> Unicornia Invicta > by Zealot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Unicornia Invicta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What had gone wrong with the world? It was the year 1 UE as the unicorns proclaimed it. Or as everyone else thought of it, it was the year 1522 EE. Ultimately, it didn't matter the number. A little identifier like that didn't matter anymore, it was the worst year of Octavia Melody's life. The grey earth pony mare huddled against the wet grey stone of her cell, damp, in pain, and afraid. There were more than metal bars blocking her from her freedoms. Chained at the neck to five other earth ponies, she could do little without their support. It wasn't like she could do much to begin with, her ankles were rubbed raw from walking, heavy metal chains binding her together still. It wasn't like she wanted to do much to begin with, her pain stung from harsh gash of the whip and her eyes were heavy with tiredness. No, this mare wasn't going anywhere, and she knew it. Her once bright purple eyes were dull, looking down at the floor with a vague sense of dread at an approaching flicker of torchlight. It was the year 1 UE, Unicorn Era, and the unicorns ruled the world. Their mighty glorious armies had smashed the pathetic pegasus and earth pony tribes, bringing civilisation and order to their lands. Under the watch of the unicorns, these barbarians were being shipped off to new lands and new opportunities to learn and become civilised and assimilated into glorious unicorn civilisation. What a bunch of crap. There was little glory and honour in what happened. The three pony tribes of Equestria had settled and began to make peace. They shared their knowledge, their wealth, their boons and they shared their friendship. That was however, until the ever jealous Princess Platinum, had declared that time over. Three years of long war ensued, until the unicorns emerged triumphant six months ago. Why had they done it? Well, as usual there was the official line and what actually was going on. The unicorns were jealous of the pegasi and earth ponies. They sought more wealth and power, and having found a way to keep the restless spirits of Equestria at bay, they had struck a surprise blow against their peaceful neighbours. The kingdom of Equestria, was no more. All hail Princess Platinum, mighty ruler of Unicornia. Bitch. For Octavia, the three long years had been plagued with grief, hardship and despair. She was no fighter, a classically trained cellist. If anything, the last person one would call to take up arms. Nonetheless, she had eventually been given the role of a messenger. Octavia could sing, as well as play the cello, thus, her clear and well spoken tone earned her well as a message carrier. It was a risky job, and many distrusted and disliked her clear unicorn accent. Still, she did her part for the fight against the unicorns. Her struggles were for naught however. The unicorns defeated the earth pony militia. Even Octavia had been rallied to fight in the last battle, with pike and shot, the earth ponies defended their homes and hearths, only to be smashed by the unicorns. The poor mare wept for her home, looted and burned by the unforgiving unicorns, but there was worse to come. The survivors were rounded up, and taken to the slave camps, vast sprawling tent cities where the unicorn soldiers enjoyed some more of their loot. They had beaten Octavia, and abused her where they saw fit. However, after a few days, her and a large group of slaves were herded into a caravan, bound for Nantes. Octavia had heard of the place. It was deep in the heartland of what was now Unicornia. She had been classically trained in Canterlot, the unicorn's capital city. Nantes however, that could be good or bad for her, she did not know. Rumours among the slaves said that those that went to Canterlot never came out. Perhaps she should be glad then. The road was hard, and the beatings didn't stop. Occasionally one of her captors would take her, making her scream as he used her for his own cruel sport. Octavia's life had turned into a miserable routine of walking, pain, and rape. After a long journey, it finally stopped. The earth pony didn't know whether to feel relieved or not. She was thrown in a dank dark jail with her fellow slaves. They were to be sold tomorrow on an open market. Princess Platinum had declared that all unicorns shared the burden of civilising the earth ponies and pegasi, and thus, they should take them into their homes to teach them. They would have to earn their freedom, and earn their rights once again. Though Octavia suspected that was simply a cover. The unicorns wanted slaves, and they were not going to free anypony until they had served their purpose. The grey earth pony had wondered who might buy her. To be dragged up on the auction block like a piece of meat and have your life traded away for a tidy sum. There was little in Equestria so dispiriting. She couldn't worry about that now though. The naked and chained mare looked up and blinked, hearing the muffled approach of hoofsteps. She shuddered, her supple form and full breast had proven to be an attractive target for the stallions. Her well combed hair was like that of the unicorns, and many seemed to have fantasies of taunting her that she was simply one of them. Her hair was since ruined however, her mane bedraggled and ragged, her mark marked by the whip forever more. Bruises marred her coat and there was a little blood soaked into her fur where somepony had broken her nose. The thought of going through more made her whimper, looking down and huddling against her fellow slaves. Her eyes seemed to be attracted to the torchlight though. She peered up fearfully to catch a glimpse of a purple dress. That was odd, what would a mare in a purple dress be doing in a dark prison such as this? She dreaded to think, cowering in fear. There was certainly more than one figure. Two armoured unicorns stood behind another unicorn, a grey stallion who she recognised as their jailer, and a much more unusual figure. Standing tall above the torturer at about six foot, Octavia saw the figure of a white unicorn mare. She had pink hair, long and flowing down past her shoulders, bright purple eyes and she bore a calm solid expression. Dressed in the fine purple silk, the mare looked like an angel. The unknown unicorn mare peered into the cage, her eyes going from one slave to another, searching and observing. She bore a calm and calculating look in her eyes, studying each slave intently. Octavia whimpered, hoping the mare would keep going. But she didn't. "This one," the mare demanded, a voice of sleek silver, gently urging the jailer on. "Open please." The jailer rushed to obey the white mare, fiddling with his keys and reaching up to the lock to open the door, pushing it away for the mare to step inside the cell. Each of the slaves groaned and whimpered, shying away from her as she stepped in. Octavia didn't know what was happening, and neither did the others. Were they going to take away one of them and make an example to the rest of them. Perhaps this mare was to break them before they were sold to market, or something worse. The mare strode into the cell, looking at each slave in turn, sizing them up. There was a slight smile on her lips that sent a shiver down Octavia's spine. She didn't like the mare. She was beautiful no doubt, and someone important to be escorted by two heavily armed guards. The mare buried her head in her hands, praying that the mare would simply pass her by. A minute passed, and she heard nothing, the unicorn just stood there, calculating. "You," she said, that same silvery voice as she marched over and laid a hand on Octavia's shoulder. No... Not her, any of the others but her. She couldn't take another beating. She shivered and whimpered gently, a tear going down her cheek as she looked up into the mare's heavenly visage. "Get up," the mare ordered. "Let Fleur get a better look at the slave," she said with a soft smile, her tender fingers stretching around Octavia's collar to detach her lead from the others, allowing her some semblance of freedom once more. Fleur? Was that her name? Octavia supposed it was. She knew little of unicorn names, though she guessed the fleur de lis on the mare's dress had something to do with it. Perhaps some sort of noble. That would make sense. Nonetheless, Octavia got to her feet, her legs aching, draining away her strength. With some effort however, she managed to haul herself up, shaking slightly and looking down at the floor as she allowed Fleur to inspect her naked form. Another tear rolled down her cheek. This was what she was now. A piece of meat for their enjoyment. No pony, no hope, just a slave. "Turn around, good filly," the mare commanded her. "Fleur needs to see all of you now." Octavia sighed a little, shuffling around in a full three sixty, feeling the mare's eyes wander over her form. Her tail lifted slightly, not wishing to anger her. That was what the mare wanted to see wasn't it. Her plump round