> The Second Day > by SunnyDontLook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Second Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Second Day I awoke with a yawn, and a funny feeling in my rear. It felt sticky on the inside. Oh, yeah. We had done that. My rump was a little sore from last night. I wasn’t gonna want to do that again for a while. I rolled over and immediately wondered where Skittles had gotten off to. I pulled myself out of bed, flannel unbuttoned and mane unkempt, and moments later stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes gently with a hoof. “Morning, Ivy,” Skittles said to me from the front of the stove. The stove top had two pans sitting on it, one was filled with hashbrowns, the other a number of pancakes with blueberries strewn in. “Morning, gimme breakfast,” I told him as I trotted up before smooching his cheek, before letting out a snort. “Good morning to you too.” “I understand that, try as I might, I can’t taste as good as blueberries and syrup,” Skittles tipped his wing at me before picking up the spatula and flipping the pancake. The fact that he could cook better than me --with his mouth too-- was impressive. “I dunno, you’re pretty tasty as far as stallions go,” I punctuated my words by nipping his neck softly. He gave me a playful glare and nudged me in the hip. “Please don’t eat me, I’m cooking as fast as physics will allow,” he teased as he lay a wing across my back. “You didn’t seem to mind it yesterday morning.” My words were husky, and I hoped they were laced with enough innuendo to make his sex drop from his sheath. I knew my heat was over. The burning need had passed while I was sleeping. Most importantly, the window where fucking could result in a kid was over. It didn’t mean I couldn’t tease him though. Skittles snorted defiantly, shooting me another (rather flirtatious) glare. “And here I thought I had fucked the heat out of you last night,” he replied, grinning broadly, his wing encouraging me closer as he craned his neck out to place the first pancake onto a plate. “That’s not how estrus works, but I think it is over. I don’t feel like I have to be bent over and filled every other seco-” He interrupted me with a kiss. Skittles was warm, I was warm, and somehow everything around us was warm. Our lips opened and our tongues intertwined as the aroma of pancake batter and potatoes floated around us. Maybe a minute passed and our tongues danced, interrupted ever so often only by the need for a quick breath. Eventually though, Skittles broke off. Duty called. I watched him pour some more batter into the skillet before picking up the other fork sitting on the counter and began to beat the eggs. If Skittles had any flaws when cooking, it was that he gave no shits about how many dishes I had to wash afterwards. I really hated dealing with burnt potatoes, and these old cast irons were a bitch to deal with. “Aww, I like them fried,” he nodded as I continued to beat the shit outta my eggs. “I know, but I’ll have to do the damn dishes and the burnt gunk is really annoying,” I pleaded with him. “You don’t need to do them, and I can always let em’ soak. These pans are so old you could even use soap on them and they wouldn’t lose their seasoning,” “Really? How old are they?” I asked him, my voice tinged with that intense curiosity that only the inane and mostly irrelevant could arouse. “I got these two back from my grandparent’s place. Nopony else wanted them. Jokes on them, cast iron only gets better with age,” he said with a silly grin. Skittles liked it when he pulled one over on the world. Too bad he couldn’t pull one over on me (at least not yet). “Just like me?,” I asked, well aware that we had known each other for years. “Of course,” he said without even thinking. It was automatic. “Well, you’re perfect already Skittles,” I laughed, nuzzling against his neck. “Eventually I’ll grow one of those big dad beards, and then I’ll be perfect.” I paused and glanced at him from the corner of my eye.. Dad beard, eventually, something in his words made my breath catch in my lungs. My eyes dragged away from him, turning instead towards the floor. Skittles saw that. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to bring u-” “No, it’s not your fault. You know me, I’m just a bit sensitive about the subject,” I replied, swiveling my head back to catch his gaze. “Last night was just... kinda risky you know, with my estrus and you almost popping off in me..." my face seemed to flush red at the thought, as I continued.  “I mean, it was fucking hot as hell, and I can’t say that I would’ve really held it against you.” “I know you don’t want a family right now,” he said simply, and wrapped his wing over me, his feathery down tickling my rump ever so slightly.. Sighing, I melted into his welcoming embrace. He could make a mare wanna just snuggle up to him forever… but I couldn’t exactly just leave this stupid conversation for another day. I went silent briefly, trying to figure out what to say next. “I still would’ve kicked your flank if you did,” I said before clearing my throat awkwardly, and realized that that was a bit too brash.. “If there was an accident, we’d keep the kid. Besides, we aren’t thatyoung anymore.” I tilted my head back up to meet his eyes, but before I could continue, his lips were already pressed heavily on mine. Ravenously, his tongue made its way into my mouth as I squeaked in surprise and