There was a distinct difference in how Sweetie had been acting and her senses told her that this wasn't Sweetie but somepony else. The time she spent with her that day was one of the best days she had spent with somepony new. She even wrote about in her journal that she kept to help herself deal with any frustrations or happy moments she had in her life. She couldn't help herself, Warm Smile was what she named her because that's all the filly gave her. There was a kind of love in those eyes that she had been using temporarily, the kind that she felt her heart flutter and overwhelming happiness bubble out from every bubblegum pink hair she had! She had caught Warm Smile staring at her, the kind of stare when somepony no longer sees anypony else but the one that had captivated them. For in that moment, that's all they knew, so enraptured by them that one of the divine spirits of harmony could of screamed right in their ear and wouldn't even flinch. She had tried super hard not to be too flattered, to eager to want the affection Warm Smile wanted to give. It had been even stranger when Warm Smile told her that she wasn't even a pony or a she at all, that she had come from a whole other world. When she talked about herself or just silly things she wanted to chat about, the alien boy slash girl soaked up every word she said. She never ever had anypony pay attention to her like that, except Maud when she was here or Pinkie was visiting family. Her herdmates loved her but she had to go out of her way to be apart of their lives, Twilight's appearance into the mix gave her some liberal freedom to try and coax the purple unicorn into loving her like she wanted but it ended up Twilight frustrated when she tried to explain the magic she had. It hurt a little to know she couldn't be closer to them unless Pinkie made time and transplant herself into their lives otherwise she was seen as the ‘Pinkie Pie she’s so random’ girl even in a serious relationship. Warm Smile cared, and she even knew about her somehow and wanted to be apart of her life! Warm Smile could recount almost in perfect detail of what happened to Twilight and company had been doing up until this point. Warm Smile told her that she has always been watching, but a lot of Pinkie’s private life was obscured to her more like the major events of her life when it came to Twilight’s friendship and harmony studies were visible to Warm Smile. Then Warm Smile had to go and tell her how much she had wanted to started a relationship, her brain had to reboot and think that over a few times before she answered. Harmony above and Celestia smite her, she thought about actually taking her up on that offer. But then the awkwardness of being in her herdmate’s little sister kinda made things a little weird. Then Warm Smile disappeared, Sweetie was back and suddenly the world didnt even seem bright anymore, that empty hole in her heart seemed to have gotten wider when she learned that Warm Smile gave herself up so Sweetie could come back. Pinkie had ended up crying without expressing facial movement in front of Rarity who had been ranting about how some alien had been in her sister. She had stood there in Twilight’s library and just stared at a wall for almost an hour, tears leaking from her face. Fluttershy had managed to coax her out of the dark hole she had been digging herself in, she couldn't help but think that the only other being that actually wanted her. To be in her life and enjoyed her existence rather than tolerate or not bothered to invest their time into her, they were gone. She had almost broke there, if Fluttershy hadn't been there to reassure that Twilight and the princesses were doing everything they could to find Warm Smile… well she didn't want to think about going to the sanitarium for help. Again. There had been a year she had spent about half a year in one, she hadn't been taking any medications because she didn't know she should have been. They told her that they had found her so disillusioned from the world she had stopped eating, surrounded by inanimate objects that she had been talking to like they were real ponies, she was even told she had almost been violent but too weak to do anything because the only thing she had been drinking was lake water. Six whole months of recovery, talking to a therapist daily, taking medication that helped her immensely but never really made the dissociation of her world truly gone. It was a hard thing to accept that she had a mental disorder, but like scars they never really go away. Maud had visited her every other day while the rest of her family had only visited once a week, they didn't know how to really accept that she had Depersonalization Disorder and borderline Dissociative Identity Disorder. She couldn't blame her family, it hit her hard too and now knowing the problem just made it all the more scary because its not something you can fix. Maud treated her like anypony else though and she didn't think should would have made it in there without her sister. She never thought she had been abused, but emotional neglect was real and it hurt her more than she had thought. It's probably why her family seemed so extreme in personality, Marble being quiet, Limestone having intense anger, Maud’s passive stoicism brought upon her duties as a older sister and having to repress herself so she could be a pillar of support to Pinkie. And finally her, the over hyperactive party pony who really on the inside suffered from a mental disorder. Maybe she should of been more straight with her herdmates about her mental health problems. She always took time to go to see Dr. Sunny Meadows to make sure her medication bottles were refilled, three pills in the morning, two at night like clockwork, so talking about why she needed those pills with her friends, she might even feel a sense of relief. Warm Smile seemed to know though, she treated her like Maud did. Like, she was there for her always and deep down in her messed up heart she seemed to glean that from the girl. Now though, with Warm Smile passed out in her arms with a display such as that now fully digested in her head. She felt her cheeks color as Sweetie just made it too her checking on Warm Smile. “Smiley!? Are you okay!? Pinkie!! Is she okay!?” Sweetie panicked her voice now very high pitched as trembling with worry for Warm Smile. Pinkie moved her hoof down to check if Warm Smile was alright. She seemed fine, if a bit warm because of the arousal which she got the smell of sugary marshmallows now and again. “She’s okay! She just fainted, Rarity sometimes does it when she gets really overwhelmed so it might be a common thing for you two.” Pinkie said lightly joking to ease the filly’s terror. Sweetie visibly deflated in relief that Warm Smile was okay, rubbing the unconscious filly’s nose with her own affectionately. “What happened?” Pinkie asked, even though she had a very good idea of what was going on in there it would be best to hear it from their own mouths. Sweetie turned a dark red again from her white faced features from before, Pinkie kept a soft understanding smile on her lips, she wasn't mad about this, fillies do this sort of thing all the time especially when it came to their sexual identity. But she was almost a teensy itty bitty jealous of them, because she… She what? She wanted Warm Smile, the alien pony who was a filly still and… Have a relationship? Be together? It was very much frowned upon for an adult mare to have a relationship with a young filly, age while being less a factor here since the average pony lived about four hundred or so years give or take any medical problems that can physically hagger the pony, Granny Smith for example was 319 years old but her physical health had a rapid down period making her lose the youthful visage of a late adulthood pony so she looked a lot older than she was. While a earth pony of similar age can look like they are still in a prime save for the wrinkles, less energy, and graying hair part. She knew that Warm Smile had the mental age of somepony that was in their early twenties, Princess Luna had cross referenced with studies of neurological development. Warm Smile had a lot more neurons or in her case inside Sweetie Belle ‘Mana replicant neurons clusters’ as a magical soul based construct didn't have an actual physical body their memory was stored in specialized foci nodes of pure raw mana that appeared to her at least as motes of light with some sort of energy arching between them. Luna had also drawn many things that had been in Warm Smile’s memories including how Warm Smile saw herself. Warm Smile was a tall figure, slim in nature, bipedal being which the detailed sketches done by Luna showed the complexity of how her hand was. It was shaped differently than a diamond dog or a minotaur’s, more rounded, softer even but very developed for making things. She had drawn her memories of what these creatures look like, Pinkie had to take a moment and look at the general human figure. They had small eyes, their noses weren't extensions of their mouths which they had lips placed there with a teeth line that indicated omnivorous behavior. Their expressions were a lot like ponies, they didnt have any expressive ears but they made up with it how they smiled, frowned, laughed. She could see the deep similarities between Warm Smile and them, how she expressed more through her eyes and mouth than with ears or body language. Luna had found the happiest memories Warm Smile had, and it was of them… Pinkie even showed up more than the others, her smiling, happy, enjoying time with her friends. Idealized of course, but she couldn't doubt that the alien was enamored by her. “Um.. well you see… that is… uh..” Sweetie started her face flushed, the other two taking tentative steps toward the door frame. “W-We um… triedkissingeachother" Sweetie said in one breath, breaking under the pressure of an adult presence. “Smiley was sitting down watching us cuz Apple Bloom and Scootaloo wanted to wait and get know Smiley more before trying kissing and and I wasn't paying attention to her when she suddenly got up and tried to run away!!” she explained her face going more pale as she feared being punished for kissing her friends. “I know Rarity said I should wait until I gots my cutie mark before I kissed anypony, but it just came up cuz I wanted to talk about  how we like each other and how much I like Smiley, but but everything got so out of hoof and I was feeling all funny and warm I just couldnt help myself! Please don't tell Rarity, I-I like my friends and they like me too and everypony says that you have to wait until your older for your special someponies-" Sweetie rambled her voice going higher and more crackly with each complete word. Pinkie held up her hoof stopping the girl mid sentence. “Sweetie, Sweetie it's okay, breathe.” She smiled giving the little filly a light rub on the head with her hoof, Sweetie looked on the verge of crying but she did as instructed and breathed. Looking a lot less pale that her coat would allow Pinkie cleared her throat. “You didn't do anything bad girls, it's okay to find your identity and the ponies you like. I think Smiley here just got really overwhelmed, remember in health class we make all sorts of pheromones? The ones that help us understand each other better can also be hard on somepony who hasn't been around that long. When you girls kissed you forgot that Smiley has been here only for a few days and she doesn't have any restraint when it comes to this.” Pinkie said, being her usual hyper self didn't seem to be appropriate especially when it came to this. “Smiley was trying to run away because she didn't want to do anything to you all. It was hard to think wasn't it?” She asked, which the fillies nodded silently looking still scared that they had been found out. “Warm Smile’s nose is brand new! It would of been  harder on Warm Smile to be in that situation. Did you girls take anything further than kissing?” Again all of them silently shook their heads. “I’m going to let you all in on a little secret okay?” they all leaned in. “Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy know that you all like each other so they won't get mad if you talk to them about your feelings and how you feel when you kiss. Apple Bloom.” She said looking at the farm filly. “Your sister may not know much about herdmates, but she does know a lot about how you are feeling so don't be afraid to talk with her okay?” Apple Bloom blushed and nodded. “Come on everypony! Cheer up~ you aren't in trouble, let's all go say hi to Applejack! Plus it will give us a place to let Warm Smile sleep.” She laughed standing up and gently placing her… Warm Smile on her back. All of them hesitated before shuffling out of the clubhouse to follow Pinkie. … First thought I had was, ‘Why does my vagina smell like marshmallows when I’m turned on? What kind of crazy chemical compounds go off in my brain to interpret smells like that!?’ Then again I think it's fanon logic there, the dimensional concept that imagination begets reality and if enough creatures believed in it it becomes real. With the infinite layers of every possible combination of realities of humans and the common theme of ponies having pleasant smells rather than normal bodily ones might be so widely believed I'm in a reality where this was true. I mean I didn't expect the smell of marshmallows come from my backside with such intensity, at first it was just my lust addled brain tricking itself but nope turns out that my juices had a distinct smell of sugar coated marshmallows. I never got the chance to taste them, so I couldn't tell if the smell was because of the flavour. Even with these dirty thoughts, it was like imagining eating out Applejack and having the surprise that she tasted like kellogg's Applejack brand cereal! Since I'm already having dark thoughts of indulging in sexual pleasure, I ached which was a new experience for me because it wasn't like a body ache. But an aching of something internal, making the unfamiliar muscles of my new sex clench tiredly because of a lack of fulfillment. The cold was also a issue, because I think Sweetie was much further away from me than normal not that I wanted her to see me in such a state of frustration and lack of sexual gratification. Fuck, I remember that I fainted! Me! I never fainted! When I became overwhelmed the most I’d do is break down crying, but fainting? Never. I did want to cry because how annoyingly frustrated I was however. I tried to be the good girl and try and flee when things got to hot for me! I didn't want to, gods how I wanted to do things to those three and enjoy the pleasure it could of brought. Now, here, in this bed which I could feel was a bed I whimpered piteously. I could feel my legs involuntarily buck with an attempt to feel something, anything to feel some sort of relief. I opened my eyes, I was in Apple Bloom’s room made sense since the clubhouse was on the farm so nearest comfortable location was the farmstead manor. However I didn't give a single rat's ass about where I was. I was way to horny, high on the smell of arousal and painfully aching for release. I needed something, oh gods anything would do, I'd even take my chances being broken by a colt or stallion right now. I rolled in the bed nearly jumping off the four poster that Apple Bloom had and looking for someplace or something to relieve myself. The corner of her room was small and secure enough and out of sight of the door, I nearly preformed a scooby doo like action when my hooves didn't have enough traction on the wood to move me making me stumble to the spot I was looking for. There was wetness rolling down the back of my leg making my tail twitched like it was electrocuted, my breathing labored. ‘Toy chest, find something’ was the only thing I could think of, even though I was going to defile one of her toys I didn't care. The chest was thrown open, and my brain warned me that anything too lumpy or not smooth enough was going to hurt me more than give me pleasure. I nearly cried out in joy when I saw a relatively thin cup and ball toy still cylindrical and looked like it was made with plastic rather than wood which splinters in the quest of gratification would not be pretty. I struggled becoming more and more flustered as my brain was having a hard time telling my hoof to grab something with its magic, this time a small dying animal keening escaped my lips the wait unbearable! I grabbed the damn thing with my mouth, which I would have to throw this thing away after I was done with it. For a second though I wondered if I had a hymen, the stinging pain and blood wouldn't be good either and then I would just end up curling into a ball crying because I didn't get what I wanted but instead blood and tears. I wasn't thinking to hard because I found myself trying to set the thing up so I could sit on it, the dribble of the juices of my aching sex was spattered on the floor already. I… I must be a very soaked panties kind of mare if it was like this. I held the thing in between my hooves trying so very hard not to hurt myself with this. I slowly, ever so twitchingly began to lower myself onto it the cold plastic touching my nethers making me jump. I was panting like a dog already, as I willed myself to find it, the spot that would end this dreadful burning in my loins. I let out another low keening noise as I struggled to find the right spot with my blasted fucking hooves, I kept hitting my very tender spots that made me grit my teeth. Almost, almost… there! The tip of now warm hard plastic began to finally go a few centimeters deeper than anywhere else, my heart pounded so fast I thought it might burst as lighting fire ran up from my core up my spine as the cup and ball catcher began to stretch me wider than my first time with a hoof. I couldn't control the tiny feminine moans that ushered from my throat as it got a tiny bit deeper. ‘J-Just go slow and it won't hurt, it's going to feel like bliss’ my hormone high brain told me soothingly as I felt fear also crawl it's way from my pounding heart. Knock knock “Warm Smile? Are you awake?” Pinkie's voice called from behind the thin wood of the door. Jesus fucking christ tap dancing on a unicycle while in space!! I nearly speared myself with the children's toy as my body reflexively jumped from the interruption! Adrenaline, fear, and frustration built up to the point I felt tears roll down my cheeks. The door was already open and I had flung myself at the wall the toy on the floor covered in my excitement, there was a clear puddle underneath where it lay reeking of my smell. I curled up against myself, so frustrated and horny now crying because of it and Pinkie was going to see me in this state. I wanted to die. I heard Pinkie come around the bed where I just had laid curled up breathing so hard I might be hyperventilating. “Smiley?” I heard her say softly, I couldn't look at her, to see the look of revulsion and pity she would have on her face. I closed my eyes and sobbed hiding my shame and tears under my hooves, I just wanted this painful ache to go away and the fucking world seems to hate me trying to feel some kind of pleasure. “Warm Smile…” Pinkie’s soft voice came from a few half meters away from me. “I-I-I-I j-j-just w-w-want t-t-to diiiiiiieeee.” I broke out into a wail, sobs wracking my chest making me cough and shudder when trying to talk. I felt her sit down next to me, I didn't want her to look at me. My hind legs were twitching the denial of the act of penetration making my lower body protest harshly. “Smiley, easy… easy…” she said in a hushed low voice as there was a small pop of something like a container, I felt her presence hover over me making me cover myself with my tail despite how wet everything was. I opened my eyes again only seeing the wall and a tiny sliver of pink at the corner of my eye. I saw her shift and then I struggled against her overwhelming strength as she forced her hoof through my protective ball till she was touching my underbelly. I flinched as there was some sort of small coldness on my belly, it felt like a balm or cream with its consistency. She gently rubbed my belly with it, which felt incredibly nice making my breath hitch with the sudden feel good. She continued to do this speaking gently to me to calm down, the whatever she had placed on my belly sank into me almost like a soft blanket over my nerves and the hormone factory that was my body. I felt it spread out making that ache slowly fade away, leaving me just a breathless pony who’s ears, legs and tail twitched. She continued to rub my belly soothingly taking delicate care not to press to hard or use the sharper bits of her hoof to caress it. “There… feel better?” She asked as I blinked away the tears from my eyes, in wanted to resist in saying anything and just wishing that this embarrassing nightmare would end. “K-Kinda…” I mumbled, not looking at her. “Hormone suppressant cream, helps with heat and overactive thyroid and pituitary glands.” she said informing me of what it was that helped. “We should of thought about all this earlier did your species have pheromone suggestion?” she asked me still gently rubbing my belly. I shook my head slowly. “That's what I thought… I don't know if you know, but ponies have very strong sense of smell and are attuned to the chemicals of other ponies. My history professor said that our early ancestors had developed this strong sense of smell because our eyes weren't as developed as they are now, so ponies produce pheromones with almost all things we do.” she gave a small laugh. “Most of the time they are very subtle and we don't realize it that we are constantly smelling various things, it's why ponies nuzzle one another to mark out scent on the ones we like. It makes us feel better, safer in their presence, but when like heat or when inexperienced ponies smell something attractive it starts making more an more attractive smells making it hard to think.” she said taking her hoof and gently placing it on my barrel and circling the hoof in a way that felt good. “You probably got extremely worked up because you haven't ever had to experience that. I’m proud of you, you did a lot better than I did… I almost attacked somepony close to me the first time I had that pseudo-heat. Makes us kinda crazy huh?” She said chuckling. “Did… did you take your own?” she asked whispering, I could feel her breath on my ear. I shook my head in no, I almost did but I never got to. “Okay… it feels a lot better when it's with somepony you love the first time, and you feel a lot more in control because it's not overwhelming and you feel safer… Warm Smile… would you feel okay if I helped clean you up? Nopony here will say anything because Applejack, Granny, and Big Mac understand. You’ve had a very hectic day from what Sweetie has told me, crying more than once a day is definitely worth a very relaxing bath.” Pinkie said not touching me anymore after that as I took some time to think. I nodded, to emotionally drained to say anything worthwhile. “Alright, do you wanna walk? Or do you want me to carry you?” Pinkie asked as she stood up the sound of a top being screwed back on following this. I didn't move, I didn't want to go anywhere, I just wanted to bash my head into a wall. “I’m going to pick you up Smiley.” She said, I felt her mouth touch the scruff of my neck and mane and gently bite down on it. With a feat of dexterity Pinkie slid me down her own neck onto her back which I lay now, my face buried in the area between her shoulder blades. She smelled like… nothing really, she smelled like a clean horse would a very clean one that didn't have straw or the sour smell of a stable behind it. In fact when I took a deep breath in, the world didn't smell right, less sweetness in the air  and more harsher on my nose. I heard the creak of wood as she began to move, the sound of her breathing very calming. “She alright?” Applejack’s soft twang whispered the moment we left Apple Bloom’s room. “She’s better, would you mind cleaning up the mess? I'm gonna give her a bath if that's alright.” Pinkie asked Applejack, the light orange mare nodded. “Course, y’all know where the bathroom is, towels are in under the sink. Boy-" Applejack started humor in her voice but was quickly stopped by Pinkie who shook her head. “Don't rub it in Applejack, she’s really new to this and very embarrassed about it.” Pinkie hissed back not harshly but to my defense. “Alright, alright, ah wont go pickin on her, Granny is givin Apple Bloom and others the talk. Ah suspected somethin was happenin in that there clubhouse, tah think Apple Bloom is growin up so soon her cutie mark must be gonna appear soon. Them fillies and colts always did get ah bit frisky when their cutie marks start showin up, ah wont trouble y’all anymore.” Applejack chuckled, she looked at me and smiled softly leaning towards me. “Don't fret, ah dont know bout your world but things like this don't bother us pony folk none. Herds have always been round and that comes with all the foolin and sex rousin anypony can handle, ponies live a long while so we tend tah be ah little less uptight about all that exploration and such. It’s all just embarrassin when pony folk poke their noses in, all ah ask is that since yah are mentally older at least from what we can tell that yah let Apple Bloom and them come tah you.” she said giving me a teasing grin. “Sides if yah know bout sex and how yah do it, yah gotta let them fillies figure things out for themselves. Ah ain't in any herd, ahm ah one pony kinda gal and ah gots mahself ah pretty little thing, just be considerate of them fillies feelins don't go too fast bout makin love. Though ah can see if its ah little awkward cuz if yah feel older than yah look it might feel like fillyfoolin. You ain't, not really cuz from everypony's point of view yah have all the qualities of ah filly, them chemicals in yer head makin yah think and act like one. Ah treat yah like yah are older but yah gotta realize yah are ah filly now, ah real smart filly, like Twilight smart but still a filly.” She said plainly then she rubbed my head with her hoof. Pinkie began to move after that, thanking Applejack for the use of her bathroom. I on the other hand just stared at the ground thinking about what the apple pony said to me. Pinkie opened the door to the bathroom stepping in with me then shutting the door quietly. She sat me down giving me a smile, her baby blue eyes staring into my downcast ones. “I’m sorry.” Pinkie said making me look up at her. “I know that you’ve been super stressed, and all this.” she indicated the whole situation with her hoof. “Is just bad manners that we haven't told you anything about us ponies, how we operate, the body functions that are different than what you are use to. Tartarus you a different gender now for harmony’s sake, I guess it's just hard for us to look at you and see just a filly and not somepony lost in a world they only know through secondhoof means. I… I kinda know what that kinda neglect can do, makes you scared on the inside because nopony told you the rules.” She said turning to turn the rounded bathtub’s faucets on. Hot steamy water began to pour from the tap after a half a minute. “Sweetie told me you cried a couple times today.” She began as she turned back to me and sitting down where I sat. “I’m not good as Rarity with advice or help, Harmony knows I have my own faults I’ve got to deal with. But I just wanted you to know, even if we have to say it a million billion trillion times that we want you here Smiley… I want you here, that day you spent with me was one of the best days I've had in months.” She said smiling again and leaning down to nuzzle me. “I’m… not a perfect pony, nopony here is. I’ve got to go to therapy bi-weekly because there is something broken up here.” she said sad but in a lightly joking way as she pointed at her head. “And now you are the only other pony that knows outside my family, I try real hard to keep it secret because I don't want anypony to think I’m different. But, it's hard you know? Sometimes things get too crazy even for me and I feel like everything around me is closing in and it scares the jelly out of me.” She said laying down on her belly and crossing her hooves, the rumble of water filling the large tub drowning out any other sound. “I… I’m scared…” I said staring at the tile floors, I needed to be honest with myself. I was scared that I was going to mess up, scared that I wasn't real, scared that I was going to take something too far and all these ponies around me would… would leave me all alone. “I-I feel like an idiot, I d-don’t seem to  have any control over m-my s-stupid emotions! I-I don't know how to read! I’m running around b-blindly winging everything I do, b-because what do I know!? Nothing! I know n-nothing, then there are all t-these confusing feelings of g-guilt!! I-I talk a lot of s-shit, l-look at everything w-with a critical e-eye b-but really I just can't walk the walk!! I-I told Luna I would live in the moment and what a s-shit start it's been!” I slammed my hoof down on the tile making a loud cracking sound, that did nothing to the tile but did jar my hoof. “T-This wasn't what I wanted!! I-I love all of you a-and I constantly feel like I-I'm the one w-whos been butting in on everyone’s life!” I spat bitterly, rubbing my face harshly because my fucking tear ducts were leaking again and I couldn't go five minutes without crying. I flinched as I cut myself on the hard edge of my hoof. “Fuck!” I yelled in frustration, feeling the small sting on my cheek and the warm drip of blood rolling down my left cheek. Pinkie’s shape came into view as she came closer and held my face gently, looking at my cut. She got up a moment later and looked under the sink for something to clean it up pulling what looked like a bottle of peroxide out. She rummaged through the under loft of the sink taking out a clean washcloth and popped the bottle open. “Come here.” She said sitting back down and pouring some of the hydrogen peroxide onto the cloth wetting it, I sniffed angrily trying to take deep breaths but did as she commanded. She rubbed my face with the cloth, causing a biting sting in my cheek as the bacteria burned away. Pinkie drew me into a hug after cleaning up my cut. “I know how you feel…” she said softly, she pulled back gently picking me up and heading toward the now almost full tub. She checked the water with her hoof and then lifted me and set me into the hot but not too hot water. Warmth soaked itself into my body making it hard to stay as tense as I was, Pinkie crawled over the rim of the tub and sat herself into the water. “I… always felt like I was just a sideline pony, there in the background but never really seen. I put on a big over the top show for everypony, loud or so random that they notice me or I get them to laugh. No one really tells you what your cutie mark exactly means, it's all about feeling…” Pinkie started looking off to the side, gently waving a hoof through the hot water. “But what do you do when your feelings aren't exactly all there?” She laughed sadly, “I still really don't know what this cutie mark means, I constantly but into ponies lives to remind them I’m here. But then I feel like I’ve trespassed into something I shouldn't, I can't tell if anypony is really bothered about it… or if they enjoy it.” She looked around and found a large cup to fill with water and pour water over my head. “I’m the element of laughter, but sometimes I feel like the element of trying to force myself into others ponies lives.” She said, even though she smiled, she had a single tear roll down her cheek and it wasn't from the bath water. “But I don't know how to do anything else… When Twilight came to Ponyville and stopped Nightmare Moon. I was there, I helped my friends and Twilight realize that we were the elements… and for a moment when the necklace appeared and magic coursed through me.” she said trailing off as she gently ran her hoof down my mane. “I felt like I mattered… like I wasn't a stranger trying to include herself in the lives of the ponies I knew.” Pinkie sniffed, rubbing her face with her arm.   “So I know Smiley, I know all those scary feelings, the guilt of feeling like I’m just taking advantage of others, not being in control of your feelings.” she took another cup of water and poured it down the back of my head. “It's why I want you here, I want you to know you made me feel, like I mattered, that I wasn't just another face in the crowd.” She smiled happily and genuinely, “And because of that I want you to lean on me, because… I care.” There was a long silence as I stared into her face, looking deeply into the baby blue orbs that I cared for so much even if I felt so lost and frustrated with my situation. “I care too…” I said leaning into her hoof that was still running down my mane. “I feel like at any moment I’m going to vanish, wake up and this was all just a dream. I don't know why i’m here or where I even came from, I have all these memories of nothing important other than… than knowing you are real and it makes me so happy I want to burst! But all these stupid emotions and thoughts just mess me up inside…” I said, still leaning into her hoof which she pulled me closer to her. “I… I just want to be happy…” I croaked, the emotion causing a lump in my throat. Pinkie placed her nose on mine in a very comforting way, her larger form surrounding me some. “You will.” she said, lovingly rubbing her nose against mine. “I promise.” > The Part Where Twilight Talks About Everything (Prologue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wanted to hug Pinkie forever, like hold her tight and never let go hug. Pinkie told me she has a mental disorder, Dissociative Disorder, and that was more rough than anything I could imagine. She had to take a lot of pills which she kept in her pocket space with her at all times, the benefits of party magic was that she got near infinite space in the dimension rather than my measly one or two items I could fit in my own. She told me about her childhood and how lonely she was, how she went to therapy and talked about her friends and relationships. My original assumption of her self worth was true but taken to the next level with this revelation. During our long hug I thought about her and how much I wished my body and my situation had been better so I could support her. My own emotions were runaway with Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz Pie of how they could do this to her, no smiling or talking wasn't even the most of it. Pinkie had to do back breaking work when she was young, her mother was kinder than Igneous she showed some affection to the girls but most of the time she wasn't even aloud to hug her mother or father because of Igneous’s amish like lifestyle which apparently was more rigid than what the show led to believe. At first that black red rage had colored my vision, I could of obliterated the wall I was so mad but Pinkie instantly saw my hackles raised to strike something and we hugged for a long time in the bath. The rage drained away just as quickly as it had come telling me not to be mad at her family because she had forgiven them a long time ago and still loved them despite their misgivings. I still ground my teeth though, and hugged her as tightly as I could to let her know I loved her. Soon after we had properly cleaned ourselves and her giving me some advice on how to take care of my nethers we hopped out and she rubbed me down with a fluffy towel. “I don’t care if I’m sick or crazy in the head too.” I said almost through my teeth staring down at the beige tiles through my wet mane. “I care about you so much… I’d rather jump off a bridge than let anypony get to you like that…” I mumbled, which caused her to giggle making me look up at the equally wet Pinkie Pie who had a towel around her neck. How could she be so gorgeous? It defied comprehension. Her wet mane was a little darker when it was wet, still having the curls but they were longer because the water smoothed them out some, her chin dripped a bit of water onto the tile as she smiled at me. Her pretty baby blue gemstones looking at mine with a smile that could bring the sun to shame with its brightness. I was lost in the contours of her cheeks and her neckline, it made my heart beat faster. “Smiley, I told you, I forgave them and so should you. They love me, just in their own unique ways. Maud is trying to get her Rockterate in geology, so she hasn't had time to visit me lately but it's okay she is following her dream. I just wish Limestone gets to follow hers, she is a really gifted chemist she got like four awards for her science projects while we were in school.” Pinkie said lightly booping my nose, which made me scrunch up my face with the funny feeling it had. No wonder I've seen fan art of the boops either end in scrunched faces or laughs because it kinda tickled and made you wanna sneeze. “I wouldn't want you to jump off a bridge either, unless it's for bungee jumping or there is a deep spot in the river that makes a great diving spot!” She chirped happily as she continued to dry my hair thoroughly, I had really curly hair so it became frizzy if it dried with water in it. Rarity, I later learned, apparently had really curly hair too, but she does her hair professionally to give it that beautiful swirl look. I wonder what I would like with something similar? I would look really pretty I would think. “Do we get periods?” I asked suddenly, looking up to her in question. Pinkie tilted her head in question, a half grin on her face. “Periods?” Pinkie asked looking at me quizzically, then blink her expression turning into one of comprehension “Oh! Estrous? Is that what you are talking about?” I nodded gingerly feeling a bit of a blush touch my cheeks. “Every other month, it usually lasts about a week or so. You got a bit of a taste of what it was Smiley, estrous cycles usually start around ten or so but some girls start a little earlier or later than others. For some it can get really rough, feels like your butt and tummy are on fire and everything aches down there.” She started, running the towel down my back and into my coat to soak up the water. “A lot of others like Applejack and Rainbow Dash tend to have very short periods of estrous because of their athleticism, different chemicals and all that which makes it very subtle for them. Then you got the mares who can just grin and bare it even though they feel like dying from the burning sensation. Rarity is really good at ignoring it, sometimes she doesn't act like she isn't in heat at all, I have a hard time with it.” She laughed rubbing the back of her wet head blushing. “What about the colts and stallions what do they do?” I asked now very curious of this. “Well, it's considered really bad if a stallion makes a move on you while in heat. Sometimes mares get funny in the head around stallions and can be very eager to jump into bed with them. Since you aren't in the right kinda mind because it can be like being intoxicated, sometimes it's ruled as sexual misconduct and even um… rape…” she said the word like she had bitten into something rotten before continuing. “In courts and you can get jail time up to like five months to life if it's like really bad like with the uh rape. Celestia is really zero tolerance when it comes to rape, so most stallions either make themselves scarce or refuse advances unless they are married, in a herd, or in a relationship with that mare or mares.” she said taking my towel and moving around me to dry my tail. “If it's like that mare had feelings for the stallion it's taught that you wait until their heat is over to talk about it, even though sometimes that doesn't happen it's not unheard of mares trying to frame or take stallions to court about the whole thing. That's when the Animus Magi come in and view crystalings of memories of both parties, Animus Magi are directly under the control of the crown and they use magic to pull copies of memories out of the heads of ponies. Which makes it really hard to lie in court.” She said starting from the base of my tail to the outer curls. “Wouldn't that be dangerous if ponies could just pull memories from you?” I said shuddering from the pleasant feeling of my tail being dried. “They are under a magical oath that keeps them from doing that, spreading the information of how it works or using it outside court can make them break the oath, which then they lose all their magic.” She said grunting as she dried up my tail to the best of her ability. “All of it?” “Yep, all of it and it can be deadly if ponies don't have access to the natural magic in the air. They are cut off from it completely. Twilight would probably know more, I've never been to court so I wouldn't know.” She finished up which I shook myself still feeling a little damp which I hook the towel back and tried to rub myself down again for that dry feeling. “So now what?” I asked grabbing my green scarf and laying it across the back of my neck. The scent of it being a bit of my own sweat still, I would have to put it through the wash at some point. Pinkie began to dry herself as she spoke. “Not much, Applejack invited us to eat dinner with them! I dunno if you had any of Applejack’s cooking but she makes the tastiest stuff! She is real humble about it but she might even be a better cook than me!” she laughed as she lifted her towel from her head, there was a distinct ‘floosh’ sound as her hair sprung out like a jack-in-the-box. I felt a few urges ripple across the surface of my mind, the small desire to rub my face and chest against her particularly. The suppression cream was suppose to last a good hour or so then needed to be reapplied as needed, the water might of washed some of the cream off of me. Pinkie had said where major scent glands were located, there were two major ones in the cusp of my jawline where it met the neck and extended out onto my cheeks. Two smaller ones on my chest or the front of my barrel where neck and chest met. My nethers counted as one due to it's own pheromone production particularly made to entice males or females. When ponies liked one another they often nuzzled, rubbed noses, and if they were close enough rub chests together to mix and match scents. The chest rubbing was often considered more intimate than the cheek or neck, the chest glands hard a stronger smell and often left a longer impression on the pony of both parties. I felt myself become slightly excited, the unknown urges were better understood now but they still happened. Sweetie had been pressing her chest and belly to mine to leave that long impression smell on me, and I just thought it was just because it felt nice. I wonder what it would feel like if I pressed my belly to Pinkie… probably awkward considering the size difference. She looked over to me, “Cream wearing off?” she asked well, giggled then asked. “I can smell you Smiley, it's harder outdoors to smell certain things but you smell like the cream is wearing off. What do you feel?” She asked smiling at me in a loving way. “Um… Like I wanna rub my chest and face against you.” I said slowly, Pinkie laughed softly. “Its okay Smiley, you can do that to me. I know you like me so I don’t mind.” she said turning a little toward me. The urge became more prominent as I stood up and gingerly moved toward her and pressed my muzzle against her cheek then pressed my own cheek her’s and ran it down to her neck. It felt a little good doing this, it felt kinda right. She chortled as I pressed my nose back up under her jaw, the soft flex of her swallowing occasionally I could feel through her skin. Latent instinct moved me as I did this quite a few more times. She took her semi wet hooves and hugged me as I rubbed and touched noses with her, my breath a little shuddery as that deep part of me felt thrilled. I pushed the front of my chest against her my hooves around her upper shoulders, I could almost feel the soft thump of her heart against my chest. Pinkie returned the gestures making sure to but her nose under my chin making me giggle as it tickled, I suddenly felt really close to Pinkie Pie not like as in physical close but emotionally close. It made me really happy inside, to feel this close to her. She rubbed my nose occasionally giving me soft kisses on my nose and cheeks taking that ecstatic feeling of happiness even more higher. “How do you feel?” She asked softly rubbing her nose across and under my cheek into the crook of my neck. “Close. Happy.” I murmured my eyes half lidded, just enjoying the warmth and safety I felt now. The world was a little less scary to me now that she was this close to me. “See? Ponies feel a lot more safe and better when they do this~” she said through snicker, I just hummed happily basking in the feeling. “If you ever feel unsafe, you can do this.” she murmured into my ear, giving the sensitive ears a soft kiss. “I’ll talk to Rarity about doing this with you too, it’ll make you feel welcome.” The warmth was like a soft high to me, there was a soft knock on the door. “Ya’ll alive in there? Ah don’t mean tah be rude or nothin, but uh I gots tah go.” Applejack said from behind the door she sounded a little strained which both Pinkie and I woke up from our cuddling session. “Yeah hold on! Be out in a second!” Pinkie called quickly finishing up her tail after letting go of me, she hung the towels on the hooks against the door and I followed after her. Applejack was standing there with her hind legs crossed and looking eager to get into the bathroom, Pinkie and I stepped aside letting Applejack rush into the bathroom closing the door behind her as a loud sigh of relief followed shortly afterward from behind the door. Pinkie and I looked at one another and giggled as we turned to head downstairs, I was feeling better than ever like this morning when I had a good existential cry of existing. The farm manor was in fact an actual manor, the downstairs floor had several rooms including the kitchen, main foyer and entry hall, main living room, two drawing rooms, a library, and smaller bathroom that if I remembered correctly had a busted pipe that was being repaired so they had to turn off the water supply in the smaller bathroom. There was a used guest bedroom that Golden Harvest often used when she was invited over and thanked for her hard work. There was a basement level, which I had no clue about but I did remember Granny Smith saying she had an office and family heirloom display room down there. The upstairs mainly consisted of private quarters, Applejack and Big Macintosh had the two master suites a private bathroom in Macintosh’s room which was respectively not used by the others for his privacy. Granny Smith  owned a large but not master bedroom, a shared sunroom that was used as a secondary living room or reading room was atop a small set of steps. There was another room here that I had not managed to see but in the long hallway from the stairs was most likely Granny Smith’s Son’s room, Bright Macintosh and then Pear Butter’s too. I wonder what the stallion was like, I knew a little about him with his relationship with Pear Butter the now bought land of the western fields that grew a majority of other crops for farmers market. But I wondered what he and her were like, if the fan theories of them being dead were true I think my heart would break. Those two were love personified, not even Candy and Shiny could top those two and Cadence was the the Alicorn of love for Pete’s sake! Gods it was season seven that we even got to see what they looked like! Suddenly there was a spark, like lightning as we passed the door of Bright Mac and Pear Butter reaching the steps. I stopped dead in my tracks, I could feel my pupils dilating. Music began to play from the very air, almost dream like in sound but very much real. “We're far apart in every way But you're the best part of my day And sure as I breathe the air I know we are the perfect pair.” I started my eyes lighting up with magical energy, I… I felt connected to Bright Mac and Pear Butter. I didn't realize I was singing their song until a moment later. I had a really pretty singing voice, though it was soft, unsure of itself. I looked to Pinkie who stopped to look back at me, a excited smile on her lips. “On a prickly path that goes on for miles But it's worth it just to see you smile And I cannot be pulled apart From the hold you have on my heart And even if the world tells us it's wrong.” I stood there feeling a whole slew of emotions as the harmony connected me to the two of them whenever they are and the love they had felt. And apart of me sang this to Pinkie too, how much I loved her. “You're in my head like a catchy song." Applejack sang from behind me, making me jump from the sudden appearance of her. There was a profound closeness I suddenly felt between the two of them, like they were parts of me. “The seasons change and leaves may fall But I'll be with you through them all And rain or shine, you'll always be mine On a prickly path that goes on for miles You're the only one who makes it all worthwhile” we harmonized together my voice a little bit louder as Applejack sang with me. “And you should not blame me, too If I can't help fallin' in love with you. Tomorrow's there and were the best of pairs as long as I have you by my side Hope's a bloom for us Cuz you're in my head like a catchy song~” Applejack finished, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she grinned at me and I grinned back feeling something like warmth and love from the instance of singing. “M-Ma an Pa use to sing that song to each other all the time. It were their love song, ain't nopony know that song other than Granny, Mac, and me.” she said rubbing her eye with her hoof as she sniffed. “H-How did you know that song?” she asked looking at me, almost searching. “A bit of my own knowledge and… I felt come from within my heart.” I said touching my chest, there was a small warmth there like I had been hugged and kissed upon. “Ooooo!! Smiley got touched by Harmony!!” Pinkie cheered hopping into the air a grin on her face. I blinked feeling myself smile too, that had felt really good. Pinkie snickered and rubbed my head with a hoof ruffling my still slightly damp hair. Applejack came over and nuzzled me, still rubbing a few tears from her cheeks. “Ah miss them something awful, ah think their magic is still there if its it's makin you sing their song. Reassures me that they are watchin over us.” She said nuzzling my cheek again, which I returned the gesture rubbing my face happily over Applejack's feeling closer to her than I did before. It felt good, this harmony magic felt good. “Are they…?” I asked softly, part of me didn't want that to be so but there wasn't a lot in the fandom that hadn't indicated they were alive. Even Faust had mentioned something that they were but since it was a light hearted show didn't want to outright say they were. “Apple Bloom was two years old… Granny said they went off tah Trottersdale on ah delivery and didn't come back after three weeks, when they went searching for em… all they found was the cart, it were in ah ditch off the path, apple rotted and old signs of ah struggle of sorts.” Applejack lifted her head and looked over at the door. “Ah lot of ponies who went serchin think ah Roc might of gottem… Damn birds.” Applejack cursed making me blink in surprise but I quickly recovered, she's a grown adult and in the company of one that cursed. She whipped her face of tears sniffing loudly and taking a breath. “They got ah nice little spot on the hill tah mark their graves…” she said getting choked up. “Got’damnit now ah gone and made mahself cry.” She said continuing to rub her face with a hoof, Pinkie came over and nuzzled Applejack giving her a over the shoulder hug as AJ took shuddering breaths and seemed to collect herself. “Sorry for gettin all sentamental on yah there everypony. Hearin that song made miss them, ahm fine just need tah catch mah breath.” Applejack said smiling though her pretty green eyes held bittersweet emotions. I nuzzled her too, making sure she was okay. Even though I believed Applejack and her telling me that her parents were in fact gone, something in the back of my head kept whispering something was off. I don't know what was off about the story but something in my bones said ‘Investigate, there is something wrong with this.’ I hugged AJ tightly moments later, first I needed to find the Apple Pear Tree. Then if I could convince the CMC to help I could cover more ground. I looked behind her toward the door to her parents room, and stared at it almost trying to will some kind of explanation from the wooden frame. I received no answer though. “Alright, alright I'm better. We should get downstairs, Granny probably has embarrassed the girls enough.” She said shrugging off the affectionate gestures of Pinkie and I. We all smiled at one another and chatted about nothing as we headed downstairs. “Aaan so, y’all need tah make sure y’all take care of one another, yah might hurt one ‘nother if yah dont yammer things out! Ah know yah girls probably being curious of them colts, well ‘member what ah said earlier. Its ‘kay tah be curious, yah make sure yah don't go an make tha sex till yah trust em and gots the proper perrtection! Ah didn't have mah first time till ah was fifteen! Got me cutie mark not half ah year earlier and got all grown up in tha months after, ah had ah colt ah fancied and it didn't last longer than a few weeks, Ha! He were real good in tha hay too!” Granny Smith loud voice could be heard through the archway leading towards the kitchen, a groan of embarrassed fillies followed shortly afterward. I snickered hiding my mouth with a hoof as I could feel Sweetie secondhand embarrassment from listening to the exuberant elderly mare. Pinkie giggled along with me as AJ rolled her eyes, smiling and shaking her head to the antics of her grandmother. The kitchen was much like the one in the few glimpses of the show, rustic furnishings and green themed knickknacks were everywhere giving it a clean but very much lived in feel. The dimensions were a few meters larger than it's 2D counterpart, and the rustic design was a little bit fancier showing that the Apples did well but didn't splurge on needless things. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and my other half Sweetie Belle were sitting at the square dining table near a window. Glasses of half sipped lemonade sat on coasters dripping with perspiration, all of them were red faced. Apple Bloom’s face was smushed into the table to hide the familial embarrassment of having your grandma talk to you about sex. Scootaloo was looking at the floor her wings looking painfully stiff as they jutted out from her sides, and she was trying desperately not to glance at the others. Sweetie Belle was somewhat more composed than the others, but her face showed that she was now dawning on something she didn't realize before and it was making her whole face, ears, and neck turning a pretty shade of pink. Big Macintosh was standing by the door to the outside a wide and mirthful grin on his face as he watched the fillies squirm in embarrassment. Trying to contain his snickering, so he didn't embarrass them any further than they already were. Someone I didn't know was here too, she was over by Big Mac trying to contain her own laughter. She was beautiful Pegasus mare, her coat a honey gold color with a flaming orange mane that had a streak of snow white right above her right eye and like Twilight’s highlight followed into her tail hair. She had her mane cut short the mane almost having a anime like spikiness in a windswept style that made her look really damn good. She was lithe and like Rainbow Dash was a very active mare because she had almost defined muscles like Applejack’s own physical appearance. Her eyes were a striking electric sea green, making her eyes almost hypnotic as they glowed with their own fire. Her eyes switched from the CMC to us as we came through the archway, her eyes somehow lighting up even more when she saw Applejack. The achingly obvious love in those eyes made Applejack smile a blush lighting her cheeks as her ears and tail instantly perked. “Sunny!!” AJ exclaimed nearly floating over to the mare and brought her into a tight hug with several small kisses and nose rubs as they seemed to drink each other in. “Ah didn't know yah were here! Ah thought RD was runnin everypony ragged in preparation fer summer weather schedules?” She said her voice a octave higher with her happiness. “Pretty ain't she?” Pinkie said grinning next to me and giving me a cheek rub, “That's Applejack’s marefriend Sunrise Beam~ She’s the one that Rainbow introduced to AJ to help with growing conditions! They hit it off like bread and cheese, and been together since. It's so cute to watch them together, Applejack is a bit new to the whole romance thing.” She giggled earning her a glare in her direction from said pony. “Ah just ain't all into tah that mushy fru fru stuff Rarity oozes twenty eight seven! She got her head so far in tha clouds ah would think she’d be on Celestia’s sun by now.” Applejack retorted while still in the hooves of her marefriend, making Sunrise Beam laugh. Yes, you read right. Equestria runs on twenty eight hour time frame, it differs in other places the Griffon Kingdom for instance relies on a five hour time frame that is split into five sections to make up the day, the last three hours are placed according to their calendar days and weeks. One week might have the three hours added to the weekdays mornings which is like daylights saving then another part of the year it is in the night. This allows a three hour rest period before a work day begins and ends. In my bout with Scholastic Class I actually learned quite a bit in Equestrian and world history. Like how Equestrians don’t fully believe that gravity isnt caused by mass rather the amount of harmonic magic within a object? A basic explanation was given to me about this, since Scholastic was a earth pony and didn't dive to deep into the magical reasoning. Harmony magic apparently was like a binder in nature, it bonded things together and affected how objects interact with one another because of attraction. The planet Equis is theorized that a large magical node of Harmony magic is located in the planet’s core which is what effectively caused its formation in the vacuum of space. The Harmony magic pulls things toward it's most concentrated area thus it is to be reasoned the moon and sun are harmonic in nature too just made of different materials. The more you know right? “She gets swept off her hooves all the time by me don't let her fool you! She and Rainbow are real big softies after you get past all the hard muscle.” Sunrise joked, her voice sounding kinda like how Rainbow used her inflections which I could assume was a Cloudsdale accent. Her voice was lighter than Applejack low tenor, and obviously tomboy in nature. The way she leaned toward Applejack was kinda like how I leaned towards Sweetie, and I felt some happiness bloom in my heart for Applejack. It was reassuring to know that AJ was with someone, the horrible way the fandom often called her useless really ground my gears and the obvious lack of love the animators gave AJ was kinda evident. The Element of Honesty was probably one of the greatest, since for any relationship you had to be honest about your feelings and thoughts with others. Otherwise it can hurt others and yourself in the long run. I felt like my own heart was smiling because of this, I peered across Pinkie to the CMC who were now just staring at one another looking both pale yet still blushing as a whole new universe had opened up before them and they didn't know how to take the new information. “Ah ain't no pushover!” Applejack snapped, blushing because of Sunrise’s comment that she was in fact a cute pushover. “To answer your question AJ, Rainbow let me take the rest of the day off since I keep the skies here pretty well maintained I didn't have much work to do left. So I decided to see my favorite special somepony.” Sunrise said kissing a huffing Applejack at being thought of as a pushover. “Then I came in on Granny talking to the girls about sex, I thought I was going to fall over from the laughter.” She smirked, causing Big Mac to agree. “Eeyup. Pa told me all about it the first time, Applejack laughed at me too. Then I got my revenge when Ma talked to AJ about it in front of a good few cousins, I never saw AJ get so red she might as well have been my coat color.” Big Mac’s deep baritone voice said with his own humor which Applejack glared daggers at her brother. Which Sunrise Beam seemed to perk up at the mention of that. “Oh! Big Mac you gotta tell me about that! That's got to be really dang cute, little AJ turning all red. It’ll give me some blackmail material to bully AJ into some more frilly things.” Sunrise chirped exuberantly, Granny cackled like a Hyena as she remembered that event too. “Well ah think, little Applejack here was about twelve, she were just in the halfway point of gettin her longer legs on her--" She started ready to tell the whole story. Applejack's face turned to one of horror as she called out. “Noooo! Yah can’t tell em Granny!! That was the most embarrassin thing that's ever happened tah me! Ah couldn't look at cousin Apple Dumpling and Cinnamon Apple in the eye for several weeks!” She yelled, her face just as red as Big Mac’s coat as she struggled to escape her marefriend's hold. I laughed as she finally placed a hoof over Granny’s mouth to stop her, breathing heavily. The girls were giggling something fierce and I couldnt help but giggle along with them, seeing Applejack all flustered was very endearing. “She had a real big crush on Apple Dumpling, She ended up-" “BIG MAC!! If you finish that sentence ah swear to Celestia’s Sun ah’ll hogtie you and toss you in the manure pit!!” She hissed, her face super red, I was worried she was going to break a blood vessel from the stress. Sunrise Beam gently pulled the red faced Applejack back into a hug and kissed her which all the bluster Applejack worked up seemed to escape her. Sunrise finally turned to me with a tilted head and a smile on her lips. “So you are the infamous Warm Smile huh?” “The one and only!” I squeaked, not meaning too but my voice was squeaky to begin with. “Well, it's nice to meet you Smiley. There were some rumors around town about you, had the princesses and Twilight running around like their butts were on fire. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Princess Celestia that close before, she is huge!” She laughed, slowly letting go of Applejack to stand in front of me. “Dang, you do look like a spitting image of little Sweetie!” She said her head tilted to the side cutely as she looked at me with her sea green eyes and a bemused smile. “I kinda have to look like this, Twilight said something that my soul didn’t like anything that wasn’t exactly like Sweetie. So I ended up in a cloned version of her that has a bunch of others holding me together, I suppose that I’m not going into any sort of organ failure yet so I think she and the Princesses did a bang up job!” I said grinning at her, my tail was perked up an swaying side to side. The others around us chattered away about everything and nothing, my three slowly coming out of their stupor enough to say a few things to Pinkie who was giving Apple Bloom a playful noogie. “Really? That really cool! No joke? I’ve read science fiction about cloning but here I am talking to one, though you aren’t gonna take over the world I hope?” She said crossing her hoof over the other one and giving me a raised eyebrow a playful tone in her voice. “Don’t discount it yet, there might be some world domination plans brewing in my head. I just gotta be taller, then my plans will be set in motion.” I said equally playful, I liked Sunrise Beam, she seemed to be a real chill and cool pony. “I suppose being taller would let you stand over the railing of your massive courtyard where all of your dominion could be seen. Evil overlords do like being tall i’ve heard.” She said casually but you could hear the mirth in the words. “Can’t forget the lightning! Got to have lighting crack behind me everytime I cackle madly and monologue!” Which caused her to snort with laughter. “I like you Smiley, you seem to be a real cool filly.” She said holding her hoof out to me, which I lifted my own and pressed the harder part to her’s. “Smiley is the best!” Sweetie announced appearing out of the woodwork right next to me, making me jump halfway to the ceiling with a yelp. What? Even though I was soulbound to her, I couldn’t tell exactly where she was at all times. After I landed and glared at Sweetie for making me jump which she gave me a innocent grin, though I could feel the mischievous aura she radiated. She gave me a hip bump and a cheek rub as an apology but was still ready to play more pranks. “Is she now?” Sunrise Beam said leaning down to give Sweetie a nuzzle of her own, which the filly giggled. “Smiley has been having a rough time so far, but Pinkie helped her a lot.” Sweetie said leaning her head against mine. “So what was the parasprites and the flowers talk with Granny all about then? Did you girls finally confess to one another? About time, Apple Bloom has been despairing over that for almost a year now.” Sunrise Beam asked enjoying the way Sweetie turned red, and I kinda felt a little red myself, the incident that happened a while ago still kinda fresh in our heads. “S-She did, we all did.” Sweetie stammered scuffing her hoof against the soft green floorboards. Sunrise ruffled her mane with a soft friendly hoof. “Good! You three are super cute together, and even cuter now that you are marefriends with one another. I was half tempted to write a fanfiction of you three confessing just so I had the satisfaction!” Sunrise Beam coughed to the side making Sweetie’s face turn several shades of pink. “Sunny!” Sweetie whined lightly pushing the bigger mare with her hoof. “Fanfiction?” I asked curious of her mention of both sci-fi and  now fanfiction. She looked up from a flustered Sweetie who was lightly trying to push the mare. “I write in my spare time, bit of a sci-fi book buff, read from a bit of everypony. T. Goodwriter, Star Siege, Inkwell Homes, H.G Depths. All the good stuff, Jacky here likes to read frontier romance and murder who done it books when she isn't breaking her back on the farm or going out with me.” She snickered looking lovingly to Applejack who was talking to Apple Bloom while Pinkie talked with Big Mac and Granny, Scootaloo looked like she was daydreaming looking out the window. The sound of them laughing or just talking was nice, it made me feel kinda safer or more comfortable here. “Sorry about you having a rough time though, Smiley. I had a hard time adjusting to the Ponyville way of life when I first came here. Cloudsdale has a way different vibe and work around, me being a city girl at heart I know how it feels to be out of your element.” She said staring at Applejack for another few seconds before turning back to us. “Don't you worry, everypony here is real chill and super nice. Lot different than in Manehatten or Downtown Cloudsdale, everypony has chip on their shoulders there. So if you are having trouble don't be afraid to ask for help okay?” Sunrise said tilting her head in habit. “Thank you, it means a lot.” I said softly looking at the floor, which I got another nuzzle from Sweetie. I looked back up to smile at her and she smiled back. “I heard you were Rainbow’s friend and teammate on the weather team. How did you two meet?” I asked thinking about how Rainbow introduced Sunrise to Applejack. Sunrise smiled perking up some. “Rainbow was best flyer in Flight Camp, hard not to know the filly who performed a Sonic Rainboom. She and I along with Fluttershy were also in Cloudsdale Highschool together, Go Thunder Boltz!” she cheered, earning her a chuckle from Applejack who heard that and rolled her eyes. “Rainbow and I were on the Flycrosse team together, and dang she could play a mean game of Flycrosse. One of the toughest midfielders I've ever had the pleasure of playing with. I was a Attackpony on the team and she definitely pushed all of us to play hard.” Sunrise said looking up remembering that time together, then looking back down at us with a big smile. “We won Pegasus Nationals, but lost the the other two leagues for Unicorn and Earth Pony Lacrosse tournaments. Unicorn Lacrosse is insane because they can amplify tosses with magic and clamping was freaking hard because they moved so dang fast! Then I don't even know how to describe Earth Pony Lacrosse, you think AJ is strong? Earth Pony Mare Nationals teams were known to break bones of weaker players by tackling them, then the clamp fights often tore up ground with the sheer strength they had!” she said excitedly obviously enjoying talking about her favorite sport. “I’ve seen ponies who gorge whole lines in the earth scooping the ball and spraying dirt into the air! Gosh!” She sighed her eyes twinkling with the memory. “Makes me wanna see if Rainbow and the others would be up for a game or two. Do you like sports Smiley?” She asked, excited to know what I was into. “I like Tennis! Rarity and I go to the Tennis Court near the Ponyville sports center to play!” I looked over to Sweetie shock on my face. “Rarity plays sports?” I asked incredulously. “Hee, I get that a lot when I tell somepony.” Sweetie giggled holding a hoof to her mouth. “Rarity likes Tennis, it's like one of the few games she’s really good at! Momma got her into it since she was a three times state championship winner. She also likes to play so she can keep up her lady figure, ‘I can't eat ice cream and read my tabloids without doing something to keep me into shape darling!’” Sweetie said intoning the way Rarity speaks and giving a dramatic mane flip. Sunrise snorted holding her laugh in with her hoof. “Yeah.” Sunrise wheezed finding Sweetie’s impersonation too funny. “Yeah that sounds like Rares.” she snorted again. “Wow, you learn something new every day huh?” I said in slight awe, imagining Rarity in a cute white skirt with her hair tied back and wearing one of those sun visor hats, sweaty from playing a good four games or so. It was perfection. It was a good thing I was a girl now, otherwise I might of had a slight hard on from that thought. I just couldn't get too excited otherwise I would start leaking down my hind legs. I've already had that happen to me twice today, if I wanted to take my own virginity I would do it once I can go more than a thousand some hooves away from Sweetie. Or if for some reason she takes mine or I take hers… “Anyways, I like… Fencing, kinda. I like traditional sword fighting but I dont think anypony uses a claymore and sword and shield anymore. All the guards I know carry spears, which is less versatile than the halberd.” I said thinking, I don't think I had a sport sport that I liked that I wasn't actively involved in. “I like sports but I like being in them in general than watching or anything.” “I get that, I'm a bit of the same. I like getting down and dirty with the rest of them!” She chuckled, “I remember me and Dash had played a really muddy game of Hoofball, it so caked on afterwards we couldn't fly back home! Took us two hours to reach the nearest town and by then it was pouring down rain and we were shivering in our horseshoes! We got super sick afterward too, ended with a bad cold that left us out of commission for a week.” she said reminiscing about all the good fun she had with her buddy. “Apples for brains over here is the same to.” She said loudly enough for Applejack to hear, which her head turned. “She thinks she can handle a bit of bad weather we schedule and work the fields while its pouring and I end up having to pull the stubborn bull out of the rain! Soaked all the way through and sneezing the moment I pull her inside.” Sunrise sighed exasperated, Applejack had the decency to blush and opened her mouth to throw a counter argument but Sunrise beat her too it by gesturing her over here. Applejack obeyed and came the short distance over, Apple Bloom now included as she trailed behind her big sister. “It were only a few times Sunny! Ah had tah finish up the autumn deliveries otherwise we would've been behind!” Applejack said pouting which Sunrise frowned and gave Applejack the stink eye. Apple Bloom came up beside us and rubbed cheeks with me and Sweetie but continued to watch Sunrise and Applejack as Sunrise scolded the mare. “Don’t give me that Jacky, a one hundred and four degree fever was not fun. I was worried I’d have to take you to the hospital… sigh.” She sighed pulling Applejack into another hug and kissed her softly. Turning back to us while Applejack pouted more putting her head against Sunrise’s neck. “Sorry, that happened last year around October so it's still kinda fresh for me. Seeing AJ all out of sorts working herself too hard makes me feel all annoyed and worried.” She said wrapping a wing around AJ. “I think it's romantic.” Sweetie Belle said dreamily, which Apple Bloom giggled. “Yeah! Sunny is always worryin bout Applejack here, ah’d suspect she were somepony else if she didn't.” Apple Bloom added nodding her head in agreement. “Y’all are impossible…” Applejack huffed still pouting. “So what's your favorite sport Applejack?” I asked, I don't actually know what sport she liked other than Buckball or the obstacle courses around derby times. “Ah like Hoofball, Basketball, Buckball, and rope gymnastics. Ah also like weightlifting but that's more of ah self improvement kinda sport than anything competitive. Bulk Biceps, little Feathereight’s big brother is one of the only bodybuilders in town he’s working on being ah gold medal winner in the Equestria Games.” Applejack said easily her favorite sports something easy to list off. Of course Bulk Biceps’s little brother is Featherweight, this universe loved visual gags and puns. So why not make the buffest pony in Ponyville big brother to the frailest looking pony? Aloe Vera and Lotus Blossom were a color gag for being twins and having the same profession. Hell Sweetie and I were somewhat of a visual gag since our scars and irises glowed in the respected right and left eyes showing that we were each other’s half since our souls are bound at a level I didn't even know was possible. Like I could literally die if Sweetie is taken to far away from me! Or our souls get ripped apart, one or the other. Not that I wanted to be separated from Sweetie… like ever, the rush of love I got every time I looked at her or was simply close to her, the waves of comfort that washed over me when our heads touched. Even now Sweetie was leaning into me and I into her simply because it was out of pure reflex to do so. I can't even imagine not being near her, I mean on a intellectual level I can but on that really deep part of me that had felt the urge to rub my face and chest all over Pinkie told me ‘no go, only stay.’ “Smiley is kinda bad at sports, we played tag earlier today and she got winded really easily.” Sweetie commented, making me blush. “I'm not bad at them! You three are just stamina monsters! Scootaloo sprinted rings around us for three whole minutes! Who does that!?” I barked back as Sweetie and Apple Bloom snickered at my expense. “And you! You and your monster strength, I thought you were related to a Ursa Major when we wrestled!” I rounded on Apple Bloom who gave me a small nose rub in response. “Yer just weak Smiley, Featherweight is stronger than you!” Apple Bloom taunted with a laugh, I licked her snout making her flinch back at the sudden wet nose. She looked at me questioningly and I just stuck my tongue out at her and lightly pulled down one of my eyelids going ‘nuuuaaaah’. “Ha!” Sweetie guffawed. “Alls I'm sayin is it's true! Yah wouldn't wouldn't last ah single game of badminton with yer stamina.” she said wiping her nose and scrunching her face up from the wet feeling. “I think I could hold my own!” I pouted, “Oh yeah!? Then let's play a round of goofball since Applejack doesnt have a badminton net or gear!” in which Scootaloo announced to everyone in the room also appearing out of the woodwork making me and Sweetie jump at the same time. “Ah!! How do you all do that!!? You have hooves!! They clack against wood!??” I said holding my chest from the second jump scare today, my heart was pounding in my chest as I took a deep breath. “Secret!” Scootaloo said with a cocky grin, which Sunrise and Applejack laughed along with Apple Bloom. I helped Sweetie get back up on her hooves as she looked a tad paler than usual from the jump scare, she smiled after catching her breath nuzzling my cheek and giving me a nose rub as a thank you. “That sounds fun! Jacky go get your hoofball! We’ll play a quick game yeah? I’m not doing anything tonight so I’m free!” Sunrise said grinning cockily at AJ who got a fire in her eyes as the mare’s competitive side was being asked to come out. “Oh ho! You are on!” Applejack said leaping out of Sunrise's arms and looking like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse. I felt a thrum of excitement go through me as Sweetie seemed ready to run circles around me. I looked over at Pinkie, who had been watching us with a very pretty smile on her face she was standing over by Granny who had a old leathery cookbook out and was eyeballing it with a pair of glasses. She noticed me and her smile widened, giving me a wink. “Granny and I are going to make dinner! Big Mac you should go play with everypony too, just mind the fillies okay?” Pinkie said already pulling things out for dinner, Granny occasionally listing things off to Pinkie. “Eeyup.” Big Mac drawled giving everyone a small smile at the offer. “Alright! The usual spot everypony! Who's on who's team? “ Applejack announced as all of us headed out the door. Before I went though I galloped over to Pinkie Pie getting onto my hind legs to wrap my arms around her neck and rubbed her nose against mine. Which she chuckled and rubbed her nose back. “Thanks.” I whispered, “The day wouldn't of been the as good without you. Just wanted to say that before I forget.” “Of course Smiley, go have fun~” she whispered back, giving me another small nose rub. That primal part of me thrilled with the affection. “Time to thrash these chumps!” I yelled not before giving Pinkie a kiss on the cheek, and galloping toward the door as Sweetie waited for me by the door for me. … Turns out, Apple Bloom was right about me. I couldn't break a papier-mache wall even if I was going head first into it. It says something when you know how to throw a American football but cant get it to go more than half a meter in throwing distance. To say I was bitter at this fact, you would largely be underestimating me as a individual. Whatever Sweetie says, I did not pout or have a distinct whine in my voice when I vented my problems! I was left as a catcher and runner for the rest of the game, only passing when my teammates were near me. Still though I worked up quite a sweat and the time we were done, I had a bruised cheek, a scuffed hind leg that like a concrete burn oozed a tiny bit of blood. I was sore in places I didn't even know existed, my face was super red from the exertion which sweat rolled down from under my mane onto my neck and back. Goodness at the moment I wished my mane wasn't so long, cuz it felt like I was in a oven and all I wanted to do was lop off my mane to cool my head. So much for that bath I had earlier, I was stained with grass stains, dirt and bits of rock tangled with my coat hair making me feel grimy combined with my sweat. But even though I was tired, sore, bruised, bloodied, and hungry, it felt good. That built up sorrow I had, the guilt and the various frustrations that seem to bite me when I least expect was drained from me as I had tried my best to play just as hard as the others. Big Mac had held back with me and the CMC but clearly had no qualms brute tackling AJ or Sunrise. Sunrise had been just as viscous when I came to low blows, which the honey colored mare just laughed off the cut on her forehead saying it was just a scratch and head cuts bleed more than others after nearly rolling AJ and her struggle to get back up and catch up with Scootaloo to take back the ball. Scootaloo was a fucking ninja!! I had stopped in mid play to see her freaking backflip off of Apple Bloom who was trying to take her down, twist through the air then springboard off of Sunrise to score a fucking goal! I might of gushed and yelled praises to the heavens about how epic that play was. Which of course got Scootaloo all flustered and everyone joined me in the praise making the little filly both blush but look very very happy about it. Even though the day started out a wild ride of emotions, Pinkie was right. I would feel happy, even if the world seemed to be out to get me. That happiness glowed as Sweetie took a long gasping breath beside me which we were laying in the grass taking a break. AJ had laughed and trotted back into the house to get water for us all, apparently ponies had bottled water. They were made of a biodegradable cardboard that would decay after opening them. Reusable ones that Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom had were metal canteens that had screw on lids. Apple Bloom of course had a canteen that had blossoms on it, Applejack’s was a dark blue with some kinda sports logo on it, again the annoyance of not being able to read reared its ugly head. Big Mac’s was of similar make like Applejack’s and had the same sports brand logo on it. This must be the Nike or Adidas of this world, considering that gear and sports stuff was a gold mine if you were quick enough. Sweetie was panting beside me, clearly worn out like myself. I tried not to be the slack of the team I was on but Sweetie tried to make up where I lacked in which was a lot unfortunately. I looked over to her and rolled myself a little closer to press my nose into the crook of her neck. The somewhat sour smell of sweat on us both not bothering me much. “S-Sorry…” I took a few gulps of air and offered my bottle of water which had a little left because Sweetie downed her’s in a few swigs. Sweetie’s pretty lichen green and turquoise eyes looked at me in confusion for a second but then she smiled. “Its okay Smiley! You did good though! Can't throw the ball very far but pretty good!” She grinned returning the affectionate gesture with her own. “Did you have fun? I did~” she hummed happily taking the still offered bottle and downing the rest of the chilled water. “Well, I hurt, I'm bleeding, I think my face is swelling from the ball smacking from my face, I'm more green than white now. Yeah, I had a lot of fun.” I said giving her a grin laying my head on my hooves and looking up to her. Sweetie choked on the water as she laughed, the sarcastic but playful tone I used not lost on her. I rubbed her back as she coughed a few more times before laying her head on mine. Even though we both felt like we had been sitting in the oven, the soft waves of comfort and love from the small act of touch pulsed through us. The others talked to one another, giggling or shouting a bit about the recap of the game. Sunrise Beam was kissing Applejack on the lips a few times before taking her water canteen. “Give it back! I ain't done with it!” Applejack demanded. “Slure.” Sunrise replied half way through take a few big gulps filling her cheeks with water till they bulged. Then handed the canteen back, which AJ looked into it seeing how much water was left. “Dangit yah drank all of- AH!” Applejack let out a rather girly yelp as Sunrise sprayed the water in her cheeks onto Applejack, causing her to stumble back on reflex and ended up on her back glaring at Sunrise who was belly laughing holding her chest with a single hoof as her laughter echoed around the orchard. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo laughed with her, as Big Mac snickered behind a hoof. For a moment, I felt this wonderful ache in my heart. This wonderful moment, I felt like I belonged here… I crystalized this moment into my head. The graying light of the evening sun ready to head toward a chilly spring night, a few wayward lightning bugs glowed near the bases of the trees. A soft cool breeze that smelled like turned earth and the promise of a good dinner as the smell from the house smelled divine. Sweetie sitting next to me, resting her head on mine while our heart beats slowed down to normal levels. Apple Bloom was standing close to Scootaloo and occasionally nuzzling her while the adults talked and fooled around. We didn't need to talk, the sense of contentment washed through me and onto Sweetie as she gently kissed my ear or forehead on occasion. “DINNNERRRR!” Pinkie yelled the moment she stepped out of the house’s kitchen door. She had her hair pulled back with a hair tie, and a simple white apron on, which had chickens as a print on the upper left. With the door now open,I could smell the food inside, my mouth flooded and my stomach growled angrily at me, telling me I must go eat after such torturous exercise. Not being one to argue with my stomach, especially with the agreement of Sweetie’s belly which growled just as loudly. “Come on girls! Dinner!” Pinkie called over to Sweetie and I in our resting spot. She didn't have to tell us twice as we wearily but eagerly stood up together, and walked-cantered to everyone else who was cleaning themselves off so they wouldn't get dirt or grass on the floors. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nearly fumbled over one another as they recounted the play by play to Pinkie who seemed just as excited to hear what had happened. Sunrise and Applejack walked in together, one of Sunrise's wings splayed over Applejack's back, tails somehow intertwined now, as they gave Pinkie a quick nuzzle and eagerly made their way inside. Big Mac just smiled and nodded as he headed in too, leaving us lagging behind a bit. “You two look like you had fun!” Pinkie chirped, a warm smile on her face, as she opened the door for us into the warmer kitchen, which was basked in a orange yellow light from the lightbulbs of the ceiling fan. “We did!” I said brightly, feeling more pep in my step now that the promise of food was so near. I felt like collapsing now that I was so sore and the lactic acid was being broken down in my muscles, but stumbled over to Pinkie to rub myself against her. She smelled like flour and frying oil and lots of cooked vegetables, in other words she smelled delicious. “Smiley did her best! She isn't strong or fast, but she made some really good strategies once she figured out the rules!” Sweetie piped up next to me, smushing me between the two ponies I loved the most. I loved all these ponies with all my heart, but Pinkie and Sweetie were special to me in a way that just put them half a centimeter above the rest. Warmth blossomed in my heart as I was hugged and nuzzled by both, making our way in. “Spike?” Sweetie asked as she saw the small dragon sitting over on the living room couch through the kitchen archway. “Yo!” Spike called, a small pack of stuff next to him on the couch. “Twilight sent me over cuz Rarity and her are going to have a date. Lucky her.” He said with minor jealous laced through his words.. “So I'm staying over for the night, I brought some of my comics and board game stuff if I'm gonna be spending the night.” he said casually though hopefully.  I grinned at this, I wanted to get closer to Spike too since the little dragon was often left on the sidelines a lot. I, like everypony else, washed my front hooves so we could eat once the table was set. “Did you bring your Ogres & Oubliettes book? Because I'm down for some O&O, my world actually had something similar called Dungeons & Dragons! Which is one of my favorite games actually~” I said as Granny called everyone to the table. Spike’s eyes widened in surprise as he too came into the kitchen, Applejack pulled chairs out from a nearby storage closet to set around the dinner table for us. AJ and Sunrise of course were sitting together, Big Mac sat next to Granny, Apple Bloom was on Applejack’s side, meanwhile Scootaloo sat next to Pinkie, I sat next to her with Sweetie next to me and Spike at the end. The table was jam packed with ponies plus a dragon, and the food laid out was just as jam packed on the table. “Woah, I didn't know girls played O&O. Everypony kinda thinks its dorky of me to play, like when I go to Diceroller’s hobby shop everytime me and Twilight go into Canterlot.” He said blushing slightly, which caused me to snort as I waved it off. “That's because it's a naturally saturated genre oriented to male audiences. Thus it doesn't often appeal to female demographics because its market base is already a loyal one. I mean how often are you excited for a new edition?” I asked Spike as the food was being plated and set in front of everyone. It was veggie burgers, with zucchini squash mix and sliced potato wedges. Oh gods, did that look so good, Pinkie and Granny looked like they have outdone themselves! “I'm super excited for the new fourth edition!! They are adding a whole bunch of new content and modules! I’ve told everypony I know, but none of them seem all that excited about like I am.” Spike said trailing off as a cut veggie burger was set in front of him. “That's because its advertising is already geared toward players of the game, the last edition I knew about was fifth edition and it was a massive marketing campaign to open it up to all audiences to get them playing. They simplified a lot of the rules and reworked combat mechanics so it was easier and geared  to new players. Like you could find the rule books not just in hobby shops but also in bookstores and some select supermarkets. It takes dragons and clones like us to spread the word of O&O to new players till the market starts expanding.” I said turning very quickly to my food the moment it was set down in front of me, saying thank you to Pinkie for making me a plate, which I already took a bite of a potato wedge. Did I moan? I think I moaned, slamming my mouth shut to keep from making any other noise and keeping my bottom to the seat. Looked around me seeing if anyone had noticed the squeaky moan that came from me. Why me? Why did food have to taste so good that it was literally turning me on? Thank all the makers that no one heard me almost cream myself from eating a damn potato wedge. This extremely sensitive taste was both a gift and a curse, one food tasted like pure bliss and the way ponies cooked, which was very gourmet spiced, and prepared for the simple stuff of veggies, which by themselves were awesome. But combined with all these salts and spices that made the good even better? Well it was good enough to send enough chemical bliss from the act of eating into my brain and make me involuntarily moan like I had just had been penetrated by my lover. Okay, Warm Smile you can do this just dont cum in front of everypony. The Gods know I wouldn't be able to live with that kind of embarrassment on my shoulders. “That… kinda makes sense. You sounded a lot like Twilight right there Warm Smile, but you make a good point because I was introduced to it by somepony else. That's scary smart tactics right there.” Spike said before digging into his own plate of potatoes wedges and veggie burger. “Mmh!” I held back another wave of delicious pleasure, fried food heaven before I took a shaky breath and replied. “I-It is, a lot of the advertising comes from the fanbase because we know what our friends like and friends usually have similar interests to yours. Because once you introduce it they’ll be wanting their own books and modules to GM with or play with you or other groups. Maybe you and I, plus Sweetie can go to a O&O convention at some point?” I said grinning, which caused Sweetie to look up from her plate, a speckle of cheese and other condiments on her nose as her cheeks were like chipmunks and chewing. I put a hoof up looking at her with a ‘really?’ face because I new she was going to talk and crumbs were gonna fly everywhere. I took a napkin and whipped her nose and mouth with it. She chewed more then swallowed her bit of burger. “What's this about a convention?” She asked curiously, having been in her own world when she was eating. Same, good old Sweetie. “They have O&O conventions!?” Spike asked looking awed and incredulous at the same time. “Course they do!” Sunrise said from across the table, patting her mouth with a napkin. “Ogre Con is  held yearly in Baltimare convention center, they have large venues in the the Daring Do Con in Manehatten too. I've been once or twice, it's real cool meeting the creators of O&O. They are really chill and great company. I dragged Applejack with me last year to Ogre Con, she won’t admit it but she had a blast.” Sunrise said lightly bumping Applejack with her shoulder. “You play?” Spike asked, turning his head to Sunrise, eye glimmering with hope that he’d finally have more than Big Mac to play O&O with. “I do, one of the guys in my friend group at highschool played for an activity club. I got to play a few times but Flycrosse took up most of my time. Now though I have a lot of time on my hooves, I actually sat down to play and got hooked. I'm quite the dork myself after you get under all the excellent muscle conditioning and sports hype.” She snorted rolling her eyes as she remembered something. “Dash tries to hide it too but she is such a dork herself, don’t tell anypony this, especially Rainbow, but she collected comic books when she was a filly. Her favorite character in a few series is called Mystery Time, she was super into him most of her binders had his emblem on them.” Sunrise giggled looking at Applejack who looked like she was plotting something evil. “Mystery Time!! The Time Antihero!? He was epic! A mercenary whose past was so bad he went back to fix it but ended up fragmenting his timeline. Now he has to deal with a really crazy timeline filled with action and bad guys!” Spike said nearly hopping out of his chair to stand. “The very one! She had a super hard fan crush on him she was just good at hiding her obsession with him. Since you can't exactly fly up to the cloudidium she lives in you probably haven't seen her room. Several posters on the wall of just Mystery Time, and like four boxes of comics in her closet. She’s definitely gotten better at handling her obsession with him.” She mused lightheartedly. “I gotta show her my comic book collection, I'm into the Power Ponies more but Mystery Time is really awesome.” He said poking his food with a claw. “I wish I could read.” I said plainly, taking another bite of my veggie burger which was too good to exist. Pinkie gave me a soft rub on my back with her hoof. “So what's O&O?” Sweetie asked eating less messily because I kept pressing the napkin into her lips before she was allowed to speak. “Only one of the best roleplaying games ever created, it's got lots of magic, adventure, and intrigue if the GM is good enough.” Big Macintosh said from his side of the table, then blushed lightly when everyone turned to stare at him with slight shock. “What?” he asked looking at everyone else who just blinked at him. “Ah… well ah just didn't know you played an ahm yer sister. Ah think everypony is surprised you play too cuz yah never said anything.” Applejack said tilting her head at the new mystery of her brother. “But can’t you just do that normally when you go outside?” Scootaloo asked still wanting more on this subject and why O&O was popular. “There are a number of reasons, ponies have jobs and work, so a lot of them can't go out and explore ancient ruins or deadly trap filled mines. Besides it's much safer and you can make unique worlds that are different or how magic works of your own devices. I can't see Big Mac or say like Mr. Cake out there as a level ten barbarian warrior slaying the undead for fun and loot.” I said to which Big Mac smiled and nodded, Spike too. “Oh… that does make sense. I guess it's kinda unfair that adult ponies have a ton of responsibilities and stuff and can't go out and play like us.” Scootaloo amended. “Magic and being different species too. I could choose a Warlock Griffon as a character, and a lot of ponies can't cast spells like unicorns can. So they get a chance too.” I continued, taking a few more bites. “It sounds like a fun game! Perfect for like sleepovers or small parties!” Pinkie said beside me half of her food already gone. “Yeah! Ah wanna play Spike, ah always wondered what raiding ah castle would be like.” Apple Bloom chirped, which Spike looked excited now that he got more ponies interested. “I'm down for a small game, they already have some premade characters in the book to choose from and tweaking things should be easy if anypony wants something a little different.” Sunrise said too, giving Spike a smirk, seeing the little dragon was really excited now. Dinner went by quickly, more talk over O&O. I talked to Pinkie about how I was interested in cooking myself and wanted to learn from her.  She looked thrilled that I was interested, but I did warn her not to let Sweetie cook. Ever. Liquid burnt toast probably would kill someone if consumed. Spike and I talked more about my version of the game, which by the end of it I think he might be a little enamored by me. It's not every day that a pony filly his physical age was as into comics and D&D  just as much as he was. I certainly felt kinda of flattered if he was enamored, my sexual identity by this point was so eschewed I might as well be bisexual at this point so I really didn't mind if Spike crushed on me. After dinner, green smoke popped in the kitchen and produced two letters. Pinkie read them, informing Sweetie and I that Rarity isnt going to be home tonight so we should stay over at Apple Bloom’s and the other one was to Scootaloo which said Fluttershy would be by to drop off her vitamins for healthy pegasus growth but also told her that she could stay the night if she wanted too. Scootaloo opted to stay the night. Our Ogres & Oubliettes session was fun, Spike was an okay GM, but he did pretty good for a baby dragon. Sunrise helped Sweetie and company make a quick character sheet which at first they didn't know how to play once Spike started. So like a normal newb group we had to pause the action or rp session to explain rules and when to roll the dice. It was slow going but overall I think the three really enjoyed themselves much to Spike’s glee. Sunrise and Big Mac were obviously veteran players, same with me but my own hoofwriting in Equestrian was so abhorrent and unreadable that Pinkie who was playing a bard/rogue had to help me write some of the character stats. Then once I growled at my paper, I  decided to write in english something I could read. My hoofwriting was still terrible but at least I could make out what I was trying to write. I played a warlock griffon like I wanted, and so we raided a hidden dungeon underneath Barrowskeep. Sweetie ended up burning down the tavern by accident and Pinkie somehow seduced several undead to do the cha-cha. Freaking Bards and Rouges I swear. When it was time to stop for the evening and settle down, Sunrise had to head home since it was late and had work in the morning. I managed to peek out the door to catch Sunrise kissing Applejack and saying soft sweet things like how much they love each other and when they could go on a date again. It made me all giddy knowing that Sunrise Beam loved Applejack so much, you could just see it in her eyes when she looked at AJ. Just that raw love for someone else and how being apart hurt even though they would see each other tomorrow. Applejack stuttered sometimes and blushed a few times when they talked especially when I'm sure that Sunrise promised lewd things in her ear. Because the orange pony just turned bright red and nodded dumbly her tail flicking in excitement. Pinkie reeled me in moments later smiling in amusement but shaking her head at my actions of eavesdropping. As the evening wound down Fluttershy dropped by, which caused Scootaloo to nearly bulldoze the butter mare while asking how her day was and how her own day was. All the while giving Fluttershy nuzzles and kisses her wings buzzing happily. Fluttershy was actually kinda lanky when you actually look at her, she was clearly slim but in the way that she was tall. When she stood at full height she was like several centimeters taller than Applejack, she just had her head bent down and her long pink hair covering her face all the time, so she looked smaller than she actually was. “Oh… Hello, Warm Smile.” She said shyly to me, giving me a small smile, her pretty blue eyes looking me up and down. “We never properly met the other times… sorry. I was very much worried about Scootaloo when I couldn't find her, then I was distracted when you first arrived here.” she said abashed at her actions looking genuinely sorry for not introducing herself sooner. “Its okay Fluttershy, I don't blame you, I've had a rough few days too so don't worry about it. Thank you though.” I said smiling at her, “It's good to finally meet you, I heard that you like tea! I love tea too, I'm a bit bland with my favorite but I do love Earl Grey and jasmine tea.” I said conversationally. “Yes! I like tea, I really like daffodil tea it's got such a sweet but piney flavour too it that I just love.” Fluttershy lit up after I said this, a fellow tea connoisseur appreciated one another's tastes. We got to chat a little bit more but Fluttershy had to get back to feed her animals for the evening. Scootaloo gave her affectionate goodbyes and Fluttershy trotted off into the cool late twilight hour. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie and I moved up to Apple Bloom’s room for the night, Spike was going to sleep in the downstairs guest room. Pinkie was going to stay the night too so she was roomed with Applejack, even though I really wanted her here with us in Apple Bloom's room. “Ahm glad you are feelin better Warm Smile, today was kinda weird for everypony… Sweetie said you been crying most of the day.” Apple Bloom said while we all sat on her four poster. I looked over to her while Apple Bloom started to say something again. “Ah guess if ah were in yer horseshoes, ah would probably be cryin too. Yah look an act just like ah normal pony if ah little weird at times so it's hard tah think of you as ain't all pony. Puttin all this expectation on yah, no memory, cant even read. Ah’d be cryin all day if twer me, ah think we should take a bit tah talk about how yah feel Smiley, Like Granny said communication is good between friends and herdmates.” Apple Bloom said taking her bow out of her hair and setting it onto the bedside table, her hair was a little longer now. “Pinkie helped me a lot… I dunno why, I know everypony cares here. But I get this nasty feeling… l-like I'm going to do something that makes everypony think I'm a freak… or bad. Then I get this horrible guilt.” I said laying my head on a given pillow, Sweetie was practically laying on me by this point. “I care about you all way to much… I guess it's cuz I don't remember who… who I was before this.” I said softly. “What do you mean Smiley?” Sweetie asked lightly kissing on of my ears, sending warmth and a shiver of pleasure down my spine. “Everypony here is all I have… I don't know anypony else and I'm terrified that… you all won’t want me anymore.” I said choking on my words a little as I felt the small sting of tears at the edges of my eyes. I felt Sweetie press her face against the side of my head, lying down in a way to make sure that the both of us were as close as possible. “Really? You can't remember anypony from your world?” Scootaloo asked, I couldn't see her expression because I had my face turned downward. “No… no matter how hard I try to remember, I-I can't. Everything about me, the human I was… isn't there. I… I don't remember if I had green eyes or blue or brown, o-or what my face looked like, or if I had a mom that cared about me or a dad that helped me grow up… Did I have friends? Was I old or young? Was I in a relationship with somebody?” I said pushing myself deeper into the pillow. “Was I even real?” There was a long silence, no one said anything and I couldn't make myself look up. “I think you’re real.” Scootaloo said softly. “I… I know that feeling.” She continued her voice trembling. “W-When I was a ward of the town… and even now. I'm scared that somepony is just going to leave me again. That they dont want me anymore, a-and I won't know why they don't want me. I-I remember being at Frosty’s and the blurry faces of my r-real parents.” Scootaloo sniffed which I felt Apple Bloom move toward Scootaloo. “One minute things were so happy, my mom told me she loved me not but a half a minute before.. but when I looked a-a-away for a second they weren't there anymore. A-An-And I looked all over the shop calling for them, but… they were gone.” Scootaloo said her voice calming down as she took a few deep breaths. “I thought ‘What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough?’ and it ate me up to the point I blamed myself for them not wanting me. I… I had a hard time believing others weren't going to disappear on me like them. A few ponies wanted to adopt me before Mo-Fluttershy did, but I didn't want anything to do with them. And I was kinda right the ones who said they wanted me started to visit less and less till they didn't show up at all. I met Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle around the town center where I was staying one day and you guys were talking about finding your cutie marks.” She chuckled softly as the creak in the bed followed afterward. “Apple Bloom and Sweetie have been my friends ever since then. I wanna keep you guys close to me, because I-I love you… you know? It gave me hope that things were going to be okay. Then after that night Fluttershy stood in front of that Cockatrice to save us… it really hit home that all of you do care.” I finally looked up and saw Scootaloo smiling, though her eyes were a bit puffy from crying, Apple Bloom was hugging her and resting her head on Scootaloo’s. “It became even  clearer when I told Fluttershy I was a ward. The look of shock and love in her face when she said that she has been wanting a foal and that she wanted me. Fluttershy was so scary too, she nearly ripped a door off of the town hall main entrance angrier than a dragon that she hadn't been informed that I was a ward.” She said looking off to the side, her eyes a little distant. “Fluttershy has always been so kind to me and the way she looked at me sometimes I could almost see the pure love behind her eyes. And then suddenly here I am, Fluttershy worries so much about me. I've watched her run herself ragged trying to make sure I felt at home there, I've found her sleeping at the table with notes to herself to c-check on me for a bunch of different stuff.” she choked a little as a smile touched her face and a few tears rolled down the side of her cheek. “It felt good… you know. To finally not have to worry that you aren't going to have to be better, or prove your worth to somepony for them to want you. Fluttershy wants me, she always has.”  