ass? Indeed, it seemed that was, she was rewarded with another 'good filly' from the mare, and a smile from her. Octavia shuddered. Good filly, such an insult. She was no child, to be told she was a good filly at every opportunity. She gritted her teeth, holding her tongue. Still, the unicorn seemed pleased with her, smirking happily as Octavia came around to face her once more. "Well done," she praised the earth pony. "Now, Fleur suspects the slave is wondering who Fleur is. Well, she will indulge the slave," the unicorn rambled on. To Octavia, she seemed to like the sound of her own voice, sounding every bit as condescending and superior as she seemed, ordering the slave around for her whim. "The slave is in the presence of one Countess Fleur Dis Lee," she announced herself with a grin, leaning a little closer to Octavia. "It is customary to bow," she said, "And to indulge Fleur. The slave will let her name be known." It wasn't like Octavia had much choice. If she did anything wrong, she'd no doubt be whipped, or worse. A countess had power over life and death, Octavia was sure she'd end up in the guillotine if she didn't comply. Still, would that be so bad? The earth pony, bound as she was, did her best to curtsey. Her back protested as she bent and her legs wobbled. Her voice came out husky and dry as she spoke, not been used for anything other than screams of protest for a long time. "M... My name is Octavia, miss," she said, doing her best to retain her well spoken accent. The unicorn chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. Clearly her compliance was giving her a great deal of satisfaction. Well, as long as she wasn't beating her Octavia, she was fine with that. "Fleur greets Octavia. Well done slave. Now tell her, she is curious. Fleur is looking for a new slave," she enthused. Oh great, what had happened to the old one? "Fleur wants it to be Octavia. If she is good, Fleur will treat her well. But tell her, what can Octavia do for Fleur? Eh? What can the slave do to earn such kindness." Octavia stuttered at that. Fleur was looking for a slave? Well, it could be worse. The countess' slave would no doubt come with some form of special privilege right? "Well," Octavia began. "I... can cook. I can clean," she began, looking up at Fleur hopefully. Perhaps the mare would be good to her, she might be able to have some sort of life. Perhaps not... "I was trained in Canterlot as a cellist. I can sing and I can read and write," she said, her voice slowly coming back to her. "You... you won't hurt me, will you?" Fleur chuckled at that, pacing towards the mare and sliding her hand along the mare's supple breast, up to her collar to take her leash. Octavia shuddered, whining gently as she was touched so gently. She'd been incarcerated long enough to know that if one of the unicorns wanted to touch her body, they would. Fleur it seemed was no exception, groping the mare so readily. Of course, Octavia would protest, but she feared what would happen if she did. "No," Fleur replied simply. "Fleur will not hurt Octavia. If she obeys, and is good, no harm will come to her." Those words were simply too good to be true, and Octavia knew it. But still, it looked like her best chance of getting out of this mess. Perhaps she could be happy with Fleur, perhaps she could escape, she did not know. She simply nodded in acceptance. "Good," Fleur said, gently tugging at the lead to take Octavia away. "Octavia will be Fleur's then. The mare will know her as mistress, and accept any and all commands given," she enthused with a grin. "But we shall talk more of Octavia's duties later, come," she commanded, turning around and walking out of the cell. Octavia had no choice but to follow. Mistress, that was what she was to Octavia. It sounded odd to refer to a pony like that. She hoped it was just something unicorns got their slaves to call them. Still, the grey mare walked along on her shaky legs, stepping out of the cell and down the corridor, flanked by the two guards. Thankfully, Fleur's pace was slow, allowing the mare to keep up. But even so, Octavia worried. Her heart was gripped with fear about what was to happen. She had no idea who this mare was, and now, she was going to have to see to her every whim. The dark hallways continued on, branching off on occasion and heading down to more rows of cells, or to some other dark room. The groans and weeping of her fellow slaves echoed on the stone as Octavia followed her new mistress around the maze. Soon after, the pair arrived in a larger room, going down some steps to the floor. Octavia blinked, glancing up as she felt the air around her grow warm. A small forge was off the corner of the room with two stallions standing next to it. A stock was screwed into the centre of the room and there were a few tables with other tools laid down along the wood. Suffice to say, the sight did not fill Octavia with much hope, whimpering at the sight of the stocks. It seemed her fears would be realised, she was going to be hurt, and hurt bad. "Mistress?" she asked Fleur, whimpering softly. "Please." At that Fleur turned around and chuckled. "All slaves must be branded," she said simply, tugging on the leash. "Come now, be a good filly." What did she just say? Branded? They were going to heat up a metal rod and scorch her delicate skin. Why? Well, that was obvious. Octavia was going to be Fleur's personal slave. Clearly the unicorn intended for that to be known to all, in one of the most painful ways she could. The earth pony shuddered, pulling back against the lead. "No, please. Mistress," she whined, the cold grip of fear making her jerk away from Fleur. The countess sighed, dragging the resisting earth pony by the leash, growling in frustration. "Get in the stock slave, or Fleur will make this as painful as she can," she demanded with a snarl. "Perhaps, if Octavia is good, Fleur will offer a spell to dull the pain, eh?" she asked. Octavia looked up desperately at that, looking at the smirking guards and her angry mistress. She had no choice. She was going to go through a lot of pain, yet her desperate heart clung to a desire for flight. Her legs shook as she was edged forcibly towards to the stocks. "Please. I'll be good, anything mistress, not this," she protested. Fleur had enough though, slapping the mare across the face making her shriek in protest. The brief stun was enough however for the unicorn to manoeuvre herself around the mare and bend her down, pushing her forward into the stock. "Come now pet," she demanded. "Octavia wouldn't want to make Fleur mad now. Come on, do it. Arms and head in the stock, or next time Fleur will use a whip." Octavia whimpered, she had no choice. The mare let a tear roll down her cheek, resigning herself to her fate. She didn't want to be beaten again, and hopefully this would be the last time Fleur hurt her. Yes, just one more trial. One more jolt of pain, and it would be over. She could live, or at least, have some semblance of life with Fleur. She groaned, letting her neck rest in the gap of the stocks, her arms coming up to rest in the holes as Fleur gently pushed the board down and locked her in. "There we are," Fleur said happily, pacing around to her front and kneeling down to smile up at Octavia. "Shh, don't worry, it'll be okay," she said, wiping her tear stained face. "Just a quick burn. Fleur will give Octavia a spell, and then no more pain," she enthused. "Fleur promises." Octavia however simply wept, whimpering pathetically. She couldn't bring herself to respond to that, angry at the mare. She was going to hurt, and hurt a lot. All for what? So that some pony could show off her latest slave? Fleur stepped away with a shrug, asking the two stallions by the forge if they were ready, and they were. The pair took out an iron rod, shaped at the end to look like Fleur's cutie mark. The white mare smiled as she took the rod, wandering back over to Octavia's side, smiling as her horn lit up, coating the mare with a protective aura which would dull the pain from the hot iron. "Fleur apologises," she said with a smile. "But, as soon as this is over, she will give Octavia food. Lots of food, and a nice bath. Eh?" she asked with a smile. "Won't that be nice?" Octavia gritted her teeth as her stomach growled with protest. She was hungry... very hungry. She whimpered at the thought of a hot meal. A bath too? That would be almost too good to be true. She didn't answer, instead simply scrunching her eyes together and gritting her teeth for what was to come. Fleur smirked slightly before lowering the hot iron poker and pushing it onto Octavia's butt, right over her cutie mark. The grey mare screamed as she felt her flesh mutilated and scorched, crying out in agony as the hot iron made contact with her precious cutie mark. She bit her lip and gave out a disgusting gurgle as she felt sick with pain. Soon though, Fleur relented and pulled back, walking around to her side. "Nearly done now pet," she enthused. "Just one more. Shh... It's okay, it's okay," she comforted the mare before thrusting the