> To The King Go The Spoils > by The Masketta Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Usurper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snowy winds howled around the tower, signaling the onset of winter. Not that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza could feel it from her lofty prison cell.  It wasn’t intended to be a prison cell, but it was here she had been stuck after the Crystal Empire had fallen, and the war had begun. The room was large, with plenty of ornate furniture and decor, bookcases filled with all kinds of literature, and every day she was given very lavish meals by the guards.  But a prison was still a prison, even if the walls were, quite literally, made of diamond. The worst part was not her confinement to these cells.  The worst part was seeing the crystal ponies, once willing servants of the Empire at her behest, being forcibly converted into mindless slaves. Such as her own husband. When the city had fallen, and Sombra marched into the throne room with several of his brainwashed soldiers behind him, her Shining Armor had valiantly tried to defend her, but was soundly defeated, hit with the spell that grew magic-blocking crystals in his horn, before he turned the spell on her as well. It had been over four months since she had last felt the warm touch of magic… But after Shining had been defeated, Sombra had been quick to stick one of those horrible metal masks on him.  And in only a few short moments, her Shining Armor was gone, replaced by the drone that led Sombra’s army. No matter how many times she thought of his fate, it never failed to elicit a small sob from her.  How cruel was he? But before she had any time to ponder that question, everything around her vanished in a flash of red light.  With a gasp of surprise, she found herself dumped out on a hard surface, with frigid air swirling around her. Sputtering as she tried to inhale the cold air, Cadance raised her head and looked around.  She was at the very top of the Crystal Spire, at the place that Sombra had once hidden the Crystal Heart so many years ago. And Sombra himself was staring at her, the smile of a cat that had its prey cornered on his face. “Canterlot has fallen, Cadenza,” he announced, stepping toward her.  “Equestria, at long last, is mine.” “No, that can’t be true,” she growled defiantly.  “Celestia and Luna would never allow you to win!” “Without the Elements of Harmony, they were powerless to stop me,” he gloated, continuing to step toward her as she tried to step away.  A quick flash of red light bound manacles around her hooves, chaining her to her spot on the floor. “In times of old, when they had wielders, they were more than a match for me, but the Elements remain hidden away, without bearers to wield them.  And Canterlot fell, without anything that could hope to challenge me.” Cadance shook her head in disbelief.  No, that simply could not be true. It was impossible. “And now that I have claimed my victory,” his smile widened, and Cadance felt a chill go through her, “I am here to claim the spoils.” She tried to leap away, but the chains caught her, preventing her from making any sort of movement. Before she could mount any other defense, he was behind her, and then above her.  Tall as he was, she barely had to bend her knees for him to stand above her. But she tried to escape, only for the manacles to hold her in place. Not even her earth pony strength could save her, blocked by the magic crystals. Something brushed her lower lips, teasing her clit as it did so. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized what it was. “N-no,” she tried to wrestle away.  “No, I have a husband!” she protested. “A mindless drone,” Sombra reminded her.  “By my right as the victor in this war, I claim you, my trophy, as my wife.” “I will not!  No!” she yelled, trying in vain to break free. “If you will not submit willingly, you will be turned,” he growled. And before Cadance could react, a cold metal mask was fastened to her face with Sombra’s magic. “No!” she cried, though it was muffled by the mouth covering. At once, she felt magic start to worm its way into her mind.  Using the lessons taught to her by Celestia, she tried to put up iron defenses around her mind.  The probes would gain nothing from her! Sombra let out a deep chuckle. “You have spirit, Cadenza.  But it is wasted.” He reared back, his erect penis sliding along her clit again and eliciting a whimper from her.  But before she could block out the sensation, she felt the flat head press against her lips. “Nn-no…” she muffled, but then he thrust inside.  “AAAAH!” she screamed as he pushed all the way in.  Her mental defenses crumbled, and the probes pushed in, seizing control. Sombra, to his credit, did not move.  Instead, he simply relished the feeling of the young alicorn’s vagina clenching around his stallionhood like a vice.  Had Shining Armor truly never bedded his own wife? What a shame. Cadance continued to let out pathetic whimpers beneath him, shivering from the cold as she did so.  With a sigh, his horn shone red, and a wave of red magic pushed the cold away, leaving the top of the spire feeling like a typical room.  It would not do for his new wife to freeze to death. “How do you feel, Cadenza?” he asked. “I feel… lightheaded,” she responded in a distant voice.  “Something’s… wrong…” “Just relax, my dear,” he commanded.  “The mask makes painful memories go away.” “Uh… uh-huh,” she nodded weakly. “I’m going to start moving now,” he then said, after another moment had passed.  Cadance said nothing, but before Sombra could start, the mask came free, leaving Cadance below him, the whites of her eyes glowing a bright green, and a lustful expression on her face. “And how do you feel now?” he asked, the satisfied smile returning. “I feel… good.  I feel good, Lord Sombra,” she replied, a dreamy smile crossing her face. “Excellent.  I am going to start moving now,” Sombra said. “Yes… yes, please,” Cadance closed her eyes and bit her lower lip in anticipation. So he did.  He reared back, and just as roughly as before, he thrust in, hilting himself within her, her vagina clamping down yet again as he did so. “Mmm!” she sighed.  “Yes…” All of the war he had fought had led up to this.  