Weite: Daddy issues

by titanictime2

First published

Cadance casts a love spell of both Shining and Flurry to prevent Shining from skipping their daughter's 16th birthday. The results aren't quite what she expected...

On Flurry Heart's 16th birthday, Shining gets a letter from an old friend saying he's coming to visit. Shining wants to spend time with his friend, but Cadance does not approve of him skipping his daughter's birthday when he spends barely any time with her as it is. To ensure that Shining doesn't attempt to see his friend, she casts a love spell on both Shining and Flurry, the consequences of which are quite questionable...

WARNING: this is a shameless incest smut clopfic between Shining and Flurry Heart. Do not read unless you like that sort of thing, so do not post hate in the comments, although constructive criticism is welcome. You have been warned.

Credit for idea, proof-reading and very shit cover art goes to Norlf. Credit for name goes to STCT (also known as ShitCunt)

The perfect birthday

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It had been a long day for Shining Armor. As was yesterday, and the day before that. Ever since he and Cadance took over the crystal empire, life has been incredibly busy. Even though it’s now been years since King Sombra returned, and he and Cadance had Flurry heart. The empire was now more or less back to it’s former glory, however that meant that Shining was probably the busiest pony in the empire, as he had the entire empire to look after.

He was currently making his way through the castle, eyes barely open. He had almost made it back to his room, where Cadance was surely waiting for him after a long day of looking after their daughter. Flurry was due to turn 16 tomorrow, and Shining was exceptionally exited for it. There was a massive party being thrown for it that the whole empire was invited to.

Shining needed his sleep for the big day. It would be the first day in a long time where he could actually relax a bit, and enjoy his daughter’s special day. With a smile on his face, he turned the last corner, with his room directly down the corridor. He had taken all of five paces before his ears twitched as he heard galloping coming from behind him.

He stopped, turning his head to glance back at whoever was in such a hurry. It turned out to be Private Flash Sentry. How he was still in the guard Shining has no idea. He’d been a private for the longest time of anypony Shining had worked with, and he never even got promoted, unsurprisingly.

The pegasus’s guard history aside, he ground to a halt right in front of Shining Armor, who was now standing there with an eyebrow raised quizzically.

“What can I do for you, Private?” He asked, trying to sound as awake as possible despite his eyes drooping.

The younger guard was standing there catching his breath. Shining had no idea how long he’d been running for, but he should not be getting *this* out of breath. Maybe he was being to nice on the guards…

“S-sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I’ve been told to come and inform you of a couple of changes tomorrow.” He said as clearly as he could.

This didn’t sound good. “What kind of changes?” Shining asked with no small amount of suspicion.

“We’ve just received word that there are a couple of dignitaries from Vanhoover who are coming for a general visit. We aren’t sure why we just received the news now, but they, uh, requested that you personally introduce them and give them the tour.”

“…You’re kidding, right?” Shining asked in disbelief.

“N-no, sir. I’ve got the letter right here.” He turned his head and shoved his nose under his right wing, emerging with a fairly plain envelope. It was clearly already open.

“Why is this already open?” Shining asks, taking the letter in his magic and looking at the front, where it clearly says ‘To Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’.

“W-well, we kinda opened it by accident. It came in with the rest of the mail on the train, and as such wasn’t seen till literally like 15 minutes ago…” He admitted.

Shining didn’t reply, and just sat down in the corridor as he read over the letter. Upon seeing who it was from, his eyes widened.

“Sir?” Flash asked a bit nervously.

“I’m fine, Private. Thank you for informing me of this. Unfortunately, this means I may have to, um, skip my daughter’s party…” He said the last part more to himself than Flash. “If that’s everything, private, I’ll head to bed, because I’m utterly exhausted right now.”

Flash just nodded, turning and running back down the corridor, muttering a “Sir” as he left. Shining sat there looking at the piece of paper now held aloft in his magic.

“I’m so dead.” He said to himself silently.


“What is WRONG with ponies!” is all Shining hears as he dries off after getting out of the shower just before bed. Uh-oh. Looks like Cadance got back and just read the letter which was just sitting open on the bed.

Seeing as he was nearly finished, Shining decided to drape the towel over his back and walk out of the bathroom to confront and hopefully comfort his wife like the brave stallion he was.

That was a mistake. The instant the door opened, a book came flying at him, hitting him square in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. “Wheee- What was that for?!” Shining gasped, trying to feign ignorance on the matter despite the letter being so obviously open. He really wasn’t the smartest pony in Equestria. That honour went to his sister, Twilight.

“Don’t you ‘what was that for’ me, mister.” Cadance said as she stalked over to him, holding the letter with her magic. “What is this?” She said angrily, shoving the letter in Shining’s face, making him back up and smile sheepishly.

“It, a, uh, letter. From an old friend of mine in Vanhoover” He tried to say, hoping he wouldn’t have to deal with an enraged Cadance for long. It of course had the opposite effect.

“Noooo, really? Did you happen to look at the date on it?!” She said, obviously getting more irate.

“Um, maybe?” Man was Shining bad at this.

“It’s tomorrow. Our daughters birthday. Her 16th, no less. The one which you promised that you were going to be there for.”

“Oh.” Is all Shining could say.

