> Something More Comfortable > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Something More Comfortable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was setting with a vibrantly orange glow across the flat desert plains, giving the once blue skies a beautiful plethora of color as it settled into night. Unfortunately, any ponies who were still outside would be able to see just how unforgiving the temperatures were from the waves that could be seen in the distance from the heat. It may have only been early spring in Apploosa, but the desert climate still made each increasingly longer day feel as hot as the rest of Equestria in the summertime. But despite the expected heat of the desert climate, a large number of homes in the community had high-quality air-conditioners installed to help ponies relax. At the outskirts of Apploosa, where a lone trailer stood with its machine humming loudly within its window, the air inside was as brisk as the coldest tundra in Yakyakistan. Like a pony-made oasis away from the oven-like temperatures outside, a particular pegasus couldn’t have been happier that he was away from such a brutal heatwave. Wonderbolt training may have been tough, and borderline-sadistic at times, but he couldn’t imagine how ponies in this community got much work done in the middle of the day without suffering from heat-stroke. Alas, the pony couldn’t have thought of a better place to spend his week-long leave from duties. Especially when the owner of the trailer was one of the sweetest, kindest, and most accommodating stallions in all of Equestria. After a long day out in the apple ranch, the golden Apploosan sighed with a relieved smile as he stepped out of the cozy bathroom with glee. His blonde mane was slightly wet, but smelled wonderfully of the strawberry shampoo he bought for the occasion. Even though he had a considerably long shift that day, the Earth Pony felt rather energized after taking a brisk, ice-cold shower. With all his musk washed away, the nude stallion kept an intrigued smirk as he noticed the blue stallion staring at him from a few feet away. “Heh… see anything ya like, Soarin?~” he asked with a raised brow, even though he knew they were both aware what was gonna happen this week. The Wonderbolt may have not been a hundred-percent out of the stable, but he was still quite the loving coltfriend for Apploosa’s resident gay stallion. Despite the rumors and occasional loudmouths, Braeburn was fortunate that he lived in a community where nopony really dwelled on his personal life. Some ponies may have disagreed with his lifestyle, but everyone was happy he was lucky enough to have somepony like Soarin in it. “Ah ain’t gonna lie, Ah was worried your leave wouldn’t be approved.” “Pbbt!” The blue pony merely rolled his eyes with a scoff, looking like his coltfriend’s theory was as silly as the Storm King somehow returning. “Oh, please!” he said with a grin before trotting up to him lovingly. “There’s no way I would ever miss a chance like this, babe~” Braeburn’s fur was still a little damp, but the pegasus still nuzzled his neck with a caring purr that made the pony blush and bite his lip. Meanwhile, Soarin kept his eyes dreamily half-lidded as he pulled back and stared at him with a growing smirk. “I mean, given how much I packed, do you really think I’d let this week go to waste for us?~” Braeburn didn’t need to look at the Wonderbolt’s sultry glance to know what he meant underneath his suggestive tone. Nor did he need any prompting when he saw the stallion’s bulking saddlebags laying right outside his bedroom, which were undoubtedly filled with items meant for strictly private use. After giving an antsy chuckle back to Soarin, Braeburn returned the nuzzling gesture as he kept his eyes closed and said with a shudder, “Mmmmm… Oh, Soarin… what’d Ah do to ever deserve a stallion as nice as you~?” “Well,” replied Soarin with a roll of his eyes, “aside from making the most amazing pies I ever ate?” Brae couldn’t help but scoff at such a reply, even though he knew it was true enough to make him chuckle. “W-Well, okay. Ya got a point there,” he admitted with a meager shrug. However, his tone quickly went back to an equally suggestive tone as Soarin’s as he walked past him towards his room. His tail flicked up teasingly to flick across the pegasus’ face, leaving Soarin’s cheeks slightly blushed while hearing him say, “But still… Ah hope that’s not the only thing yer hungry for this week, Sugar Cube~” After shooting the Wonderbolt an eager wink, Braeburn slipped into the bedroom effortlessly while hearing him groan in anticipation. Without hesitation, Soarin quickly followed his coltfriend while one of