Now, he was truly taking his prizes. Disappointingly, he felt himself nearing his peak far too soon. “I’m cumming, Cadenza,” he whispered into her ear.  Cadance’s expression shifted to pure and total rapture at his words. “Yes, yes!  Inside me!” she begged.  “Please!” “Here… it… comes!” he shouted, before pushing in as far as he could, and letting loose.  Rope after rope of his semen was ejaculated into her, filling her with warmth and the love of her King. But Sombra was not done.  All of that for so quick a session?  Please. He continued to use the young alicorn for several hours.  Each time, lasting longer and longer, and cumming more and more.  It wasn’t long until a puddle of their juices had formed at her hooves.  Not long after that, he thrust so far within her, he pierced her deepest barrier, flooding her womb directly, and causing her belly to grow and grow to accommodate all of his seed. And once it had been pierced, it was easy to do it again… and again… and again. All the while, the defiled Princess moaned and cried with each successive orgasm. “YES!  Fill me!  Fill me with your love, my King!” she screamed as he shot a load within her yet again, some time past the three hour mark. But that proved to be the last of his stamina for the day.  With a tired sigh, he fell limp on her back, noticing for the first time that her eyes had returned to their former white selves, but there was a definite heart shape glowing faintly from within them.  His magic had been firmly planted, and had taken root during their sex. She was forever his, now. “We had best clean you up, Cadenza,” he breathed.  “It would not do… for you to be so filthy… at our wedding.” “I have waited my whole life for this day,” she sighed dreamily, happily bearing his weight and relishing the cum within her, even as some of it trickled out without his cock to plug up her well-used vagina..  “I am yours, my King.” On hearing those words, Sombra smiled to himself.  His mind control mask was a success, even against the alicorns. One down, one to go. Ten months later, they were atop the spire again.  Cadance had no manacles this time, but on her horn, just under the black crystals forever growing there, was a golden ring.  The visible marker that she belonged to someone, and no one else. Another marker grew within her belly, swollen with the colt growing within, the product of her’s and King Sombra’s love. Cadance could remember very little from her time before she became Sombra’s wife, and even then, it was all very faint and hazy.  And she didn’t want to remember before. But she remembered reading something somewhere about how the more love was poured into her, the stronger her foal would be. And so she took every opportunity she could. Even though her husband was often in Canterlot, whenever he was in the Empire, she made sure to spend several hours with him, rutting away and eking out every last drop of his cum, so that their child would grow up healthy and strong, just like his father. With a powerful thrust within her, her senses were returned to the moment, and she moaned as Sombra pounded away.  Her backside had to be red underneath all of her fur from how hard he was hitting it with his hips. “The spell worked far better on you than I could ever have hoped,” he observed, taking a chunk of her mane in his teeth and pulling, eliciting a cry from her as she orgasmed yet again.  She had grown to have a hair-trigger peak over the last several months, something that amused him greatly. “You think of nothing my your King.” “Nothing, nothing but you,” she repeated, already thrusting against him again to orgasm again. “I thought it would take years to remove the last vestiges of your old self from you,” he continued, thrusts growing more erratic as he grew closer and closer.  “But you submitted completely, and now, you are mine.” “I’m yours,” she sighed, bliss crossing her face as she said it.  “Now and forever, my King.” With a growl, he hilted within her, his cock flaring and his seed shooting inside of her.  At the feeling of it, she let out a happy moan and pushed against him, hoping to contain it all. “I can’t wait till he’s born,” she cooed, sliding a hoof across her pregnant belly.  “With how much love you’ve poured into me, he’s going to be such a strong colt.” “A worthy heir to my throne,” Sombra agreed, thrusting lightly into her again, earning a quiet gasp.  “But he is not the end.” “No,” agreed Cadance. “You will bear me more offspring, Cadenza.” “Yes, I will bear as many foals as you desire, my King,” a dopey smile spread across her face as she envisioned it.  If he asked her to bear fifty, she would gladly bear them, and fifty more. If she was asked to fuck every stallion in the Crystal Legion, she would.  Anything for her King He was her world. Now and forever. > The Fallen Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to the cell opened with a loud metallic screech.  When these dungeons had been her’s, every prisoner was kept in moderate comfort, which meant that there was privacy and no disturbances.  Equestria, after all, had been a land of weakness when she had reigned. But gone were those days.  Now were the days of Sombra. Two masked and fully-armored guardsponies, with green-glowing slits for eyes trotted forward, completely ignoring the discomfort of the prisoner kept within these deepest depths of Canterlot Castle, and attached manacles to her forelegs, the cold and unyielding iron clamping down with a loud clank!, and keeping her from moving them too far apart.  No sooner had they attached them to her front hooves than two more clamped down on her back hooves as well. Even though Princess Celestia was powerless, with the black Inmanipulon crystals sprouting from her horn cutting her off from her earth pony strength and her power of flight in addition to her unicorn magic, she did have centuries of experience as a fighter, and no chances were to be taken, by order of the King. If she hadn’t been awake when they had trotted into the dank cell, she was now, squinting as her eyes adjusted to the meager light. “Where are you taking me?” the former princess asked softly, trying to keep her voice as even as possible. Her guards said nothing, ever silent in their duty.  