> Jacket > by Dustchu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blurred Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day, another hangover. It seemed that no matter how much she tried she couldn’t escape it...But did she really want to? The pain at least made her feel alive... and it dulled the emotional pain in her heart, so maybe it was worth it. Delta groaned and shifted in her bed, body aching due to the feelings from last night lingering both on her body and her tongue.  Once she yawned, her mind registered the faint taste of booze and stallion, causing her to smack her lips and spit onto the floor. She sniffled and yawned again. What a night. She couldn’t remember a damn thing from last night and that made her wonder just how wasted she got. Delta wasn’t one for really… regulating how much she drank; she just kept going until she felt good and eventually blacked out, usually back at her caravan. Vague little memories of her usual dive came to mind, but after that everything was a blur that she couldn’t be bothered to clear up. The mare stretched out her limbs as far as she could with muscles reacting accordingly; the ache grew a bit worse but it felt good in a weird way. There was nothing like a good morning stretch to wake oneself up. But that good feeling was interrupted when her hoof touched something, causing her to snap her eyes open and look over to the object she touched. It was a green jacket. Cerise eyes locked onto the jacket; a dark olive green with a pocket on the front and on each side, on the shoulders were some stripes with an small marking on the collar. Her hoof pulled it closer to unfurl it and gaze at the front where a small patch sat. Barely sewn in and some of the thread missing, she saw a letter. A single ‘S’, the beginning of a name she couldn’t remember. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t quite remember it. Her own fault of course, she was drunk off her ass when it was given to her. And that tiny hint of regret flickered in her eyes before it was dashed away with the idea of stuffing her face with some left over four cheese pizza. It may not have been the ideal way to start her morning, but anything was better than thinking about the past… at least, certain parts of it. Delta Vee stretched out her whole body after sliding off the bed, a few groans and pops filling the silence of her dreary morning. She soon made her way over to the fridge to pop it open, remember the pizza she had stored in there. It wasn’t; all she found was a jar of old pickles and a single beer she didn’t touch. Delta’s baneful gaze shifted from the jar of pickles to the beer. Truly, she has hit rock bottom. With a grumble, she pulled out the beer and popped the cap off with a flourish before heading towards the door to lay outside on her chair. She grabbed the handle and the door opened with a squeak. Once her hooves touched the outside step, she realized how cold it was, sending shivers down her body. “Fuck me, It’s cold,“ She groaned, seeing that the sun hadn’t even risen yet. “Ugh… what time is it?” A quick glance at the clock behind her read four-thirty... in different terms, too fucking early. She growled and slammed her door shut, just now realizing how chilly it was. Despite being a pegasus Delta was still able to feel the cold, and she had just woken up so she wasn’t exactly prepared to deal with it. She grumbled and flicked her gaze back to her room and the bed… and more specifically the green Equestrian military jacket laying on it. Delta set her beer on the nearby table and wandered back into the bedroom, eyes drifting down to the jacket. She sat down and picked it up before bringing it closer to look at it a bit closely; her eyes drifted across the fabric which was old and weathered, even torn in a few places. Her mind drifted back to when she first got it… ---ooo000ooo--- It was a particularly dreary night at the Black Horse, Delta’s usual hangout whenever she was looking to add onto her ever growing tab or hook up with a cute stallion for a quick romp back at her caravan. This time however, she was pretty content with spending it alone. The pitter patter or rainfall hit the window to her left and the mare found herself staring out at the downpour from the clouds. It was depressing, almost like how she was feeling right now. A glass of amber liquid sat in front of her half gone, the taste still lingering on her tongue. Just another boring night at the bar, one that she didn’t even feel up for making fun. Usually she’d have a few drinks and maybe find a cute buck to have some fun with. For now she was content with her whiskey. What is even up with me…? The question rolled around the inside of her