Girl in the Fire

by silvergunner

First published

When Twilight never arrives at Canterlot High, a futanari Sunset Shimmer runs rampant with Rarity, Pinkie and others.

In another timeline, Twilight Sparkle never arrived at Canterlot High. Because of this Sunset Shimmer remained a villain, and this story covers on how she used her influence and domination to relieve her sexual frustration. With the help of the friends she dominated and her futanari body.
- Contains lots of Futa, Sex, Blowjobs, and more. Futa-on-Female and Male-on-Futa pairings included.
- BDSM included in third chapter.

Chapter 1 - Rarity and the Flash Drive

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It was another sunny day at Canterlot High and as the bell rang for lunch, the resident students left their classes and headed off to either the cafeteria or towards the local town. All of them were pushing each other out of the way, hungry for food rather than for education. Canterlot High had always been a good school, but recently things had taken a darker turn and even a sunny day couldn’t lift the sense of gloom. Everyone kept to their own small groups within the halls of the school, only really coming together for classes and big annual events.

It was only a few weeks until the Fall Formal, and already the school was getting ready to hold what was usually the biggest event of the year. However there never seemed to be any team spirit at Canterlot High anymore, and all the work students were doing for the Fall Formal seemed to be for their own gains rather than as an act of teamwork. Even kind and generous students such as Rarity had plans to make an impression at the Fall Formal in order to further their own agenda rather than contribute to the school spirit as a whole.

With the fall formal just weeks away, Rarity needed to create some new dresses ready to show off to the rest of the school. She thought that if her dresses were well received, it would give her enough exposure to start a career she wanted in designing fashionable clothes for teenagers. However she needed inspiration if she wanted to create something new and unique, and thought that a walk in the school grounds where she would be close to nature would be a big help. She used to do it with Fluttershy before they had that huge argument and ended their friendship a few months ago.

She remembered how there used to be such a nice patch of flowers around one of the trees in the school grounds, and decided to go there to see if it was still growing. Thoughts of making a dress resembling a rose and its petals flowed through her mind as she reached the tree. She looked down to see that the flowers were still there and growing well. But underneath the tree something else caught her eye. A small plastic object was lying against one of the roots.

Curiosity got the better of her and she picked up the small object. She saw it was a small USB Flash Drive with “8gb” written on one side, and “SS” on the other. Not sure what those letters meant, she wondered who could have dropped it. She pocketed it, and walked over towards a bench to think about what to do about her rose-inspired dress idea.

However no matter how much she tried to focus on her idea for the dress, her mind kept flicking back to the question of who the Flash Drive belonged to, and what could be on it. Sure, she could hand it in to lost property, but she thought that checking the files on it to see if she could get the name of the student that way would make her able to find the owner directly. She fought a battle against her conscience, one of her intense curiosity versus respect for privacy.

Eventually her curiosity got the better of her and she pulled her laptop out of her satchel. She flipped it open, and after waiting for it to load the operating system, plugged the Flash Drive into it. Opening a window with the contents of the drive displayed, she expected to see several documents but instead found a few folders full of pictures. One was just general landscapes, one was of the covers of different books from the library, but one was labelled “TRIXIE”. She clicked on that folder, and what she saw made her gasp in surprise.

The photos she saw in front of her were all of her fellow student Trixie Lulamoon, only in a way she had never seen her before. Not a single one of the photos had her wearing any clothes, and as she scrolled through the pictures it started with Trixie standing nude in front the camera then steadily got more and more lewd. She gazed in wonder as in the pictures Trixie rubbed her pussy and breasts in one photo, took what looked like a huge gold-coloured dildo into her vagina in another, took the same dildo into her rear in another, and finally in the last photo she got covered with cum from multiple directions with her mouth open in a wide smile. Rarity imagined were several guys cumming over Trixie all at once for that amount of cum to be all over her body…

After gazing at the pictures, Rarity felt her body heat up incredibly. She was turned on by what she saw, and had become so aroused she needed to let off the sexual tension building up inside her immediately. She thought quickly about what to do, and noticed some tall bushes nearby she could hide behind and pleasure herself. Making sure nobody was nearby who could see her, she got up off the bench and moved behind the bushes quickly, carrying her laptop and bag in her hands. Keeping her laptop turned on and placing it down in front of her, she sat on the grass and hitched down her underwear quickly. She flipped her skirt up and prepared to rub herself as she began scrolling through the pictures once again.

Meanwhile, a fiery-haired girl had approached the tree where Rarity had found the USB Drive. She had come back to try and find her lost USB Drive, and knew that she had dropped it there while sorting through her bag for a book earlier. Growling as she realised it had been taken, she wondered how she would get it back. Keeping the thief quiet about what was loaded on it would be easy thanks to the influence she had at the school, but it was a case of getting it back before what was on it was potentially leaked online. She considered the usual techniques of tracking footsteps or asking around, but after she heard noises coming from a bush nearby she decided to investigate them first. She quietly moved towards the bushes, and when she peeped through the leaves, what she saw wasn’t exactly what she had expected to say the very least.

Rarity was sat on the ground letting out light moans of pleasure, masturbating furiously. Unlike most girls though she wasn’t just rubbing her pussy or pushing fingers in and out of it. Instead she had a rock hard member not unlike what guys had, and was stroking it at speed with one hand, while fondling a small set of testicles underneath it with her other hand. The fiery haired girl prevented herself from gasping as she realised Rarity, far from being the most feminine girl at school, was in actual fact a hermaphrodite. She smiled as she watched the purple haired futa girl masturbate without a care in the world in front of her.

Rarity had now focused on the picture she liked the most out of the set - Trixie getting covered with sperm. As she rubbed her cock furiously whilst squeezing her balls gently, she imagined herself in the situation Trixie was in. She loved the thought of getting fucked hard then having cum blasted all over her body, and maybe even inside her body... The thought of getting a creamy filling inside one of her holes while getting covered from head to food with sperm was too much for her to bear, and she let out a loud moan as she orgasmed. Waves of pleasure flowed through her as her futa cock blasted wads of cum out, travelling through the air before splattering everywhere around her. On the grass, on her hands, and even onto her dress.

She breathed in and out heavily for a moment before raising her hands to her mouth. She sucked her cum off them, enjoying the salty taste of it. She then laid back and sighed happily. After seeing Rarity’s exhibitionist show in front of her, the fiery haired girl decided to make herself scarce, knowing just who to confront about her missing Flash Drive later on. A plan was forming in her head as well as she thought about what she had just seen and how she could use the implications of it to her advantage…

A few minutes later, Rarity felt her phone buzz as an alarm she had set to remind her of the end of lunch break went off. Realising she had to go to her next class quickly, she got up off the ground ready to move. Unfortunately she had made a mess of her dress thanks to her futa cock making masturbation always messy for her, and she had to get rid of the cum on her clothing before anyone saw her and began asking questions. Clutching her bag close to her chest to hide the stains, she chucked her panties and laptop into it and rushed back into the main school building. Feeling herself move almost on autopilot, she headed to the first bathroom in the east corridor. She barged through the door swiftly, hoping that no other girls were inside to see her.

However Rarity was wrong as someone had seen her. The same person who had watched her masturbate while browsing the photos of Trixie on her laptop just minutes before. Grinning, she headed towards the bathroom to confront Rarity and to reclaim what she had taken from her.

As Rarity got inside the bathroom, she looked around to see the coast was clear and she was all alone. Taking a handkerchief out of her bag, she approached a sink. She soaked the handkerchief with water and liquid soap, and began scrubbing away at her dress. Slowly but surely the cum wiped off her dress with next to no residue left. She smiled, and began rinsing the handkerchief out. She was just about to use some perfume to hide the smell when she heard the door slowly creak open.

In an instant, she had grabbed her bag and made her way towards the closest open cubicle. She locked herself in swiftly, hoping that she hadn’t been seen. She still had to put her knickers back on, and if another girl saw what she had between her legs there would be an uproar to say the very least. It was a secret she wanted to keep between herself and only her very closest friends.

She heard the door open fully then close behind her. She heard footsteps walk through the bathroom and towards the stall next to her. It gently open before banging shut. Rarity could hear a light chuckle, one in a voice that seemed very familiar. Being quite nosy and nervous at the same time, she stood on the toilet so she could see over the wall of the cubicle and find out who had entered the bathroom.

Rarity gasped as she saw what was happening before her. It was Sunset Shimmer, the girl she had tried to avoid at all cost the past few months, standing in the stall next to her. The fiery haired girl had pulled her panties down and off over her legs like normal, but instead of sitting down like a normal girl would, she instead lifted her skirt up. Rarity saw a penis spring out from underneath, not unlike the one she had as well. Sunset gripped it in one hand while holding up her skirt with her other hand, and began sliding her hand along her length, feeling it harden in her hand.

Rarity’s face was burning up from blushing, and her own futa cock had become rock hard, pushing through her underwear and poking against the wall of the stall. She remembered the size and colour of the dildo from the photos and realised it wasn’t a sextoy at all - those photos were of Sunset’s long futa cock, fucking Trixie hard in both of her holes, then blowing her load all over the great and powerful girl’s face and chest along with several others.

“Never thought you’d peek on other girls at school” came a voice that disrupted her thoughts. She looked down and saw Sunset Shimmer was looking up and grinning at her. “Why so sneaky, Rarity? You wanted to see if what you saw on that USB Drive of mine you stole was for real?” she asked.

“I... I...” began Rarity but she couldn’t say anything. She panicked, wanting to get away. She landed heavily on the ground after hopping off the toilet onto her feet, adjusted her short skirt to cover her personal areas as swiftly as possible, and rushed to the stall door and opened it quickly. However instead of seeing a clear path to the exit in front of her, Sunset Shimmer was staring at her and grinning, her futa cock still rock hard and poking towards Rarity. “I’m sorry Sunset Shimmer” Rarity sighed. “I’ll give you it back...” she added.

“Tell me first, what did you think of those photos you saw?” Sunset asked. “Be truthful, after all I did see you masturbating in the bushes less than half an hour ago” she grinned.

“Well... I wish I hadn’t seen Trixie in those photos now” Rarity admitted, her head filling with thoughts. She knew that she was trapped, so she thought that revealing what her real fantasy was surely couldn’t lead to any further repercussions. “I... wish it was me in Trixie’s place” she finished.

“Oh? You want to get fucked in every hole by my rock hard futa cock?” Sunset questioned.

“Yes... I want all of it...” Rarity said. “It looks... amazing...” she added.

“Why, you’re even kinkier than I could ever imagine” Sunset grinned. “So, you’re a hermaphrodite too Rarity? You really want to get fucked by another girl with a cock?” she asked.

“Yes... I do...” Rarity smiled. She pulled her skirt up again and her penis sprung up to full attention. “Your body turns me on so much... I’m so hard for you” she added in a seductive tone.

“Well then its settled. If you want a good hard fucking by me, then you’d better start stripping now” Sunset smiled. She pushed herself forward and the tips of their futa cocks prodded against each other. Rarity could see that although she was an already impressive eight inches, Sunset was longer and packing over ten inches of rock hard cock. Sunset didn’t have a set of testicles like Rarity did, instead retaining her visible vaginal slit, but Rarity felt that the fiery-haired girl would be able to deliver a torrent of cum anyway. Determined to have Sunset’s cock fuck every possible part of her body, Rarity quickly reached for the buttons of her coat.

Both girls hung up their coats then took their remaining clothes off quickly, until they were standing in front of each other in just their socks and shoes. “You’ve got a nice set of knockers there” Sunset commented, eyeing up Rarity’s breasts. They were definitely bigger than the fiery haired girl’s boobs, and were most likely the main reason all the boys stared at Rarity with lust as she passed by them.

“Yours look good too” Rarity smiled. The two gazed at each other for a few minutes before approaching each other. They wrapped each other’s arms around their backs and embraced with a light kiss on the lips, feeling the warmth of their bodies against each other.