his wings was pulled-out, allowing him to grab the handles of his saddlebag to bring with him into the room. As soon as the bag was thrown next to the bed, and the door was slammed shut behind them, the pegasus pounced onto Braeburn’s inviting form while he was laid back on the queen-sized mattress. Due to his extensive Wonderbolt training, not to mention his close-quarters with all the other cadets, Soarin was understandably riled-up as he pulled Braeburn in for a strong and passionate kiss. Brae’s eyes closed as he felt himself being held so firmly by the pegasus, and he moaned with a deepening blush while kissing him back just as sweetly. The blinds may have still been open, but nopony was around for miles to interrupt the two as their makeout session grew more heated within the cool and cozy trailer. Before too long, Braeburn and Soarin’s tongues were quickly becoming reacquainted alongside their prolingued kisses. While the Apploosan gripped onto Soarin’s back tightly, one of the Wonderbolt’s wings reached downward to open his saddlebags while holding Braeburn with his hooves. Brae could hear the zippers being pulled open, but he couldn’t have cared less while gripping his mate tightly; whatever it was Soarin had, he was sure it was something fun and exciting. “Mmmm…” Braeburn’s lips pulled away from Soarin’s with a wet pop, and a couple strings of saliva were still connected between them while their cheeks were heavy in blush. “Wha… Wha’cha got there, ya big stud?~” “Oh, you’ll see~” purred Soarin as he pulled out the first of many items in his bag: a pair of knee-high, neon pink and purple-striped stockings. Even though the colors clashed quite a bit with Braeburn’s yellow coat, the rancher still shuddered with an antsy grin at seeing them. Despite his hard work-ethic and conservative background, Brae always appreciated the more feminine things behind closed doors. Soarin’s brows perked teasingly while holding his items in his hoof. “You wanna try ‘em on, partner?~” “H-Hey, that’s my line,” blurted Brae with an embarrassed blush, which was pretty obvious behind the hoof over his mouth. But despite how bashfully he tried to look away from Soarin, the pony still held out his yellow hooves timidly without much prompting. After a small breath, Brae sighed and said, “Oh… Oh alright, put ‘em on. They… They do look mighty comfy…” “Indeed they are,” purred the pegasus as he slowly slid each tube of cotton up Brae’s hind-legs. The soft and comfy material effortlessly slid up each of Braeburn’s hooves, causing the rancher to shudder with a giddy blush and bite his lip to keep from giggling. Meanwhile, Soarin could only chuckle while perking his brows up at him. “And believe me,” he said with a confident tone while smirking naughtily, “I have things much more comfortable for you later~” “O-Oh?~” Hearing how teasingly suggestive Soarin’s voice sounded, Brae couldn’t help raising his brows in response while blushed. Now with the stickings tightly wrapped around his legs, Brae felt much more open to suggestion as he smiled back at the Wonderbolt. “Well… are ya gonna give me a hint on what it is?~” Soarin gave him a little grin, knowing that what he had planned would most likely surprise the yellow stallion. “Well… I cooooould give you a hint,” he replied coyly, “but I don’t think I wanna ruin this surprise. Besides, knowing you I bet you’ll be able to figure it out, so I rather keep you the dark~” Braeburn huffed with a grin of his own, willing to play along with Soarin’s plans for the time  being. “Well… alright then, Mister Wonderbolt. Ah won’t try ta ask for spoilers.” Soarin smirked a little after the other stocking was slid up Brae’s hoof  “Don’t worry, babe. I have a feeling you’re gonna like my little surprise,” he said in sultry assurance while reaching his wing back into the bag. “I think it's gonna… fill you with nostalgia as they say~” That hint intrigued the pony even more, unsure what Soarin could have that’d get him in that kind of mood. As his blush remained, Braeburn giggled in anticipation as he saw what his mate pulled out next. It looked to be some kind of scrunchie, like what fillies would put in to tie up their manes. It carried a hot-pink similar to the stockings, with a matching bow tied to the front to add a cute feminine vibe. It wasn’t what Brae expected, but he shrugged a little and kept playing along. “W-Well, ummm… Ah’m not sure if that’s really nostalgic for me, but… Oh, what the hay~” Soarin chuckled with an understanding shrug of his own. “Yeah, I had a feeling it wasn’t… Although,” he added with a growing smile, “I bet you would have been the cutest looking filly around if you did wear this a few