> The Very Horny Pegasus > by An Intricate Disguise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Monday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash could feel a shiver coursing through her body before she'd even opened her eyes; her wings twitched and fluffed with irritation as she rolled around on the comfy bed, trying to fight the rising feeling. Ears perked, her tail flicked beneath the covers, and she let out a soft groan as she felt a light burn beginning to form in her belly. Latching onto the feeling, she attempted to pull herself into the land of the woken. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, and at once, she was hit by a barrage of sensation as her hind legs brushed against her plush mattress and soft sheets, her nubile body stretching and her joints popping one by one as she mewled in delight. Still, that odd burning feeling persisted, warm and inviting. Rainbow shook her head as she opened her eyes—she didn't have the energy for that right now. Her body didn't listen, silently beseeching her to pay it a little attention as she yawned and stretched her muzzle, her snout twitching. Why did she feel so sensitive right now? It was a pleasant thing, almost, but she was scarce to understand it. She pulled the covers back a little, looking down at her fuzzy chest, giving it a small prod with a forehoof as if to inspect her body for abnormalities. Unsurprisingly, her examination turned up nothing out of the ordinary. Still, it wouldn't hurt to double check. She ran a hoof over her fluff again, her head tilted to the side and pressing against her pillow as she listened out for her heartbeat, playing doctor with an ear stood straight as her hoof acted as a makeshift stethoscope. She could feel something other than the swell of her heart, a beat that shot through the entirety of her body, invigorating her senses as she continued to rub up and down, experimenting with the sensation. Why was she so turned on right now? Rainbow could swear she wasn't usually this horny when she woke up. Typically, it took a hot shower and a little time with soapy suds running down her body for her to get in the mood, but right now she'd already passed 'getting there', she was there. Hell, she felt as if she could be driven wild by the lightest bit of contact right then, and true to her thought, a single hoof pressing down towards her belly—rubbing and kneading—was enough to elicit a sharp gasp from her parted lips. She flipped her mane back, her eyes focussing on her body as she began to incorporate a second hoof, not stopping to think but only to act, the cavalcade of pleasure dancing through her fur and into her skin from the lightest brushes only testament to how desperately she needed release. "F-fuck, this feels good..." Rainbow would have felt strange for speaking to herself at any other moment, but she couldn't explain it, there was something magical about the light bounce of her chest as her heart hammered, the blood pumping through her body as she squirmed in place, the shaking of her hind legs as she teased herself, bringing her hooves lower and back up, working her way down and then cutting herself off. She wasn't sure why she was so determined to build this up, but each moment, each movement only had its desired effect, causing her eyes to squeeze shut and her belly to quiver as she dragged her hooves down. She thought of all the ponies that she could to heighten the experience, any that she might have enjoyed to have in bed with her right then, and it only improved the experience, a light dribble leaking from her puffy little pussy before she'd even grazed it with a hoof. She could feel her nub tingling as she moved down to her hind legs, sitting up a little and getting a good look at herself as she spread them further, her tail planted between her legs as she spread them, flouncing in place. Circles became ovals as she switched the patterns of her rubbing, teasing her inner thighs and moving ever-closer to her pussy, but never allowing herself to touch, never giving herself what she most wanted. Fuck, she was so far gone right now, she could probably cum without even touching her clit, but she knew she was gonna do it anyway, there was no resisting. Finally, she gave in, desire overwhelming her as she gave a singular solitary stroke, her legs thrashing as she felt the effect shooting through her body, molten love trickling from her folds as the feeling sneaked up her spine and barraged her brain. One wasn't going to be enough. With a lip-biting determination, Rainbow pressed her hoof to her waiting nub, rubbing with a little more conviction as she felt her wings beginning to flap of their own accord, her forelegs only becoming more tense as she wriggled in place, her mind drifting to the thought of being massaged by another's hooves, licked and kissed by a giving lover, rutted by something long and thick... Gods, she wanted to fuck right now. Rainbow increased the speed of her motions, sultry moans turning to growls that trilled from her throat and filled her bedroom with an almost perceptible atmosphere of lust, her hoof moving down to her folds and parting her slit as she attempted to give each part of her equal attention, the other rubbing around her cutie marks as she spread her juices over her fur, rubbing it in with no care or consideration as to just how dirty it might make her. She was a dirty little pegasus, and she loved it. She rubbed and she rubbed as her groans turned to pants, but it just wasn't doing it fast enough. She needed to cum, she needed to cum before she went totally insane and fell into a lust fuelled rage, begging