> Day Reigns [Disposal] > by Septia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day Reigns [Disposal] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Reigns Written by Septia. Stepping into the throne-room was stepping onto the surface of the sun. Despite the hallway they had come from being lit, the radiance which met them in the great hall – blazing through the windows overlooking a burning Canterlot – meant they might as well have had their eyes closed up until this point. Flashes from dozens of cameras were all aimed to the rebel leaders, herded towards Daybreaker's throne. Once both the changeling and pegasus leader had been led before the throne, the guards knocked the hilts of their morningstars to the ground, silencing the crowd of media and saluting their queen. “Mnaaaoomph, mmmnf.” In this silence, one sound ruled: the queen's munching. “Ooompnf, mtchaaamf.” The royalty was unphased by everything… except for her feast, a delicately baked camembert with embedded wedges of ricotta. “Mnfaaa,” even as she opened her maw the breath from the sun goddess seared her meal, toasting the rugged chewmarks and boiling the cheese to erupt with bubbles of cream sludge, “mmoopfh,” at the touch of her teeth the surface bent like putty, those flat molars burying into the flesh of the delight and snatched her head backwards to rip the chunk of dairy goo free. -Splluufhtsg- Globules of camembert came to dress her cheeks in a speckled pattern, long vines of goo tying her lips and meal together, until her slurps and gnawing reeled in the hanging ribbons of cheese. Daybreaker's cheeks inflated with her meal, -Chglnnk- -Shllffrth- chews and laps swirling the meal from side to side in her gob, puffing them up as she savoured the dish. “Mmnfa, mmonfh, aawmff… mmnff?” Daybraker spied quizzically onto her guests, levitating the meal wheel aside. “You are here now, then. It must excite you so, a public execution performed by none other than the queen herself,” she punctuated her statement by clamping her mouth around a huge gob of cheese, burying her muzzle in the dairy putty and crunching so fountains of grease doused her face, the menacing demeanour unearthing from the wheel of decorated camembert spoke of malcontent and satisfaction. “Yes. Aah, well no, that is, to say,” the pegasi fumbled, golden mane rustling in their quivers, “we won't, be… a…” The changeling stepped forward. “Storm here means we will not allow your tyranny to hold, you cannot steal our rights, our will to fight or our night.” “Y-yeah, right Chrono,” Storm steeled himself as by Chrono's example and took a deep breath, “we will sto-.” 'How they drone on,' the queen thought, tuning out the pegasi's speech and returning to chomp through her meal. Wads of dairy sliced and churned down from pressure and heat, melting crumbs into blobs on her tongue, oozing down her neck with trails of fat slathered behind them. 'This is immaculate,' she mused in her mind and lapped up drops of ricotta about to spill down her chin. 'How sad you cannot accept I know best for you all, and look where such insubordination brought you.' Each munch squeezed the boiling juices from the meal, soaking and sloshing onto her gums but lasting only a moment before vaporizing into carb-rich steam. -Ssllsh- Droopy dairy moulded by munches, solidified by searing hear and liquidized into chyme. -Ghmmblp- Her swollen cheeks deflated around the cheese, with moist tugs her throat engorged around the lump of masticated meal traversing her gullet, rolling down her neck like a bead through a straw, until it was smothered behind her armour with a moist -Ghwrlsfht-. 'Soon you will all see', she smiled and patted her stomach. -Uhhraaaarrhp- Daybreaker's gas interrupted Storm's speech, a cloud of grey smog pluming past her lips and sprawling out in the throne-room, saturating the air with the odour of cinder and torched lard. In the silence she covered her mouth, -Aoorrrhb- holding back her second belch. “Go on.” Storm gulped and tapped his hooves nervously. “A-aah yes, we still have the upper hoof, Daybreaker, our sister in hooves has already infiltrated, and by now she has already-.” “Unicorn, pink coat, plump little thing by the name of Umbrage?” Daybreaker interjected between carving mounds of cheese out of her baked treat. “Ah… ah… y-yeah.” “Then her and me have already made acquaintance. She was a bit stodgy and tangy, but I have to say…,” with a snicker she tossed the last hunk