> Backstabber > by totalwallflower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Backstabber > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day, on a beautiful hot sunny day, Sunset Shimmer was having a tan on the beach. "Ahh, There's nothing better than a nice, warm tan on the beach." Sunset said while laying down on a blanket underneath and umbrella. All of a sudden, her phone rang. She looked at the caller id to found that it was Wallflower who called her. Without Hesitation, she answered the call. "Hey Wallflower, what's up?" Sunset said. "Nothing much. Listen, we need to talk about something, but somewhere quiet, is it okay with you?" Wallflower asked. "Yeah sure, whatever you need. Hey Listen, you know that race track that is currently build off the Desert, right?" Sunset "Yeah, i know the place." "Well, during the night, the guards will have a nap and the place will be really quiet, we'll meet up near the entrance to the track, all right?" "We're going all the way down there. Alright, I'll meet you there alright, and please don't tell anyone else about this, ok? This is between you and i." "Sure, no problem, i'm heading there right now, ok?" (Call ends) After the call ends, she rose up the blanket she's been laying on and began to pack up her stuff. After that, she changed to her casual clothes and head towards her car to put all her stuff in the trunk. Soon, she drove off the parking and began her 2 hour drive towards their meeting point. 2 hours later, 14:00, The Tracks Sunset arrived at the meeting point, only to found that Wallflower hadn't arrived yet. "Where is she?" Sunset asked with puzzledment in her voice. She then texted Wallflower, telling her that she's already in the meeting point and that she'll be having a nap. She told Wallflower to honk her horn if she arrived. Meanwhile... Wallflower was currently on her way to the track after she took care of her plants first. Along the way, she called Juniper Montage to see if she could help Wallflower. "Wallflower" Juniper said. "Hey June, listen, i think i gotta take out Sunset." Said Wallflower with nervousness in her voice. "Got to?" Juniper asked. "Yeah, listen, i have a theory that ever since Sunset Shimmer arrived in Canterlot, things have been a total chaos lately, and i thought that maybe, if i do that, it'll stop future events from happening, you know?" "So, what are you telling me this for?" said Juniper while feeling tensed about this situation. "Because i'm doing this for all of us. And i thought that maybe you could..." "Are you trying to get me to help you kill the girl who had turned us into a better person? Let me ask you something, ARE YOU CRAZY?" said Juniper angrily. She did not like where this is going through. "But June, i..." "YOU CRAZY OR WHAT?" asked Juniper with anger in her voice. "Listen June, i know it sucks, but..." "YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND, WOMAN. BECAUSE OF HER, EVERYONE HAS BEEN WELCOMING TO US, AND NOW, YOU'RE TURNING ON HER? That's it, I HAD ENOUGH TRAITORS IN MY LIFE!" screamed Juniper. "Well your ass could've said thank you." Wallflower said. "Thank you?THANK YOU? No, You and Sunset deserved each other, you SELFISH BITCH!" Juniper angrily said. And with that, she hung up on Wallflower and refuse to call her back. Wallflower knows that it's a hard decision, but it needs to be done. Soon, by the time she arrived at the tracks, it was night already. 9 hours later, 23:00 Wallflower arrived at the meeting point and honks her horn. Sunset notices this and they exit their vehicles. "Hey, how're you doing?" greeted Sunset Happily. "I'm good, S, and yourself?" said Wallflower with a bit of nervousness in her voice. "A bit tired, but managed to hold on. So,what took you so long? Is there a problem back at the garden or something?" asked Sunset. "You can say that, an animal or someting has been feeding on my plants, and I still can't figure out how to get rid of it." said Wallflower. she is frustated that an animal has been on her plants and that she couldn't get rid of it. "Well, sorry to hear that." said Sunset. Suddenly, Sunset's phone rang "Oh, hold up a sec. (Picks up the phone) Hey Twilight, what's up? Wow, for real? We won the math olympics?" Sunset said while pacing back and forth happily. Wallflower meanwhile, was shaken by this news. The fact that she had to kill Sunset after she got that announcement shook Wallflower to the core. But she managed to hold her composure and hides her emotions. "You've got to be kiddin' me! Real victory? That's great!. Hey listen, i'll call you back later, ok? I've got to wrap up some business here. I'll talk to you in a bit. Ok, bye!" Sunset ends the phone call. "Ahh, Twilight. Says she wants me to invite you sometime to a slumber party with the rest of the girls, one of these nights, huh? Damn, I mean I don't know what I did to deserve this luck. I got my friends back, our memories, an achievement i can be proud of, a new friend. I mean, I made it. We made it, you and me." chuckled Sunset happily, but she began to notice that Wallflower had been staring at her in a