to be fucked and eaten by every pony she saw. Rolling over and up onto her hooves, Rainbow slid forwards on the bed, grabbing her pillow. She was going to have to wash the sheets after this anyways, so what the hell? Closing her eyes as she pushed it under her body, she slowly began to grind against it, her tail tapping against the mattress as the burn of her slit began to be cooled by the smooth, relieving her surface, her imagination wandering as she envisioned a mare's soft fur on the other side. Maybe it could be Spitfire? She rubbed faster, mashing her pussy against the sleek material as it grew slick with her juices, the thought of playing with her captain becoming more prominent in her mind as a stronger feeling built up inside her, something that replaced everything that had come before it and made all else feel inconsequential by comparison. Rarity? Rainbow thought about how sleek her coat was, how soft her pussy must have been by that standard, and the pillow beneath her only became more of a realistic comparison as it grew increasingly wet, her chest tickled by the silky surface as she moved faster and faster, her wings stiffening as she felt a release beginning to draw near. Twilight. It had to be Twi, an adorable little nerd laid beneath her as Rainbow played with her body, kissing her neck and rubbing against her, their pussies playing off against one another as they built closer and closer to their mutual release.... "Y-yeah, I'd fucking love that. I'd fuck you so hard, Twi, I'd..." Grabbing the pillow with both hooves, Rainbow pressed down on it, her ass bouncing and her tail swaying as she became frantic in her motions, her hooves digging into the mattress and leaving little imprints as she felt a billowing heat threatening to rupture from her belly. Pressing down hard, a single slide back was enough to tease her aching clit into submission. She shot a single spurt over the bed, squirting hard as thoughts of cumming over Twilight flooded her mind, thoughts of caking her in her juices and licking them off only to share them with her permeating her consciousness as she shook in place, a loud 'gah!' escaping her throat. Her eyes scrunched as she attempted to hold onto the feeling for longer, her pussy contracting as she shot new and lengthy streams of silky cum over her bed, some of it dribbling over the back of her thighs and onto her pillow, which she held in her hooves as each wave of pleasure continued to roll over her, feeling as if it would never truly abate for the total power of its continuous blast. Only when she was totally spent did she roll back, taking the pillow with her and hugging it against her body. Her chest's rhythm finally began to slow as she got up, cum still clinging to her as she walked to the bathroom, her gait a little drunken. It was only when she was halfway there that she realised that she had in no way lost the urge to fuck—in fact, it was strong as ever. Looked like the shower nozzle was definitely gonna come in handy today. > Tuesday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash had to clench her hind legs together as she flew towards Ponyville, leaving her cloud home behind. The burn in her nethers hadn't subsided, only intensified! She'd got off so many times yesterday, and thinking back to each steamy session only made her feel hornier, her wings so stiff that she could barely fly straight as she tried to focus on something other than the thought of more cock, pussy, cum... The approaching ground told her to snap out of it. She had almost taken a nose dive amidst all of her daydreaming, and she'd rather not have her reverie broken by a faceful of dirt. She'd much rather a faceful of pussy, if she had any choice. Rainbow had been tasting herself more than usual, growing acquainted to her unique tang, but it was losing its novelty fast, she knew she needed more, another pony to share her insatiable salacity with before she fucking exploded. Rainbow bit on her lip as she tore through the air, barely above the ground if only so she could let the grass tickle her belly, exciting her senses further. She stooped, clenching her hooves and preparing for landing, her fetlocks embedded in the grass as she skidded to a stop, nearly toppling over. She couldn't fly anymore. The air was tickling her engorged clit far too much, and she could feel the wetness being blasted by warmth as it continued to trickle down her. Celestia, how she would have loved to have plugged it, to find a little love egg or vibrator to shove in there, or a kegal ball she could walk around with, everypony blissfully unaware that she was bringing herself closer to another orgasm with each step. Maybe she'd stop by the adult store and pick up some toys later, but first, she needed a partner. She knew just who she had in mind, too. Throughout all of her dirty imaginings the day before, they had kept drifting back to one pony in particular, even permeating her wet dreams. Thoughts of soft fur and sweet saliva mixing had brought her to the edge so many ties, and she needed to finally taste Twilight, to see if she was just as good as she'd built her up to be. But how would she ask her? It wasn't exactly a normal question, Rainbow knew, a slight frown on her face as she sauntered into town, rubbing her hind legs together and clenching her body as her tail twirled to tease her throbbing twat. Soft aches pronounced themselves in breathy gasps as she continued to walk, scarcely caring who heard and not bothering to modulate her voice. She'd be a little slut today if she felt like it. She definitely felt like it, too. More than anything else, in