head, her eyes staring into the reflection she saw in her glass. There’s not a real bad selection of studs in here… I just don’t even feel like trying. Delta wasn’t sure why she wasn’t going after anyone in here, but any look at them made her think. A stallion wearing a dirty greasy jumpsuit and an untrimmed beard growing on his face, he was rather burly and drinking a pint of something. Someone made a joke it sounded like, and he gave off hearty belly laughs. Another was rather lanky, shady looking in the back wearing fedora and looking sketchy. Some were pegasi, some unicorns, a few earth ponies and even a couple of bat ponies loitered around in the shadows. None of them really stood out to her, let alone tickled her interest. Guess this is just an off-night for me. Raising her glass and sipping the remainder of what was inside. Only after she finished it did something catch her eye through the glass, a reflection of a pony. Delta saw him, sitting alone in his booth much like she was. Nothing was really special about that—there were a lot of ponies huddled up in their booths with nothing but a stiff drink to keep them company. She glanced back at him out of the corner of her eye. Maybe it was the way he stared into the bottom of his glass, how jacket hung loosely off his shoulders, or even the look in his unblinking eyes… she wasn’t sure, but something drew her attention to him and she found herself unable to tear her gaze away. Perhaps it was his eyes—bright amber orbs reflecting the dim lights and almost glowing, eyes that reminded her of her favorite drink. That’s all she could clearly remember about him. One thing led to another and she bought another drink—two drinks actually, hard whiskey to put on her tab and she joined him in his lonely drinking stupor in the booth. The time blurred for her and any distinct memory she had of him was ruined by her inebriation; his name, his age, even his face were nothing but a hazy film… the only thing she could remember rightly were his bright eyes, dark coat and the jacket. The last thing she could remember was the night droning on until they got back to her trailer… and then… Delta was slammed up against the wall of her caravan by the stallion, his muzzle buried in her neck and a loud drawn out moan leaving her. Sharp teeth bit into her neck causing her hind leg to kick out, her arms wrapped around him and she fiddled with his jacket. “Grr! C-come on big g-guy~” The throbbing sensation between her legs told her all she really needed to know. Her legs were firmly wrapped around him as he lavished her in rough nips and sloppy kisses, his frame pinning her to the wall made it pretty easy to feel what was sliding up against her rear; a thick long rod prodding her backdoor and causing her excitement to flare. The rib pounding pulsations of her heart filled her chest with every little move he made, the hooves gripping onto her plush rear and squeezing so firmly, it was wonderful… She growled into his ear her affirmative and he lifted her up causing her to hold on tight. Seeking to not be left out she latched onto his ear with another growl and tugged hard to the left, making him go towards her bedroom. Every movement leading in there jostled her and caused her lover’s ‘little’ friend push against her. Only seconds later did she find herself on her back and pinned to the bed by him. His every action sent wonderful shivers down her spine: how he gripped her hips and spread her legs, the lavishing of kisses, and bites leading down to her plush teats. Rough nips and suckles mader her croon for more as he lowered himself further. Very rarely did she ever manage to get a stallion to eat her out, they just saw her as an old mare that was good enough for a quick fuck. But this one? Sweet Luna, he was different. No hesitation as he buried his muzzle between her legs, no disgust at dragging that wide tongue of his up and down her cunt and bringing her closer to her end, and no trepidation of his head being crushed as her legs locked around him like a vice during her first orgasm of the night. Lips locked with her own, the taste and smell of her cum mixing in with the smoky and musky scent of the stallion she had brought home. His body laid atop hers and spread her legs wide once again, “Grr!” She felt him shove his cock against her sopping wet slit before shoving the tip inside. “Gah! Hah!” He was bigger than she originally thought he was. S-sweet fucking Luna! She screamed in her mind as he slid inside her, spreading her hole wide open and going deep. “Ahhh! F-fuck me!” He was so gentle and yet commanding of her, biting down on her neck and pushing his cock further inside of her—it crashed through her cunny, whimpers