“Oh is right. You promised Flurry that you would attend her party. She never gets to see you anymore because you’re always ‘busy’.” She rolled up the letter and started brandishing it at Shining. “I understand that you’re busy trying to manage the guard, and the rest of the kingdom, but you don’t even try to make time for her. There are plenty of ponies here who can take over running the empire for a few hours while you spend some quality time with your daughter. I sincerely hope you don’t intend to ditch your daughter for whoever it is that sent this letter.”

Shit. That’s all Shining could think. Do I really have to choose between my daughter and an old friend visiting…

Cadance just stood there blocking his way out of the bathroom with a raised eyebrow and a very angry looking face. Wow, I almost never see Cadance mad, let alone this mad.

“Could I, um, maybe invite them to the party?” He asked, his voice getting quite high pitched near the end. Cadance’s expression didn’t change.

Oh shit, wrong answer. He thought as Cadance impaled the letter on his horn.

“No. You are going to spend some quality time with your daughter tomorrow. You can go and assign someone else to give your friend the tour. In fact, you can do it right now.” She then stood back and lit up her horn, causing Shining’s pillow on the bed to float up and zoom straight into him, winding him again. “You can also find somewhere else to sleep tonight.”

He picked the pillow up off the floor with his magic, glancing over at his wife, who was giving him the mother of all glares.

“Alright.” He huffed, turning towards the door with his head down, the letter still impaled on his horn. As soon as he stepped out into the hallway the door slammed behind him, actually hitting his flank making him jump forwards a bit and yelp.

Thanks a lot Flash you asshole. He thought as he made his way slowly down the corridors. He didn’t know where he was going, he was just walking till he found a good spot. Sure, he could head down to the barracks and kip with them, but he would rather have a bit more peace and quiet.

After about half hour of wandering nearly falling asleep, Shining finally happened upon the throne room.

“Aw, buck it. This’ll have to do. Least I’ve had a shower tonight…” He said to himself as he walked unsteadily up to the throne, chucking the pillow onto it.

He hopped up onto the surprisingly large seat, and fluffed up the pillow with his hooves, then laid down onto it. The last thing he thought before he fell asleep, still with the letter on his horn, was tomorrow’s gonna be a nightmare.


As soon as the door slammed on Shining, Cadance sighed, dropping the angry face she had on, and collapsed backwards onto the bed.

“Why does something always have to come up for Shining whenever our daughter’s involved?” She asked herself as she laid there staring up at the ceiling with her hind legs over the side of the bed.

“How hard is it to make some time to spend with your daughter? Even if it’s only a few hours, or one day? Anypony could give those dignitaries a tour…” She continued monologuing to herself.

For a few minutes Cadance just laid there thinking. “Shining truly does need to get his priorities right…” She said after a while. “And I should probably hop in the shower.”

She got up and headed over to the bathroom, where Shining’s towel was just sat there in the doorway from when you first threw the book at him, which was also on the floor just in front of the door. She levitated the book back to it’s place on the bedside table, and lifted the towel up, shoving it back on the drying rack in the bathroom.

Her entire shower was spent thinking of ways she could get Shining to spend time with Flurry more. She was at that difficult age where having a father there was extremely important, and helped them get through certain problems. Even though Shining was always busy. Though that’s the whole point of thinking of a way for them to, well, bond.

Wait a minute. Bonding! Cadance thought excitedly as she was rinsing off her mane under the shower. I’m the princess of love, bonding is pretty much my special talent! She thought excitedly, now rubbing at her mane with increased speed to get all the soap off faster.

“I could cast a spell on the both of them that’ll force them to bond, as they will both want to so badly!” She stepped out of the shower, then continued to herself “But I won’t be able to do so tonight… I don’t even know where Shiny went. I’ll have to catch them in the morning somehow…”

She thought about how she could do it out of view of everyone, and without both Shining and Flurry noticing as she grabbed the same towel Shining dropped and started drying herself with it.

She was thinking all the way to the bed after finishing drying and brushing her mane and teeth quickly. As soon as she hopped up into bed, she thought of the perfect way. Well, maybe not perfect, but it was the best she could think of at the minute.

With her plan now thought over, she got comfy in her bed with a smile on her face, and started to drift peacefully off to sleep.




Shining Armor grumbled a bit, ignoring the voice that appeared to be coming from right next to him. Owing it to his imagination, he settled back down.

“Sir?” The voice said louder this time.

Shining grunted, then grabbed his pillow with his hooves and bent it up, holding it in a ‘u’ shape to attempt to cover his ears. It didn’t reach.

“Sir, you need to get up. Princess Cadance’s orders.”

Shining groaned again, then rolled over, still holding the pillow. Unbeknownst to him, though, was that he was actually balanced right on the front edge of the throne, meaning that when he rolled over, he rolled straight off the throne. Instantly Shining woke up, yelping as he fell, hitting the cold crystal floor with a thud. Thankfully he still had the pillow in his hooves, so his head was saved the painful fall.

The guard who was standing in front of Shining now attempted to hold in his laughter, holding a hoof in front of his mouth. “I-I’m sorry, s-sir.” He said through barely contained laughter. “But Princess Cadance asked me to find you and wake you up, reminding you of todays plan. Namely, your daughter’s birthday party.”

