Pepsi mare

by SaltWriter the leviapony

First published

The game Pepsi man,but with ponies. Enough said.

This was just a fun story I had made after losing a bet to someone I know. They wanted me to write Pepsi man with ponies, and so I did. This was just a dumb thing I did, don't take it too seriously

The story.

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Pepsi mare.

Our story begins with a fridge. The hand of a brony reaches out and opens said fridge. It is filled to the brim with the wonderful soft drink known, as Pepsi. The hand reaches in and grabs 6 cans of the stuff, The fat brony had with him a bag of chips, and he smiled.

“Let's start the show.” He makes his way to the couch and turns on the TV. Opening a delicious Pepsi as he does so.

On the black void of the screen, a figure appears, running to the background. It was Pepsi mare. She had a aluminum body, with a silver head and body. Her legs and tail were a dark blue, and the Pepsi logo adorned her flank as her cutie mark.

She stops near a familiar pony. Applejack was standing near her cart, one of the wheels broken and the barrels of cider laying inside.

“Ahh, Pepsi mare, you came at the right time sugarcube. I just finished the orders for apple cider this year, and was on my way to deliver them. As you can see, my wagon got a broken wheel.

A Lot of ponies are expecting my families cider, and I expect they’ll start a riot if they don't get some. I plan on going to make the sales as soon as I fix this wheel. Can you satisfy them for a little while Pepsi mare?”

With that, Pepsi mare ran off to deliver her load of Pepsi. She made her way through the bustle of ponyville, running past open shops, running children, and various obstacles. She jumped and slid, weaving her way towards the expecting ponies.

As she ran, a gray pegasus accidentally dropped a trash can onto Pepsi mares head. She continued to run, doing what she can to avoid the obstacles in her path. Eventually, she tripped over a pink Colt, and ran faster then she had before, crushing a small tiara in the process.

She soon arrived at one of the few Pepsi machines installed in ponyville, right by the mares office, and drank a Pepsi. The cool taste revitalizing her spirit and readying he for the next length of the run.

She rushed past the various ponies in front of her, the lot reeling in shock at the fast moving mare. A small orange pegasus was riding her scooter when Pepsi mare took it, blasting off towards her destination. She then ditched the scooter in the river, and finally ran to the group of ponies waiting for applejack.

Pepsi mare stretches out her hoof, and with a refresher pshhh, the residents each get a can of Pepsi. Pepsi mare stands in victory, till a grey pegasus knocks a large object off a building, which chases Pepsi mare out of town.

The fat brony cheers on from his chair, taking a sip from his can of Pepsi. He tips his Fedora back and looks into the camera.

“This is pretty good huh?” He says, placing the hat beside his chair and drinking his can again.

“Have a Pepsi.” he leans back in his chair and readies for the next mission.

Pepsi mare once again rushes to aid someone in need. It was a fire brigade, from the town of chicoltgo. She runs up to the firetruck and listens to the stallion.

“Pepsi mare, there's a building up ahead that's on fire, but look what's happened!! According to reports that I have heard, the fire is under control, but several ponies have been trapped on the building.

They're extremely exhausted, and we doubt we can get first aid to them in time. Can't you give them something to revive them Pepsi mare?” She nods, and then rushes into the streets of chicoltgo.

She rushes past the various cars and ponies laying in the streets, items exploding into fire as she runs. She runs past the construction area, and rides an oil drum to get through the area as fast as she can. Soon, she arrives at the only Pepsi machine in chicoltgo.

But, after she drinks, she ends up in the sewers, and must return to the surface by running. She dashes through the waste filled depths, running out the train station and to the roofs. She jumps off the roof, flailing her hoof forward to give the ponies her refreshing Pepsi.

She falls to the streets below, landing on a large pizza truck. She rushes away from it, and moves on to the next level.

The fat brony laughs, stuffing his face with potato chips as he sips another Pepsi.

“Pepsi for tv ponies” with that, he returns to his seat to watch the adventure unfold.

Pepsi mare meets up with rainbow dash of the wonderbolts. She seems in pain as Pepsi mare approaches.

“Pepsi mare, we were performing a daring new trick for the wonderbolts, but had to make a crash landing out here in the desert. Fortunately, no pony was hurt or killed. Yet they are all exhausted after the intense training.

I would go and help myself, but my wing is a bit hurt. Can you do something till I arrive to talk?” With a nod, Pepsi mare makes her way through the desert where the wonderbolts had crashed.

She ran through the urban desert, sliding and dodging the vultures and buffalo that ran through the area. She continued till she found the town of appleloosa, and she rushes to the only drink machine of the area.

After her refreshing drink, she rushes to the mines of the area, traveling underground to get to the ponies.

She soon emerges from the tunnels, heading straight for the gathered ponies. With a flourish, she raised her hoof, and gave the ponies each a refreshing Pepsi. She ran off from the group, being followed close behind by a rolling group of rolling logs.

The brony gleefully jumps on his seat, excited to see the final scene of Pepsi mares journey. He raises his can to you, and takes a sip.

“Congratulations, you finished the story. Go drink a Pepsi.”