> Totty's Growing Pains > by Gladiolus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Heavy Homecoming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totty sighed softly to herself. It seemed, in the modern day, that a bachelors degree simply didn’t go as far as it used to. Her parents had been the ones that suggested she go to at least get an undergrad degree, and she had passed well enough despite her somewhat air-headed personality. So the mare had a degree to her name… but finding work was becoming difficult. Those that wanted degrees expected honours, high GPAs, and professors to write recommendation papers. The only professor she could persuade to write her one was, apparently, unconvincing on his own. Interview after interview with schools back out east had gotten her nowhere, as each time the conversation shifted to uncomfortable questioning about her weight, or her stomach would growl, or something else that sapped her confidence. Each and every time she had left feeling worse about herself than she had started, and eventually ran out of places to apply at. So Totty found herself on a bus, headed for Los Pegasus. She had a friend or two there that would be able to provide a couch for her until she could get back on her feet. By the looks of things- it had better be a sturdy couch. Her college years hadn’t done well for her waistline, and more than that her lack of a job had saw things further slide. Being broke meant she ate poorly and in sporadic binges, and her snacking habits didn’t help. Nor did, of course, the fact she had picked up a fast-food job to pay the bills for a few months. The mare was overweight, to be certain. Totty had a heavyset build slanted towards the front midsection, heavy around the core middle with a substantial bust to round it out. While she wasn’t so far gone as to be absurd, she was certainly at the size where she drew a few looks here and there, and had difficulties with her wardrobe. Her brown coated body poured over her midriff in a substantial muffintop, and her rear was softened and wide. While she didn’t yet have problems with doors, the fact she was nearing the possibility of that was a worry she kept in mind when going through smaller doorways. Totty's size weighed on her mind heavily, but she tried to keep a good attitude. There were worse things in life than being fat, even if it wasn’t perfect, and at least she had her friends. She gazed out the window across the desert as the bus rumbled on towards the city, and watched as the buildings rose in the evening sun. It looked blisteringly hot outside, but thankfully the bus was air-conditioned. The heavy mare had started the three-hour excursion with a two litre bottle of soda as well, but it had been empty since the first hour. Totty was soon quite aware of how empty it was when she went to take a drink, and was met only with the sound of a collapsing bottle when she sucked on the neck of it. With a heavy sigh she looked down at herself, and gently placed her hand atop her large middle. Two litres of soda, gone into her, and she didn’t even feel it. It would worry her less if she actually felt full or something, but even after all that she was just slightly thirsty… and the hungry rumbles of her stomach were amplified by a slight sloshing as that soda splashed around inside her. The bus however was apathetic to her concerns, and drove onward to the city of lights. Soon it passed into the suburbs and slowed as it entered city traffic. The sun edged over the horizon meanwhile, and the dazzling lights of the strip miles away were beautiful even this far out. Even this far away, as well, she could see tourists outside and the less well off taking their chances at the more downtrodden casinos this far from the core. Knowing that the depot wasn’t far now, Totty reached under her seat and put her heavy purse in her lap. Her belongings had been sent ahead by freight mail- paid for by her friend in an act of kindness- and all she had in here was an emergency change of clothes and what should have been emergency rations for a week. They too had been consumed by the end of the first hour, and Totty once again blushed as she noted how light her purse was now- and how much heavier she must therefore be. When the bus came into the depot Totty was the last one to disembark, as she had long since decided on not holding anyone up with her slow pace- or giving anyone an excuse to comment on her weight. She held her purse tightly against her and had a rigidly defensive pose when she exited. Quite meek looking, and exactly the sort of girl that certain types would take advantage of- but her friend was already waiting, and anyone with a brain knew to back off as soon as she approached Totty. “Totty,” Emmy spoke, as the dragonic woman stepped out into the circle of streetlight Totty was under, “Chin up, look straight. You’re going to get mugged looking like a lost tourist honey.” Totty’s relief was visible and immediate, as she relaxed from her rigid pose and stood up straighter, meeting her friend with a warm smile. While she wasn’t tall by any means, she immediately seemed to gain an inch or two simply from standing more confident and relaxed, and spread her legs apart slightly for a firmer stance. This was, of course, because she had thrown her arms out to accept Emmy’s embrace that soon squished her. “Emmyyy….” Totty grunted, “You’re squishing me!” she whined, wheezing slightly from the pressure as she spoke. Emmy returned with a giggle, and compressed Totty all the more. “I know I am! Girl since when have you been this squishy? You’ve never been small but…” The poor brown coated mare seemed to shrink into herself, whimpering and blushing as she centred around her purse. The fact that her stomach decided that was the perfect moment to growl just made her all the more embarrassed, and she seemed to be trying to implode into a singularity before her friends gaze. “I just get…” Totty spoke meekly. “… hungry… a lot...” Emmy sighed, and lifted Totty’s chin with a single green finger. “Totty, girl, you’ve gotta be more confident. I wasn’t insulting you- you’re a big girl, stop acting like it’s the end of the world.” Totty just whimpered, and looked up at her friend with self doubt in her eyes. Emmy quickly sighed in return, and firmly gripped Totty's hand to get her attention. She looked into her friends eyes with a smile and friendly manner, even as she towered over her. “Come on, you’ll feel better with a full stomach,” Emmy offered, “And don’t you worry, I haven’t forgotten how much you can put away- I planned for it.” Totty smiled slightly, and her noisy stomach became all the more so for a moment as it rumbled with hunger. She almost winced, and Emmy kept her hold on Totty's hand as she led her on. Their walk was short, and somewhat awkwardly silent as Emmy didn’t feel like speaking with Totty’s demanding stomach making such a fuss. Every time she would move to speak, that gut would make a low growling murmur and interrupt her line of thinking. Emmy couldn’t even begin to imagine how hard it would have been for Totty to study and get that degree. It had taken a whole lot of snacking, that was for sure. Her Freshman 15 had been a Freshmare 30. They soon arrived outside Emmy’s house, and Totty was astonished at the scale of it. While she knew Emmy wasn’t exactly poor, she hadn’t expected her to have a large two story dwelling with easy access to a freeway to her. Convenience and space were two things that tended to boost property value- and Emmy had both in spades. Totty was just about to ask how Emmy could afford this before she realized how out of breath she was from just a short walk. Thinking it to be from her weight, not from the fact she hadn’t eaten anything wholesome since this morning, she shut herself up and silently entered after Emmy. The smell of food inside was… palpable. Totty immediately dropped her purse and made a break for the dining room- guided by smell. The speed of her was surprisingly fast for the heavyweight and exhausted mare. Emmy even watched with a tilted brow as she swept past in her haste to feed herself, and giggled slightly when Totty halted in the doorway and gasped in astonishment. There was no meal on the long wooden table, there was a feast. The sheer scope of it was astounding to Totty, and it was all good home-made food that must have taken hours to prepare. Mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, a roast turkey and a ham. It was beautifully arranged, and, as she soon noticed- lined up before a single chair. “Congratulations on your degree, Totty. Now sit that big-butt down and treat yourself. You deserve it," Emmy spoke- from behind, as Totty was filling up the doorway with herself. Emmy’s words quickly melted any hesitation Totty had, and she was stuffing food into her face before her thick rear end had even plopped into the chair. She was lost to the bliss of consuming enough that she didn’t notice the creaking of the sturdy wood, and didn’t even realize she hadn’t taken a breath after a solid minute of physically forcing food down her throat. Totty paused and drew her head back, gasping for air, and her chest heaved with heavy breaths. “It’s so gooooood…” Totty moaned, her voice airy and almost lusty. Subconsciously she undid her belt buckle and popped the button on her pants- she was not holding back tonight. The effect was immediate as her obese belly audibly sloshed forward and occupied a few inches more space than before, and the mare moaned quietly. Her fat middle had been compressed all day, and it felt good to let it out to it's natural shape. Emmy was quite happy to make note of this, and strode up beside her. “That’s my girl, you enjoy yourself- I’ve got to go take care of a few things. Your room is up the stairs on the left, I put your stuff in there.” Totty nodded blearily, and then reached out to restart her meal at a more reasonable pace. The mashed potatoes went first, and Totty didn’t even bother with a plate as she simply thumped the bowl before her and took great heavy spoonfuls out. The heavy mash quickly soothed and quieted her stomach, and she sighed with a pleasurable bliss when she had consumed the full two pounds. The hungry mare was finally able to think straight again, and a complex calculus went through her mind as she considered how exactly to approach the meal. Totty was an eater by nature, and she was good at it. She knew precisely within a quart her exact stomach capacity, although putting that into words would be difficult. The mare also knew how far past that she could go before her gag reflex kicked in, and with the well prepared meal before her she formed a plan to get it all in her- and keep it in her. Food this good wasn’t worth wasting, whether thrown away or otherwise, and Emmy had clearly put some love and effort into it. The turkey would be first, she decided, and she would eat the vegetables between that and the ham. Upon coming to this conclusion she blushed slightly and glanced around, realizing internally just how silly it was that she a plan- and knew full well she could actually put in into effect- to consume enough food for five people at least. On one degree it felt… shameful, wrong- like she was a freak. On another, it felt almost natural. Totty had always eaten heavily, and had fond memories of her perhaps over-indulgent mother feeding her enormous meals. Which was probably what led to her current appetite. A lifetime of being filled to the brim at every meal led to a stomach that expected that. The heavy mare was barely aware that she had been gorging herself in the entire time she had been thinking, and only when the turkey had been reduced to little more than bones- with the entire thing resting in her belly- did Totty realize she’d even started on it. Emmy had returned to the room in the meanwhile, and leaned on the table with a smirk on her face. “That’s the girl I know. I betcha you could put away a buffet and still have room for desert… of a whole damn bakery.” Totty blushed, but giggled as well, “You're acting like that's a good thing,” she returned, unsure of herself as she felt the swell of her brown belly with a hand. "It's not?" Emmy contended, "Relax, we're celebrating your degree- remember? I made all this food for the only girl I know that could actually eat it all. That's a good thing, isn't it? You can actually enjoy all this..." Her clawed hand swept over the table and she turned her gaze back to Totty, "And more, I bet." Totty giggled again, and felt the shame dissolve- at least for now. Her hand gripped at her belly-fat and jiggled it a bit, which led to a bubbling sound coming from her gut and then a low rumbling belch escaped her. "Y-Yeah probably... better make that two bakeries, I'm not stopping until I can't swallow." The thick mare sounded almost prideful, and quickly set to work on the rest of the food. The vegetables were well buttered and steamed, something Totty made sure to compliment Emmy on. “Only the best for your first day back, Totty, just try and stop yourself before you can’t move- unless you'd like to sleep at the table." Well aware that she actually could eat enough that was a valid problem, Totty continued with a renewed flush on her face. From anyone else that teasing would be hurtful, but coming from Emmy it felt friendly, almost like this was a game that Totty was particularly good at- and Emmy was cheering her on. If it was a game, Totty was Olympic level. Her thickened arms moved like a machine and put vegetables on her plate, then in her mouth, and before long she decided to forego the plate and simple plop the entire steaming bowl before herself. Slowly but surely that bowl emptied, and her stomach stopped growling in hunger as it found itself closing in on the point of comfortably full. Not long after Totty’s sizable midriff started to slowly inch outwards as her stomach swelled with food. A sizable belch rumbled out of Totty following her emptying of the vegetables, and without paying any mind to that she reached out in a daze for the ham. When she did her fat belly slapped against the table and gurgled slightly as it prevented her reach, and Totty could only whine softly before Emmy simply stepped over and slid the plate over. “Vanilla or chocolate?” Emmy asked, just before Totty had started going ham on the ham. Totty responded only with a tilt of the head, and another dainty belch. “For desert, silly. I have a chocolate cake- and a vanilla cake.” Totty thought for a moment, but then grinned widely when she seized on the opportunity and jammed a fork into her ham. “Why not both?” Emmy snorted and patted Totty’s expanding middle. “That’s my girl, if I had to describe you in three words… that’s the ones I’d use.” Totty paid her friend no mind when they left to secure desert, instead focused with a laser guided determination on destroying that ham. Fork and knife worked in tandem to rip heavy slices out of it and cram them into Totty’s ever-greedy maw, and her swelling stomach started to inch outwards over her pants. The mare had passed the point of comfortably full, and was now on the path to stuffing herself- which she did with wreckless abandon. It wasn’t until the ham was half done that Totty paused, having been forced to contend with her own stomachs swell as it pushed her back from the table and limited the reach of her arms. She looked down at herself, assessing how bloated she was, and a familiar wave of shameful feelings washed over her as her stomach gurgled quietly. The mares soft hands slapped to her belly and she shook it slightly, and her ears pinned down to hear that she had eaten so much she physically sloshed. There was so much food inside her that she could feel the enormous stomach cavity insider her, and the stretching walls of it… and yet she wasn’t at 100%- not yet. So much food and she still had room. Totty’s mind pulled her in two separate directions, but Emmy arrived again at the perfect time to sooth her anxiety- with a cake held in each strong arm. Emmy laid them out across the ham, and then pulled it closer for the girl. “Keep eating like this and I’m going to have to cut a half-circle into the table for you,” she teased, and gave Totty’s swollen gut a good natured poke before surprising the mare and grabbing her fork. Totty’s eyes went wide and she moaned blissfully when Emmy fed her a slice of ham. It felt absolutely divine- almost sexual- but not quite. The flush on her face was all the more apparent, and Emmy all the more happy her friend was enjoying herself. “Finish up.” Emmy hardly even had to ask, as the warm friendly feelings of being fed like that had driven Totty on to get as much in her as she could- both for herself, and out of appreciation for how much work Emmy had put into this. Her arms worked feverishly to stuff down that ham, to the point that she felt them start to burn with exertion and even her jaw started to feel sore. Even so, she stuffed slice after slice into herself and bloated her belly to ever greater proportions. When it was finally inside her Totty’s enormous gut had swelled enough to push up her heavy breasts and push her so far back from the table she could barely even reach it. It filled her lap, flowing forward and over her fat thighs enough to fill the space under the armrests. Totty was left panting for breath after her gorging sprint to finish the ham, and only a sour gurgle from her middle broke her out of the overstuffed daze it had left her in. Another belch rumbled out of her, and her eyes settled on the cakes. Weakly reaching out Totty huffed and tried to will her overfilled body to move, but her reach was impeded and all that food was leaving her minutes away from falling into an overstuffed food coma. Something Emmy was quite familiar with, and she pulled both cakes closer herself. “Do you want them, Totty?” she asked, her voice soft and friendly as she did. Totty tried to speak, but could only hiccup and nod her head, which squished into her neck fat. “Then just lean back, let me take care of it…” Totty did as asked, both due to trusting her friend and due to her insatiable appetite. She was sore at this point, in her arms and her gut, but food remained- and if food remained, she was going to try and eat it. Emmy soon had sliced out enough of the cake to fill a bowl, and then stepped closer to Totty so she could feed it to her. So the heavy mare opened her mouth, received a large helping of thick and rich vanilla cake, and then swallowed it without chewing. Her