> The Dishonored: Standalone. > by Deathwatch 456 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Become Dishonored. Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 21, 2012. The apparent Judgment Day that everyone fears. People were getting more and more worried as the day approached. Robberies, bombing, terrorist attacks, and worst was building up as the day got closer. When the day finally came the entire world panicked. Riots were happening on every continent in the world. Chaos everywhere you looked. For nearly everyone it was the end of the world, but there are those that didn't attribute to this chaos. One of those individuals was in his apparent as we speak. John Max was sitting on his couch playing his Xbox One. The game he was playing was Dishonored 2. He was lucky enough to be one of the few to get an early access version of the game. He already completed Dishonored completely. Even its DLCs. He was currently playing as Emily trying to beat the game finally with no powers and perfect stealth. It's a lot harder than you thinko it is. A half hour later he lets out a loud yell of success. “YES!! Finally did it. Eat it Delilah!” John yelled out. Stealth games weren't his specialty at first when he got Dishonored. After a while he decided to look up stealth tactics and whatnot. He even watched YouTube videos of someone doing lethal stealth in an awesome way. He even tried to replicate it...with very little success. It was actually an epic fail montage that probably would have gotten a lot of views on YouTube. If he was a YouTuber that is. Anyway eventually he got the completionist achievement on Dishonored and than got Dishonored 2. Which was a blast thanks to the new powers. Every time he used Bend Time he had to stop himself from saying “The World” while doing it. While he was in the middle of it he once saw a trailer of a sequel called Death of The Outsider. The powers he saw in it was awesome. He eventually saw a video from the developers explaining the game a bit. He liked how it goes. He just hoped the studio that makes the game is still standing after this armageddon. After the credits finished he turned off the game and turned on the TV. He looked for something to watch but only the new was on. Even on the cartoon channels. That can't be good. “And as you see here just outside the studio the Ventral Family is leading the chaos, murders appear to be in the thousands with this crime family seeming to bring the city to its knees. We’ll-” . He turned off the TV after that. Man that crime family is nuts. The Ventrals are the most wanted crime family in history. He heard they had a somewhat black sheep in the mix but he didn't care. “Wait. I skipped work today to finish this game...aw crap. My rents are going to kill me.” His family owns a successful restaurant in town. Everyone loves the place. Nice food, good staff, and it's generally a nice lace. John works there as either a waiter, cleaning the dishes for the customers, working the register, or even cooking the food. They haven't run into any problems lately during the approaching chaos. Other than some punks now and then trying to rob us...it never ends well for them. John, his dad, and his mother all know martial arts to a degree. His mother is great at kicking attacks like taekwondo. His father knows muay thai as well as basic boxing. Helps that his size can intimidate most people. Heck he looks like Sagat’s twin only with hair and both eyes. John know not only what his parents knows but some he decided to learn himself. Like Kenpo and Parkour. Parkour because it helps him transverse the area he is in better and Kenpo because of its versatile style. He is glad he know so much because early this week while walking back to his apartment some puck with a knife tried robbing while acting like he was God or something. The “fight” didn't even last a minute. Hand-to-hand isn't the only thing John learned. His dad took him shooting before with pistols in case he ever needs them. He also practiced with weapons like shortswords. He was trained in a lot of things. He decided to put in a disk to watch something since it looks like the tv is down. He took out a disk he had hidden in his room. It was a disk of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Season One. No one know that he watches the show, not even his parents, and he would very much like to keep it that way. He popped the disk in and played a random video. ‘With things going bad out there might as well watch something like this.’ While he was thinking he heard a noise. It sounded like it was coming from outside. The fire escape to be precise. He opened the window to see a lot of people running down the fire escape. “What's going on?” He asked one of the people running in panic. “The building is on fire! RUN!” The random guy panicked before continuing his mad dash. John looked up the fire escape and saw that a few of the top lvls of the building was actually on fire. He deadpanned before heading back instantly to grab a few things like his wallet and phone. He got to the fire escape and saw all the people still running down it. He decided he didn't want to be behind all of them so he decided to get down in style. He leapt over the bar of the fire escape and descended down two lvls at a time. He has practiced this before so it wasn't hard to do. In about ten seconds he got to ground floor of the fire escape. He saw there was at least three lvls of people left on the fire escape. He turned to leave when he