pleasure. The kissing was harder than I was used to, but I wasn’t complaining. He pulled me against him with both his wings and hooves,before finally letting me go so we could both catch our breaths. His smile was broad as he looked at me almost drunkenly. “I love you,” Skittles murmured  to me before returning to his pancakes. “I know you do.” ---===*===--- Breakfast was delicious. There was a certain tension over the whole affair though. I knew I loved him, he was perfect in so many ways. But somehow I knew I couldn’t commit to one stallion, at least not  right now. I didn’t live a steady life. I wasn’t a steady mare, or a pony of habit. Whatever I was, I wasn’t ready to settle down. I might never be ready to. But then what would I do with Skittles? Were we even going to last? He was clearly looking for a long term commitment already. The pancakes I digested seemed to be caught in my stomach somewhere, and I heaved a sigh as I absent-mindedly toyed with the remaining syrup on my plate with a fork. “So what do you wanna do today? It’s still pretty early,” Skittles told me from across the table. His hooves were reached across the small breakfast table, laying atop mine. Even if everything else was in flux, I could always count on him to be comforting… Which was the problem! I knew I would disappoint him. I always disappointed ponies in the end. “Uh, we could go for a walk, the nature trails are pretty close to station thirty-seven,” I told him. “We need to burn off that syrup, I don’t want my stallion to get pudgy,” I chuckled a bit as he turned pink. “I’m not pudgy, I fly to work everyday!” “I’m not doubting that,” my smile was back, and even my digestion seemed to be back on track. “You wanna do that?” “I’m always up for a nice walk in the woods,” he pursed his lips for a moment. He brought both of his hooves together around mine. Suddenly, he gave a cute little gasp, his eyes seeming to light up. “We could go to a show!” My eyes narrowed, shooting him a questioning look. “Skittles, you know I don’t usually like that kind of cheesy shit. Even a boring-ass ” “There’s a show called Heathers running downtown, it’s supposed to be pretty good. Their last show is tomorrow, but I know a pony who’s in the performance, so he can get us tickets last minute,” I gave a shrug before replying. “I dunno man, I’m not super into musicals…” snickering, I continued, “The last time I went to one I fell asleep and then snored so loud I woke myself up.” Skittles replied with his own cute little chuckle. I noticed he had been staring at me fiddle with my fork, his eyes locked on my muzzle almost lovingly.  When I caught his eye he blushed and looked away. “Well I wouldn’t have asked you if I thought you wouldn’t like it! For example: there’s a song titled ‘Blue’, with rather raunchy lyrics like ‘you make my balls so blue’,” he gave me a wink, his feathers ruffled in eagerness, “and it isn’t tennis balls they’re talkin’ about. It’s suuuch a good show, and I’ve seen a pirated version of the official Ponyway version already bu-” “Thanks, but I’d rather go somewhere a bit more related to my interests,” he deflated a bit as I said this. “Isn’t there a museum of technology in this town? I know we’ve talked about going there before. It opened up last year I think?” “I mean, yeah, that’s a thing. We could go there tomorrow instead. I think it’s open till eight on weekdays,” Skittles said to me while rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t fancolt too much did I?” “Heh, Let’s just go get dressed for the hike,” I told him, squeezing his body against mine. ---===*===--- I yawned and looked out the window, the scenery a blur as we sped down the tracks. Skittles still had his foreleg curled over me. I swear, pegasi are the fuckin’ best to take naps against. The whistle had blown and I was waiting for him to say something. Ponies ahead of us had started to get into the aisle. Most donning sun hats and every so often a fully packed saddlebag with a tent and everything, all prepared to spend a nice, peaceful, quiet Sunday in natu- “Are we there yet?” Skittles said, his jaws gaped as he yawned, stretching his wings out, somehow managing to slap me in the muzzle at the same time. He rubbed his eyes with another wing before turning to me... feathers tickling my nose, and I gave a little sneeze before replying. “I guess breakfast hit the both of us,” I chortled before tapping his foreleg with a hoof. He shifted it out of the way and we both got to our hooves. Hehe. I giggled to myself, feeling his eyes on my rump. They wouldn’t leave anytime soon, kinda like us. What was all the holdup anyway?I flicked my tail back and forth in his face, I even lifted it up high enough to show my slit off for a second or so. I could hear his breathing hitch, and felt his hot breath on my rear. Suddenly, I felt a hoof on my flanks, kneading agonizingly slowly, and I moved to cover myself as I flushed and turned to him. “Skittles!” I hissed between clenched teeth. He looked sheepishly at me, before squeezing my rump one last time and withdrawing reluctantly. Fuck. He had beaten me at my own game, though I was sure he was dropping out of his sheath. Shit, I let him beat me. No matter, the aisle had finally cleared up. We shimmied out as un-awkwardly as possible, and I kept my tail lowered as we made our way out. My face was red though, and I knew it. Skittles knew it too. He just wouldn’t stop fricken’ smiling. I