> Dog Life -Cave Days(Decision making story) > by Artuynh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1.0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are a brony and you are also living day by day as a stock market seller making a profit while risking other peoples savings. (Sorry if it isn't true but even one additional background will mean double the work for consistency with said background and also people might get pissed if they make all the "good" choices only to die because they didn't pick the right background) You decide to get a scratch ticket after work to see if today is your lucky day. You pay the store owner and get to scratching you soon find out that where there were supposed to be numbers stands the word Congratulations in a variety of colors. You confront the owner about being sold a fake ticket leave deciding that the small amount of money was worth the trill of seeing a potential wining ticket ask the store owner what you won > 1.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You slam the ticket on the counter demanding to know why you were sold a fake ticket and wanting your money back. To which the store owner gets a malicious grin before his skin begins to rip and tear as Discord comes out covered in gore smiling with a grin that makes you freeze in fear expecting him to tear out your head any second now. "Finally I was beginning to get cramped in there. Well congratulations you get a new life. No refunds and no take backs.Enjoy." He says as he snaps his lion paw and your world goes dark Next > 1.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are about to leave when you hear the voice of the clerk. "Wait sir I forgot to mark that ticket and I need to." leave saying its a loosing ticket give the ticket maybe you will get a new one since this one is clearly fake > 1.2.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Its okay its just a loosing ticket." you say casually as you reach for the door. You then feel yourself forcefully yanked back towards the counter back first. Then you are slowly turned while floating to be face to face with Discord who is covered in gore and is staring daggers at you. "I tried to be nice! And you just blow me off and ignore me." He says as you feel the ticket being ripped out of your hand with enough force to cause a severe paper cut before it levitates in front of him. "Oh look you won. Well I sincerely hope you learned a lesson from this because if you act like this where you are going you'll be dead long before you make up for how long I had to wait in this dump of a dimension! I mean really no Magic and everything always reacts in the same way! So stale." He says as he karate chops you with his dragon talon. You experience great pain before everything goes dark. Next > 1.2.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh yeah I was just about to ask you about it." You say as you hand him the ticket. " It says Congratulations but it doesn't say what I won or anything so its obviously fake so can I maybe get a refund or a new ticket?" As you say this the store clerk begins to smile at you. "Oh no its quite real its a limited time offer including a one way trip. No substitutions or refunds I am afraid." He says as he is clearly attempting not to laugh. "Well that's too bad I cant really leave work on such short notice and I cant really afford to have my parents come along." You say trying to step back as you get the feeling that the store clerk will either rape/kill you or both if his creepy smile is anything to go by. Suddenly you are bath in gore as you see Discords body covered in gore where once the store clerk was. He laughs as if he heard a good joke. " You misunderstand . You won whether or not you collect your winnings is not up to you. Now enjoy your trip". He says as you feel yourself falling before you are stuck in a dark place still unsure of WTF just happened. Next > 1.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So what did I win?" You say clearly expecting the clerk to tell you this was a misunderstanding and he gave you a fake ticket After seeing the ticket the clerk gives you a creepy smile before responding in no less of a sarcastic tone. " A species change and a one way trip to Eqeustria with a bonus new body since chaos magic and transmogrification don't really work when you are trying to hide something" You start laughing "Yeah right and next thing you say is you are Discord and you need me to help Equestria" you suddenly stop when you are covered in blood. you then immediately look to where the store clerk was only to see a unamused Discord covered in what used to be the store clerks insides. "I really hate it when you do that." He says as his tail pierces your hearth you cant say anything due to the pain and shock and then everything goes dark. Next > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are surrounded by darkness and feel nothing then suddenly you start to feel like you are drowning and you feel some movement. Struggle against the thing Don't struggle > 2.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You struggle and you but the ting just wont give up eventually you die because you drowned. Return to the place where you made the wrong choice? > 2.