Pokemon Mystery Dungeons: When Worlds Become One

by Lightningflash101

First published

When a human finds himself between two worlds he believed was fiction, he must use his new powers to save them both.

Certain humans have been chosen to save the world of Pokemon over and over again. But this time, there is another world that also needs help. The land of Equestria and the world of pokemon have begun to merge together. Choas has swept over as the most powerful and evil forces join forces for complete control.

It is up to this human and the friends he makes to save the two worlds from these forces.


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"Just a few more words..." Patrick said to himself, typing away on his computer, "and... Done! It's finally done."

Happy with his work, Patrick leaned back in his chair. After many weeks of writing and self-editing, he would finally publish his latest chapter to his story. It was his best yet.

He had what some might say, an active imagination. Whenever he would get a new idea for a story or a new chapter, he would write away on his computer. To him, it was normal to get lost in the worlds that he would make in front of him. After all, most of them where intentional self-inserts of his favorite show's, reads and games. Sometimes, he would become inspired by other's fanfics and use that to make something unique from it. Some would say it was a natural gift.

But, that was all he had. After recently completing his senior year in high school, Patrick had a lot of free time on his hands. The only problem was that he didn't have enough things to occupy that time. So he would try to fill that time with distractions like playing video games, watching youtube or keep writing. But these didn't keep his attention for long. He would eventually grow bored and try to find something else to do. It was a never-ending cycle of stop and go.

Just as Patrick was about to stand up and stretch his legs, he heard his siblings rush upstairs. Their dad's fiance must have called them all up for dinner. He heard that she was going to make backed tacos for dinner. That was one of his favorite meals that she would make.

His stomach growled at him for food as he when to join his family for a well-deserved dinner.

By the time Patrick returned to his room, he was stuffed to the brim. He had eaten too much food that he thought he was going to burst and taking his time sitting back down in front of his computer before getting himself compatible. He made one mode quick pre-read before publishing his work on the webpage for everyone to see. A sense of accomplishment swept over him as he closed chrome. When he checked the digital clock of his PC, he noticed that he still had about two more hours before everyone would start to fall asleep. That meant two more hours to do something before sleeping the night away.

"What should I do..?" He asked himself, scratching his chin

He clicked open the "games" folder to see if there were any games he had wanted to play. A whole list of game icons in front of him. Warframe, Absolver, Team Fortress 2, Hellbound, Gmod. He had everything he could choose from. Some new, some old. Then he remembered the Gameboy Advanced tab on the hot bar. He had downloaded an emulator on his computer. That way, he could play some games that he didn't have to chance to play when he was a kid.

He had no money of his own to go and by Gameboy advanced games from E-bay or even at local pawnshops. His ex-best friend gave him his Gameboy before they were forced to break up years before.

They practically did everything together before then. They were inseparable, two peas in a pod. They had the same likes, dislikes, favorites, and ideas.

Now, Patrick rarely ever seems him anymore. It was like losing a piece of himself.

He can still remember the day they broke up. It was a hot summer day, During summer vacation. It was a family vote that he lost. He had to call his friend and tell him that they weren't allowed to see each other anymore. Patrick was heartbroken. But with was for the best. Just earlier, his second brother ran away from home shortly after his best friend left. When Patrick and his family eventually did find his brother, he told everyone how poorly Patrick's friend was treating him, which would lead to him having to call shortly after. He was so hurt that he cried during that call and an hour later. His perfect vacation was ruined.

Patrick turned to the self's above his bed and stared at the handheld next to his fantasy and science fiction books. Just looking at it made him remember that day. He shut his eyes before turning his head away. He figured that he was still hurt after all these years. He felt childish just for getting work up over something so small. With a deep breath, he turned back to his computer and opened up a random game to help him forget about it.

Patrick yawned as he finished another battle. His eyelids were heavy, and his brain felt incredibly slow. Even his breathing felt nonexistent as he returned to the main menu of the game. He had lost track of how much time had passed and figured that now was time to hit the hay.

He turned his computer off and started heading to his bed. As he walked, he pulled down the pull chain and shut the lights off. He enjoyed sleeping as the overhead fan span off during the night, keeping himself fresh while his blanket kept himself warm while he slept. He plunged his smartphone in, the outlet conveniently next to his bed, before laying down on the surprisingly compatible bed. He could already feel his eyes shorting themselves as sleep fell over him. There was always something he liked about sleeping. Maybe it was the dreams he would have, or maybe it was how quickly time passed as he rested. Only for him to wake up the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead of him. He didn't know and didn't care right now. All that mattered right now was the silence he heard as his mind entered sleep mode.

It was when he slept wad when he would truly live the adventures he imagined.

Chapter 1: Dreams (Rewritten)

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Patrick's sleep was dreamless. There was only darkness as he just laid on his bed, motionless. For some reason, time didn't seem to just bur away as it usually does.