wanted to buck him... and fuck him. So things were pretty much normal. At least, that’s what I told myself. ---===*===--- We had been hiking for miles, the soft crunch of gravel and compacted dirt beneath our hooves was a welcomed change to the typical hard tapping of concrete and asphalt that normally rang in our ears. To the sides of us sat groves of trees with bushes and foliage growing between. Some would say that ponies are creatures that came about on the plains. Built for running and rutting in the long grass, and that it’s weird to feel at home among the trees, closed off from the open skies. Those ponies usually haven’t ever been camping. I leaned into Skittles as we walked, his ruffled primaries wrapping around my torso. After a long stretch of companionable silence, he began to chat to me absentmindedly. “I really like this, Ivy. It smells fresh out here, free.” Skittles smiled, letting out a pleased sigh. I snickered. “I do try and use shampoo,” I quiped, to which he snorted and smiled at me. “No, but, I understand. You should come to Hollow Shades sometime if you like it here. They have trees growing everywhere, and half their buildings are built out of living trees, it’s incredible!” “I never knew that,” he replied with a skeptical look written across his muzzle. “I guess it’s possible, the old library in Ponyville was made from a living tree.” “Seriously, it’s a chill place once you get used to all the fruit suckers,” I told him with a smile written on my face. “Ehh, that wouldn’t be my first destination for a vacation. I’ve always wanted to see the Crystal Empire. Massive colourful spirals, lost spells, and well, rock candy!” “That’s a place I’ve never been to either, maybe we should plan a trip up there.” I flipped my mane out of my eyes. “You know, I would hate to be your dentist Skittles,” the words rolled off my tongue naturally. I was at peace with him. I mean, as co-dependent as that sounded, it was true. Everytime I looked into his eyes I knew how much value I had as a pony, as myself. “What’s a dentist?” He asked mockingly before sticking out his tongue, giving me a fat rasberry before I swatted at him with my hoof. “They mostly get you high on laughing gas and stick drills into your mouth,” I told him simply. “I dunno Ivy, if we’re going old timey intoxicants I prefer Ether.” I could hear him barely suppressing the urge to laugh at his own joke. What a fucking dork. “Ether makes you fart flammable gas,” I blanched and stuck my own tongue out. “Ivy, all farts are flammable gas,” he said to me before finally cracking and letting out a loud laugh. I couldn’t help but join him. Here we were in the nicest spot within fifty kilometers of Baltimare and we were laughing our asses off about farts. I had to stop and catch my breath, but I continued to laugh, and I felt my stomach start to cramp up a bit as I lowered my head down. “We aren’t all that grown up are we? I know we’ve both got jobs and all but like, we’re laughing at fuckin’ fart jokes.” I really couldn’t stop laughing. “I mean, depends on your definition of grown up, Ivy,” he turned to wait for me. “Some people think it’s when you have kids!” With those words, I felt my joy immediately begin to fade. Why the fuck did he have to bring that up? Fuck. Just, fuck. I just...wanted to enjoy a day out with him. Instead, he just reminded me of our earlier conversation, which I was not fuckin’ happy about. Did he do that on purpose? Skittles seemed to notice my pause. Maybe it was cause my gaze was fixed on a pebble. Who fucking knows. He kept looking at me, like he expected me to say something. What the hell was I supposed to say to that? What, that ‘oh, probably’, or something like ‘oh hey, now that you mention it, I really do wanna have kids! Oh thank you sooo much for bringing that up! You should fuck me till I get knocked up and have your foa-’ I caught myself before I could go on, figuring that being angry and horny wouldn’t be the best idea. Skittles eyed the path awkwardly before finally opening his mouth. “H-hey so um, wanna keep going? I’m sure we’re gonna reach the top soon.” I snapped out of my thoughts, jerking myself forward, and trotting past him. “Yeah, yeah, lets go. We can grab something for dinner afterward!” I smiled, but I think it might have come off as a grimace. From the corner of my eye, I saw his eyes drop a little. I felt a little tug in my chest, and gave a quiet little sigh before turning back to face the pegasus. “Hey, c’mon, you alright?” I said, forcing a gentler smile. I watched as he immediately perked up a tad (god he was cute), and we were on our way within seconds. I pressed myself into him once again, Suddenly,he pulled me tighter with his wing and stopped in his tracks. Before I knew it he had pulled me into a kiss. His foreleg drifted over my back and withers. Our chest fur rubbed against against each other I eventually gave in and shoved my tongue into his mouth, gently caressing his inner thighs with my golden magic. He broke the kiss and looked at me with desperation in his eyes. “That’s payback,” I whispered to him with a wink, before giving him a chaste peck on the cheek. “All is fair in love and war I guess,” he told me simply before letting me go. “Hiking on the other hoof, it’s harder to cheat at. C’mon let’s get to the trail ead and turn around.” “I didn’t cheat, I just used my magic. It’s natural.” “Sure you didn’t,” he said before starting