My Incredible Love for a special Alicorn

by Hourglass

First published

I really love Luna, she is the most beautiful mare I have ever seen. I just so happen to find her walking around the park one day

I have a deep admiration and romantic feeling for Princess Luna. One day while I am talking to myself in the park about my love for her, I see a certain blue alicorn laying down behind a bush like a lion. I immediatly fall in love with her and decide to introduce myself to her. For two months she lives with me and during that time we form a wonderful relationship.

Part 1

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Princess Luna: probably the most beautiful character ever created. I really really love her a lot.

She is very special to me, ever since I first saw her on the youtube video Children Of The Night I have deeply loved her. There are reasons why I love her:

1. She is a very beautiful Alicorn and character, I am deeply attracted to her.
2. Her and I both have very similar personality traits (I.E. we both are treated as background characters, and we have interests that differ from people around us).
3. I greatly sympathize with her deep emotional pain.

I have always really loved her. I sometimes wish that I could marry her and show her that I love her through my care and sympathy, unfortunately her and I are trapped by the barrier between fantasy and reality. I wish I could meet her, I really do. Little did I know that I would actually meet her the next day.

It started in the park in the neighborhood near my house. I was there enjoying my usual summer break (school had just let out five days ago). I was thinking about everything that I was hoping to do this summer, like going to the uptown shopping district, riding the Subway Metro around town, going downtown a few times, maybe visit the train station, above other things. But I also thought about my love for Luna, her wonderful voice, her deep blue eyes, her beautiful blue fur and mane, her tall and slender body, as well as her tender emotions.

"I love Luna, no matter what people say." I told myself as I thought about her.

The crazy thing was what happened next. I was walking through the park on my way back home wanting to get some dinner ready (it had to be 7:40 in the evening), when I heard something behind a bush. It didn't sound like a scuffle or a brush of any kind that I had heard, it sounded more like a lovely humming sound, like there was a young woman humming a song behind the bush. I recognized the song as Moon River which Audrey Hepburn had originally done for the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. I slowly looked around the bush, and that's when I saw her...Luna herself, in the flesh and fur. This is what she looked like:

I was love struck immediately. I came down to see her, very slowly when I did.

"Hello there, I am Johnathan."

She looked at me straight in the eyes with a wonderful smile on her muzzle. "I am Luna," she spoke in a voice like an angel, soft and silky.

"It's nice to meet you, have you ever been here before?" I asked

"No, it's a new place for me. But I am glad to be here, I don't normally come to a place like this." She continued.

"Do you want to come to my place for diner? I got a good meal planned: spaghetti." I asked.

"That sounds good, I have time." We booth went back to my home.

I served the spaghetti as soon as it was ready and spoke with her for awhile. She had quite a lot to talk about (which was fine, I love a good long conversation, it's something of a lost art these days). She told me about her life, how she grew up, how she became Nightmare Moon, how she returned from the moon and got reformed, how she ruled over Equestria with her sister, and how she got here.

"I got here by a secret magical spell with a mirror," she giggled. "I don't think anypony back home knows about this. But I wanted to come and see what this world is like. I'm glad I met you."

"Me too, I'm glad I found you."

It was night by the time she had finished diner, she was glad that she didn't have to raise the moon. She was quite full of the meal that she had just eaten and burped slightly.

I chuckled. "Sounds like you've had a good meal."

She giggled again as she patted her stomach. "I think I'm ready to go to sleep now, It's been," She gave a yawn. "A wonderful but tiring day. Thanks for diner." Then Luna asked me something. "Could I stay here with you while I visit this world?"

I was all for it. "Sure, go ahead and make yourself at home. I've got a couch you could sleep on with a blanket."

"Thank you," Luna spoke. "I should be here for about the whole summer, I can return to Equestria when I left with the use of time travel magic. I'll stay here with you."

I made her makeshift bed with a blanket, a couch pillow, and the arm rest. She came in after she had finished cleaning herself up for the night in the bathroom, she was ready for a good night's sleep.

She stretched as she settled down in the bed. She looked so beautiful as she lied in the bed, Luna beckoned me closer as I was about to leave her be.

"What Is it?" I asked.

"Goodnight John." she spoke as she kissed me on the cheek. I was roused.

"Goodnight Luna." I whispered as I kissed her on the cheek...

Part 2

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The next day I got up and got ready for the day. I was going to take Luna down to the mall today to try to buy her an outfit for the summer. I saw her as I went into the kitchen to get breakfast, she looked lovely sleeping there. I could only see her head sticking out of the top of the covers at the pillow and armrest, I could make out the rest of her slender (sexy ;) sorry, had to do that) body in the way it was making a form in the covers. I was very much in love with her there.

She woke up soon after I had finished my breakfast and greeted me. "Good morning John."

"Good morning Luna." I sighed lovingly.

"What do you have here for breakfast? I'm ready to eat." I showed her the pantry and she chose one thing. "Blueberries, I'll take blueberries for breakfast. They are my favorite."

"Go ahead, take as many as you want." I told her in a happy way.

After a good time spent talking after breakfast and watching an episode of Knight Rider on TV. Luna asked what we were going to do today. I told her that we were going to the mall that day so we could get an outfit for her, she loved the idea.

"I would probably need one, seeing that you are completely dressed." She said. "How are we getting there?"

I told her. "We are taking the subway to uptown, the southbound brown line to be exact, It's a straight shot down to uptown from here."

