> Twilight's Double Rainbows > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Surprise Visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash blinked as she laid in the grass, staring at the sun as her head slowly processed what she s- No. No, Sunset had said nothing about her coming back. She would have warned them after all, right? That’s what eggheads did. They didn’t just show up while you were showing off to your teammates like an ex that you were also still very into. Then again, they weren’t exactly exes either as she finally looked up, ignoring her teammate’s laughters from her hitting herself in the face with a soccer ball. Indeed, on the stands, her legs crossed in a short skirt, was Twilight. Not the science nerd like the one that now attended Canterlot High, or the awkward nerd that they had met the first time she had come. No, from the wicked smile on her face and the long, thigh high, black stockings, Rainbow knew this was the Twilight who only showed herself to her. The one who had cornered her in the locker room with teases and threats that were all too welcome. The one that supposedly had a pony back home that was just as easy to tease. And loved it just as much as Rainbow did as she bit into her lower lip. She told her teammate’s she was fine as she stood up, before she grabbed her head like it was in pain. Yeah… Yeah, that would… “Why aren’t any of you acting like I might actually have a concussion?” Her answer came with the hard smack of a soccer ball against the back of her head, before she scowled and looked behind her. Lightning Dust was there, her co-captain, but she looked confused, and from how dead on the ball came… She shook her head before shouting at them, “Okay, hard drills for the next hour for lack of care with your captain. Lightning, you lead it while I nurse this.” And so Rainbow ran off, not willing to answer more questions, or even to listen to the pansies that groaned about the hard training. They could use it for the finals coming up anyways, and she… She had been waiting at least a month to get this again. Last time, the new science Twilight got in the way of the two of them ever spending any time together. Now though… She bit into her lip as she started walking behind the bleachers, just like any naughty school girl. And Twilight merely continued to smile as she walked behind a large piece of wood she must have gotten from somewhere to give them the barest hint of privacy. It wasn’t much of course, as anyone could still come by the sides and see them, but it gave Rainbow the smallest bit of confidence as she slightly waved at her mistress. “H-Hey. How are things in-” “Is that really how you say hi to me?” Rainbow blinked a few times, before crossing her arms underneath her fairly flat chest. There was enough there to squeeze and pull, a fact Twilight herself had made clear many times while they were fighting the Sirens, but not much more. It was a point of embarrassment usually, but with how thirsty Twilight looked, she wasn’t about to let her off the hook so easily. “Sorry, but you’ve been gone for months. Who says I don’t have a new mistress?” Twilight chuckled a little at the response, teasing Rainbow back by brushing her hands along her own chest. They weren’t the mammoths that Rarity or Fluttershy had swinging from their chests, but they weren’t small either. A nice, happy medium that Rainbow could properly worship, a fact that dug into the sporty girl’s mind as Twilight asked, “Then why did you cum when you saw me?” Rainbow fidgeted for a moment, her bravado breaking for a moment as she looked down, before she them stomped one of her feet into the ground. “I-I didn’t cum! I was surprised, especially with you being half naked like this!” It was a weak insult unfortunately, as Twilight was still perfectly covered from her waist up by a button up, dark blue, dress shirt, but it was the best Rainbow could do in the moment. Not when she wanted this so badly. She could feel her body quiver everytime Twilight’s eyes came back onto her. Feel her pussy burn with the swing of her hips, and the promise that hid behind such a short skirt. Twilight though just smiled at the statement, before biting one of her nails and commanding, “Strip down, and I will show you the surprise I brought with me to make up for my absence.” Rainbow immediately knew that whatever surprise Twilight had would likely please her just as much as it would Rainbow, if not more so, but… But she’d rather have it that way as she gave in, hastily taking off her shirt, energy flowing through her as she pulled down her shorts and underwear with one swift motion. And, just as her own, small wings appeared on her bare back, and she got onto her knees in the grass, a beat of wind brushed against her. Looking up, the sun silhoutted the other person as they came down, but from their height, the length of their wings… Well, it was hard for Rainbow not to recognize who it was. It was her… But not. No, Dash here was a little softer, a little less toned on the arms, thighs, and especially her stomach. She also had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, which felt wrong to see for Rainbow, but this one flicked her