> Afternoon Drought > by PayBayRay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Afternoon Drought > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You gave a long groan of pleasure, feeling your muscles relax as the hot water hit your shoulders, showering you in its glorious warmth, and washing off all that had collected on your back throughout the day. As you stood in the tiny shower-compartment of your mother’s small bathroom, three walls and a curtain confining your space to barely more than a square foot –seriously, how did your mother manage to shower in this tiny booth every day– you felt your thoughts drifting off, going over the events of the day, but more importantly… You felt the hairs in your neck region stand on end. Yesterday morning you had… a bit of a strange experience involving your twin sister Apogee. Not strange in the classical sense, but strange in the ‘she woke you up with a handjob’-sense. Even without really thinking about it since –because really, thinking about where this had come from, what it meant, or what in the world made a teenager want to jack off her brother in the morning – just for shits and giggles, it seemed– it still left you fairly confused. Well, at least the culprit herself didn’t seem to overthink it. In fact, hadn’t it been for the fact that you had to wash your mother’s wool blanket that very same day, you would almost think it had never happened – at least going from your sister’s normal, joyful, and bubbly behavior, it didn’t seem like anything was off. You closed your eyes, a shiver running through your spine as you thought back to probably the most awkward talk you ever had to face in the 18 years of your life. After asking your mother for a vat, mentioning that you wanted to give the blanket a quick scrub, your mother had just looked at you in silence for a moment. Screwing up her face, she had then asked if you had wet the bed or something. Your first instinct had been to say no – after all, you took pride in the fact that you didn’t have that kind of mishap happen to you for almost fifteen years now. However, looking at the integrity of things, ending your one and a half decade-long streak would have probably been the preferable option to go for, as opposed to saying what was really coating the inside of the blanket. Your mother, however, wasn’t fooled that easily. Just by hesitating that one second, it seemed you had already given it away. You shuddered again, the sight of your mother’s face, gleaming cigarette in mouth, slowly turning into one of the most shit-eating grins you had ever seen as she slowly shook her head still fresh on your memory. You had quickly given up trying to argue against it – little as your mother knew you, she definitely could tell when you were lying or trying to make things up. So eventually she had just given a brief chuckle and turned away, muttering a sentence that had made you blush. “You really need to get yourself a girlfriend, kid.” As you had meekly argued that you did have a girlfriend, she had shaken her head, grinning and telling you to, quote, ‘tell her to let you smash more often’. You… didn’t argue after that. Screwing up your face and trying to ban that awkward talk from your memory once and for all, you instead attempted to focus on the hot water running down your shoulders again, having to control yourself to not think too badly of your sister. Not like this was the first time she got you in trouble and escaped unscathed. It wasn’t like you were trying to let her get away scot-free, but after your mother had overheard you telling her to help you wash the blanket, she had told you to “clean up your own damn mess”, to which your sister had just nodded her head confirmingly, giving you a cocky grin and a stuck-out tongue as your mother had looked away. You groaned again, shaking your head. You liked your sister, you really did… and frankly, you’d be damned if that wasn’t the best damn orgasm you’ve had in a while, but still, good as it had felt, she couldn’t just go and touch your dick like it was her property! You had a sense of dignity too! …Yes you did! Biting your lip again, you fought to force these thoughts out of your head. Hot water –and with it your time in the shower– was limited. The boiler took forever to heat up enough water, and God knows your mother would be pissed if she’d get back from running errands and find that her good-for-nothing, blanket-staining son had used up all the hot water. And yet, you couldn’t help but to notice how the thought of your sister pushing her bare chest against your back, jerking you off like virtually nobody had ever done before, had promoted a bit of a… reaction. Rolling your eyes, you lowered your gaze, looking down at where Ailly-junior was loudly and proudly standing at full mast again. To be fair, two days was your average ‘refueling time’, so it wasn’t too surprising that Sergeant Slapstick made you aware of his existence again, but damn! Why did