hot iron onto her other flank. Octavia screamed once more, her eyes filled with tears as she smelt her scorched flesh. She screamed as the sharp pain surged through her body, making her legs tremble and shudder as she silently begged for it to be over. Her wordless screams echoed through the prison, making the other slaves fear for their own well being. Still, after a short few seconds it was done and Fleur drew back the branding iron. She handed it off to one of the stallions and spent a few moments observing her handiwork. "There we are," she pronounced. "All done. Octavia will remember this. Remember the pain that Fleur can inflict. For if she misbehaves, there will be more pain." Octavia dimly acknowledged Fleur with a whimper, her tears staining her cheek fur and her tail tucked protectively between her legs. Her buttcheeks stinging painfully. She didn't know what to think. She didn't want to be in pain, certainly not, but she felt nothing but hatred towards the unicorn for mutilating her cutie mark. As she was released from the stocks Octavia stood up, looking at her behind with a whimper. A black brand of the fleur de lis now stood emblazoned where her cutie mark had been. Her musical octave now scorched beyond recognition. Her very purpose, her very soul, was now burnt away. She was Fleur's now. Fleur's forever. She sniffled, trying to fight back her tears as Fleur bound her hands behind her back once more with silken rope. Well, at least that was more comfortable. Octavia simple stood, unmoving, waiting to see what Fleur would do next. The unicorn reached down into her saddlebag, pacing around in front of Octavia, and took out a small silver choker with an amethyst imbedded into the centre with a ring for a lead on the back. It was simple, elegant, and in its own way, quite pretty. She could see the silver etched with intricate patterns and markings. Fine craftsmanship, and very similar to one she used to wear. A gift from her family that had been passed through the generations, no doubt stolen by some unicorn soldier or another once it had been ripped from her. The familiarity was comforting, even causing her steady flow of tears to pause for now as she studied it. Fleur smiled, "For Octavia," she enthused. The unicorn leant up and around, unbuckling the chafing steel collar from around her neck. For a moment, she felt fresh air brush her neck, feeling as free as a bird before the choker was buckled to her neck once more by Fleur. A fresh lead was attached and Fleur eagerly took it in her hands, tugging at it slightly and adjusting the length to suit her. "There we are," she unicorn pronounced. "Now, is Octavia going to be good?" she asked with a smile. Octavia whimpered a little, trying to find her voice. Her throat ached from her screams and lack of water gulping. Part of her wanted to swear at the unicorn, to lash out in anger. She'd just taken the very thing that made her special, and she hated her for it. Her hands curled to fists behind her back, her voice barely containing her anger. "Yes... mistress," she spat. Fleur simply smirked at that. "Good, now. Let us be off. Fleur will tell Octavia all about what she will require of her and she will be fed. And fed well." With that, the unicorn took her lead and led her away, down a corridor once more. Octavia trailed behind, walking slowly due to the pain she felt. Her cheeks throbbed and stung, the cold air making it hurt all the more. She may be going along with Fleur for now, but she wasn't going to be for long. She didn't think Fleur would give her that good life she so claimed, and she certainly wasn't going to take anything else lying down. She would resist, and she would fight, not knowing what the unicorn intended of her. No doubt something unreasonable. The mare could only guess that whatever it was the unicorn desired of her, it was nothing good and for now the prison was looking much better than it had before. At least there she knew what to expect. Beatings, the occasional rape. How could it be worse than that? ------------- Well, the day was going better than expected so far. Gosh, it wasn't even lunch yet and she already felt rather pleased with herself. Her first job was done at least, and she could finally get out of that horrible prison and into the light. Fleur Dis Lee paced down the hall towards the prison lobby, looking back at her slave with a small smile. She figured she had chosen well. Picked and lifted up from the dirt, Octavia would be most pleasing. She certainly had all the right curves to her body, a nice full breast and a wonderfully round butt too. Perfect for her. Perfect eye candy for Fleur. Despite the general mess her mane and coat were in, she did look quite nice. Rather appealing and she had responded well to her commands. There had been little resistance so far, and why should she resist? She had little reason to. If she did, well, Fleur would deal with her in short order. Still, all was going well. She had picked up her personal slave and Fleur was more than ready to start having fun with them. She wondered what they would do first. Perhaps make her eat her out? Or have her to cuddle with at night, or even use her latest strap on. She had been waiting for an opportunity to try that out. There were so many things she wanted to do to the mare and her luscious body. She licked her lips, smiling to herself as she led Octavia into the lobby. There was a slight tug from the lead as the mare shied herself away, trying to curl into herself and hide her naked body from the public as Fleur lead her through. It wasn't busy, but there were certainly ponies around, lewdly staring at the earth pony's naked form. They couldn't have her of course. She was Fleur's forever after. "Hurry up slave," Fleur said. "Ignore these ponies, you're Fleur's now. They can only stop and stare." That didn't exactly encourage Octavia, blushing heavily from the stares of the stallions as she was paraded through the lobby. Fleur simply rolled her eyes before taking her outside into the sun. There was another pause as the grey mare stumbled back, covering her eyes. She hadn't seen the sun for a few days at least, and the sudden light was near blinding for her. Fleur just sighed and gave her a moment to recover before walking her across a small stretch of pavement to a carriage. Nantes was in the heartland of Unicornia, and Fleur had benefitted well from the conquest of the other pony races. While she had certainly kept her fair share of wealth, she had also spent a lot of her profits on Nantes and her capital. The large towering homes and buildings gave way to paved roads and thriving markets. Bustling streets of commerce and prosperity. It was glorious what her investment had done. Of course, it was all off the back of slave labour and loot from the war, but Fleur was proud of it. She had brought prosperity and peace to her great city. She waited in the street with her slave, being patient as a carriage pulled up for her. Fleur's carriage, with four feral horses pulling the ornate black carriage. She waited as her driver dismounted and opened the door to her revealing the plush purple interior. "Inside, and quickly," Fleur demanded, extending the leash slightly as she clambered inside the compartment. Octavia followed somewhat gratefully as she sat down on the delicate fabrics, tarnishing them with the dirt of the prison. Fleur was a little irritated at that, but she didn't mind. She'd need to clean the mare up, first things first. She was a mess after all, and Fleur wanted her slave to be at least clean. Fleur sighed, "Please..." she started, shaking her head. "Please do your best to minimize the amount of dirt you drag into the house... Fleur understands Octavia has been kept in somewhat harsh conditions, however she wishes Octavia to at least... try." How did one go about that? Fleur didn't know. Still, it felt better to voice that. The grey mare looked up at that, confusion on her face. Seems she didn't know either. "Ahh... I will try," she mused, irritated, looking down at the plush velvet and somewhat gratefully leaning back in the comfy seat as the carriage started to move. "No... wrong," Fleur corrected her. Did this mare not learn? She was to be addressed as mistress at all times. Perhaps she had simply forgotten this time. However she needed to learn that Fleur demanded the respect she deserves. "That will be a... 