Celestia felt her heart go out to them. They had once been common ponies, but when Sombra had emerged from the Crystal Empire with an army of brainwashed ponies, kept under control by those savage masks, he had made sure to forcibly conscript a large enough portion of the citizenry in addition to every one of the survivors from her army to ensure that the only ponies who could even hope to rise up would be inexperienced and overwhelmed very quickly. “Oh Minuette, Twinkleshine, I’m so sorry,” she whispered, feeling a tear trickle out of her eye.  “What monstrous things has he made you do? What is he forcing you to do today?” Minuette and Twinkleshine, concealed beneath the masks but recognizable by the fur not covered by the armor, said nothing as ever.  Instead, they simply led her out of the prison, out into the castle that had once belonged to her, and through the halls she knew thrice over. Luna had been fortunate.  She had escaped, fleeing to who knows where when defeat was certain.  Celestia hoped she had made it to Mount Aris, or even better, across the sea into the Griffon Empire to safety.  Either way, it was a certainty that she had not been captured. Sombra would have gloated to Celestia’s face if she had. Just as he had gloated that there was no victory for her.  There were no Elements of Harmony this time. She had been forced to banish the shadow within Luna herself, she had been forced to imprison Discord in stone just as soon as he had been released.  She had even been forced to decimate the Changeling army herself when Shining Armor and Cadance had failed. But without the Elements, she and Luna were powerless to stop Sombra. With a sharp yank, she was pulled sideways, into a room that had once been simply a normal guest bedroom for visiting dignitaries.  Now, however, she didn’t want to know what Sombra’s sinister purpose for this room was. The room itself was rather bare, with no windows or furniture of any kind, and only a magical light keeping the room lit.  Her escorts tossed her inside, without a caring ear to her yelp of pain as she was unable to land properly, and shut the door behind her. Celestia nursed her hurt leg-- it wasn’t a serious injury by any means, but it stung-- while she waited.  Sombra had her here for some sinister purpose, she knew it. And she didn’t want to even consider what it could be. Not long after Minuette and Twinkleshine had left, the door opened to reveal somepony else. It was a lavender mare that Celestia recognized as Prince Shining Armor’s younger sister Twilight Sparkle.  One of a few mares that, rather curiously, had never earned a cutie mark. Unlike Minuette and Twinkleshine, she wore no armor or mask.  But the whites of her eyes glowed a sickly shade of green. Whatever the mare had been before Sombra’s invasion, she was mindless now, a slave to Sombra’s will. Her eyes stared blankly forward as she strode into the room, before looking down at her.  It was unnerving to see zero acknowledgement or emotion in them, even as she bent down and undid the chain binding her back legs together, but leaving her front hooves restrained. “That will be enough, slave,” came a deep, carrying voice. Twilight Sparkle retreated, not even reacting when being called.  She strode right past Sombra, out the door, and resumed whatever duties she had been given.  Sombra watched her go, before his red magic shut the door behind him, leaving the two of them alone. “Curious, don’t you think?” he asked, returning his gaze to her’s, meeting her glare with his smug, satisfied smile.  “A mare her age with no cutie mark. Perhaps it played a role in how quickly I was able to indoctrinate her. Every mare with a cutie mark has lasted far longer.  But six mares without them all took no more than a few minutes for their will to break, and for them to become mine.” Celestia said nothing, continuing to simply glare at him. “My masks can do many things with their wearers’ minds,” Sombra continued, his curved horn glowing red and one suck mask appearing, with black spikes of metal protruding from the back like a mane.  “But I simply prefer to wrest control. Once I have subjugated enough ponies, I can remove the mask and allow them their minds back. And they will be too broken to rebel.” He was clearly expecting some kind of response from her, but she gave no ground. “But it is such a crude invention,” he sighed, setting the mask down.  “And that way will not work on a pony as powerful as you. No, for that, I need something more powerful.  Something that will last longer, and ensure you stay unable to resist.” His horn glowed again, and she felt herself be lifted off the ground and hang in the air for several seconds, before she was set back down once more, this time with something spreading her legs. She looked down to see that Sombra was lying on his back, with her sitting on his legs, and his erect penis standing tall right before her. Unbidden, she felt a wave of revulsion rise in her, and she made a face, something Sombra chuckled at. “You… you disgust me,” she spat. “Tell me, my dear, are the rumors true?” he asked, his voice lowering conspiratorially.  “Are you truly still a virgin? After all of these years.” She pursed her lips and said nothing, but he guffawed all the same. “Clearly an affirmative,” he remarked as his mirth died down.  “Very well. Allow me to show you why other ponies love it so. Not that you’ll be able to remember what it was like before.” Before wha--?  Oh. Oh goddesses above, no… But the king’s horn glowed red again, and faster than she could react, the mask was thrust onto her face, binding itself to her and submerging her into darkness, even as her forehooves started to push it off. No!  No, get it off! I belong to Sombra.  I belong to Sombra. A voice, very clearly not her own, had started to sound in her head, repeating the message over and over. But… who is Sombra? She tried to remember.  It seemed so important! If it was so important, why would she forget…? I belong to Sombra. Why… do I feel so scared? I belong to Sombra. Who… who AM I? Something lingered on the edge of her memory, someone… close?  A sibling? Yes, a sibling! Luna! She was her sister! “Oh, you fight it.  Impressive, Celestia, impressive.  But it is hopeless.” She was lifted up a few inches, and she felt something press against her vagina. What is that?  