stomach bubbled slightly, protesting against the additional calories, but Emmy was on point and soon put her plate down on Totty’s own gut so she could have a free arm to rub her. Her ministrations were tender and soft, and at least for the moment soothed Totty’s indigestion. The mare could only moan in bliss as further cake was slowly fed into her, and minute after minute passed in this paradise. All she had to do was keep her mouth open, receive cake, and swallow. Even as her gut flowed over and under the table, and even as it’s weight became enough that the chair bent under her, Totty continued to accept cake. The vanilla one went quickly enough, but the chocolate one required more effort. Her motions became slower, even swallowing became a chore as her full stomach became tighter and tighter. Even Totty had her limits, and Emmy’s feeding was quickly approaching them. Half way through the chocolate cake she stopped, just as Totty’s throat bulged from her last helping tried to work itself back up. Totty swallowed it back down, and then laid back with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her whole body was filled with the warm pleasant feeling of being full. Something that was more difficult for a mare of her appetite and capacity than most. It was a rare thing to feel this satisfied, and she languidly laid there, hiccupping and belching every few moments, as her bleary eyes barely remained open. The fullness of her gut combined with the warmth and comfort of being in such a safe space with her best friend relaxed her to a point she hadn't been in ages, and it showed. The simple relaxation of tension left her looking almost twice the mare as Totty had been when she arrived. Emmy’s strength was soon proven when she helped Totty out of her chair, and the mare’s enormous gut sunk almost down to her knees. With every small movement it sloshed and gurgled, groaning deeply as it complained to them about the absurd caloric load inside it they had forced it to digest. Emmy stepped to Totty’s left, and put one arm under that sack of food to relieve Totty of the weight. The dragonic mares other arm was on her friends shoulders, and while movement was rather awkward like this it lightened the load on Totty enough that Emmy was able to guide her to the living room. The stairs to the guest room weren’t an option at present, and Emmy simply laid her friend down on the couch before throwing a thick and warm blanket over her. To an outside viewer, one could question if it was a belly attached to a mare, or a mare attached to a belly, that laid on that couch. Totty’s whole body wobbled with intense digestion, and her heavy chest pushed in and out with her slow and heavy breaths. Tonight she would sleep there, and Emmy giggled to herself as she watched the couch itself slowly bend inwards under the supremely heavy load. It was worth it just to see that smile that Totty wore even as she slept, a smile from ear to ear. > High-Calorie Interview > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totty's slumber went uninterrupted through the night, even with her belly gurgling loudly and sloshing with her every movement. By the time those noises had settled, and she had awoken, a few more pounds of luscious fat coated her frame. An amount small enough to go unnoticed, those pounds added to a seemingly endless stream of them that poured over her feminine figure. In the morning, Totty moved her belongings into her new bedroom. The mare didn’t find it difficult to get settled in; after all, her only belongings were her clothes. Emmy and Totty unpacked for a few hours, and the pair had bonded over cleaning her room and getting it in order. Totty’s favorite landscape of a quaint countryside schoolhouse went up on the wall, and a new blanket was put over the bed. Totty thought once or twice about complaining that her bedroom was upstairs, but the walk up the stairs was quickly accepted her as about as much exercise as she needed. It made it easier to excuse her heavy breakfast as well. Despite Emmy not commenting on Totty's clothing, the self conscious mare couldn’t help but feel she was being judged as they were filling the closet. Emmy did however take notice of the cosplay outfits Totty kept. The mare had a decent amount of them, and it seemed like half of the clothes she was attached to were older outfits. Some of which were almost comedically undersized for her heavy frame, but a few of the more risque ones would fit just fine at any size. Totty was particularly embarrassed, yet proud of her gigantic bras. They had to be special ordered, and Emmy just had to compare her own bras side by side. A subtle feminine pride filled Totty even as she blushed profusely, knowing full well she outsized her already-busty friend by a good cup size and a half. In one green-scaled hand Emmy held her own, an attractive black silk number that was easily a DD cup. In her other, Totty’s demure bra sagged down, with much larger straps for better support. The volume of each cup was easily one and a half size bigger than the other. Emmy smiled, glancing between the bras and the blushing orange mare sitting on the bed. “Totty, how do you manage to be single with tits like these? I know a few girls that aren't this big even after getting enhanced. Damn, honey, what are these even- F cup?" Totty glanced aside and rubbed the back of her neck, “It’s uh… G actually, I used to wear an F but... well they started to get a little more…” The mare coughed, “Nevermind...they got bigger, okay?” Sensing some frustration at being put on the spot, Emmy squinted at the shy mare. She was careful of her next statement, and did her best not to offend her friend. “They most certainly did. You should be proud... guys would pay damn good money just to look at ‘em. It’s good money, honey, and I know a few people…” Totty squinted at her, and crossed her arms under her bust. “I am not going to start stripping for bits. I’m not… just some piece of meat for stallions to throw bills at.” Emmy shrugged, and tossed Totty’s bra at her, the over sized garment covering her entire face at it plopped onto her head. “Suit yourself, Totty, but it’s not only stallions that I see. Plenty of mares show me a bit of attention as well. Some are envious… some just swing the other way,” she spoke, and pivoted towards the door. "'sides, you're only a piece of meat if you think that way. There's something... empowering about commanding the male gaze." “Dinner's in thirty minutes, bring an appetite, girl, cause you’re not going to bed hungry so long as you’re living here.” Totty flopped backwards in the bed once she was alone, and slapped her hands to her large bust. Squeezing each breast in her hands she moaned quietly and squirmed. All of that attention on her breasts had left her a little frisky, and it had been too long since she gave her girls some attention. The touch was wonderful, and she couldn’t help but imagine what if some romantic soul was doing it instead of herself. She imagined handsome guy with a wallet as fat as she was, a kind spirit, and that accepted her despite her size. The mare sighed wistfully, and gently closed the door with her magic before she let those fantasies fill her mind. Totty imagined herself as a beautiful and slender mare, busty and feminine, with a body that even Emmy would kill for. Giggling slightly to herself as she enjoyed the thoughts, she also imagined what it would be like if she had her dragonic metabolism: Emmy could almost eat as much as Totty did, and get away with it too. When dinner was ready, Totty arrived in good spirits. She ate her fill without remorse. It was only when she had stopped eating and retired to her bed again did she, as usual, regret overeating. Stomach soreness is something she’d long since gotten used to, and she fell asleep with the warm feeling of a slightly too full gut pinning her to the bed and lifting the blanket around her. The next few days passed without much happening. Totty went out to drop off resumes and fill out employment forms, as well as stopping by the unemployment office to collect her small stipend. Her embarrassment upon realizing that this allowance, enough that someone should be able to live off, was barely enough to cover a week of food at her average rate was almost palpable. It didn’t help that Emmy, always generous, refused to accept any amount from Totty to cover her expenses, not until she had steady work, at least. Emmy had bits to spare, and while she took note of how her food expenses had more than tripled in that short time, it was barely a drip in the bucket of her commendable financial hoard. Totty was relieved when it only took a few days for her first followup, and had an interview that afternoon for a secretarial position at a small local office. One of those little establishments that did Celestia only knew what, but all she had to do was answer the phone and hold down the lobby if she was hired. In Emmy's own words, she'd be expected to "Look good, show a little cleavage- but not too much- and keep a warm coffee on her bosses desk." Emmy helped Totty dress herself for that interview , and sat on Totty’s bed while she tried out clothes. The few business appropriate outfits she had fit her large body quite well...six months ago. Now they fit but only just barely, leaving her always showing just a sliver of her midriff or a tad too much cleavage. Totty turned to her friend uncertainly, wearing a red blouse and a black skirt that ran down to her knees. Appropriate enough, but she was stretching things somewhat literally in the skirts case. Emmy shrugged in response. “Relax, Totty. you’re in Los Pegasus. As long as you don’t go in stark-nude they’re not going to care, and you look damned good in that anyway. Betcha you’ll be hired as soon as you walk in. The rest will just be so they don't get called out for hiring you ‘cause you’re hot,” she spoke, teasing Totty gently. Totty blushed, and looked down at herself. All she could really see was her own bust so she’d simply have to take her friends word for it. “I know you’re just trying to be silly, but I don’t look that good. I feel like something is going to slip out if I move and I’m not sure what it’s gonna be,” Totty returned, and experimentally took a long stride towards the door. The mares large body bounced, and for a moment her butt and navel were visible when her blouse was pulled up, but on the whole the outfit held together. “You’re fine, honey. Go get out there and land that job, I’ll work on a nice surprise for when you get home.” Emmy spoke, and smacked Totty’s rear end on the way past her and out of the room. Totty squeaked and shouted after her, “Hey! I don’t do that to you!” Emmy’s response was simple, “Anytime, honey.” Defeated by what she should have known would be the response, Totty huffed and left, eager to get away before she ended up finding an excuse for a third lunch. Totty got to experience some of the sights of Las Pegasus on her way. The workplace wasn’t far, but was on the other side of the strip and she had to pass through the traffic. Emmy’s car was one of few that could fit her comfortably, and that made the journey a pleasant experience. In that vehicle she almost felt right, as the seat was back enough and the space was roomy enough to give her body space. Emmy letting her borrow it was quite some generosity, the car must've been worth a years pay at any regular job. The heavy mare was almost late due to her sightseeing, and swung open the doors to the three-story office building just five minutes before she was due to arrive. Huffing for a moment from the short sprint from the car to inside, she pulled down her blouse and adjusted her skirt before she stepped inside with as much confidence as she could muster. The room was empty but for what she suspected were the other applicants. One was a Pegasus with a slender body that was more fit for a Wonderbolt than a secretary, and the other was a lithe stallion in a pink dress shirt. They both talked together idly, and Totty chose to seat herself apart from them and simply wait to see how the interview would work. The chair gave her away, creaking deeply under her weight, and when they turned to her Totty smiled meakly, “H-Hi, I’m here for the job…” They glanced at eachother, “That’s you? I had no idea,” the stallion spoke, and raised himself to approach Totty with his hand extended. "I thought from your profile you'd be an Earth pony, quite honestly." “My name’s Trotsky, and I’m the human resources manager,” he introduced. Totty blinked in surprise, and clearly hadn’t at all expected this. Her hands quickly moved to the chair armrests and pushed, but her arms couldn’t budge her- something she quickly realized to her absolute horror. The mare was stuck fast, her own copious adipose sealing her into the seat. Stuck, and with the manager looking at her awkwardly. “Do you… need some help, Totty?” he inquired. The blood by this point had drained from Totty’s face and a feeling of absolute dread had washed over her. She tried again, pushing with all the strength her fat-softened arms could muster, but she was stuck in place. The effort however wasn’t wasted. Totty’s own body muffled the sound of the chair starting to splinter on the sides, and each push got it closer to giving way. “N-no I’m fine,” she spoke, and gave one last solid heave before the armrests broke off and fell to the floor. Totty’s eyes first glanced to the mare, who was staring in disbelief, and then to the stallion who was still holding his hand out. “W-Well I told the head office the chairs were a little small for most mares. That’s what happens when you have pegasi in charge,” he commented, and glanced back at the mare for a moment. “Don’t worry about it, Totty, better it happen now than to some unfortunate customer.” Totty found herself astonished and embarrassed, shamed and confused, all at once. She was speechless even as the stallion stepped forward and took her hands, lifting Totty out of her seating position. “Now, let’s try this again on a better note. I’m Trotsky, the human resources manager.” Trotsky shook Totty’s hand, and she held it weakly. “I-I’m Totty, and I’d like to be your new secretary.” “That’s the ticket,” Trotsky replied, and released her hand before he pivoted around. “Feather, put some tea on. I’ll be in my office,” he directed, and turned to lead Totty down into the building. “Don’t worry, I’ve got better chairs for the employees,” he teased, and winked at the embarrassed mare. Trotsky was true to his word, and moments later Totty was sitting in a far more sturdy and comfortable desk chair in his office. Once she had settled in and Trotsky had collected a small stack of papers for himself, he leaned back in his own chair and began the interview proper. It went about as one can imagine, with Totty being questioned on her past work experience and her schooling. Her GPA for her education diploma was quite impressive, and Trotsky clearly thought so as things went on. Totty even grew confident, speaking more openly and detailing her skills. One of said skills Trotsky took an interest in, and leaned forward to speak while he spun a pen in his fingers. “Really? Mental math? Prove it,” Trotsky spoke, his direction more curious than demanding. Totty considered, and explained an abstract problem involving a sphere of around a half-meter diameter, and the exact number of smaller objects that could fit inside. Trotsky nodded along, before something clicked in his brain. Trotsky squinted at her. “Hey wait a second, isn’t that about the size of a hotdog? This whole equation relates to the volume of your stomach doesn't it?” he questioned, idly spinning a pen in one hand as he did. “Kind of impressive honestly, but why use that example?” Totty halted, and sunk a little into her seat. “I… I guess I’m hungry is all.” The point was proven when her gut rumbled deeply, a loud rumbling noise that left both of them glancing at Totty’s middle. Trotsky snorted, and giggled slightly. “You certainly are, but that about gives me everything I need to know. We’ll call you back within the week.” Totty nodded, and accepted the offered business card before she rose from her chair and eagerly darted out of the door. As much as she wanted to be polite, she was damned hungry, and the mare had lost control of that hunger a long time ago. It was just her luck then that on her way out she lost her way, and turned into what appeared to be the employee break room. There was, of course, a fridge. More than that, however, there was the remains of what looked to be a birthday cake. Half of it was still there, and it was clearly recent from the looks of it. Totty’s mouth watered, and the bare level of self control she had broke entirely within moments. She sped to the table with a haste unexpected for a mare of her size, and immediately started fisting the cake into her face. Handful after handful, cramming it into herself as fast as she could. She barely gave herself time to swallow before she crammed more cake into her maw, and her throat undulated like a machine as it pulled down sugary cake into her demanding stomach. The sliver of skin visible where Totty's blouse and skirt met slowly expanded, and the orange fur of her belly bloated forward as the mares capacity proved to her detriment. She couldn’t stop, and she was well aware of this as she tried repeatedly to pull away, only for a pang of hunger to send her right back at it. It was only when the cake was gone, an entire half of a birthday cake, that Totty finally stopped. She huffed and puffed with her icing coated hands on the table and her stomach bulging out a good half-foot from where it was before. Finally she returned to realize, and started to realize what exactly she had been doing for the last five minutes. The immediate feeling that washed over her was regret. Ten pounds of cake was a lot, even for her, and the sheer amount of sugar gave even her capable gut pause. Blearily, not even aware of how much icing was covering her face and dress, Totty groaned and stepped towards the door. Thankfully the exit was easier to find this time, but before she could get there Trotsky stepped out of his office, and looked at her like a deer caught in headlights. With each slow and wheezing step Totty's swollen gut slorshed slightly, the muffled sound of the ball of sugar inside her moving around inside sounding out of her. With her gut in overdrive, her capacious stomach cavity had become saturated with acids