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You don't struggle and are soon pulled by the thing then you feel a tongue licking you all over but you are still in darkness. You can smell blood. Scream Try to relax and don't make any sudden movements > 2.2.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You scream feeling very frightened at the creature tasting you and you try to swing your arms at it in an attempt to make it leave you. You suddenly feel a strong push followed by something heavy falling on you. You died by a cave in after your parent threw you away because you were noisy. Redo? > 2.2.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You try to relax and are soon rewarded by something soft enveloping you followed by something squishy being forced againtst your face Do you Try and struggle Drink your milk like the pup you are (Has bearing on story so if you chose wrong you'll be returned here) > 3.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been years and for the first few months your mother continuously force fed you milk you would always struggle and she would always give up after you ate the bare minimum which is why you are currently an underdeveloped midget Diamond Dog. During your stay in the cave you learned 4 things: 1.DDogs are really freaked out if a pup starts speaking flawless Equestrian 2.DDogs forget things quickly if you distract them with gems 3.You are now considered an adult and are expected to gather gems for food or kill animals for food. 4.You are in Equestria some time before Luna's return (Learned during the ritual of assertion. Or your coming of age ceremony Which was basically you being dragged to the surface and choosing between howling at the moon or being stabbed by a spear ) What will you do for the pack Go hunting in the forest Dig for gems > 3.1.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You decide that you can surely use your superior intellect to make some traps and catch some animals and finally be recognized for the superior dog you are rather than being constantly insulted for being weak Unfortunately your hunting pack decides it would be a great idea to use you as bait and tie you to a tree. The last thing you remember are the jaws of a manticore as they close around your head. Go back? > 3.1.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You decide that you will dig for gems. After all hunting is a lot more dangerous and you are a weak. And besides maybe you can figure out how to help them make more stable tunnels since from what you see supporting pillars is a non existent concept to them. It has been years and you have in fact managed to make the tunnels safer but it came at the expense of less gems being dug out. Today Rarity and Spike came digging for gems and you were desperate to get the gem digging rate up while keeping the safety so the events of "A Dog and a Pony Show" happened and Rarity's voice was complete torture making you give up more gems than she discovered just so she would leave. Later that night the hunting dogs came back and beat you within an inch of your life before throwing you our and telling you not to return to the caves without the gems you gave. Go and try to steal the gems back under the cover of night. Sleep in the forest near the cave entrance and figure out what to do in the morning. > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You decide to try and sneak into Poniville during the night unfortunately when you are half way there you are met by a battalion of royal guards who immediately shout out that you must die before you warn the rest of the pack. You try to run and hide but they have magic and flight on their side and you are soon skewered on a few spears. Back? > 3.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been years and thanks to drinking your milk and eating what you were given you are now the strongest DDog in the caves. After some time you gained back your sight and it was even better than when you were human also your senses of smell and hearing are so good you don't really need to see where things are. You also learned 4 important things 1.DDogs respect strength 2. When you get angry you lose control of your actions but become a lot stronger 3.You are now considered an adult and are expected to gather gems for food and kill animals for food. 4.You are in Equestria some time before Luna's return (Learned during the ritual of assertion. Or your coming of age ceremony Which was basically you being dragged to the surface and choosing between howling at the moon or being stabbed by a spear ) What will you do for the pack Go hunting in the forest Dig for gems > 3.2.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You decide that hunting is the best place to use your new found strength. You go on many hunts and while some dogs die you always survive. One night you come to the caves hauling a hydra's corpse and learn that the events of "a Dog and a Pony show" had taken place. At first you are angry at the gem dogs since their incompetence means you wont get any rest and will be forced to go out hunting tomorrow rather than relax with the females. After beating some sense into the gem dogs you go to sleep. You are awoken by smoke choking you . You dig your way out of the caves and are met with ponies with spears .before you can do anything you are stabbed but thanks to your many hunts you don't stop and go on a murderous rampage. In the morning you stand alone on a mountain of corpses both pony and DDogs you feel your body going cold and you take just a quick nap. Only you never awaken. Go back? > 3.2.