> Like Morning Follows Night > by Calico64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Barricades > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Sword had to admit that he had never even heard of Ranchtown before he saw that he had orders to change his permanent duty station there. To his understanding, in light of certain situations arising all over Equestria, the Royal Guard were to spread out all over to the different cities and set up their jobs with the local authorities. Not only were they to lead them, they were to police the police. They had to make sure that there were no bribes being taken, and that they were not on someone’s payroll that they shouldn’t have been. They had to make sure that they were doing their jobs, but also present them with a wider jurisdiction and do the jobs that they were unable to do, according to the law of said affected area. As soon as he saw his name on the roster, he packed all of his bags and put them in his utility vehicle. The white unicorn with light brown hair drove for what seemed like forever, following the electronic map. He thought that a fifteen hour trip was not going to be such a bad thing. He underestimated his sleep schedule’s importance, and before he knew it, he felt his eyes trying to close on their own. It was very late, entering into the early hours of the morning after he had already been on the road for so long. He cursed under his breath and scolded himself; he should have known better than that. Falling asleep at the wheel is a first class ticket to having a car accident, and he was setting a bad example in his higher position. He was forced to find the nearest hotel in the city limits of Ranchtown, which he had just passed: “WELCOME TO RANCHTOWN. POP: 9,300 EST.” At least he had reached the city, but he was in absolutely no shape to find his new living quarters, which was assigned to him before he had even left. The good news was that the hotel could be put on his business card. He found the Rainbow Root Inn, it looked decent enough for a night to stay. He’d had some humble beginnings in his upbringings, and he was no stranger to the less luxurious parts of life. The white unicorn got out of his car after turning it off in the parking lot. He slowly made his way toward the front, thankfully they didn’t seem to be too busy that night. It was, after all, a Tuesday. He walked into the hotel lobby and there was the receptionist, playing on her phone. He walked up to the counter, and she looked up at him. She was a yellow mare, her purple hair was quite long, with huge braids going down to the bottom of her back. She wore a green sweater, as the weather had been getting a little colder lately. “Sup.” She said, “My name’s Lemon Square, welcome to the Rainbow Roots.” Her eyes never left her cell phone until she finally apparently pressed enter. “Were you looking to rent a room for the night?” “Yes, please, just for the night. I just need one bed.” Sword said, and noticed that she was looking at him, just not in the face. He couldn’t help noticing that she was tracing him along his torso, and over his arms, which were palpable in their muscles. “Alright, I’ll check you out a room. Would you like to take advantage of our free breakfast in the morning?” She started typing in the computer next to her, as she did, she kept leering at him. “Ummm, no I don’t believe so, I need to leave first thing in the morning, I am on a strict schedule.” He replied, getting a very heavy sense that she was still looking him over. In fact, if he didn’t know better, he thought she may even be undressing him with her eyes. “Are you sure? I can bring you breakfast in the morning. Possibly even wearing less clothing than I am wearing now.” It was at this point he noticed that she was not, in fact, wearing a bra and her nipples were poking through her green sweatshirt. “I… uuhh…” He tried to gage whether she was joking or not. “I don’t think that will be necessary.” “Okay. Your room is 104, please, have a nice evening. Ring up here for anything and I will put it in my mouth and crawl into your room with it. No matter what it is.” Lemon said as she handed him the key. His eyes widened. “Thank you.” He took the key and started to turn around but stopped as she held up her hand. “No, no. Thank you.” She pointed at him and gave a sly grin, winking at him. He blinked and turned back toward the exit. He got out to the parking lot, taking his gym bag from the back seat of his SUV. He entered back into the hotel lobby to see that Lemon had gotten back on her phone and was typing away. Though, as he turned to the right to walk down the hallway, he could feel her eyes as they measured out his rear as he disappeared into the corridor. He walked down to his room, noting that while the place looked somewhat dull and dismal with its brown carpet and its rough interior design, the paint job on the doors actually looked rather fresh. He entered his room and dropped his bag into a chair that was right beside the door. He didn’t even bother with the shower that night, he was already starting to feel somewhat dizzy. Sword simply pulled the covers of the bed out from underneath the top, and undressed down to his underwear. He was very fit. Being a Royal Guard required him to keep healthy and strong. The great benefit was that he was chiseled to the point of near perfection. He slid down underneath the covers and nearly passed out instantly. He slept well, and peacefully that night. What he didn’t realize is that he forgot to set an alarm clock to wake up in time to report into his new precinct. He fell into an especially heavy sleep that night, and even slept past his normal wake up time. “Diamond Sword…” He heard a distant voice in his dreams. He let out a small grunt as his eye opened part way for just an instant. “Diamond Sword.” “Wha... “ Sword started to open his eyes slowly, and saw two bright blue eyes in front of him. “What?” “Hey, sleepy head. Good morning.” He saw a gray bat pony in front of his face, her long orange hair hung over him as she looked downward at him. All the sudden, he noticed it was daylight outside and his eyes widened. “Oh, no! I overslept! I need to call--” “Whoa whoa whoa, there tiger. Simmer down!” Grem said as she held up her hands toward him. The bat pony said as he sat up in the bed. “It’s okay! I honestly didn’t expect you until later today. You drove a long way really quickly.” “Wait, you’re Captain Grem?” He looked toward her, seeing that she wasn’t in her uniform armor, nor did she have her weapon on her. The white unicorn scratched his head and looked around, remembering that he checked into a hotel the night before. “How did you find me?” “Oh, a little mouse told me.” She said, pulling out her cell phone to thank the receptionist via text. “Go ahead, get ready, and we’ll head out for breakfast.” She smiled at him and started to walk out of the room. “Yes, ma’am.” He stood up from his bed and started to tug his shorts down. “You know, you don’t have to be so-- Oh my.” She poked her head back, making him freeze, and then looked away. “Sorry.” She closed the door behind her. ------ They sat down at a local diner, she was in a white shirt with blue horizontal stripes, sunglasses on her head, and long dark blue jeans. He was in his Celestial Royal Guard uniform. She was thankful he didn’t come in full armor, but she also felt a little awkward. He sat up straight, he was a bit over respectful, and he kept calling her ma’am, though she stated that her name was Grem. Even then, he kept calling her Captain Grem. “So, Lieutenant Diamond Sword, tell me a little bit about yourself.” She stirred her spoon in her coffee, mixing in the cream and sugar. The place was called Clyde’s Diner, and it was the nearest place to eat. It was very retro, even having a record player jukebox in the middle of the dining facility that took a single bit to play five songs on. “Is this my initial feedback?” He asked, and her eyes widened. All the sudden, her early days in the royal guard started to play back in her head. All of the straight-laced officers over her, all of the yelling, all of the bullshit regulations she had to adhere to even when they didn’t have a point to them, and some of them were just downright wastes of time. Just looking at this guy, it seemed as if they successfully brainwashed him into the kind of killing machine that would run off a bridge because his commanding officer ordered him to, without question. “No, this is us having breakfast, and me getting to know my partner on the field. This is not Canterlot anymore, Sword, this is Ranchtown. Yes, we have a job to do, but no, we do not need to keep calling each other by rank. We can be a bit more laid back. Like I said before, you really didn’t have to come in uniform.” Grem took a big drink of her coffee. “Well, um, my name is Lieutenant Diamond Sword, from Celestial Squadron 5, we guard the west wing of Princess Celestia’s castle. My weapon of choice is a standard issue broadsword.” He said, then drank some of his black coffee, and set it back on the table. They stared at one another across the table. “Well, that’s a start.” Grem gave an awkward throat clear through the very uncomfortable silence. The waitress came by and gave them both their plates of food, then refilled their coffees. All the while both of them sat there and made their eyes wander around. Grem was desperately trying to claw for something to talk about; anything was better than this. “Oh, ummm, I’ll also be showing you your living quarters after we’re done here. I was able to set you up some pretty nice accomodations.” “Oh, thank you. I’m sure they will be fine.” He said as he tucked into his eggs sunny side up. “I am from somewhat humble beginnings. In fact there was a small time frame where I did not sleep in a bed.” He said to her, and her eyes widened a little bit. “Really?” She wasn’t so much surprised about his statement, as she was surprised that he actually told her something about his past. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t say I was born with silver spoon in my mouth either. The fact that I was a bat pony gave me a very limited amount of options.” “Oh, yes, I have seen the disgusting way they treated bat ponies in the past. I’m glad it’s gotten at least a little better.” This gave her a little smile on her face. They ate in relative silence for a while and as they finished, he started to pull out his coin bag. She hurried to pull out her coin bag first and the both of them started to pull out coins, dropping them onto the table. “I can get this, Captain.” He said to her, hurrying to get the right number of coins out. “The name is Grem! And no, I invited you here, I’m getting this.” Her voice was frantic, as were her hands as she tossed out one coin at a time. “Done!” Both of them said at the same time, coming out with fifteen bits at the same time. Both of them stared at each other for a moment, they scowled and neither of them backed down. “Yes, ma’am.” He finally broke, pulling his coins back into his bag. This made Grem laugh and wave her hand at him. “How about you handle the tip, three bits should do.” Grem started to get up from the table. They left the diner, and Grem noticed that something was off. As they exited the diner, Diamond Sword became something of a blank slate. His eyes went back to having nothing behind them and his walk was upright, completely straight like he was marching. Grem looked him over, beyond the obvious perfectly shaped body, she noticed that he was so very tense as they made their way to his vehicle. “Ma’am, may I ask you something?” He spoke as he got into the driver’s seat of his black SUV. The white unicorn started the car and watched her put on her seat belt. “If you start calling me Grem, sure.” She rolled her eyes as they started to move out from the parking lot and into the streets. “Did you leave your vehicle at the hotel? Do I need to drop you off back there later?” He asked, and she started to wonder when he was going to finally notice. “No, I flew to the hotel this morning. I like to fly sometimes. These two aren’t just for show.” She moved her wing span a little bit. “Oh, right. I apologize.” He looked off to the side with a blush. “For what?” She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. There was another uncomfortable silence between them as he drove. She simply rolled her eyes and pointed. “Take this next road to the left.” “Yes, Ma’am.” He said, causing her to facepalm. After another very long pause between them, they made it to a very nice looking house in the suburbs of West Ranchtown. As he pulled into the driveway, his eyes widened quite a bit. What he saw was perhaps one of the largest houses he had seen in quite some time, at least one that he was going to see the inside of. It was laid with fine bricks, the garage was wide enough to fit two, the wood finish was painted a pristine white. “This is the place?” He said, expecting her to say no, but she hummed her yes as she got out of the car and led him inside. She opened the door and he saw all of the furnishing of a luxurious hotel. All of the interior was clean, spread out, and came together in such a wonderful feng shui effect. His eyes trashed the black couch that sat on white carpet, with white TV stand with a large screen black TV and a white brick fireplace in the middle of the left wall of the living space. The kitchen was black and white checkered tile with similarly fashioned shelving and plates inside glass cabinets above head. As he walked through, looking at all of it, he saw the back sliding glass door which led to the backyard. His eyes already wide as they could go, his mouth went agape as he gazed upon the backyard pool with an inflatable pool chair floating around in the middle of it. The pool had a beautiful blue hue to the water, and on the very left side of it was a hot tub, complete with cup holders etched into the concrete around it so someone could sit on the edge and have a drink at the same time. Grem could have sworn she saw a tear run down his cheek but he composed himself. “Ma’am.” “Grem.” She interjected. “Is this really where I will be staying?” He asked, still not believing his luck. “Of course, that’s what I told you. This happens to be my house, and I have a spare bedroom.” A grin came across her face and she tilted her head toward the hallway threshold near the fireplace. “Right this way.” She opened his door, and the place was, once again, set up like a suite. The bed was big enough for two, there was a TV, a vanity with a chair, a desk, and a bookshelf already filled with hardbacks and pulp fiction paperbacks. The closet was empty, as were the drawers of the dresser, holding more than enough room for all of his belongings that he brought with him. “Are you certain I will not be a bother to you?” He asked, walking to the window on the other side of the room, seeing that there was a very clear view of that wonderful pool. “Of course you won’t. I have every faith in you, Diamond Sword. Now, I’m going to let you unpack and get settled in. Help yourself to anything in the fridge, and remember that the bathroom in the hall is all yours, so feel free to set up your toiletries in there. My room is on the opposite end of the hall if you need me for anything.” All of this was just entirely too much for Sword, he wasn’t sure what to say, her benevolence seemed to have no end. She started to close the door to give him some privacy, but then stopped for a moment to look at him again. “Oh, by the way. Feel free to use the pool whenever you want.” She winked at him and closed the door. He looked at the door as she closed it, then Sword’s head turned toward the pool outside his window. Morning turned into evening, and Grem was at her computer in her study when she finally started to hear activity coming from his room. She looked toward her open door. The gray bat pony got up from her chair and walked toward the door, placing her hand on the piano which was against the wall near her threshold. To her surprise, he walked out of the hallway with bright purple swim trunks, and a green towel draped over his shoulder. He walked out of the sliding door and looked to see that the sun was still well over the horizon, and there was only a very slight coolness in the air. It was a perfect time for a swim as far as he could tell. He placed his towel on the patio table with two chairs around it and didn’t waste anytime. Diamond Sword ran to the edge of the pool and jumped in feet first into the four foot end. The initial chill of the water gave him slight discomfort, but the comfort of the water soon took hold of him and he dunked his head under water to get his brown mane all nice and wet, making it turn into a darker brown. The unicorn stallion swam around in the pool and smiled. His body got used to the temperature very quickly and he began to swim laps from end to end. As he reached his third full lap, Sword was startled as he heard the sliding door open and shut very quickly. There was the reddish orange maned bat pony walking out of her back door with a yellow sling bikini that did not even cover up the full bulk of her buoyant breasts. Her legs were in full view as the strip of fabric that covered up her nether region clung to her crotch to the point that it vaguely traced the shape of her very accentuated mound. She wore round-cornered square sunglasses and carried a pink towel out, placing it onto the table beside his. Grem walked over to the stairs that led down into the shallow end, and slowly walked in, using the rail as if to be careful. “Are you enjoying yourself?” She smiled at him, and looked to see that he was staring at her without even knowing it. His gray eyes gazed upon her very revealing bathing suit that left very little to the imagination. Her breasts were amazingly large and bounced as she walked into the pool. She shivered a little bit and made her way to the inflatable pool chair, and got on top of it, laying down on it and stretching. “U-ummm yes, I am.” He answered, starting to wonder if she wanted him to leave, or if she joined him for another reason. “Did you need anything from me?” “Yes, actually. How about you tell me a little more about yourself? The unabridged version, if you would please.” She spoke, and kept her sunglasses tipped all the way up to her eyes and laid with her face pointed up toward the sky as she floated around on her chair. “Oh, okay.” He looked off to the side. “Well, I was born to a rather poor family. My father was a drunkard and my mother was too busy to be around much.” He said as he leaned up to the edge of the pool and draped his arms out to either side of him, showing off his absolutely muscled chest and biceps. “After a while, I decided to check myself into military school, it was a boarding school so I easily got my parents to sign off on it. I didn’t see them much after that.” After a moment, she tipped her sunglasses up to the top of her forehead and looked over at him. “I graduated top of my class, then I joined the true military with a nice leg up on my other squadmates, and after a while I was accepted into the royal guards. I more or less poured my heart and soul into the Royal Guards. It’s all I really know how to do.” There was a long silence, and the two of them looked off somewhere else to try and break the slight tension that filled the air. “Oh, and I also like cats.” He added, clearing his throat. She snorted at this and started to laugh a little bit. “Well, that’s cool, I guess.” She tipped her sunglasses back over her eyes. “Were you hungry?” “Not especially, but don’t let me stop you, ma’am.” He looked at her, seeing the side of her breast was very much revealed, as was her nipple, which was protruding through the thin fabric of her bikini top. “Oh, you’re not stopping me from anything.” She slid down from her chair, and slowly walked up to him in the pool water and got straight up into his face, removing her sunglasses and setting them onto the side of the pool near his arm. Grem stared at him in the face, up close and personal. “But if you call me ma’am one more time, you’ll be sleeping on the floor of my kitchen, and I’ll kick you awake with my bare hoof when I want you to get up. Then I’ll stand one hoof on your back as I make you do push ups until you pass out until I kick you awake again. My name is Grem, it is spelled with an ‘e’ and I expect you to address me as such. Is that clear?” His eyes gaped open and his jaw went slack as she got closer and closer up to him, almost touching his snout with hers. His lower lip began to quiver and his heart began to race, not only was he intimidated, but the fact that her breasts were pressing up against his chest made his heart begin to race. “Y-y-yes mm-m--mm-- yes, I understand.” He almost fumbled himself along with his words. This made her smile at him, her eyes still half open. She turned around, still very much pressed against him, now with her butt against his crotch. “Good. Now, perhaps you would like to see a bit more of my house?” Grem turned and started to walk back out of the pool from the shallow end stairs. “Umm, if you would like to show me more.” He said, feeling that he had his fill of the pool for now. He followed her out and she handed him his towel as he walked up to the patio table. “Oh, yes, there’s a bit more to see.” Grem gave him a bit of a fangy grin. “Come on.” She finished drying off and wrapped the towel around her waist as did he. They went back inside and she put her hand on his chiseled abs to stop him. “Just wait here.” She went to her room and threw her towel in the laundry hamper outside of her bathroom. As Diamond Sword waited, he looked around the living room a bit, and saw the fireplace. She obviously used it quite a bit, as there were still charred pieces of wood along with a small pile of ashes in it. What caught his eye on the black brick fireplace, though was atop the mantle was a very large, framed photograph standing in the very center of it, amid the pictures of Grem with various friends. This one, however, caught his eye not only for its size, but also the fact that she was standing beside none other than Princess Luna. His eyebrow raised quite a bit as she saw that she was a lot younger then. She was merely a Second Lieutenant at the time, but Luna draped her arm around the armored Grem in such a familiar way. This picture arose many questions to him, but his train of thought came to a stop as he heard her call to him. “Alright! Come on in!” She shouted from what sounded like a far distance. He complied and walked into her room. As he opened the door he saw her dressed in a robe. It was a very nice robe, colored in a shining white silk that had some silvery trim on the edges, and the belt. “Okay, since this is a special occasion, I wanted to show you my bath!” She motioned her hands toward her bathroom, which was directly connected to her room. It was a quite a large bathroom, almost the size of a normal kitchen. In the center of it was a drawn bath with what looked like bath salts, as the water was a tinge of red. “Don’t expect this all the time, but I thought it’d be nice after a nice swim if you wanted to pamper yourself with a bit of luxury.” Grem smiled at him, but then the smile went away as she saw his blank expression. “I… I mean… I am grateful, of course.” His eyes trailed off away from her and looked off to the side. She tilted her head at him, suddenly growing a bit of a worried look. “I just don’t know about all of this sort of thing. I am a royal guard and I shouldn’t be enjoying such things like this. You are being so kind to me, but I-- I just don’t know.” To his surprise, she took his hand gently and raised it up to hold it with both of her hands. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Grem asked him, her face a mask of concern. “You don’t need to feel guilty. I’m doing this because I want you to feel comfortable around me. I want you to know that I am here for you when you need me. If you don’t want to live here in my quarters, you don’t have to. The last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable.” She placed her hand on his right cheek and turned his face over to her. His cheeks were flushed, and his heart was racing something fierce but all and all he looked puzzled. Every so often, his eyes would dart from her to the bathtub, then back to her. “What has life done to you?” Grem finally asked, causing him to pull away from her and turn around to look elsewhere. “I--” He started to talk, then he scoffed and leaned his head downward. He took a deep breath and put his thumb and forefinger over his eyes. “I trusted someone… once.” He started to say, then his voice began to trail off. Grem started to piece this together. All of the sudden she started to see a very young stallion whose parents never cared for him like two parents should. She envisioned someone like that going off into the world by himself, not knowing how the dynamics of love worked, or what emotional connection even meant. Someone like that wouldn’t know a good mare from a hole in the ground, let alone a silver-tongued snake in the grass. Someone like that would fall for the first sweet talking bitch he found; one who had ulterior motives in mind. Soldiers in the royal guards are paid quite well, and perfect targets for some of those gold-digging bitches that give the female species a bad name. “Before I knew it, my bank account was completely empty and a good deal of my belongings were gone. So was she.” Tears welled up at the bottom of his eyes, his voice became choked and his head was still bowed very low. Without warning, he felt two arms cuddle up behind him, with two wings covering his arms and back. Grem leaned her head onto the back of his neck, as he was a good deal taller than her. Her wings clung to him tighter and she rubbed her cheek against his neck. “I can never take back what has already happened.” She finally said after a very long moment of silence. He lifted his head a little and looked over at her batwing that was wrapped firmly over his left arm, then back toward her. “What I can do is give you a bath and show you how a woman should truly treat a man. I can walk you through it, step by step. If you ever feel like I’m impeding on your comfort zone, I can stop. I can find you other living quarters and we can carry on our job as professional partners. Can you trust me enough for that?” There was another length of time where nothing was said, and he stayed very still. Obviously, he was contemplating to himself. As he thought, he gave a deep sigh. He sniffed up a bit and without a word, she felt him nod a little bit. “Okay, the first step has already been taken care of. Next, you turn around.” She said this, and back up a few steps. As he did what she said, he noticed her robe dropped to the ground, leaving her in the buff. He took in her physical, natural form. Her large breasts framed two big, pink areolas around her pointed nipples, and her perfect gray fur covered her entire body. His swim trunks got a lot tighter as it held the shape of his very long, hard genitalia. “Put your hands around me.” She gazed into his eyes as she took both of his hands and wrapped them around her, leaning in close to his manly chest. Her hands traced along his upper chest to his shoulders, wrapping around the back of his neck. He held her tight and stared back into her bright blue eyes with his gray irises. She leaned in and he met her half way, pressing his lips into hers. Their kiss was tentative at first, but as it carried on they began to indulge in it. After only a minute they started to move their lips along with one another, his hands rubbing up and down her back with hers caressed his cheeks, down to his pectoral muscles etched into his chest. For just a brief moment, her tongue touched his, and they gently broke the kiss. “I promise, I will do what I can to help you regain your hope in others. I’ve made a good group of friends in my brief time in Ranchtown. I’ll introduce you to