And why does it feel so… good? I belong to Sombra. And then she was pulled down, the hard thing pushing into her, filling her mind with a burst of white light as pleasure shot up her spine.  The pony she had been thinking of a moment ago, whatever her name was, disappeared. I belong to Sombra. I… belong to Sombra? She was lifted up, and she felt a hole, an emptiness within her as the object inside of her started to pull out. No, no I want that. “Yes,” the voice said, a comforting voice.  It was deep, and it was powerful. “You belong to me.  Relax, and let the voice speak to you. Accept its truth.” Accept its truth?  I belong to him? Then he is Sombra. I belong to Sombra. And he is the one who fills that emptiness, she thought as she was pulled back down, the hole inside of her being filled and pleasure making her moan. I belong to Sombra. Yes, yes if he is the one who makes me full… I belong to him. I belong to Sombra. I belong to Sombra. I belong to Sombra. The refrain was joined with her own voice. Something still felt wrong, though.  Something… what was Equestria? She felt the name was important to her, but it eluded her.  Whatever it was, it mustn’t have been that important, or she would have remembered it. I belong to Sombra. She was lifted up, and brought back down, the pleasure surging through her again, and she moaned even louder. I BELONG TO SOMBRA! The mask fell away, allowing her to see Sombra.  She was staring down at him, as he smiled up at her.  His smile made her smile, but the thing inside of her was thrust upward again, causing her tongue to loll out of her mouth as she moaned yet again. “An expression hardly befitting the Princess of Equestria,” Sombra said, before thrusting up again, this time eliciting a cry from her.  “The memory wipe is very evidently complete. Tell me, Celestia, how do you feel?” “More…” she whispered as he thrust inside of her again.  “More, please…” “You dare demand more from me?” he asked, his voice turning harsh. She winced.  How could she have been so stupid?  She belonged to him. A good slave did the work. “Yes, that’s it,” Sombra said, encouragingly.  “Ravish my cock, deep inside of you. And get used to it, Celestia.  You will ravish it often.” A feeling of fulfillment washed over her.  This was her purpose. She was to bring pleasure to Sombra.  He could make her feel this good, so he deserved her best effort. With that motivating thought, she stopped letting him do all of the thrusting, and instead started meeting his thrusts with her own, desperately trying to bring him the same pleasure he was bringing her. “Are… are you… ready, Celestia?” grunted Sombra, gritting his teeth. Deep within her, Celestia felt the thing start to expand. “Here… it… comes!” Warmth shot into her, hitting deep inside her womb and sending waves of pleasure across her body.  The feeling of Sombra’s pleasure within her sent her over an edge, and she cried out, her thighs clamping around his legs as she rode him into her own orgasm, her juices spilling out around his cock as it shot his seed deep within her. For an eternity, she relished the feeling of his warmth, even as his cock shrunk, leaving her with that same emptiness, but he had promised to fill her often, and so she was not sad. And neither was he, as he got up and adjusted his armor, cape, and crown, his cock retreating into its sheath.  His armor shone in the light of the room, and she was able to see herself in it. Her eyes had the same green glow his did, making her smile.  She truly did belong to him. “I will see you again soon, Celestia,” he promised, opening the door.  “My guards will deliver your food and take you to relieve yourself until you have proven you truly belong to me.  But there will be many opportunities to test that.” Celestia felt a happy feeling well up in her.  She would prove that she was his and his alone. In just a few short days, she had proven beyond a doubt that she truly was his.  As the King thrust into her again, and as she happily met his thrusts with her own, she let out a shameless moan as she felt the head of his cock flare out for the third time that day. “You used to be a proud and dignified ruler,” Sombra said, as his thrusts started to become more and more jerky.  “And now look at you. Moaning like a whore in heat.” Celestia neither knew nor cared what she used to be.  What mattered now was the meat inside of her. “NGH!” grunted Sombra, shooting another load inside of her.  It was the fourth time of this session, and it caused the remnants of his previous rounds to leak out, dripping onto the floor in a messy puddle.  She had truly improved, and she hoped that he was pleased. But more importantly, his seed was bearing fruit.  As she rode out an orgasm of her own, she trailed a hoof along her belly.  The bulge there now was from all of the cum he was unloading into her, but soon, perhaps in as little as a month or two, there would be no doubt that she would be carrying their child. Tears of joy leaked out of the corners of her eyes, which had faded back to white only a few days before, as she thought of holding the King’s own son with her in her hooves in a year’s time. Sombra withdrew from her, causing a gush of cum to fall out of her, landing with a wet splat! on the ground.  While Celestia would happily lean down and eat it all right off of the floor, their tryst had left her exhausted, and she could not risk their child being harmed by sickness. “Be seeing you, Celestia,” Sombra smiled down at her as she cradled her belly and began to fall asleep. And ten months after that, as the date of their child’s birth drew closer and closer, Sombra visited her more and more.  Even as her belly swelled with the life within her, that did nothing to dissuade his visits. “Ah!” Or the strength of his thrusts. “Yes, please!” Celestia cried as he pushed deep inside of her. “I cannot wait for the birth of our foal, Celestia,” Sombra said, thrusting again before she could prepare and letting out a loud smack! as his hips collided with her rear.  “Imagine, the product of your magical power and my own… it would be the strongest pony ever to live, don’t you think?” “Yes!  Anything for you, my king!” Celestia yelled, trying to reach her peak as she drove herself downward again and again, trying to coax him to his own peak.  