it have to be while you were thinking of your sister!? You bit your lip, the temptation to shake one out nibbling at your mind, but… hell, you knew that you’d probably end up thinking of your sister again. The way she… gently stroked your dick… wrapped herself around you… pressed her boobs against your back… “Shit!” you hissed a muffled curse, feeling your member tense up and jerk with arousal, a sudden anger rising up within you. Scrunching up your face, you pressed a hand against your meat, forcing it downward and clutching it between your legs. You really didn’t have time for this right now. Damn your hormones and their relentless– “Whassup bro!” You suffered a minor heart attack, your body stiffening as you felt the shower curtain getting pulled open behind your back, the cold air from outside hitting you almost as hard as the realization that somebody had entered the bathroom and snuck up on you without you noticing. And seeing how your mother was still out doing… something, the only person that could be was… “What the fuck, Gee!?” you hissed, pressing yourself against the wall, your head spinning around, gaze going over your shoulder to see your sister not step but squeeze herself into the tiny shower stall behind you. That was the first and most alarming thing you noticed. The second, and for some reason more pressing realization was that she was barenaked. For just a second you caught your eyes trailing down her body, going over her freckled chest, her perky breasts –just from looking, you could still feel their touch against your back– her slightly toned midsection, her shapely hips, going all the way down to… You felt yourself blush, your look shooting back up to her face, just in time to see her giving you a cocky grin over her shoulder as she turned around and closed the curtain behind herself. “Don’t be a wet blanket, Ailly.” She said offhandedly as she turned back around again, “Mom said we should save hot water, so… hm?” she said, shrugging. At your flabbergasted expression, she gave a short giggle, taking a step towards the still running shower head. “Now come on, scoot aside.” “How…” you gasped, feeling your heart pound in your chest, hands crossed over your crotch region, attempting to cover up your still throbbing erection slowly slipping from between your legs. “How about you get the fuck outta here!?” “No need to get rude, Ailly.” She chuckled, raising her arms as the hot water poured over her body, and making you retreat even further into a corner of the shower. “Dad used to bathe us together all the time, remember?” “We were three!” You countered fiercely, feeling your stallionhood press even stronger against your hands as you watched her mane dampen, only pure self-control keeping you from looking down and admiring her soaking body. “Pff.” Your sister put you off, turning around, holding her face into the water stream and turning her back towards you. “Three, eighteen… what does it matter?” she turned her head, focusing you over her shoulder, water running down her face, “We’ve seen each other naked before.” She shot you a wink, “I know what your Ailly-junior looks like.” You clenched your teeth, feeling a blush spread over your face, the grip of your hands against your dick tightening. How… how did she know…? “Wait a minute.” Your sister said, cocking an eyebrow. “I know that look on your face.” She lowered her arms, turning around to face you, “Were you doing something naughty in here?” “S-shut up!” “Oooh you were, weren’t you?” she asked, giggling. “I remember you had that same look on your face when I came into your room that one time.” She cocked an eyebrow, her look becoming reproachful, “And you told me you were getting changed!” “Shut up!” you repeated yourself, curling up. Your look darted over to the shower curtain. No doubt, leaving the shower now, getting dressed, and pretending like none of this ever happened would be the wise, reasonable, far-sighted thing to do. However… No! This was just what your bratty little sister wanted you to do! She wanted the shower all to herself, and knowing how you would react to her literally squeezing herself in there behind you, she had probably anticipated that you would leave and surrender the shower to her. But not today! Frankly, you were all but sick of your sister always playing tricks to get her will, and you weren’t going to play along this time! She wanted to freeze you out? Well, you weren’t going to take it! She wanted to shower together? Well, maybe it was time to shower together! You gave a low growl, determination filling you out as you watched your sister, her back turned towards you, soap up her hair, humming a happy melody. Gradually, you felt your eyes drifting downward, trailing over her folded wings as they slowly soaked up the water; watching the droplets of water run down her back, over her hips, your gaze resting on her short tail for just a second, before they inevitably came to rest on her butt. You