> The Mesmerize Stone > by Citrus Recluse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rocks On The Shore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio Dazzle walked across the beach, leaving behind her footprints in the sand as she tried to listen to the calming waves. It wasn’t doing her much good. As much as she loved being near the sea, it also reminded her all of the things she lost. Her siren magic. Her sway. Her powers of flight. And all because of that wretched little red head proving herself at the last minute. It made her so mad, not least in part because if Adagio was honest, Sunset was kind of cute. She would have liked to made Sunset into her own personal attendant if her plan succeeded. On top of all that, she was beginning to lose her hold with the other two. Aria had grown bolder since she now had a concrete example of where Adagio failing in her goals. Sonata wouldn’t challenge her on on her own initiative, but every now and then Aria raised up a point which Sonata cheer on a cry of “Yeah!” demanding an explanation from Adagio about why she should still be the leader. Adagio looked down at the sand in disgust. Scowling and wrinkling her face, she kicked the sand, but this caused her to trip as she fell over a rock or sea shell or something she didn’t say. “Why, you little … how dare you! Do you know who I am?” Adagio shouted, rolling over onto her back. She deflated a little upon realizing it was just a rock that had tripped her. There was no use yelling at a rock. “Say …” Adagio said, noticing how the rock glinted in the sun when the sunlight hit. It was a pretty rock, at least by low standards of this world. Still, it was intriguing to her. She picked it up and looked it over. It was a brown rock, with a perfect egg shape to, as if crafted and manmade instead of natural. A brown stripe ran all the way over it, and on the base of it was an inscription, though the writing on it was too faded for Adagio to make out. “I should show this to Sonata and Aria,” Adagio said to herself, getting up. “It won’t actually change anything, but at least it will distract them and give  me a break from them questioning my leadership for a little while. It’ll be nice to have some peace and quiet again …” With that thought in her mind, Adagio pocketed the stone into her sweater and went back to the Dazzlings’ residence. It wasn’t much of a residence. A little vacation house close to the beach which had been in a state of disrepair when the Dazzlings found it. With no one around to tell them not to, they had claimed the residence as their own. They even cleaned the place up a little, though that probably wouldn’t be enough to convince the owners not to kick them out if they ever showed up. “Hey, Adagio,” Aria said. “Out scouting again? Maybe there’s another school we can take over. Oh wait, that’s right, we can’t, because we don’t have our voices!” She growled. “Yeah!” Sonata agreed. So predictable, Adagio thought. “For your information,” Adagio said, “I was taking a stroll down the beach when I found this.” She produced the stone for them to see, and judging from the ooh Sonata gave as she and Aria approached, it was going to be enough to shut them up for at least a few minutes. “Pretty,” Sonata said. “What does it do?” “It’s a stone,” Adagio said. “It doesn’t do anything.” “Pretty, but doesn’t do anything,” Aria said with a grin. “Kinda reminds me of you, Adagio, don’t you think?” Adagio grunted, clenching the stone tight in her hand. She pointed and pressed a finger into Aria’s vest. “Now listen closely. I have had ENOUGH of your lip!” Aria began walking backwards, Adagio’s approaching backing her into the wall. “Now, girls, let’s not fight,” Sonata said. “You stay out of this,” Adagio and Aria snapped, Adagio adding to hers with a demonic hiss to end her sentence. “This has been a long time coming,” Aria said, ready to take Adagio on. She prepared a fist and took a swing at Adagio, and Adagio caught her wrist and held her arm, hissing madly. She twisted Aria’s arm, inflicting pain, her free still curled tightly around the rock. The rock began to glow with a golden light. “Uh, Adagio?” Sonata said, raising her hand. “Not now, Sonata!” Adagio growled as she raised the stone and struck Aria in the cheek with it. Aria staggered backwards, and she looked to Sonata with her teeth bared. “Unless you also want to issue a challenge to my leadership?” “Uh, no, I just wanted to point out-” “Then stay out of it!” “The stone is glowing, Adagio!” Adagio held up the stone and saw Sonata was right. “So it is.” She raised it up, preparing