> Cheerilee’s Garden: Alternate Ending > by MelonPeach8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Burst through the Doors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh! Where are the others! Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were suppose to be here 1 hour ago! We can’t finish this search without them!” “Oh darling, I’m sure they will be here soon.” “Rarity, they each went into the other sides of the fortress. We finished our side a long time ago, it’s not like it’s that big.” “They’ll be fine Twilight, just don’t loose hope.” “Yeah Twilight, take a chill pill.” “Oh Spike, since you seem to be so intrigued. You can go look for them, if you can’t find anything in an hour come back.” “Ugh! Fine!” Spike exclaimed angrily. “Are you sure that was a good idea Twilight?” “He’ll be fine Rarity.” *** “It’s been 39 minutes and I haven’t.” Spike heard a voice over his mumbles. “Then I guess I’ll have to take away something Pinkie holds dear, her smile.” That’s Cheerilees voice, he thought to himself. He recognized it from when Cheerilee gave him a gift on his birthday. He turned around and saw a room. Through a window he could see Rainbow Dash tied up and Pinkie Pie in a cage. He saw her wing being chopped off. His eyes widened at the sight of his friend. He rushed towards the wing as fast as he could. *** “Are you wondering when Spike will be back?” “Rarity, you’ve asked the same question 3 times. It’s only been 52 minutes, he’ll be back soon.” Spike rushed through the halls. “CHEERILEE! HURTING RAINBOW DASH AND PINKIE PIE IN EVERFREE FOREST CASTLE!” “What! Twist was on to her, but why is she killing my friends?!” “Spike are you sure you saw that?” Rarity questioned. “Certain! Now come on, I saw her chopping off Rainbows wing!” “What!” Rarity’s and Twilight screamed at the same time.” “Well I guess we should.” Rarity’s started to say before Twilight teleported them to the castle. Suddenly the door to the castle burst down. Cheerile was startled to see Rarity charging to her. Rarity slammed into her knocking her unconscious. “Oh my lord.” Twilight exclaimed trembeling with fear. Twilight looked at the room, she saw a dead Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash itching like crazy. Rainbow picked up a knife screaming “get them out!” Twilight quickly ran towards her, grabbing the knife. “Rainbow, stop itching!” Twilight screamed, strapping her to a table so she couldn’t keep scratching herself. At this point she was bleeding a-lot. Twilight quickly brought them out of the building, and teleported them to the Canterlot Hospital. “HELP!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, Rarity still holding Cheerilee. “Oh my lord. What happened here?!” The nurse pony exclaimed. “It was this fiend!” Rarity shouted. “She tried to kill us all, but Twilight and I stopped her. We managed to save Rainbow Dash, but she’ll need immediate attention. But make sure to take this criminal to jail! She is also responsible for the deaths of her students, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twist!” 5 Nurse ponies rolled Rainbow Dash into the Emergency Room. While Cheerilee was taken to a police station to be intirigated after the nurse ponies called the guards. Rarity was waiting by herself in the front of the hospital along with Twilight. Suddenly the Princess appeared. “Twilight!” Celestia appeared. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Hello!” Twilight exclaimed. “Your majesty’s.” Rarity said while bowing. “There is no need to bow my fellow friends.” Luna responded. “Anyway, we heard of this horrid news and came as soon as we could.” “Yea, It’s very tragic. Cheerilee killed Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Along with her students, including Twist.” Twilight explained. “I know. Once we figured out what happened, we figured she killed the rest.” Luna replied. “Also may I say Rarity, I’m quite impressed. I didn’t know you had such strength. I mean you knocked Cheerilee unconscious!” “I really don’t know Twilight, it’s like when I saw what she was doing I got this burst of strength that help me kick her but.” “All I know is that you rocked!” “Thank you darling, but It was nothing.” “Whatever.” Twilight said rolling her eyes. “Very funny girls, but this situation is no laughing matter. I mean 3 of your friends are dead, and another one might share the same fate. I really don’t think we should joke of the matter.” “Your probably right Princess Celestia, I’m sorry.” “No, no, you didn’t do anything wrong Twilight.” Celestia replied. “I just wish we could have got there sooner.” Rarity spoke up. “If we had, maybe Pinkie Pie could have lived.” “It’s alright Rarity, at least we got Rainbow here alive.” Twilight responded. “But we don’t know if she will make it out alive.” “We did what we could Rarity, and that’s what matters right now.” “Thanks Darling, I really needed that.” “Your welcome.” Twilight responded. *** “What happened to her?” Nurse Redheart asked. “It seems Cheerilee injected poisonous itching powder or something like that. To investigate further on this we will have to wait until she is awake to figure out what it is.” “You are aware that she might not even know what is inside of her right Cheerful?” “Ugh whatever Redheart. Anyways for ow we need to keep bandages around her wounds and rashes. Then we need a breathing mask, along with putting her to sleep. It would be easier to preform tasks on her while she is asleep and num. Also, it means that her friends will be able to visit her if she gets better.” *** “Your friend will be traumatized for a very long time if she does get out. After all she watched her friend die, and her one wing was removed. Her second one was almost, but it seems it is still attached. They might be able to stitch it on again, but it’s not certain she will be able to fly again.” “Careful Luna, lets not get ahead of ourselves. We don’t even know if Rainbow Dash will make it.” Celestia replied. “I hope she does, or else it will just be us.” “It’ll be alright Twilight.” Rarity responded. > Emergency Room and Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash lay in the Emergency Room bed, a breathing mask around her mouth, along with 3 layers of bandage rap around her neck. You would think she could choke, but these layers were needed to cover the blood still flowing out in small bits. Cream had been put in all around as well. This was to heal the open wound, it was horrible. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle lay asleep in the waiting room. One of them having a lovely dream, the other one having a horrible nightmare. Twilight Sparkle in her nightmare was imagining this. “Hello? Is anypony there?” Twilight spoke out in her dream. “Hello.... Twilight.” Twilight flipped around and looked at the figure she saw. She recognized it as Cheerilee. “Cheerilee?! How are you here, you were arrested!” “Oh Twilight, do you really think bars can keep me?” Cheerilee responded. “I plan to remove all the weeds in the world. That includes you, Rarity, Spike, and Rainbow Dash if she lives. You can’t stop the exterminator, that’s not how it works. You’re going to be punished for what you have done. Along with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike.” “No! Don’t hurt them, please!” “Sorry, but I can’t take you on your request. Farewell Twilight Sparkle, and until the next time.” “NOOOO!” Twilight screamed before her dream ended and she was wide awake. “Huh, huh, huh.” Twilight huffed loudly as she woke up Rarity. “Twilight! What’s wrong darling?” Rarity questioned as she tapped Twilight calming her down. “I had a nightmare.” She managed to break out before huffing again. “Twilight, I can help you if you tell me what the nightmare was about.” “Well Rarity, I saw Cheerilee. And she said bars couldn’t hold her, and she was the exterminator. The last thing she said before she left was that she was going to kill you, Spike, and Rainbow Dash if she survived. I’m honestly scared, what would happen if she did come back.” “I would start talking to a counselor about these dreams. I also would tell Princess Celestia to stay on high alert. If Cheerilee gets executed, these dreams will probably go away.” “Okay, thanks Rarity.” *** Cheerilee sat in a chair metal cuffs around the sides of the chair. She observed her surroundings, there was a table in front of her. Her back hooves were also in the cuffs on the bottom of the chair. She quickly realized she was in a police station. “How did I get here?” Cheerilee thought aloud, then her memory struck her. She shook the chair trying to break it but she quickly figured out it was nailed down to the floor. A police officer entered the room, a look of digust painted across his face. “Cheerilee, you are charged with the deaths of your students, Twist, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and possibly Rainbow Dash if she doesn’t make it. How do you plead to these charges?” “You all ready know I did it. Don’t be an idiot.” “Hey! I’m not the murderer here Cheerilee. Now your trial will be held in a week, this will determine your sentence. Farewell for now.” “Ugh, whatever just take me to my cell.” Cheerilee was walked to her cell and put on a orange jumpsuit as she sat on the bed inside, not that it was anything soft. *** Rainbow Dash still lay in the bed, a bucket that held her wing layed next to her. Her other wing was wrapped around in bandages as she lay there asleep. Rarity and Twilight were still sitting in the waiting room, they had not left, they didn’t plan to anyway. Suddenly a doctor approached both of them. “Hello ladies, I’m afraid I have some bad news. Because of the blood loss, Rainbow Dash is in a coma. We don’t think this will last long, but we are unsure. Very sorry, that’s it for now. Farewell.” The doctor walked away as Twilights eyes filled with tears. “I... I... I..., Rainbow Dash.” Twilight let out full blown cries. Rarity tried to calm her down, but it didn’t work at all. “Twilight, it will be okay. Just calm down Twilight, just calm down. TWILIGHT!” Rarity’s screams caused everyone in the hospitals eyes to fall on her. Twilights eyes fell on Rarity as she was back in control of her bodies movement. “Huh? What happened?” “You started to ball your eyes out after you heard about Rainbow Dash being in a coma.” “She, she.” “Twilight! Calm down, she’s still alive. She will likely be fine, just stay calm and relax, honestly that’s what you need most right now. You’ve been under so much stress recently because of the past events, just please relax. When Rainbow Dash is well enough to be seen, we can visit her and see how she is doing.” Twilight nodded and fell back asleep. Rarity finally went back to carousel boutique to check on Sweetie Belle. She left Twilight at the hospital to finish resting and was coming back afterwards anyway. Twilight was dreaming once again, the dream was worse this time. *** “Hello? Wait, this is the same place I was,” “Before? Well yes, welcome back Twilight.” “Wait, NO! Let me go Cheerilee!” Twilight struggled, realizing she was on a table strapped up by cuffs along the side of a metal table. “Huh!” Twilight gasped in a panic, looking over Cheerilees corner. Then she could see parts of her friends. “NO! Those are body parts of Rainbow and Rarity.” Twilight finished before tears filled her eyes and she almost passed out. “You’d be right Miss. Sparkle. Rarity and I had a lot of fun. I cut off her horn, used a scalpel to cut out one of her eyes, which is laying next to her “eyelashes.” Anway, I guess it’s time to get started.” Cheerilee lifted up a knife as she was about to stab it into Twilights side, she screamed. Adrenaline pumped through her body as her eyes fluttered open and she began to gasp again. “Oh my gosh!” Twilight repeated over and over again before Rarity rushed through the doors which caught the attention of other doctors. They ran up to Twilight asking her what was wrong. “Mam, what is wrong?” “NIGHTMARES!” Twilight screamed over and over again, tripping on her words multiple times. Rarity’s eyes focused on her, her eyes getting wider as her friend kept screaming. Rarity tried to signal her again but it didn’t work. “Twilight! Twilight? Twilight......?” Rarity stuttered as her eyes widened. Twilight was lifted up as she was put in a mental hospital area. Rarity watched as her friend was taken away, she trotted out of the hospital, not holding back her tears.