fact. Rainbow was pretty sure she'd choose a sweet tongue lapping around and inside her over a million bits right now, that or she'd pay a million just to have somepony service her with an earth-shattering orgasm to knock the rest out of the park. That'd be a pretty tall order, as she'd had quite a damn few in the last 24 hours. Time to see if Twilight could deliver. Approaching the castle, she didn't bother to knock, walking inside and shutting the door behind her as her tail flicked in anticipation, a small grin settling on her face. She was gonna fuck Twi, she just absolutely knew it. Every step only added to her impatience; Rainbow didn't have patience in droves when she was feeling herself, so right now the feeling was only intensified. Her hooves pattered against the marble surface, each step another clack of excitement, another twinge shooting through her body and acting as the perfect pre-pussy eating prolepsis. Rainbow rushed forwards with eager strides, her heart pounding in her perked ears as she felt her mane bouncing atop her head, even the smallest sensations heightened in the wake of her incredible need for sex. Her pegasus tracking device led her to the library, not an intrinsic indication of where another pony might be, but of where Twilight was. Twilight was always in the library. When she reached the double doors, she burst them open with a light buck, walking in to discover... nothing. The library was completely and utterly empty, and it didn't look like anyone had been in here all day. Rainbow panicked, her breath quickening as she envisioned the possibility that Twilight wasn't here, that she'd been called away on princess duties. "But... but that would mean..." Rainbow shook her head, she didn't want to even entertain the thought. She felt her tail curling around her barrel as she let loose a light whimper, her eyes downcast as her ears flattened. "Th-that would mean that I don't get to fuck her..." Rainbow stifled a sob, giving her head a vivacious shake. "Get it together, Rainbow. You're acting like a silly schoolfilly. Sheee could still be in her bedroom, go check there!" At once, Rainbow spun around on her hooves, facing the open doors. "Oh, fuck, I hope she's in her bedroom." Rainbow knew that if Twilight wasn't there, she could always seek out Starlight, but it seemed more like a consolation than anything else. Not to say that Rainbow didn't find her hot, Starlight was absolutely smoking, and she'd definitely fuck her later if she could, but Twilight was the one she'd been fixated on all day, it was only fair that she was the first one to give her what she wanted so fucking badly. And that feeling definitely hadn't diminished. As she neared Twilight's bedroom, climbing the stairs, she heard a yawn from above, some indication that Twilight was there. Her heart leapt, and she redoubled her speed, not giving any consideration as to what the heck she'd say or do when she got there, her only fixation on seeing Twilight's beautiful face and supple body—she'd wing it from there. She opened the door, again not bothering to knock, and found Twilight sitting over a desk inside, pouring over some research materials or something that wasn't of consequence to her one-tracked mind. Twilight turned, a small measure of surprise on her face as she realised she had a visitor. "Oh hey, Rainbow Dash. What's up?" Rainbow could feel her eyes lidding already, just looking at her was enough to stoke the flames of a new blaze inside of her. "H-hey, Twi!" She giggled slightly, running a hoof through her mane. "How's it going today?" "Not so bad," Twilight smiled, pointing back to the materials on her desk. "I'm trying to compile a report for the princess, friendship demographics in Equestrian cities—" a playful grin, which only teased Rainbow further, "—you probably wouldn't be interested." "Oh! That's, uhh..." Damn it damn it damn it what did she say? Rainbow was so busy staring at her soft coat that she'd barely paid any attention, so she went for the most generic answer possible. "That sounds great!" She nodded, bouncing from one hoof to the other as she tried to keep a lid on her growing desire to pounce on her best friend. "...are you alright, Rainbow Dash?" Okay, she managed to hear that one, thank fuck. "F-fine!" Rainbow said, her tail flicking from side to side as she struggled and failed to drag her eyes up from Twilight's flank and look her in the eye. "Never better! Why would you think that I wasn't fine?!" "Are you sure something isn't the matter?" Twilight's eyes narrowed, and Rainbow might have felt trapped if she wasn't so busy trying to contain herself. "You're acting quite antsy right now, you know. Don't beat around the bush, Rainbow, I'm happy to listen if there's something on your mind." "Wanna beat around your bush..." "What was that?" Twilight asked, her ears twitching as her cheeks seemed to rose up. Oh, screw it. Might as well be frank with her, Twilight valued honesty almost as much as Applejack. "Look, Twilight, I'm like, stupidly horny right now. Like, to the point that I wanna fuck your brains out right now, and you're not even doing anything sexy, o-other than being your sexy self." If she wasn't before, Twilight was definitely flushed now. "Oh!" she seemed to half-shout on instinct, confusion, embarrassment and perhaps a hint of excitement all rolled into one. "Are you in your heat cycle early, by any chance?" "I doubt it, it's barely spring!" Rainbow replied, feeling slightly more self-conscious by the second. "Besides... this is much worse than when I'm in heat. When I'm in heat, I can still think clearly. Right now, I just wanna fuck