> Chocolate and Mangos > by SteamHare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chocolate and Mangos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Really?” Flash deadpanned. Cocoa grinned cheekily in response. Flash gave him plus one cute point for the borderline foalish grin, but minus twenty for doing so in their home gym after offering sex. A cockblock was not something Flash needed after several years of pining, dating and really really needing to pounce on his colt friend’s stupid sexy flanks. Flash gave Cocoa a quick once over. He was in his earth pony disguise with his muscled physique, chocolate brown coat with white fringe along his hooves, face, and back, slick backed cream coloured mane, and a cutie mark of a bar of chocolate with a floral design. Flash himself was an orange pegasus with the body of a fairly muscular and lean earth pony with wings that matched. His hair was a wild tangle of blue with matching eyes. He a cutie mark of a shield with a lightning bolt through the middle. It took all of Flash’s very little self-restraint to stop himself from jumping onto Cocoa and riding him like a rodeo cowpony. He didn’t think that would go over well mainly because Cocoa could kick really hard. “Can we skip whatever you’re planning and get straight to the sexy bits?” Flash said then added questioningly, “There are sexy bits, right?” Cocoa smirked and trotted over to the deadlift stand nearby. There were several large cylindrical metal discs lying nearby with their numerical weight indicated in a large bold font. “Right?” Flash whimpered. Cocoa loaded up a pathetically low amount of weight onto the bar and turned back to Flash with a coy grin and lidded his eyes. “Of course there is,” Cocoa said, “But you’re going to have to earn it.” Cocoa gestured to the bar with a hoof. Flash groaned in irritation and trotted over to the stand. He settled into a standard deadlift stance, the bar settled across his back with his wings tucked in, and looked at Cocoa who was still smirking. Cocoa quirked a single eyebrow. Flash rolled his eyes and went through a quick set. He placed the bar back on the stand as he came up in his final rep and snorted. It was insultingly easy. Flash was lifting that kind of weight when he was a foal. What exactly was Cocoa trying to do? “Oh wow, so difficult, truly a test of physical prowess,” Flash grumbled sarcastically, “Can we get on with the sexy now?” Cocoa giggled, a sound that made Flash feel instinctively happy and he wagged his tail, then loaded up more weight on the bar. Flash sighed as it was still low for what he was used to. Knowing he wasn’t getting anywhere with Cocoa until he did whatever his colt friend was trying to get him to do, Flash did another set. As he came up from his final rep and placed the bar back on the stand, Cocoa kissed him on the snout. Flash felt heat in his cheeks, “What was that for?” “I told you before, Flash,” Cocoa grinned mischievously which caused Flash’s heart to start pounding in his chest, “You have to earn it. That’s what good colts do and your a good colt, right?” Flash was a good colt. He was a great colt. Cocoa was acting flirtatiously and sexy and borderline affectionate. His colt friend never did that! If lifting a heavy metal bar got Flash literally anything Cocoa was offering, he was ready to do it. “Put more weight on the bar,” Flash demanded. Cocoa grinned and placed a few more weights on either side of the bar. It was beginning to reach the level that Flash was accustomed to. With a little more effort, Flash completed another set and dropped the bar back onto the stand. This time Cocoa kissed him right on the lips. Cocoa pulled back after only a moment and Flash felt himself lean forward chasing after those sweet sweet lips. They had tasted like chocolate and Flash wanted his sugar fix. Flash whined and, when Cocoa didn’t come closer, he grumbled out, “Throw more weight on.” Cocoa obliged. It had finally reached the weight Flash normally trained at. Flash felt a few trickles of sweat run down his face as he performed another set. He dropped the bar back onto the stand with a grunt. Cocoa lunged forward and drew Flash into a deep kiss. Flash felt himself melt as Cocoa’s tongue snaked its way into his mouth. It was stupendous. It was amazing. Oh sweet Celestia, it was Flash’s favourite word: euphoric. Cocoa pulled back and Flash whined piteously after him. He couldn’t help it. He had been waiting for a kiss like that for years and he could already feel heat coursing through his body. For fuck’s sake his cock was already starting to poke out of its sheath. “Wait, no, don’t stop” Flash whined loudly, “I was a good colt. I