> Foxes and Dogs > by LucidDreamer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dustin's First Tuesday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Living with Rarity was...an experience.  Dustin woke up early in the morning and made breakfast for not only her, but her little sister as well.  A thing that Rarity wasn’t used to, apparently. The idea of someone living with her being capable of cooking seemed to be mind-blowing to her. “It’s just pancakes,” the Renamon said as he put a plate of them in front of her one morning.  “Learned from my dad how to make them. Honestly, it’s all about patience.” “Terribly sorry darling, I’m just not used to waking up without the kitchen being on fire.” Rarity sat at the table in her bright pink robe, blinking owlishly at the fox. “Hey!” Came a cry from the other room. “I stopped trying to cook!..... Eventually….” “I feel ya,” Dustin called back as he went back to the stove’s range.  “First time I tried to make an omelette, I ended up with scrambled eggs.  First time I tried to make cookies, I ended up with a cake. Took me years to learn how to cook and bake properly.  It’s all about reading the recipe, using the right amount of heat, and patience.  It’s like...tasty science.  If you get it right, that is.” “Science is confusing.” Sweetie Belle mumbled as she wandered into the kitchen. She trotted over to the oven and sat next to Dustin. “Do you think you could teach me to cook?” “Oh, Sweetie…” Rarity winced. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” “We can start with the basics,” Dustin said as he poured more batter into the pan.  “Just watch and see what I do. Then tell me what you see. Part of learning is observation, after all.”  He checked the level of heat on the burner, nodded, and simply...watched the blob of dough. Sweetie Belle stared intently at the blob, as if willing it took cook with her mind. Her horn briefly ignited. As if she knew she was about accidentally cast something, she squeaked and the light around her horn died. “No… Don’t burn the pancakes.” She mumbled to herself. “You can watch,” Dustin said, patting her on the back.  “I keep it at a nice, steady heat. Turning it up too high will burn the bottom before the sides cook, and we want it to cook a good bit before we flip them, otherwise the batter will go everywhere.  It just takes time, and plenty of patience.” “I’m not very patient.” Sweetie drooped. “I like having things happen now.” “I was like that too, when I was younger,” Dustin chuckled.  “Didn’t save a bit. Just spent it on the things I wanted. It was my friends that got me to save my money, and that taught me patience.  Did I really need that thing I was eying...or could I afford to make their days brighter?  Once I learned how to be patient, I found success in cooking things.  And in other things too.” He played with Sweetie’s mane. “You’ll learn.  Patience is a thing most people learn growing up. But do you want to know my favorite phrase about that?” “What is it?” Sweetie asked wide-eyed, her attention locked onto the golden fox. “‘Growing old is unavoidable.  Growing up is optional.’” Dustin quoted to her with a smirk. Sweetie cocked her head to the side and pinned her ears back. Her face was screwed up in thought. “... I think I get it…. I think...” “No one can make you be responsible but you,” Dustin elaborated for her.  “Nobody can make you leave behind your childhood fun and games but you.  It’s not as though one day you wake up and suddenly, you’ll be an adult.  It’s more like, you grow into it. You choose to be responsible in little ways, until one day you’ll look back and wonder where your days went.”  He then winked at her. “Of course, there are those of us who simply choose to be old enough to know better, but young at heart enough to not care.  When your toys are portable and entertaining enough even when you’re alone, you can be quite young at heart.” “I think I get it now.” Sweetie grinned. Rarity quietly watched their interaction from the table, hiding her smile behind a hoof. “Sweetie, aren’t you supposed to be heading to school?” She called out. “Nope, we have the day off since the school’s still getting repaired. Remember, Growlmon threw that Alpha Timberwolf through the wall on accident last week?” Sweetie responded without looking at her sister. “Right.” Rarity’s smile became strained. “So, what are your plans?” “I’ll probably hang around here, see if you need any help.” Sweetie glanced over at her sister. “No!” Rarity snapped, causing Sweetie to jump. “I-I mean you don’t have to. Why don’t you go out and play with your friends?” “You want to send a filly out on her own on a Tuesday? Before whatever bad happens today actually happens?” Sweetie blinked at her in confusion. “Rarity are you feeling alright?” “I’m fine darling.” Rarity tried to maintain her smile. “I’ve just got a rather large order to fill at the moment. Wait… What time is it?” “Time for some fillies to have breakfast,” Dustin said, plating another set of pancakes and putting them at the table.  “I’ll work on mine, then head to the dojo for my morning workout with Geralt.” Sweetie gasped happily and rushed over to the table. On reaching the table and seating herself she began devouring said fluffy confections with little mind for manners. Rarity frowned a little. “Slow down Sweetie, you don’t want to choke.” “Hey Dustin, can I come with you? I wanna watch your training.” Sweetie said with a mouth full of pancake. “Sweetie… please…” Rarity rubbed her temples with her forehooves. “First, manners,” Dustin said, walking over and closing Sweeties mouth with a paw gently.  “Never talk with your mouth full. Second...it’ll probably be really boring.  It’s just an exercise routine followed by a big old werewolf holding a sandbag in place telling me what to do.” Sweetie swallowed her mouthful before speaking this time. “Yes sir.” She gave him a quick salute then giggled. “Also, that practice sounds a lot better than anything I could come up with. I know Scootaloo was going to spend the day helping at Sugarcube Corner. Applebloom was helping on the farm. So, I got nothing.” “I’ve got nothing.” Rarity corrected. “Yeah, that.” Sweetie pointed a hoof at her sister while shoveling another forkful of pancakes into her mouth. “Well if you’re that hard up for entertainment, sure, you can come watch me get schooled by Geralt,” Dustin said as he flipped his pancakes.  “Dunno when he’s going to show up, though, so I’m going to eat quickly, get my things, and head over there, just in case he’s already there and waiting for me.” “Okay. I’ll wait right here.” Sweetie nodded, finishing up the pancakes on her plate. She then hopped off her seat and trotted over the the sink. Placing the plate in the sink, she sprayed it with water and went to leave. Her brow furrowed. She turned back around and proceeded to properly clean the plate before placing it in the drying rack. “Thank you Sweetie.” Rarity said with a sigh. “That’s very helpful.” “You’re welcome Rarity.” Sweetie chirped. Dustin smiled at the interaction, before plating his own pancakes.  Then Rarity was treated to the sight of him eating. It wasn’t that he cut off large portions, chewed with his mouth open, or was rude at all at the table.  But he was always so quick about it.  Like he was hurrying to something and the food was just in the way. “Darling…” Rarity began slowly. “Do you… have to eat like that?” Dustin swallowed another bite of food before replying.  “Being the elder brother in a family, I was always told to clean up after dinner,” he explained.  “So I ate fast, so I could clean up fast, so I could do other things after dinner was done.  It’s just habit by now.” “I see…” Rarity’s brow furrowed. “Sorry, it’s just how I am,” Dustin said, already done with his breakfast.  “I do enjoy the food. It’s just...I always had things to do. So I went to do them.” “I understand.” Sweetie grinned from her spot on the floor. Her tail was actually wagging like an excited puppy’s. “I suppose it’s not that big a deal.” Rarity sighed. There came a knock at the front door. “I’ll get it!” Sweetie cried and bolted out of the room. Dustin sighed as he went back to his room and picked up his bag.  He never went anywhere without it. “Dustin! It’s not Geralt!” Sweetie cried from the entryway. “It’s Octavia and Ivy!” “Sweetie! You don’t have to yell.” Yelled Rarity from the kitchen. Dustin walked through the boutique, heading to the front door and raising an eyebrow at the grey mare and plant-creature that were at the front door.  “Good job, squirt,” Dustin complimented Sweetie, ruffling her mane with a paw. “So, is watching me get beat up a spectator sport now?” he asked the visitors. “Hello Dustin.” Octavia smiled form the doorway. “Also no, apparently I’m supposed to start training.” “Ummmm… I am too….” Ivy said meekly from Octavia’s back. “Is it because you killed that hydra?” Sweetie asked. “Sure.” Octavia sighed. “I didn’t kill the bloody hydra, the three…. Ugh…” She mumbled under her breath with a shake of her head. “So we’re all going to see Geralt this morning,” Dustin summed up.  “Who wants to bet that he’s already there and waiting for our slow behinds?” “Probably.” Octavia yawned. “I haven’t even had my coffee yet.” “I don’t have the bits to bet. I used most of mine.” Ivy shrugged. “On what?” Sweetie asked, cocking her head to the side. “Nothing important!” Ivy sat up straight and briefly glanced at Dustin, before finally deciding to hide in Octavia’s mane. Octavia giggled softly. “I believe we’re wasting time.” “So we are,” Dustin agreed, adjusting his pack.  “To the dojo then. Not like there’ll be a whole lot of foot traffic today.”  He hadn’t seen a Tuesday yet, but he’d heard about them from Rarity. He didn’t quite believe it would be that bad, though. The small group walked through Ponyville, which could have been mistaken for a ghost town with how empty it was. “So, how on a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think today’s going to be?” Sweetie asked aloud. “Can’t be as bad as my first day.” Ivy said, her voice muffled by mane. “I don’t want to think about it.” Octavia said flatly. “I honestly have no idea,” Dustin said as they made their way through the deserted streets.  “Though if something did happen, we’d obviously have to run until someone dealt with it.” “And not use the chance to try out any of your training?” Sweetie asked. “A bugbear, an Alpha Timberwolf, a Ancient Primal Hydra, a giant Cragodile, a pack of over fourty Timberwolves.” Octavia listed. “These are just a few things that Ponyville has had thrown at it. I think we’re a bit out of our league for any number of those. At least Guilmon has had practice and Geralt’s…… Geralt.” “Yeah,” Dustin sighed.  “He says I could be capable of great things too…”  He trailed off before shaking his head. “Forget it.  It’s probably never going to happen.” “Who said what now?” Sweetie asked, staring up at the fox. “Don’t worry about it Sweetie,” Dustin said, petting her head.  “Geralt’s just being silly.” He muttered something about a device and a partner under his breath though...apparently forgetting that ponies had a pretty good sense of hearing. “Do you mean this?” Sweetie held out a hoof. Oh said hoof was a certain white and gold device. Dustin hissed. “Where did you get that?” He asked.  The last time he saw it, he’d buried in in his bag, never to see the light of day again. “It fell out of your bag, so I picked it up. I thought you forgot it.” Sweetie beamed. “Isn’t that cute.” Octavia smiled. “Mmhmm.” Ivy nodded, finally coming back out from her hiding place. “Just...keep it away from me,” Dustin said, grumbling under his breath.  Something about it having done enough damage for a lifetime. Sweetie wilted. “Okay….” She stuffed it back into the bookbag she’d brought with her. “That was… a tad harsh.” Octavia frowned a little at Dustin. “Look, I bought it and a Renamon figurine for a friend at an anime convention,” Dustin explained.  “I barely turned around to give it to him when I wound up here.” “Hey. I did the same… Only I bought a Rosemon.” Ivy spoke up quietly. “Wound up under a tree as a Palmon.” “Point is,” Dustin continued, “I was trying to be generous for my friend and…”  He sighed, before looking at Sweetie. “It’s not your fault,” he told the filly.  “I just...would rather not see it again. Ever. You can keep it if you want.” “Okay.” Sweetie perked up a bit. “Oh hey there’s the Dojo.” The clearly neighponese-inspired building looked like it needed some work. “You know, a new coat of paint would do wonders for that building.” Octavia mused aloud. “Yeah. So would a remodel.” Ivy commented dryly. Suddenly a sound like a dull thud came from within the Dojo. “Huh, I wonder if Geralt is already-” A blue form came hurtling through the Dojo’s front door. Said form skipped once, twice, three times off the ground, to slam into a tree hard enough to crack it. “Owwww…..” Geralt groaned as he got to his paws slowly. He popped his neck. “Fucking cheap shot.” “Geralt! What’s-” Before Octavia could finish, a black diamond dog a little taller than Geralt, but clearly more physically built, stomped out of the Dojo. It wore pieces of metal woven together by straps in some rudimentary form of mail. Its long arms helped propel it forward. A pair of bright blue eyes, narrowed in anger, stared at Geralt. “Oi! Yous gonna tell me where dat pony is dat stole from me an’ mah boys!” The dog bellowed. “Dat pony stole mah property! Tell me where she is er Ah’ll give ya a worse thumpin!” Geralt spat a wad of blood and phlegm. “How about you fuck off and we’ll just go about our day?” “Mah sneaky boys are already huntin for that pony. A name’d just make it go fasta.” The dog grinned wickedly. Sweetie gasped. “I think he’s talking about Rarity!” She squeaked. The dog’s ear twitched and he slowly looked over at Sweetie Belle. “'Oow’s Rarity?” He growled with a malicious grin. “Get him Geralt! He’s just one guy!” Ivy cheered. “He’s all alone!” "E’s wot now?” A gravelly voice chuckled from behind the group. The group slowly turned to see a dozen diamond dogs of varying shades of grey, all dressed in some dark grey hooded rags and all holding something that could be considered a knife if you squinted, standing in a loose grouping. One of the dogs wearing a mask over his muzzle chuckled. “Ya were sayin?” “That’s cheating… Diamond dogs shouldn’t be that stealthy.” Sweetie said in a quiet whine. Dustin’s heart was pounding.  He’d only been trained a little, he didn’t know how to fight! But you’re not just going to let them hurt you.  Hurt Sweetie. Are you? He didn’t know what he could do, though.  If he knew something, anything to fight them off with! But you do.  You just don’t know that you know.  Let it flow through you… The fox’s eyes narrowed, even as they started to glow brighter.  For some reason, he found himself asking them a question. “Hey, you boys like gems, right?” “Wot?” The lead dog blinked stupidly. “Course we like gems.” Octavia gave Dustin a look that screamed ‘what are you doing?!’ Dustin smirked as he raised a paw.  “Oh good. Then you’re going to love this.” From the ground behind him, blades of grass, small ones, rose up and pointed themselves at the dogs...before each one was coated with a cone of energy.  