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You decide that you will dig for gems despite being the strongest DDog. After all hunting means killing and its also a lot more work than simply digging. And besides with your strength you will surely be able to dig up at least 2 times no 3 times what other gem mutts dig out. Unfortunately for you thanks to being the strongest DDog nodog dares tell you that you are digging wrong and making unstable tunnels which leads to a major cave in a few days later where you and a bunch of other DDogs are crushed to death. Try Again? > 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You go deep enough into the forest so no sentry dog will see you but not deep enough that you would risk being attacked by an animal in your sleep. You go to sleep thinking that you will think of some way to get accepted back into the caves tomorrow or maybe just figure out how to make a living with the ponies, Well maybe not the ponies since they are total racists from what you heard from the few slaves you talked with. Maybe Zecora or the Minotaurs ? You wake up to the smell of burning flesh and you see columns of smoke coming above the trees from the direction of the caves. You run to see what has happened and are met with the sight of the burning and bleeding bodies of everyone you know and the sliced up bodies of royal pony guards in gold armor. You are then noticed by some of the guards and promptly surrounded as they point their spears towards you. Surrender Fight for the ones they killed. > 4.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I surrender" You shout as you raise your paws slowly. The guards are surprised at first but soon lower their weapons. It was just a trick strike now while their guard is down No it was real try not to resist and you don't want to risk dying > 4.1.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Suckers" your think to yourself. As you see them relax your claws come out and you manage to rip out the throats of the two closest ponies the others begin to panic and you manage to kill tem more before you are incased into a bubble of magic. Try as you might you cant claw trough it but worse still you see the unicorn casting it has a malicious grin on his face and the bubble is rapidly shrinking. You scream for mercy as you readable your efforts to claw out but it just gets smaller until you hear your bones snapping as you try to breathe in any air but are met only by your own blood rushing into your mouth drowning you. Try again? > 4.1.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you show no signs of resistance you are tied with rope and thrown into a cage. You overhear that this was all because of Rarity and that you will stand trial for enslaving ponies as a representative of the pack. Soon after the guards confirm that they have killed all dogs in the caves except you what remains of their force start moving to Canterlot while pegasai fly with your cage. All the while you think of how you can get yourself declared innocent in the court of these racist ponies. And cursing yourself for ever watching the show. After a few hours you are brought in front of Celestia herself and she does not look happy "What is your name dog?" She asks every word sounding like an insult.(Which is impressive considering the sentence) Jugenmujugenmugokonosurikekaijarisugesugematsufunfaimatsufuraimatsukurunetokoronisumiyapparikojiyapparikojibaibobaibobaiboshuringashuringanugurindaigurindainobomborinobombonanojoukyuunechousuke-San Bob > 4.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You snarl and attempt to claw at the nearest pony but the spears that were surrounding you pierce you and stop your momentum before your small body can reach the pony. It really was a pathetic death and you can see the ponies smile as your vision goes dark. Go back? > 5.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't resist you think before saying your favorite joke whenever someone asked for your name. "Jugen-"You start before Celestia tries to interrupt you "That is a-"But your training in saying that name will not permit it "mujugenmugokonosurikekaijarisugesugematsufunfaimatsufuraimatsukurunetokoronisumiyapparikojiyapparikojibaibobaibobaiboshuringashuringanugurindaigurindainobomborinobombonanojoukyuunechousuke-San" Celestia stares at you dumbfounded for at leas 10 minutes and when a fly finally goes into her open mouth and she chokes on it you cant hold it in any longer as you start laughing. You are suddenly stopped by Celestia using the Royal Canterlot voice. "SILENCE YOU INSOLENT RETCH." She shouts sending you crashing into the doors which you could have sworn were at least half a room away just a moment ago. "You dare enslave my ponies! Kill my guards! And then when you are finally brought for judgement you dare mock me? Your sentence shall be death to be carried out immediately." She says before you feel extreme head before your body turns to ash before your eyes. Your final thoughts worth it Try again Oh and here is a link if you want to hear how the name is pronounced > 5.