all of them and I will stay by your side, no matter what happens. Do you trust me?” Grem asked, her hands running all up and down his chest and his abs. “I have to tell you,” He looked off to the side and just by the somber expression on his face, she could tell that he was starting to open up. “I’ve never…” Her eyes widened just for an instant. She thought that it may be possible, but she never thought in a thousand years that someone of his physique and status could have made it this far in life without knowing the touch of a mare. Whoever that ex of his was, Grem had the sudden entertaining notion to hunt her down and force feed her raw broccoli. “Hey,” She placed her hand on his cheek and directed his look back over to her. “You’re still in your lesson. The next step is this.” Her thumbs hooked into his swim trunks, starting to slide the pads of her fingers along the hem. Diamond Sword offered no resistance as she pulled his trunks straight down, all the while, she was gazing into his eyes. There they stood, birthday suit and all. As she gazed into his eyes, she took both of his hands and placed them in front of him. She would swear to this very day that she did not intend to feel the fleshy plank in front of him with her own hands. However, as she put his hands in front of him, her hands closed over him and her mouth went completely slack. He was huge. As her hands got a very slight feel of his flesh sword, they were instantly addicted. Grem was at a loss for words at this point. She couldn’t help but look down to see his nice, pinkish skinned manhood as it pulsed in her hands, standing straight up. It easily ranked among the largest she had ever come across and her hands just could not stop running all over it. “W-w-well, Sword… it seems--nmm--we’re ready to… move onto the next s-s-stage. Now, come along with--haa-- me.” Grem could easily feel herself dripping onto the floor beneath her. She hesitated for a good long moment as her hands would not stop feeling every single part of his rock solid penis. His breath began to become labored as her hands explored the ring in the middle of his shaft, his bulbous glans penis. As she started to reach the base of his cock, she forced herself to stop. With some hesitation, she took her hands off of him and put them behind herself. “Sorry, please, this way.” She cleared her throat then grabbed his hand, her eyes still feasting on his hot rod. The gray bat pony pulled the hunky unicorn into the bathroom, and came to the very large bathtub that smelled strongly of cherry blossoms. “Go on, sit in the nice soothing bath salts and feel their relaxing qualities.” She instructed him, and he complied. To his surprise, the water was still quite hot. He could have only imagined how hot it was when she first invited him into the room. His white furred form dipped deep down into the water, sighing quite a bit as he could feel the slight fizzing around himself as the bath salts went to work. He leaned back onto the edge of the hot tub, and as he did, she went to the controls on the other side of the tub, and pressed a button to make bubbles begin to come up, turning on the jets on all edges of the bath. He looked at all of the tub as it happened, his eyes widened. “Wow, you thought of everything.” He said as he felt the wonderful sensations of hot water against his bare skin. “Yes, I know.” She said, now being right behind him, and he felt very light pressure coming front two sides of his head. He looked up to see Grem was now leaning over him with a grin on her face, and both of her very large tits were on either side of his face. She stared at him for a few seconds before her eyes were once again drawn to that knob that was now sticking its head out of the bubbling red water. She got a slight bit careless, though, and she felt the poke from his unicorn horn between her tits. “Ooo!” She yipped a little bit and pulled back from him, laughing a little bit. “S-sorry.” He said, leaning his head forward once again to get his horn to a safe position away from her. Before he could look back toward her, he felt his entire body slide forward into the center of the tub as she slipped into it along with him. “No worries. I wasn’t being careful.” Her arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him close to her. She once again copped a very long feel of his sizable member, her hands squeezing it very gently on the shaft, causing him to gasp a little bit. “I was so careless.” She whispered, her cheeks growing red, as did his. “I want to be more careful, but you make that so very difficult for me. I really shouldn’t skip steps in the process, but you’re built like an adonis! Your body's like the greatest playground that only a chosen few can play in!” Grem’s voice mounted in excitement as her hands began to jerk his cock, using the hot water as an endless supply of lubricant. “Ooohh!” He groaned, looking back at her as her chin leaned over the front of his shoulder and caught his mouth with hers in another sensual kiss. “I want to make everything right with you.” She whispered in such an urgent tone in his ear as one hand jerked his shaft, and the other went down, cupping his balls. “Will you let me try?” “Yes.” He gave a breathless whisper back. “Grem!” The very mention of her name caused her to stop jerking him off. As she stopped, she gave his lips a nice hard kiss and then looked him in the eyes. “Stand up.” He did so without question, standing up with that magnificent cock only leaning forward a little bit in an upward diagonal angle. Grem still had no problem, though, and her mouth went straight for his balls, beginning to suck on them both as her hand jerked his diamond hard sword. Her lips ran up the front of his shaft from the base, making her way up with her tongue dragging across his length. His reactions drove her harder, the way he breathed harder, the way his legs wobbled, and the way he looked at her as she pleasured him. All of this gave her fuel to continue, she put her mouth over his cock head and began to suck it directly. At first she was very surprised that he had lasted this long, normally virgins would have cum about three times by now, but then came a surprise. His cock twitched only once, and she was sprayed. Her cheeks puffed out a bit before releasing his cock from her mouth and getting thick cum all over her face and her tits. Undeterred, she started to jerk his dick as he came, giving him the full treatment as he blew huge wads of semen onto her, his breath gasping for air and him leaning forward in order to keep his balance. Very little of her face was left that wasn’t splotched, and her tits were glazed with his wonderful sperm. She tasted him inside of her mouth, even licking the tip of his horse cock to get a little more. “I-I-’m so sor--” He started to say but then yipped as she gave his erection a little smack on the side of with her fingers. “Don’t apologize, you big lug! That was amazing.” She said as her hands pressed her tits together and then licked some of his cream from her nipple. She grinned up at him, and then pulled him back down into the bathtub. “Okay, I may have skipped a few steps, but now I want to get us back on track.” She got out some soap and poured it over her tits and the rest of her torso. She floated over to him and began to rub herself all over him, covering them both in soap bubbles. They washed themselves in the warm water. Grem made sure he got a good look at her entire body, her ass pointed to him as she rinsed off her fur and then shampooed her hair. Her hands above her head so he could get a very good view of her tits as they bobbed up and down. The two of them washed themselves until they felt that they’d been in the tub long enough. She pulled the tub stopper out and began to let the bath drain as she handed them both towels. “Now we go onto the next step, and I want you pay very close attention.” She bent over as she put her towel on the wall rack, once again giving him a perfect view of her ass with her quim underneath it, still very wet and partially open to reveal the pink underneath. He followed her into her bedroom and that was when she grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the bed, laying on his back. She climbed up on top of him and gave his face little kisses all over. “The stallion and mare should have a mutual relationship, one of giving and taking between them. They don’t need to be together every second of the day, but thinking about one another throughout the day is an absolute must.” She whispered down at him as she took his hands and started to control his hands into caressing her big, soft breasts. “I want you to think about these girls all the time. Don’t be afraid of them, it takes a lot to hurt me, but at the same time, don’t get too rough.” Soon he was massaging her boobs all on his own. He stared at them, marveling at how round and beautiful they were. Much to her delight, his cock was going back into full hardness. “You can do whatever you want with me. Is there some sort of fantasy you’ve wanted to fulfill? Now is the time to say so.” She moaned as he squeezed her tits in a firm grip. “Can I… see…” He started to say, but his voice was especially hesitant. He seemed embarrassed about asking such a question as he swallowed hard and looked her in her smiling eyes. “May I see your…” He looked down at her lower midsection as it was seated on his hard abs. She began to chuckle a little bit. “My pussy? My cunt? My vagina?” She elongated the last word as she moved her hips to make her crotch grind against him, leaving a little trail of wetness on him. “You most certainly may.” She turned herself around and put both of her legs on either side of his head, resting on her knees as her pussy lips came into full view, up close to his face and he simply stared at the bat pony. “You can even touch it as much as you want.” She grinned as she looked back at him, but then she turned her head as she felt the head of his huge prick poke against her cheek. She turned to gaze upon its absolute majesty. As he got an eye full of her, she was met with quite the challenge of not gorging her mouth and her throat on his perfect erection. It didn’t take long for him to start rubbing her pussy with his fingertips, and spread them to get a full view of her inner labia, and the little bump he had heard so much about at the very top, or bottom as he viewed it at that moment. “Be gentle, but don’t be afraid of it either. Why don’t you go ahead and give it a little taste?” The grin grew across her face as she saw the little fly she had caught in her web. Then there came his cock twitching against her muzzle again. She should not show weakness at this moment. She only needed to show him what he wanted and not indulge her amazingly strong urges. That was when she shuddered at the sensation of his tongue tracing her pussylips. He hummed his approval as his tongue began to grind against her twitching vaginal lips. She’d been so pent up in showing him how a woman felt that she hadn’t gotten off yet; it was starting to take its toll on her. His tongue was so warm and wet against her that Grem was starting to lose it. She could handle this no longer! Her mouth enveloped his manhood and began to suck on it with some abandon. The two of them were now fixated on giving and receiving oral pleasure. Their genitals twitched with strong sensations and their minds began to wander about aimlessly. Her tongue worked all over his shaft while her mouth put the pressure on. Her hand began to wank him down to his base as she moaned into his dick. His tongue applied more and more pressure as time went on. It was something to behold that his learning had already reached such heights in such a short amount of time. She was so proud of him when his lips enclosed around her soaking cunt and he sucked her lips, even concentrating his tongue on her clitoris that twitched at the attention. “Fuck! You’re doing so wonderfully!” She said as she pulled her pussy away from his mouth and rolled off of him. She worked her way up to the pillows on the top of the bed and looked at him. “Now come up here and let me show you how you become a stallion.” He looked at her with some question, but he also slowly worked his way up to her, mounting her in the missionary position. “I want you to give me everything you’ve got.” She said as her hand went down to rub his penis and angle it onto her honey hole, which drooled all over his tip. “Just push it into me and keep pushing until I’m full. Then fuck me like you mean it.” Her grin returned, and he looked down at where their genitals met. There was a very brief period of hesitation on his part and she was willing to give all the time he needed to decide, which was about eight seconds. He pushed into her and felt her warm pussy lips grip his shaft as he pushed deeper. “Ooohh, Diamond Sword, that’s it, right there!” Her legs lifted up and squeezed around his midsection as he started to very slowly fuck her. His cock stretched her a bit and she drew in a deep breath as she felt him plunger his cock into her hole. “Yes, you’re doing wonderfully! Keep going!” Her hands held onto his chest and clenched his pectoral muscles as he pushed ever so deep into her. It wasn’t long before he was balls deep into her pussy, and it was gorgeous! His dong reached far enough into her to start pushing against her cervix and he started to rut her with the entire length. His breath was hastened, his muscles flexed as he held himself up and his hips pushed and pulled with such great strength and conviction. Soon she was moaning with every breath, her head delirious with pleasure as he pumped her so full of cock. He reached her g-spot with no trouble at all and she couldn’t help but be pushed into a sudden orgasm. He rocked her through her climax, feeling every single inch he shoved into her as her entire vaginal tunnel gripped his cock. She lavished in what a strong and vivacious stallion he was. His eyes were closed as his pleasure mounted inside of him. The feeling of her wet, warm vagina squeezing his cock was greater than he could have expected. “Don’t fucking stop! Fuck me harder! Faster! Yes!” Her legs twitched as he complied, starting to pound her pelvis to pelvis, with his big balls thumping against her ass. He was so lively, so concentrated as he pushed her yet another climax. She gave a little scream as she came, jolting her into yet another rippling tremor throughout her system. Her tits bounced in circles as he held onto her hips, and he twitched his head downward as he came deep inside of her. She could feel his juices fill her to the very brim. Her uterus filled to the point of flooding and cum began to ooze out of her as he continued to fuck her with such passionate pushes. She expected him to slow down to a stop after he had cum. She was thoroughly satisfied at this point, but then she realized that he was not even slightly slowing down. In fact, he was banging her even harder! Her moans echoed through the house at this point. Her pussy was mixing its own juices with his as he continued on with his long, thick cock grinding her insides with pure energy, like a sex machine that was never turned off and tripped over the controller to set it to maximum. “Sword! I-- Ohh! Fuck! Sword! You’re a--- fucking beast!” Grem clawed at his chest now, his thrusts rocked her back and forth, making her tits bounce straight up and down now. His eyes clenched shut and his teeth gritted as his pelvis slapped against hers with a very audible smacking sound. She thought about stopping him, but she was powerless at this point. The pleasure she felt, she never wanted it to stop and he seemed perfectly okay with that. She marveled at a third orgasm that raked through her. Grem loved it! She loved it so much the third orgasm panged her into a fourth. She had awakened a monster! She howled in her moaning, her eyes closed and her mouth wide open. To her ever growing amazement, she felt his cock twitch out another load of cum into her. She had never had a stallion cum inside of her twice in one sitting, and that load was soon all over his cock, dripping out of her pussy and onto the sheets. Finally, after spending all of his vitality into that fucking, his brow dripping with sweat along with the rest of his body, he gasped for breath and almost looked like she had sucked the life out of him. She put a worried look on her face as he slowed down to a very encumbered pace. He leaned forward, his sweat dripping all over her chest and stomach. Grem could feel his cock soften inside of her a bit, and she pulled her marehood away from him, sitting up and wrapping her arms around his neck. The bat pony turned over, laying the white unicorn down onto the pillow beside her. “Hey, take it easy.” Grem said, gasping along with him. “You did an astounding job.” She smiled as she reached over to her night stand and used a controller to turn on the ceiling fan to its highest setting. “I--I--I was--” He was interrupted by a finger going to his lips. She shushed him softly and kissed his cheek. As she placed her hand on his chest, she could feel his heart was going a mile a minute. She laid with him until he finally settled down. His penis laid on his upper thigh, flaccid and shagged out. He was down to a slow panting and she just lied on her side, softly rubbing his chest with her hand. “Kay, I’m gonna need you to stay here indefinitely.” She said, drawing a look from him. “Indefinitely?” He asked her. “Yeah, as in, these are no longer temporary quarters. This will be your permanent living space.” She stuck her tongue out and nuzzled his shoulder. He blinked at her and turned his head back to look up at the ceiling. “What does that mean?” He asked after a moment of thinking. “It means your training is just beginning.” She crawled a bit closer toward his head and whispered into his ear. “And the next lesson is even harder.” His eyes widened as he blinked once again. Grem nuzzled up into his neck and shoulder, her hand continuing to rub up and down his chest and down to his abs. They lied there on top of the filthy sheets and soon their thoughts just wandered off as they both fell asleep. What followed was something to behold. She could tell that the scars he had already obtained through life were deep, but she felt that she was the right pony to help them heal. The barriers he had built around him were thick. However, she felt that she was the one who could break them down. Even if she had to use the tiniest chisel, she would break them down, no matter what. > Lesson for Today > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozen Pop’s Frozen Treats was having somewhat of a busy evening. The sun was only slightly touching the horizon, and the customers were coming in droves. They had a worker at the register, while Fable, Winter, and one of their service reps worked the floor. Even after going through three entire groups, they were still in line all the way to the door, and more were still arriving. Fable worked the scoop through the ice cream container in the freezer while Winter was at the milkshake machine, putting cups up to blend two at a time. This was nothing new, though. It was Saturday, and that’s why it was necessary to have two supervisors working the front. The temperature was going up, so more and more people thought that ice cream was the perfect option for the evening after meals or on their way to the movie theater. They hustled through each of the customers in line and got their orders out to them as fast as they could. Even when Winter handed in the last two milkshakes they ordered, he still needed to make a sundae. Fable gave the next customers their order quick and went on to the next ones, suddenly seeing a familiar face. The gray batpony with reddish brown hair walked up to the counter, beside her was a tall, white pony with brown hair. She waved at Fable with a cute smile and a wink. “Hey Fable!” Grem waved at him then leaned to her side, into the white unicorn next to her. “This is Diamond Sword!” The red pegasus with the ice cream scoop looked toward him, and the two of them reached over the counter’s sneeze guard. The two shook hands and nodded toward one another. “This is Fable, and that over there is Winter.” She pointed toward the azure colored unicorn who was putting a scoop of ice cream on a frozen slab and putting little chocolate chips all into it, then using two utensils to mix it all together. He was quite concentrated in his task, as it was clear he was not paying attention to them. There was still a very large crowd in the store. Grem realized this and didn’t want to hold them up too long with a lot of small talk. “Well, Fable, we’ll catch up later okay? I just want cheesecake ice cream in a cup.” She said, and Fable looked somewhat relieved that she didn’t want mixin’s, which took much longer to make. “Alright, and for you?” Fable said to Diamond Sword, and he looked among the flavors. “Double Dark Chocolate sounds good.” He said and Fable gave a little laugh. “Yeah, that’s my favorite, actually.” Fable was quick to put both of their ice creams in a cup. The two of them made their way down the long line of customers as they finally got to the cash register. As they were there to pay, that was when Winter finally noticed Grem with what looked like her new stallion friend. They all exchanged little waves as they paid for their ice cream, and went to sit down in the only two seat table that wasn’t full of ponies. “So, they seem rather nice.” Diamond Sword said as he held up his ice cream cup and scooped a bit into his mouth. “Where’d you meet them?” Grem’s eyes widened a little bit at the question. She blinked a couple of times and then ate a spoonful of her cheesecake. “Ummm, at a convenience store.” She felt a little bad for omitting certain details of meeting those two. Especially since later that night they plowed all three of her major sex holes along with their mutual friend, Electric Spark. It was not really a night she talked a lot about. Either way, Sword nodded and didn’t really go into any of the details, much to her relief. “One thing has been on my mind, though.” Diamond Sword said in a tone that made him sound a bit more serious than normal. This drew Grem’s attention quite well as she blinked and licked a little bit of extra ice cream off of her lip. “I remember the first day I was in your house, I noticed you had a picture of you and Princess Luna. I never really brought it up because, well, I also knew it was somewhat of a sore subject for you to talk about. So, if you really don’t want to, we don’t have to go off on any discussion about your past that you’re not comfortable--” By the time she interrupted him, his words were crashing together and coming out at a mile a minute to where she couldn’t get a word in edgewise. “Whoa whoa, Sword, it’s okay.” She held up her hands and chuckled a little bit. “You’re fine. I told you, I was one of Princess Luna’s personal guard for a number of years. I was a Night Guard of the castle and ever since her return into Equestria, I have been sworn to protect her.” She began continuously dipping her spoon into her dessert, thinking of where to start. Her past wasn’t exactly something she enjoyed talking about, but if she was going to even attempt any sort of relationship with this pony, she was going to have to be rather straightforward with him. “Well, it really all began with certain circles of ponies that just downright hated the race of Batponies. They shunned them off as evil creatures because they were mostly nocturnals, their wings were misshapen in comparison to Pegasi wings, and they bared fangs.” To accentuate her point, she bared her canines, which were a bit longer than the average ponies of the main three races. “And, well, I felt a good brunt of that hatred as a young filly. However, what really drove it home for me was when someone attempted to burn down the orphanage I was a part of.” Diamond Sword was in the middle of scooping a large bit of chocolate into his mouth, but stopped with his mouth wide open, and his eyes expanding quite a bit. “They what?” He put his spoon back down into his ice cream cup, and Grem nodded. “Yeah, nearly killed all of us. However, me and a few of my companions saved the whole of the orphans that were there. All of them were bat ponies, and it was obvious that it was the reasoning behind the arsen. I will say that while I’m glad we were able to get out of it alive, it’s certainly not a part of my life that I would want to revisit, for obvious reasons.” Diamond Sword nodded, the concerned face he made did not go away. In fact, he left his spoon in his ice cream cup and put his hand on top of hers on the table. All at once, she felt that nice warm feeling of care that he emitted when he was worried about her. She found it cute, but also quite endearing. “I think you did really well for the situation you were in. Not many ponies would be able to do such a feat. You don’t need to keep talking if you feel any sort of discomfort in doing so.” He said to her and she smiled at him. She shook her head, and looked down at his hand, cupping it into her own as she turned its palm to his. “Well, Princess Luna found out about it, and it was admittedly the angriest she had been in over a thousand years. She tracked down the perpetrators in a single day using all of her resources, and she hammered them with every single part of the law she could enforce upon them. She did everything short of outright executing them. Then she looked upon us, now without families, without a home, and she took us under her wing. From that day on, I swore my service to her.” Grem picked up her spoon once again and shoveled a large portion into her mouth. Sword was nodding the entire time. He had never really heard anything about the fire at the orphanage, but he did remember the large movement of Bat Pony rights in Equestria. Thankfully, things had gotten better over time. Still, there were problems to be found, as there always was. “Hey guys!” Both of them turned their attention to the line of customers, which had gradually gotten shorter. They smirked and waved back to her, their hands no longer cupped together. Lemon Square took her ice cream from Winter, who nodded to a familiar face. They hadn’t talked much since they last saw each other, but the history they had certainly wasn’t ignored. “I’ll be right there.” Lemon pointed at them both and winked as she waited in line to pay for her cone with the lime sherbet on top. “We’ll be here.” Grem replied, then looked toward Diamond Sword. The sudden urge to change the subject came about. This was supposed to be something of a threeway date, and talking about such a deep chain of events wasn’t exactly good table conversation. “Are we still looking good on time?” Sword took out his pocket watch from his khaki pants and checked. He nodded to her. “Yeah, we should still be good to get to the event center with plenty of time to find our seats.” He said as Lemon Square, the yellow earth pony picked up an empty seat from a table and went to sit on the outside edge of the small table, licking her sherbet. “What’s up guys? I told you I could make it, I just had to find what to wear.” Lemon spoke, and as she said this, Grem couldn’t help but think that all she needed was something that was green, like always. She wore a green jacket over a white undershirt, with jungle green jeans and her chartreuse hoof shoes. “And look at that, we still have an hour and a half to make it to the concert. I’m telling you guys, these guys are the greatest thing to ever hit the music scene!” The two of them eyed one another. Neither of them had ever heard of this band in their entire lives, but apparently they had quite the cult following, while not really being considered a household name. All they knew was that they were two twins unicorns that looked exactly the same except for their blue manes had yellow and orange highlights respectively. “Harmony and Melody are seriously talented artists. I have all five of their