Atom Bites

by PayBayRay

First published

It's a hot summer day, and Atom Bit has come to her big sister Pixel Bite in search of company. Things only escalate from there.

It's a hot summer day, and Atom Bit has come to her big sister Pixel Bite in search of company. With heat, sweat and lust seemingly omnipresent, things only escalate from there.

Disclaimer! Contains: Hot sweaty Incest!

This story was done for REDXBACON; Pixel Bite and Atom Bit belong to her. Credit for the amazing cover goes to her as well!

Pixel Bits

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It was a sticky, hot afternoon in the middle of summer break. Temperatures had exceeded 30 degrees at around noon, and now, a few hours later, the entire neighborhood appeared to be boiling in their own juices.

Swallowing, then licking her dry lips, Atom Bit raised her hand, knocking against the door in front of her.

As no reaction came -which was quite normal, really- Atom lowered her hand again, wrapped it around the doorknob, and slowly shoved the door open, slipping inside.

“Hey Pix!” she said cheerfully as she stepped into the darkened room, suppressing a cough as she walked into the warm, stuffy air, and closed the door behind herself. Her eyes came to rest on the blinds that probably hadn’t been pulled up in months, wandering over the floor littered with pieces of laundry, eventually coming to rest on the flickering television lighting up the otherwise dark room, before she spotted the console standing in front of it, which in turn was connected to a controller held by…

Atom felt her heart skip a beat as her eyes spotted her older sister. Lying belly-down on her undone bed, wearing nothing but her simple, plain black underwear, her hands holding the gamepad, and blue eyes focused on the TV in front of her.

“What do you want?” Pixel Bite bluntly asked her sister without taking her gaze off the TV, her hand only occasionally leaving her controller and reaching into a bag of chips lying on her bed next to her.

Atom remained silent for a long moment, her gaze lingering on her sister’s body. Sure, she had seen her in her underwear before, and of course there was that one time the two had been at the beach together, but damn…

Atom swallowed, having to fan herself with her hand.

She sure was looking hot today.

However, feeling drool collect and begin to flow out of the corner of her mouth, Atom quickly shook her head, struggling to get a hold of herself.

“Whats up?” she made a cheerful entrance, taking a step towards her sister’s bed, where the older mare was still deep in a heated gaming session, not deigning to look at her even once.

“It’s hot.” the black-haired girl replied bluntly, her look still fixated on the screen in front of her, “What do you want?”

“Just, uh…” Atom replied, catching her look drifting downward her sister’s body every so often. Mother of god, she was sweating, she was hot, she was… wet! “Just… checking on you, is all.” she explained herself, the normally so cool and suave mare now sounding insecure and awkward.

“Well I’m good, so get out.” a half-assed reply came from her sister who still hadn’t paused her game.

“Is there, uh…” Atom spoke up again, but felt sweat breaking out on her forehead as she watched a droplet of sweat run down her sister’s chin, over her chest and down to her exposed cleavage where-

She shook her head again. This… this couldn’t go well for long.

“I-I mean…” she started over, taking another step towards her and putting a hand on her shoulder, “Is there anything you need?”

“The fuck?” Pixel asked, now finally pausing the game, setting down her controller and sitting up, causing her sister’s hand to slide off her back, “What the hell do you want?”

“I…” Atom Bit was about to explain herself, but the words died on her tongue, head lowering as she watched her sister turn around to face her, her upright posture revealing not some, but all of her ample cleavage. The lacklusterly put-on black bra did an average job at best at concealing her sister’s fairly noticeable boobs. “I, uh…” she swallowed, head bent forward in a 45-degree angle.

“Ugh, helllooo retard! i’m talking to you!” Pixel growled angrily, crossing her arms in an instinctive reaction to cover herself up, but only lifting her bust up further for her sister to admire in the process.

“Have sex with me.”

Atom Bit remained motionless as the words rang out, the video game’s soundtrack the only thing that saved the room from complete silence as she numbly blinked a few times, her gaze still unwaveringly fixated on her sister’s big, sweaty, soft, tender…


“F-for practice!” Atom hastily explained herself, forcing herself into happy joking mode to defuse the situation, a fierce blush growing on her face as she finally managed to tear her gaze loose from her sister’s breasts and back up to her face. “Y-you know, you’re gonna have a boyfriend eventually, and you don’t wanna disappoint him, right?”