One that matched the glow in his eyes, coming to a deadly looking point. “DIAMOND STORM!” he shouted as the spikes of pain lanced towards the dogs. “Wot the fu-” The dog didn’t get to finish as the digital equivalent to a heavy machine gun tore into the group of dogs. The first few fell to the ground, crying out in pain, or even dropping like puppets with their strings cut, as the glowing shards of energy bored into their chests. The rest took the hint and scattered. Dustin glared at the retreating dogs.  “Sweetie,” he said, “We’re going home. If they are after your sister, then we should be there to make sure nothing happens.”  He looked over at Geralt. “You got him?” Geralt narrowly dodged a swinging hamfist. “Dammit- I got it! Go!” “We’ll help where we can! Get going!” Octavia snapped, before she charged towards the larger target. Dustin picked the filly up with one arm before he began sprinting directly back to the boutique. Okay, now he believed them about Tuesdays. Now, the diamond dogs weren’t caring about being stealthy. They were ransacking everything in their path. The Ponyville citizens weren’t taking this lying down however, they fought back with anything they could get their hooves on. A deafening roar announced the presence of Growlmon as a large cluster of dogs ran in terror from the bright red dinosaur. Dustin swore he saw Pinkie and Scootaloo riding on his head. Dustin hung a right and burst through the main doors of the boutique at his top speed, hoping they weren’t too late. The boutique looked trashed. How had this happened in such a short time. “Out! Get out you brutes!” Rarity’s angry shriek came from within. “Rarity!” Sweetie shrieked and struggled to get out of Dustin’s arms.  The fox put her down even as he ran to the source of Rarity’s voice. He might not have been fond of the mare...but he wasn’t about to leave her to the dogs. Inside, a sound of struggling could be heard from upstairs. “Get your paws off those gems! Their mine!” Sweetie rushed up stairs. “Sweetie?!” Came Rarity’s shocked cry. “What are you doing?! Get out of here!” Dustin rushed into the room, taking it all in within a moment. Gems, swatches of cloth, and ponyquins littered the floor. Three dogs were sacking the room, grabbing as many gems as they could fit in theri bags. A fourth dog was tugging on a sapphire sequined dress that Rarity happened to be holding onto with both her levitation and her hooves. Sweetie was trying her best to trip up those dogs stealing the gems. Dustin’s eyes flared again.  The pins and needles around the room floated up, before being coated in a cone of energy that matched the light coming from his eyes. “Sit, stay, roll over,” Dustin taunted the dogs.  “Play dead.DIAMOND STORM!” The shards of light streaked across the room and slammed into the dogs. Shrieks and yelps of pain came from the dogs as they immediately dropped what they were doing in an attempt to shield themselves. One unfortunate dog was struck multiple times in the chest and was thrown through the window. “Sod it boyz! Pony ain’t worth dyin!” One of the dogs cried and leapt straight through a window, only to be followed by his much weakened kin. “Rarity!” Sweetie cried, running over to the mare and leaping into her forelegs. “I’m alright, Sweetie. I’m okay.” She squeezed the filly, as she shook, seemingly trying to keep the tears in. Dustin let out a growl.  This...was not okay. These dogs had come into her home and upset his landlord. He’d have to fix that… Without a word to anyone else, the Renamon in the room jumped through the shattered window, intent on hunting down more dogs to punish them himself. “Dustin wait!” he heard Sweetie cry as he leapt. “Sweetie no!” Came Rarity’s cry seconds later. The Renamon landed, looking up from his crouch and his eyes narrowed.  Time to punish some dogs. Now, if he was a cowardly dog, where would he run? ...If he had any sense of strategy, to some pre-arranged rendezvous point where the rest of his kin were waiting to take down whatever scattered them in the first place.  Maybe if he followed one of them?... Out of the corner of his eye, he took note of something. A trail of blood spots on the ground, leading away from the boutique and back through the town. A lead.  Dustin followed it as best he could.  It’d be for the better if these dogs were stopped before they tried anything clever.  For their sake. The trail lead through, and out of Ponyville. It lead towards a massive open patch of mostly flat dirt. Only now it was absolutely covered in holes of various sizes. ‘Strange… isn’t this where Rarity goes to collect gems?’ If he had to guess, the dogs came from here.  And they ran back here. Now, how would he go about finding them?... “I think they’re somewhere down there.” Sweetie's voice came from somewhere around Dustin’s tail.  Dustin blinked a few times, before turning around and looking behind him. Sweetie Belle sat on her haunches a couple feet behind him with a look of deep contemplation on her face. She noticed his looked and blinked at him. “What?” “...Why are you here?  How are you here?” Dustin asked. “It’s dangerous to go alone.” Sweetie responded. “Also, I followed you. Like right after you went out the window.” “...Rarity is going to kill me,” Dustin groaned, facepawing.  “Look, if I’m going to go down there and find them, I’m not just going to pick a tunnel at random.  What I need is for one to go down in front of me for me to follow.” Sweetie got up and trotted forward. She pointed at a hole that clearly had a trail of blood leading to it. “What if you just followed the trail?” “...And leave you alone?” He countered.  “I’m not about to take any chances here, squirt.  Plus, it’d probably not be for foal’s eyes, what I intend to do down there.” “Well, I’m not letting you go alone. What if you get captured hmmmm?” Sweetie shot back, raising a brow. “Fine,” Dustin sighed.  “As long as you stay behind me.  I wouldn’t fancy fighting one of those big guys that Geralt is dealing with.  But I’m going to make sure they don’t come back.” “Gotcha.” Sweetie nodded, gesturing a hoof at the hole. “Mares first.” “...Okay, now you’re messing with me.  You know I’m a guy.” Sweetie gave him a flat look. “No… really?” “Let’s...let’s just go,” Dustin sighed.  Hopefully he’d figure out how he was going to deal with an entire army of dogs. Taking a breath he walked forward and leapt down the hole. The drop was shorter than he thought. “Ahh- oof! I’m good!” Sweetie mumbled from behind him. The hole was a tad shorter than Dustin’s full height, which resulted in him having to crouch ever so slightly. “First things first, find the dogs, hope they’re in a room with a larger ceiling,” the Renamon muttered.  “I’d rather like being able to kick them without having to crouch.” “I believe it.” Sweetie nodded and nudged him. “Go ahead, fearless leader.” He briefly shot her a look then slowly crept forward, making sure to keep a hand on the wall. He kept his ears open, listening for any sound that could either give away his position, or any sounds of approaching dogs. Both he and Sweetie could walk along in relative silence, being that the ground was loosely packed soil. The only major issue was sight, it was dark. Then his foot fell on nothing and he tumbled forward. He slammed face first into the ground. There was the feeling of something soft landing on his back. “Thanks for the cushioning.” Sweetie mumbled as she hopped of his back. “Anytime,” Dustin groaned as he sat back up.  “Just hope we haven’t lost the trail.” “I doubt it.” Sweete said with wide eyes. Dustin blinked. He could see Sweetie. His gaze roze and his jaw dropped. The walls and ceiling was alight with gems. A crackling torch on the wall caused all of the gems to reflect the light, making it more than easy enough to see. The pathway they’d fallen into alone happened to be much wider and much taller than the previous one they’d fallen from. “Oi, ya hear that.” A gruff voice came from a side passage. “Ah think yer hearin' tings.” Came a second. “Shhhhh..." Sweetie began... then she stared at Dustin. "-iznit." Swiftly, she bolted over to what Dustin swore was an overturned minecart. “Over here!” She hissed.  The Renamon was quick to follow, joining the filly under the cart. A pair of diamond dogs came out of the side passage. One was half Dustin’s size with a red vest and one was only slightly shorter than the fox with a blue vest. Neither were armed. “You think it’s angry ponies? New boss came back and some other dogs came back, but not all dogs came back.” The shorter of the two spoke up. “New boss jus’ goin to make thins ‘arder fer us.” The larger dog grunted. “We’s were fine until ‘e came along.” “Huh,” Dustin muttered.  “Well...maybe we won’t have to do anything after all.” “Wha’s zat?” The shorter dog yelped, hiding behind the larger dog. “Not our problem.” The larger dog grumbled. He walked across the tunnel to the opposite the side passage, with the smaller dog following behind him. “Sooo… There’s some kind of in fighting going on?” Sweetie asked. “Or was it a hostile takeover?” Dustin gave her a confused look. She blushed. “I got bored and read a few of Rarity’s dumb romance novels, okay?” “Either way, it looks like the new boss, probably the guy Geralt was fighting, is back here and the cause of all this trouble,” Dustin pointed out.  “...Wanna see if we can get rid of him?” “Heck yeah!” Sweetie grinned. “Wait… Rarity’s not here! I can swear if I want to.” She giggled. “‘Oh but being vulgar is so unladylike.’” “On the one hand, being crude and crass invites you to be lazy with your vocabulary,” Dustin pointed out.  “On the other, there are some situations that just call for swearing.  Just use your best judgement.” “Will do.” Sweetie nodded. “So… we have…” She looked around. “We have four different directions to try. What do you think?” “I think we follow those dogs, knock them out, and search until we find this ‘new boss.’” Dustin said, cracking his knuckles. “Well what about the dogs that went that way?” Sweetie pointed toward the passage that the two dogs went down. “We could just follow them.” “I can follow them,” Dustin pointed out.  “Your hooves would make a lot of noise. I’ll have to carry you and be sneaky.” Sweetie pouted. She sat on her haunches and held out her forelegs. “Fine.” “Actually, better idea,” Dustin said with a twinkle in his eye. And that was how Sweetie found herself being carried...by riding in Dustin’s backpack.  