albums!” Lemon giggled, nomming on her sherbet. “Well, if you don’t mind finishing in the car, we could head out now and have a much better time getting in.” Sword injected into her glamorous thoughts of the band, and she instantly stood up from her chair, still licking her cone. “Let’s go!” She said with a full mouth and the yellow pony with the purple hair returned her chair to its original table. “Alright then.” Grem said, and she looked to Winter and Fable, who were now cleaning up behind the counter while one of their coworkers prepared to clean the lobby. “Seeya guys! Thanks for the ice cream!” She waved, and they waved back. “Come back anytime!” Fable said as he scrubbed down the freezer cabinets. “Have fun!” Winter waved with a wink, which was returned by Lemon Square as she followed them out to Sword’s SUV. He pressed the button on his key chain as he pulled it out of his khaki pants pocket and unlocked the doors as they all opened the doors to enter. “Alright, and you said that this convention center is pretty easy to find, right?” Diamond Sword asked as he got into the driver’s seat. “Yeah, just type in Top Hat Convention Center, it’s like ten minutes away. The only thing I would worry about is the traffic, it can get a bit wild around this time of day.” She said as she looked to see the sun was already halfway down the horizon. The car revved to life, and he began to pull out of the parking spot in front of the Frozen Treat store. Then he looked back at Lemon Square in the backseat and furrowed his brow. “Hey now, seatbelt.” He said as he frowned. “Seatbelt? But it’s just more clothes to put on, it’s restricting and uncomfortable.” She gave him a pouting face. “It’s also the law, and it’s simply a good idea. We just so happen to be authority figures, and we need to be the example.” He said as he pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive. Grem turned her head toward Lemon and nodded, rolling her eyes a bit. Lemon rolled her eyes in return, then got into a huff as she buckled her seatbelt and crossed her arms. The mean look on her face started up, and Grem looked over at Sword, who seemed oblivious to the whole thing, as he only knew that Lemon was now safe in case they, Celestia forbid, got into an accident of some sort. “So, are you sure you don’t want to listen to that CD that Lemon brought?” Grem looked over to Sword as he drove the highway. She looked back toward Lemon, who pulled the CD album “Dismal Bears.” “Oh, we’ll listen to it. However, I like to be surprised. So, I’ll listen to them live before listening to the CD.” He reached back toward the backseat, Lemon put the album in his hand. “Go ahead and put that in the player. We’ll listen to it on the way back.” While Grem opened the album and complied, Lemon’s expression slowly turned into a grin, her eyes half open as she looked toward Diamond Sword. “So, Diamond Sword,” “Yes?” He replied instantly, taking her a little bit off guard with such a reply. “I heard through the grapevine that you were quite the--ummm--heavy hitter.” Lemon said, and Grem instantly paused what she was doing, her eyes widening. “Heavy what?” Sword said, his eyebrow raising. “Ummm, what Lemon was trying to say was that you were, ummm.” Grem looked back at Lemon with very angry eyes, trying her very best to give her the message to shut the hell up. “I mean, your name Diamond Sword wasn’t just for show. Like, you are equipped with quite the sword.” Lemon Square’s grin widened to the point where her teeth were showing. Grem was gripping her first and waving it toward Lemon with such a nonverbal threat. “Why yes, in fact, I do have quite the sword.” Diamond Sword started to pass up more and more cars, as he noticed traffic was getting a little more crowded. Both Grem and Lemon turned to him with wide open eyes at his remark. “My sword was custom made for me in Baltimare, I saw to it that there were no flaws in its creation.” Lemon’s entire face went slack as her jaw dropped. Grem wasn’t as surprised at him, but at the same time she was a little more than relieved. As Lemon opened her mouth to say something else, Grem put on her most wretched, ugly face she possibly could and pointed directly at the yellow pony. “You have a big cock!” Lemon blurted out. Grem instantly facepalmed. Diamond Sword took about two seconds to realize what Lemon Square said, and his face went completely blank. The bat pony looked at him, then angrily back at her, then back to him, worried to see that he was now beginning to sweat. “I mean Grem said she had like, what, four orgasms in one go?” “Lemon, I will grind you into a fine dust!” Grem shouted and pointed at her, causing Lemon to put both of her hands on her mouth, stifling a big laugh. “Diamond Sword, I’m sorry, I just like to talk a lot. You know? We talk about a lot of things, and sex just happens to be one of them.” “Do… do you talk about me a lot?” Diamond Sword looked at Grem with something of a puzzled expression. “Are you kidding? She couldn’t shut up about you after the pussy pounding you gave her!” “Oh dear sweet Celestia, you are carving the words on your gravestone, Lemon Square! So you might want to start spouting some poetic shit real fast!” Grem once again instantly softened her expression as she looked back toward Diamond Sword. “I promise, I said it all in great confidence and admiration.” “I think she had another orgasm over the phone when she told me.” Lemon spouted out in a very meek, squeaky voice. “Diamond, you mentioned you had a sword, where is it?” Grem started searching his glove compartment and rattling through his things.” “No!” Lemon squealed in the back, still giggling uncontrollably. As all of this transpired, Diamond Sword was driving the SUV and slowly, a little smile went across his face as he glanced toward Grem. He wasn’t sure what that feeling was, but a big part of him did not want it to go away. ----------- They arrived at the convention center, and while they did make good time, the line was still pretty far, almost to the very end of the corner of the building. However, as they waited to get inside, the line was circling the building. It only took about thirty minutes to get inside, and to both the surprise of Lemon and Grem, Diamond Sword was holding both their hands so that they would not get lost in the crowd. His safety sense was a little crazy, but at the same, quite endearing. The convention center was absolutely packed. In the main lobby, there were several stands selling shirts, pipes and other souvenirs for the patrons to take home. Diamond Sword stopped at one of the stands and picked up a gray teddy bear. It was a nice bear, a little bigger than a football with a black t-shirt that read “I’m Bear-ly Alive.” He paid the ridiculous price of fifteen bits for it and handed it to Grem. Without a word, he took her hand and kept walking toward the stands. First, there came the opening acts. First came the band from Trottingham, Green Salamy. They were weird, quirky and just downright silly in their rock music, but they were excellent musicians who could play their instruments with amazing style. Already, Diamond Sword was starting to like this concert, and they were not even to the main event. Next up, and the final opening performance was by Horse Steam, at first Grem was taken aback by their Steampunk outfits. The lead singer wore a rusty brown top hat, and put on his strapped on goggles before they began to play. They were, once again, loud and amazingly diverse in their rock, but all of them were very skilled, and their sound was quite unique. Next up, the curtains closed, and they went into intermission. They had only played six songs through the opening acts, and the crowd was already bumping. There were a lot of mares getting picked up by guys so they could flash their tits. Of course, Lemon Square lifted up her shirt as well, letting her fair sized C-cup tits show, much to the delight of the onlooking crowd, however, Grem poked her side to get her to pull down her shirt. When Lemon gave her a questioning look, she pointed over at Diamond Sword, who was looking away from Lemon. His cheeks were beet red, and his lips were pressed shut. Rolling her eyes, Lemon complied, covering her tits back up. All of the sudden, the onlooking crowd looked on the stage, seeing a white furred pony come up on the stage, sweeping across with a push broom. There were some excited voices from the crowd, and some of them started to cheer. The white unicorn just kept sweeping slowly across the stage, long black hair covering up most of his profile, and hanging out of his blue hat, fully clad in a janitor’s outfit. He approached the middle of the stage, which had a microphone on top of a stand. There were a few more cheers from the crowd, though they were a bit mellow. Diamond Sword tilted his head as he looked at the janitor sweeping the stage and looked at Lemon. “Ummm, should he be sweeping the stage right now?” He asked, and the yellow earth pony merely shrugged. “I think he might be part of the intermission show.” Grem remarked, and as she did, the janitor hit his push broom against the microphone stand. This caused a big laugh from the crowd as he rushed to catch it from falling over. As he caught it, they began to cheer. That was when he started to walk away, much to the crowd’s shown dismay. The janitor turned to them, the hair in his face still covering up most of it. Then he looked at the microphone. All the sudden, he rushed over to the stand and began to sing into it. As he took off his hat and wig, he revealed himself to be Melody, the white furred, blue haired twin with the yellow highlights. As he started singing, the curtains opened up, and his brother came out with his guitar, playing alongside him as Melody walked over to his keyboard. The meaning to their song was quite mysterious, as many of their lyrics were. This particular song was about plotting a murder but whoever they were singing the narrations for could not find the right kind of knife to do so, so they end up marrying the wouldbe victim instead. Diamond Sword noticed that Melody and Harmony were absolutely identical twins. He paid attention to every single minute detail that he could as he watched them perform. They would have been absolutely impossible to tell apart if it weren’t for Harmony having orange highlights in his blue mane, and Melody having yellow. Their bandmates were quite a sight as well. On the bass was a purple mare with a pink and gray mane, and on the drums was a yellow mare with platinum white in her mane, which sparkled in the spotlight. There were three brass players, one accordion player and one who seemed to play simple instruments, such as the triangle, cowbell, and the gong. It was quite the experience, and as strange as the band was, both Grem and Sword found themselves enjoying themselves. The concert lasted well into the night, but soon it was done and the crowd began to leave as Melody and Harmony spoke in sync. “Goodnight!” They blew their kisses into the crowd. --------- The three of them walked into Grem’s house, exhausted but still enjoying the adrenaline rush that the concert gave them all the same. They listened to the Dismal Bears CD all the way home and already both Grem and Diamond Sword were planning on getting their other albums the very next day. “Well, ladies, it’s been fun, but I should really be heading off to bed, I am ridiculously tired.” He said as he leaned back, causing three pops to sound out. “Oh, really?” Grem grinned toward him from behind and tapped him on the shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay up for today’s lesson?” “Lesson?” He turned around and looked downward to see two hulking tits in front of him. Grem’s arm was crossed underneath them to make them bulge upward even more toward his muzzle. Then he turned to see that Lemon Square was already getting her clothes off. “Uuhh-what is going on? Why are you two--” “Like I said, this is a new lesson! If you really want life’s full experience, you need to broaden your horizons, as it were.” Grem said as she pressed her breasts up to his chest and let them rest on his pectorals. “So, I decided you should see what Lemon has to offer.” “Yes, but first, I want to see what all of your three hour phone call was about.” Lemon got down on her knees and started to undo Sword’s pants while they still stood in the doorway on the edge of the living room. “Lemon! I told you we need to go slow with him, he’s not as-- oh dear lord…” Grem was extremely hot all the sudden. Sword’s drawers came down and she saw that he was at full throttle hardness. Lemon was speechless as she almost went cross eyed staring at its length and girth so closely. “Uh huh, Mr. Bigshot here doesn’t seem to worried about ‘going slow.’” Lemon said as both of her hands gripped Sword’s shaft gently. He took in a sharp breath as she began to rub his erection, already starting to seep with precum. “Sword, where did this come from?” Grem asked, not at all in any pointed manner, she was honestly curious. She put her hands on his shoulders as she stood beside him, leaning her head against his neck. “I kind of got a little excited when you two started--nnng- stripping in front of me.” His expression became harsh as Lemon began to get a taste of his glans. Her tongue traced along the edge of his penis head. She couldn’t help herself at that point. The purple maned earth pony had to shove as much of his cock into her mouth as she could. The sensation of a nice hard penis against her tongue was indescribable. Grem had to remind herself that Sword’s inexperience made him especially vulnerable to eyecandy. Obviously, this would override his embarrassment as both of them started flaunting their naughty bits at him. The gray bat pony smiled at this as she decided to take off the remainder of her clothing. She noticed that Lemon Square was not even getting close to the middle of his ring with her mouth. She wasn’t the most experienced when it came to oral, and quite honestly, she hadn’t had a stallion in quite some time. Still, Lemon worked her tongue over as much of that pulsing schlong as much as she possibly could, pulling her mouth back and forth as she sucked up every inch that would fit. The rest of his cock she worked with her hand, jerking him off at a steady pace. “You see? The point is to get the experience as much as you can.” Grem whispered into his ear. “And this is only the beginning.” That was when she began to nibble on his ear, causing him to cringe slightly. “Oh, God! I’m gonna--” He started to sound like he was hyperventilating. His breaths became ever so deep and fast as his cock began to visibly twitch inside Lemon’s mouth. Without anymore warning, Lemon kept the cock in her mouth as it went off. The first pulse of semen went straight down into the back of her mouth and filled it straight up to the point where she could no longer hold it. It burst out of her mouth as she released his penis. She felt the next wave of sperm on her face. “Oh, yes!” Lemon shouted as she felt the wondrous jizz all over her face, even letting it cover the bust of her chest. Her hands continued to jerk him off. “There’s tons of it.” She said with a breathless voice. She licked her lips as he finally dripped out a few more little spurts of hot white cream and she let go of him. “Holy hell!” Grem widened her eyes down at Lemon, whose darker yellow fur was spattered with sweet nectar. “Hum… Maybe you should be regularly milked to keep this from happening. Ever since you became sexually active, you’ve been a firehose!” Grem looked up at him with an astonished expression. His cheeks were flushed, and his face was stuck in a dreamy state. “Yeah, don’t get comfortable, Mr. Super Soaker. I think I already said this is just the beginning.” She once again grabbed his dick, using his own cum to lube him up as she started jerking him to keep his hardness up, which didn’t seem to be an issue as he was still hard as a tungsten cannon. “Grem, you need to get me in on this. I’m starting to drench the floor myself.” Her breath became somewhat rapid as her cheeks reddened. Grem hadn’t seen her this turned on since her romp with Winter. “Don’t worry, Lemon, we’re getting to it.” She was surprised to see her slide the cock back into her mouth. However, before she had a chance to reach for his balls, Grem dropped to her knees and began to kiss his scrotum herself. This made him clench his hands into fists and grit his teeth as he felt so many sensations all at once. “Mmmm now get off of his rod, it’s my turn.” She pushed the side of Lemon’s face, who saw it coming and leaned to the side, letting him slip out of her mouth. She gave Grem a dirty look as she slide Diamond Sword’s huge prick between her breasts, spitting on his length as she started to rub them all over his girth. “Fucking big titted whore.” Lemon said in a low voice up next to Grem’s ear as she started to kiss the side of her head. “Jealous much?” Grem’s eyes closed as she felt his glans poke the bottom of her chin. She leaned her head to the side as Lemon kissed down to her neck, starting to nibble. Grem’s mouth opened wide as she slid his cock between her lips and began to lick all over his head before starting to suck him down deep. Her tits worked his shaft as she took his head all the way down her throat, only gagging a little bit before comfortably taking it down her gullet. His cheeks were back to extreme red as his cock reached critical hardness once again. “Come on Grem! I want to get fucked!” Lemon shouted behind her and grabbed her pussy as she reached under her ass, starting to rub. “Fuck! You’re swimming down here! What a fucking slut.” Lemon said as she broke Grem’s concentration, rubbing her pussy from in between her ass cheeks. There came a little bit of hardship for Grem as she started to pull the cock from her throat and had a bit of a coughing fit as she finally got it out. “What the hell is wrong with you, ya yellow weirdo! I almost choked to death on his cock!” She glared at the purple maned pony who continued to rub her pussy. However, her expression softened as she was, indeed, drenching Lemon’s fingers in her juices. “I’ll fucking slap the shit out of you, I swear to Celestia!” Her voice was faltering as she said this. She leaned her cheek into Sword’s glans penis and moaned as Lemon slid two fingers into her vagina. “Fucking ho-bag.” She whispered as Lemon leaned forward and kissed Grem full on the lips.Her fingers worked their way in and out of her very wet pussy as their tongue started to massage one another. As they stopped finally and looked one another in the eyes, Grem could just feel the heat emitting from Lemon. She was so cum drunk that she looked like she was ready to use Grem as a fucking toy herself. Grem rolled her eyes at Lemon Square and nodded. “Fine. Sword, dear?” “Yeah?” Diamond Sword had been watching all of this progress in front of him as they were both still kneeling on the ground as he stood up straight, and his cock was still standing like a skyscraper. “Go to the middle of the living room and lay on your back, if you would, please.” Grem said as she stood up with Lemon, and they all moved to the center of the living space. Sword did as he was told and laid down on the soft carpet. The angle gave him a whole new, wonderful perspective as all he could see was Lemon’s purple tail, and beyond it, her outer labia that led to her dripping pink vagina. The same with Grem as she walked over to the center of the living room where he lied. “Fuck, finally!” Lemon said as she walked over to his waist and set both of her hooves on either side of him, whereas Grem stood right above his head, her hooves only inches away from the sides of his head. Both at once squatted down on top of him. Grem’s luscious pussy worked its way down to his muzzle, and he instantly began to lick it all over. His own lustful nature taking over as both of his hands squeezed her very round butt cheeks. Sword also felt a very tight, wet sleeve fit over his cock, like a soaked, warm condom with twitching muscles forcing its way down onto his head and down his shaft to his ring. “Oh, fuck me!” Lemon shouted as she started to bounce up and down on his dick, her C-cup tits flopping as she did. “Oh, you weren’t kidding! His shape! He’s perfect!” She felt his huge member rub her g-spot directly as she fucked him harder and faster, leaning forward as she watched him eat Grem’s pussy with great enthusiasm. Both mares began to moan one after the other, in sync, out of sync, and both of them started to grow louder as their pussies were worked ever so nicely by either a cock or a mouth. Grem grinded her pussy on his lips and tongue. Lemon was the first to orgasm, she simply couldn’t hold on anymore. His cock filled her up every time she planted her pelvis against his balls, fitting him like a wet, slick glove. Grem was soon to follow. Not only did his tongue work her clitoris like a printing press, his hands rubbed her nice sensitive ass cheeks and she couldn’t help but unleash more pussy juice onto his chin and cheeks. Grem and Lemon met in the middle, kissing one another with their tongues pressing into each other. Their pussies vibrated with lust as the orgasms rocked them both. Lemon migrated down from her face to her tits, and began to suck Grem’s nipples one after the other. Grem ran her fingers through Lemon’s hair softly as they continued to moan through their ecstasy. However, there came a time when Grem said “Enough!” She pulled her pussy from his face and started to shoo away Lemon. “Hey! I was just about to get him to cum!” Lemon said as she slid his dick out of her. “Yeah! Exactly!” Grem matched her mean look with her own sour glare. “My turn, bitch!” She said as she plopped down onto her hands and knees, reaching behind her to pull her ass cheeks apart. Sword did not have it in him to argue at all. He got up on his knees behind her and began to rub the head of his cock against her. To her, it seemed that he was teasing her, but in actual fact, he was trying to find the hole to stick it in. It didn’t take long, though, as he got on target, the smooth wetness allowed him to sink deep into her nether lips, going all the way balls deep into her. Before she even had time to react, he was pushing deep into her, pounding her pussy with an amazing drive. She tried to tell him something, but quickly forgot what she was going to say and her voice was lost in a barrage of moans and yips as he punished her sopping quim. Her tits bounced back and forth, slapping her arms and her belly as she leaned to and fro. Her eyes shut tight as she worked her way through yet another orgasm. She didn’t even have time to enjoy it before she opened her eyes and found a pair of yellow legs open wide in front of her face. Lemon slid in front of her and presented her well fucked pussy before her. Without a word, Grem lunged her tongue directly inside her, starting to wiggle it in a desperate attempt to keep up with the cock that plowed her with such intensity. It was a train of fucking, a hot prick fucked her while her tongue fucked Lemon Square with equal gusto. “Oh, Grem! I love that tongue of yours! Fuck!” Lemon came once again as her hand gripped the back of the bat pony’s head and pulled her harder into her crotch. Her lips began to work the inner lips as her tongue explored the pink between them. Soon her clitoris entered the fray, and Lemon began to go ballistic! Her orgasm transferred into yet another one, and without missing a beat, a huge load of semen began to pump into Grem. The gray winged pony moaned deep into Lemon’s cunt as she felt every pulse of raw stallion fluid fill her uterus and flood her, dripping onto her carpet. It was at this point that all three of them began to feel fatigue set in. The fucking began to trail off, and all three of them began to remember how exhausted they were. Within just a few minutes, they were all cleaning themselves up. “Well,” Grem interrupted herself with a yawn before she could continue. “I hope you learned something tonight.” She smiled at him and then walked back over to the front of the living room to grab the teddy bear that Sword got her at the concert. She held it in her hands and then hugged it before turning back around walking back to them. Lemon smiled and then started to walk toward the bedroom. Soon enough, all of them were scrunched up in the king size bed. Sword held onto Grem, and Lemon held onto Sword, while Grem held the teddy bear with her. “Yeah, I guess I learned a few things.” Diamond Sword finally replied after the lights went out. “Uh huh, you learned that I suck a way better cock than Grem.” Lemon whispered from behind Sword and a grin spread across her face as her eyebrows narrowed toward the center of her forehead. Grem finally absorbed what she said and then turned around toward her. “I’m sorry, what?!” > Spookhouse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nightmare Night season had finally reached its pinnacle on that single evening. The atmosphere was thick, and everyone was out in about in their costumes, homemade or bought from the store. The sun was down, and the spirits were high. Pumpkins were set out on porches, windows were full of skeletons and cotton cobwebs while children took to the streets. Grem and Diamond were no exception to this. Grem, the gray batpony took to her bat heritage with gusto. She fashioned a black dress into a torn, jagged skirt. The top of her dress did very little to cover up the whole of her bust, the top opened in a V that narrowly hid her pink areolas. Her long sleeves were wide, hanging off of her wrists in tatters. Her hair was puffed outward and downward while her eyes bared exaggerated eyeshadow, giving that spooky, yet sexy vibe to all that looked toward her. Diamond was clad in cybernetic, green armor with a full helmet, framed over a gold tinged visor. His muscular figure was covered in green plastic made to look like metal. He wore a futuristic assault rifle strapped to his back, standing tall as he walked with Grem down that sidewalk. They got a great deal of praise from passersby and they graciously posed for pictures. “I just can’t get over how this dress matches the feel of my wings.” Grem smiled as she flapped her batwings a bit while walking with him. “I think Thriller Dark would be proud of this rendition of her character.” “Yeah, and ever so modest on the subject.” Diamond Sword said through his helmet with a chortle. She playfully slapped him on the arm as they walked, then took his gauntleted hand in hers as they walked. “So, you said that they were having it over here in front of Fable’s apartment?” “That’s what they told me. Somehow, he convinced his office that he could throw a great shindig.” Grem grinned at the thought of their last “get together” at his apartment. She hadn't enjoyed so many fine stallions before and she was in a bit of a rush to do it again. She didn't keep this from Diamond Sword, she didn't need to. Cucking had become something of a fetish for the white unicorn. Not to mention, it was a two way street. Seeing Diamond rail a mare was a pleasure in life that Grem indulged on occasion. They never felt jealousy, because they always knew that they were meant for each other. They came to the apartment complex outside of the neighborhood near where they lived. They had taken the long way so that they could take a look at all of the Nightmare Night decorations. Some of them seemed like they took a lot of time and effort to set up. Then came a strange sight for Grem. She’d lived in the neighborhood for over well over a year now, and noticed that one of the houses was decorated. This house was a curious case, as it didn’t seem like anyone lived in it. It was a very large house, but it had become such a liability in its foundation that no one wanted to buy it to demolish it. Grem gave it a good look as they walked by it. Diamond noticed this, but didn’t really say anything. The house had orange lights all over its roof’s edge, and there were fake spider