up again. “Wait up!” ---===*==--- We had gotten back to the house, and we were both sweaty, tired ponies. My muscles ached in a sort of good way. The train ride back was mostly deserted, so we may or may not have sucked face the entire time… But now we were back at Skittles’ place cleaning up a bit. I threw on my flannel, not my sex flannel, my other flannel. At least, I think it wasn’t the sex flannel. “You almost done in there, Featherhead?” I yelled at the bathroom door. “Hey, I wasn’t the one to take half an hour to put on leggings,” he shot back. That one hurt. “You’re just jealous I can wear tight clothing!” I yelled back at him. Just to make sure I could back up that statement (of course I could), I glanced over my shoulder at my taut rear. You’ve still got it Ivy. “I’m not at all jealous, I just like being poofy, it’s the pegasus way.” I shivered a little in spite of my clothing. Moments passed and I drifted over to the bed. We still needed to change the sheets, we really couldn’t pass those stains off as anything other than sex stains… “You wanna do some laundry when you get out,” I asked him. I had an entire suitcase full of dirty laundry. I’m an adult. I swear… “Only if you watch the machines while I flirt with the mare who sells neighponese mares at the take out place,” he told me as he opened the door, still drying his mane with a towel. “Deal, but only if you let you watch you dick the other mare down,” I said with a smile on my face. “Let’s launder some clothes then!” His faux excitement about killed me. Maybe he did complete me? At the very least, he knew how to compliment me… ---===*==--- The moment I got into the room, I sat my rump on the floor and started pulling clothing out and started to fold them. Meanwhile Skittles took the new sheets and tried putting them on the bed, starting with the far corner and slowly inching his way towards mine. Eventually he made it to the closest corner, I licked my lips as he pointed his squeezable flanks towards me. My eyes could make out every tuft of fur on his tan body. When he finally tugged the final corner in place, I grabbed his tail with my magic and jerked upwards. “Hey!” He yelped as he whipped around, peeking through his fluffed wings. . Skittles kept his tail raised as I stared at his goods for what felt like the first time. His balls were mostly black, and so was his taint. But the real gold I was looking for was his tight tail hole.At some point, I was gonna fuck it. At some point, I was gonna make him love it. (Hopefully.) Skittles smirked as he watched me stare. “You just gonna keep drooling?” he said before jerking out of my grip, whipping my nose playfully with his tail. “I just kinda want some sugar,” I purred, winking at him. “O-oh,” he stuttered. Heh, he looked like he just ate something really spicy. He fell on his rump and covered his crotch with his hooves. “Ivy, Little Skittles is out and about now.” “I didn’t expect anything less,” I told him as I leaned over my own hooves to place a light, chaste, kiss on his muzzle. “Now, do you wanna get to the fun part?” “Yes!” “Then help me fold clothes.” I stuck my tongue out at him, levitating a third of my pile over to him. “I was gonna help anyway,” he said, pouting. I sighed, giving in to those cute eyes peeking at me between the strands of his chocolatey mane “Oh Skittles, you’re a great stallion,” I told him before pulling him closer, just enough to feel his feathers tickling my side. As I leaned in a little further, I felt his breath hitch. I smiled to myself before picking  up a shirt. “I know.” ---===*===--- Minutes passed, and slowly but surely the pile of laundry disappeared. Well, it was packed neatly into my suitcase. Same thing. I heard Skittles’ breath catch in his throat.  Looking over, I saw him delicately dangling a pair of lacy black panties on the tips of his primary feathers. I grinned. “You like em’?” I asked. He jumped, before grinning sheepishly at me. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I pulled them from his grasp with my magic, and caught his eye. “I-Ivy, those are new,” he finally said to me as I gently ran my hooves over the surface of the silky panties. “Yesss. I was planning on wearing em’ later this week. But, I don’t see a reason why I can’t wear them now.” I said huskily, giving him a sly wink,  “You wanna put em’ on?” “Yes!” Inside, I giggled a little bit. His response was lighting quick. What an eager boy. Silently, I rose to my hooves, flicking my tail aside and revealing my nethers. I wasn’t wet yet, but having a hot stallion staring at my cunt would change that pretty quickly. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as he grasped the panties delicately between his teeth, dipping his head down. I felt a tap on my hind-leg, and I eagerly lifted it. Seductively, teasingly, he used his mouth to draw them up my hindquarters, and I shivered as I felt the sensation of his teeth grazing against my fur. “S-skittles,” I whimpered as I draped my tail around his neck. Finally, I felt the fabric snap around the curve of my ass, and the damp spot he had made with his mouth pressed against my other growing wet patch. I shivered. “Hey s-so when are you gonna star- ” Before I could finish, I let out a yelp as he finally pressed his muzzle against my clothed cunt. Then, he took a good whiff. Fuck he was a such a tease. “I love your musk, Ivy,” I felt him smile, his mouth pressed fully against my