did what you asked.” “I’m not so sure of that,” Cocoa teased. “I’m a GREAT colt,” Flash slammed his hoof for emphasis and puffed his cheeks in frustration, “I’m the bestest colt there is, so why shouldn’t I get kisses? Especially those kisses. I want more of those kisses!” Cocoa tilted his head to the side as he mulled over his thoughts, “Well, I’m not sure of the ‘bestest colt there is’. What about Shining?” Flash growled, “Shining is a loser compared to me. I’M the bestest colt and I’ll prove it.” “The bestest colt could lift more than this paltry sum of weight,” Cocoa gestured at the bar, “Thought you were a studly stallion, but I guess you only really amount to about average.” Flash snorted and pawed at the ground angrily. First, he had to go through this ridiculous farce of deadlifting, then he was denied kisses from his colt friend, and now he was being told that he, the pegasus that broke the earth pony lifting record back in guard training, was average? Flash knew his face was a bright shade of red akin to a ripe tomato, and he didn’t give a buck. He was going to show Cocoa that he was the most studliest stallion there ever was and then he would make him eat his own words. Preferably with Flash’s tongue in there as well. Flash put enough weight on the bar to push him past his limits but not enough that he thought he couldn’t do it. He wasn’t so angry that he would something so careless. He moved into position and then started his set. It was Tartarus. He could feel his fur get slick with sweat as he finished his final rep and threwthe bar back on the stand with a loud grunt. Flash then sat on his haunches and wagged his tail while waiting for his reward from Cocoa. His fur was drenched in sweat and he panted with his tongue out from the exertion. That should have shown him who the best colt was. Cocoa looked at him. Smirking. Flash shuffled his hooves awkwardly in front of him, “So, am I the bestest colt now? Do I get my reward for being good?” Cocoa grinned at Flash in a way that suggested terrible wonderful things. Cocoa turned around and brushed his tail right under Flash’s muzzle which caused him to let out a ragged breath from the contact. Cocoa looked over his shoulder with his gorgeous eyes, “The ‘bestest’ colt can come and get his reward himself.” Flash stared at his colt friend not believing what he’d heard. Cocoa trotted a few steps away from Flash with a sway in his hips that riled Flash up, “Well, what are you waiting for bestest colt?” Flash heard an audible snap in his brain as he finally parsed what Cocoa had said. His colt friend was giving him the finest view of his ass and he’d just been told that he had free reign to go after him. He wanted Cocoa. Now. With little warning and a general ‘buck this shit’ mentality to foreplay, Flash lunged forward and pressed Cocoa up against a nearby wall. Ignoring Cocoa’s surprised look at Flash’s sudden ferocity, he pressed his mouth onto Cocoa’s and shoved his tongue in to get his sweet fix that he had been denied earlier. Cocoa was hesitant at first, but soon relaxed and let Flash explore to his heart’s content, or Flash’s dick at least because it was at half mast and quickly rising to full. Sweet Celestia, he needed this. You didn’t leave a stallion hanging for years and not expect some real pent up libido. Flash pushed against his colt friend as he ran his tongue alongside the inside of his mouth. They were so close together that their bodies appeared flush to each other. Cocoa's mouth tasted like his first impression: chocolate. By this point Flash was certain that Cocoa’s everything tasted like some variation of the sweet treat and Flash was more than happy to fulfill his cravings for it. Speaking of everything. Flash looked down and noticed that Cocoa was enjoying himself. He was breathing heavily and his cock was halfway up his chest and still growing. Seeing his partner so turned only got Flash more riled up. It was perfect. Well, almost. Flash pulled back as Cocoa whined a little from the loss of contact. Now who was chasing whom? “Drop it,” Flash stated forcibly. “Drop what?” Cocoa smirked with half lidded eyes that made Flash want to dive right back in, “My balls? I already went through puberty a while ago and I fail to see how they can drop anymore than they already have.” Flash took a look out of curiosity. They were about the size of apples and Flash looked forward to giving them a lick later. “No, not that,” Flash replied, “Your disguise,” Flash felt Cocoa go rigid underneath him, “If we’re having our first time together, I want to have it with the real you.” Cocoa bit his lip nervously. He looked uncertain and uncomfortable, but, with a