webs decorated in purple lights. The thought of someone buying the house was absurd, especially if they intended to live in it. The entrance light was on as well. It looked inviting enough, but given its history, Grem figured she would steer clear of it all the same. Then there came the sound of merriment in the parking lot. The party was in full swing with a lot of ponies they didn't know. Then there came a lot of familiar faces. There were three tables laid out, all of them with black table cloths. Cotton spiderwebs covered the two that held food and beverages. There was punch with dry ice bellowing steam from a red liquid and even chips with a pan of dip that resembled bright cartoon blood. The third table had many red cups at each end where Jet Stream, dressed as a French maid in a short skirt, was throwing a ping pong ball. She faced Pop Candy who was dressed as a harlequin clown in a tight red and black checkered latex body suit. The first one they saw was Letty. The yellow mare was dressed in a witch’s hat, carrying around a wooden staff. She had on a small dark blue jacket over a white tube top. Her belly was showing quite a bit, having already been around four or five months pregnant. Grem had heard that Fable and she were having a baby, but this is the first time she had seen it for herself. Her white dress covered her stomach, but also went down to just above her knees. “Oh my God! Letty!” Grem waved to her, drawing the pegasus’s attention, bringing a smile to her face. They had met once before, but didn’t get to see much of each other the last time they talked. It was before she knew she was with child. “Hi Grem!” They embraced and Grem brought her at arm’s length, giving her belly a good look. “Oh, my goodness. It’s getting big isn’t it?” The bat pony said as she placed her hands gently on the round, hard surface. “How much longer do you have?” “A little under four months.” Letty nodded and placed her hands on Grem’s, letting her rub a little bit. “It’s killing my back and I’m on a strict no flight policy. Not that I could fly even if I wanted to.” Letty admitted, then looked over at the power suited unicorn. “Is this Diamond Sword?” “Hi.” Diamond waved to her and took off his helmet, smiling at Letty shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.” “Likewise. My name’s Quick Bullet, but everyone calls me Letty. How long have you two been seeing each other?” “Ummm, around seven months? I think? It’s been a hot minute.” Diamond chuckled at the pun. “Is Fable around?” “Yes, he’s talking to his friends somewhere in that crowd.” She motioned toward the main party group. It was then that Grem noticed Spark and Voltage. The twins were dressed as green zombies, which was impressive, because it looked as if they had actually dyed their fur green. “I think he is over by the cauldron, bobbing for apples or something.” She rolled her eyes, knowing that it was probably some competition between the stallions as to who could get the most apples. “Hey! Grem’s here!” Fable said as he walked up with two apples in his hands. Winter was there with Golden, where he was dressed in a blue ninja outfit, and she was dressed in her undead hockey uniform. She simply took one of her old Nightmare jerseys and tore it up, adding blood effects. Fable, on the other hand, was dressed in a very similar outfit as Diamond Swords, only with slight differences. Where Diamond had an orange visor, Fable’s armor had a gray visor which was more square than round. Diamond and Fable looked each other over. “Are you from Demon Hoof?” Diamond asked, and Fable nodded, pulling off his helmet. “Clearly the superior game.” Fable grinned and Diamond lifted up his finger, only to be stopped by Grem. “Don't start!” She directly her glare at both of them. The last thing they needed was a stupid nerd argument to bust out. “Hey, Fable, you know that house down the street? The one that was condemned?” “Oh, yeah, the spook house?” Fable clarified and Grem nodded. “Yeah, it’s weird, I saw it when we walked by and somehow, it had decorations. The door light was on too. Did someone move into it?” Grem started to ask and Fable was already shaking his head. “There’s no way.” Winter said through his blue ninja mask. “Fable and I went there a year ago. The entire frame of that house is hanging on by cobwebs and I'm fairly certain the roof is made of termites.” “You guys went to an abandoned house and you didn't invite me?” Golden glared at Winter and held up her hockey stick, which had chunks taken out of the head. “You were at training camp." Winter backed away from her a bit, his eyes squinted in a nervous smile. “Either way, you probably saw another house, Grem. No one would be stupid enough to live in that place.” Fable said and held up a tiny plastic cup. “Jell-o shot?” The party went on with a bang. All of them drank, sang, danced, and mingled with their neighbors. They had a mock costume contest that didn’t actually have any prizes, but it was a tie between Fable and Diamond Sword since many believed their costumes were exactly the same. They both scoffed at this notion, of course. Jet Stream became the reigning champion of beer pong and while Grem and Diamond could have cited them for public intoxication, they didn’t. Sadly, though, the party began to dwindle down to just a few who stayed to help pick up everything. “Thanks for coming out.” Fable embraced Grem, and kissed both her cheeks. Then he turned to Diamond and they met in a manly handshake. “And to my costume rival.” “Always a pleasure.” Diamond nodded to him. They waved as they began their trek home. “Bye Letty! Good luck with the baby! Tell me if it’s a colt or a filly!” Grem waved to Letty, who waved back as she made her way to the apartment, apparently exhausted. “I still say it’s a boy.” Diamond said as they started back home. “What makes you say that?” Grem asked, honestly forgetting the whole conversation as the music had gotten louder and everyone broke out into a dance. “Well, she said that her nipples darkened a great deal. That’s normally the sign of a colt.” Diamond said as he removed his helmet to let his hair out for a bit. It was getting a little stuffy. “Oh, come on. You can’t be serious. It’s a filly, I’m sure of it.” Grem said as she turned on her phone to selfie mode to check on her hair, which had fallen down quite a bit as her hairspray was wearing off. “Do you have a better reason for thinking it’s a girl?” Diamond pressed his cheek up against her and smiled. She giggled a little as she rolled her eyes, and took a picture. “Nope! I’m just sure it’s female. I guess we’ll see who’s right.” She put away her phone as they made their way back toward the neighborhood. “Did they say that they already had the sex figured out?” “I think they mentioned a sonogram, but that doesn’t mean that they deciphered the gender. A lot of sonograms are too obscured the determine for sure. At five months, I think they would be able to tell.” Diamond said as he looked over at her. They had entered the neighborhood, and as they walked down the sidewalk, Grem began focusing on the so-called “Spookhouse.” The lights were still decorated on the edge of the roof, and the entrance light was still on. It looked rather large, especially for a two-story house. The windows were boarded up and the paint was chipped to almost non-existence. Best she could tell, no one had lived in it for quite some time. “Grem?” Diamond asked as he looked from her to the house. “That’s the house?” She nodded, and her blue eyes blinked, still wondering who decorated it like that. By standards of the city, the power should have been shut off some time ago. Her first thought was that someone set up some kind of a generator or even turned on the power themselves somehow. Either way, it would have been a lot of trouble to make it that way. “Diamond,” She said as she stopped in front of the house, facing it with a thoughtful eye. Before he could say anything, she started for it up the driveway. “Let’s check it out.” He almost stopped her, but then figured it was too late for any words of reason. She seemed to have already made up her mind, and when she got like that, there was no turning back. He was tired, slightly drunk, and ready to get out of this costume, but he followed her anyway. As she walked up to the entrance, she pulled the screen door open, as it wasn’t even latched onto anything. The latch seemed to have broken off at some point so the screen was just flapping back and forth freely. She looked at the door to see that there was no combination lock, as there should have been. Those locks were enormous and were not at all easily removed. In fact, judging by the door and threshold, it looked completely unlocked. One turn of the handle and the door opened easily. Both of them blinked at this, instantly thinking that someone was illegally on the premises. Grem and Diamond Sword were royal guard, head of police, and it was their duty to make sure that there was no unscrupulous activity going on in the house. Grem passed Diamond Sword a glance, showing that her game face was on and his should be too. He nodded, then illuminated his horn to light the way for the two of them. They were unarmed, but that never stopped them before. With a soft push, the door creaked open and they were given a glimpse of the front room, which was a clear way into the living room. The darkness was very thick, and all of the furniture was covered by dust and old white sheets. The floors were old, gray mildewed wood, which also covered the walls. What remained of the wallpaper was scarce. It stunk. The smell of old standing water and mold filled the room, giving them the stench of a shed that needed a good cleaning out. Even with the light, it was very hard to see in that place. It was huge, spanning a great deal more than they had anticipated. In its prime, it could very well have gone for around eight hundred thousand bits, but now it would have been a miracle if anyone paid over ten thousand for it. Grem began walking, pulling out her phone to activate the flashlight setting on it so that she could cut through some of the darkness herself. Everywhere they looked, there was a sofa or a chair covered in a white sheet. The kitchen off to the far right had all of its shelves and cabinets emptied and left wide open. The sink had no faucet, and was rusted to the point of warping from the summer heat and rain that dripped down on it. There was no sign that anyone had gone inside this place beyond what they saw from outside, but that obviously didn’t mean someone wasn’t here. The two of them searched the wide spread living room, looking under sheets and opening any cabinets they came across. “Anything?” Grem asked Diamond in a soft whisper. “Nothing.” He replied in kind. He turned his head to have his horn shine a light on the fireplace. The brick fireplace was legit old fashioned and looked like it would outlast this house by a millenia. Above the fireplace was a sheet that seemed to cover up a large picture frame. He lifted an eyebrow at the sheet, and then grabbed hold of it, tugging it. The linen came off easily enough to reveal a portrait of a unicorn mare. He furrowed his brow, confused as to why anyone would leave this painting here. The bright brown mare had a curly blond mane as she sat in a chair in front of what looked like a castle wall of gray stone. The painting looked old. Diamond was willing to bet it would be worth something given its age and quality. Whoever the mare was, she paid good coin to get her likeness almost completely photo realistic. He shrugged, tossing down the white sheet and continuing to search any other place that may look like a good hiding place. Whether this was a Nightmare Night prank or the result of squatting, it was still not to be taken lightly.   Grem was on the other side of the very large living room, still searching under sheets and opening cabinets. He shook his head, getting back to his mindset. Diamond looked to see Grem shining her phone light everywhere she could see, turning up nothing. “Nothing here.” Grem said as she moved to join him in the center. “Let’s check upstairs. You find anything.” “Just a painting of some mare.” He motioned toward the portrait above the fireplace. “Nothing much.” “Mare?” She asked, shining her light at the painting. He turned his horn light toward the picture. There was nothing but a thick black outline around a blank gray center. His eyes widened and he moved his point of view, thinking it was one of those pictures that changed as you moved. He blinked, wondering if maybe it was always like this. “What… I--" Diamond started to ask. “Are you sure you didn't drink too much? We can call in some backup.” She asked him. He nodded. “I'm fine, let's check upstairs.” Diamond looked the painting over one last time before he started toward the stairs. The ascended the steps, making sure there were no broken ones. Getting to the top steps, they looked down a long corridor. It was blank white, clean on both the ceiling and the walls. In fact, there was no dust or cobwebs to be seen anywhere on the second level. There were seven doors, three on each side with one at the end. All of the rooms were closed, so Grem decided to open the first door. The room was empty, the walls were blank and there was dirt drifted over the walls and cobwebs. That smell of mildew and rotted wood was back in full force, causing them both to crinkle their noses. There was obviously no one there and they happily closed the door. Diamond breathed a sigh of relief and went to the room across the hall. “It’s so weird.” He said as Grem opened the door. “What’s… weird?” She paused as they saw that the room was clearly not deserted. There was a large bed against the door wall and a dresser with a vanity on top. The dresser had a lantern which was fully lit, giving the whole room an orange hue. “It’s so quiet. There’s no creaks or sounds of rodents, or even any sounds of cars outside.” He whispered as she started walking into the room. Grem was about to voice her agreement to his statement, but she suddenly started to feel her temperature rising the farther she walked into the room. She broke out into a sweat, and started to fan herself. Her hair no longer stuck up in tiny spikes, the sweat brought it all down. “This place, there’s something here.” Diamond started looking around the edges of the room. “Someone is keeping this place alive. I have a sneaking suspicion that we’re being watched.” “She likes to watch.” He heard her say, then he looked toward her only to see that she was no longer walking, but crawling on all fours. “Grem? Grem, are you alright?” He asked, suddenly noticing that she did not speak in her own voice, that was someone else’s voice. As he started to step toward her, he saw that a small breeze that he couldn't feel started to blow up her skirt. He knew that she had no underwear on, but he saw that her vaginal lips were sopping wet. He started to ask what was happening but he started to feel the heat himself. “Oh, Diamond Sword! I can't stand it!” She mewled, helpless as the heat overwhelmed her! Her upper body dropped to the floor as her ass stuck straight up in the air toward him. “I...Oohh! I need you!” He fought against the hot sensation in every part of his body. His instincts urged him to remove every part of his costume. Only he looked down to see that he didn't need to. He was butt naked already, and his cock was already sticking straight out. She could smell his hormones. She could even feel his amazingly sized penis without it touching her. Diamond tried to be the voice of reason in the situation but there was no reason, no logic to be had. His self control crumbled in an instant as he saw her hand come to her piping hot quim and slide her labia open for him to see. That was that. Diamond got onto her ass with both hands and spread it as his dick squeezed tight inside of her, drawing a long, high pitched moan from her. Diamond started thrusting deep inside of her and she matched him. She backed up into his thick prick as hard as she could, crying out for him to fuck her harder, faster. He complied, banging her with his glans penis knocking her cervix. Pleasure rippled through her as his tip assaulted her burning uterus. In the lantern light, he could see her sweat glisten all over her body. Her huge tits swung beneath her, flopping out of her black dress in all their gray, pink nippled glory. She had never came twice in the course of three seconds before, nor was she entirely sure that she did at that time. However, it certainly felt like it. Her orgasms were coming at a constant pace, spurting vaginal juice all over Diamond’s crotch, making it drip from his big ball sack. All the while, Diamond kept shooting a glance over by the bed, swearing he could see a figure lying on it. The unicorn couldn’t help but feel two glowing, hollow eyes gazing at the two of them as he pistoned his huge, cylindrical shaft through her hot twat. He had to shake the feeling, though. She was far more important at that moment. He felt like she needed his help in a big way, and he couldn’t even tell if this was helping, or amping her up harder than before. He cringed, the over sensitivity of his manhood got to him and he had to release a slew of spunk into her waiting quim, dousing the burning sensation in her loins. He didn’t feel the after effects, though. He didn’t feel exerted, nor did his cock even think about softening even an inch. In fact, it seemed to balloon up inside of her once again, sliding and grinding against her lubricated pussy tunnel with very little resistance. To both of their surprise, he came yet again, pulsing massive white, sticky cum into her as he kept pumping. The muscular, white furred unicorn leaned forward, grabbing her tits and pinching her nipples as he kept fucking the bat pony who was helpless in her arms but never wanted him to stop. In her head, she could see a pink, prim pussy. She had no idea where this mental image came from, but without even trying, she could see it streaming juices within it. The legs on either side of it spread out wide, as did the lips that contained a very visible clitoris. She didn’t concentrate, couldn’t in fact. She didn’t need to focus on it, it was simply there. The brown fur that surrounded it began to get caught in its fluids as they spread out from the outer labia. Then a hand slid down to it, over the mound and into the pink skinned lips, starting to rub along it. The more the fingers rubbed, the more she could feel her own sensations taking over. Grem even forgot that she was being fucked by a lively, young stallion. She lived in the stimulation, she wanted the pleasure to flow through her in that moment. What snapped her back to reality was an even bigger load of semen that coursed through her tunnel. All at once, the white chowder like substance was pushed out of her and gushed onto the floor. She had lost count of the climaxes she had, but they ranged in the teens at that point. Despite the severity of the cum, neither of them tired out. Her tits were rubbing against the floor as her upper half seemed to flatten against the surface while her nether regions were given a thorough working over. Another slew of semen filled her uterus and shot from her along with her own squirting pussy. This time she could feel another, amazing orgasm build within her and within him. She found out that the vagina she saw was starting to work itself harder and faster with two fingers pushing in and out of the honey hole. Its building orgasm built within them as well as the stallion’s balls smacked against her clitoris and the fluids beneath them pooled around them. The fingers slid out and pressed hard against her clitoris and that was it. Grem let out a high pitched squeal as she came and felt another slew of sperm drown out her insides. It was magnificent! Whatever or whoever it was enjoyed the show with gripping suspense. The unified climax caused them to twitch and pulse as one. The gasped, and sweat beaded down both of their bodies in a collective lust that they had never experienced once in their entire lives. Whoever it was that watched them made them feel a great deal of gratitude before their vision went black. Diamond Sword stood at the doorway, all light that was once there was completely gone. The room was black except for small beams of moonlight from the outside through a boarded up window. “Grem?” He said, causing her to startle and yelp. “Diamond?! What the hell just happened?” She asked, her clothes were back on, and his plastic armor costume was back on him as well. “Did… what?” She tried to find the words, then picked up her phone from the floor, seeing that her battery was almost completely dead. Her light shined once again to see that cobwebs covered the entire wall and corners. There was no furniture, there was no lantern and the stink of mildew drowned out the entire place, making it hard to breathe. There was nothing in that house but dust and bugs, and various animal nests. The living room furniture was gone and the portrait on the wall was as well. However, Diamond noted that there was a vague discoloration in the shape of a picture frame that was once there long ago. The two of them walked out of the house and saw that the entrance light was no longer there either, there was simply a hole with some protruding wires. As she closed the door behind them, she saw that the knob was encased in a combination lock put on by the city of Ranchtown Real Estate Agency. No halloween decorations, no signs of activity of any kind. They had no words, feeling that something profound should be said at the very least, but they simply looked back at the spookhouse with dubious, mixed feelings. “Maybe we didn’t drink quite enough.” Diamond said as they started back toward their house five blocks away. “I’ve got some wine, maybe we should break open a bottle or two.” Grem suggested, and Diamond Sword nodded with some enthusiasm. The thought of them making love that night had occurred to them, but neither of them could explain that slight feeling. The feeling that they were tapped out. They weren’t overly tired, but nor did they really have the energy for passion. Their memories were very fuzzy as to what happened in the house, but the overwhelming sense of satisfaction was there. As soon as they hit the mattress, they were out. > Party Party! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day, another slew of misdemeanors. They caught a crowd of kids taking part in recreational defacing of public property using spray paint. Four teenagers outside of the high school wanted to voice their opinions using pink and black colors all over the brick outside wall because some teacher gave them all detention. They were loaded up and brought to the station where many of their parents were waiting with stern looks on their faces. Grem gave them the spiel. They were given court dates, restrictions, fines, and a wagging finger. Still, the bat pony liked to make sure that they were also given a chance to improve their lives. She got their contact information and planned to visit them and check in a month or two. The season of winter was closing in. During the day, people were seeing their breath in the air. Frost was gathering on every surface at night and talk of snow was all over the news in a matter of a couple of weeks. The kids were sent home with their parents and Diamond Sword was in their office, helping Grem fill out the paperwork. It was getting late, so he made sure that it was done promptly as well as properly. “As bad as it is, I guess it could have been worse.” Diamond said as he finished up the court papers. “They could have decided to put on ski masks and mug the poor mare.” Grem shrugged and nodded, typing up the incident report on her computer. It wasn’t her favorite part of the job, but at least it wasn’t incarceration. “I suppose you didn’t need to draw your sword on them or even use your magic.” Grem admitted, and he nodded. “All in all, it could have been a lot worse.” “Done.” Diamond closed his laptop and stood up, popping his back. She looked up at him with wide eyes and raised an eyebrow. “Done?” She asked and he was already out of his chair. He started shutting cabinets and getting his stuff gathered together. “Diamond? What do you mean?” “Done is done, it’s printing off in the legal office and we’re free and clear once you finish yours.” He got his jacket from the back of his chair and went to the water cooler, grabbing his bottle off of his desk on the way to fill it up. Grem stared at him incredulously. The straight-laced, born prodigy of the royal guards known as Diamond Sword usually took two to three hours to file paperwork. He determined every angle and everything that could possibly go wrong. He was as straight as they came when it came to his duty, and this unicorn before her was now telling her it took him under an hour to file his paperwork. She blinked, but this meant that they could finally get home at a decent hour. She decided not to bring it up. “You got plans tonight?” Grem asked, signing the paper she was writing and putting it in the file folder, and placing it in her outbox. “You seem to be in a hurry.” “Yeah, I need to get home and get dressed.” He said, taking a long drink of water from his bottle. “The new Red Quill book came out today and the store is closing soon.” “Oh.” Grem said as she got up from her desk. She went noticeably silent for a moment. The gray bat pony started grabbing her things as well. “Do you have plans tonight?” He asked her and she gave him a look. She shook her head as she walked to the door and walked with him out of the station. They walked to her car and got in. As soon as he got into the car, he pulled out his phone. Once again, her eyebrow raised at him as he started texting. Diamond didn’t like being part of the populace who stared at their phones. He texted only when he needed to and that was a very rare occasion. A strong believer in face to face communication, Diamond would sooner make a call or wait until he saw the pony again. Yet here he was, typing away, slowly, on his phone. His lack of technological advances made him very clumsy on the touch screen. Grem took a deep breath and just let it go. She was off tomorrow and she got off relatively early tonight. She figured a dip in the hot tub and a tub of ice cream was all she needed to make the most of her time off. Poor Diamond was not very well versed in the ways of relationships and mares. He had very little prior experience before he met her, so she figured she really shouldn’t give him a whole lot of guff over a single night. They drove home and said very little. Despite her understanding of his disposition, she still had to shake her head at uncharacteristic way he was acting. It was bizarre that he was suddenly jumping the gun on everything and acting like a full blown weirdo all at once. They got out of the car and walked to him, pulling his arm toward her and stopping him in his tracks. He turned to face her, surprised. He honestly looked like he was kind of in a hurry. Even with a new book coming out that he had been waiting for, this was just not like him. “Hey, hold on.” Grem pulled him closer to her and he paused, but then wrapped his arms around her. “I just wanted to say I love you. We haven’t had a whole lot of time to ourselves lately. Are you feeling okay?” “Yeah, Grem, I’m fine. I promise, it’s just going to be a quick errand, and I’ll be right back, okay?” He gave her a warm smile that she returned. The two of them met in a long, deep kiss. She ran her fingers through his mane and pressed herself close to him. They stayed there in the driveway for a moment and enjoyed the moment. Grem sighed, and kissed him one more time before they started walking to the house. “I just need to change real quick, alright?” Diamond said as he unlocked the front door and opened the door. “Oh, and by the way, who are these ponies?” “What?” Grem asked as he turned on the light and the entire living