Shining just laid there on the floor groaning. “She also asked that I give you this, she said that it’ll make you feel better.” The guard levitated a cup and saucer onto the floor in front of Shining which he had apparently had floating next to him the whole time. He glanced up from his pillow at the cup. It looked like just a regular cup of coffee.

“Well, at least I know she still cares.” Shining said, using his magic to levitate just the cup and bring it to his lips, taking a sip. “Thanks, I guess.”

“No problem, Sir. She also said that in case you’d forgotten, the party is being held under the castle around the crystal heart. It officially starts at eleven but she wants you in the main sitting room for nine.”

“What time is it now?” Shining asked as he slowly sat up, levitating the cup and saucer with him, taking another sip as he did.

“Half eight, sir. There’s a clock right there.” The guard pointed to a massive clock which was hung over the main entrance to the throne room.

“Oh. Well, thanks again. I better go grab myself something to eat before I head down there.”

“You also might want to take that piece of paper off your horn.” The guard said, trying to stop himself laughing again.

“Good idea.” Shining used his magic to remove the offending letter off his horn and took one last glance over it. It now had a massive hole in it, but it was still readable other than that.

“Sorry, old friend, I got a party to attend. We’ll hopefully catch up if I can get away for a while, with any luck.” He muttered to himself, screwing the paper up with magic and putting it on the edge of the saucer to put in the bin when he found one.

“Sir?” The guard asked, clearly not understanding.

“Don’t worry. Oh, you’re dismissed.” Shining said as he also picked up his pillow and stood up to make his way out of the throne room. The guard simply nodded and turned to walk out, walking much faster than Shining was.

Half way to the door Shining couldn’t help but muse to himself “Huh, this coffee is making me feel much better. Its also not burning my mouth.” With that he upends the cup in his mouth, downing the rest of it.

“Right, let’s get some breakfast in me…”


Cadance was skipping, yes skipping, don’t ask how ponies can skip, happily down the corridor towards her daughter’s bedroom, with a big smile on her face.

She was levitating a cup and saucer in her magic alongside her, which contained special coffee that she had made herself this morning.

She reached her Flurry’s door, which was unremarkable aside from the massive ‘keep out’ sign that was fused to it. Cadance stopped, then lifted a hoof to knock on the door three times. Two seconds later there was a pretty loud bang, a groan, followed by hoofsteps which were getting louder.

The door was unlocked, then opened by a very bedraggled looking Flurry Heart. She just looked up with very tired eyes at her mother.

“Happy birthday, Sweetie!” Cadance exclaimed, instantly jumping forward and wrapping both her forehooves and wings around her daughter, who just sat there and took it.

“Uhhh, thanks mom.” Flurry said with a small amount of hesitation.

Cadance finally let go of Flurry, and floated the cup of coffee over to her. “Here, this should make you feel better.” She said to Flurry, who hesitantly took it with her magic.

“I don’t drink coffee, mom.” She said, turning her nose up at it despite it being held in her own magic.

“Just try it this once. Please?” Flurry sighed and just took a sip. As soon as she tasted it her eyes went wide.

“Huh, this stuff is actually pretty good.” She took another sip.

Cadance giggled. “See, I told you it would be. Now, are you excited about your big day?”

“I guess. Not like it matters much anymore though to be honest. Dad never turns up to anything and doesn’t do anything with me. I expect he’s gonna be busy again this time?”

Huh, it seems to already be taking effect, excellent. Or, you know, she’s being genuine and is complaining about her neglectful father. Which is still true. But not anymore! Cadance just stood there thinking to herself all the things that they’ll do today, as a family.

“Mom?” Flurry asked after taking another sip.

“Oh, uh, sorry sweetie, was just thinking. But no, he’s not gonna be busy again this time. I, uh, explained how important you are to us, and he finally saw the light. We are gonna have so much fun today as a big, happy family!”

“That’s nice, I suppose. Are there gonna be many ponies there?”

“Oh, just a few…” Cadance moved past her daughter and went to sit on her bed, which was an absolute mess, as well as the rest of the room.

“Mom, please tell me you didn’t invite the whole empire… again.”

“Oh, why would I ever do that? Heh.” Cadance nervously laughed. Flurry just gave her a deadpan stare, followed by another sip of coffee.

“Well, all your presents are in the main sitting room if you want to go and open them. Ill send a guard to go, um, find your father and tell him to be there for nine.” Cadance said a bit sheepishly.

“Did you kick him out again last night?” Flurry asked in what should’ve been disbelief but really she was used to it at this point.

“I, um, maybe. He was being silly. Don’t you worry your pretty little head over that, though. You just enjoy your special day!”

“Mom, I’m not a baby, please stop.”

“Oh of course you are! You’re mommy’s little baby.” Cadance got up off the bed, grabbed Flurry with her forehooves and yanked her back onto the bed, wrapping her wings around her in the process.

“Ugh.” Was all Flurry said, not even making an attempt to get away, instead just focusing on keeping her coffee levitated.

“Well, anyway, I’ll help you get ready and we can head down to the sitting room for nine. You gotta look your best for your special day, after all!”

“It’s too early for this shit…” Flurry grumbled under her breath as Cadance proceeded to literally drag her into her bathroom.


A couple of hours later found Cadance and Flurry both sitting on Flurry’s bed again, the former trying to braid the latter’s hair.