to break down all that sugar, and each step shifted it all around audibly. “Holy shit,” he breathed, surprised enough to lose his calm demeanor. “Totty?" Celestia above, are you alright- do you need a doctor?" Trotsky’s question came with him staring at Totty, and the bleary eyed mare just wobbled past him. “I’m… fine, just…” she hiccupped, and belched loudly into the lobby. “Kinda full…” The stallion just nodded, and watched Totty go. There wasn’t much he could think of to say, although that Pegasus from earlier, watching from behind the lobby desk, certainly did. “Celestia above- what the hell did you even do to yourself?” she commented, as she watched Totty wobble to the door. “Really can’t help yourself can you? Honey you need a diet and some self control. You look like a sugar-coated pig and I don’t mean that in a good way.” Totty halted her huffing waddle towards the door and turned herself. The movement took time and effort, thanks to the dozen pounds of cake weighing her down, and the glare she laid upon the Pegasus deflated within moments to a shameful and meek expression. Totty looked down at her sugar-coated front end, and then back to her ‘audience’. The gentle gurgling of her enourmous gut filled the silence, and said more than anybody else could. Mares weren't supposed to eat themselves audibly full, and Totty was well aware of how far she'd gone past what was normal. “Honey don’t look at me like that- it’s your own damn fault. No wonder you got so big, you’re out of control” the Pegasus sneered, and leaned forward from her position. Totty didn’t stay to listen to whatever else she had to offer, and made a surprisingly fast sprint to the car. Despite the ball of cake inside her weighing her down, and despite her swollen gut shifting back and forth with each step, she somehow forced herself to move with a pace unbecoming of someone of her size. Her chest burned by the time she reached the door and pulled it open, and Totty saw stars in her eyes just before she slapped her ass into the drivers seat. Once her fat ass was in the seat she quickly closed the door and, safe and secure for the first time in far too long, her emotions bubbled to the surface. Waves of shame overcame her and for a time she sat there in silence, only her own sobs of shamed self-disgust filling the air. The sound of overwhelmed digestion mixed with the sounds of gentle sobbing, an odd cacophony of organic noises. The only thing that kept Totty from sitting there for the whole night was how sore her gut was, and she knew the best antidote for that was to sleep it off at home. Eventually she worked up the nerve to get the car in gear, and set off towards home as night fell over Las Pegasus The direct route was fairly quick, and Emmy’s borrowed car pulled up to the house less than fifteen minutes later. Totty moved to open the door, but when her sugar-coated fingers came to the handle she realized how much she was broadcasting her adventure tonight. She couldn’t let Emmy know, she’d be disappointed. The mare glanced around for a solution, and her eyes laid upon the items in the back seat. Emmy kept up plenty of side jobs, exotic dancing appeared to be her favourite but from the looks of things she’d also picked up work at a casino or two. A single item of spare clothing laid in the back, probably tossed back there by Emmy and forgotten about- but if she kept spares on the road… Totty left the car and decided to check the trunk. To her delight, as she had thought, there were a few items. First she brushed most of the sugar and icing off herself, which still left too much to risk going in without something covering her. With that accomplished Totty selected a jacket and threw it over herself. It was a flirty number, and didn't fit her at all well, but it'd do. Stylistically it clashed, but Totty figured it was better than walking in looking like she had fallen into a wedding cake. Which, Totty mused internally, wasn’t far from the actual truth. With her limited view of her own heavy body, thanks to her extra-large breasts, Totty was woefully unaware that at least three inches of her swollen orange belly pushed out under her blouse. The jacket did absolutely nothing to hide that, as it bloated out under that as well. Neither did it hide the gentle muffled glorshing that ten pounds of cake being broken down by a gallon of stomach juices made as she moved. Regardless of all this, it covered up the sugar stains, and that is how Totty came home. Emmy was in high spirits as soon as Totty had entered the door, and met her with a great big powerful hug. “Totty! There’s my future teacher of the year! I bet they hired you on the spot,” she greeted, and her gleeful voice soothed Totty’s worries in a way only she could. It was like, in that embrace, Totty’s obesity didn’t exist. Or even if it did, that it didn’t matter. As if every worry and every shame dissolved, and Totty wrapped her arms around her friend, holding her against her tightly. Tighter than normal, something Emmy picked up on quickly. She leaned back and looked over Totty, and soon realized that she was wearing her jacket. The one she used for the specific purpose of teasing when she was dancing, wearing nothing under it and able to flash her tits with. That jacket. Emmy blushed and coughed, “Totty… where’d you get that and why are you wearing it?” she questioned, and gently pushed the mare back with her strong arms. “Is something wrong and… have you been crying?” Emmy quickly added. Totty couldn’t hide much from her, as much as she could try. Totty wasn’t good at lying either, but certainly tried her best. “I-I just got heckled on the way home. You know I can’t handle it when people make fun of me…” Emmy still got the sense Totty wasn’t revealing the full truth, but let it go for now. Besides, she had the perfect way to cheer her friend up, and gently squeezed her hand within her strong scaled fingers. “Take me along next time and I’ll put the fear of Luna into em. I love threatening to eat people… sometimes they even believe me,” Emmy spoke, and before Totty knew it she was being led by the hand into the kitchen. While the feeling of her engorged gut was apparent to her- like having a balloon inflated in her middle- Emmy remained unaware. The sounds of her own footsteps were enough to cover up Totty's water-cooler sized stomach cavity, just barely, as well. So it was that Totty was led into the kitchen, and gawked from the door while Emmy continued in towards the table. In a masterstroke of ironic fate, Emmy had apparently been well at work baking a cake. On the table stood an extra large cake shaped like a small schoolhouse, with a comedically shapely orange mare out front. Exaggerated as it may be, looking at herself as a busty schoolteacher instead of a fat unemployed mare left a blush on her smiling face. “Emmy… you didn’t have to make this for me- a-and is that… Emmy is that me? My tits aren’t that big…” Totty commented. Totty knew she was full- even to the point she felt full- but to look upon that masterpiece she almost didn’t feel full at all. Two opposing forces battled inside her,and her stomach itself was the battleground. On the one hand, she was already full of enough sugar to almost be dangerous. On the other, she was staring at the most beautiful work of food-art she’d ever seen, presented to her by her best friend, and it was so enticing. What broke the deadlock was a sore rumble from her gut, a lurching gurgle that gently sounded through the kitchen, and which Emmy picked up on. “I knew you’d be hungry, so I figured… why not give you a treat? Fifteen pounds of cake mix and seven pounds of frosting, Honey, l I don’t think even you can get this down in one sitting.” Totty swallowed and approached, her slow steps perhaps evidence she shouldn’t do what she knew she was about to do. Emmy watched, smiling as she delivered to her friend the result of three hours of hard work. The fattened orange mare sat herself down, and Emmy quickly removed and hid her coat before the fireworks started. Soon enough Totty got going, and new ones masked the sugar stains on her outfit. One would not think that a mare as full as Totty already was could eat as fast as she did, but she proved that she was a unique force to be reckoned with when she started stuffing handfuls of cake into herself. First went the small figure of herself, admired for a few moments before cramming it into her maw, and then she went to work on the schoolhouse. While it wasn’t normally something she’d think about, Totty briefly fantasized if she was some sort of enormous creature, maybe a dragon, eating a literal schoolhouse. Thinking about that she wondered if ancient dragons even got fat. Emmy did, but she was half pony. Maybe they were able to eat whatever they wanted and never worry. Stuffing themselves with whole cows… And so the mares mind wandered, fantasizing about this and that, and her mind and body separated. Mouthful after mouthful of cake distended her throat with every heavy swallow, and her stomach slowly inched outwards as it stretched the thick fat coating of her middle. Totty’s rack was pushed up by her bodies bloating, and the non-stop stream of sugar on her tongue left her in a blissful state. It was only when she swallowed and nothing went down, for the first time, did Totty realize her arms had given out. Puffing loudly and finding herself oddly short of breath she finally realized just how bloated she was. Her fat gut was actually flowing over the table somewhat, as well as under it, and squeezing her lungs slightly as well. Yet there was still more cake, and the immobilized mare reached out for it. Her reach, however, was limited by her own body. So Totty's glance turned to Emmy, and she looked at her pleadingly. Emmy in turn tilted a brow, “I dunno Totty, I didn’t think even you could get this all down in one sitting- are you sure you shouldn’t just take a break?” she questioned, concerned for her over-filled friend. Inwardly she wondered just how she could eat that much and still want more. Totty was even a little green in the face, and her gut clearly sounded sick. Totty glanced between her, and the cake, and her mind wandered to earlier. When she was eating, she wasn’t thinking. If she wasn’t thinking, she couldn’t feel ashamed of herself. Ergo, she had to keep eating. So Totty took a deep breath, “Mfff, I can do it- I just can’t reach…” It became Emmy’s turn to blush, as she couldn’t help but feel a sense of subtle eroticism. Totty was so vastly overfull that her gut was reddened and making some interesting organic bubbling noises, and yet she was still desperate for more. The mare was so vulnerable there, with her fat gut on display, and yet she pleaded to her friend for even more. It was all in Emmy's hands, and watching Totty bloat had been an enjoyable experience. It didn’t take long for Emmy to relent, and she stepped over to her friend. One hand moved to her enormous gut and began to rub, and the other started to feed her. Totty squirmed in place, moaning almost sexually as she was fed, and once again her mind left to that safe space. Like a food powered void of good feelings, Totty allowed herself to passively consume everything Emmy pushed into her mouth. Even when her gut started to make increasingly strained groans and the bubbling of digestion was replaced by the sore gurgles of a food-saturated digestive system. Even when the red colour of Totty’s strained belly covered it entirely, and even when the gurgles themselves quieted as her gut could do little more than stretch around this massive load of calories. When the schoolhouse was gone, and the plate it was on was left barren of even the smallest crumb, Emmy put both her hands to Totty’s gut and massaged it. She kneaded and groped at the soft fat stretched around Totty’s bloated gut, and to her delight Emmy could actually feel the incredibly bloated organ underneath. The dragony lost herself to the exploration of Totty’s enormous belly, and didn’t even realize that Totty had passed out until a full hour had passed since her arrival home. Emmy blushed profusely once she realized how much she had lost herself, and stepped away so she could put her strength to use. She hauled Totty out of her chair like a fireman might due to a particularly heavy mare, and grunted from the sheer weight of her. The mare was heavy usually, but at this point her body was 20% cake and that added a significant increase of weight. Getting her up the stairs to her room took every ounce of strength Emmy had, and the bed groaned under the mares massive weight. With the covers soon pulled over Totty Emmy briefly considered how cute she looked like that. She also felt a slight sense of shame that she had let Totty go that far. The sounds of pained digestion were obvious and rumbled out of her constantly, Totty was going to be heavier tomorrow, that was for sure. Emmy simply decided she’d have to work harder to help, there was being happy with yourself- and then there was gorging on forty pounds of cake in one sitting. Totty needed to find a balance, and Emmy would see her friend through it. In fact, she knew of a good casino job that would help with matters. Getting out in public would be good for her self image, after all... > The Fall of Max Weight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totty awoke as she usually did; with a slight feeling of regret and a few new pounds of heavy adipose weighing her frame down. She’d always been a heavy girl, but recently things were starting to get to the point where it was interfering with her life. The most overt example was the difficulty she was starting to have simply getting out of bed. In college, it had required some grunting, a few moments of wiggling back and forth, and reaching out as if Totty was trying to grab at the air. Now however not even that worked. She had to roll to her side, slip her feet off the bed, and then shift herself until her belly slid off the side. Only then, using that as a pivot point, could she get herself standing. Her feet went out, then went her belly, and then once that flopped out the rest of her body followed. Outwards and upwards, and soon the nude mare stood there while the blanket slipped to her feet. Only a few weeks ago she had slept in a small pink top and sweat pants to keep herself decent, but with her weight gain those had been relegated to the closet, and hadn't been worn in weeks. Totty yawned, and the tire around her neck squished outwards slightly as she did so. Every subtle action she made reinforced her obesity, and even yawning seemed to showcase it. Especially given she rounded out that deep yawn with a rumbling belch that smelled faintly of cake. The reminder of her embarrassing last night came just as her phone began to ring and vibrate, and Totty turned to look to it. At first her hand shot out but then she paused, remembering specifically what had happened. The hand drew back, and after four rings the phone went silent. Totty convinced herself that they couldn’t possibly have anything good to say, and deleted the number before going to shower. Once in the shower Totty noted a new development that came from her size. Her chest had swollen considerably with fat, but this had also driven her body to dispose of calories through production. That is the mare had grown milkier, almost to pregnant levels at this point, and she noticed a slight leak from herself as well as a firmness to her bust. Leery of leaking in public, Totty experimentally put her fingers to her nipples to release the pressure. With a gasping moan Totty almost gushed milk, and spent quite some time in the shower that morning. A ritual that she repeated every day from then on, and she almost felt a subtle feminine pride at how well her girls produced. The next week passed without anything in the way of major events. Totty continued to make a show of applying for jobs, but her days were mostly spent with her milling around town and exploring it from the comfort of Emmy’s borrowed car. Her weight continued it’s inexorable march upwards, and Emmy’s concern grew. Totty, after all, had always been a heavy girl. This wasn’t much of a secret, and Emmy had always known her as hovering between overweight and morbidly obese- generally right in the middle. Now, however, she was approaching the far end of that scale. Movement was clearly becoming harder for her, she developed more of a wheeze, and her health seemed to be taking a slide. Movement became more difficult, and with this came increased levels of laziness. Totty's feet got sore with too much walking, and her knees ached awfully by the end of a long day. Carrying as much adipose as she did put substantial stress on her, and the oversized gut she was carrying around combined with her poor diet resulted in nearly constant heartburn. Quite a few bottles of antacid went through the house. The breaking point came when Emmy stepped out of the house after Totty had returned home after another day of ‘job hunting’ only to find the mare stuck in the car door. While she had gotten in easy enough earlier, Celestia only knew how much fast food inside her now had made getting out impossible. The sounds her body was making; deep slurshing noises from her swollen fat-coated gut sloshing around, were almost disturbing. The whimpering wheezes from the poor mare slapping her fat arms to her obese body and trying in vain to somehow squeeze herself out just made it seem even worse. Totty was only able to get back on her feet when Emmy came to her, putting her strength to use and hauling her out. Left huffing and puffing, Totty tried to shrink into herself while Emmy looked down at her. “We need to talk,” is all the dragon said, and led Totty inside by the hand. With force, but not any rough movements, Emmy soon had Totty sitting in the living room couch. Behind her a few people glanced at her car as they walked past, curious as to why such an expensive vehicle was left open. Emmy paid no mind to it, more worried about her friend than her vehicle. Totty sat there, and had her hands in her lap. The heavy mare that had entered that interview a week ago was easily a quarter larger- half again if you counted her gut. The tire around her neck billowed out past her chin slightly, and her breasts poured over her bra. Even wearing a large regular shirt like she was now, Totty showed more cleavage than most women could if they wanted to. Emmy put a hand to her hip, and started to speak. “Totty, honey, I know you’ve always