> How Long It Has Been > by FurnoFilms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After another hour of being unproductive and lazy on Will’s living room couch, Will leans up and nudges the two ponies who were now currently asleep. “You two sleepyheads gonna get up now? We need to figure how to organize this reveal one way or another.” Will hated to make the two most precious ponies in his life wake from their pleasant naps, but they couldn’t stall telling their families forever. Not to mention, how would Will’s family back on Earth take this? If his sister’s reaction last time they met was any indication, probably disgusted, or at least weirded out. “Spitfire… Oh you’re a dirty little mare aren’t you…” Rainbow murmuring those words reminded Will of when they had first slept together on the couch, and the events that followed. He had to get those thoughts out of his head though. Deciding that small nudges wouldn’t get them up, the only rational thing for a grown man to do was… “Oof! Hey what was that for!?” Rainbow fumed, recovering for the push to the gut she received. Waking Scoots in the process. “For dirty talking your marefriend in your sleep.” Will says, chuckling. He knew he’d get his comeuppance, but he didn’t care. “Wait what was Rainbow doing in her sleep?” Scootaloo questioned, looking between the beet red faced pegasus and the human she laid on top of. “Wait, don’t tell me. Spitfire?” “Bingo.” Will confirms. Rainbow opens her mouth to come up with a comeback, but nothing but air leaves her. “But seriously, how are we gonna plan out this get together with our families? We need a bit of a cover up to make it seem like a normal gathering before we tell them.” “Yeah, true. Wait, you said ‘our families’? What do you mean by that? What are you doing for your family?” Scootaloo asked, giving you a curious stare. Rainbow shared her looked to you. “Well, Scoots. Remember when I started on my family before we saw our unexpected guest?” Turning to Rainbow, who just kept her stare unwavering. “According to Twilight, the portal is completely stable on both ends. Meaning I can go back and forth really anytime I please.” Upon finishing that sentence Scootaloo let’s out a ear piercing squee whilst Rainbow’s face changes expression to pure shock. “The portal is stable?” Rainbow ask, as if she didn’t quite hear Will right. “And you can go through whenever?” “Yep, you do you know what that means Scoots?” Will turns and smiles at Scootaloo. “I can meet your family! In person!” She screams, tears of joy forming in her eyes. “Wait! Will, you could bring them here when we tell them! I’m sure they’d love to know what the world you’ve been living in looks like.” She’s right, aside from those pictures you showed Sarah, your family doesn’t really know much about what Equestria looks like. "Yeah, that's actually what I was thing on thinking on doing. But I don't know exactly how much they want to come here as much as they want me to go there." Will states. "Will, they're your family. I can guarantee they are just dying to come visit Equestria. I mean, who wouldn't want to see the place that is home to the coolest being in the universe?" Rainbow exclaims, proudly sticking out her chest in a pose. "Yeah, Rainbows right. Why wouldn't they want to come visit? They would love to see your home." Will looks around his house. Yeah, it'd need to be cleaned profusely before he even considered letting them walk through the front door. Not to mention how crowded it'd be in here. "Well I suppose you two are right. But there is still the 'when' of it all. Can't just invite everybody right now to something so poorly planned." The three of them think it over. Until Rainbow yells out an idea. "I got it! We can have Twilight help organize something at the castle for the end of the week. Then once we get that settled, we can invite our families. It's perfect!" That, actually didn't seem like a bad idea to Will or Scoots. It's not like they had any better ideas. "Then that's it then? We host a gathering for our families at Twilight's castle and break the news then?" Scootaloo concluded. "We've got a plan settled?" "I guess so. I'll go and see if Twilight would be fine with it." Will makes to stand, but is interrupted by his stomach. Right, he forgot that they hadn't eaten in a bit. "Well I guess we could eat something quick first." After making a sandwich for the three of them and eating, Will went to go ask for Twilight's help in arranging this event. Even with such short notice he was sure she wouldn't mind. Once arriving, he is greeted by Spike at the door. "Hey Will. You're back soon, something up?" Spike asked. "Hey Spike. Actually, I needed to ask Twilight for a possibly big favor if that is alright?" Will's voice slightly rose in pitch near the ending of that sentence. "Well what is it then? I'm sure I can help you out with whatever it is." A purple alicorn