room was illuminated to show a whole crowd of ponies jumping out of various spots. “SURPRISE!” They all shouted. She was assaulted by a great deal of colored streamers, balloons, cake on a ping pong table, with drinks, chips, presents and smiling faces. Lemon Square, Venue, Final Cut, Winter Solstice, Golden Goal, Disterious, Fable Prose, Quick Bullet, Electric Spark, Sweet Voltage, Pop Candy, Night Moon and Star Burst were all there to greet her. Grem’s face went slack, her nerves all jumped at the same time as a huge smile crossed her face and she saw them all started walking toward her and waving. They all said their happy birthdays and gave her hugs and kisses. “Oh, my god! This was-” She started, then looked toward Diamond Sword, who was laughing with the side of his fist over his mouth. “This was you? Really?” He kept laughing harder, nodding. She laughed with him and they embraced once again. “Yeah, that guy called us all up.” Spark clarified. “He told us he hadn’t even brought up your birthday for the past month.” “Yeah, if I did that to Letty, she’d probably kill me.” Fable said from the other side of the room, looking at Letty who shrugged and gave him a little kiss. “I know Golden would.” Winter said, which Golden confirmed with a smile. “Hey, baby girl!” Lemon Square came from the side hallway and wrapped her arms around Grem’s hips. They embraced and Grem kissed her on the lips, smiling at her. “Oh, Lemon, you silly slut, why wouldn’t you tell me?” Grem giggled and Lemon chortled. “That’s the point of a surprise, you whore.” She kissed her again and they led her into the living room. The stereo came on and they played some music while passing Grem every treat they prepared, which mostly involved presents and drinks. She opened her presents little by little, getting lingerie, gift baskets, luxury soap, sausage and cheeses, music, and expensive alcohol. She was even given a fully functioning metal axe. Fable admitted that he thought it would be cool for a royal guard to have an axe, even if it’s just on display. Grem laughed at this and gave him a kiss all the same. The party went into full swing, they all mingled among one another. Grem was commonly greeted with a warm hug and pulled into conversations left and right. She loved the attention and the hugs she was getting. Not to mention the buzz from the various drinks. Night Moon was one she was acquainted with in the full investigation after the Rich Co. scandal. She met him once again through her friendship with Spark. “Thanks for coming! Who’s the pegasus?” She motioned toward Star Burst, who was dancing with Winter by the stereo. “She’s my marefriend. We've been living together for a while now.” He smiled over at Star Burst who blew him a kiss, which he returned. “Seems weird, I see you at all of the big clubs. How do you DJ so much and still go to the Cloudstone every Friday and Saturday?” Grem asked, taking another long sip of punch. “I'm a hot commodity right now, I guess. MixiMoon will never go out of style. Can't say I'm too happy to see you in uniform at the club, though.” Night Moon gave her a smug smile. “Well, stop the senseless assholes and I won't have to break up the party." She smiled right back. “You've seen me in my nightclub gear before. I've danced to your beats in my tube top.” Grem giggled and blushed. “Yeah, and I saw you with your tube top down.” He recalled when she was dancing so hard her tits popped out right in front of him. She giggled uncontrollably and hid her face a little. “Any chance I could see these ladies again?” “Yes.” She said before he even finished the sentence. Then she looked down to see she was still in her uniform. It was something of a blue business suit with a black tie and the insignia of the royal guard on the breast pocket of the jacket. She rolled her eyes at it then smiled at him. “I’m gonna go change real fast.” “I’ll be here.” Moon said as she started for the hallway on the other side of the living room. Star Burst passed her by with a smile and a wave, which she returned. She headed to the master bedroom and opened the door. She took off her jacket and tie immediately, then opened her closet to see what her choices were for attire. As she looked, she stripped down, sliding off everything and taking the things out of her pockets. She threw the dirty clothes in the hamper and took off that same tube top she had at the Cloudstone. She took her large cupped bra off and went to the mirror to make sure her hair was straight. She had to move fast, wanting to get back to the party as quick as possible so she didn’t miss the festivities. From the mirror, she saw the door open, but it wasn’t Diamond Sword like she expected, it was Sweet Voltage. The orange unicorn’s eyes widened as she peeked in. Grem turned to her, bare chested with nothing but panties on. Voltage’s eyes widened and she smiled apologetically. “Oh! Sorry, Grem. I’ll just--” She pointed back out and started sliding back to close the door. “Voltage! Hi, you’re Spark’s sister, right?” Grem said, walking up to her with very little concern for her own lack of clothing. “Um, yeah, he was pretty adamant about coming to your party.” She came into the door and shut it behind her. “I’m sorry I missed the game night.” “Oh, yeah, it was quite the night.” Grem said as she and Voltage shook hands. “We didn’t really get to talk much in Dragon Helm, did we?” “No, but I have to say, I enjoyed what company we had.” Voltage couldn’t stop gazing at Grem’s chest. She was probably the most well endowed pony she’d ever met, though that made her wonder... “Hey, wait here just a minute.” Grem tilted her head to the side a little bit as Voltage turned and exited the room. The bat pony blinked as she stood there, her boobs still out with her dark pink nipples in full view. After just a few moments, Voltage came back into the room with Pop Candy in tow. The peach colored unicorn’s eyes widened as she gazed at the very large chested bat pony standing and smiling as she entered. “What’s this about?” Pop Candy asked, but then Voltage pulled her red shirt up above her chest, showing her bright pink nipples with areolas that almost covered the full front of her tits. “AH! What are you doing?” Pop’s face went completely flush as she turned a glare toward the orange unicorn.   “Just get closer.” Voltage said as she pushed her closer to Grem. Both of the bare chested ponies gazed at her incredulously as she put her hand on Pop’s massive mammary, then put her other on Grem’s gigantic gazongas. She hummed a bit as she studied both closely. “You know, you could just ask me what my cup size is.” Grem said, and Pop started nodding. “Yeah, Voltage, mine is--” She was interrupted as Voltage passed her a sudden glare and shushed her. Pop scoffed and looked off to the side as Voltage began picking her breast up a little bit, dipping it up and down to test its weight while she did the same to Grem’s. “Hey guys, what’s the hold--” Spark walked into the room and saw the three of them. Voltage standing in the middle of Pop and Grem with both of their tits in her hands. There was a long pause as they all stared at Spark. The muscular orange unicorn stallion pursed his lips as he held onto the doorknob and then popped his lips out a bit and waved to them. “Carry on.” He went out to the hallway, closing the door. “So what’s Grem up to?” Diamond asked, passing Spark by. The orange unicorn followed him back to the living room. “Girl stuff.” Spark shrugged. The girls stood there for a moment. Pop passed another sinister glare back at Voltage, causing her to back off of the boobs. “Thank you.” Pop said quietly as she pulled her shirt back down. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go back to Letty. I almost got the gender of her baby out of her.” Pop waved to Grem, who waved back. “Happy Birthday.” “Thank you!” Grem replied as the peach colored unicorn with multicolored hair walked out of the room. There was a long silence between Grem and Voltage then, aside from a soft snicker from the bat pony as she looked back at Voltage. “So I was wondering.” Voltage broke the silence. “Since you weren’t there at the game night, did you want to maybe have another Dragon Helm session with me sometime?” “Oh, I’m always game. We could even play a few rounds of some other games. Did Spark tell you I beat him more than once?” Grem’s grin widened across her face as she stepped closer to Voltage. The unicorn met her half way and got close to her, smelling her feminine musk and liking it. “Please, I’ve beaten Spark so many times, I practically own his characters without playing with them.” Voltage giggled, as did Grem. “I’m willing to bet the same goes for you.” She pointed her finger and pressed it against the large, gelatinous breast which jiggled at her touch. To her surprise, Grem pressed her tits up against hers as she puffed out her chest. “Oh yeah?” Grem went into defensive mode and giggled. “Yeah!” Voltage pulled off her shirt without a bra on and pressed her boobs right back. The sensation of their nipples touching made the two of them quiver and Grem even had to bite back a moan. “Well, I’ll just have to show you. What say we have a few rounds later on next week?” Grem said as she grabbed both of her own mammaries and started rubbing them against the other mare’s bare chest. Voltage’s breath began to heighten as she moaned in the back of her throat, but responded in kind. She began matching her breast rubs with her own. “Sounds lovely, I’ll have to get your--nnnn--user name.” Voltage got face to face with her, their muzzles touching as their tits slid against each other. Grem nodded, then spit on both of their tits to make them slide easier with lubrication. Voltage gasped at this, not at all offended, but turned on at the gesture. “You’re kind of a slut, aren’t you?” “I’m not kind of a slut! I am a huge slut!” Grem stated without any kind of resentment. “I plan on blowing every stallion at this party.” “Bet!” Voltage said, now pressing her horn along Grem’s forehead. The bat mare pressed more against her. “Bet!” Grem agreed, then got down on her knees and nearly ripped Voltage’s pants off. Before the unicorn could even react, the gray mare lunged her tongue into her pussy lips, leaning her head back at an angle where her tongue went into her honey hole. “Oh! God! Grem! I’m not a--AH!--not a stallion!” Despite her words, she pressed her hand onto Grem’s head and pulled her harder against her pussy. The tongue slithered in and out and all around her pink pussy inner lips. Voltage bit her lower lip and rubbed her pussy against Grem’s mouth, gasping for breath. The orange unicorn’s legs were quivering, twitching, making it hard to stand up at all. “Fuck! You’re so good at that!” Grem pulled her over to the bed and before she could even catch her breath, she went straight for Voltage’s cunt again. She attacked with with gusto, spreading the lips out wide and licking her clitoris directly. Grem was making it swell up a little bit in her mouth as she sucked on it, and even rubbed her teeth against it. Voltage began moaning two octaves up then squealed, feeling herself cum and leak juices onto Grem’s face. She lied there on her back, her pussy so wet and twitching that it was hard to think about moving. Then she saw the smug look on the bat pony’s face and suddenly her brow furrowed as she glared at the cocky bitch. “Alright then, if that’s how you want to play it.” Voltage grabbed her by the arm and pulled her onto the bed. Grem yelped in surprise as she got onto the bed on her stomach and Voltage got up onto her knees. The gray bat looked back at the orange mare as she grabbed her ass to pull it up to where she was on all fours. There was a gleam of yellow light from her horn, and Voltage formed what looked like a large, glowing strap-on around her hips with a huge stallion cock sticking straight forward from her crotch. Grem’s face went slack as she saw the imposing figure that stood behind her. Voltage’s wild grin didn’t help her state of mind either. The unicorn pulled Grem’s tiny panties to the side of her pussy, exposing it to see that she had already moistened the fabric, and the wetness was spreading down her leg. “Oh, no! Voltage, I’m sorry!” Grem pleaded and mewled like a pathetic puppy but still held her butt straight up in the air as she saw the pony start to mount. “Too late for that!” She pushed her newly formed cock into Grem’s dripping quim. Grem’s face instantly went into the sheets and the mattress and howled as it stretched her. Without warning, Voltage started pumping the bright glowing penis in and out of her. She was unrelenting in her assault, pounding the bat pony’s arrogant pussy without remorse. Grem began to moan with every breath, feel every push, and cry out as she started banging her harder and faster. “What’s my name?” Voltage asked. When Grem didn’t respond, she swiped a quick slap across the bat pony’s ass, making her yelp once again. “Say my name!” “Oh! Voltage! Punish me, harder! Faster! Fuck me! Fuck me! Yes!” Grem begged and whimpered as she started pushing back against her. “Spank me again! I’ve been a bad girl! Spank me harder!” Voltage complied, slapping both of her hands onto that big, jiggling ass. She slapped her butt cheeks until they began to glow with a red hue, then she grasped both of the cheeks and started ramming her cunt! “I’m gonna--gonna--OH! YES! OH YES! Fuck! YES!” Grem shouted loud as her orgasm ripped through her system. The powerful, magical cock hammered her aching cunt through the climax as she spurted juice between their crotches. Voltage pulled out of her, though. She very rarely did anything like that. Her magic and her physical exertion took its toll after that. The cock disappeared and she leaned forward, her hand on Grem’s red ass cheek. “I hope,” She continued to pant with heaving breaths. “I hope you learned your lesson.” Voltage looked at the sweaty bat, who looked back toward her. “No,” Grem chortled. “No, I didn’t.” They both gave a good laugh, then got up to get dressed. -------- “No, I highly doubt that there’s going to be a resurrection for the villain in book one.” Fable shook his head and drank from his cup. Diamond Sword drank some of his beer bottle and raised a finger. “But there’s already a Lich in the story, couldn’t there be a chance that he becomes a Lich in the later books. Perhaps as a main villain in the third book or something?” Diamond reasoned and Fable winced at the idea. “That just feels like it’s taking a step back. There’s already so much story developing, not to mention those tiny side plots, adding the former villain as a Lich just feels like a step back. Have you started reading the second book?” Fable asked, then looked over to Letty. She was talking to Pop Candy while the peach colored unicorn pressed her ear against Quick Bullet’s pregnant belly. “I got it this morning and I’ve only read the first chapter so far. Have you read it?” Diamond asked, taking another long drink of his beer. “Most of it, yeah. I had some time today while Letty was taking her momma pregnancy nap. Believe me, things will become clear on what’s coming in the third book. Just read it as fast as you can, and then we can talk on it.” Fable smiled and Diamond nodded. “It’s so nice to know another Red Quill fan.” Diamond Sword tapped his cup with his bottle. “Isn’t it though?” Fable nodded and saw Grem come out of the hallway, much to everyone’s delight. “Alright, whoever wants another mixed drink better ask now, because I’m about to get on that game.” Venue said from the kitchen counter area. He directed attention over to Winter and Spark who were playing Demon Hoof two player mode. “Oh, I’ll take one!” Fable said, holding up his plastic cup. “Me too.” Grem said as well, raising her hands. “Ladies first.” Both Venue and Fable said at the same time. They laughed and gave each other a high five. “Just a rum and soda.” Grem said and looked over at Fable. The two of them smiled and pecked each other on the lips. “How are you, Mr. Father of the year?” “Oh, father of the year. I’m barely considered a father right now. Letty’s doing all of the work at the moment.” Fable smiled as she took her drink from Venue and he made his. “That’s not true, you’re helping her out a lot, so I’ve heard.” Grem smiled, taking her first drink. “Don’t you massage her back and bring her food?” She said, and he laughed, nodding a little bit. They both got their drinks and Fable looked toward the Demon Hoof game they were playing. Lemon Square had joined in, making it a three way deathmatch now. “Looks like you and Diamond Sword are doing pretty well too. Are there any kids in your future?” Fable asked as he watch Venue join in on the video game. “Oh, well, I don’t know. We’ve talked a little bit about it, but not very much at all. We’re still in our first year of the relationship. We’ll see how I feel next year.” Grem said and took a generous drink. She opened her mouth to say more, but then there was a pounding on the door. It wasn’t especially loud, but sounded more like they wanted to be heard over the music. Grem’s first thought was that it was the neighbors, but how they could hear the music from their house was strange. They weren’t playing that loud of music in the first place. She rolled her eyes and walked toward the door. She signaled to Diamond before he got up that she had it under control. Grem opened the door to see a short, white furred pony standing at her door with long black hair and spike ear piercings in one ear. She widened her eyes and then smiled big. The look on her face was a bit puzzling. Her arms were crossed over her chest and “Oh, hey Death Metal! I thought you couldn’t make it!” Grem leaned in for a hug, but the hug wasn’t returned and she stood back. “Is something wrong?” “Yeah, I need to talk to you.” Death said and motioned for her to shut the door so they could stand outside her house. She did so and walked outside with her closer to the yard on her walkway. “What is it? Is something wrong with Pearl?” Grem asked, she wasn’t all that well acquainted with Death Metal, but a lot of the ponies at her party wanted her and Pearl to come over anyway so it could be a nice meet and greet along with drinks. “Yeah, but it ain’t that serious.” Death rolled her eyes, shaking her head. Then she let out a long sigh. “Pearl ain’t happy right now. You know we’re getting married soon, and she has been so fucking busy putting together this wedding. Honestly, I have barely seen her sleep over five hours for the past month. The day is getting close.” “What’s wrong? Does she need help?” Grem asked, and Death Metal nodded. “Today was supposed to be her bachelorette party.” Death said and the bat pony gasped, putting a hand to her mouth. She waved her hands at Grem to keep her calm. “You didn’t know, okay? Nobody knew. This was her only day to do it because of her busy schedule. Then she found out your birthday was today. After that, she just threw up her hands. She didn’t want to make a big scene about it, and she didn’t want to ruin your birthday by any means. She just figured we weren’t going to have a party.” “Oh, my God. That’s terrible.” Grem said, then started looking back toward her house. “Where is she now? How can we get to her?” “She’s at home. Do you want to--” “We’re going there now.” Grem said, “Get me some transportation. We have around eight or nine ponies in there, and I’m pretty sure they’re all drunk.” She said, knowing that Letty wasn’t drinking, but also knowing that she wasn’t going to make her drive every single member of the party to and from Pearl’s house. “Oh… okay then.” Death said, blinking and thinking that was a lot easier than she thought it would be. Grem even came up with a better plan than she had in mind. Without any hesitation, she hurried back to her house and opened the door. As she got to the living room, she clapped her hands together, getting everyone’s attention. “Alright, people! Listen up! We’re taking this party on the road!” Grem announced to all of them, getting many mixed faces of both puzzlement and excitement. “Today is supposed to be Pearl’s bachelorette party and she needs all of us.” “Wait, what?!” Winter exclaimed. “She was having one today? Why didn’t she tell--” He stopped, then looked at the party and then snapped his fingers. “Ooohh, right right.” “Well then, fuck it!” Spark tossed his controller down. “Let’s take everything that’s not bolted down. You got us some taxis?” “Death Metal is handling that right now.” Grem said, pointing her thumb toward the front yard. “Death is here? Holy shit!” Night Moon said with a big smile and hurried to get outside and meet Death Metal in an embrace. The party started to move, grabbing up bottles of alcohol, putting the cake back in the box and starting to order food. Spark packed up the entertainment system he brought while Winter started picking up the food and putting them in plastic bags. “So, we’re going to meet Pearl now?” Letty asked and Fable nodded as he walked with her outside. “Wow, I’ve still never met her, this should be exciting.” “I think you’d like her.” Fable kissed her and they smiled at each other. “You’ve stuck your dick in her, haven’t you?” Letty suddenly furrowed her brow at him, and he was taken aback by the suddenness of the accusation. She tapped her finger on his snout and then laughed. “I knew it.” “Um, yeah, it was a very long time ago.” Fable admitted and laughed, rubbing the back of his mane. Then he looked to see some cars approaching in the distance. All of them wore gaped expressions as they saw that all four cars that approached them were luxury vehicles. Each limo had a driver and every driver stepped out of their car to help them with their baggage. “Holy cow!” Diamond watched as everyone started getting into the cars, and he followed Grem into one. They were more than big enough for eight ponies, with two bench style seats that faced each other. Each seat was equipped with ice and champaign, a fully stocked mini fridge with various drinks and a snack bar compartment. “Death Metal really hooked this up, didn’t she?” Star Burst said as she got into the limo with Final Cut, who nodded and smiled. Grem got into the middle limousine with a big smile on her face. She honestly couldn’t believe her luck in this situation. Not only did she get a birthday party, but she was going to meet the most famous pony in the city. Not to mention, she got all of her guests a chance to ride in limousines. The party went on like it was before. All of them drinking, laughing and talking as they rode in style. Death Metal drove behind them in her black hot rod, feeling quite pleased with herself. > Party Hardy! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pearl checked the clock on the wall of her living room. Among the other things that were going on in her life, the night she had planned for herself and Death Metal was still free. She decided that it would be the better of the nights they shared together, given what happened. She even had some champagne chilling on the kitchen counter in an ice bucket. She sighed, figuring maybe it was time to call it quits and catch up on a little sleep. She didn’t like the idea of letting Death Metal down, but if she was going to reserve some of her sanity, it maybe for the best. The pink earth pony laid on her couch in front of the black TV screen across the living room. She had many ideas, but none of them were really all that clever. Her mind was so filled with wedding plans and business ventures that her creative energy was shot all to hell. She pulled the hair tie out of her mane and let her red hair droop down to her shoulders. Her ears came free on either side of her head and she sighed once again. She figured, once again, that a full night’s sleep would do her some good. In fact, her eyes began to close on their own and her mind started to go blank all at once. Her eyes snapped back open as the front door opened. She cursed her luck, knowing that now she was not going to get to sleep anytime soon after being startled back awake. Pearl sat up on the couch and looked to see Death Metal walking through the door and through the front room. “Death? What took you so long? I thought you were going to get smokes. Did you buy the whole--” Pearl was interrupted as a Spark walked up behind Death Metal and wave. “Spark? What the-- Fable?!” Fable walked up behind Spark and then all of the ponies crowded into the door. Pearl’s jaw dropped. Words did not come to her. Winter came up to her and embraced her tight as she stood up from the couch. She hugged the azure unicorn ever so tight and tears began to stream down her face. “Hey! You're getting married! Let’s make this memorable!” Disterious said as the party did one of the fastest setups in history. They busted out the music and started back up on the drinking. Pearl was laughing and crying at the same time as they all gave her hugs and kisses. She went to Death Metal, who had a huge smile on her face. They shared a nice long kiss and Pearl started dancing as all of them got into it. Grem danced up to Pearl and the pink pony grabbed both of her hands as they smiled and laughed. “I thought this was your birthday.” Pearl said, making Grem laugh. “Well, if you wanted to be invited to the wedding, go ahead and bring a plus one. I don't know how else to thank you.” “Well, I have an idea of how. But we can discuss that later.” Grem winked at her and licked her lips. Pearl’s eyes and she smiled wide. “Well, whatever you have in mind is fine by me.” Pearl hugged her tight. “Anything you want.” The party went on as if it never stopped. A lot of guys wanted to dance with Death Metal, but she respectfully declined; she was not much of a dancer. Pearl danced with everyone. She shared shots with Venue and Night Moon. Death met with Fable and they caught up on current affairs, even meeting Letty for the first time. For the first time of the night, Letty didn't get asked about the foal. Golden Goal and Disterious went off into a corner and made out for a while. Golden felt up Disty a lot more than he groped her. Diamond and Grem did a slow dance in each other’s arms as they party began to simmer down. Venue and Final Cut had to go home first, having work and class in the morning. Lemon Square reluctantly went with them. Pop Candy and Star Burst had to go as well. Letty passed out on one of the couches in the front room. Voltage passed out too, having drank a little too much. Spark, Fable, Winter and Disty were in the billiard room. It started with Fable wanting to play a few rounds and the rest of them simply joined in. “I guess that makes you two stripes.” Spark said as Fable shot in the first ball. Effectively making him and Disty solids. He chalked up the tip of his stick, unaware of the two mares that were watching them in the hallway. Pearl motioned for Grem to stay where she was as she walked into the room. She went to the nearest wall and leaned against it. “Hey guys.” She smiled as they all looked at her. They all gave her a warm greeting and waved. “Mind if I play next?” “Sure, you'll be playing Fable and I since Spark is down three already.” Winter grinned at the two other unicorns. Disterious was the first to speak, cutting Spark short. “That can and will change in a heartbeat. We’re just getting warmed up.” Disterious said as Winter missed his shot. “Like now.” He motioned for Spark to make his shot. Out in the hall, Night Moon crossed Grem’s path and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Hi.” She whispered to him. “Want to watch the game?” She asked, then he looked in the room to see a tied game of pool, with Fable lining up his shot. Pearl was still leaned against the wall with a smile on her face. “Sure.” He was about to walk into the room, but Grem held him back. “First,” She pulled both of his hands onto her tits and made him squeeze them. They were very malleable and adhered to the shape of his hands. “You asked if you could see them again. Well, you can do more than that.” He felt her big, pointed nipples poke against his palms as she leaned forward and kissed the bluish purple pegasus. He caressed her tits softly as she grabbed the crotch of his pants to outline his hardening cock through his khakis. She pulled her shirt above her tits to give him a good look at them, even drawing his head into her bust.   