times~” Soarin may have said that in an especially seductive tone of voice, but Braeburn’s eyes blinked a couple times as he giggled in slight confusion. “Ummm… Heh heh heh… Ah guess so?” he admitted with his head tilted. “But, uhhh… Ah never really saw myself as the… filly-type, ya know?” Soarin couldn’t help but chuckle at Brae’s embarrassed, and slightly befuddled expression. “I know, cutie. But you know…..” he said with his tone raising a little “it wouldn’t hurt to try it to see if you are, right?” Brae kept his sultry expression, only needing to take a quick breath of confirmation before nodding in acceptance to his mate. He wanted to ask what Soarin was getting at, but he knew he just said he wouldn’t try to spoil whatever surprise he had. Plus, given how much the two have grown since that first night they met, Brae already knew that the Wonderbolt had taught him quite a lot in the bedroom. So after a small shrug, Brae took the scrunchie and tried to tie his mane up in it. “Well, uhhh… Ah suppose if ya wanna see that, then…” Braeburn’s mane may have been longer than most other stallions in Apploosa, but his shoulder-length locks didn’t give him many options to wear that scrunchie. When he finally got it tied-on securely, it was holding up his mane from the top of his head, and coming out from the top of the scrunchie like a frozen fountain. The stallion felt a little silly with his mane in such an immature style, but it seemed to only make Soarin’s grin widen in approval. “Oh my… you look at pretty as a homemade apple pie~” he said in a cutesy kind of way, getting close to Brae so their faces were only a few inches from each other. It was unexpected for Soarin to show this side of him, but the idea of being with a mare (or most feminine things in general) never really appealed to him. But for some reason, when it was on Braeburn, something about it just made the Wonderbolt feel head over heels over him. His look may have not been complete, but Brae looked absolutely adorable already. “Mmmm… man, I just wanna make you my widdle coltie already~” “L… Little coltie?” asked Brae with a raised brow, needing to chuckle in response so he wouldn’t appear so nervous to his Wonderbolt. After a brief moment, the stallion’s eyes narrowed on Soarin in slight suspicion. “Heh… Ah’m startin’ ta feel like yer gonna suggest some things Ah ain’t never worn before~” Even with his light shrug, Soarin’s expression remained confident as he replied while rolling his eyes. “Welllllll… let’s just say that… I’d be very surprised if it turned out you never wore these before~” That was when the pegasus reached back into his saddlebag again, and pulled out an even more unexpected item for his blushing mate. Braeburn’s eyes widened when he saw that oddly-shaped sheet of white plastic, which had a hot-pink outline that matched his stockings and bow. It took him a moment to realize that it was actually a bib, like something a foal would wear when being fed. But for the specific garment Soarin was holding with a wide grin, it was more than large enough to fit Braeburn’s size. And on the front of the bib, the words ‘Daddy’s Little Filly’ were scrawled in a cutesy pink font. Braeburn blinked a couple times with a surprised look on his face, unsure how to react to such an addition. However, the expectant look of giddiness on Soarin’s face made it hard for him to just say no. By that point, the rancher was starting to get an idea as to what his coltfriend wanted him to try for his leave. It was certainly a wild guess to make (and in retrospect, something Soarin probably should’ve at least tried to discuss beforehoof to keep from freaking Brae out), but at the same time it… didn’t sound too freaky for his tastes. After a moment of contemplation, the yellow stallion glanced at Soarin’s hopeful expression for a second before sighing with a smile of his own. “So, uhhh…” Even though his nervous blush began to intensify, Braeburn reached out to take that bib from Soarin’s hooves without any further prompting. And after taking a breath, the pony hesitantly put the bib on so its cute label was scrawled clearly across his chest. “Is… is this cute enough for ya?