> Who Did It? > by Inactive Pone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Trust Nopony. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was towards the end of another school day at the School of Friendship. As always, everycreature shared giggles and laughs with one another during the lesson for laughter. Pretty obvious. Since the day the school opened, there was a bit of a rough start- But now, everything is alright as it can be. The students of Princess Twilight’s new school are loving the new, unique rules she wrote specifically for them. For a school that seemingly bent the rules and being at the time, the only school that included students outside the pony empire, it was a marvelous breakthrough for ponykind. The head of the Equestrian Education Association (EEA), Chancellor Neighsay, doubted the school’s success and tried to close it down. Yet, Twilight stood up for what’s right for the ponies and their neighboring tribes, causing him to fall defenseless. They knew he would return, but it’s been a few months and there doesn’t seem to be anything out of order yet. Anyway, back to the story. Everyone was enjoying the last lesson of the day before the weekend. The teacher, Pinkie Pie, finished pretty much all that she wanted to teach today so at that moment, she let her students chat with one another and she would take part in some conversations, especially with Silverstream, a playful hippogriff whom she loved among the class. She was just chatting with her when Starlight Glimmer, the assistant principal of the school came through the classroom door. Everycreature stopped talking and patiently waited in their seats as Pinkie trotted over. “Hi Starlight, what’s up?” She asked with her usual cheery voice. Starlight gestures her to move aside and cleared her throat. “Good afternoon, everycreature. How are you fellow students feeling today?” Everyone smiled. After they changed their system, class was so much better. “Oh, we are feeling awesome!” said Gallus, a bluish-colored griffon. “Class was great today, as usual, right Smolder?” The orange dragon gave her friend a fist-bump in agreement. “Definitely!” Starlight smiled and nodded. “Good to know. However... I may have some... rather shocking news to break to you all, and you may not like it.” The students started whispering to each other in worry. “What’s wrong, Professor Starlight?” Yona asked. She was a yak, who came all the way from the north. The pony sighed. “I’ll explain in a minute. Right now, everycreature, open your bags. I need to check them so that I can assure you all aren’t involved in the mess.” They all were curious but did as they were told. One by one, walked through the corridors between the desks to make sure there was nothing wrong and the students weren’t up to anything suspicious. Luckily, nothing seemed to be out of order, and Starlight was relieved. She walked back to the front after a few minutes. “Very good,” she said. “I see you all are very well-behaved and you did not bring anything that’s prohibited in this school, let alone what we’re looking for.” Sandbar, a green-colored Earth pony got even more curious. “Excuse me, professor, but what exactly is the matter at the moment?” “It’s a little... Complicated,” Starlight warned. “Long story short, professor Fluttershy reported to me about finding something that could potentially be very dangerous. We don’t know why, but somepony- Or somecreature, even, installed an explosive device, found in our school’s storage room.” Everyone gasped in horror- A bomb! In the school of friendship! “Is this true?” asked Ocellus, the pale blue-colored changeling. “That can’t possibly be right!” Silverstream nodded. “I stand by my friend here, why would any creature want to hurt our lovely school?” Starlight shook her head. “As I said, the reason and the culprit is currently still a mystery. We have some suspects and it may or may not include you all, but we can’t be certain at this point in time. We are very sorry to tell you this. Even so, we will try to keep all the students of the School of Friendship safe while we carry out the investigation. For now, school will resume normally, but we’ll restrict you from entering certain rooms where we confirm that there’s danger.” All the students nodded in response. “Understood, professor.” She nodded. “Good to know. And try not to get involved if possible, alright?” Starlight turned to Pinkie so she could resume the lesson, but the bell just rang. “Oh, what perfect timing!” She chuckled. “Class dismissed!” After school, the Young Six wanted to hang out with each other, so unlike the other students, they stayed around on campus after class in the park inside the school. “So let me get this straight,” Smoulder said. “This school has a bomb installed!? Who would do such a thing?” “Nopony knows,” Sandbar replied. “As she said, the culprit could be anyone right now, since they need to find evidence.” Ocellus, sitting on the bench beside Silverstream, was in deep thought. “Hmmm, let’s see, who in the class has been dealing the most mischief lately?” “No offense, but...” Gallus