of the camembert into her maw, a bread-stick jutting out in front, that clasped between her teeth when her jaws shut over the stiff baked good. -Krrchhtrl- When the ivory's closed a resounding crack swiped across the halls – like the fracture of bone – the beige bread turned pink, grease and dairy that decorated her face morphed into a shade of crimson. -Spllfth- The last bite was strong enough to splatter the front row in a gush of scarlet – including the rebel leaders. Daybreaker masticated the last chunk, as reporters scrambled with their equipment. -Ghmgllrk- A bloat trailing down her neck, expanding the white coat around its mangled contours before vanishing into her body. “… She makes an immaculate baked camembert.” ~ 1 ~ Daybreaker stepped off of her throne, swabbing her malicious grin clean of blood. “With my appetite stimulated, I believe it is time to partake in this execution's main course.” Her mane blazed up a clear yellow as her magic hoisted Storm off the ground. “W-wait, Umbrage sh-she you can't, please I never wanted this,” Storm shouted, his wings flailing in resistance, to no avail. Daybreaker smacked into his cheeks with booth hooves, spurring a scream from the pegasus as she surveyed his quality. “Rebel chief rump roast,” she announced and kneaded his bottom, “served rare, and screaming.” His shouts rung out as the queen stuffed his posterior into her maw, lips distorting around the girth of his thighs, the moist brim slapping into his coat to lubricate him with saliva. She hoisted him upwards, parting her jaws to chug down his rear. Her muzzle bending over his cheeks, puffed rotund over his squirming contours. “Please I never wanted this never never I am innocent I'll do anythaayyaang,” his screms grew to shouts as the queen sank her teeth into him. -Jsllghs- Her white daggers stamped into his coat, like a cavalcade of hammers. They bruised his skin, only a few drew blood – despite what the trickle of life-fluids draining down the queen's neck had one believe – the bite tugged him inwards; its purpose not to maim, but to tenderize. “Gyraaanngh, aanngrrg.” “Mmnnfs, aaaomph, mmpfh,” Daybreaker moaned, tongue slurping over his skin, suckling up leaking scarlet and matting him with her heated drool. -Ghmmbllkg- Swallows sent stretches of the pegasus squelching down her maw, her lips wandering past his haunches, scooping up his legs to fold them forwards. -Splsrtch- The embrace of flesh pinning his hooves to his body, all to wrap him up in the hatch of flesh leading down to her gut – her internal sun. “Yough csheem skared,” Daybreaker chimed out with her mouth full, jerking her neck back with a guzzle that bubbled with moisture and crinkled of scorching meat grinding against a fresh cutlet, “chan't anlde thweh 'eat?” she mumbled with half of him contained in her oesophagus, whipping her mane forwards to give Storm a taste of her flame licking over his back. Shouts shot from the pegasus struggling in the clutches of the beast, his back coat scorched to black unlike his usual tan, “Gyyraabg… aaah… c-can't. C-chrono, h-hwelp,” Storm pleaded with tears clutched under his eyes. The changeling could only stare at their leader and friend, ensnared by the queen's maw. She bit and dragged and gulped, -Ghblllbgk- with his body submerging into her gullet. Chrono glared at Storm – who in this moment revoked all that the rebellion had worked for – in both fear and pity. -Oompgh- Storm's back-hooves disappeared along with his chest down the sinkhole of a throat, Daybreaker's gullet bulging with his rear entering the chamber and feeling her humidity draping over his coat like a straitjacket. Her throat-muscles snatched a hold of him, aiding in hauling the morsel into the stove. Her teeth mangled over his shoulders, creaking trembling out through Storm's body, who only whimpered while his bone's laid at her mercy. -Bhllgomp- Her throat bobbed up and down, billowing with the new mass bundling down her oesophagus, the slender, regal neck engorged with the morsel's body. Storm’s contours jiggled when he struggled, but were constantly drained downwards. “Mwnaaf,” Daybreaker parted her maw broad, whipping her head up to lunge Storm's shoulders and head into her maw, displaying his face framed in her throat with hooves twitching for a way free, drool latching onto his face and gumming up his expression of panic, muscles of pink and burgundy convulsing around him. A dash of blood was the cherry on top, whether