'i will try mistress'. Fleur will forgive Octavia though, she is still new," she mused. There was a pause as Octavia considered that, seeming to sigh and take a breath. "Yes... mistress," she forced out of her mouth, practically spitting it out once again. Fleur assumed she was still upset about her branding, so didn't push it further. Though she could quite easily have been whipped for her tone. Fleur didn't like it. She wanted Octavia to treat her like a princess, like she was a god. And she would, in time. "Now... Octavia... Fleur is sure she is wondering about her duties pertaining to Fleur." Octavia grumbled something under her breath, looking away from Fleur with disgust. It was clear that didn't fill her with much enthusiasm. Still, Fleur would persist. "Octavia is going to be Fleur's personal slave," she mused, her leg coming up as she crossed her legs, her hand drifting up to idly rest on her knee. "She will accompany Fleur most places she goes. She will help Fleur dress, help her keep clean, remind her of her schedules, assist Fleur in anything else she pleases and she will warm Fleur's bed and keep her company in the night." That got the mare's attention, her ears lifting up and twisting in Fleur's direction, shortly followed by her angry stare. "What?" she asked somewhat aghast. "You want me to... what?" Fleur smirked a little at her obviously negative reaction to that. She always found it rather humorous what ponies said they would never do to. Yet, they always did it in the end. Survival, that was what drove them. Or perhaps an inherent weakness, Fleur didn't know. Either way, it was fun to watch them bend as she moulded them to her purposes. "It is quite simple really," Fleur began. "Octavia will do everything that Fleur wishes of her. She will dress her, keep her company, keep her organised if Fleur fails in that regard, and when the time comes she will spread her legs for Fleur." Somewhat unsurprisingly Octavia laughed at that, though Fleur could see it was nervous laughter. She'd no doubt been abused by the guards at the prison already, or en route. She was such a pretty mare after all. Her ruffled hair could be made sleek again, and her slender form was certainly pleasing to the eye. "You find that funny?" Fleur asked her, shuffling on her seat and peering at her. "Fleur is quite serious. And if Octavia does not... well..." Fleur left that sentence hang, letting Octavia's imagination get the better of her. The grey mare looked about nervously, smirking a little. "Well... ahh... yeah... you're not going to... I'm not going to just bend over for you. You ruined my cutie mark, probably forever," she protested. "Your soldiers took me from my home, and they forced me to walk thousands of miles to here, just so I could? What? Be your sex toy?" Fleur gritted her teeth at that, annoyed by the pony's frankness. After all, that was what she wanted. She could just say that though, she felt she needed to be somewhat diplomatic in that. "Fleur can understand Octavia's concerns," she said with a kindly smile. "However, Octavia does not really have much choice. You are inferior, and frankly if you will not bend over... as you put it... then you will be put to the torch. A grizzly death if ever there was one. The past no longer matters, you are Fleur's now. You will do as she tells you, or you will suffer. Those are your choices. Though Fleur will of course be kind to Octavia should she obey her." The earth pony shook her head at that, "Oh please. Like you would be kind. I've already seen what your kindness gets me." Unfortunately even Fleur couldn't get away from the fact that she had to have a branded slave. It was law. That much she tried to explain to the earth pony, but she wasn't having any of it. "Look, Fleur does want to be good. She does. The brand, as she said, it was necessary. Fleur does regret it, she does. Hmm... what if Fleur could prove to Octavia that she meant well? How might she earn Octavia's good graces." The grey mare looked at Fleur as if she'd just declared the sky was chickens. Utter astonishment was on her face that took a few moments to clear before she realised Fleur was quite serious. "Well..." she began somewhat testily. "A nice hot meal would be nice... for a start." Fleur nodded at that, "Then Fleur will get Octavia a hot meal, as promised," she said. With that the two fell into a tense silence, Fleur looking out the window as the city view faded to give way to countryside and rolling hills. Octavia looking at the interior of the carriage, and then her own hide, trying to dust herself off a little. That amused the countess somewhat. Fleur's home was a mansion, just a little ways away from the city. With a low stone wall separating the grounds from miles of farmland, it was quite idyllic. A row of tall trees lined the procession to the house with green grass either side. At the front there was a small and colourful flower garden and a fountain. The house however was perhaps the prettiest house in the entire city. Elegant styled arches and windows, it was the epitome of a classy home. Two stories up with a little extra for an attic room, with two wings and a central dome on the top of the house where the entrance hall was. Impressive to say the least. Even Octavia looked wowed by its beauty. "Here we are, home sweet home," Fleur announced, waiting for the driver to open the door for her so she could step out, taking Octavia's leash as she did so. Of course the mare complained about the gravel underfoot, but that didn't matter. She'd be outfitted with shoes soon enough. Fleur led the grey mare inside to the grand entrance hall, looking up at the wide dome ceiling and over at the exquisite tapestries on the walls. "We are back in time for lunch luckily. Octavia will have her hot meal in the dining room. Come," she said, leading her along. Indeed, it was such a grand place. However, what seemed like lavish beauty was actually highly practical. The house served a purpose and an important one at that. There were rooms and staff here aplenty, all needed space for their important work of keeping Fleur's county running. After all, it was a place of governance as much as it was Fleur's home. It was the centre of administration for the county, and at its head was Fleur Dis Lee. She led her slave into the main dining room. A long room with a large table stretching down the middle with several chairs clustered around it at regular intervals. "Please take a seat," Fleur told her. "Fleur will see what is keeping the kitchen." Such a demeaning job. That was something Octavia should be doing. But still, Fleur still wanted to win her over a little by being nice to her, even if it meant stepping foot in a kitchen. Ugh... The servants were a little surprised to see her picking up the food, and Fleur made sure to let them know it would likely be the last time. She took the soup and the bowls as well as the salad before heading back to the dining room, putting it in front of Octavia, who had remained seated throughout. Fleur even went to the indignity of spooning out several ladles of soup for her. "There we are," Fleur enthused, smiling at Octavia. "A nice soup will do you good, dear," she enthused, spooning out the soup for herself as well. The countess sat down and took a sip, still piping hot. She put her spoon down then, letting the searing liquid slide down her throat, gasping slightly. "Gosh. It's hot," she complained a little, shivering gently, looking up at Octavia who had yet to so much as move. "Is there a problem?" Fleur asked. "You have not touched your soup. Fleur expected Octavia to wolf it down... so to speak." The grey mare didn't respond, instead she slumped forward to look at the soup. She gave it a curious sniff, before picking up her spoon. She looked up at Fleur, then back down at the soup and quickly shovelled a spoonful into her mouth, gasping in relief as she looked up at Fleur. Such strange behaviour. Octavia reminded Fleur of a vulture, threatened over its prize by a true predator. Almost as if she expected Fleur to hurt her or ruin her well earned meal somehow. Or perhaps she had interpreted Fleur's expectation as a command. Nonetheless it was good to see Octavia eating, as after that she continued lapping up her soup in greedy spoonfuls, ignoring Fleur as she did so. "Octavia," Fleur interrupted her, the earth pony mare's gaze shooting up to look at her carefully, still trying to spoon mouthfuls of soup into her mouth. "Please. Fleur is not going to take the soup away from you," she chided her. "You need not eat so... hastily." "But I'm hungry," Octavia argued, continuing to slurp up the soup. Fleur supposed that was acceptable and she sighed, nodding at her. "Very well. But please. You are putting Fleur on edge with that look of horror. Relax. You need not fear Fleur, so long as you behave." There was a moment of pause from the earth pony, seeming to mull that over in her head before going back to eating, a little slower than she had been previously. Fleur could tell she was uneasy though. That much was obvious. Fleur herself ate at a relaxed pace, looking over Octavia and watching her curiously. She found her behaviour amusing. Still, she did not trust Fleur. However, Fleur knew full well that some ponies were very trustworthy. Spend enough time with somepony, and you could tell exactly what they were going to do when. What they were like, and how they conducted themselves. Only then you could trust them, trust them to be your friend or betray you in equal measure. The politics of Unicornia had made Fleur cautious and knowledgeable about such things though. She was doubtful that Octavia had had the same experience. After all, they had been a republic had they not? "Tell