head to show it off as she blushed a bit. After all, they were both naked, which brought about the biggest difference. Emphasis on big. Dash’s breasts were larger than Rainbow’s head. They were the tits she had admittedly always dreamed of having, and her hand twitched as she wanted to reach out and grab them. To make sure they were real. That this was somehow Twilight’s regular version of her, which honestly explained why she hadn’t come around for so long. However, Dash spoke before even their mistress, despite herself being hunched lower than even Rainbow, and seeming to be much more comfortable on her knees then Rainbow. “Wow. It has been at least a year since I’ve been able to speak to our mistress like that. I-I can see why she’s missed you, and I’m happy to be here with you.” Rainbow blinked a few times, before turning to Twilight. “Okay, what sort of mind magic have you done to her to make her like this? Like, right now, I… I can barely deal with the fact that she’s here, let alone that you… You…” “Have so little use for you?” Twilight strode forward, and Rainbow swallowed hard as she saw that Twilight had done a little of undressing herself while Dash had come down. Namely: her underwear no longer held the footlong of princess authority that now swung in Rainbow’s face as Twilight stood over her. And then, it lowered, just like the rest of Twilight, until they were face to face and the nerd slid a hand onto Rainbow’s cheek. “I could have a thousand Rainbows, and I would still crave more. I would still have love for another. I would still find something unique and fascinating about each. It was the fear that I may actually be able to choose one of you over the other that kept me away.” She then leaned in, briefly brushing her lips to Rainbow’s as she continued to hold the athlete close. “You are so much more a leader, so much stronger than the one from my home, and yet you submit so much easier. There was no question of consent in our first time, despite my thirst having gotten out of control, and you have yielded so much better, but you can still show such confidence with others. Still lead them, whereas Dash barely even flies with her Wonderbolts.” The kiss then deepened as Twilight pulled her in, and Rainbow hummed against Twilight’s lips. It was… soft though. Twilight even flinched from it, and Rainbow pulled back before she asked, “What’s wrong?” Dash was the one to respond though with a slightly quivering voice as she said, “Because she’s used to that amount to mean she screwed up. Because when she kisses me…” Dash’s whole body shook and, with a quick check, Rainbow could see a drop or two of the other girl’s arousal dropping to the ground. Twilight stood up at this point, her dick coming back to being in front of the two as the harsh edge that was normally in her voice for them came back. “It’s a show that she did a good job, something I am hoping you two worthless holes can prove you still can do.” Both of the Rainbows shuddered at that, before their eyes fell upon the cock with their own hunger. Rainbow moved first this time, bringing up a hand along the underside of Twilight’s cock. It cradled the long, soft shaft, letting her palm gently grind against it as she moved. She knew it wouldn’t be enough to really get Twilight anywhere, but the shaft wasn’t her focus at the moment. After all, if she was the spunkier one still, well… She could at least try to tease her mistress a bit more. As such, the motion was more for Rainbow. To feel the girth in her hand. The ability to gently caress the side of it with her thumb. To feel every vein as the beast began to awaken. Dash instead positioned herself below Twilight, making sure that wherever the tip of her cock was, her face was there, her mouth open for any droplets that might fall into it. The sight brought a hum from her mistress, and Rainbow even smiled at the sight as she asked, “You have a real cum dump there, don’t you?” Twilight smiled a little before raising an eyebrow at Rainbow. “Oh? Are you trying to tell me that I imagined that bump I gave you when you just had to suck my cock all night at Pinkie’s house?” Rainbow’s cheeks turned to fire as she looked away, but… Well, Rainbow had been serious about being mad about Twilight being gone. About the fact that she had come back and only expected her own fun. Instead, Rainbow kept one hand for herself for now. One that reached inbetween her thighs as she got a little faster along Twilight’s shaft. Something that made Dash frown at, before her mistress’s smile made her dismiss the thought. Instead, her eyes kept focused on Twilight’s swelling member, waiting for the moment the skin became taught. When all twelve inches were unsheathed, hard, and ready for her service. It was a glorious sight, one she never got tired of, nor did Rainbow, and they both shuddered at the first drop of precum that appeared at the tip. Twilight merely smirked at the two of them before saying, “You both know what you need to do if you want it.” Rainbow bit into her lip as she stared at it. It had been so long since she had last tasted her mistress’s cum, but no. No, with a second finger into her nethers, her body shuddered with the act