said, pointing to the yak. “Yona’s always up to destruction.” “Hey!” She retorted. “Not my fault I’m big! Ocellus also bad!” Smoulder nodded. “That’s actually pretty reasonable. I mean, she is a changeling and she could transform into anything to blame the ones around her.” “Oh, please!” The changeling denied. “We’re friends! Why would I do anything to harm you?” Gallus shook his head. “Well, everyone’s a possible suspect right now...” Sandbar seems to be taking note of their conversation, thinking. “Gallus, why are you going around blaming everycreature?” “Excuse me?” The dragon landed after levitating in the air for the past few minutes. “Come on, my griffon friend won’t do anything bad! Why don’t you say a reason why we shouldn’t blame you?” “Well, why don’t you go first?” Sandbar asked back. As they continued blaming and starting to quarrel a little, the purple hippogriff finally spoke up. “Guys!” She calmed everyone down. “Everycreature, please... *sigh* We all know arguing won’t solve anything, alright? At least, definitely not a way to treat a friend.” Everyone looked down. “Sorry,” Sandbar apologized. Smolder rolled her eyes. “Okay, me too. So, Silverstream! You’ve been quiet today...” The griffon nodded. “Come to think of it, she’s right- Why didn’t you speak until now?” “Well, I didn’t want to mix myself into the argument you’re having, so...” Silverstream scratched her head with a hoof, blushing. “Still, it’s not right to blame each other when we don’t know what’s happening.” Ocellus agreed. “Silver’s right. Let’s just wait until tomorrow.” Sandbar agreed too. “I agree. Probably they’ll reveal more information on the case the next day.” They were going to leave, but when the group passed by the entrance of the school, Gallus swear he heard something. He tried to get close to the sound, and he saw something unexpected behind one of the decorations. “Uhhhh, guys?” Everyone turned back to him. “You might wanna come to see this...” Behind the plant pot, he revealed one of the time bombs installed! “*gasp* Wait! There’s another one!” Silverstream exclaimed, pointing to the ceiling of the main lobby. “Up there!” They were all shocked- There wasn’t only one bomb- There’s a ton of them, all around the school! And once they checked all the rooms again, making sure to avoid all the teachers, they found even more. This was not good. The following week, the Young six were the first ones to get to class among their other classmates. Gallus, the one who discovered the issue in more detail, arrived last among them since he was checking for anything suspicious. “Okay! The gang’s all here!” Sandbar said as the griffon walked in. “Got it,” Smoulder nodded. “Everycreature, come over closely. We don’t want anyone to know what we’re discussing.” Gallus put down his bags at his seat and the six quickly rearranged the chairs near Silverstream’s seat so they could bring it in together as a group, and not let anyone listen to their discussion. “Anything new, Gallus?” Ocellus asked. “I saw you going around the hallway checking stuff.” “That’s right,” He replied. “I think there aren’t extra bombs placed during the night, but their timer function seems to be disarmed.” Everycreature sighed in relief, at least until Yona spoke. “But culprit not found!” She pointed out. “Who did it?” “Yona’s right,” Sandbar agreed. “Plus, they may not be completely disarmed- Probably it’s now activated by a hidden switch. So we have to be careful.” Smolder nodded. “True. Also, we still don’t know who the mastermind is, so I really hope it’s not one of you guys. We’re friends, after all.” The six looked back and forth. They carried a smile, but their mind was slightly plagued with suspicion towards one another. “I don’t want us to quarrel about this...” Silverstream cried. Yona agreed. “Same! Same!” “Team,” Gallus said. “I know we all don’t want to fight. But I can’t trust you guys for now. I’m sorry.” “Me neither...” Sandbar confessed. In suspicion and discomfort, they all rolled their eyes. The six parted away a little, and started to push heads with the one they feel the most suspicious about- With the tension between Gallus and Yona being the highest. The other four backed them up, causing tension between Smolder and Ocellus, then Silverstream and Sandbar respectively. Getting fishier and doubting each other, the six friends started arguing. They moved in as close as they can and all started pushing in all directions against the others, not trusting each other. The other students came in, seeing them seemingly in the middle of a quarrel, but ignored. The six stopped fighting and got back together. “In any case, let’s try to stay friends and make it as close as possible,” Silverstream suggested. Everyone agreed and put one of their hands (I’m too lazy to type it all out so just roll with it.) on top of each other’s, smiling. They all raised them into the air in harmony. “For the Young Six!” They all cheered happily. During lunch break and after series of worry caused by the truth behind the case, everycreature was having fun, oblivious to the uneasy environment. Not the Young