> Hot Coffee Quickies: Taco Breaker > by Fabulosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > HCQ: Taco Breaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quiet within the Dazzling household. Not a single peep was heard, nor did a single sound echo throughout the entire apartment. The Dazzling girls had been busy with their own individual lives, though, they still lived together in the usual chaotic harmony that they always had strived within. It was the middle of the day, just after noon and two of the three Dazzling sisters were gone from the premises. Working actually, while a sleepy little siren was spending her time in bed. Laziest of the three and how she did love it. Nothing could be done for her, well, more that no-one wanted to do anything for her; but that’s just how she wanted it. The only two creatures in the entire existence that she wanted to spend time with, where gone for another few hours and for now… it was just her. With that thought in mind, she slowly stirred and rolled around the bed. Groaning and mumbling as she awoke from her deep sleep. Eyes opening, beautiful amethyst hues staring right up toward the ceiling of the wide, cluttered bedroom. Clothes littering the floor and furniture, while toys, make-up and other accessories also joined the clutter throughout the room. Sonata yawned and smacked her lips lightly, she was always so thirsty in the mornings – probably something that came over from the old world. The blankets were tangled around her supple, curvaceous body while she lay there. The blankets of the bedding, wrapped up as far as her cleavage and with that, she’d reach down and grab the large bottle of water that was positioned upon the floor, next to her bed. “I’m so thirsty, man… I hope Dagi left my banana milkshake in the fridge. Protein is best for mornings, like for realises. ”She’d mumble. Even though she were only awake, that peppy attitude was starting to crack through the fatigue of wakening up. Once more she’d yawn and try to shake that sleepiness from her mind and body. Holding the bottle of water in hand, she’d remain laying down or rather somewhat propped up, due to how she had the pillows positioned behind her head and neck. “After this, time for a shower and then something to eat! Maybe I should go out for takeout today… hmm. ”The siren hummed. The blue skinned siren teenager would ponder on the thoughts of what she was going to do today, yet she was distracting herself from the actions of drinking and sating her bodies requirement for delicious crystal-clear water. “Okay, let’s do this! Let’s get something super tasty to eat!” Sonata grinned as the thought of tasty, hot and greasy food entered her easily excited mind. Tipping the bottle forward for that tasty drink, she’d not realize that the cap upon the bottom was loose and indeed unsecured. Though it was too late. The contents of that heavy bottle of water left their confines and entirely splashed down upon the poor unsuspecting siren. “EEEEEEEE!” Sonata screamed. It was as if a certain sister had decided to prank the poor girl, though it was probably a genuine mistake of her own accord. Either way it was difficult to say in this household, as both her and Aria often fought and pranked one another; much to Adagio’s dislike and annoyance. The prologue had just ended, and there she was; lying in her bed with her face, neck and hair soaked through and through. What a way to start the morning too. Usually one would wash their face in the mornings, within a sink. Yet here was Sonata doing things in bed, such a lazy girl. Or so Adagio would say. “Geez! This sucks! Why was the lid open?! Ugh… great… now I’m gonna need to change the sheets on my bed, thanks Aria… bitch.” The grumbling siren would exclaim. Leading Aria to the blame straight away, not even for once considering that it may have been her own doing. It mattered not however, the damage was done and she’d pay Aria back next time for that prank. A prank that now left her wet, in her own bed and not exactly in the fun way either. Sonata merely lay there, staring up toward the ceiling yet again. It was as if she’d been left in a traumatic trance, contemplating her own existence up to this point. All caused by getting soaked in her own bedding. After a few moments however, she’d giggle to herself and avert her eyes to one side of the room and a grin forming upon her face. “Though I guess… it’s been awhile, huh?” The siren teenager would shake her head, before sighing deeply. Reminiscing about the old days, and how her and her siblings swam through the depths of the oceans, skimming across the waves and the shallows – even enticing poor Ponyfolk to their untimely demise. It was memories like this, that made her hate those princesses all the more. But now they had to deal with a new hand, and work with their new given lives. “This does feel kinda nice though… even in these new bodies. I mean… we’ve all been in these bodies for sometime now, but that feeling just now… aw man… it’s got me SO wet!” Sonata chirped as she squirmed playfully in the bed. Rocking her body left and right, as if she’d been shot by a dart containing nothing but Red-Pony; concentrated Red-Pony. The moment she calmed down however, was the moment she’d run her tongue along her lower lip and stare toward the drawer of her bedside locker. “Yeah… I have some time left. I’m gonna have some fun, don’t even care.” As Sonata finished those words, she’d lean forward and drag open the drawer of her bedside locker and start hoking through it. Digging with her fingers, she’d push objects left and right, up and down – even throwing afew things out of the drawer and onto the floor. It seemed she was pretty desperate to find whatever it was she’d been looking for. “Oh! Yes! I knew it was still in here, sweeeeeeeet!” Having found the object she was searching for, the blue haired siren had just removed a ten-inch purple