Spark shot at the eight ball and all of them held their breath. He nearly made the ball, but the black sphere bounced against the corner of the hole, deflecting away. Meanwhile, the cue ball banked off the side of the pooltable and straight into the opposite pocket. “Damnit!” Disterious slapped his hand across the air and Spark cursed under his breath. “Yes!” Both Fable and and Winter went for a high five. Pearl clapped excitedly and gave a little cheer. “Good job, guys! Now if you would please come over here and line up.” Pearl motioned for them in front of the table. They complied, placing the pool sticks onto the pool table. They lined up side by side in front of her. “We’re going to play a little game I know you guys play on quite the regular basis. I will be the judge along with Grem.” She looked out the doorway of the room. “Grem? Oh my.” She looked to see Grem crouched down in front of Night Moon. His long cock was hard and halfway in her mouth. His shaft glistened with saliva and dripped with precum as he looked to Pearl with a bit of embarrassment in his eyes. “No need to be bashful, Moon.” Pearl winked at him. “You can join in. Come in here.” She waved them both in but held up her finger as he was about to pull his pants up. “Don't worry about that, just take off your drawers and join the group.” Night Moon walked into the room, bottomless. His large erection pointed upward. The other four guys glanced at him, then looked at the nude Grem who walked in. Her bouncing breasts were dripped with little bits of precum. “Now, follow Moon’s good example and drop’em.” She pointed at their pants, then downward to the floor. With some hesitation, they did as they were told. Each of them were varying degrees of erect. All different shades and colors. “Oh, dear me.” Grem said as she looked down at all of the hanging genitalia from each of the somewhat blushing stallions. “This has to be the best birthday present ever. Actually, now that I think about it.” As soon as Grem turned toward the door, she saw that Diamond Sword was looking in at her, seeing she was very much naked. “Oh! Perfect timing.” She smiled sweetly at her precious white, brown maned unicorn. “Darling, be a dear and join the line up.” Grem motioned him over and he glanced over at the standing stallions. “We’re comparing size, and I think you are going to be quite the contender.” “Oh, is that what’s going on?” Diamond asked as he slowly entered the room and saw the other guys with their eyes darting in every direction. “Apparently.” Disterious said, trying to fight the urge to hide his member from the crowd, but then decided it was worth it if it was for his friend, Grem. Diamond dropped his undies and stood there as all of the curious onlookers gave it a gander. “Oh, looks like it’s gonna be a stiff competition.” Pearl said as she placed her hands underneath Winter and Fable’s penises, lifting them up gently by the tips. “I have been called a size-queen in the past, and quite honestly, I wear that title with great pride.” She removed her clothing, standing naked before all of them. “I’m also somewhat of a bridezilla, I always get what I want, and I want to be filled to the brim.” Her voice became deeper in an almost growling tone as she kneeled down before Winter and Fable. “Congratulations on winning the pool game. Here’s your prize.” Her mouth engulfed Fable’s cock all the way down to his midring, and made it slick with her spit. Her other hand rubbed Winter’s cock nice and smoothly to get him harder. Grem joined in, grabbing onto Disterious’s and Diamonds while her mouth enveloped Moon’s manly tool. The two of them took on six at a time. Pearl gazed up at Winter as her tongue slid up and down the side of his shaft all the way to his base. She tongued his dangling ball sack and sucked on it gently as she kept jerking. Her mouth went to each of them for a brief period of time as she couldn’t help but use one of her hands to rub herself off. There were many drips to the ground, as well as dripping on her large, pink breasts. Grem smiled at Disterious as her tongue caressed his glans and she tasted his warm semen on her tongue. She couldn’t help but giggle at the fact that he still wore his blue handkerchief and nothing else. “What are you waiting for?” Pearl asked them between slobbering on their dicks and growing more and more anxious. “I said I wanted to be filled. That meant filled with horse sausage. Now get to it!” She growled at them, drawing wide eyed looks from all three of them. Electric spark stayed on her mouth while Winter got underneath her, pushing his dick deep into her pussy, while Fable’s wet cock plunged deep into her asshole. The pretty pink princess was getting mauled from all sides and she was loving every single second of it. Moon and Diamond took the initiative and started to grab onto Grem. She yipped a little in surprise as she was pulled back on top of Night Moon, who wasted very little time in making his cock put pressure on her anal cavity while Disterious very quickly penetrated her from the front. Diamond stood up above her face with his balls dangling right in front of her face. She latched her mouth onto his balls and moaned a great deal as she felt two enormous cocks bury deep into her nether regions. Moon’s cock up her ass was a real wake up call for her. Having thought she was horny before, now she was absolutely ravenous! Both the birthday girl and the future bride were getting plowed like porn stars, and there stood two voyeurs at the doorway. Golden Goal and Death Metal looked in at the room to see both of their mates were getting some serious tail without them. Normal ponies would feel cheated, but both of them could only feel extra hot and steamed up as a result. “Oh, my God, Pearl is out of her mind.” Golden whispered to Death, who was holding up her phone and recording the whole thing. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her take so much all at once.” Death said, moving her phone back and forth from Diamond Sword putting his cock between Grem’s breasts to Spark getting in with Winter in order to give Pearl the very rare double cock in her pussy while Fable jammed his cock deep into her ass. Pearl’s voice suddenly began to sing at a very high octave. She’d never felt so stretched in her life, but she actually managed to pull it off. Two cocks in her cunt was suddenly the thing she’d always wanted for her entire life, while another dick pistoned her asshole at a frightening pace. She came within a moment’s notice. Her juice shot between Winter and Spark’s cocks as her mind went completely blank with delirium. She couldn’t talk if she wanted to and her hands clutched down on Winter’s arms while he and Spark’s cocks rubbed together inside of her twitching, full twat. She suddenly felt a slew of hot spunk shoot into her asshole as Fable came hard! Winter found himself unable to resist as well, and he shot hot cum into Pearl. Spark felt the sudden warm wetness and pulled out, only to shoot his load all over Pearl’s abs and her chest. Grem moaned as Diamond took hold of both of her tits, fucking her tits with her tongue sticking out so she could lick the tip as it thrust toward her. All the while, Disterious was working furiously inside of her, pounding away at her dripping marehood. The gray unicorn was quick to cum inside of her, as was Night Moon, who found her tight asshole to be to his liking. It had been a very long time since Grem felt like this. Not since her game night with the other guys had she been so well fucked on all fronts. Disterious was working so hard to make her satisfied like the dear friend he was. Diamond Sword, her true love was just happy that she was ever so happy, and Night Moon was enjoying himself much to her glee. That’s when she felt the white, sticky slew of hot jizz in her face as Diamond could no longer contain it. She tasted the salty goodness, the sprays of wonderful sperm painted over her face. She caught a good deal of it on her tongue as well. Grem looked over toward Pearl, who was already on the ground. She was covered in sticky semen and gasping for breath with a blank expression on her face and heaving breasts from gasping so hard. The trio who devoured Pearl were sitting on the floor near her, looking a tad bit worried that they overdid it. As they pulled out of Grem, the bat pony felt the gushing of sperm come from her well fucked holes as well as the spunk on her face and chest dripping down her body. There was a sudden silence in the room as all of them caught their breath. The silence was interrupted as they heard a smacking noise and breathing coming from the other side of the room. It wasn’t so much the other side of the room, as it was from outside in the hallway, though. Death Metal was on her knees in front of Golden, who was also kneeling down with the short white, black maned mare. The two of them rubbed one another’s backs and met in passionate kissing. Golden gazed into Death Metal’s eyes before shoving her tongue back into the earth pony’s mouth, licking her tongue and pulling her hair. Death felt the pull in her raven black locks and her breath quickened. Her kisses became more passionate and her hands rubbed up over Golden Goal’s breasts, feeling the passion over take her. As Golden broke the kiss softly, and smiled at her, Death Metal gave a tiny smile back. However, both of their attention was turned when Winter cleared his throat softly at the threshold. The naked, azure colored unicorn grinned at Golden. The brown unicorn mare gave him an annoyed eye roll. “Oh, Golden, how could you?” Winter chortled at his marefriend, who scoffed, looking down to see his dick was still dripping wet with pussy juice. The rest of them started to clean up a bit. Fable picked up Pearl from the ground and started carrying the half conscious pink mare to her room. The rest of them started to get their clothes on and wipe up some of the stuff they left on the floor and surrounding surfaces. Diamond pulled his shirt on over his head and looked to Grem, who was working on her crotch and aching ass with clean wipes. “So, ummm, honey?” The unicorn stallion said, drawing her attention. “Who won the size competition?” All of the cleaning halted in that moment. All of the stallions in the room looked at Grem, including Fable, who now stood at the doorway. “Oh, I’m sorry guys, it was inconclusive.” Grem waved them all off with a smile on her face. “I think I would need another judging session before I could decide that.” Her evil grin at all of them drew terrified looks. All of them took a moment to see if she was kidding or not. She merely winked and gave them all a little chortle. > The Clock is Ticking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was the day they would make it happen. Both of them took the week off and both of them knew the plan in its entirety. They even held off from touching each other for three days before their vacation started. That morning came so slowly but they were ready for it. Or, at least Diamond Sword was ready for it. The white unicorn awoke to find that Grem wasn't in bed with him. In fact her side of the bed was lukewarm at best. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched, popping his back. The princess had kept them pretty busy because of her future plans to completely clean up the park and plant more trees in it. That basically meant he and Grem were royal guards picking up garbage and replacing the public water fountain. His joints were rough and popped rather easily. Still, it felt good to get out in the fresh air and do some community work instead of sitting at a desk, filling out incident reports. All of that was immediately put on the back burner as the door opened up and a certain gray batpony appeared. For the first time in a very long time, she'd dug out her schoolgirl outfit. It was a very dark gray with a short red plaid skirt and long black and white striped stockings. A leash dangled from a black collar in her hand, which she tossed onto the bed as she began to sway her hips in her approach. "Good morning sunshine." Grem smiled as he could smell her perfume in the air. Her gigantic bust was on full display and her nipples poked through her top.  "Haven't seen that outfit in a while." Diamond stared as she got up on the bed. Her stocking clad hoof rose to step onto the bed. As her knee came up, her skirt came up to show that she was only wearing an extra thin g-string and she was soaked beyond belief.  "I wear it when I want to get a special kind of fucked." Grem said as she crawled over to him. She was about ready to kiss him when he suddenly pushed her onto her back. She let out a surprised yelp as she hit the bed. Before she knew it, he was on top of her, holding her down with one hand and sliding his hand under the extra thin g-string that did nothing to cover her private area. The string even avoided covering her asshole. "Someone’s eager!" Grem squeaked as his two main fingers slid into her fuckhole.  "We haven't had sex for only three days, yet I feel like I've been deprived!" Diamond said as he pulled the cover off of his midsection to reveal his peach colored cock was at a serious erect state. Before she could even think to apologize, her mouth was filled with horse sausage of the greatest kind. He fucked her mouth, muffling her moans as he moved her g-string easily to the side of her cunt and slid his tongue deep into her as it slithered into her tube.  He got on top of the 69 position and fucked her face downward as her hands held onto his butt cheeks and she gave muffled cries of passion as he lapped his tongue against her clit relentlessly. Such a show of force and dominance, such strength behind his conviction and such pressure his tongue put on her pussy. Grem squirted. Her legs trembled and he pulled out of her mouth as he rolled off of her.  Grem gasped for air and gripped her extra sensitive pussy as she exasperated.  "Where in the fuck did that come from?" Grem asked as he grinned at her. He slid closer to her and they met in a sloppy, passionate kiss. "Do that again." She whispered. He buckled the collar around her neck. Within just a few seconds, she slid off the bed, landing softly on the floor with her wings spanned flat onto it. Diamond pulled the niw useless strip of underwear off of her and flicked it away. His long, thick cock fucking down into her hard as he pulled on her leash, asserting his conquest over her.  The orange haired bat pony began to give labored moans as she felt him grind her insides hard with his pistoning dick sliding against the bottom of her vaginal tube. He was big enough that he didn't even need to do this. Grem was loving it because he was bullseyeing her g-spot with every thrust and only tightening the collar around her neck. "Diamond! Fuck!" She took a deep breath, her face turning bright red as his pelvis pounded against her and she felt every throb in his penis, every twitch her pussy made to tighten around him and every breath he took.  "Here I come, baby!" He growled as his cock head beat against the back of her tunnel. "Yes! Do it! Cum in me!" Grem shouted, holding onto the edge of the sheets for leverage. "Put a foal in my belly! Break me! Fuck me raw!" Then she squeaked as she felt the first jet of cum inside her, making her legs twitch hard. She twitched at all six big juicy shots of jizz within her and he released her leash so the oxygen flowed freely into her system. She squirted again as soon as he pulled out of her and she grunted hard! She laid like that for a while. Her ass and pussy pointed upward as she laid her upper back on the floor. Her twat was still filled with hot white semen and she let it stew within her for a while, letting gravity do its job. Diamond Sword plopped onto his back, feeling the relief of a released solid buildup that was begging to come out for days. "A good start." Grem said, making him chortle as he panted for breath. The break was short. Next came the dogstyle, her top was wide open and her gigantic tits were flopping back and forth as he rode her nice and hard! Her big blue eyes were wide open and her hands clutched the sheets as her ass pounded against his pelvis.  "Yes! Your cock! Pound it!" Grem cried and smashed her snout into the bed cushion as she howled and came again! He didn't stop and she didn't want him to. Diamond reached under her and gripped Grem's huge tits as he pushed into her a few more times to cum deep within her. She grunted as he pulled out from her, trying her best to close off her fuck hole. She didn't want any of his sperm to escape. "Think that's enough?" Diamond was sweating and gasping for breath on the other side of the bed. "I need a shower." Her head leaned up to look at him with a grin. Then semen released from her extra full cunt and she cursed a bit. Within minutes, hot water was pouring over them and his cock was going straight up into her tight opening. Her legs were wrapped around his hip while he rammed her up against the tiled wall. Her ass was leaning on the small bit of railing above the soap. The shower took around forty-five minutes after he got another good bit of semen deep into her womb. "Don't you think this is a bit excessive?" Diamond asked her as he finally got himself clean. She giggled at him as she pressed her tits up to his back and reached around to stroke his cock gently. "Of course it is, but I just want to make sure this time." She admitted and noticed his cock was very slow to get hard this time. "Let's eat something." She said as she looked at the bathroom clock to see it was already almost 11 am. Within thirty minutes, the food was done and they got through an episode of Farm Wars. After the dirty plates were stacked onto the coffee table, Grem was up in suspension. She was fitted into black leather boots, buckled into a square metal frame. Her gloves were on and cuffed to wires hooked on the frame so her whole body was held suspended and her ass stick out as her body was in the squat position. She had her collar on and a ball gag shoved in her mouth. "I must say, I'm starting to remember why you like this so much. Maybe we can call one of the guys so they can put it in your ass." He suggested and she nodded vigorously at the idea. Then he slapped her ass in a nice, full palm. Grem squeaked through the ball gag and trembled as a bit of drool dripped from her bottom lip.  "Oh my, you liked that a lot, didn't you?" She hummed confirmation as her face blushed and she moaned as he massaged her big round ass cheeks. "Why are you such a horny slut?" She mumbled and muffled as if to explain, but was cut short as he grabbed and squeezed her tits, causing her to whimper and her pussy to drip to the bottom of the metal frame. His hands molded and warped her gigantic breasts as his hard cock began to nudge against her pussy, which was wide open in her floating squat position. Her juice began to dribble down his rock hard shaft as he pinched her nipples tight. "Does someone want to get filled with cum?" He asked in a dark, devious tone.  She immediately began to muffle "Yes! Please! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Then she squeaked as his lips chomped down on the side of her neck and she immediately broke out in gooseflesh as he ran his teeth across the skin. He was rough and one of his hands rsn down to her pussy lips, starting to finger her nice and deep. Her whimpers became higher in pitch and his cock began to sink deeper up into her sopping cunt. That's when he noticed, he almost forgot. He reached over to grab a plastic, realistic horse cock from the shelf beside him. She looked back toward him to see what he was doing and he slapped her other ass cheek. She mewled and quivered, bouncing on the wires as the springs made her body bob up and down. Her tits also jiggled. "No peeking." He said as he slathered on some lube. With her ass cheeks spread open just enough, he poked the huge dildo up into her ass. She whooped and howled as he pressed it, making it slide up her ass. More slobber ran down her chin and more pussy juice splattered against the floor. "There we go." He whispered in his devious voice, making her bristle with goosebumps once again. Then her entire body began to shake as her eyes went wide open. The sudden vibrations in her ass immediately caused her to squirt hot juice onto the floor and she trembled. She struggled to try and stabilize herself but she simply couldn't. That's when it only got worse. He grabbed her hips and pulled her pussy straight down on his steely dick.  Every moan became a squeak and within just a few pumps of his cock, she came hard once again! Diamond couldn't deny that his cock was also very erect and the vibrations were getting to him too. He pounded her harder. Everytime he did, he bumped the vibrating cock in her ass into her more and Grem came for the third time and leaked more juice onto the floor.  Then Grem felt him cum and she couldn't help but squirm as he held onto her wings. Her mouth got so wet that the ball gag slipped out of her mouth and her breath freed up. "Fuck! Yes! Diamond! You're such a fucking stud!" She let out another exasperation as she felt another pulse of cum inside of her. Sweat streamed down both of their bodies. He carefully turned off and removed the dildo from her butt so she didn't lose concentration, which was already in short supply. Then he tentatively uncuffed her and unbuckled her wires to let her down. Grem slumped and he helped her into the living area, where they both fell onto the couch. They huffed and puffed as they splayed over one another. "Okay, what is that? Five?" Diamond asked and Grem scowled a bit as she thought and counted on her fingers. "Two on the bed," Then she thought again, "one in the shower." She looked at her hand with a frown. "That's four." She looked at his dick and how shriveled and sad it was. "Maybe a little too quick in succession." He said and she nodded. "That was a lot of cum all at once. We need to feed you more bananas and garlic." Grem grinned as he gave her the stink eye. "What? Just a suggestion." "Last time you 'suggested' that, I almost ended up at the hospital." He made her giggle a bit. "Hey, we're not using the penis pump this time. That thing wasn't worth the bits we spent on it." Grem sneered as she thought about how many sleezy sex toys they'd wasted money on when most of the times they either got in the way or flat out didn't work. "I had another thought." She eyed him and grinned. "Okay?" Diamond was almost afraid to ask what she meant but she was already sitting up.  "Just trust me." The curvy bat pony began to pull the white unicorn to her. "Yeah, how many times have I heard that?" He wondered, but then she brought his legs and ass up in the air. His eyes widened as she got a good look at his asshole, moving his balls up a bit with her hand. "What are you…nnnmm!" He tensed up as she began to lick his asshole. As she did, Grem's hand rested on his balls and began to massage them as her tongue went deeper into his ass. "Holy mother!" He shivered a bit as she giggled and began to suck one of his balls with just her lips. As she did this, her finger penetrated his sphincter and dug deep into his ass. He couldn't help but let out a strained groan as she dug deep and put one of his balls in her mouth. "Mmmm I love those big balls. Oh, look!" She smiled at him as she saw his cock was fully erect. "Oh my, does this mean I should dig out my strapon? Looks like someone's a closet catcher." Grem giggle as Diamond blushed very deep. Then she clapped a hand on his butt cheek. "Just kidding! Let's rest for a while. I want you at full capacity."  "Oh, joy." He glared at her and she stuck her tongue out. "Love you!" Grem nuzzled him.  —----------- The week was full of filling Grem up. They didn't do it quite so much every day but there was quite a bit. They did it on every surface of the house, in the pool, outside of the pool and even in the garage when it was open late at night. Their vacation was well spent but it didn't last. They went back to work. However, two weeks later, Grem was in the bathroom, standing naked in front of the sink, staring at a home pregnancy test. It was her sixth one. On their next day off, they scheduled an appointment and sat in a fertility doctor's office. "I'm sorry." The doctor said, pushing her paper off to the side as Grem's heart sank. "Miss Grem, the problem is that your uterus does not have a stable environment for an egg to grow. We can try artificial insemination but I'm afraid it would have the same results." As he explained this, Grem went numb. This must have been a dream, a nightmare. How could he know this from just a few samples? "There's nothing else we can do?" Diamond Sword asked, reaching over and holding her hand as she squeezed his tight. "You're sure about this?" "I'm afraid so." The orange, older unicorn said. "Your sperm is sufficient to bare a child but Miss Grem is not fertile enough to sustain a foal. I really wish I had some good news for the two of you, but there are always other alternatives." That was when Grem stood up from her seat and nodded to him. Tears were in her eyes and she tried to speak. Instead, she just turned away, unable to talk around the lump in her throat. "Um, thank you, doctor." Diamomd tried to remain respectful as he stood up and nodded to him. Then he went with Grem toward the front. They didn't say anything as they left the clinic and she sat in the passenger side seat of their car. They barely made it out of the parking lot before the truth of it all caught up woth Grem and she started weeping. Tears streamed down her face as all of her hopes came tumbling down. The things she could have done differently, the things she never did, the things she couldn't do, it all came down around her ears. By the time they made it home, she was a red eyed mess and she leaned her head against the window. "Grem, honey, we're not giving up." He said as his hand slid under hers and their fingers intertwined. "There's always something we can do. Even if it means going against a few principles." He said this and she looked at him. Her eyes looked so defeated. He hated that look from calm, cool, seductive Grem. "What do you mean?" Grem asked in a sulked voice, like her throat was too dry or she was too weak. "You heard the doctor. There's nothing that can be done." Diamond thought for a moment. Then he nodded, and out the car in reverse. He began to back out of the driveway. "Where are you going?" Grem asked him and he wore his face like a man on a mission. His confidence gave her a bit of confidence of her own. —---------- As Diamond opened the door to the store, he was immediately taken by the excessive smell of warm sugar. It was an intoxicating aroma. He looked behind the counter to see Pop Candy sorting through suckers and putting them in a neat little display. The unicorn mare looked over and saw him. She smiled. "Hey, Diamond! It's been a…" Then she saw the look on Grem's face and immediately knew something was up. "Grem?" She immediately lifted a part of her counter out of her way and closed it back on its hinge as she hurried over to Grem. The two embraced and Pop held her close.  The cream colored candy pony had a bosom on par with Grem's. The two had never officially measured but it was close enough for them to not really care either way. She was as sweet as her candy and she loved Grem either way. The bat pony knew this and began to cry on her shoulder. Pop didn't say anything, she simply held her close and petted her mane softly, nuzzling her neck. "What's wrong, sweety?" She finally asked when Grem calmed herself down. "What happened?" "I just found out I'm infertile." Grem said as she held onto Pop tighter. The unicorn mare drew in a sharp breath.  "Oh, honey," that was when Pop Candy looked at her and held both sides of her face in her hands. The mare leaned her forehead gently into Grem's and gave a deep sigh. "Is there anything you can do? Any spell that can help?" Grem asked, causing Pop Candy to sigh once again. There was now a lump in her throat. "No, Grem, there never was and there never will be. Magic can't solve everything. Motherhood is already a powerful magic all its own. Tampering in that domain brings," Grem looked down as Pop pressed her hand against her belly. "Terrible consequences. Because of my own ignorance and arrogance, I was stricken of my ability to bear a child." Grem gasped and looked at Pop in a whole new light. The unicorn nodded solemnly, aware of what Grem may think of her.  "Magic is dangerous, Grem. It can only hurt this situation and make it far, far worse." Pop Candy brought her back into an embrace. “Oh, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can only imagine how much you wanted a child. Especially with someone you love so much.” Pop Candy looked over at Diamond Sword, who was leaning against the front counter and trying his best not to listen. This brought fresh tears and more gentle sobs from her as they held on to one another. “Alright, but there is one thing you can do for me.” Grem said and Pop looked at her. The unicorn wiped tears from her eyes and nodded. “Can I get a caramel milkshake with a bit of chocolate?” “That, I can do.” Pop said and motioned for her to sit at one of the tables. As Grem sat down, Pop motioned for Diamond to join her. He nodded and walked over to Grem, who greeted him with an arm around his shoulder and her head leaning on him.  The front door to the store opened and Grem grimaced. She sighed, knowing that Pop had a store to run and she can’t be the center of her attention. Then she heard small children and that was just the icing on the cake.  “Come on, Emby, keep walking.” A familiar voice said. “Hey, Pop!”  “Fable! Pearl! Hey!” Pop said, drawing both Diamond and Grem’s attention immediately.  There was Fable Prose, looking happier than he had in the last three weeks with a small boy at his side. Then, there was Pearl Necklace, bringing in a small Prisma Silver as well. She was a bit younger than Ember, but she was still walking on her own and was only a few inches shorter than him. “Hi, cuties! Oh, my lanta! They’re getting so big!” Pop said with a big smile as she waved to the kids. Ember got behind Fable’s leg and the rainbow haired unicorn girl didn’t seem to know what was going on, only that there was a lot of colorful things around her. “Oh, look at his little wings! When is he going to learn to fly?”  “Anytime is too soon.” Fable admitted. Then he looked down at Ember and motioned for him toward Pop. “Go on, tell her what you want.”  “He talks?!” Pop Candy gasped!  “Vanilla.” Ember said, only it came out as “Banirra”.  Pop and Grem’s hearts melted at the same time and it brought a fresh sheet of tears to Grem’s eyes. The silent sobbing caught Fable’s eye as he turned to see Grem and Diamond.  “Whoa, hey!” Fable said to her and Pearl turned as well.  “Grem?” Pearl Necklace said and immediately grew concerned. She turned around and ordered Prisma some chocolate pudding. Then she picked the little girl up in her arm and brought her over to where the two of them were sitting. Fable did much the same with Ember. “Hey, Grem. What’s going on?”  As all of them got settled in with the kids sitting and playing with toy cars on the table, Grem told them what had happened. The pink earth pony with long red hair pursed her lips and looked at Fable, who was contemplating. Both of them had had plenty of experience in the hardships of being parents, seemingly experts in their fields at this point.  “Well, sadly, this is something that has hexed many couples.” Pearl said as she reached across the table and held onto Grem’s hands. Pop Candy came with the stuff they all ordered and set it all on the table as she pulled up her own chair. “I wish I could say there are miracle cures, but there aren’t.” This statement seemed to strike Grem in a fresh wound again as her eyes began to trail off in thought. Then Pearl shook her hands suddenly.  “BUT, it is by no means the end of the world. And I can get you to an adoption agency that will suit your every need in every way they possibly can.” Pearl said as she stroked Grem’s palms softly and then held onto her once again.  The red pegasus stallion nodded as he looked over at Ember Wing, who was now going “vroom vroom” with the toy car in her hand, making it crash into different places on the table. “I will not have you deprived of the wondrous world of raising a beautiful– Prisma! Put that down!” Pearl reached over to her daughter, who was getting ready to stick Ember Wing with a fork.  “Adoption?” Grem hadn’t had time to think of that possibility while her entire mind was going into collapse mode. “I mean… I guess…” She thought for a long moment and looked over toward Diamond Sword, who shrugged and nodded. That was when all of the strength seemed to filter out of the gray bat pony and she leaned on his shoulder. She let out a great sigh. “I’m sorry, my brain is now done with the rest of today. Maybe we should talk about this some other time.” “The rest of my day is free and I am literally rich. How about you come over for some girl time?” Pearl asked, making Grem look at her with a puzzled expression.  The pink earth pony looked toward Pop, who seemed extremely excited at the prospect. She even clapped her hands and her huge boobs bounced as she did. “I get off in twenty minutes! I am so in!”  “Yeah, and while you girls are powdering your snouts, I’ll take Diamond Sword for a bit of fun.” Fable said, drawing all of their ire as he sat back in the stall. Diamond looked at Fable, who grinned at him. “Come on, bro. You could use a bit of decompression too.” There was a long moment as Grem thought. She looked to Pearl, who was still holding her hands and rubbing over her knuckles with her thumbs. She looked over to Pop Candy, who smiled at her and she looked down at the kids between Pearl and Fable. Ember had gotten to the point where he was gnawing on the car and Prisma was now leaning on her mother, falling asleep as she cuddled her side.  “Alright, we can hang out. I may need a nap, though. I feel like I just ran two marathons back to back.” Grem said and Pearl nodded.  “I know that feeling all too well.” Pearl smiled at Grem and patted both her hands. Then she turned an eye toward Fable and pointed at his snout. “And you! Behave!” She scowled and he was taken aback.  “Okay, okay, I’ll behave. Come on, I need to go drop Ember back off anyway.” They all started to get out of the booth and Pop Candy began to clean up so she could switch shifts.  “So, where are we going?” Diamond sword asked and Fable gave him a grin. “Why do you keep grinning at me like that?”  “Oh, I’m calling up Winter and we are going to party.” Fable promised him as he picked Ember up in one arm as the colt clung to his shoulder. “You got your dance boots, bro?”  “Wait, Diamond Sword? Dancing?” Grem said as she looked over at her man and he put on a twisted, confused face. “Maybe I want to see that.”  Then Diamond started to put on a sarcastic laugh as he kept walking, patting her hand. “No.” > Try Something New > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Pearl drove Grem, Diamond drove Fable the other direction. For such dismal happenings, it certainly was a beautiful, sunny day. Fable was giving him directions, since as many times as he went to Fable's house, he'd never been to Winter's. "Yeah, man. It was supposed to be either a day of celebration, or another day of trying really hard to conceive. We never imagined Grem would be… you know." Diamond said and Fable was nodding. "Well, as someone who has gone through relationship problems, I can tell you that there are far worse things that could have happened. That doesn't take away from how much this really sucks." Fable reached over and patted Diamond's hand as it rested on the stick shift. "Duckies!" They heard a tiny voice say from the back. Then Fable looked out the side of the window to see a flying V formation of geese.  "Yeah, Emby! Those are ducks!" Fable said to the small, orange pegasus. Then he turned to Diamond again. "What you need to concentrate on is the fact that you both still love each other and you're both still willing to pull thrpugh this together, you know what I mean?" "I know exactly what you mean. I've seen her sad before and I've seen her angry, but I've never seen her so devastated. It was horrible. I felt so powerless to help her." Diamond admitted. Just thinking about it made his chest hurt. "You were helping her. You were giving her strength to stand. If not for you, she would be even worse off. That is not easy for a mare to find out she can't have a kid. It's downright tragic." Fable said as Diamond sighed. "But, have I explained to you how lucky you are to get a girl like Grem? I was one of the first ponies she met in Ranchtown and I haven't really met anyone like her since." "Yeah, she really broke the mold, that's for sure." Diamond said as Fable pointed for him to go left. "I'm sorry about everything that happened with your marriage." "Yeah, well, it's going by, slowly but surely." Fable said as he pointed to the house on the left.  It wasn't his old house or Winter's, but he still lovingly dropped off Ember Wing there. When it was done, Fable came back to the car, taking a few deep breaths. Then he directed Diamond toward Winter's house.  "Still, this is something we both need to get out of our systems." Fable said as he was shaking off the impending bad feelings that went with dropping off his son. "We're not going to get through this thing called life by sitting on our asses and feeling sorry for ourselves. We need to have faith that Pearl will come up with a plan to help Grem out." "That's true." Diamond said as they came to Winter's neighborhood. "She has always been a problem solver, hasn't she?" Fable hummed his agreement. —-------------- "It's hopeless," Pearl sighed. Drawing gasps from both Grem and Pop. "Yes, I know. I really thought I could fix it, but it looks like it's time to give up." She sat in her living room, also identified as Prisma's third play area.  "But you love that dress. It looks so darling on Prisma." Pop said as Pearl held up the black dress with bright blue flowers on it. This made the pink pony sigh. "It's only a little stain." Pop remarked and Grem nodded. "Oh, a little stain?" She said, pointing at the green smashed pea stain that went through the laundry. Before Pop could reply, she lifted up the baby skirt to show off the big brown stain that made both Grem and Pop recoil. "Yeah, I've been too forgiving already. This is an ex dress. My standards have been exceeded. This dress is too old as it is." She tossed it into the bin. Then Pearl looked at her baby on the floor, who was playing with a toy phone, but mostly chewing on it. Prisma had no clothes on other than a fresh diaper. Pearl Necklace poked her belly with her hoof as she sat in her chair looking down at her. "This is your fault, little missy." She said to Prisma, who just stared with a blank expression before fiddling more with the toy phone. Pearl booped her belly with her hoof again. This time, Prisma laughed. That was when a white pony with long black hair walked in. She wore spiked ear studs and a black shirt with big red letters "Back off, I'm plotting revenge!" Her green eyes looked inside as she lifted her sunglasses and looked at the rest of them in the livingroom. Then she eyed Prisma on the ground. Death Metal closed the door and walked in, dropping her small side pack on the floor and going to her wife. "I found two ponies that are way better than you." Pearl said in a snippy voice as they kissed. "So marry them, you trollop." They kissed again and Death bent down to pick up Prisma. Grem saw the warmest smile from Death Metal in that moment. For someone who looked stoic and hard 90% of the time, her metal exterior melted away when she nuzzled her little unicorn. "Hey, Grem, Pop."  "Hey, Death." They both said. "Grem had a bad day. The doctor said she can't have kids." Pearl said with a downward glance. This made Death's eyes widen some as she looked back at Grem. "We decided to have a girl's night. If you want to join, you might want to call Lemon a little early." "Well, damn." Death paused for a moment. It was moments like these that she was both glad and ashamed of the fact that her bedside manner was so terrible. "Should I get some booze while I'm at it?" "That is yet to be discussed." Pearl said as Grem and Pop sat on the ground near Death's hooves. "Grem?" Pearl asked her as the bat pony plopped on her back in the living area. Above her head were little filly toys and Prisma's play area. "I don't know, guys. I was just really looking forward to today and my life took a dive into a filly pool. Everything feels so different now. It's like a part of me was never there." Grem sighed and rolled onto her side. To her surprise, Pop Candy laid down on top of Grem, and wrapped arms around her. She nuzzled Grem's neck and gave it a little kiss. Her pink, yellow and bright blue streaked hair draped over Grem's face. "She's out." Death said, showing Pearl their sleeping baby. The pink pony's jaw hit the floor.  "How? How did you do that?" Pearl whispered to her in amazement. "I have been trying so hard to get her to sleep after my playdate with Fable." "I'm the flavor of the week, remember?" Death said with a little grin. "Next week, she'll like you better."  Pearl tried to reason that out in her head, then shook her head. "Either way, call Lemon and get her over here." She rose to her hooves and Death shrugged as she took Prisma to her room. Death Metal gently laid Prisma in her crib and got her phone as she closed the door. Then she got the phone out of her pocket. "Hey, Death. Everything good?" Lemon asked as she picked up. Behind the counter at a gas station, she flipped through a magazine. She was supposed to be mopping the front area but she didn't feel like it. "No, actually, Grem's over here." Death said, making Lemon sit forward, dropping the magazine. "Grem?! What? What happened? What's wrong?" She listened intently and as soon as Death explained, her hand covered her mouth as she gasped. Her eyes went wide and she whispered expletives. "I'm coming over right now!"  Lemon hung up the phone, hopped over the counter and ran out the front door. She clicked on her seatbelt, flipped on her sunglasses and her peeling tires could be heard for miles as her car bolted out of the parking lot, roaring down the road. —------------ Fable opened the door to see Golden on the couch with her phone, while Winter was carrying Twin Tips around the living room behind the couch. She was on his shoulder and he was rubbing her back. "Hey, Fable." Golden said as she looked up. "Oh! Hey, Diamond! I wish Fable would have told me we were having company. I would have put on something more presentable." She stood up from the couch and waved to Diamond. She had on a long shirt and her hair was in a ponytail. "It's fine, Golden. You look great." Fable said as he embraced her and gave her a big kiss on the lips. "Why don't you ditch the loser and get with Big Red instead?" "Oh, my!" Golden blushed big time. "Your face and my ass, Fabs." Winter looked at him with a scowl. He was bouncing Twin a bit and her hands were patting his shoulder Then he nodded to Diamond. "So what's going on?" "We need a guys' night. Call the sitter and get dressed. It's Neo-Tail night!" Fable declared.  "Wait, what? Where did this all come from?" Winter asked as Golden walked to him and took the baby from him. Then she motioned for him to go. "We'll explain in the car. For now, let's suit up!" The red pegasus walked over and kissed Golden on the cheek. The brown unicorn girl smiled and kissed his. "Thank you." "It's no problem, I'll call Frozen to come help if I need another nap." Golden said as she nuzzled Twin with her nose. "Now, go play, have fun." Then she pinched her husband's nose. "You've earned it. But I get my girls' night next." She kissed Winter and Fable smiled. "He can be a part of that too!" "Kiss a moose's ass, Fable!" Winter growled. Diamond covered his mouth as he stifled a laugh. —-------------- Lemon was still hugging onto Grem as the rest of them started putting blankets and pillows onto the ground. She stroked Grem's orange hair and kissed her cheek, then her ear and then nuzzled her neck. "I'm okay, Lemon." Grem sniffed a bit as the yellow earth pony let loose a fresh batch of tears. "I'll be fine." "I know, Grem, but thinking about everything. Thinking about how you got to where you are today, it was so nice to see you succeed as a royal guard, and get a nice hot guy. I just wanted you to get married and have–" Lemon teared up and began to sob. Then she squealed as Pearl slapped her ass as she walked by. "Enough of that, Lemon! We're going to be jolly and watch rom coms and we're going to gossip about boys. But first, I want to hear this." "Hear what?" Grem asked as Pop Candy passed her some pajamas. They were all putting on brand new pajamas made from some of the softest fabric they'd ever felt. It was from a new line of pajamas her company was producing, so she had tons of samples. "What she was talking about, how you got here. I'm kind of interested." Pearl said as she noticed Pop's tits took up most of the pajama shirt while her midrift was in full view. It was entirely too small but also very soft. "Well, my earliest memories were in an orphanage in Canterlot. I was very close to the den mother, was one of her helpers with the other kids. We got by with very little but we were happy enough where we were." Grem's little smile went away, though. "Then there was a fire. Thankfully, I was able to get all of the kids I could out of the burning building, but from there, all of the kids were separated into different groups. "When I was old enough, I joined Luna's royal guard and worked my up to captain. That's when they sent me here." Grem got out her phone and opened up her gallery. All of the girls looked to see Grem when she was a budding teenager. She was swinging her weapon at a practice dummy with a look on her face of anger and determination. "Oh, wow!" Lemon said as she looked close. "Is that the same sword you have now?" "No, that was just a training sword." She said as she flipped her pictures over a few times. "This was when I got my captains sword." "Whoa! That's Princess Luna!" Pop said, looking closely. "Look at all those medals." She stood beside the princess in her armor, with an entire ribbon rack full of honors. Princess Luna stood a bit taller than her and wore her own black platemail. "Yeah, I was picked out of a few others to be captain of her guard. I was reassigned here a few years later." Grem said before turning off her phone. "Anyway, yeah, it was… interesting." "Did you ever try to find any of the other kids from the orphanage?" Pearl asked her as Death Metal walked into the room with a tray full of snacks and sugary sodas. "I found out where a few of them ended up but I didn't really take it further than that." Grem admitted, still wondering about a few of them, and the den mother. "Well, damn Grem, that must have been kind of rough." Death put it lightly. "You girls ready for a sappy crappy rom com starring that one chick who falls in love with a guy and they never fuck?" "Which one?" Lemon asked, sitting on the blanket, a pillow propping up her back. "I don't know, I just picked one." Death admitted as she set up the video player on the biggest screen they had in the house. "Nice to know you're so devoted, honey bunny." Pearl said with no shortage of sarcasm. "So much devotion." Death said as she pushed in the disc. As it turned on, they were all gifted with the image of a menu screen where a demon masked pony who had on a hood and was rearing up to stab someone. "What is this?!" Pearl exclaimed.  "Ooohh Devil Steed, this came out when I was a filly." Grem said, putting some popcorn in her mouth.  "Gee, Death Metal's favorite movie, who would have guessed." Pearl glared at her wife, who looked exaggeratedly shocked and appalled. "Oh, my dear sweet wife. I had no idea." Death's face immediately went back to normal. "But since it's already on." She pressed play. —------------- Angels, hearts, glittery lights, white clouds and hot babes in white bikinis. Neon Tail's theme was "Love in High Places" so all who were not in normal clothes were naked in some sort of heart paint or cloud cotton puffs. One guy cast a magic spell on himself to glow a deep red color while wearing absolutely nothing.  Winter loaned Diamond Sword one of his nicer suits. It was blue with pinstripes and a white undershirt. Seeing some girls topless with heart pasties, bottomless with red t-shirts and just full on naked made him feel entirely overdressed for this place. They sat at a table and were passing around a full bottle of Amber Cat. Each of them had their own chaser of choice and it wasn't long before they got the normally reserved Diamond Sword talking. "You know, I'm glad your trilogy had a real ending and didn't try to sequel bate. I'm also glad the publishers didn't push you to make a fourth one. I liked the ending." Diamond said as he poured himself another drink. "They couldn't push. I had it in my contract that there were to be no sequels without my involvement. Still, they weren’t too upset with me when I told them I was ending at three.” It was Fable’s turn to fill up a shot glass, then he passed it to Winter. “I still say you should switch to science fiction. It’s the next logical step.” Winter said as he filled up his glass. With all three of them filled, they picked up their glasses, clicked all three together and drank. “You gonna start hugging ponies now, eh?”  “Eat a dick, Winter.” Fable croaked as he took a long sip of his chaser, which was a Fizz Fountain soda.  “When?” Winter asked as he leaned over to him.  “Ten minutes sounds about right.” Fable said as they pecked their lips together in a tiny kiss and Winter chuckled. "And that's another thing," Diamond said, drawing puzzled looks as he refilled and passed the bottle around. "There's all this talk about how you guys are married. Is that true, or is it more of a joke?" Both Fable and Winter burst out laughing. Fable had to put down the bottle to calm himself down before he continued with the shot. Diamond looked at them incredulously as they nearly died, tears rolling down their cheeks and even had a few coughs before they finally settled down. "Dude, you just need to know that it's not something we take too seriously. It just is." Winter shrugged and held Fable's hand. He didn't know if it was the Amber Cat working its magic or not but Fable was smiling at him. He even scooted closer next to him. The two of them nuzzled one another and met in a deeper kiss. Diamond watched this with some interest. "So, ummm, which one of you is…" He pointed at one, then the other.  "We kind of take turns. It more depends on who makes the first move." Fable said and Winter nodded his agreement as they all clicked their shots together again and drank.  "Why? Did you want to be the guest of honor?" Winter asked.  There was a long moment of silence and over time, Fable and Winter began to blink at Diamond. They were giving him widened eyes as the moment stretched out. "Diamond?" Fable asked. "I-I mean, I just didn't know how it worked. Am I supposed to know I'm bisexual,  or does that mean I'm gay or…" Diamond started talking faster as the booze pried the truth out of him. "You are thinking waaaaayyyy too hard about this, bro. The stage you are in right now is called 'bicurious' and it means you ask questions and see what you're comfortable with." Fable explained, making Diamond blush a great deal as he thought of the implications. "Yeah, and you're lucky enough to know a male married couple who are not afraid to give demonstrations." Winter said with Fable nodding. "Am I…" Diamond seemed afraid to ask. He took another drink without thinking. "Am I considered attractive to you?" "Dude! Are you fucking kidding me?" Winter said, surprising the white unicorn. "You're easily a 10 in looks and your cock is something to behold." "Yeah, we're going to need to study that cock closer if this conversation is going to continue." Fable said as he polished off another shot.  "R-really?" Diamond blushed seeming flattered. "Ummm, waitress!" Fable flagged down their young, topless unicorn server. As she walked up to him he leaned closer to her. "We're going to need a VIP room." —------------ "Wow! The killer is coming after me! I need to hide behind this clear pane of glass!" The young pony woman said as she stood in a well lit room, pressing her sexy body against the glass. "I hope he doesn't find me!" "And this girl went on to win a Golden Saddle?" Pop Candy said as she ate her malted milk balls.  "Probably for having the best use of gag reflex." Death Metal said as she and her wife laid beside Grem on either side.  That's when the demon mask killer pulled a knife behind the girl in the movie and she screamed! Then she punched him several times in the face, knocking him through the window.  "Please don't kill me!" She screamed before picking up a fire extinguisher and throwing it at him through the broken glass. "Ah! My balls!" The masked killer shouted!  "No wonder you like this movie." Lemon smiled as she sat near Death Metal, eating red liquorice. "Man, you guys are amazing. I can't ask for better friends." Grem said, making Pearl smile and stroke her hair. The bat pony began to stretch. "I should probably call Diamond, see how he's-" There came an audible rip that drew everyone's attention. As she stretched her legs, the very tight pajama pants she had on tore open at the pelvis. They were too tight to wear panties with. "Oh my." Pearl said as she observed the very visible pussy through her torn pj's. "Yeah, the samples I got weren't meant for voluptuous bodies such as yours." She giggled and kissed the bat pony full on the lips before reaching down and sweeping her hand over her outer labia. Grem squeaked and Death Metal clutched two fingers on her nipple inside her pj shirt. "This has been staring at me all through the movie." Death said as she pinched, causing Grem to moan into Pearl's mouth. This moan was heightened when the pink pony's fingers clamped tighter onto her pussy. "Oh! Yes! Pound me!" Grem cried as Death Metal removed her pajama shirt and both her and Pearl sucked either of her nipples.  "'Pound me' she says. What a hot little trollop." Lemon grinned, but it was Pop Candy who made the first move. The cream colored unicorn got straight up on Grem's vagina and began to lap her tongue against her pink skin. "Hey! Pop! You harlot!" "Mmmm snooze you lose." Pop smiled at her before sliding her tongue straight into Grem's fuck hole. "Oohh, I see." Lemon said before disappearing next time anyone looked toward her. Moments later, after Grem had already cum for the first time, Pop's tight pajama pants were pulled straight down. The unicorn let out an "Eek!" Then she looked back to see Lemon Square was now sporting a huge horse cock, strapped on around her thighs. "Wh-what!" Pop bulged her eyes at the huge red cock that dangled between Lemon's legs as the purple maned earth pony slathered it with lube. "Where did you-" "From my vanity." Pearl answered, annoyed that their babysitter had noticed where she kept it. Pop cried out in such lust and her eyes bulged as the earth pony plunged the big red cock into her vagina. She started to piston it back and forth into Pop, and the unicorn couldn't help but push back against it as it stretched her pussy lips. "But! Oh! Fuck! We're supposed to be helping-ah!