She so desperately wanted them to cum together. “Anything, you say?” he asked, before letting out a soft grunt. “Yes, anything!” “Good,” Sombra grinned.  “We shall have a ceremony.  A grand ceremony for our foal’s birth.” “That sounds… ngh!... wonderful,” she whimpered.  She was so close… almost there… “Our foal will be raised to be the most powerful sorcerer in all of Equestria!” “Y-yes, but not as powerful as you-- ah!” She felt it flare inside of her again, and prepared herself to accept his seed.  Just a few more… “Yes!  Take it!” Sombra roared, unleashing himself inside of her for yet another time in a countless line of sessions.  “All of it!” “Yes!  YES!” Celestia screamed, her walls clamping down around his cock as she also came, throwing her head back with a shriek of delight. As with every time, it could have lasted forever.  She wanted it to! But alas, it could not. “And after our foal’s birth…” Sombra slipped out once more, looking down at her as she curled up on the ground, cradling her very pregnant belly, “you shall bring this pleasure to every stallion who desires.” “E… every stallion?” her eyes widened.  She longed to please Sombra alone, but if she could bring this pleasure to everyone… “Yes,” Sombra nodded, an evil grin spreading across his face.  “A fate specially chosen for you, Celestia. Think of all the foals you will father.” “But… what of you?” she asked, feeling a small tear trickle out of her eyes. “You belong to me,” Sombra reminded her.  “And I will never let you go. But you must do this.  This is your purpose. A common whore, for any stalion to rut, and to defile.” “Yes, yes, I understand,” Celestia felt the warmth of fulfillment spread within her.  If the king declared it her purpose, she would do it to the best of her ability. “I will do it, my King!” And so she did.  After the ceremony of the birth of their filly, Celestia was turned over to every pony who had pledged their loyalty to Sombra.  For the rest of her days, she was used and abused by any stallion who desired her, taking their seed, bearing foals that the King would take, and bringing pleasure to the masses. As Sombra stood on the balcony of his castle, watching the princess take cock after cock from six stallions today, he felt a satisfied smile creep up. “Where you belong,” he whispered quietly, before returning inside of his castle, and preparing to go and meet his newest prisoner. > The Time-Traveller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spike, hurry!” Spike ran as fast as his legs could carry him, trying to make for the crystal map, only a few meters away.  An explosion of energy went off above his head, tossing him forward, where he landed with a groan. “Hang on!” shouted Twilight Sparkle, taking to the sky to give him cover. Blasts of magic flew over her head as she weaved her way in and around the volleys of energy being thrown at her by the crowd of armored ponies slowly marching toward them.  One of them grazed her wing, making her hiss with pain, but she ignored it, sending a few bursts right back at the crowd, which were marching in perfect formation toward her. Another beam lanced just under her, narrowly missing Spike’s head as he continued to run, not paying attention to the blasts coming from behind him. Got to get them off of him, she thought, flying down between Spike and the soldiers. Magenta light shone from her horn, and a great shield flared into life around them as Twilight flew down to his side, with Starlight’s magic scroll What had happened in this future?  Starlight Glimmer’s meddling had changed everything!  She had seen the world in which the ponies were at war, seen the world the Changelings had taken over, seen Nightmare Moon’s world and Tirek’s, Discord’s, even Flim and Flam’s, but this one was in a whole new league. “I’m here!  Twilight! Activate the spell!” Spike shouted from atop the map. A pounding in her head prevented her from responding as the armored ponies continued to strike at the shield. “On my way,” she growled, forcing the shield to stay active.  The sooner they were out of here, the better. Her shield couldn’t take much more. As she leapt atop the table, her magic conjuring the scroll and ready to activate the spell, the shield was broken.  One particularly powerful blast had caught it at a point of weakness. “Hurry!” yelled Spike, gazing over her barrel with fear as the armored ponies approached. Twilight unfurled the scroll, the magic activating, the energy beginning to whirl around them, and the portal opening above them. Go!  Now! she thought to herself as Spike leapt up at the portal, the energy from it pulling him in instantly.  With a powerful flap of her wings, she shot forward-- ...but the portal suddenly closed, leaving her flying through the air. “Wha--?” she whirled around, still acutely aware of the fact that she was under attack, and thus had no time to sit and stare.  Where had the portal gone? A sudden feeling of heat got her attention, and, with dawning horror, she looked down at the scroll with Star Swirl the Bearded's spell, to find that a hole had been shot through it, and the parchment was aflame. “No!” she yelped, her magic shining and a quick time spell reversing it.  The flames were extinguished, the parchment was reformed, and it was whole again. It’s a good thing I kept that time spell around, she thought to herself, her horn shining again as she activated the spell once more.  Come on, come on… The cutie map blazed with energy once more, as she flew down.  She had to time it just right to prevent another spell from ruining it. Something struck her right in the chest as she flew down.  With a cry, she felt herself plummet the few remaining meters down to the ground, landing roughly in a patch of dirt. Ow… she thought painfully, struggling to her hooves as quickly as she could.  Need to… get… out of… here. It was only a few yards away.  She just had to get to it… The map was still blazing with energy, the portal was open.  She could see Cloudsdale on the other side. But as she started to gallop toward the map, a spell hit her yet again.  But unlike the previous spell, this wasn’t intended to knock her out of the air. Instead, Twilight felt something cut off her magic.  