Fleur," she said, breaking the awkward silence at the table. "The earth ponies... they had an, elected, ruler. Did they not?" she queried, eying the salad and taking a bite out of that for a change. Octavia blinked, looking up at that and nodded. "Uhh. Yes. That's right. Those with enough money and who owned their own land could vote for a ruler. That happened every six years... I think. I could never vote," she confessed. Fleur nodded at that, "We unicorns have a similar system," she mused. "When our monarch dies, the nobility will gather and vote amongst ourselves for a new king or queen," she said. "The event is quite important. There are balls, talks, and well, what one might expect," she mused. "Of course, the earth ponies do not have nobles. Do they?" "No," Octavia remarked. "But we do have, well. Rich ponies. When I was a cellist I used to perform for them," she said. "They used to have such grand parties." The countess smiled at that, nodding gently. "Yes, Fleur is sure. Nothing compared to a unicorn ball however," she enthused. "Perhaps however Octavia will get to perform again." The mare perked her ears at that, having already finished her soup. "What?" she asked. "What are you saying? You'd let me perform again?" Fleur nodded, smiling slightly. So that was her drive. A performer and an artist. Fleur should have guessed and tempted her with it sooner. Nonetheless, Octavia had had other things on her mind then. And now she was fed, the possibility of something other than her basic needs was within reach. "Perhaps," Fleur mused. "If you are good. Fleur will provide a new cello of course," she enthused. "She will place an order for one." Octavia smiled at that, looking up and then at the salad. "Thank you. But... uhh..." she hesitated, seeming unsure of herself. "Speak," Fleur commanded. "But... umm... what?" "Well," Octavia said, looking at the salad. "Please... can I have some more?" Fleur smirked at that, putting down the spoon and then picking up the salad, reaching out to hand it to Octavia and then pulling away at the last minute. "Please can I have some more... what?" The mare blinked and sighed, nodding in defeat, her stomach still growling. She was so hungry, a little damage to her pride was more than a good enough price it seemed. "Please can I have some more, mistress," she pleaded. She didn't quite spit out the word this time, or say it with contempt. Instead it was more tired, defeated, accepting. Fleur liked that, handing the mare the bowl of salad and watching her take her food and eagerly chomp away at it. "There. That wasn't so hard was it?" she asked. Octavia grumbled in irritation, continuing to eat without a word. "Fleur mentions this for a reason," Fleur continued, still sipping at her soup. She used her magic to levitate a jug of water on the table to pour Octavia and herself a glass of water. "There will be a ball in one month's time, at Fleur's house. She will be entertaining the Duke of Orneighon, who is going to be handing out titles for the latest conquests." Octavia nodded at that. No doubt unicorn politics bored her immensely. Yet still, there was something she needed to know. "Perhaps, if you are good. Fleur will find Octavia a cello, and she will play for the duke. Octavia will also be instrumental in getting the dancing hall ready," she told her. "It must be cleaned, the tables must be set up, the hall must be polished. Fleur's dress must be ready as well. It must be perfect." The grey mare thought about that for a moment, finishing her salad and leaning up to look at Fleur. "Will. I get a dress? Please tell me I won't have to perform in..." well, she said, gesturing to her naked form. "Oh well..." Fleur mused with a chuckle, finishing her soup. "That will depend on your behaviour won't it." A lot of things were going to depend on how well Octavia behaved it seemed. The mare was made painfully aware of that. Fleur hoped that she would know full well the benefits of being good, as well as what awaited her if she didn't co-operate with her new station. "Had enough?" Fleur asked, looking away. Octavia nodded at that, drinking from her glass quickly. "Good," Fleur enthused, sipping from her own drink. "Then we shall show Octavia to her chambers and show her the accommodation that Fleur will provide for her. Then we shall show Octavia to the bathing chambers. Fleur would not mind some entertainment from her after all." The mare paused at that, knowing full well what kind of entertainment Fleur would like. "Uhh..." she started and coughed. "Yes... mistress, of course," she said somewhat irritably, standing up just after Fleur did. The countess took Octavia by the lead and started to walk away from the large dining hall. She would let the servants clean up. No need to trouble the countess with such a trivial matter. Fleur led Octavia up one of her many grand velvet staircases and along the long ornate halls of her home. There were many doors and corridors branching off. The house itself was a vast network of sitting rooms, offices, servants quarters, kitchens, dining rooms and grand halls for parties. Fleur noted Octavia taking in the many luxuries that Fleur had acquired, and she hoped she was impressed with the grandeur of her household. Fleur paused when she reached a small locked door, looking more akin to a storage cupboard than an entrance to a room. She took out a key and unlocked the door revealing a small room, only a few meters wide. "Here we are," Fleur proclaimed. "Octavia's new home." There was a single bed which was clean, as well as a nightstand. On the nightstand there was a single candle, and a picture of Fleur Dis Lee dressed in a long flowing gown. There was a small window with curtains, offering Octavia a generous view over the gardens as well as a cabinet stocked with clothes for her various duties, there was also a toilet and a sink for all her needs. "Well. This is a lot better than my cell," Octavia remarked, walking inside and looking about. Fleur nodded at that, "Indeed. Here you are free to do what you wish," she said. "You will be ready for Fleur each morning. She, or her guards will come and collect you. You will be given duties from then on out," she mused, lightly tugging on the leash. "Now come," she demanded. "Time for your bath. You are mucking up the house with all that grime. it is most... unbefitting," she said. Indeed, Octavia was filthy, leaving a definite trail of black wherever she walked. It was horrible. Fleur would have her scrub that off before she did anything remotely fun. For that, Fleur led Octavia to Fleur's bath chambers. Just a short walk away, the room was essentially one huge bathroom. A pool one might say. Laminated tiles covered the room as well as towels and soaps for use by Fleur, and now Octavia. Since her prime task was to supply Fleur with a cozy warm body to sleep next to, Fleur had decided that that body should be as fresh and as clean as possible. For her benefit. Thus, she was allowing her slave the use of her own bathing chambers. The servants had had it prepared as ordered, and now the pool was full of soapy hot water. "Gosh," Octavia remarked. "All this is just for you?" "And for you," Fleur said with a chuckle, urging her forward into the room. "Please. Go in and wash. Let Fleur get that," she said, reaching around to the mare's neck. Octavia flinched but then kept her head steady, shutting her eyes as Fleur unbuckled her collar. Once again she felt air around her neck, and no doubt it felt good. Fleur noted the visible sigh of relief from Octavia and chuckled. "Just for the bath dear," she said, setting her collar down by the bath edge then sitting down. "Well... go on then." The mare blinked at that and thought for a moment. "Uhh... you just going to sit there?" Indeed she was. Fleur wanted to watch Octavia bathe. It would be a nice little display, if not an erotic one, certainly an exciting one. While Octavia's ample assets were already on display, the image of bubbles and foam coursing over her furred body was certainly a delectable one. "Yes," Fleur responded. "Fleur can't just leave Octavia alone. She could put a guard on the door. But... well... Fleur does not have anything to do today," she said with a smile. With that Octavia sighed and entered the bath, slipping into the warm soapy water. She certainly looked like she enjoyed it, that was for sure. Shuddering with delight as she felt the cleansing water on her. With that she looked back at Fleur nervously, then looked away, no doubt simply deciding to just wash and get it over with. The grey mare took a handful of water and slid it over her body, pouring it over herself to drench her fur with soapy water. Meanwhile Fleur watched as she washed herself, seeing the water trail down her body. Quite a sight to see indeed. Still, this gave Fleur time to think. Octavia was certainly much calmer now than she had been. She was still cautious and hateful towards Fleur though. That much was certain. Though with the food and now the bath, she was starting to warm up to Fleur. At least, that was what