> Big Pink Love > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Big Pink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a long day of smelling aroused big fat horse asses, you could finally fall asleep. Nice smelling horse butts, but still horse ass nonetheless. You, the human were now in your sanctuary, a small closet, converted into a bedroom inside a huge ass oak tree. Your body lay upon a plain, dull grey bed, covered with a thin, grey blanket. You merely wore a pair of white underpants to cover your privates. With a sigh, you closed your eyes, ready to bid this smelly horse ass day goodbye. Alas, there came a knock upon your door. You gave out a frustrated grown, before answering your accursed visiter. "What is it?" you grumbled. "Anon, it's urgent." came a soft, feminine voice. "Uhhhh, fine." You stood up, from there you made your way to the door. Upon opening the door, you were greeted by the sight of the huge, pink shire horse sized alicorn mare known as Princess Cadance, who had a most worried look on her face. "Anon, we need to talk. Have a seat." Wordlessly, you sat down at the foot of the bed. Cadance walked into the room, most of her body slipped through with ease, unfortunately her thick, wide hips made that somewhat difficult. The door frame deeply depressed around the soft, thick layer of fat her bulging beach ball sized cheeks attempted to squeeze through. With an angry growl she lunged into the room, her mighty, massive rump ripping the door frame off its hinges, leaving what remained of it as a pile of shattered wood on the floor. “Oh, sorry Anon.” she said, blushing in embarrassment, raising a hoof to her mouth. The long horn atop her head glowed with pink light for a brief moment, instantly repairing the damage her huge ass had done to the door. With the door frame fixed, the large pink mare proceeded to sit herself down next to you, her heavy backside sinking deeply into your mattress.  The wooden supports of your very bed creaked and groaned for a moment, before snapping like matchsticks beneath the mighty weight of her massive rump. “Sorry… again Anon.” she said, blushing profusely in embarrassment. “It’s Okay, Cadance.” you replied, giving her a warm smile. A long awkward silence filled the room, you were too nervous to speak, even with the strong scent of cotton candy from her marehood. The smell of horse ass has returned, nice smelling horse ass, but horse ass nonetheless. "So… Anon, why haven't you had sex with somepony yet? You do know, almost every mare wants to have sex with you, right?" You sighed deeply. "Oh, I knew this day would come. Since ponies having a human fetish is pretty much built into your DNA." "What day? What are you talking about?" You took hold of her heavy, thick right hoof. "Cadance, promise me you'll keep this a secret." you said in an imploring tone. "Nothing leaves this room Anon, I won't  tell a soul." "Please… please, don’t laugh.” you said in a low, trembling voice. “Why would I laugh at you Anon?” she said softly, a hurt look in her eyes. “Because…. because, I... have... a... a. .  a--” you trailed off, unable to tell her. “A what, sweetheart?” she said softly, tilting her head to the side curiously, “... a micropenis." you said in a low voice, daring not to look her in the eye as you said it. “Oh, Anon! No wonder you haven’t had sex with somepony!” she wailed in grief, tears forming in her eyes. The next thing you knew, you felt her surprisingly soft hoof cup your chin toward her face, from there she unceremoniously began kissing you. The softness and warmth of her plump pony lips against your far smaller human lips was wonderful. Alas, while this was a nice feeling, your survival instincts quickly came into action, and you pushed her away, much to her displeasure, as showed by her quietly gasping in shock, a hoof coming to her mouth. “I’m sorry, Cadance. You don’t have to have pity sex with me. Plus I don’t want your husband to kill me.” you said in a low voice. “Anon, pretty much everypony screws each other in Equestria.” “Just like fan fiction?” “Yes, just like that.” A long awkward silence filled the room. The two of you merely sat there. You were sweating, nervous as Cadance looked at that tiny tent in your underpants with a look of pity. “So… do you got any penis enlargement spells?" you inquired." Because I’m literally an inch long while erect.” “Hmm, I do. But… that form of magic is banned, since the last time it was used on a human in Equestria it killed him.” “...... Yeah, I think I’ll keep my small penis then.” you said nervously. “Don’t worry Anon, we shall still have sex.” “How? Your ass is huge and my dick is an inch long. This is going to be a very awkward and embarrassing experience for me.” “Well Anon, clearly my butt isn’t big enough.” she said in a nasty tone, standing up, and turning around in quick session to present you her massive, plump pink rump. The horn atop her head began to glow with a pink light, at the same time, the diamond love hearts of her cutie marks began to glow with a bright light, along with the already massive cheeks of her backside beginning to inflate outward like a balloon, not only that, but she literally grew an inch taller by each passing second. “Cadance! What are you doing?!” you shouted, jumping to your feet, watching on in horror as there was less and less space in the room. “Since you are so inadequate already I might as well make this a joyful experience for the both of us. For even my husband’s massive cock feels small and inadequate when I grow into a giantess.” “Cadance! You’ll kill me and destroy the house!” you shouted, panicking, looking side to side to try find a way to escape the giant growing horse ass rapidly approaching you. “Relax Anon. You’ll be fine.” she said softly. Her cheeks continued to bloat outward, the room slowly beginning to expand along with her. You screamed as her giant pink butt pressed you into the wall, taking you into a world of darkness, warm and soft fat horse ass. However, you soon calmed down, despite the growing mass of her inflating backside, along with the weight and pressure ever increasing your body still maintained its integrity, and you still had the ability to breathe. Your body sank deeply into the thick layers of soft fat. Behind you, you felt the hard wood of the wall, in front you felt the heavenly soft cheek of her growing backside. As her backside continue to grow, it began to fold around you, the squishy fat deeply depressing around your small form. Cadance conjured images in your mind, allowing you to see her ass growing in real time. You were but a tiny speck on an enormous pink horse ass as big as Mount Everest, that showed no sign of stopping its continued expansion. Your tiny penis poked hard against her godly alicorn pony butt within this pocket universe where she can grow indefinitely. Through it all you felt an overpowering scent of cotton candy. Now you have to worship giant, nice smelling aroused, big fat horse ass. End