Roseluck at the Gloryhole

by JimJam

First published

I'm sure the title does a better job than any other description.

A short story about Roseluck visiting her favourite gloryhole.

Currently only planned as a single chapter, story volatile to future changes including: potential major rewrites, more possible chapters, more possible characters, probable addition of a proper cover image at some point.

The only chapter

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Roseluck slinked into the mare's room at the Ponyville bar. She made sure there was no pony watching her, or else they might suspect some thing. She was a regular at the establishment, but she rarely bought drinks for herself and suspected there might be a few ponies already who were a bit suspicious of her activities. She made her way past the first couple of stalls before stopping and turning at one particular one. Taking a quick second glance just to make sure nopony was looking, she entered. The stall which she had entered was no ordinary one: this stall had been modified. Its lack of toilet, which was the most obvious difference, was instead replaced with a smooth easy-to-clean tile. Most mares, however, never really knew why, or knew even what was beyond the stall door, as it always had an "out of order" sign on its door and so many never questioned beyond that. Roseluck knew, however, the true purpose of this stall, just as she knew of its other unusual feature designed to aid in accomplishing this task: there was a false tile on the wall. A wall with the stallions' room on its opposite.

Making haste, she slid the tile off the wall and- being gentle with it, as not to make too much noise, after all it wouldn't do too well for there to be a loud crash come from the mare's room- placed it nicely on the floor. Roseluck raised a hoof against the wall and gave a number of gentle raps. The bait was set, and now she waited. It took a little bit for a customer to appear- it always did. But, she used this small allotment of time strategically, swirling spit around inside her maw so as to build up a healthy amount. The last thing she needed was for a hotshot stallion with zero patience to ram his cock down her throat the first chance he got, and she definitely did not want to be short of spit in that scenario.

Finally, after a little patience, her prize slid through the hole: it was a big one, not so much in girth but definitely in length, and already had a bead of pre cum on the tip. Rose wrapped a hoof around and slowly pumped it as she lowered her head, soaking in the sight and touch. She kept like that for a bit, stroking her hoof up and down, warming it up before the main show. She felt it flex a little in her hoof- a good indicator the whoever was on the other side was rearing to go. Removing the hoof, she drew out her tongue and gave an experimental lick at its tip, garnering a sample of the particular flavour this penis brought along with it. Mostly, however, it was to clean off the considerable pre cum that had already started building up. Rose licked at the tip for a bit, even going as far as to give it a small suckle, an action which earned her another few droplets of pre cum to add to the growing pool in her mouth. She removed her tongue from the tip and swallowed the cum that had gathered. Next, she aimed a little lower, going for the spot just behind the flare. She licked and nipped playfully at that tiny bit, the cock flexing once again.

Rose continued to move lower still, bringing herself first the centre of the cock's shaft then quickly proceeding further. She lolled her tongue out of her mouth and latched it to the very hilt, poking it slightly through the hole as to let her get all of its length. Then she slid herself all the way up, going in as slow a pace as she could, only stopping when she felt her tongue once again hit the flare, before giving the tip a small peck.

Wanting to waste no more time, she opened her maw and latched her mouth around the head of the penis. The taste of pre cum immediately hit her senses, drawing her even further into it. Twirling and swirling her tongue around and around, getting a very nice taste of the stranger's cock, Rose eased her head into a refined bobbing motion. The stranger she was pleasuring decided to follow suit and began a similar humping motion.

Normally, Rose hated when stallions did that, at least at a glory hole; she liked being in full control of the situation, with anything else being liable to send her into a mini panic attack (or make her slightly annoyed, whichever came first). But this time was different. The mysterious stallion seemed to mirror her motions, only going back as far as she did, and going forward just the same. It was actually a bit relaxing, she found, letting somepony else help with the work instead of her doing it all.

It was a bit short-lived, however, as she felt it start to move more erratically. Not faster, necessarily, but the movements were becoming choppier and less refined, almost certainly indicative of the inevitable.

Rose started moving herself a tiny bit faster, the tip scraping against the roof of her mouth, bring a hoof up to stroke the parts she couldn't reach. Finally, she felt something familiar: that of a flaring head in her mouth. She relaxed her throat, preparing for what was to come, removing her hoof as she gave one last push forward as far as she could go. Almost as if on cue, a torrent of warm liquid near-instantly shot straight into her throat. The balls of the stallion knocked lightly on the wall as they contracted and relaxed between each shot, whoever was on the otherside was clearly very powerful. Not content on just letting it pump into her, Rose starting sucking, trying to draw out as much of the precious fluid as she could.

It slowly came to an end, as all things do, and Rose slid herself off of the shaft of the stranger's cock, a tiny sliver of off-white cum still connecting herself and the stallionhood in front of her, before the stallion slid themself back through the hole which they first appeared. Rose raised her left hoof to her lips and, with a small swipe, wiped her lips clean. She had to be ready for the next customer, afterall...