everything and everyone, but especially you—" gasping, Rainbow threw a hoof over her mouth, almost shoving it inside. Twilight's eyes widened, but they almost seemed as if they shone with happiness all the same, a smile in their depths the same expression of joy as the curvature of her lips. "...do you really find me that attractive?" "Y-yea—I might," Rainbow squeaked, her snout twitching as she scuffed a hoof against the floor. "Twilight, can you help me out somehow? I-I know that's a really awkward thing to ask, but I really don't know what else to do..." "Well..." Twilight stood, walking closer to Rainbow, so close that Rainbow could almost smell the lavender scent of her coat. "I've heard that exercise can be a really good way to deal with excess hormones, but I suspect the last thing you need is more exercise... Have you been, y'know?" She made an obscure motion with her hooves, but it was pretty clear what she meant. "Five times yesterday," Rainbow nodded guilty, shrinking under Twilight's gaze. "I came like twelve times..." "Twelve?" Twilight gasped, her eyes like saucers. "I... I don't think I've ever came more than three times in a day... that's incredible..." Twilight slowly licked her lips before snapping back to focus. "And that didn't help at all?" "I think it only made it worse... I need to fuck, Twi." Twilight moved a little closer to her, to the point that they were almost brushing against each other. It was slow, trepidatious, but it was Twilight making the advances, and that only made it even hotter. "And... you want my help with that?" Rainbow only managed a short nod, unable to look Twilight in the eye as her tail began to lift, almost by instinct. Twilight dipped her head, softly inhaling as she ran her muzzle over Rainbow's coat, leaving a soft nip against her withers before drawing up to look at her. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Twilight, I'm fucking begging. Please get me off, please..." Her body begged just as much, reaching up and brushing against Twilight as Rainbow reciprocated, soft teeth grazing against Twilight's ear as she slowly nibbled on the skin, moving down and down to her cheek, peppering her with small kisses before brushing against her muzzle, her eyes slowly fluttering shut as she stood in wait, hoping that Twilight would just give her what she wanted. In a true fairytale fashion, the princess kissed the pegasus, electrodes dancing across their senses from the shared sensation as Rainbow raised from the seclusion of self-love, finding something better, something more... it was just what she needed, and with ravenous lips she pushed back, parting Twilight's and making contact with her tongue as the two melted into one another, their snouts rubbing together as they slowly twisted their muzzles, a soft whimper escaping Rainbow as Twilight took control. Rainbow and Twilight parted with a rough pant, and Rainbow quickly found herself being pulled towards the bed and laid down, her wings splaying as she smushed her back into the soft mattress and got comfy, Twilight climbing atop her and softly making out with her once more, Rainbow reaching up to play with her fluffy wings as the tips drooped down and pressed against hers. The contact was just as amazing as she had imagined, and Twilight was an excellent kisser. Eventually, she left Rainbow's lips behind, but the complaint she was about to voice came out as a moan as Twilight kissed and nipped at her chest, leaving soft impressions against her flesh as she nibbled her way lower, running her tongue over her belly and rubbing around her thighs as Rainbow twitched and shook in place. "D-don't tease me," Rainbow complained as she tried to push Twilight's head lower, meeting little resistance as she gave her what she wanted, leaving a lashing, luscious lick against her pussy, puckered lips meeting puffy ones as she began to French her folds. The pleasure came in a sudden rush, causing Rainbow to swear out in satisfaction as Twilight kept on licking, pushing her tongue deeper and exploring every crevice of Rainbow's tight pussy. Rainbow could feel Twilight's tongue snaking inside, and it was as if it was the perfect thing to fill her, the ideal satiation of her constant desire, and she could only nod in frantic approval, her head bobbing as her tongue fell out, her hips bucking as she attempted to force Twilight's tongue deeper inside, to get what she so badly needed from her. Twilight was a fucking tease, switching her rhythm up every time Rainbow settled into it, every time she acclimated to the ministrations of her soft, wet tongue. Her slit burned with intense heat as Twilight finally flicked against her nub, drawing her tongue up and giving it a small taste. Rainbow couldn't let her do all of the work. Without warning, she hoisted Twilight up and flipped her around, Planting her over her face and beginning to mirror her motions. Twilight wasn't taken out of the equation for long, even when Rainbow began to nibble at her clit, her juices streaming down onto Rainbow's chin as she started to tongue fuck her, Twilight doing the same as they both began to work each other harder, pushing their tongues deeper and moaning into each other's pussies, their only thoughts on the mutual orgasm they were determined to experience. "H-hey, Rainbow," Twilight said between pants, lifting her head. "Do you like these long licks?" and she demonstrated with torture, planting her tongue at the base of Rainbow's vulva and incrementally dragging her way up, finally paying her aching clit a little attention before sliding her way back down. "Or do you like these fast ones?" She