“You have nice soft lips, Rarity” Sunset smiled. “In actual fact, to begin with you should put those lips to good use” she added, before thrusting her hips forwards so her cock prodded further towards Rarity. “Suck it, Rarity” she demanded.

“Sure thing... Sunset...” Rarity replied. She knelt down so her face was on level with Sunset Shimmer’s loins. She gently gripped the fiery haired girl’s member with her hand and kissed the tip gently. She then began licking at the tip while rubbing the shaft with her hand. Sunset began moaning gently as she felt her cock massaged by Rarity’s gentle tongue.

Thinking about how she had taken photos while fucking Trixie, Sunset decided it would be a fun idea to do the same with Rarity. She reached back for her coat and grabbed her cellphone out of it. Flicking it on, she started up the camera. “You wanted to be in the place of Trixie in those photos? Well you’re gonna star in the next set” Sunset grinned. “How do you feel being on camera licking my cock, Rarity?” she asked.

Rarity stopped licking for a moment then looked up at the fiery-haired girl. “It feels great...” she replied with a smile on her face. She then went back to licking Rarity’s shaft before opening her mouth and taking her whole cock into it. Sunset started letting out light moans of pleasure as the purple-haired girl sucked her penis gently but with genuine enthusiasm. As she did, Sunset didn’t stop taking photos of Rarity doing it to her.

Suddenly Sunset Shimmer pulled away from Rarity, with her long hard futa cock sliding out of her partner’s mouth. It was all slick with Rarity’s saliva, perfect for use as lubricant, Sunset thought. “That was fun Rarity, but i’ve got other things on my mind I want” the fiery hair girl smiled malevolently. “Stand up” she commented, and Rarity got up from her knees and onto her feet. Sunset reached behind Rarity and felt her smooth squishy buttcheeks. “Do you know your backside is the second most important thing all the guys stare at when you go by?” Sunset asked her.

“Yeah, I know they do” Rarity smiled. “A while ago, Applejack actually said it was my defining asset. I didn’t know if it was an insult or not... but I didn’t take it as one at the time” she added.

“You shouldn’t. It looks and feels amazing... and I imagine it feels better from the inside” Sunset commented. She pulled Rarity’s buttcheeks apart from each other to give the purple haired girl a hardly subtle hint about her intentions.

“So... you want to have anal sex with me now?” Rarity asked.

“Absolutely” Sunset nodded in response. She then pushed her hips forward again so her cock was prodding against Rarity’s stomach.

“Okay, let’s do it” Rarity smiled. The fiery-haired girl watched as Rarity turned around then leaned over. She used her hands to support herself on the bathroom wall while she pushed her butt backwards so it was in view of Sunset Shimmer. The fiery haired girl pulled Rarity’s buttcheeks apart to reveal her tight rear entrance. Sunset swivelled her hips so that the tip of her cock was rubbing against it. “Don’t tease... fuck me...” Rarity pleaded.

“You’re such a little slut, aren’t you?” Sunset said with a wicked grin. “Well, it’s never a good idea to keep a lady waiting” she chuckled, before gripping both of Rarity’s buttcheeks with her hands and slamming her hips forward.

Rarity let out a gasp as she felt her butt penetrated by Sunset Shimmer. The fiery haired girl’s rock hard cock stretched Rarity’s insides as it slid in, aided by the lubrication of Rarity’s saliva. Rarity hadn’t had her rear entrance penetrated in a long time, and she felt twinges of pain at first. But soon after she felt the pain go and become replaced by the familiar pleasure she enjoyed as she felt the cock inside her beginning to move.

Driven by lust, Sunset Shimmer had begun sliding her hard futa cock in and out of Rarity’s tight backside. Inch after inch slid in and out, with Sunset feeling incredible sensations on her cock. Rarity had a much tighter rear than Trixie had, and it felt amazing to plunge in and out of her like this. Both girls let out moans of pleasure as the fiery haired girl thrusted her hard cock in and out at a steady speed.

While Rarity was getting buttfucked by Sunset, the fiery hair girl was smiling as her cock slid in and out of her purple-haired partner. Rarity certainly had a nice rear that not only looked good but felt great around Sunset’s shaft. “You know Rarity, i’m surprised a slut like you haven’t had any of your friends have sex with you before now” she grinned. “Surely I can’t be the one to take your backdoor virginity?” she questioned.

“No... but you’re the first one to in a long while” Rarity commented in-between moans as her partner’s dick plunged into her rear over and over. “My previous partner... Applejack... decided she didn’t like using toys... on me” she sighed. “She... didn’t want to be friends... either” she added, her moaning getting louder.

An evil grin spread across Sunset Shimmer’s face. She remembered how over the past few months she had made sure Rarity and her four former friends had split up from each other. By breaking up their friendships and using Flash Sentry to give herself popularity, she had become the most popular girl in school. She figured that breaking up Rarity and her friends would have helped her become popular, but she never thought it would lead to being able to fuck Rarity’s beautiful teen body...

While still fucking Rarity, Sunset’s attention turned towards the rest of the purple haired girl’s body. “Your butt might be your most defining asset Rarity, but your boobs aren’t bad either” she commented. She reached her arms forward and cupped Rarity’s naked breasts, feeling their size. “Definitely nicer than the average slut out there” she added, fondling them with her hands.

“Yes... I love them being touched...” Rarity breathed.

“Oh really?” Sunset grinned. She moved her fingers towards Rarity’s nipples and tweaked them gently. Rarity let out a moan as she did so. Grinning, Sunset continued to tweak Rarity’s nipples as she continued to fuck her.

All of this was too much for Rarity. She couldn’t take the combined pleasure of Sunset’s huge cock in her ass, Sunset’s hands tweaking her nipples, and all the dirty talk coming out of the fiery-haired girl’s mouth. She let out a loud moan of pleasure as her orgasm surged through her body, waves of pleasure spreading through her. Underneath her, her rock hard futa cock blasted its second load of the day out, covering the floor of the cubicle with her sperm.

As Rarity orgasmed from the buttfuck, she drove her rear backwards towards Sunset. The fiery haired girl noticed something different about Rarity as she did so. Between her steadily emptying ballsack and her tight anus with Sunset’s cock embedded in it, there was another entrance. Sunset had assumed that Rarity didn’t have a vagina due to having externally existing testicles, but now she realised she was almost the same as her when it came to their reproductive organs. “Well well Rarity, I didn’t know you had a pretty pink pussy hiding behind your balls” she commented with a grin.

“Not many people know about that...” Rarity sighed, still feeling her orgasm flow through her. “I’ve only let my former boyfriend enter it... only my closest partners get to penetrate my vagina...” she added.

“Well I hope i’m going to be an exception to that rule” Sunset Shimmer smiled. Before Rarity could respond, the fiery haired girl had pulled her cock out of the purple haired girl’s backside. She flipped Rarity around 180 degrees so the purple-haired girl was face-up and her still hard cock was pointing up at the sky. “Prepare to get fucked like you’ve never been before” Sunset grinned, adjusting herself slightly until the tip of her hard cock was pushing against Rarity’s secret entrance. Thrusting her hips forward, her rock hard futa cock slid into Rarity’s pretty pink womanhood.

Rarity gasped as she felt her tight vagina penetrated by Sunset Shimmer’s cock. Inch after inch slid in at speed as the fiery hired girl fucked her partner. Rarity felt unbelievable jolts of pleasure flowing through her body as Sunset thrusted her member in deeper and deeper, stretching Rarity’s vagina to the near maximum.

As Sunset continued to fuck Rarity, she felt the Purple haired girl’s balls slap against her thighs. She reached a hand down and began fondling them a little. Rarity moaned in pleasure as she felt her balls fondled. “More... deeper...” she begged her partner.

“With pleasure” Sunset Shimmer grinned. She moved her hands from Rarity’s balls to her sides, and pulled her towards her while slamming her hips against Rarity’s as roughly as she could.

Sunset was trying to hold on, but the warmth and tightness of Rarity’s womanhood was too much for her. Soon enough she let out a scream as her orgasm finally exploded within her. Pleasure surged through her entire body as she gripped Rarity tightly, holding her so close to her that their hips were grinding against each other. Deep inside Rarity, Sunset’s cock blasted a torrent of sperm into the purple haired girls’ womb. She emptied her hot thick semen into her partner as the orgasm spread through her entire body.

Rarity couldn’t take it anymore. She screamed as the most epic orgasm of her life spread through her body. Waves of pleasure washed over her as a torrent of seed blasted out of her futa cock, travelled in an arc, and splattered against her huge boobs. In addition, her vagina constricted around Sunset’s cock, which was still spraying wads of cum into her womb.

Sunset Shimmer and Rarity stood in position for a few minutes, with Sunset’s futa cock still embedded into Rarity’s uterus. Eventually Sunset pulled her cock out of Rarity and it popped out gently, a torrent of sperm pouring out after it. Rarity was still gasping for breath, and Sunset smiled in satisfaction that she had most certainly given the purple haired girl the best orgasm of her life.

She looked down and saw that Rarity’s cock was still covered in her fluids. Wondering what Rarity tasted like and deciding to do her partner a favour, she leaned her head down. Rarity gasped as she felt Sunset begin to lick her shaft, kiss her sensitive tip, make long strokes with her tongue up and down her shaft, and finally open her mouth and take the purple haired girl’s cock into her mouth.

Rarity moaned in happiness as she felt her dick getting sucked. Sunset moved her hand towards Rarity’s balls and began fondling them in her hand. They were empty, but still sensitive to the purple haired girl. Slurping up the fluids, Sunset tasted Rarity’s salty but delicious cum. She opened her mouth and released her partner’s cock, and looked up at her. “What’s the matter? Never had a blowjob before?” she asked the purple haired girl.

“No... none of my former friends would give me one... even though I gave them blowjobs...” Rarity sighed, still lost in her afterglow.

“Goes to show just how little they truly appreciated you” Sunset said. “They are below you, and you deserve better, Rarity” she added, using similar words to what she had done when she had split up their friendships in the first place. At that point, any regret Rarity felt about losing her friends had gone. To her, Sunset was right, and the sexual experience the fiery-haired girl had given Rarity that afternoon had meant more to her than her former friendships with Rainbow Dash and the others could have.

By now their orgasms had faded and both girls were standing in a puddle of their sticky cum in the bathroom stall. Both gazed into each others’ eyes and smiled before kissing each other on the lips. Both girls backed away from each other and held each other’s hands for a moment. “That was amazing, Sunset. You made my fantasies come true” Rarity said with a sweet smile.

“It was a pleasure. Getting to use your hot teen body for my own pleasure felt good too” Sunset smiled. “Way better than even the service Trixie delivers...” she commented with a sly grin.

“So you’ve had sex with Trixie a lot?” Rarity questioned.

“You’d be surprised how many girls i’ve fucked around her, Rarity darling” Sunset replied. “Or how many cocks Trixie has taken, considering what she does when not at school” she added.

“Trixie is a bit... promiscuous?” Rarity queried.

“You’ll understand soon enough if you hang around with me, and find out why so many guys run out of cash after visiting her” Sunset grinned. She held out her hand. “Flash Drive. Now” she demanded bluntly. Rarity nodded, felt in her pockets and handed it over. “Perfect... just perfect... I can’t wait to put the photos I took of you on it too” she added.

“Would you be able to... well... share the photos with me?” Rarity asked. “So I can always remember the sex we just had” she added.

Sunset Shimmer grinned at Rarity. “Of course Rarity. In actual fact, we could do this all the time if you really wanted to” she offered. “How about it? Want to ride my hard cock again in the future?” she asked.

“Absolutely...” Rarity smiled. “Just keep it quiet from everyone, alright?” she requested.

“Our little secret” Sunset Shimmer smiled. She was looking forward to fucking Rarity’s delicious Teen body again in the near future, maybe even getting her involved in a threesome with Trixie...

Turning away from Rarity she dropped her Flash Drive into her bag and reached for her clothes which were slung over the wall of the cubicle. Rarity watched as Sunset Shimmer pulled her bra, skirt, blouse and jacket back over her. She slung her messenger bag over her shoulder and turned to leave the stall. “Wait, what about your panties?” Rarity questioned.