chimes behind Will, making him jump out of his skin. "I'm back from the market with some food, want some Will?" "Oh um, no thanks, I just ate. Thanks though." Will replies. Following Twilight and Spike inside the castle. He then proceeds to ask, "But Twilight, I wanted to ask a favor of you. I'll completely understand if you don't want to but-" Twilight cuts Will off. "Don't worry about it Will. I'm sure whatever it is I can handle. You make it sound like I need to summon some creature from Tartarus to sacrifice to or something." Well she was sorta close, not so much from Tartarus and the only sacrifice would be Will's life if things don't work out to well. "So tell me. What can I do to be of assistance?" Clearing his throat, Will readies himself to speak. "I was hoping you could possibly arrange something here for Saturday if that's alright with you?" The sentence came out a bit faster than Will would have liked, but it was already out and heard. "Like a party? Will I think you'd be better off asking Pinkie Pie for that." Spike said from the side with a small chuckle at the end of his statement. "And here? Now you've got my attention. You're planning something big if you're asking for it to be in the castle. What is it?" He was good at this. Spike knew something was up just by that? Thinking deeply on how to word his response, what came out was, "Well, me and Scoots were hoping to gather our families then to see each other. Sort of a get together." Both Twilight and Spike stopped walking and turned to Will, both wearing an expression of confusion on their face. "'Our families'?" They commented simultaneously. "Like, your family too?" Twilight said, still questioning if she heard Will correctly. Sighing, Will answered, "Yes, my family too. Scoots said the same thing when we were talking about it. Again, you don't have to if you don't want to Twilight." The room was silent for a few moments. Suddenly, Will was tackled to the ground by the small pony princess of friendship. "Will this is perfect! All of your family will get to see you here! Oh my Celestia, I need to start making preparations right away! I-" Twilight's voice was cut off when Spike covered her muzzle with a claw. "Calm down Twilight, no need to speak a mile a minute. Plus, I'm sure Will still needs to invite his family. Isn't that right Will?" Turning to Will with the question. Will nodded a yes as a reply. "Oh, right. Well I suppose I should let you do that shouldn't I. Do you want me to write a formal invitation for them or do you already have something written?" Twilight asked. Will thought about it, and came up with an idea. "How about, I go and invite them myself? In person?" It's not like he had to wait much longer to see them all again, what's the harm in asking them in person a little early? "It'd be nice to see them again either way." "That actually sounds like a great idea." Spike started, "I'm sure that you only got to see maybe one or two of your family members when you last went through the portal. I'm sure you'd love to see more of them." He reasoned. Twilight thought for a moment or two until coming to a conclusion. "I don't see why not. Oh!" Twilight added with an extra thought coming into fruition. "What if me or Spike came along when you invite them?" "I don't know, I mean I'm completely fine with that idea. It's just that Earth is a bit... superstitious, to say the least. If the wrong person saw either of you two, they may just call the authorities. Or the FBI." Will could see it playing out in his head. A pedestrian sees them, freaks out, and runs away screaming or in shock. Actually, that sounded kinda entertaining to Will. "Oh no worries Will. We can keep a low profile. It's not like we're meeting your world's princess." Twilight replied confidently. "Well, whatever type of leader you have there." "I don't see why not. Just, try not to use too much magic around them. Don't need to make someone to get weirded out." Will pleaded. "Will, I'm a dragon, and Twilight is an alicorn. If that doesn't already weird them out, nothing will." Spike retorted. Will opened his mouth to give a response, only for nothing to come out. Eventually he just closed his mouth and shrugged. "So, should we get to it then?" Spike turned to Twilight. "Oh yes! Hang on, let me bring some quills and paper! Oh I can't wait to learn more about Earth!" Twilight cheered. "Just a moment." With that, Twilight teleported away. Only to teleport them all to the portal with some paper, quills, and ink. "Remember Twilight, the portal is at a pond, don't want that stuff to get wet." Will stated. "I know, I have them enchanted with a water proofing spell. Everything should stay completely dry." Twilight replied. She then added, "Well, let's go! Will, you first?" Nodding, Will walked up to the portal and jumped into it. Twilight and Spike following shortly. Soon, there was nothing, just empty darkness.