she thought. Perhaps she was simply defeated too? Maybe she had realised that this was her life now, and unless she did what she was told, it wouldn't get any better. Maybe she was scared? Or maybe she was just hoping Fleur wouldn't hurt her again, so was trying to be good. Nonetheless, Fleur watched and waited. She watched the water pour over Octavia, the soap soaking into her fur. She watched her wash out her mane and tail. Gosh, she'd been in a right state. Now her fur shone and was untarnished with dirt and soot. She was clean, elegant, and beautiful. And she was all Fleur's. "You look quite nice without all that dirt covering your hide," Fleur commented with a smile. "Very nice indeed. Is Octavia done?" The grey mare nodded, stepping out of the bath and taking a towel to start drying herself off. She scrubbed her fur as well as her mane and tail, giving her a bit of a frazzled look, which Fleur chuckled at. "Oh dear," she teased her. Octavia smiled slightly at that, knowing full well how she looked. "Fur is so bothersome sometimes," she commented, trying to flatten her fur. "Indeed it is," Fleur said. "Fleur works hard to get her fur up to such a high standard. Somewhat trying, yet it has its rewards." Octavia nodded at that, drying herself off. "Yeah," she said, looking up. "So... now what...? Oh sorry... mistress," she said, shying away. Fleur smiled at her and chuckled. "It's quite alright slave. Please, don't keep acting so skitish. Fleur is not going to smack Octavia so long as she is being polite and respectful." "And following orders?" she asked with a sigh. "I just... oh forget it." Fleur perked at that, "Hmm? No, Fleur will not forget it. Finish your sentence slave," she demanded. The grey mare looked away and sighed, "Well. I just. I just don't want to be... hit all the time. Like in the prison. You seem to be, being really nice. After you... branded me. I'm still pissed about that," she said with a slight growl. Indeed. It had been a regretful start to their relationship. But it couldn't be helped. All slaves had to be branded. It was law. Even a countess wasn't above the law. "It had to be done," Fleur began. "Fleur is sorry. She must bend for the king, just as Octavia must bend for Fleur," she said. "But from now on. Fleur promises, she will not hurt Octavia without reason. She has not done so yet, no?" she wonders. It was true. Fleur has not hurt Octavia. Though the mare had given her plenty of reason to. That seemed to ring a chord with the mare. Perhaps Fleur was reasonable. Perhaps she could have some semblance of a life here. "I suppose," Octavia answered. Fleur smirked at that, gesturing to her collar. "Now. Put that back on. We're going to have some fun. Fleur doesn't want any arguments about it either," she told her. "Is that clear?" Octavia looked like she was going to protest, but silenced herself. She nodded awkwardly and picked up her collar, slipping it onto her neck once more. "Fun? Like... what?" she asked. Maybe it would be something good after all. She was quite cute when she was puzzled. "How about Fleur shows Octavia. Hmm?" ********** Fleur, much to Octavia's dismay, led her to the mare's bedroom. It was huge, easily fitting a large four poster bed, decked with lace curtains and velvet sheets. The walls went much higher, decorated with lavish tapestries. Everywhere there was the emblem of the fleur de lis. There was a large window, streaming light into the room as well as a fireplace, a small sitting area with some cosy chairs. There were tables and panes of glass, with assorted makup gathered nearby. There was a desk, piled with papers and several doors leading off into walk in closets for Fleur's clothes. "Here we are," Fleur enthused, wondering if Octavia could even guess what they were going to do in here. "Please wait and sit on the bed," she demanded. "Fleur needs to get changed." "Uhh... mistress?" Octavia asked. "Why are we... uhh... please tell me we're not going to..." she trailed off as Fleur wandered off into her dressing room. Oh yes they were. Fleur had been eager for this moment since she first saw Octavia, hunkered in that prison cell. But now, she was going to be hers. In every sense of the word. Despite her branding mark, the unicorn felt that this was the true way of claiming ownership of another pony, of a slave. What better way to ensure they obeyed and wanted to obey, than sexual domination. Besides, Fleur had been quite frustrated. Unicorn politics and court habits meant release was hard to come by. The countess switched up her outfit for more appropriate attire. A pair of latex stockings and long gloves, and that was it. All her best bits on display, her gorgeous perfect breasts and butt, as well as her snatch. She needed to do something about that. She elected for her large black rubber strap on, equipped with a nub on the back to dig into Fleur's pussy, it would give her as much pleasure as a stallion would do as she rutted Octavia. With that done, she picked up a coil of rope and a little box of bondage gear then walked back into the room. Octavia was quite shocked as Fleur casually wandered in looking like that, blushing profusely and looking away. "Mistress... ahh... please. I don't want to..." "Do what slave?" Fleur asked, setting the box down along with the rope, opening it up and drawing a retractable riding crop. "This can be as fun, or as painful, as Fleur needs it to be." "No," Octavia protested, stepping back. "I... I won't do it. You can't make me." Fleur smiled at that, looking at her with a raised eyebrow, reaching over quickly to take the mare by the arm. "Oh yes. Fleur can," she enthused, tugging the resisting mare towards her. "And Fleur will make Octavia. If she has to. Now, bend over for Fleur. She wishes to tie Octavia up." "No," the mare said again, struggling against her grip. Yet she was weak, unable to do much more than cause Fleur a minor irritation. "Let go of me." Fleur had had enough, smacking Octavia across the face and then pushing her, belly down, onto the bed. "Stupid slave," she snarled. "This could have been nice, and gentle. Instead, it's going to be horrible. And painful." Octavia screamed in protest as Fleur started to tie her hands behind her back, and tie up her body for Fleur's amusement in a nice karada harness, keeping her subdued. Then once she was tied up, Fleur could easily push the mare onto the bed, still kicking and screaming. "What's the matter?" Fleur asked. "Fleur did say that Octavia was going to be warming her bed. Why the sudden protest?" "Because... I don't want to have sex with you," she shouted. "I thought you were joking you unicorn bitch. You lied to me, you said you wouldn't hurt me." Fleur chuckled. "This isn't hurting Octavia. This, is giving her pleasure," she teased, sliding her hand along Octavia's buttcheeks. Then, after a moment, she slid her hand across Octavia's nether lips, teasing the mare. "Fleur doesn't think Octavia has been touched here for a while. No," she wonders as Octavia's protests break down into whimpers. "Please..." she whined. "Don't do this. I'll be good, I swear." The countess smirked at that, giving the mare a spank on the butt. "If you want to be good," she told her. "Then you need to like this. I think I have something that will help," she said. With that, Fleur levitated over a small capsule vibrator into her hand, then gently slid it between Octavia's slit, and the rope harness which was rubbing against her pussy. "There we go," she enthused. Octavia shuddered at the stimulation and cried out desperately. "Ahh... fff.... ahh... no..." she whined, trying her hardest to shuffle away from Fleur, kicking out with her feet. "Easy," Fleur told her, using her magic to take a hold of her kicking feet and start to tie rope around her legs. "You won't be avoiding this Octavia, just stop fighting." "Never," the grey mare protested, trying to crawl away. She was now being dragged backwards as Fleur tied the mare's legs to the bedposts, pinned in place with her legs spread for Fleur's enjoyment. "There we go," Fleur enthused, sliding her hands along Octavia's rump. "All Fleur's now, all Fleur's." Octavia shuddered, breathing in heavily as the vibrator pleasured her. "Ohhh... fuck..." she groaned, looking up at Fleur. "Please..." she begged. Fleur had had enough of Octavia's whining though, her face turning to a scowl. "You're going to like this bitch," she told her. "It's just a matter of time," she demanded. With that, she took her riding crop and smacked Octavia's buttcheek, making a firm mark on Octavia's cute mark. No doubt that made her brand sting. The strike was met by a pained cry and a whimper, groaning as tears started to slide down her cheeks. "Ahhh! Fleur... Mistress... no!" Then Fleur struck again, which was met by another cry, developing into a scream of agony. "No!" Octavia screamed. "Anywhere but there. it hurts so much. Mercy!" Fleur supposed that it definitely stung, the raw flesh still hurt from the branding. So she decided to show a little mercy, swatting Octavia's back instead. "There, Fleur