> Fluttershy's Critter Capers > by CapNTilfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shy By Night (The Night Before) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy checked the time on her phone. Not yet. she thought to herself. Bored, she simply stared at the contacts list on her phone. Applejack Dad Lemon Zest Indigo Zap Mom Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity Sour Sweet Sugarcoat Sunset Shimmer Sunny Flare Twilight Sparkle Zephyr Breeze Applejack's positive attitude would really come in handy right about now. I don't like having nothing to do. She always works hard...I just wish my brother would too. I could use one of Pinkie Pie's parties, but I imagine even she gets tired at the end of the day. No one's more fun than Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash would probably say something to raise my spirits, and it always works. Not that I need cheering up. I'm shy, not depressed! Rarity's probably busy working on the dresses for the spring dance at Crystal Prep. She always knows what to make for who, even if they don't! Sunset Shimmer. She wasn't voted "Biggest Meanie" in the Freshman Yearbook for nothing. But since we changed her back from that winged demon form, she's proven herself to be a great friend. I wouldn't have bothered to pick her up otherwise. Twilight Sparkle. This world's Twilight Sparkle. Not sure I'll ever get used to sayingthat. We met during the Friendship Games against Crystal Prep. She's always coming up with new things to invent when she's not hanging out with us or on a date with Timber. As for Princess Twilight Sparkle, I haven't seen her since the Friendship Games. I never saw anybody stand up for me the way Princess Twilight did, and she even gave Sunset a second chance at friendship. Her phone alarm went off. Finally! Fluttershy got into her car and drove off to pick Sunset up from work. ---------------------------------------------- "Thanks again for the ride!" said Sunset Fluttershy smiled. "Don't mention it!" she said, and drove away. At least the sushi business seems to working out for Sunset. Those poor fish, though... ---------------------------------------------- Fluttershy parked in her family's garage. When she walked out, she heard hooting. "Oh hello, Fred! How was your day...or night, as it were?" Fluttershy said. Fred hooted. "I see. Well I hope she feels better soon." Fred hooted again. "You're welcome!" Fluttershy said with a smile. "Have a nice evening!" Fluttershy looked to her left and right to make sure nobody was home. "Time to blow off some steam." she said as she started up the television and game console. About an hour later, Fluttershy screamed in frustration. "Gah!" Maybe now isn't the best time for this. she thought, then switched to the nature channel. "Nature is so fascinating." she said. I wonder where everyone is? Oh well, it's not too often I get the house to myself. Fluttershy heard a cat meowing outside the porch window. She walked up and opened the sliding-glass window. "Yes?" she said to the cat. "Can I help you with something?" The cat meowed again. "Oh. I think we still have some tuna." Fluttershy went back inside and checked the pantry. "Here we are!" she said as she grabbed a can opener and opened the tuna can. She walked back to the sliding-glass window and set the can in front of the cat. "Eat up!" she said with a smile. "This'll be just between you and me." she winked. The cat completely cleaned the can, then meowed again and left. "You're welcome!" said Fluttershy. She sighed as she went back inside and slumped onto the couch in the living room. Caring for animals can be exhausting, but it sure is worth it! She watched the television for a little while longer, then yawned. "Guess I should go to bed." Fluttershy walked upstairs to her room and changed into her pajamas. I don't have anything to do in the morning, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stay up all night. she thought as she got into bed, turned off the lights and slowly drifted off to sleep. ---------------------------------------------- Fluttershy found herself in a lush tropical rainforest filled with the chattering and chirping of birds. The air was wet and hot, like a steamy shower. She was surrounded by various forest animals, speaking with each of them in turn while holding a tea party next to a waterfall. "Mane Goodall, eat your heart out." she thought aloud. She shut her eyes, and took in the sounds of the rainforest. She took a deep breath and exhaled a sigh of contentment. A gorilla plodded up to her and gave her a hug, followed by a light, affectionate noogie. Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, you." and pat the gorilla on the head. A crocodile slowly made its way towards Fluttershy, nudging her to get her attention. "Hello, there! How can I help you?" Fluttershy asked. The crocodile blinked and made a noise. "Gummy's family reunion?" Fluttershy blinked. "I'm not sure you're even in the right continent." The crocodile blinked again and grunted, then waddled off. "Poor thing seems to have a terrible sense of direction." Fluttershy frowned. ---------------------------------------------- Fluttershy woke up, feeling refreshed. She went downstairs, and got a bowl of cereal for breakfast. When she finished eating and put everything away, her phone rang. "Hello?" said Fluttershy. "Hiya, Fluttershy!" said Pinkie. "Oh. Hello, Pinkie." Fluttershy said. "What's up?" "I was just wondering how your night went and if you have any plans before you volunteer at the animal shelter." Said Pinkie. "My night was uneventful. All I did was pick up Sunset from work, and it sounded like she had a very busy day." "Oh, I know you picked SunShim up. I just wanted to hear about it from you." Pinkie grinned. "Maybe I should check in with her before I go over daytime plans with you." "Oh, that would be nice of you. I won't take another minute of your time." Fluttershy said. "Okie-dokie-lokie!" Said Pinkie. She hung up on Fluttershy. After a couple of minutes, her phone buzzed. Change of plans, Fluttershy. I'll explain in a text to everyone.- Sent by Pinkie Pie Okay.- Sent by Fluttershy "Oh dear, I hope Sunset's okay..." said Fluttershy. > Shy's the Limit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a moment, Fluttershy's phone buzzed. All right, girls. Listen up! Sunset Shimmer is super-ultra-mega sick! She told me she needs our company to help her feel better!- Sent by Pinkie Pie Fluttershy gasped and sent a text. Goodness! I know she had a busy day at work, but I didn't think she'd bethatworn down.- Sent by Fluttershy ---------------------------------------------- After roughly an hour of texting, planning and coordinating, everything was set. Fluttershy wiped sweat off her brow. "Wow. Who knew texting could be so...intense?" she thought aloud. She walked outside to the warm summer day. All of the birds were chirping happily, enjoying the sunlight as much as Fluttershy herself. One of the birds flew down to Fluttershy and chirped at her. "Oh hello, Reginald. Did you finally figure things out with Hubert? It seems like that conflict's been going on for weeks!" she said. Reginald chirped. "That's wonderful news! I'm so glad you two patched things up." Fluttershy said with a smile. Reginald chirped then took off. "Goodbye, Reginald!" Fluttershy waved. She checked her phone. Hmmm. I still have a couple of hours before I have to leave. What to do... She shrugged, walked into the garage, and brought out a beach chair. She laid on it, putting her hands behind her head, closed her eyes and sighed. She concentrated on all the sounds around her. The birds chirping, the people and cars passing by...her phone buzzing... "Huh?" She checked her phone. I'm afraid she's feeling worse, dears. She had a dizzy spell and is burning up, but she's getting the rest she needs.- Sent by Rarity Well, that sucks.- Sent by Rainbow Dash Fluttershy frowned and sent a text. Oh, dear. That's terrible news!- Sent by Fluttershy Well, I'm sure she'll get better by the end of the day. Still, being sick is no fun. She shuddered. Great, now I'm having flashbacks to the last time I ate bad food. I've never seen someone in a hazmat suit clean my bathroom before that. Fluttershy shuddered again and tried to think of other things. She heard a meow just under her chair. "Hello, Lemon Squeezy! What are you doing this far from Cousin Goldie Delicious'?" Lemon Squeezy meowed. "Oh, I didn't know you had multiple homes. You're a spoiled little kitty, aren't you?" Fluttershy giggled as she pet Lemon Squeezy's head. Lemon Squeezy purred in response. "It certainly is a beautiful day today, isn't it?" Lemon Squeezy meowed in agreement, then left to go on about his day. She went back to relaxing on the beach chair, closing her eyes. Suddenly, she felt her beach chair moving. She looked down and noticed a tortoise in a suit. It slowly looked up at her and said "Excuse me, madam, but can I interest you in some car insurance?" Fluttershy blinked and found herself still lying on the beach chair. "Goodness, I guess I got a little too relaxed." She checked her phone. Just sending a lil' update-a-roonie! No changes, good or bad. She's zonked out on the couch.- Sent by Pinkie Pie Well at least she's not feeling worse, darling!- Sent by Rarity Sometimes no news is good news.- Sent by Twilight Sparkle She'll need the rest, I won't hold back on her when we play!- Sent by Rainbow Dash Better than nothing, I guess. Fluttershy thought. That sounds promising!