> Button's Bedroom Games > by dirty little secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Player 3 Has Joined The Game > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milano The familiar taste of her young son's cock filled Milano's mouth as she lovingly fellated his little shaft. Behind her on the bed, though, the unfamiliar feeling of his friend, Rumble's tentative thrusting into her pussy threatened to distract her from her motherly responsibilities. It wasn't bad, though ... quite nice, actually. Rumble was a bit bigger than Button – not that she'd ever tell Button that – and he could reach that crucial little bit deeper inside her. Her already-lifted tail rose up higher as she felt Rumble clutch his hooves around her hips, beginning to push more assertively. His fervency reminded her of the very first time she'd played the 'bedroom game' with Button. The memory made her feel warm inside ... or maybe that was something else, something much more physical, something much more primal causing that warmth. Either way, she knew exactly what it made her want to do. She tenderly caressed her son's tight little ballsack with one hoof and slid her lips slowly, softly, caringly down his warm cock, easily taking his modest girth into her throat again. Button moaned, his hooves caressing her mane in a way he hadn't done since before he started going to school. She smiled around the throbbing-hard base of his cock. That was how she knew she was being a good mom. The very best. Rumble “Oh come on,” Rumble said. “What game could you possibly be playing at your house that's better than Deathkiller Five?” He knew that Button couldn't possibly have Deathkiller on his own yet. It was only for the PonyCube, and the stores were sold out of those until next month at least. Button shrugged and looked away from the school playground, back toward his house. “It's just better, okay? It's a game my mom showed me.” “Your mom, seriously? That nice old mare who bakes cookies for us when we play Fightin' Hooves tournaments?” “Yeah...” Button still stared off dreamily. “She's got the best game ever.” Rumble glanced around for support from the other colts, but they all seemed to be preoccupied with something the Cutie Mark Crusaders were doing off by the seesaw. Nopony else was there to back him up on how utterly ridiculous it was to think that Button's mom had any good games at all, much less the 'best game ever'. He puffed his mane away from his eyes with a quick huff of breath. “Oh yeah? What's this game called?” Button blinked, then finally looked back at him. “I'm ... not sure.” “You don't even know?” Button shrugged. What the hay was wrong with Button? His mom made nice cookies, but he'd never seen her so much as pick up a game controller. And now Button was ditching him and ditching Deathkiller Five for some no-name game that his mom showed him? It didn't make any sense! And now he was staring off toward his house again. “Hey! Are you even listening to me? What's with you lately?” “It's ... a really good game.” “Ugh, fine!” Rumble shook his head. “I haven't finished all the single-player quests on Deathkiller yet, so I guess Ultimate Battle Mode can wait. But you have to promise me – if this game of yours is so great, you have to show it to me this weekend and let me try it. Then we'll see if it's really the best.” He spat on his hoof and held it out, ready to seal the solemn bond. “Sure, I promise,” Button said, not even turning to look. He was staring back toward his own house again. “This weekend.” Rumble stomped his wet hoof into the dirt in disgust. Button Button patted his friend's back as Rumble stood and stared, gape-mouthed at Mom's raised tail, her slightly spread legs, her winking pussy on full display. “See,” he said, fully aware of his patronizing tone. “This game is pretty great, isn't it?” Mom slowly, sensuously made her way to his bed and slid herself up on top of it. The way she posed herself was no accident – it put her round hips and her generous teats on full display. Behind her, her tail slid up over the bedspread as she looked him in his eyes. But Rumble seemed to be frozen in place. “Is she ... are we gonna... Am I gonna...?” “Yeah, duh.” Button rolled his eyes pushed him forward. Rumble always pretended to be so confident and sure of himself, but when push came to shove – literally in this case – he'd always freeze up like this. “Why else did you think we'd play in my room instead of out in the living room where the TV is?” Milano The colts on either side of her had found their rhythm now, Rumble pushing her forward and down onto Button's cock, and Button pushing her backward into Rumble's waiting embrace. She moaned around her son's shaft, surprised at how hot and tingly she felt deep inside her belly. It had never been her kind of fantasy to be taken roughly, and she'd