Pixel Bite screwed up her face. “You’re a girl.” she pointed out dryly.

“I mean, you could have a girlfriend. I’m not judging.” Atom teased her sister half-seriously, nudging her with an elbow, “You don’t wanna disappoint your girl! Do yah?” she said with a wink, and a… slightly awkward laugh.

“I’m not gay, you idiot.” Pixel shot back, shaking her head, “And you’re like... my sister! What the fuck is wrong with you, Atom!?”

“C’mon! I know you wanna~” Atom chuckled with an innocent shrug.

“Ugh..” Pixel put her off, making a face, “Get out of my room!”

“Aww, c’mon Pix.” Atom started another attempt, sitting down next to her sister and putting a hand over her back, nudging the side of her sister’s head with hers, “Lemme smash.” she seductively wiggled her eyebrows, “You’re not a chicken, are you?”

“Fuck off.” the decisive reply wasn’t long in coming, “And get the hell out of my room.”

Atom needed a moment to digest that, before thinking about how to proceed from here. However, quickly regaining her cool, she forced out a quick laugh, patting her sister’s shoulder. “H-hehe! Don’t worry, I’m just kidding!” she said with a forced chuckle, putting her arm around her sister. “N-not like I’d actually want to have sex with you or anything. I-I mean… that’d be… t-totally weird, right? Hehe…” she forced out another chuckle, “S-stupid idea, right? Just uh… forget it. I won’t bring it up again.” she cleared her throat, her face assuming a light shade of red, “U-unless you want to.”

She felt her ears fold back as her sister gave an exasperated sigh, ready to hear another tirade of swearing. However…

“...Ugh, fine, whatever.” she said with an offhanded wave of her hand, “Knock yourself out.”

Atom perked up at that, her wide-eyed gaze slowly coming to rest back on her sister. “W-what?”

“If it’ll make you shut up, go ahead.” Pixel explained indifferently, laying down again and reaching for her controller, “Just don’t expect me to do anything. I’m busy.”

“Are you… are you seriou-” Atom wanted to question, but fell silent as her sister had already returned to her heated Team Deathmatch.

Swallowing, struggling to comprehend what her sister had just agreed to, the normally so self-confident and cheerful mare was quite baffled for a few seconds. “S-so you just want me to-”

“You waiting for an invitation or what?” Pixel Bite grunted slightly annoyed, “I thought you’d done this before with those girls from your class.”

Atom’s jaw dropped. “H-how do you-”

“The walls in this house are made of paper, alright?” Pixel explained nonchalantly, “Now get going before I change my mind.”

“I-I, uhm…” Atom stuttered a little lost, wondering if this would turn out to be another wet dream, but then shook her head and shrugged. “...alright.”

Slowly, tentatively, she inched forward on her sister’s bed, swallowing as her slightly shaking hands found their way to her sister’s panties, containing her lovely butt. Atom swallowed, but couldn’t resist the temptation, and gave her sister’s cheeks a gentle squeeze.

“Bruh..” Pixel snarled over her shoulder, not seeming too pleased, “Get on with it or go home.”

“S-sure sis.” Atom replied, struggling to keep her cool, feeling her heart pound in her chest as her hands got a hold of the waistband of her sister’s panties, and gently began pulling them downward.

Any second now, Atom expected her sister to snap out of whatever trance she was in and give her a punch in the face, but true to her previous announcement, Pixel was doing nothing at all - that included not only lying down still and letting her sister have her way, but also being stiff as a board, which made it considerably harder for her younger sister to pull her panties all the way down to her ankles.

Done with her deed, Atom straightened herself up again, feeling her heart pound as she looked at her sister’s now revealed backside, her short black tail being the only thing covering up her delicate bits.

Hesitant, still not fully believing that this was all really happening, Atom swallowed again, before lowering her head, leaning forward, gently grabbing her sister’s tail and lifting it up to reveal-


Atom’s body stiffened at the sudden aggravated shout coming from her sister. This was it. This was so it. Pixel would snap back into her normal self, punch Atom in the face, and ban her from her room forever.