- Sent by Fluttershy Fluttershy noticed the clock on her phone and her eyes shot open. "Eek! I have to get going or I'll be late!" Fluttershy ran up to her room, grabbed her things then got into her car. She started the engine immediately, forgoing her usual Driving Safety Rhyme so she wouldn't be late. I have it memorized anyway, I just recite it out of habit. Going at just above the speed limit, which is actually faster than normal by Fluttershy's standards, she arrived just in time. "Whew! Made it!" she said as she ran inside. She was greeted by all sorts of animal noises. Barks, meows, chirps, squeaks. "Hello, everyone! How are we all doing today?" said Fluttershy, smiling widely. This is the sort of thing she lives for. This is Fluttershy in her element. The care and well-being of animals, be they big or small, soft or scaly. All animals are welcome as far as she's concerned. She changed into her uniform and got started. "All right. Who's first?" she said, eagerly awaiting her first animal of the day. A black cat and a white cat walked in together. They each had a strange moon-shaped birthmark on their heads. Fluttershy took a clipboard from the desk. "Luna." she pointed at the black cat. "and Artemis." she pointed to the white cat. "What can I help you with?" she asked. ---------------------------------------------- Time had passed, and Fluttershy checked her phone. Hey guys!- Sent by Sunset Shimmer Sunset, darling! How are you feeling?- Sent by Rarity Still kinda crappy.- Sent by Sunset Shimmer Think you'll have enough energy to take me on?- Sent by Rainbow Dash Bring your "A" Game.- Sent by Sunset Shimmer Fluttershy's face lit up. Good to know she seems to be doing better. She sent a text. Which comfort animal(s) would you like me to bring?- Sent by Fluttershy Fluttershy was almost giddy with anticipation over Sunset's answer. Surprise me.- Sent by Sunset Shimmer Fluttershy smiled widely. The possibilities are endless! Fluttershy spent the better part of her remaining time in shelter thinking about what to bring with her. In the end, she settled on a cat, a dog, a hamster in a ball, and a chinchilla. Finally finished at the shelter, Fluttershy checked her phone. Just finished installing the guard rails on Sunset's stairs. She's sleeping now.- Sent by Applejack She checked in with us while you were working, so she must be feeling a little better.- Sent by Rainbow Dash I can't wait until she gets better! I'll hold a "Yay, You're All Better Now!" party!- Sent by Pinkie Pie I'm surprised she was able to sleep through all that noise.- Sent by Twilight Sparkle She's had an exhausting couple of days, so I'm not all surprised.- Sent by Rarity I'm on my way, I should be there soon.- Sent by Fluttershy Fluttershy got in her car with her selected animals, then drove over the Sunset's. > The Shy of the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy led all of her chosen comfort animals back to the car. "All right, everyone! Single file, please!" she said as they all entered her car. "I know you all don't want to go back to the animal shelter, but you have to understand. My dad has allergies." Fluttershy gave them all a sympathetic look. "I promise you're going to be in good hands. I trust each and every one of the staff. They'll treat you just as well as I do." she smiled. The animals gave her a look of understanding as she drove them back to the shelter. ---------------------------------------------- Once Fluttershy brought all the animals back to the shelter, she shed a tear. It always breaks my heart having to leave them there, but no animal has stayed there for too long. Every animal gets adopted. She wiped the solitary tear from her face, then checked her phone for updates on Sunset. I'm heading over to Sunset's! Fluttershy, did you leave the door unlocked?- Sent by Rainbow Dash Fluttershy responded. I did, you shouldn't have any trouble getting in.- Sent by Fluttershy Fluttershy went back to her car, this time she did recite the Driving Safety Rhyme, and drove her way home. ---------------------------------------------- Once she arrived, her phone buzzed. Hey, Fluttershy! Sorry you've got the place to yourself for so long. I hope you didn't forget your mom and I are having a weekend vacation. Love, Dad. - Sent by Dad I did forget. Fluttershy sighed. Still, it's nice to have the place to myself. She went up to her room, put her headphones on and passed the time listening to relaxing music. Closing her eyes and nodding to the beat, she reached a certain state of calm that only these songs could bring her to. A state of nostalgia back to when she was younger, and the many happy memories she shared with her family that she associated these tunes to. This, in part, inspired her to write songs for the Rainbooms. Fluttershy felt that writing music was a safe way of baring her soul to the public without being worried about judgment from her peers. It felt therapeutic and releasing at the same time when playing those songs. She may not be the main vocals for their band, but she would always sing her heart out despite the intimacy laced within the lyrics. After a while, she finished listening to music. She went back outside to get some more sun. It's far too nice to be cooped up inside, after all! She took another deep breath and, despite the smell of meat being grilled, exhaled a contented sigh. Her phone buzzed. Uh, guys? Sunset started sweating like crazy, and she tried to take off her clothes in front of me! I had to turn down the temperature to stop her!- Sent by Rainbow Dash I didn't know Sunset swung that way!- Sent by Pinkie Pie No, Pinkie, it means her fever's breaking! She's on the road to recovery!