“Mom, stop, please! I don’t want to look pretty!” Her plea fell on deaf ears, of course.

“Oh, nonsense sweetie. You already look adorable. Don’t you want to impress any colts, or even fillies, you’ve got your eye on?”

“No, I really don’t. I don’t have any interest in other ponies my age.” Flurry shifted uncomfortably.

“Well, you should still care about how you look, dear.”

“Not really.”

“Well, tough.” They sat there in silence till Cadance finished. “Now, we need to pick the most stunning dress you have out!”

“Please, no. I hate dresses. Especially frilly ones…”

“You simply must look your best though. So I’m afraid you’re gonna need to toughen up and deal with it.”

“You sound just like Rarity.” Flurry pointed out with no minor amount of annoyance seeping through her voice. “And that’s not a compliment.”

“You’re wearing a dress and that’s final.” Cadance said with finality. Flurry sat there grumbling about it, wishing that clothes didn’t exist.

It took them all of two minutes to choose a dress from Flurry’s wardrobe. That’s probably because there was all of about five items of clothing in there, only two of which were dresses.

“I had no idea you had so little in the way of clothing…” Cadance mumbled to herself as she stared distantly at the wardrobe.

“Don’t need it. Or like it. The only thing I do like is Socks.” Flurry said as if her mother didn’t know that from the other hundred or so times she’d said it.

“Don’t remind me…” Cadance said, shivering, as flashbacks of her daughter in thigh-high striped socks wandering through the castle entered her mind.

“Can I at least wear some socks to this party, mom? It is my birthday after all. It’ll make having to wear a dress easier.”

Cadance was very conflicted at that. She sat there staring at the draw under the wardrobe that she knew contained her daughter’s many socks. “I… suppose so. Although don’t blame me if you get some… interesting comments from ponies about them.”

Flurry smiled, walking up to stand next to her mother and using magic to open the sock drawer. She rummaged around in it while Cadance levitated the dress she was going to wear out of the closet and over to the bed, removing the coat hanger in the process.

Another ten minutes later, and Flurry was all doled up in her dress, with Cadance sat there brushing her mane. She had four matching socks, all covering pretty much all of her legs. They were striped light blue and pink, which fit her pink fur quite nicely.

When Cadance had finished brushing her mane and tail, they both stood up, Cadance eyeing her daughter thoughtfully.

“I think that looks quite nice. You look very beautiful with your mane down like that, and despite my protests those socks do suit you well. That dress, despite being fairly plain, also suits you well.” Said dress was a relatively simple pink dress that covered a decent portion of her hind legs, but didn’t quite hit the floor. There were some frills around the edges, but that was about it.

“Well, its time to head down to the sitting room sweetie. You’re presents and father are waiting.” Cadance said after taking a glance at the clock that was sat on Flurry’s bedside table.


After a fairly decent breakfast courtesy of the castle’s kitchen, Shining started to make his way up to the main sitting room. It was still a little early, but he couldn’t really do much else. He wasn’t going to bother dressing up for the party so he just headed straight there.

When he got there, the room was void of ponies, but there was a decent size pile of presents in the middle. He knew what most of them were, as he and Cadance had chosen them. Cadance did all the wrapping though. Shining sucked at wrapping presents.

Seeing as he was the first to arrive, he just walked over to the largest couch and collapsed upon it. He only had to wait a few minutes at least. The door lit up in a light blue aura, and swung open, revealing his beautiful wife, and, holy shit his absolutely stunning daughter.

As soon as he saw her, his jaw dropped, and he felt his cheeks heat up a bit. He had never seen his daughter look so… attractive before. It was all he could do to stop himself from getting a hard on right there.

It then occurred to him: Wait, why am I feeling this way about my daughter?! Especially when my wife’s right there! I just… cant seem to keep my eyes off her though! Was his extremely conflicted train of thought.

As soon as Flurry saw him as well, her train of thought was very similar: Oh buck, Dad looks really good today. Did he do something different with his mane? Also the way he’s laying down… Wait, why am I thinking this? He’s my bucking dad!

Both were now just stood and laid there staring at eachother with what could be mistaken for lustful stares. Cadance was standing there trying not to giggle. At shining at least.

“Doesn’t she look gorgeous Shiny? Also I’m glad you’re here. Wouldn’t want you to miss our daughter opening her presents, would you.” She said that last part a bit coldly but Shining didn’t hear her. He was too busy staring at Flurry, and trying and failing to stop a blush forming on his face.

“Shiny? Hello?” Cadance says a bit worriedly as she waves a hoof in front of Flurry in an attempt to break him out of his trance.

He finally snapped out of it, shaking his head a bit. “Oh, uh, sorry. Yeah, she does look great.” He said a bit abashedly, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof as he sat up properly.

“Well, why don’t we get started then! I’m sure you’re eager to open your presents!” Cadance announced, more to Flurry than Shining.

Flurry didn’t respond, but she did start walking over towards the couch Shining was sat at. She then proceeded to jump up, and shimmy herself as close to Shining as possible, which was pretty much her rubbing her side against his. She tried her best to manoeuvre around the dress she had on, but thankfully it didn’t impede her too much. Shining did actually seem bothered by the odd affection and even put one of his forelegs around her, pulling her closer.