“Who needs them when school is finished for the day and nobody will see us?” Sunset Shimmer smiled. She held up her phone and after seeing the time Rarity was surprised to realise they had been in the bathroom so long that school had finished for the day. “Plus I might give Trixie a visit tonight. She’ll be wanting someone to take photos of her servicing her clients, considering its the day she is working after all” she added.

“You’re right. It’s fun to go around bottomless after all” Rarity smiled. Sunset watched as the purple haired girl pulled on all her clothes as well, leaving her underwear in her bag. “So, when should we do this again?” she asked.

“You’ll know when I come for you” Sunset Shimmer replied. Rarity nodded, before giving Sunset one more kiss on the cheek. Both girls smiled at each other and left the bathroom one after another.

Sunset Shimmer couldn’t hide a grin that would rival the Cheshire cat as she made her way towards the empty classroom she knew Trixie was in. She had managed to save her reputation by getting back her USB Flash Drive, and had also gained a new friend with benefits in Rarity. As watched Rarity leave the school building, she wondered just how dramatic things would be when the purple-haired girl realised just how many of her former friends were involved with Trixie…

Chapter 2 - Pinkie and the Waifu Stealer

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It was another warm summer day at Canterlot High. With final bell of the day ringing, students were hurrying off home after their classes had ended and the normal post-school chatter had ceased. Every one of the students there were happy and eager to learn. Apart from one student who did not want to, and had not even showed up at school that day.

In a flat several miles away from the school in the suburbs of the city laid a young lady with fiery red hair and a average sized body. She laid on her bed doing nothing but staring at her ceiling in silent contemplation. Her name was Sunset Shimmer, and she was considered by many to be a girl to be avoided. But lately her harsh attitude towards everyone had made her realise how far she was from interpersonal relationships, and how much she wanted them.

The last few years she had been at Canterlot High she had manipulated people around so she became the most popular girl at school. She was even willing to let a relationship with the best looking guy in school fall apart in order to get to the top. But recent experiences had shown her that in a way she cared for some people. That feeling of care made her more aware of her surroundings. And those feelings made her feel uncomfortable.

She had called in sick that morning after what had happened the previous evening. She had already paid another girl at the school for “personal services” as she called them and organised them for that evening after school. But when the time came to indulge in those services, she noticed there were people watching her approach the meeting place. She didn’t have the nerve to go there in front of everyone, so she skipped it and went home instead.

Even today she didn’t feel like facing people. She had called in sick that day as the events of the previous night echoed through her head. She needed to get that nervous feeling out of her head, but it wasn’t easy. She wasn’t used to revealing her body to others, and after the previous night she didn’t feel like being seen even fully clothed. So instead of being at school and working hard on her education, she was at home lying on her bed doing nothing but being lost in her own thoughts.

With the time she had by herself at her home, she felt like it would be a good idea to catch up with the large amount of homework she and her other students had received in recent weeks in the approach towards exam season. However she just couldn’t focus on it at all. She was too focused on the problems in her personal life that every time she picked up a pen in an attempt to make progress she found herself putting it straight back down. She didn’t want to stay there doing work. She wanted to go out, mingle with people, and... control them.

She glanced over at her phone. Picking it up she checked for any new messages. None had come through. However the thoughts of controlling other people flowed into her mind again, and a thought came to mind. She fiddled with a few buttons on her phone and a small hidden folder popped up. She smiled as she saw the contents of it display on her screen.

The first picture had one of the more notorious girls at school standing naked in front of her. As she scrolled through the pictures, that girl sat and laid in all sorts of sexy poses. Sunset remembered how she had taken those photos a while ago, and that girl was no other than the Great and Powerful Trixie. As the pictures changed to Trixie masturbating then spreading her vaginal lips, a long thick golden yellow cock appeared in the pictures. Sunset smiled and reached a hand to her nipples as she remembered that happy memory. She began tweaking her nipple and letting out a soft moan of pleasure before moving her hand downwards towards the space between her legs. She moved her hand to the entrance of her vagina and plunged two fingers inside her tight hole.

As she viewed the pictures showing Trixie getting her vagina fucked by the person with the long hard cock, she thrusted her fingers in and out of her cunt. The memories of how she had convinced Trixie to get fucked in front of the camera made her smile. It had only happened a few weeks ago, after finding out things about Trixie’s private life and how the blue-skinned girl loved to be an exhibitionist. She had convinced her to pose for photos and have sex on camera, including at least one scene where Sunset got involved... Soon the memories and the sexiness of Trixie’s body was too much for Sunset to handle and she let out a loud moan as her orgasm exploded within her.

She let her phone drop as an amazing amount of her fluids poured into her knickers and soaked both them and the bed. She laid there in orgasm happily. She laid back, not bothering to clean herself up, and relaxed as her orgasm went away and she enjoyed the afterglow. Knowing it was late and she was tired, she decided to rest now while she was still feeling happy and relaxed.

Her sleep however was anything but peaceful. Instead of it being based upon happy thoughts about sex with the people she liked, it was about all the problems she was having. Her nervousness, her worries of being backstabbed, and more. By the time she woke up the next day, she wasn't feeling too great. Because she had spent so long dreaming about potential problems at school that night, she had overslept a little. Realising the time, she quickly replaced her stained underwear then changed into her daily clothes. Grabbing her bag, purse, cellphone and an energy drink from the kitchen, she left the house after locking it. She dashed to the pavement in front of her house only to see the school bus speed past.

Annoyed that she had missed her only link to school, she cursed as she watched the bus swerve between traffic with what she imagined the greatest bout of road rage the city had ever seen. She kicked a can rolling down the pavement in anger, and it flew through the air with such velocity that it knocked over the mailbox of the house across the street from her.

Gasping in embarrassment, she looked around quickly to see if she could get away from the scene and towards school before the owner of the mailbox came out in a huff to scold her. However she remembered that no buses came down her street for at least another half hour. She was about to give up and walk back into her home when she saw a car cruise down the street slowly. It was a blue sports car that had a shield logo on the front of it. She knew exactly who it was, but was unsure if it was good idea to interact with who was in it, considering her past history with him. She hadn't a choice though, as the car stopped next to her and the windscreen descended gently.

Inside the car in the driver's seat was a young man about Sunset Shimmer's age, with blue spiky hair and blue eyes. "Hello Sunset, how are you?" he asked her.

"A bit annoyed" she commented. "That mad bus driver drove straight past me and i'm stuck here" she pouted.

Flash smiled. "Well why not hitch a ride with me? I've got nobody else with me, so us two can have a leisurely drive to school" he offered.

Sunset breathed in and out. On one hand Flash's offer was a good one in that it meant she would get to school on time that day. On the other, she remembered how she had mistreated Flash in the past and wondered why he was being so nice to her despite all that. Figuring that she was going nowhere otherwise, she smiled and nodded. "Okay, i'll come with you" she replied.

"Okay, jump in the passenger seat next to me" Flash replied. Sunset nodded, and after opening the car door, she shuffled herself and her messenger bag in next to Flash. Closing the door and fastening her seatbelt, Flash gently drove away in the direction towards Canterlot High, with his ex-girlfriend sitting next to him.

As Flash drove them to school, Sunset opened the glove box to see a large amount of CDs in there. She looked through them and saw a lot of bands that both her and Flash liked, including one they had actually gone to a concert together to see perform live. "You still have the music we both liked in here?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I kept it" Flash said. "In a way Sunset, I never really recovered from losing you. I missed you so much and still do" he added.

Sunset paused for a moment. She thought over what happened, and how she had dumped Flash suddenly when she felt he was no longer necessary. Not to mention what arguments they had during their most intimate moments. "So... you didn't dislike me after what you learned about me?" she asked.

Flash sighed, thinking about the time he and Sunset got naked in front of each other for the first time. "Well, if i'm honest I regret the way I responded back then" he replied. "It took me a while to understand why you were... different... from other girls, but I accepted it in the end" he added. "I was going to apologise but you ended our relationship before I could say sorry" he sighed.

"So... you don't mind me being...?" Sunset questioned.

"No, I don't" Flash smiled. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted Sunset, and I wish I could go back and make amends for it" he sighed. "I never stopped loving you" he added.

Sunset didn't respond. Instead she waited until Flash had stopped at a red light. She lunged over towards him, used one hand to turn his head towards her, and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. "I still love you too" she said as she broke the kiss.

Noticing the light was green, Flash smiled then drove forwards. Rather than head to school, he pulled into a side lane and into the car park of a fast food restaurant. Parking up and turning the engine off, he took off his seatbelt. He then leaned over and kissed Sunset on the lips as well. "You're really beautiful, Sunset. Every part of you..." he commented.

"Even... this?" Sunset asked. She then undid her seatbelt before flipping up her skirt. She then hitched down her thong, and smiled as suddenly sprung up a long and hard Futa cock in front of them both. It was at about 3 quarters length at an impressive seven inches long. "You don't mind me having both a cock and a vagina at once?" she asked.

"Well, if this is anything to go by..." Flash started with a smile. He undid his belt and slid down his jeans and boxer shorts slightly. Out sprung his rock hard erection, both thicker and longer at 9 inches even at just three quarters of its full potential. "That’s how much you turn me on, Sunset" he chuckled.

"Hmm..." Sunset Shimmer smiled. "You know Flash, with both of our erections I doubt we'd be able to attend classes like this" she commented.

"Yeah, I would suggest we both masturbate here, but it might mess up my car a little. Plus we might be seen by businessmen going into the restaurant for breakfast" Flash said, looking a little embarrassed.

Sunset thought things over and remembered what she had organised two days beforehand, and how it could serve both of their needs efficiently... "Better idea then. How about we both have some sex we both want before we head in?" she asked.

"I thought you said you didn't want to get penetrated back then..." Flash commented. "Likewise pegging me is out" he added, standing his ground.

"Oh I think I have an idea that can work out for both of us" Sunset smiled. "It just so happens I have a friend that can do us both a favour when we get there..." she added.

Flash nodded. "Okay, let’s go" he said. He tucked his cock back into his boxer shorts with quite a bit of difficulty before zipping up his jeans, a large bulge still evident in them.

"Good plan" Sunset replied. The futa girl flipped her skirt back down after tucking her own cock into her underwear as well. After one more passionate kiss between them both, the newly reunited couple put their seatbelts on and Flash started driving them towards Canterlot High once more.

On the way to the school, Sunset pulled out her phone and started typing a message out on it before hitting send. "When we get there, Rarity is gonna meet us at the side entrance to the school. She's helping us meet up with the friend I told you about" she said.

"Okay. I'll park up at the back of the school, okay? We won't be seen that way" Flash said. Sunset nodded, and Flash drove into the car park and towards the rear of the school. After he had parked the car and turned it off, both he and his ex-girlfriend undid their seatbelts, grabbed their bags, and left the car, locking it behind them.

As they approached the back of the school they saw Rarity standing at one of the fire exits. She seemed surprised to see Flash but kept her composure. "So this is the friend you've brought along?" she asked Sunset Shimmer.

"Yeah, I think Flash deserves some time with her too" Sunset nodded. "Does she know of what we have planned?" she asked Rarity, referring to the friend they were all going to meet that morning.

"I've let her know and she's waiting at the abandoned bathroom" Rarity nodded. Sunset nodded and followed Rarity through the fire exit and into the rear hallway. They walked down the hallway until they came across a girls' bathroom with a label saying "Out of Order" on it. "Thankfully nobody has figured out this bathroom isn't really out of order yet, so it’s our private fun room for the near future" Rarity smiled.

"Just perfect. I don't think we'll be coming out of here before the morning is over after all..." Sunset Shimmer grinned. She turned to Flash Sentry. "Still feel like giving a girl a good hard fucking, Flash?" she asked him.