~” From the way Soarin shuddered with an immensely satisfied grin, it seemed that Braeburn really knew how to press his buttons. Of course, it didn’t help that as he laid out on the bed, the rancher crossed his hind-legs and made a rather innocent-looking pose while giving the Wonderbolt bedroom eyes. A lot of ponies probably would’ve gone without the bib or hair-tie, but Soarin only growled in need as he envisioned more for his coltfriend to wear. And more specifically, one very important thing he needed to make this moment complete~ “Ooooohhhhh, my cute little coltie~” purred Soarin before he leaned in towards Braeburn, and planted a strong kiss against his muzzle to really rile them both up. Brae still felt a bit hesitant about what his coltfriend was likely to do, but that deep and passionate kiss was more than enough to help ease his mind and help him settle into the idea. Before too long, his blonde tail began to wag in excitement, and his heart raced as their lips pulled apart once more. “Believe me babe,” Soarin said with an antsy shudder, while his wing pulled the saddlebag onto the bed for easier access. “You look absolutely adorable with that widdle bib~ But still… I think there’s just a couple more things I need from you…” Braeburn bit his lip as he nodded nervously, pulling himself back so he could be laid out properly on the bed. He could feel his cheeks burning hotter as he watched his mate reach into the saddlebag again, only imagining how long the pegasus was preparing for this day. Soarin breathed out with an excited shiver as he got his next item out for Braeburn to wear, which only confirmed what the rancher was assuming would happen. He wanted to be worried, or maybe even be against the idea; however, Brae could only gulp with a heavy blush when he saw what Soarin was holding in his hoof: A bright baby-blue, and clearly adult-sized pacifier. “So, ummm…” Despite the insistent gleam in his eyes, Soarin seemed more than a little nervous as he showed the rubber bulb to his coltfriend and asked hopefully, “Is… is this too much for you?” Braeburn paused for a second in thought, contemplating whether or not it was. However, as his legs rubbed harder together with those stockings on, and he felt his heart racing faster underneath his bib, the pony felt like this was something he could do. Heck, as his mind thought about what else his mate was gonna pull out next, it took everything in Brae to not just ask for it before Soarin had the chance to show him. After closing his eyes with a final confirming breath, the rancher looked up at Soarin with a shaky smile and shook his head faintly. “Ah… Ah don’t think it’s too much, babe~” Soarin’s face lit up especially wide, and he eagerly leaned in with the pacifier while his hoof was shaking. Fortunately, Brae didn’t need any prompting as he opened his muzzle wide, and allowed his boyfriend to slip the rubber bulb into his mouth. The firm texture of the rubber was surprisingly comforting when his teeth clamped-down against it, as did the curved plastic that pressed in tightly across his lips. Without even realizing it, the pony’s mouth instinctively sucked on that bulb the instant it was in, causing a light and audible thuckle to be heard from Soarin. The Wonderbolt’s face blushed immensely as he saw how cute Brae looked with it on; meanwhile, the yellow stallion only needed a second or two before shuddering himself, and breathing out through his nostrils while he suckled on that paci contently. “Oh… Oh man~” groaned Soarin as he grinned wide at Brae’s adorable appearance. The heavy blush that was glowing across the rancher’s cheeks behind that pacifier, combined with the delightful sounds of his cute thuckles, made the pegasus’ heart race like nothing he thought before. Without even realizing it, one of Soarin’s hooves was already reaching into his saddlebag for that last item while marveling at his coltfriend’s prone form. “Mmmmmphhh… I swear babe, there’s only two things I need from you to make this perfect~” Braeburn didn’t pull out the pacifier to say anything in response, but his eyes narrowed on him quite seductively as he continued to suck on that bulb for him. This all may have been brand-new territory, but it was clear without any verbal confirmation that he was willing to go for it. Soarin grinned even wider in nervous elation, and he bent back in to nuzzle his mate’s neck lovingly in response. Brae’s eyes closed with a muzzled moan as he felt the pegasus’ lips press against the crook of his neck repeatedly, with each kiss making his fur tingle more than the previous one. Of course, despite how tantalizing those teasing smooches felt, Braeburn really shuddered hard when he heard something else to make his ears twitch wildly. A loud, and very distinct crinkling could be heard as something was pulled out of Soarin’s bag, which prompted the pony to keep his eyes tightly clenched shut. He knew exactly what it was, but he didn’t want to spoil the surprise just yet. Even as he felt one of Soarin’s hooves lifting up his hind-legs, which helped to lift up his rear from the mattress, all that Braeburn could do was moan through that pacifier and allow his coltfriend to continue kissing him