shaded, ribbed vibrator from it’s small hiding place. Though it seemed that in just a few moments, it was surely going to be hidden in another small hiding place. “I haven’t used this in like… weeks. Time to get messy!” Sonata kept the firm object in hand, fingers grasping the handle with commitment and ready to get started. Pushing the switch upward with her thumb, it started to vibrate with a low hum. The vibrator lightly shaking within her fingers and how it always made her spine tingle when she felt this. A loosely satisfied smile on her face as she eyed up the vibrator as if it were prey in the sea itself. “If I’m gonna change the sheets anyway, might as well… this is gonna be fun for realises.” The siren pushed her head back against those soaked pillows, enjoying the cold and yet embracing feel of that fabric pushing back and morphing around her head. It was squishing, it was gross and she loved it. Her hair was a mess too, all over the place and using the term bed-head wouldn’t do the look justice. Ontop of that, her neck and upper chest had been soaked too. But it was time to enhance the moment even more. Sonata wriggled and kicked at her blankets until they were pushed back and then, using a thick thigh, she’d kick the balled-up blankets off the bed completely. Typically she was completely naked underneath those blankets. Now it was just her, the bed and her beloved toy. “Let’s make this more fun.” The teenager giggled with such a sweet-filled laugh. With her other free hand, she’d reach for another bottle of water beside her bed. Though she had to feel around for it’s location. It was full. A completely filled bottle of water. Lifting it up and onto the bed with her, she’d quickly unscrew and open the lid. Without a moment’s hesitation, the siren teenager would empty the entire bottle further down her body. “Oooooh. That feels really good… it’s so cold.” Sonata continued to spill the contents of that bottle down her precious body. Soaking her breasts entirely, down her stomach and furthermore to her most precious of areas. The remains of the bottle had then been splashed over her thighs, legs and the last amount was spilled right over her face once more. When the bottle was completely empty, she’d cast it to the side. “My whole body is quivering… these humans are disgusting. Such lewd bodies. It’s so awesome!” Now that Sonata was completely soaked, she could begin the fun. All this time the vibrator was still turned on, humming away within her fingers. Not once did she left it switch off. Letting herself remain pushed back against those soaked pillows, she nuzzled the rest of her body into the now soaked bedding and got herself extremely comfortable. Like a pig in mud, the siren was enjoying the feel of a damp and wet atmosphere – strongly similar to that of her own home and way of life. A way of reliving an old way of life. “Now mister vibrator… you’re going to make me feel good, right? You’ll help a girl out, won’t you?” Sonata mumbled quietly, speaking to the low-humming vibrator as if it were an old boyfriend. Even going as far as to push the tip against her lips, giving it little kisses here and there. As if trying to entice the device to take over and give her all the loving one could ever need. After a-few kisses, the teenager would place the purple shaded device against her lips and push further. Allowing the ribbed surface to grace the insides of her mouth, letting her tongue run along the underside of that darling toy. “Mmmmmnn…” Sonata moaned sweetly, as she took that toy into her maw and suckled down that deliciously textured toy, as if it were the last cock on the planet. Sonata closed her eyes over, letting them close completely and exhaled deeply through her nose as she toyed with the device within her mouth. Sweet groans continued to sound throughout her room. “Mmmmnn-mmmmmmmmn. Mmmmmmnnn-nnnnnnruaah… mmmnn!” Those teasingly sweet sounds filling the air. Coating the atmosphere in a sexual wave of lust, that would only get worse as time furthered with these actions. The siren spread her soft thighs, letting her delicious centerfold become one on display. Her other, free hand was now hired for action and with that would sink between her legs and begin to tease and rub at her most delicate of areas. The cheeky siren girl was entertaining the thought of sucking off a fat cock, while stroking herself to the thoughts currently swimming around in her head. The girl was soaked, sexually. The thought of her old days, as well as laying in her soaked bed with her likewise soaked body – had caused the build-up of need within her curvaceous frame. Enough was enough, and the siren would remove that toy from between her oral lips and look at it with hungry eyes. Smacking her lips as she cleaned off her own saliva, with a devilish tongue occasionally poking out and flicking the tip of that slimy toy. “Mmmn! That was fun. Now… I want you to put it in me. Can you do that… can you put your fat dick in me and get me pregnant?” Sonata spoke softly to the toy, once again treating it like it were a lover rather than an inanimate object. Nodding the toy up and down, as if replying to her – the teenager would squeal happily and give the tip another big smooch, showing her appreciation. “Okay! You’re the best! Now… fuck me good, kay?” With those words being spoke, she would lower the toy between her legs and push the tip against her opening – but she didn’t penetrate herself just yet. Instead, rubbing the tip and down and causing tingles of pleasure as she used the vibrations to help bring along her orgasm just that much closer. “Oooooh… that feels good. Yeah… keep squeezing my pussy like that.” Sonata mumbled, as she tipped her head back into those pillows again; having to break concentration as she made out with herself using this pretty toy. Stroking up and down, rubbing the shapely tip against her soaked nether folds – she was gasping