> Today I saw Slenderman > by MelonPeach8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Today I saw Slenderman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Hasbro, Today something absolutely ridiculous and unheard of happened. I was watching the episode Pinkie Apple Pie and out of the corner of my eye I saw a shape it looked like slender man. Right now at this moment you are probably about to toss this mail away thinking it is just another crazy fan writing to you. Well after seeing this I am not so sure. My name is Theresa Jennings, I have a daughter named Molly. She loves watching the show but recently I have noticed extremely strange behavior coming from her. She doesn’t like doing anything she used to. She keeps asking to buy barbie dolls, but every time I look into her room at night these dolls have the slender man symbol on their faces. It is almost like she is worshiping this creepypasta. He is just a character, one from a writers twisted mind. But where I left off. I was watching Pinkie Apple Pie and Applejacks family got back and Pinkie Pie was explaining how the trip was amazing. But when I looked closely I saw a tie, then my daughter clapped over and over again. I couldn’t figure out why. Nothing had happened and unless she really liked this scene there isn’t an explanation. Then afterwards she said it was her favorite episode in the series. I asked her what her favorite part was she said the trees. I was extremely confused, trees are in almost every if not every episode of MLP. I watched the episode about 4 times trying to figure out what was so special about the trees. I couldn’t find anything that was different from the other episodes. Then finally I saw the tie again. It was inside of this group of trees. I am very concerned please write back as soon as possible. Dear Mrs. Jennings After looking back at the episode we can not find a tie. If this is a silly prank you decided to send us we are not amused. Hasbro, I know I saw a tie. Something weird is going on. Anyways I’m going to watch the next episode of your show with my daughter but I’m not done yet. Slenderman, I swear in this episode of My Little Pony “Rainbow Falls,” I saw Slenderman. I saw him when Rainbow Dash switched between the two teams. Again my daughter clapped over and again. Then something even stranger happened, Molly asked for a Slenderman toy. Your show has done something to my daughter and I need to know what. Anyways we are going shopping for toys, hopefully this will bring her back. That’s the final straw I want an explanation. My daughter asked me to buy a video game called “Slender Man Chat.” This video games description says live video chat with slender man. When I asked her if she wanted a My Little Pony toy she didn’t answer. I made her put the video game back. She wasn’t happy. When we got back home she sulked the rest of the day. I want answers. Mrs. Jennings, Again after investigation it can be concluded that you are a loon. We again had our staff check through the episodes and there is no evidence that Slenderman ever appears. Thank you and have a nice day. Dear Hasbro, This is my final and very serious letter to you. I keep watching the episodes over and over again and the more I watch the more I see this figure. My daughter has started to put up posters of this creepypasta character. If something does not happen or someone does not help her I’m afraid she’ll have a mental breakdown. I’m not finished with this letter yet but I’m going to keep writing as I keep investigating. My daughter has killed herself. Three days later after she posted those posters of SlenderMan she has killed herself. My 11 year old girl has killed herself and I know it’s because of the recent events. Ever since then I have felt like someone is watching me and it’s not a good feeling. I have spent most of these days with company for fear something might happen. Along with the fact that ever since Molly died I have been lonely. I’m at the verge of going down there myself because I’m scared something might happen. Wait I need to look at this letter you sent me. The P.O. Box is not the same was Hasbros. This means someone has been replacing my letters with fakes so Hasbro has not actually got my letters. Something strange is going on and I’m going to figure it out once I attend my daughters funeral. Even my ex husband is attending, and we have not spoken in years. I better get some answers or someone is going to end up hurt. During recent events I have decided to publish this note to the web. I do not know if my letter will get to Hasbro if I send it. During the funeral I saw three suspicious girls running around laughing as if they had something to do with this. I took pictures of the three and am going to search up their permanet records. Nothing. I looked these 3 up and found nothing. Everyone has a permanet record expect thes 3 girls. It’s as if they just don’t exist. This is also highly weird. I’m going to figure out what happened if it’s the last thing I do. It’s been 5 days and so far I have found out absolutely nothing. I’m just going to give up there is no hope in trying to prove there is foul play involved. The only thing I do know is my Molly. The Molly I know, would never do this to herself or me. Anyways I am just going to publish this to the web so just Incase anybody is reading please help me. This is Theresa Jennings reporting for the writing of this piece. Then Theresa heard a knock at the door after publishing the story. She walked down the stairs and opened the door then. A loud scream echoed through the house yet no one could hear.