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bob and may I ask what is your name? I am afraid my clan has only had dealings with the tribes of Platinum, Hurricane and Pudding Head and you do not answer to any of their descriptions." You say in a monotone voice making Celestia stay silent as she feels she is in a meeting with a diplomat and is also shocked you don't know who she is or that you know the names of the founders of Equestria. "I-I uh am Princess Celestia of Equestria co-ruler with my sister Princess Luna. And now that we have that out of the way we will begin the trial of your people for the kidnapping enslavement and murder of my ponies. What do you have to say to that BOB?" I plead guilty but there was good reason for it. We are innocent and you and your ponies are guilty of unjustly killing my pack! > 6.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I plead guilty but there was good reason for it." You say realizing how bad it sounds. "Oh really and what is such a reason BOB?" Celestia says her voice dripping with venom. "Well you see the pack has had a h-hard time finding gems as of late and we needed the ponies or we would have starved." You finish gulping as you realize just how much worse this sounds when said out loud. "So that gives you the right to enslave kidnap and murder?" Celestia asks as the temperature begins to get hotter "No but the ancient pacts made with Platinum, Hurricane and Pudding Head do" "Well No but shouldn't we all just live with one another?" > 6.1.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No but the ancient pacts made with Platinum, Hurricane and Pudding Head do" As you say this you can see a tick in Celestias eyes. "So you have treaties stating that you are allowed to kidnap enslave and murder my ponies?" Celestia says in an unamused tone. "Well not exactly-" Celestia smirks at this and jumps in your face "Yes you don't because such treaties would never be signed and even if they existed which they don't but lets pretend they do for a second you would have brought them much sooner in the conversation rather than pleading guilty. In fact I think you are only trying to save your life while also wasting my time. Well it won't work. You are guilty and your punishment shall be death. Guards execute this dog immediately." Celestia says as 2 guards come from her sides and shove their spears in you. Try again? > 6.1.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia instantly screams in rage and the next thing you know your head is met with a golden horseshoe before you feel her turning all your bones to mush as she continues her assult. Try again? > 6.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are innocent and you and your ponies are guilty of unjustly killing my pack!" You say with as much conviction as you can muster and it seems to work as Celestia seems taken aback for a second. "Oh? And how to you figure that BOB!" Celestia says starting to get angry with you. We are predators and its only natural that pray like you serve us. There are pacts with the unicorn pegasi and earth pony tribes that can explain each of our actions except murder for which your ponies brought on themselves when they attacked our home unprovoked. > 6.2.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We are predators and its only natural that pray like you serve us." You say clearly believing it. To which Celestia's response is to start foaming at the mouth before you find yourself under her hoof. "I SEE! IN THAT CASE YOU CAN DIE UNDER MY HOOF!" She shouts as she slowly presses down and her saliva drips in your terrified eyes. Try again? > 6.2.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There are pacts with the unicorn pegasi and earth pony tribes that can explain each of our actions except murder for which your ponies brought on themselves when they attacked our home unprovoked." You say letting your hatred for these ponies shine trough for killing everyone you know. "What are these pacts you speak of? Can you show them to me? And how do they excuse your kind for kidnapping and enslavement of my ponies?" Celestia asks skeptically. "Well in that order They are the original pacts the tree tribes made when they came to our lands seeking refuge from the great winter. I could not as they were written and re-written on the pelts of our death alphas and your unprovoked attack left their pelts either burnt or soaked with blood. As for how it excuses kidnapping and enslavement of YOUR ponies we have not kidnapped or enslaved any of them. We have however asked for their aid as was allowed for in the pact when we hit on hard times." You say in a monotone managing to get your emotions under control. "NO! You did not ask you kidnapped and enslaved my ponies and I know this because I received a letter from my student detailing the kidnapping and enslavement of her friend Rarity the element of