definitely never been interested in having two stallions at the same time. But something about the earnest grunts and labored breaths from the two little colts just lit her fire. She felt all warm and juicy inside, like she could snuggle up to these two and just wrap herself around their eager little cocks, spreading her love all over them. Well, that wasn't far off from what she actually was doing. “Miss... Miss Milano...” Rumble grunted from behind her tail as he pushed into her pussy again. She could feel his trembling thighs against her plump ass cheeks. He hunched over her rump, his hot little puffs of breath ruffling the fur on her flank. “You're... It feels so good!” She hummed in satisfaction, even though her mouth was very full. That made Button clutch her mane and shove himself all the way in her mouth. For a heated moment, both colts shook and held themselves as deep inside her as they could possibly go. And all she wanted to do was envelop their frantic, inexperienced lust within her steamy embrace. They had no guile, no pretense – they just followed their throbbing cocks into her warm depths, right where she wanted them. Somehow, no stallion would ever be able to live up to the kind of honest love these little colts so willingly gave her. When Rumble went for another thrust, he barely pulled back at all before rushing back in. Yes, she thought, come to momma. Let my pussy hold your cute little cock nice and tight. It was like tucking a cute foal into a cozy bed at night ... only, it felt so much better when it was mixed with the sultry rush of being claimed, of claiming this new colt's virginity. She moaned deeply around her son's cock, making sure he felt as good as his friend, as good as she did. The warm shaft in her mouth was comforting and familiar, but she still ran her tongue across the curve of it devotedly, slathering her motherly love on him until it dribbled down onto his cute little balls. Rumble Rumble pounded on the front door of Button Mash's house, louder this time since nopony had answered him the first time. “Hey! Where the hay have you been all weekend? Get out here already, Button!” But it wasn't Button who finally opened the door, it was Button's mom. She wiped her mouth. “Oh, I'm sorry. Your name's Rumble, right? Me and Button were just, um ... busy with something.” He rolled his eyes. “You were playing that game with him, weren't you?” “What?” She jumped back, her eyes wide. “No! I was ... I was, um...” “Don't bother. Button told me all about it.” She blanched and backed slowly away from the door. “Where is he, anyway? I haven't seen him since school let out on Friday, and that's not normal when there hasn't been a new game release this week.” “Ugh, Mom,” Button's voice came from his bedroom. “Is that pony at the door gone yet? I was really close to winning!” She smiled and looked back toward Button's room. “Be back in a minute dear, it's your friend, Rumble.” Looking back to him and coming closer, she whispered, “What did he tell you?” But Rumble never had much use for grown-ups. He yelled into the house, toward the bedroom, “Hey! Get out here, Button! You made me a promise, and the weekend's almost over!” Button Rumble might have been dumbfounded by the sight of Mom presenting herself right there on the bed, but Button sure wasn't. He knew this game pretty well by now, and he was eager to resume what Rumble had interrupted when he'd shown up at the door. Going right up to the edge of the bed where Mom was lying, he nuzzled eagerly between her belly and her thighs, soon finding the familiar soft mounds of her teats. Mom's nipples were already hardened nubs, eager to be licked and suckled ... she was already turned on somehow, already wanting it, and he was happy to do it. He took one nipple between his lips, deftly tweaking it, then moved on to the other, then back again. When Mom gasped and twitched her legs, he knew he was doing it right. It was kind of like being a little baby again, even though there was no milk ... he kind of wondered why he'd ever stopped doing this. Her teats felt so supple and soft against his lips. Rumble seemed to finally have gotten control of himself back. “Woah,” he said, letting the word hang for a moment. “W-what are you doing? That's so weird.” Pulling himself away from Mom's teats, Button looked back over his shoulder. He wiped his lips with a hoof and grinned. “It's really fun. Come on, give it a try!” “What?” Rumble took half a step backward. Since his mouth was busy talking, Button reached up and rubbed Mom's teats gently with his hoof, savoring the plush, jiggly feel of them as he talked. “You wanted to try playing the best game ever, right? Well, come on! Don't be a chicken.” Rumble snorted at the insult, but Button knew there was only one thing his friend could do to keep the jibe from being true. Slowly, his