of defiance. With the fact that she wouldn’t just be some booty call, or at least not the same booty call Twilight apparently got back home. No, instead, she brought her hand back to the base of Twilight’s cock and wrapped her fingers around as much of the behemoth as she could. After a moment of making sure she was at just the right pressure, something that was already almost muscle memory for her, she started actually giving Twilight what she might have wanted. A nice, hard, firm handjob that was practically begging for Twilight to become the firehose she knew she could be. And, just as Dash began to say something, Rainbow barked at the other blue girl, “Don’t. Not yet.” Twilight’s eyes immediately turned hard as she glared at Rainbow and hissed out, “What do you think you’re doing?” Rainbow smiled a little, before pulling the hand she had between her thighs, which was covered in her own juices at this point, and playfully waved it in the air. “You trust me, right?” Twilight’s eyes narrowed again for a moment, before she crossed her arms and nodded ever so slightly. “If you disappoint me though, I’ll need to punish you.” Rainbow just grinned as she could feel Twilight’s cock tremble between her fingers. Just like Twilight had just done to her, Rainbow had teased her with a good time. Stroked that inquisitive side of her that was still there. Still made even this Twilight, and so still able to be toyed with, even a little. Still, with how close she was… “Hey, Dash, think you could bring those udders of yours up and eclipse her tip?” Dash froze for a moment, blinking away a drop of heavy, thick precum that had dropped onto just above one of her eyes. In fact, because Rainbow hadn’t stopped in her handjob while the two had talked, but only gotten faster and tighter with it, the other girl’s face was a mess. Covered and slick with clear fluid that had poured off of Twilight’s cock. She didn’t dare move though to touch her mistress, not until she said, “Listen to her. I am intrigued.” And so, Dash did as she was told. She brought her breasts up, spread them apart, before squeezing them tight around the bottom half of Twilight’s cock. It was an impressive move, considering how little room she had, but Dash seemed like had more than a little practice at it. The same went for the movement of the swelling bosom as it made small, presses against Twilight’s cock. Never was it allowed to become loose, or slip away, but Rainbow could tell when one side was being focused on, when Dash was trying to wrap it around to get the back of the cock more tension, and it all made her wish she could even attempt to do the same. Instead though, Rainbow got to feel those presses too, because she didn’t stop going along every inch of Twilight’s cock with her hand. No, in fact, watching this only made Rainbow more hungry for her mistress, and she had to force herself not to start grinding against Twilight with her own body. Instead, as one of her hands felt her… own? breast against it, she reached forward, hovering her dirty hand over one of Twilight’s own breasts and finally let her tone calm down as she asked, “May I please touch your glorious body, my mistress?” Twilight took in a sharp breath at the fact that she was being asked to breathe again while she was so close, but she still managed a cynical smile to her human pet. “Yes, but if this is all you have, I may have to wait until my next visit to fuck you properly.” Rainbow’s hand clasped tightly around Twilight’s chest, getting to feel every shake and shudder of her mistress as her own body shook in anticipation for what she’d been thinking of, before she whispered, “I promise you, I’ll show you why I would want to lead that harem of a thousand mes.” Twilight raised an eyebrow, but that break in concentration was the last straw for the woman. Not that she had to warn either of them. She never did, as she came wherever, whenever she wanted on her slaves. Period, and so she merely hung her head back and let the pleasure crash over her like a wave. Rainbow’s hand even followed every inch of her release, making sure that every drop came at once. Dash let out a small yelp as the cum came. As ropes of thick, hot seed poured against the other mare’s bosom, before then sliding down. There was too much to merely stick in her cleavage after all. Not when so much of it also slid along her stomach, sprayed upwards onto her face, and some merely got on the ground from the poor attempts to contain the mess. An attempt that Rainbow had made sure was the case, as while the other two panted from the smell of it, or the force of their orgasm, she knelt down in front of Dash. She reached up and grabbed ahold of her counterpart’s heavy tits, before she looked back at her mistress. “May I please clean my fellow slave, mistress?” Twilight’s eyes widened slightly at that, before she nodded, her eyes not daring to shut as she watched her two slave began to moan into the other ecstacy, touch, and the haze that her cum normally put them in. As they kissed, giggled, and hugged. As they became friends, and the idea of a thousand Rainbows, all under her, and all friends like this made her all too happy to have come that day.