"Absolutely" Flash grinned. "But who is this friend you're talking about?" he asked. Sunset Shimmer said nothing, but winked at him. Rarity opened the bathroom door, and as Sunset and Flash walked in their eyes settled on the friend that Sunset had talked to him about.

Leaning there with one foot against the wall was a Pink-haired girl wearing a tight-fitting white blouse and a short pink skirt with decals depicting balloons upon it. “Hey guys!” she yelled to them as they walked in. “Ready to go party once we’ve talked about things here?” she asked them.

“The party is being held here” Sunset smiled. “You might remember that I paid you so I could have a multi-hour session last night, Pinkie. I’m here to claim my time with you as I didn’t last night” she added.

“Well, normally I don’t do that...” Pinkie said. But once she looked at Sunset’s malevolent stare, she quickly changed her mind. “But I think I can make an exception in this case” she added quickly.

Flash was surprised from what he saw. “So Pinkie Pie, the rumours about you being a prostitute at this school are accurate?” he asked her.

“That’s right!” Pinkie replied. “After being here a while I found so many guys wanted to fuck me, and I enjoyed sex, I could charge them for it and make it a career” she smiled. “Sure, it’s not a valid career choice they suggest in social studies class, but at least it’s one that pays and one I enjoy” she added.

Flash nodded at this, but before he could reply Sunset Shimmer had cleared her throat. “It’s time for us to get started Pinkie. I’m horny now, and you’ll be in trouble if you don’t pleasure both of us right here, right now” she said.

“Okay, let’s get started” Pinkie nodded. “Once Rarity has locked the door” she added. Rarity nodded and went over to the door as Pinkie stood up and walked into the centre of the bathroom.

As Rarity locked the door from within, Pinkie began removing her clothes. She took off her blouse first and then her skirt, before kicking off her shoes and removing her socks. She stood there in front of them in just her underwear, and saw bulges appear in the groin areas of the other three. She pulled off her bra first to reveal her large bouncy breasts, then tugged down her underwear to reveal her loins. She spread her legs a little bit and both Flash and Sunset could see she had removed her public hair and the slit of her pretty pink pony pussy was on show.

Flash was taken aback by Pinkie Pie’s appearance. “You certainly have a really sexy body Pinkie” he complimented.

“Thank you Flash - you like the other guys seem to share the same opinion” she giggled. She then reached down and pulled her vaginal lips apart while leaning back. Flash and Sunset could just see her vulva and entrance to her pretty pink vagina. “Good enough for you to fuck?” she asked seductively.

“No doubt about that” Sunset Shimmer grinned. “Let’s show off what we’ve got, Flash” she said.

Flash nodded. After taking off his jacket and kicking off his sneakers, he reached for his belt and unclipped it. He pulled down his trousers over his legs and tossed them to one side so he was wearing just his underwear and a T-shirt. Sunset Shimmer had at the same time removed her own jacket and pulled her skirt down after taking off her own boots. Then she slid off her blouse last so she was standing there in just her red bra and scarlet thong. Pinkie looked at them both, and was happy to see Flash had a decent sized bulge in his underwear... but she couldn’t understand why Sunset had one too. “So Flash and Sunset, what do you both have under your underwear?” she asked.

Flash grinned. He pulled his white boxer shorts down and his cock popped out of his jeans. Pinkie gasped at the size of it, way longer and thicker than any guy she had seen before. “That looks good” Pinkie commented.

“Wait ‘til you see what I have” Sunset smiled. She hiked down her thong and Pinkie gasped in surprise as she saw a long thick cock pop out of the fiery-haired girl’s underwear. While Flash had large balls under his cock Sunset didn’t have any, but her vaginal slit was still there, only just visible below her member. Pinkie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She stood there in stunned silence as she saw Sunset was a shemale with a ridiculously sized ten inch erection, while Flash stood there with an even bigger twelve inch long member. She had thought that nothing could have beaten Big McIntosh’s nine inches, but the Waifu Stealer and the Demonic Mistress seem to have proved her wrong...

Pinkie glanced at Flash and then at Sunset. “Erm, Sunset, the agreement regarding the payment called for only you to fuck me...” she commented.

“Oh, i’m sure you’ll be sure to fuck us both at once” Sunset grinned. “Unless of course you want the whole school to know how much a slut you are after you gave Big McIntosh a free ride, even though he and Cherilee are engaged...” she chuckled.

“No... she’ll kill me if she finds out...” Pinkie gasped. Big McIntosh, although he was engaged to Cherilee and was planning to marry her within a few months, was still Pinkie’s main customer. Pinkie as a thank-you measure had given him a free session last week, and Rarity had found out about it. Not only that, but Rarity had recorded most of it on her phone and sent it to Sunset the previous day...

“Then in that case you have a choice. You either do us both at the same time, or the video will be seen by everyone in town” Sunset chuckled.

Pinkie breathed in deeply, knowing she didn’t have a choice. “Okay, but one cock per hole, okay?” she said.

“Sure thing” Sunset smiled. “You get to service Flash first, so suck him off and show how much you appreciate his massive member” she said. She then turned to Rarity. “Besides, I have another slut I can have suck my cock until its slick enough to slam into you” she commented.

Flash grinned as he heard this. He watched as Pinkie got close to him then knelt down so her face was against his loins. She moved her hands up to his member and gently touched the shaft with both hands. She smiled then kissed the tip of it. Flash gasped a little as he felt her lips on his sensitive tip. However this sensation was replaced with a different one as he felt Pinkie run her tongue up and down his shaft gently. He grinned as he felt Pinkie lick his cock, knowing she was a professional at this and thanks to Sunset he would now be getting a five star treatment from the school’s resident prostitute...

In the meantime, Rarity had taken the hint from Sunset Shimmer and walked over towards her. Sunset watched as Rarity knelt down in front of her futa cock before kissing it gently. Feeling malevolent and wanting to be a little rough, Sunset swung her hips to the right slightly. Rarity let out a gasp as Sunset’s rock hard cock slapped against the purple haired girl’s cheek. Rarity looked up at Sunset and grinned. “You want to be rough to me, Sunset?” she asked her.

“More than just a little rough” Sunset grinned. “Now are you gonna suck my cock or am I going to have to facefuck you?” she asked Rarity.

“I want the latter... I want to be facefucked” Rarity admitted with a grin on her face. She opened her mouth and pointed into it with one hand to gesture her desires.

“In that case, I don’t have to hold you steady I guess” Sunset Shimmer grinned. Without saying anything else, she pushed her cock forward and it slid into Rarity’s mouth. The purple-haired girl closed her mouth and sucked away enthusiastically. Sunset felt the nice feeling of Rarity’s mouth upon her rock hard futa penis, but wanted more. Like she had promised, she began thrusting her hips forward and backwards gently at first, her member sliding in and out between Rarity’s pursed lips a few inches at a time.

In the meantime, Flash was letting out light groans of pleasure as Pinkie Pie continued to suck his rock hard member. She was focusing mostly on the tip of his member, partly because she noticed he was the most sensitive there, and partly because she wasn’t sure if she could fit all twelve inches of his member in her mouth without it sliding down her throat. As she started bobbing her head back and forth, Flash looked over towards Sunset to see her thrusting her dick in and out of Rarity’s mouth with vigour. Grinning, as Pinkie bobbed her head forwards onto his cock, Flash thrusted his hips forward to meet her. Pinkie looked up in surprise, but nodded in reaction.

Using his initiative from her apparent approval, Flash began thrusting his hips forwards and backwards gently, his cock sliding in and out of Pinkie’s mouth. Pinkie moved her hands away from his cock and began touching her nipples, feeling them getting incredibly hard. She always enjoyed giving blowjobs to stallions, partly because she found sucking a huge cock relaxing, and partially because it turned her on so much. As Flash sped up his thrusts, she moved a hand to her loins and rubbed her index finger against her slit. It was dripping juice with her arousal from getting facefucked by Flash. She plunged her finger into it, finger-fucking herself as Flash continued to slam his cock in and out of her mouth. Within minutes she had multiple fingers plunging in and out of her vaginal and rear entrances.

While Pinkie was getting facefucked by the Waifu stealer, Sunset Shimmer was getting even more rough with Rarity. Although she was enjoying the pleasure from facefucking the purple-haired girl, she wanted more. She placed both her hands on Rarity’s shoulders and started slamming her cock in and out of her mouth. Rarity’s eyes bulged wide in surprise as she felt Sunset’s cock push all the way to the back of her mouth and down her throat. Rarity didn’t know that Sunset meant she was going to be this rough, but Rarity certainly was enjoying being used like this by her.

Suddenly Sunset pulled her cock out of Rarity’s throat in one swift motion. Seeing her do that, Flash did the same with his long thick cock withdrawing from Pinkie’s mouth inch by inch. “I think it’s time to move onto the main event” she commented.

Flash nodded. “So, which hole are you taking, Sunset?” he asked.

Sunset walked over to Pinkie. “I’m taking this whore’s sweet vagina” she smiled. “Flash, how does ramming her up her butt sound?” she asked.

“I’m up for this” Flash nodded. “Besides i’ve had a lot of experience with giving girls buttsex. It seems to be popular around here” he chuckled.

“I can vouch for that, judging by what i’ve seen people do on camera” Sunset grinned. She turned her attention to Pinkie Pie on the ground. “Looks like you’d better get on the floor on all fours, Pinkie” she said to the pink girl sternly

Pinkie, still fearing the worst if she didn’t do what the tall fiery haired girl said, said nothing but got on the floor, crouching there completely naked. Rarity watched as Flash and Sunset removed the last of their clothes, with Sunset’s ample breasts and good looking body coming into view. Flash removed his jacket, and shirt, revealing his muscular upper body that almost all the girls - and a few guys - both in and out the school lusted after.

Pinkie looked up at Flash. “That’s certainly an even better looking body than what people have told me about” she giggled at him. “You look good too, Sunset” she added.

“Just as well as you’ll be feeling our bodies against yours” Sunset replied. She got on the floor and rolled underneath Pinkie Pie. Her rock hard futa cock stretched upwards in the air and prodded against Pinkie Pie’s belly. Above them, Flash got into position by climbing over Pinkie so his rock hard cock was prodding against her buttcheeks. “Ready for this, Flash” she asked him.

“It’s time to Fasten Your Seatbelts, baby” Flash replied. He took in a deep breath and thrusted his hips forward while Sunset did the same below him.

Pinkie gasped in surprise as she felt two rock hard cocks push into her two lower entrances. Sunset Shimmer’s futa cock had slid into Pinkie’s pussy with ease, helped a lot by the pink-haired girl’s vaginal fluids lubricating her womanhood as well as her being able to accommodate cocks with ease from the dozens of guys she had let fuck her. At her rear though Flash’s cock had struggled a little to push into her butt, the lubricant from her saliva helping it push through her incredibly tight hole, but it still felt huge inside her.

After a few seconds of pause as all three of them felt the sensations flowing through them, Flash and Sunset began thrusting in and out of Pinkie one after another. Pinkie let out moans of pleasure as the two of them started steadily at first, the first four inches or so of Sunset’s member pushing inside her vagina while the same amount of Flash’s cock stretched her rear entrance more than she had ever felt before.

Both Flash and Sunset suddenly speeded up after a few moments of fucking Pinkie. Inch after inch of their cocks sunk into her as they fucked her two holes, as the pink haired girl’s breasts bounced back and forth with the force of the thrusts she was receiving. Pinkie couldn’t believe the wonderful sensations she was feeling as both her butt and her pussy were stretched to the absolute maximum while making her moan in pleasure greater than anything she had felt before. Sunset was enjoying fucking Pinkie’s pretty pink pussy, not just because of the warm and tight feeling on her member but because of how she was dominating Pinkie. Flash on the other hand was enjoying fucking Pinkie’s tight butt, the tightness on his cock making shivers of pleasure flow down his spine.