wide eyes fixating on Mom's body, Rumble came forward, until eventually Button had to step out of his way. “Go on,” Button said. “Give it a taste. It's okay, right Mom?” Mom paused for a moment, but then nodded. “Yes. Anything for my little boy.” Rumble glanced up into her eyes one last time, then tentatively leaned in under her belly. Button could tell the exact moment Rumble first made contact, because Mom's legs gave a slight twitch, suddenly tensing as the unfamiliar tongue touched her there. But she soon relaxed, and when she did, she spotted what was going on under Button's belly. She smiled at him, full of knowing warmth. “How about we finish what we started earlier, hm?” Grinning wide, Button hopped up on the bed near his mother's face, where she'd be able to reach his 'joystick' with her mouth. Milano Shifting from her side to where she was more or less lying on her belly, Milano flipped her tail up over her back and moaned softly around the tip of her son's cock. Rumble took advantage of the new position and managed to get just a little bit deeper still. It was perfect. She took a quick break from deep-throating to lick up and down Button's lovely little shaft, even taking a moment to crane her head down and wetly kiss each of his tight balls. The cute little things were already so clenched-up that they weren't really hanging anymore, so much as simply protruding between her son's legs. He took after his father that way, she knew ... and she also knew it meant he wouldn't last much longer before he popped. For that matter, neither would his friend, if Rumble's labored breaths and frantic thrusting into her pussy were anything to go by. She stroked her son with a hoof and looked over her shoulder at her newest, youngest lover. “When you feel like you're about to win the game, don't pull out. I want to feel it inside me.” He paused for a moment, panting. She could feel his heartbeat through his cock against the soft inner walls of her pussy. He slid all the way inside her before he asked, “When I'm about to win? How will I know?” “Oh, you'll know.” She grinned and quite deliberately winked her pussy lips around the base of his cock. “Just make sure and fill me up like a good boy, okay?” He nodded and started earnestly thrusting again. For a moment, she just savored the delicious anticipation of the warmth his virgin cream would soon spread inside her... But she had other matters to attend to as well – hoof-jobs were fine, but she wanted her son to have the very best. Leaning back down, she took him back into her mouth, and she was rewarded by a deep, lusty moan from Button. Rumble Finally, Button came out of his room, his colt-parts dangling under his belly. Why did it look wet? Rumble looked away. Nopony had ever had to tell him; it was just an unwritten rule that every colt and stallion seemed to understand: one simply didn't look at another colt's junk when it slipped out, no matter what. It did mean that he couldn't directly stare Button down, though, which might have lessened the impact of the dour look he was giving the little shut-in. “What's wrong with you, Button? Where have you been all weekend?” Button glanced up at his mom, with a weirdly adoring look. “I've been playing that new game Mom taught me. It's so amazing. I just can't stop!” “Button, dear...” His mom placed a restraining hoof against Button's chest. “You shouldn't go around telling ponies about our little game.” So this was a secret game? Rumble tilted his head to the side. This was getting stranger and stranger. Button looked up at his mom. “Huh? Why not? You said there wasn't anything wrong about it.” “Well, yes, but ... um...” Was Button's mom actually blushing? Rumble stared at her. What kind of game was this that she and Button were playing? It sure didn't sound like any kind of game he'd ever heard of before. Why was it making those two act so weird? Smiling, Button bounced over to Rumble's side, elbowing him playfully. “Well, since you're here, how about we go play a round together?” He started trotting toward his bedroom. “Come on, Mom!” “Button, wait! We can't play now, not with Rumble. I'm sorry, but we just can't do that.” Button stopped in his tracks and looked back at her, his face twisted up in a pained pout. “What? Why not?” “It's...” She sighed, probably too soft for Button to hear, but Rumble could hear her. “It's special and private – something that we should only share between the two of us.” “Aw, Mom...” Rumble had heard that kind of whine from Button before, and it almost always ended up getting Button exactly what he wanted. Rumble envied that. His own parents had become jaded against anything of the sort while raising his older brother, Thunderlane – when his parents said something, that was that, and no amount of whining or pleading would ever change their minds. This time looked