Fucking campers, I swear to god!” Pixel cursed again, her gaze resting on the TV showing a recording of Pixel’s character being shot down by a soldier hiding behind a conveniently placed crate. Her head shot back around, eyes that were wide with anger focusing back on her sister, “Are you gonna get on with it or what!?”

“A-actually…” Atom hesitantly spoke up as a different thought crossed her mind. She still wasn’t entirely convinced that this was actually happening, and while she didn’t really want to push her luck any further… heck, if this should turn out to be a dream, she might as well make the best of it! “Could I…” she said a bit awkwardly, despite the fact that she had been just about to get a first-row view of her sister’s mare bits, “Could I see your boobs?”

Pixel Bite cocked an eyebrow.

“I-I mean… it’d kinda… heat up the mood, don’t you think?”

Her sister remained silent at that, staring back at her younger sister with a somewhat calculating glance, before she seemed to come to a conclusion.

“You know what? Sure.” she said bluntly, “Beat me in a game, then you can do whatever the fuck you wanna do. This match sucks dick anyway”

“Deal!” Atom’s mouth blurted out, long before her mind could think about what she had just agreed to. “W-wait, what are we-”

“1v1 shotgun duel on Nuketown.” Pixel Bite churned out those terms like they were supposed to ring a bell to Atom. “You win, and I’ll let you do all that gay shit. I win, and you’ll get the fuck out of my room and stop annoying me.”

Atom was just about to consider that choice, and weighed the option of simply opting for eating her sister out while she was playing -which, in itself, was something she wouldn’t have ever dared dream of- but Pixel had already leaned forward, picked up the second controller and handed it to her sister. The fact that she still hadn’t bothered to pull her panties back up gave Atom quite a nice view of her backside in the process, and caused her to let out a lewd giggle of excitement.

“Alright, you know how this game works, so don’t fuck it up.” Pixel explained her sister as she sat upright next to her, the thought that her naked butt was now against the bed sheet right next to where Atom was sitting causing the younger mare’s thoughts to go to all the wrong places. “Let’s get this over with so I can play in peace.”

A few minutes, and a very heated match later, the two girls were looking at the results of the match that lay behind them, both their eyes wide with disbelief.

“How…” Pixel Bite gasped unbelievingly, “How the fuck did you…?”

Atom Bit blinked numbly a couple of times, checking the top end of the scoreboard a second time to confirm that this really was her username standing above that of her sister, indicating that she had indeed won by a hair.

However, soon enough, reality caught up with her, and she could feel her mouth twist into a grin, blush appearing on her face and lewd chuckle escaping her throat as she realized what this truly surprising victory meant for her.

Her older sister, in turn, let out an exasperated sigh, her head sinking as she grumbled “Fuck.”

“S-sorry sis.” Atom Bit apologized with a slightly nervous grin, her blush deepening as her sister’s words echoed in her mind, reminding her that she was now free to do ‘all that gay shit’. However, looking at her sister’s visibly annoyed face, she could feel a bit of pity well up inside her, and opened her mouth to say something, but fell silent abruptly as she watched her sister’s hands go up and behind her back, fumbling with what Atom quickly identified as her bra.

Before the younger mare could bring out even one word, the black garment had come undone, and her sister had pulled off the shoulder straps.

“There.” Pixel said with a lackluster shrug as the piece of lingerie fell down onto her bed. “You happy now?”

Atom replied nothing.

Her heart was pounding like crazy, her eyes were so wide she was worried her eyeballs might fall out of their sockets, and drool was flooding her mind.

Speaking of floods, she could probably toss the panties she was wearing by the time this was over.

However, her thoughts were quick to go back to the matter at hand - or the matters, rather. Namely, the fact that she now had a clear, unimpeded vision of those two beautiful boobies she had thus far only managed to see during ‘accidental’ barges into the bathroom occurring over the years.