heard a scream. He look up to see someone on fire had jumped off the fire escape. He doesn't need to explain how that ended. He left the burning building behind as he headed to where his parents worked. “Well there goes my home. Hope mom and dad will let me stay at their place till I get a new one. If they aren't pissed at me for missing work that it.” John said to himself. Although there is a good chance that they are. He decided to walk to the restaurant and get it over with. He is walking for a good few minutes when he heard a scream “HELP!! I’M BEING MUGGED!!” He looks over to where the yell came from to see it in the middle of the road. Some punk was mugging a pregnant lady in the middle of the fricken road. ‘I'm not even going to question how much brain cells that guy probably has left from such a stupid decision.’ He didn't even think on weather to help or not. He just moved. As he was sprinting towards the two in the road he heard a loud roar. He looked to his left to see a speeding bus head right for them. From the looks of it some idiot got drunk and went on a joyride. He hurried as fast as he could. He pushed the lady out of the way onto he back on the sidewalk while simultaneously kicking the other guy in the face into a pole knocking him out. He turned towards the bus which was inches away from him. He felt a lot of pain...than nothing. John woke up on his bed gasping for air. He looked around frantically seeing that he was in his room. “Was...was that just a dream?” He questioned. He got up from his bed and looked around some more. He was in his room, but...it felt different. He didn't know how to explain it. He felt a coldness that was unfamiliar to him yet at the same time it was cold. He walked towards his door to open it when he discovered that it was locked. He couldn't open it no matter how hard he tried. He sighed after a bit. Decided to look around his room for a way out. When he turned around he noted something that took his breath way. The back portion of his room was gone...and it opened up to something completely different. He slowly walked outside onto some kind of black earth like surface. He reached down and felt it. It was smooth like a crystal yet rough like a rock. This place looks familiar. He saw the surface lead to a kind of doorway not far from here. He walked over to it, and when he passed the archway it suddenly click on why this place looked familiar. “Wait? Am I….am I in the Void!?” “That is correct John Max.” A voice from nowhere speaks. A figure suddenly appears before John. He couldn't believe who was standing before him. “The Outsider…” John said. The actual Outsider was right in front of him. He looked exactly like he does in the games. Wait..what is going. “What is going on? How are you actually real?” The Outsider smirked before disappearing to John's right sitting down on a platform. “Yes I am real.You see all those games, shows, comics, and whatnot. All of those worlds are real. My brother made them appear like this for his own amusement. His name is God by the way, and yes just God.” He disappears again to be about ten feet away from me walking a little. “As for why your here. You see the whole Mayan Calendar thing was a test made by God to see how your world would react to the approaching apocalypse. Sadly most failed this test. By tomorrow everything will be back to normal and all those that died will be alive while no one remembers what really happened.” He disappears again to appear a few feet in front of John. “Although...there were those that actually passed God’s little test. You happen to be one of them. You see God made it that those that pass get a reward. They get to choose a power they want that is within his ability to grant or can be sent back home with no memories of encountering him. Those that accept are even sent to another world with their new powers to live a new life. I personally asked my brother to take you myself since I already know what you would ask him.” The next think John knew the Outsider grabbed the back of his left hand. He suddenly felt a burning sensation in his hand. It was like how Emily described it when she got the powers. Like it was burning inside. When the Outsider let go John saw his mark on his hand. “Follow me.” He disappeared after that and more platforms appeared. John looked at his mark and followed. The first one he could easily jump to, but the others were to far. He focused on the mark and tried to use a transverse ability. He focused on the next platform and found himself on it. He used blink. He than suddenly threw up. He is going to have to practice this some more. After a few practice Blinks he continued. As he progressed it became easier to blink. He found himself in front of another archway that lead into a building type place made out of the same material as the platforms. He entered and found stairs going up. After following them he came across a shrine in the center of the room. He saw a few talismans with the Outsider on them like the ones from the games. He went other there when the Outsider appeared again next to the shrine. “Here is one of my shrines. You can find more of them in the world I'll send you to. It's a world you know, and yet don't know at the same time.” He then teleports to a small platform hanging on the wall a few yards above him to his left. “You'll have the potential to use Corvo’s, Daude's, and Emily’s abilities. Although you'll have to learn how to use them yourself. It would be too easy if I just gave you to ability to instantly use them.” He smirks before appearing in front of John once more. “You'll find yourself already wearing Corvo's main gear and mask along with both his and Daude's blades at you side. Finding more of my shrines will let me unlock more of your powers. How will your actions shape the next world you live in. I can't wait to see. John Corvo.” With that he vanished. John looked at the shrine for a minute. Before he made up his mind and laid his hands on the shrine. The shrine exploded into pieces before he found himself seeing nothing but darkness. > Become Dishonored. Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- John saw nothing for what felt like a few minutes after the shrine shattered. A bright light suddenly filled his eyes which made him cover them to shield them on reflex. When the light faded away a bit he uncovered his eyes and looked around. He was standing in what looked like a old clock tower. Looks like noone was in the place for decades. The clock wasn’t even working. He what world he was in. The Outsider said it was a world he knew and didn’t know at the same time. So he didn’t have a clue. He saw a small panel on the clock face that looks like it opens to the outside. He walked over to it and opened the panel to see what was outside. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He saw a big city that looked like New York . Even had a statue of Liberty. The thing that majorly gave it away….was the Ponies he can see from the clock tower. He was in Equestria. Manehattan to be precise. He saw Earth Ponies walking/trotting on the ground with some dragging carriages which serves as taxis, Pegasus Ponies that were either flying threw the air or mingling with the crowds in the ground, and Unicorns doing similar things as the Earth Ponies but with magic to help. He saw many pony theme places from where he was. Heck the Statue of Liberty was a pony. He was actually in Equestria. He closed the panel and looked around the room. It was pretty spacesush in here. If he could get some furniture he could use this like a hideout in this city. He feels like Batman haha. If he could somehow make a batcave here he’ll be ecstatic. Although he doesn’t know what to do with it when he needs to leave this city for Ponyville. Moving on. So far he can use the blink skill to travel around. He just needs to practice some more to use the other skills. He decide to practice Blink for now to get the hang of it. He blinks around the open room from one side to the other. He feels his magic that he now has grow smaller as he uses the ability. He stops after his tenth blink to rest when he feels he is low on magic. While he is resting he mentally counts each second as he sees how long it will take for his magic to replenish. Two minutes and thirty seconds. Hopefully that gets better as he gets stronger because that's too long if he gets into a fight. He got up thought about what to try next. He’ll try to learn how to use Far Reach and Wind Blast. He figured Bend Time will be really hard to use since he is actually manipulating time to a degree. He tries Far Reach first. He focuses on his mark and tries to think of how it should feel. He remembers that it was described as extending your arm/hand outwards to pull yourself forward. He tries that for now to see if it works. After a few minutes a trying...a black tendril launches from his hand and pulls him forward...into the wall face first. “Ok...that hurt a bit.” He said as he peeled himself from the wall. He checks to see if he broke anything like his nose and was relieved to see he didn't. He proceeded to practice the move a little more while smacking into the wall some more till he got the hang of it. He then tries Wind Blast. Nothing special happens while doing this. Just John pointing at a wall working on the ability. He can summon a bit of wind at first , but continues for the next hour till he can send a blast that looks as strong as it does by default in the game. He got the move down somewhat so he is good for now. He rest up afterwards to regain his magic and stamina back. He had to rest multiple times while practicing those abilities of his. He figured he would explore the city afterwards to get a feel for the area. Maybe find areas of interest that he could use or look into. Knowing the area will be a boon if he finds himself in trouble. He decided to check his gear finally beforehand heading out. He looked at himself and saw that the Outsider was telling the truth from before. He did have Corvo's attire and mask. He saw the folding sword on his left hip and Daude's assassin sword and his right hip. Corvo's pistol was on his right hip next to the sword and Daude's wrist crossbow was on his left hand. He had three pouches for bullets, bolts, and sleep darts. Which had ten in each. He had a few mines on him as well. Two stun mines, two arch mines, and two razor-wire mines. He saw something out of the corner of his eye lying against a wall. It was a duffle bag. Curious he walked over to it and checked what it held. Daude's outfit, twenty mines of each type, a few boxes of bullets with fifteen each, a few bundles of bolts from regular to sleep to incendiary bolts, and a spare folding sword and assassin sword. Well at least for a little while he doesn't have to worry about supplies. He tied the duffle bag up and looked around for a better spot to put it. He saw an old air duct vent against the ceiling that looked like it doesn't work anymore. He took the vent off