Six, though. They were all called to be interrogated by the principal, Twilight Sparkle. Although she knows they didn’t mean to, their act of skipping class a while ago gave her a signal that they might be up to mischief again. Anxious and worried, they followed her request. Sandbar knocked on the door. “Come in,” Starlight said, who was helping Twilight. One by one, the six entered Twilight’s office, even though she turned around and couldn’t see them. They took a seat each in front of her desk. “*clears throat* principal Sparkle?” Sandbar asked politely. “You... You asked us to come see you, right?” A sigh was heard. “Yes, I did.” “Had we perhaps... Done something bad?” Ocellus asked. “If it is... We really didn’t mean to.” Starlight just smiled and whispered something. “Sorry to make this sound so serious,” The pony said, smiling. “I just wanted to ask something, that’s all.” Turning to the students, it was her- Twilight Sparkle, the principal of the School of Friendship. “Phew, thank the queen,” Silverstream sighed in relief. Smolder nodded. “So... What exactly did you find us for?” Twilight took a moment to breathe. “I’ve heard from some of your schoolmates,” She began. “I see you all have something to share about the case we recently mentioned?” “That was me, principal,” Gallus insisted. Twilight nodded. “Spike, write their words down,” She told her assistant, then turning back. “Interesting. Mind if you share what you found with us?” The six looked at each other back and forth, waiting for someone to speak. “Come on, Gallus...” Smolder nudged him. “You found it first.” “What? No!” He whispered. “I don’t want to get suspicious!” They all continued back and forth for a few minutes. “Gallus,” Twilight said kindly. “I’m waiting.” “Ugh, Fine...” He sighed. “So yesterday, we were hanging around the school after class ended for the day. When we left, I noticed some sort of... Time bomb, near the entrance.” “I see,” Twilight replied. “So it wasn’t a rumor from professor Fluttershy.” “It’s not just one either, there are loads of them!” Ocellus added. Sandbar shivered a little. “Yes! We checked room after room, I’m talking that these blasted weapons are in every classroom and everywhere! It’s just hidden very well.” “And we just saw today that the time features seem to be disabled- But we don’t know why...” Smolder added. “Oh dear,” Twilight sighed. “This case seems to be much more complicated than I thought...” Yona agreed. “Explosives everywhere! Put Yak and friends in danger!” “Indeed, Yona,” Twilight replied. “Still, thank you for telling us. We’re working on fixing it as soon as we can.” “Excuse me,” Ocellus asked suddenly. “Any signs of the pony who did this?” “Sadly, not yet.” She answered with a sigh. Starlight sighed too. “But, we managed to disarm the first discovered bomb completely, and checked for evidence-“ Starlight showed them the sample, with a hand lens levitated by her magic. “See, the culprit has left a hoofmark while installing this.” She levitated it around the students for a closer look. They didn’t think of anything special, but something clicked into the pony’s head. “Wait,” Sandbar insisted, taking another look. “It looks... Pretty distinctive and familiar. It’s bigger than usual ponies.” He suggested. “Oh?” Starlight asked. Twilight brought it in for a closer inspection- It indeed felt familiar. “Hard to tell, But I think you’re right,” She scratched her chin with her hoof, jotting this down. “Hmm... I think I know who it might be... And it would be pretty reasonable too...” The students took note of this in their head and nodded to each other. “We’ll have to conduct more investigating to make sure,” Twilight said. “But thank you all for your opinions. Dismissed!” Once again, the six gathered up and stayed in the library this time. Nopony was there, so it didn’t really matter if they were too loud. They sat around a round table. “Sandbar, you’re a genius!” Silverstream said, giving him a high-hoof. “How did you recognize it?” The pony chuckled. “Oh, it’s nothing special. Just looked different from usual hoofprints I see.” Gallus smiled. “Well, at least we know it couldn’t be one of us now.” They all agreed and were very happy and relieved. “No suspicion between Yak’s friends,” Yona giggled. “This makes Yak happy!” “Haha, I love the way you talk, Yona,” Ocellus laughed along. “It’s just so unique.” Smolder got them back into the topic. “Anyway, I can see you all nodding when she mentioned a possible suspect... What do you think?” Everyone looked at each other. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” Silverstream asked, winking. “Definitely,” Sandbar replied. They all winked with a grin and counted from three in their heads. They all thought of the same mastermind. “Chancellor Neighsay!” “It must be him!” Gallus exclaimed. “Who else would have the guts to go against our school, now supported by even Princess Celestia?” Yona almost slammed the table. “Yak think so too!” “They have a point,” Ocellus followed. “He just... walked off in anger. I knew he would come back to try and haunt us again, I knew it!” All of them nodded to one another. “Right, we need a plan,” Smolder said. “We have to tell the teachers about this, and we have to prove it’s him!” All of a sudden, strange voices echoed around the room, causing the six to tremble. Magic started wrapping around them, causing even more fear to them. They all fell off their tipping chairs at the same time and gathered up. “Wh- What’s happening?” Sandbar questioned. “I don’t know!” Gallus responded. Silverstream was scared the most. “Oh... I don’t like creepy things!” As they were all worrying, the strange voice said something. “You really think you can get me caught?” All of their minds went blank. The magic that surrounded only each of them individually turned into a bigger circle around all six students. With an evil laugh, the magic drew closer swiftly, pushing the group and squeezing them together in the middle. “Ahhhh!” They all screamed, passing out from the spell. It was night now. They were all still knocked unconscious, no idea of what just happened. Ocellus woke up and saw near darkness. “Guys! Wake up!” She nudged her friends, who all woke up shortly after. But when they were going to move, they all felt a tug in the center and fell back. They looked at their body- The six friends were all tied up together, back-to-back, shoulder to shoulder, with the main rope connecting all six ropes that kept the group tied closely. “*pants* Why won’t this rope burn!?” Smolder asked, breathing fire on the main rope. Silverstream wanted to cry. “I don’t like this!! Somepony please help!” They all stopped talking as the evil voice came back, revealing his figure in the darkness. A tall, sophisticated unicorn, that stood overpowered against them with his size. It was the Chancellor. “I should’ve known you all would know this was my doing,” Neighsay said, snickering coldly. Sandbar grunted as he tried to escape, but he was tied to his friends. “*grunts* Why? Why would you do this!? What sin have we made against you?” Neighsay moaned. “You see, your school shouldn’t even exist in the first place. If that pesky little princess wasn’t here, I would’ve have won the debate and this place will shut down immediately.” “But why would you do that?” Silverstream asked in anger. “Don’t you get it?” Neighsay said fiercely. “This school is bending the rules of the EEA, and you students are extremely poor in self-discipline, which reflects on the teachers’ poor ability to keep things in order.” “The only reason why we tried to do it, is because of your rules!” Gallus retorted. “But since they wrote our school’s own rule book, we have been so much more well-behaved!” “Yaks no tolerate your actions!” Yona huffed. “Opposing you is right thing to do!” Ocellus started grinding her teeth. “You think you’re keeping Equestria safe by banning us from studying here? Well, we say you’re doing the complete opposite!” “I beg your pardon!?” The six creatures have had enough. “You will only make us declare war on each other!” Ocellus, being a changeling, used her transforming skill to cut herself loose, and eventually freed the other five from the ropes. Standing together, they all turned against the Chancellor. “You dare challenge me!?” Neighsay furiously shouted. “I have the power to unaccredit schools as our association sees fit! Your actions will only put this school in danger if that’s what you want!” But the six did not show fear and cornered him from all sides. “We may be different tribes, yes,” Sandbar said, looking at the others. Smolder smiled. “And we may not have had a long-standing connection...” “But no one said that you have to be a pony to have friends,” Gallus suggested. “Though the best of friends could still run into disputes and even fights,” Ocellus continued. “Friends stand forever as one,” Yona giggled. “Like how their tribes do!” Silverstream finished it off. “And the magic of friendship, is for everycreature.” Looking at the six students, being so different, yet so in sync and so friendly, Chancellor Neighsay could not believe his eyes. Different races, in Equestria? Letting them in so easily, so they can take what they learned and use it against ponies? It was too hard to think about. “That’s it!” He roared, pulling out a device. “If anyone of you dares to talk back one more time...” Everycreature stepped back- It was the trigger! “Three steps. One...” He synced the controller. The six still looked furious. “Two...” He had his hoof on the button of the device, ready to blow everything up. Now, everycreature was scared, and are preparing to run. They doubt they will escape in time, though. “Three!” “*gasp* No!” Everyone cried, closing their eyes. A few seconds passed. There was silence. Nothing was happening. “Wh-What!?” Neighsay roared. “What is this garbage!?” He frantically pressed the trigger. Suddenly, sounds ringed all around as somepony teleported in. “Freeze, you traitor!” Immediately, Starlight, Twilight lit up their horns as they teleported in with a bang, ready to retaliate. Soon, the mane six all showed up- And even Celestia herself landed from above after giving the warning! “Surrender, Chancellor!” Celestia