fwoosh, he dropped the disguise revealing Changeling Cocoa underneath. Flash took a moment to soak it the sight of his still very hot colt friend. Cocoa's black ‘chitin’ as he had called it was glossy and slick with sweat from their previous contact. He had a muscular form trimmed of all the fat from his disguise and two long curving antlers that grew out just above his eyes. His thin membrane wings fluttered slightly under the scrutiny in nervousness or expectation Flash wasn’t sure. Flash loved every inch of him. Cocoa sighed miserably, “I knew this would kill the mood. I’ll transform-” Flash stopped his colt friend’s blatant lies with a deep kiss. He still tasted like chocolate, but there was a roughness to the texture that drove Flash wild. He finally leaned back with Cocoa breathing heavily underneath him. “Just enjoying the view, Bugaboo,” Flash grinned, “Nothin’ wrong with lookin’” Cocoa’s fur, chitin, whatever turned a bright shade of red, “Oh well, I’m sorry then. Please continue your scrutiny.” Flash scrunched up his face in thought then grinned widely, “Nah.” Cocoa scowled, “‘Nah’? What do you mean ‘Nah’?” “I’d prefer to start licking my favourite part of you,” Flash grinned mischievously. “Flash, what are you talking about?” Cocoa finally noticed that Flash was eyeing up his horns, “Oh, no. Tartarus, no. Flash I’m really sensitive there! Don’t you even-” Far too late to be able to do anything, Flash lunged for his prize and closed his mouth around one of Cocoa’s antlers. Cocoa moaned loudly in response as Flash licked the length of Cocoa’s horn. Cocoa’s cock surged to its full length and bounced off of his stomach from the force of it. Flash grinned around his suckling of Cocoa’s horns. They tasted like licorice and Flash enjoyed the bittersweet taste. He was enjoying the huge palette of sweet sensations on his colt friend’s body. “Flash,” Cocoa gasped, “Come on, lick something else, please.” Flash looked back at Cocoa’s face, down, then back up again with raised eyebrows and a suggestive grin. “Okay, wait no,” Cocoa backpedalled, “I know I trotted into that one, but something other than that?” “Too late,” Flash said cheerily. Flash quickly sized up his colt friend’s massive cock. It was thinner than Flash’s but made up for that by reaching the bottom of Cocoa’s chest at full mast which was an impressive length considering his height. Flash did some quick math, figured his gag reflex probably wouldn’t care too much, and decided to try and impress his colt friend. He was worth it. In one swift motion, Flash took the head of Cocoa’s dick and swallowed his entire cock down to the base. Flash took an experimental lick along the length of Cocoa’s cock and was rewarded with a yelp and a shot of precum that tasted of chocolate frosting. He noticed out of the corner of his eye in a mirror that his throat was stretched with a significant bulge by Cocoa’s enormous cock. It was hot and Flash could feel his dick throb underneath him. Flash gave another long lick along the side of Cocoa’s dick. “Ah, FUCK,” Cocoa cried out as he arched his back and shoved his cock a little further into Flash’s throat. Flash felt himself shoot a load of precum. Cocoa never swore and Flash got an immense amount of pleasure from being able to make him slip up. Flash worked on Cocoa’s cock. He slid up and down it length using his tongue to trace its shape. It was like sucking on a chocolate pop, taste included. Cocoa moaned in bliss the entire time. Flash eventually let go of Cocoa’s cock with a pop and left a trail of saliva from his mouth to Cocoa's dick. Flash looked up at his colt friend who was breathing heavily with his tongue hanging out his mouth. He whimpered as Flash leaned in and nuzzled his colt friend in his favourite spot just under Cocoa’s muzzle. “Hey, Cocoa?” Flash whispered into Cocoa’s ear, “Good colts go for what they want right?” Cocoa nodded through his haze of pleasure, “Can I stick it in? Pretty please?” Cocoa furrowed his brow, “Why are you even asking?” Cocoa flicked Flash’s cock and earned a moan in response, “I’m surprised you haven’t with your cock that hard.” “Well, you see this is kind of embarrassing,” Flash blushed, “But I have a tendency to get really into it and, well, I can get a little rough.” “What, you hurt somepony by rutting them too hard?” Cocoa laughed. Flash bit his lip and nodded. “Wait, seriously?” Cocoa asked in disbelief. “I can’t really control myself once I get going,” Flash giggled nervously. “That’s actually really hot,” Flash looked at Cocoa incredulously, “Look Flash, I appreciate your concern, but I actually prefer it rough.” “So I don’t have to hold back?” Flash asked with wide eyes