Even from an outsider’s point of view, one could not deny that Pixel Bite was on the more… well-endowed side of mares, her boobs easily reaching a G-cup, if not bigger. And especially now, looking at her big sister’s two assets in the dim light of her room, Atom could feel arousal overwhelm her, the desire to lean forward and do what she had pictured herself do for so long seeming so overwhelming, she could barely-


She had a free ride to do what she wanted, right? Pixel had said so herself! So who was stopping her from living out her wildest dreams?

“You done staring?” Pixel Bite asked with a displeased grunt, her annoyed look going to the side as she crossed her arms again, feeling… strangely exposed, even around her own sister. “I’d say take a picture, it’ll last longer, but knowing you, you’ll probably just take it to the bathroom and- YEARGH!”

Pixel was cut off, her body stiffening in surprise as she felt two arms wrap around her shoulders, shortly followed by an alien head burying itself in her cleavage and wildly swinging from side to side amidst loud slobbering noises.

“Dude what the fuck!?” Pixel hissed, instinctively attempting to shove her sister away, but the younger mare’s grip was like that of a spider monkey, any attempts to shove her away futile. ”Get off me you fag!

Meanwhile, Atom Bit was quite literally in marshmallow heaven. In a hot, sweaty, nacho dust-covered marshmallow heaven. She felt her eyes roll back with pleasure as the furry softness of her sister’s boobs brushed against her cheeks and mouth, Pixel’s attempts to push her off only making her push herself deeper into her sister’s cleavage.

One of her boyfriends had asked to motorboat her a few years ago. She had let him, but had never really seen the appeal that was supposed to be behind it - not until now, that is.

She felt her legs going weak with pleasure, crotch heating up as drool freely flowed from her mouth, her face getting smothered by her sister’s bust time and time again.

It wasn’t until a few moments later, when she felt herself run low on oxygen that Atom finally loosened her pinch grip around her sister’s body, and slowly pulled back, drool and bits of sweat covering her face and mouth region.

Breathing heavily, she looked at her sister, who was looking back at her with a bewildered stare on her face. “W-what the fuck!?”

But she couldn’t finish her sentence. Atom was hot. Atom was spurred on. And Atom was horny.

Without a further comment, the younger mare shot forward, flinging her left arm around her sister’s neck. Her mouth instinctively found her way to that of Pixel, her lips slamming onto hers before the gamer could fight back or even protest. So many times she had dreamt of doing this; so many times she had pictured herself doing just what she was doing right now, either in she shower, or in her bed… or in her sister’s bed when she wasn’t home.

But now… this… this was real! This was happening! This was her chance to do what she had dreamt of so many times!

And hell, she sure wouldn’t let it slip. Now there was no holding back; no hesitation; no backing down! Just herself… and Pixel.

Driven by nothing but primal lust, Atom used her momentum to topple her sister over, bringing her into a lying position. She could feel how her sister’s lips attempted to form words, but was shut up by the alien tongue invading her mouth in a long, passionate french kiss.

Moments after, Atom jerked her head back, still breathing heavily, drool dripping from the side of her mouth.

“A-atom...” Pixel Bite spoke up, seeming equally surprised by the sudden contact as her wide blue eyes rested on those of her sister, “What the-”

“Ssssh.” Atom smoothly shut her up, gently placing a finger on her lips, “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, sis. Now just lean back...” she slowly licked her lips, lust overpowering each and every sense of judgment or inhibition she might have had - she had come this far, she sure wasn’t going to stop now. “And enjoy.

“What the fuck are yo-” Pixel wanted to inquire, but was cut off by a sudden gasp escaping her mouth, followed by an unintentional moan of pleasure escaping her mouth as her sister’s right hand came shooting forward, snaking its way around her sister’s pudgy inner thigh, brushing against the tuft of black black hair covering her sister’s special spot, before ultimately finding its goal and-

“Ooooooh~” the plump mare moaned again, louder this time. Her head, formerly raised in defiance, fell back onto her bed, eyes rolling back in their sockets, and her resistance melting away in an instant as her sister’s index finger slit into her, all the way up until the base of her fingers had reached her sister’s outer lips. “F-fuck!