started to lap at her like she was the sweetest ammonia known to ponykind, and Rainbow trembled from the feeling, her pussy attempting to squeeze around Twilight's tongue but failing each time if only because of how fervently she ate her. "I-I'll show you fast..." Rainbow dove in, nuzzling Twilight's folds with her muzzle before snaking her tongue inside her pussy, pushing in as deep as she could and wriggling with determination as she rubbed against her cutie marks, desperate to make her cum all over her face, to taste everything she had and swallow it like a good little whore. Twilight had the advantage of being on top, and she started to incorporate a single hoof, at first rubbing against Rainbow's belly but then making errant little swipes at her clit as she continued to lick her. It had become a race now,a dn Rainbow was losing as Twilight drew her closer and closer to release. In a last ditch effort to emerge on top, Rainbow grabbed Twilight around the flanks and pushed down hard, bouncing her plump, squeezable ass as she brought her pussy down and outstretched her tongue, hitting all of her sensitive spots as Twilight cried out, clamping her teeth over Rainbow's nub in an effort to contain her screams. Evilly, she began to lick at her clit from inside her mouth as she held it in place, and the feeling send Rainbow over the edge, her pussy shooting thick layers of her juices aall over the bedroom floor, some landing on the sheets as the resistance inside of her burst in the face of pure, unbridled satisfaction. Her longing gave way to Twilight's as she came in succession, not squirting but dribbling a hefty portion of her cum into Rainbow's mouth and down onto her chin as it became too much for her to swallow in one gulp, Twilight pushing back and rubbing her pussy against Rainbow's parted lips as she rode out her orgasm, Rainbow poking her tongue out and giving her senses that last bit of stimulation that they were clearly so desperate for. All the while, Rainbow shot liquid without restraint, and Twilight seemed to notice, taking a hoof and rubbing circles around Rainbow as her orgasm died out, only causing Rainbow to clamp her muzzle around Twilight's thigh to contain a primal moan that might have shaken the entire castle if it had been let loose. Eventually, when both mares were too sensitive to carry on and there was no more cum to be had, they laid back, completely spent. They looked at each other for a few moments, then started giggling. "So, that do it for you?" Twilight asked, shaking a little of Rainbow's essence out of her mane. "I..." Rainbow had to think about it for a moment. Even with her last orgasm dying away, that had been so fucking hot. She could remember every sensation as if it was still happening, and above anything, she wished it had never stopped. She did wish that, didn't she? Fuck. "Nope, still horny." Rainbow let out a groan, smirking a little. "Think we could try again?" "I've got all day if you do," Twilight winked, giving her a small peck on the muzzle. At this rate, it looked like she was going to need all day if she was to have any chance of getting over this. Still, at least she got to enjoy the good company in the meantime. There were definitely worse afflictions to have. > Wednesday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun beat down on Rainbow Dash's back as she walked to Sweet Apple Acres, but she really didn't need anything else heating up her body at this point. Even the touch of the ground was enough to keep her moving at a brisk trot, her sensitivity having only risen after her time with Twilight the night before. She'd woken up with a double-ended dildo still joining the pair of them, and had been sure to have a morning quickie before leaving for home, but no, there was no way she was going home. Applejack was next on the list, and there was no way she was passing up an opportunity to give her a few goes. She had an excuse right now, after all. Besides, if she was lucky, she might be able to accomplish two goals at once here. Stave away her ridiculous level of lust for the day, and possibly have Applejack restrain her with a thick length of rope before she went out and fucked the rest of Ponyville. Okay... That might not have been the reason Rainbow was interested in being tied up, but she'd tell herself it was for a healthy purpose so long as she could get away with it. Rather, she'd tell Applejack that was the reason. What she didn't know couldn't hurt her. Still, the idea of having a sturdy rope lassoed around her wings and hooves only turned her on more, to the point that she wanted to stop right there and then and rub one out in the grass... No, she wasn't that far gone yet. She could contain herself until she arrived at the farm, at least. When she got there, however? Then she'd let herself out of the cage, and fuck her best friend until the roosters began to crow. There was no sleeping when she were this pent up, she'd only passed out with Twilight last night because the two of them were so spent. Rainbow wondered if Applejack was a dominant partner as she walked. They'd had so many tussles in the past, would it be that way in the bedroom too? Celestia, she hoped it was, she hoped her and Applejack would fight over who led their kisses, that they'd wrestle and roll around to see who ended up on top, that they'd compete over who came for the other first. Not that Rainbow would ever let her win—she was the iron pony for a reason. Rainbow had never realised that she had a dominant side, but she could feel it creeping out as she approached, the idea of taking charge of Applejack sending small jolts