What Makes A Good Mare

by Yellow Gate

First published

Diamond Tiara attempts to understand makings of a good mare.

Who cares what makes a good mare, I don't. What does my mother know about being a good mare, and what right does she have to lecture me on it. I mean I finally got what I want and I usually treat Apple Bloom right, I don't need my mother butting her big fat head in my business. I'm a good mare, seriously, I have so many great quality's that I can count them on two hooves. Ok, maybe one, or wait... Err... Crap!

Triggers: Lesbian Stuff

I'm a mare of exactly one redeeming quality.

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What makes a good mare? My mother keeps saying that a good mare is one that stood beside her stallion, supporting his decisions, and supplying their daily comforts. Personally since I've been of age, I really think that shes being a little ridiculous. Well everything that comes out of her muzzle seems a little ridiculous now if I'm to be honest. In my mothers eyes I'd probably never make a good mare. I'm good at the other stuff, like making decisions, and demanding comfort. All in all I think neither one of us understands what makes a good mare. I guess I should be currently asking the mare nestled into my chest if I'm a good mare while I struggle to write in my diary… her head doesn't make a great table.

Forget it, I suck at writing anyway, screw Princess Twilight and her stupid suggestions. Spitting the pencil out of my mouth, I take a second to blanch at the taste of the wood. No sooner that I got over it, the crummy diary was next, as I flung it out of my open window.

“Now why ya went and done that?” My Marefriend asks, I can feel each syllable vibrate through me as she never removed her head from my purple chest.

Looking down at the mare in question, I couldn't understand how I made it this far with her. Her rose red mane was let down, allowing it to cascade down her back, obscuring my view of her yellow toned and working body. Even her pure green eyes were shielded from my view, she looked so vulnerable, I've seen everything she is, and now I view her as something I must protect and guard. Does that make me a good mare, no no, I thought I was past that stupid question.

“It doesn't help.” I respond matter-of-factly. Honestly if it did, I wouldn't be lounging half of my day away locked in my room.

“That's why I’m here right?” She teases me far to much when it comes to the emotional mushy stuff, I swear she learns that from Sweetie Belle.

“Bloom…” I groan in response.

She finally looks up at me, removing her head from my chest. I felt a bit of angst at the loss of her warmth, no matter, because the look in her pure green eyes told the whole story. She really wanted to be her with me, all day if needed. I love that about her, she'll always come when needed, or if I'm just being my selfish old self. Applebloom has always had a way about things that just seemed far too delicate for her when we first got involved a year ago, days before heartwarming eve. She is a mare of many colors, and I'm… well purple?

Apple Bloom chuckled at my embarrassed response before she brought a yellow hoof up to play with my light purple and pink locks, twirling them in her hoof. At one point in the past I wanted to cut my mane short, very short. Needless to say my bullheaded mother didn’t approve, not that her opinion mattered. It was Applebloom's opinion that matter, and she omitted that she liked braiding and playing with them. So that idea flew out the same window that my diary did. But I seriously didn't understand her fascination with my mane, she was even crawling further up onto me to get a better position to fiddle with it. I withheld my strained groan as my larger marefriend climbed on top of me, if I wasn't in such a bad mood I would've nipped her on the ear by now.

she is completely in my lap, her hind hooves wrapped around my barrel; my face was now covered by the warmth of her excellently sculptured chest. Sitting on top of my queen sized mattress, there was a thousand way that this could turn. I’m pretty sure that the both of my parents were gone, and my door was locked. It was a perfect set up, that was until I chanced a glance up and saw the concentration on her face as she worked on braiding my hair with her hooves. It also must've been particularly difficult from her position in front of me, but I always make things difficult. Still she gives me the childish attention I want, even if I embarrass her in public or in front of her family. Yet I was tore away from my contemplative thoughts by a lack of feeling in my hind legs.

“Err, you know your not exactly light right?” I say in my best ‘I'm not calling you fat’ voice.

“Your the chubby one.”

“I'm not chubby, it’s called being voluptuous!” I exercise and she knows it, my figure is nearly impossible to keep.