“Hmm…” Atom joined in her sister’s moaning, a cheeky grin forming on her face as she slowly let her finger slide out of her sister’s sacred spot again, feeling her body shudder in response. Pixel’s pubic hair tickled her fingers. She probably didn’t bother to shave too often. Not that Atom minded in the slightest, of course. “You like it?”

“S-shut up.” Pixel attempted to play it cool, raising her head and giving Atom one of her trademark annoyed glares, “J-just shut up andAYEEEEEEE!

Her protest was once again cut short as Atom’s practiced hand slid into her marehood again, this time using both her index and middle finger - the effects were immediate.

“Uuuuuuh~” Amidst another groan, Pixel’s head dropped back again, her body convulsing; back arching with pleasure as her sister now picked up slow stroking motions with her hand, gently sliding her fingers in and out of her sister’s vagina, and only gradually picking up the pace.

Pixel’s reaction only served to further fuel Atom’s arousal, as she felt herself get quite worked up as well: her panties had been soaked up to the point where she could feel the wet fabric wrap itself around her mare bits the second her sister had taken her bra off, and by now she could feel the dampness soak into her jeans too. There was going to be a lot of laundry to be done tomorrow.

Further stoked, Atom felt her heart pick up the pace, her breathing becoming deeper as a primal grin formed on her face, her hand moving quicker and quicker in and out of Pixel’s special spot; the thought of just what kind of juices were coating her fingers in this second only sending her closer to the edge.

Speaking of which, it seemed her sister, who had since been reduced to a drooling, blabbering mess, was getting closer to reaching her own climax again, at least based on the tension seeming to build in her body, and the occasional “F-fuck, I… I’m…”-moans coming from her.

Wanting to coincide -and give herself some relief as well- Atom raised her still free left hand, tempted to place them on her sister’s chest and give her very tempting boobs a squeeze, she instead led her hand down to her waist, and into her own pants, giving her own Atom Bits a bit of attention with gentle strokes.

More and more, Atom felt her sister tense up, a certain tightness spreading through her body, and letting the younger mare know that Pixel was getting close - which was good since, being quite a bit worked up just from what she had been doing earlier, the additional attention she was giving herself had given Atom the push she had needed to catch up with her sister, and as Pixel’s muffled moans became more and more frequent and high-pitched -which was something Atom had never quite witnessed before- she could feel her own climax approach too.

“Fuck… A-Atom, I’m gonna…” Pixel forced out through a barely open mouth, her body tensing up, back arching from her sister’s touch.

Her own fingers sliding back and forth over her lower lips, Atom felt herself in a similar situation; the knowledge that Pixel, who she had been lusting after for years now, was just about to cum thanks to her actions being the final thought that broke the camel’s back, and sent her over the edge. She was able to bring out one last moaned command before her feelings and emotions overcame her, and she could feel an explosion of lust originate in her crotch region.

“Let it out.”

That did it.

Pushed over the edge by not only her own handiwork, but also the mere thought of where she was, and just what her right hand was doing right now, Atom felt a thousand fireworks being set off between her legs, her body rocked by an orgasm like she had never quite had one before. She felt her legs going weak, back sagging, and eyes screwing up with a pleasured moan.

Simultaneously, an explosion of heat erupting around Atom’s right hand informed her that her sister had peaked as well. Feeling Pixel’s body tense up like it had never quite tensed up before, her walls seeming to clench around Atom’s fingers as Pixel, too, let out an uncontrolled moan, her whole body convulsing wildly.

Only gradually did their shared orgasms wear off, and while there wasn’t too much of a reaction from Pixel -she was, after all, lying on her bed already- other than her body going limp abruptly, Atom could feel the weight of a post-orgasmic haze weigh on her shoulders as her hands finally seized their movement, and slowly slit out of her sister’s pussy, coated in her juices.

“” Atom mouthed slowly as her head dropped forward - it was, quite frankly, the only thing she still thought herself capable of doing in this second.

Seconds after, however, the temperature in the now all the more heated-up room, her own exhaustion, and her post-orgasmic afterglow caught up with her, and Atom didn’t really think about what she was doing as her arms finally gave in, and she landed square on her sister’s naked body, gaining a gasp from her in return.

“Damn.” Atom heard her sister gasp breathlessly, “You sure know how to put your fingers to use.”