it was his or Umbrage's undetermined. Here she paused, breath washing over him, as she sauntered from side to side, showing off her maw to the press, letting them get the best angle – the rebel leader framed by her molars with a web of drool connecting his muzzle to the roof of her maw. This way, all at home could witness their hopes being crushed. “I taste fear, the spice you so sorely lacked before,” she mumbled around him, each word leaving him nervous, as the undulation of her throat tugged him deeper, “this should suffice as a lesson.” She cradled the bloat on her gullet, clenching it tight to support him stuck on the cusp of her body, holding him on display just a little longer. “Today, I, your rightful queen, will quench a rebellion,” pausing, she extended her tongue, to then curl it over Storm's face, muffling his pleads and shovelling him down her throat, “as well as my hunger.” -Ghbllkfk- The swallow echoed, bloat dragging down her neck, spanning her skin over its bulk and clasping tight to trace the rebel leader's outlines as he descended. Hills and bumps of hooves, shoulders and head sailing and swelling, caressed and held in her embrace on the journey down. -Ghnnfrllsgh- Till it was smothered in her flesh. “Mmfwr. Mmwffgrh-…” Storm's voice muted under her mass, each lump diminishing and sinking back once it reached her chest. Churns and gurgles erupting from her stomach, bulging outwards with the pegasus body obscured beneath, gurgling with the pattern of a boiling stew, a scream just managed to break through, accompanied by a jostle that left the queen's gullet swinging like a sack of jelly -Bhrplbsrsght-. But that was it. Daybreaker dragged in a breath, and sighed out a stream of steam between her teeth. “Just like the olden times, -Bhuuraaaoop-” her lips trembled in a burp sprinkling the air with specks of humidity and tanned fur. She then huffed with a strained expression. -PBBfrrrthhbth- -Brffrwwwth- Bouts of smog wafted through her hindquarters, pucker belching up grey fog in massive puffs. Fanning through her tail, the gasses ignited in a sparking shower of flames, a torch large enough to lick the ceiling. Heat dispersed as fog over the halls, painting the air with pungent sulphur and ash. Every second was documented by the reporters. “And now, while those two leaders are performing reconnaissance, we are left… with you…,” she proclaimed, eyes homing in on the lone changeling. ~ 2 ~ Her body had claimed him. He could not fathom that this had transpired, but dread infested Storms every muscle and hair. -Ghbrllgsth- The walls undulated and jammed him down the chute of the queen's insides. -Spslh- On the way he received a helping of cheese to cake and glue onto his coat, the touch sending chills down his spine, despite the heat leaving every pour in his body sweating. -Spllugsh- Through peristalsis his body was clenched through the valve to the gut, and what met him in the queen’s oven stung his eyes… Light, blinding radiance consumed him. Storm spotted the lake of liquid heat moments before be plunged into it -Plooughpg-. He shot upwards with a shout tearing through his vocal-cords. “Gyyraaaaabaafh!” Spears of pain burrowed into his hide from all direction, seeping agony through his veins as the sheer mass swarming him battered him like clubs, he stared at his hooves sweltering and oozing out rivers of fluids through crevices burned open in his skin, fur and mane igniting and searing down to his roots, frying the pegasi's skin. Everywhere, permeating his nostrils and oozing from the membrane around him, were the pungent essence of molten sulphur, cinder and sparks. “M-maagma,” he shouted but in the intake of air his throat filled with volcanic exhaust, heat cooking his tongue and ash from his own coat clogging down his oesophagus, plastering wallpaper of fire in the canal of sinew. The chamber were lit by the blazing amber and gold. “Please nhough oughl.” His pleads were degraded to coughs and wheezes as he stomped and rampaged in the basin. Daybreaker's acids ate away at him, scolding his skin crisp like chips and breaking through the brittled surface – like cracks in a frozen lake. Storm felt it first as being cast into a pool of boiling oil till he turned leathery, muscles grasped by the digestion tough to move as if his muscles turned to to latex, after which the piercing fracture that let in the acids were a bridge-nail slammed through his being, opening the way for magma to