swallowed, feeling a strange form of discomfort grow in your guts as you noticed that, this time, your gaze didn’t drift to the side, and instead remained fixated on her bare body. Or, to be more precise, her toned, firm, cute little butt. Another swallow. Your mind was going places as you pictured yourself reaching out a hand, wrapping it around her body, cupping that adorable freckled buttcheek and giving it a gentle, yet still firm– “You done staring, bro?” The carefree, almost happy-sounding voice of your twin sister interrupted your thoughts, leading your stare to dart upward, away from her butt and back up to her face to see that she was still busy washing her mane, her face turned away from you. “W-what?” You blurted out quickly, feeling your face turn red as you decidedly turned your head away, “The hell are you talking about?” “C’mon, don’t act like I’m not noticing how you’re checking me out.” Apogee said with a chuckle, throwing her head back and running her hands through her mane, washing out the shampoo. You squeezed your legs a little tighter together. “Now come on,” Apogee said as she shook her head, her mane, soaked with water, flying into all directions and sprinkling you with hot droplets. Swiftly, the water still running, your sister turned around in the narrow shower stall, her shoulder brushing against yours. “Want me to take care of this for you or not?” “What the hell are you–” You wanted to ask, cocking an eyebrow, but cut yourself off as you caught sight of her gaze trailing downward. Your back still pressed firmly against the wall of the shower stall, it should have occurred to you earlier that Ailly-junior had no real place to go, and had slipped out from between your thighs. As you noticed wide-eyed, your fleshy rod was now, still at full mast, standing proudly in a nearly perfect 90 degree-angle from your pelvis, presenting itself in plain sight to your sister. You felt the hairs in your neck stand on end as you saw the change of emotions on your sister’s face… and the hunger burning in her eyes. “No way!” you clarified decidedly, your eyes narrowing, “No fucking way!” “C’mon bro!” Apogee giggled, her eyes trailing back upward to meet yours, “You enjoyed it last time, didn’t you?” “S-shut up!” You defended yourself, instinctively lowering your hands again and covering your dick with them, “Just get out and let me shower!” “Well, I’d love to,” Apogee affirmed lightheartedly, shaking her head, “but I can’t get out with that thing blocking my way!” she said, pointing at your still fully erect member. “You’re acting stupid, you know that?” you grumbled, shaking your head. “Hrm. You’re a killjoy.” your sister grumbled, sounding equally grumpy as she crossed her arms, covering up those perky breasts you still remembered all too fondly. However, her face was quick to lighten up again as a new idea seemed to cross her mind. “Alright!” she said cheekily, turning back around again, and making your gaze travel downward inadvertently, “I’m gonna… back out. And if you should bump into me, it’s your own fault!” “‘Gee this is stupid!” you growled as you watched your sister take a step backward, coming closer towards you and your throbbing erection. You found yourself wanting to stretch out your arms and push her away, but given the… limited dimensions of your mother’s shower, it was just a second later that you felt your heart skip a beat as the tip of your dick made contact with something fleshy, warm and soft. A shudder ran through your spine, and you felt your legs go weak. Your sister didn’t seem intent on stopping there, though. Hearing –and feeling– her give the softest of chuckles, you felt your dick give a twitch as your sister –seeming to know perfectly well what she was doing– spread her legs ever so slightly, letting your dick slide between her thighs, brushing past the wet insides of her legs with water running all over the two of you, and slipping underneath her thoroughly drenched pussy. You felt your body stiffen. This was wrong. This was so wrong. But boy, you sure weren’t about to push her away. “How does that feel?” you heard your sister ask, just as a groan escaped your mouth, your legs shivering ever so slightly. “W-what!?” you blurted out, unable to properly communicate, arousal overwhelming you as your sister bucked her hips forward by just an inch, causing your meat to once again grind against the wet insides of her toned thighs. “I heard boys are into that kind of thing – a thigh job, I think.” Apogee explained nonchalantly as she continued to slide her hips back and forth, those toned buttcheeks you had ogled just moments ago now softly bumping against your hips every few seconds.  “Is that true?” she asked, turning her head and focusing you over her shoulder with those light red eyes of hers. Unfortunately, you weren’t really in a position to answer in this second. The trickle of arousal that had been seething within you when your sister had barged in had constantly grown over the course of the past minutes, only getting fortified by you constantly pressing down on your dick. By now, feeling the ever-thrilling friction of your sister’s thighs against your silverside, the pressure in your nethers had grown continuously, and you felt yourself just about ready to cum with every little movement your sister made, keeping your rod firmly locked between her thighs. Briefly, Apogee turned her head again, looking at your face where your eyes were beginning to go half-lidded with arousal. “Oh, I know that look!” Apogee exclaimed, and her movement stopped abruptly, “You’re about to come, aren’t you?” All you could bring out was a weak, muffled groan. “I gotta try something else first!” your sister said with wide eyes, spreading her legs ever so slightly and releasing your dick, now thoroughly soaked with water and possibly some of her juices as well. It bobbed up and down a few times, before it finally remained in its standard position, standing proudly, twitching ever so slightly, ready to fire its load at a moment’s notice. “W-why…” you wanted to mutter. You weren’t quite sure whether you wanted to ask why she was using you as her walking dildo, or why she had stopped this close before granting you sweet, sinful release. However, even without you completing your sentence, it seemed your sister had understood your question, as she turned around, water still pouring down her body, and locked her light red eyes with you. “I wanna try something else.” she announced conspiratorially, leaning in ever so slightly as her eyes narrowed teasingly. “W-what are you–” you wanted to ask again, but were cut off as you noticed how your sister crouched down in front of you, her butt sliding down the slippery shower wall with a drawn-out squeal… and something else touched your member. “A-Apogee what are you…” You were interrupted by a groan of pleasure breaking free from your throat as you felt a pair of lips wrap around the tip of your member, saliva mixing with the constant stream of water from above and making for an excellent lube as your sister slid her mouth around your meat, tentatively trailing her tongue over the flared, sensitive tip, before slowly widening her muzzle and swallowing Ailly-junior inch by inch. “W-what the-” you groaned softly, your face screwing up as you felt your length slide into her mouth and down her throat. Your sister, in turn, merely looked up at you with those light red eyes of hers as she slid her head forward inch by inch. Granted, you weren’t the most-hung stud in the stable, but the way your meat seemed to fill out her mouth entirely did fill you with an odd sense of confidence. You felt your eyes narrow again, legs wanting to give in as you felt yourself drawing near to the edge, the hot, slippery sensation around your dick stimulating unlike anything you had ever felt before. It wasn’t before long that you felt your sister’s body give a soft jerk as her lips finally reached the base of your dick, resting there for a second, before she pulled back abruptly, your dick slipping free from her mouth’s embrace, accompanied by a satisfied gasp coming from her. “Mhmm~” Apogee cooed softly, looking back up at you with those red eyes of hers, your member twitching happily up and down in front of her face, leaving you near the edge, breathing heavily. “I wanted to try that for a while now.” your twin sister explained casually. “A lot of guys asked me to suck them off, but I always found it kinda…” she made a face, “Gross. I mean, I know some guys don’t properly wash themselves down there.” she said, giving Ailly-Junior a gentle boop with her finger. “Good thing my big bro keeps himself clean, right?” she giggled. Eyes half-lidded, pleasure stil overpowering your mind, and struggling to fight the urge to just use your hand and finish things right there, you had barely even understood every second word. “Why… why are you…” you managed to groan, confusion as to what had gotten into your sister still dominating your mind. “I gotta practice, silly!” Apogee explained as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “I wanna get a boyfriend eventually, and who better to test my skills on than my big bro?” “Y-yeah, but-” you wanted to argue, but were silenced as you felt her hand wrap around your shaft yet again, a look of cheerful determination spreading over her face. “C’mon, let’s see if you can beat the load you fired yesterday, onee-chan.” she giggled teasingly. “I wanna see you cum.” Again, you found yourself wanting to protest, before you felt her lips engulf your dick again, this time taking in your entire length with seemingly no issues at all. Only that now, once she had taken it all in, she didn’t pull out like before – not entirely at least. Instead, her head slid back by just an inch or two, revealing part of your length, giving you a shiver as her lips slid over your medial ring. Not wasting a second now, she jerked her head forward again until her