In the corner away from the trio fucking on the floor, Rarity was leaning against the wall. She hadpulled most of her clothes off and was now sitting there on the ground. Just like Sunset Shimmer, Rarity was a futanari girl too, and right now she was masturbating herself while watching the action going on in front of her. Unlike Sunset Shimmer however she had a pair of balls under her cock but above her vaginal slit, and she was paying all her attention to her cock and vaginal slit right now. She moaned in pleasure and plunged her fingers deeper into her vagina as she heard the three of them moaning as they had sex on the floor together.

The moments passed with Flash and Sunset fucking Pinkie harder and faster, their huge and hot members sliding in and out of the pink girl’s body. Soon enough Sunset felt herself reaching her first orgasm. “Ready to go all the way in, Flash?” she asked him.

“Fuck yeah, it’s time to go balls deep” the blue haired guy agreed.

Before Pinkie could respond she felt both of her partners ram their cocks deep into her. She felt the tip of Sunset’s cock press against the back of her vagina before she felt her cervix open up. She gasped as Sunset’s cock slid into her womb, continuing to fuck her deep. In her butt however, Flash had slammed his cock all the way in until his balls were bouncing against her buttcheeks. She felt his long cock slide up her body, going even higher than her bellybutton. With both of her clients slamming their rock hard cocks into her, stretching her even further than any man had done before, she felt her limit breached.

Pinkie let out a scream of pleasure as her orgasm flowed through her body. Waves of pleasure washed through her, and her vaginal fluids flowed out of her pussy around Sunset’s cock, as both of her holes constricted around her partners’ cocks. Both Sunset and Flash gave a few more thrusts before they breached their limits too. Both felt pleasure surge through their bodies as their cocks began blasting their cum deep into Pinkie’s womb and her backside.

Both Flash and Sunset could output an amazing amount of sperm, and they were pumping every single drop of it into Pinkie. Both had an incredible sperm count, and if it wasn’t for the multiple birth control pills that Pinkie was on, she would definitely have gotten pregnant from Sunset Shimmer’s hot futa semen filling her to the brim.

Soon enough both Flash and Sunset had blown all of their seed into Pinkie, and the three stayed in position for a few moments. Then as their orgasms slowly faded, both Flash and Sunset pulled their cocks out of Pinkie Pie. As both of their long thick cocks popped free of Pinkie’s pussy and ass, a torrent of sperm poured out of her all over the floor. Both Flash and Sunset leaned towards Pinkie and gave her a kiss on the lips to conclude their sex with her.

As she laid there after pulling her cock out of Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer’s eyes turned towards Rarity. The purple-haired girl was sat on the floor watching them, completely naked and rubbing her futa dick vigorously. “You enjoy watching me fuck Pinkie?” Sunset asked her.

“Yeah... It looked amazing...” Rarity gasped in-between light moans.

“Well that’s just as well, because you’re getting fucked next” Sunset smiled. She pulled her cock out of Pinkie all the way and it popped free, followed by a torrent of sperm pouring out of Pinkie’s stretched open vagina. Rolling out from underneath Pinkie, she stood up in front of Rarity, her cock beginning to get hard again mere moments after blowing her load into Pinkie. “Stand up and bend over, Rarity” she said to the other futa girl.

“With pleasure, mistress...” Rarity replied. She got to her feet, still naked, and walked towards Sunset. Sunset smiled as she watched the white-skinned girl’s boobs bounce around. They weren’t as big as Pinkie’s or as firm as her own, but they looked just perfect either way. Rarity turned around and bent over. Her rear was in full view of Rarity, with her anal and vaginal openings right in front of her. Rarity moved one hand to spread her vaginal lips with her index and middle finger, while with the other continued gripping her rock hard cock, resisting the urge to rub it and orgasm before Sunset could make her do so. “I’m all yours, Sunset Shimmer” she said to the fiery-haired girl.

“Certainly you are” Sunset Shimmer smiled. She walked over towards Pinkie and prodded her cock against the purple-haired girl’s entrance. She took in a deep breath before thrusting her hips forward, her cock plunging into Rarity’s tight cunt. The purple haired girl let out a moan of pleasure as she was penetrated by the futa girl. As she felt Sunset beginning to move back and forward, she gave into temptation and began rubbing her own futa cock. She was incredibly turned on by getting fucked by the Demonic Mistress, and the feeling she was getting from having her vagina stretched wide by Sunset Shimmer’s long and thick erection was making her shiver in pleasure.

Sunset Shimmer leaned forward and put both of her hands on Rarity’s bare breasts. She began fondling them as she started thrusting her member in and out of Rarity faster and deeper than before. The two futanari girls stood there naked and fucking in front of everyone else in the room, both of them moaning in pleasure happily.

Sunset heard Flash grumble from behind her. “Is something up, Flash?” she asked him.

“Yeah, it’s just you seem to get to fuck every girl’s pussy round here” he said. “I’ve only had access to girls’ mouths and butts before now, especially since you wouldn’t let me fuck your own vagina...” he commented.

Sunset considered her personal preferences as she continued to fuck Rarity’s vagina. She had never wanted her womanhood penetrated by anyone, as she had her own futa cock and felt that using it was a mark of dominance. But at the same time she enjoyed playing with her vagina and wanted to know what it felt like to have it penetrated. As well as this, many times before she had experienced dreams where she had Flash Sentry take her from behind by force, ramming his huge thick cock into her cunt...

Sunset nodded, coming to a decision. She moved her hands behind her and spread her vaginal lips wide open. “Well Flash, i’ve never taken vaginal sex before... so how about you take my vaginal virginity while losing yours as well?” she asked him. “I mean, if there’s any stud around here i’d want to fuck me hard, it will be you” she added sweetly.

Flash grinned and nodded at Sunset’s suggestion. Knowing he probably wouldn’t get such an appealing offer again, he placed his hands on Sunset’s firm buttcheeks before massaging them gently. Sunset let out a moan of pleasure as he did so. He knew he should have worn a condom, but he didn’t have any to hand and he didn’t think he’d ever be with anyone else but Sunset Shimmer so in his opinion it should be fine. Instead he slid the tip of his cock up against Sunset Shimmer’s vaginal entrance. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his hips forward just as Sunset plunged her own cock forward into Rarity’s cunt.

Sunset Shimmer gasped as she felt Flash’s thick and long cock push deep into her vagina. She had never felt such a long and thick object penetrating her before, with not even the dildo she had used pushing in that far. As Flash began thrusting his hips back and forward into her, she moaned in pleasure. She knew that now Flash had taken her vaginal virginity, even though she had popped her own hymen years ago by using her fingers alone. She was glad she had given her virginity to Flash just now, as the feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of her pussy was the greatest thing she had ever felt inside her vagina. The stimulating feelings she was experiencing were nothing less than amazing.

Flash couldn’t believe how good Sunset Shimmer’s tight cunt was. No longer a vaginal sex virgin, he was determined to give Sunset a sexual experience greater than any girl he had been with before. As he plunged his cock in and out of Sunset’s warm wet vagina, he felt amazing sensations on his cock as he slid inch after inch into her. Nothing compared to fucking the young lady that was Sunset Shimmer, as he had lusted after ever since he had first met her.

Soon enough both Sunset and Rarity were feeling that their bodies were reaching their limits. Sunset’s long cock was stretching Rarity’s vagina to the maximum while Flash’s cock was pushing deeper and deeper into Sunset. Suddenly Sunset let out a gasp as she felt something inside her open up, and Flash push the last few inches of his member into her. Flash gasped in surprise as well as he felt his cock slide into Sunset’s tight womb, just like how Sunset had done to Pinkie Pie just moments before.

In the meanwhile Sunset had felt her cock breach Rarity even further as well. She had sunk the last few inches of her futa member into Rarity and it had plunged into the purple-haired girl’s own womb. Both her and Flash pushed their massive cocks forwards, the three of them reaching their limits of their bodies and of the pleasure they were feeling.

Soon enough it was all too much and they hit their limits one after another. Rarity was the first to scream in pleasure as her orgasm spread through her. Her vagina leaked out her juices while constricting around Sunset Shimmer’s member, while her own futa member blasted a torrent of cum all over the floor below her. Sunset Shimmer was next to climax. She let out a loud moan as she felt the most incredible pleasure possible flowing through her body and surging down her spine. She unloaded her second load of the day into Rarity as her climax spread through her, filling the purple-haired girl’s womb with her hot sticky sperm. Flash orgasmed last, letting out a roar of pleasure as his thick cock blew a torrent of his cum deep into Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset had not expected to ever get fucked in her pussy, and as a result had not bothered using birth control. So as Flash’s fertile seed filled up her womb, it surrounded and fused with several of her eggs. Without either of them knowing it, Sunset was now pregnant and would in a few months be giving her boyfriend three or four children. Considering how she had impregnated Rarity just a few days ago, it would mean Sunset would unknowingly have nearly six kids to take care of soon enough...

After a few moments standing there in orgasm, the three slowly pulled out of each other. Flash leaned back and his cock popped out of Sunset Shimmer’s vagina, a torrent of semen pouring out of her. Sunset did the same with Rarity, the purple-haired girl left with an ample and messy creampie as Sunset’s cock came out of her womanhood.

The three partners, all exhausted from their orgasms, walked over to the unit with the sinks embedded in them, and sat on the ledge of them together. They hugged happily, before Pinkie came over and joined in with the hugs. They stayed there in embrace, all naked and sticky with each others’ fluids from the sexual experience they had just undergone.

Suddenly a thought hit Rarity. She went over to where her pile of clothes were and picked her Smartphone up to check the time. “Hey everyone, its nearly lunchtime!” she exclaimed. “We’ve been in here for hours...” she added.

“Well everyone does say that time flies when you’re having fun” Flash chuckled. “All things aside, we’ve better get cleaned up and get going before anyone gets suspicious that none of us were in class this morning” he added.

“Good idea” Sunset nodded. “Besides, if I miss any more classes, I doubt i’ll be at this school any longer” she added.

The four of them used paper towels and soapy water to clean all of their fluids off their bodies. After using some deodorant from Flash’s bag and some perfume from Rarity’s bag to mask the smell, they all got dressed again. Picking up their bags one by one, Rarity unlocked the door and checked the coast of clear. With nobody in sight, the four left the bathroom and left the hall heading to the cafeteria, taking different routes.

While Rarity and Pinkie Pie had gone the short route to the cafeteria, both Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer were taking the long route that went past the library. As they walked along, Flash Sentry cleared his throat. “So Sunset... how would you like to visit my place after school?” he asked her. “After today i’d like it if we... could spend more time together, like we used to” he added.

Sunset Shimmer looked at him with a smirk on her face. “So you definitely want to be my boyfriend again despite how we split?” she asked him. Flash nodded in response. “Well then, I guess that’s fine with me” the fiery-haired girl replied. Before Flash could answer, she had pulled him over towards her and planted a passionate kiss onto his lips. “I love you, Flash” Sunset smiled.

“I love you more than anything, Sunset” Flash replied. Sunset could see he had a dreamy happy expression on his face. She didn’t reply but pushed herself towards him so her head was on his shoulder. He put an arm around her shoulders as they walked down the hallway together, lovers once again.

However within Sunset’s mind, the fact that Flash was her boyfriend again was a secondary point. She had managed to gain dominance over him in a way unlike she had before, and without him knowing it. Along with Rarity fully under her dominance, and Pinkie Pie being flexible to her demands, the fiery-haired girl was once again making her way towards the top of the school when it came to popularity. She grinned malevolently and thought about her future with Rarity, Flash, Pinkie Pie, and that one other girl...

Chapter 3 - Fifty Shades of Trixie

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To many it was just another weekday in the big city. Adults went to work, teenagers and kids went to school, and animals went about their daily business. But even the most ordinary of days to some people were an opportunity for something magical to happen. And for the first time in a while, that feeling had reached a certain fiery-haired young lady who lived in the suburbs.

The alarm went off in the bedroom of the young woman known as Sunset Shimmer. The lady herself groaned then rose upwards from the bed, her hair a frizzy mess. She looked around her room at the rock band posters and her clothes scattered all over the floor. She wanted to go back to sleep just like most people her age, but she knew she had to get up and go to school like most other people her age. She was expecting to go to college later that year and had to attend school if she wanted any chance of getting accepted in.