- Sent by Twilight Sparkle Finally, some good news!- Sent by Rarity Well it's about damn time!- Sent by Applejack Fluttershy smiled and sent a text of her own. Yay!- Sent by Fluttershy Good for Sunset. It'll be great to see her back to her old self. Fluttershy giggled to herself. Well, not her old old self. Her old new self. Fluttershy continued to bask in the sunlight for about a hour longer, then went back inside, as inspiration struck suddenly. She rushed to her room and grabbed her notebook and a pen, writing the lyrics that were fresh in her mind. Smiling, she kept the notebook with her the rest of the day. You never know when it will strike! Speaking of things that strike... Her momentary rush of excitement born from inspiration dissipated and gave way to boredom. Well, it was nice while it lasted, she thought as she sighed in disappointment. She heard a familiar meow. "Hello again, Lemon Squeezy!" At least I have some company. It'll pass the time. "What brings you back so soon?" Lemon Squeezy meowed. "A skunk is bothering you?" said Fluttershy. "Haven't you thought of asking the skunk why?" Lemon Squeezy meowed. "Well, I'm sure if you both talked it out you could come to some sort of solution." Lemon Squeezy meowed. Fluttershy sighed. "Okay, fine. If you're that afraid I'll help you out." Lemon Squeezy purred and rubbed himself against Fluttershy's ankle. She scratched the cat behind the ears, then followed the cat to where the skunk was. The skunk appeared to look warily at Lemon Squeezy, then frightened when it saw Fluttershy coming its way. Fluttershy stopped just a few feet short of the skunk. She held up her hands to indicate she meant no harm. "It's okay, I won't hurt you." she gave the skunk a reassuring smile. The skunk seemed to relax a bit, but was still visibly afraid. Fluttershy looked at the skunk. "Don't worry, I only came here to talk." she gestured to the cat. "Lemon Squeezy here says you're bothering him. I came here to hear your side of the story so I'd know the truth of the matter." The skunk slowly let its guard down and made a few squeaks. Fluttershy listened intently, nodding every now and then. "Okay, I think I understand." Fluttershy looked at Lemon Squeezy. "Lemon Squeezy, Striper here says he's just as afraid of you as you are of him." She then turned her attention to Striper. "Striper, I guarantee that Lemon Squeezy wishes you no harm. He was just curious. It's in a cat's nature, after all." she smiled. Slowly, Lemon Squeezy and Striper walked towards each other, their guards remaining up until they were within a few feet of each other. Moving in closer, they both sniffed the air, as if testing the waters. They accidentally touched noses and Lemon Squeezy flinched, but cautiously walked closer to Striper. They both made contact, and Lemon Squeezy started purring and rubbing himself against Striper. Fluttershy smiled. "Aww, you two made friends with each other!" She nodded with satisfaction. "My work here is done." > Shy Me A River > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After settling things between Lemon Squeezy and Striper, Fluttershy walked back to her house. The sun was setting, and it sounded like there were a couple of parties off in the distance. She took the beach chair, folded it up, then put it back in the garage. As she was about to go inside for the night, she saw three raccoons staring at her. "Hi, Smoky! Hi, Softpad! Hi Smoky Jr.!" she said. The raccoon family chittered. "Striper? Oh, he's harmless. He's probably just as afraid of you as you all are of him." Fluttershy sighed. Why do skunks get such a bad rep? I mean, I get that if you push them too far they spray you making you smell icky, but once you get beyond that they're really nice... she shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Take my word for it. I already helped Lemon Squeezy, and the two are good friends now." The raccoon family appeared to consider this, then chittered again. Fluttershy nodded. "Good to know. I hope you three and Striper get along well!" The raccoon family chittered their goodbyes to Fluttershy, then left. Fluttershy waved goodbye. She turned around to see a whole line of various animals. Fluttershy sighed. This always happens right before I go to bed for the night. Oh, well. "Okay, who's first?" First up was a rat. It made chittering noises at Fluttershy. Fluttershy listened intently and nodded. "Well, have you told her how you felt?" The rat chittered. "Give it a try. It's better to do so than to ask 'what if'?" The rat chittered again, then left. "Next!" called Fluttershy. Right behind the rat was a dog. The dog barked and wagged its tail in excitement. "Have you thought about your sister's feelings?" said Fluttershy, with a stern look. The dog whimpered and licked its lips. "I see. Well maybe you'll think before you speak next time. You should apologize to her the next chance you get." The dog's ears perked up and its tail wagged, then left. Up next was a squirrel. It blinked, silent for a moment. Then, slowly, it