suspicious way. "What..?" asked Sunset curiously. "I like you, Sunset, and you know this." Wallflower broke her silence. "I risked everything for you." "What is this?" "Look, Sunset, me and you know that our business isn't over yet. We're both realists." "The heck is this?" Sunset began backing away and was shocked at what she had put herself through. "Y..you? Did you came all the way out here to fuckin' clip me? You?" Sunset's heart began to pound heavily. After all the things she had gone through with Wallflower, she never thought that she was going to kill her now. "Now just one second here, if it wasn't for me and my friends, you wouldn't have gotten what you want. And i ain't been nothin' but straight and true with you!" "I'm sorry, Sunset. You have been true and helpful, but the truth ain't what i'm interested in." said Wallflower while choking her tears. "You... You.. FUCK!" Wallflower pulls out a gun and Sunset ran back to her car. Wallflower shot at her, but she misses and gets in her car and chases sunset. Something Sensible music theme plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YAJnAemCQ8 "Damn" Said Wallflower. Sunset drives straight a small mountain, makes a right turn, and drives straight on the freeway. All while being pursued by Wallflower. "Hey, Sunset!" Sunset then makes a right turn, keeps on straight while avoiding traffic, she and wallflower passes by a field of satellite dishes and left a huge carnage behind them. "Where are you going?" Sunset didn't listen and kept on driving. She then makes a right turn and keeps going straight until she saw a deer crossing the road. The Time's Come Music Theme Plays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI12FLTLV2s&t=197s "OH DEARY ME!" With quick reaction, Sunset quickly swerves right and makes a left turn and decided to go along the train tracks. "Really Sunset? We're really going along the train tracks?" asked Wallflower with concern in her voice. They kept on going straight until a train emerges in front of them. "You see that train, bitch? Shit, I ain't getting pass there." Wallflower asked about Sunset's Bravery. "I can't believe i'm doing this" Bravely, Sunset pulled in front of the train and sped over a bridge that cut Wallflower off and got stuck behind the small train. "Ah, fuck man, you kiddin' me?" Wallflower said in frustation. Sunset then makes a left turn and enters a power station and makes a right before stopping near a bunch of stairs. She then exits her car and runs through the stairs. Seconds later, Wallflower arrives and saw Sunset running along the scaffolding "Shit, Sunset! Hey,where are you going?" Wallflower yelled to Sunset. Wallflower went to the stairs and went through the scaffolding when all of a sudden, Sunset emerges with a Combat MG MK. II and began shooting at Wallflower. She shot back, and Sunset flees towards the stairs. Wallflower went to the stairs. "Wallflower, you were like a sister to me!" Sunset yelled angrily. "We both use each other, that's what happen." Wallflower yelled. Sunset shoots at Wallflower. "Oh, shit" Wallflower said in shock as the bullets sped through her. "Ah, shit" Sunset said as she misses her shots. Sunset continues to run up the power station while shooting and avoiding Wallflower. "Sunset, listen, I gotta look after myself." "There's that difference between us, I was looking out for you!" "Dude, that ain't true!" Wallflower said in denial. After going through several floors, Sunset then heads toward a chimney, and began climbing up the stairs. "You're going up there, huh?" Wallflower said She then went to the chimney and began to climb up, before Sunset shoots at her. "Who put you up to this? The Dazzlings?, you're an idiot, we should take them out together! Right now, we'll roll on them. I brought you into my group, Wallflower. You've met my friends and Spike. You're gonna die here, you bitch. I could promise you that. Fuck you, Wallflower, FUCK YOU." Sunset yelled angrily. She knew that she had to do what she got to do in order to stay alive. Wallflower then emerged at the top, and began running towards Sunset before she aims a gun at her. "Oh, shit!" Wallflower said in surprise. "Come on, you bitch. I taught you everything you know" Sunset said as she began to walk closer to Wallflower. "Not everything, I was here long before you, and i'll be here after your ass." "Yeah, we'll see about that, you bitch. I'll take you on everytime." Sunset shoots her MG towards Wallflower. "Every-FUCKING-time!" "Yeah?" "Fuckin' A, right!" Sunset tried to find Wallflower, only for her to sneak attack her from behind and pushes her MG off the chimney before punching her several times. "I WAS YOUR BITCH! I could have been staring down the barrel of your gun any fucking day, you motherfucker!" Wallflower yelled in tears as she punched Sunset repeatedly before she shakes her off. "You keep telling yourself that! It ain't going to make you feel better!" said Sunset tiredly. "Past performance, honey. People don't fucking change!" "You did! You! Shy wallflower gone blooming. And now you're gonna...cap…" Sunset was now on the