and a huge dopey grin. “Flash, if you hold back we’re never doing this again,” Cocoa stated. Flash felt his cock throb in anticipation. He started panting as he realized Cocoa was really going to let him thrust into him at full power. He had no idea what his face looked like at that moment, but apparently it was a little off putting as Cocoa gulped nervously. “Right,” Flash said to himself, “So we need to make sure everything is going to fit first, right? You think spit will work?” Cocoa looked down at Flash’s dick, finally taking the time to size it up. Flash’s cock was shorter than Cocoa’s, but it was thicker. A lot thicker. “Flash, how thick are you?” Cocoa asked nervously. “Like somewhere around three inches or something?” Flash tilted his head to one side, “Why is that big?” Cocoa stared blankly at Flash, “There’s lube in the cabinet. Please, if you love me, use it liberally.” Flash zipped over to the cabinet, whipped open the doors and grabbed a clear bottle labelled Slick. He raced back to Cocoa and popped open the lid. Flash poured a glob onto his cock from the bottle. Cocoa then tipped the bottle and let half of it drip over Flash’s cock. Flash shrugged then used the remainder to lube up Cocoa’s waiting asshole. After rubbing down his own cock, he put himself into position with his face close to Cocoa’s and his cock just barely touching the entrance to Cocoa’s ass. “Tell me if it hurts okay?” Flash said seriously, “Of anypony in Equestria, the one who has the least right to hurt you is me.” “Flash, your concern is appreciated,” Cocoa breathed, “But I need you to mount me right now.” Flash planted his hooves against the wall on either side of Cocoa and drew him in for a deep and tender kiss. When he felt Cocoa loosen up and relax, he inserted the tip of his cock into Cocoa’s waiting hole. Cocoa tensed. Flash continued to kiss Cocoa and waited until he relaxed again before pushing further in. It was a tight fit, which made slow progress and a slightly painful experience for both studs. Both stallions moaned and panted as Flash slid his cock further and further in. When Flash’s medial ring finally broke through, Cocoa gasped and loosened up his ass. Flash took the chance and went the rest of the way in. His heavy balls bounced against Cocoa's flanks as Flash’s buried his cock all the way up to the base. Flash released Cocoa from his kiss. Cocoa was blushing furiously and breathing heavily in intense pleasure. It was a good look for him. “Ah, Luv,” Cocoa gasped, “It feels so good.” Flash felt his cock throb. Cocoa called him Luv. His partner was enjoying it and that was making him more and more turned on by the second. He pulled back slightly and thrust back in. Cocoa gasped out and urged him to push harder. Flash obliged, coming out to his medial ring. He flexed, then put all his strength into his thrust. Cocoa screamed out his name in ecstacy. His cock squirted out the smallest glob of cum from the force of Flash’s push. Spurred on by his lover’s response, Flash got into the rhythm of pulling out and thrusting in as hard as he could. He went faster and faster as Cocoa screamed his name, urging him to go going. Flash lost himself in the fervour, finding his brain thinking only of rutting his colt friend as hard as possible. He felt feverish and joyful and just so bucking alive. He had never felt so great with any other pony. He didn’t know if it was because Cocoa was just that good a partner or it was because he was finally rutting Cocoa. All too soon for Flash’s liking, he felt the familiar pressure building in his cock. “I’m going to cum, Cocoa,” Flash cried out through his heavy panting, “I gotta-” Cocoa interrupted by lunging forward to kiss Flash on the mouth. It was enough to push Flash over the edge, prompting him to explode a steady stream of cum into Cocoa's asshole. Shortly after, Cocoa joined in, coating both of the stallions chests in his cum shot. Cocoa flopped onto the floor, breathing heavily from the exertion and after glow. Flash slipped out allowing the cum overload to drip out. He collapsed onto Cocoa's chest and snuggled into Cocoa’s ‘fur’, then breathed a sigh of contentment. “We’re going to do this again right?” Flash asked eagerly despite his exhaustion, “Like all the time? Because I super want to do you again. As much as possible actually. You are fucking fantastic.” Cocoa laughed, “Glad to meet your expectations. Also definitely, never thought I could find a stallion that could rut as hard as you could.” Flash laughed as well. After calming down, Flash stood up over his colt friend and kissed Cocoa on the snout staring into his eyes. “I love you, Bugaboo.” Cocoa smiled, “You too, Luv.”