chittered. Fluttershy gasped and put a hand to her mouth in shock. "Oh...oh my." The squirrel continued, looking away every so often. Tears started welling up in Fluttershy's eyes. "I...I'm sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine how you feel!" Fluttershy had yet to experience the loss of a loved one, and she fervently hoped that day would not come any time soon. The squirrel ran to Fluttershy and the two hugged, Fluttershy cried out of sympathy, and the squirrel cried out of grief. A few minutes passed, and they let go of each other. They each dried their respective tears. The squirrel chittered. "You're welcome. You know where to find me when you're feeling down." Fluttershy said with a smile as the squirrel left. "Okay." she said as she regained her composure. "Who's next?" A coyote was next in line. It whined and shook its head. "Goodness! Why didn't you say so sooner?" said Fluttershy as she dashed upstairs to grab a medical kit for animals she kept under her bed in case of emergencies. She patched the coyote up, but kept the medical kit just in case. "So who else needs help?" A pair of Caneighdian geese waddled up and started honking. "Whoa, slow down! You're both talking over each other. I can't understand a word either of you are saying!" The geese spoke in turns. Fluttershy nodded as she took in the situation. "Maybe spend some time apart if your fighting has gotten this bad. You know the saying; 'Cooler heads will prevail'." The geese took her words into consideration and flew off in different directions. "Next!" A duck waddled its way toward Fluttershy. It started quacking, and Fluttershy blinked in disbelief. The duck continued. "Um...excuse me?" asked Fluttershy. The quacking got louder and more frantic. Starting to become concered, Fluttershy raised her voice. "Excuse me!" The duck's quacking became more and more intense, frightening Fluttershy. She took a deep breath, and, using a volume in her voice that surprised all the animals and even herself, shouted "EXCUSE ME!!" All the animals simply stared at her in shock. The duck was completely frozen. Fluttershy snapped back to reality rather quickly and frowned. "I'm sorry, but I can't help you. It sounds like you're too far gone." The duck lowered its head, then flew away. Fluttershy reached out with a hand, but pulled it back. No. There are times when you have to recognize someone's beyond even your help. She sniffled slightly as she wiped away a tear from her eyes. "Next." she said, almost unable to hide the quaver in her voice. The animals were absolutely still, simply staring at her with awe and fear. Fluttershy calmed herself down, despite feeling ashamed of the volume she used to get the duck's attention. It was hard to do, but sometimes tough love is absolutely necessary. she reassured herself. Most importantly, it was the right thing to do. "It's okay, everyone. I'm fine. You don't need to be afraid of me." she said in her most gentle voice. The line of animals seemed to calm down almost immediately. "So." Fluttershy said with a confident smile on her face. "Who's next?" ---------------------------------------------- After she finished with all the animals, Fluttershy went inside for the night. She checked her phone to see the time. Wow, she thought. That line was longer than I thought. Things like that almost make me wish I wasn't the only person who could talk to animals. It can be a hard burden to shoulder sometimes. That poor, poor squirrel... Fluttershy fought back tears. I can't remember the last time I heard a story so tragic. She sighed and went up to her room. She changed into her pajamas and listened to soothing music to calm herself down. Always works. Finally fully calmed down, Fluttershy climbed into bed and turned off her lamp on the nightstand. > Shynal Chapter (The Day After) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy woke up feeling refreshed as she slowly opened her eyes to the morning's sunlight. As she got out of bed, she stretched and yawned. I'm surprised I didn't have a nightmare...that sad story from last night really got to me! She opened her window shutters, letting the sunlight stream in. Her phone buzzed, nearly startling her out of a second yawn. Hey girls! Guess who's back to 100%?- Sent by Sunset Shimmer Awesome!- Sent by Rainbow Dash "Finally!" said Fluttershy. Yay!- Sent by Fluttershy Fluttershy went into her closet and changed into her day clothes. She checked her phone again, which was buzzing while she was dressing. This calls for a party! Wait, haven't we said all these things before?- Sent by Pinkie Pie Wonderful to hear, darling!- Sent by Rarity Glad to hear, sugarcube!- Sent by Applejack All right!- Sent by Twilight Sparkle Something amazing happened! I have so much to tell you all, and something to show you! Meet me at the mall in a few hours.