coaxingly. Brae’s heart was thundering in his chest, and it only pounded harder the instant he felt Soarin lower his rump back down. Instead of the soft sheets of his bedding, Braeburn shivered with a whimper as he felt something more plastic and… crinkly between himself and the mattress. He could also hear what sounded to be tapes being undone, which was followed by Soarin’s hoof gently rubbing the top of Braeburn’s currently uncovered waist. “Mmmm…” After pulling his lips away from the stallion’s neck, the Wonderbolt leaned his head in close against his ear and whispered hotly, “Braeburn… you have no idea how long I needed this from you~” “Nnnnn…” Even though he wanted to say something in response, Brae could only moan weakly while that pacifier remained lodged in his shaky maw. He could feel Soarin’s hoof traveling down from his waist, before reaching down to grab the front-end of that garment that laid out between his quivering legs. Braeburn may have known what it was, and what his coltfriend was likely expecting him to do while in it; however, even though the idea worried him a little, the stallion’s apprehensions weren’t nearly enough to keep him from pulling his legs apart for easier access. He could hear even more of that crinkling, but his eyes stayed tightly shut as he envisioned how that padding must’ve looked. He could feel the soft, and surprisingly thick material pulling up over his crotch. Each distinct crinkle made his nerves twitch as he felt the garment being strapped across his waist, leaving him too nervous to even think of opening his eyes. However, one of his hooves did manage to pull out his pacifier, and he was able to say in a weak and feeble tone, “Is… is this wha ‘cha needed from me, Soar?~” “Mmmhmm…” Just as the tapes pressed down firmly against the fronts of Braeburn’s padding, Soarin closed his eyes as he licked up the side of his coltfriend’s neck in unbridled lust. Brae may have still been nervous, but he wasn’t willing to try and turn down what his mate might ask of him next. He was already too riled-up to try and say no, and he was sure that he’d say yes to whatever else Soarin needed from him. In fact, his heart was pounding hard at the thought of doing more for him; especially in the padded garment he was happily wearing as he moaned in response. “There… There’s…” Soarin’s voice sounded particularly winded, as if this situation was leaving him too aroused to speak properly. Alas, the pegasus held onto his little filly tight while one of his hooves grasped the front of Braeburn’s garment. While the yellow stallion moaned hotly from each teasing prod and crinkle being given to him, the Wonderbolt clutched onto him while refraining from going all the way just yet. “There’s… o-one more thing that I need, Braeburn…” “Mmmmm~” By that point, Braeburn was completely enthralled with everythng his coltfriend had given him so far. Even though he never expected to be in such a foalish garment, let alone enjoy it, he could only beg for Soarin to give him more. His mind was clouded in lust, and he knew he’d do anything to make his big stallion happy. “W… Whatever you want, Sugar!~ Ah… Ah’ll do whatever you want! Wh-What… Whad’ya need?~” A deep and hungry moan escaped Soarin’s muzzle, just as it pressed in tightly against Braeburn’s twitching ear. While the padded stallion laid back with his eyes closed while moaning in bliss, he could only listen while his mate held him tightly for his last, lustfully worded request. “I… I need… “I need about tree fiddy.” Braeburn may have been immensely turned-on by that point, but that familiar statement was enough to bring him out of it in an instant. His eyes re-opened as he pulled himself up from the bed, and he looked over at him with a pissed-off scowl. It was at that moment that he realized “Soarin” wasn’t there at all! In the heat of the moment, Braeburn was somehow able to miss that the so-called "Wonderbolt" was actually ten stories tall, and a crustacean from the Protozoic Era! “OH, GOD DAMMIT LOCH NESS MONSTER!” he shouted in unbridled rage and frustration. Before the beast could try to redeem himself, Braeburn used his immense strength to grab him by the ear and pull him out of his room. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! FOR THE LAST TIME, AH AIN’T GIVIN’ YA TREE FIDDY, YA GODDAMN PERVERT!!!” Without hesitation, the Loch Ness Monster was thrown out of Braeburn’s trailer, along with his saddlebag and all the foalish items Brae was wearing until that moment. As soon as he pulled the diaper off of his waist, the stallion chucked it straight across the beast’s face before slamming the door on him. “And don’cha DARE come back!” SLAM!!! -The End