generosity!" She all but shouts as she flares her wings in a threatening manner as she shoves the letter in your face. "We informed Lady Rarity of what was happening and left her dragon friend to inform her other friends. If we were kidnapping her we would have taken the dragon as well as dragon claws even those of an infant can rival those of Diamond Dogs. Furthermore Lady Rarity was more than generously compensated for her time despite her unprofessional attitude slowing down the work process and causing injuries to the workers. Or did you not read the part of the letter stating how she got 6 full over the rim carts of gems?" You state as you throw the letter back to Celestia "..." Her only response is to stare like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar as she stares at the letter which she is levitating in front of her. "W-Well what about these other ponies that you kept in cages that Rarity saw while in your caves?" Celestia says a bit unsure but starting to regain her confidence. You remain confident as you already have an answer for that. "Those were not YOUR subjects. Those creatures are called changelings. They are bug like ponies who change their shape and form to look like your loved ones and then they devour your love for them along with your magic and the end result is a mindless husk of a pony that dies either of thirst, hunger or magic exhaustion. As for why they were in cages they were caught trying to infiltrate pony settlements. We were keeping them alive so that their queen would not attack. You see she loves them like her own children and would rather have them live trapped barely surviving on their own emotions than us killing them because she attacked." By the end of your speech Celestia looked as if the world was falling apart around her. "Oh that reminds me The Queen of the Changelings will more than likely come seeking revenge for the murder of over 100 of her subjects which your golden "guards" committed when they burned the caves and flooded them with blood. This is the only aid my pack will provide despite the ancient pacts with the tree tribes as you and your ponies have killed my pack with the exception of me." You say and Celestia gets a sparkle of hope in her eyes once you mention the pact. "The pacts! What did they say? Surely if you could receive unconditional support from the tribes you must have contributed something of equal value?"Celesti asked hopeful just as you had planned "The pact stated that the unicorns shall control the day and night the pegasi shall control the whether the earth ponies shall be in charge of the plants and the diamond dogs as the predators shall protect all from the monsters of the wild by hunting the monsters. Furthermore as there is no day and night nor rain or snow in the caves and plants do nothing for a Diamond Dogs survival the Diamond Dogs are free to ask for any aid from the pony tribes in times of strife" You say the entire thing without slowing down despite only coming up with it in the few hours way to the mountains. "Yes so if you are declared innocent because of this pact then that means you must honor it by helping us fight the changelings." Celestia says with a manic grin and disheveled mane which reminds you of lesson zero. "Am I declared innocent then?" You ask wanting to make sure the racist horse at least says it even if it turns out this was all a farce and she kills you in the end. Maybe then you will haunt her non existent consciousness and torment her. "Yes , but only so long as you help us against the changelings. And if it turns out they don't exist you shall be immediately executed." She says regaining her stone face mask and somehow fixing her mane. "I can not aid you in any fighting as you may have noticed I am quite week but I could tell you of how to fight them provided I am compensated for the killing of my pack and am allowed to leave your kingdom as you ponies have taken everything from me and I would not hesitate to kill you if I were capable of doing it and surviving and were it not for the pact being the last thing I can hold on to." As you say this Celestia looks thoughtful but the guards in the room look angry and preparing for an attack despite you still being tier up. "You shall remain in the castle and aid our forces with every bit of information you have about the changelings. You shall have two guards one day and one night they shall be with you at all times. If the changeling threat comes to pass you shall be pardoned off all crimes and receive whatever compensation you deem needed before you are banished to a neighboring country of your choice. If however there is no invasion of changelings within the next 5 years you shall be bound and publically executed your body shall remain rotting until the crows devour it as testament to what shall befall all who try to deceive me. Guards take mister BOB to a guest chamber and inform the night guard that one of them is to be assigned to the Diamond Dog also inform Shining Armor to assign a day guard." Celestia proclaimed her sentence and all you could think about as you were dragged away from the throne room was the Chrysalis better get to invading as fast as possible because you didn't want to die.