flood tear and gnaw away further layers on his body, where the process looped. Flapping his wings only fuelled the fire, flames cropping up over his feathers and giving him a wingspan doused in blazes, taken on the guise of a phoenix – but unlike the noble avian, his wingspan sundered. -Kkcrch- Cracks and crumples roared as his wings were toasted like twigs in a furnace, with pops and pangs announcing each feather's departure, with heated shrapnel of fuzz bursting around him. Control of his muscles deteriorated, but he fought on. Kicks became wiggles when his internal fluids coagulated in his veins, flails turned to twitches when his energy siphoned from the boiling corrosion and his screams distorted into gurgles as his body turned heavy, submerging into the blinding bile. Cavities flourished over his form, whole sections of his legs and torso gouged out from his meat like scoops of ice-cream, except instead of the colourful flavours of the frozen treats, his tissue laid black as tar. It was not just smelling or tasting ash and coal, he felt it, becoming it. Globs of the obliterated tissue floated around him in the gut magma, tails of onyx leading back to his wounds where further sinew curled in clumps congealed in the gunk. -Shflgrsh- -Ghrllth- Bile sloshed and the walls undulated, their rhythmic drumming along the pumps of the queen's muscles encasing the pony, sealing every sense off from the outside, while the stinging pricks of floods of needles burrowed and dug through muscles, vessels and bone. Storm had his eyes closed, with hooves tucked close to his body when he sunk below the surface. He didn't dare look at himself, but that was not his decision to make when his eyelids dissolved, fomented by the heat and scorched by the sludge. For a moment, he could make out his hooves in front of him as he screamed. Two stumps coming to a point of exposed bone, even that flakes and chunks were eaten off by the swelter. Coal dark meat cuts warped off his body with a nauseating -Bhglnoufl- peeled away like the skin of a banana or the seeds of a pine-cone. Every tatter of his storm liquefied into specks that coalesced into the oil sludge, nutrients, proteins and fat ready to be segregated and enslaved by Daybreaker. But this vision was brief, as the magma reached his eyes, setting his cornea ablaze and spiralling through his pupil like a sewage drain. A tendril of the very sun itself grazing him with its touch and finding respite within his cranium. Storm cried out a howl of pain, arching his head back over the surface, fleeing, but as his head broke surface, an echo drilled between his ears -Chhkkrtch-. Then again -Ckktch-. In spite of his fear and struggle, when Storm's spine splintered and fell limp, the rest of him followed. His whole form dissolving into tar, in consistency and colour. Splashing down into the acids his head deformed, dark chunks shaved off his face, exposing all the more skull beneath, which caved under the pressure the further it sank, until… -Splkrtp- A pop of a bubble at the surface of the magma infused acids was all that told of Storm's demise. -Bllrfshup- After which, the brew into a bubbling bellow. ~ 3 ~ -Bhrgllpptlt- Chrono felt the currents of the gut shifting as he sunk his hooves into the tyrannical tummy. Its gurgles echoing in the empty bedchamber. “I trust you aren't allowing yourself a break,” Daybreaker informed, at which the changeling hurried back to massage the gut. “If only it were so that all of you would obey me, it would be much less of a bother,” -Bhrglstp- -Brfffppth- a gurgle and burst slipped free as she spoke, tendrils of exhaust wafting soot and fermentation over Chrono's surroundings, “then I could devour and demolish my subjects out of joy, instead of necessity, mmm, melt away not lil' pegasi.” Chrono was quivering in his carapace, yet brave enough to mumble. “Even without our leader, the rebellion shall-.” “Oh please Chrono, your skulduggery is mute against me.” The queen leaned forwards so her bloated belly folded in her lap like a batch of dough. “Who should I believe to be the rebellion's commander? A squeamish paper pusher,” she drove a hoof into her gut, -Bgbwng- -Bghhr- mushing its content in a grind of gruel, “or a member of the special forces?” she turned her gaze to him, flashing a grin. -Pfhhrroofth- Another burst of flatulence bubbled out, tainted in a shade of ochre and stinging the changeling's nose wit tangs of musk and wilt. “Sounds like I