verge of tears. "THE ONLY ONE WHO'S BEEN DECENT TO YOU!" Sunset groans in frustation. "No, I trusted you, I took you in, treated you like family!" Sunset groans in frustation before Wallflower pushes Sunset of the rail. Sunset screamed before Wallflower grabs her hand. "Sunset, let's just…" "FUCK YOU!" Sunset yelled to her "Hey, you told me, when the time came, i'd know, i'm sorry!" "You hypocrite! I should have cap you when you're in the school with the memory stone!" "I'm sorry, it's like you said..i'd understand." "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND NOTHING! I'm all you got! You made the wrong call!ARGHHHHH! I'll bring you down with me! I'm taking you DOWN! You're coming in the ground with me! WALLFLOWER! YOU TWO-FACED BITCH!" Sunset yelled. Eventually, unable to hold Sunset any longer, Wallflower drops Sunset. "AAAARRRGGGHHHH!" Sunset screamed on top of her lungs before she falls into a stack of steel bars and got stabbed in the back, her internal organs shot out of her body as the bars went through her body. "Oh! Fuck!Fuck… Fuck…" Wallflower said with tears in her voice as Sunset's lifeless body hangs in the bars. Wallflower went back down the station and calls her mother. "Hey Mom! It's me. Look, I was just calling how you was doing. Look, i've been caught up with some crazy stuff. But it's dealt with now. You know how it is, mom, you just started running, and then all of a sudden your legs give and you just can't run no more. Anyway, I gotta go, mom! I'll see you back at the house." Sleepwalking by The Chain Gang of 1974 plays. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rprf7LEraU4 > Reactions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One week later Walflower Blush woke up screaming and throwing her gun around, only to realize that she just had a nightmare. She then dressed up and went downstairs to have breakfast. While having breakfast, she received a call from Twilight Sparkle. "Hello?" Wallflower said. "Hey Wallflower. Listen, have you seen Sunset? We ain't seen her for awhile." Twilight said worryingly. "Err… no… no I haven't, Twilight." Wallflower lied. "Oh great, because everyone at school are majorly freaking out." Twilight exclaimed. Wallflower than hangs up. Not wanting to tell the others out of fear of being shunned. Soon, she began to do her daily activites like cleaning the house, exercising, and of course, gardening. While gardening under the hot sun, she received an email from Rarity entitled YOU! She opens the e-mail and was shocked at what was written. Dear Wallflower I know you had something to do with Sunset's death. If I ever see you again, I will pulled out your tongue and use it to paint my house. I suggest you stay the hell away from me, Twilight, and the others. I hope you rot in hell you selfish BITCH. -Rarity Wallflower was shocked at this. She began to wonder how Rarity knows that she killed Sunset before realizing that it's been a week since she killed her, and that her death was probably on the news. She hoped that the others at school didn't find out about it. As for the e-mail, she decided to try her best at avoiding telling the truth. I'm sorry about your loss. I didn't have anything to do with it. Me and Sunset were close friends and I tried to be her sister as best as I could. I guess we were friends because she's not perfect and neither am i. And with that, she send it to Rarity and hoped that she buys it. Feeling anxious, she decided to go out and go for a drive around Canterlot. She began to feel better, only to receive an e-mail from Juniper entitled 'Hmm..'. She opens it and hopes that it didn't turn out as bad as Rarity. So you did it? J Realizing that Juniper also knows about her death, she tried to be as nice as possible. No, I heard It was the Dazzlings or some shit. Just as she thinks she were in the clear, Twilight called. "Oh shit." Wallflower nervously picked up the call. "Hello?" "Sunset Shimmer is dead… Sunset is dead…WHAT THE FUCK, WALLFLOWER? What do you know about it? Sunset?" Twilight exclaimed with tears in her voice. "Sunset… shit… I don't know anything… seriously. Damn, that's bad Twilight. Look, I love Sunset… but… I'm sorry, but…" "YOU… SELFISH… PIECE OF SHIT. FUCK YOU, WALLFLOWER! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM CHS!" Twilight angrily said before hanging up And just like that, Wallflower realized that if Twilight knows about her death, the others at CHS must've known as well. She hopes that Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna didn't call her. A short while later, a reply came from Juniper. She reads the e-mail. I don't believe you. J Knowing that it was useless, she still tries to lie anyway. I swear. Look , it was the only thing I could do. You know Sunset, she may have started this whole thing. But he was my friend and I don't kill people, even ones who got me wrapped up in shit like she did. W She sends it to Juniper hoping that she buys it. But then, to her shock and horror, Principal Celestia called her. She hopes that she doesn't know that she killed Sunset. "Err. Hello?" Wallflower asked nervously. "Well, well, if it isn't the girl who killed Sunset Shimmer. I'm surprised you still sounded calm and collected after what you did to her." Said Principal Celestia with poison in her voice. "I DIDN'T KILL SUNSET, PRINCIPAL CELESTIA. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT, I SWEAR!" Wallflower yelled at her. "Silence, you think we didn't know your actions a week ago, but news spread like wildfire here in CHS. I know that CHS had faced some of the pettiest events these last few weeks. But murder? That was to harsh even in my standards. So for this reason, I hereby announced you that you are no longer a student at CHS , and that from now on, the gardening club will be handled by Fluttershy and Applejack." Said Principal Celestia sternly. "WHAT? NO, YOU CAN'T DO THIS. I'M NOTHING WITHOUT THEM, AND they're nothing without me." Wallflower exclaimed in shock. She had no idea that killing Sunset will bring harsh consequences this badly. "HAH! As if! You think they won't stand one week without you? Think again, and don't contact me or any other CHS residents again, You cold-blooded bitch." said Principal Celestia in annoyance before hanging up. And with that, Wallflower began to realize that she just made the worst mistake of her entire life. But the final nail in the coffin comes in the form of Juniper's latest e-mail. With her little bravery left, Wallflower push herself to read it, only to wish that she didn't. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME! J Eventually, Wallflower couldn't take it anymore and park on the side of the road and began to cry uncontrollably. It was at this moment that Wallflower knew that she fucked up big time. Meanwhile, having replied to Wallflower's untrusty e-mail reply, Juniper Montage, who is currently walking in the park, received a call from Twilight Sparkle. For some reason, Juniper knew that she'll probably call to tell her that Sunset's dead. "Hello?" Juniper asked. "Sunset… Sunset's dead… Sunset… Juniper… Sunset..." Twilight said with tears in her voice as she struggles to say it. "Well, err, yeah… err, well, I never had a 'best friend'." Juniper said sarcastically, hinting at her former friend. "SUNSET!SUNSET… HOW DID IT HAPPEN? SUNSET… "Take a guess, Twilight. Who's the one that has been stuttering all the time when you knew that she normally didn't stutter?" asked Juniper. There was a brief pause on the phone before Twilight speak again. "Wallflower. THAT NO GOOD PIECE OF SHIT, WALLFLOWER. I'll make her pay " There was a brief pause before Twilight said "I'LL MAKE SURE SHE ROTS IN HELL!" "Woah, calm down, Twilight. Listen, I know that you're pissed off because she killed sunset, and you probably wanted to kill her. But knowing Wallflower, I don't think that's necessary, in fact she's probably dead inside anyway. Her sorrow and guilt are the only things that she couldn't get rid of. And even if she hadn't die already, she's probably gonna die in a couple hours anyway. So, uhh, I wish you and the others are always strong, ok? Send my regards to the others." Juniper than hangs up and continues her walk. "Wallflower, oh Wallflower. You always fuck things up big time, huh?" Juniper asked sarcastically. Meanwhile, Wallflower, who just finished weeping her sorrows off, was on her way home after her unsuccessful drive to forget her horrible mistake. Soon, she arrived at her house, parked her car, and went inside her house, only to be shocked when a familiar figure was waiting inside for her. "So… you've done well for yourself." said the familiar figure "What?" Wallflower said in surprise. She knew who this voice belongs to. "What are you… doing here?" "Is that how you greet your friend, Wallflower?" Said Sunset Shimmer as she turns around to face Wallflower with a smug grin on her face. Wallflower was shocked that Sunset Shimmer, the girl she murdered one week ago, was alive and well and is standing in front of her in her house. "I-i-I didn't know you survived that fall." Wallflower said nervously with fear in her voice. She couldn't stop thinking what Sunset might do to her now that she's here. "So you never wrote to me, you never visited..." "W-well… i…" "I BET you never found a boy!" Sunset exclaimed with hatred in her voice. Wallflower don't know what to say about this. For the first time in her life, she had no idea how to answer a question, especially from her 'supposed' deceased friend. Sunset then approached Wallflower slowly, causing Wallflower to back off. "Tell me, Wallflower... Are you Bi?" asked Sunset smugly. "No…" "Is that what this is all about?" "No…" groaned Wallflower. "I wouldn't care. In fact I've always wanted a friend who is bisexual. Someone who would never forget her closest friends." Sunset said while sounding a bit stern and angry. "But Sunset,i…" "But Sunset, but Sunset, but Sunset! Nothing! Not a peep!" Wallflower could only raise her hand in frustration. "I… stood by your side, this whole time. I help you, I defended you. Now look at you.. You always were an ungrateful, wretched, sniveling, sack of shit of a friend! You know it, and I know it!" Wallflower