He claimed it would leave his arms free for punching things. “This is demeaning!” Came the muffled complaints from the backpack. “Feel free to poke your head out if you want,” Dustin whispered.  “I didn’t latch the top closed.” “Oh….” After a moment of rustling, Sweetie’s head popped out of the backpack. “Okay we’re good. Continue.” “Remember, this is all about stealth until we find the big guy.  So tell me if someone’s coming up behind me,” Dustin whispered to her as he kept following the trail of the dogs. “Gotcha.” Sweetie nodded. Dustin could tell this path wasn’t used as much. There were only a few paw prints, the sets made by the pair they were following were evident. Soon there came the sound of muffled voices and the sounds of something striking stone. “Ya’s workin’ us half ta death.” Came the voice of a dog. “We’s can’t keep dis up.” There was the sound of something hitting flesh and the dog yelped in pain. “Ya’s gonna be full death if’n ya don’t keep diggin!” Came a rumbling roar. “Ah need all gems so Ah can get me some proper gear! Heh heh. Sometimes stuff from the Storm King’s army goes missin’. That stuff sells at a high price. Tha’s why Ah need all the gems!” “That’s the same voice as the dog that picked a fight with Geralt.” Sweetie hissed. “Well, now we know why he’s doing this,” Dustin muttered as he kept following that voice.  “Now we just need to stop him.” “B-but b-boss.” The second dog spoke up. “We’s ‘ad a good thing goin’ after we let that mare go. We’s were gonna start tradin’ wit-” His speech was cut off as there was another sound of something hitting flesh. “We’re Dogs! Dogs don’ trade wit ponies! Now git back ta work!”” There was a sound of heavy footfalls and a sound of sniffling. “This isn't okay.” Sweetie growled. “No, it isn’t,” Dustin growled as well, finally finding the door they were searching for.  “I think I know what has to be done here.” Well, it was less a door and more a set of planks crudely lashed to the wall by ropes. Pulling it open revealed a wide open cavern, glittering with gems. Dozens of dogs were hanging by ropes from the ceiling, and using their claws to dig out gems. Oh the floor were carts completely full with gems of various sizes. Nearby the door, leaning against a box of broken mining equipment, was a white diamond dog with blue eyes. He… or she, Dustin couldn’t tell, was nursing a busted lip. A few bruises could actually be seen though some of the more patchy fur. “Stupid boss….” The dog muttered as he sniffled. Dustin’s eyes narrowed even as they flared with light again.  The moment he found that ogre of a Diamond Dog...he looked around the room, trying to locate him. “Follow tha tracks.” Dustin jumped at the voice. The dog was looking right at him. “You lookin’ for tha boss? Follow the tracks. Jus’ git rid of ‘im and his boys ’ll scatter.” “You… You okay?” Sweetie asked quietly. “No ‘m not okay!” The dog growled, hackles briefly raising, until he slumped. “‘M not okay. We’re not okay.” The dog looked at Sweetie. “Wait, you’s that little white pony that follows around that big white pony.” “That’s my sister.” Sweetie blinked. “She’s okay? Nodoggy ‘urt her did they?” The dog actually looked worried. “She was okay last I saw, and that was when I jumped out a window after this guy.” Sweetie grinned sheepishly. The dog let out a bark and slumped down to the ground. “Good.” He rubbed a paw across his mouth, doing little more than streaking the blood from his lip over his paw. “Good.” He blinked at the blood on his paw and shrugged. “Ah’m glad she’s okay. She was a pretty pony.” Dustin nodded as he looked for and found the tracks that the dog was talking about.  What he didn’t seem to notice, though, was that every single shard of stone and gem that was small enough, was dragging along the floor behind him. Apparently, something had a plan, even if he didn’t know about it. The tracks lead into a shored up area that felt more like an actual mine. The walls appeared hewn and were braised with thick planks. Though the ceiling was only a few feet higher than Dustin’s head, the tracked pathway was wide enough for three carts to go through with more room on either side. Every few feet there were doors (actual doors) alternating between left and right sides in ten foot intervals. “Is this what the dogs are capable of normally?” Sweetie asked, looking around at the doors and tracks. “Because this looks like it’s been here for awhile. Maybe we were just walking through areas that hadn’t been reinforced yet.” She hummed. “Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start trading with the dogs. They just seem like they’ve had a bad time recently. Maybe those dogs that foalnapped Rarity were working for the big dog?” “That’s why I’m going to take him out of the picture,” Dustin growled as the pile behind him grew larger the further they went.  “And replace him with someone else.” “I’d vote Geralt, but….. Wait… maybe he’d be okay juggling the Dogo, training, and getting the dogs resituated.” Sweetie mused. A light could be seen ahead. Dustin couched down behind vertical beam and peaked around. His eyes widened. The tracks lead to a massive mine shaft. It had to be two dozen feet across, at least. What’s more the shaft seemed to go all the way up to the surface, as sunlight streamed down from the hole far above. A spiralling path ran from a ramp nearby all the way up the shaft. Dozens of weary and tired looking dogs pushed carts up a set of tracks that ran up the spiraling path. More dogs were off to the side sitting at tables and looking over the various gems. Yet more still were at other tables across the way, organising gems by type and having them be put into minecarts based on gem type. The dogs at the tables were being watched over by larger, darker furred dogs in better quality clothing. A few even had bits of armor. “What do ya mean you didn’t get ‘er!” The voice of the big dog bounced off the walls, echoing up the shaft. In the center of the room, down a level from Dustin's vantage point, was the lead dog himself. Things were a tad different. Gone was his ragged piecemeal armor and in its place was what looked like Equestrian Guard armor that had been bent enough to fit him. In his mits was a large tree trunk, all the branches had been snapped off so it could be used like a club. He slapped the trunk into his paw like it was a police baton as he paced back and forth in front of a group of whimpering dogs. The same dogs that had both attacked Ponyville and attacked Rarity. “B-but boss, that gold fox dog stopped us!” One of the dogs whimpered. Dustin noticed that the diamond storm shards were still sticking out of the dogs. “Excuses!” The boss dog roared. “Dey were ponies and a few a dem weird tings! Only dat big dog put up a good fight!” The dog seethed and slammed his tree trunk into the ground. “Boss wants us ta weaken dah ponies! We can’t do dat unless we git good gear! We can’t git good gear unless we git good gems! An the best gems are in dat ruddy town!” He roared. “Which one a you’s gits decided that ya could break stealth?! Which one a you’s decided to fuck over da entire plan?!” A dog was swiftly pushed forward. “B-boss! P-please!” With a roar the lead dog lashed out a paw and grabbed the dog. His fist enveloped the entire upper half of the smaller creature. With a roar he tossed him up into the air. “Sweetie! Look away!” Dustin hissed and Sweetie immediately ducked back into the backpack. The lead dog hefted his tree trunk and swung right as the flailing dog came back down. With a sickening crunch the smaller dog's spine snapped as it was struck by the rudimentary club. The limp body sailed across the shaft and barreled through one of the tables sending both gems and dogs flying in every direction. The lead dog bayed like some hound of hell as blood dripped off his club. The smaller wounded dogs scattered. The other dogs too frightened to move, merely hid behind their tables. “Useless! All a you’s!” The lead dog roared. Time to step in before more dogs got hurt. “OI!  MUTT!” Dustin called down the shaft.  “I challenge you for the right to command this den!” “Wha’s dis?!” The dog roared, whirling around and staring up at Dustin. His look of anger melted into a cruel grin. “Oh, Ah remember you’s. You’s da one wit dat little pony. Dat little pony can’t save ya now.” He slammed his club into the ground. “Dis ‘ere is my mine! Mine! You tink you’s can come in ‘ere and take it from me?!” The dog bayed that unnatural howl once again. “Come an try!” “I am Dustin O’melia, descended from the last prince of Scotland!” Dustin shouted back.  “As they would say, ‘Take yer club and shove it up yer ass sideways, you great lout!  Come and have a go if you think ye’re hard enough!’” With a roar the lead dog leapt. Dustin’s eyes widened as he easily cleared the ten foot gap from the shafts base to him. The club was already cocked back and swinging. There was a moment when Dustin was sure he was going to die. Then there was nothing but clarity as the training he’d been having with Geralt kicked in.  He leaned backwards and felt the air ruffle his fur as it went through the space his torso had just been occupying.  He flipped backwards, caught Sweetie as she fell out of his backpack, and set her down with a simple command. “Run,” he told her, taking his bag off and passing it to her to keep it safe too. Sweetie booked it, galloping away as fast as her legs would carry her. “Dere she is!” The dog growled. “When Ah’m done wit ya, Ah’m gonna enjoy pickin’ ‘er outta mah teeth!” He snarled as he cocked back for another swing. “You actually think you’re going to win here,” Dustin noted as he watched the angle of the incoming swing, before sidestepping it easily.  “That’s cute. Two things, though. ‘If my enemy is the mountain, I shall be as the wind.’ You’re too big and slow to actually catch me.” “Git ‘ere!” The dog roared, stepping into the tracked hall and sweeping his club through the air in front of him.  The golden fox ducked under the swing, slipping behind the dog. And when he turned to face the Renamon again? Dustin’s eyes were practically on fire.  