nuzzle made contact with the thin fluff surrounding your genitals, then back again in less than a second. You felt your body tense up again, your sister’s attention sending you closer to the edge with every second. Mother of God, she really wanted to see you cum, didn’t she? However, just as you thought things couldn’t get any worse, you felt... Her tongue. Oh God, her tongue. You wouldn’t believe that this was her first ever blowjob if she hadn’t told you earlier. The way she moved her tongue, traced it in circles over the underside of your dick with seemingly just the right mixture of pressure and speed, really made it seem like she had been practicing. Perhaps those cucumbers she bought almost every other week weren’t being used for salad after all. However, before you could contemplate these thoughts any further, you felt that all too familiar pressure in your dick reach critical mass, finally pushing you over the edge. You felt your knees bending, body tensing up as a jolt of electricity ran down your spine, and a guttural moan came from your mouth, your eyes slowly drifting shut. Apogee, meanwhile, seemed to notice what was going on, as you were sure you felt her lips curl into a grin around your dick, and her throat seeming to vibrate as she seemed to chuckle mischievously. The vibrating sensation only seemed to fuel your arousal further, and only a second later, you felt your body give a jerk as your dick finally erupted, and you felt the grip of your sister’s lips around your length tighten as your baby-batter was fired into the back of her throat strand by sticky strand. You groaned again, your legs seeming to bend with every twitch your dick gave. Another quick lick of your sister’s tongue, and the next load was fired. Orgasmic thrill might have been hazing your mind, but you were sure it felt like at least half a gallon of jizz was shot down your sister’s throat, burst after burst breaking free and coating her insides white. You weren’t sure how long exactly it took, but by the time your orgasm finally died down, you felt your eyes drifting shut, legs finally giving in as your dick slowly slid out of your sister’s mouth, and you sank to the slippery shower floor, sitting on your butt. For a few moments, you just sat there in silence, slowly catching your breath, recovering from another intense orgasm, the patter of the shower and the water hitting the back of your sister who was still crouched in front of you. Instinctively, you felt your eyes wanting to drift shut, a sudden tiredness overcoming you in your post-orgasmic haze, but were startled as you heard your sister spit out and a splurge of glassy-white liquid splash to the ground right in front of your still slightly twitching member. “Eugh!” Apogee groaned, spitting out again, then pushing herself back to her feet and holding her open mouth under the still running stream of hot water. Still sitting spread-legged on the ground, through your half-lidded gaze, you saw her fill her mouth with water, then gurgle and spit out. “That’s what it tastes like!?” she asked unbelievingly, cocking an eyebrow, then spitting out again, “Gross!” “You… you…” you grumbled faintly, your mind still all over the place from your orgasm. “Eww.” Apogee vocalized her disapproval about the mouthful of cum again, then shook her head. “I can’t believe guys are into that.” she said, wiping her mouth with an arm. A moment of silence followed, then you noticed her eyes grow a little wider, her soaked body seeming to tense up. “Oh.” she noted alertedly, “I gotta dash!” Before you could question her sudden change of demeanor, she had already stepped over your stretched-out legs and slipped through the shower curtain. You heard her grab the only available towel from the rack, then there was the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing, and it was back to just you and the ever-present hissing of the shower. Still riding high on endorphins, you didn’t really wonder why she had suddenly disappeared like this after being so dead-set on staying before. However, cold realization hit you shortly after – quite literally, really. The warm water that had happily poured from the shower head was now gone, and replaced by an ice-cold monsoon hitting you, showering you from head to toe in ice cold water. You fought to hold back a startled shriek, any pleasant haze that had engulfed your mind now extinguished as you scrambled back to your feet. You struggled to find purchase on the slippery shower-floor, almost leading you to fall, before your hands finally got a hold of the faucet, and hastily turned the water off. Shivering, drenched to the bones in ice-cold water, you stood there, only now realizing that your sister had snatched the one and only towel. You closed your eyes, giving a low growl and cursing your sister, just in time for a cheerful, cheeky shout to come from the other side of the bathroom door. “Good luck explaining to mom why all the hot water’s gone!”