She wandered through her room and towards the big wardrobe in front of her. She picked out a tank top and a skirt to wear, as well as some socks and a bra. She headed into the bathroom and got changed into her everyday attire before spending a few minutes adjusting her hair and brushing her teeth. Fresh and ready for the day ahead, she walked downstairs to make herself some coffee and find something for breakfast.

As she waited for some bread to toast, she thought about what was making her feel positive about that day. Or to be precise, who was making her feel positive. In the past few weeks, she had gotten back with her old boyfriend after some time split from him. The two had gotten over their misunderstandings and fallen madly in love with each other all over again. As she spread strawberry jam over the toast before eating it, she thought about seeing him again that day and what things they could do during lunch break...

She barely had time to put the dishes in the sink when she heard a car horn blowing outside. She pulled on her jacket and shoes quickly before grabbing her school bag and making her way out of the front door. As she locked the door behind her she saw a familiar sports car parked in front of her house. As she gazed at it, the side window descended and a familiar face came into view.

A smile spread across the fiery-haired girl’s face as she saw the face of her boyfriend beaming at her. She walked across the front garden of her home towards his car. She opened the car door and quickly slid herself into the vehicle, sitting on the front passenger seat. As she closed the car door behind her, she turned to gaze at the face of her adoring boyfriend. “Good morning Flash” she said to him.

“Good morning to you too, Sunset” Flash Sentry replied with a smile on his face. The two leaned towards each other before kissing each other on the lips. “You ready for another day of school?” he asked her once they broke the kiss.

“With you, i’m ready for anything” Sunset Shimmer smiled. Flash nodded, before leaning back over into the driver’s seat and buckling his seatbelt. Sunset did the same with her seatbelt as Flash started the engine. Gently he pulled off the curb and drove them at a brisk speed through the suburban neighbourhood towards Canterlot High.

“It’s nice that you’re giving me a ride to school every day now, Flash” Sunset smiled. “It’s great I don’t have to worry about missing the school bus ever again” she added.

“Anything for my princess” Flash replied with a chuckle. Sunset blushed and looked away at him. Flash Sentry was such a smitten kitten when he was next to her, she thought. She didn’t mind it though, as he gave her all the attention she could ever want and more.

Although Sunset seemed to be open to and appreciating of Flash’s love like in a romantic novel, behind the scenes the truth was quite different. Sunset was in complete control of their relationship, and felt an incredible sense of dominance over Flash Sentry. She was a control freak at heart, and a dominatrix beneath the sheets. She desired nothing more than to dominate and control her friends around her, and Flash Sentry had become her most loyal subject.

After a few minutes of driving through the suburbs, Sunset let out a sigh of annoyance. “Is it me or is it really hot today, Flash?” she asked him.

“Certainly is” Flash replied while still driving. “Makes me wish I hadn’t put on my jacket” he added.

“Same here” Sunset said. With a grin, an idea came to her, not just to cool down but to also to get a reaction from Flash that had she wanted that day. As Flash stopped at a traffic light, Sunset undid her seatbelt. She quickly pulled her jacket off from her body and chucked it onto the back seat. Flash looked over to Sunset as she put on her seatbelt again and gasped as he saw her sitting there with just a bra covering her upper body. It was quite a skimpy bra, and he could clearly see her nipples poking through the fabric. “Much better” she giggled.

Suddenly they heard a driver hammering their horn from behind them, and Flash’s concentration snapped back to the traffic lights in front of him. Taking a deep breath he accelerated the car further down the road. He tried to focus on the road but his mind kept flashing back to Sunset’s skimpy bra.

As they came to a crossroads, Flash swerved to the left rather than right. Sunset flicked her head over at Flash. “Weren’t we meant to go towards Canterlot High, Flash?” she asked him.

“Well we were, but I need to stop to take off my jacket too” Flash said. He drove them into a small lay-by he knew of that was hidden from the road by trees. It was quiet there and they were the only car there. Flash turned the engine off and undid his seatbelt. He took off his jacket too so he was sat there wearing just a t-shirt covering his upper body. Before he could say anything to Sunset, the fiery-haired girl had leaned over and kissed him on the cheek passionately.

Flash gazed at Sunset then returned the kiss. His hands moved towards Sunset’s chest as he kissed her back, and his hands cupped her breasts. Sunset undid her seatbelt so she could move closer to Flash and wrap her hands around his back. Soon Flash’s hands had reached around Sunset’s back and unclipped her bra, while Sunset had tugged Flash’s shirt off over his head and down his arms. By the time they had withdrew their hands from each other, both were sat in the front seats topless. Both gazed at each other, Sunset in awe at Flash’s bare muscular chest, while Flash’s eyes were on her medium size, perfect looking breasts.

It was a good thing that the driver’s seat could be moved backwards to allow more room, as Sunset Shimmer had climbed over towards Flash and sat herself on his lap. As Flash moved the seat backwards, Sunset sat facing him with her legs spread in front of him. They leaned forward and kissed each other again, their hands stroking each other’s chests. While Sunset’s hands ran up and down Flash’s smooth chest, Flash cupped Sunset’s breasts and flicked his thumbs against her nipples.

After a few minutes of kissing and cuddling each other, Sunset reached for the belt on Flash’s jeans. After unclipping it and unzipping his jeans, she gazed downwards eagerly. Out sprung Flash’s rock hard erection in front of her, the biggest and most delicious cock she had ever experienced. “Going Commando again?” she asked Flash.

“Of course, as I knew you’d want to have some fun before school” Flash grinned at her.

“Well it’s just as well I went the same way today” Sunset smiled. At that point she flipped up her skirt to reveal herself to Flash. However Flash gazed as a cock slid out from beneath her legs as well. It wasn’t as long as his but was just as thick, and like his was at near full hardness. As it slid against his own member, he could feel the heat radiating from it.

Flash smiled at this. He knew that Sunset Shimmer was a Futanari girl, and had a cock in addition to her breasts and vagina. “You’re rock hard just as usual” he grinned at her.

“So are you, just how I like you” Sunset giggled. She then gazed into his eyes. “But tell me Flash, why do you find my cock so attractive? You didn’t at first if I remember...” she asked him.

“Well, I was uncertain at first, which is why you dumped me” Flash sighed. “But I learned to appreciate it was part of you, and my love for you never faltered” he added, a smile on his face. “I’m so glad you took me back” he added.

“I’m glad you came back to me too” Sunset smiled, before kissing him on the nose. “Say Flash, how about we give our cocks a rub?” she suggested to him. “We can’t go round school with huge erections like these” she added.

“I’m up to that for sure” Flash replied with a smile on his face. He leaned down and gripped both of their cocks together with one hand at the top and squeezed them together, their rock hard members rubbing against each other. Sunset reached down with one of her hands and gripped both cocks as well, at the base. They nodded at each other, and pushed themselves closer to each other, ready to start letting off some steam.

Flash moved first, pushing his hips towards Sunset. He felt his cock slide in-between their hands and against Sunset’s rock hard erection. After he pulled his hips back, Sunset thrusted her hips forward in response. Her futa member slid between their hands and against Flash’s cock, before she pulled back as Flash pushed his dick upwards again. Slowly at first they continued to thrust their cocks back and forward in an alternating pattern, feelings of pleasure sparking through their bodies every time they did so. As they speeded up their thrusts, Flash gazed at Sunset and saw she had her eyes closed and was moaning in pleasure. Frotting was way better than masturbation, he thought, as he got to see the girl he loved experience sexual pleasure just as much as he did.

They continued thrusting their cocks against each other for a few minutes, speeding up gradually as their shafts rubbed against each other. Soon a little pre-cum ran out of each of their members, and made their shafts slippery. Sunset grinned at this and used the initiative to speed up her hip thrusts. Flash did the same, and soon the car was rocking from side to side as they frotted each other at full speed.

Soon however the feeling of their cocks rubbing was too much for them as they were getting close to their climax. “Flash... i’m gonna...” Sunset said in-between moans of pleasure.

“Let’s do it together” Flash replied. He gave one last huge thrust upwards and let go of his resistance, just as Sunset did the same. Both partners let out a loud moan in orgasm, with pleasure surging down their spines. As they pulled themselves closer to each other, their cocks trembled and began blasting a torrent of seed over each other’s bodies. As the seconds passed they moaned and held each other in orgasm, their cocks covering their lower bodies in an incredible amount of sperm each.

Both laid there for a few minutes, holding each other as their orgasms gradually faded. Soon Flash had the energy to lean upwards and kiss Sunset on the cheek. “That was amazing, Sunset” Flash said to his girlfriend happily.

“It was... but just wait to see what I have planned for later” Sunset replied with a grin. The duo kissed again and laid their cuddling for a little longer.

After they had finished cuddling, Flash pulled some tissues from the back seat and the two mopped up their cum off their bodies, Sunset’s dress, Flash’s jeans and finally the leather seats. Within a few minutes a large pile of used tissues were on the back seat and the young couple were putting the rest of their clothes back on. They kissed once more before buckling their seatbelts again and Flash started the car again.

As he drove out of the lay-by and towards the school, Sunset reached towards the dashboard radio and switched it on. Through the speakers suddenly came some decent sounding Rock music. As she listened she could recognise the singing voice and guitar style. “Your latest work?” she asked Flash.

“Yeah, I listen to it in the car so I can think about how to improve it” Flash said. As the two listened, Sunset could hear lyrics about getting dumped and struggling to cope. Sunset looked towards Flash and he blushed a little. “No Sunset, I wasn’t thinking about you when writing this...” he commented.

“Even if you did, I wouldn’t mind” Sunset smiled. “It’s just a song, Flash. Our love is more than any music” she said to him, her head rocking from side to side in tune to the music. “It’s a pretty good anthem too...” she commented.

“I think there’s an issue with the vocals” Flash replied. “You know, sometime i’d love to do a duet with a female singer... if you want to” he offered.

“I’ll consider it” Sunset smiled. “It will help me get one up on that pesky Trixie and her band, that’s for sure” she said. As Flash pulled the car up to Canterlot High, Sunset thought about how in her quest to dominate everyone in the school, she had neglected Trixie recently.

Getting out of the car, Sunset gazed at the school and counted down her achievements while she had been there. Without knowing, most of the school were under her influence at that very point. She had made sure that there were no groups of people who would oppose her control, and had gone as far as to personally dominate some of the more popular students in more than one way each. Deep inside, Sunset was a dominatrix and a control freak and would stop at nothing to be the best of the best, even if it meant using unconventional methods.

Sunset and Flash had a different schedule and thus attended different classes. After agreeing to meet up at “the usual place” at lunchtime, they kissed and went their separate ways. As Sunset walked to the eastern wing of the school she suddenly heard her phone beep. She fished it out of her bag and saw that there was a text from “Trixie”. She was curious, having not heard from the bravado-filled girl for a while. She read through the text and saw it was very terse. “You owe the great and powerful Trixie some action” it read.

Sunset thought about her prior interactions with Trixie. She had been one of the first girls that Sunset had sex with when she first arrived at Canterlot High. She had gone as far as to have taken multiple photos of Trixie naked both before, during and after having sex with her. She thought back and remembered how good it felt fucking her with Trixie’s tight pink vagina around Sunset’s rock hard futa cock...

Sunset made a decision in a nanosecond. Hitting the reply button, she typed “Come to the abandoned girls room at lunch for something special” before hitting send. As she put her phone away she smiled as she thought about what Flash would think involving Trixie in their midday sex session. Flash had been involved in a sex orgy with Pinkie Pie and Rarity recently with Sunset, and he had enjoyed it. Sunset thought about her and her boyfriend fucking Trixie and she felt her futa cock start to stiffen as she stood in the hallway. She looked down to see a tent in her skirt and pulled it down. She tried her best to cast away all sexual thoughts to kill her boner, but as she hobbled through the corridor trying to hide her arousal, she saw something that ruined her efforts completely.