- Sent by Sunset Shimmer Oooh, sounds exciting! thought Fluttershy. Now to pass some time. She went downstairs and turned on the television to the Nature Channel. Playing on the channel was a documentary she was all too familiar with, and could practically recite it word for word on command. She watched it regardless. --------------------------------------------- After the documentary had ended, Fluttershy checked her phone and decided to go to the mall early. She got into her car and turned the radio on with the car windows down. To the average person it might seem that Fluttershy was lip-syncing, but those who know her well enough would realize she's singing her heart out. --------------------------------------------- Fluttershy entered the mall and decided to walk around looking for something to do before her friends arrived. She went to the animal shelter first. The animal shelter was noisy as always, the sounds of various animals echoing around the inside. "Doctor Fauna!" Fluttershy greeted her good friend. Doctor Fauna gave Fluttershy a big smile and hugged her. "Fluttershy! So nice to see you! What brings you here on a day off?" Fluttershy smiled and returned the hug. "Oh, just here to see my six friends. One of them was sick yesterday. She sent us all a text saying she had a lot to tell us and something to show us." The hug broke. "Sounds exciting!" said Doctor Fauna. "Well, I don't want to keep you from your friends!" "Oh, I'm here early. We're not supposed to meet for about a couple of hours. I just wanted to say hi to all the animals." "Things are pretty busy around here. I should get back to it. See you later!" "Goodbye, Doctor Fauna!" said Fluttershy as she made her way to the animals. "Hello, everyone!" said Fluttershy to all the animals, who each greeted her in return. "I apologize in advance, but I don't have enough time to talk to you all. I have an hour or two at most." --------------------------------------------- After she finished at the animal shelter, Fluttershy walked over to the bookstore. She went over to the self-help section and looked for books about finding confidence in oneself. No. That's the old me. I've come too far to fall back. She left the aisle and went to the animal section. She stayed in the animal section for quite some time, re-reading books she borrowed from the Canterlot Library only recently. Starting to get bored, she left the bookstore and checked her phone. Hmm. Maybe I should head over to our favorite table now. She found her way to their table and saw Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie waiting at the table. As she got closer, she heard them talk about the Dance Magic music video they made a while back. "Yeah. It was pretty surreal seeing us in a video playing throughout the entire mall. Even more so when the Daring Do movie came out." said Twilight. "But it was a whole bushel of fun doin' both of those things." said Applejack, just slightly behind Twilight. Now within earshot, Fluttershy added "But I'm glad I didn't get mobbed by strangers like I was afraid I would." They all continued their conversation until Sunset Shimmer arrived and told them everything. --------------------------------------------- After watching Sunset go through the portal to Equestria, everyone went their separate ways. Not wanting to look back, Fluttershy wiped another tear off her face. That was almost overwhelming. I know we saw both Twilights after the Friendship Games, but to see what she called our "Equestrian counterparts" was something else entirely. Not to mention the outpouring of emotion before we left the mall. I was worried we'd attract the attention of mall security with the way we were carrying on. She sighed. I wonder how Princess Twilight's doing? It'd be nice to see her again. She took another look at Sunset's drawing. Sunset really has a talent for this sort of thing. It's amazing what pieces of art can do to a person. It stirs up emotions, inspires people to do great things... Fluttershy sighed. I wonder if the songs I've written have had any similar impact on people? Fluttershy shook her head to snap herself out of her reverie. Enough about that, though. I don't want to waste my time worrying about things like that. I already have enough to worry about as it is! Fluttershy got in her car and started the engine. Again, she recited the Driving Safety Rhyme out of habit and drove her way home, listening to the radio all the way. --------------------------------------------- Fluttershy parked in the garage and walked out. She closed the garage door and entered the main living area. She turned on the television, which was left on the Nature Channel. She sighed. They're still playing that documentary? They really need to find some new programs to air, it's going to affect their ratings! Just then, Fluttershy heard a noise. It sounded as if someone or something was scratching the front door. Afraid, Fluttershy slowly walked over to the window to see who or what was making that noise. Once she saw the creature, her eyes lit up. She never thought she'd see a creature like this before! She eagerly opened the door to a creature with a lion's head, dragon wings and a scorpion's tail. "Oh my goodness...are you...a Manticore?" End of Book 6 of Not Just Any Old Day