to hit Aria again. “Whoa, wait a minute, timeout,” Aria said. “Suddenly I don’t feel like fighting anymore.” “You don’t, huh?” Adagio said, disbelieving and keeping the rock at the ready. Since when did Aria ever turn down the chance to get into a scrap? “Yeah,” Aria admitted, rubbing her cheek. “Sounds crazy, but it’s true. I don’t know. Maybe that rock of yours did it?” “I couldn’t have hit you that hard …” Adagio mused as she turned the rock over to inspect it. “What?” She questioned it when she looked into the glow and began to feel a bit sleepy, a bit woozy, a bit like she might take a nap. Realizing what was happening to her, Adagio quickly regained control of herself. Getting an idea, she turned the stone to face outward at Aria. “What? What are you … uh?” Aria questioned, the same effect falling on her. She leaned in closer to the stone, moaning softly, her eyes overtaken with orange and purple spirals. “Aria, listen to me,” Adagio said, the confidence in her voice growing now that she regained control of the situation.. “You are hypnotized.” “I’m hypnotized,” Aria said. “You’re not going to fight me anymore.” “I’m not going to fight you anymore,” Aria repeated. “You’re not going to challenge my leadership.” “I’m not going to challenge your leadership.” “Good. Now, I’m going to snap my fingers and turn the stone away from you. When I do that, I want you to wake up and forget you were hypnotized, but still follow my commands. Ready?” “I’m ready.” “Wake.” Adagio snapped her fingers and put the stone behind her back. Aria’s eyes cleared, and she shook her head, blubbering as she tried to get her screwed back on straight. “What happened?” Aria asked. “What do you mean, what happened?” Adagio asked, bracing her hands on her hips. “You were just in the middle of questioning my authority.” Aria became very reserved. “Now why I would do that?” “Because you want to be the leader?” Adagio suggested. “That’s a silly. Why would I want to be the leader? Everyone knows you’re the leader,” Aria. Adagio grinned. It worked, whatever this thing was. She held up and examined it, uncurling her fingers from it, which deactivated it, making the glow disappear. “Ooh, ooh, now do me, now me!” Sonata said. “You haven’t been undermining my authority,” Adagio said. “But if you insist, I’d be happy to oblige you … later.” She flashed a wicked grin. “Right now, I can think of someone who has been a much bigger challenge to my power than Aria ever as, and I can’t wait to try this on her.” “Who?” Sonata asked. Adagio facepalmed. “Sunset Shimmer, you dunderhead.” “Hey! My head’s not electric!” “That’s not - never mind.” Adagio covered her face, realizing it was useless to continue this conversation. Adagio and Aria sidled along the sides of the houses in the suburban neighborhood, wearing hoodies to cover their faces. For some reason, Aria's hypnosis had compelled her to forego her shoes and go barefoot. They found a tree to hide behind. "There," Adagio said, pointing at a house with a wooden totem staked in its front lawn. "That's the one." Aria peeked over. "One what?" "Shh," Adagio ordered. "I see something happening." Sunset Shimmer came out from the house. She smiled and waved goodbye to Zecora, slinging her backpack over her shoulders. "There. That's our target," Adagio said. "Her name's Zecora. Sunset's been making friends with her lately. And you know what?" "What?" Adagio held up the stone. "We're going to make her our friend." Adagio hid the stone behind her back. She and Aria walked across the street over to Zecora's house. Adagio cleared her throat and knocked on the door. Zecora opened it obligingly. "Yes? Hello?" Zecora said, greeting them. "Are you two fellows that I know?" "No, but you will," Adagio said. "We're new to the neighborhood and trying to find our way around. We were hoping you might be able to help us?" "I do not think you are in the right place, and now that I look at you, I think I recognize your face," Zecora said, cupping her chin and narrowing her eyes. "Oh, you do?" Adagio asked, tapping her fingers together, making sure to keep the stone hidden in her palm. "Where from?" "The Battle of the Bands, I believe. And with that in mind, I'm going to ask you to leave." Zecora tried to shut the door, but Adagio kicked her foot in and held it open. She raised up the stone, squeezing it to activate, hitting Zecora with the dazzling gleam. "What-what is… ?" Zecora muttered as the stone worked its effects on her, trailing off. "You like staring at the stone?" Adagio asked. "N-yes," Zecora answered, a dazed smile spreading across