> Struggles > by LILDASHIEGRINGO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer took the opportunity to look at herself, to look at what she used to be inside ever since she came upon this world, what was part of her that made who she was back then. It was like looking into a mirror that showed truth about anyone that stood front and center without their masks, letting their fruitful emotions take figure of themselves. This was a sight that she didn’t want to see, but it was apart of her. She couldn’t let it go even if she tried to forget. It was always there, asking for her to come back, to become one once again. The Demon. It stared her down and stood still, its grin obvious and clear to Sunset. It couldn’t move from the magical barrier that held it in place, but that didn’t stop it from shining its fiery presence unto her, the warmth comforting her mind and body. It made her loose and calm, relaxing her of her usual stress that always fell on her from school. She was getting tired of these damn people and the Demon knew this well, ever since the beginning of her ‘reformation period’. It was hard to appease those that she wronged, to try to set things right with them even if they still hated her. She destroyed the school, almost damaged their sensitive minds, and even crippled their reputation as a strong educational system. Their faces showed smiles and cheers every time she passed them after the whole fiasco, but they were all masks. There was no happy stories when it came to Sunset and her past; there never was. Which was why she let her dark side take her and use her for whatever it wanted. She moaned softly as its warm lips touched her neck, letting its sharp claws glide over her jacket and cherish the moment a little longer than usual. Instead of just ripping off her clothes, it took them off, knowing that she had fully accepted how it was a long time ago. It didn’t need to fight her anymore like it always did, even if it was satisfying at the time. But this was more than that, this time it was giving Sunset worth that no one else did all the way down to her boots. The naked girl stood there as it inspected her body with high intent, purring as its soulless eyes burned a mark into her. It moved its clawed hand along her exposed breast, circling around the dark areola. The sound of her sudden grunt, the startled flinch of her body. It was feeding off her pleasure, going farther down to achieve greater results. Next came their lips doing the hard work, sucking onto the other to hear those moans again, the lust that expunged her thoughts. All that mattered was its growing determination to make her feel better about herself, her real self. And if it required going slow, it was fine with it. It wanted to be accepted into her arms again, to be loved like it remembered long ago. Sunset moaned loudly on the floor as she gripped its head within her thighs, feeling its claws dig deep into her hips as it licked along her wet slit. Its tongue was filled with fire that made her tighten her hold on it, relishing on the ride of no return. They pulled her closer and kept going, taking their time to explore the treasures that awaits it with every succulent drag of its appendage. The rough slap of her ass forced a desperate grunt from her lips, the pain electrifying her will to keep going, the burn encouraging her to let go. It wanted her to let go. It loved her. Every ounce in her body heated up with extreme passion. She didn’t want to let go. She didn’t want to lose her again. But it was destined, it never planned on stopping the inevitable. Sunset shrieked, her whole entire house shaking as she finally released her stress upon it, letting it drink her warm nectar that her pulsating pussy would convey. She relaxed as it kept licking her out, calming her breath from the thrilling last moments of bliss. It was fulfilling to caress this precious time she had before going back to the girls she saw as friends, holding dear to her true embodiment of what she was created to be; a beautiful woman with no bounds held against her. Time passed and it was lying next to her, holding her close to its frame. It was getting cold and Sunset wanted her only heat source by her side, which it was fine with. But how long would it be when they would stop all of this? When will this self hate that corrupted her go away? When will you let me inside again? “You know it can’t be.” Those words broke her down. To know that she couldn’t be whole for the rest of her days made her distraught. The very idea of not having a sense of true hate ruined her. She could get agitated, but hate is a passionate feeling. It lingers in the body and stays there, never leaving its host of the grudge it held for others that do her wrong. But if it meant the safety of the people, it had to be done. complete bullshit. It kissed her before she closed her eyes, pulling her in even closer. If ever needed, she knew it would be here waiting for her presence again. It yearned for her every time, its needs growing more and more demanding after each trip. Sooner or later it’ll take hold of her again, not letting her leave this place until it got what it wanted. Her friends would fight for her, even when she would be long lost. It would be her fault for the coming tragedies that would follow. But she wouldn’t care. She would be finally whole. ‘I’m sorry, girls.’