through her body as she imagined just how she'd react, how prideful she'd be as she attempted not to beg. She'd make the safe word something really stupid as well, just to tease her if she had to say it. The words 'I hate apples' dancing in her mind, Rainbow hopped the fence and began to walk through the trees, the barn nearby as she put one hoof in front of the other, a stolid determination on her face as her wings spread, her tail brushing against the grass. She couldn't explain it, but she felt sexy right now, not just horny, and not bashful like yesterday. It was almost as if she was learning to embrace this side of her, the side that said she should fuck away the hunger of her body, the need that presented itself to her. And if that was the case, Rainbow would plug her holes, eat her friends, taste their cum, squirt all over their bedrooms, whatever the fuck she felt like. It wasn't just a need anymore, it was steadily becoming a want. A triple-appled orange flank dancing in the back of her mind, Rainbow approached the barn, calling Applejack's name. Hell, she'd fuck her right here in the field if she got a chance, she really was starting to care less and less with each passing moment, with each small squeeze of her belly as she walked into plain view. No answer, and this time, Rainbow didn't panic. She'd panicked with Twilight, and she'd turned out to be right there, so despite the small trickle of worry entering her mind, she continued to search the farm for any signs of Applejack, her gaze narrowing as she scanned the fields surrounding. No sign of Applejack, just shiny, red apples floating in trees that kept forcing Rainbow's thoughts back to visions of Applejack's curvy ass, the idea of her swaying her bushy tail for Rainbow and bending down low, offering her a taste. And what a mesmerising thought that was. A little difficult to enact when there was no Applejack there, but she'd find her with some perseverance. On and on she looked, her eyes shifting from one row of trees to the next, her gaze locking with each point in the distance and pulling down the grass as she checked and double checked that she wasn't missing anything. It was about halfway through her survey that she heard a sound, causing her ears to perk and her pussy to tighten by instinct. The fact that that had become and instinct worried her just as much as it aroused her. Turning towards the new source of noise, Rainbow stood straight, peering over and trying to deduce who or what had made it. It was a low, deep tone, one that had rung out like a bass note and slowly settled into the ambient air, and as she listened, another rang out, throbbing against the wind before dissipating. It almost sounded like a guffaw, but definitely not Applejack's. This was more gruff, more masculine. Rainbow's suspicions were answered as she trotted closer, revealing in the distance a pair of stallions; one she instantly recognised as Big Macintosh, but the other she wasn't too sure about at first glance. He was even bigger than Big Mac, but not by much, his body powerful and his muzzle even more defined than the average stallion's, his hooves unshorn and a dark brown mane running down him, complementing his chestnut coat. On his head sat a small hat, similar to Applejack's but by no means identical. Rainbow, by no volition of her own, found herself staring at the pair. She'd come here for pussy, sure, but here were two big stallions that could just as easily show her a good time, and she was sure they'd be up for trying out her lithe body if she so much as hinted they could. Still, she had to spare a thought for Applejack. She had come there to see her, after all, and AJ might get all pissed off if she found out that Rainbow slept with her brother. Big Mac spun around, his sweat-glistened muscles flexing as he gave the oak tree behind him a mighty buck, the sound of slamming wood ringing out as the other stallion gave a whistle of appreciation. Fuck, he looked good, and already, Rainbow was beginning to care less and less about what Applejack might think if she found out. Not even considering her actions, she began to walk over, stretching her plumage against the air as she walked, her feathers being tickled by the wind as she drew all eyes to her, like a peacock trying to attract mates. She gave the pair a wink, knowing that there was no coming back from this, and proceeded to stride right between them, giving each of them eyes before she took a seat on the end of Big Mac's cart, crossing her hind legs. "Either of you big boys seen Applejack?" she smirked, her voice cocky and confident as usual but mixed with something... seductive, alluring. That wasn't usually there, but Rainbow was pretty sure she liked it either way. And it seemed they did too, as the first thing the big stallion did was avert his eyes, rubbing at the back of his neck as Rainbow began to press her hind legs together, stroking one against the other as she looked at each of them in turn. "Well? Are you gonna tell me, or do I need to coax it out of you?" "Y-yup, sorry, Miss Dash," Big Mac mumbled, his eyes finally pulling up to look at her, though she could swear they lingered on her body for half a second. "AJ's stayin' with Rarity at the moment, got today off. Said she's gon' hit the spa with her tomorrow, then head on back to the farm." He recited it like something he'd memorised from a textbook, his head clearly not in it as he continued to look at her. Rainbow had started chewing on her lip right now. It was strange, knowing she already had these boys as putty in her hooves. Maybe it was the pheromones she was giving off in her current