> I Ain't No Fillyfooler! > by melodic_harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I Ain't No Fillyfooler! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, I’ll be back around noon tomorrow to pick you up, Scoots. You sure you guys can get to bed and have breakfast on your own?” Rainbow Dash asked, her magenta eyes full of concern. The sky blue pegasus was going to Wonderbolt training with Thunderlane, a black pegasus with a light green mohawk and tail. He rolled his molten gold eyes at Rainbow. “Aw, come on, Dash, they’ll be fine. Rumble’s stayed home alone a ton of times, and Scootaloo is one of the most responsible young pegasi I’ve ever known. Don’t worry, little bro,” he added, seeing Rumble glare at him with his light violet eyes. “You’re still number one on my list.” He ruffled his brother’s dark grey mane and spread his wings, ready to fly out the front door. “Ready, Dash?” Rainbow flipped her rainbow mane out of her face and turned to the door, looking back at the orange filly she had brought along and was now leaving here. Scootaloo had nearly begged to go with Rainbow Dash to Thunderlane’s and Rumble’s cloud house, with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle out of town, and Scootaloo being bored out of her mind without her friends. Rainbow finally relented. “Just make sure you don’t walk off the edge or something,” she reminded. “You can’t exactly learn to fly in ten seconds flat.” “Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Scootaloo rolled her light purple eyes in annoyance. She then tried to imitate Rainbow Dash’s hair flip with her own magenta mane, to no avail. “It’s not like I’d purposely risk my life in trying to fly. We’ll be fine.” She smiled at Rumble, who nodded, without making eye contact. “Alright, then,” Rainbow sighed. “See you tomorrow.” She took off with Thunderlane. “Bye!” Scootaloo waved until Rainbow was out of sight, then turned to Rumble. “So, what do you want to do?” He shrugged. “I have some video games we can play. Unless you’re hungry.” He looked at her. “Did you eat dinner yet?” “Yeah, I did. What do you have?” He went over to a box next to the console and TV. “I’ve got Mareo Kart, Minecraft, and…” He dug through the box. “... and some more racing games. What do you want to play?” The two young pegasi played Minecraft for the rest of the evening until Rumble looked up the clock on the the cloud wall and gasped. “Sweet Celestia, it’s nearly ten! I’m usually in bed by then!” Scootaloo and Rumble got up to go brush their teeth and get ready for bed. Neither one of them possessed a sleeping bag, so they had agreed to sleep in one bed. They crawled under the covers and bidded each other good night. Before Rumble could fall asleep however, he heard a strange noise. It sounded like next to him, Scootaloo was crying. Cautiously, he put a hoof on her shoulder and asked, “What’s wrong?” “Oh?” Scootaloo sniffled. “Sorry, it’s just-” She broke into tears once again. “There’s- there’s these rumors an- and they’re saying that I- I’m a- and ponies look at me funny and-” “What rumors? What are they saying?” “That I’m a- a fillyfooler,” Scootaloo barely got out. “You’re a WHAT?! How could they say that?” “I- I don’t know, may- maybe because it’s- it’s true.” “Do you think it’s true?” “I- I don’t think so, bu- but after a while, I st- started thinking tha- that it might be true.” More tears. “Is there anyway I can help you?” Rumble whispered comfortingly, trying to locate her eyes in the dark. “I- I guess.” She wiped away her tears. “There is one way to convince both me and others that I’m not a fillyfooler.” Rumble paled when he realised what she meant. No, no way would he do that. On the other hoof, he did ask if he could help. If he really wanted to help Scootaloo, he would have to go outside of his comfort zone. “I’ll do anything to make you feel better.” he said, decidedly. Scootaloo smiled weakly. Rumble’s eyes had adjusted to the dark well enough to see it. “I guess I’ll start,” she whispered, and without warning, pulled Rumble on top of her. That unexpected movement, combined with the thought of what they were about to do, made his member harden and come out of its sheath. He quickly stood up as Scootaloo turned on the bedside lamp. She smiled when she saw what was being presented to her. “Well, it seems you’re more than ready to begin,” she cooed. She started stroking Rumble’s erect penis. Rumble moaned as his wings started to pulsate. He couldn’t help but unfold them. Soon they were completely outstretched, and began to envelope Scootaloo in soft, light grey feathers. Scootaloo giggled. “You like it, don’t you?” By then the penis was fully erect at an impressive length. “Six inches, by the looks of things. Not bad,” she grinned. “Thanks- I guess?” Rumble managed to say. The pleasure was nothing like he’d ever felt before. He wondered if it got any better. As Scootaloo rubbed his member, she fantasized about what would happen afterward. Feeling herself getting wetter by the second, she stopped rubbing and told Rumble, “If we’re gonna do this, you have to get me ready so it won’t hurt for me.” “Will it hurt for me?” Rumble asked, getting off of the bed. He was unsure of what to do next, and he racked his brain for any possible solution. “Nah, don’t worry.” Scootaloo saw the confusion on his face. “You’re supposed to be over here.” She pointed to the side of the bed closest to her dripping pussy. Rumble scrunched up his face. “I have to look at your… thing? I don’t get it.” “Not just look at it, dummy, you have to lick it. You wanted to help, this is how you can help. Besides,” she grinned. “I already saw yours, and I liked what I saw. You might like mine, too. Just try it; it’s only fair.” She spread her hind legs. “Okay, then.” Rumble nervously sat in front of Scootaloo’s vagina. It was throbbing and oozing sweet juices. Rumble decided that if he was going to do this, he didn’t have to look at it. He closed his eyes and licked the length of it, barely