Scootaloo stood up and walked over to me to lay down and look at me right in the eye, but I had a hard time keeping eye contact. “If you weren't real you wouldn't feel this, I think it would be weird you didn't feel all that bad stuff. Cuz then how could you tell when something means a lot to you?” She said pressing her nose against mine then her forehead. “Sweetie thinks you mean a lot to her, and not just cuz magic holding you together. And what means a lot to Sweetie or Apple Bloom means a lot to me.” Scootaloo gently rubbed her nose against mine as I silently nodded feeling bad that I had brought up some really tough stuff for Scootaloo. “Its true, Ah don't know much about why or how yah got here what with the crazy soul magic and yah being a different species or nothin, but Sweetie an Scootaloo are mah friends and what's important to them is important tah me.” Apple Bloom said coming over too the three of us and laying down too. “You mean a lot to me Smiley, sure I don't know who you were or why your here. But everytime I see you I feel all sorts of feelings like ‘I want Smiley to be happy and loved’ and I know you want to do the same for me and I trust you because of that!” Sweetie squeaked, kissing my forehead and pressing her face towards mine to love on me. “You are my other half and I don't want to be here without you! I can't even remember what it felt like without you here but everytime I think about it I get this icky feeling. It doesn't feel natural or right anymore, like if you weren't here I wouldn't feel like me! You know what Rarity says about things when they become super stressful?” She asked pressing her cheek and forehead against my own, I shook my head, I didn't know. “‘One stitch at a time Sweetie, a dress starts with one stitch, there might be many and complicated patterns but after all that work and you step back, it will look marvelous! No matter what other ponies think, you put a bit of yourself into this dress and even if it looks terrible to you somepony will see the dedication of that first stitch and the will to see it to the end.’” Sweetie said imitating Rarity’s voice which earned her a smile from me and the others. Sweetie pushed my head up till I was sitting with them all again. “Me and you are together forever, and I don't want it any other way.” She said softly as she continued to love on me like how I loved on Pinkie, making sure to hit the right spots that made that deep part of me purr happily that they were safe to be with and they are mine  and I am theirs. Scootaloo followed Sweetie’s example and began to love on me making my heart flutter happily as a soft high seemed to touch my head after a few moments, Apple Bloom smiling happily as she filled the last spot that was my entire front half. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rubbed noses and cheeks with me, making sure to put a lot of feeling of warmth and want behind it. I lost focus and just did what my own body told me to do, it was a primal ritual of mixing and matching scents to feel safe and content with one another. They were mine and I theirs, they wanted me to feel happy and I wanted them to feel happy. Sweetie was more exuberant than the others because I could feel her desire through our bond that she loved me a lot and wanted me to be happy. I don't know how long we did this but it felt over all to soon, now I felt like I  didn't just know Scootaloo and Apple Bloom but was very close with them. Like I can trust them with anything. “Feel better?” Pinkie’s voice said from the doorway which all of us respectively flinched and jumped at the new voice. Which we all blushed at the unexpected intrusion that seemed all to common by now. “Its good you four are doing that, it’ll make you trust each other more. Especially for Smiley, unlike us she hasn't been around all this most her life so her instincts don't know how to act. I cuddled with Maud all the time doing that, it always made me feel better and closer.” She giggled as we kinda awkwardly separated from one another. She had a few more pillows and blankets for us on her back. “I was going to ask if you girls wouldn't mind me sleeping in here with you all, since I wanted to check up on you Smiley. Applejack has a hard time sleeping with other ponies moving in her bed, at least not with me heheh.” She snickered in a teasing way. “Y-Yeah yah can sleep in here with us Pinkie, ah have ah futon on the floor down here for  Sweetie and Smiley when it was time tah head tah bed.” Apple Bloom gestured to the floor beside her bed. Pinkie smiled at all of us and nodded thankfully to Apple Bloom as she bounced into the room. “So! Now that you all have had a cuddle pile! It's time to have a real slumber party!” She pulled several more white fluffy pillows from her dimensional pocket and like a cannon threw one at Sweetie who made a distinct ‘oof’ sound that reminded me of something but I couldn't remember what. “Hey!” She said recovering from the assault and launched her own at Pinkie who swiftly dodged the attack. This caused a chain reaction among the five of us as a war of pillows broke out, I was one of the first casualties in this war. Still tired from the outside activities I ended up buried underneath a fallen pillow fortress behind enemy lines. Not that I minded, the sounds of the others having fun was soothing and I ended up dozing under the soft pillows. After a while or at least thats what it felt like, I was entirely out of it and fighting sleep. The warmth of the pillows and sounds of ponies I love making me feel content, but I wanted to play more too. Sweetie appeared first her head and horn appearing in front of mine from under the pillows, she was saying something but the world was that weird aware but very distant as sleep was trying to take you. I gave her a lopsided smile blinking slowly as I watched her through half lidded eyes, she was so pretty, I love her so much. She was smiling at me and I leaned forward and kissed her, it was a quick and simple kiss but the half aware emotions of want and love for her bleeding through to her. I pulled back whispering how much I loved her, I rambled on about how much I loved Pinkie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. I don't really remember much of what I was saying but I think I talked about how they were my only friends and how much I’ve always wanted to be with all of them living here. Sweetie’s was face was pink… or was that Pinkie Pie? I.. I couldn't tell. I just wanted to let everyone know how much I loved them so I said it loudly again to them as I was moved to a soft bed. “I love you all… I love you all soooooo much, I love you from day one ever since I could remember anything. Scootaloo is so pretty and I love the way she smells, Apple Bloom is soooooo pretty too! She makes me feel all fluttery when I'm near her. Sweetie is my other half you know, she is everything to me always and I don't know what I would do without her! And… and Pinkie! Pinkie means so much to me, did… did you know… I wanna marry her? She is everything... I wanted…” I trailed off as warmth surrounded me again on both sides and my breath slowed with a deep sigh. “I… I… lovvb...yuu.” I mumbled as my heavy eyelids closed and soft darkness covered me. … I dreamed again, I was sitting in a very light grey mist and I couldn't see more than a couple meters in front of me, though it was in a twilight hour of either very early morning or early dusk. The dark wet earth after an autumn rain was underneath the semi-dry log I sat on. Autumn leaves occasionally fell in my field of view, I didn't feel scared or alone I felt like I was waiting for something. The sound of a carriage rattled somewhere nearby, causing me to turn my head towards the sound. My left eye was stinging like I hadn't blinked in a while, there was a soft voice in the grey mist. “Buttercup!! Buttercup!!!!” the voice was male in sound, calling out, pleading almost, in the far distance but was no where near me. Bright Macintosh. The rattle of the carriage became louder as through the grey mist, it didn't sound like it was being drawn by anything. Just the creak of wood and turning of wheels on soft earth, Bright Macintosh’s pleading voice seemed to get further and further away. A yellow light flickered in the distance, the carriage slowly coming into view. It was made of a dark wood and cast iron metal, a large hood hung over the front to keep rain out and the driver dry. A large oil lantern hung on a hook illuminating the road in front, but also the side which was a sleek long carriage compartment that was both for travel and for living in. A shadowed figure sat in the driver's seat, it was human in size and something out of the late industrial period of england. He, as the figure was broad in a masculine sense as well as clothes of choice, was wearing a tall traveler’s top hat that was worn with age and wear. A thick black woolen frock coat, his shoulders stained darker with the mist and rain. A dark emerald green canvas waistcoat peeked from between his arms holding the reins to something that was pulling the carriage, his dirty white undershirt meshed well with the Romani plaid silk ascot of dark green and blue complimenting his waistcoat, while very very dark almost unseen navy blue trousers covered his legs with common leather boots to complete his ensemble. I couldn't see the figure’s face as they pulled the reins, whatever was pulling the carriage jostled and came to a slow stop near where I sat. “Ma’am, seems like a cold night to be out by yourself especially in this mist.” The figure said, his voice deep and the accent was true English Londoner. “I’m waiting for someone sir.” I replied my voice much older than what I was use too, my left eye ached now from the small stinging sensation. “You can’t find them, not here ma’am. Climb aboard, I'll show you.” He said moving over, the carriage creaking as he moved. I could hear what sounded like hooves pawing at the ground in anticipation as I stood up, the weird vertigo sensation occurred because I was fractured. I was humanoid in shape, but I was also small and pony like at the same time. I climbed into the carriage, sitting down looking at the ever shifting shape of my hand/hoof before looking forward. The road was more clear now, a long dirt path covered in fallen leaves and hanging black branches the grey mists swirled around the trees. “BUTTERCUP!! PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU!?” Bright Mac’s voice was extremely far off, but I could hear him. “I know that voice.” I said softly, as the man beside me flicked the reins and we lurched forward. “Aye… they’ve been here a long time.” the man said softly as the forest around the carriage slowly began to move forward at a decent pace. “No matter how far I follow that voice, even if it sounds like they are right next to me. The mists always obscure their shapes, and they disappear.” “They?” I asked watching the distant horizon of the mist. “Two of them.” he replied, his face still obscured by shadows. “The one we follow is always pleading, trying to find the one called ‘Buttercup’. Then during the darkest of nights you can hear the voice of a female, she weeps and asks constantly where she is… and how much she wants to go home.” the man continued his gruff voice not changing to pity or sympathy, neither did he say it with contempt or annoyance. I looked further beyond, trying to glimpse something in the mist. Shadows and grey outlines flickered between the tall trees, they made no sense in what they were. Silence followed as the carriage rolled down the wet pathway. Whispers slowly played at the edge of my hearing, the soft sound fuzzy and unclear. “Here we are.” the man said as the path branched off at a right angle, leading off to a darker place even in the mists. “This path leads to where you’ll find them.” the man said as he pulled the carriage to a stop. I stepped off the carriage without turning back, the carriage began to move again, fading  into the darkness and mist. I walked, never straying from the path in front of me even though I saw the shadows creep across the edge of my vision. There was a creak of wood and a snapping of a branch to my left making me stop. I turned my head to see Pear Butter, her face was extremely gaunt, dark reddish black veins seemed to make her eyes so hollow. She was thinner than bones yet somehow living, her mane was discolored much of it so dirty that the original orange color was now a very dark brown. It hung over her face and back wetly, she shivered horribly, her face and coat covered in black muck. Her cheeks had dark tear stains under those gaunt and hollow eyes. She looked like she might collapse, but was leaning against a tree. I turned more as she looked at the ground with unseeing eyes of my presence. “Pear Butter?” I asked very softly, feeling my left eye start to feel like it was on fire. Her eyes unfocused, her head snapped to attention like she had been hit with a whip. Green eyes looked at mine, terrified and scared out of her mind swirled behind those green irises. “No… no… no...nonononoo.” she whispered, her voice so heartbreakingly weak, her ears folding back as she took a few steps back. “Y-you aren't real… you you… you aren't real!!” She rasped, her voice a tiny bit louder as if trying to banish me. “Buttercup…” I whispered taking a few steps back myself giving her space so she wouldn't bolt. I remained on the road and dare not step off of it. “I… I… I wanna go home… m-mommy…” Pear Butter whispered her voice sounding so heartbroken and tired, then she coughed sounding incredibly sick. She leaned herself against the tree again, her eyes going unfocused. “A-Apple…. Bloom??” She asked as her eyes turned back up to mine, she stumbled forward her face going wide in terror that Apple Bloom was here. She fell into her belly, taking a very… very long time to pull herself back up, every action made her entire body quiver with the strain of movement. “No.. No… Apple B-Bloom… n-not you too… please… d-dont let her b-be here.” She sobbed, her tears were dry but I don't think she could of mustered the water to even shed one more. “Pear Butter I'm here… You are going to be okay.” I said softly, though I had no idea if that was true. I was here for them, I know this… but who was I waiting for? I took a few steps towards the sobbing mare, who was trying to pick herself up but didn’t the strength to do so. I bent down next to her, my hand ever shifting between hand and hoof, now wreathed in a warm light. I gently placed my hoof/hand on her shoulder, it was cold, sickly skin underneath a damp coat. I could feel her shoulder bones and spine under my fingers. “I'm so sorry.” she cried, her voice close to being lost. “I’m so sorry… I miss you so much.” she coughed again, sounding like her lungs were congested with fluid. I felt helpless, I was helpless. “I… I just wanted to… be happy… with… you, w-watch you grow u-up.” she said slowly standing her body seeming to scream in protest. She lifted her hoof to my face and look at me, her eyes cloudy with memory and delusion from the lack of food and water. “Y-you look s-so beautiful, B-Bright M-Mac is going to be so p-protective of you.” she said smiling closing her eyes and her cracked lips trembled. My left eye was on fire now, the burning feeling almost becoming so fierce I could feel the heat and flame burning my face. “I will find you.” I said hugging her tightly, pouring all the feelings of love that… Applejack had shared with me in her song. This was for her. For everyone. “I promise.” Then the world burned away. … I woke with a jolt, eyes snapping open as I blearily tried to understand where and when I was. The first thing I saw was pink, I was incredibly warm and comfortable in my spot as I took several deep breaths to calm myself. I inhaled the sweet scent of Pinkie Pie, which caused me to feel a warmth blossom in my chest. I was on the futon that had been laid out for us. Sweetie was clinging to my back, her belly pressed against me as her muzzle rested against the back of my upper neck, basically hiding in my mane. Pinkie was in front of me, curled around me in a protective ball, one of her hooves laid over me and partially Sweetie Belle. Her mouth slightly open, breathing slow deep breaths and eyes occasionally moving behind her eyelids as she dreamed. I felt myself ease up, tension draining from my body. I… I had a really weird dream. But everything is all scattered and fragmented now. I blinked slowly my eyes wondering over to the window, it was still dark out but the sun’s rays of light were breaking through the shades of darkness. A soft thump sounded as the heating turned on throughout the house, so the vent over near the vanity blew warm air into the slightly chilly room. It was very early in the morning. I could hear the soft snore of Apple Bloom and the dream mumbling of Scootaloo. I rubbed my eye because it itched and stung a little, taking a deep breath then letting it out I gently sat up after moving the two ponies I loved hooves off of me. The familiar pressure of needing to go to the bathroom had become apparent now in the  early morning air. Yawning and scratching my eye again, I stood up carefully placing my hooves around their bodies so I could get off the futon. Thanking the gods once again for hooves as I shivered a bit, the floorboards were cold. Heading out of the room quietly I headed to the bathroom to perform my business. The soft tick of the clock in the hallway the only sound, somehow it was almost strange not to hear a lawn mower off in the far distance. I knew that construction and garden equipment in this world was up to modern standards, due to the lack of opposable thumbs it would make sense ponies would invent tools that compensated for them. Lyra was right, hands were awesome and in a way I kinda miss them. Even though I don't remember ever having them, another depressing thing to add to the mounting list of irrational emotional instability I was displaying. On intellectual thinking, my behavior was inconsistent with my thoughts. Instead my emotions were leading me more than the logic I prided myself on. My feelings were rampant and I had no control over them, which distressed me greatly. No, I did not blame my femininity for this or the puberty. That was a foolish assumption made by the ignorant of what those two subjects entailed. Something about my own mind was divided, but connected. Thinking about things, it was two people talking at the same time, one is the intellectual, the one that consumes information and processes it into a format that I can understand. The association of numerous interweaving facts, concepts, and ideas always stirring in the pot of my mind. However there was a second voice that did not think the same way as the intellectual one, it was colored in opinions, feelings, and preconceptions. Both of them mainly worked in tandem with one another, like whether I like Johann Sebastian Bach or Frédéric François Chopin more in their classical works. Logically speaking both were men of their time and famed geniuses of their field. However, I tended to lean toward good old Chopin more, due to the feelings I get when I listen to Prelude Op. 28 No. 15, dubbed ‘Raindrop’. Except for this instance, I was acutely aware of the unreasonable nature of my own emotions. Yesterday was a prime example of these feelings, that hard logical voice telling me that this was silly. That I was crying over small things that no one has even displayed signs of. The compassion of these ponies were very deep and the mantra of love and tolerance ingrained into their very beings. Rarity didn't have to like me, she had every right and freedom to dislike me greatly. Though for a reason I cannot explain, it would hurt me very deeply knowing that she disliked me. I certainly didn't ask to be merged with Sweetie Belle’s soul, but at the same time I can't think of anything else of what or who I would be without her. It confuses me to no end, even now as I shook my head sitting on the lew relieving myself of my morning pressure. I think I don’t really know myself, there is nothing to grasp at and my own mortality of being someone that had no memories past a rather large database of human information and concepts. Was… I dont really know what it was but I think I have a personality. Sure I'm a little blunt at times, but all my talks with the CMC or the others showed I was competent enough to hold my own. I had opinions and thoughts that were a little out there sometimes like my take on what counts as a good piece of corn on the cob, which I had talked about at school yesterday in the lunch line. I knew I liked dungeons and dragons, movies, books, fantasy in particular, I really liked math though that was because I found it to be easiest to think about. Numbers were extremely straightforward, the rules were often just as straightforward to come up with a sum of something. It was the simplicity of something tangible, that no matter what you do 2+2 is always going to equal 4. It was incredibly reassuring because of that, comforting in the constant way that its always going to remain the same. I wish I hadn't promised Luna I would live in the moment because I clearly couldn't do that. I flushed the toilet, finishing up my business and washing my hooves in the sink again. I gazed at my own reflection, well kinda my own, I still looked like an almost carbon copy of Sweetie Belle. My left eye swirled with molten blue but seemed to be settling into a eerie turquoise color. My cheek was discolored from a bruise I still had from yesterday, green spots still on it,  but I managed to get most of them off last night before our talk on the bed. I smiled at myself, seeing the white teeth and dimples around my cheeks. Who really was the girl looking back in the mirror…? I searched her eyes for a good solid minute letting the water run over my hooves. I felt a soft throb in my chest, as my heart hurt. If I knew my past… would I want to go back? Could I go back? Sweetie and I were tied and if I left, who knows what would happen to us. I… I… I really wanted to have a mom. I wanted to be taken cared of, to feel a warmth of my mom hugging me. It was a profound feeling of loss that touched my heart,  a loss of something I never had or couldn’t remember ever having. It was strange that having nothing to you, even your name was something a stranger that you somehow knew was given in passing. Warm Smile. I tried to smile to prove to myself what that name meant to me. Who I was behind the name. My smile was terrible this time as the uncontrollable frown kept pulling it down. No, I wasn't going to have another existential crisis in the bathroom. Seems like me and the guy who occupied Sweetie Belle in a faraway work of fiction, had some serious issues when it came to being in places of biological relief and hygiene. I rubbed my face, keeping the stinging feeling in my eyes from becoming to much for me. My heart did that weird cold and dropping sensation as I swallowed. “Smiley?” Sweetie Belle’s voice said as the door cracked open her right turquoise eye peering in shyly. “Y-Yeah I'm in here. I'll be out in a second.” I said turning off the faucet and running my wet hoof across my forehead and around my horn. The door opened a little bit further as Sweetie came in and stood there in the artificial light of the bathroom. “Were…” Sweetie started as I got off the stool to the sink and rubbed my eye again sniffing loudly. Sweetie came over to me and nuzzled my face, looking at me with her big pretty eyes. “I… I hate it that you feel so sad Smiley. I… I wish I could take those feelings away.” Sweetie said softly. “Y-You know what makes me really sad? I sometimes sit in my room and feel… lonely. Its… its kinda silly since I have a lot of ponies that love me, but sometimes I don't really get why everypony loves me.” Sweetie continued as she and I walked out of the bathroom, her leading the way as she talked. “I know family is supposed to love you because you are closer to blood than anypony else. But… but Scootaloo’s parents left her and I kept thinking after she told us that. What makes Rarity, Momma, or Daddy love me?” she asked to herself looking to the ceiling for answers. We ended up in the small upstairs living room sitting together in a armchair smushed against one another in our special way. The sun was still way below the horizon. “No matter how hard I thought, I couldn't come up with a good reason. I think I’m kind of a brat sometimes, I pick on Rarity and fight with Opalescent.  I don’t listen to Apple Bloom or Scootaloo sometimes and we end up fighting over dumb stuff, I… kinda have a temper on me and I've chewed some ponies out because of how angry I was, and a bunch of other stuff.” She whispered into me as I lay my forehead against hers. “I don’t think you are as bad as you say.” I mumbled in protest. “But that's what I'm saying… I don't get it sometimes. You always feel so sad Smiley, and afraid and it tears me up inside everytime you cry and when I listen in on your emotions and feelings. You feel like you don't like yourself, like you've done this unspeakable evil or something and are punishing yourself for it.” she said opening her eyes and kissing my nose gingerly. “I want you to know… even if I didn't have this bond with you, that you still would of been one of my friends.” Sweetie said pushing her nose against mine, the velvet like soft fur of her warm nose and subtle smell of her very comforting. “I don't really know myself, sometimes I think it is silly that I feel all beat up over nothing. Then I start thinking about myself and how… hollow I am. I wish I had just been born here not feeling like I'm just a bunch of information balled up into pony format, its… its painful you know.” I said gently closing my eyes, feeling tired more than sad. I was tired of feeling this way. “I don't even know why I like anything. Like Pinkie Pie, I love Pinkie with all my heart.” I started and I could feel her smile against me. “You told us quite loudly about how much you love her last night, you were really out of it, you.. um.. even kissed me and kept saying how much you love me and  the others. Pinkie put you to bed then.” she giggled quietly a small blush coloring her cheeks. I felt my own cheeks blaze as I flinched not fully aware that I had said it, I couldn't remember much around that time. “Y-You don't mind that I kissed you on the lips do you?” I asked apologetically. “I don’t wanna make things weird between us if you think of me like a sister…” “I… Well, I kinda wanted to kiss you too… it is a little strange that you look a lot like me but I can tell how pretty you are.” She whispered, she and I looked at one another not pulling back, our foreheads still touching. “C-Can I kiss you now?” I asked barely above a whisper. My heart sped up, waking me up really quickly, as I looked away from her eyes feeling my face flush. “Y-You can…” she said with a small tremble as nervous excitement touched her heart. I hesitated pulling back a little bit to stare at her lips for a couple seconds making me lick mine because of how dry my mouth became. Sweetie suddenly became impatient and she leaned into me, pressing her lips against mine. Heat, comfort, and softness was my whole world suddenly. It felt good pressing my lips against hers, and then it was over as she pulled back looking more red in the face now, but shy happiness lit up her face. “I love you Smiley… I don't want you to feel so sad all the time okay? I-I want you to share everything about yourself with me.” she calmly demanded of me, which I just nodded too. I didn't want to hide things from her, so I told her everything. My hopes, my dreams, fears, misgivings, my guilt, my want to feel like I belonged and how I worry about my future. What I am, who I am, and what makes me...well me. I told her about the anger and frustration I got when I cried because it felt like I didn't have control, and the irrational feelings that spawned within me, which spiraled out control and I ended up shutting down or crying my eyes out. She just listened to me, occasionally nuzzling and kissing me when my voice cracked with frustration or emotion. I even told her that I wanted her, how I wanted to be in a herd with her and the others, my sexual desires. Still she listened, even though her face turned super red, because of  my talk about how much I wanted to kiss her, and not just on the mouth, but everywhere else too. That was a hard subject to broach let me tell you, about an hour or two had passed as Sweetie told me everything too. Her insecurities about her cutie mark appearing, or the unknown of being herdmates with her friends. She told me about what she wanted to do when she got older, her relationships with her parents and sister. She told me about her own hopes and dreams, her misgivings, and frustrations of her emotions or things that just felt irritating. She told me about her past too. She broke her front leg and cracked her horn one day during crusading. They were trying to build a house and a log came crashing down, which ended up hitting her on the head, then snapping her front leg afterward when she tried to roll away. She told me that Apple Bloom was screaming a lot during that and she hadn't realized her leg was broken. Bone stuck out and bled everywhere. She had to have surgery on her leg and she showed me the thin scar on her right front leg where they put metal rods in her leg to fix it. Which caused her to laugh because they went on a field trip to Manehattan to see the Classical Art Museum for a school project and she ended up setting off the magical alarm detectors. Which caused Scootaloo to panic because she didn’t do well under societal stress such as security and tried to excuse her with a lie. She inadvertently called her  a robot in the process. Apple Bloom had laughed her head off because Scootaloo called her a robot, and teased her for quite a bit afterward about being ‘Sweetiebot’ after the whole thing was sorted once Mr. Fine Line, the school’s art teacher, who was chaperoning, cleared the misunderstanding and that she didn't have anything metal on her but in her. I chuckled at that thinking of the fandom again and how they could misinterpret how having metal screws and bars in her leg might make her a robot, or at least a cyborg. “I've… um… never masturbated before…. I’ve heard about it and… um I wanted to try it but I kept getting really paranoid about Rarity finding out or mom and dad.” she said blushing hard and hiding her face in my mane. “Y-You wouldn't get mad at me right?” I asked her, to which she just nodded against my head. “S-So I was frustrated and scared when I was in your body and um… I sorta tried to relieve it… by mastrubating…” I said my ears folding down sharply, I pulled my head back so I could see her kinda, I was too scared to look her in the eye so I focused on her mouth. “oh…” Sweetie Belle said in that way of hearing something both strange but not knowing how you feel about it. There was a long stretch of silence between us as I looked at the rug on the floor trying to let the girl sort out her feelings about that. “I’m… I’m not mad Smiley… was Rarity mad?” she squeaked trying to pick up the conversation again. “Only… uh.. about the smell.” I whispered, blushing hard I could feel the heat travel down my neck and into my ears. We both shared the trait of a full body blush when things got to hot under the bridle. “D-Did it feel good? Scootaloo said it felt really good when she tried it, I… I uh... didn’t have the courage to try it myself.” She asked as she leaned very far into me to keep herself close to me. “Y-yeah!” I squeaked out, “It.. it felt really good. It felt like there was tingling grease lightning going through my… our… your body.” I struggled with the right words because I was using her body when I did it, but we were also sharing one too. There was another long pause as I glanced over to her, she seemed to be struggling to find the right words on her own as she opened and closed her mouth a few times. “D-Do you mind… if um..” she stammered her face becoming cherry colored. “ifwetriedittogether.” she whispered all at once, then swallowed thickly. My mind suddenly blanked and all I could do was flick my tail and my ear, as I felt a small amount of exhilaration run up my spine. “I j-just… um I… uh.” Sweetie tried to save herself from the awkward blush inducing request, which caused me to blink a few times. “I.. um… thought it would… feel better… if you… were close to… me.” She stammered again, her voice very squeaky. I grabbed her hoof suddenly the weak telekinetic grip holding onto her’s and squeezing slightly. “Buh? What?” she blundered as I dragged her off the chair and down the steps somehow hop walking with her hoof in mine. She asked me a few more questions but I wasn't paying attention. Not this time universe, I am going to enjoy myself damnit. Sweetie was mine from the beginning, I’m her other half and I wanted this. It had been stewing in the back of my head since I first got here. I wanted to share my feelings and desire to make her feel loved and wanted. And this time I'm not going to be interrupted by anyone!! She stopped her questions when I made it out the back door and off into the apple tree field. Silently following me her telekinetic grip on my hoof a lot stronger than mine which held it firmly. I walked a good way looking every which way for other ponies or bigfoot or whatever that could