“…Well, I guess you can sit down and do it. Ohhh, it’s nice to see you showing your love for eachother!” She practically squeed. She then trotted over and hopped up on the couch the other side of Flurry, though leaving a bit of a gap. She then levitated the first present over.


It took Flurry about an hour to finish unwrapping everything. She had gotten a lot of stuff, such as clothes (mainly dresses, much to her dismay), jewellery which she was probably never going to wear, makeup, mane and body products, as well as other similar things that you would expect your typical teenage girl to get. Despite her earlier protests on the matter, Cadance had actually gotten Flurry a nice pair (in this case four) of long, thick socks. This improved Flurry’s mood considerably, and she actually willingly hugged her mother before moving back to snuggle against her dad.

It was now about quarter past 10, giving them a good forty five minutes till the party was due to start. They needed to get down there relatively soon so as to make sure everything was set up just right.

“We should head down to see if everything’s properly set up.” Cadance says while Flurry is sat rummaging through her pile of new stuff.

“Yeah.” Is all Shining could say. He did stand up and start making his way to the door though, taking more than a few glances at Flurry as he did. Cadance got up to follow him.

“We’ll get somepony to move all your stuff up to your room okay honey?”


“Well, we better get down there then sweetie. You can play with your presents later.”

Five minutes later found the three of them exiting one of the four legs of the castle. The entire underside had been enclosed in the massive curtains, essentially transforming the place into a massive hall, with the crystal heart at the centre. Banners and balloons were literally everywhere, and there were a lot of tables and chairs dotted about. There was a massive buffet table over on one side, which was currently covered up by a few large cloths.

“…Wow. This looks as cheesy as one of Pinkies parties.” Flurry couldn’t help herself from saying. She never was a big fan of parties, at least not anymore. And the place did look as though it was made in a second or two by pinkie’s party cannon.

Cadance stood there slightly awkwardly, trying to think of something to say to make Flurry feel better about it. She was drawing a blank though. To her surprise however, Shining walked up to her and put his arm around her.

“We know you’re not a huge fan of parties anymore, but we’ve tried to make it as, uh, un-filly-like as possible. For the most part it’s not gonna have any games, at least not like you’re used to. It’s mostly gonna be a get-together, just still with your typical party food and party-like atmosphere.”

Okay that sounded like it’d be more comforting in my head Shining thought to himself, mentally kicking himself. He knew that Flurry didn’t like parties because of the social interaction, just like most teenagers. Well, teenagers that were as introverted as Flurry anyway. He still couldn’t think of any friends that she had…

Much to both of their surprises, it actually did make Flurry feel better, because she put one of her wings around her dad’s back and said “Thanks Dad. I appreciate the effort.”

Cadance was practically giddy with excitement that her spell was working this well. She even squeed, which made the others turn their heads and look at her strangely, which she paid no attention to.

“Well, everything looks in order anyway.” She said after composing herself a bit. “I think we should get this started!” Just as she said that, the first few ponies entered through a fairly large gap in one curtain.

Still attached together, Shining and Flurry, along with Cadance, made their way over to the entrance to greet the first of the party guests.


The party lasted a fairly long time. Flurry enjoyed it more than everyone expected, though that was probably because for pretty much the entire thing Flurry stayed with her father, constantly rubbing against him and putting her wing around him. He didn’t seem to mind, in fact he looked like he was enjoying it immensely. Cadance was over the moon with how well her spell had worked.

It was about eight in the evening, and a lot of the guests had already left to go back to their usual boring lives. Those that hadn’t left were on their way out. Soon it was just Cadance, Shining and Flurry, who were sat on a couple of chairs around a table nearby the buffet, which was all but gone. Flurry was actually sat on Shining’s lap, which Cadance didn’t find weird at all. She assumed it was just casual father-daughterly love.

“I dunno about you Shiny, but I’m getting quite tired. Its been a long day” Cadance said after a short while, punctuating her statement with a large yawn.

“If you want, you can head up to bed. I’ll stay with Flurry and we can do some farther-daughterly bonding. Would you like that?” He said the last part to Flurry, who nodded quite enthusiastically.

Cadance smiled at that. “Well alright then. You can come back to our room by the way tonight Shiny. I’m no longer mad at you. Well, I’m gonna go and relax with a nice warm bubble bath…” She made to stand up but stopped. “Say, what happened with your old friend that you were supposed to see today?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. And I don’t even care, I wouldn’t have missed our daughter’s birthday for the world.” He said patting Flurry on the head. She actually smiled a bit at that.

“Well, I hope you had a good birthday sweetie.” Cadance said before getting up and heading for the exit. Or entrance.

Both Shining and Flurry just stared at her retreating ass, until if finally entered the door they came out of at the start of the party. They continued staring at the door for another few seconds before they both glanced around the entire area. There were still a couple of ponies left, but they were mostly just cleaning up.

After a while of silence, Shining finally spoke up. “So, do you, uh, want to go back to your room? We can find something… fun to do.”

Flurry shifted against him. As she did, she couldn’t help but notice that something very hard was starting to poke her ass. “Yeah, lets do that. I have a couple of ideas for games.”

With that decided they both stood up, Shining now trying to hide his hopefully not obvious erection, which he didn’t even care that he had over his daughter.

