Rolling in the Dirt

by CrimsonEquine

First published

Princess Luna has been gone for centuries.

All decaying around the one once known as Princess.

Now she is alone without a sense.


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The dirt suits me fine for I am alone. There is a howling in the wind that screams in my ears. I can feel the dirt as it molds by my body. A feeling that never escapes or differs from the emptiness that is around me. What point is it that now nothing is worthwhile. Only the hum of silence and the low rank animals that live amongst the rabble. I am such a creature for I am punished by my actions. A slow creeping agony that never leaves the world even after it has been emptied. Once there was a alicorn that was tall and dark as her night sky. Her life was the doom that was spelt for the world. Ever since the beginning it has been this way. Yet, she did not expect the pain to rub onto her body as long as it has been. No pony to talk to or have any semblance of a interaction.

What is left is what is around me. Apple trees decaying and the quiet wind of death where the ponies once frollocked and the fruit was most sweet. I deserve the very bottom of the pit for I have caused all of this. My mind is the only company that has been in my presence for decades. There was a time where creation and friendship were dominant. A place where ponies could express themselves in anyway possible. There is only a hymn, a whisper of what once was. The wooden frame nearby has begun to mold and decay into a disgusting rickety wood. No pony to keep the farm intact. I wasn’t always the one to live in this place.

So much time it was to keep memories from being forgotten. Immortal and enduring, the world was like the alicorn within the dirt. Forever punished by her deed of ruination against the world. There would never be a return to what once was. All that’s left was her dreaming of what could have been. Ponies striving for the stars and making lives for themselves. Extinction had never been her dream, but a nightmare that would never escape her senses. The Tantabus was more than anything she could imagine, killing all that was in it’s way. And it was apart of her for the rest of her existence.

She could never die and would endure what she had done. Loneliness was the most powerful punishment that anypony could suffer. No matter the beast or creature that would exist, nothing would be the same without them. For the time being, she could roll around in the mud like the swine she truly was. Until she would feel that aching severity that would hurt her very being.

An alicorn making a hard, guttural pig groan. She had tried her best to act accordingly to what she deserved. Then she would playfully roll in the mud, mad with the idea of being a pig stuck in her head. There was so much time that had past by. Waiting for the next species to emerge and talk to her. But it had been decades and there was no pony around. The unbearable all-consuming wait was apart of her punishment, but for now she was going to be a lower creature just like all that was left.

There she submerged her head into the mud where the crust of the earth encased over her head.


Princess Luna emerged from sleeping soundly in her bed. There was a loud shaking around Canterlot Castle. She got off the bed with a heavy step and went towards the door out of her room. There she saw her sister staring out from the balcony with a solemn gaze. A dark figure that was taller than the castle stood over Canterlot destroying buildings with it’s enormous black mass. Long residences crumbling over the might of the Tantabus as it walked. It’s hunger knew no limits and sucked in ponies into its body eating them. Their screams ever louder than the wail of the Tantabus as it devoured helpless ponies.

From inside the puddle of mud emerged her head, she gave in a breath of fresh dead air. She rolled out of the deep depths of the mud and laid on her back to the earth. There was a bit of contentment in what she did for there was a simplicity to the life she had.

Then she began to spasm.

Why they did they all leave me. Why is my life never forfeit. Where did they all go, where is my happiness. What has happened, why can’t everything be normal again. Why can’t I die. Everypony has left me to suffer forever. Where is my joy where is my natural sorrow. It is all unending suffering, it never stops it never relents. Make it stop

Make it stooooooop. Make it stop. Make it stop… Make it stop.

Nothing, but Chaos remained. The one called Princess Luna had been forever changed after centuries. Living alone in a farm surrounded by animals and decay. Turning in the dirt of her own madness. All that remained was a murmur that stuck in her head forever.



The sun shined down brightly to the Equestrian Earth. Inside Princess Luna’s room was her sleeping soundly. From a corner of her bed, emerged Princess Celestia before she pounced on her sister. Luna giggled at the sentiment as she awoke with a tired gaze.

“Sister, you are acting different then you usually are”.

“Well, it is your birthday after all and it has been nearly thousands of years since I ever acted like this”.

Luna remembered the past times she would always be pounced by her sister by every birthday. Though it was a little more pleasant since she was a young filly back then. Now Celestia was a full grown alicorn goddess and was a little more difficult to stomach her pounce then before.

“I just wanted to say that I love you Luna, no matter what has happened between us for I will always love you my dearest sister”.