heat. After what seemed like only seconds, his muzzle left and was replaced by his hoof. He ground his frog against my now soiled panties gently, massaging. “W-wait,” I told him, barely managing a squeak as I attempted to cover my twitching pussy with my tail. Finally, he grabbed the panties with his mouth and peeled them aside roughly. His mouth was soon replaced by a wingtip as he held my panties aside. In the back of my mind, I wanted to warn him not to ruin them, but I couldn’t care less  as he was lapping at my slit with an agonizingly slow pace. But then, he suddenly shoved his tongue into me in one swift movement. his I felt my legs start to wobble cause of the sensations. Fuck he was good! “Skittles, please,” I let out between moans as he bore down on my needy pussy. Lapping at me, he pushed his tongue inside of me, attending to my clit whenever it winked out. Gasping, I gently nudged him away as I flicked my tail back over my heat. “Bed?” He asked me between heavy breaths. His entire muzzle was glistening from my juices and his saliva. Goddamn I was wet.  I nodded my head eagerly before trotting over to his bed and sprawling over the mattress, leaving my rear presented to him over the side. His hooves came to rest on my plump cheeks, kneading and groping while his tongue went back to assaulting my pussy. “Yes!” I yelled as my clit winked out against his lips. Minutes passed as I gradually felt the pressure in my body build up, his tongue dipping into me faster and faster while his hooves got rougher on my ass as my. Forehooves grasped at the mattress. Some far off part of me knew that my moans were probably passing through the wall… but I didn’t give a fuck. Finally, I let out a piercing scream as I came. My marecum splattered on his face as my entire body seized up. I had to stifle my wail by biting the blanket in front of me. Afterwards, I lay still, panting. My tail fell away from his neck as I felt the bed depressing under the weight of another pony. “Was that a good apology?” I heard Skittles whisper into my ear. He lifted his wing to cover my back as I bathed in the afterglow. When did he get on the bed? “Mnnn,” was all I could mumble in reply. He smiled at me, and a sort of fuzzy feeling bloomed in my chest. Most stallions would have pounced on me the moment I finished, demanding that I repay them but not Skittles. Skittles was polite. “Apology accepted.” I giggled as he nibbled at the crook of my neck, before making an attempt to kiss the hickey better. “Those panties are super hot,” he whispered. Something clicked in my mind when he said that, and thoughts of some very kinky things flooded through.  Smirking, I whipped around and batted my lashes at him. “So you know how you like anal?” I asked him innocently. “I love it,” he said in a husky tone. “I love playing with all your holes!.” I let my facade fall and grinned cockily. “Oh Skitts, how about you try it this time? I hear it’s even better for stallions.” He blinked at me before finally understanding, and his muzzle flushed red. “S-sure, i-if you want,” he spoke nervously, but there was a hidden tinge of excitement in there too. I felt a twitch of pleasure in my cunt. “I do,” I told him as I pushed myself back to my hooves. His wings fell of my sides as I reluctantly clambered off the warm bed.  He watched me with an adorably curious expression as I rifled through my bag, finding the little compartment where I stored all my goodies. When I pulled it out into the open air his eyes grew wide. My vibrator, in all of its glory, glinted in the light. It was a bright pink, with a simple rod shape that tapered to a blunted point on one end. On the other side a narrow wire connected it to a control pad. “You like?” “I-it’s...cute,” I heard him say with a gulp. It was smaller than his cock. But his cock didn’t exactly vibrate did it?I cradled it in my magic  as I trotted over to the bed. He watched warily as I jumped onto the bed, turning myself over so I was on my back, with my head resting on the pillows. “Whatcha doing with it?” “Lubing it up,” I told him as I spread my legs without a thought.. With a touch of magic I flicked it onto medium, before pressing it to my sopping wet slit. My moan seemed to echo off the walls. Fuck, I was still sensitive from that last orgasm. Still, I pressed on as I pushed more of it into my pussy. My eyes closed as I let my hoof take over the job of pushing it further in. My breath hitched as the vibe touched my clit. When I opened my eyes I noticed Skittles had pulled himself up besides me, and in his hooves was the remote. “Fuck!” I screamed as he jammed the vibrator up to maximum. He was laughing with a hard on as I sat there and just rode through the sensations. Moments passed and I felt the tendrils of pleasure snake through me once again. “That good?” Skittles chortled  as he dialed it back to medium after I sat there for a good minute with my tongue lolling out of my mouth. “S-shut u-up!” I told him as I grabbed the remote with my magic. I never used it on maximum. After moving the remote to the other side of me I grabbed the end of my vibe in my magic and pulled it out. It was fucking slick alright. “Flip over, pretend I’m giving you a massage.” “Don’t I need to shower, or something first?” Skittles asked with some trepidation in his voice. “I have magic that’ll work just fine for this.” I was grinning now, cause between my annoyance at this lovely pegasus boy