her face. "I like staring at the stone." "Staring makes you feel good, doesn't it?" Adagio asked. "It feels good to relax, and submit, and obey." "Submit. Obey." "Obeying me makes you feel really good, Zecora," Adagio said. "Possibly even better than the stone does." "Obeying you-" Adagio pressed a finger to Zecora's lips. "We don't need to hear the whole spiel. If you've got the gist, that's good enough. Now, let me and Aria inside." Zecora opened the door wide, allowing Adagio to step inside, followed by Aria. Adagio closed the door and turned to Zecora, wondering what to do next. "Get on your knees," Adagio instructed her. Zecora fell as if her knees were made of plywood. "Take off your shoes," Adagio instructed. Zecora complied without hesistating, prying off her sandals and tossing them aside. "Wiggle your toes for me." Zecora did as asked, raising her feet up and wiggling all her toes. "What next?" Adagio asked herself. "Oh, I know." She dropped down her skirt and panties while making sure to keep the stone held high. "Come over here and suck me off." Zecora's subconscious mind found this a more off-putting command, but despite a brief attempt to resist, she obeyed, pressing her mouth to Adagio's labia. "That's a good girl," Adagio said, stroking Zecora's hair. "Now, at some point, assuming you know what you're doing, I'm going to cum into your mouth. When that happens, I want you to swallow, and do you know what I want you to do when that happens? I want you to submit to being my good, submissive, obedient barefoot slut for all time, even without the stone. Do you understand?" Zecora nodded, continuing to suck, despite a part of her mind still trying to resist. I must ... not ... let this witch turn me into her- Adagio interrupted Zecora's thoughts by grabbing her head and pressing Zecora further into the bare nethers. After that, Adagio pressed her fingers down to her vagina, stroking and rubbing herself with the intent to get herself to cum faster. She jerked, sighed and moaned as the combined stimulation from her own masterful fingerwork and Zecora's less-masterful worship of her new mistress brought her close to the point she wanted. "Ah, Zecora! It's happening! I hope you're ready to be a good little slut!" I will not- Zecora thought, interrupted by Adagio's sweet, tasty cum flowing into her mouth. Zecora's body worked against her, following Adagio's command to swallow at once, and that was all that it took for her mind to succumb. Yes, yes! Must be a good slut, a good barefoot slut for Mistress to rut! Zecora pulled away, a strand of cum sticking between her mouth and Adagio's snatch. Adagio looked away and giggled. "Okay," Adagio said, "why don't you and Aria go play with each others' feet for awhile?" Aria and Zecora got onto their backs, tapping and poking each others' feet with their own. While Zecora did that, Adagio reached and pulled out Zecora's phone. She had Zecora unlock it for her and sent out a text to Sunset Shimmer, asking her to come back to Zecora's house as soon as possible. "Zecora, I'm back," Sunset announced, charging into the house when she found the door unlocked. "What's the ... problem?" Her voice turned into a squeal when she saw Adagio laying on the floor, with Zecora and Aria licking her bare feet. "You!" Sunset said, glaring at Adagio Dazzle. "Yes, Sunset, me," Adagio said with a smirk. "I'm so very glad you could join us." "I don't know what you're up to how you did ... this," Sunset gestured to Zecora and Aria, "but I'm gonna figure it out and put a stop to it!" "No," Adagio said. "No, you are not." "Oh yeah?" Sunset asked, crossing her arms. "And how do you plan on stopping me? Because you couldn't do that last time, and I don't think you can do it now." "With this," Adagio held up the stone, squeezing it tightly and making its light glow brighter, Sunset was immediately caught, her eyes becoming swirls of orange and purple, and her body relaxed. "Uh?" Sunset asked as her mind slipped away. "Sunset, take off your shoes and come join us on the floor," Adagio said. "Help your friend Zecora worship my feet." "I ... I ... yes, mistress!" Sunset stammered before the lost of her resistance faded away under hypnotic bliss. She tossed her backpack to the floor, pried off her shoes, then got her knees and crawled over, giving the bottom of Adagio's foot a kiss. Adagio smirked, chuckling at first, which evolved into a loud, maniacal laugh. She had gotten Zecora and Sunset so easily ... getting the rest of those accused Rainbooms, and then the rest of this dimension, was going to be a piece of cake.