-Grem!" Pop cried out as Lemon fucked her from behind like she had a good deal of experience in doing so. "Well," Lemon huffed as she humped. "I'm helping you help her. Did you want me to stop?" Lemon slapped Pop's ass, making her squeal. "No! Please! Don't stop!" Pop moaned hard as Lemon went balls deep. "Then start licking, you big tittied slut!" Lemon was having a bit too much fun in the dom position. Pop complied like a good sub and began to suck on Grem's labia folds with an extra gusto. "Oh!" Grem suddenly felt another climax burst from within. Pearl was now sucking on one nipple after another as Death Metal was taking off her pajamas with the little ghosts and skull patterns all over them. Then the naked white earth pony got on top of Grem's face with her pussy going straight to her muzzle. "Oh! Fuck!" Death bit her lower lip and couldn't help but play with her own modest tits as Grem licked her pussy hole to her clitoris. Her tongue ground against Death and the smaller earth pony shivered hard as she came! "Mmmm I bet Diamond isn't having this much fun." Pearl said as she smiled at Grem and pulled her pants down to take her turn. —----------------- Diamond sat on the floor in his boxers while Fable and Winter stood in front of him. They were very tipsy and their cocks were both hardened to the stage of pointing forward toward the white unicorn stallion.  "So, you want me to…" Diamond asked, pointing at them. "Up to you, man." Winter said, giving Fable's dick a little rub before the pegasus have his hand a slap. Winter chuckled. "But if you want to back out, now's the time. And we're not here to pressure–" Fable was interrupted as Diamond grabbed hold of both cocks in front of him, stroking them softly. "Oh, never mind then." He leaned his crotch closer to give Diamond a good grip.  The unicorn took that to mean he wanted it shoved in his mouth. First, Diamond ran a tongue over Fable's cock head. Then he sucked on the head for a moment and pulled his dick out. "Not too bad?" Winter asked as the unicorn shoved the blue dick in his mouth, licking over the shaft. "I guess not." He sighed as he felt that wonderfully wet warmth. The VIP room had a minibar, a long couch and a lush black carpet with a black light making all of the white specks in it light up like stars. There was a stereo, a large table and five chairs. Diamond was sitting on the couch as he switched from cock to cock, sucking each of them into a hardened state. "I've wanted this for a while." Diamond admitted. "And Grem?" Winter asked. "She kept telling me to ask you, but…" Diamond blushed. "It took a bit of alcohol to bring it out of you." Winter chuckle, but then drew in a sharp breath as Diamond sucked and stroked his cock at the same time. "You're a little too good at that for your first suck." Winter eyed him suspiciously. "He obviously had a good teacher." Fable chuckled but then stopped with a grunt as Diamond cupped his balls. That's when The unicorn brought Fable's dick more into his mouth. He gave up on the deepthroat before he could even get to the red cock's medial ring. "Yeah, bro, you're going to need to train your throat a lot more if you want to go deep with either of our dongs." Winter chuckled as Diamond coughed and caught his breath. "She makes it look so easy." Diamond said with a smile. "I know." Both of them replied at the same time. "You know what else she makes look easy?" Fable asked and Diamond blinked, thinking he knew the answer. "Get down like a dog and I'll show you." As Fable said this, Winter rubbed his hands together. After a bit of prep, Diamond's boxers were tossed aside and his asshole was nice and slick. Winter slid one finger up to the middle and felt Diamond tense up. "Relax." Winter said, seeing it coming. When Diamomd released some, he continued in and the unicorn began to wriggle a little bit. Winter grinned at Fable, who was sitting in front of Diamond on the couch. The white stallion dragged his tongue from Fable's balls up to the center of his shaft, and began to suck his way down again. The red and azure stallions grinned at one another as they heard Diamond Sword moan into Fable's member. "Damn, Diamond," Winter worked in two fingers, making him draw in a very sharp breath. You're a natural. Just how badly did you want to get fucked?"  He answered by sliding Fable's dick into his mouth and bobbing his head up and down. It was Fable's turn to make some noise this time as he ran his hand through Diamond's light blonde mane. Then Diamond felt it. Winter's big blue dick working its head into his asshole.  "Oh! Fuck! A little warning before you take my damn virginity?" Diamond look back at Winter. The azure unicorn was going as slow as he could but it was very difficult with such a good lube job they did on him. Before long, Winter was pushing back and forth very slowly as Diamond sucked a big red rod. "Very good form, Diamond. I kinda wish you'd have joined our side--nnnn sooner." Fable could feel his orgasm start to build from deep within him.  Then Winter was holding Diamond's tail against his ass cheek and fucking him full on. Fable was the first to cum. He pulled Diamond away from his dick and came hard all over his face.  "Oh! Fuck that's such a… feeling." Diamond couldn't describe having hot jizz on him. This was compounded with a dick in his ass, beating his taint with Winter's balls.  Diamond groaned as he laid his dirty face into Fable's lap while his hips were being pulled into harder thrusts than before.  "Get ready for your first anal creampie, Diamond!" As soon as Winter said this, Diamond cried out as he came all over the floor in front of the couch.  On top of the orgasm, he felt the twitching blue dick ejaculate hard in his ass. The sweaty, cum covered white stallion trembled a little as he felt his ass get filled. Then he felt Fable lift up his own semihard cock and drape it over the filthy mess that was Diamond's face. Winter leaned over to get into the picture as Fable clicked his phone. The image was perfect, especially when the phone's clicking sound made Diamond's eyes bulge open. He looked up at Fable's grinning face and he scowled. "You jackasses." Diamond shook his head and glared as they high fived each other, chortling. "You're welcome." They said at the same time. > Three of a Kind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They awoke to the sound of a baby crying. Lemon Square got up and scurried her way to the baby room. Her purple hair was in shambles and her face looked like it was just a shade below hung over. Grem opened her eyes more and squinted at the sunlight coming through the window in the living room. Pearl Necklace was on the floor next to her, her fur in tatters with dried juice all over her crotch and leg region. Pop was hogtied with Death using her as a pillow. Once the white pony noticed Pop Candy, she went to a side table by the couch and pulled out a pocket knife to cut her loose.  “Wow, what time is it?” Grem asked, and Pearl groaned. The pink pony went to her phone and turned it on.  “Oh, good, it’s only seven. Adoption agency opens at eight. We need to get you cleaned up.” Pearl said as she got up, popping her back. It took Grem a few moments to process what was just said. “Lemon, honey? How is the baby?”  “She’s fine. I’m changing her.” Lemon called from the baby room. “Thanks, honey!” Pearl said as she put on her robe. Then she turned to Grem. “You get a shower and I’ll have your clothes in the washer.”  “Wait, hold on, adoption agency? Why are we going there? I haven’t really decided on anything.” Grem said as she stood up and hugged Pop Candy as she got up as well.  “I’m not telling you you need to decide on anything.” Pearl went to the kitchen and started coffee in the maker. “We’re going there to talk to them and let them show you what it all entails. Trust me when I say that whether you’re going to do it or not, it’s best to start the process now because it takes a very long period of time and countless visits from agents. If you don’t want to do it, just tell them to cancel.” Pearl started popping some fruits into the blender with some juice and protein.  That was when Lemon brought the baby in and traded tasks with Pearl as she picked up her baby. Grem looked at her as she nuzzled her daughter, who still looked like she was still trying to wake up.  “Hello, my little angel.” Pearl kissed her cheek and Prisma simply stared at Grem with big wide green eyes. Then Pearl blew a raspberry into Prisma’s other cheek, making her smile and look at her mom.  “Grem,” Pop said as she stood in the living room. “Are you going to the shower first?”  “Oh,” Grem snapped out of her train of thought. “Yeah, come with me.” Grem said as she walked toward the bathroom and grabbed Pop’s hand on her way. “Oh yeah?” Pop asked as she was pulled along.  It wasn’t long before the two of them were in a bright pink and white bathroom. The two of them got into the clear shower case and thankfully, the showerhead spread the water out enough for both of them to stand under it. As they did, Grem held her hand onto the pink tiled wall and held her head downward in thought. Pop Candy seemed to understand this, as she held onto her from behind. Grem could feel her enormous tits press against her back and the two of them stayed there for a good long while in solemn silence.  “I’m so sorry, Grem.” Pop whispered to her, not wanting to bring the subject up again, but feeling she needed to say something. “Are you going with Pearl to the agency?”  “Yeah,” Grem said as she sniffed a bit. “I figure there’s no reason why I wouldn’t.” The gray bat stood up straight and placed her hands on top of Pop’s. The unicorn put her chin on top of Grem’s shoulder and looked over at her. Grem put her head on top of hers, rubbing the backs of her hands. “I need to call Diamond after we’re done.” “Oh, check this out.” Pop giggled, drawing an odd look from the bat. “Hey, Auto Pone!”  That’s when the bathroom light dimmed for a moment. The speaker by the light spoke. “How can I help you?”  “The fuck?” Grem whispered as she looked at the speaker.  “Call Diamond Sword.” Pop said and there was another light dim as the speaker made a small cowbell noise.  “Calling Diamond Sword on his mobile device.” There was another cowbell noise before the ring tone. —------------ Somehow, they ended up back at Grem and Diamond’s house. How they got there, none of them were perfectly sure. Fable was on the couch with Winter spooning up behind him and he was the first one to hear a very sudden, loud beating ringtone coming from a pair of pants splayed out on the floor.  “SEXY SEXY PONE~! I’M A SEXY SEXY PONE~!” A loud beating techno pop song started to assault his senses and he groaned as he tried to cover his face away from that horrific sound.  “The fuck is that horrible noise?” Fable strained to say without opening his eyes as his head was hurting enough. “Winter? Winter, where are you?” He coughed a little bit and felt a hand pat him on the side. “Oh, hey.” He patted Winter’s hand. “Where’s…” “Why am I tied up?” Diamond asked from the floor.  Fable finally found a reason to open his eyes and he squinted them open with some hardship. There was Diamond Sword on the floor. His arms were tied behind his back, he was on his knees and his naked ass was sticking straight up. Both Fable and Winter were looking at him and even with unspeakable aches and pains playing drums in their heads, they smiled at this.  “Come on, you jerkasses! That’s Pearl’s ringtone!” He struggled with the black ropes wrapped around his torso. “Man, remind me never to drink ever again.” He groaned as he rolled onto his side with his legs going out and popping from the sudden freedom of movement.  Fable went to his pants on the floor and tossed his phone over to Winter while he worked to untie Diamond. Winter caught the phone and clicked it on, putting it to his ear.  “Wheatley’s Pizza, we order it and you make it… or something like that.” Winter said in a dull, sleepy voice.  “Winter? Is that you?” Grem asked, obviously in a state of confusion. “Yeah, I think so.” Winter said as he slowly began to sit up on the couch. “Hey, Grem, how are you?” He put on a more concerned voice and Grem giggled a little.  “I’m okay, all things considered. Where’s the boyfriend?” Grem asked, hearing someone in the background saying “OW!” “Was that… him?”  Winter looked over at Diamond, who finally got his arms free and apparently both of his arms were asleep. He was clearly feeling the pins and needles from hell as he sucked in some breaths.  “Is that really Grem?” Diamond asked through his teeth and Winter nodded.  “Can you… hold a phone without blood circulation?” Fable asked as the white unicorn began to attempt movement in both his limbs and wincing hard! “I’ll take that as a no.”  “Better put it on speaker.” Diamond said as he attempted to wiggle his fingers with painful results. Winter pressed the button and placed it on the floor closer to the unicorn. “Hey, babe. How was your sleepover?”  “It was great, what happened to you?” Grem asked from the phone, her concern clearly showing in her voice.  “Oh, nothing, really. I just happened to wake up and find out that my arms were tied behind my back or something.” Diamond said as he finally started to feel his arms come back to life. “You know, typical guy stuff.” “Wow, Pop was hogtied this morning too! What were you guys up to?” Grem said and Pop gasped, giving the bat a little slap on the cheek. “Did you guys do what I think you did?”  “Only about three times.” Fable said, making Diamond give him the stink eye! “Pop! Is that you? What were you up to?” “I was just making Grem feel better.” Pop’s face was beet red.  “I’ll bet.” Winter chuckled and both he and Fable slid their hands. “Looks like we should have had a girl and guy party.”  “Anyway!” Grem interjected before Pop Candy died of embarrassment. “So, here in a little while, Pearl is going to be taking me to the adoption agency.”  Immediately, all of the guys’ eyes widened and looks started darting between the three of them. Fable’s finger came up and pointed at Diamond as a big wide smile crossed his face, and he began to nod slowly. A barrage of emotions crossed in and out of Diamond Sword. Happiness, excitement, worry, fear, doubt, love, worry, excitement, fear and happiness, maybe a few others.  “Oh.” Diamond finally said and Grem could just hear the bewilderment in his voice, almost making this entire endeavor worth it. “I suppose I should get over there with you then?”  “That would be splendid, yes.” Grem giggled a little bit as she watched Pop begin to wash herself with a wonderful bubbly soap and spread it all over her body. “But first, let me ask, did you do the thing I think you did?” “We traded holes.” Fable said, causing Pop Candy to gasp in amazement! “Oh yes, Diamond is a natural. He took us both like a champ.” The red pony started massaging his temples. “Tell me you have a coffee maker.”  “It’s in the kitchen.” Diamond said, suddenly interjecting. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll get dressed and get over there ASAP.” He said as he stretched out his arm with three clicks from his shoulders and elbows.  “Thanks, Diamond. We’re not definitely doing this or immediately going home with a kid, but we can at least get it started.” Grem said as he felt Pop begin to scrub the bat’s body with soap from behind and she leaned back into the unicorn’s warm embrace. “Alright, I’ll catch a shower and head out here in just a minute.” Diamond watched as both Fable and Winter got up from the couch and motioned for him to follow with devious grins on their faces. He rolled his eyes and shook his head at how goofy they were. “I’ll see you there, hon. Love you.” “Love you.” Grem snuggled with the soapy unicorn and they continued to shower and Pop continued to comfort her.  —------------ The adoption agency came sooner than Grem expected. Not only had Pearl made an appointment with them almost as soon as they opened, but the car ride over there was not even ten minutes. Pearl knew the exact way and neither Death nor Pearl seemed to find this bothersome, as they had made this trip more times than they cared to count.  Diamond texted Grem back. Apparently he was going to be late. They’d called for a ride home from the club last night and left their car there. It didn’t matter a great deal, though, this appointment was probably going to take a while anyway and he probably wasn’t going to miss a whole lot. The building wasn’t very big, it was a normal brick and mortar place, but to Grem it was about as intimidating as a giant dragon who found her physically attractive. For all she knew, being in law enforcement could make her inapplicable for adoption. She needed to stop this train of thought. The more she thought about it, the more hesitant she was to even walk through the front door to the building.  Though, there were two comforts for her. Pop Candy had to go work at the candy shop, but Pearl and Death Metal stayed behind her completely, with Prisma Silver in tow. Pearl, having seen her hesitation, held onto Grem’s hand to give her encouragement. She was right, of course, Grem just had to take the leap of faith and see where it landed her. She took a deep breath, and they all made their way inside.  As soon as they got into the office building, there was a lobby. It had three lines of chairs and none of them were full, probably because it was still very early in the day. Within ten seconds of going into the building, they heard a bit of a scream from the clerk.  “Oh my God! Prisma!” The office clerk got up from her seat at the counter and ran around it toward Death Metal, who was holding the toddler’s hand. “Ooohhh Prisma! Look how big you are!” The heavy set, bright blue pony with a swirly black mane bent down low to look at the little filly and couldn’t help but hug her.  “Hey, Sea Legs.” Pearl said with a little smile. “Long time no see.”  “In this line of business, that’s a good thing.” She chuckled as she saw Prisma was allowing her to pick her up. She held the little toddler in her arms and kissed her little cheek. The rainbow maned unicorn child simply stared at her with a little smile on her face. “She looks so good! You’ve taken such great care of her.” She couldn’t help but snuggle the little girl.  "Is Ms. Sprout in?" Pearl asked as Sea looked over at the bat pony and greeted her, still holding Prisma. "Ms. Sprout is…" Then as if summoned, Blossom Sprout walked out of the back office and came into the lobby.  "Miss Pearl, so kind of you to drop…" Immediately, right after one glance, her eyes locked onto Grem. She stared at her for a long moment as if in a sudden trance. Grem's expression turned puzzled. The bright red, blonde maned older lady just stayed there, staring at her with bright hazel eyes. Grem didn't know what to make of it. "Ummm… I have her… paperwork started from my conversation earlier with Miss Pearl." Sea was about to say something else but Blossom grabbed the file and opened it. She flipped one page over and her eyes bulged. The unicorn woman gasped as she dropped the file to the floor. "Gremmy…" Blossom breathed and she scurried over to her. Then Gremmy had a spark of recognition. Ms. Sprout came up to her chest in height but then she imagined looking up at her. Her hair was up in a bun but she remembered it being much shorter. As Blossom Sprout embraced her, Grem remembered. "You've gotten so big, Gremmy! I was so worried I'd never see you again!" "That's impossible," Grem looked at her closely as Blossom had tears in her eyes. "How can you be here? I thought you…" "I did," Blossom pulled her blouse collar away from her shoulder to show the bare burn scar that was old but still very visible. "Thankfully, I made it, but I couldn't find any of you after the fire!"  Blossom hugged her close and pressed her face into Grem's bosom. Tears streamed down her face as she held onto her and Grem, still in awe, held her close too. Grem looked up at the rest of them, staring at the two of them with a mixture of shock and blatant confusion. None of them had seen Blossom act like this, they were fairly certain she didn't have an emotional bone in her body. "She was my orphanage den mother, back in Canterlot." Grem began to tear up again. "I thought I lost her." "Wow, and she's in Ranchtown now?" Pearl looked at Death, who shrugged. "That's amazing." "And you're adopting." Blossom managed a little giggle through the sobs. "I knew I raised some of you right. Come on, let's go see the little ones." "But that's for real?" Pearl asked as she held onto Prisma, Sea handing her over with a kiss to the baby's cheek. "You were really her den mother?" "Why do you think I became one here? I was den mother here for eight years before I moved up to district facilitator. I never stopped looking over the children myself, though."  In the back of the office, they began to hear rowdy kids and a deeper voice telling them to calm down and take a seat. "Oh, Gremmy, I can't believe. Of all the places, why did you come to Ranchtown?" Blossom asked and Grem blushed. The older lady was astonished to hear about her becoming part of the royal guard. Not only that but also holding her close when she spoke of her infertility.  Pearl and Death waited for them in the office while Blossom and Grem discussed their lives and continued deeper into the building. They had one of the talks, catching up on old times as Blossom opened the door to the nursery.  There were at least twenty kids sitting down at little school desks and coloring.  "These are our kids with the age range of four to seven." Blossom explained and they didn't even seem to notice them as they all walked through the edge of the room. Grem found herself gazing at each of them individually. They continued into the next room. These kids were even younger and they were playing with blocks, cars and dolls. There weren't too many of them, maybe nine or ten of them. "Take your time, dear. They are all unique in personality and manners but it's always best not to be hasty." Blossom told her this, but it looked like Grem was barely listening. She was looking at one of the farther corners of the room.  There were three ponies there that were all huddled up under a single blanket, sleeping soundly. She didn't even notice that they were bat ponies at first. All she saw were three ponies together, three unique colors of fur and mane while also clearly bound together by some force that she felt more the closer she got to them. "Who are these?" Grem asked, squatting down to them and finally noticing the ears that told her they had more in common with her than she thought. "Midnight, Dusk and Vera. They are triplets that were left in front of the hospital." Blossom stood near Grem and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Three three year olds would be a lot to handle, my dear." Blossom said, but not in discouragement. "You would need to have a lot of love in your heart for such a task as that." There was a long moment of silence. Dusk was the boy, purple with silver hair, Vera was the youngest, purple with blonde hair and Midnight was the eldest, she was gray with purple hair. Grem liked the number three. She moved some of the blonde hair out of Vera's face to get a look at her closed eyes and the baby sighed. Then she ran a finger over Dusk's belly to his hand and he gripped her fingertip in a firm grasp. Then she pressed her hand to Midnight's cheek, she was so warm to the touch. Grem sighed. —----------- "What? It's fine bro, she's only in there choosing the very one that will eat you out of house and home, keep you up at night and--ow!" Fable was interrupted as Winter popped him in the back of the head while all six of them waited in the lobby. "She may not even choose a child, Diamond. It took us three visits before we settled on Prisma." Pearl said, making Death give her a look. "You took three visits. I just kept saying 'Prisma's the one, what's the hangup?' But she had to make things complicated." Death said and Pearl had an entire textbook of a rebuttal to this. That rebuttal puffed into nothingness as Grem came to the front room.  Everyone stood up and greeted Grem. She was taken aback as all of them got up to see her. "Well, hey!" Grem kissed Winter and Fable on their cheeks. "Thanks for 'taking care' of Diamond Sword." She said and they all looked at Diamond, who looked away as his white cheeks flushed. That's when she held up a file and grabbed him by the hand. "What's this? Your choices?" He asked as he opened the file. She nodded and he looked at the three baby pictures. "Oh, they're so beautiful." Pearl said as her breath caught in her throat. "I wouldn't know where to start." Diamond was thoroughly impressed by the choices. "Wow, looks like we can't go wrong no matter what we choose." "They're triplets." Grem said as they were all giving the oooo's and awwww's. That abruptly stopped. Diamond's eyes bulged as he looked up at a teary eyed Grem.  "If they're triplets, you wouldn't want to separate--oooohhh." Death's eyes widened as the implications dawned on her. There was a very long moment of silence. "It's perfect." Fable said as he began to laugh a little bit. All eyes turned to him and he slowly began to laugh a little harder. "Well, the way these two are, she was bound to–"  "You suck, Fable!" Winter said, poking him in the ribs and starting to laugh with him. Even Pearl got in on it and Death turned away to hide her little smile as she rocked Prisma from side to side. While they had their giggle, Diamond came close to Grem and looked her in the eyes, completely sober and understanding. "You're sure about this?" He asked her and she nodded, leaning her head onto his shoulder. Then he gave the file back to Blossom. "These are they."  "Dude, you're doing it?" Winter said and Blossom obviously had the same question on her face.  "Yeah," Diamond looked at Grem with a warm smile and she smiled back at him, giving him a kiss. "Yeah, I am." "Awesome!" Winter said and there were more congratulations and pats on the back from everyone. "This calls for another celebration." "No, this calls for me getting sleep while I still can." Diamond said, and nobody argued. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black box. "Not to mention, lugging this thing all over town has me exhausted. As soon as he opened it, Diamond made Grem clap two hands over her mouth. She nearly fainted. ‐—------------ Pearl was a little jealous at how quickly the adoption was finalized. Not only did Grem have a solid diamond black diamond ring with a white gold band, but she had three toddlers delivered right to her door. There they were, all three of them in one long bassinet that allowed them all room to sleep. Both mother and father stood in front of them with discerning looks. "Wow," Diamond said, looking at one to the other. Then back again as Grem hummed her agreement. "And these are our kids?" She hummed another agreement. They'd spent the month painting their room and getting everything in triplicate. They basically had to buy an entire pallet of diapers. They didn’t go too crazy with all of the future purchases, but they certainly had it taken care of for more than a month. Neither of them had even thought about what to do with the wedding at the moment. They didn’t need to. A long engagement was perfectly fine with them both. At that moment, their package had come in and now, it was time to set the plan in motion.  “These are our kids.” Diamond said again, followed by another agreeing hum from the bat pony. “Wow.”  “It sunk in yet?” Grem asked, and he shook his head. “Me neither.”  “So, I guess this means our sleeping life is literally over. How many days of maternity we got left?” Diamond asked, making her sigh.  “Not nearly enough.” Grem was totally honest, making him sigh.  “That figures.” He said, then looked at her. “Well, since our sex lives are put on hiatus, want to go on one last hoorah?” “Yes, yes, let’s do that.” Grem said, then she began to tiptoe away as he did. Before they even go to the door, there came a long whine from Midnight. Both of them sighed. “That figures.”