“Ya know I can't say that word, so I guess yer gonna have to be my chubby little mare.” She teases further. “Besides the only time I can get you on top is when I'm inviting…”

My expression goes flat for a moment; there wouldn't be a way in Tartarus that I'd let her keep calling me chubby . Well I've might've slipped ‘sexy apple’ here and there, but that was hot. Chubby, I think not, plus I wasn't going to let her get away with her last comment either. No matter how true it was, a weakness was a weakness, what can I do? It didn't take long however for my flat expression to turn into a lovely wicked one as a light went off in my head. She know my weakness, and I know all of hers as well, so I'm ready to go there.

It took me less than a second to fall flat on my bed, dragging my surprised marefriend with me. I began my assault immediately, my hooves found her midsection and her eyes went wide. Bodily contact isn't something surprising, but what has always been a bit surprising was how ticklish she is. Her barrel, hooves, and the insides of her legs were the hotspots.

“Don't you ever call me chubby!” I chuckle victoriously, as I've finally turned the tables on her. Literally and figuratively, I managed to get her to roll over, as I assault her barrel with my hooves.

“A-am sorry!” Apple Bloom could barely breath from choking on her laughter. “Quit it, pleaase!”

There was no way I was going to stop now, I've gone down the rabbit hole. The way she was pleading, the way her sculpted yellow body presented itself on my bed. Oh I can feel the heat coming, she doesn't understand how sexy she is this way, with me on top being able to drink the entirety of her in. Once again, a weakness is a weakness, and I set myself up right for it. I have to move lower, I'm moving lower, and there is nothing she can do to stop me!

“I think I might have to take a bite out of my big sexy apple.” Personally, in the heat of the moment that sounded pretty smooth.

Apple Bloom blushed intensely at my proclamation, but she didn't resist. I know she wants it as bad as I want it now, Tartarus, why am I acting like I need permission.

My head quickly dipped below her barrel before a objection could even be contemplated. Still my hooves didn't stop, my tickling efforts double as I dragged them lower to my objective. Her coat was pleasantly soft and well groomed for a working mare, I'd think she’d never bucked a tree in her life if it wasn't for her well built flanks and toned barrel.

“Ahh, Diamond…” She moaned from underneath me, and to think I haven't even reached my destination yet.

“Hush, I'm working.” I slowly end my tickling onslaught to duck completely below her barrel.

Spreading her powerful hind legs, I can't help to shiver at the sight of her tantalizingly tight sex. My efforts were instantly rewarded simply by the sight of a noticeable trail of her natural lubricant leaking from her pussy. And here I thought I was turned on to another level, my Apple was leaking like a faucet. It only took another second for the scent of her arousal to hit my nostrils like a midsummer heatwave. Holy Celestia it was strong, mind dizzying strong. Looking deeply into her now winking pussy, I couldn't help but to blush at my stupidity

“Sooo… your in heat?” Stupid question being asked by a stupid mare.

Applebloom only raised her head up just to give me a frustrated ‘are you serious look’ that only extended the fact that I'm a clueless fool sometimes. I asked her to come here today, and all I've been doing is moping around, and she's probably been waiting for me to notice her need. Geez, whatever, I'm going to make it all up to her now. I'm a predator in the sheets, and I'm going in for the kill. Wasting no more time, my head drops back between her legs, my muzzle is a mere inch from her winking and dripping sex. She was starting to twitch with inpatients until I gave her exposed clit a deep kiss, signalling I was going to take good care of her. And my marefriend got the message as she shivered at my touch. I kissed my prize one last time before getting down to business, reaching one hoof in, I stretch her tight pussy lips a bit to one side, allowing me to get my tongue in a little deeper, to get right to the spot that counts.

As my tongue works magic, her succulent juices cascade down my muzzle like a waterfall. She was doing everything she could to hold back her gasps and moans, my Apple has always been a loud one in the sheets. Deciding I was wanting to hear some more of her feminine moans, it was time for me to give her the Diamond special. I pull back for a moment and reach under my bed get her favorite little toy. Before she even has a chance to notice, I toss the toy between my legs then distracted her by gripping both of her hind legs. I'm now stareing Applebloom right in her beautifully curious and needy green eyes as I lift legs. Her curious and needy look quickly flipped script to one of recognition as I pushed her hind legs back all the way to her ears. Pretty much allowing me to have unobstructed access to her pretty pussy, her wetness grew as she anticipated my advance. Her dock was absolutely soaked, but in her current stretched position, her leaking juices were slowly starting to run forward, it would only be a matter of time before she's completely covered in her own nectar. I would like to think her real talent is having the wettest cunt in Equestria, I honestly don't think it's natural… it’s very hot however, so I'm not complaining.