state? Maybe she was just really damn hot, and for once, she was acknowledging it. "So, you two are all alone out here, then?" She slowly uncrossed her hind legs, being sure to swing her tail between them like a pendulum as she crossed them again from the other direction. Of course, they both looked. "Y-yeah, I invited Trouble over here to pick up the slack while AJ took her time off, you see." His eyes finally breaking contact with Rainbow's fur, he looked over towards Trouble, who seemed to be equally interested in staring. "Trouble Horseshoes, this is Rainbow Dash. Miss Dash, Trouble Horseshoes." "You prefer 'Miss Dash', or 'Rainbow'?" Trouble drawled out in his surprisingly strong accent, only appearing all the more exotic—and attractive—to Rainbow as he continued to speak. "I know Big Macintosh over here's the courteous type, don't like to go aggravatin' mares by speakin' to 'em all improper, but he ain't had the misfortune of offendin' one by callin' her by her surname before..." Half a second passed before the stallion's face seemed to brighten, a smile tugging at his lips. "So what's your name, missy?" "My name's fucktoy, pleased to meet you, stud," Rainbow singsonged, Trouble's eyes widening as Big Mac looked on in shock. They both simply stared at her for a second, wondering what had come over her, but no spontaneous burst of laughter came, and that was because Rainbow was completely serious. After what equated to around twenty seconds of ogling, Rainbow groaned, shrugging her withers. "What, do I need to tell you two boys how to behave around a mare? You could at least offer me something to suck on." Rainbow didn't care what she sounded like anymore, she wasn't bothered about who might hear her or how their perception of her might be altered, she wasn't being filled with cock, and she wanted to rectify that as soon as possible. "B-beggin' your pardon, Rainbow—" "Fucktoy," Rainbow corrected, a grin on her lips. "We ain't gonna call you that," Big Mac interjected, his eyes stern. "Ain't proper of a stallion." "Oh?" Rainbow purred, swishing her tail as she uncrossed her legs once more, spreading them slightly. "And is it proper of a stallion to be packing a hard-on like that?" True to her word, both stallions had stiffened under their bellies, and only now seemed to be beginning to notice, looking to themselves and then each other with an expression of mild surprise and embarrassment, one Rainbow revelled in. "Well, if you're both hard..." she leaned forwards, her head drawing closer to theirs. "Might as well let me take care of that, don't you think?" "Now hold on just a minute, Rainbow Dash—" "Thought it was 'Miss Dash'? Make your mind up, Big Mac, I might get lost otherwise..." she fluttered her eyelids as she spoke, trying to capture the clueless bimbo effect as best she could. "L-listen..." Big Mac started, but he trailed off as Rainbow began to rub a hoof against her clit in plain sight of the both of them, drawing an interested nicker from Trouble as his eyebrow raised. "If you w-want me to listen," Rainbow moaned, the feeling electric. "Why don't you shut me up with that big cock of yours?" That big cock that was poking out more and more with each honey-laced word she spoke. Trouble was growing two, the two of them completely lost for words as Rainbow leant forwards, brushing a hoof against Big Mac's neck. "Come on, I deserve it..." Slowly, wordlessly, Big Mac gave in, hopping up onto the cart with her and propping up his hooves either side of her, resting on the cart and exposing his large cock to Rainbow. She twisted around, a smug grin on her lips as she gave it a taste, licking around his head before opening her mouth and attempting to take the length. Her throat was tight, and she had to push hard to squeeze him into her muzzle, stretching and contorting her maw as she struggled to fit him in his entirety. He groaned from the touch of her lips, her hoof pumping his cock as Trouble watched from behind, Rainbow leaning down and waving her tail at him as she continued to suck her best friend's brother off. "You like that, don't you, Big Mac?" she teased, licking around his medial ring as he fell back onto his haunches, only giving her a better angle to work with as she leaned down to take more of him inside, sitting on the edge of the cart and pushing her tail to the side as she looked back to Trouble with a snicker. "Don't be shy over there! I wanna see what you've got too." She didn't pay him any more attention, knowing he'd join in soon enough. Instead, she devoted all of her energy to sucking and jerking Big Mac's thick length, stroking against his balls with a hoof as his body quivered, lapping his head as he began to leak a small measure of precum, stifling a gasp onto his cock as he felt Trouble beginning to leave small kisses against her already soaked pussy, lapping at her with his rough tongue as she became increasingly coated, spreading her wetness around. She became used to the sensation as she went, moaning onto Big Mac as she pushed her head down, taking him deeper and pressing her lips tight, encouraging him to buck his hips and push himself further into her mouth. It was difficult to handle, but Rainbow Dash was determined to take him. She almost squealed when she felt Trouble beginning to line up his cock with her tight snatch—he was exceptionally thick, from what she could feel, and she worried she wouldn't be able to take him. Luckily, she was so wet right now that she was convinced she could take anything, but that was put to the test as Trouble began to squeeze his cock inside, taking almost ten seconds just to push his tip