Hello? a voice called out in the darkness, Can you hear me? Please, open your eyes for me. Give me a sign. I need something. Anything that tells me that you can hear me. Show me that you're there.

When Patrick opened his eyes again, no longer in his room laying on his bed. Instead, he was floating in some kind of space. Colors of all kinds were flooding his sense of sight. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't look away. When he looked closer, he could see the colors merging and changing, creating new colors in their place. Within all of those colors, was a ball of light. It all seemed familiar to him somehow.

Finally! the voice said gleefully as the ball jumped in place, I finally found you! I came all this way to find you. It wasn't easy either. Your world is so much farther than the ones I found a different human in. I was actually beginning to believe that yours didn't exist at all. But here you are!

Patrick felt as though the ball of light was talking to him. He would have said something back, but somehow he knew that he couldn't. It was strange. He felt as if he was connected to the ball somehow.

Please, please come closer and lend us your strength. Don't be shy and reach out to me. I’ll guide you through this path.

Patrick stretched his arm out with thinking. Suddenly he felt himself slowly moving closer to the ball. He could feel some sort of energy growing in his soul as he got closer and closer to the light. As he drew closer, the brighter the light got. Until it was blinding.

The path of light is the link to our two worlds... But recently, a new light has appeared close to my world. It comes closer and closer every moment, treating to consume it whole. When I look into this new world, I can sense only kindness, harmony, friendship, and something else...

The voice paused as the light faded into pure darkness. Within the darkness, he could see a purple shadow like creature manifest. In front of it were silhouettes of equine and animal-like figures. All of them were varying in size.

The one on the far right had a glowing red horn on its head. Just by looking at it, Patrick knew it was a stallion of some sort. Its eyes glow green with a red center. It was wearing a cape on its back as it flew in the nonexistent air with its mane and tail. Next to him was a tall mare covered in holes. Its horn was disfigured with curves resembling partial holes. A lime green fire surrounded it as its eyes glowed the same color. Next to her was a chimera of some sort. It's body parts where all confusing to look at as its eyes cycled between white, light yellow, light green and light blue. Next to it was a centar with bull horns on its head. His face and arms were crimson, save for a nose ring, as his eyes glowed a dark yellow. On the far left was another tall mare. Her mane and tail where a blaze as her eyes glowed a bright orange. They all stood menacingly as the shadow creature opened its eyes to reveal a deep blue color. Laughter could be heard from all of them as they began to fade into the darkness.

I can feel something sinister lurking within this worlds shadow. That why I call out to you, human of a distant world. Your knowledge of this world could be the key to safe everything.

The darkness shifted back into a blinding light.

This new light has already begun to link itself with my home, creating a new path of light. This path will act as your guide to and from this new world and my world.

There was a moment of silence before the light faded away, bringing everything back to normal. Patrick could feel himself moving forward at an impossible speed. The colors around him formed what seemed like a tunnel towards another ball of light.

By looking into your sprite, I can see that you're good-natured and easygoing. But sometimes you get nervous over tough decisions. Your unique personality can set those around you at ease. You care about how others feel and want the best out of everyone. While at the same time, you strive for something that makes you happy. When things start to go wrong around the people you care about, you feel as though you need to help them. Almost as if it was your fault to begin with. Someone like you must be...

Suddenly, before Patrick was going to collide with the second light, everything went white. When his vision returned to him again, he found himself standing in front of a yellow mouse-like creature. Its ears were black at the tips, matching its eyes. Its nose was as small as a mouse while its cheeks had red spots on them. Without having to move to its back, Patrick knew that it had a lightning bolt shaped tail and brown stripes on its back. The creature in front of him seemed to be standing as tall as him. It felt as though he was staring at a mirror.

Just like a Pikachu!

Patrick took a moment to look at the pokemon in front of him. In the back of his mind, he knew that this was a dream. But it felt so vivid, almost real to the touch. But he didn't question why. He was just enjoying the show in front of him. The Pikachu in front of him seemed to be happy as well. Almost as if it was in its own dream.

Yes, a Pikachu should work perfectly for you. the voice sounded content with its choice, Your partner is already waiting for you within the world of Pokemon. It's up to you and him to save these worlds from themselves. I wish you the best of luck, Human. For your adventure isn't going to be an easy one. Now go, destiny awaits.

Patrick felt himself nod as he turned around. He watched as the pokemon in front of him did the same, mirroring his movements.

He only felt like he was watching a Movie or a cartoon or a cutscene on a video game. At the same time, he doesn't feel like he was being forced to do anything. He was choosing to take the opportunity to do something new. He didn't care if it was going to be difficult. It had to be better than sitting at home all day.

It only took Patrick a moment to realize that there was a hole in front of him. When he reached the edge of the hole, the soothing feeling of rest clouded his senses once more. He felt himself start to slump down as his eyes began to close on their own. The last thing he saw was the forest far below him.