like it was going to be one of those rare exceptions, though, because Button's mom just frowned and shook her head. “I'm sorry, I really am, but I can't do that with him. You shouldn't even be telling anypony else about our little games, okay?” “Mom, you have to! I promised Rumble he could play, didn't I, Rumble?” Startled to have been called out like that when they seemed to be ignoring him, Rumble took a moment to process that before he managed to nod in agreement. “Um, yes ma'am. He did.” Button stepped toward her, somehow looking more confident despite his pleading expression. “And didn't you give me a big lecture just last week about keeping my promises?” Glancing away, Button's mom heaved a deep sigh. “Come on, at least just once! Please, mom?” That 'please' cracked straight through his mom's defenses, it was plain to see. Rumble marveled at how easily Button was able to get through to her. In the quiet that stretched, Button looked up at his mom with big, quivering puppy-dog eyes. She looked back at the two of them. “Okay. Just once. But you have to promise me something: you can't tell anypony else about our little games. It's private, and it should just be between us.” “Yeah! You got it! I promise.” Button leapt around the room in joy, bouncing between his front and back hooves as he gradually got closer and closer to his bedroom door. “Come on, let's go!” “Not so fast,” his mom said. She looked over at Rumble. “That goes for you, too. You have to promise me you won't tell anypony – nopony at all.” Rumble nodded. All this secrecy and anticipation was starting to get him intrigued. Whatever this game was, it must be something really special ... maybe it was worth being sworn to secrecy. “I promise,” he said solemnly. Button Button smiled wide and satisfied as his mother's tongue made its first contact with his cock. He'd slipped out of his sheath again while he played with her teats, and now his cock was as eager as he was to resume the game. And Mom seemed to know it, too. She didn't waste any time teasing him with sensual little licks like she often started with. Instead, she planted broad strokes all the way up his length, from the rim of his sheath, all the way up to the flattened ridge of his tip. He moaned a little ... her tongue was so soft and warm ... it was perfect. That little moan was enough to get Rumble's attention, though, and when he looked away from Mom's teats, he gasped and jumped backward a little. “Woah!” He blinked at the sight, rubbing his eyes. “W-what's she doing?” Mom didn't answer him. She swirled her wet tongue around his tip and then sank down, taking half his length into her mouth in the first go. At first, Button could only shudder and gasp as he felt Mom's warm, welcoming mouth around his cock yet again. But eventually, he managed to get control of himself and look down at Rumble again. Rumble's cock was hanging down beneath him as well now ... it seemed like Mom's nice, full teats had that kind of effect on colts. He noticed, with a wry smile, that one of Rumble's hooves found its way back to Mom's teats. It seemed like Rumble hadn't even noticed where his hoof was going. Button did have kind of a duty to explain the game, though... “This is one way to play Mom's special game. It's especially good when we've already played a bunch of times and I'm getting kind of---” He gasped and his eyes rolled up toward the back of his head as Mom swallowed the rest of his cock. She made little gulping noises deep inside her throat, and he felt her pulsing around his tip. It wasn't until she pulled back up for air that he was able to finish: “And when I'm getting kind of tired.” Rumble stared, his mouth working soundlessly for a few moments before he managed to blurt out, “Can I try it?” In all fairness, he probably should have let Rumble have a turn, but Button was enjoying this too much to take any kind of break from it. And besides, Rumble shouldn't have interrupted them. He rested a hoof on the back of Mom's neck, and she willingly went back down on him, almost all the way down again. Thankfully, there was another way, one that wouldn't involve taking his cock out of Mom's mouth. “Why don't you take the other side?” he said. “There's another great way to play the game under Mom's tail.” It didn't take long at all for Rumble to clamber up onto the bed behind Mom. He took one look underneath Mom's tail, and his mouth fell open wide. “Woah,” he said, his voice a little shaky. “It's... It's blinking open at me, and it's so pink inside.” “That means she likes you,” Button told him. “C-can I touch it?” Before Button could answer, Mom answered with a hummed “Mm-hm” that he felt through his cock, making his hips jerk forward a little. When Rumble reverently reached out a hoof and gingerly touched Mom down there, she moaned again, deep and hotly this time. Button