Whatever, wasting not another second ogling my marefriend, I dive right back into her muff. I feel her shutter from underneath me as my tongue works circles deeper into her vaginal cavity. And with her legs out of the way I'm able to stealthily grab the toy and snake my free hoof up to her anus, where I slowly start lubricating the large phallic toy that even had authentic looking balls at the hilt with her juices and my spit. My apple felt it slide up her ass and she actually resisted a bit, I could feel her hind legs strain against my hold.

“Is that what ah think it is!” Applebloom sputtered in her aroused haze.

I don't respond to her as I'm still working on her bountiful pussy. However the answer is an undeniable yes, it's exactly what she thinks it is. The magical mare punisher, quote unquote the kinkest dildo in Equestria. I paid a decent bit on this thing and it hasn't disappointed me once, with it's adjustable settings due to its control enchantment, the possibilities are endless. Applebloom can play coy all she wants, but she and I both know when I pull this thing out, it's Tiara time!

Feeling that I sufficiently lubricated the dildo, I start rimming her back door with it. Torturing her endlessly, I can tell she's getting close and I want her to beg for it. I glance up from my working position to see her biting her bottom lip and screwing her eyes shut.

Oh yea, screw begging, I'm going in.

I know better than just to shove it in however, at one point in time I might not have, but now I have experience on my side. And that experience told me to take extra care as I prepared to violate my marefriend’s anus. Pulling my muzzle back from her tantalizing sex, I take notice of the string of mare juices that followed. Licking my lips, I cut off the string and allow it to fall back into the crack of her flanks. Lowering her hind legs a bit, I adjust the dildo perfectly, and without warning I slowly start putting pressure on the hilt of the toy. Her anus reacts to the pressure by beautifully expanding to accommodate the flare of the foreign intruder. I feel Applebloom’s entire body tense up as I have my fun, I know she's enjoying every second of it as well. It was actually her idea to go through anal training for some reason, naturally I was game for it. I would never miss a opportunity to get to play with her apple ass on a nightly basis. As I was thinking, I failed to realized that I hadn't relieved any of the constant pressure I was putting on the toy. In effect the dildo was already roughly six inches deep in her ass. Blinking, I again look to her face to see it has now settled into a more relaxed expression. Well as relaxed as having six inches of a ten inch dildo in your ass can be…

Smiling warmly, My Apple must've already forgot what this little baby can do. Gripping one of the large balls on the hilt, the toy starts pulsing, the humming of the magic could faintly be heard. But it was Apple Bloom’s moans of ecstasy that moistened my sex a bit, I don't know what it is about her helpless moans, but it's such a turn on. Wanting nothing more than to hear more of her girlish moans, I relax her hind legs to give me both of my hooves to assault her swollen button with my hoof. Not only was I targeting her clit, I leaned over her outstretched body caught sight of her teats and didn't hesitate to nip at her aroused nipples. My Apple was beginning to shout for release, her limit was approaching and I can't wait for the water works.

Even though I'm far from getting close to a climax, I'll gladly give mines up just to give her the release she so desperately needs. Suckling her right nipple and assaulting her clit wouldn't be enough, with my free hoove, I fumble around until I plant my hoof on the stallion dildo. Apple Bloom haven't a clue about what I was about to do. As I nip her right nipple again, I simultaneously shove the dildo further into her anus, it slides in effortless with a wet shilck. Her back arches in what I expect to be surprise, still that isn't enough, I twist what's left of the exposed hilt and the dildo begins to vibrate stronger and faster than before. That action was enough to get a passionate shriek of pleasure out of my yellow filly.

It didn't take long for her to ride the peak and convulse in what I'd image to be an amazing orgasm, after all I'm the one she's having sex with… I expect nothing less than bliss. Either way, her body speaks clearly for her as she squirts at least twice before she even starts coming down of her orgasmic high. I just take pleasure in watching my hoof work, I Diamond Tiara did that to possible the strongest and most beautiful young mare in Ponyville. I'm the only pony that can see her weak side, I'm the only pony that can exploit her vulnerabilities and strangely enough I get off to that. Maybe it's just the bully in me, but I strive for that control, and she just hoofs it to me. I look down at Apple Bloom beneath me, she was still coming down from her orgasmic high, lower body nearly covered in her own juices, dildo still buried deep in her ass. Then it all hit me all over again, I guess I really don't learn anything after all