That gained a bemused chuckle from the yellow mare. “I’ve been practicing for you.” she said with a smile before, acting more out of mere instinct than anything else, she led a hand up to her sister’s breast, cupping it, and giving it a tender squeeze, relishing the velvet sensation around her fingers, her still erect nipple slightly poking into her palm.

Slowly leaning forward, Atom planted a kiss on her sister’s cheek, gaining a barely suppressed chuckle from the brown mare. “Love you, sis.” she said with a smile, before letting her head sink, her hair brushing against her sister’s as she melted into Pixel Bite’s sweet, tender embrace.


“Love you, sis.” Atom Bit re-read the last lines of text in front of her to herself, swallowing as she leaned forward on her chair, the darkness of her room seeming to vanish as she only saw her laptop’s screen in her tunnel vision, looking over her latest work.

True, some people might say that it was ‘weird’ to write stories about oneself having sex with one’s older sister, but… hell, what did they know? N-not like anyone would find out about it anyway, right?

She felt a blush appear on her face, a lewd chuckle escaping her mouth as she pictured her sister finding her stories, reading them, only to get curious and perhaps…

She had to end that train of thought, fanning herself, her ears folding back. She didn’t consider herself a particularly talented writer, but based on the sweat breaking out on her forehead, and the familiar feeling of warmth and excitement coming from her crotch region, this new story had at least managed to fulfill its main purpose.

Swallowing again, feeling her thoughts go down into the gutter as arousal overcame her, she scrolled up again, going up to what had turned out to be her favorite part, then leaned back on her chair, raising a hand and leading it to the waistband of her pants, a lewd grin appearing on her face.

Oh yes, she was going to enjoy this.

However, just as she was about to get started with enjoying herself, a knock on her door ripped her out of her thoughts. Startling, and hissing a curse, she struggled to pull her hands out of her suddenly awfully tight pants, before it shot over to her laptop, switching from her lewd text document to a funny cat video she had opened previously as a failsafe.

Not even a second later, without waiting for an invitation, the door got shoved open, and barging in came a moderately annoyed-looking Pixel Bite. Without even deigning to look at her heavily blushing sister, the brown mare trudged into her sister’s room, her look darting around the general mess.

“H-hey sis!” Atom forced out, still feeling cold sweat run across her forehead, her voice trembling, “What’s up?”

Pixel Bite merely replied with a careless grunt as she walked towards Atom’s bed with directed steps, seeming to already have found what she had been looking for.

“...Why the fuck is this here?” Pixel snarled at her sister as she picked up the blue triforce-themed t-shirt lying balled up on Atom’s bed.

“W-wow, how did that get here?” Atom asked with a forced chuckle and an awkward smile, her blush deepening, “G-guess mom must have gotten it mixed up in the laundry or s-something.”

“I wore it yesterday.” Pixel remarked dryly, holding it spread out in front of herself and -so Atom hoped- not seeing the still somewhat visible stains on it. To Atom’s very horror, Pixel sniffed a few times, then made a face. “It smells weird.” she noted dryly, her reproachful gaze darting over to her sister, “Did you wipe the floor with it or something!?

“Eh-hehehe.” Atom forced out another innocent chuckle. “Y-yup. Yup, you got me. I spilled some, uh…” she hesitated, swallowing, “Some cola earlier and quickly needed something to wipe it up. S-sorry. I-I can wash it if you-”

She was cut off as the aforementioned shirt was tossed into her direction, hitting her square in the head and remaining hanging in front of her face.

“Don’t touch my shit, asshole.” Pixel barked at her sister, walking back towards the door, “If that coke doesn’t wash out, I’m gonna gut you.”

“S-sure thing, sis.” Atom stuttered apologetically, the shirt still covering her face and muffling her words, “Sorry again.”

“Hrmpf.” Pixel replied with a grunt as she opened the door again, stepping outside. “Weirdo.”

Atom remained motionless for another few moments, holding her breath until she was sure her sister really was out of her room, then took in a long, deep, and intense breath from the shirt covering her face, feeling her eyes roll back with pleasure.

Mother of god.

It still smelled like her.