and the multiple orgasms, I was ready to fuck him hard. “S-sure.” He uttered before doing what I asked. “Good boy,” I told him as I climbed over his form, resting my crotch over his butt. I bet he could feel how sticky I was. My hooves hovered over his shoulders. They were still pretty loose from yesterday, and I knew his wings were still good. I bumped my hips against his and I heard him groan beneath me. My teeth came down on his left ear and nipped them lightly. “Ivy!” He moaned as I snaked my magic under him and gripped his half hard cock. In another tendril of telekinesis I held the vibrator. “Lift up?” I asked him while pulling up on his hips. Skittles obliged me and I pulled his cock back to rest between his legs before letting him come back down. A single hoof stroke down the back of his veiny cock made him mewl loudly. But, then I spread his cheeks with my hooves and just looked at his tight little hole for a second. “Whatcha doin’?” He asked as I started to light my horn up while focusing on his tight hole. There was a brief flash of light, and I opened my eyes again. Skittles let out a yelp and twisted around, craning his neck in an attempt to catch my eye. “What w-was that?” I grinned. “Simple spell, Skitts. What matters is you’re clean now!” After giving his cute lil’ butt a kiss, my horn lit up and brought the vibrator to rest on his throbbing cock. “You like that?” I asked with a smile as I turned the vibrator on to its weakest setting.  He just grunted in reply. That grunt jumped three octaves when I pressed my wet tongue to his tight ring, while holding the length of the vibrator to his hard cock. “I-Ivy, Ivy, Ivy, Ivy…” Was all it seemed he could say as I pushed my tongue inside him. My own pussy winked as I watched his cock twitch like mad. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, darling?” I pulled my muzzle away before spitting my own little glob of saliva onto his butthole. My magic gathered up all the pre that hadn’t soaked into the sheets let and applied it to the tip of the vibrator. It glistened in the light… Between the precum and my own juices it was drenched. “A-are you gonna put it in me?” Skittles asked, his excitement seemed to radiate off him with every syllable. My magic moved the vibe, for now turned off, over to his hole. He groaned a little when the rounded head made contact. “Yes,” I growled as I ground the head gently against his ass. I had used it on myself before, and this was the best approach. Eventually, I had to push it. “Oooh,” he moaned as I slipped the first milimeter into his ass. The next went a little harder as the toy got thicker. He whimpered as I slowly spread him open. Man, his ass was taking the toy well. When I got about half of the toy inside him, I decided to flick the toy’s setting up a notch. “Ivy!” I watched in amazement as his cock throbbed and he tried in vain to hump against the mattress. “You like it?” I asked him before pulling the toy from him. “Yes!” he yelled at me before wiggling his rump. I watched with glee as his hole seemed to twitch every so slightly, just waiting to be penetrated.  I just smiled and turned the vibrator to medium. He looked over his shoulder as the buzzing got louder. Skittles began to mouth my name, but when I forced half the buzzing vibe into him the second time, all he could do was wail. I let him get used to the new sensation for a few seconds… And then I pushed it to the hilt. His yell seemed to shake the room as I began to fuck him with the vibrator. I was dripping at the sounds of my stallion getting pounded alone. Minutes passed, and he only seemed to get needier and needier, the toy sliding in and out of him with a rhythm that only a unicorn could muster. “C’mon Ivy, turn it up!” I heard Skittles yell after what seemed like hours of teasing. I had pushed him to the brink, and he was teetering ever so close to orgasm. I couldn’t wait for him to feel the high setting. Suddenly, I had another idea, and without warning, I tugged the toy out of his glistening hole. “Are you my cute little butt-slut?” I asked him as rubbed the toy between his cheeks.. “Yes!” he said under his breath. “C’mon!” The dildo stayed out of him. His entire body was shaking, and his dick was leaking non-stop. “Beg.” I commanded before dipping my head down to drag my tongue along his loosened hole. His loud squeak made my pussy wink. “I’m a butt-slut!” He yelled, wiggling his rump every so desperately. Licking my lips, I smacked the toy against his ass. “Wrong answer, try again.” His ass gave another rather violent twitch. He was fuckin’ begging for it. There was silence as he tried to muster a thought in his sex-addled mind. Finally, he hissed between his clenched teeth, whipping his tail in my face. “I’m your butt-slut.” I grinned. “That’s okay, because I’m one too,” my magic switched the vibe to high. It nearly fell out of my magic, the fucking thing was mental when it was on high. Without hesitation, and I pressed it against his ring and pushed. Okay my panties had been wet before, now they were dripping. The thing hilted in him, and he screamed in pleasure. He could only lay there convulsing as the vibe stretched him out, applying all those little vibrations to his prostate. His tongue was even lolling out of his mouth, adding just a bit more liquid to these poor abused sheets. All I could hear was a low humming and a constant mewling from Skittles.. The thing was, I could