have an execution to finish, what better moment to put the 'changeling behind the throne'… back underneath it?” ~ 4 ~ Clicks and snaps from the cameras in the throne-room surrounded Chrono, as he stared up at the queen's flaming flanks. -Pbbfllrrfth- From the parted cheek escaped an emission of miasma, its puttering ringing in his ears for as the seconds passed, and his muzzle faced the brunt of the rotten sulphur. Washed with stink that clung to his hide like grease, the changeling coughed his lungs dry. “Oh what is that? Does the rebellion plead for mercy? Such a shame that they are in for… nasty weather.” -Frrbhrtl- -Ckkrlf- Bouts of smog huffed out and made way for the pucker to distend, seeing its convulsions herald a glob of solid waste through the tunnels. “But in time,” she cackled, “any storm will pass.” -Brgllrnk- With the crinkle of hooves wading through a swamp the remains of the rebellion leader dawned, a deep umber framed by the clutch of the pearl white hind, with each throb leaving the hunk swelling as its girth passed the colon. From the only angle of Daybreaker that gave any shade, the oncoming bulk donned a hue black as coal. In this angle Chrono could make out every fissure sprouted over the filth's surface, separating segments of muck into a pattern of cracked glass. Embedded among crags and fissures laid shards muddled in filth – and what corners jutted free laid scorched or dissolved. The hunk neared Chrono's muzzle, instinctively turning away from it but unable to escape the aura of of mouldy mushrooms toasted on raw cinders radiating from the loaf of manure. The scent wiggled its way through his nostrils and gummed up his nasal hatch with the scent stinging into his flesh. “Turning up your nose as your own friend? What despicable behaviour befitting such a miscreant,” Daybreaker announce so all reporters heard, and grunted with an undertone of satisfaction, her hatch bloating open with a breeze of bowel mists -Frbrffth-, easing the way for the mulch to barrel through -Splgtstght-. Filth curled onto his face with a slap of moist clay, sludge plastering to his forehead and stamping him with the heat fresh from the furnace. Its size eclipsed his hoof in width with a density loose enough to mould in onto the curves of his head with a putter of gruel as air-pockets popped against him -Sprflscrlfth-. Butt sludge oozed from the queen's rear to curl and mush onto Chrono's face, Daybreaker gyrating her hips to bend the pillar of umber, coiling it onto her living toilet-seat. Malodour clutched him in its tart grip, every pock in the muck soaking him in pungency and torching his senses with a pepper filled vinaigrette. -Bhruop- “Ah, he was a scrumptious hunk of stallion, shall we see if you appreciate his taste as much?” she contemplated while shifting her rear forwards, the loaf winding over Chrono's muzzle and wedged into the magically parted maw. His tastebuds revolted when the chubby sausage caked them in filth, stale like coal but invasive like a botched chilly. Sludge sloughed past his lips no matter the struggle, bundling up and melting in his maw into a black pudding, straining not only his smell but his cheeks as the column billowed from the queen's bottom with no signs of abruption. Unlike the tough mulch with a bark like texture caking over his face into a mask of dung, this stuffing his maw was a bile creamy like custard, congealed into a cinder flavoured phlegm. Chrono feeling himself clogging up with the molten slag disgorged from the queen's inner furnace. “Really, it is impressive for a drone to climb his way up to the position of my portable outhouse mnnghn,” Daybreaker paused as she passed a fat slab of mulch, creaking past her rim with streams of gasses whistling through the cracks -Fbbrfth-. -Gklgsph- The hunk slammed down, cramming the heap stacked up in Chrono's mouth and clogging his windpipe until his throat gave in and invited the bile inside. -Ghllfbk- His neck ballooned outwards as his cheeks deflated over the bile in a swallow. The atmosphere took on a humidity foraged from the foulest depths of Daybreaker's chambers. Coughs and wheezes tossed from his oesophagus before another slug of chubby dung snaked its way to his lips once more, slathering his flesh with layers of sun baked mud. Daybreaker cackled. “Ahaha, Just look how dutifully he chugs down the royal sewage, shame I have enjoyed such a grand meal, or I would be tempted to keep you.” -Pbbfrrth- A cloud