interrupt my time with my other half. None seemed to be present, Wiona was barking at something in the far distance and the soft thud of hoofs on wood now way behind us. “Where are we going?” She asked curious of what I was doing. “Away from everypony else so they don't interrupt us.” I said glancing over to her, which she had a surprised look and while her blush had faded since walking there was another one starting again. “Interrupt?” she squeaked, I nodded. Once we were a good distance from the house I rounded on her. Nuzzling her and rubbing my nose against her's softly. “Every time I’ve wanted to relieve myself like this, I always get interrupted or found out moments after I'm done… n-not today, I’ve been having all sorts of problems with wanting to kiss you silly.” I said as she sat down, the air was a little chilly as was the grass since it had a little bit of morning dew on it. But the sun was beginning to crest over the horizon into full morning. “K-Kiss me? That much? I-I mean I wanted to kiss you a lot too, b-but.” she stammered as I pushed her gently up into the nearby tree so her back was to the tree while I nuzzled and kissed at her neck and cheeks. She let out a content sigh as I hugged her closer to me gently nibbling at her jawline where her neck met head. “N-Now nopony will interrupt us.” I whispered already flushed with the thought of having Sweetie all to myself. I kissed up her neck and across her cheeks to her lips, which sent small sparks of electricity between us when our horns touched a few times making us shiver with the good feeling. She kissed me back too when I pressed my lips to hers shy but a little hungry too for the closeness we sought at a level that could only be described as soul deep. Like positive and negative magnets trying to be close as possible to one another. “I… we…” Sweetie mumbled between the deep kisses that weren't too intense yet, like tongue in mouth sort of kiss but still heart pounding to us. I could feel her thoughts and emotions trickle through me like I was experiencing them myself. Anxiety, excitement, love, want. All mixed together between us. “Y-You… you don’t think… anypony would be mad at-" she sighed happily leaning into the nibbles of her neck, “-us? F-for wanting to k-kiss each other?” she said through soft sighs of pleasure, getting swept up with my own emotions of making sure she felt good. “I-If they are… b-buck em.” I softly growled, though coming from my squeaky voice it was more of a weird purr. “W-what? O-oh…! y-yeah, buck em…!” she giggled through her sighs at my use of language. I made her breath catch and groan softly when I bite a particularly sensitive area on her neck, which caused the very subtle smell of arousal to waft between us. With that leading me by the nose, I kissed Sweetie on the mouth again and this time didnt stop. Pressing her further into the tree as her hooves quivered wrapping themselves around my neck. I wasn't wearing my scarf, I had forgotten about it earlier. The warmth in my chest spread down wind of my body making me want to grind my hips together because of the tingling sensation. Surprising even me it was Sweetie who first tried to lick my teeth, her eyes fluttering and face very red now. Shyly exploring her options and what felt good, I returned her gesture letting her feel my encouragement of her actions. Her soft, warm, wet tongue touched mine sending sharp sparks down my spine and even from my horn as the Tesla coil like interaction between our horns zapped between each other the moment they got near. I let her explore my mouth, her tongue dragging itself across my own which didn't have any particular flavor to it but the warm wet feeling. Then across the roof of my mouth and over my teeth making her giggle and softly moan when it tickled. Hearing that tiny moan, switched something inside me a primal desire to hear more. The only thought was ‘give more pleasure, hear more’. I broke apart the kiss my tongue still hanging out, our faces red and our chests panting. There was small spikes of sadness that came from Sweetie when I decided to end the kiss… or were they my own? It was hard to tell now. “w-why did you stop?” she half whined half asked, I gave her a devious smile. I leaned down to kiss her chest making sure to rub my face against it so her smell mixed with mine. I kissed a heart shape around her chest making her giggle again because she recognized the pattern. Then I went lower, Sweetie sensing my intention to go lower tried to slide herself forward enough so I could kiss her belly. I kissed and gently lapped at her belly making her laugh when I brushed a ticklish part but her body was warming up and she was excited in both ways. She didnt understand but could feel my intentions of what I was aiming for, so the anxiety of not knowing but the excitement of the unknown mixed between us. My lips even got lower and her soft giggles were becoming more like panting. These ponies had breasts where you would expect a pony would have their mammary attachments. Sweetie’s were not big, they were no more than small rounded squishy areas with whitish pink nipples on them which followed our color scheme. Her nipples were not quite stiff, but they were sort of puffy and longer than a average human's. She wiggled when my hot breath washed over one of them, her hoof going to her mouth to bite something. I had been the same way, a minor oral fixation of needing something to bite or keep in our mouths while sexual acts were being performed upon us. I marked her left nipple with my tongue, sliding it up and across the soft surface. Her leg quivered and twitched beside my head, her eyes watching me with awe and shy expression, her ears tucked away. She liked this, I knew, it wasn't even asked I could just feel it. She moaned again through her hoof, gently taking the sensitive nub between my teeth and pulling. Then kissed and licked it making sure it wasn't painful to her, she squirmed again softly moaning as I redoubled my efforts upon the two rosebuds. Her lower half was producing a very heady scent of something salty, sweet and somewhat marshmallowly. I could feel on my chest that she had become wet from the attack of her rosebuds, I left nothing untouched by my tongue between her legs then agonizingly slowly I went lower. She cooed and moaned just for me, and it was a possessive territorial feeling that swam through my body. She was mine, all mine, she can be with her friends and others but she will always be mine. She had to bite back a loud low moan when my tongue touched the puffy and heated line of her neathers. Already I tasted something, sweet, salty and delicious it wasn't like a candy or even marshmallows. It was a biological substance that came from her so believing that she would taste like marshmallows would be unreasonable, it was her juices. The taste did make me feel more wet, I could feel my own dribble down my legs and onto my tail. “S-Smiley…” she said her voice cracking and out of breath I could feel her confusion of me licking such an area but also a hungry desire for more. I answered her by going a bit lower till I reached the end of the puffy lips where her anus and vagina met. I took my tongue trying to flatten it out so it had more surface area and pressed it against the wet and hot line and dragged it up pressing it deep in between her folds so that it spread them as I pushed up. Her hips bucked as a soft keening whine of pleasure and shallow breaths escaped her lips, I made sure to dig my tongue deep into her so that the heart shaped clitoris was covered entirely in my saliva. Sweetie's hoof placed itself atop my head which she tried to press my head further into her musk. My muzzle was a little wet now, but I did as she commanded and pressed it further into her folds. I surrounded the heart shaped clit with my tongue and lips and sucked first gently making her moan even louder then harder which caused her to scream and groan at the same time behind hoof her hips trying to interact with my stimuli by humping my face. Hearing her like that was divine enough to make me weep, it gave me to end of joy to make her feel good. It was almost like physical stimulation myself, which my own hind legs quivered with the anticipation of stimulation. Though my belly was almost to the ground I pushed my hoof down my own needy body to the untouched sex I had been neglecting for Sweetie. I pressed my hoof against my own clitoris, which small sparking fires spread across my legs and up my belly. “Sweeeertiiieee, Warrrrm Smiiillleee.” Applejack’s distant voice called. “Ya’ll out here?” she called again, which I felt a fiery anger suddenly pulse through me. Sweetie suddenly felt terrified of being found out of what we were doing as she scrambled up back into a sitting position. Her breathing coming in fast from both her arousal and adrenaline caused by Applejack's voice. I licked up the precious little liquid of Sweetie’s arousal around my muzzle, trying to savor the taste and smell because in a bit I was ready to break a tree in half. With what little time I had I attacked Sweetie’s lips and ravaged her mouth with my own tongue which she groaned her hoof trying to continue the feeling of pleasure in her lower half by brushing against her clitoris. Then I broke it up, whispering “I love you… I love you.” a few times into her ear and kissing her cheeks and lips more chastely this time. She whined feeling disappointment and frustration of the play coming short end and not getting the chance to cum. She bit my sensitive ear and whispered her love back, which made me growl again because I would do anything to make her say that while in ecstasy right now. Applejack’s voice was closer as she called us in for breakfast. I helped her back up, her hind legs having a hard time remembering that they had strength to stand and not just be a way to wrap my head around her lower half. I snorted as I ground my teeth in seething rage. My horn sparking angrily as magic welled up but didn't have any direction to make things explode. My left eye itched again, as the burning feeling came back. Sweetie gently nuzzled me, not needing words with how close our bond was feeling right now. ‘I love you Smiley, sorry that this happened.’ she seemed to say with regret and irritation herself. “Do… Do I smell funny?” I asked rubbing my muzzle. I could only smell Sweetie’s musky scent at the moment. “N-No… wait.. um yeah.. kinda… y-you smell kinda like my… um… down there.” she indicated, her tail twitching. Shit. “Is there any water nearby you know of?” I asked, causing her to think  for a moment and shake her head. Double shit. “You don't know any spells do you?” I asked dryly, but let her know my anger wasn't directed at her but the universe. Again Sweetie shook her head, “I’m still learning the b-basic three! I d-dont know any…. Sorry.” She said, disappointment at her own lack of knowledge. I nuzzled her again, putting all my feelings of love into it. “Warm Smile? Sweetie?” Applejack’s voice was only a good ten to twenty meters away from us now, so there wasn't much point in hiding now. “We’re right here AJ, hold on.” I called out, but I couldn't keep the edge out of my voice. I know this wasn't Applejack’s fault, but it didn't mean that I wasn't super happy about her showing up and ruining our time together. She appeared around one of the trees with her hat on the back of her head like usual, light concern in her eyes. “Ya’ll okay? Pinkie got worried when she couldn't find ya’ll in the house.” she said looking at the two of us wondering what we were doing out here. “Oh we’re fine, just peachy in fact! It wasn't like the universe wants to fuck with me twenty eight seven, denying me everything I want and the special time I spend with my other half.” I spat, as angry sparks continued to crackle against my horn. I was seeing red a little and everything about me was ready to throttle something. “Oookay there sugarcube…” Applejack said, frowning at my use of the word fuck, but also now really concerned with how I was feeling. Sweetie just shyly waved at Applejack, blushing brightly and smiling at her. “Did… Did ah come at ah bad time?” she asked, I gave her an extra sweet smile even though I was boiling. “Nope! We’ll be there, lead the way.” I said with false cheer. Applejack’ s tail flicked along with one of her ears as she looked at me, then slowly turned around to head back to the house. The moment she was was about several meters away I kicked the tree tried to rip up the ground with my hooves and silently screamed. Stomping on a weed that was growing in the clearing, eighteen to twenty five times yelling ‘fuck’ everytime I slammed my hooves on it. I flung myself at the ground moments later and just lay there in the dirt and grass. About a minute passed and I felt the soft muzzle of Sweetie Belle touch the side of my head. “I… I just wanted to make you feel good… I wanted to feel good… but no matter what I do…” I croaked feeling the frustration become tears as I pushed my face deeper into the grass. “You did make me feel good…” Sweetie murmured, she gently nibbled my ear sending little shivers through me. “I… I don't know what you did… or how you got that idea but I felt really… really good. I'm kinda mad too because I didn't want it to end.” she said biting my ear again then kissing it. “I felt so close to you, like you were me and I was you and we were like each other but not. Does that make any sense? Cuz even though I said it I don't know if it made sense to me.” She questioned which I snorted at with a laugh, gods in heavens I loved her. “Now my butt's all tingly.” she complained, continuing to try to cheer me up, she leaned into me again as I lay there. “Thank you~” She whispered, I could feel her eager to try that again sometime soon.  I tilted my head to look up at her, she brought her lips down upon mine giving me a kiss that put all her love behind it and the eagerness to be that close again. “I… I hope this hasn't been to fast for you… we.. kinda just now know each other, even if there wasn't much of me to begin with.” I said softly between her kisses. “I think its kinda exciting, its like going to a new place for the first time. A lot of fun things could happen, or some sad things, but it makes it really memorable. ‘Sides it feels like I've known you my whole life! Doesn't it for you too?” She asked as she helped me up with many more kisses, not shy at all anymore as I took  them in greedily. “I just wanted you to know… in case I did something that felt weird.” I said kissing her back with my own greedy kisses, it was super addictive to feel her so very close to me. The age old biological urge derived from a unknown factor to seek out both smell and chemical compatibility for better sexual results, or as some Hindu religious scripture said it was ‘inhaling the soul of one another’. For our case it was almost literal. A rubber band stretches but it always wishes to return to its resting state releasing kinetic tension. “It didn't feel weird, you act weird sometimes but it never feels weird being close to you.” She giggled,  as I started walking toward the direction of the house. “What's today?” I asked as Sweetie leaned against me as we walked. “Saturday, no school today. We gotta work on our project for the show so we dont miss out.” Sweetie chirped, her tail swishing and then she flicked it across my own, which  seemed to be enough to cause it to wrap itself around it. “You guys are going to ignore my advice aren't you?” I gave her a small deadpan look, which caused her to chuckl, giving me her favorite mischievous grin. “Probably, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo do wanna try out other things, who knows! It might even be great!” “Even with the glaring holes in your logic, I can't really argue that you couldn’t make dresses. But if you are we are getting Rarity to help us.” Sweetie gave me a pouty frown. “She doesn't need to make them, but some advice or some tips would be good for you yeah?” I added, which she pouted some more before sighing. “Yeah, okay, you’re right. Having sis tell me how to work a sewing machine might do me some good.” She said defeated, I grinned at her giving her a small nuzzle. “I don’t know much about fashion but maybe we should check around and see what's in. We don’t wanna end up making something that would be embarrassing.” I giggled trying to perk her back up. The house was in view now, I could see Apple Bloom with her sister placing buckets of water in the trough, while the pigs oinked and snorted loudly. Big Mac was lightly dabbing his head with a handkerchief as he set down a large barrel of apples that were picked today. Pinkie Pie was pacing in circles at the door looking out around where we were. She finally saw us and zipped over to us and put us in a bone crushing hug. “There you are! I woke up and couldn't find you two anywhere! I thought that the updog had gotten you!!” she said with relief as she set us down smiling at us both and nuzzling us. She paused for a second when she pressed her nose to my cheek blinking once before continuing. “That was the point…” I grumbled, tail flicking in great annoyance. “What's updog?” Sweetie asked, which Pinkie  giggled at before laughing entirely. “Nothing, what's up with you?” she said through snickers. Sweetie tilted her head not getting the joke, I was still pouting but a smile did creep up my lips. “But seriously, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Fillies don't just vanish without saying something first.” She calmed down a bit giving us a look. “I wanted to get away from everypony and spend some time with Sweetie! We haven't had any time to ourselves and it was getting on my nerves that everytime I wanna do something we get interrupted!” I said stomping one of my hooves on the ground, I blew air out my nose which sounded distinctly horse like. “Oh…. Ooooooohhh… Why didn't you just ask?” She wondered which if this were an anime I would of face planted. “Because… um…” I started which my face began to heart up as I tried to think of a reason without outright saying I was trying to have sex with my original. “We shouldn't have too…” I said weakly, my face flushing. Pinkie just nodded dropping the subject because of the uncomfortable look I was giving her. “Me and Smiley were talking about ourselves just between us, she wanted to know more about me without anypony interrupting to add their two bits.” Sweetie explained leaning more against me. “I got secrets I don't want just anypony to hear.” she said as an afterthought. “Well okay, just maybe next time tell somepony when you disappear because nopony knew where you were.” Pinkie said nuzzling us again. “Food’s ready by the way! Apple slice pancakes! Rarity is probably over at Twilight’s still, I think Twilight wanted to start your ‘Up to speed, Everything you need to know about being a pony 101’ sometime today. I also wanted to talk to you about maybe coming to the Ponyville general with me for…. You know.” She said giving me a small smile indicating that she wanted me to come with her to her therapist. I nodded to her giving her a small kiss on the cheek. “Thank you~” she chirped giving me a small kiss back. “Are you okay Pinkie?” Sweetie asked concern lacing her words as she looked the pink mare up and down. “I’m okay Sweetie, just some stuff I talked about Smiley about last night. I told her some of my secrets so I won't ask if you don't.” she said giving Sweetie a smile, it wasnt mean I dont think Pinkie had it in her to be ‘mean’ but it did make the girl nod but still look concerned. “Oh!! I forgot to tell you last night, Twilight got in contact with Vinyl and Octavia! They wanted to meet you! Vinyl was so stoked to get to meet you, everypony who donated is! The other day they met up with Rose Bud and Golden Harvest, they were also super excited to meet you too Smiley! Ooooo maybe I should throw a party!” she gasped her hair poofing out greatly which small sprinkles of confetti escaped her hair too. “A ‘Welcome to Ponyville Warm Smile, we are all your moms party!!’ WE DIDN'T THROW YOU A WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!!” She shouted looking like she had been smacked at the audacity of not throwing me a party. “I gotta write invitations! I gotta bake a cake!! Aah!!” she panicked disappearing into the house with a ‘whoosh’ of air, before appearing once again in front of me. She grabbed my cheeks and stared hard at me before shouting. “RAINBOW CAKE WITH STRAWBERRY KIWI ICING!! GOT IT!” then kissed me on the nose and disappeared again leaving me spinning around and ending up on my back. Sweetie laughed her butt off as I pulled myself back onto my hooves. I brushed off the dust and shook my head at Pinkie, very happy that she was being her usual self. “Did Pinkie just scream about strawberries?” Apple Bloom called from near the pig pen, which she was walking with Applejack who was rolling her eyes and smiling. “She probably forgot somethin, didn't she?” Applejack asked as so they came closer to the house. I laughed and nodded, which Sweetie copied my movements. “She forgot to set up Warm Smile a welcome to Ponyville party.” Sweetie Belle inferred as the delightful smell of breakfast wafted through the house door. Now that I was fully awake hunger gnawed at my belly which had me licking my lips, and making me blush because I could still taste Sweetie Belle on them. Now there was two versions of hunger, one for food and the other to ‘eat’ Sweetie again. My life can't get any weirder can it? Did I just invoke Murphy? Oh no. Murphy's law seemed to be out on a desperado crime spree in this universe, who knew when it’ll come riding in on a black stallion with a big iron on its hip looking for trouble! I needed keep my head down low and call the sheriff when the time came. Breakfast was as good and slightly orgasmic as every other meal I've had so far. It still embarrasses me that I nearly get off when something is yummy… Considering Sweetie Belle’s cooking habits anyone’s food would taste heavenly, but this was taking to a whole new level. I had to put the fork down from my third pancake and concentrate on not leaving a wet stain on Granny’s fine oak chairs. I really hope that when I have my welcoming party that I don’t cum just because I ate a slice of cake. Not that I didn't want to explore the option of cumming because dear gods I wanted to. The infuriating feelings and helpless slavery to my emotions had made me want relief from it bad and how do you counter emotional pain? By sexual relief, quick and easy. Might regret it later but temporary is better than none. I just might have to take Rarity up on her offer of my use of the bathroom to use as a safe haven. Or the comfort of our bedroom. Imagining Sweetie under me, being kissed and love bit in all the right spots to make her feel special and sublime. To hear her voice trembling and close to the edge, quietly begging for that pleasure, the sudden rush of climax. I coughed hard choking on my fifth pancake feeling myself wink once out of reflex. I glanced around to make sure no one had seen or heard me, they were enjoying their breakfast Apple Bloom chatting about something to Sweetie and Scootaloo while Granny read a book while she ate. Applejack was glancing out the window every five seconds looking eager for something. It was probably her trying to spot her marefriend in the sky because she had work this morning. It made me smile so hard that someone could make Applejack so excited to see them, it made my heart flutter happily. I needed more of happy, excited, love struck Applejack in my life. It was life fuel and the ship monster in me craved more. Nothing exciting happened the rest of the morning, Applejack nearly toppled over her chair to go greet Sunrise Beam around nine which the orange ice cream bar mare was just as excited to see AJ. Sweetie and I lounged with Spike talking about his life with Twilight, how he was raised right alongside Twilight as a younger brother she never had. Twilight Velvet Sparkle was scarily similar to her daughter in both personality and looks and Night Light Sparkle was a cool headed rock of reason when Velvet lost her cool. Shining was the guy that got Spike into comics in the first place and was busy being the captain of the royal guard. Spike joked that Twilight Velvet was very sappy when it came to her children and often sent multiple letters to Twilight now that she was living outside of Canterlot to check in. It reminded me of those moms that called their kids 24/7 to bother them while they are out on their own. I was surprised to learn that Spike was about eight years old and that Twilight Sparkle was around twenty three and that she was the youngest of the six. Sweetie then told me Rarity was thirty two and was the eldest of all of them. That took some getting use to, considering Rarity in her thirties but then again ponies lived a really long time and didnt start to look older till they were near their three hundreds. Its then I asked the ages of the six which Spike replied. “Well, Twilight is the youngest, being twenty three and twenty four this upcoming winter. Applejack is like twenty five and her birthday is this spring, Pinkie is twenty six, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are roughly the same age being twenty eight, and finally Rarity is thirty two being the oldest.” Spike said counting off his claws with a furrowed brow as he remembered all their ages. “So you are into older mares are you Spike?” I asked in a teasing way, which the dragon spluttered his cheeks coloring even though he had scales, which was in itself a magical happenstance. I wonder what Twilight had in mind for me today, knowing her it would be everything you needed to know and more on how to properly walk into a house or something. The girl could get a little detail crazy. But that was her charm. Pinkie eventually came back to ask me a few more questions about my taste in music and what kind of games I liked, then disappeared off into the unknown. About close to nine o'clock Rarity showed up along with Fluttershy and Twilight. Twilight was a little wobbly and looked like she hadn't got any sleep, while Rarity shone like she had been given excellent news all morning. There was a soft perfume that was on Twilight and her, that I found odd because of the strange lack of scent yet there was a tiny subtle smell of expensive perfume. Fluttershy looked pretty as always, the tall shy mare looking a little sleepy herself as she was slammed into by a excited Scootaloo. It was pure squee inducing cuteness that Scootaloo was always so excited to see her adoptive mother. Clearly Fluttershy didn’t mind the body slamming and being knocked clear off her hooves like a truck running into a traffic barrel. “H-Hello, good morning Scootaloo.” She said softly as she retained her footing like a expert. She brought Scootaloo into a hug rubbing noses with the orange filly and soft kisses were exchanged. Which Scootaloo blushed when she found me staring with a wide grin on my face. It was also great that Scootaloo had a pegasus mom that didn't fly more than she needed too, Scootaloo wouldnt feel so bad that her wings weren't developed as others since the buttercream tree horse lived mainly on the ground and generally acted more earth pony than normal earth ponies. “I'll see you girls later!!” Scootaloo called as her wings buzzed happily and there was a obvious bounce in her step. I waved goodbye to her and Flutters, Fluttershy gently nudging the orange filly with her nose to ask about her day so far. Scootaloo excited voice trailed off in the distance as she talked Fluttershy’s ear off, Fluttershy looking highly pleased before they turned over the small hill and disappeared from sight. “They are super cute.” Sweetie said beside me giggling, looking out across the front yard where the two had left. “They are! Eeeeee!” I squeeed brightly nuzzling her affectionately with the unbridled cute that had been displayed. “I really wish I own a camera, cuz I need pictures of them together.” Sweetie joked lightly, Twilight and Rarity were talking to Applejack and Apple Bloom after they had said their goodbyes to Fluttershy and Scootaloo. Scootaloo was on a nutrition supplement diet that usually required her to take various vitamins and exercises to help her wings grow properly since she never had a proper teacher nor the right nutrition to make her wings grow bigger. Pegasuses were very sensitive to what they eat and it affects their growth, it's why pegasi ponies were often called ‘health nuts’ because of their cultural awareness to what was in food. It probably trailed all the way back to their ancestors who were extremely proud warriors, having the right diet and training made the warrior after all. Now that she was on a plan, Fluttershy made sure to give her everything she needed to be a happy and healthy pegasus. It hit me during that talk with Scootaloo the reason why Rainbow Dash was crazy for freaking cider! It was chalk full of natural sugars! Processed sugar found in frostings or sweets were cholesterol nightmares, cider was not only a better alternative to apple juice but that Rainbow could get something sweet without worrying to much about building up fats! It all became so clear once you thought about it, Rainbow who is a health nut has a literal cider factory next to her house and because horses needed some sort of sugar for maintaining health it was the perfect alternative to anything else! So when cider season came around she drank as much as she could because then it wouldn't set her back too much! Anyways we are greeted by Twilight who gives me a soft nuzzle on the side of my face without thinking. Before her eyes went wide and stammered out a apology. “Oh! Sorry, Warm Smile, I um forgot. Is things like that acceptable to you? Its generally widely accepted that gentle rubs against the face are a sign of hello to those you are familiar with or taken interest in. I don’t know much about human culture or their social norms so I'm sorry if that was weird!” she said slowly beginning to panic that she might of offended me. “Twilight, breathe, I'm fine. I prefer it to the human one, we just generally shake hands or great people with a light slap on the shoulder which doesn't feel as great or comforting than with nuzzling.” I replied giving her a grin which she let out a long sigh of relief. Though she perked up some now even though she looked tired. “Okay, good, good. Rarity said it was a rough day yesterday, and Applejack just told me that you had an accident at the clubhouse when Pinkie came to check up on you. You aren't hurt right? No lying, is it a dull ache in your chest or abdomen? Perhaps a weird itching feeling?” she asked her horn lighting up to cast spells to check on me. “Nothing serious Twilight!” Sweetie vouched for me before the purple horse decided to cast thousands of spells on me. “She.. um… she had a accident with her… um…” She waved Twilight closer which the mare blinked with curiosity and leaned forward to hear Sweetie. Twilight first looked confused, then that confusion quickly into surprise and then a blush. “Oh! Whoo boy…” She said standing straight again and smiling at me with a embarrassed but also sympathetic one. I felt my cheeks flush brightly as she leaned down to me and gave me a tiny nuzzle on the cheek. “D-don't fret to much Warm Smile its happened to the best of us. I know I had embarrassing things happen all the time when I was growing up, it gets even worse when you have two brothers in a nearly all male household. Dad has like four brothers and mom has one so when Hearth’s Warming comes around it can be a disaster.” she chuckled sympathetically. “Ouch.” I said wincing at the thought of having those kinds of problems during a family visit. “Well, just so you know everypony here is very understanding. We might not be the best at times but we get that you are brand new to all this.” she waved a hoof indicating the universe in general. “That's right sugarcube, we here ain't gonna pick on yah to much if yer brand new. Though when yah are the trainin shoes come off and then we can tease yah senseless!” Applejack said with a bright and mischievous grin. It was the kind that promised teasing as she said, which Apple Bloom giggled along with Sweetie. Which I got mock hurt look to give her that she would side with the enemy. “Yes darling, Ponyville was voted one of the nicest places in all of Equestria! I would consider it pure luck to end up here of all the places you could of ended up. Stranded over in the Arnora wildlands for one, nasty place that.” she sniffed, “predators the size of houses over there and many ponies go missing there who decide to go exploring.” Rarity said with a shiver. “The Arnora isn't that bad, that's just a bunch of scaredy ponies talking when they haven’t done any research!” the egghead snorted rolling her eyes. “Anyways our point is that you can trust us Warm Smile, we want you here just as much as we want Sweetie. No and its not because you share Sweetie’s soul either, we and I think you would be great here in Ponyville.” She said as soon as I opened my mouth to say the self deprecating thing I was going to say about myself. Which then her eyes got sparkles as they grew bigger. “Aaaand I get to learn about a culture that nopony has ever even heard before!! This is exciting! Are you excited because I sure am! New ideas, culture, math, religion, technology!!” She squeed happily nearly jumping up and down around us. “The ponies at CU are going to go absolutely mad!! My papers on the introduction of a entirely new species to add to the Canterlot Library!! Me! Twilight Sparkle right next to Starswirl the Bearded’s work!” She laughed happily as she did her ‘Yes! Yes yes yes yesss!’ thing. “You are incredibly adorable Twilight!” I blurted as she ranted to herself, the purple smart turned to me and blushed looking embarrassed that she got so worked up. “Nah… I’m not adorable.” she mumbled, which I shook my head. “I dont about you ponies but Twilight talking about things that she loves is super adorable and there is nothing in this universe that can change my mind.” I said adamantly, which Rarity snickered playfully. “I have to admit darling that she is right, you tend to get quite exuberant over the academic. It really makes you shine. Oh! Ideeeaaa!  