“Dad, can you carry me?” Flurry asked innocently. Shining’s mind instantly went into the gutter and thought of more than a few inappropriate things, but he agreed nonetheless.

“Sure. Hop on up.” He crouched down to the ground, allowing Flurry to have full access to his back. She walked up to him from behind, standing squarely over him. When she was in place, Shining stood up, lifting Flurry up with him. She wasn’t a little filly anymore, but she still wasn’t quite as big as a normal mare, meaning he could still carry her without too much difficulty. He hadn’t done this in years, however.

As soon as he stood up, he couldn’t help but notice a certain damp spot appear on his back. “Wow, someone’s excited.” He couldn’t help but say. Flurry actually responded by shifting forward and back a couple of times, grinding herself against her dad’s back. This made her moan slightly, but she quickly bit it back, knowing that they were still technically out in public.

Getting the hint, Shining started towards the door that Cadance left through not long ago. Hopefully she was long gone.

It was a very long and very painful walk to Flurry’s room, for both of them. Shining could smell the musk coming off both of them from their arousal, and every time he walked past a guard, he couldn’t help but feel like they were giving him funny looks. He was also having trouble trying to hide his now exposed erection. Flurry was also getting a bit worked up because each time Shining took a step she shifted on top of him, causing her pussy to rub against his back.

By the time they finally got to her door, Flurry was panting lightly, and Shining could barely walk. He opened her door with magic, which was actually quite difficult in his current state of arousal (hey, door handles are more complicated than they look). As soon as he got inside, he kicked the door closed with a back hoof, and crouched down on the floor. Flurry immediately jumped off, and ran over to the bed, which was still unmade from that morning because she hated strange ponies coming in her room, even if they were only maids.

Shining followed her to the bed, and as soon as he reached it, he couldn’t stand it anymore, and roughly grabbed his daughter and chucked her onto the bed, then jumped up himself. As soon as he was up there, Flurry yanked him over to her, and shoved her lips against his. She extended her wings and wrapped them both around Shining, and wrapped all four hooves around him as well. She was even dry humping him as they started to kiss.

Shining had no argument, or at least none that he listened to. He did have a very small feeling of guilt in the back of his mind that he was currently making out with his daughter. That thought went almost as quickly as it came however as Flurry started grinding her hips on Shining’s rock hard shaft, which was currently sandwiched between the two.

He gasped, and wrapped his forehooves around his daughter, then flipped them so that he was laying on top of her, putting all of his weight onto her. He then started grinding his shaft against her soft belly and slit, which was very large compared to Flurry’s small form. He was kind of wondering how he was going to fit all of himself inside. The thought of fitting his entire cock inside his daughter was turning him on to no end.

They were still kissing, although it was only now that Flurry decided to start trying to shove her tongue past Shining’s lips. As soon as he felt it trying to push in, he opened his lips, and stuck his tongue out into her mouth as well.

Flurry was in heaven. She had never kissed anypony before, and she was currently lying in her own bed, with her loving father on top of her with his tongue practically shoved down her throat. She had also never had sex before, and there was no way in tartarus she wasn’t going to feel her dad’s massive cock inside her. She’d only ever felt her hoof before, and she could never fit that inside her, even though from the looks of it her hoof was smaller in diameter than the massive cock sandwiched between the two.

She needed that inside her. Now. “D-Daddy… can you just *gasp* put it in already! I need you so *gasp* badly!” she said, pulling back from the kiss and gasping for air.

“Uhhh, I thought you’d never ask.” Shining said, panting, both glad and disappointed that they’d broken the kiss, although he did need some air.

He wasn’t about to disappoint both himself and his daughter, so he pulled back slightly and made to line the tip of his shaft up Flurry’s pussy. From how wet she was, he didn’t even think he’d need any extra lubrication, although his cock was leaking plenty of pre for that anyway.

“Do you want me to go slowly for you?” He asked before he went all out. Or in rather.

“Just put it in! Go as rough as you want with me, I’m a mare now, not a filly, I can take it!” She said, trying to shuffle down and put his cock inside her herself.

“Alright, but if it starts hurting too much, just say so.” He said in that loving fatherly way.

Two seconds later, he was pushing forward, trying to get his cock inside. It was actually very difficult, because Flurry was incredibly tight, and nothing had ever been put inside her before. The first attempt caused his shaft to jolt up, causing him to jerk forward and ended up with his cock slapping lewdly between their two bellies. The second time he tried pushing down as well, but ended up with the same result.

The third attempt ended up much the same. “I can’t even fit you’re that tight.” Shining moaned in excitement, because he couldn’t wait to feel just how tight his daughter really was if he couldn’t even get in easily in the first place.

“Hold on, let me try this.” Flurry’s horn lit up, and a Light blue aura lit up around the tip of Shining’s shaft, and he gasped at the sensation. She moved his cock back to her entrance, and Shining pushed forward again. This time, Flurry held his cock in place as he pushed. After quite a lot of force, it finally started going in. Flurry was really struggling to maintain her spell, and after only about an inch was in, the spell dissipated. It didn’t matter though, because now Shining’s cock was nicely wedged in place. It could only go in further.

Shining’s eyes were shut from the pure bliss of having his cock squeezed so tightly. He continued pushing forward, trying to fit as much of himself as he could inside. Flurry was just laying there panting, her head resting back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

He managed to get about 4 inches in before he hit any resistance. “B-buck.” He said, causing Flurry to look up.