With a crackling sound, black crystals broke through the curls of her horns, just as they had for Shining Armor in her own world. “No…” she grunted, pushing even harder to get to the portal.  Shining had taught her how to remove the black crystals, but she wouldn’t be able to do it with these soldiers bearing down on her. But as soon as her magic had been cut off, the cutie map had started to lose its energy.  The portal slowly started to close as energy was dispersed from it. “No!” she shouted, sprinting toward it as fast as she could. But another spell hit her, sending her toppling sideways. No… With a groan, she got to her hooves, just in time to see the portal close completely.  The cutie map reverted to its red coloration, inert once more. Before she had any time to try and find a solution, the armored ponies had caught up to her, surrounding her and pointing their spears threateningly at her. With no other choice, she knelt down and raised her hooves in surrender. It was over.  She had been captured. Twilight was dragged to the top of the tallest tower in Canterlot Castle.  As she had been led through the town, everywhere she looked, she saw desolation.  Houses were in shambles, cadres of armored guards patrolled the streets, and it looked nothing like the town in her own world. What happened here? she wondered.  The armor was easy enough to recognize.  This was the same armor Sombra’s legions had worn in the first world she had visited.  Was this a world he had conquered? A tug at the chain around her neck got her moving again.  She hadn’t realized she had stopped. All she had to do was comply until there was a window of opportunity to escape.  Thanks to her spell, and any attempt at time travel meaning she could just go back to exactly the same spot Spike had been sent to, all she had to do was wait for the right opportunity to rid herself of these Inmanipulon crystals and escape, and everything would be alright. Through the familiar halls of Canterlot Castle, up to the tallest tower, and then stuck within manacles that left her in an awkward, tilted sideways position.  One leg’s manacles were strung through a pulley, no doubt meant to hoist its occupant up, but her opposite leg was kept anchored to the ground. Her front two legs were also ground-anchored, as was her neck.  Her wings were clamped down as well, but with the Inmanipulon, that was hardly necessary, since she couldn’t fly. Twilight sighed patiently, letting them chain her in, but she knew they would be gone soon, and she could begin her work. Sure enough, as soon as she was fastened in, her leg hoisted to an unnatural and very uncomfortable position, the guards that had chained her up left the room, leaving her all alone. Fortunately, removing Inmanipulon was something that could be quick and painless, and all she needed to do was redirect her magic away from her horn, wings, and hooves, elsewhere in her body to slowly push the dark magic sustaining the crystals within her. It was slow work, but she manipulated the mana within her, slowly worming it around and slicing off the threads of dark energy that kept the crystals anchored to her horn and kept her natural magical pathways blocked. “Almost… there…” she grit her teeth as she severed some more of the energy strings... Until… “Yes!” she cheered to herself, having severed the last threads of energy inside of her.  In short order, the black crystals fell away and the nexus of dark energy dissipated, leaving her body able to enjoy the light and warmth of magic once again. “But before she had a chance to teleport away, something hit her in the small of her back, right between her wings. With a cry, she felt the magic fade from her again, black crystals once again sprouting from her horn.  “No, no, no!” “A valiant effort,” came a deep voice from behind her, and she turned her head to see her guest, “but ultimately wasteful.” Standing there in his armor, with his fur-trimmed red cape and silver crown, was Sombra.  He looked no different in this world than he did in her own, with the streams of dark energy trailing from his eyes, and the fangs in his teeth. “So, you are the mysterious, time-traveling alicorn,” he said, pacing around her to inspect her. “How did you find out about that?” she demanded. “My guards have told me everything,” Sombra shrugged.  “A crystal table that appeared out near where Ponyville stands, and a tale of you sending a young dragon through a portal.  There is that, and there is the fact that another you currently serves on my staff, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight’s eyes widened for a moment, but she dismissed the surprise.  Of course, there would be another version of her. “It stands to reason that you would be so different from the Twilight Sparkle of this world due to a chance in the past.  Some even that took place-- or didn’t-- in your time. But an alicorn… now that is unexpected.” He stopped in front of her, meeting her eyes with his own. “In fact, I find that this appearance by you… is fate.” “How do you figure?” Twilight asked, feeling a small amount of uncertainty within her. “You see, I have only finished conquering this land,” he resumed his pacing around her.  “I almost was disappointed when I did. There was nothing left to rule, as far as Equestria was concerned.  Perhaps more lands. The Zebrican continent, or perhaps Griffonia. But even then, the worlds to rule would run out eventually.” He stopped behind her, and to her horror, he felt him lean close to her ear. “All of that has now been opened to me again,” he said quietly into her ear.  “Thanks to you, alicorn. So I extend to you the hoof of friendship. Join me.  Show me the way to use your spell. Open these other worlds to me, that I may conquer them, and I will make you the most powerful mare.  You can even rule by my side.” “No,” Twilight replied firmly.  “I’ll never help you conquer Equestria, or any other world.  I came back in time to restore the rightful future, and I will not allow it to be spoiled by you.” Sombra withdrew, but she heard him scoff slightly. “A pity,” he said, sounding almost wistful.  “I would have preferred you to be by my side willingly, but I suppose I can simply make you bend all the same.” “Torturing me won’t get you anywhere,” Twilight challenged him.  “You can leave all your guards to watch me, but unless you’re watching me yourself, you’ll never know when I’ve broken free of your Inmanipulon crystals.  And if you want to rule, you can’t possibly spend all your time with me.” “Hm,” he grunted.  “You are correct. I cannot, if I am to rule.” “You can either release me, or I will just break out anyway when you aren’t watching.  You cannot use me,” she stated, as he came trotting back into view. “Unfortunately for you, Twilight Sparkle,” he said, a predatory smile crossing his face, “You have already lost.  You will be kept, a loyal servant to my will.” Twilight felt trepidation flood her.  What is his game? But instead he trotted behind her again.  After a moment wondering what he was up to, he felt something hard, fleshy, and warm slide between her legs, which were in no position to struggle back. A hoof hooked itself around her raised leg, and one of his legs took its place next to her lowered back one. No… she thought, horror and sickness filling her as she realized what that meaty thing was.  Her collar kept her from looking down to confirm it, but there was little doubt. No, he wouldn’t… “Submit,” Sombra said, his deep voice with an imperious edge to it, and before Twilight could react, something was thrust onto her face. Before she could wrench her head free of whatever this was, something at the back fastened around her, and at once, magical probes shot into her mind, anchoring themselves before she could mount a mental defense. “No!” she yelled from behind the mask. “Yes,” Sombra said.  “Struggle all you like.  I have honed and refined the spell bound to these masks.  In just a few short moments, you will be mine, body, mind, and soul.” “N-no, I…” she grunted, trying to fight, but before she could properly focus, Sombra drove his length into her. “Aaaahn!” she gasped, white-hot pleasure shooting up her spine and ruining her concentration, allowing the metal mask’s magic to begin flowing into her unrestrained. “N-nn...” she said, her protest dying in her throat. Sombra simply chose to watch his work, as the alicorn stopped struggling, lying limp in her bonds.  He could choose to have his way with her now, but it was far less satisfying than when she was his to control. “Who… who is Sombra?” she finally asked, in a small voice. “I am Sombra,” he answered, pulling back and thrusting lightly into her, eliciting a pleasured gasp from her.  “I am very interested in your magic, alicorn.” “I-interested in… me?” she asked again. The eyes of the mask glowed a bright green, and it fell away.  Twilight Sparkle’s face was revealed once more, her eyes glowing that same green, and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. He started to move again, thrusting at a slow pace, wanting to let the spell the mask had implanted in her take root.  Even though her mind had been wiped away, there was still a chance she could pull it together again, and he was going to prevent that. “Why-- ah! Why do I feel so…?” she asked, before trailing off as he started to speed up. “You feel pleasure because I give it to you,” he said.  “I am the one who brings you your pleasure.” “Y-yes,” she said, in the voice of one who was accepting what he said as truth.  “Yes, you are. I feel… so good...” “You should feel honored, alicorn,” he said as he started to feel his peak draw near.  “You are only the third Princess I have taken the virginity of. One of the first few of the many to come.” “Yes,” she sighed happily, her eyes rolling into her head as she drew near to her own orgasm as well.  “Who… who were the others?” “You can’t even remember that?” he asked, amused.  “I suppose I shall have to reteach you everything. But for now… I shall give you my seed.” “Yes, yes please!” Twilight cried out.  “Inside me, oh please, inside me!” “”Take it!” he roared, grabbing onto her mane with his teeth and pulling as his cock flared inside of her and began to shoot load after load of his sperm into her.  “Yes…” he breathed as he felt it continue. “AAAAAAH!” Twilight screamed, her legs twitching, and her vagina clamping down like a vice as she, too came.  “YES! Yes! I can feel it! So… warm!” He managed to hold himself upright, keeping her close as she basked in the afterglow of their orgasms, and reached around to rub at her belly. “There is a special magic inside of you, alicorn,” he told her, trailing his hoof down to rub at her mound.  “A magic I wish to use for myself. You will become pregnant, Twilight Sparkle.” “P-pregnant?” her eyes widened, as though she could hardly believe her ears. “Yes, with our foal.  And when our foal is born, we will make another one.” “Yes!” she said as he rubbed faster. “You will bear my foals as long as you live, and when I need you, you will open the time portal to the different worlds.” “Yes, my King!” she was bucking her back against him, trying to increase the rubbing of her clit. “All shall bow before Sombra,” he said, the certainty of it in every syllable, as she cried out, orgasming again around his cock. While he would have loved nothing more than to continue fucking her, he had to let the magic inside of her take root.  Thus, he withdrew, letting their cocktail of lust trickle out of her pussy, and leaving her to hang there. “A guard will show you to your quarters soon,” he said.  “I look forward to your service, Twilight Sparkle.” “Yes, yes my King,” she mumbled dreamily, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm, hanging limply in her restraints. Ten months later found Sombra in his bed at his new seat in Canterlot Castle.  It had taken some time to clear out the last vestiges of Celestia’s loyalists, but on seeing what had been done to their princess, who had now birthed two children and was currently swelling with a third inside of her, almost all of them were broken. In short order, Sombra had taken control over all of Equestria. There was still no sign of Luna, but if all went well, that would be fixed.  She was a rather elusive one, but what good could she do alone when he had three alicorns fighting under his banner? When he gave them their magic back, that is. So far, he was only trusting of Cadenza, allowing her to use her magic once more, now that she was bent entirely to his will.  