and groans escaping her as she squeezed him as tight as she could, suckling him further inside of her. She wanted to feel all of him. “Mmm t-that’s it, d-deeper!” Delta panted hard and shivered until he stopped moving, but before she could ask he suddenly bit down harder, pulled his member halfway out… And then slammed what all he could as deep as he could inside her. “FUCK!” Her eyes went wide and flashes of white flew across her vision as his hips connected with her own, cascading pleasure rocketing throughout her body and exploding down her spine. She felt her walls constrict around his cock as he pulled out only to thrust back in and causing her to scream out again. He didn’t stop either; she felt his teeth sink into her neck as he fucked her, pulling out and slamming back into her with the force of a sledgehammer. The entire bed squeaked and rocked from how he was thrusting into her, his deep grunts and groans mixing with her own cries and gasps. The pegasus’ whole body trembled and shook with each impact of his hips against her own. She could feel his hefty sack slapping against her ass and she could only wonder just how much she would be filled up. Sweet sticky stallion spunk gushing inside of her, she could almost feel it and it made her nethers tremble and moisten further in excitement. Delta spurred him on to keep going, faster and faster, harder and deeper. She swore she felt his tip poke her cervix and only causing her to squirm, shout, and cry out. Never before had she felt a stallion like this, how he handled her was near perfect, every movement in and out of her and slamming against her pleasure spots like guided missiles. Her eyes blurred and she couldn’t keep herself from the second orgasm of the night. “Fuuuuck!” She screamed to the heavens as her marecum gushed out onto him, and he only kept moving, taking advantage of her sensitive honeypot to bring her to greater heights of ecstasy. He was still moving, still slamming into her and she wasn’t even sure if he was even close! Most stallions she met couldn’t even handle her, popping too soon or managing just lost enough for her to get off herself. There were rare moments of course when she met that one who’d give her a run for her money. And this stallion right here was one of them, maybe even more so. He let go of her neck and slowed his movements to something more slow and sensual, body grinding against hers as his lips wrapped around hers in a kiss she didn’t even attempt to fight against, she spread her wings and moved with him. Both of their bodies melded together and moved like a wave of carnal pleasure. Crimson eyes zeroed in on amber ones—static flickered between them, a deep primal desire grew in both eyes like an ember deep within a forest ready to spark a raging wildfire. Things started to get blurry again for her—she thought she heard him say something about getting close and she growled at him to stay inside. Seconds turned into hours and those hours felt like they melded into days, it felt like an eternity for her before she finally felt it; the sudden explosion of pain and pleasure when he pierced the deepest part of her body beyond what any other stallion had ever done, the size of his cock growing as his head flared out, and the cascading tidal wave of white hot stallion cum gushing inside her. Everything blacked out from there, with the last thing she felt being him biting down on her so hard she swore she bled, and her scream of sinful but pleasurable pain surging through out her body… ---ooo000ooo--- Delta was sitting down when the memory ended and hugging the jacket to her chest. She wasn’t sure why… but everything about that night felt so much different than any other hookup she’s had. Looking down at the jacket she brought it up and took a whiff of it; and aside from the usual stench of old booze and stale food, she smelled him… the smoky scent of the mystery stallion she could barely remember. Her heart skipped a beat… her mind briefly wondered; would she meet him again? Gah, the hell am I thinking anyway? She shook her head and slipped on the jacket, the comfortable fabric covering her up and bringing her some manner of warmth in the cold morning. “Just another fuck…” Delta reminded herself, that’s all he was… an incredible mind-blowing fuck, but a fuck nonetheless. Heh… puts Jet to fucking shame. With a violent snort she picked up her box of cigarettes and slid one out before popping it into her mouth. Even as she lit up the cigarette, the embers of the small white rod lit up an amber-ish color reminding her of those eyes. Just another fuck… She inhaled causing it to grow brighter… Her heart slowed… Out came the smoke. And nothing but blurred memories...