demanded, her wings open wide. “You’re caught!” The stallion growled and bailed off towards the entrance, but was met with the Young Six blocking his way. “Move over, you idiots!” Yona furiously rolled over him and ran back to her friends. “You aren’t going anywhere!” They all said in unison. Surrounded, Neighsay really had no way out. He was sandwiched by both the mane six and the Young Six in the middle. He tried to spawn a portal in, but Celestia backfired it as she stepped closer angrily. “Chancellor Neighsay, head of the Equestrian Education Association,” She shouted. He looked up, still not showing fear. “Oh, I’m going to have a word with you...” As everycreature closed in, the Chancellor felt sweat trickling down his neck, intimidated by their every step as he was blinded by Celestia’s spell... Another morning, came another school day. But this time, the students may relax now- All the explosives have been defused before he could make his move, and the school is now safe. They were supposed to start the first lesson when Twilight came into the classroom. “Good morning, everycreature!” She said, bowing. Everyone bowed as well. “Good morning, principal Sparkle.” They all sat back down, all feeling curious. “I know, I know,” Twilight said. “There’s supposed to be a lesson right now, but I have some words to say to all of you. Something very special. Young Six, will you all come out to the front?” The six looked at each other, smiled, and walked to the front of the class. “Thanks to their clever cooperation skills,” Twilight explained, “They played a huge part in solving our recent explosive case that’s been endangering our school. And it’s thanks to them, we were able to find the culprit and he’s officially arrested.” She turned to the students. “Well done, all of you.” The six took a short bow as the students applauded. “By the way,” Sandbar questioned curiously. “Yes?” “What exactly... Happened, to him?” The other five chuckled. They all wanted to ask the same thing. Twilight couldn’t help giggling. “Well... it went something like this...” Celestia called Neighsay to her office immediately after the incident. She was not happy at all. Slamming a hoof on her desk, she sighed. “Tell me, honestly,” Celestia demanded. “What is your mind even thinking?” The chancellor face-palmed himself. “Are you all still not understanding my point? This school is unaccredited by the EEA and should NOT exist! Not only are the teachers of this school unqualified, but you are putting Equestria in danger by allowing these... “Foreigners” to study our magic, and to allow them to use our knowledge against us in the future.” “And YOU are putting us and their school in danger,” Celestia retorted. “Your actions tonight was far beyond what is necessary. And to respond to your stance, the teachers may not be as good as traditional schools, but the fact that different races can get along together to learn about one of our most beautiful things is why I think her idea is truly unique and great.” “Listen up, Chancellor,” Celestia got off her seat behind the desk and walked to him, looking down with a serious face. “Friendship is not only for ponies. Our people are wishing for new opportunities for our kingdom. New friends, New partnerships, and new cultures. This school is a wonderful start to our plan to establish ties with their kingdoms. But racists like you are making this complicated.” “I beg your pardon, your highness,” Neighsay grumbled. “Are you calling me a racist?” “Yes. You should be ashamed.” “How so? The only thing I am trying to do is to make sure they would not try to use the knowledge they learned here and endanger us.” Celestia sighed. “What kind of grudge do they hold against you? I don’t see any specific problem with establishing friendships with other races that you’ve been able to mention. Our nations are changing, Chancellor. You have to understand. We care about what happens outside Equestria and all of us wish to be friends with each other’s people. It doesn’t matter what race you are. What matters is the ties between creatures. That’s what friendship is all about, accepting each other’s differences and be there for one another to solve problems and get along.” “The only thing you’ll get from this plan, and I warn you, your highness...” Chancellor refused to listen to her trash talk. “You will be tricked by their kindness and one day, they will attack. Just wait.” That was enough. She didn’t want to waste any more time bickering with this stubborn pony who does not believe in real friendship and harmony. She took a piece of document out of her desk drawer as she sat back down. “Chancellor Neighsay, I wanted you to be the head of the EEA because I trusted you. I know you can manage it and make good decisions,” Celestia began. “However... tonight, you did something that, even if I had the same stance, would never try to execute. Seriously! You have turned into a mad Pony! You put the lives of the school in danger by setting up explosives! It’s lucky we defused them all with magic before you came, or else this could’ve been much worse. You