shoved his cock all the way in, pressing his sheath against her lips and savoring the vibrations of her throat. She bobbed down eagerly, clearly happy to let him enjoy it. “It's so wet and slippery,” Rumble observed, when things calmed into a slow sensual rhythm. “I didn't think it would be like that.” “Just wait until you put it inside.” For a moment, Rumble looked up at him. “Put what inside?” “Your dick, dummy.” Rumble's eyes went wide as he stared back down at Mom's pussy. “I can't do that! Thunderlane said I'm not even supposed to look at fillies there.” “Well, Thunderlane's not here.” Button rolled his eyes. “And she's not a filly – she's my mom.” Despite his evident trepidation, Rumble reached out and began touching Mom with his hoof again. “I guess I could try it, just a little bit... If your mom is okay with that?” Rather than respond verbally, Mom swished her tail over the bedspread, raising it as high as she could. Button could only imagine the way her juicy pussy lips must have been winking away like crazy between her big, round ass cheeks. “It's how the game is played,” Button said, “and if you want to win, you have to go for it.” His hooves trembling, Rumble reared up and planted his chest on the swell of Mom's broad hips, mounting her as she lay sideways. As he began to slide forward, Button grinned and stroked his loving mother's mane. Milano “Mom, I'm close... I'm---!” Milano hummed around her son's cock in satisfaction as she felt his flare growing in the back of her throat. The tip of his cock grew into a wide, flat-ended bulge that nearly sealed off her whole throat. This was the only time when giving him adoring motherly blowjobs became difficult, when she really struggled to breathe without choking. But it was all worth it – she knew he would be spilling his young, virile seed into her throat in just moments, and that satisfaction of a job well-done and a son well-loved was worth holding her breath for a moment. And by the feeling of Rumble's thrusts in her pussy, he wouldn't last much longer, either. His earnest humping had given way to frantic, desperate jerks, pounding in as deep as he could go without any rhythm at all ... and if she wasn't mistaken, she felt the beginnings of his flare growing as well. She let her eyelids flutter closed, and she tilted her hips up. That pressed her rump up into Rumble's thrusts, and it would make sure that when he finally let loose all the pent-up desire of his very first orgasm, her pussy would be in the perfect position to catch every last bit of it and drink up every drop. The tingling warmth was spreading through her lower belly like lightning now – Rumble's flare kissed against just the right spot deep inside her, and with every inexperienced thrust, it was building up an ecstatic pressure that would soon have to find release. But it was Button who found his release first. “Oh Mom!” he cried out. Holding her head down with both front hooves, he shoved his fully-flared cock as deep inside her as the little shaft could reach. The first thick, powerful gush of cum spewed into her throat, and she felt the force of it splattering against her there. Her little boy was always such a lovely squirter, and so prolific! She swallowed eagerly, almost desperately, to cherish the gift her son was giving her ... and the fires in her own belly flared hot. Rumble Even though Rumble had already promised to keep the secret, it took Button's mom a few moments before she finally gathered herself enough to begin walking to the bedroom. Button had already disappeared inside. But for some reason, Rumble felt like he shouldn't rush ahead of Button's mom. Like it would be polite to let her go first or something. Of course, it might have had something to do with the way he'd been noticing mares and fillies more and more over the last year or so. And this wasn't the first time he'd noticed Button's mom. She had a nice, full figure that put most of the little fillies in his class to shame. As he followed along behind her slow walk, he noticed her glancing over her rump to look back at him. The first time she did, he looked away and blushed, embarrassed to have been caught staring. But when he looked again, he noticed that she'd put a kind of a swagger in her step, rocking her generous hips back and forth with each slow stride and setting her hooves down with enough force to make her big round ass cheeks jiggle a bit. His eyes went wide as he watched that, and the next time she glanced back at him, he couldn't even force himself to look away – he just kept staring, his mouth gaping at the sight. And that's when it happened, just as she passed through the doorway into Button's bedroom. She flicked her tail up and to the side, showing him her pussy. The long, voluptuous bulb of her vulva was a staggering sight all on its own, but the image that would forever