can only winced at that comment. Knowing that what she said was true all along". "There was always something wrong with you. Ashamed of yourself, ashamed of me. I've been here for hours, and have you gotten me a drink, or a snack? or massaged my feet? I'm no longer a student and you, in the prime of life. Have you NOTHING inside?" Sunset asked with determination in her voice. And with that, Wallflower bends down to Sunset's leg and begins to cry. "I'M SO SORRY!" she then began to cry uncontrollably. Sunset could only stare with pity in her eyes. "There, there, it's okay, Wallflower." Wallflower was still crying, and sunset was getting annoyed by this. "Oh, that's ENOUGH Sunset then shoves wallflower harshly, which causes her to fall back. "Here I am, tired and alone." "I'm so sorry for everything." Wallflower said with regret in her voice. "Exactly, for everything. I don't have a place to stay, and I ain't got no income either." said Sunset softly. "Oh, I got money…" said Wallflower as she stood up to face Sunset only for her to shove her back. "I DON'T WANT YOUR GODDAMN MONEY! Is that what you think I am? A PROSTITUTE? STILL? You're SICK!" Sunset said in disgust. "WHAT CAN I DOOO?" Wailed Wallflower. "I'm in a lot of pain. I need you to get me some Aspirins. "I can do that." Wallflower said as she began to stand up. "A lot of them. A truckload of them, literally. And not those little bottle one. The thousand milligram one." "Okay" Wallflower then heads for the door and opens it. "And If you find me a gentleman… well, we both know that you need a boyfriend." said Sunset in a flirty manner. Without hesitation, Wallflower leaves her house, and head to the city pharmacy to find an Aspirin van. Sunset meanwhile, decided to lay down on the couch to have a nap. On her trip to the pharmacy, Wallflower begin to think if stealing a van full of drugs was worth it, even though she needs to break the law. But this is Sunset, and she decided to redeem herself by doing this little chore for her. A couple hours later, she arrived at the pharmacy and found the van sitting in the parking lot. She also discovers that almost no one was around the area, even the guards that was supposed to guard the lot was nowhere to be found. Because of this, she easily breaks into the van, and drove off the parking lot without getting trouble. She begin to drive back to her house, and awhile later, she found herself in front of the house again. She got out of the van, and enters her house in a rush. "I got the meds, Sunset! Sunset!" Wallflower said as she went to her bedroom to see if Sunset's there, only to find nobody."I got the meds! Sunset?" Wallflower then looks in the bathroom, but finds nobody as well "SUNSET?" Wallflower eventually realizes that due to her sadness, guilt, and relief, she was actually hallucinating about Sunset this whole time. Because of this, she broke down in tears, again "NOOOOO! SUNSETTTTTT!" She then drops to the floor in a fetal position and began to cry uncontollbly for hours. Realizing that all of her hard work was for nothing, and that she may never redeem her mistake for killing Sunset. The next day Wallflower woke up on the floor, still sad about the events of yesterday. She began to think this incident would probably haunt her for the rest of her life. Feeling down, she decided to go for a drive again, to see if she could forget about last night events. She then went outside her house, locks her door, and heads for her car, only to discover a piece of paper on her windshield. Curious, she opens the paper and found three words on it. Actions got consequences Wallflower wondered who would write her this, but shrug it off, thinking that it was probably one of the kids in her neighbourhood, who has nothing to do and wrote her a weird letter. She then curls the paper, dumps it in the trash can, and went inside her car to turn it on, only to discovered, to her shock and horror, that the car won't start. Which is weird since she routinely took care of the engine. "What the fuck..?" said Wallflower curiously. Suddenly, without warning, the car explodes in a huge fireball, killing Wallflower instantly. The residents around the neighourhood began to yell for help and began to call the police and fire department. Meanwhile, in a bush not far from Wallflower's house, a man was talking on his cellphone. "Hey, it's done, L. But shit, I don't think I could live with myself after this. I mean, killing a girl? Man, that sounds way above my standards." The man said with clear frustation. "I know, Franklin. Look, I know it's hard to do it. But this world we're living in is one fucked up world. So, I suggest that we lay low for awhile and not talk about this again. By the way, the lady Is sending the cash to me. I'll send your cut later. Very nice work, F." Said the man named Lester. "Alright, Lest, I'll see you back in Los Santos." the man named Franklin said as he leaves the area quietly, and went inside his Buffalo S to begin his trip back to his hometown. Wavves - Nine is God Starts playing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EQzx-OzQmU