and groaning. The pleasure was building up and occasionally her legs would twitch and shake, truly Sonata was enjoying this quite abit. “Nnnnaaagh! Yes… that feels good… keep doing that!” The girl was pleasing herself in such a way, she probably was near convinced that it was an actual boy using his prick to rub that slimy head against her pussy – teasing her to the point of breaking. Sonata was quickly getting to the point of no return, the thoughts flooding her mind weren’t helping. Using both mental and physical stimulation to destroy her precious cunt. “Uuuuuagh! Fuck me! FUCK ME! Pleeeeeeeease… I wanna cum!” Sonata squealed those words, rocking her hips against her own hand and the toy it was holding. Those fingers continuing to rub that toy against her sex, though as if on command – they would change their current destination and begin probing her opening. Quick, sudden gasps could be heard as Sonata felt the change. That very tip was slowly poking at her slit, pushing forward and forward. “Yes! PLEASE!” Upon finishing those words, she would push forward and within a second, she finally plunged into those pink depths. Her back instantly arched upwards and her legs spread as far as she could get them. Feeling the vibrating ribbed body of that toy, rub against her insides – causing her to squirm and shake with each nub that touched her insides. “AAH! YES!” The blue girl would squeal on occasion, meeping gently as the vibrations continued. Though her wrist started to rock back and forth, using those fingers to hold tightly upon the handle – continuing to dip herself back and forth. As the toy shook and vibrated, it touched and pushed against her insides to every ridge and pink corner. Biting her bottom lip, Sonata wasn’t going to last long. Her hand, those fingers grasping tightly to that toy and continued to grind that toy into her squishing pink depths, churning up her own insides as she squeaked, kicked and felt her body react to every tickle that toy even gave her. Her pussy was gushing with excitement, leaking with want and edging further and further toward an orgasm. “I-I’M ALMOST THERE!” Still the teenager talked like it were a lover that was giving her this great feeling. Her words, motions all leading as if her lover had been giving her pleasure this intense. Her hips continued to rock, meeting that toy as her very hand continued to rock it back and forth. But she didn’t stop, it seemed that her hand motions and her hips only picked up speed to meet each other that much quicker and faster. The poor teenagers body was in completely agony, as she was desperate for a release. The plunging object within her pussy, grinding and mashing against her beautiful pink insides. Rocking her walls and even poking her last fleshy wall of defence. Each thrust inward made the bluenette squeal with such intensity, everything else had been completely blocked out. Infact nothing else mattered, the only thing that was important right now was that orgasm. “YES! THAT’S IT!” Sonata cried out as she finally felt her orgasm brimming to the surface, that toy was amazing she was so glad she found it. It always rubbed her in the all the right ways and right now, this was an example of how well it was rubbing her. The poor girl would arch her back upward, using her feet to push down upon the bed as she even lifted herself up somewhat to help bring herself to the brink. “HNNN! C-CUMMMMMMMMING!” It was then that the volcano exploded and the teenager felt her body finally reach the point of no return. Her poor pussy orgasmed, squirting multiple times against that toy – so much that the effects could be felt soaking her fingers. Sonata plunged that toy into her sex, letting herself become impaled upon the toy as she rode out her orgasm to the very end. “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Finally, it was over. Her body had endured that cunt-shattering-orgasm and now she’d lay crippled upon her own bed. Deep panting, heavy breathing could be heard throughout the room as well as a certain smell. A smell of sex. Sonata smiled happily, even draping an arm over her face as she continued to inhale and exhale. Her chest raising up and down, those perky breasts glimmering in the daylight that briefly shone through the curtains. “That… was… amazing… fuck…” Sonata mumbled and groaned, her legs numb as they lay spread either side of herself. Her entire body giving off a faint glimmer and shine in the room, as the light kissed upon her sexual exhausted frame. The gooey covered toy was still wedged within her poor, abused pussy. The vibrate still giving a steady hum, until Sonata reached down and fiddled for the off button. The moment it stopped, a soft gasp escaped the bluenette’s face. “Aaah… I guess I should get cleaned up.” The teenager reached down and pulled the toy from her sex, another gasp escaping her lips as strings of girly goo escaped her now slightly gaped fucking hole. Uncovering her face, she’d look down upon the toy and smile. Raising it to her lips, she’d even give the tip another lick for good measure. A tingle shooting down her entire body as the taste made her giggle. “Mmn.” The moment she lowered that vibrator, the door was opened and in came Aria. She was home earlier than expected?! Or how time had passed?! It mattered not. As now big sister Aria was standing in the doorway of her bedroom. “Hey Sonata, did you see where I put my vi-“ The purple haired beauty stared awkwardly toward her younger sibling, and her face immediately went from her usual stoic self to pissed in five seconds flat. “SHIT, ARIA! DON’T GET PISSED! I WAS JUST BORROWING IT!?” “Borrowing it? You little fucking slut… I’ll teach you to borrow my stuff without asking first! Prepare your asshole… I’m going in dry!” It was then that the door shut, and a locking noise could be heard. It was from this day, that Sonata always remembered… always lock your bedroom door.