"Alright, this will be new. I think I'll like it." She told me.

We both left my house very soon and took a walk out of the neighborhood, down the street, and finally to a major intersection. We both got proper weird looks from people driving by or walking by. as we neared the surface entrance to the station Luna asked why it was leading underground. I told her.

"A subway is a train that travels underground. It doesn't need to mess with traffic on the surface, and it travels really fast. It'll get us to uptown in about 7 minutes from this point."

"Alright." Luna spoke, slightly unsure what was going to happen.

After we had entered the station lobby and after I got a transit card for Luna (I already had one). We both took the escalator down to the platform which was 60 feet beneath the surface. Luna and i waited for the next train which according to the arrival display would be there in 5 minutes. Then after five minutes, we saw lights coming up the tunnel as this announcement came on


The train thundered into the station at 40 MPH and came to a very fast stop. AC traction motors powering down the whole time sounding like a dramatic violin. The subway looked like this:

We got onboard as the speakers blasted "WATCH YOUR STEP AS YOU BOARD!!!" we took two seats by a window as digital bells rang.

"Stand clear of the doors please!" an announcement advised as the doors closed.

The train took off slowly but got faster and made it up to top speed (which was 60 miles an hour. We finally arrived at the mall station after one more stop in the middle of our trip. We took the escalators to the surface entrance which was right outside of the mall. We both headed in to the best shop to get Luna her outfit: Macy's.

We looked around inside to see where we could find the best outfit, when Luna called me over.

"I found a great outfit John. It looks so cute." I came to look at it.

It was a very lovely outfit. It was just the prettiest I had ever seen. "You'll look good it that Luna." I told her. This is what it looked like:

We bought it for her and headed back home as quickly as we could on the subway. She went into the bathroom once we were inside and I waited for her in the living room. When she came out, I was totally in love with her when she came out.

"Luna," I said as she came in and I took her by the hoof on one knee. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you John, you make the best part of it, you love and care for me so much. I appreciate that about you." Luna told me. We gave a hug to each other.

We did a lot of other things during the summer too. We went down to the zoo and aquarium, we went to a lot of museums, we went to downtown a few times, we went to visit the train station (even saw an Amtrak pull in), and we went to see some other places around uptown. The best part was yet to come.

Luna and I both went on a date towards the end of summer to one of the best restaurants in town, Applebees (O.K. that might not be a very formal place, but it worked out for us). We got there relatively on time with my planning and we took our seats once we got inside. Luna and I started talking.

"Luna, I hope you have enjoyed your time here. Seeing that you are going to leave me in a few days to return to Equestria. It's been a wonderful time knowing you." I told her.

Luna replied. "It's been wonderful knowing you John, especially because I know that you are someone who truly loves me no matter how different I am."

"That's another thing," I said. "I think you know that you and I have a lot in common, like we have many traits that are similar to each of us. And we are also very much in love with each other too."

"I have noticed that, and I like that you are someone whom I can relate to. It get's ever so lonely back home." Luna said
"Thank you for loving and caring for me all of these past two months."

"You are welcome Luna, anytime. I love you very much." I said as I whispered to her.

We went back home after our date and Luna nestled in to her bed for the last time. "I am not going to be here tomorrow, I am going to be back in Equestria." she said.

I asked her a question. "Could I sit here with you for a little bit before i shut down for the night?"

Luna scooted over a bit and patted the spot next to her. "Come my Special Someone."

I came and sat down by her. I put my arm around her shoulder and she put her head on mine. We were like two love birds together sitting there, enjoying each other's company. I stroked her mane, it felt like the softest material on earth woven with flowers and water. I loved the feeling of her sitting right here next to me with her head on my shoulder, it was almost as if my dream had come true (which in a lot of ways it had). I kept on stroking her mane lovingly before I asked her a question.

"Luna, could you sing something please?" I asked

"Sure, there's only the two of us in the room." Luna answered. She started singing.

I kissed her as she finished, at the same time she did as well. We both were caught in our performance of affection for each other for more than a minute. BOY! WHAT A FEELING!!!

I said goodnight to her as I had for the last few months. "Goodnight John." She whispered into my ear as she hugged me. I hugged her tightly for around 30 seconds and left her be.

"Say hello for everypony for me when you return." I told her.

She smiled lovingly. "Sure thing john, have a goodnight." Luna blew me a kiss as I headed off to bed to go to sleep.

That next day in the living room Luna was gone. It sort of made me sad to see her go like that, after we had been together for two months exactly and I was going to start school again in a few days. But as I was about to go into the kitchen again, I saw a letter on the table which had my name on it. I opened it and read it.

Dear John,

First of all, thank you for giving me a good place to live for the whole time that I visited your world. I would like to thank you for the wonderful time that you've given me in your world, and also thank you for loving me.

I really loved the world that you live in with its many wonders and amazing inventions: Trains that travel underground, shopping districts as big as government buildings or zeppelins, carriages that have technology enough for them to go about on their own without the need of a pony pulling up front, and something known as a Television and an unforeseeable force known as electricity.

Finally, Thank you for loving, caring for, and sympathizing with me for two months. You have given me the best part of my life by just showing how much you care for me and how much you are open about your feelings for me. That is something that goes a long way with somepony like me. Thank you a thousand times for the love that you showed me...

Your Special Somepony,
Your Princess of the Night,
Princess Luna. xxx