been a big girl- but this is starting to get out of hand. Look at you, how much did you even eat this afternoon?” Totty opened her mouth, and squirmed in her seat as a painful cramp seized her. Her response became a rumbling belch, and her neck swelled slightly before she swallowed it back down in an attempt to seem less pathetic. “I-I don’t know…” she returned, and glanced to the sides awkwardly. “A lot, I guess…” Emmy sighed, “Totty, you need to slow down. You must have put on like… fifteen pounds since you got here,” she spoke, obviously understating the matter, “and if you keep this up you’re going to be stuck in bed. I love ya Totty, but I’m not going to be host to a bed-bound blob.” The words, even truthful and delivered by Totty’s closest friend, had a certain sting to them. The image of herself as so obese she couldn’t even get out of bed filled her mind, and one part of her found it somehow erotic. To be that large, so massive that all she could do was eat, and grow. Perhaps she’d be the fattest mare alive. The rest of her, of course, was split between terror and shame. Totty had paid attention to her weight. Emmy was aiming low, she had actually gained fifty-five pounds since her arrival and had crossed the bounds of 300 pounds for only the second time of her life. The first time had happened over the winter and took four months- this had happened in two weeks. So the mare was well aware of how bad things were going, and looked to Emmy with a slight tear in her eyes. “I just can’t help myself…” Emmy sighed, and spun herself around so she could sit beside and hug Totty, “I know you can’t, but you’re going to have to learn how. I’m gonna start making more salads too, we’ve got to get this…” Emmy reached out and slapped Totty’s gut, “Under control.” The swollen brown orb continued sloshing and wobbling for almost a full minute after Emmy slapped it, bubbling and gurgling while Totty repeatedly released deep rumbling belches. It was almost as if an ocean tempest had been disturbed, and it was some time before it calmed back down. Emmy held her friend for a few minutes, and felt her pass out into yet another in a series of food comas. With a sigh she shuffled herself off and let Totty sleep it off, and parked her car properly before heading back inside. The rest of the day passed in awkward silence between the two, and Totty did her best to limit her intake at dinner. However, despite her best efforts, she simply ended up sneaking out for more afterwards. The days continued like this for the most part, and while Totty’s weight gain slowed temporarily, it didn’t halt. Pound after pound stacked across her frame as Totty indulged herself in shameful secret meals. Emmy’s best efforts to limit her turned out in vain; as Totty would simply eat a salad if presented with one, and then eat a pound of hidden chocolate a few minutes later too. The long upwards climb of her weight continued, and the third week of her stay at Emmy’s house ended without any interviews. That Friday evening, at the dinner table, Emmy presented her next attempt. Emmy waited carefully for Totty to finish her dinner, which was unusually heavy compared to the last few days, to deliver her proposal. “Totty,” she spoke, and looked across the table at the avalanche of obese cleavage across her, “There’s an opening for a dealer at the casino I work for some weekends, you’re going to start tomorrow morning.” Totty was surprised, and it was obvious in her expression, but surprise had been the key to success. She’d avoided or denied all of Emmy’s other suggestions for side jobs, but this time she wasn’t getting away. “B-But Emmy, I don’t have anything that fits…” she tried, and glanced around as if looking for an escape. “A-and I have to go out looking for jobs, and..” Emmy leaned forward, and for the first time in quite a long time fixed her friend with the terrifying glare of a dragon. Her eyes narrowed, her mouth turned to a toothy scowl, and her voice lowered a few octaves. “I bought you an outfit this morning. You will come with me tomorrow morning, Totty. You’re not getting out of it this time…” she spoke, and her scowl lessened when she sat back and crossed her arms. “Why do you think I fed you so much? You’re going to pass out in…. oh, five minutes? Your uniform will be on the door when you wake up," Emmy returned, and giggled before crossing her arms and grinning widely now that her trap was in the open. Totty moved to argue the point, but Emmy’s judgement proved true enough when she passed out at the chair. The deep groaning of her digestion, left Emmy wondering if this was a good idea. With increased weight had come increased capacity, and if she wasn’t careful Totty was going to get stuck into an even worse spiral, and one it would be hard to break. It took more effort than before for the dragony to haul the nearly quarter-ton of mare up to her room, and each step was a movement of huffing labour. For a brief time she knew what it was like to be Totty. So heavy that it slowed her movements, made stairs next to impossible, and made basic tasks a workout. The food-swollen form of her friend sloshed and groaned before her, and for a few moments Emmy imagined what if that was her belly making those noises. What was it even like to be full of that much food, she pondered. Emmy wasn’t altogether sure why the idea was so enticing, and tried to bury it in the back of her mind before she herself went to bed. When the morning came Totty awoke to the sound of her alarm, and repeated the same awkward motion she needed to get herself out of bed. Her stomach made a gentle liquid sound, muffled by her fat, as that oversized cavity inside her shifted what was inside. Her body adapted to more food by producing more acid, and by this point she had the gut capacity of a small hippo. The mare could almost feel it, like this great internal cave that begged to be filled. That was ignored for now, however, as the gentle morning sun through the window and the outfit on the door got her attention. Totty hadn’t gotten up this early in weeks, and her mind remembered back to last night- she apparently had a job. Totty stepped up to the door, and removed the coathanger. Black pants, an orange blazer, and a white undershirt. Surprisingly they all seemed in her size, but she soon stumbled across an embarrassing truth- these weren’t pony clothes. These were dragon clothes, as marked by the tags, in extra large. The idea that she had gotten so fat she was beyond pony clothing and into clothing meant for a fat dragon was an embarrassing one, but it left her giggling as well as the mental image of her with Emmy’s scales crossed her mind. Maybe, Totty thought, this wouldn’t be so bad after all. At least she got some new clothes out of the deal, and it all fit her. Even the new black bra, and she could almost feel Emmy’s jealousy that she was the only girl in the house that needed an H cup. Even if she couldn't get the two lowest buttons down over her enormous belly, at least she had it going in the chest department as a benefit of her size. Getting ready that morning Totty gave some attention to her usual eyeshadow, and spent more time than usual emptying her capacious mamaries in the shower. She could afford no embarrassments today, not for Emmy's sake. Emmy was in high spirits that morning when Totty entered the kitchen, humming to herself and wearing a rather enticing black dress. It clung to her curves tightly, to the point of making her navel stand out, and highlighted her feminine build. The leggings exposed the luscious curves of her hips to the world, putting her fertile frame on display for all to admire. When Emmy noticed Totty she turned around and smiled, soon sliding a dish of breakfast to her. Toast, seven slices, well buttered. “Goood morning, Dealer Totty, enjoy breakfast and no you don’t get any more- we’re going to be late if we don’t leave in twenty minutes,” Emmy greeted. Totty didn’t need to be told twice, and soon planted her ass into two chairs. “What are you doing today, Emmy?” Emmy looked at Totty with a wide smile, “I make sure the guests with cash to burn… do. Bring them free drinks, shove my tits in their face so they aren’t paying attention, taunt their egos so they make stupid bets. Men are easy, honey, and I get good money to have fun.” Totty looked to her questioningly, but wasn’t given a chance to press further. A hungry growl from her demanding gut exerted its control over her. In a whirlwind of gorging breakfast found it’s way inside her, and the five minutes of paradise were interrupted by Emmy’s hand slapping to Totty’s slightly firmer gut. “That’s enough, it’s time to get going," She spoke, her voice one of command not just a simple suggestion from a friend. Totty nodded, squishing the tire around her neck as she did, and followed her friend out the door. Emmy was well aware of, and somewhat worried by, the fact that this alone left Totty wheezing. She also noticed that as soon as Totty was in the car she had her shoes off and was rubbing her feet. The insinuation was obvious enough she didn’t ask- Totty was getting too heavy for walking to be comfortable. Thankfully the dealers were provided seats on request, and Emmy made a mental note to make the request for Totty herself. On the way Emmy stuffed Totty’s mind with details for how her shift would work, and Totty digested it all easy enough. It all seemed simple enough: do as she was told by her assigned handler for the day, make sure the patrons have a good time, and never pass up a chance to make the house some money. They arrived at the casino a dozen minutes later. Close to one end of the strip it seemed to represent the midpoint between the trashier outlying casinos and the more swanky ones deeper on the strip. Totty figured she was lucky enough, without any experience starting here was quite an opportunity. The mare had started to thank Emmy before a green hand moved to her lap, and gave her a squeeze, “Don’t worry about a thing, honey. You just go in there, head to the front desk, and tell them you’re Emmy’s friend.” Totty took a breath, and nodded before she swung open the door. Emmy was blessed by quite a view of the mares huge rear end when she moved out of the car, and at her size that took quite some time and effort. The way it wobbled and stretched her skirt was mesmerizingly attractive, and Emmy was left flush in the face. As much as Emmy worried about her, she’d be lying if she said Totty didn’t carry all that adipose well. She even felt some amount of jealousy. Try as she might, her metabolism prevented her from shifting her weight in either direction too far. Totty, meanwhile, seemed to only be able to move it upwards. The mare herself walked to the casino at a slow enough pace, and when Totty came inside felt an odd soothing sensation from her feet. The carpet was thick enough that it was more comfortable compared to the concrete outside, and she was reminded of the fact she had gotten heavy enough that was an issue she had to contend with. A wave of shame and worry came over her, but she did her best to put it beside herself. The lobby itself was rather expansive. The casino had a hotel, as they tended to, and the lobby was widely spaced with a thick red carpet. Check in was directly ahead to the left, and casino service to the right. Naturally that’s where Totty headed, and she had the eyes of the clerk before she had even passed the half way mark. The clerk herself was a slender and busty unicorn, and sat up straight once she noticed Totty. “Hey- Totty, right? Emmy said you’d be a big girl… she wasn’t kidding,” the clerk spoke, her voice breathy and feminine even as she greeted Totty casually. “What’s your shoe size?” She soon asked, and leaned over slightly to examine Totty closer. Totty was unprepared for that question, and arrived at the counter with a questioning look on her. “It’s uh…. Eight?” she answered. The clerk leaned down, squishing her breasts into the counter while her hands moved under the counter. Her eyes maintained on Totty all the while, either unaware or uncaring of how much she was showing off the goods. “You’re going to be doing a lot of walking today, Totty, and at your size… it’s a liability thing. We’re not going to pay for you to get a joint replacement due to your weight.” The blunt assessment of Totty’s health left her reeling emotionally, but before she could dwell on it too much two shining red heels clacked up on the desk. They weren’t bad looking, and looked almost new. Perhaps this was because she was the first member of staff to require them. “They’re padded, and reinforced. Should feel good, give them a try.” Totty hesitated, but pulled over the heels and stepped away, flopping herself down into a couch before removing her dress shoes and applying those heels. Her first steps were wobbly, but Totty quickly remembered how to walk in heels and returned to the counter. They did feel a good deal better than he shoes, but the embarrassment of needing special footwear for her weight lingered. The next thing she was presented was a sign in sheet, which the clerk slid towards her alongside a pen. “You’re gonna be with Pewna today, she’s… something special. Just make sure you tell her your boundaries. She’s… flirty, sometimes handsy. One of the best showgirls we’ve ever had though," she explained. Totty pondered on the implications for a moment, but signed herself in regardless and decided to throw the die of fate. If Emmy thought this was a good idea, then it must be. Almost as soon as she had finished writing her name and put the pen down, she felt two hands on her sides groping her love handles. A loud squeak sounded from the mare and she stiffened up, only relaxing when she felt breasts against her back and made the connection in her mind. “H-Hey! Those are sensitive…” Totty breathed, and huffed for breath once the shock wore off. “I know they are…” Pewna whispered into her ear, “Big girls have their own buttons, and I know every bodies,” she added, and released her hands and stepped back from Totty. “And you are quite the big mare, aren’t you? I’m impressed, there’s a casino in town…” Pewna started, trailing off before putting one hand to a curvy hip and grinning at Totty. The midnight-coated mare was ravishingly beautiful. Her curves seemed to be mathematically designed to send a breeding signal to anyone that looked at her, and the way she carried herself oozed sexuality with every movement. If sex was personified, it was standing infront of Totty and wearing a red dress. Totty turned to her and managed her best attempt at a glare, but it wasn’t quite as threatening as she hoped it was as the well-endowed mare simply blew her hair out of her eye and smirked. “Mmm, not one for teasing? Fine then, if you want to be all business, follow me and I’ll set you up at a table,” Pewna spoke, and leaned forward slightly, nose to nose with Totty, “You’re blushing, big girl, I think you like it more than you think.” Totty crossed her arms, and tried to hide that she honestly did, to some degree. The way this mare spoke to her was incredibly seductive, and somehow seemed to bulldoze over her poor self image of her weight. “Just… just get me set up uh, Pewna- right?” Totty pleaded, and glanced around to see if anyone had seen that. Thankfully nobody had, and Pewna soon pivoted to lead Totty into the casino itself. “Fine by me, and Emmy said you’d need a seat- so here.” Pewna tossed back a small Frisbee shaped object, and Totty awkwardly caught it against her chest. Looking over it as they entered into the casino it looked to be some sort of magically attuned butt-shaped cushion, and Totty’s horn tingled slightly when she held it. As a unicorn, Totty quickly felt the magical connection between the two and realized the purpose. Why she hadn’t thought of something like this herself, who knew, but it meant she’d have a portable seat for use whenever she felt like- and that certainly would help with the day. Pewna led Totty up to the tables, most of which were empty at this early in the morning, and stepped behind one herself. “Sit, play me. I want to see how good you are,” she directed, and Totty took a single glance at the seats before deciding to use her little floating cushion instead. “Fine… and did Emmy put you up to all this? What did she tell you about me…” Totty questioned, and her hone shone before she flopped down into her hovering seat. The glow in her horn intensified for a few moments, and it seemed Totty was almost destined to sit on the floor before her seat stabilized, and Pewna started flipping out cards. “She told me you’re big, have some self-esteem issues, and can’t find a job.” Totty glowered, such a blunt assessment of her life wasn’t quite welcome, but Pewna wasn’t lying either. Pewna shrugged, “Emmy wasn’t as blunt about it, but that’s the truth. I think you just need to stop acting like you’ve got something to prove.” “Something to prove?” Totty questioned, even as she glanced at her cards and memorized the possibilities. “Yeah, like you’ve got to prove you’re ‘good enough’. Like, you’re heavy and you have to somehow prove you’re worth something despite that. Totty, you’re worth something heavy or not- just like everyone else,” Pewna returned. The well-meaning words went over Totty’s head, as she was soon too focused on her cards. The first hand ended with Totty somehow bluffing with only 16, winning over Pewna breaking at 22. Pewna, surprised, tried to up her game but found it incredibly difficult. Totty’s poker face was astonishingly skilled, as if she somehow retreated right into her mind. After losing five hands in a row to Totty, even after Pewna tried to cheat, she tossed the deck on the table and sighed deep and long. “Damn, Totty, Emmy was right about you. I’m not the best at cards but I’m not bad, and you outplayed me like a pro.” Totty beamed back, the successive victories had proved a boost to her ego. Alongside this patrons had begun to file into the casino, and Pewna moved out from behind the table. “You’re all set then, I’d say. If you need anything I’ll be around, Emmy’s upstairs entertaining VIPs, and there’s plenty of servers around. Washroom is behind customer service, and if you see anyone cheating just remember their face and tell security later- calling them out doesn’t tend to end well for anybody.” Pewna slapped a hand to Totty’s butt, leaving the mare squeeking loudly and blushing again, “And the buffet is free for staff, just try not to clear it out, big