“Ugh!” I grunt before rolling off Apple Bloom to lay flat on the other side of my large bed. The reflection sets in and I start staring blankly at my pink ceiling.. I really need to pay somepony to repaint my room…

Still looking up, I hear my marefriend shift from the other side of the bed and slowly make her way between my legs. She always wants to follow through, even if it's nearly impossible for her to do so, something I've never been good at. Finally bothering to glance at her after I felt a few laps of her tongue against my slightly parted folds. I couldn't really see her face due to her being between my legs, still I stifle a little moan as she put more vigor into her pussy eating. I nearly facehoof when I can still see a bit of the purple dildo sticking out of her ass, it was forcing her dock obscenely up. Allowing me to easily see to it despite her being in front of me.

“Enough…” I mutter pathetically.

“I-what am I doing wrong?” She weakly asks, still shuttering a bit from the vibrating sensation of the toy.

What she said killed me on the spot, I have her feeling like she’s doing something wrong. She is the makings of a good mare, and I can't even give her a straight answer. Averting my eyes from her concerned orbs of green, I go back to my very interesting pink ceiling.

Apple Bloom takes it as a obvious concerning signal that something was wrong and crawled her way over top of me. Dragging her wetness all the way up my chest, I could even feel the rapid vibrations of the horse cock dildo in her ass as she labored to move. Now she was the only thing I could see as she sat her heavy body on my chest, her eyes met mines once again as she obscured my vision of the ceiling.

“Yer gonna talk… ahh… talk to me!” I admire her for trying to be serious.

“You can take the toy out now you know?” First attempt at changing the topic.

“Ya put it in…” Apple Bloom then laid a strong hoof on my chest, pinning me completely down. “Now talk!”


“I'm fine, it's nothing we need to talk about. I'm hungry, you hungry?” Second attempt.

She just rolled her eyes and leaned down and planted her lips on mine. Her tongue invaded my mouth, forcing me to wrestle her for kissing surprimincy. Getting more into it, I wrap my hooves around her firm barrel and pull her close, neither one of us breaking the sloppy kiss. Our fluids mixed in only a way that lovers would understand as we rolled to the side. She was the first to break the kiss, leaving me panting and longing for more.

“How dare you…” I mutter, am I not allowed to be angry at myself for Luna’s sake!

My Apple doesn't respond, instead she settles further into the bed and gives me her ‘I‘m waiting’ Look. Her long red hair laid excellently over her shoulders, her green eyes twinkled with concern, a concern that was only directed towards me. The silence wasn't truly silence due to the naughty sound of the vibrating toy in my marefriend ass that kept me moderately aroused. She was everything I've ever wanted, everything I've needed. I smile at her, and she smiles back… She is what makes me a good mare.

Finally realization hitting me like a freight train. My eyes widen and I make a quick movement to roll off my queen sized bed as if I was late or something; startling Apple Bloom in the process. Skipping over to my full sized mirror, I take my hoof brush and start to get myself in a somewhat presentable state. Apple Bloom watches me curiously from her position on my bed, possibly still waiting for an answer. Feeling my coat is presentable, I lick my lips, removing the last bit of her love juices from my muzzle. After that was done, I spritzed some perfume on and made my way towards the door where my saddle bags hung.

“W-where are… are you going?” Apple Bloom finally sits up, most likely concerned that I didn't answer her question.

“I'm going to get something to eat.” I reply.

“What about me?” I almost want to laugh at the look on her face as she said that.

“Oh yea, what do you want, I'm buying.” I'll thank her for the revelation one day, just not today.

“Tiara!” Apple Bloom jumped up from the bed, red in the face from embarrassment or anger... Either way, I think it finally dawned on her that I was getting ready to leave.

“Toodles!” I wave at her with a shit eating grin as I unlock the door and trot around the corner of the hallway. Surprisingly I don't hear her scramble after me, my Apple must think I'm joking. I love her, and I honestly love messing with her even more. Sometimes I'm just evil for the sake of being evil, screw all that yahoo about being a good mare. I have to go laugh in my mother's face, after all I'm going to have to let her know… I'm DT bitch!

“And I'm shagging a good mare.” I reaffirm silently to myself as I finally step out of my house and into the brightness of the midday sun.