“Why’d you stop?” She asked, looking down herself at the massive cock which was wedged inside her. There was still about half of it left out.

“I think I just hit your cervix, unfortunately. I can try and go further but it might get painful as well. I just want to make you aware of the possible risk.” Shining said, quite disappointed that he couldn’t hilt before he hit her cervix, not that he was that surprised to be honest.

“I don’t care. Just do it. I want ALL of you inside me!” She exclaimed, trying to shimmy backwards in an attempt to impale herself more.

“Alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though.” He then started pushing forward again. He was making no progress though, and ended up literally pushing Flurry forward on the bed. She was moaning in pleasure the entire time, showing no signs that she was being hurt by the force Shining was putting into her cervix.

Eventually Shining couldn’t push anymore because Flurry was too far in front of him. “I’m gonna prop you against the headboard, okay?” Shining said. Flurry just nodded in response.

He awkwardly wrapped one hoof underneath her, avoiding her outstretched wings, and stood up properly on the bed on three legs. He then shuffled over to the head of the bed, and propped her against it, with her head on a pillow. “Okay lets try this.”

He then started pushing back into her, this time with the headboard in the way to prevent her moving. This time there was a lot more pressure on his tip, which was turning him on a hell of a lot. Flurry was starting to scrunch her face up a bit at this point, starting to feel the pain of her cervix being treated so roughly. It wasn’t enough to make her want to stop, though. The pleasure she was feeling was still way too intense.

“More!” She exclaimed. Shining obliged at continued pushing. After what felt like forever, he finally started feeling less resistance. Flurry was now feeling a significantly larger amount of pain from it, but she didn’t care. She wanted to take her fathers entire length. Even if it meant breaking her cervix and going through some pain.

“YES! ALL OF IT!” She screamed. Neither of them cared whether anypony heard them. They were too far in to care. Literally.

With one last colossal push, Shining finally broke past her cervix, and was able to plunge further inside, directly into his daughter’s womb. She screamed in both pleasure and pain, as she was finally able to take her father in all of his glory, and had her first orgasm from another pony. Nothing came out of her as she came as she was so tight it essentially created an airtight seal around Shining’s cock.

He finally hilted in her, grunting in pleasure as his balls sat nicely against her pert ponut. Like that they stayed for a minute or two, Flurry recovering from her orgasm and having her tight pussy abused so much.

When he was ready, Shining started pulling back, having to put both his front hooves on Flurry to stop him pulling her back as well he was that well lodged. He pulled out till just the tip was inside. He then rapidly pushed forward, fully impaling his daughter on his cock in one motion, making his balls make a very lewd and wet slap against her asshole, and causing her to scream again, more in pleasure than pain this time.

Shining did not take his daughter for a screamer. Despite not caring before, he was slightly more aware now of how loud she was being. He should probably put something in her mouth to keep her quiet just in case anypony heard them.

“YES! FILL ME DADDY!” She screamed as Shining pulled back and went in again. It was getting a bit easier now that she’d been stretched so much. She was still so tight against him though, which was heavenly for him.

They continued like that for a minute or so, and Flurry was not being quiet about it. Somepony was bound to hear her. Shining continued regardless.

Shining wasn’t too far off finishing, when suddenly the door shot open. Shining immediately stopped, fully buried in his daughter, and snapped his head around to the door. His eyes went wide and his pupils went to pinpricks as he beheld his beautiful wife standing there, looking on not in anger, but with a look of morbid curiosity. And a massive blush.

“W-wha… You two are so loud!” Cadance exclaimed.

Shining and Flurry just laid there, both like deer in headlights. Shining’s brain was broken, and couldn’t formulate a reasonable response.

“Shiny… could you explain to me why you are currently buried balls-deep in our lovely daughter?” Cadance said in the most normal conversational voice she could muster.

“I-I, uh, um…” Was all Shining could say.

A couple of seconds later her eyes widened in realisation. “Oh buck… I think this is my fault.”

That finally kickstarted Shining’s brain. “What? How can this be your fault?”

“Well you see…” She started nervously. “I may have cast a, um, love spell on you two… In the coffee I gave both of you this morning. It was supposed to make you love eachother and want to spend time together today, but I may have underestimated the effects the spell would have on two ponies who already loved eachother that much…”

“…That explains so much.” Shining said, trying his best to fight down the feeling’s that were still coursing through him as a result of being still buried in Flurry.

“I must say, though. You two look adorable together like this!” Cadance said. She even smiled, although it looked slightly awkward. Not forced, but like in the back of her mind she knew she shouldn’t be.

If Cadance not yelling at him broke him, this all but shattered his brain to pieces. His jaw dropped, and his cock gave a twitch. Not that it could move the way it was.

“And very hot.” She added. “I never thought I’d ever see my darling hubby having sex with my beautiful daughter. A few years ago I may have been angry, but now…”

Flurry finally decided to speak up. “You should join us mom! We can have a nice family bonding experience!” She said in an incredibly innocent voice, which actually caused Cadance to get even more horny than she now was. She hadn’t had sex with Shiny in a good couple of weeks. She could do with releasing some tension. And, as much as she didn’t like to admit it, Incest was actually a very prominent fetish of hers. One of many. She was the princess of love after all, so she had to have a lot of love-related fetishes. At least that was her logic to explain them.