girl.” The big girl was left flush in the face and squirming in her seat. Pewna had a way of sexualizing everything, and Totty was left feeling the effects of that even as she had to begin work. At least she had that to focus on, and she watched as the other tables filled up and patrons poured in. Saturday was always a popular day around here, as one might expect for a casino. The first man to arrive at her table had a drink in hand, and that seemed to be a pattern as the next two did as well. Alcohol seemed to somehow appear in the hands of anyone that looked like they had money to spend, all thanks to the work of the skilled staff. The policy of this casino was simple- patrons were expected to be “well watered”. Eager enough to get started once Totty had a patron, she quickly shuffled the cards between her fattened hands. Her dexterity was surprising, and the stallion across from her took note of it. “Pretty quick with those sausage fingers,” he commented, and tanked the rest of his drink before setting it down and rolling up his sleeves. Like magic, the drink was refilled almost immediately by a passing waitress. Totty took it as a compliment, used to seeing her fingers as sausages enough it wasn’t really an insult, and dealt the cards. Her skill at this was quickly apparent as she was given the stallions life story, and bilked him out of enough bits to cover her days pay over the next ten minutes. It felt good to be good at something, and Totty’s confidence gained slowly over time. Unaware of her own size she leaned over the table to present her hand, letting her breasts splay out and against the table. The stallion stared, his gaze loosened by booze, and gazed upon a canyon of cleavage that would put a showgirl to shame. He didn’t even really care that Totty had beat him, again, and let her reach out to take his chips. They were added to Totty’s growing horde of chips. The alcohol soaked stallion didn’t even complain when he went bust, and stumbled away from the table with Celestia knew which drink of the day, mumbling about something she couldn’t determine. Moments later Totty felt a hand on her shoulder, and shifted her weighty body to look upon the smiling face of a beautiful pegasus. Her crimson mane flowed from her in a way that almost seemed too perfect to be natural, and her lithe body could easily fit inside Totty nearly six times over. Her smile was charming and inviting, and she soon started collecting Totty’s winnings into a small metal tin. “Totty, right? I’m impressed… usually I don’t have to come around and collect chips for another half hour.” She spoke. The mares voice was as feminine and beautiful as the rest of her seemed, and almost seemed to soothe Totty’s soul. Motherly is how she should have described it, and she responded to that compliment with an awkward giggle, and looked to her nametag. Morning Lance, server. “I’m just… good at keeping track of cards, I guess…” Totty returned. The mare giggled in return and gave Totty’s back a pat, “Yeah, and you’re pretty good at distracting stallions, some girls would kill for cleavage like you’ve got.” That comment left Totty blushing like a tomato, and it was in that moment that her stomach decided to growl. Gentle and low, signalling she wasn’t quite at the crisis point yet, but it was coming. “Guess you’ve gotta have an appetite to keep up a figure like that huh? I’ll let you get back to work- take a break whenever you want. With winnings like these you’re already ahead of the game,” Morning spoke, and pivoted elegantly on her heel to speed herself away to the cashier. Totty turned back to her work, and was soon met with a trio of players. One mare, two stallions, and as before they were all seemingly trying to drown themselves in booze- or the casino was. This proved harder for Totty, but she managed a solid ratio of a three to one winning ratio. Certainly not bad, and her pile of chips grew in size as the minutes went by. To Totty’s minor surprise the mare spoke up first, an annoyed look on her face as she accepted her most recent loss. “Damnit, I never thought I’d get beaten by a dairy cow- what size cups are those anyway? Zed? Goddamn woman, cut back on the bovine growth hormone. I'm sure that's not good for your heart, tubby." The insults were over the top enough that Totty, riding a wave of confidence, pulled her chips over and shrugged, “I’d rather be a cow than a loser,” she returned, and surprised herself with how quickly she had delivered that quip. While it went over well enough and the mare just rolled her eyes and quit the table, leaving the two stallions laughing; Totty was left with a blush on her face and seemed to shrink into herself. Was she really that bad that she was starting to accept how fat she was? This question floated into her mind, but was soon pushed back by work. With her focus on work, Totty managed a full hour before she realized she’d been going on stop, and a much deeper growl emanated from her fat-bloated middle. Muffled by fat as it was, it was still loud enough that her current players noticed, and caused her to lose her first hand that round. One of them noticed, and slapped the man beside him on the back, “Hey, check this out. She plays worse when she gets hungry,” he spoke, and looked right at Totty as he continued. “I bet your fat-ass would love to be parked at the buffet, jamming some juicy steak into your face, right? Maybe a few donuts…” Totty’s gut growled and she squirmed in her seat, desperate to somehow get her mind off that but obviously her current company wasn’t helping. “I bet a fat slob like you could do a whole cake. Would you like that, Totty, a whole damn cake just for you?” Totty broke easily, and just threw down the deck of cards, “Fine! You win, uh… this table is closed,” she spoke, and saved them both from a pair of bad bets. With a huff she crossed her arms under her breasts and tried to look as intimidating as a 300 pound mare who hadn’t exercised more than walking to the fridge could, and waited for those two to leave the table before collecting her chips and releasing her magical control of her seat. It fell to the floor with a thump, and she just left it there for now. The objective was food, and Totty was eager to get through anything in her way as quick as possible. Plenty of patrons turned to gape at the morbidly obese mare wobbling, huffing and puffing as she went, and her adipose coated body jiggled under her outfit. By the time she made it to the cashier her fat had pushed apart the shirt and skirt, leaving a puffed out muffin top visible for all to see. Her navel poked out under her shirt as well, and her breasts had wobbled in her bra enough that they threatened to cause a slip if she wasn’t careful. The third button of her shirt seemed ready to burst off, and no doubt the rest would follow. Totty, clearly, didn’t care. Another deep rumbling came from her gut and she barely waited for the cashier to take her chips before departing towards the buffet. Towards food. Towards relief. On the way to the buffet Totty passed through the main stage, and paused to look at the showgirls. One, a yellow coated pegasus with a heavy-set body that looked around a hundred pounds thinner then Totty, was dressed in a curve-hugging red dress and dancing on stage. The other, Pewna, was laying upon a piano and showcasing her pipes as she sang. The two made a potent and quite pleasing combination, and Totty flushed profusely when she noticed- as everyone else did- that Pewna wasn’t wearing a bra or underwear. That probably explained why the room was so full. The incessant rumbling of her gut interrupted her enjoyment, and despite her frustration at missing the show Totty’s demanding hunger pains forced her to get food. When the finally came into the buffet she couldn’t control herself, and immediately rolled up her sleeves and wobbled up to the food. Still huffing and puffing, and with a burning sensation filling her chest, Totty barely gave herself time to breathe before she started cramming food into her face. The mare wasn’t even sure what she was eating. It appeared to be some sort of meat-filled burrito sort of thing, but it could very well have been pure lard and she would have eaten it anyway. Totty barely even chewed, too busy trying to get some relief from the burning need and demand of her enormous gut, and pushed the things into herself a pair at a time. It was two full minutes of this, with her ass stuck out behind Totty like she was presenting it, before the demanding hunger inside her subsided enough for her senses to return. She belched, and stood up straight. Before her was a metal bin that had previously been full- and was now empty. Celestia knew how much she’d just eaten, but she wasn’t full yet. To Totty’s surprise she still heard the sounds of eating once she had paused, and she turned her head to see at the other end of the buffet the single fattest mare she had ever seen. The bat pony she saw must have been pushing at least five hundred pounds, and was filling herself with food in a pathetic display of hedonism and greed. In that image, that hoggish mare stuffing herself with no regard for social norms or decency, Totty saw herself. Perhaps not know, but where she was heading, and her mind thought back to her joke earlier. A cow. Was she going to accept that from herself, and become that? These questions filled her mind, but so did that unyielding hunger from her stomach. The two clashed inside her, and Totty could only hold herself back for a moment before she snapped. Almost angrily she took a metal tray, and started loading it with food. Totty chose the fattest and greasiest, ignoring anything healthy, and regarded it as almost a way to spite her own hunger. Oh her gut wanted food, did it? Well it was going to get food. That tray grew, and grew, and when Totty pulled away it was stacked with enough greasy food she could barely carry it, and had to awkwardly stumble with it in her arms towards a table. When she slapped it down at a table she dug in immediately, not even waiting for her ass to meet the chair to start stuffing herself. Each handful of food partially filled the hole inside her, but it was a sizeable hole and her pace just increased as she went at it. Barely allowing herself to even chew Totty gave herself into the moment, retreating to her mental happy place and cooing with delight as she sucked down thousands of calories. Despite the disgusted looks of other patrons, or the fact that if she was paying attention she was eating more than that batpony, she kept at it. Grease stains grew on his outfit, and her gut bloated out between her skirt and shirt. Yet even as she was aware of how much of a disgusting public spectacle she was putting on, she didn’t stop- she couldn’t stop. Only when she was eating could she soothe her hunger and forget about it, and only in those moments could she ignore it. At her breakneck pace this only lasted ten minutes, however, and a deep rumbling belch woke her from her food-addled stupor. Before her was her brown belly, flowing onto the table like an organic blob, and an empty grease-coated metal tray. Her stomach had long since started complaining, although she hadn’t noticed in her gorge. By this point it was making deep bubbling noises of frustrated digestion. Totty didn’t eat that well normally, but she had just consumed close to thirty pounds of almost pure grease. It hurt. Yet even as it did, Totty still felt room. Lost to her gluttony as she was at this point, no amount of room was something she could allow, and she lifted herself from the table. Guests of the casino stepped aside and gaped openly, muttering amongst themselves about how someone could let themselves go that far, and Totty bore this no mind as she waddled to the dessert table. As soon as she arrived there and halted, the swaying momentum of her enormous gut burst open the third lowest button burst off her uniform, followed by a burst-fire release of the other buttons on her blazer. Only her shirt kept her barely presentable now, and the white fabric betrayed her gorging by showcasing plenty of stains. With a single-minded determination Totty stood herself there, squishing some of the deserts with her oversized gut before reaching out and ramming them down her throat. The cries of her abused digestive system went unheeded, and her self-destructive hunger drove her forward. Brownie after brownie disappeared into the wheezing mare, and only when she finally felt that critical point, that absolute physical limit of food, did she finally halt. Only then did her senses totally return, and it seemed like she had just awoken to a nightmare. Standing there and wheezing for breathe, Totty could feel the painful distension of her overfilled gut, the sore squelching of indigestion running through it, and the slowly building nausea from such a gorge. Belches escaped her constantly, leaving her even more out of breathe than usual, and she could even hear herself. Looking over herself she quickly realized how covered in grease and chocolate she was, and glanced around to see that nearly a dozen people had formed a small semi-circle around her. They regarded her as one might a zoo animal, or in this case- a pig. The bat pony had noticed her as well, smirking as she looked languidly from a table. Beside her a tall stallion kneaded her overfilled gut. "You out ate... me, I'm impressed," she spoke, before hiccuping and passing out in place, covered in equal parts food and sweat The only thing that stopped Totty from breaking down was the fact she still had a job to do. Emmy had gotten her this opportunity, and for her friends sake she had to see it through. The mare gathered what strength and confidence she could, and despite the growing soreness in her knees staggered past the onlookers. The walk back to her table was long and arduous, and forced Totty to contend with the increasingly obvious problems of her obesity. Her knees grew in soreness, her chest burned, and the massive food-filled balloon of her stomach filled her insides to the point it limited how deeply she could breathe. She was just about to give up, her legs trembling and her breath coming in gasping wheezes, before she finally arrived at her table and slapped her hands down on it. Ignoring the ominous creaking of the table, she finally collected her breath. It took a minute or two, but once Totty had collected herself she shuffled to the back of the table and took her little chair, her horn soon glowing to lift it off the ground. With a glunking slosh she sat herself down, and her horn glowed far brighter than before to keep her stable in the air. Within moments Totty realized that her gorge had left her with a logistical problem. The bloated sack of food in her lap, that gurgling cauldron of calories- was too large for her reach. She couldn’t get her hands to the table to do her job with it in the way, and had to squish herself in, allowing it to pour onto the table. At least it didn’t hurt as much as one might think. It was early afternoon by this point and Totty had patrons almost as soon as she was seated. They seemed to gravitate to her now, probably because she was rather eye-catching in the room. While the other dealers were beautiful, handsome, or generally good looking; Totty was a massive overweight grease-coated slob. Soon enough she had four ponies, two stallions and two mares, who seemed to see this all as a joke as they started playing. Totty, due to her size, was forced to use her own fat and filled belly for her chips. Upwards they went with every breath, downwards with every exhale, and sometimes shuddering with the intense vibrations of digestion. “So,” a stallion, to her forward left, started. “Who’d you eat, Totty? Goddamn I haven’t seen a mare as fat as you outside of the Golden Eclipse- you get lost on the way, sweet cheeks?” He taunted. Totty tried to keep her gaze centred on her cards, but between the growing soreness of her overwhelmed gut and intermittent belching it was rather difficult. Despite that, she managed to win, and in a rare usage of her magic stacked her winnings up with the use of her horn. “Hey,” the stallion spoke up, seemingly frustrated at his loss. “Cat got your tongue?” Totty squinted back at him past her gut, and tried her best attempt at intimidation. It would have perhaps worked better if she didn’t belch immediately on opening her mouth, and her insinuation that she’d “eat you next,” was met with laughter. “I don’t know about that, pig. You’re not looking so good- ate too much?” He taunted again, and flicked a chip towards Totty’s gut. That small impact was enough to cause a wave of bubbling rumbles to fill her, and Totty’s face briefly turned green tinted. Her throat bulged and, try as she might, she wasn’t able to stop herself from release a deep guttural belch that turned the tide at the table. Instead of being curious and playfully taunting her, the ponies across from her turned absolutely disgusted and swept up their chips. They left soon after, and Totty found herself, for the first time that day, alone. While she had made easily double what would be expected by a dealer like her by that point she felt increasingly shamed as her table sat empty, and as time went by and the food settled she started to watch the room. One of the dealers that she saw was having some trouble. They seemed competent enough, but were clearly either unpractised or simply poor at making judgment calls as far as Blackjack went. Seeing a way to make herself useful, Totty sucked herself in as best she could and slipped out of her seat. Totty almost felt pulled over by her gut, and with a resigned sigh floated her seat in front of her, sliding it under her belly and allowing it to carry the overburdened orb of her rumbling gut. It took a full minute for Totty to cross the distance between the two tables, and by the time she had arrived at the other one she already had the attention of those at the table and the dealer. They looked to her, in an awkward silence, and Totty gave a meek wave towards the dealer. “Do you… do you uh, mind if I try a hand or two?” She asked, as a crimson blush fell upon her face. There was nothing abnormal about this, situation, but she made it abnormal by hauling along her fat. The dealer shrugged, and slapped down the cards on the table. “I’ve been having shit luck all day, Totty. By all means, be my guest,” he spoke, and slipped out of his seat before stepping aside. This left Totty regretting her decision, as she