touching the clit. That little touch was enough to make Scootaloo gasp, though, and her juices went wild. Her tiny premature wings were outstretched and stiff. Rumble was surprised himself. He didn’t realise how sweet she tasted. He liked that taste, and he continued lapping up every drop of liquid that came from her. He figured out that the little nub at the top made her go crazy with pleasure, so he tried to touch it as much as possible. The problem was that Scootaloo kept jerking and her juices went everywhere when he did, so he kept it at a bare minimum. After several minutes of licking, moaning, and jerking, Scootaloo could feel the pressure build up down there. “Rumble,” she moaned, “I’m gonna come!” She screamed as her cum went all over Rumble’s face and his bedsheets. Rumble, eager to please her, tried to get it all in his mouth. When she finished, Scootaloo flipped over on her belly, panting. “Thank you,” she breathed. “My pleasure.” Rumble flopped on the bed next to her, smiling. Scootaloo looked over at him, and saw that his erection was beginning to diminish. “Oh, but we’re not done yet,” she smirked. Rumble looked up in surprise. “We’re not?” “Oh, no. That was just the appetizer. We still have the main course.” Scootaloo giggled. “Are you sure about this, Scoot? What if… what if I get you pregnant?” Scootaloo thought about that. She hadn’t completely thought this through. “Doesn’t Thunderlane have a stash of condoms somewhere?” “Yeah, he does- wait, how do you know about that?” “Eh, I just figured, you know, with him and Cloudchaser, and… stuff.” “Let me go get one.” A few moments later, Rumble flew into the room with a small condom packet in his mouth to see Scootaloo back on her back, stimulating herself. “Um, what are you doing?” “Oh, just getting myself into the perfect condition.” Rumble decided not to question it. He ripped the packet open and rolled the condom onto his still erect penis. “So, how are we gonna do this?” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Get over here and stand over me.” “Like this?” “Yeah. Now, very gently, try to- aw, whatever, I’ll do it myself.” Scootaloo gently guided his penis so it was right above her pussy. “Now, whenever you’re ready, go for it.” As soon as heard those words, Rumble went inside of her, surprising Scootaloo and getting a small moan out of her. Rumble smiled, seeing her face change into an expression of pure bliss. He pulled out and thrusted once again, attempting to go deeper and getting a louder moan out of Scootaloo. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was trying her best not to orgasm too quickly. She could feel every bump and ridge of Rumble’s penis even through the plastic; his cock was too thick for the condom. To contain herself, she did the one thing she could think of: she pulled Rumble into a deep kiss. Rumble, not expecting it, momentarily stopped thrusting. But as he got used to it, he resumed  pounding Scootaloo as they kissed, every now and then pausing to take deep breaths. After a while, Rumble could feel the pressure building up in his balls and penis and knew he would come soon, so he instinctively thrusted a deep as he could, even though he was wearing a condom. Every so often he nudged Scootaloo’s clit, and soon she was close, too. Rumble continued pounding her and the pressure became unbearable. “Scoots,” he groaned. “I’m gonna- umph!” Scootaloo pulled him into another kiss as Rumble came, quickly filling up the condom. He came once, twice, three times - he wasn’t sure if the condom was going to hold. Somehow, it stayed in one piece, and he continued pounding Scootaloo until she came, too, yelling out Rumble’s name. Rumble pulled out, carefully pulling the condom off of his softening shaft and dropping it into a nearby trashcan before flopping onto the bed next to Scootaloo, who was panting from her orgasm. She smiled. “Yep,” she said between pants, “I ain’t no fillyfooler.” She rolled over and gave Rumble a quick kiss on the forehead. “And think I might like you.  Just a bit.” She giggled. “You think?” Rumble laughed. He glanced at the clock and his eyes went wide. “Sweet Celestia, it’s almost midnight!” “Welp, good night, then.” Scootaloo turned the light off and snuggled into Rumble’s embrace. Rumble smiled, and soon both of them were sound asleep. *** “So this the colt that took your virginity, aye?” Apple Bloom said, eyeing Rumble. “Now, ya’ll listen here, if ya’ll hurt our Scoots even just a tiny bit, I’ma kick yo dirty plot all the way to Appleloosa, ya hear?” She glared at Rumble and pokes his chest. “Ya hear?!” she said through gritted teeth. Rumble backed away from the enraged Apple Bloom. “Uh, yes, ma’am?” “Good.” Apple Bloom started to walk away, turning back only to say, “Ah’ve got mah eye on you, Rumble.” As Scootaloo, Rumble, and Sweetie Belle watched the yellow filly gallop away, Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry about her, Rumble,” she said. “She thinks she’s responsible for us just because she’s a few months older.” “And because she still can’t get Tender to go out with her,” Scootaloo remembered. “Yeah, that too. He’s a pretty shy colt.” Sweetie chuckled. “But seriously though, if you dump Scoots, Rumble, Apple Bloom will literally kill you,” she said, pointedly staring at Rumble. “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” Rumble smiled, putting his hoof around Scootaloo’s shoulders. Sweetie Belle looked in the direction Apple Bloom had run off to. “Well, I gotta go. I’ve got a date with Button Mash.” “Bye!” Rumble and Scootaloo said in unison and Sweetie Belle galloped away. Scootaloo turned to Rumble and plastered a sultry smile across her face. “Well, I don’t have any plans for the rest of the day. You want to come over to my house and have a little fun?” By the end of her sentence, she had walked all around Rumble, brushing her tail in the sensitive areas and feeling his cock begin to slide of his sheath. Rumble returned her sultry look. “Don’t mind if I do.”