“I-I, I can’t even say no to that. How can I say no to my daughter on her birthday?” She admitted, taking a few steps towards the bed. She then hopped up onto it, and draped herself across Shining’s back, putting even more weight onto poor Flurry. As an afterthought her horn lit up and the still open door shut itself. She then cast a spell around the whole room, which would stop any sound from exiting.

Shining finally broke out of his stupor. “Why didn’t I think of that…?” He muttered, grinding a bit on Flurry, almost as a reminder that he was still buried.

“Why don’t we really get started now?” Cadance said seductively into Shining’s ear, giving it a bite.

“No argument there. You interrupted me seconds before I was gonna finish.” Shining half grumbled, although he was still getting over the fact that his wife was not only okay with him railing their daughter, but was joining in with them.”

“Consider that punishment for not inviting me.” Cadance whispered, as she grinded into Shining’s tail base. “Right, I’ve got the perfect place for me…” Cadance stood back up off of Shining, and walked around the front of Shining, and straddling Flurry’s face.

“Are you okay with this, sweetie?” She said with her usual motherly voice to Flurry, not wanting to hurt her too much or go too far.

“I’ve never seen your pussy mom. Does it taste nice Dad?”

Shining actually chuckled as he started slowly pulling out. “Why don’t you just try it and find out for yourself?”

Cadance took that as a cue to take a seat. She was facing Shining, so as she took a seat on her daughter’s pretty face she was face-to-face with him. As soon as she felt her daughter’s sweet tongue prod her lower lips she leaned forward and snatched Shining into a passionate kiss.

Shining continued to pull out until he had just the tip inside again. He started twitching in anticipation as he plunged back inside, moaning into Cadance’s mouth as he bottomed out. This caused Flurry to moan and attempt to scream, but the sounds were muffled by Cadances generous backside completely engulfing her face. It just resulted in vibrations, making Cadance even hornier.

“Hey, this tastes like cotton candy!” Came a muffled shout from below Cadance. That caused Cadance to giggle, and grind her hips into Flurry’s face further, trying to bury as much of her muzzle as possible in her snatch.

They continued like that for a minute or two, Shining constantly pounding into Flurry with increasing speed, creating very lewd sounding slaps. Flurry’s screams of pleasure were now being muffled, even though that didn’t really matter because of Cadance’s noise cancelling spell.

Shining was getting close. His thrusting was getting erratic, and breathing was really heavy, making him break the kiss with his wife in favour of getting more oxygen into his lungs.

“I-I’m close.” He muttered to Cadance more than to Flurry. Cadance was now grinding quite harshly on Flurry’s face, and was starting to worry if maybe she couldn’t breathe. She was also getting close to finishing though. Truth be told Flurry couldn’t breathe. Although currently her mind was a bit too occupied with the intense pleasure coursing through her body to bother trying to come up for air.

At this point Cadance was solely getting pleasure from grinding onto Flurry’s face, as her daughter’s tongue was back in her mouth, her not having enough energy to move it. She didn’t mind though, because she was getting enough of a kick out of the mere concept of fucking her daughter.

“I’m gonna cum!” Shining groaned, thrusting as hard as he possibly could into Flurry, trying his best to split her apart. He hilted, and finally unleashed his massive load into her. This pushed her over the edge, and gave her enough energy to arch her back and lift her head in bliss, screaming as she attempted to shove as much of her muzzle as she could into her mother’s dripping pussy. And just like a domino effect, Cadance also came, squeezing her hind legs as tight as she could around her daughter’s head, trying her hardest to pull her back into her. She couldn’t help but chuckle in her mind at the irony as she smeared her daughter’s face in her love juices.

Shining was still cumming as Cadance came, attempting to fill Flurry up as much as possible. None of it was leaking out due to the tightness of Flurry’s passage, meaning every drop of it was going straight into her womb. When she finally came down from her orgasm, the lack of oxygen finally got too much, and she actually passed out, coupled with the sheer overload of pleasure, her mother’s juices covering her face and mane.

Shining finally finished, completely exhausted, and collapsed on top of Flurry, his head resting on her sweat-covered chest. Thankfully he could still hear her heart beating, and could hear the rapid breathing as her unconscious form attempted to replenish the oxygen it was deprived of.

“That… was amazing…” He moaned, rubbing his cheek into his daughter’s chest. Cadance then fully dismounted Flurry’s face, and moved slowly round to lay back on top of Shining, sandwiching him between herself and Flurry. He sighed in contentment, his cock softening a bit, although it was still buried in Flurry’s thoroughly abused pussy.

“Yes, it was…” Cadance admitted, getting comfortable on Shining’s back, and resting her head on top of his. “We should do this more often.”

“With Flurry you mean?”

“Yes. Despite you not putting your cock in me, this was still the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

“So… are we just gonna stay in here for tonight?” Shining asked after a minute or two of silence.

“Yeah. We’ll clean up tomorrow.” She said, trying to fight off sleep.

“I love you Candy.” Shining said after another minute.

“I love you too Shiny.”

And with that the three of them fell asleep as they were, a nice sandwich with pink bread and white filling.Quite fitting when you think of it.