burn itself into Rumble's barely-adolescent mind was of her pussy lips spreading themselves open. A flash of bright, glistening-wet pink stretched open for his eyes to soak up, and the heart-shaped pink nub of her clit bulged outward, unfolding toward him with its primal invitation. Even as innocent as he was about the ways of mares, that brief sight roused something deep inside Rumble. He felt something inside him churn, felt his sheath tighten as his cock woke up and began to bulge inside it ... and it felt good. Milano The warm, thick cream from her son's well-earned orgasm settled hot and heavy in Milano's belly. His trembling legs finally relaxed and fell limp against her neck. Even his head sank down – he buried his muzzle in her mane, fevered breaths warming behind her ear. “I love you, Mom,” he whispered. Maybe it was those precious words ... or maybe it was just the way Rumble was working his urgently flared cock inside her pussy, but that was finally enough to set her growing fires free. A sunburst of sizzling pleasure burst inside her belly, shooting through her from the depths of her womb all the way out to the tips of her ears. She moaned out her passion around her son's softening cock, and her pussy convulsed in rhythmic squeezes that were sure to get Rumble shooting his own cream straight toward her innermost depths. Button He could feel it in Mom's throat when Rumble's cock first made contact with her pussy. She tightened up a little bit, tensed, and forgot to keep bobbing her head up and down for just a moment as his friend's cock began to slip into her. Button could well imagine what that looked like, what that felt like, and he knew why Rumble's hooves were trembling so hard. He could still remember his own very first time with Mom. It seemed like so long ago now, even though it was really only a few months... “Like this, Mom?” he had asked, quivering in place as he stood on the stool behind her for the first time, his front hooves splayed out over her back. “That's right, Button,” she cooed. “Just like that. Now try pushing forward just a little...” He did, but nothing special happened, definitely nothing as amazing as when she'd taken him in her mouth. “A little higher next time. Try again, and take your time. I'm here for you.” She spread her hind legs farther apart, lowering herself a little. This time, when he pushed his hips forward, he met a moment of hot, wet resistance, but then he felt her plush lips spreading open around his tip. His cock began to sink into the most wondrous slick heat he could ever have imagined. “Very good,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him with that warm, caring gaze only a mother could ever have. He pulled out just a bit as he repositioned his hooves, then pushed again. More of his length sank into her welcoming pussy. He reared up a little higher so he could look down and see it slip in between her spread-open lips. “Do you think you can win the game this way?” With another push, he sank all the way into her, his narrow hips bumping up against her wide, soft ass cheeks. “I...” It took him a moment to find his voice. That new pressure was already building up inside him again, his balls tingling. “I think I might win right away!” He pulled back a little to prolong it. She wiggled her hips, savoring the feeling of his cock sinking into her again. “Don't hold back, Button. Give me everything and win the game as soon as you want.” Something about the look in her eyes as she said that was more than his virgin body could take, and without warning, thick shots of cum began pulsing into her. He had barely lasted for a couple thrusts, but back then, Mom hadn't even been trying to win the game herself – she'd just wanted to make him feel good. Thankfully for her sake, Rumble seemed to be a little better at self-control. He managed to sink his cock all the way down inside Mom in one smooth, slow thrust, and when he began moving inside her, it was gentle and exploratory ... he was obviously savoring the new feelings, or maybe he didn't even know quite what to do with himself. Button stroked Mom's mane as she eagerly went down on his own cock, and he watched his friend fuck his mom without the slightest bit of envy. This was a fun game – the best – why shouldn't he share it with his best friend? Milano She was right – before her own orgasm was even halfway over, Rumble moaned, his voice surprisingly deep for such a little colt. He grabbed her hips and shoved his flare as deep inside her as he could reach. Maybe it was just her pussy squeezing in orgasmic bliss around him, but she felt far more full inside than she'd ever expect to with a young colt... And then it happened, the cute little guy came inside her. His cock throbbed deeply, as if in answer to the muscular pulses of her pussy milking him, and she felt the spurts