On the ground in front of her was a paperback book half open. She picked it up and looked at the cover to see it was a novel that was popular at the time, but was known for been badly written and having a weak storyline. However the themes in the book were the critical element making it popular, notably the fact it was about a relationship regarding very unconventional sexual activities. As Sunset absent-mindedly flicked through the pages, the content of the book made her think deeply, and a sly grin spread across her face as several perverted ideas came to mind.

Dropping the book back on the floor, she reached for her Smartphone again and started composing a text message to one of her closest friends. “Bring the following items today at lunch break, Rarity” she typed, before beginning to list about a few obscure objects that she had in mind. She finished off the list with “a jar of peanut butter” before sending it to Rarity. She put her phone away, and hurried off to her first class of the day, trying her best to hold her skirt down over her groin to hide the still bulging erection she had.

The morning passed without much effort, as Sunset was not focused on her classes at all. She couldn’t get her mind off what ideas she had planned for lunchtime, as well as looking forward to seeing Trixie for the first time in a while. Endless situations filled her head as the teachers droned on about mathematics and history. Thankfully just as the second class ended with the teacher ending his lecture about Quadratic equations, the bell sounded for lunch. Just in time, Sunset thought - she was so horny at that point she couldn’t have waited any longer.

As Sunset Shimmer left the classroom, she turned to left to see Flash Sentry gazing at her with a smile on her face. She walked over to him and smiled. “You’ve been waiting for me then?” she asked him.

“Yeah, my class finished early as the teacher didn’t show up” Flash Sentry shrugged. He then reached to his bag and pulled out a few packs of sandwiches, some bags of potato chips and half a dozen cans of soda. “I went to the cafeteria before coming here so we don’t have to have sex on an empty stomach today” he added.

Sunset Shimmer smiled and grabbed a bag of potato chips from him. “You sure do think about everything we need, Flash” she grinned. “Before we head there though, I need to go talk to Rarity in the school car park” she said. Flash nodded, and followed Sunset as she led him towards the main entrance and out towards the car park.

When they reached the car park, they saw Rarity there standing next to Flash’s car. “Hi there you two” the purple-haired girl waved at them. She held up a bag towards them. “I got everything you asked for on the way here, Sunset” she added pointing at the bag.

Sunset moved towards Rarity and took the bag off her. “Thank you, Rarity” she grinned. She then put a hand on her shoulder. “How about you come and join in the fun? There’s always room for one more futa for your mistress to dominate” she grinned at her.

Rarity smiled back with a dreamy expression on her face. She remembered how Sunset Shimmer had found out that Rarity was a futanari girl, and had dominated and fucked her in the abandoned school bathroom. It was an amazing experience, and one Rarity would have loved to do once again. However she sighed and looked up towards them. “I would... if it wasn’t for this stupid work experience i’m on today” she groaned. “I mean, I only just managed to sneak out at lunch break to bring you these things” she sighed.

Sunset nodded at Flash. He passed over to Rarity a sandwich, bag of chips, and can of soda. “These will do for now - no doubt we’ll buy you dinner as thanks another day” he said to her.

“I’ll look forward to that... and the after-dinner fun” Rarity giggled, followed by a sly wink at Sunset. She waved at them both then walked off out of the school car park and back into the big city.

Not wanting to waste another moment, Sunset and Flash made their way back into the school via the side entrance. It was only a short walk before they got to a part of the school that very few people went to. Doors around them led to various abandoned classrooms, and many old lockers with the doors long broken stood against the walls. In the midst of it all though were two bathrooms, both with signs saying “out of use” on them. The one with the symbol for men was locked tight, but the one with a symbol for women on the front had a broken lock. Sunset and Flash gazed at each other and nodded as Flash pushed open the door to Sunset Shimmer’s secret sex room.

Inside the bathroom, all was as they last left it. The toilets and sinks were still functional, albeit in poor condition. The lighting was low and flickered a little. The bins were unemptied. In the middle of it all though, was the girl that Sunset had expected to see. Blue skinned and with long and curvy white hair, she stood there in a blue blouse and short skirt pouting at them both. “The Great and Powerful Trixie wondered how long you two would take to show up” she grumbled.

“On time, just like normal” Sunset replied. “The world doesn’t stop just for you Trixie, especially when you’re the one begging for attention rather than us” she added.

“I begged did I?” Trixie asked with a questioning look. “I merely said I wanted some action, and you two were subservient enough to come here to grant it” she added.

“I think you’re mistaken about who’s in control here” Sunset grinned. She walked up to Trixie and pinched the proud girl’s cheek gently with one of her hands. “As long as you’re here, i’m the mistress, and you are nothing more than my slave” the fiery-haired girl added with a tone of malevolent seductiveness in her voice. “When you’re ready we’ll start... Flash” Sunset added.

Before Trixie could say anything else, both Flash and Sunset had grabbed her by her wrists. Flash pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his bag, and as Sunset tugged Trixie’s arms behind her back, Flash locked the cuffs around Trixie’s blue wrists. “Now you’re going nowhere until we’re done with you” Sunset chuckled. She stepped back a little and gazed at Trixie’s body. The young lady had an slim build, with a medium sized bust and average sized hips. “You look good Trixie, but I think she’ll look better without those pathetic clothes on, right Flash?” she added, questioning her boyfriend.

“She sure will” Flash grinned. As Trixie looked on, Flash gripped her blouse and pulled it away from her. The flimsy fabric tore away to reveal Trixie’s chest, her breasts springing free in front of him and Sunset. “No bra, eh Trixie?” Flash said. “No doubt she likes having all the other boys watching her boobs bouncing around as she walks, the little exhibitionist” he chuckled.

“I just wonder if she’s gone the same way with the rest of her underwear” Sunset thought aloud. She reached towards Trixie’s thigh-length skirt and hiked it down over her legs. She smiled as Trixie’s loins came into view, fully exposed for all to see as the proud white-haired lady hadn’t worn any panties that day.

As Trixie stood there naked in front of them both, she looked first at Flash and then at Trixie. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked.

“Oh I think Sunset has many plans for you this lunchtime” Flash grinned. He reached down and locked another pair of restraints around Trixie’s legs, before putting a collar around the girl’s neck. “Now you’re stuck here for your mistress to use for her own pleasure” he grinned.

As Trixie looked on, Sunset searched through the bag of things Rarity had given her before taking out a small jar. “You’ve said many times you’re a fan of peanut butter crackers, right Trixie?” Sunset pondered aloud. “Well, today we’re going to give you what you want... only without the crackers” she giggled, waving the jar at her to show that it was smooth peanut butter.

“What are you going to do then?” Trixie asked.

“Just watch” Sunset grinned. She opened the jar and scooped out a generous amount with her fingers. She then spread the peanut butter on Trixie’s breasts, surrounding her hard nipples with the proud girl’s favourite food. Trixie gasped as she felt Sunset’s fingers flick against her hard nipples, as the fiery-haired girl made sure they were totally covered. “Now Flash, show her what peanut butter is really for” she giggled.

Flash leaned in and began licking at the peanut butter, his warm tongue lapping against Trixie’s breasts. Trixie let out light moans of pleasure as she felt Flash’s tongue pleasuring her sensitive nipples. Sunset chuckled as she watched Trixie enjoy her favourite food in a way the proud girl would never have thought possible before then. Flash had barely finished licking it all off one breast and moving to Trixie’s other one when Sunset Shimmer had her next idea.

Sunset wandered over to the washbasins and cleaned the peanut butter off her fingers. She then returned and put a hand on Trixie’s shoulder as the girl continued moaning in pleasure. “Flash is paying attention to your cute little breasts, so it’s only fair I pay attention to your other sensitive spots” Sunset smiled.

"What... spots...?" Trixie asked in-between gasps for breath.

"Oh I think you already know" Sunset grinned. She reached into the bag of items she had gotten from Rarity and pulled out a feather. "Ready to get teased?" she asked Trixie.

Trixie was about to reply, but before she could she let out a squeal. Sunset had poked the feather underneath the proud girls' armpit and began brushing it against the skin there. Trixie started giggling as her ticklish spot was stimulated by Sunset. The fiery-haired girl kept tickling for a minute with Trixie laughing more and more, before moving towards the spot underneath Trixie's breast. She tickled her there too, then applied some tickling to the blue girl's bellybutton, and finally moved the feather to the girl's vaginal slit. This was her most ticklish spot, and after only six strokes Trixie was begging for Sunset to stop.

"Well then, seems I found your most sensitive spot" Sunset smiled, putting down the feather. "My favourite part of you too, Trixie" she added. "Time I give it some special attention with my fingers..." she commented.

Before Trixie could respond, the fiery-haired girl had began rubbing against Trixie’s labia with her index finger. She then added her middle finger and spread the proud girl’s vaginal lips apart to reveal her pretty pink vulva. After pausing for a few seconds, the fiery-haired girl plunged her index finger into Trixie’s womanhood before moving it in and out slowly. Trixie began moaning in pleasure as she felt Sunset Shimmer finger-fucking her vagina gently while Flash continued licking her sensitive nipples.

Sunset and Flash continued pleasuring Trixie gently for a while like this. Sunset heard the blue girl moaning louder and louder with every passing moment. “Flash, stop” Sunset said suddenly. Flash stopped licking Trixie’s breasts while Sunset pulled her finger out of Trixie’s vagina. “I think she might have had enough” Sunset added.

“Please... don’t stop” Trixie whimpered. “I want more...” she gasped.

“So... you said you weren’t begging earlier, but you are now?” Sunset grinned. “So much for the Great and Powerful Trixie. More like the Humble and Subservient Trixie, eh?” she added, mocking the proud girl.

“Please mistress... fuck me...” Trixie replied. “The… Humble and Subservient… Trixie is all yours forever” she added. As she looked up to Flash and Sunset smirking at her, she thought about the situation she was in. Getting bound and dominated like she was at that point would sound degrading to many other people, but she was loving every minute of it. Despite this, right now she wanted more. She wanted to be fucked in both her pussy and her backside by the two people in front of her who were dominating her. “Please...” she begged.

“Well if my little slave is begging for it, i’ll be happy to oblige” Trixie replied with a wicked grin on her face.

The fiery-haired girl pulled off her coat and tossed it to one side. It came off her easily, and after reaching behind her back and unclipping her bra, her breasts bounced free and into full view of Trixie and Flash. Tossing the bra aside, Sunset removed her skirt, leaving her standing there naked apart from her socks and shoes, with a grin on her face and her futanari cock rock hard. “Missed this?” she asked Trixie, before wiggling her hips so her cock slapped against Trixie’s thighs.

Trixie gazed down at Sunset’s member. It was far larger than most of the guys in the school, and every time she had been fucked by it she had loved it. “Please... fuck my ass, mistress” she begged.

“Oh i’ll be happy to” Sunset grinned. The fiery-haired girl pulled a bottle of lubricant out of the bag and poured the contents over her penis. “Flash, get her bent over and ready for me” she commanded her boyfriend.

“With pleasure” Flash nodded. He reached downwards and undid Trixie’s leg restraints allowing her to spread her legs again. He then tugged gently at the collar so that Trixie was stood up and bent over, her butt pointing directly at Sunset Shimmer. “When you’re ready” he grinned at Sunset.

“With pleasure” Sunset smiled. She moved forwards so the tip of her futa cock was poking against Trixie’s buttcheeks. The fiery-haired girl moved her hips around so that her tip was prodding against Trixie’s rear entrance. Taking in a deep breath, Sunset thrusted her hips forwards.

Both girls gasped at the sensation of Trixie getting penetrated by Sunset. Sunset enjoyed the tight feeling of Trixie’s rear entrance surrounding her member, while Trixie moaned in happiness as she had her backside penetrated by her favourite partner’s cock. After a few moments savouring the moment, Sunset began thrusting her cock back and forth in and out of Trixie’s tight butt. Trixie moaned in pleasure with every pelvic thrust that Sunset Shimmer made into her.

