Out of the ghetto and into the fire. (Remake)


First published

Saints Row but with Spike (Now with 67% less terrible writing)

Spike starts the 3rd Street Saints in an alternate universe pretty simple Obviously Saints Row/GTA inspired, characters are anthro, 21, etc.

also interesting note "Saints Row" isn't actually a series option when you're making new fanfics.

The start

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There lies a City in which drug running, arms dealing, prostitution, gang violence, theft, and a large number of other crime is on the rise and shows no signs of stopping...

...The name of that City is Equis.

Now This little putrid hovel of corruption and vile filth where people die every day is where our story begins and subsequently, like all good stories where we find our hero, the main character, the one who legends speak of, he is someone who has united people together in a valiant stand against all of the sources of tyranny that plagued his once lovely city, of course, said tyranny came in the form of three street gangs and our hero took a stand uniting people under his own gang's flags but he is still a hero, well maybe not a ''hero'', he is more of a puckish rogue really, never the less he is still a rallying force for the people who follow him and all things considered he has his morals, as loose as those morals may, be but let's not get into the morality of things or what could have or should have been, instead let us talk about the man and what he did to become the man he now is so finally we start at the beginning...

"Aw, fuck my head is killing me..."

We are so fucked

A young 23-year-old man, clad in a purple t-shirt, topped with short ratty green hair woke up and he was slowly rose his head out of bed. This is Spike, and he has been living in a shitty apartment, in a shitty town with some very, very shitty circumstances, the kind of shitty circumstances where there is a very real possibility of being shot should he leave his home and take a walk down the street perhaps mistaken for a rival gang member or maybe he'd be gunned down in a store during a stick-up gone wrong he didn't know what could happen and that feeling of uncertainty scared him. After getting ready for the day he headed out into the town to meet up with an old friend and since his car got stolen a few weeks ago so he is going to have to walk his ass across town

While on the slow walk the sun began to set leaving only street lights to keep his way bright, walking through the slums was always an adventure, as Spike walked through the streets he heard some familiar sounds

"Watches, yo I got watches here! Hey man, this shit will cost you six hundred dollars in the store!" a con man shouted trying to sell knockoff watches Spike knew that the man's merchandise was definitely not worth whatever price he's charging,

"Hey, baby I could show you a good time!" Spike looked to the left and saw that some hooker was offering her services to a potential 'client' in an alleyway he had seen the woman there often and he knew from personal experience that she was going to rob the guy then run back to her pimp. As Spike thought about what was going to happen to the guy he heard something new.

"Aw, what the fuck is THIS!'' Spike looked ahead to see three guys all sporting Blue of some kind one had a jersey, one a hoodie, and the last one just had a bandana the three of them were looking at some graffiti that said "Flyers" the word its self was written in yellow and was stylized with wings. Spike knew immediately what was going down these guys were a part of the "Nobles" gang and they had laid claim to this turf and they took the graffiti as a sign of disrespect.

"Hey, Barnes are you going to let them disrespect us?" one gang member asked the other

"Shit what you think?" replied Barnes raising up a can of spray paint he was holding before shaking it up and letting out a thin mist of blue he had only just started when he was interrupted by a loud and angry female voice.

"Hey, what the fuck you boys think you're doing?" around the corner came three women clad in yellow sports jerseys the one talking was holding a bat over her shoulder.

"Were just being civic-minded is all!" replied the Noble in a jersey

"Oh? How so?" She asked sarcasm and anger in her voice

"Simple" replied the Noble in a hoodie "some dumb bitch when and smeared shit all over this wall we were just cleaning it up!" she responded to this with a bat to the Nobles face knocking him down Barnes replied with a swift punch to her face and then sprayed paint into the second Flyers face the last two gang members got into a fistfight with the Flyer trying to punching the Noble in the face causing him the duck low before delivering one hard punch to the face to get her to back off. It was at this time that Spike and nearby pedestrians began to back off slowly at first. The Flyer with a bat got up and began to run away past Spike, Barnes rounded the corner and threw his spray paint can that hit her in the back. as Spike began to back off faster he heard a car pulling up looking back he saw an all-black convertible with its top-down and three people sitting inside two guys one girl all dressed in black dress shirts everyone besides the driver was armed the girl in the passenger seat was holding a Tec-9 and the guy sitting in the back was holding an Ak-47.

With a smile, the girl pointed her gun and said "Sombra says good night."

The Noble in a hoodie barely managed to say "OH SHIT!" before the bullets began to rain down on them killing both Nobles and Flyers alike, after a brief moment of shooting they stopped to reload when Barnes came around the corner yelling with a pistol in his hand managing only to kill the passenger before being gunned down.

"FUCKERS!" was the warcry shouted by the third Flyer coming back around firing her own Tec-9 at the car's driver who in an attempt to speed away was gunned down and crashed into a building right next to Spike who was making his own attempted escape from the scene. The sudden oncoming car caused Spike to dive, injuring his arm on the hard pavement. the last surviving member of the C.O.S. tried to crawl out of the burning wreckage that was once a car only to be gunned down by the Flyer looking proud of herself she turned to Spike, raised her gun, and said "Wrong time, Wrong place dawg."

Spike closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable and while he heard a gunshot he realized he wasn't dead, he opened his eyes looked up and saw that the Flyer was dead on the floor and in her place stood Spikes good friend Zecora holding a revolver in one hand and holding her other out to help Spike up.

"You okay my friend?" she asked as she helped Spike to his feet and away from the street

"Yeah, well my arm is a little-" the car exploded interrupting Spike and knocking the two on their asses. After a bad coughing fit, Spike said "Banged up, banged up is what I was going to say."

"Aw, that doesn't look too bad you'll be fine." Zecora said after taking a quick look at him "What do you say we head back to my place."

"Yeah sounds great Z."


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the new Saint's Row is BAD