of warm pressure that meant he was filling her. He just kept going and going! Even after her own orgasm had faded down to a few little hair-raising tremors, Rumble's cock kept pumping, dousing her pussy with an entire childhood's worth of pent-up cum. Aftershocks of her own orgasm, little waves of bright heat, rolled through her. She let Button's spent cock fall from her mouth and finally found her voice. “Yes,” she moaned. “Fill me all the way to my womb. Breed me, Rumble!” The colt jerked forward – to no avail, since he was already as deep as he could go – and a renewed series of spurts flooded her deep inside. She could practically feel his swollen little balls churning as they pressed in between her ass cheeks ... they were wet and slick, no doubt from her own flood of juices. But even a virgin colt's very first orgasm has its limits. Rumble's insistent spurts gradually faded down to strained dribbles, and he collapsed onto her back, his muzzle lying in the slight hollow of her spine. Looking over her shoulder, she reached back and patted him on the head. “That was a good job, Rumble. Congratulations, you just won the game.” He looked back at her with a sleepy, satisfied grin, then fell sideways onto the bed. His now-limp cock slid out of her, and as it did, Milano thrust her hips up, tilting her rump upward and deliberately winking her pussy lips over and over again. Some of Rumble's very first load would spill out of her, she knew. That was unavoidable – he hadn't been able to get that deep inside her, after all. But she relished the feeling of that potent young cum seeping deeper and deeper inside her, flowing down to the entrance of her womb. When she'd finally caught her breath, she found both of the young colts fast asleep, sprawled out on Button's bed. She smiled. They were so adorable, both of them ... though of course she was quite a bit more partial to her own special little boy. Once she was sure that she'd soaked in as much of Rumble's precious cum as she possibly could, she got up and found a couple small blankets from the chest near the bed. She'd worry about cleaning the soiled sheets later. For now, she'd let her special little colt and his friend enjoy their well-earned nap. Careful not to disturb their sleep, she tucked a blanket around each one of them, making sure they'd be nice and snuggly warm inside. She felt a warm trickle down her inner thigh, and she knew that she should probably get a shower soon. As much as she relished the feeling of a young colt's cum dribbling down from her pussy, she couldn't risk somepony else coming to visit and seeing that, especially not when Button and Rumble were the only males in the house – that might lead somepony to exactly the kind of conclusion she couldn't afford ponies figuring out. Hopefully, both colts would keep their promise about not telling anypony. She mentally kicked herself for not having Button promise that sooner ... but he'd been rather reluctant to accept her help with his pre-adolescent urges at first, and if she'd sworn him to secrecy from the beginning, she might never have been able to convince him that there was no harm in letting his mother take care of certain things for him. As she closed the bathroom door behind her and began getting the hot water going, she couldn't help but smile to herself. There was a certain warm fullness that remained, maybe more imagined than felt, from having those cute colts' cum in both her belly and her womb. She opened the medicine cabinet behind the sink as the water warmed up, grabbing a certain red bottle – the one that would make sure no unwanted foals would result from this little 'game'. After all, she was due to go into heat very soon, and that impressive load of cum from Rumble might just last long enough to do the trick. Now that was an interesting thought... She paused, bottle in hoof. Maybe it was time to think about giving Button a little brother to play with. Rumble was a very nice, agreeable colt, and he'd been great in bed, especially for a first-timer. This might be the perfect situation, letting her have the second baby she'd always vaguely wanted without the possibility of the father coming around for visitation rights. She'd never really gotten along well with full-grown stallions, anyway, not since Button's father left. They always seemed too sure of themselves, too dedicated to putting on a show of masculine bravado that both she and they knew was a sham. Not like her special little boy and his friend, Rumble. She put the bottle back inside the medicine cabinet and stepped into the hot shower. Visions of dark-grey pegasus babies danced in her head as she soaked in the warmth of the water. Yes ... just this once, she'd take her chances and see what happened. Just like the 'game' she'd taught Button, this was a game where she could only win, never lose.