realized that not only had she forgotten her floating seat; she had to sit herself down on a normal one. Still, she had offered to help and she couldn’t back out now. The mare approached the table uneasily, and felt a sudden pain in her knee as she came close. Stumbling forward in a sudden movement her gut slapped into the table, and she awkwardly put her hands to it and came around to her side. The chair, she decided, would be left alone to the side- she was only here for a few hands anyway. Once again her gut proved an obstacle to her reach, and without thinking of the consequences she reached under it and picked it up, slapping that hundred-pound mass onto the table itself. The weight taken off of her legs was welcome enough and she sighed almost sexually in relief, but was soon forced to contend with the disgusted looks of four ponies. Totty swallowed, and giggled awkwardly. “W-well don’t _stare_ it’s not polite…” she spoke, to the response of rolled eyes. “Yeah well it’s impolite to put a naked pig on the table too, just deal the damn cards." Totty sighed, and did as asked. Her navel watched over it all while she went about things, and managed well enough despite the stares. By now she was kinda getting used to it, and she would probably be happy enough to continue on had she not gotten a poke on the shoulder and turned her head to see that same server from earlier. Morning still had that same smile, and offered Totty a drink. “Don’t worry, it’s just sparkling water. You uh… look like you might’ve had too much to eat, so I hope it helps.” Totty took it eagerly, “Is it that obvious?” She asked, and looked between the mare and her own brown avalanche of fat on the table. “Honestly? You look ready to burst, but I don’t judge. That’s uh… not why I’m here though,” she spoke, and gestured behind Totty. Totty turned to look, and felt herself held in place by her belly anchor. With a firm yank she pulled it off the table and gasped as it fell off, pulling her down with the force of a hundred pounds of sloshing weight. She barely kept herself from falling over, and saw from her bent over position that Morning was gesturing to a roulette table. “Totty… do you need like, a cart for that or something?” Morning asked, her voice worried. Despite that she didn’t quite help Totty, it was understandable enough she wouldn’t want to touch that fattened expanse of brown flesh. Totty huffed and levered herself upright, “D.. Don’t worry I got one.” she spoke, and slapped her belly back down on her floating chair Morning squinted at her, but soon shrugged in return. “Fine by me. We’ve got nobody on shift for that table, the manager wants you to get started. Roulette’s simple enough, and I’ll be by the collect your chips in an hour. Oh and, Emmy had to go home early- she uh…” Morning coughed quietly, “Had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction. Probably made a thousand bits from it though.” Totty nodded, and sluggishly set herself towards the table. Watching her move was something in itself, as each step was a ponderous movement of her fat legs. Each time her foot hit the ground her expansive body wobbled, and at the pace she was going she was almost constantly jiggling from top to bottom. Once Totty parked behind the table and took some time to try and get her outfit under control. She buttoned up what she could of her outfit, but found that the blazer was now two buttons short of where she could have gotten it this morning. With a reluctant and heavy sigh she accepted this, and awaited her first patrons. It didn’t take long, and she was soon going at it. It was then at that one of the guests finally took advantage of things, and approached Totty’s side of the table. With a wide grin on his face he poked her gut, and leaned close to the soon to be blushing mare. “Hey, big girl- if I get you something from the buffet will you give me a free re-do?” He asked, and drew his finger down Totty’s expansive middle. Totty quickly, despite everything inside her saying that was absolutely wrong, nodded. “Y-Yeah sure just uh… I could really go for some chocolate.” The stallion snorted, “I’m sure you could…” He was back a few minutes later, and Totty was forced to allow him that re-do, which resulted in him clearing out her chips and walking away a rather happy stallion. Unlike Totty’s stomach, which tried to remind her of how profusely overfull it was as soon as she laid eyes on the plate of brownies. Despite that, she started to consume them, slowly but surely. Every minute that passed one of them did as well, and between the added mass and suddenly intensified digestive works inside her her belly expanded again. The buttons became tighter over time, and the plate became more empty. Totty was barely aware she was eating until she found the plate empty, and soon regretted it as she felt sick once again. The buttons pressing into her fat didn’t help, but she tried to put it past her and work. Her eyes went to the board, and she watched the wheel spin, trying to focus on it as best as she could. Fate was not with her that day as she felt a belch welling up inside her. Desperate to not look more of a pig than she already was Totty forced it back down, but this caused more strain on her buttons. Something had to give eventually, and the sound of straining fabric heralded a button bursting off her blazer, and flying into the glass of a guest. The glass shattered, spilling wine into the board, and Totty’s brown furred gut audibly burst out into the wheel. The wheel soon stopped, halted in place by a surge of food-stuffed fat, and Totty belched loudly enough it got her looks from across the room. Everyone at the table stared at her in a mixture of shock, awe, and disgust. For all the horror of the moment, all the embarrassment of it, one realization hit Totty the hardest. Bursting that button had given her more room. Totty soon had a sudden moment of clarity and realized herself- she wanted more. It is with that that the mare broke, and a tear fell from one eye. Barely aware of things around her she picked up her gut with both arms and moved herself as quickly as she could away. She didn’t care where she was going, or how she was going to get there, but she just needed to get away. The guests in the lobby were quickly greeted by a huffing mass of fat wobbling past them, barely holding back her tears, and forcing herself onwards despite the pain in her knees and fire in her chest. Totty burst out of the casino to the parking lot, and a look of pure horror filled her face. Emmy had already gone home, she’d either have to call her- and deal with the shame of leaving early and in such a state- or find her own way home. The options before her were barely considered before she turned back and saw the sign to the buffet, and a tiny trembling sense of room in her gut was enough to break her. 
Onwards the fat mare went into the buffet, and started to make like that bat pony and jam food into face without thought for what it was, how full she was, or how many were staring. Totty’s gut bloated under her, reacting angrily to being overfed beyond any prior limits, and Totty lost herself in the food. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she went at it, and her vision became hazy and fuzzy. Dark and humiliating thoughts filled her head. The knowledge that she was just a pig, an insatiable eating machine destined to just get fatter, and fatter. Desperate to sooth what she couldn’t, to fill a hole that she couldn’t, she took to the food. Pushing right past any previous records she filled herself up with whatever she could get her hands on, bursting herself right out of that blazer as the minutes ticked by, and it was only when her arms slapped to her sides did she stop. Physically exhausted from being so overfull, and moving her arms for so long to stuff herself, she fell backwards onto her ass. Her gut flowed ahead of her, almost double the size it had started the day at and tinged a dangerous red. Emotionally she was devastated, and streams of tears flowed down her face as she was pinned in place. She couldn’t even leave now, and was forced to lay there, confronted by her own lack of self control and chronic obesity, as ponies gathered around. Totty passed out just as the image of a worried green dragon filled her vision, and the only thing she had to say, her voice marred by tearful weeping, was “I can’t help myself.” > Our Biggest Patient > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emmy saw to it that Totty was hauled out with the utmost of care that could be afforded to a nearly half ton food balloon. She escorted her friend to the hospital, and was relieved to find out that Totty, for all her extreme gorge, hadn’t hurt herself permanently. They didn’t even need to pump her stomach- although that was partially due to, as was explained to Emmy’s empathetic shame, that their pump lacked the capacity. The poor mare had consumed, as explained in detail by the doctor, twenty-five pounds of food and a total of six gallons of liquids. That left Totty’s stomach capacity at the end of the day at thirty gallons total, an enormous brown-coated balloon of food that hadn’t even fit in the regular ambulance. Instead, thanks to Emmy’s connections and a few promised favours, Totty had been airlifted to Canterlot. Totty’s final weight was seven hundred and eighty seven pounds, and she had been sent to a room for larger creatures. Even so, her bloated body filled up the bed quite well and her gut slopped off the far end. The dragon sat with Totty through the night and fell asleep rubbing the sore bloat of Totty’s gut. Emmy’s presence was partially out of a sense of love and care for her friend- but also because she needed to have a talk with the heavy mare in the morning and wanted to be the first thing she’d see. Meanwhile, Totty slept while the bed under her creaked under her expansive weight. The monitor to her side registered a strong, but slow, heartbeat as Totty slept. Now and then a loud digestive rumble would register on it as Totty’s strong digestive system turned all that food into fat that flowed over her frame. To Totty’s surprise she didn’t wake up next at home, in the comforting warmth of her bed, but instead in the sterile confines of a hospital room. Totty almost immediately recognized where she was from the odd combination of ancient architecture choices- the curved windows primarily- and state of the art medical equipment. Totty was in Canterlot, which was as much a surprise as the fact she was in a hospital to begin with. The dull beeping of the monitor beside her is all that Totty could hear, and when Totty awoke the first thing she saw was her own heaving chest. The enormous curves that sprouted below her thick chins blocked out the view of most of the room and were pushed up by the fat-swollen bloat of her belly. Even with her digestive talents, her gorge from last night still quietly churned away and filled her arteries with thick fat to deposit. The mare could feel herself swelling with fat, slowly but surely, as all that food was absorbed. The bed creaked when she tried to move, and Totty wheezed for breath when even that movement alone strained her. Her entire body wobbled, and the fat that coated her chest pressed down on her lungs. When she tried to sit up, Totty soon found she lacked the strength to even do that. The immense ball of fat flowing well over her legs prevented her and left her semi-inclined against the hospital pillows. All Totty could do was try and worm her way backwards against the pillows to try and get leverage to actually see herself past her breasts. The mare huffed and puffed and sweat beaded on her forehead. When eventually she did get a view past her breasts, she gasped loudly in shock. Totty had been fat in the past. Totty had been obese in the past. What Totty was looking at now was levels beyond that. Her gut had to be at least a cubic meter by itself, and her breasts, which were gently dribbling milk, were the size of basketballs. Inside herself she could feel the vastness of her stomach cavity, as if it was some eternally demanding cave yearning to be filled. This, no doubt, was the largest she had ever been. Even just lying there it Totty found it was somewhat hard to breathe, and the brown coated blob became aware of how her breaths were short and sharp wheezes, and her chest retained a permanent and subtle soreness. The mare had always been aware of her stomach, and her hunger, but she had truly outdone herself. More than usual she could feel her internal cavity and all that was inside it. It almost felt good, in a way, but the size of it was frightening. Knowing how much she ate last night, and then feeling the fact it still felt empty terrified her. She’d made herself obese, beyond morbidly and well into freakishly enormous. She’d eaten more than most could in weeks all in one go and had put herself in the hospital. Her belly filled out the entire bed, and she couldn’t even see the door. Even so, the first thing her stomach did now that Totty had awoken was growl. Deep and demanding, Totty heard the siren call of her incessant hunger. Desperate to move herself out the bed- to get food- Totty slapped her arms to the bed and tried to move. It was fruitless, days- maybe even weeks- in bed had left her arms too tired and weak to move her. Thankfully to her a dragon-skinned dragon soon appeared, leaning on the door and gazing at her with arms crossed and a bemused expression on her face. “Couldn’t help yourself?” she commented, “I’ve heard that before…” The comment came with surprising ice in Emmy’s voice, and Totty grew flush in the face as she recoiled into herself. “E-Emmy I’m sorry…” Totty wheezed, and her voice was coarse and pathetic sounding. Emmy just rolled her eyes and stepped forward, slapping Totty’s growling belly. Somehow it seemed even larger and seemed to slip off the end of the bed to hang it’s massive fat off it. “I don’t care, Totty- you just want food, don’t you?” Emmy spoke, and Totty’s belly growled again. “You’re always so hungry, aren’t you?” she sneered, and slapped her arms around that belly, letting its fat squish between them. “So hungry,” A second voice chimed in, and a second hand slapped her belly. That voice was her mother, and as soon as she spoke the sound of a home cooked meal came over Totty like a thick fog. Totty could only squirm as her demanding, incessant; never ending hunger welled up inside her. “Y-Yes, hungry…” she spoke, her voice dreamy and almost wistful. “Then eat,” Emmy returned. “Just eat, forever. It’s all you’re good for isn’t it you pig? You’re just a fat hog, a dairy-cow just good for feeding and milking. You’re not even good enough for breeding- what kind of stallion would want a mare as fat as you are?” Another voice chimed in, and a third hand slapped Totty’s belly. The hands all seemed tiny, just pinpricks on the enormous brown mass. “Yeah, you’re _pathetic_. Why would I ever want a sister as useless as you? I’ve shot rhinos lighter than you.” Rouletta sneered, “Worthless.” The insults collapsed Totty’s mind and even as tears ran down herself, she found herself, somehow, eating. The food was warm and welcoming, and tasted just like her mother used to make. Totty tried to shut her lips, but three hands soon forced it down hard enough she choked. Totty’s orange eyes soon saw a green dragon loom over her, and that dragon leaned forward. She put a claw on Totty’s belly and met her with a harsh scowl, “Fat,” she spoke simply. “Fat, fat, fat.” Emmy’s claw withdrew and slapped Totty’s gut harshly, making the profusely oversized food-stuffed brown ball of fat wobble and slosh. The bed creaked from the movement shifting the weight, and Totty coughed when another sharp pain extended from her chest. Moments later she felt a moistness on her chest, and then realized that she was lactating. Slowly but surely, her breasts were drawing off the extreme amount of excess calories and pouring out thick, creamy, milk that soon dripped off her to the floor. “You’re just a big fat cow, and you can’t help but get fatter can you? You’re pathetic, look at you- you’re worth more as livestock than you are as a teacher. What could you possibly teach- how to stuff yourself? Gorging 101?” Emmy taunted, and groped at Totty’s belly-fat with that same claw. Despite her best attempts to stop, Totty’s willpower to stop started to fade. She opened her mouth and accepted it, resigned to her fate. “Eat,” they all spoke in unison. “It’s all you can do.” “You’re just a spoiled little filly, you’ll never grow up to control yourself,” Totty’s mother spoke. “You’re just a useless slob, I can’t believe we’re in the same family,” Totty’s sister spoke. “This is what you want, isn’t it? To just eat until your pudgy little heart gives out? Then eat, fatass- eat all you want!” Emmy hissed. Totty felt herself fill, each swallow seemed to have much more food in it than seemed realistically possible, and it felt so good. The taste was absurdly euphoric, and even as the bed began to strain under her swelling body and her chest started to burn, she kept swallowing, kept eating. When the bed eventually snapped under her weight, Totty’s belly-mattress flowed out and slapped the floor. She could see the full extent of it now, and it totally covered her legs and flowed on the floor like a liquid mass of brown towards the door. Even still, it still hungered and still growled for more. “More,” Totty wheezed desperately, “I can’t stop.” She pleaded “It feels too good, I need more- I need more food!” “I know you can’t,” Emmy returned. “You never could, you never will. I always knew that, I only brought you home because I felt sorry for you.” The hands soon returned, and Totty desperately sucked down all they offer. Even as the machine beside her started to beep and her heart skipped beats, even as her vision began to fade and pain overwhelmed her body she kept eating. Her enormous body crushed the rest of the bed and pushed her on the back, and the blob of growing fat she had become consumed the entire room, and spread over her until Totty couldn’t even see beyond herself. The mares body grew as she ate. It began to flood the room, soon breaking Totty bed so that she spilled forward, and her belly grew into the room. Still she ate, even as the pain in her chest increased and the difficulty in breathing got worse. Totty ate because she could only eat, and she ate, and ate. Her enormous whale of a body spilled into the hall, consumed the