Maybe I should make you a school uniform and you will look absolutely stunning!” Rarity said in her sing song voice, Twilight blushed even harder looking embarrassed but pleased of the praise. “A-Anyways." Twilight said still blushing as Rarity nuzzled her face. “Warm Smile I was going to ask if you like to start your lessons today, and if we can get to it maybe one of big threes. I figured you’d want a crash course so I cut down a lot of stuff… hehehehe..” she said rubbing the back of neck as I gave her a arched eyebrow. “Cut down? Yer idea of ‘cut down’ Twi, is about four years of Primary in several classes.” Applejack teased, which the purple unicorns ear twitched snorting like a horse would before lightly pulling Applejack’s hat down over her face with her magic. Sweetie and Apple Bloom giggled and Rarity was biting back a few chuckles to be polite. “I’m not that bad! I just tend to overwhelm everypony with a lot of information at once… okay… maybe I’m a  little bad at that.” She admitted. I grinned at her. “I'm ready to learn Miss Sparkle! May I offer you a apple as a gift?” I gestured, indicating Apple Bloom. “Har har, very funny Smiley.” Apple Bloom said giving me a very light shove. “Great!” Twilight announced cheerily, “Let's head on by to the library. Is Spike still asleep? I'll go get him then we can be off!” she trotted off toward the Apple house. “Where is Pinkie Pie dears? I thought she would be here with you two since she sent us the letters saying you were all staying the night.” Rarity asked looking around the immediate vicinity to make sure she wasn't just out of her normal field of view. “Pinkie forgot to give Warm Smile a welcome to Ponyville party, so she is going to make her one with all of the donors as guests. Then she went poof! How does she run that fast?” Sweetie informed Rarity then looking around too. “Oh that's very sweet of her! I was actually going to ask that maybe we can go see Octavia and Vinyl? I… I saw you watching them the other day dear and I thought it would be best to meet them since they have been eager to meet you.” Rarity said looking down at me with a smile and warm eyes. “I wanted you to know Warm Smile that even if we got of to a bad start, I really do care about you. I might not be mother material just yet, but I feel that there has been some subtle body language that I think we might be misinterpreting and I wanted to rectify that. I for one have been acting so abhorrent to my element I didn't even realize I was doing it.” she said placing a hoof on her chest and frowning. “I have been acting lucratively complacent of your situation, and to you it might have seen normal but in actuality I was acting out of line.” she said tilting her head down as I myself felt a little confused at this apology. “If the papers go through, you are going to be my official adopted filly. Its a small gesture I know, you can't leave Sweetie Belle’s side that much. But I felt it that you needed something to stand on and I'm not just going to stand around watching you sink.” she came up to me while I was still stunned, and nuzzled my face gently. “I… I don't know how to respond.” I mumbled now actually feeling a tiny bit of that fear I had chip away, It… it was strange but it also felt good. “You don't have to darling. By the time Tuesday rolls around you will be my little pony. Barring Fleur of course, I received a letter from a friend of mine in the fashion business in Canterlot that Fleur has been on a warpath to free up time to see you. It's even on the cover of  Simply Beautiful, and Shine magazine of what she thinks of Fancy Pants with her schedule.” she giggled, rubbing noses with me with a smile. She pulled something from behind her and took out two magazines from her pocket space. The squiggly letters didnt mean anything to me but I could clearly see Fleur’s beautiful face contorted into a death scowl of someone off in the distance while she was modeling for a clothes line. She looked like she wanted to kick someone and I knew that feeling well. The pink haired unicorn was just as pretty as I remembered her from the show, her features slim and well defined into a natural beauty that was almost magical. She looked really good in maroon colors too. But that scowl, was obviously taken when she wasn't paying attention or in the halfway mark of posing for the camera. I snorted back some laughter another warm feeling floating through my chest. “Does this make you my other mom?” I teased Rarity which the mare took it like a champ and smiled. “Well I did always think that Fleur had a exotic look about her, so I wouldn't mind having her as a wife.” She tittered merrily  thinking about it. “Oh.. I was kinda teasing but… um.” I said slightly caught off guard with the statement. “I would like to have you as a… um… mom.” I said feeling a little silly with thinking of Rarity as a mother, I've read porn fiction of her damnit! “I don't have to call you that do I?” “Not unless you want to, I might blubber like a baby if you did and I wasn't expecting it! Me, a mother!” she laughed nuzzling my face again. “I really wanted you to make you feel like you have a home darling. And my doors are always open to you.” Rarity murmured rubbing my nose again with her own. “THIS IS GREAT!!” Sweetie squealed at the top of her lungs and jumped me with a hug and a few kisses. “Ahm happy that yah got yourself a place tah call your own Warm Smile. Nopony should ever feel like they ain't got nowhere tah call home!” Applejack agreed coming up beside me and giving me a very soft hip bump. More like side of her hind leg but I got the gist of it. “What's the matter darling?” Rarity asked her face still quite close to mine her smile that of some slight concern, my face felt kinda hot. “I…” I mumbled, there was slow chipping of my heart as real happiness leaked into it. I suddenly didn't feel so empty as that warmth spread through me. Is… is this what happiness is? Tears dripped down the creases of my cheeks, as Rarity gave a sigh and kissed my nose and forehead bringing me into a tight hug. “Oh my, what am I ever going to do with you? If you stay with me I might have to double the tissues I buy!” she giggled, kissing me again on the head. “She isn't lying, Rarity cries like six to eight times a week. I think last time she cried over Opalescent because she was and I quote ‘too pure for this world’  then it was one of her books about five hours later.” Sweetie snickered teasing her sister, which Rarity stuck her nose in the air. “I am not ashamed to admit that I get swept away with a few things, and be a tad over dramatic at times.” She said nuzzling my crying dorky face. “If Warm Smile wishes to cry, than she can, it's better than keeping all those emotions all wrapped up! Warm Smile as your surrogate mother, I want you to come to me when you feel sad or if you feel like the world is on your shoulders. Relaxing on the couch cuddling or listening to the radio together, maybe I can convince Twilight to get us discount tickets at the new moving picture theater near Canterlot!” Rarity beamed at me, which I gently rubbed my face of the happy tears. “Th-that sounds really good.” I said which earned me a hug and a few kisses from both sisters and bunch more giggles. “Did you make sure you grab everything Spike? I know you brought your O&O stuff over so I wanted to triple check your list.” Twilight’s voice said from behind a large piece of parchment paper near the entrance of the Apple residence. “Yes, Twilight I have all my dice and all the character sheets were used up last night. So you can check it off your list.” Spike said exasperated. A quill floated in and out of view behind the parchment paper, in a typical Twilight fashion she looked at Spike with a arched eyebrow but continued to scribble on her paper. “Right! Check that off the list, I think I set up all the things I needed for our lessons today. If we have only minor interruptions like the quick lunch and various bathroom breaks we can get a good solid course of the first three books of Yewmin’s: a history of Equis and her Species! And have enough time to do a Q&A with Smile herself on human culture, history, and mathematics!” she announced happily, which Spike did a double take. “Yewmin!!? Twilight that book is bigger than me! It took you six weeks to slog through the first one! But all three of them!? Nopony in their right mind would wanna read that right off the bat!” Spike gasped fearing for my sanity. “In summary, Spike, in summary! I'm not that cruel! Besides she can't read anything yet, its just amazing that she is from a entirely different universe and can speak Equestrian at all. Maybe she was imprinted with the knowledge when she was merged with Sweetie. Sweetie’s brain is still young and impressionable which would be perfect for the transferal of information to another…” Twilight answered then started to talk to herself about the semantics of my knowledge of language which was a excellent question. How did I know Equestrian?  I didn't really think about it until now. I thought I was listening to English every time they spoke, but that could just be a auditory trick because my mind has preconceived ideas of how English works and its it's how I understand the world around me thus is translating what they are saying into a format that can be understood. There was a strange sort of accent but it was barely audible to me. “Ahem.” Rarity politely coughed which made Twilight who had now been standing near us mumbling to herself look up from her paper. “Hmm?” she hummed cutely curious to what Rarity wanted to say, which she slightly gestured to everyone. “Oh! Mumbling to myself again, I get lost in my own little world sometimes.” Twilight said sheepishly. “Well it twer good seein yah both but me and Apple Bloom gots to go finish our chores. Can't dilly dally when there is work tah be done.” Applejack politely said which she looked back behind her as Big Mac came out from the barn with a wagon and a few barrels of apple cider. “Apple Bloom say bye to yer friends, yah can see em later today when we get them barrels stored for cider season this fall.  Apple Butter gots a shipment ah need tah fill for Vanhoover, so ah need to get tah buckin and fill up them crates.” Applejack said giving both Rarity and Twilight a quick nose rub and a hug, she bent down to me and nuzzled me softly. “Yer always welcome here Warm Smile, Sunny thought you were ‘pretty cool’ an ah do to. Treat Apple Bloom special alright? Ma would roll over in her grave if yah didn't love her as much as the others.” Applejack whispered giving Apple Bloom a glance who was chatting with Spike. “She sometimes dont feel all that special cuz she ain't got her cutie mark yet.” I returned her nuzzles with my own, “Apple Bloom means a lot to me so dont worry too much… I might not have a lot of happiness in me, but that doesnt mean I want others to be with me in that sadness.” I whispered back, which Applejack leaned back slightly giving me a searching look. “Yah remind me of Pinkie sometimes Smiley, that mare got ah lot of sadness in her too. When she thinks ah ain't lookin she got this distant look in her eye.” Applejack said looking out across the orchard, she frowned slowly then looked back to me “Yah ain't ever alone Smile, everypony here ain't gonna let you feel alone.” she said giving me a head rub. “Ah might not be able tah keep up with Pinkie all that well, but let her know ah love her when yah see her again. Same goes with you too Smiley, ponies got ah love first ask questions later kinda policy even if we might have some misunderstandins.” She grinned at me. “Even with Zecora?” I asked but there was a sharp spike of warmth with her words, Applejack eyes widened and looked like she was sweating before shaking her head. “Ah be the first one tah admit ah ain't perfect, but we all gotta try. Twilight taught me that.” She said indicating the purple unicorn, Rarity, Twilight, and Sweetie were waiting a few meters away looking at me expectantly. Rarity having been nice enough to let Applejack say her piece to me. “Yeah, Twilight is something special.” I said looking over to her which she smiled at me. “That she is, welp ah been holdin everypony up you get on try not tah sleep to much through her lessons.” she teased loudly which Twilight blushed and pouted. “Thanks AJ, really.” I said softly before I nuzzled her again and then Apple Bloom who was nearby and said my goodbyes. > The part where Twilight talks about everything and makes the Deepest Lore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s library was hella comfy feeling. There was this tranquil aura that permeated the rows of bound books and bottles of ink and sets of quills. Sunlight drafted in just the right angles to give maximum amount of sunlight but without the heat that came with it. Dust glittered in swirling clouds of the rays of light that spread across the many high arching windows. Maybe it was because I was small, but the size of Golden Oaks Library was vastly bigger than in the show. I keep referencing the differences but I had nothing else to compare it too, it simply looked bigger than how the show presented it. Everything was made in mind for the size and horizontal nature of ponies so floors were very waxed and worn but textured so that their hooves didn't slip. Things didn't go up too high but ceilings were vaulted so that it gave the room a wide air feel, ladders were built to have wide platforms. Tables generally were lower than average height, all the normal human things were built in a way to compensate for hooves. Hell even most doors didn't have handles on them for ease of access. I'd have to ask Twilight about what kind of dexterity the minor telekinetic abilities hooves had. Maybe I wasn't clear on the whole subject but from what Pinkie Pie told me. When you place your hoof on a object or surface of something you can feel this sort of aura surrounding it, it doesn't extend far, about seven centimeters at most. But when you have it in your ‘aura’ you can flex your hooves like you are grasping something which then makes the object stick to your hoof. It was the same with the pocket dimension that can hold objects. I don’t know how to fully describe it, but its it's kinda like being aware of something unseen. When I place a object in that space, which was extremely easy to do, because all you had to think about is letting it drop into that unseen space. You can ‘feel’ it like it was something out of the corner of your eye. Like when you are reading something and you grab your cup of tea without looking because you know and feel it there. It was very much like that. For sanity’s sake and simplicity I'm going to call it my inventory. My inventory only had one slot, I could only hold one object at a time in it. As time goes on and it is used more often these slots multiply and expand accordingly because they had a ultra tiny mana drain and with mana drain came the deeping of one’s mana pool. The deeper your wells the more inventory space you can carry, Pinkie Pie tells me that her mana is quite developed because of the nature of ‘party’ magic which I reason is a cross between Evocation, Illusion, and Alteration. Alteration and Illusion coming from the Schools of Magic from both Dungeons and Dragons and the Elder Scrolls series. Evocation coming from both D&D and the real life equivalent of the summoning of unseen energies to do the bidding of the user. Though I may be getting this wrong since I didn't actually know what schools of magic there are in this universe. When Twilight had asked me what kind of school I wanted to study I gave her the general description of Destruction Magic. I don't even know if that was a class of magic here. She didn't ask what destruction magic was but it was to be assumed she understood the gist of what I was asking. I was sitting on a massive bean bag that seemed to suck me in while Sweetie snuggled next to me. I was laying my head on top of hers while she nestled closer to me to nap. Rarity was browsing the books and Spike was helping her like the love struck dragon he was. Twilight was currently comparing her notes to what was on this giant folding whiteboard, making sure she had everything down from her previous use of it in case she needed it later. The squiggly text was all over the board with diagrams and some type of formula that resembled calculus. Twilight mumbled to herself as the quill in her magic raced across several sheets of parchment. “Okay!” She exclaimed making me jump because I was dozing. Twilight’s magic danced across quite a few things as she organized her copies back on the large desk that was her obvious work area. Which was meticulously organized for all her needs to be on hand or in her case on hoof. “Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Of course you know but I wanted to formally introduce myself. I run the Golden Oaks Library and I am a student of The University of Canterlot currently apart of the Arch Magi Mastery Program, an elective to become the best of the best in magical theory and magical mastery. I’m also under the tutelage of Diarch Princess Celestia Illiana Raynel Aegle second of her name. I am twenty three Equestrian standard time years old and enjoy books, learning, friendship lessons, and spending time with my herdmates.” she said clearly and just above normal conversation levels. She walked over to the whiteboard and mumbled to herself before writing something in English!? My jaw hit the floor, she just wrote her name in English!! The lettering was wonky as her natural tenancy to write in the flowing script ponies used bled through. She turned back to me and smiled brightly, clearly pleased. “I take it by your expression you can read this right?” she asked indicating her name in red eraser board ink. I nodded slowly with a strangled cough. “It’s the first thing anypony has written that I could actually read without trouble.”  I said softly, Sweetie Belle snored quietly next to me compelling me toreflexively kiss her head and nuzzle her mane. “Excellent! So I was right! This here is old Mal’gur Kor translated as ‘Script of Mountains’ which is a language that died out over seven thousand years ago. Diamond Dogs and Omi use a highly modified version of the language after many years of slang and influence of other cultures. Many of their letters still use these as bases.” she chirped happily. “When we pulled you and Sweetie from that chamber, there was a strange terminal that had images of a civilization that was unlike any I had seen and many of the words used similar characters of Mal’gur Kor. I’m not a proper translator but I did manage to decipher enough to write my name in the language.” She smiled in a proud of herself way. Damnit Twilight, if you get any more adorable I might suffer from a cute induced heart attack. “Since you recognize it and even understand it, what is this language called?” she asked lifting up her dry marker to write. “It’s called English.” I said then stopped as the way I said it sounded really weird. “English.” I repeated, why did it sound so weird!? “Twilight something must be wrong with my ears because when I say the name it sounds… alien.” I sat up straighter now looking very concerned. “English, huh. Well it might sound weird because it's not in Ponish or Equestrian. You’ve been speaking in southern Bitain Ponish ever since you got here, which I found extremely odd for a being from another dimension speaking perfect if accented Ponish.” She said looking up and thinking. “I mean I've had theories that my brain is somehow tricking itself into understanding you all. Because to me it sounds like you are all speaking English and I'm sure I don’t know any other because I can’t speak in French or German.” Wow that was really strange, because I understood the words I said and pronounced them right but when I heard them they sounded so alien. “Your line of reasoning would be plausible since I had similar ideas on how you are speaking Ponish.” Twilight agreed writing a few things on the whiteboard in her Equestrian script. “I reasoned that when you entered Sweetie’s consciousness, you managed to link Sweetie’s Brocas area to the Animus Coil of your spirit. I'm going to assume you don't know how Spiritus Animai works, do you?” she asked as she began to draw a small diagram of a pony in basic standing position. “No, to my knowledge the idea of a spirit or soul was a highly debated subject among theologians and purist scholars of science who did not believe in an afterlife consciousness. Of course. even the soul was debated on by theologian holymen across the many religious groups on exactly what it was.” I replied placing my head back on my other half, feeling that current of warmth and comfort from simple skin to skin contact provided. “Ah, so I take it that soul was often used in religious connotations rather than pure scientific ones.” I nodded letting her continue. “A significant difference between our realities, for us early mages discovered the energy that controlled the physical body which was called Spiritus Animai or Animation of Spirit. Spirit being derivative of very old Ponish meaning ‘Moving Energy’ or ‘Living Vibration’ later it was found that mana and spirit were closely related to one another.” She said drawing a large bubble around the diagram pony. Which she drew a concave curve on either side if the pony inside the large bubble. “Spiritus Animai is what makes us move, live, and exist physically in this reality. All living creatures, including plants have Spiritus. Spiritus is separated into three aspects ‘Cognition’ which is all mental aspects from emotion to logical problem solving to how reality is seen.” she said drawing a gear in a smaller tiny bubble around the head. “To keep things simple we are just gonna call it ‘emotion’ rather than its pony-latin name.” she said sheepishly as she drew a small heart inside the pony. “And finally ‘Presence’.” she drew a wavy line just above the pony body. “Spiritus or just spirit retains cognitive, emotional information. They are the over consciousness of the physical, the information we gather in our physical minds is transferred to the spirit albeit much slower than the physical. Spirits are energy that retains emotional and cognitive information, emotional comes from the physical mainly but it can shape how information is gathered through the cognitive shaping the spirit as time goes on.” She continued turning back to me and sitting down on her bean bag which was smaller than mine and Sweetie's. “So, now that you understand that spirit can retain information. Spirit is able to do the opposite, it can give information to the physical.” She said grinning at me. “So if I'm following along right, What you are implying is that when I merged with Sweetie I absorbed her knowledge on how to speak and translate Equestrian into my native language.” I said thinking about my own soul or whatever it was. “Correct! You catch on fast! Not a lot of ponies understand the explanation first time around.” Twilight clapped her hooves together in praise, I blushed lightly. “It took me sometime to really understand Spiritus when I was in Unicorn School.” Rarity said from her nook somewhere off to my left, she was casually reading a large book which was surprisingly a paperback. It had a stylized image of a strapping diamond dog with a young looking maiden mare being held in its arms. “How come?” I wondered aloud to her. “Spiritus study involves lots of advanced maths dear. I might have a head for business and ledgers but I certainly don’t have a head for the calculus involved. I barely made it through Algebra class. Mr. Burn was so very displeased with me when I was there.” Rarity snorted a laugh, Twilight sighed. “Mr. Burns wasn't that bad.” Twilight argued weakly. “What with that divorce he was going through when I went to school, his blood pressure got the best of him most of the time.” Rarity said lowering her book and shaking her head. “You guys went to the same school?” I questioned curious if they had been schoolmates at some point. “No darling, I graduated Magic school way before Twilight had come into the picture. We lived over in Clover Heights before mummy decided to move to Ponyville because the railway was much closer. Had to walk four miles just to catch the train to Canterlot which was where the closest magic school was.” Rarity put her book down after flipping a page. “So Magic School is different than primary or college?” I looked between them with a half smile. “Magic School is for Unicorns or anypony that had a Foci Anchor with them. There you learn about the Big Three, and other spells if you want to take electives. All unicorns have to go since we have a lot of natural mana in us and wild spells can happen if we don't know how to mold the mana right.” Twilight piped up drawing my attention again. “Anyways that's the basics for Spiritus. I know we didn't go over Presence but that is a topic that can go on forever because it is theory.” Twilight said wiping away the picture of the pony on the whiteboard. “So when can I learn magic?” I asked trying not to sound too eager. “Today if we can get to it, I still have tons more to talk about. Where was I? Oh your connection with Sweetie and language, so since I didn’t have a lot of time to explain and you were already extremely tired I didn’t want to overwhelm you more than you were.” Twilight apologized, as she drew two diagrams of Sweetie and I. “So!” She said turning around to face me to talk. “You and Sweetie aren't just two souls bound together, you two are the same soul if that makes any sense. Warm Smile, you and Sweetie’s essences share the same Spiritus which is really cool, the only reason we could distinguish between the two of you was a .00021 frequency differential and that was hard since it took all three of us to find the pathways that make up you. Sweetie’s Spiritus was cracked indicating that there was a very large tear in her essence which you filled.” Twilight said in a sing song voice clearly happy to talk about her magical achievements. “So I'm resonating on the same frequency as Sweetie Belle?” “Kind of yes and no, so when… creatures die.” She said nervously looking over to Rarity. “Their spiritus naturally and gradually escapes the physical back into the mana streams, usually occupying another creature of the same type. However when the body experiences trauma suddenly and very quickly the Spiritus sort of ‘rips’ in its sudden escape from the physical. This trauma can make the spiritus bleed out in very small increments if the creature survives the incident. This leads to vegetative states because as the spiritus leaves the body the creature loses its higher brain functions and begins to shut down.” Twilight said drawing a big cross connecting line between the two diagrams. “You are her spiritus as much as she is yours, whatever that machine was it somehow melded information of both spirits into a singular being. Because clearly you are your own individual and not something from the subconscious. This leads to problems with what we did however.” Twilight continued as she drew a chain between us. “When we ‘separated’ you two we didn't actually separate you because it would be impossible to separate you two from each other. We instead anchored one frequency to the clone and kept the oversoul in Sweetie Belle so you aren't so much a individual as a extension of Sweetie. You probably felt that strange sensation of cold and pulling right?” She asked turning back to me. “Yeah a few times.” I answered. “That's the anchor we attached to Sweetie to keep you going too far from one another. It’ll get bigger as time goes on but when I said you will die if you go to far from her I mean it. That body of yours was mainly made of magic with a few organic bits, the mirror pool gave us something to work with because building a body from scratch is not easy and we had limited time. I'm amazed that we pulled off what we did in the first place!” She said floating a thermos over and taking a long draft of its contents, she wiped away the water from her lips and continued. “Then again, having two of the most powerful ponies in equestria work with you and pull strings like no tomorrow. Did I make history? Because I think I made history working on you. I've never heard of anypony creating functioning organic lifeforms using a magical construct base.” She wondered getting excited that she might if did a scientific breakthrough without even realizing it. “You just might, Twilight. I personally wouldn't want anypony else messing with my- our soul other than Lulu and Tia.” I said truthfully, I had complete faith in them and the other main six including the CMC. And Gabby, I would throw myself in front of a truck for that cute cinnamon roll of a griffon. She is too pure for this world. If anyone deserves a cutie mark it is her damnit. Twilight blushed at the praise and looked slightly mortified that I called the two most powerful Alicorns of the country Lulu and Tia. “Lulu and Tia? Oh my darling that is adorable. It would be very cute pet names in their little circles. From my source in Canterlot, Celestia and Luna  aren't seeing anypony though. Though I think I heard rumors that Luna is currently looking for somepony to snuggle up to.” Rarity said from over her book giggling at the nicknames. “Princess Luna looking for somepony? For real?” Twilight asked skeptical, not sure to trust the gossip that Rarity consumed. “Oh yes dear, why wouldn't she?” Rarity set her book down again and sipped on her own beverage which Spike had just set down for her. “Thank you, Spike.” she said before turning back to us. “She’s been gone for nearly a thousand plus years, I would think a beautiful mare like her would be very eager to have somepony comfort her after all that time.” “Yeah but she still feels really guilty because of her actions. She might be beating herself up for something that's over and done with.” I said knowingly, having talked to Luna herself. “I suggest we go see her at some point when she has free time.” “Well… Princess Celestia did want to check up on you, so I suppose a trip to the castle wouldn't be too much trouble. I’ll message the other girls about going there, I need a book from Canterlot Central Library for one of my projects anyway.” Twilight said in a offhand sort of way as she walked over to her desk and shuffled a few papers and moving a few books around. “Sorry to draw the subject away, darling don't mind me I'm only hearing bits and pieces of your lessons.” “It’s no issue Rares, we were going to move on from the spiritus subject. Lets see…” She mumbled as she looked through her notes. “Brief history of Equestria, the abridged abridged version of Yewmin’s A brief history of Equis and her Species.” She said pulling a utterly massive heavy bound book that was a dark burgundy color and almost as tall me! Spike wasn’t kidding when he said the book was huge! “I’m… not going to slug through that am I?” I asked gingerly not wanting to provoke the purple horse into a learning frenzy. “This? No! No, I just picked and chose certain subjects that are vital to living here.” She laughed nervously quickly placing a few more notes back onto her desk. She opened the book a few moments later coughing as a dust plume exploded upward from the old tome. “Spike, did we make sure to dust the history section in the library?” She asked making Spike look up from putting away some stray books. “Yeah, but that section rarely gets used so it collects dust really quick. Nopony wants to read the really big, boring tomes on the history of Vanhoover.” He said stacking a few books and picking them up. “Hmph.” Twilight pouted as she rubbed her nose holding  look that said she needed a few good sneezes but was holding herself back. “About us!” she said brightfully then sneezed a few times cutely. “A-About us! As you probably guessed we are Ponies, you’ve probably heard that a few times the past couple of days and you seem to know who we are so that’s something we can check off the list.” She mused as a quill checkmarked a paper on her podium desk. “Ponies are divided into three groups! We have us, Unicorns or as the original tribes use to call us ‘Méltha’ which means ‘glowing ones’. We are the less populated of all three of the groups we are about a 3:5:8 ratio of birth populous. This is due to a gene in our DNA that puts us on the recessive spectrum while we do have a dominant unicorn gene we have a less likely chance of being unicorn than earth or pegasi. Magenta eye color is a dominant gene in all ponies, while Apple Bloom’s orange yellow ones are recessive, it’s similar to that.” Twilight drew a gene chart and placed the letters that she knew in English in a familiar order that you see in biology books about human genes. (Place Diagram here for visual understanding) “Pegasi are the the middle ground, having a higher chance of birth than unicorns when you mix, say an Earth pony and a Pegasus pony. Most of the time you will get an Earth pony, but depending on each individual’s genetics Pegasi will be born more so than Unicorns. And finally Earth ponies are the dominant subspecies of ponies, they account for about 68.3% of Equestria’s population making them a high majority of ethnicity among the pony population on Mira.” She said finishing her second gene chart. “Mira?” I said stopping her before she continued. “Uh-huh! Mira is the continent’s name, the one where the kingdom of Equestria is located, but we will get into geography later.” she said taking another swig of her thermos then cleared her throat. Sweetie Belle twisted and laid out on her back the shuffle of the bean bag beads inside popping as she snored and mumbled something. “So in summary, Unicorns are the minority of ponies. Recorded instances say that Zebra and Pony foals can sometimes adopt the Unicorn trait of a horn or wings of a Pegasus. However the Zebras live further down south of the Equestrian border populating a small nation in the Guildwind Rainforest which means we don’t see too many Zebras here in northern Equestria. Our local Potions Mistress Zecora is the only Zebra resident in Ponyville though she lives outside town limits she is still considered apart of our community. We had an issue with cultural differences not but a year ago.” Twilight said thinking about it. “As a species they are one of the few compatible with our genetic structure to have foals, Diamond Dogs and Omi can’t produce offspring with us.” She stopped as soon as I opened my mouth waiting for the question. “Omi? I'm familiar somewhat with Diamond Dogs but I’ve never heard of the Omi.” I said very curious of what they could be among the many species of Equis. “Omi are a bipedal feline like race, like the Diamond Dogs they have dexterous hands and are known for their unique personalities and sharp wit. Diamond Dogs on the other hoof while bipedal have very large upper bodies and thus have a hunched posture because of this their hands are less dexterous but make up for it in power. As the species is known for their ability to dig and create vast interconnecting tunnel networks with their large shovel like hands shows that they are and were a solely subterranean race back before the 365 A.U. discovery of ‘modern’ Equestrian biologists who were exploring the southern half of Mira.” She said placing emphasis on the word modern. Which I took as modern during that time. “The following discovery of the species had been recorded before but this was the first official contact that was met with diplomats and communication experts to come to trade and share embassies. Dimondia has a large pony embassy and is frequently visited by Princess Celestia. The city is suppose to be breathtaking from reports as its located in a pocket cavern ecosystem.” She said looking a bit dreamy at the prospect of going somewhere outside the country and sightseeing. “I was foalnapped by a few of the ruffians, had both governments in a tizzy. They weren't awful to me, but apparently they thought abducting somepony to do their work was acceptable. They’ve been arrested and put in probation last I heard from my lawyer.  