Celestia and the alicorn Twilight Sparkle both may have been turned and belonged to him, but he still had some suspicions, particularly if ever they were to come across each other. But once the latter’s magic was restored, no world would be able to evade him. The thoughts of the future filled him with the grim delight he always felt before a battle.  Knowing that the future held conquest always filled him with the eager and excitable energy, though not out of nervousness or anxiety, but anticipation. “Still awake, my King?” Cadenza rose her head to give him a look.  Deep within her eyes, he could still see the heart-shaped energy there, proof that she was bent to his desires. “Just waiting,” he answered. “You need your sleep.  Should I…?” she asked, her hooves starting to trail along his thighs toward his sheath. “As tempting as that is,” his magic shone and moved her hoof away, “tonight, it’s not your turn.” Cadenza pouted.  “Ever since you got that concubine, you’ve been spending less time with me.” “I’ve been spending equal amounts of time with the both of you,” he corrected, giving her a slightly-irritated look.  “She has birthed her foal and had her days of rest. It is time to impregnate her again.” “When all of your foals grow up, they are going to be the most powerful ponies to ever walk these lands,” Cadenza sighed dreamily.  “You’ll be able to conquer any land you want.” “That is the plan,” he smiled at the thought.  Sombra, King of the entire planet. With his wife, broodmare, and concubine by his side, and if all went well, Luna as well.  “And after this world, multitudes more. No world would be able to evade his will. The door to his room opened, and in strode the alicorn Twilight Sparkle.  She wore a leather collar around her neck, her mane was done up in a rather prim bun, and on her horn shone both the black crystals and a golden ring under them.  But beyond that, she looked no different than she had the day she was first brought before him. A far cry from the markless unicorn that still served him. “Good Evening, my King,” she bowed. “Rise,” he commanded, and she did instantly.  “Come up onto the bed.” For a moment, there was the ghost of a smile on her face, but it was gone as she did so, hopping onto it lightly and kneeling down before him as he slid out of the covers. “How may I serve you?” “You gave birth only a week ago, yes?” he asked. “I did,” she bowed again, a joyous smile crossing her muzzle.  “A beautiful baby stallion. He’s going to grow up to be so strong, just like his father.” “Do you feel recovered?” he asked, choosing not to press.  There would be time for that later. “I do,” she nodded. “Good,” he smiled.  “You must sire more foals for me, Twilight Sparkle.” A look of disbelief crossed her muzzle, before it melted into the look of a mare who had just heard the happiest sentence in her life.” “Y-yes,” she said, a tiny tear beading at the corner of her eyes.  “I will happily bear your foals, my King!” “Good.  Cadenza, cast the spell,” he turned to his wife and gestured at Twilight.  Cadenza smiled lustily, her horn glowing blue and a beam of energy shooting into Twilight Sparkle’s belly.  Twilight let out a coo as it did its work, making her fertile for his seed, but otherwise remained still. “Good.  Now, arouse me,” Sombra said, turning onto his back and exposing his undercarriage.  His black sheath was there for the both of them to see. Cadenza’s gae hungrily latched onto it, but, not wanting to disappoint her King, she resisted.  Twilight Sparkle, however, happily reached a hoof out and began to lightly graze it, trying to coax his cock from it. When it slowly started to peek its way out, which didn’t take all that long, she dove right in, taking it into her mouth and sucking on it dutifully, using her tongue, just as she was trained.  With each bob of her head, more and more of his stallionhood pushed out, and right into her waiting maw. She’s been trained well, he thought before withdrawing his rod from her mouth and pushing her down onto her back.  Too well.  Time for the main course. Without waiting for any acknowledgement from her, he pushed right in, hilting in one swift stroke, hips colliding with hers, and a meaty slap filled the room. Twilight moaned in ecstasy as he did, and continued to moan as he started to pound away, but her moans quickly turned into yelps and screams as Cadenza leaned her head down and started to suck away at Twilight’s clit. Couldn’t keep out of it, could you? he thought, with an amused smile. As if to rectify the situation that she was not being pleasured, Cadenza lifted her lower body up and set it down on Twilight Sparkle’s face, the instructions rather clear. In no time, the both of them were humming into each others’ mounds, all while Sombra continued to thrust into Twilight.  With each retreat, her walls tried to pull him back in, and with the combination of his fucking and Cadenza’s sucking, they suddenly clenched. “MMF!” she moaned into Cadenza’s pussy, her juices washing over his rod as she climaxed.  The vibrations of her orgasmic yell were enough to send Cadenza over the edge as well, and she howled as she, too, climaxed, covering Twilight’s muzzle in her own juices That sight was enough to send him over the edge, and with a roar, he came, emptying himself within Twilight Sparkle. Shot after shot filled her up, kept within her womb by his cock, until, after what felt like hours, his pleasure receded, leaving him to collapse atop Cadenza and Twilight in a sweaty mass of limbs.  He was sure Twilight would be impregnated. Cadenza’s spell, plus the sheer volume he had pumped into her would ensure that. “I can’t wait…” Twilight breathed beneath Cadenza, “...to see what our foal looks like, my King.” It didn’t take long for Cadenza to roll off of Twilight, the both of them snoozing peacefully in the bed, but Sombra was not done.  He withdrew, his cock coming free and letting a dribble of their mixed cum drip out of her vagina to stain their sheets. But Sombra paid it no mind, instead trotting out to the balcony of his room, where he could see the lights of the whorehouse that Celestia now lived in, no doubt hard at her work. He looked out over the lands he ruled, his mind already thinking of the worlds that would bend to his will once he removed the Inmanipulon from Twilight Sparkle, and he saw that it was good. Long live the King.