As Sunset began to speed up her thrusts, she saw that Flash was looking out of place. “Hey Flash, feeling like fucking this bitch’s tight cunt?” she asked him. “If you help me lift her into the air, her vagina is all yours to shove your cock into” she grinned.

“With pleasure” the blue haired guy agreed. He undressed quickly, with his coat, shirt and jeans disappearing from his body in rapid succession, adding to the pile of clothes at one side of the room. Trixie gazed down and saw for the first time what she imagined was Sunset’s main reason for loving Flash. His rock hard erection was the biggest she’d ever seen. As he walked towards her, she realised he was going to shove it all the way into her, and she squealed both in anticipation and a little nervousness at the thought of the sensations it would give her...

Sunset Shimmer grabbed at Trixie’s sides and lifted her body upwards. Flash grabbed Trixie’s legs at the same time and lifted them up with even more strength. Within a few seconds Trixie was in the air sat upon Sunset Shimmer’s rock hard cock with more than seven inches of the fiery-haired girl’s cock still sliding in and out of Trixie’s backside. The proud girl looked down to see Flash gazing at her pretty pink cunt. “Enter me...” she pleaded of him.

“Sure thing” Flash smiled. He moved forward so that the tip of his huge member was prodding against Trixie’s vaginal slit. He then thrusted his hips forward so that the first few inches of his cock slid into Trixie’s pussy.

Trixie moaned as she felt the second cock enter her and begin sliding inside her tight pink vagina. Flash smiled as he felt the blue girl’s warm wet pussy surround his massive cock. As he began thrusting his hips back and forth, inch after inch of his cock began pushing in and out of Trixie’s tight womanhood.

With two rock hard cocks plunging in and out of her, Trixie was moaning uncontrollably in pleasure. The sensation of been penetrated by both of them was enough to trigger her first orgasm of the day. She screamed in happiness as pleasure spread through her entire body and her two holes clenched around Sunset and Flash’s members. Sunset and Flash held on however, and began to speed up their thrusts into her.

Moments passed, with the three of them going faster and faster, with Trixie getting slammed by both cocks harder and harder. Soon enough both Flash and Sunset had gotten to a point where they were almost balls deep inside of Trixie. They gave one epic hip thrust each and every single inch of their rock hard members slid into Trixie. The proud girl moaned in surprise and intense pleasure, as she felt her vagina stretched to the maximum with nine inches of Flash’s cock and her ass spread like it never had before with eight inches of Sunset inside her. Without stopping, Flash and Sunset continued fucking Trixie, the proud girl bouncing up and down from the force of her partners’ thrusts into her.

For what felt like a long time Trixie was fucked by both Flash and Sunset. However all three of them were feeling their final orgasm building inside them. “I’m... close...” Trixie whimpered in-between moans.

“Let’s... cum... together...” Sunset replied. “3... 2... 1...” she counted, before she let go of her resistance and screamed as she reached her climax. As waves of pleasure washed through her, her futanari cock sprayed a torrent of sperm into Trixie’s tight backside. Trixie felt herself orgasm for the second time, pleasure spreading through her entire body as her pussy and backside tightened around her two partners’ cocks. This was enough to set off Flash finally, and he roared as his orgasm surged through his body. His cock blasted wad after wad of his cum deep into Trixie’s womb, filling it to the brim.

They stayed stood up in position for a few moments as they all gasped for breath, the effect of the orgasms echoing through their bodies. Eventually though both Flash and Sunset had recovered from their orgasms enough to pull out of Trixie. Flash pulled his hips backwards and his long member came slowly out of Trixie’s vagina. Sunset pulled herself away too, and her futanari cock steadily withdrew from Trixie’s backside. Within a minute both cocks popped free of Trixie’s stretched open holes, with the cum Flash and Sunset had pumped in pouring out of both Trixie’s pussy and butt.

Flash and Sunset lowered Trixie onto the ground where the proud girl laid there moaning gently with the afterglow of her orgasm. Then, the Waifu stealer and the dominatrix embraced in a passionate kiss, their sweaty bodies and cum-covered cocks rubbing against each other. They remained standing there hugging as their orgasms faded and they got their breath back.

After they had regained their energy, Flash and Sunset separated from each other. Sunset walked back over to Trixie. She was still naked and lying in a puddle of semen. “So, did you enjoy all Fifty Shades of Canterlot High?” the fiery-haired girl asked.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie... wants it again sometime in the future” Trixie replied, with a smile on her face. She leaned up and kissed Sunset on the cheek. “If my mistress allows of course” she adds.

“No worries, i’m sure Flash here wouldn’t give up the chance of having a kinky session with you anytime soon” Sunset grinned. Flash, standing nearby, nodded in response.

The three of them steadily cleaned themselves up thanks to the towels and washcloths that Rarity had given them along with the bondage gear. In addition, to replace Trixie’s torn blouse, Sunset Shimmer gave her a spare one she had brought with her. After getting dressed, each of them left one at a time after checking the coast was clear outside the door. Flash walked outside once he was ready after Trixie left first. He expected Sunset to be out right behind him but it was several more minutes before she came out too. Flash wondered what took her so long, but before he could ask her, both of them were approached by an uninvited guest.

Standing in front of them with a stern look on her face was a tall slim woman with dark blue hair. Flash gulped as he looked up at the woman, and Sunset took a deep breath as she saw who it was. “Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, what have you been doing trespassing in there?” the woman asked them both.

“We... were just checking if I dropped my ring in there, Vice Principal Luna” Sunset Shimmer replied. “I tripped over outside here and lost it the other day” she ad libbed.

“In that case, why did I hear moans and suggestive talk coming from behind the door?” she questioned. Flash took a deep breath to answer, but Luna cut him off. “I know what you’ve been using that bathroom for, Sunset Shimmer. I’ve even seen you all when you’ve left the door slightly open” she added.

Sunset Shimmer sighed, and decided to come clean. “Okay... during lunch breaks we use the bathroom for having sex” she replied. “I didn’t know it was against the school rules to do that though” she commented.

“It isn’t, but trespassing in a closed off area like this one is” Luna replied. “Normally I could get you both suspended for this... but i’m willing to let it go if you promise me one thing” she added.

“Which is?” Flash asked in response.

“I get invited along to your next session” Luna replied, a sly grin spreading across her face. “Maybe you can give me a turn instead of Rarity or Trixie” she added, blushing a little bit.

Sunset took a deep breath as what Luna told her sunk in. The Vice Principal of the school wanted to get involved with her sex games. But rather than Luna been dominant like Sunset expected, instead she wanted to be dominated by Sunset Shimmer. A grin spread across the fiery-haired girl’s face as she thought about how she would now be able to dominate and control the second most powerful person in the whole school. “You’re on” Sunset nodded.

“I hoped you’d say that” Luna said, smiling wider. She handed Sunset a small piece of paper with a number scrawled on it. “My cellphone number. Call me when your next session is happening” she said to them both.

“We sure will” Sunset Shimmer smiled. Luna nodded and left them to it, walking back towards her office. As she walked away, Sunset could see a small wet patch between Luna’s legs. “Looks like she got really turned on by watching us fuck Trixie, Flash” the fiery-haired girl grinned.

“No doubt. Anyone would be turned on by you, Sunset” Flash replied. The couple looked at each other and giggled before kissing each other on the lips.

That afternoon passed quickly for both Sunset and Flash. They only had one lesson each and the school day was soon over for both of them. As they made their way towards Flash’s car, Sunset looked back and saw Trixie walking out of the school with a smug grin on her face. Following her was Pinkie Pie, and behind her Princess Luna. Sunset smiled as she thought of how many women she had dominated in the past few weeks, and how in many ways she was in control of the school. It was what she had set out to do all those years ago, and finally her plans had come to fruition. Albeit with quite different methods than she had originally planned to use...

She and her boyfriend got in the car and strapped on their seatbelts. As the car started, Sunset turned towards Flash. “You feel like stopping for some food on the way home? We didn’t have much for lunch” she asked him.

“Sounds like the perfect idea” Flash nodded with a smile. He drove them out of the parking lot and down the road towards a local burger place they both frequented. After arriving, Flash wasted no time in going into the shop, ordering him and Sunset Shimmer a daily special burger each, and after paying for the food taking it back to the car. Giving the food bags to Sunset, he smiled at her and she smiled back. “Should we go somewhere to relax?” he asked her.

“Same stop as this morning then?” Sunset asked. Flash nodded and drove off towards the hidden lay-by that he and Sunset had gone to that very morning.

After parking up, the two unwrapped their burgers and each munched them happily. It may not have been the most romantic setting or the most romantic food, Flash thought to himself. However because he was sat next to the woman he loved, it was way better than any other meal.

Sunset was the first to finish her burger. As she scrunched up the paper wrapper she turned towards Flash. “So how did you find fucking Trixie earlier?” she asked him.

“It was fun, but I probably wouldn’t have done it if you weren’t there with me” Flash said after putting his burger down for a second to speak. “I know we have a sort of open relationship, but i’m happy to be just with you, Sunset” he added.

“Well then Flash, like the past few weeks you’ll always be my number one choice above anyone else” Sunset smiled. “I’m so glad we’ve become so close, despite what happened the first time we got together...” she added.

Flash finished his own burger and scrunched up the paper too. “Let’s just let the bad memories die and look to the future” he smiled. Sunset agreed, and offered a hand to him. Flash took her hand, and they held them together as they laid back in their seats and thought about each other.

After a few more minutes spent in silent contemplation, Sunset reached down under her seat. Flash gazed in curiosity as she pulled out a white plastic stick that Flash thought he had seen her carry earlier. She looked at it and a strange expression crossed her face - one of shock but content at the same time. “Is something up?” Flash asked her.

“Yea, this test I used earlier before we left the bathroom came back with a result” Sunset replied. She took a deep breath before holding it up at him and Flash saw it was a pregnancy test. “It looks like i’m pregnant with your baby, Flash” she said to him.

The news was like a surge to Flash’s system. All the times in the past few months Sunset had let him fuck her pussy, with neither of them using any protection. Despite their open relationship it was their favourite sexual activity, and with Sunset been a futanari they assumed she was infertile. Instead it seemed the reverse was true.

Sunset had worried that Flash would react badly to the thought of her been pregnant and him becoming a father soon enough. As he took a deep breath to reply to the news he had just received, Sunset worried that things would go badly. Instead though, she saw him lean over towards her and flip open the glovebox. He pulled out a small box and held it at her. “In that case... want to start going steady?” he asked her, offering the box.

Sunset put the pregnancy test down and took the box, opening it. She gasped as she saw inside it an engagement ring. She looked at Flash to see him blushing with a smile on his face. “You’re... asking me to marry you?” she asked.

“Yes, I want you to be my wife and I will love you forever” Flash nodded. “I mean, we could sort out things regarding the polyamorous relationships and such, and there’s things for the baby and such to work out, and...” he continued, listing off many of the things in his mind he had thought about when summing up the courage to ask Sunset.

Sunset didn’t say anything at first. She instead leaned over and kissed Flash on the cheek. “Of course i’ll marry you, Flash” she said with a smile. She looked up to see tears of happiness in her boyfriend’s eyes. To Flash it was the best day of his entire life, knowing he would soon have a wife and a child. To Sunset, she had found a husband who would give her love and attention forever, as well as a beautiful child to come and complete their family. They kissed again before wrapping each other’s arms around each other and cuddling each other happily.

It had been quite a wild ride for both of them. Sunset Shimmer had managed to become the top girl at her school, dominating everyone including the vice-principal. But at the same time she had managed to find a man she loved more than anything else. Her evil streak had been matched by feelings of love. As she laid back with her arms around Flash, she thought about how the future would be perfect for both of them as well as the girls they both had dominated. Unless another geeky girl with purple hair turned up to ruin things of course, but at that point Sunset figured such a thing would be redundant now that she had stolen Flash Sentry’s heart.

- The End -