showed mercy. Thank mistress," she demanded. "Ahh!" she cried out, whimpering. "Thank you... mmahh!" she cried, shuddering as the vibrator pleasured her. "Still don't want to have sex with Fleur?" she asked, leaning over Octavia and gently sliding the strap on over her buttcheeks. "It doesn't have to be this way. Just give in to Fleur, and she will stop. She'll give Octavia all the pleasure she can give her. It will be okay, trust Fleur." Octavia whimpered and whined, shuddering in her bondage. "I... ahh... mmm... no..." Fleur struck her back again as she resisted her again, feeling the tension in the mare as her will was starting to crumble. She was in a lot of pain, that much could be seen. "Fleur has plenty of other ways of making Octavia do what Fleur wants," she enthused. "Many many ways. Submit, worthless earth pony. Let Fleur use your body, and she will reward Octavia." The grey mare was on the brink. She was in so much pain from her stinging buttcheeks, and Fleur's horrible whip. She just wanted it over and done with. She was torn though, for letting Fleur do whatever she wanted with her would be giving up. She'd be surrendering herself to the unicorn responsible for her fate in the first place. But that crop was so painful. Fleur sighed, setting the crop down and charging her horn. "No? Come now... you want the pain to stop don't you?" Fleur asked. "It's this, or Fleur pleasures Octavia. And that's so much better than pain, isn't it?" With that, the unicorn released a small bolt of electricity into the earth pony, giving her a nasty shock with her magic. There was a shout as Octavia was hit with the magical lightning, a shout of pure agony followed by a pained whimper. "Please.... please... aha..." she moaned, crying desperately into the bed. "Fine... you win. Do what you want," she said sadly, wincing in pain. A smile creased the unicorn's lips as her slave finally gave in. She was Fleur's, now and forever. The beautiful unicorn gently slid her hands along Octavia's legs, untying her from the bedposts. "Shh... good filly," she enthused happily, revelling at the opportunity to use her freshly broken slave. She needed to be careful though. Octavia could easily protest again, and then Fleur would be back to square one. Carefully, Fleur slid the vibrator out of Octavia, giving a small meep from the grey mare as the vibrations were replaced with the gentle caress of Fleur's fingers. That made her shudder, and Fleur was pretty confident she didn't like mares either. "Mmm, Fleur bets Octavia is nice and tasty," she enthused. "Kneel up for Fleur and spread your legs, like a good slave whore." The grey mare silently obeyed, shuffling up on her wobbly legs, still bent over quite a degree. She groaned in a mix of pain and pleasure as Fleur teased her, responding to her careful touches. "Good filly," Fleur enthused, sliding her other hand along Octavia's side, twisting around to grip onto her breast. The unicorn carefully squeezed her heavy furred mound, provoking a quiet groan from the earth pony. "Fleur has been wanting to touch these since Fleur first laid eyes on Octavia," she enthused. "They're so wonderful, almost as good as Fleur's own," she enthused with a sigh. The unicorn gently fondled her heavy breast for a moment more, reaching up to circle around Octavia's nipples, making the mare shudder. "Ooh," she cried, starting to enjoy Fleur's teases. It had been quite a while since she'd been touched so gently and with such care. "Octavia has never been with a mare before. Has she?" Fleur wondered as she gently caressed her slave. "No..." Octavia blurted out with a whine. "No, I haven't... ever thought about a mare... like that," she admitted. "Well," Fleur said with a chuckle, pinching Octavia's nipple and making her squeak happily. "From here on out, Octavia is bisexual. She will love to bend over for mares, and stallions alike. Just like she is going to take Fleur's big rubber stallionhood," she said, gently prodding Octavia's stinging butt with her strap on. The grey mare whimpered at her prodding, nodding gently. "Ahh... okay," she said with a sigh, feeling Fleur's touches. "Ahh... mmm..." she whined, starting to give in to the pleasing sensations. Fleur chuckled happily her hand leaving the mare's nether lips and reaching up to lick her fingers, tasting Octavia's arousal. "Mmm..." Fleur enthused. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Dirty little slave slut," she teased her. "You taste good. Perhaps Fleur will eat you out after we're done," she enthused. Her slave simply moaned in reply, shivering as Fleur teased her nipple. With that, the countess slid herself down atop Octavia's back, her breasts pushing against the mare's back as she leant down to kiss her neck. "Just relax. Fleur is getting what she wants," she whispered to Octavia, shuffling behind her to plant her legs between Octavia's, feeling gently with her strap on for her slit. "You're doing so well, good slave," she enthused. Octavia, weak and battered had little choice or desire to be anything but a good little bitch for Fleur, shuddering as she felt the mare probing for her slit. "Ahh... yes mistress. Thank you," she said, more happy to not be being smacked mercilessly by the mare than anything else. Besides, the pleasure she was receiving was over-riding her sense of pride now. It felt far too good. Fleur leaned back and took a hold of Octavia's mane, pulling her head back as Fleur finally found her snatch, sliding the tip of her strap on into Octavia's marehood with a relieved groan. "Oh... yes that's good," she enthused, feeling the sensitive nub of the strap on grind into her clit. "That feels so good for Fleur." Her slave groaned loudly as well, crying out in pleasure as she was slowly penetrated by the rubber tip. It felt wonderful to feel something there after so long. Almost as if it was a reward for her difficult trip. She shivered, sighing as Fleur slid out of her and then groaned happily again as Fleur slid into her once again. "Mmm, like this bitch?" she asked with a chuckle. "You like Fleur using your cheap cunt do you?" she asked, delving deeper into Octavia's slit. She started at a gentle pace, sliding the strap on in and out of her at an easy pace. She didn't want to tax her slave too much, but oh she did want to go faster. It felt so wonderful to be on top of her, the pathetic little earth pony. Fleur was the powerful conqueror, and after all her hard work she finally had her prize. Months she'd spent sieging castles and marching with armies. Now she finally had her piece of pussy to show for it. And she loved it. As Fleur slid deeper into her, Octavia's body surrendered more and more to the pleasure. Her walls gripping against the rubber stallionhood, moaning eagerly as she was used for the unicorn's selfish pleasure. "Oh yes..." she enthused. "Ahh... mistress. Fuu... ahh... Fuck me," she whined. "So good... nuu!" She had her now, the beautiful unicorn finally started to get some traction. Fleur started rutting the mare a little faster, going deeper still into Octavia's depths. Inch by inch, she claimed the mare as her own, penetrating her folds. "Yes, that's it whore. Don't you see now?" she asked. "You're Fleur's. Now, and forever. And that is wonderful." Octavia had to agree, her will and her resistance fading away. Over-ridden by her needy lust. "Oh... oh yes... so good, mmm..." she enthused. The poor mare could do nothing but grip onto the strap on with her folds. Her hands and body restricted by her bondage, her head held up like a trophy. All she could do was moan in pleasure and feel it rise up and up to that point of ecstasy. Fleur abruptly slapped Octavia on the butt as she then hilted inside her, whining happily. "Ugh... now listen to Fleur bitch. Fleur is going to use you, then she is going to cum and squirt. Then, when she is done, you will wait for her permission, then you can do the same. Is that clear?" she asked, swatting her again. "Ow!" Octavia cried out with a heavy groan, feeling so full from the deep penetration. "Ahh... yes mistress. Okay..." she said starting to pant. With a happy smirk the unicorn continued, reaching down and slapping Octavia's breast and then fondling it eagerly. Her other hand left Octavia's mane and gripped onto her other breast, using her leverage to pull Octavia into her as she rutted the mare, groaning happily as she felt Octavia twitch and shift into her motions despite her bondage. No doubt, if she wasn't restrained, she'd be doing the same without the need for Fleur's assistance. Bucking back and forth, Fleur felt her pleasure mounting, a pressure forming in her nethers as she clenched down on the nub of her strap on. "Oh yes... it'll be soon dear. Oh, so good," she enthused. It felt so wonderful to rut with her, it really did. Fleur felt her pleasure building up and up, groaning happily as she abused her slave. "Oh fuck," Fleur whined eagerly. Octavia meanwhile was lost in her own little world, she wasn't allowed to relase her pleasure. She didn't want to be hurt, but it felt oh so good. Her