whole hospital… It was only then Totty awoke, to the feeling of a warmth against her hand. Her eyes opened, and the first thing her blurry vision beheld was Emmy looking down at her. There was a warmth to her smile, a friendly and almost motherly presence as she was held. The first thing Totty spoke was simple: “I’m sorry…” Emmy only sighed and held Totty’s hand tighter. “It’s as much my fault as it is yours…” An awkward silence fell in the room following that, and only the quiet sound of machines humming, ready for use but not necessary now; filled the background. Emmy waited by Totty’s side until the door opened, and a tall stallion with a clipboard under his arm entered. Clearly middle aged and with a thinning grey-mane, the doctor had the exact poise one might expect. There was a confidence to his gait and a medical detachment to his gaze. The doctor’s coat was a fading blue, and his medical jacket seemed oddly loose on him. Even so he moved with precision, and he moved to Totty’s side before trying to take her pulse through her wrist. Embarrassingly for her, that didn’t work and he had to jam the cold metal of his stethoscope between her breasts to get it. “How’s our largest patient doing?” he questioned and wrote something unseen on his board before leaning over to look at Totty. “I’m glad the bed held, I was worried we’d have to transfer you to a dragon hospital.” The doctor soon withdrew his stethoscope, and seemed happy enough with whatever he was looking for. Totty remained silent, simply trying to retreat into herself. Despite the doctors detached expression and Emmy’s loving one, she still felt an overwhelming shame at having let herself go that far. “I’ll put that down as stable but embarrassed then,” The doctor returned, and soon his cold hands were on Totty’s stomach. The mare wriggled in place at the touch but allowed him to feel her body. “You, my dear mare, have the largest stomach capacity I’ve ever seen.” The doctor pushed against Totty’s stomach and sloshed it with a rough shove while he listened closely. “I’d say… about four times above normal, you sound like Celestia after a hearthswarming feast,” he spoke, and released Totty’s gut and allowed it to settle back down. “You should have talked to a doctor sooner- you didn’t think being able to eat a regular ponies weight in food was normal did you?” Emmy glowered, and Totty blushed brightly. “I-I just thought I was fat.” “Oh you are,” The doctor returned, quite flatly before adjusting his down. “I mean… yes, Ms. Totty are medically obese.” Totty’s stomach growled on command, and Totty bit her lip. There it was, the endless hunger she had expected. What she did not expect however was the doctor to nod towards Emmy and then a green hand to force something into Totty’s mouth, soon sealing her lips as well. “Swallow,” Emmy directed, but it was hardly needed Totty had automatically swallowed the pill. Almost immediately the demand of her hunger, the biting need to fill every last empty space in her gut, began to fade. While some degree of yearning to eat something after waking up, a natural reaction, remained- the bite and intense need faded away. Totty blinked and looked to the doctor, confused. “A simple thing, really. With a stomach as large as yours the hunger signals it sends can be intense- overwhelming even. With this medication you can simply numb most of it, and you’ll be as hungry as a… mare of regular capacity.” The doctor’s words were given with a glance towards Emmy. “This is Duskum, and a large dose of it. I’ll write you a prescription and ensure it’s covered as essential for your health,” the doctor explained, “One in the morning, and another if your cravings strike.” “In any case, let’s get you sitting up…” he soon spoke. The doctor stepped back, and Emmy put her strength to use getting Totty into a sitting position. As in her dream her enormous belly spilled out of her, with her breasts laying on top, but it wasn’t quite as extreme. Nor were her breasts leaking, but they certainly did feel rather tight. “The prognosis is simple, Totty,” the doctor started, and tore off a sheet from his clipboard, “You have an eating disorder, chronic obesity, and a food addiction. The primary cause of all three is your gut- it’s… size. The solution is a change in lifestyle choices and medication for when it gets too bad to control. I understand you like to eat…” Totty’s blush intensified, and Emmy laid her glare upon the doctor who sighed, “Do you wish for me to drown you in platitudes, or would you like me to help your friend?” Emmy relented, and held Totty’s hand tighter while the doctor continued. “There is nothing wrong with enjoying your meals. Celestia herself is… large herself, we could say. You however wish to remain mobile, I take it? You will have to learn to limit yourself. Gorging yourself stupid sometimes- but not all the time. In addition…” Soon the doctor’s hands moved to Totty’s left breast, and nimbly dodged Emmy’s hand moving out to slap him. “Your mammary glands are over-producing as a result of your consumption, which should go away as soon as you start losing weight. That’s nothing I can help with, I suggest simply milking yourself in the morning.” The blunt words, even spoken with as much medical professionalism as he could, left Totty looking like a ripe tomato and even the doctor blushing. “As for the rest of you… well, you have moderate cholesterol build-up and low muscle mass. I’ve certainly seen worse- not by much but I have, and you’ll need to make a dscision, quite simply. Equestria has the medical science to keep you well at just about any size, but if you wish to retain your mobility you need to pay more attention to what you’re eating. I suggest long walks- perhaps with your friend- to burn some number of calories. Enjoying large meals that have more salads and less heavier items, and… drink more water and low-fat milk.” The doctor sat down, and seemed to relax before a beeper in his coat went off. He sighed, checked it, and then stood again. The doctor patted Totty’s belly, and then a sharp glare from Emmy saw him withdraw his hand. “Now, Ms. Totty there’s an additional problem. I had a… discussion with your friend, and I’ve chosen not to schedule you a therapy session. However, yesterday was… extreme. It’s my professional opinion that you should see a professional about your confidence issues and body anxiety.” The doctor soon stood and took his clipboard. “Beyond that, you’re in fair health and can leave whenever you like. Your friend can get you a wheelchair if you need one,” the doctor spoke, and quickly abandoned her through the doorway as something else called upon his skills. “Medication,” Totty sighed, “Why didn’t I hear about this sooner?” Emmy blushed and rubbed her neck, “Actually… it’s for dragons. The crystal empire is like a city made of chocolate for us, this helps with the cravings…” Totty’s stomach growled again at the mention of chocolate, and Totty grit her teeth as a wave of demanding cravings flowed through her, “Don’t say chocolate…” Totty spoke, and looked away from Emmy as shame returned at the same time. Emmy soon stood from her chair, and leaned over Totty, “Honey, I’m disappointed… but if it was this bad you should have said so sooner! I thought you just had poor self-control.” Totty met her eyes, almost pleadingly as she listened to her friend, and gripped her claw firmly, “What if that’s it? What if I’m just a big fat slob that can’t help herself and these pills don’t work? What if I just eat myself into a blob and live in your basement for the rest of my life?” Emmy’s eyes betrayed her own fear at that possibility, but she put it aside, “Then I’ll help you or so help me I’ll march up to Canterlot and make Celestia help you herself. We’ll figure it out.” “Together,” Emmy soon added, and kissed her friend on the forehead. Totty sighed, “Let’s go home,” she spoke, and slipped her legs to the side of the bed so she could get herself on her feet. Unfortunately, Totty misjudged the weight of her own body and as soon as the wobbling mass of her skin-stretching gut slipped off the side of the bed it pulled her down, and with a sharp yelp she fell to the floor. Emmy soon rushed to her, and pulled Totty up by the arms. The mare definitely felt heavier than she did yesterday, and started to huff from the exertion of standing alone. Thankfully, Emmy was soon at her side and took as much of the weight as she could by sliding a claw under Totty’s gut. It helped, and Totty breathed a sigh of relief while Emmy simultaneously groaned in exertion. “Let’s… go get you a salad… big girl,” Emmy offered. Totty groaned, and slowly stepped forward to the door. Despite the fantastic improvements in her life from that pill, the idea of salad was less than appealing, and it distracted her from how strange she looked when she soon jammed her hips into the door. Emmy pushed her through, and the two left the hospital together. “I’ve got an idea after I’ve helped slim you back down a little,” Emmy offered, and guided Totty to the back-seat of her car. Totty squinted at her when Emmy opened the door, and Emmy shrugged, “You don’t fit in the front.” Totty rolled her eyes and then nodded and huffed as she shuffle herself into the car. Her fat body naturally got in the way, and she had to pour herself through the door and wiggle-wobble her blobbish mass to slowly worm her way in. “And what… would that… be?” “Spoilers!” Emmy retorted, and threw the door closed before Totty, “You’ll find out in due time…” > Balance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totty had known from the start that the road ahead would be full of hard work. Totty knew it would take time, sweat, and self control to turn her body from a billowing blobbish pile of brown-coated fat back into a reasonably overweight figure she could handle in her day to day. As soon as Totty arrived home from the hospital she was treated to a lovingly prepared meal of chicken salad. It was a compromise on Emmy’s part, a midpoint between strict health food and Totty’s usual diet, and for the first time in years Totty went to bed that night with less than a few thousand calories in her stomach. So it was that the long road began, with Emmy giving Totty’s smart-car heavy body a firm push to hopefully get the engine going. The next morning Totty awoke to a nearly painful level of hunger in her pampered stomach, and it growled ferociously with need before she was even out of her bed. Totty grit her teeth as she moved herself into a sitting position, and gave up to flop back half way when the sheer weight and size of her enormously fat-bloated middle made it impossible to get past. The bed creaked ominously under her, and Totty blushed from how profound her weight was. Totty looked to the side of her bed from her half-inclined position and whimpered as he reached out towards the bottle of pills at the side of it. She squirmed and writhed as she tried to grab it while her stomach growled and the sharp need grew inside her. After a few moments of futile jiggling and the groaning of her beds springs Totty sighed and rolled her eyes before her horn lit and captured the bottle in an orange magical aura. Desperately Totty floated it over to herself, and poured a pile of pills out. She took one and almost forced it down her throat in her need for relief, and swallowed needily. Her stomach continued to growl and Totty shivered with hunger while she grimaced and prayed to Celestia that it would work. The large pills dropped into her gut with an audible splash, and Totty looked down at herself. Most mares couldn’t make that sound, Totty knew, and she wiggled slightly to set the juices inside her sloshing. It was strangely pleasing to hear, knowing she was unique, but the darker part of her mind reminded her that this was freakish as well. Totty closed her eyes, and fought off the dark thoughts while the pills took effect- slowly. The hunger was still a yearning thing goading her onwards to find food. Totty needed food, and she looked to her room’s door. She was on the upper floor, but the kitchen was just down stairs. If she could get there, she could empty the fridge. Her mind started to go wild with gluttony and the desire to consume. Almost as if in a dream, she threw off the covers and slapped her feet to the floor. Totty stuck out her gut, and used its own weight to lever herself out. It growled and sloshed as the immense cavity was disturbed by the movements, and Totty threw open her door before she slowly stepped into the hallway. With each step her entire naked mass jiggled and wobbled, and her breasts slapped against her belly and each other while nothing contained them. Totty normally slept in pajamas, but she prized them too much to risk shredding them at this size, and so had slept it the nude. The mare slowly made her way down the hallway shamelessly and driven by pure hunger. Slowly but surely, however, the loud and almost disturbing growls of her middle started to soften. By the time Totty was half way down the stairs she had become aware of herself again, and halted just as her stomachs cries for food quieted enough to be considered normal. As if she had awoken from a daze she blinked and looked down at herself, and squeaked quietly before wrapping her arm around her front and doing her best to cover up her enormous chest-mounds. Even considering how overweight she was, there was no way Totty’s thick arms could do much to cover herself up. It was then that Totty became aware she was being watched, and she blinked as she noticed the form in her peripheral vision. With a squeaking eep, she glanced at the figure and found that it was a small dog, with pitch-black fur and piercing red eyes. It looked somewhat like a fox, but its body was overflowing with a thick layer of fat that swelled its proportions out and left it’s gut nearly dragging on the floor. If Totty were a dog, she was looking at her mirror image. Totty stared at it even as footsteps filled the hall, and then Emmy came out of the hallway. The dragon soon snorted and scooped up the fat dog before stroking it’s head firmly and looking at Totty. The curvy green dragon was also nude, but entirely shameless about it and tilted a brow at her friend. “I didn’t think we were at the nudist stage yet, Totty,” Emmy teased. Totty squirmed slightly and a firm blush grew on her face, but soon enough her better senses realized that given Emmy was a woman, and her best friend, being too shy didn’t make much sense. Totty also noticed when she glanced down, that her leaking melons were far too large to even properly hide. Her hands couldn’t even obscure her areola, and Totty soon gave up and huffed before crossing her arms under her bust for support. Totty soon sighed, “I don’t have anything big enough to sleep in, and… and when did we get a dog? You never told me.” Emmy smiled, and scritched the happily purring creature in her arms behind it’s long ears. “This is Penumbra, she’s a friend of mine’s. Getting a little chubby too…” Emmy started, and shifted Penumbra, so she could squeeze its bloated belly. In turn, it whimpered slightly and folded its ears back. Totty hadn’t seen a dog get embarrassed before, but it certainly was. “You’re going to take her for walks until you’re both in shape,” Emmy declared, and laid the dog back down before shaking out her arms. Totty’s stomach growled again, although much softer than usual, and the dogs did the same in a much meeker fashion. Together they trained two pairs of needy puppy dog eyes on Emmy, and she rolled her eyes before stepping back down the hall. “You’re both on a diet, you know,” Emmy mused. “I’m going to be making a lot of salads.” The morning continued with both Tottty and Penumbra being treated to matching salad bowls. The dog didn’t like it altogether too much, but Emmy made it clear that it was the only option, and convinced it by putting a few pieces of treats in the bowl. Totty had her own, and found that buried in the leaves were plenty of croutons, and that the salad was fairly well dressed. Once she was finished, Emmy entered the kitchen with a sports bra and shorts in one hand, and a collar and leash in the other. She tossed the first on the table, and snapped her fingers to get Penumbra,’s attention so she could attach the second. The dog looked up, noticed the collar, and then coyly jumped up into Totty’s lap and wiggled itself between her legs. From there it waited, hiding it’s tubby body as best it could, and eyeing Emmy suspiciously while she laughed. “You can walk with Totty, or you can run with me. What’s it going to be?” Emmy offered, and laid out the collar and leash on the table. Totty finished putting on the exceptionally large and reinforced sports bra that would hopefully prove able to contain sixty pounds of tit flesh, and then looked down at the dog smushed in her own fat. Totty took the collar, and put her hand to the dog's head. Canine eyes pleading with her to somehow get her out of this, but she gently put the collar around his neck. “We’re not getting out of this,” Totty whispered, “But… if it makes you any happier we don’t need the leash.” The frowning dog’s ears perked up slightly and it tilted its head before putting it’s paws on Totty’s breasts and licking her face. Totty giggled in return and scooped it up into her soft fat-swaddled arms and hugged the dog against herself. “You actually are kind of heavy…” Totty commented, and pulled the dog back, “Let’s work on that. Together.” Totty soon found herself out on the porch to view a beautiful morning. Dew still glimmered on the grass, and a chilly breeze blew down the streets and rustled leaves. Beside the ‘sportily’ dressed Totty, who was pouring out over her shorts and out of her bra, the chubby little dog sat at attention while Emmy faced them. “We’re going to start slow. Today we’re going around the block three times. Breakfast, lunch, and supper. It’s gonna hurt to start, Totty, but it’ll feel so good once you’ve made a habit of this,” Emmy explained. Totty took a breath and steeled herself, “Okay just… don’t go too fast.” Emmy snorted, and pivoted elegantly on her heel. For all of the dragon’s own weight, she wore it far better than Totty ever had. “We’ll go one fast,” Emmy joked coyly. Emmy started off at a casual walking pace, and both Totty and the dog followed confidently behind. Totty’s first thought was that, surely, this was too easy. She felt nothing when they started walking, not any real exertion nor any real burn to any of