into her twitching pussy, her entire body jolting as Big Mac took the opportunity to grab at her mane and thrust deeper, her eyes rolling back as she was lost in sensation. This must have been what it felt like to be used, and fuck was she loving it. She couldn't even speak with the big cock in her mouth, only lick at it, suck it, and tease it as she felt her pussy being stretched further and wider, desperately attempting to acclimate to Trouble's length as he continued to fill her. How could a pony, or rather, in his case, a horse, be that fucking big?! Rainbow didn't get time to ponder that, because before she knew it, he was thrusting, and it was like a battering ram crashing against the doors of heaven, releasing holy splendour to the world below as her juices flowed and dripped from her little cunt, covering his cock. She heard a grunt from behind her as he slowed down, his hooves on either side of her ass as he slowed down, pulling back and pushing more slowly this time, to the point that Rainbow could feel every last inch of him filling her up in teasing slow motion. Big Mac, for all of his respect of mares, didn't seem to have the same consideration. He slammed her mouth harder, his eyes trained on her as he held her head in place, his expression chiseled and concrete, as if he was nowhere near close, and something about that only made Rainbow want him to go harder. She wanted to break him down until he was moaning and panting like crazy, to force him to bust all over her face. Meanwhile, Trouble was already living up to his name, as he was causing Rainbow plenty with a barrage of bucks, his cock impaling her over and over as his hips pressed against her flanks, pushing as far as he could and then rolling back to repeat the motion, switching his pace every time Rainbow thought she could start to handle the mammoth length inside of her. She had to outlast them, it was a matter of principle. She started to suck on Big Mac faster, taking a front hoof and wanking him in the same pattern as the bobs of her head, being sure to dribble all over his length and then rub it in with that hoof before pulling his cock out and running it along her lips, pulling them back before taking him in again with no warning. For all of his bravado, he began to pant, and Rainbow let out an internal cheer of victory. Mainly because she wasn't holding up so well herself, and she knew she'd have to finish him fast. She pushed her ass back as she pulled his cock out, tapping the underside of his shaft against her tongue as she looked up at him, their eyes locking as Trouble fucked her faster, the vibrations of his motion translating to beautiful wet little touches against his head, Rainbow humming in satisfaction as she prepared to take his load. "N-now, Rainbow, if you don't slow down, I'm gonna—" Rainbow laid straight down, taking both hooves and running them up and down Big Mac's cock as she continued to have her insides plundered, her own orgasm beginning to draw near. "Don't tell me," she whispered, a small lick between her words. "Show me." With that, she pushed her head as far down as it would go, warm, throbbing cock hitting the back of her throat just as Trouble rammed into her pussy once more, grunting heavily. Rainbow struggled to maintain her position, barely managing to beat her gag reflex as she took his cock, lightly gyrating her head as she attempted to cajole every last drop from him, tightening her pussy by instinct in an effort to squeeze both stallions dry in one perfect motion. She clamped down on Trouble harder, breaking whatever held him back as he fucked her like she had never been fucked before, knowing she would have been screaming at full volume if it wasn't for the cock filling her throat, pulsating harder as she felt her pussy squeezing around Trouble with the feeling of fresh cum shooting from her body. The sudden feeling caused her entire body to quiver uncontrollably, and she could only lay there like a little slut as she continued to be used during orgasm, her whole body on fire as the two stallions drew closer to their own releases. Trouble spanked her, sending a vibration coursing through her ass as he too began to cum, swearing and panting as he shot his hot load deep inside of her, coating her insides completely, plugging her hole with his seed. Just as she began to calm from that ordeal, her orgasm still not completely faded, Big Mac joined in, shooting heavy, thick strings of cum into her mouth, allowing them to hit the back of her throat, where she swallowed eagerly before drawing back, licking the rest of his head clean. She lapped up all that she could before laying back, finally admitting exhaustion. The two stallions did the same, panting and staring bug-eyed into the sky as Rainbow smirked to herself in pure contentment. "W-well, that was somethin', huh?" Trouble announced with a light cough, his voice seeming to waiver slightly. "Sure was," Big Mac concurred, turning to look Rainbow in the eye. "Just what was that about, anyways?" Rainbow threw a hoof, no need to mince words. "I've just been really damn horny lately, in case you couldn't tell. Like, stupidly horny." "And that made you wanna fuck us, did it?" "Well, I did come here for AJ," Rainbow admitted, her grin sheepish. "That's my sister, Rainbow." Big Mac's face looked stern, but his eyes still echoed his satisfaction. "I know, I know... still so damn hot though." "Anddd still my sister," Big Mac frowned, an eyebrow perked. "You up for another round soon?" Rainbow considered that for a moment. "Definitely. Why so keen?" "Tempted by the idea of shuttin' you up some more, if I'm honest."