and hid the bag in there for now. After closing the vent and making sure you can't see the bag under normal circumstances he opens the clock panel and headed out into the city. He lands on a nearby building using Far Reach. He looks around to see if anyone noticed him. None of the ponies seemed to have noticed so it looks like he is in the clear. Good thing it's night time or it might be a bit hard to go unnoticed. He decided to practice his parkour skills as well as his powers a bit. After stretching a bit he makes a run to another building and jumps toward it. He latches onto the edge and quickly launches himself over onto the roof into a roll. He gets up and continues his progress while occasionally using Blink and Far Reach for those spots he couldn't reach normally. As he was going around he thought he heard something. He stops and stays still for a few minutes. Waiting to see if it would happen again. Before another minute passed he heard it. A scream of horror. “SOMEPONY!!! PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!” That sounds close and female. A mare must be in trouble. He has to help. He quickly hurries off in the direction he heard it come from. He hears the scream a few more times. Each getting a little louder like he was getting closer. He hurries up and tries to find it when he hears a loud scream of pure terror from an ally nearby. He Blinks to the next building and looks over the edge into the ally. After a couple seconds he sees something he wish he didn't see. The mare’s mangled corpse. He was too late. He noticed a unicorn stallion near the corpse and quickly figured out who it was from how it looks. It was the killer. He held a butchers knife in a telekinetic grip with fresh blood on the knife, he was looking at the dead mare with a gleeful expression, he had blood on his green coat, and his cutie mark looked like something a serial killer would have. John was shaking in anger and was about to head down there and deal with this before he heard the Psycho speak...and he wasn't happy to hear what it was. “Sleep now my sweet. You are but another soul to my collection. Hehehe. I wonder who my next one will be? Another young one like a colt or fillie? Oh I can't wait.” This thing has slaughtered many others before. Even CHILDREN!!! John has had enough of this freak already. He jumped off the building and used Far Reach to bull him down with a splash as he hit a puddle. The Psycho stopped as he heard the noise and look down the alley to see some kind of minotaur there. He chuckled at the thought of his next victim coming to him. Makes it easier. John stood up slowly while his head was down. The pony was about to charge when he saw the mask. He didn't know why, but for some reason behind the figure...was a demon coming to reap his soul. John took out both swords and advanced slowly towards the pony. It shook it's head to focus and charged at John. Seeing the pony charge John Blinked behind him making him stumble in surprise. Before it could recover John kicked him in the head making him stumble back a few feet before looking at him in rage. John tried attacking but the pony not only used its knife to block but was also able to summon more to fight with. John was blocking, dodging, and parrying the knifes as they come at him in rapid session. He jumped back before using Wind Blast to send the pony hurling towards the wall with enough force that it broke off its horn on impact. The pony let out a screen of pain and held its head where the remaining bit of his horn was. Before it could react John used Far Reach to grab him and pull him towards him. When he was close enough John stabbed him in the heart with the folding sword. He brought his left arm over and slashed its throat with the assassin blade and ripped the folding sword out through its left side. Blood splattered on the wall, floor, and himself. John breathed heavy for a bit from using those abilities on this crazy pony. He looked at his blades covered in blood before using a cloth on the ground to wipe them clean. Mostly. He walked over to the mare and saw the look of terror and pain on her face. Her eyes wide and lifeless. He closed her eyes and shook his head a little. Wishing he had been quicker. He got up to leave when he heard someone speak. “Finally found you. ‘Blade of Equestria’.” He turned around to see half a dozen Royal Guards looking at him in anger. “it's taken a few years but we finally caught you. This is the first we actually caught you in the act. Your normally more careful not to be seen, but looks like your luck just ran out. Two new victims even. You'll pay for your crime!” God dang it!! They think I'm the killer?!?! Haven't they seem even a glimpse of him if he has been at this for year?! “Get him!!” The head guard said as they began to close in. How about...NOPE!! John Blinks behind the fifth guard and uses the head of the last as a stepping stone so he can use Far Reach to reach the rooftop of a nearby building. He quickly began moving from rooftop to rooftop trying to loose them. He eventually found a small shack on one that had an open window on the side for some reason and hid inside. He waited for a few minutes hearing them pass by it searching for them. He has to get back to the old clock tower and fast. While he was waiting for them to go far enough away he looked outside and saw the moon. His eyes widen when he saw it. He realized what season he was in now. Basically season zero. Because the Mare in the Moon was still there.