stimulate him a lot more. My horn glowed, and with a squelch, I pulled the vibrator out until it nearly left his ass, before slamming it back into him. He screamed as it spread him open. I couldn’t stop this time. I wanted to make him cum so fucking bad. “Come on Skittles, I know you love this,” I leaned over his chest and began to whisper into his ears as I started slowly picking up the pace of the fucking. “I do!” He said between gasps as the dildo pressed into him. I was done teasing the adorable stallion. I got faster and faster, thrusting the toy in and out at a savage pace. He was so close, but he seemed to need just a little more. So, my horn lit up, and my magic enveloped his throbbing dick, stroking and pulsating around it. “Fuck! Ivy!” His yells squeezed shut as a solid stream of cum exploded from his cock has he writhed in pleasure. The stuff spurted everywhere. His wings stiffened and twitched as I stroked the length of his cock, milking him for all he was worth. “Fuckfuckfuck!” Skittles whimpered as I watched him cum. Finally, after like thirty seconds, the dribbles stopped. “Damn, that’s a lot of cum!” I said as I switched the vibe off and pulled it out of him. “Yeah, and you weren’t even the one cumming,” he told me in a weary voice. He turned himself onto his back and looked between his legs. The pool of thick white covered the comforter, and he grinned sheepishly. “Damn.” With a hoof, he stroked his cock and turned that smile on to me. Soon after, his cock became stiff once again. “How the fuck?” I asked him, my mouth half agape as I stared at his semi-hard dick. Heh. My mouth was about as gaped as his asshole was after that thorough fucking. “I’m just that good,” he said to me as sat myself beside him. My magic took over the stroking of his cock while gently playing with his drained balls. His hoof shifted from his cock to playing with my (still sopping) sensitive pussy, playing games with my outer folds. As he did this, I let out squeals, and my little moans seemed to make his dick grow again.  “Or it could be I’ve wanted to finish in your pussy, for the last month, and not even having my asshole fucked into oblivion is going to stop that.” I had just enough time to smile before his lips met mine and he rolled himself over me. Skittles was warm, and he was still trying to catch his breath as he kissed me. It wasn’t that hard to push into his mouth as my hooves played over his back and rump, squeezing and caressing the panting pegasus. When he finally pulled his mouth off to get a breath of air, I felt his hard cock twitch against my mound. “You really are good,” I took a breath as he just looked down at me and smiled his soft smile. He was tired, but he had that fire in his eyes that made mares wet. Well, made me wet at least. “Ooh,” I moaned as he pried my hind legs apart. He shifted his body down, leaving little kisses on the nape of my neck, before nipping my collarbone roughly. His cock pressed against my entrance, making me wink out against him. “Who’s my little cock slut?” he asked with a tension to his voice, like he was uncomfortable with his words. Still, he was unabashed when he ground his cock against me. “No, no!” I moaned out as he took one of his hooves and stroked my left teat. It grew hard instantly, and his grinding only got rougher. “C’mon Ivy,” he said before nipping my shoulder hard enough to leave a mark. The tip lined up with my cunt, and I knew it was now or never. Well, tomorrow morning, at least. “I’m your slut,” he smiled at me before plowing into me with all the strength his hips could muster. My pussy could barely take him, he almost rammed up against my cervix when he hilted in me. Some part of me tried to slow the stallion down by holding onto his back. That only spurred him on. His new roughness was exciting, and I knew he wouldn’t cum easily after his recent orgasm. “Skittles!” I yelled as he pulled himself out, before sliding back into my wet pussy like it was nothing. Another bite on my neck made me clench up. I tried to slow him down by wrapping my hinds around him, but it seemed that nothing I did would stop him from fucking me into next week!. “I’m gonna finish in you,” he growled in my ear. My head fell back against the pillow as my pussy got tighter around him. I was dripping my juices all over our legs. “You want that though, it turned you on when I nearly dumped my cum in you last night,” he stopped his speech to force himself in me even more roughly. My moan was drowned out by the wet slap of fur against fur. It was so hot doing it like this, the angle was different, and my tunnel felt shorter as my stallion looked down at me. “It was fucking hot,” my voice stuttered as I admitted it to him. Somehow this was different, I wanted him to fill me up. And I kinda regret not taking the chance last night. He pulled on my nipples, roughly running his hooves over them. “You wanna be bred don’t you?” Skittles asked in that new domineering tone. Suddenly my pervy mind had an idea. My horn lit up surreptitiously, even as I felt his cock twitch inside me. His thrusts were getting rougher and rougher, less rhythmic and more bestial. His warm breaths tickled my skin as I took my pounding with my tongue lolling out. “I do,” I yelled out as I switched the vibrator on and sunk it in his ass. “Fuck!” Skittles yelled as I felt his cock flare deep inside me. His bucks got faster and faster as he was pushed over the edge