The whole spectacle was tiresome and if it weren't for my incredible acting skills I don’t think they would of let me go.” Rarity said bitterly, obviously miffed by the whole event. “Ugghhh, don’t remind me.” Twilight said rubbing her head like she had just gotten a reflex migraine. “That was a nightmare, the tunnels they were making were illegal since they didn't have building permits or permission from the landowners. Unlawful extraction of Equestrian resources, a diplomatic wreck since those four idiots were technically outlaws as they broke off because of greed. Sweet Celestia so much paperwork!!” Twilight whined sitting on her butt and rubbing the sides of her head. “Why were you doing paperwork?” I asked. “The Princess needed a liaison between the two governments I had to work with a poor rookie liaison who was fresh out of law school because they were the closest ones to the capital.” “Ouch. I’m very sorry Twilight.” I said with heartfelt pity for the young pony. “She’ll be okay Smiley. Twilight darling you are going to give yourself a headache if you continue on like that.” Rarity said who was now laying down her hooves crossed and still reading her book. “Right… Right, pull yourself together Twi.” Twilight mumbled taking a deep breath than smiled at me which I smiled back at her. “That incident aside, Diamond Dogs are incredible architects having a natural affinity to earth magic. They understand weight and the distribution of it much better than our leading architects.” She said sipping from her thermos then lightly swirling the liquid as she thought. “Equestria isn’t quite diverse as the Princess wants, but Canterlot houses an assortment of Zebra, Minotaur, Omi, I think there is a Sphinx that lives in the Gateway District. They are rather large and many pony places don't consider their size since they primarily live west of Hilsæder, The country of Griffins. In a very large savanna where the kingdoms of Zebra and Saddle Arabia are located.” “You know we said we wouldn’t talk about geography but you are talking a lot of geography.” I mused playfully, which the purple mare blushed. “Sorry, I realized that you can’t talk species without mentioning where they come from.” She apologized still blushing. “It’s okay, I've actually seen a map of Mira before. If I could show you I would but humans have their own maps of this world also there was one in the school but it looked half complete” I sighed feeling kinda useless because I couldn’t write nor could I draw, I now knew how the renaissance period boomed, it sucked not being able to learn all this amazing knowledge because you cant even read a signpost. “Speaking of… would you mind telling me about that? I heard you talking to us about it before and Princess Luna had gotten a somewhat vague answer from you.” Twilight asked her clipboard floating over to take notes. “It's going to sound weird.” I warned her, I wouldn't lie to her but I wouldn't tell her everything either. Rarity tried subtly leaning forward to hear more though her turned ear gave her away. “Weird is fine otherwise it wouldn't be so interesting!” she chirped giving me a grin. “Alright then.” I said situating myself so I was more comfortable with Sweetie on top of me. “This is going to sound a little creepy, or I guess weird in general. But you all were animated cartoons in my world.” I said laying my head on my soulmate. “Animated cartoons? As in cinema?” Twilight asked raising a eyebrow, her tail flicking. I nodded. “Yes, much of my knowledge of this universe is from the very same cartoon. The reason why I know all your names, like how I knew about Lyra and Moondancer.” Twilight’s eyes got bigger but her expression remained restrained. Her quill was going a kilometer a minute though. “The cartoon depicted this world somewhat accurately, we however were never privy to personal information such as your private life as the show focused on the bonds of friendship between you six element bearers and the struggles you go through to grow as ponies. While it did show certain areas that one would consider private like bedrooms and personal moments between you six and others, it was always focused on the friendship lesson you learned and  wrote about rather than detrimental information like bank account information and etcetera, etcetera.” I stated as professionally as I could. “In our world your world was considered fictional, even though the quality of the show was excellent and portrayed your personalities very well almost to a T. However I was or think I was an individual that liked and even loved the show, and followed it closely. Because I remember things that aren't just in the past at this point but also the potential future. Which I have been extremely reluctant to share that information due to paradox called the Butterfly Effect in my world.” I said as Twilight continued to scribble away, Rarity had her book down and a distant thoughtful look. “And this Butterfly Effect?” Twilight asked as she continued to write. “The saying is ‘The flaps of butterfly wings cause tidal waves far away’ which is a simplification of the destructive potential or randomness that interference from outside forces such as myself can cause drastic changes to the future of the  world. Even now by my existence I have changed and reshaped the destiny, if there is such a thing, of this entire world. I just don't want to cause a paradox by accident depending on how this reality works, or change the entire outcome of events because I care about you all.” “This isn't a mean question Smiley but I would like to know, why do you care about us?” Twilight asked softly giving me a reassuring smile that she wasn't questioning my capacity to care about them just simple curiosity. “You are all I have.” I said my voice cracking like a broken squeaky toy. Rarity had her book down completely and was watching us both while Spike peaked around a corner listening too. “I have no recollection of my history, I can only recall being human but nothing of personal importance. However I know about all of you, I loved the show that I do remember. How all of you were innocent compared to my world’s standards as the show was originally created for young children and young preteens but became popular among older adults. I was one of the older adults but I cannot remember how old, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkamena Diane Pie were and are my favourite characters.” I said holding Sweetie’s sleeping form to give me comfort. “I love Twilight Sparkle because of her bright but beautiful personality, the positive and academic view she has since I find myself to academically inclined and curious of my world. There is a strange feeling seeing somepony that you have seen grow so much as a individual but only from the perspective of a spectator. I know some of your little quirks, I know about Miss Smarty Pants. Whatever you do Twilight do not use the ‘want it, need it’ spell on anypony, messing with the mind of another can end in bad results.” I said smiling sadly, I didn't have the courage to look at them so I looked at my soulmates sleeping face and how pretty she was. “I’ve seen you become something great and you make Princess Celestia proud with your tenacity and strong heart to do what is right but also be mindful of others. I love Pinkie Pie because she is more ‘human’ than anypony else, she hides a lot of hurt and I do the same because I really do hurt inside but I don't know why I do. Pinkie Pie despite all that hurt she has always thinks of others before herself and her passion to make others laugh. I relate to her more than others because I watched her grow as that pony into something more than what she is. I’ve always watched you, even if it was a cartoon. I hoped and believed that out there somewhere in the hundreds of realities that you all existed.” I said gently kissing Sweetie’s forehead as she snuggled closer. “And now, here I am. In the world I always dreamed of, the world I watched these colorful, bright, pastel ponies struggle, cry, laugh, sing, and brave the world that is much bigger than we know… I’m just scared that one day… I'll wake up from this… you know?” I said finally looking up at Twilight who was sitting down and looking at me with a expression I couldn't place. I looked back down feeling a small spark of harmony fill me. “A hundred thousand stories have filled my head… as I look for the answers in what I've read.” I whispered my voice carrying the soft tune of the song. “Secretly waiting for my life to change… and with this transformation, something has changed.” I sang very softly more for myself than anything else. “Now the world is bigger than I know… I’m losing all control, I never thought I'd make it.” It felt good to sing this even if it was soft because it felt true to me, even though this song was dedicated to Twilight for her transformation into the alicorn and her very extended lifespan. “Now I know. This world spins faster than you know.” I finished, the spark disappearing rapidly which I blinked and rubbed my face. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. We were talking about educational stuff and I made everything-" “NO!” Twilight yelled making me flinch, she coughed adjusting her volume to speak properly. “No, don't apologize for that Warm Smile. Yes, it was sad, but it was also real. Harmony doesn’t just make us randomly sing, it makes us sing from what's inside our hearts. I…” she said quickly her jaw moving trying to think of the right words to say. “I felt that song, because it felt true. You should never apologize for your heart and how it feels, it's what makes us our true selves..” Twilight said walking over and looking at me on the bean bag. “May I hug you Warm Smile?” She asked… I looked away feeling guilty I brought the mood of the room down. I felt her hooves wrap around my upper half and her warmth press against my chest and cheek. “You all are all that I have… and I don’t want to disappear. Because I love you.” my voice cracked again as Twilight squeezed me tight against her. “I-I hate that I hurt so much… I hate that I don't have any reason to hurt. Even though you tell me, that dark cold ball in my chest doesn't want to feel it.” I stammered… “Smiley… Do you want something to eat? You might feel better?” Twilight asked as soft sniff from where Rarity was sitting made me look over to see Rarity trying to blink away a few tears. I felt horrible, I felt horrible that I had made Rarity cry, that I ruined the lesson… why couldn't I keep my mouth shut? Things would be better if I had. “Hey… Hey…” Twilight said lifting my chin to her face. “Don’t beat yourself up over this, this is a good thing Warm Smile. I can't say I relate to the whole situation, but I know what it feels like to beat yourself up after you said something. I’m thankful that you shared this with us because it lets us know you do hurt, and that you really do care about us because you care about how we feel towards you. Warm Smile I want to know more about you, because I want to be your friend.” Twilight said pressing her nose to mine gently. “It's shown me that ponies or people who truly care about their friends sometimes beat themselves up because they want to be somepony they can feel happy with. It shows that they care deeply for them, and it's good to be honest with those feelings because those friends care too.” Twilight said in her voice that meant she really did learn something valuable. It wasn’t the lighthearted one that I knew but one with real conviction. “So how about that snack hmm? I made some yam muffins earlier for breakfast and they are still good.” Twilight said smiling gently at me I nodded slowly and she let go of me, Sweetie stirred her sleepy eyes opening in a bleary haze. “Smiley?” She mumbled, slowly sitting up to sit with me on the bean bag. She sat her head on mine as I felt a bitter kinda empty feeling in my heart, but the surface feeling of the real care these ponies had for me tried to pick at the hollowness. “Y-Yeah?” I asked my voice cracking again, I have a high pitched voice like Sweetie’s but mine was on a husker side kinda like if you mixed Sweetie squeaky with Scootaloo’s raspy. Rarity slowly made her way over to our bean bag sitting down beside us and giving me a concerned look. “I love you.” she mumbled, giving me more light headbutts trying to hammer that into my head. Unfortunately I had a very thick skull, and let out a shaky breath with a small sad laugh. “Smile, darling.” Rarity said gently to my side and I looked up at her. “I wish I could whisk those feelings away and see you happy. I don't pretend to understand that empty feeling but it still needs to be addressed because I care Warm Smile Belle.” She said sniffing and quickly catching a stray tear before clearing her throat. “I never had a pony with such pain inside them before. I feel helpless that I can't do any more than just tell you that I’m here for you, and that I love you too. And it might be a bit premature to say that but I’ve cried because I don't want you to feel that hollowness.” Rarity said gently placing her hoof around my shoulders and leaning into me. “You are new, fresh, the world is an exciting place filled with all sorts of wonders. But I try to look at things from your perspective dear, and I would be scared too.” She said as she pressed her cheek against the top of my head and gingerly rubbed my back. “So… displaced in everything. Body, mind, and soul all different, no memories to fall back on. Why I wouldn't make it through the first couple of hours without crying” She said kissing the top of my head trying to do the same as Sweetie. “I want to tell you a secret okay? You too Sweetie come here-” Sweetie moved closer so she was in a double hug with me in the middle. “The secret is…” She paused for effect, “That its it's okay to feel scared Warm Smile, none here would ever truly be courageous even I and I faced a dark mirror reflection of Princess Luna. I was terrified that I wouldn't come home that night, to see Sweetie Belle or talk to my mother and father and tell them that I love them. That Rainbow, my shining blue bird, wouldn't live to see tomorrow or my precious Pinkie Pie who had the hardest of them all because when I really recall that night she was just as scared as I was if not more than anypony else.” Rarity said quietly talking in a hushed whisper. “Every step of the way I wanted to turn tail and run, hide in the darkness and just cry that I wasn't brave enough to go with. I think you are just like me Warm Smile, even if you don't show it well and your expressions are sometimes strange. Yet here you are sitting here, living another heartbeat, taking another step. That shows tremendous courage don't you think? Crying and scared out of your mind but still strong enough to take another step. You wouldn't be here otherwise…” She said looking down at me and smiling, her eyes big and blue. I looked away while still in her arms and nodded slowly. Even though I felt this terrible dread and emptiness, I was still here. “Warm Smile would you be mad if I suggested we head to the hospital this evening and see if we can’t get a appointment with Dr. Melody Love or Dr. Starry Charm. To check on if we are missing something and help you feel better, okay?” She said rubbing my nose softly with her own. “Dr. Starry Charm is awesome Smiley, she helps out Scootaloo a lot!!” Sweetie agreed, nuzzling my cheek too as I was enveloped by my soulmate and now my adoptive mom in very soft kisses and nuzzles trying to make me feel better. … Twilight Sparkle sat down the glass of juice she was placing on a tray, she had written a brief letter to the princess about Warm Smile’s mental health status and a few questions and worries about what to do. Twilight stared at the glass for a long time, while the yam muffins were being reheated. Spike was sitting at the kitchen table looking unsure and worried at the same time. The math was racing through her head as she recalled the runes she had placed into the construct body. Especially those of the mental area to make sure she hadn't bucked up big time. Those feelings in there were something she never has dealt with, but she now understood why her grandmama had gone to that hospital there in Greenmeadow. Depression. She couldn't understand at the time why somepony could be so loved yet so sad. She told her grandmama all the time that she loved her, her momma told her grandmama that she loved her too and that she was the best mother anypony could ask for… She was super young at the time probably five at most when her grandmama tried to jump off a high bridge. She broke several bones but lived because somepony saw her jump. She was admitted to Greenmeadow and there she was still, grandpapa was a dedicated unicorn and visited her every chance he could get even eventually moving in the town next to the sanatorium while she and her family stayed in Canterlot. She remembered sitting in the room with her mom and grandmama, a lot of the time grandmama would talk and joke around like she had always done telling her that she was the brightest pony she’d ever known. And then. Other times grandmama didn't talk, she would look out the window with eyes that didn't really see. Lost. Struggling to find something in the ‘grey fog’ as she called it. Later she learned that her grandmother had Manic Depressive Disorder, her brain didn't make enough of the serotonin to keep her brain chemistry balanced and she went into these dark suffering fits that lasted long enough that she would consider her taking her own life. Today she saw a little of that in Warm Smile, that downward look and lost tone that reminded her of her grandmama. She rubbed a few tears away at the memory of sitting in her grandmama’s room when she visited a year ago. “Twilight…” Lavender Sun said her voice barely above a whisper, her grandmother’s beautiful long dark royal purple hair braided by Twilight herself. The 289 mare was still as youthful looking as she was in her 100s pretty turquoise eyes, the same dark ones that Shiny had, glimmering in the grey light of a rainy day. “Yes, Grandmama?” Twilight asked flipping through a few books that she had been showing her grandmother since she loved them as much as she did. “Why does life exist?” Lavender Sun asked not looking at her but still out her window., Twilight blinked unsure how to answer that. “There is a lot of theories why, but nopony is sure why life exists.” Twilight said but looked confused at the sudden question. “At one point…” she started blinking slowly like she did when she was in a dip of her mood. “I thought Harmonious created the world and light… and brought life from the seeds she had when she came from the above…” Lavender Sun gave a tired laugh at the memory. “But… now…” she said slowly taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “I think the God of Circles made this world…” Lavender Sun smiled bitterly. “The God of Circles?” Twilight asked not knowing any formal deity by that name. “They made everything in a circle… life… death… rebirth. Renewal and decay, good and evil… they are circles. Big unseen circles that turn and turn and turn. What happens when somepony just wants to stop?” She asked looking over to Twilight, her face scared by the fall and the breaking of bones. But still ethereally beautiful. “We get up from sleep, we go to work, we toil away under the sun, we go home, we relax, go out to have some fun, then sleep again… maybe if we are lucky we get to dream. Then we wake up again. In a endless loop.” She said somberly turning her head back to the rain soaked grass of the courtyard, she made a ‘tick tock’ noise in time with the small clock on the wall for a minute. “What happens when somepony looks up and says ‘I don't wanna be apart of this anymore. I want something more.’ beyond love, beyond spirit…” She said waving her hoof to the sky weakly. There was a long silence as Lavender sat still, her breathing the only indication that she was still here, then she pulled herself up and pulled Twilight close to her. “Twilight… I love you… but I feel so… so tired and there isn't anything that I can do to make it go away. Somedays I feel like myself and I can see the happiness in me… then like a snowflake drifting in the wind it’s gone. There is an emptiness in me that gets so deep I can't feel anymore… and I cry. Because it hurts the bit of me that wants to go on… food doesn't taste that good, water just makes sick… but I do it anyways because I love you and I'm sorry that I tried to take my life.” She said her voice croaking as tears suddenly flowed down her cheeks. Twilight hugged her grandma tightly letting the older mare cry on her shoulder, Lavender Sun apologizing that she was so… broken. “Twilight? Twilight!” Spike yelled in her ear, making her stagger to the side holding her ear because of the pain of having a voice shouting in your sensitive ears. “Buh!? What!?” She sputtered looking around to see if there wasn't a fire in the oven which she panicked and nearly toppled over to magic the fire extinguisher near the end of the counter. Spike was standing nearby and looking at her like ‘what is a matter with you’ sort of look, the yam muffins on top of the stove and turned off freshly warmed. “I got the muffins out for you, you okay? You were lost in your little world again.” he asked slightly exasperated, “Nearly let the muffins burn.” “Huh?” she replied intelligently then blinked as her adrenaline cooled in her veins, the half held fire extinguisher in her magic lopsided as she blushed and put it down. “Sorry, Spike, I was just thinking of grandmama.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head as she picked up the muffins and placed them on the tray for everypony. “Is it because Smile sounded like her?” Spike whispered his spines lowering just a tad. “Yeah.” Twilight sighed again, “It's been a while since we’ve seen her, she still writes letters back to me so we kinda neglected going to see her more often…” she closed her eyes feeling a slight throb of her heart at the uselessness of magic to fix something like that. Magic can’t solve all the world’s problems, its it's why technology advances as they study more and more complex forms of magic. “I just feel kinda useless, my talent is magic but magic can’t help ponies that hurt like that. If you can't help somepony with a problem then how can friendship help with my grandmama or Smile? Some element I am.” She spat bitterly, then sat down gathering a few more things for everypony to eat a nice lunch together and maybe get more talk in of the world because Warm Smile needed to know some social stigmas to help her. “Twi, you are being too hard on yourself. Dad always said ‘you are your own worst critic’, and didn't you just tell Warm Smile not to beat herself up over things?” Spike deadpanned then folded his arms “Besides, that extensive dialogue you’ve had me read in the study of friendship with Princess Celestia multiple times, stated that there are issues out of everypony’s control and the only thing you really can do is just be there for them. Check on them, and just love them. Which is all you can do, I would like to say I share the same mentality about caring about Warm Smile but saying and doing are two different things. So do what you can rather than say what you can.” Spike listed off from the hundreds of scrolls he had burped up between the princess and her. “You are right, thanks Spike.” Twilight said nuzzling the baby dragon’s cheek. “Of course I'm right, I’ve been keeping you and Shining on the straight and narrow as far as I can remember! Course you both still did stupid things and I did stupid things, at least Candace is better at keeping Shining on a tight leash than I did or mom for that matter.” Spike said throwing his arms up but his smile gave him away. “Mom’s doting on Shining can get really embarrassing.” She said in agreement, remembering how Shining could pull crap that she couldn't ever do since he was the older brother. “Just remember Twi she gets really, really sappy on Hearths Warming and it's embarrassing for everypony. I still have that dumb Warming sweater she knitted me. You know the one she gushed about in front of Uncle Silver Road and Aunty Shimmering Pool?” He said rolling his eyes, Twilight made a pained second hoof embarrassment noise as they picked up the tray and accessories to enjoy lunch. … After my episode, I calmed down enough to speak normally again without feeling like I needed to cry every five minutes. I agreed to the hospital visit, and informed them that Pinkie was actually going today and she would help me. Rarity looked surprised that Pinkie was going and asked the question which I didn't have permission to answer. I told her that and she just nodded looking over us towards the door in thought. Sweetie held onto me like a lifeline and I was grateful that. She did make some of that deep ache  in my heart go away. Most of the time it didn’t feel like it was there but when it started to show itself, it showed itself. I felt dumb, dumb that I can't just accept that I wasn't going to disappear or them leave me or not love me. Human beings didn't think like that and it carried over to me, I guess. You don't love a stranger even if they are the soulmate of your sister. I remind myself that it's because they weren't human, they were an alien species with familiar customs and speech patterns but still alien. I was alien of an alien, into a weird alien inception. I just wanted to feel happy. It's all I wanted while I was here, but all I'm getting is dread, expressionless terror, and confusing conflicting feelings of desire, love, possession, and anger. Nothing makes sense in my own head,  I could literally feel the love oozing off of Sweetie and she knew I loved her probably more than myself. But here I am feeling guilt, soul crushing loneliness, making the others cry or try to cheer me up because I can't control anything about myself. What right did I have to make Rarity shed tears because of my own pain? I blinked away a tear or two as my heart throbbed painfully. Then I nearly moaned as I felt Sweetie bite my sensitive ear, the grease lightning fire shooting down my spine making my legs feel weak even through I was sitting down. I managed to choke on the involuntary vocal pleasure enough to try to look her way. She wouldn't let me because of her hold on my ear, almost climbing atop me as I was pushed down into a lying position. Which she nibbled my ear again lightly biting the tip then kissing the whole of it, making me squirm as it really felt good. “I'm going to do this every time I feel you have that sad feeling. I can't stand it because I love you too much to let you feel that.” Sweetie growled in my ear and I was helpless to do anything about it. No really, that combined with my lack of any muscle mass, Sweetie was twice as strong as me. She continued to nibble at my ears ruthlessly, making me cover my face as shivers of pleasure ran down my head all the way to my slightly dysfunctional tail. Then she did something unexpected and I felt her teeth bite my withers, and my eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head as a shameless moan escaped me. The nerve cluster there was mind numbing blissful when stimulated, now I felt really hot under the collar. “A-Alright S-Sweetie please R-Rarity is right there.” I said through a pant, my whole body quivered and a twitch in my hind leg became a sign of anticipation for sex. “That's enough you two, if you want to do that I can't stop you but at least have the decency to keep it out of Twilight’s living room.” Rarity said coughing politely which Sweetie looked up her cheeks and face very red as she had gotten carried away. “Sorry.” Sweetie mumbled and just laid on me cocooning me in a comfortable heat and the soft squishy nature of these wonderfully crafted bean bags. “I love you.” Sweetie whispered in my ear, gently and meaningful. The sadness was still there but it was a lot less now, the feeling of having someone literally apart of you give you pleasure is something I cannot express properly on how intense it feels. She continued to kiss me feeling no hesitation or shyness when it came to giving me physical affection. Her thoughts which I could almost hear since she started was how much she loved me and she couldn't even express it like she wanted too. There was just too much she wanted to give but not enough ways to do it. It even irritated her because she couldn't do more than say ‘I love you’ and try her damndest to make me feel it through our connection. Part of my brain didn't understand it but other parts did, they wanted me to share a deep closeness with her that transcended physical, which it was in a way. Twilight came out of the kitchen with a large tray of leftover muffins and some drinks, two of which were bottles of some kinda carbonated drink and then a variety of juice boxes. The warm smell of Sweetie Belle, who had a scent to die for, and the cinnamon of the yam muffins wafted around the library common making my belly growl softly. “Yam muffins! My dad makes these on occasion and they are to die for!” Twilight said brightly as she set the tray down on the table and took a few paper plates and filled them with a assortment of snacks and drinks. Then floated them over to us. I struggled under Sweetie poking my head out from under her to lean awkwardly out to grab a muffin. “Thank you Twilight… and I'm sorry for getting all… you know just because I was talking about humanity and its relationship with you guys.” I said not looking up to look her in the eyes feeling the soft burn of shame in my heart. “Smile it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong.” Twilight admonished kindly but firmly. “I can still tell you what you want to know about humans.” I took the muffin off the plate unable to get much further than the one on the edge of the plate and taking a bite of it… Damnit. I didn't want to have a food fetish but it tasted too good, I sighed so contentedly that a few tears of joy rolled down my already slightly damp face. These yam muffins were divine, their texture light and fluffy but having just enough heaviness to them that they made you have to chew them which brought out the thick cinnamon yam taste. “They aren’t my greatest, dad makes them the best I just stole the recipe.” She chuckled lightly as she took a bite into her own and humming in approval. “Almost as good as a Apple Family gathering bake off darling. I have to watch my weight every time the summer competition starts, poor Rainbow Dash. Its absolute torture for her to restrain herself and keep to her diet. Even I have cheat days but that girl is a fanatic about what she eats.” Rarity said between bites of her muffin. “Wonderbolts have a really high bar for applications, they have to be the best of the best.” Twilight said popping the top of one of the carbonated drinks and offering it to me because I was currently stuffing my face and choking on the leftover crumbs. I accepted gratefully taking a life saving sip, and wow. Have you ever had Ginger Ale? Or Rola Cola? Well the drink was like a weird mix of the two, Rola Cola being a somewhat equivalent of Coca-Cola if that suing had anything to do about it. Point is it tasted yummy and I was glad that sodapop existed in this universe, carbonation of syrups are my lifeblood. “Learn anything from Twilight Smiley?” Sweetie asked after a breath of air as she was already trucking through her second muffin. “What makes us work and how it works, kinda, and the names of the species I knew about but was unsure of what they were called. Are there large fish like bipedal creatures that live near ocean bodies?” I asked turning my head to Twilight who was sharing her soda with Rarity. Spike was munching on a gem the size of my hoof. “Tritons? I've never seen one before only in books or photographs but they are called Tritons I believe, they tend to keep to the water from what I understand. Only coming to the surface to trade with seaside ports or find work there. Princess Celestia meets with a dignitary representative in Coltstone Bay city, which is north of Las Pegasus every now and again because Tritons have a issue breathing dry air for too long. It can suffocate them.” “I think I know a design that could be helpful for that, I'm not a engineer nor do I know the precise measurements of Pony standards but you know scuba diving equipment?” I asked. “Yes, I know about Scuba diving equipment, what's your point?” Twilight said taking a large bite of her muffin. “You reverse the tank from oxygen to oxygen rich H2O, there is a theory of something called liquid breathing which is taking a extremely oxygen rich liquid like perfluorocarbon to go into deep sea explorations. The application of such a method is under research because the problem is the viscosity of the liquid and its ability to remove CO2. Its It's very possible that it could be done realistically but would need the aid of a CO2 scrubber to facilitate exhalation and keep the liquid from becoming CO2 saturated. I think something like that would make long term survival on land possible and allow us to dive into depths of our oceans without the use of magic. Unless somepony can make a magical bubble that not only filters carbon dioxide but also scrubs it into O2 but can stand up to 30 or more bar water pressure continuously.” I said then took a long draft of the soda and coughed as I passed it to Sweetie Belle. “According to record longest air bubble spell lasted only five minutes and that was at 100 hooves. Um, do you mind sharing what measurement system you are using?” Twilight asked her quill, ink, and paper floating over quickly. “I'm using a system called the Metric System  which was designed by a old French astronomer and mathematician Gabriel Mouton.” I said the strange disconnect of using words that I knew but saying them that wasn’t in Ponish sounded really weird to my ears. “Its a system of weight and distance measurements based on the multiplicative of ten, or powers of ten. Example being a kilogram which is ten to the power of three making it a one thousand grams. Grams is the basis for the weight of a mass, metre is distance. So in principle anything can be measured in powers of ten, ten to the power of one is ten or deca, hecto is ten to the power of two and so on and so forth. It's a very effective system of measuring things since it does not incur fractions.” “I see, that is fascinating. The scuba diving idea was as well, hopefully when you start writing I can translate it to Ponish and we can take it to the institution of education and have it reviewed. Ours is based on the length increment of our ancestors’ front hoof, silly I know but its it's been in use since our species had a period of educational enlightenment, which is about this length.” Twilight said placing a type of ruler down, it was roughly by my estimate similar to the imperial foot but down to five  inches. Which means a Hoof is about five point nine inches in length. So a thousand hooves was about five thousand nine hundred inches or four hundred and ninety two feet, or in my case