reeking of sulphur and caramelized camembert drenched the air around Chrono. Through the mask of muck he spied the dung chute above engorging, mounds of fudge broader than his head plummeted forth. -Chhrllgsh- It slammed into his maw – like fitting a cucumber down an all-too-thin funnel. This did not stop the flow, behemoths of creamy manure tangled and globbed over his head, smothering under a carpet of dung that curled and slithered to reach down his body. Chunks split across their crevices from the pressure, but the amount hauling out compacted and weaved the lengths of mud together, the carpet of regal caramel encasing the changeling, as it melded and sprawled past his torso. -Sflllptsh- Her pucker polished the mulch she unloaded over the fidgeting toilet, their consistency mellowing out to mimic cookie batter, folds of dung bloating and forming from hunks barging down on one another, drooping down the heap of sludge in droves like molten lard. In the light of the halls and flashes of enthusiastic camera's the manure glistened in a concoction hued in soot and umber, decorated with lumps of cracked bone sinking into the mess. Chrono's hooves still laid twitching, jutting out from the sides of the thawing mountain of gunk above, even as they were claimed by the advancement of brown fudge, dunes sloughing form like hooves dragging him into the tomb. ~ 5 ~ -Pbggffrth- “There we have them, permission is given to snap a shot of their best side, while they are still fresh,” Daybreaker announced to the eager journalist ponies. Yet, soon her focused turned to Chrono’s rear-hooves, who lay wriggling like a pair of worms. She scoffed out a chuckle, and bent down to grind her flank onto them. “The mettle of this one is remarkable, such a display deserves recompense.” The mare's chalk white rim throbbed as she smushed them to the hooves, bulging over their girth, -Chhrlslth- crinkling as the mulch provided lubricant for them to crawl over the legs of the changeling. -Bhlslgh- -Bhsl- Throbs of the soggy flesh ground over the jet-black legs, tugging him from the pile in its gluttony. -Shhvltsh- The mound shifted and crumbled down by half a hooflenght – like a forgotten soufflé – as the groundwork of the mountain was hauled out. -Gllsrht- The brim swelled over Chrono's cheeks, Daybreaker stifling a moan as her hips swelled to accommodate his tush, submerging it behind her buttocks. Domes inflated down the queen's abdomen, over her coat vague impressions formed from the hooves swallowed by the hefty posterior. With a thrust she unearthed the changeling from the mulch, Chrono hanging from her hind and coughing up wads of mulch, as the undulating tugs from the pucker hoisted him deeper, jamming his up the oven's bowels and sandwiching his chest between the rising sun-buns. “Mmmnf, you are suit well stuffed up my gutters, there should be some scraps left of your friends for you to clean up.” Her rear bounced as she bobbed it along with the slurps of her colon, funnelling Chrono down the gape of flesh shuffling over his body, bending to fit his form and smearing out the clots of mush still clinging to his body from the pile. -Thhcpugh- All until his head bumped up to the brim, a cork to her bottle, his resistance growing with the swaying abdomen jostling below the queen, lumps forming from his kicks and deflating as her elastic flesh constrained him. “Chhgglh, cllagh,” Chrono coughed with the convulsion of the chute creeping over his head, framing his face like a hunting trophy betwixt the regal hams, which Daybreaker held parted so the audience would not miss the view. He gasped for air, even as the choker of meat thrummed and kneaded colon oils over his head. “Y-you… are a heartless m-maroommppfh-.” Interrupted by the pucker budding over his muzzle, Chrono was silenced as the nozzle warped over his head, swallowing him up behind the ring of clashing flesh. The queen smirked as the distorted doughnut bulge retracted, scoffing the changeling into the hold of her bowels. “How come? I must ask,” she spoke in a maternal tone, her rim swelling for a putter of -Bpprfbbfrrth- to douse her bowels and waft the air with the stench of boiling copper and dairy, her rotund belly responding with ripples from the morsel's squirms, “I am not the pony breaking the rules.” Those last words she directed to the swarm of reporters, her gaze as well as her message burning through the lenses and glaring at every subject throughout her kingdom.