walls clenched down on the strap on, milking it like a stallionhood and squeezing it. Those squeezes would be felt by Fleur as the strap on did it's work, pleasuring the unicorn, both their slits leaking sweet mare juices. "Ahh... oh yeah... mmm." Fleur panted happily, feeling her pleasure just slide up to the top of her ecstasy, a certain pressure in her nether region. "Oh yes. Good whore. Ahhhh," she cried out, releasing her orgasm after a few brutish thrusts with the strap on. Fleur squirted her salty fluids onto the nub of the strap on, groaning happily and then sliding out and then back into Octavia's snatch, delving deep inside her in a single movement. "Ahh," Octavia cried, whimpering as she fought to keep her pleasure contained. "Mistress... can I cum now? Please?" she begged, groaning and curling her fingers as she fought against the desire. Fleur kept herself buried inside Octavia for a few moments more, toying with her as she leant around, looking into the mare's eyes as Octavia turned to look at her. She smirked at her, then gave her the command. "Cum." The grey mare's back arched as she moaned loudly, squirting onto the strap on. Her walls clenched down and squeezed the rubber strap on, shuddering as she felt her body weaken as her orgasm rocked her body. The unicorn chuckled, sliding the mare off her strap on and pushing her to the bed, letting Octavia fall on her side onto the soft bed. She loomed over the mare, revelling in the afterglow of her orgasm. "Oh... fuck yes," Fleur enthused. "That felt so good. Well done Octavia. Good bitch," she awarded the grey mare, shuddering gently. With that, Fleur gently laid down next to Octavia, sighing and panting gently. She slid her arms around the mare and gently rubbed her sides, giving her soft kisses on her neck and the back of her head. "There we go. All done now... you enjoyed it no? Being Fleur's little sex toy. Eh?" she teased her. Meanwhile, as the unicorn spooned her, Octavia panted in exhaustion. It has been quite enjoyable for her as well. Fleur had been true to her word, she had done her best to make it pleasurable for Octavia, and she hadn't hurt her without reason. Perhaps, just perhaps Octavia could think about carrying out more of the unicorn's orders. She still didn't like the mare of course, that much was obvious. Fleur however did notice there was a look of quiet acceptance. She had enjoyed it, and thus, perhaps she might be happy with Fleur. Perhaps. "This isn't so bad, is it?" Fleur asked with a chuckle. "Now rest dear, you did wonderfully. Do not fear. As you saw, you obey, you get pleasure." "Okay..." Octavia said with a quiet nod. "Thank you mistress. For not... hurting me so much," she said. "Don't worry about it dear. Now, rest," Fleur demanded with a chuckle, snuggling next to her. "This evening, we will have dinner. Then perhaps, if you are good Fleur will hunt down a cello for Octavia. She would like to hear her play." ******** Octavia awoke the next morning in her bed, blinking as the birdsong from the outside invaded her thoughts. She was in her room, in Canterlot. She laid atop her double bed in her messy room, spooned by her lover, Fleur Dis Lee. She'd had a wild night, and it had been wonderful fun. She just hoped that Fleur had enjoyed it as much as she had seemed to. There was just one problem. She was tied up, and she felt her bladder requiring her attention. "Fleur," she whispered over to the unicorn. "Psst, wake up," she demanded. Fleur Dis Lee, the famous ballerina and supermodel groaned in annoyance at the noise. "Mmrrg... fudge yer... zombie, mmm," she complained in her sleep, snuggling Octavia closer to her. "Fleur," she hissed. "Wake up," Octavia insisted. "Wha?" Fleur mumbled with a sigh. "What is it? Mmm, go back to sleep," she complained. "Fleur I need the loo," Octavia said. "I'm still tied up, remember. Last night." With that, Octavia's restraints were slowly untied with Fleur's magic, the unicorn rolling away slightly then shoving the coil of rope off the bed. The grey mare smiled slightly, reaching over to give Fleur a gentle kiss on the cheek before getting up and walking away to relieve her bladder in the bathroom. Once she returned, Octavia found Fleur still curled up on the bed. She was stirring though, shuffling on the sheets and seeking out her lover's warmth. Which Octavia was happy to give her, walking around and sliding back onto the bed, cuddling up to Fleur and giving her a kiss on the nose. "Morning, sleepy," she teased the unicorn. "Did you have a nice sleep?" Fleur grumbled and blinked herself awake, her hands wrapping around the mare and snuggling against her. "Oh shush," she chastised Octavia. "Fleur had a good... sleep... yes," she mused with a sigh. "She was quite tired after last night's activities." Octavia giggled at that, gently nosing her. "Good. I trust... it was enjoyable for you Fleur?" she wondered. At that, the unicorn gently smacked Octavia's behind. She smirked as the mare eeped at her tease, chuckling happily. "That's mistress Fleur to you, whore," she teased her. "It was very enjoyable. Fleur... is quite pleased that Octavia suggested this play. Wherever did you come up with the idea?" she wondered, reaching forward to plant a kiss on Octavia's lips, sighing happily. "Well," Octavia began. "I've always liked the idea of... well... being some pony's sex slave. It's just, comforting to give up that control you know? Humiliating to do so to one so nasty too, but, in a good way. It's just, well, kinky fun I suppose. And well, I do really like you Fleur. I just, wanted to be able to trust you completely. It made me feel very vulnerable. I mean, you could have done absolutely anything. But you were firm and you only hurt me when you needed to." "Fleur was not too rough was she?" she asked with a chuckle, looking down at Octavia's butt which had two little stickers over her cutie mark. "Fleur certainly thought Octavia enjoyed her branding," she said with a giggle. "Though Fleur tried her hardest to inflict pain with that flame spell you suggested, she felt perhaps it was a bit... much?" Octavia smiled, laughing happily to reassure her. "It's okay. You didn't hurt me too bad. You were just right. I didn't even need our safeword," she said. "Though the branding was great. It was so exhilarating to have you take away something so personal," she enthused. "To be made yours in such a way. I really liked it. Though my bum was stinging afterwards," she admitted. "I just, well. It was amazing to be under you Fleur. I really felt like you wanted me, and I was yours. It was great," she claimed with a blush. "Did you... uhh... like it?" The unicorn chuckled at that. "Fleur did. She very much enjoyed taking Octavia. She... well... she liked having to work for it. Having to earn and force your love and obedience. And when you finally gave it, it made Fleur feel powerful. Strong. She certainly liked that," she mused. "Though, she did not quite like sounding so... racist. It didn't suit her," she mused. "Fleur is graceful and beautiful in everything she does. And to discriminate is ugly," she remarked. "Well, you are quite right there dear," she said. "Still, I thought it just made your character all that more villainous. All the more revolting and humiliating for me. You played it well, and for that I am grateful." No. The world was quite correct. The year was 1522 EE, and there was no such thing as Unicornia. It was Octavia's little fantasy world, in which she had invited the famous Fleur Dis Lee to take charge of her, and to bully her. Why? She had wanted to build on their trust. For their flowering relationship was transforming into something more. Love. What had first started out as a fling, had grown into a deep and meaningful connection. Fleur rarely felt like she was in charge in her life, bossed around by her manager Fancy Pants as well as battling her ongoing drug addiction. To feel powerful and in control was a great relief for her. As it had been for Octavia, who too felt the pressures of her life closing down on her. She wanted someone else to deal with it for her, to be taken charge of and told what to do. To help and to serve. So the pair had found one more thing to bring them closer together, their own little fantasy world where Fleur ruled and Octavia served. Not quite the traditional fantasy, but it was theirs. And they revelled in it. "So then," Fleur remarked. "Care for another round before we head off for the day?" she asked. The grey mare smirked at that, shuffling over to lay atop Fleur. "Hmm? Perhaps dear. Though I might enjoy a little... role reversal... what do you think?" she wondered. The unicorn just smiled at that, giving her a confident wink. "If you think the great Countess Fleur Dis Lee is going to simply bend over for a pathetic little earth pony like Octavia. She will be deeply disappointed," she said. With that, Octavia reached out and slapped Fleur across the face with a confident smile. "I'll show you what 'earth pony scum' can do," she challenged her. "You'll be mine whore, you just wait and see..."