potentially put us on the brink of war- Twice, in fact! This is unacceptable!” Neighsay started backing up, until Celestia placed a seal on the door, forcing him to come back to face her. Furiously, Celestia placed down the document and pushed her face forwards, squeezing the stallion’s muzzle with her own. “We will no longer dare to risk having corrupted officials like you in our government,” Celestia warned. “By the name of the sun and Equestria, I force you to step down as head of the EEA. You’re fired!” “Wh-What!?” Neighsay shouted. “You can’t do that! I’ve been sitting in that position for years!” Celestia shook her head. “I do have the right to interfere. Your association is a part of the government, and as the highest-tier princess of the state, I have the right to do so if officials like you leave me no choice. Your actions tonight are an exact reason why you don’t deserve to be here at all.” “You can’t be serious,” Neighsay retorted. “They will turn against us, I warn you!” Celestia frowned. “Sir, I’m not willing to push this further. But if you so wish, I can.” The chancellor has had enough. He doesn’t understand why Everypony thinks the school was a good idea, and he believes it will only destroy Equestria. Taking it too far, he slapped the princess in anger. The solar princess gasped and banged on the table. “Guards!” She called. “Arrest this despicable official!” The doors swung open, and the two guards outside came in and swiftly beat him down and arrested the chancellor easily. He continued to retort as he was dragged out. “You’ll soon be proven wrong, your highness!” He roared. “Mark my words, I tell you!” As soon she finished, everycreature was dying of laughter, filling the classroom with giggles. “He got fired!?” Smolder exclaimed. “No way! And on the hands of us, too!” Gallus fist-bumped her. “Ha! Serves him right!” Even the innocent Silverstream laughed. “And he was even arrested?” “I know!” Yona chuckled. “To be fair,” Ocellus added, “If I didn’t free you guys, we would’ve been in much worse conditions!” They all burst into hysterics again, even Twilight! “Anyway, everycreature,” The princess said, finally calming everyone down. “We are very relieved to know that our school is once again safe and sound. And we know you feel the same way. So, to celebrate, classes are suspended today! Have a great holiday, dismissed!” “Hooray!” All the students cheered. As the students of the Now-safe School of Friendship leave, the group continued to chat along with each other. “Well, That was unexpected!” Sandbar said. Gallus agreed. “And it’s all thanks to us. I feel proud now.” They all shared a giggle, and huddled up in a circle, close to each other. “This has been some pretty rough few days,” Smolder concluded. “I think we can all agree.” They all nodded. “We’ve also learned something important,” Ocellus added. “Yeah!” Yona said happily. “If friends together, nothing beats us!” “We’ve been through a lot,” Silverstream carried on. “We’ve been shocked a few times, we’ve chatted a lot, and... *chuckles* We even kinda fought. We did so much together recently.” Everycreature reached out their paws, hoofs, wings, claws, and hands and held each other’s, forming a big circle while regaining their balance. They started to dance around as a group happily. “Now that you mention it...” Gallus said, blushing. “I’m sorry for not trusting you guys.” “Yak feel sorry too,” Yona apologized. They all made up. Suddenly, Twilight came around. “Young Six,” she called. They all turned to her, bowing a bit first. “I am very proud of you all,” She said. “Even though we don’t recommend you to interfere with the matter, I’m surprised at how much you helped us. Your contribution was really helpful and we can’t thank you enough.” They all smiled. “To be honest... We learned something about friendship too,” Sandbar said. “*gasp* That’s wonderful!” Twilight chuckled, clapping. Silverstream came to the front. “Well, through this, we definitely got along much better since we were discussing. That helps us get along much better!” “We also learned to respect each other and we shouldn’t fight and argue all the time,” Smolder continued. Gallus nodded. “Yeah. When we were talking about it yesterday, we kinda fought a little bit. Just a little.” He turned to Yona, who gave him a playful nudge. Twilight giggled. “Well, it’s nice to know you’ve made up now.” “We also cooperate much better now,” Ocellus added. “In fact... I would even go as far to say we have great telepathy as well.” All of the students laughed. “I see you all want a picture?” Twilight offered. Everyone nodded and calmed themselves down. They got together and said the same thing before the photo was taken. “Young Six, Friends forever!” They all smiled as they looked at how great they looked all together as a group. “Awww,” Yona squeaked. “Yak love her friends.” “And we love you all too!” They all said to each other. And so, the pony, the griffon, the changeling, the dragon, the yak and the hippogriff found themselves surrounded by their best friends. They beamed, and the six all closed in for a big group hug.