her muscles. That changed soon, however, as soon as they reached the first turn Totty’s legs had begun to feel a simmering burn in them. Totty quickly came to realize just how often she stopped to take breaks when walking. With Emmy leading her, she was unable to, and only a minute in was starting to huff and puff while sweat started to bead on her body. Thankfully the cool breeze ensured that the sweat was carried away and Totty didn’t overheat, but by the time they ‘finally’ came back to the house after a ten minute walk Totty was exhausted. While the dog flopped on the grass and huffed desperately, Totty slapped her hands to her wide thighs and leaned over to try and catch her breath. A firm and painful burning filled her entire lower body, and even her arms were sore from moving back and forth during her walk. Little used muscles buried in fat pleaded desperately for oxygen, and Totty glanced up before he felt Emmy’s hand on her thickened chin to guide her gaze. “You did good, honey. Both of you,” Emmy spoke, and her voice was full of real and earned admiration. Totty knew then and there that whatever pain might come, it would be worth it. The next few weeks went well for Totty. Every morning she would rise and Penumbra would hop off her bed, following her to breakfast and even sticking around when she milked herself and got dressed. The fox-like dog seemed to have an interest in her company, and Totty enjoyed having the little fox around. Together they would go out and walk, and slowly but surely they improved their stamina. By the end of the first week Totty had lost 50 pounds and could make it all the way around once, and by the end of the second she was up to 125 lost and could manage a light-jog around twice. Totty’s canine companion lost just as much as her, relative to her body weight, and Monday the start of the third week she returned from her third lap around the block to see a beaming Emmy standing outside of the house, leaning against it as she bared her completely nude green-scaled body to the world and held a large water bottle in her hand. Considering the amount of sweat pouring off the two, which almost steamed in the cool morning air while the warming sun beamed down on them, Emmy had certainly been wise to offer hydration. When Totty came up to her and stopped, she quickly slapped her hands to her knees and paused, huffing and puffing for air in great gasps as if she was at an oxygen buffet. Sweat glistened on her skin and soaked her green exercise top while it dripped off her arms and legs. Emmy waited for Totty to stand back up, and then offered her the bottle while Penumbra wobbled past for his drinking dish. “You seem to have taken the idea of sweating it off pretty seriously, honey,” Emmy commented, and Totty sprayed her head with the bottle of water before- to Emmy’s mild amazement- sucking down an entire half of the gallon in three seconds. The mare’s ability to consume never failed to impress, whether it was water or food. “Well, fat is hot,” Totty returned, before she blinked. “I mean like… you know body heat! Not… hot.” Emmy snorted, and then giggled before poking Totty’s middle, “Some would argue it’s both,” she teased, and Totty blushed slightly before glancing around to see if anybody was watching. Totty soon regained her confidence and squeezed past Emmy inside, “Let them,” she spoke, and grinned to herself. Confidence felt good, and the lack of shame she had felt in these last few weeks had been a liberating experience. Emmy followed Totty in, and while Totty flopped herself down on the sofa and eagerly levitated a game controller over for some hard-won down time, she remained in front of the television and Totty’s expression grew annoyed. “I should make you go for another few laps, you’re not hurting enough,” Emmy mused. A slight flash of terror crossed Totty’s eyes before she sparked Emmy with the best magical bolt she could muster- barely a tickle- and then huffed, “I’ll do four tomorrow, okay?” Emmy giggled, “Fine, and you’re coming with me for dinner tonight. There’s a new place in town and I want to treat you a little. I think it’s time you had a… cheat day, your next lesson is learning how to stop,” she explained, and left Totty to consider her ominous words before getting dressed herself and heading to work. Penumbra hopped up beside Totty, meanwhile, and curled up against her on the couch. Totty spent the rest of her day enjoying some down time, and had the only lunch she could- a large salad- thanks to Emmy locking the fridge. By the time the dragon returned home Totty was fast asleep in a nap, with the setting sun casting her brown-coated body in a soft glow. Penumbra, laid upon her belly, and the way it slowly rose and fell with Totty’s slightly wheezing breaths was almost hypnotic. “Pizza delivery,” Emmy whispered, as quietly as if she was keeping a secret with a friend, and yet despite how quietly she had spoken and how softly he had closed the door Totty’s eye fluttered open and she fixed Emmy with an almost predatory gaze. Emmy, of course, carried no pizza, and considering the cocktail dress that clung tightly to her body she seemed of the sort that would think such commoner food was beneath them. She giggled slightly from the reaction she got from her friend, and then stepped inside before turning off the idle tv. “I want you to go top off your pill before we go, we’re going to the Heartache Diner…” Totty’s lethargic and half awake movements suddenly shifted and she sat up suddenly. Penumbra was dumped on the floor with a meaty slap and an indignant howl, and Totty gasped loudly before she sat up and looked to Emmy. “You’re not,” Totty gaped, and bit her lip before her stomach growled deeply enough to set Penumbra, scampering off in instinctual fright. “Taking me there.” Emmy flopped herself down beside Totty on the couch, and their thighs did their best to try and merge themselves as the space proved too small and they squished together. “I am, Totty. You’re going to eat almost as much as you can. I want you to stop just before you hit that final little bit, just to prove you can,” Emmy spoke, and poked her friend in her middle. “Then you’ll really be in control, and you won’t even need me anymore.” Despite Emmy’s own heavy figure, Totty was easily three times as large in the centre, and her stomach growled again needily before Totty swallowed nervously and rubbed at it gently. “You’re sure? That’s…. at least fifty pounds of food. I’ll have to work it back off.” Emmy closed her eyes and took a breath. A spark of envy in the back of her mind played against her as Totty reminded her of her astounding capacity so bluntly, but she soon cast it aside. Emmy turned to Totty, “You’re not the sort of girl that can go the rest of her life without binging sometimes. You just need to keep it sometimes.” Emmy took Totty’s hand firmly, and lifted herself from the seat. The fat on the dragons arm grew firmer as the muscle underneath tensed helping her friend up, and Totty huffed before she adjusted her top and squeezed Emmy’s hand back. “I don’t know where I’d be without you,” Totty breathed, and departed to get dressed properly and take her pill. To Totty’s surprise, she soon found that for the first time in seeming eons she had no difficulties getting dressed- at least not from the size of her clothes. Her weight and body size left her huffing and puffing when she got her skirt on, and she had to take a break before she got on a flirty green tank top, but it all actually fit. The top in fact felt a little loose, and Totty’s breasts were fully contained by it. Losing 175 pounds certainly had an effect. When Totty was dressed, she took a minute to stand at her dresser and look herself over. She was still a fat girl, for sure, pushing 400 as of that morning but she was far less massive. Her curves still had allure however, and her oversized body had regained its feminine shape and form. Her belly was a big fat pouch that hung off her, and the two obese breasts of hers laid upon it. Her arms had shrunk enough that they no longer bulged out of her sides so much, and her thighs had shrunken enough to get through the door. The tire around her neck was less pronounced, and the fat bulge on her lower legs wasn’t as prominent. For the first time in far too long, Totty was able to look at herself in the mirror and smile. A positive self-affirming love grew through her, and she looked to her pills before an idea struck her mind, and she glanced back at the mirror. Totty’s stomach growled, and Totty felt the shadow of her former hunger gnawing at her. It was powerful, and growing stronger as the pill she had taken that morning was wearing off. Instinctually Totty reached to the bottle, but then glanced back to the mirror. Totty took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes for a moment. “I can do this,” she spoke to herself. “I can do this,” she repeated, and threw open the door before leaving with a striding pace. When Totty met Emmy at the car, she had a certain sway to herself that Emmy noticed, and the dragon looked to her friend as soon as her fat butt slapped into the passenger seat. “You look like you’re expecting a hot date,” Emmy noted. Totty just smiled, and adjusted her top while she looked at herself in the mirror, “And what if I am? Some guys like fat girls, and it’s been too long since I ate like one.” Emmy snorted and blew back some of her hair before starting the car, “I like the confident Totty,” she noted “Now let’s go make them regret giving me an all you can eat pass because I gave the manager a lap dance.” Totty’s stomach growled ominously, and the car set off while she felt a worried pang in the back of her mind and looked to the house. Within moments, it disappeared from view and Totty steeled herself as best as she could for her decision. The hunger started to grow, and became a static in the back of her thoughts. It took only ten minutes for Emmy to get them to where they were going, and the dragon helped Totty out of the car. The classic pre-meal weakness had already come upon her, and she was shuddering ever so slightly. “Oh come on honey, you ate two hours ago,” Emmy teased, and took Totty by the hand like she was a date to the door. “I know but… that was just a salad,” Totty returned, “And, I didn't want to say but…” The automatic doors opened, and Totty’s eyes immediately went wide as the smell of grease struck her potently enough that she might as well have fallen into a tub of it. Inside there were a dozen tables, and assorted species- all dressed like doctors- served assorted oversized meals. Some of the patrons were fat, others were thin, and the pair were soon greeted by a fairly overweight looking fox with purple highlights in her hair and menus in her arms. “I don’t think I need to weigh you two. Half…” she started. Emmy interrupted her, “All off, your manager gave me this.” Emmy reached out with a little card, and the fox inspected it before shrugging, “Everything we serve is cheap anyway so I’ll take your word for it. Follow me…” Emmy and Totty were seated at two separate booths, with Emmy behind Totty. The booths were interestingly designed, seemingly originally for small groups but instead were now just one wide seat before an equally wide table. Considering the size of the portions in the menu Totty was soon reading, it was clear why this was so. “Emmy,” Totty soon spoke, “There isn’t anything on here less than two pounds or a half pound of butter- and some of these are all three at once,” she commented, before her stomach made a deep and needy growl and her eyes widened. “All of it!” Totty soon barked, loud enough to get both their servers' attention and Emmy’s, who turned back to face her worriedly and with a glimmer of regret in her face. “Are you sure…” Emmy started, only for Totty to shiver and face their server with a deep gaze. “All of it,” She repeated. The fox shrugged, “If you can keep it down you’ll be the first.” Totty could only wait desperately, nearly squirming in her seat while sweat beaded in her brow and the smell of grease in the air became all encompassing. Thoughts and worries filled what little of her brain power remained while she waited for her food, and when it eventually started to come it was hauled over on a cart. Totty received her first item, a six patty ‘cheeseburger’ slathered in gravy and Emmy received exactly the same. “Enjoy,” the fox added, and then had to jump back when Totty barely even looked at her food before she slapped her face into her burger and started needily tearing into it and vacuuming it down. Amazingly, to the surprise and even mild horror of their server, Totty consumed her entire burger and was licking the plate before Emmy had even gotten half way. With a shrug, she simply pushed her cart onwards. “Surprised someone with your appetite can fit in through the doors…” Totty’s next item was the next on the menu, and was simply the previous burger with more toppings. Much like that, Totty consumed it in a fiery flurry of furious feasting that put the best competitive eaters to absolute shame, and by this point Totty had gotten the attention of some in the room. They watched with interest as the mare displayed gluttony that at the same time made some envious, and others disgusted. Altogether, she exuded exactly what the establishment was- pure carnal consumption. With deep and breathy moans interspersed with low rumbling belches Totty tore into her third and forth burgers, and despite the fact she knew at least 20 pounds of meat and grease sat in her belly Totty didn’t even slow down. Even as her stomach filled, and started to slowly bloat outwards towards the table her plates were cleaned in less than a minute each and she seemed to pour the different flavours of soda down her throat without even swallowing. Totty managed to complete one entire lap through the menu while Emmy was still eating, and her body had expanded to match. The capacious organ of food had grown three times over, and it's heavy-weight food bloated shape swelled over and under the table. When the server returned, expecting Totty to accept her victory, the table groaned and bent under the mares own weight and she blushed firmly while her stomach growled deeply, demanding more even while onlookers gasped. "Can I just..." Totty started, and could barely speak before wheezing for breath, "... can I order that, again?" The server just blinked, "I don't know how you're doing this, but I'm not gonna stop it," she spoke, and bit her lip before gingerly poking Totty's middle, "You're not even like, hard yet. It's like a balloon.." Said balloon soon growled, and Totty bit her lip and groaned deeply as a powerful wave of compulsive need filled her. Emmy soon finished her meals, and gotten to the point of being bloated and waterlogged with grease, before Totty had even started to slow. Languidly, she looked behind her and gasped softly when she noticed just how far Totty had already gone. While Totty moaned her way through an entire deep-fried ham, a tall collection of plates grew to her side and grease covered her belly while it heaved and wobbled with her furious swallows. Deep bubbling gurgles of digestion sounded out of it, and yet even then deep growls of hunger came out as well. Emmy was not a stupid dragon, and she soon added things together. “Totty!” she barked, and thrust her groaning food-packed body of her booth before grabbing Totty’s hand to get her attention. “You didn’t take that pill!” Totty had just finished her ham, and leaned back before she belched loudly and rolled her head to look at Emmy, “It’s okay…” she wheezed, “I can…. I’m fine,” she groaned, and hiccuped before looking past Emmy to the oncoming food from the kitchen. Emmy leaned in the way, “No you’re not.” Totty huffed, and her stomach made a low bubbling squelch before she hiccuped a bit of grease onto herself, “I’m… fine.” Emmy glowered and looked Totty right in the eyes, and Totty leaned back into herself slightly with intimidation as the dragon leaned up against her. Gently, Emmy's own gut pressed into Totty's from the side, and the firmer fat squished into Totty's orange ball of food. "You're going too far, again. Stop." Emmy pleaded, and Totty's stomach growled before her eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment and the cart stopped. Another plate, bearing another burger, flopped down upon Totty's belly- as that was the only place to put it. Moving much more slowly, Totty slapped her hands to it and pushed it into her lips while she groaned and forced it into herself. Emmy remained, worriedly looking at her and then glancing around. Totty's bleary mind felt something while she ate, and she blinked and glanced to her side, and then down at herself. Between Emmy and the burger her eyes were torn, and she felt a deep sense of shame start to fill her. It was not, however, the same as overeating. That shame is one Totty had long since become numb too. Instead, it was the deep and burning shame of betraying her friend, and Totty remembered looking herself in the mirror an hour ago. Totty swallowed, and then stopped pushing the food into her mouth. A sickened glorp rumbled out of her belly, and yet even so the soft burn of need remained in the back of her mind. Despite it, with all her willpower, Totty pushed the remaining meat off herself and it slapped onto the floor. "You said..." Totty huffed, "Almost all the way..." she wheezed, and slapped her hand to Emmy's. "This is.... almost," Totty gasped, and relied on the strength of Emmy's arm to get herself to her feet. Emmy sighed with relief, and couldn't help but kiss Totty on the cheek. Totty, however, was too busy trying to manage her enormously bloated body to even notice. With awkward thumping steps she spaced her legs and tilted herself backwards to act as the best counter balance she could manage so she could set the food-balloon she'd turned herself into forward. Slowly but surely, with Emmy holding her arm and bracing her, Totty waddled towards the door. Their server beat them there, and had an old polaroid camera in her hands, "Hey! Smile, you're the first person to ever eat that much, and probably the last. Show me some _pride_," she directed, and snapped a photo of a prideful and beaming Totty being escorted by an almost thin-looking dragon beside her. Totty, however, wasn't quite as prideful of her eating as she was for not eating, and it was with that ironic sense of success that she passed out into the back of Emmy's car.