one hundred and fifty metres after rounding up the decimal. So I could only move about one hundred and fifty metres from Sweetie Belle which was quite generous in estimates. The cold was a factor of stretching that magic around, if our bond was like a rubber band which closest is the natural state and away from is the stressed state and too much stress makes the rubber band snap. “Unicorns have always been obsessed with math because of how our magic works.” Twilight said scribbling away on her paper. “Wow, you two sure are something, I barely know what anypony is talking about.” Sweetie said from behind my head because she was still laying on me still just less so. “That's okay Sweetie, Twilight and I are eggheads and proud of it.” I said playfully, setting my things down and twisting onto my back which now Sweetie was belly to belly to me having filled the ravenous beast that was my stomach. Sweetie giggled and got herself comfortable, I pushed my head back so I could look at Rarity and Twilight. Which Rarity had a half smile and Twilight’s left ear flapped but seemed to restrain telling everyone she wasn't an egghead. Seeing that I meant it in a loving way. “So! Let's see we got general things out of the way, I believe we are going to go into customs. Pony customs are most likely different or similar depending on how much of a deviation our universes have in similarities. Which to say the least is a lot, we have a striking number of similar methods of math, elements, and just general concepts.” Twilight cleared her throat getting back into lesson mode. “One idea to that is this universe is actually a parallel universe of mine or vise-versa probably not in the milky way galaxy that's for sure.” “Devoras Galaxy is what we call ours, it's a barred spiral galaxy located in the Horsehead filament cluster.” Twilight answered, which I raised an eyebrow. “Before we begin on customs can you please tell me how your celestial bodies work? Since we are on the subject. We have to be in a solar system otherwise the movement of both massive bodies within space would wreak havoc on the planet’s atmosphere and magnetic sphere.” I said genuinely curious of the answer. “That is a very highly debated subject among the astronomers and physicists. Our closest accepted theory we could come up with is that because of hyper state energy our planet is actually splintered into zones of two realities, the continent of Mira is within a massive splinter zone which the artificial construction of a heliosphere and lunasphere was required. It was estimated that the sun above us was constructed during the first splinter incident by very powerful magi who are considered gods in a few old religious texts. The moon and stars are reflections of the actual moon and stars which Princess Luna controls to simulate the day night cycle a planet ecosystem needs to survive. The continent Hilsæder, the Griffon Kingdom, is located on is actually split between zones the easternmost part is what's called ‘Zero Splinter’ a large part of it has a natural cycle of day and night which many research stations are on the ZS zone borders to figure out how and why.” Twilight explained, getting up to walk over to her whiteboard and draw a rough sketch of the map I knew well, and the one I had seen at the school. “Magic is reduced in these areas, not gone, but the mana in the area is relatively stable and not as hyperactive in the ZS zone, Mira is magically active and the artificial sun and moon are directly linked to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” “So that is why the night sky is a rather weird color of purple?” I mused, “Rather than a normal galaxy band with its it's own field of depth. A lot of humans speculated that your planet was geocentric system which is the only way we could explain why the sun and moon needed to be raised and lowered.” “That's what's being debated, since we don't have any methods of going beyond our atmosphere we cant be for sure on which reality is the real one, which is hotly debated that the reality where the princesses control the sun and moon is the original while others argue that the non-controlled one is the original. Which a lot of magi don’t like that the ZS zones don't have potent enough magic even though there is enough for a stable life if anypony were to live there.” “So its it's gotten political, good luck trying to prove anything to politicians they’ll straight up deny math and actual facts with their own narrative.” I scoffed as Sweetie nuzzled my cheek. “Any more questions?” Twilight asked as she finished her map and circled the areas that were affected by the ZS. “No, but it does relieve me that we aren't going to be ripped apart by our sun or moon’s gravitational force, or the endless tidal waves, or the tectonic eruptions. Don’t mess with solar system sized gravity, it’s already a miracle that we exist in a solar system out of the trillions of stars that have died and the dead or lifeless planets in them.” I said with a great sigh of relief that there was a logical (somewhat) explanation to the raising and lowering the sun phenomenon. “Hehehee…” Twilight chuckled sheepishly before clearing her throat. “Customs! Pony customs are most likely different from humans, as the others have informed you that you are now female regardless of if you were before and that comes with social stigmas. As described in the letters Pinkie sent to me you had issues with your sense of smell and the pheromones of others, even going into a pseudo heat which Pinkie had to use a hormone suppressant cream to calm you down. First, I apologize for not telling you sooner about the implications of our noses, I was tired and still stressed after making you a body and didn't explain everything to you properly.” Twilight began smiling apologetically to me, which I waved away saying it wasn't her fault if she was tired. “Pony noses are as you can guess very sensitive to smell, I am assuming that humans did not have a  olfactory nerve as developed as a pony’s?” I nodded to this and she continued. “We have olfactory nerve clusters about as sensitive as a common breed of dog, ponies pick up on many smells that other species don't quite catch. Spike for instance has odor discrimination of most of pony scents, as his nose picks up on deposits of minerals, heat, and volcanic chemical compounds better than ponies while he can still smell our ‘scent’ it does not affect him the same way it does for our own species. Since there isn't much written on dragons I can only guess this sense of smell comes from a evolutionary preference of dry to molten climates where dragons can consume the minerals needed to survive. Spike is classified as Lithotrophic consumer and thus his scent is dedicated to the finding of gems, rock, and other various minerals.” Twilight explained as Spike blushed from his spot. “He makes a excellent partner finding gems with me when we go looking for them, if only he wouldn't eat most of them.” Rarity said teasingly giving the dragon a nuzzle making him blush more. “Pony scents are geared towards pack safety, familiarity, and both sexual and nonsexual connotation. This dates back to our earliest discovered ancestors who were believed to have extremely poor eyesight and because of this smell became a way of identifying threats, particular pack members, or the whole group to continue to survive. Later on the species diverged into the subspecies that we know today, pegasus and unicorn, earth ponies are the closest living relative to our ancestors. But this closeness with our noses have become apart of everyday society, depending on the situation how a pony greets one another determines the exchange of scent.” “Awkward when you talk about it from a study perspective.” I contemplated out loud, which Twilight agreed with a head nod. “True, but that's how things work sometimes, when you greet somepony depending on who it is greetings and goodbyes can change. When you meet somepony new its it's generally accepted that you perform a hoof shake especially when meeting peers and coworkers. As familiarity with the pony becomes deeper things become different, rubbing of cheeks or the crook of the neck are reserved for beginning friends or just general close ponies in your life. This continues on to the nose rub which is for very close friends, family and intimate partners as well as chest rubs for family, close friends, and intimate partners. I, myself actually not more than five to ten minutes ago rubbed noses with you which I did to make you feel comfortable in my presence.” Twilight turned back to us smiling at me once more. “Scent is a very big part of everypony’s life, these scent exchanging practices release much needed endorphins in our brains to trust the other more readily. Fillies especially need to be scented to feel like they belong, psychological studies show that fillies or colts that aren't given regular affection via ‘nuzzling, cheek rubbing, chest rubbing’ can affect brain development leading to mental illnesses and personality disorders. Simply put neglect can hurt ponies in the short and long run. Being highly social creatures very few ponies can survive on their own for long periods of time. Even Zecora comes to visit and talk with us every thursday, because she like us is a social creature.”  Twilight explained, I've been told this before but now that it was coming from the purple unicorn it was certainly more believed by yours truly. “You probably even heard it a dozen times already since you came here, but it is true. Our noses are big part of our lives Warm Smile. This is a environment that you are completely free to do what you feel comfortable with. When I wrote your bindings, I made sure to make your body as natural as possible which included latent instinct and behavioral urges that are consistent with Eter’s study of pony nature. So you have all the basic wants and needs that a pony here on Equis has, though I'm sure you will get your cutie mark since your essence is fused with Sweetie’s and thus your Spirit is similar to our own. So feel free to rub or follow any instincts that strikes you Warm Smile and I'll try my best to explain why.” Twilight said taking another draft from her thermos now that her soda had been stolen by Rarity. “Um, is it weird how familiar I am with Sweetie? I mean I wouldn't ever want that to change, but sometimes I can hear her thoughts or feel what she feels. I'm guessing this has to do with our soul being one.” I asked as Sweetie rolled to the side laying on her back so I could get a better vantage. “That's most likely the case, how in depth is the bond?” Twilight asked taking her paper and scribbling on it again. “I can feel what Smiley feels a lot of the time but its like fuzzy… or kinda there but not really? Sometimes it’s really strong, like when she is having a hard time I can feel it real bad. Then other times I can almost ‘hear’ her thoughts. She is thinking… of me actually… and um… some… uhhhh…” Sweetie squirmed as a blush crept into her cheeks and neck. Damn, sorry Sweetie I was thinking of how close we felt when we were having our personal time together. “Uhhh?” Twilight followed up. “Well… When we feel um… pleasure. We feel each other more intense…” Sweetie said gesturing vaguely. “Like really intense, um it's really euphoric.” I commented. “No wonder you two have been biting one another’s ears and fooling around on that bean bag.” Rarity titered. “I can't help it…” Sweetie argued her face flushing, “It feels better than when Apple Bloom bit my ears at camp, like that plus a billion.” “You let her bite your ears?” I asked curious of what went down between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “I was curious, cuz I heard that stallions and mares do that and I was curious of what all the ruckus was about.” She squeaked. “So I asked Apple Bloom to do it to me… and it was… um… really nice.” “You girls.” Rarity sighed sounding like a parent who simply just didn’t know what to do with their child. “Ah. Well, hmm.” Twilight started, thinking of how to resolve the question without it being more awkward than it already was. “The reason might be a high positive harmony resonance. Love is a connector to others and can connect ponies and other species very closely, the desire to um… share yourself with Smiley might be a way for your souls to connect closer because they are stretched between the two of you. As for the ears, they are a common erogenous zone for many mares and even stallions. So don’t worry too much about that, something to do with mating habits and what not.” “H-Have you ever had… um… s-sex, Twilight?” Sweetie stuttered and I felt my own cheeks blaze. “G-Granny Smith talk to us about it yesterday and um… she kinda rambled.” “O-Oh.” Twilight flicked her ear in the way that said she was nervous.  “Ahem I have on occasion, had sex, it was recently that I experienced my first time. U-Up until that point I was very focused on studying more than on mares and stallions so… Rarity and Pinkie were my first real experience with it.” Twilight cheeks colored just a tad at this while Rarity had a look of smug satisfaction at having claimed Twilight’s innocence. “There are few male suitors here that I would even bother with. Literally all my knowledge of your universe nothing has ever indicated a stallion that was worth more than a few minutes at best. Except for a good bit of the Fashion ponies, like Hoity Toity that stallion is fabulous in all the good ways.  Fancy Pants is a good chap, bit conceited but not that bad. Big Mac is a super sweetheart but he has a pony out there that he’s absolutely smitten over, enough to go on a sing off against a rival suitor…” “Really? That sounds romantic~” Sweetie gushed, obviously pleased that Big Mac had, or should I say will, find somepony special. “Ironically she shares our last name; Belle though I have no idea how you guys name ponies in the first place and how oddly similar they sound to what they get as a Cutie mark. Is that something real? Like Bulk Biceps, who names their foal that?” I asked my snout scrunching lightly. “Ponies can change their name after their cutie mark appears, legally speaking you can change your name too since Pinkie gave you that name and it wasn't technically sanctioned by your guardian. I kept my name that my mother gave me, Pinkie is a nickname, her real name-” Twilight started. “Pinkamena Diane.” I finished for her easily knowing the full name of Pinkie. “Yes, should've expected that you would know that. Usually a lot of ponies keep their names that their parents gave them but some decide to go with a name that suits their cutie mark just to be more recognizable among the many who have the talent.” “Who is the mare that has our last name?” Sweetie asked wanting to know the lucky mare. “Her name is Sugar Belle, she's a baker and a really good one. She eventually makes a deal with the Apple family to get shipments of Apples every few weeks just to chat with and see Big Macintosh. I would tell you where she is but distance and space were very weird in the animated show. This Library for instance has had several different configurations as well as rooms that appear and disappear for plot reasons, like there has been a table with a horse head at the center of this room many times while other times it's just gone… Human interpretation of your world is scary accurate but also kinda unrealistic when it came to the actual layout of all of your houses. I saw entire dialogues discussing the dimensions of Rarity’s… uh I mean our house.” “It drove some people to do some serious math to figure out how large you all are. A lot of them believed you were about two metres to six metres tall because Spike jumped like three meters off the ground. So we calculated the gravity the only way we knew how.” “That seems like overkill for a show.” Twilight said giving a half smile knowing she probably would tried to do the same. “It was, but a lot of people liked it, so you would get all sorts of people who wanted to figure out how you all lived. Even now I'm just stunned at all the accuracy and the inaccurate information…. Just don’t ask about the um… intense interest in all of you.” I said slowly, I knew they were going to ask. “Interest? In what way?” Twilight said questioningly. “Well, humans are sexual creatures by nature and we tend to have an extreme spectrum when it comes to xenophilia and xenophobia. A lot of artists liked to um, draw all of you in… precarious situations involving each other or males both original and known…” I coughed side eyeing the wall with a nervous smile on my face. Me and my big fucking mouth. “They… drew pornography of us??” Twilight’s voice cracked a little when she said this, clearly distressed at the news. “Y-Yes.” I stammered. “Oh dear.” Rarity said her own cheeks turning a soft pink. “I… I really don't know how to respond to that…” “They did not show any external organs in the show, your gender was exemplified by the shape and tone of your body. Any screens showing you or anypony that had your hind quarters were left blank, that didn't stop artists from imagining what you looked like… um… and there was a lot… seven years of runtime allowed a lot of time to create a considerable sum of it.” I explained my voice squeaky and ears flicking nervously. “O-Okay… I'm guessing you also browsed these i-images as well? Since you know about them…” Twilight sat down on her bean bag and let out a tired sigh rubbing her eyes and her face. I felt my face catch fire. “I… remember seeing a lot… so I most likely browsed them… for… m-masturbatory material.” Gods I was just hammering more nails in my coffin and digging the one point eight metre hole for myself… why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut, why was there no filter!!? I was my own worst enemy. “Wow... freaky.” Spike added in the pregnant silence. Thank you Spike for summing up the whole ‘my kind likes to sexualize you even though they don't know if you actually exist’ dilemma. “What's pornography?” Sweetie asked looking confused and innocent. Rarity let out despaired sigh and looked just as tired as Twilight who had a hundred yard stare as she looked at her white board. I could almost hear the ‘why are we still here? Just to suffer?’ speech from Metal Gear Solid V playing in the background as I gazed at Twilight. “Sorry…” I apologized for no reason, I knew but I felt bad that I just let them know that they were sexual idols for a lot of people. “Do I at least look good in them?” Rarity asked me hopefully, trying to make the best of an awkward situation like this. “I-It depended on the artist, but yeah… I… remember… a few… I liked a… lot.” I said my stutter becoming more evident as I essentially admitted I had masturbated to Rarity and Twilight… and a lot of the others. Sweetie puffed out her cheeks as no one bothered to answer her question, I could feel her annoyance as she got up to rub against me. Trying to glean the information from our connection. “I guess there isn't really anything we can do with that, in a weird way I'm fine with it but I also feel a little violated. Ponies are normally nude, many of the Omi wear clothes since a few of their subspecies have  considerably less hair, most stallions and mares use their tails if they don't wish to be stared at… I just can't imagine being the subject of um… self pleasure. Pornography here is a very niche thing and its it's not common except in the bigger cities.” Twilight said after coming back from her Vietnam War flashback. “Desensitization to visual stimuli? Seeing it all the time would make the appeal of seeing others genitals less intense…” I mused still squeaking. “Darling, I think Sweetie is going to explode… her foalhood innocence is already gone so we might as well tell her what pornography it is.” Rarity sighed looking like she had aged and questioned where she went wrong. “Sweetie, pornography is printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. Basically it’s ponies or other species taking pictures of the act of sex, the thing Granny had told you.” Twilight informed Sweetie who looked like she wanted to pounce me. Sweetie's cheeks turned really red at this and made a soft “Oh..” her voice cracking up when she said it. “Since we are revealing the sexual things in our lives, I have a few magazines stashed away for inspiration when it comes to spicing up my love life. You'd be surprised what you can find in Canterlot if you look in the more secluded shops.” Rarity said placing her cheek on her hoof as she leaned on her elbow. “How did we get so off topic?” Twilight groaned in despair at her lesson becoming one about revealing sexual desire and porn. “Because we are easily distracted?” I said giving her an apologetic grin. “Spike how come you're not saying anything?” “Because I deal with these kinds of shenanigans on a daily basis, nothing can phase me now.” He said pulling a gem from a small bag and taking a hard bite of it, the sharp snap of rock breaking under pressure sounded like the sound of someone crunching on a bag of crisps. Either his jaw was strong enough to crush a solid sapphire or the density of the sapphire was much less than normal because the pressure required would be much more than to break bone and all sorts of things… Oh my… um… that's kinda hot thinking about it, sort of like that predator vs. prey. I was incredibly weak too, I didn't have stamina or any strength and Spike had those sharp teeth though I could tell his front ones were designed for meat.  Spike's diet mainly was gems but he did eat other things meaning he was omnivorous at some point but the ancestors sharp front teeth didn't go away. I felt myself shiver with a strange excitement, just imagining those sharp anything on me, made me feel all sorts of things. I quickly ripped my gaze away from Spike's sharp teeth and ground my own with my own damn perverse nature. “Alright, I think that's enough we need to get back on track, Warm Smile please go sit down we have to go over some more of the boring stuff like government and how laws are enforced and enacted.” Twilight said downing the rest of her thermos in a few swigs. … The Diarchy system was as one expects; divided into two courts while the Royal Family had their own court to check and balance the others. Each court has its it's own primary function, the Sol Court or sometimes called the Day Court was the main legislative branch of the Kingdom. Creating and voting for new laws, rules, and regulations as well as the executive power of vetoing the Royal Family Declaration of War through the Court Representatives. Ironically, Equestria was a direct democracy in many ways especially now with the invention of the telegram that allowed its citizens to directly voted for major laws being passed in their country. Majority vote of ‘aye’ or ‘neigh’ was highly public and filtered in a way that the ‘legal’ speak was nonexistent in its ability to confuse its subjects. Princess Celestia was often called the Lady of Justice for her knack at tearing right through corrupted politics and ensuring that Equestria maintained a healthy and aware relationship with their government. Voting was encouraged, ingrained, and taught at school for  the importance of participation in their government and the representation of her people. Laws that were in majority of ‘Neigh’ were screened and reviewed by the court again in conjunction with the thirty one representative officials that were the majority of the state's public opinion. These thirty one individuals were the parliament along with their subsidiary Representative of Minorities (the voice of non pony species and subjects like Griffons, Minotaurs, Omi, and Diamond Dogs) and the Delegation Official who broke the ties and kept both representatives from in fighting by offering solutions that best support both groups. The main court will allow the law in question be handed over to the parliament to discuss, debate, and reconfigure into what best practices ensure the best for their people. Then its handed back to the main court and the direct vote happens all over again. The executive power of Princess Celestia held extreme sway in the legislative process, her words and review in law were often were deeply considered when a new law was proposed as her words had nearly six thousand years of experience with government behind her which I'm told that Celestia is extremely long lived compared to Alicorn of the past who lived only two thousand some years before passing on. Considering that her entire family had reached alicorn status the magic of her blood was intense, some scholars even believed that Celestia's ancestors were most likely directly related to the wizards that created the sun and moon; it explained their innate ability to control the artificial celestial bodies since the magic was familial in nature. Next was the Judicial branch which was the Lunar Court or Night Court, the term ‘night’ was used loosely here as the court housed all the crimes, disputes, and federal investigations being related to both the actual courtroom and its police and guard personnel. Unlike most police departments it wasn't run by each individual state or fiefdom in this case, instead it was all run under one system so a police officer from one fief does not need to follow the regulations of another fief since they all had the same rule of thumb instituted into their system. This allowed easier integrated services that various police ponies or other races could know and act accordingly in every part of the country. Princess Luna was a Supreme Judge in the court of law and usually her involvement came in when international or high profile crime that affects more than one of the fiefs. This included treason, serial murder, mass financial fraud/embezzlement/counterfeiting, grand theft of royal/public/private property that is owned by the crown or associated factions such as public museums or private art galleries, and other things. Her role however has diminished due to her thousand year absence and the changes in law since then, she had quickly adapted to speaking normally I remember, so the consistency of her appearance in Nightmare Night was off. Also a Moon was three months and two days, ‘no human equivalent’ my ass. During the course of this I actually got to learn how Luna's descent into the Nightmare took two thousand years before hand and had built up quite a few not very nice titles as her jealousy had grown to a point that she would stage a coup. She had been quite ruthless and during times of strife she would sometimes use black magic which didn't help her psyche. It was after she had ordered the execution of a small time thief who did nothing but steal a few coins from a noble pony that is when she and her sister had broken into a fight. Black Magic was not as one might think, it wasn't evil but it was very powerful and very corrosive to the mind. A word I used why Twilight struggled to find the right kind was Eldritch. Black Magic was a language of darkness, darkness is so abstract and alien with thought that it can drive those who peer in often find themselves in Nietzsche's quote of: ‘He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.’ Basically, they pull a Bloodborne Byrgenwerth and put eyes in their brains to see the utter madness of the darkness. Certain kinds of information can destroy the sanity of those who begin to understand them and Black Magic was just that, forbidden knowledge, knowledge that can warp and alienate the mind and soul. This didn’t just stem from darkness either mind you, it came from the Light too. She even told me that there is a legend that an Omi found the holy book of what was essentially an angel from how she described it, and he read into it to the point that his maid found him bleeding pure liquid gold from the burning sockets of his eyes and his body had nearly turned to ash. Anyways Luna and company were judges, lawyers, police ponies, Royal Guards, and general protectors of law. Finally the Royal Family Court was the executive branch of the system, Prince Carmarthenshire Victorious Gwent Blueblood III  was the heir to the Royal Family throne and second child of the second King of the same name. The royal family themselves were numerous as the queen had eight children; Prince Maximilian Shining Star Blueblood was the first born but stepped down from government to pursue his love of post classical orchestral music and was now chairman of the board of the Baltimare Fine Arts University. He is married to a lovely young stallion named Flash Twinkle and has adopted a young filly named Rose Harmony. While the Royal Family was apart of the Executive branch of government, they were limited in their power as the balance of the sisters kept from dictatorship and incursion of power by greed into the branch. They had the power to declare war, set taxes within reason, fund public transportation, and other public services. The family's power and influence were great but they were outdone by Celestia simply because of sheer experience and impressive diplomacy as she has made more peace pacts than any other country on the known planet. Which is what I would expect of a Harmony loving demi-goddess and her sister. As much as this planet is known for its goody two shoes nature; war, strife, religious ideology conflict, slavery, famine, civil war, racial hatred, and specious xenophobia have touched this world quite a few times. Nothing was worse than the hatred for Changlings however, Twilight kept good face since she hadn’t met one before and she reserved her opinions until she could properly observe and meet one as preconceived opinions on a race weren’t something she as a individual or a scientist could do. “It isn’t right nor is it very helpful to believe the irrational fear around them.” She answered when I asked her opinion on the race of Changlings. I found it surprising to know that Changlings have been met, talked to, and been in diplomatic meetings of the Council Of Equis. Which was a ten year summit gathering where diplomats and country leaders came to talk and solve major issues that have popped up within the last ten years, and that the Five Hive Queens of the Changlings have been to all of them since its founding nearly three thousand years ago. The five included; Milzala, Hiyukai, Yogzimai, Chrysalis, and Koivialis. Chrysalis being the youngest and most ambitious of their Queens, Changlings at their current state thrived in dry environments as their structures were dependant on the natural red or grey clay that made up their hives. Changelings from Equestrian scholars understanding didn't actually eat ‘love’ and that was the common misconception of the race but rather electromagnetic and bio-electrical energy which they consumed through natural ambient consumption of highly magnetic areas where they were thought to be originated from. Active consumption of bioelectrical energies left those who were in their field of affect headaches and sometimes short term memory loss. The higher the electrical activity the more energy is consumed, which love gave off very high brain activity thus the misconception between the races that Changelings eat your love. I laughed hard at this, a rolling on floor kinda laugh as it hit me. “What's so funny?” Twilight asked looking up from her book over to me. “They are literal Lightning Bugs!! They consume bioelectrical energy making them lightning bugs! Ooh I gotta show you all how to create Teslas!” I giggled uncontrollably at the connection. Twilight grinned at this snickering too. “I guess that's true.” “Still though I understand the hostility of ignorance between races. Minds have a hard time changing even with scientific evidence that they aren't love eaters, but I can see why they would become an aggressive species. Thousands of years believing in superstition makes old habits die hard, the race must feel extremely excluded from others and thus they became what you feared them to be; monsters. So all this stuff about them being a militant species comes in practice of teaching their children to be proud of their race and more so nationalistic to the cause of ‘us vs them’ mentality derailing the idea of trust between species. For the Ponies it was the Wendigos that became a unifying force for their peoples to unite under a single flag, the Changelings have no common enemy to unify with us, because we are the enemy.” “ It reminds me of the whole Red Scare and what fear mongering can lead to in terms of racism.” I said rubbing my chin with my hoof. “Speaking of Changlings, I do have information that might change the course of history should I speak it and of course I have no idea if history has altered itself so much that no amount recovery or foreknowledge would change it. I really just need to tell the princesses all of it.” I laid my head on Sweetie who was now coloring a doodle she had been drawing with colored pencils. “I particularly don’t like how the species is treated either, nopony should have to suffer because of a silly stereotype. Princess Celestia has talked with a few of the queens of the five hives and she is generally seen as neutral even though she has tried to negotiate for better relationships. We have an ambassador in the south western highland mesa hive which Queen Yogzimai is the ruler of that travels between the Palimo desert and Las Pegasus. Far as I know, they are the most friendly of the Changeling Hives. I have a diagram of the Mesa Changeling if you want to see.” Twilight pulled out a book from a pile she had on the floor next to her and flipped through the pages with her magic. She turned the book around and showed me the photograph, it was a Changeling alright. Though I blinked in surprise when I expected the black and green Changeling bug-horse. Instead I was greeted by a dusky red and orange Changeling that had beetle like qualities, they were broader than the ones I knew seeming to share a common semblance to heavy fronted ponies their horns were shovel like in appearance rather than the sharp spikes I was familiar with. Their features were softer than the Changelings known to me but made up for their lack of spikes with heavy chitin exoskeletons and segmented areas of soft bug like chitin and fur which was a sandy yellow color. They frankly resembled the Western Hercules Beetle found in the Arizona and Mexico desert. It was eye opening to know the strange evolution of a species that was so much different than the black and green bugs I was used to seeing. “They are completely different than the ones I know, hell they look a lot nicer than queen swiss cheese legs.” “Queen Swiss Cheese legs?” Twilight gave me a rye smile humor in her voice. “Yeah, the Queen Chrysalis is affectionately called Swiss Cheese Legs because of all the holes in her legs.” I gave Twilight a goofy smile which she laughed. “Seriously though, Queen Chrysalis is known to be dangerous and hostile so while we joke here, it's best to be cautious of them since they have not been on good terms with most Ponies.” With that my lessons continued, what felt like two  more hours of Ponish, Twilight talking excitedly about history and Starswirl the Bearded. Soon we finally got to something interesting. Magic.