A glow that was matched as every sliver of stone and gem he’d dragged behind him was coated in a cone of energy.  And that was...quite a bit he’d dragged through the hallways. “Second,” Dustin all but growled.  “DIAMOND HURRICANE!” A shrieking filled the hall, a noise of wind and dozens, hundreds of shards humming with energy. A raging wind picked up, swirling around Dustin as if he himself was the eyes of the storm. All the torches went out, leaving the two foes in darkness. Pinpoints of light grew in the distance. A million points of light shining like diamonds. The dog took a single step back. The storm broke as the entire hall was filled with a torrent of shining, crackling shards. The dog’s cry was drowned out as he was battered. His armor sundered, his flesh tore. Still the storm raged. The dog was thrown into the mineshaft, surrounded by an endless sea of shards. The raging hurricane took him. The dog at the center of a swirling cyclone of death. Together they rose, higher and higher up the shaft. Until, on reaching the light of the sun above, the hurricane dispersed. Leaving no trace of the once mighty diamond dog. Dustin panted as the energy left him.  Now that the immediate threat was dealt with, the adrenaline was wearing off at last.  Hopefully the rest of them would be smart. “Is… is e’ gone?” Came a voice. “‘E… ‘e actually is….” Came another. “Dat fox dog…. Dat fox dog killed ‘im.” Came a third. “Dat fox dog killed da boss!” "Fox dog’s da new boss!” “Fox dog’s da new boss!” The chant of ‘fox dog’s da new boss’ filled the mine echoing from the mine shaft. “You did it!” Sweetie came charging up to Dustin, followed by the white diamond dog. He was limping a little but didn’t look too much worse. “Ya… Ya freed us…” The dog sounded stunned. “Why?” “Because being a slave in your own home isn’t something anyone should have to experience,” Dustin replied, picking Sweetie up and taking his bag back.  “In any case, I also wanted to make sure this never happened again.” “Well… Ah’m only one dog, but Ah support ya.” The dog raised a paw. “Flint.” “Dustin,” the Renamon replied, shaking it with his own.  “...I just signed up for a world of trouble, didn’t I?” “You’ve got me.” Sweetie grinned. “It shouldn’t be too bad.” Flint shrugged with a wince. “Seems like ya’ve got most a da dogs support already. Ya won’t be alone.” “Hey, maybe this means you won’t have to train as much.” Sweetie said thoughtfully. “I mean you did just solo a…” She looked at Flint. “Warchief.” Flint nodded with a toothy grin. Sweetie gasped. Her eyes widened as she turned her head towards Dustin. “You just solo’d a Diamond Dog Warchief……” “An now ya’s da new pack leada.’” Flint nodded. “...Greaaaaaat,” Dustin sighed.  “Well...first of all I’ll need to figure out how to run a Diamond Dog mine.  Secondly,” he looked to Sweetie Belle.  “One of us needs to get back home and tell Ponyville Tuesday’s problem is over...and tell someone that there’s a Storm King who wants weakened ponies out there.  And third, I need a fuckin’ nap. I am exhausted.” “Ya can take boss’s old room…. Wait… no tha’s a bad idea… whole thin’ll probably be set on fire. Ah well, Ah can find ya a bed.” Flint shrugged. “Oh, though as the new boss yer gonna need ta choose which bitch will be your breeding bitch.” “What’s a breeding bitch?” Sweetie asked, only for a look of horror to cross her face. “Nevermind…” She turned a little green. “Figured it out…” “Don’t tell your sister,” Dustin said instantly.  “Okay...Flint? Can you pick a pair of dogs you trust to lead Sweetie back to pony town’s border?  Sweetie, tell Rarity I’ll be late to dinner. Assuming I make it at all.” “Done boss.” Flint gave a brief salute and limped off. “Awww, I wanted to explore the mine.” Sweetie pouted. “No.”  Dustin shook his head.  “There’s plenty to be done to make sure this doesn’t happen again.  I may be the boss now, but someone might try to overthrow me. ‘It is far harder to overthrow a king that is loved than one that is despised.’  Why do you think they all like me now?  If I’m going to keep this mine, I need to work to make sure they love me being their boss.  And you need to bring back word to town so that they don’t think the dogs kidnapped you.” “Okay.” Sweetie sighed. “Boss.” Flint came limping back with a familiar pair of dogs. “See, Ah told you Ah heard something.” The smaller dog said, pointing excitedly at Sweetie Belle. “I remember ‘er. She’s da cute one a dem ‘Crusaders.’” Sweetie Belle squeed. “Come on.” The big dog said, rolling his eyes at the smaller one. “Let’s get you ‘ome lil’ one. Pretty pony probably misses you.” Dustin watched them lead Sweetie off before sighing.  “Flint,” he said to the white dog. “First thing’s first.  You’re my advisor. If something comes up that I don’t know, you tell me about it.  If the dogs are unhappy, you tell me why. You’re going to get me acquainted with running this place so that I can do good by you all.  Any dog disrespects you, they answer to me.” “Ah’m honored.” Flint nodded. “Now… ‘ow about we find ya a bed. Ya look dead on yer feet.” “I feel it,” the fox muttered. “Just don’t let me sleep too long.”