again. The flood of cum was hot as it spread within me. “Get bred,” he moaned out as he pumped his length in and out of me in short strokes. Somehow, between all the cum and seeing my stallion writhing above me with a cock in his ass, I felt myself tighten up. My third orgasm of the night finally locked him in place. My pussy being a vice helped, but mostly it was my hind legs finally locking him in place. He mewled as he wanted to keep thrusting. “Skittles, fucking hell!” I told him before craning my neck to smooch is forehead as we both laid there taking in the afterglow. The hum of the vibrator still filled the air. With a quick motion I shut it off, and pulled it from his ass. “Ivy, I don’t even know what came over me,” he told me after a moment. We had both caught our breaths. “Don’t feel like you need to apologize, that was a good fuck,” I told him as I idly stroked one of his wings. I was tired, whatever else three orgasms do to you, they fucking exhaust a pony. “O-okay. So you do wanna be bred?” Skittles asked in his quiet voice before letting out a loud yawn. “Maybe,” I told him with a laugh. “We can talk tomorrow, for now, I just wanna sleep with a cute stallion beside me.” “Well, that’s good, because I wanna sleep with a beautiful mare beside me.” “Goodnight Skittles,” I said with a yawn as I felt him pull out of me, before laying beside me. “‘Night Ivy,” I heard him sleepily say. Moments later, as I thought about the day with cum leaking out of me, I passed out… It had been a good day. With a stallion I loved. ---===*===--- My rest was rudely interrupted by the piercing sound of my phone.  Groggily, I trotted over and fished it out of my bag. I grumbled, and my magic accepted the call and pressed it to my head. The time displayed on the phone was three-fourteen AM. “Hello, am I speaking to Ms. Ivy?” I barely acknowledged  the unfamiliar voice on the phone and physically nodded before speaking. Phones were totally new to me. “Uh, yes, who am I speaking to?” “I’m the executive director in charge of product relations. There was a problem with the special bottles you designed. When we opened the cases, dozens were shattered, and the glass spilled. There have been injuries. We’re facing serious litigation already, and we need you back there to resolve the issue. A redesign is necessary, so for now, we’re freezing the production and sale of the jars. We need you to come back to Hollow Shades. There’s a ticket at the train station, it leaves at eight tomorrow.” “Oh, w-well, I’ll be there to fix my mistake.” I told him, somehow my voice was steady as I spoke. As much as I wanted to break down at this unexpected failure, I knew I couldn’t over the phone. “It was an honest mistake. Enjoy the rest of the time you have left before the train.,” he finished. The moment the call ended I felt the first of many tears begin to streak down my cheeks. Somehow the irony of the whole day made it worse. I didn’t think I was making much noise as I began to check over my bag. Moments later though, I heard the sound of the bathroom door popping open. “Ivy, what is it?” Skittles asked me as he ran over to me. He hugged me and stopped my packing with his hooves. “I fucked up,” I said between heaving breaths. My eyes locked onto his. “I didn’t test the jars enough, and ponies got hurt!” His hooves tightened around me as my chest began to hurt from the crying. “You didn’t mean to, Ivy,” he told me quietly, stroking my mane with his hooves. “I’m here for you, and I always will be.” I cried for minutes more, just glad that I wasn’t dealing with the feelings by myself. I had been there before, and that was the worst. I didn’t like to have people see me cry, but I knew that crying alone is the worst place to be. “It’s not just that, I need to leave in an hour. I fucking hate it, I have no control over anything!” I told him between breaths. “I know you normally do, Ivy, but I also know you don’t have a choice right now,” he said to me. There was a gentle sigh in his voice. He had been through this before. Half the time I planned to stay with him it was cut short by work, or family, or me fucking something up. “I’ll help you pack up again, you’re more important than a little sleep.” “Thank you,” I said with raw emotion dripping from my voice. “I’m so sorry about the museum, about everything. I-” Before I could blubber on, he gently rested a feather against my lips kissed me gently on the nose. “No, no, it’s okay. You’ll fix what you need to fix, and be back here soon. I’ll wait for you.” He finished speaking and I couldn’t help but lean over to him and repay him. “I wish I could be half the pony you are, Skittles,” I told him as I felt the tears well up again. I knew I needed to go soon. And I still had cum and sweat all over me. Fuckin’ fuck I was a mess. “I’m gonna go steal more of your water, it would be a big help if you could gather up my stuff from the house and kinda shove it in my saddle bag.” “I can do that!” He said as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. I knew that he had work in just a few hours too, and every minute of his sleep time taken up by me would take productivity from his day. Still, I needed to shower… I needed to get on a train that would take me away from him. The tears came back. But when he tried to hold me, I just walked towards the shower. This was all familiar, I hated to cry in front of ponies. I didn’t know why he loved me. I wasn’t worth it.